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A01923 A panegyrique of congratulation for the concord of the realmes of Great Britaine in vnitie of religion, and vnder one king To the most high, most puissant and magnanimous, Iames King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. / Written in French by Iohn Gordon Scottish-man, Lord of Long-Orme, and one of the gentlemen of the French Kings chamber. Translated into English by E.G.; Panégyrique de congratulation pour la concorde des royaumes de la Grande Bretagne. English. Gordon, John, 1544-1619.; Grimeston, Edward. 1603 (1603) STC 12061; ESTC S118946 22,215 52

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same Rome the idolatry and abhomination of the Gentiles the which Sathan hath sence brought in vnder the name of Christ which is the true meanes to purchase you the iust title of protector and defender of the faith and restorer of Christianitie And as God by that marriage of Henrie the seauenth with Elizabeth his wife made the Vnion of the houses of Lancaster and Yorke who had a long time beene in bloudye warres and by the marriage of Iames the fourth King of Scotland with Marguerite the eldest daughter of the sayde Henrie the seauenth your great graundfather the coniunction of the crownes of England and Scotland within these hundred yeares So wee hope that the same God will imploye this admirable Vnion vnder your commaunde to vnite the Christian and vniuersall Church vnder one spirituall royalty which is the worship of one God and to abolish idolatry which hath in a maner swallowed vp and deuoured the true Church My intention is to represent in briefe vnto your Maiesty and to all Christians desirous of eternall health the infinite graces benifits which God hath powred vpon your Ilands in the planting maintaining the preaching of his Gospell that it may plainely appeare that neither the deceased Queene Elizabeth of happy memory nor your Maiesty haue established any new religion in your Ilands but banished the new being polluted and defiled with errours and false worshippes of the Gentiles Arians Nestorians and Eutichians that the Religion which dooth now flourish in your Realmes is the same which soone after the death of our Sauiour was preached and receaued by the Kings your predecessours and by the people of your Realmes Theodoret a Greeke bishop and one of the most ancient of the Church in his bookes de curatione Grecarum affectionum sermon 9. de legibus makes a goodly comparison betwixt the power of the Romaine Empire and their Lawes the Empire of Iesus Christ and of his Lawe receiued throughout the worlde He saieth the Romaines could neuer make the Persians and Parthians of the East subiect to their lawes nor towardes the North the Cimbrians Danes nor the people of Brittaine But the power of Iesus Christ hath beene greater for saieth he our fisherman that is Saint Peter and our maker of tents which is Saint Paul haue made the Brittish people subiect to the lawes of Christ the which would not obey the Romaine lawes so as antiquitie doth testifie that the Apostles haue preached in our Ilands Metaphrastes cited by the Cardinall Barenius sayeth that Saint Peter came thether Ioseph of Arimathie and Simon Zelotes came likewise as Histories do teach vs. This seede of the Gospell in your Ilands tooke such increase as King Lucius and all his subiects about the yeere 180. did publikely receiue the Christian religion And indeede the Chronographers haue noted that about the yeare of our Lord 180 Brittaine was the first part of the world which did publiquely receiue the fayth of Christ for Lucius King of Brittaine did in those dayes depose the Priests of the Gentiles and did substitute in their places Bishoppes and Christian pastors hee banished Gentilisme out of his countrie which hapned not in any part of the worlde vntill the time of Constantine the great Tertulian and Origen who liued about the same time testifie that the countries of Brittaine beeing inaccessible for the Remains were subiect vnto Christ. The Bishops of this Iland were at the councell of Nice held vnder Constantine the great three hundred yeares after Christ which is the first period of Christianisme during the which the Christians did suffer twelue most cruell persecutions vnder the tyrannie of Paganisme and the Idolatrie of olde Rome We well wot that during the three first Periods of Christianitie whereof eyther conteynes three hundred yeares the true and onely worshippe of one God which hath beene planted since the Apostles time in your Ilands hath beene continued there during the said time and yet the Christians which liued in those ages no not the Romaines did euer allowe in the publique vse of the seruice of the Church of the worship of the host in the Romish masse nor of the pretended woode of the very crosse nor of the Images of Iesus Christ or his sepulcher seated neare to Mount Caluarie all which are worshiped in the new Romish Church as God himselfe which worships are abhominations of the Gentils Arriens Nestoriens which bring with it the shipwracke of eternall health The Christians vvhich liued during the first Period of the three hundred yeares of Christianitie did inuiolably keepe the first commaundement Thou shalt haue no other Gods against my