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A88657 An abstract of a commentarie by Dr. Martyn Luther, u[pon] the Galathians. Wherein the difference betweene the law, the gospell, and the strength of faith is declared. Whereunto is added divine and morall Latine sentences, taken out of the fathers, and other authors, which are cited i[n the] margent of the Practise of piety, but not E[ng]lished there; which for their excellency, and benefit of those who understand not Latine, are here translated.; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Ferrers, Edmund. 1642 (1642) Wing L3508; Thomason E147_12; ESTC R212720 18,488 30

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workes and merits But hee accounteth us righteous by faith onely in Christ which causeth the godly to rejoyce and glory in the onely trust and confidence of Gods mercy through Jesus Christ who is the onely high Priest and Saviour of the World Therefore let us pray that he preserve and establish us that we daily growing more and more in the knowledge of his grace and faith unfained may be found unblameable and without fault in the day of our Redemption To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be glory world without end Amen 1 Tim. 1. Vnto the King everlasting immortall invisible unto God onely wise be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen Divine and Morall Latine Sentences taken out of the Fathers and other Authours which are in the Margent of the Practise of Piety but not Englished there which for their excellency and benefit of the Christian Reader are here translated FIdem mitte in Caelum eum in terris tanquam presentem tenuisti Aug. Send thy faith into Heaven and thou hast apprehended Christ as if he were present upon Earth Quomodo negent carnem capacem esse resurrectionis quae sanguine corpore Christi nutritur Iren. How can they deny the flesh to be capable of resurrection which is nourished with the body and blood of Christ Moriuum esse Christum etiam Pagani credunt resurrexisse vero propria fides Christianorum Aug. The Pagans doe beleeve Christ to be dead but that he rose againe is the true faith of Christians Rerum absentium praesens est fides rerum impossibilium possibilis est fides Of things absent faith is present Of things impossible faith is possible Panem vides verbum audis cui potius credis sensui vel Christo Thou seest the bread thou hearest the word whether doest thou beleeve thy sense or Christ Et Deus erat homo erat Mater erat virgo erat He was God and he was Man Shee was a Mother and shee was a Virgin Mira sunt quae de Sacramento dicuntur Fides est necessaria seientia rationis supervacua Wonderfull things are spoken of the Sacrament Faith is necessary the knowledge of reason most vaine Haec sunt quae expetunt simplicem creditorem arguunt impium disenssorem credi oportet simpliciter quod investigari non potest utiliter nolite quaerere quomodo fiat nolite c. These things require a pure faith and condemne a wicked disputer For that ought to be beleeved simply which cannot be found out profitably search ye not how it is done doe yee not c. Scrutari hoc temeritas est credere pietas nosse vero vita aeterna Bern To search this is rashnesse to beleeve piety but to know it eternall life Fides sola justificat ut oculus solus vides Faith onely justifies as the eye onely sees Ama unum illud bonum in quo omne bonum sufficit Ansel Love that only good in whom all goodnes is and it sufficeth Non delinquenti sed peccata relinquenti condonat Deus God pardons not a sinner but him that forsakes his sinne Qui dat paenitenti veniam non dabit peceanti paenitentiam Aug. He that gives pardon to the penitent will not give repentance to the sinner Paenitenti veniam spospondit sed vivendi in crastinum non spospondit He hath promised pardon to the penitent But hee hath not promised that he shall live till to morrow Latronis exemplum non est exemplum imitationis sed consolationis The example of the good Theife is not an example of imitation but of consolation Tum Deum amare libet cum persuasum habemus ipsum esse optimum maximum ubique praesentem omnia in nobis efficientem eum in quo vivimus movemur sumus Bucer in Psal 115. Then it is lawfull to love God when we are verily perswaded that he is the cheifest good every where present effecting all things in us and he in whom we live move and have our being Congruebat filium assumere humanam naturam ut haec persona quae est substantialis imago aeterni patris restitueret imaginem Dei in nobis corruptam Athan. It was necessary that the Son should assume humane nature that that person who is the substantiall Image of the eternall Father should restore the Image of God corrupted in us Incumbit nobis necessitas recte vivendi cum omnia quae facimus facta sint coram oculis Judicis cuncta videntis Boetius There is a necessitieimposed upon us of living well when all things which we doe are done before the eyes of a Iudge who sees all things Semper invenies Deum benigniorem quam te culpabiliorem Bern Thou shalt alwaies finde God more benigne then thy selfe