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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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maisters commaundement Euen so doubtlesse the selfesame worke is sinne in the seruants and creatures of God which to God is no sinne but an ordinarie worke appointed for some special purpose either for the manifestation of his power as was the hardning of Pharao or for the declaration of his mercie as was the fal of Dauid of Peter of Mary Magdalen and all other repentant sinners 4 As the Sunne sending foorth his beames and heate to the carrion and so engendreth in some corruption draweth to it selfe neither corruption neither yet any filthinesse neither yet dooth the Sunne by his puritie and brightnesse so purge the carrion but that it remaineth stinking and corrupt So doth God so worke by the wicked that the iustice which is in him doth not iustifie thē neither yet is hee defiled by their wickednesse and corruption Godly men wants nothing good for them AS a naturall Sonne may assuredly trust that his Father will doo for him all things that may bee for his setting foorth and preferment Euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauing Almightie God to our Father we shal lacke nothing neither in this world nor in the world to come which may be profitable and expedient for vs towardes the enioying of the euerlasting inheritaunce which our heauenly Father hath prepared for vs. God alone sufficient to his people AS the Sunne hath no neede to be holpen of the companie of any other lights to giue light to the world and as one soule is enough to keepe life and to gouerne the body Euen so is one God alone sufficient to his people yea to all the world for all things aboundantly without the helpe of any other God tempteth no man to sinne LIke as if a man haue a seruant which is a theefe yet neuerthelesse he wold be esteemed for an honest man and to trie and proue him his maister leaueth his purse ful of money before him If his seruant take steale it away is he a theefe and doth he not declare himselfe to be such a one Yes vndoubtedly And now who made him a theefe The maister or the mony which was left where he might come by it Surely neither of both for the money is the good creatu●e of God And when the maister put it before his seruant ●e did not compell him to take it and to steale it If this seruant had beene an honest man hee would not haue touched it or if he had taken it he would haue brought it vnto his maister and would not haue kept it But seeing that the seruaunt was then already a theefe and had his hart giuen to theft when hee had the occasion to put in execution the wicked affection of his heart he did it And whereas he did it no sooner that was because that he had not the occasion and meanes For if occasion had beene sooner offered to him and if hee had found whereto to reach out his hand he would not haue kept it in and when hee beganne to put foorth his hand he hath not onely then begun to be a theefe but hee hath onely begunne to declare himselfe what he was As wee haue the example in Iudas who was a theefe a long time but he neuer shewed it vntill he had opportunitie Euen so although that God hath giuen the occasion to man for to proue trie him and for to make him to make knowne that which is in his heart It followeth not therefore that God hath done the sinne nor yet is the author of it and that we must impute the fault to him and not to him which hath committed it Iohn 12.6 Gene. 50.20 Iob. 1.11 One God and three persons 1 AS there is in man the soule the spirit and the body three distinct substances which neuerthelesse doo make but one man and not three In the soule there is the mind the vnderstanding and the will but these doo not make three soules but one In the Sunne there is the very substance of it the heate and the light and yet these there be not thereby made three Sunnes but one If the light and shining be taken from the Sunne we should then see the body of it no more And if the heate or warmeth be taken from the Sunne we should then not feele whether there were any Sunne in the skie or no Euen so if the word and spirit be taken from God we should then come by no knowledge of him at all Therfore wheras the Son and the holy Ghost are ioyned vnto the Father it doth further nothing to the making of many Gods but to the manifesting of one true God in nature and essence and three in personnes and properties which was to bee spread throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospell 2 Like as the Sunne in the firmament hath three distinct and sundrie things of the which euery one differeth from an other as the Globe the light and the heate And although euery one of these keepe seuerally their properties yet it is but one Sunne and is not diuided into three Sunnes So in the Deitie the vnitie of essence is not taken away by the distinction of persons and yet for all that is there no confounding of persons nor chaunging of one into an other For as there is but one Sunne in through the whole world no more is there but one God And as the Sunne sheweth himselfe