face or before mee which the Thargum of the Caldeans hath interpreted besides mee or any other then mee The Greeke translation saith other Gods besides me Athanasius interpreting this commaundement sayth Hee hath not forbidden them to haue other Gods for that there were other Gods but least any one falling from the true God should make him a God of that which is not like to those Gods which the Poets and writers make mention of which haue but the name of God and not the effect And the same Authour sayeth If reason and the esteeme we houlde of God doth make vs beleeue that hee may bee in all places and that nothing of all that which God hath vnder him is God and that all things are vnder his power why doe not they which make a creature God see that it is out of the definition attributed vnto God Theodoret vppon the same commaundement saith that the Arrians offend against it and the true Christians obserue it They doe not allowe any thing to be held or worshiped for God but the deuine nature but those which follow the error of Arrius and Eunomius sinne directly against the deuine law for they confesse the onely Sonne of God but they maintaine that he was created and is deuided from the deuine substance God hauing sayde Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me doubtlesse these men bring in another God By these authorities we do inferre that the Romains which worship the host in the Masse breake this commaundement for they agree that it is no part of the deuine nature but of the substance and nature of Iesus Christs humanitie who is worshiped according to his diuinitie and not after his humanitie according to the auncient simboles of the Church The Christian faith then hath for a firme and onely foundation the worship of one God according to this first commaundement and the worship of any thing created by God which is vnder him ought not to be receiued in the Christian religion but the onely deuine nature of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost ought to be worshiped and called on in Triple vnitie without the which nothing ought to be worshiped without manifest impietie and idolatrie The same Theodorei interpreting this commandement saieth Serm. 2. God the maker of all things in the beginning of the law which he
which the Gentiles did obiect vnto the Christians that they did hide and not shew forth what they did worship Octauius aunsweres for the Christians Doe you thinke that we doe hide what we do worship although we haue neither Temples nor Aulters for what Image shall I make of God If thou hast thy right sences thou shalt finde that man is the true Image of God And a little after he saith But the God whom we worship we neither shewe nor see If the auncient Christians had beene like vnto the Romish Christians of this age the Gentiles could not haue obiected that they had neither Aultars nor Images for in truth they haue more Aulters and Images then the Gentiles had Neither should they haue obiected vnto the Christiās that they concealed what they worshipped for the Romains shew in the eleuation of the Host the God which they worship cause the people to worship it the which they not onely shewe in Temples but also in the streetes and in generall processions and other solemnities they shew forth what they worship against the vse of the first Christians Tertulian in his booke of Idolatrie confutes with many reasons the making of all sortes of Images to roote out all matter of Idolatrie and after he had cited the second commaundement whereby it is defended to make the likenesse of anie thing that is in heauen or earth hee saith It is forbidden throughout all the worlde for the seruants of God to vse such making of Images seeing that Enoch had forecoulde that the Diuell or the Angels of darkenesse should turne all the Elements into Idolatrie and all that it conteyned in Heauen and Earth that all these things might bee consecrated for God against God himselfe And so mans errour doth worshippe all things except the Creator of all things Their Images were Idols and the consecration of Images is Idolatrie And whatsoeuer Idolatrie commits must necessarily be attributed to the maker of the Idol That which Origen speaketh vpon the Epistle to the Romaines is to be considered to make Christians wholy to reiect Idolatrie For after that he hath refuted the Errours of the Gentiles in that they might know God by the visible Ellementes yet they had fallen to the worshippe of the visible Images of Creatures concluding thus To the ende that in fewe wordes wee may speake the truth wee houlde it an abhominable impietie to worshippe any thing except the Father Sonne and holy Ghost And a little after hee saith They wrong themselues that serue Images and worshippe the Creature leauing the Creator But we Christians which worship and adore the Father Sonne and holy Ghost onely and no other Creature as we doe not erre in the diuine worshippe so doe wee not offend in our actions and conuersation It is most certaine that the Host offred vp in the Romaine Eyturgie is not consubstantiall with the Father Son holy Ghost much lesse vnited in consubstantialitie with the Trinitie as it is well noted in the sermon de Caena Domini inserted among the workes of Cyprian who liued in the third age where it is