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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03828 A treatise of the felicitie, of the life to come Vnsavorie to the obstinate, alluring to such as are gone astray, and to the faithful, full of consolation. By A.H. Hume, Alexander, 1560?-1609. 1594 (1594) STC 13944; ESTC S118805 26,148 64

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are nowe For otherwise it is to be presupposed that the lord would not destroy the more perfite and creat others more vnperfit in their place and roome Finally that dwelling shalbe exceeding large and spatious for there shal be no separation betwixt the heaven and the earth betwixt the dwelling place of the Lord and the dwelling place of Men but conforme to his promise hee shall dwell with vs and wee with him as Citizens of a Citie And thus much concerning the Description of the dwelling place A Declaration of the Company which we shall inioye in the World to come AS to the Companie which we shall haue in that heavenly habitation it is first to be marked that wee shall be quite of all evil company For all wicked men shall be perpetually banished from that faire cuntrie Know ye not saith the Apostle Paul that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God Be not deceived Neither Fornicators nor Idolaters nor adulterers nor wanton persons nor buggerers nor theeues nor the covetous nor drunkards nor raillers nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God which is to be vnderstood except they be washen sanctified and justified in the name of Iesus Christ and by the spirit of God like as the Corinthians were to whome Paul wrote this Epistle which did repent and amend their liues The same is affirmed by Saint Iohn in his Revelation saying the fearfull and vnbeleving and the abhominable murtherers and whoremongers and sorcerers and Idolaters and all liers shal haue their part in the lake that burnes with fire and brimstone which is the second death And again speaking of that holie Citie he saith There shal enter into it no vncleane thing neither whatsoever worketh abhomination or lies The companie then which we shall injoy shall be all holy and righteous Thy people shall be all righteous saith the Lord speaking to his Church they shal possesse the land for ever Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle saith the Psalmist who shal rest in thine holy mountaine He that walks vprightlie and works righteousnes and speakes the trueth in his heart In such sort that wee shall continuallie converse with the Saints that is to say with men and women which served God in spirit and trueth in this life and that not onelie of the people of our owne cuntrie or of the Iewes and Israelites which are called Gods people But also of all cuntries and nations of the earth and that of all estates degrees Assemble your selues and come saith the Lord drawe neere togither ye abject of the Gentiles Look vnto me and yee shall be saved All the ends of the earth shal be saued For I am God and there is none other I haue sworne by my selfe the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnes and shall not returne That every knee shall bowe vnto me and every toung shal sweare by me And againe the Lord saith to his Son Christ Iesus It is a small thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise vp the tribes of Iacob and to restore the desolations of Israell I will also giue thee for a light of the Gentiles that thou maist be my salvation to the end of the world Likewise the Apostle Iohn saith that the glory and honour of the Gentiles that is to say of all Nations aswell as of the Iewes shall be brought vnto the holie Citie And this shall not onely be of the faithful of one age or of them which are living nowe but of all ages which hath bene from the beginning of the worlde and shal be vnto the consumation thereof and latter comming of Iesus Christ. Wee shall then frequent the societie and fellowship of al the godly Martyrs which constantly hath suffered for the name of Christ Iesus in this life And likewise of the Disciples and Apostles of Christ Iesus which hath sounded his Gospel thorow the whol world Of the holy Priests and true Prophets of the Lord of the godly Kings and Rulers of the Earth which as the Lords lieftenants did ministrate justice and judgment in their liues We shall haue for our familiar brethren and companions our first progenitor Adam Noe Lot Abraham Isaac Iacob and the twelue Patriarks the sonnes of Iacob Likewise wee shall see by familiar and contract friendship brotherhood which never shall be dissolved with Moses Aaron Iosua and the just judges of Israell with Samuell Elias and Elisha Esay Ieremie Ezechiell and Daniell with David Ezechias and Iosias with Iohn the Baptist Peter Paul Iohn whome our Saviour loved with whome wee shal dwell as brethren and Citizens of a Cittie Moreover not onely shall wee be in company with faithful men and women but also with the whole armie of the holy Angels of the Lord whome hee hath appointed to preserue and defend vs in this life The whole ordour of them shall rejoyce greitumlie of our comming and salvation and shall be continually conversant with vs in perpetual societie and friendship There shal we enter in fellowshippe with the Cherubims Seraphins Thrones Dominions Principalities Powers Arch-angels Angels and with the whole number of the celestiall Legions Which receiveth those styles to declare their glory power distinct ofices These shal delight to magnifie extol the Majestie of the lord togither with vs insatiantlie with vnspeakable joy gladnes But the chief company wherein we shuld most rejoice is That we shall haue the ful fruition of almightie God the Father of his Sonne Christ Iesus our Saviour