faulty Vindictae gladium miserecordiae oleo acuit Niceph. He hath whetted the Sword of his vengeance with the oyle of his mercy Ad paenam tardus Deus est ad praemia velox Sed pensare solet vi graviore moram God is slow to punish but swift to reward But his forbearance commonly causeth more greivous punishment Ira Dei non est aliud quam voluntas puniendi Aug. The wrath of God is no other then his will of punishing Deus potest omnia quae contradictionem non implicant Aqui. God can doe all things which implie not contradiction Omnipotentia excludit omnes defectus quae sunt impotentia seu posse mentiri mori peccare c. Omnipotencie excludes all defects as impotencie or power to lye to dye to sinne c. Creaturas fecit perfectas in suo quasq genere ergo ipse perfectissimus est in se et per se Scal God made every Creature perfect in his kind therfore he is most perfect in himselfe and by himselfe In Deo nihil est quod non sit ipse Deus Zanch In God there is nothing which is not God himselfe Exhibet omnia accipit nihil ipsum igitur bonum est Deus ipse semper God gives all things receives nothing therefore he is alwaies our cheifest good Site habcam solum sane ruat arduus aether Tellus rupta suo dessiliatque loco If I have God alone let the high Element consume the Earth breake and remove from his Center Postquam anima agressa est de corpore subito judicium Christi dese latum cognoscit Aug After the Soule is gon out of the bodie forthwith it knowes the judgement of Christ pronounced upon it Anima damnata continuo invaditur a Daemonibus qui crudelissimè eam rapientes ad infernum deducunt The damned Soule is forthwith encountred by Devils who most cruelly tearing it doe carry the same to Hell Vbi volat spiri●us ibi erit et corpus Aug Where the spirit flies there also shall the body be Spiri ualia post resurrectionem erunt corpora non quiae corpora esse desistant sed quta spiritu viuificante subsistunt Aug After the resurrection our bodies shall be
AN ABSTRACT OF A COMMENTARIE By Dr. MARTYN LVTHER upon the GALATHIANS Wherein the difference betweene the LAW the GOSPELL and the strength of Faith is declared Whereunto is added Divine and Morall Latine Sentences taken out of the Fathers and other Authors which are cited in Margent of the Practise of Piety but not Englished there Which for their excellency and benefit of those who understand not Latine are here translated 2 COR. 12.9 My power is made perfect through Fides sola non est sola LONDON Printed for Henry Atkinson and are to be sold at his Shop at Staple-Inne Gate in Holborne 1642. To my honored Vncle MICHAEL MALET of Poyntington in the County of Sommerset Esquire SIR YOur pious life in fearing God eschewing evill and doing good hath ever beene a lively Character to regulate my life by and hath imboldened me to present and dedicate to your grave Patronage and curteous acceptance this Abstract taken out of a Commentary of Doctor MARTYN LVTHER upon the Galathians a Coppy whereof I sent you a yeer since in writing and now have published the same in Print for the benefit of my friends and acquaintance and all zealous religious servants of the Lord It containing in a few leaves most excellent matter of saving Faith which is the Summe of Mans Salvation 〈…〉 ely revealed and set forth unto us 〈◊〉 the Old and New Testament which ●●osoever duely considers unlesse stu 〈…〉 ied with supine carelesnesse and be●itched with the vaine pleasures va 〈…〉 ties of this world will utterly despise 〈…〉 d contemne all earthly and transitory 〈…〉 ings and continually being overcome 〈…〉 i th a divine rapture meditate and con 〈…〉 mplate upon eternall blessednesse The ●yes whereof are more then ever eye ●ath seen the eare heard or the heart of ●an can conceive Witnesse St. Paul 2. Cor. 12.2 who was caught up into the 〈…〉 ird Heaven whither God Almighty I ●ost humbly pray and beseech to bring ●ou my deere loving Vncle and all good ●hristians together with Your obedient Nephew and humble Servant To the Reader THis Epitome Christian Reader is totally that famous and reverend Piller of our Church Doctor MARTYN LVTHERS being an Abstract of his Commentarie upon Saint Pauls Epistle to the Galathians And as all our new Corne comes out of our old Fields and all our new Learning out of old Bookes for Nihil dictum quod non dictum priùs I thought I could not present to good Christians a better worke it being the bread that comes downe from Heaven and the direct and true path that leades to eternall happinesse being well and throughly digested and ingrafted in the heart and dayly practised in our Lives and Conversations The Commentary it selfe is a rich Cabinet of most pretious rare Jewels and these the choisest and rarest as I conceive in that Cabinet or Treasurie which though it be very short and easily read over in an houres time Yet it being rightly understood and stedfastly beleeved brings everlasting life and Glory which is heartily prayed for and wished to the godly Reader by the Publisher hereof who is thy servant in the Lord. Edmund Ferrers AN ABSTRACT TAKEN out of a Commentary of Doctor