saide That the diuine essence is infused in the visible Sacrament after an vnspeakable manner that there might bee more deuotion and reuerence giuen to the Sacraments and a more holy accesse to the truth of him of whose bodie they bee Sacraments and to the participating of the spirite not to the consubstantialitie of Christ but to this brotherly and indiuisible vnitie for the Sonne onely is consubstantiall with the Father the substance of the Trinitie may not bee deuided our coniunction and that of Christ doth not confounde the persons nor vnite the substances but doth onely consociate the affections and binde the willes If in the person of Iesus Christ consisting of three natures in one person worshiped with one onely worshippe the deuine nature had beene onely infused in the humanitie of Iesus Christ after his birth as Nestorius did teach and not vnited personally in the virgins wombe Cyrillus and the other Orthodoxes did rightly mainetaine agaynst him that to worshippe one Christ carrying God in him had beene an Antropolatrie or Pagan Idolatrie With greater reason the infusion of the Diuinitie in the Sacrament and in the elements of Breade and Wine cannot attribute vnto it the dignity to bee worshipped as God himselfe for as that text doth teach vs this infusion which is made in the sacrament is not consubstantiall with the deity of the Sonne of God the which is onely consubstantiall with the father and the holy spirite for that it dooth affect amost straight and mutuall coniunction betwixt God and vs. Saint Iohn in his seuenteenth Chapter speaketh of this coniunction and vnion where our Sauiour prayes to his father for all those that shall beleeue in him That all may be one as thou O father art in me and I in thee that they may be one in vs. If this vnion should make that sacrament of the Lords supper to be worshipped then those which are vnited in Christ and by him in God the lather should worship one another for our Sauiour saith in the sixt of Saint Iohn Hee that eates my flesh and drinks my bloud remaines in me I in him That we might know saith Cypriā that our abiding in him is a true eating and the drinking an incorporation with a duty of obedience ioyning of willes and vnitie of affections The eating therefore is a certaine greedinesse in vs and a desire to remaine for euer in Christ. We learne by these authorities that euen as Christs abyding in vs by our eating of the sacrament makes vs not capable of worship for that by this coniunction wee are not personally vnited with the deity of Iesus Christ In like sort the infusion of the deuine essence in the sacramentes whereof Saint Cyprian speakes makes not the sacrament to be worshipped if it were so the said adoration were in idolatrye like that of Nestorius who worshipped man carrying God in him as is said before We may therfore say with good reason against those that worship the creatures and the images of Iesus Christ his sepulcher and the wood of the crosse that which Origen speaketh against the Gentiles of his time God is the vertue which gouernes all things and the diuinitye which filleth all things making themselues thereby inexcusable that whereas God hath giuen them the grace to know him yet haue they not honoured him as they ought neither haue they giuen him due thankes but haue sought in the vanity of their owne imaginations the images of God As those of the Romish Church doe in the Masse for in their hoast they make figures and images They haue lost in themselues the Image of God they which vanted to haue the spirite of wisedome are fallen into the obscure darkenesse of ignorance For what is there more abhominable thē to turne the glory of God to the corporall and corruptible image of mans nature the which is done at
of all things and not the Crosse and Images of Iesus Christ. In his ordinarie praiers hee did not call vppon the blessed Virgin Saint Peter Saint Paul nor the other Apostles and Martires neyther haue we read that he did consecrate his Empire to Saint Andrew or Saint George as some of your predecessors in the time of Error and blindenesse But did dedicate his house and familie to one King that is God onely God was his onely patron who recompensed him with all good things and made him Lord and Conquerour ouer all other Princes He commaunded all his armie to call vppon one God as the giuer of victories he appointed that in their praiers they should lift vp their handes to heauen and the eyes of their vnderstanding to the most high king of Heauen Hee also taught them the forme of praying to God as followeth Wee confesse thee to be the onely God wee acknowledge thee to be the onely King wee call vppon thee to aide vs they did not inuoke the virgin Marie by thee wee obtayne victorie ouer our enemies wee giue thee thankes for the benefites wee receiue in this present life hoping for future things by thy meanes wee crye vnto thee with all humilitie that it would please thee to make our Emperour Constantine victorious and preserue his Godly Children in long life and happie health They did not call vpon the Angelles Michael and Gabriel to giue them victory Hereby we see that it is a false and slaundrous thing which the aduersaries of the trueth impute to your Maiesty to haue left the auncient profession of your predecessors