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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02664 Tessaradelphus, or The four brothers The qualities of whom are contayned in this old riddle. Foure bretheren were bred at once without flesh, bloud, or bones. One with a beard, but two had none, the fourth had but halfe one. Collected and translated, by Thomas Harrab. Harrab, Thomas. 1616 (1616) STC 12797; ESTC S106009 25,718 40

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cerriage in his atire and manner of life he often faigned to be in meditation as in an extasie and after tolde meruailous visions as though he had talked with God his his prayer was this lifting vp his eies towards Heauen Father powre into my soule a zealous desire of thy justice which if thou doe not I will deny thee and al thine Apostles the like did many others his companions He taught that al were bretheren as children of a damme and that it was against reason that some should starue whilest others swimmed in vvealth and that the Apostles had nothing of thrir own but al was common This doctrine drew infinite numbers of people and caused straunge commotions seditions and wars Some counterfeired miracles and some sodainely could read which knew no letter in the booke before who comming againe to be Catholikes lost their skil in reading This Muncer afterwards was put to death who tooke it patiently and with wonderfull courage and exhorted Princes to read the Bible and to vnderstand the word of God After this mans death they made themselues a King and Prophets who tooke vpon them to inspire the holy Ghost into others but they were after taken and suffered death CHAP. VI. What Anbaptisme is THey first holde as all Heretiks haue done that nothing is to be beleeued but what is expresly set downe in the Bible and by that they proue what they will as the Lutheran doth who taketh in hand to prooue by Scripture that drunkennes pleaseth God In a booke printed at Lipse and dedicated to the Countesse of Mansfield they affirme that there is no true Church but theirs when they will choose their Pastours they assemble the people and the most auncient sheweth the necessity of such a flocke vnprouided euery one giueth his voice for the election and vpon whome the lotte falleth he taketh an oath to gouerne and rule well the flocke This new dignity giueth the Pastor neither title nor degree for being a craftsman he carryeth the marks and habits of his trade and hath no shewe at all of a Pastour they haue Deacons also in the same fashion they haue no pension or wages but liue by their labors as others doe from the pulpit they goe to the plough or cart or to their worke according to their trade They wil medle with no churches nor temples but make their assemblies in howses as is to be seene et Flushing Midleboroug Dansieke Camfer Amsterdam and in other partes of the lowe Countries They come not where Catholiks or Lutherans doe gouerne but are in Friseland Westfalia Prussia Silesia Morauia in some parts of Bohemia and in some places belonging to the King of Poland They baptize none vntill they come to the yeares of discretion and if any come to be of their Sect who was baptized when he vvas a child they christen him againe and of this they take their name They cannot endure the Masse but content themselues with prayer and preaching they beleeue not Purgatory neither doe they pray to Saintes they haue no Images or signe of the Crosse neither doe they any reuerence at the name of Iesus They teach that no man ought to be forced for his faith but that euery one must be free in such thinges They beleeue and celebrate the Supper as the Caluinistes doe for the most parte but these receiue standing only and carry it to the sicke but they neuer singe psalme ballad not any song When any man or woman commeth to be baptized he presenteth himselfe to the assembly and vpon his knees he desireth it and giueth testimony of his faith and if he be a magistrate he must forgoe his office If they knewe him to be of good life the Pastor casteth water vpon his head saying I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost without anything else They outwardly shew great piety and zeale of Religion and cuery one assureth himselfe that he hath the holy Ghost and that he doth not sinne and indeed in their negotiations and worldly businesse vvhat iniury soeuer is offered vnto them you shall neuer see them passionate or in choller but alwaies milde and quiet and most bould and constant in their profession They perswade themselues that they see many visions and that the spirit reuealeth vnto them things to come but how often haue they beene deceaued Iohn of Lerden their first King and second prophet foresawe that he should be the Emperour of the world but he was soone dispatched by the hangman A woman prisoner at Basill prophesied that shee should liue without meate which shee did nine dayes together but dyed the tenth day Many times they haue fore-tould the day of judgement and haue expected it lying in the colde night vpon rockes with a white sheet about them waiting for Christ his comming A yonge woman amongst them married to a Monke being so poore that they had not bread to put in their mouths shee had a reuelation that shee should inuite her friendes and neighbours to a feaste with promise that nothing should be wanting shee did so and many came inuited all ranne after to see the miracle Shee borrowed many tables at which the guests were placed expecting their victuals shee willed them to haue patience a while and they should see Angels bring meate abundantly from Heauen shee prayed with sighes and sobs euen vntill night but nothing came which made her guests in a furie halfe famished to goe home in haste to get some victuals Hoffinan their great preacher taught them to suffer wrongs without murmuring not to defend themselues hut to endure all for the honor of God to doe good for euill to beare no armes nor vse any words or weapon but only prayers They apprehend no malefactor they will be no magistrates they say that their Pastors and assemblies suffice for al. They detest swearing more then any thing in the vvorld yea in courts or before Iudges They can abide no Images and when one dieth he is carried without pompe or ceremony and buried in the Church-yard amongst other Sectaries This Sect is diuided into many petite Sectes and one amongst another So as if an Anabaptist of Sueuia or Morauia come into Holland he cannot bee admitted into their Synagogue except he will be baptized againe The principall Sects amongst them are Apostoliques which say that they liue as the Apostles did these haue all their goods in common In Morauia are many thousands of this sect none hath any goods or possessions they til the ground for others and haue trades but all haue equall profit none can bee of their Religion but such as will labour they get much and spend little which causeth them to maintayne themselues well They haue ouer-seers which see that euery one hath what he needeth They haue besides spirituall Fathers which instruct them in Religion and reade the prayers in their assemblies Whilest the Father readeth with a lowd voyce houlding