by his beames Euen so God as Father doth shew himselfe by his Sonne Iesus Christ which is his word and eternall wisedome And as the Sunne by his heate dooth make vs feele his force Euen so God maketh vs feele his vertue by his holy spirit which is his infinite power Deut. 6.4 32.39 Esay 43.10 11 44.6 1. Cor. 8.6 3 As reason will and memorie are not three but one and the same soule So the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost are three distinct in propertie and one God The holy Ghost compared to fire and water 1 AS the fire is pure and cleane and can suffer no vncleannesse So the holy Ghost dooth purge clense and lighten the consciences of Christians setting them on fire with the loue of God Math. 3.11 Luk. 3.16 2 As fire is an Element exceeding pure and cleane and so necessarie for mans life that we may in no wise want or forgo it So also the water is very needfull for vs being a very cleare pure and cleane nature and very meete for to represent and signifie the nature office and properties of the holy Ghost Or as the water doth renew and comfort the earth maketh it fertile causing it to bring foorth fruite and also dooth wash away the filthinesse of the body So the holy Ghost dooth wash purifie refreshe and water the harts and consciences of the faithfull moouing stirring perswading ruling lightning and finally comforting them and making them to bring foorth pleasaunt fruites acceptable to God Esay 55.1 44.3 Ezech. 36.25 Iohn 3.5
doo saue and keepe the same Euen so ought wee to deale in the holy Word of God wee must passe ouer nothing therein lightly nor despise one Word of al the sacred and diuine Scriptures but eagerly and earnestly to doo our best and greatest endeuours yea and to call and to crie most mightily to the Lord to aide assist and enable vs to dig out of the same VVord whatsoeuer is requisite necessarie for the saluation of our soules and eternall life The Workes of the three persons be vnseperable AS Reason cannot discern good euil truth falshood plainnesse and craft and sophistication without either will or memorie neither Will chuseth what him liketh without the other nor memorie remembreth not things gone without reason and will These actions and VVorkes which are said properly to belong onely to memorie and onely to reason and will in very deede are done by the workmanship of all three So the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost worke all things vnseperably not that each of them is vnable to Worke by himselfe but that they all three are one God one spirit one nature as reason will memorie are one soule Ioh. 5.17 19. Mans Wisedome often erreth AS in a fruitfull fertile ground among many wholesome and very medicinable hearbes some that bee daungerous and ful of poyson doo grow So the wits and Wisedome of men together with some profitable and wholesome counsels and admonitions doo bring foorth perilous and pestilent errors and are therfore with Wisedome and great discretion to be regarded euen as hearbs are to be gathered and vsed Wit 1 AS a Bee is oftentimes hurt with his owne Honie So is Wit not sildome plagued with his owne conceit 2 As emptie vessells make the loudest sound So men of least Wit are the greatest bablers Spirituall Warfaire 1 AS men may haue an ende of bodily warre either by making peace with their enemie by flying far from him or by ouercomming in fight But in the spirituall Warfaire wee cannot lawfully make any peace or agreement with our enemies the Diuell the world the flesh but in so doing it would be our ouerthrow and destruction for they be euen so many traytors and irreconciliable murderers yea it would bee worse for vs then for the sheepe to make peace with the Wolfe neither can we flie and so get from these enemies for the Diuell will follow vs into all places who hath a whole armie of Souldiers within vs euen our affections and couetous lusts that we beare about vs. 2 As God in olde time commaunded Iosua that hee should not feare the Cananites and assured him that hee would bee with him and that by ouercomming them he would bring his people into the land of promise So likewise wee must giue eare vnto God that calleth vs to this spirituall battell with assurance that he will stand with vs and in vs to the end that couragiously fighting vnder his banner against our enemies that labour to turne vs backe and to recoyle wee may finally by his grace and power obtaine full and perfect victorie and so ending his blessed voyage attaine to the fruition of the heauenly and Citie and our true countrey that wee may liue with him in glorie for euer Gods Wisedome may be knowne by the ordering of his creatures AS when thou seest a great and godly Citie consisting of many and sundry sorts of men some of great reputation and very many of small estimation some exceeding rich and infinite others extreamely poore some in their fresh and flourishing youth and some crooked with olde age where all these though among themselues they be diuers and sundrie do liue in great concord and agree well together and are kept all within the bounds and limits of good and godly discipline thou