and to haue planted a new religion begunne by Martin Luther Iohn Caluin and other most learned men whom God hath stirred vp in our age to abolish the false Romish worshippe as hath beene sufficiently prooued to your Maiesty in the discources of the first periode of the first three hundred yeeres And to shew that the onelye worshippe of the Creatour without mingling the adoration of the Creatures continued vnto this ' second periode of three hundred yeares in your Iland I will content my selfe with the saying of Sedulius Scotus Hibernensis who lyued in the fift age in these wordes which hee hath drawne out of Origen which I haue before cited It is a sinne of impietye to worshippe anye other but the Father Sonne and holye Ghost Whereunto Saint Augustine speakes very fitly saying Know that the Christians whereof there is a Church in your Towne Worshippe not anye dead thing neyther anye thing that hath beene made by God but God onelye is worshipped who hath made and created all things Our aduersaries dare not affirme that the hoast in the Masse is one of the three parsons of the Trinity as we haue saide which were a greater herefie then that of Arrius who sayde that the Sonne of God was a Creature hauing a beginning beeing not the Sonne of God from all eternitye All their Doctors teach that it is made and created by the pronountiation of the wordes of Iesus Christ taking his beginning by the consecration whereby we inferre that they are worshippers of visible formes and therfore Idolaters in worshipping it seeing it is no eternall creature nor consubstantiall with God the Father For Athanasius Theodoret Cyrillus and all the ancient Fathers booth Greeke and Latine of the second periode of three hundred yeares of Christianity teach that if the Sonne of God had beene created or had had any beginning that he had not beene worshipped for that the Creature dooth not worshippe the Creature God onely is to be worshipped if the Sonne had beene a creature he had not beene worshipped God forbidde we should worshippe the Creature this madnesse fittes best with the Pagans and Arrians And in another place hee saithe that the Christians worshippe not the body of Iesus Christ deuided from the deity Neither when wee worshippe the worde saith hee doe we seperate the worde from the flesh but knowing that the worde hath beene made flesh acknowledge that which is in the flesh to bee God And a little after speaking of the Leaper he saith Hee worshipped the Lord in his body and did acknowledge him for God And the same Athanasins teacheth vs that the bodye of our Lorde is not consubstantiall with the Father and therefore not to bee worshipped alone with greater reason the hoast which cannot bee saide consubstantiall with the Father is not to bee worshipped For if the deitye of Iesus Christ had not beene consubstantiall with the Father and without beginning as the Father is it had not beene lawfull to worshippe him And this SIRE hath beene represented vnto you in the first periode the which I repeate heere to shew the continuance of the worship of one onely God It is therefore manyfest that the Christians of this second periode ending in the sixe hundred yeare of Christianity did beleeue that it was a Pagan Idolatry to worshippe any Creature which had a beginning restraining all adoration but to the Trinitye alone worshipping nothing vnderneath it the which is comprehended by Gregorye Nazianzene in few words where he saith that we must worshippe nothing aboue or beneath the Trinity For saith hee it is impossible to worshippe any thing aboue God and to worshippe anye thing vnderneath God is meere impietye Let vs adde heereunto what Theodoret saith who liued in the fift age touching the adoration of the Sacrament of the Lordes supper for that the Romains corrupting his writings attribute vnto him the worship of the Simbols of the body bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ which he neuer dreampt of for besides that which wee haue before alledged that hee condemned the Arrians for that they worshipped the deity which they sayde was created Hee saith in the fifty fiue question vppon Genesis that God did allowe to eate the flesh of beastes to restraine the people from worshipping of them foreseeing that men should fall into that blindenesse and superstition as they should worshippe beastes as wee reade of the worshippe of the Golden Calfe like vnto the Egyptians where Theodoret concludes that it is a meere madnesse to worshippe that which wee eate So as according vnto Theodoret the priests should bee madde to worshippe that which they eate Athanasius against the Arrians teacheth that the deity is not to be eaten and yet the Romaines maintaine that their hoast is God himselfe and they sinne that they eate that which is present in the hoast which in effect is to make the deity edible Our Sauiour before he left this world would leaue vnto all men that should beleeue in him a perpetual comemoration of his true incarnation and passion to the end this memoriall should bee as it were a Simbole of the presence of his humaine nature here on earth He might as well after the manner of the Greekes and Romaines haue left his portraite liuely drawne to serue for a representation and commemoration vnto such as should beleeue in