and of the holy Ghost which is the spirit of God There we shal see them face to face in their full majestie and glory which none can behold nor apprehend in this life but by faith only The almighty God shall behold and blesse vs from his high and holy throne as his owne sonnes and heires whome hee hath adopted The Lambe Christ Iesus shall imbrace kisse vs as his brethren sisters he shall congratulate our comming and present vs faultlesse vnto his Father And the Comforter the spirit of trueth which nowe doth secreetly assist vs governe vs and work in our hearts by measure shal then be visiblie and personally ever present among vs and really and with effect shall possesse both our soules and bodies and replenish vs with ful measure Thus much shall suffice to haue spoken of the Company which wee shall injoye and with whom we shal liue in the world to come A Rehearsall of the Pleasures which we shall inioy in the world to come LET vs nowe come to the pleasures whereof we shal be made participant in the life to come Like as the Geographor by symmetrie and proportion describes all the Cuntries of the earth into the bounds of a litle globe and is accostomed to write throughout the partes thereof This is a cuntrie this is a famous Citie this is a river these are mountains this is an arme of the sea
him that sits vpon the throne and vnto the Lambe for ever more Wee shall also sing the songe of Moses and the songe of the Lambe saying Great and marvelous are thy works Lord God Almightie just and true are thy waies King of Saints Who shall not feare thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name for thou onely art holy and al Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest We shall sing Hallel-uiah hallel-uiah salvation and glory and honour and power be to the Lord our God For true and righteous are his judgements Thus much concerning the plesures which we shall injoy in the life to come Of the Permanence of the world to come IT rests now that we speake somewhat concerning the time and space howe long the heavenly dwelling place the company and the pleasures foresaid shal indure To augment our joy and felicitie it is to be vnderstood that that celestiall dwelling that blessed societie and those inestimable pleasures shall never take an end but shall indure eternally without any limitation of time For it is called a blessed immortalitie and an everlasting life So that ten thousand years or thousand millions of years hath not so great a proportion with the length thereof as a moment of time hath with thousande millions of yeares For so much as no prolixitie of time can approch in any wise to the bounds or end thereof For the life everlasting is without bounds or end whatsoeuer I suppose that if any Prince or potent man vpon earth which liues welthelie and well could be certified that he shuld continue in that estate and should liue and not see death vnto the end of the worlde I suppose I say that albeit the pleasures and prosperitie of this life be mixed with innumerable sorrows griefs Nevertheles he should rejoyce therein exceedingly and count himself happy aboue al other men How much more then ought wee to rejoyce which shall dwell in that celestiall kingdome accompanied with the saints with the holy Angels and with the Father Sonne and holy Ghost And shall injoye all the pleasures aboue rehearsed and more nor the wit of man is able to devise and shall liue and continue in that estate without diminishing intermission or alteration thereof for ever and ever O felicitie aboue all felicities the hope whereof causes the faithfull to suffer great things makes their extreame pains to appear but gentle small and makes the heart to spring for joy with the very remembrance thereof O sweete Iesus Christ when shall we be made partakers of that promised felicitie When shall we see the glory which thou hast with thy Father Doubtles even at thy comming againe Lord and at thy appearing in the cloudes Come then sweet Saviour for we look and long for thy comming and deliverance Thy litle members are grievouslie afflicted they sigh and sob daily vnder thy crosse and werieth of the yoke and burden of sinne Thine enemies rejoyce and persecutes thy litle flock they haue taken a liberty they delight in wickednes and followes the lusts and affections of their own hearts because they esteeme the day of thy comming to be farre off they attend it not but esteems thee slowe slack like vnto themselues Thou beholdest these thinges O Lord Make hast therefore and put end to the troubles of thy servants and to the rage and insolencie of Sathan and of all his supposts that we may dwell with thee in thy holy montaine lauding and praising thee thy Father and the holy spirit in eternall vnitie with all kinde of heavenly praise for ever and ever world without end Amen FINIS 2. Cor. 12.4 Esai 25.6 Apoc. 22. 2. Cor. 15.44.50 Heb. 11.9.10 Heb. 10.23 Heb. 12.28 Heb. 10.37 Psal. 34.19 Psal. 50.10 Psal. 75.6 Psa. 103.14 Mat. 6.8 Rom. 5.3 Psal. 39.19 2. King 20.4 Luk. 9.23 Mat. 19.29 Mat. 10.39 Mat. 5.10 1. Pet. 4.15 Mat. 5.11 Mat. 5.39.44 Luke 6.38 Rom. 8.18 Psal. 90.10 Rom. 6.23 1. Thess. 4.16 1. Cor. 15.52 1. Cor. 2.9 Isai. 57.13 Apoc. 21.2 Psal. 15. Isai. 57.15 Psa. 148.1 Rev. 21.10 Exo. 31.2 1. Cor. 2.9 Isai. 51.6 65.17 66.22 2. Pet. 3.13 Reve. 21.1 1. Cor. 6.9 Reve. 21. 27. Isai. 60.21 Psal. 15.1 Isai. 45.20 Isai. 49.6 Rev. 21.26 Gen. 3 24. Col. 1.16 Revel 21.4 Isai. 65.16 Isai. 62.2 Apoc. 19.6 Apoc. 21.9 Isai. 25.6 Reu. 22.1 Apoc. 19.9 Ioh. 4.14 Isai. 49.9 Isai. 55.1 Isai. 54.11 Isai. 54.10.17 Isai. 60 1● Isai. 65.13 Isai. 61.10 Iob. 19.26 1. Cor. 15.52 Mat. 25.46 Iohn 20 17.27 Revel 4.3 Exo. 19.16 Exod. 24. ● Exod. 34.29 Apoc. 21.7 Dan. 12.3 2. Tim. 4.8 Revel 4.8.11 Rev. 5. ●●● Rev. 15.3 Apoc. 19.1