wilt by and by iudge that the Prince or gouernour of the same is iust and very mightie and wise though thou seest him not Euen so in the huge greatnesse of this world and the agreement and well hanging together of the things contained in the same though differing in their natures and the apt and fit placing of the whole it cannot bee but that thou wilt presently conceiue in thy mind that there is a great a wise and mightie Creator and preseruer of these things For not onely the mightie workes of God in this great world that is in man himselfe for so he is called of some doo teach vs the wonderfull knowledge of God Gods Word the more it is searched the sweeter it is AS precious Iewels made of most pure Gold wrought cunningly and curiously with great workmanship the nearer thou shalt come vnto them and the more stedfastly and clearely thou shalt behold them the finer the brauer and more excellent thou shalt iudge them Euen so as thou shalt come nearer in vnderstanding and knowledge vnto the secrets and misteries of God contained in his written Word with the greater puritie of mind the more strength of faith and the brighter light of the grace of God thou shalt looke into them the profounder the deeper the more diuine and heauenly yea and the more comfortable to thy soule will they seeme and appeare vnto thee euerie day In so much that thou wilt iudge thy selfe to haue beene little better then blind and to haue seene nothing as thou ought in the mysteries of the diuine Word Psal 119.18 Wicked men die miserably 1 EVen as those Birdes and soules which fall to the ground to take the foulers baites are taken themselues So likewise those men which doo relie vppon the suggestions and inchauntments of the Diuell world and flesh and are taken in their traps doo die a most miserable and as it may well be called an immortall death 2 As there is neuer a man that beareth the name of a Christian but he will confesse that his great Grandfather Adam was expulsed and thrust out of Paradise for eating one Apple forbidden him by the Lord vppon paine of death and yet the same man that with open mouth will make that confession will euerie day eate seuen Apples as bitter and as straightly forbidden as that that is offend God seuen times as much as that and yet he will thinke to escape better cheape and easier then his Graund-father did that eate but one that is offended God but once but the eater of seuen shall finde the way into euerlasting life as hard yea harder to enter as the way into Paradise was to his Graund-father being once thrust out vnlesse hee speedily earnestly and truly repent him and giue ouer the eating of such fruits as the Lord hath forbidden him 3 Like as no water will sticke nor abide vpon Leapers by reason of the foulenesse and greasie matter of their Leprosie Euen so such Leapers and farre worse are we vpon whom no deawes nor any droppes of the grace and word of God will cleaue abide and continue Ouerweening Wittes despise Gods wisedome LIke as the Iewes said to him
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
that the young chicken may slip out of it Euen so none otherwise doth Death dissolue and breake vp our body but to the intent that we may attaine vnto the life of heauen 26 As the mothers wombe carrieth the child seuen or nine moneths and prepareth it not for it selfe but for the world wherein wee are borne Euen so this present time ouer all vpon earth serueth not to this end that wee must euer be here but that we should bee brought foorth and borne out of the body of this world by Death into another and euerlasting life Ioh. 16.21 27 Like as a childe out of the small habitation of his mothers wombe with daunger and anguish is borne into this wide world Euen so goeth a man thorow the narrow gate of Death with distresse and trouble out of the earth into the heauenly life For to die is not to perish but to be first of all borne aright 28 As the brazen Serpent which hauing the forme and proportion of a Serpent was yet without byting without mouing without poysoning Euen so though Death be not vtterly taken away yet thorow the grace of God it is so weakned and made voide that the onely bare proportion remaineth 29 Euen as when the maister of the Shippe perceiueth that he is not wide from the hauen place where he must land and discharge he sayleth on forth the more chearfully and gladly So likewise the nearer we draw vnto Death where we must land the more stoutly ought wee to fight and withstand our ghostly enemies 30 Like as he that goeth a far iourney hath vncertaine lodging trauaile and labour desireth to return home to his owne country to his father and mother wife children and friends among whom he is surest and at most quiet by meanes wherof he forceth the lesse for any rough carefull path or way homeward Euen so all we are straungers and pilgrimes vpon earth Our home is Paradise in heauen our heauenly Father is God the earthly father of all men is Adam our spirituall Fathers are the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which altogether waite and long for vs. Psal 39.5 6. 