Martyn Luther upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Galathians 1. THere is a politicall or civil righteousnes which Emperours Princes of the world Philosophers and Lawyers deale withall Secondly there is a Ceremoniall righteousnesse which the Traditions of men doe teach this Parents and Schoole-Masters may teach in regard they doe not attribute to it any power to satisfie for sinne to please God or to deserve grace but teach such Ceremonies as are necessarie for the correction of manners and life Thirdly There is a Righteousnes of the Law or of the tenne Commandements which Moses teacheth which we teach after the doctrine of faith Fourthly there is a Righteousnes aboue all these to wit the Righteousnes of faith or Christian Righteousnes which wee must diligently discerne from the former for they are contrary to this righteousnes consisting in works which are active but this is a passive Righteousnes Of all things in the world the Law is most excellent yet is it not able to quiet a troubled conscience but increaseth Terrors and driveth it into desperation For by the Law sinne is made above measure sinfull I abandon my selfe from all active Righteousnes both of my owne and of Gods law and embrace only that passive Righteousnes of grace mercy and forgivenesse of sins Therefore the greatest wisedome of a good Christian is not to know the law to be ignorant of workes and of the whole active righteousnes especially when the conscience wrestleth with the Iudgements of God But it is è contrario to those who are not of Gods people for the law is not given to a righteous man but to the law lesse and disobedient And both the word of Grace and of wrath must be rightly divided according to the Apostle 2 Tim. 2. which is To set forth the Law and workes to the Old man and the promise of forgivenesse of sinnes and of Gods mercy to the New man Rom. 10.4 The law continued unto Christ who being come Moses ceaseth with his law Circumcision the Sacrisices the Sabbaths and all the Prophets He that is borne of God cannot sinne 1. Ioh. 3.18 it the Article of Justification be once lost then is all true Christian doctrine lost the law ought to have dominion only over the flesh whosoever is assuredly preswaded that Christ is his Righteousnes it is impossible but he should doe all things well Grace and Peace comprehend in them whatsoever belongeth to Christianitle grace releaseth sinne and peace maketh the conscience quiet The two fiendes that torment us are Sinne but sinne is rather increased by workes for there is no meanes to take away sinne but grace alone The peace of the world granteth not king but the peace of our goods and bodies I am the way the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by me Ioh. 14.6 wherefore in the matter of Iustification we must look upon no other God but only this god incarnate clothed with mans nature who saith Math. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will refresh you In Christ are hid all the Treasures of wisdome and knowledge For in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.3.9 The world is ignorant of this For no man knoweth the father but the Soune and he to whom the Sonne will reveale him Mat. 11.17 Christ giveth not grace and peace as the Apostles give them but he giveth them as the Authour and Creatour The giftes which we receive of the father and which we receive of the Sonne are all one Behold the lambe of God who taketh away the sinne of the world Ioh. 1.29 which shews that we cannot put them away by our owne workes Christ was not given for the holy righteous worthy and such
my Saviour Christ besides him I will see nothing I wil heare nothing This faith is our victory whereby we overcome the terrour of the Law sinne death and all evils and yet not without great Conflicts Come unto me saith Christ all ye that labour under the Yoke of the Law Mat. 11.28 for I have vanquished the Law by double right and authority first as the Sonne of God and Lord of the Law Secondly in your person which is as much as if yee had overcome the Law your selves for my victorie is yours If any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his Rom. 8.9 If a man be uncertaine and stand in doubt of the grace and favor of God towardes him then Christ profiteth nothing for he that doubteth of Gods favour towardes him must needs doubt also of the promises of God and soe consequently of the will of God and of the benefites of Christ namely that he was borne suffered died and rose againe for us c. If we could fully assure our selues and constantly beleeve that God is our Father and we his sonnes and heires then should we overcome the Law your selves for my victorie is yours If any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his Rom. 8.9 If a man be uncertaine and stand in doubt of the grace and favour of God towardes him then Christ profiteth nothing for he that doubteth of Gods favour towardes him must needs doubt also of the promises of God and so consequently of the will of God and of the benefites of Christ namely that he was borne suffered died