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father_n faith_n holy_a son_n 19,365 5 5.6110 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07291 The sermon preached before the King, at VVhitehall, on Tuesday the eight of Ianuarie, 1604. By Anthony Maxey Bachelar in Diuinity and chaplaine to his Maiestie Maxey, Anthony, d. 1618. 1605 (1605) STC 17684; ESTC S102303 20,385 57

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Saint Augustine Haec est perfectio christianorum vt agnoscant se nunquám esse perfectos Herein stands the perfection of a Christian to acknowledge himselfe neuer to bee perfect The Conclusion Now it remaineth as was promised in the beginning to show the mutuall coherence of these words and to knitte vp againe the Linckes of this Cheine together HEre in foure words are contained the foure causes of our Saluation Jn Predestination there is the efficient cause which is Gods loue Jn Calling there is the materiall cause which is Christs death opened in his word in Iustifying there is the formall cause a liuely faith in Glorifying there is the final cause which is euerlasting life Thus in Predestination wee behould God the Father chosing of his loue in Calling we heare God the Sonne teaching by his word in Iustifying wee feele the comfort of God the holy Ghost sealing by his spirit The fruite of all which of Gods loue chosing of Christs word Calling of God the Holy Ghost comforting the effect of all these is our Glorification So that as we do see farre with our bodely eye yet reach farther with reason which is the eye of the mind but Faith which is the eye of the soule out strippeth both So Calling enlighteneth the minde with spirituall knowledge Iustifying goeth further and sealeth vp the heart with heauenly comfort Glorifying out-strippeth all and doth rauish the soule with immortalitie Bernard Euerie one of vs after this life wee desire and hope to enioy eternall Glorie Behould Conceditur in Predestinatione promittitur in vocatione ostenditur in Iustificatione percipitur in Glorificatione Jn Predestination there is the first grant in Calling it is directly promised in Iustifying it is plainely shewed in Glorifying there is liuerie and season the full possession of all Jn Predestination GOD bestoweth vpon vs his loue in Calling hee granteth the blessing of his word in Iustifying he yeeldes the fruite of his spirit in Glorifying he doth wholy giue vnto vs himselfe Here are the sweete springes issuing out of Nilus the head whereof cannot bee founde here are the foure pleasant riuers which water Paradise which runne through the Soule with a Diuine vertue and comfortably coole all our spirituall heat Iohn 1 16. Here is the holy and pretious oyle powred vpon the heade of Aron the exceeding loue and fulnesse of grace powred vpon our head Christ Jesus and running downe to the skirtes of his clothing to euery particuler and penitent member of his Church Of his fulnesse haue all wee receiued Gen. 1. Here we may see the spirituall regeneration of the Soule shadowed out in the first creation of the World In Predestination there is the huge and vast deepe the darke forme whereof could not bee discerned in Calling the separating of light from darkenesse of knowledge from ignorance in the Soule in Iustifying the Sunne is created the bright beames of his grace shine in our hearts in Glorifying we may behould the new Adam framed after the Jmage of God and placed in the paradise of immortall ioy Obserue heere if you please the kindnes of a louing Father who hauing many sonnes beareth secret affection to some one there is Predestination this affection in his good time hee declareth by making his will knowen and his loue manifest there is Calling after this Calling he causeth him to take vp his inheritāce in Court giueth him earnest in token of assurance there is Iustifying lastly hee enters into his Fathers ioy and is made heire of all there is Glorifying Againe in Predestination the Heauenly husband-man choseth out a plotte of ground at his owne pleasure in Calling hee soweth it with the seede of his word in Iustifying hee waters and cherisheth it with his spirite in Glorifiinge hee reapes and carrieth into the barne Gen. 45 5. Lastly behould apparantly in Predestination howe Ioseph longe before was sould into Egipt by the determinate Counsell of GOD Gen 41.14 by Calling howe hee was loosed out of prison and deliuered from the bondage of sinne Psal 105.19 by Iustifyinge howe his cause was made knowne and so acquitted innocent Gen 41 42. in Glorifyinge howe hee was clothed in Purple placed in the Kings Chariote and made the cheife of his Kingdome Now then as Saint Paule saith to the Romanes What shall we say to these thinges in like sort what shall wee say to these so excellent so sweete so Diuine misteries to these so comfortable testimonies of Gods loue to this Ladder of Iacobs whereupon none but Angels do ascende to this inwarde working of the Spirite which bloweth where it listeth to this Diuine and hidden purpose which cannot bee deceiued to this in-effable glorie of the Sonnes of God which they doe expect and looke for what shall wee say more effectuall and more comfortable Can any thing bee set downe more plainely or knitte vp more breifely can any demonstration bee concluded more foundly Whome the Lord hath Predestinated before all time those doth he Call in time whome hee Calleth those hee doth Iustifie and whome hee Iustifieth those will hee Glorifie Thus then may euerie true Christian conclude for the comfort of his Soule and the assurance of his Saluation for euer J am Iustified truely by a liuely and working Faith therefore J am Called J am Called effectually by his worde therefore J am Predestinate J am Predestinate and choosen of his free loue from eternitie and therefore J shall bee Glorified vnto all eternitie againe O setled comfort O sweete conceiued hope of ioye That ioy which strength of Hels ten th●usand can neuer take away Wherefore should we feare whereof shall wee bee afraide No no force so mightie so puissant able to ouerthrowe vs. No terror of sinne no plagues of death no rage of the World no power of the Diuell himselfe Jn all these wee are more then Conquerers For all thinges shall turne to the best to to them that are setled in GODS feare That wicked and most dangerous conspiracie plotted against the Lords annointed when it came to the verie pinch when it was brought to the verie height was not all turned topsie-turuie and vtterly disappointed This daye wee doe acknowledge it with thankefull remembraunce this daye wherein wee are all mette together in a most happie and blessed peace this day doth plainely witnesse that hee had the deliuerance wee feele the comfort the Church hath an endelesse blessinge and GOD hath his euerlasting praises O behould what it is to bee knit vnto God For whome hee doth loue who is able to wronge them whome he hath chosen howe can they be reiected whom hee doth Call howe shall they bee shutte out Whome hee doth Iustifie who dare accuse them Whome God will Glorifie howe can they bee forsaken Seeing my Soule is lincked to that Cheine which can neuer be vnloosed my soule grounded vpon that foundation which can neuer be shaken what shall make vs to despaire nay what is it shall make vs to wauer or doubt of the singular loue of God which hee beareth towardes vs in his sonne Christ Jesus What shall separate vs from the hope of immortalitie in the life to come shall the wearisomnesse of this trouble some life shall the discontentmentes of this transitorie World shal a little sickenesse shaking this brittle house of clay No all the afflictions of this life which are but for a moment they are not to be accounted worthy that exceeding surpassing eternall weight of glorie For God hath chosen vs before the World he hath Called vs out of the World he hath Iustified vs in the World and he will Glorifie vs in the World to come God hath Chosen vs not being hee hath Called vs being enemies he hath Iustified vs being sinners he will Glorifie vs being mortall wretches Therefore wee may cheerefully singe with Dauid Miserecordia Domini ab aeterno in aeternum The mercy of the Lord is from euerlasting to euerlasting From euerlasting Predestination to euerlacting Glorie the one hauing no ending the other hauing no beginning This blessed fruition of glorie and immortalitie that wee may feele the comfort of it in our harts and consciences now in this life and hereafter enioy in the life to come the Lord grant euen for his blessed sonne Christ Jesus sake to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one euerliuing God be ascribed all power glorie praise and thankes-giuing for euer and euer Amen FINIS