1. Pet. 2.11 2. Cor. 5.1.2 Phil. 3 2● Heb. 13.14 31 Like as when a man liue in a darke miserable prison with this condition that he should not come forth till the walles of the Tower were fallen downe vndoubtedly he would be right glad to see the walles begin to fall Euen so our soule is kept in within the bodie vpon earth as in captiuitie and bonds now assoone as the bodie is at a point that it must needs fall we ought not to be sory therefore for by this approacheth our deliuerance when we out of the prison of miserie shal be brought before the most amiable countenance of God into the ioyfull freedome of heauen Psal 142.7 32 Like as it is no grief for a man to go sleep nor when he seeth his parents and friendes lay them downe to rest for he knoweth that such as are a sleepe do soone awake and rise againe So when we or our friends depart away by Death we ought to erect and comfort ourselues with the resurrection 33 As a good Housholder maketh prouision for himselfe and his familie and buyeth afore-hand fewell victualls and such things as he hath need of for a moneth or for a whole yeare c. according as hee is able Euen so much more ought a Christiā to prouide before his Death that which concerneth not onely one moneth or one yeare but an eternitie that hath no ende 34 Like as faithfull seruants waite for their maister So in like manner wee ought to looke for the comming of Christ when hee shall call vs out of this wretched world by Death Luk. 12.36 37 38 39 40. Math. 24.42 c. The time of our Death vnknowne LIke as Christ wold haue his last cōming to be hidden from men So also hee would haue the time of their Death for the very same cause to be vnknown vnto them vnlesse that he openeth the same vnto some either by particular reuelation or by probable coniectures Mat. 24.36 How to Draw neare vnto God LIke as hee is said to depart from God which doth abandon and giue himselfe to the lustes of the world by which he Draweth neare vnto the diuell So likewise he which departeth from these is said to Draw neare vnto God and so cleaueth vnto him by faith and true obedience Iam. 4.8 No Diuinitie except it be against God is prescribed to the Minister AS there is no Lawe by the which a Preacher for his doctrine may be punished if he speake not against the Prince So there is no Diuinitie by the which a Preacher is particularly prescribed or generally ordered if he speak not against God the mightie prince of peace Desires of heauen AS they that are straungers in a forraine countrie and haue parents and great wealth in their natiue soyle being hardly entreated where they soiourne and vppon the point to returne home into their countrie are vndoubtedly very glad thereof euen already they seeme to see their houses lands and possessions and in their conceites doo talke with their parents and feele a feruent Desire to be soone there Euen so we if wee remember that we haue treasures of eternall riches an vndefiled inheritance immortall incorruptible which is reserued for vs a heauenly Father that loueth vs in his welbeloued sonne our elder brother Iesus Christ in glory the Angels and holy Spirits inioy and that we their felow Burgesses haue our portion in al these goods and are euen vpon the point to be really in heauen with them we ought then to be rauished with a feruent desire to be lifted vp thither Phil. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 Daunces AS Apothecaries do couer their bitter Pilles with some sweete substance whereby to make them goe downe the easier So the Diuel vnder the sport and pleasure of Daunces maketh men to swallow lustfull desires and albeit they proceed to no greater iniquitie yet is this a mortall wounde to the soule considering that we knowe that such lusts are accursed in the sight of God Exod. 32.6 18.19 1. Cor. 10.7 1. Pet. 4.3.4 5.8 Rom. 12.2 2. Tim. 2.22 Iudg. 21.21 Ephe. 5.3 4 16.18 The Dutie of Parishioners to their Ministers 1 AS they that sit at a Table do eate chewe and digest their foode So they that be Parishioners and heare the word of God ought to listen vnto it meditate vpon it and print it in their hearts that so they may receiue the nourishment signified by the word and dutie to feede commended to the shepheards of Christs flock 1. Thes 5.12 Phil. 2.29 2. Cor. 7.15 Hebr. 13.17 2 As in meate we are not so much to seek licorousnesse as health So must it be in the preaching of the word for Ecclesiasticall assemblies be not l●ke to common Playes whereto men resort for pleasure but in Sermons we are to looke for that which is health