said Bible three times after and changed many things of the first Then did others leape out and make translations of their owne as Zwinglius whose version was by Luther condemned yet still others made translations to the number of 67. versions one condemning anothers and taking away and putting in what them pleased yea they rent out of the Bible whole bookes which made plainely against their opinioms Carolastadius began to deny the reall presence of Christ in the holy Sacrament but Luther opposed himselfe against it and reprehended him sharply which made Carolastade to leaue Wittenberge but they two meeting in an Inne afterward and Carolastade saying that he durst defend his option by writing Luther tooke to his purse and gaue him a florence of gould to doe so if he durst against him which he tooke on that condition So Luther bought the warres against the Sacramentaries whereof afterwardes he had his handes full he and Zwinglius brawled about the translation of the Bible he renounced all generall Councels and ancient Fathers and would not endure the word Clergy He permitted men to change their wiues would haue no visible head of the Church he would gladly haue denyed the reall presence but the words were so plaine he could not as he He caused Carolo stade to be banished whilst Frederik Duke of Saxony he durst not alter the Masse but he pulled out of the litanies the name of the holy Trinity He with Melancthon would haue abandoned all liberal arts He could neuer endure the Zwinglians nor Sacramentaries but tearmed them Apostles of the Diuel Arians Pelagians c. He did al that he could in despite of the Councell of Trent and protested that he would oppose himselfe against the doctrine it should set forth bee what it will He was both in doctrine and manners an enemy to good works and taught that only faith was sufficient which doctrine brought sorth fruits accordingly as for example one of his Disciples a woman of Lipse a widow by her owne sonne was gotten with childe who when shee was great retired her selfe and caused the child being a girle to be brought vp her sonne the father not knowing of it when this girle was twelue years of age the sonne father of it married the same girle which by this meanes was his sister his daughter and his wife his mother knowing all This sinfull woman lying on her death-bedde confesseth all to Luther who with his schollers of Wittenberge pronounced that the quietnes of this marriage ought not to be troubled and that they must permitte the woman without other punishment to goe to heauen with only faith He stirred vp the common people to rebellion foa vvhich many thonsands of them were slaine and was the cause of the great warres of Germany vvherin was most cruell carnage and slaughter He liked faire women so well as that espying a beautifull damsell in the Dutches of Saxony her trayne he protested that if all the Diuels of hell were such he would gladly be amongst them which speech the Dutchesse thought strange to proceed out of the mouth of him who preofossed himselfe to be the Reformer of the Christian world but the Duke answered that Luther was flesh and bloud as other men be He made loue secretly to one Katherine Bore a Nunne but durst not marrie her as long as the Duke liued Yet Carolastade first of all Priests married a woman not secretly but openly and that with triumph This wretched Priest as he himselfe saith was so enraged with lust that he was like to lose his sences and at his marriage was Masse song after a new fashion and this collect was made and put in God which after so long and wicked blinduesse of thy Priests hast vouchsafed to giue such grace to blessed Andrew Carolastade that he first of al not respecting the Popes lawe durst enterprise to marry a wife graunt we beseech thee that all priests comming to their wittes fallowing his steps their concubines cast out or married may be conuerted to the fellowship of a lawfull bed through the Lord c. Then followeth the prose God in thy power Andrew Carolastade doth exult reioyce coupled in mariage diuers others such like stuffe was thrust into that Masse which I omit and ended with this collect Let the misteries of the sacrament receiued O Lord succour vs and as we reioyce in the connubial celebrity of Andrew Carolastade so cause we beseech thee that marriages of priests may happily beginne through the whole world more happily goe forward and most happily ende through the Lord c. Many Fryars Moncks and others followed this example of his leaping out of the monasteries and cloisters and got them wenches and so became Gospellers some casting their Habites got great breeches and short cloaks with swords by their sides and preached in that attire some in one colour some in another some of one Sect some of another insomuch as almost euery day you might see a new religion coyned but euerie one had his woman or else no bargaine Luther also after the Duke was dead married his Nunne and had by her three sonnes Many more thinges are recorded of this man which are easily seene in diuers writers These may suffice to giue the vnlearned Reader a taste of this Reformer and now you shal see what he lest to his followers CHAP. II. Of Lutheranisme FIrst then the Churches of the Lutherans stand still as they did in the olde time and the Cloisters for the most part in vvoods and in desart places as those of the order of S. Bennet and of S. Bernard nothing defaced except Images is some places vvhere Carolastadius came in such sort as a Catholike entring into the Lutheran Temples vvill deeme that he is in Catholik churches For there shal he see the quier separated from the body of the Church but yet not altogether the same vvhich vvas before There is the great Altar still standing the Crucifixe aboue the Images of the twelue Apostles diuers Chappels and places of prayer the font for Baptisme in many churches are the Organs Tapers and other ornaments of the Catholike Church all in outward shewe haue the markes of the auncient Religion of their forefathers In crosse high wayes the Crucifixe is to be seene as in Catholike time which the Lutherans reuerence The people passing by litle Churches in the country enter into them to say their prayers before the Astar they keepe their Chappels neate and fine in good reparation they neuer enter into their Temples for so they tearme them and not Churches but they kneele downe turning their faces towards the great Altar they keep the shadowes of Bishops and Priests yet haue they chaunged the names of them in steed of Bishop is the name Superintendent This hath vnder him diuers parishes and euery parish hath his Curate whom they call in the Germaine tongue Pfather and Deacons in their language called Helffers The Superintendent hath eyther some reuennewes or