and rose againe for us c. If we could fully assure our selves and constantly beleeve that God is our Father and we his sonnes and heires then should we utterly contemne this world with all the glory righteousnes wisedome and power and with al the riches and pleasures thereof neither should wee be so carefull for this life Whosoever apprehendeth the son and me and my promise in him by faith to him I am a God to him I am a father him doe I accept justifie and save Christ is the finishing and accomplishing of the Law to righteousnes to every one that beleeueth Ro. 10.4 They that beleeve in him shal be blessed with faithfull Abraham they are the sonnes and heires of God who giveth the word which when we haue received by faith given from above we are new borne and the sonnes of God for there is no other name given unto men under heaven whereby they must be saved The heart being furnished with this confidence or assurance to wit that for Christes sake we are righteous hath the true forme of Christ which is given by the Ministrie of the word as it is said 1. Cor. 4. J have begotten you through the Gospell that is to say in spirit that ye might know Christ and beleeue in him We must distinguish the heavenly and spirituall blessing from the earthly for the earthly blessing is to have a good civil government both in Common-wealthes and Families to have children peace riches fruits of the earth and other temporall commodities But the heavenly blessing is to be delivered from the Law sinne and death to be justified and quickned to life to have peace with God to have a faithfull heart a joyfull conscience and spiritual consolation to have the knowledge of Jesus Christ to have the gift of prophecy the revelation of the scriptures to have the guifts of the holy Ghost and to reioyce in God These are the heavenly guifts which Christ giveth to his Church A Christian laying hold of the benefits of Christ through faith hath no Law but all the Law is to him abolished with all his terrors and torments For Christ hath made us free not civilly nor carnally but divinely That is to say we are made free in such sort that our consciences are now free and quiet not fearing the wrath of God to come And certainly this christian libertie swalloweth up at once and taketh quite away the whole heape of evils the Law sinne death Gods wrath and breifly the serpent himselfe with his head and whole power and in stead thereof it placeth righteousnes peace and everlasting life c. Therefore blessed is hee that understandeth and beleeveth And let us learne to magnifie this our libertine purchased by Jesus Christ the sonne of God by whom all things were created both in heaven earth which libertie he hath purchased with no other price then with his own bloud To deliver us not from any bodily or temporall servitude but from a spirituall and everlasting bondage under mightie and invincible Tyrants to wit the Law Sinne Death and the Devill and so to reconcile us to God his Father This libertie then is not given us by the Law or for our righteousnes but freely for Christs sake Therefore according to the Apostle Galath 5.1 Stand fast in that libertie wherein Christ hath made you free And in the 8. of John 36. If the Sonne shall make you free ye shall be free indeed And Christ himselfe Math. 9.2 saith Be of good comfort my sonne thy sinnes are forgiven thee Wherefore it is impossible for the Iusticiaries which seeke to winne heaven life and salvation by workes and merits to know what the liberty and deliverance from sinne is And Gal. 5.2 Saint Paul saith Be not intangled againe with the yoke of Bondage where the Apostle seemeth to compare those who seeke righteousnes by the Law to Oxen For like as Oxen draw in the yoke with great toile and receive nothing thereby but forrage or pasture and when they bee able to draw the yoke no more are appointed to the slaughter Even so they that seek Righteousnes by the Law are Captives and oppressed with the yoke of bondage that is to say with the Law and when they have tired themselves a long time in the works of the Law with great and greivous toyle in the end this is their reward that they are miserable and perpetuall servants of sinne death Gods wrath and the Devill For the confidence and righteousnes of workes are nothing but maketh Christ unprofitable The Devill being the father of lying and the Enemy of Christian libertie wherein Christ hath made us free But J know Christ to be profitable unto me therefore I will not make him unprofitable which I should doe if either I should presume to purchase my selfe favor and everlasting life by my good workes or should despaire because of my sinnes For it is impossible that Christ and the Law should dwell together in one heart for either the Law or Christ must give place And to have this perswasion that it is Christ alone that iustifieth me both against my evill deeds and without my good workes is to lay hold of the true Christ But if I think that he exacteth the Law and workes of me to Salvation then he becommeth unprofitable to me and I am utterly seperated from