world and are come to heauen God the author of all callings AS the Generall in the field appointeth euerie particular man his particular standing and office in which he must liue and die Euen so it is God that appointeth euerie man his particular place and standing and function wherein hee must continue to the ende of his life vnlesse God call him to some other God forsaketh his children sometimes and leaueth them to themselues 1 AS a mother sets downe her young childe and hides herselfe suffering it to crie and breake the face not because shee hates it but that shee may teach it to depend vpon her and loue her Euen so God giueth grace to his children and yet againe sometime hee doth in part withdrawe it from them and then they faile in their duties sundrie waies and this he doth to make them ashamed of themselues and to cause them to put all their confidence out of themselues in the merites of Christ 2 Like as the Corne fielde that is plowed and sowne with good Corne but yet for a time it neither giues rooting beneath nor so much as a shewe of any blade appeares aboue Euen so God grauntes his seruaunts the holy meane of saluation namely preaching prayer Sacraments and yet holds backe the efficacie of his spirit for a time Can. 2.4 5. 3 Like as the prisoner who hath escaped the hand of his Gayler hath an affection to runne a thousand myles euerie hower But hauing happily his Boltes on his legges he cannot for his life but goe very softly galling and chafing his fleshe and so with much griefe falleth againe into the hands of his keeper Euen so God giueth his children a strong affection to obey his will but hee lettes them faile in the obedience it selfe Rom. 7.22 23 24. 4 As the trees in the winter season that are beaten with wind and weather bearing neither leafe nor fruite but looke as though they were rotten and dead because the sap doth not spread it selfe but lies hid in the roote Euen so the manner of Gods forsaking his elect is when hee hides his graces for a time not by taking them quite away but by remoouing all sense and feeling of them Psal 77.7 8 9. The Godhead of Christ. 1 LIke as when a man sleepeth the soule is not seuered from the body but lieth as it were dead and exerciseth not it selfe Euen so the Godhead of Christ lay still and did not manifest his power in his manhood but did as it were lie a sleepe for a time that the manhood might suffer and thus the manhood seemed to bee forsaken Math. 27.46 2 Euen as the Altar in the olde Lawe did sanctifie the sacrifice that was offered vpon it and made the same propitiatorie So also the Godhead of Christ the Altar whereon hee offered his humanitie sanctified the same and made it propitiatorie and meritorious for all mankinde 3 Like as in Christ incarnate there be seuerall things and not seuerall persons So in the Godhead there be seuerall persons but not seuerall thinges Philip. 2 6 7. Hebr. 1.3 4 As Honie and Oyle being mixed together cannot be called either Honie or Oyle because when things are mingled together they cannot retaine a name of one of the simples Euen so the Godhead of Christ cannot be chaunged into his manhood or yet mingled with his manhood Because the properties of the Godhead cannot agree with the properties of the manhood nor the properties of the manhood with the properties of the Godhead For as the Godhead cannot thirst no more can the body be in many places at once God the refuge of the comfortlesse 1 AS the Rockes that are hard to be clambred vnto are good refuges for the afflicted to flie vnto from the face of their pursuers So God is the safetie of all such as in distresse doo flie to him for succour Psal 18.2 2 Euen as the Birdes and foules of the ayre that they may escape the nets and snares of the fowlers are wont to flie vp on high So we to auoyd the infinite snares of innumerable temptations must flie to God and lift vp our selues from the corruptions lying vanities and deceitfull slights of the world God vseth the ministerie of all AS in a great house there bee many vessels of sundrie sortes to diuers vses not onely of Gold and Siluer but also of wood and earth some for honour some for dishonour So likewise in the outward societie of the Church there bee men of all sortes appointed for diuers ends as apt and meete vessels for the Lord and some otherwise c. 2. Tim. 2.20 21. God no partiall Iudge AS drie wood is apt to burne greene wood though not so quickly will bee consumed with fire Euen so both strong and weake high and low rich and poore one and an other goe to wracke when God punisheth impietie and wickednesse Ezech. 20.47 A Godly man is a mightie man though he be neuer so poore LIke as precious stones though they bee cast into the mire yet they loose not their bewtie nature and propertie So likewise men indued with honestie replenished with goodly vertues and well acquainted with the true worshipping of the most high and gracious GOD although they be silent as men in their graues and are had in contempt of the world yet haue they not lost their dignitie and the true honour proper to Christians which consisteth not in the wealth and renowne of this world but in holinesse in righteousnesse and in the faithfull imitation of Christ God the life of the soule AS the Soule is the life of the body Euen so God is the life of the Soule and his spirit is the soule of our soules and the want of fellowship with him brings nothing but the endlesse and vnspeakable horrors and pangs of death The holy Ghost God AS Christ is called the word of God not a word of Letters or Syllables but a substanciall word that is beeing for euer of the same substance with the Father Euen so the holy Ghost is called the vertue of the most highest not because hee is a created qualitie but because he is the substanciall vertue of the Father and the sonne and therefore God equall with them both Guiltie before God AS in the malladies and diseases of the body that disease is most dangerous that hath possessed and seazed vpon the body and yet the bodie feeleth it not So likewise in all Gods iudgements to stand Guiltie before God is most daungerous because a man standeth Guiltie befor God many yeares and yet neuer feeleth it The Graces of the holy Ghost cannot finally be abolished 1 AS coales vnder ashes and as Sappe in the roote of the tree in the winter season are hid and couered and appeare not for a time at all in the braunches Euen so the common gifts and Graces of the holy Ghost may bee lost and extinguished but the giftes proper to the Elect cannot they may indeed be diminished
conceiue whatsoeuer might be seene in him which the same representeth Euen so the Image of God must through the same likenesse set before our senses a certain vnderstanding of the knowledge of God Gene. 1.26 27. 2.7 5.1 The Incommunicable properties of the Godhead AS the soule of man is wholly in the head and wholly in the feete yea wholly in euery part and yet the soule cannot bee said to vse reason in the feete or in any other part but onely in the head Euen so though all the persons of the Godhead bee one and the same essence yet doo they really differ each from other in regard of the peculiar maner of subsisting and therefore mans nature may bee assumed of the second person and not assumed either of the Father or of the holy Ghost Iustice. 1 AS the roote of a tree being vtterly rotten the boughs cannot bud and flourish nor bring foorth pleasaunt fruites in their due time So Iustice being violated it cannot be that peace can flourish and bring forth so plentifull fruites as shee is wont to doo 2 As the Image of Nabuchadnezzar although it had an head of fine Gold yet it fell and was broken all to peeces because it had feete of clay which beeing touched with a stone ouerthrew the whole inuention So Iustice many times falleth to the ground because although the Princes which are rightly called the heads of their countries be very excellent Iusticers and many as it were of the purest and finest Gold of vertue yet the ministers of Iustice are earthen and doo bend their hearts and minds to nothing but earth and clay and sometimes with giftes and rewards they are carried euery way for gaine they will sell Iudgement and so breake the necke of Iustice Dan. 2.32 33. 3 As there is no assurance of faire weather vntill the skie be cleare from cloudes So there can be in no Common-wealth a grounded peace and prosperitie where there is not informers to finde out offences as well as Magistrates to punish offenders 4 As a Physition cannot see euery secret griefe but vppon reuealement may applie a curable medicine for a hidden disease So many can discouer a mischiefe which the magistrate seeth not but the Magistrate alone must remedie the same No sound Iudgement can be giuen of a man vntill he be throughly tryed AS a Wall all whited on the out-side is not easily perceiued whether it bee made of stone or of clay vnlesse it bee smitten and tried with a mallet or some other instrument So a man garnished outwardly with good things to see too is not by and by Iudged and presently discerned whether hee be a man of patience of charitie and other vertues vnlesse he be first smitten and tried with the mallet or beetle of obloquies slaunders afflictions troubles and temptations Inuentions of men AS hey wood and stubble put to the fire are brought to suddaine consuming So the Inuentions of men not stablished by the word of God cannot beare the tryall of the holy Ghost but they by and by fall away and perish 1. Cor. 3.12 13. Inconstant men 1 EVen as the delicate Ballance of a Gold-smith is mooued with euerie little weight so that with one graine laide vpon it it falleth downward So with euerie thing whether it be luckie or vnfortunate we are wont to bee greatly mooued and doo suddainly chaunge our purposes Sometime wee exceed in mirth and by and by wee are ouerwhelmed with sorrow we are euen now praysing men to the skies and presently wee hurle them downe from heauen with our tongues and thrust them into hell We loue men and hate them we saue men and kil them all with one breath now wee choose vertue and by and by vice 2 As the Camelion chaungeth his colour according to the thing whereupon he sitteth So we likewise at euerie temptation doo chaunge our mindes and are driuen from our purposes and determinations and our wicked lusts and vngracious thoughts of our harts doo force and driue vs euen whither they will 3 As the Camelion will bee chaunged into any colour saue white So an Inconstant man is most apt and prone to all kind of vice but to no vertue The Ioy of t●e elect 1 AS the people reioyced exceedingly when Saloman was crowned King Euen so much more shall the Ioy of the elect bee when they shall see Christ the true Salomon crowned with glorie in the kingdome of heauen 1. King 1.40 2 As the wise men which came from the East to worship Christ when they sawe the starre standing ouer the place where the Babe was were exceeding glad So likewise much more shall the Elect reioyce when they shall see Christ not lying in a Manger but crowned with Immortall glorie in the kingdome of heauen Math. 2.1.9 10. The Ioyes of heauen endlesse LIke as if the whole world were a Sea and that euerie thousand yeares expired a Bird must carrie away or drinke vp one onely drop of it in processe of time it will come to passe that this Sea though verie huge shall bee dried vp but yet many thousand millions of yeares must be passed before this can bee done So likewise if a man should Enioy happinesse in heauen onely for the space of time in which the Sea is in drying vp he would thinke his case most happie and blessed but behold the Elect shall enioy the kingdome of heauen not onely for that time but when it is ended they shal enioy it as long againe and when all is done they shall bee as farre from the ending of this their Ioy as they were at the beginning The generall day of Iudgement 1 AS the Husbandman diggeth vp all vnfruitfull trees pareth off all rotten boughes weedeth out Cockle and Tares and casteth them into the fire Euen so God will serue them that he shall find emptie of good workes and without Oyle in their Lampes Math. 25.1 2. c. 2 As the Husbandman appointeth his seruant to purge his floure and with the Fan hee separateth the good seede from the chaffe Euen so God shall send his Angels to hi● floure that is into this world they shall carrie the good seede to wit the faithfull into euerlasting barnes but the chaffe and drosse that is the vngodly shall be throwne into a Furnace of fire where shall be wayling and gnashing of teeth Illumination by Christ. 1 AS the lights of heauen which wee see placed in the firmament for signes and to distinguish times daies and yeares doo giue light vnto them which are on earth So Christ doth Illuminate his Church and giueth watch-words by his precepts whereby it may knowe how to flie from the anger to come 2 As the eyes of our body are not alwayes Illuminated of the Sunne alike but the higher and nearer they come to it the more they perceiue the force of the brightnesse and heate thereof Euen so our soules the higher and nearer they approach to Christ the more clearely
Isarel that were their brethren and gaue an outward profession of the name of God with them were the greatest and most daungerous So likewise among the enemies that Syon Gods Church hath the most vehement and bitter are the false hearted and counterfeited Israelites carnall Protestants Papists heretickes and other prophane men 2 As one enemie within the Citie is more daungerous then ten without Euen so carelesse Professors and prophane men as they haue most power to hurt so are they furiously enraged against the truth of the wayes of God and being set on fire to remaine in their sinne euen sell themselues to worke wickednesse Persecutors are often giuen ouer themselues AS God in great mercie stayeth the rage of our enemies that they cannot so spoyle and make waste of the bodies and liues of the godly minded and such as daily labour and profit in true feare of God as is like they would So yet they remaine themselues euen men vowed and giuen ouer to the wil of Sathan hauing their harts set on those things that are euill and their feete swiftest to commit sinne Prou. 1.16 The three Persons coequall in eternitie AS fire is not before heate and light no more is the Father before the Sonne and the holy Ghost Against Prayer for the dead AS they that are departed out of this life bee past our Prayers being either in ioy or misery Euen so we hauing no word of God whereupon faith leaneth to Pray for the dead cannot but sinne in doing it and that we do it not of faith Rom. 14.23 2. Cor. 5.10 Ioh. 3.18 The godly profit much by cruell Persecutions AS a man much mooued with anger and through indignation and wrath intending to kill his brother should throw at him precious stones goodly Pearles and rich Iewels should not damnifie nor hurt his brother because hee would gather them vp keepe them and inrich himselfe with them Euen so tyrants disposed to kill and with fire and sword to put to death the Saints and true seruants of God which doo excell in true pietie and vnfained loue to God and man doo Persecute and torment them with diuers sorts and sundrie kindes of true martyrdome of which things the children of God are glad and doo reioyce and grow stronger and richer in Christ and being throughly armed with a godly patience they doo take and beare Persecutions most quietly for Gods sake without murmuring or grudging euen as their crosse wherwith most willingly they follow their Lord and Sauiour Christ and doo account such tortures inestimable riches and themselues happie that they be thought worthie to suffer such things for the truth sake and in the Lords quarrell Act. 5.41 Peace and vnitie of the Church AS in a true perfect and certaine Clocke the wheeles beeing tempered and in equall and due proportion diuided do performe their courses and doo keepe their seuerall compasses without iarring or differing one from an other euenly and alike so that one mouing the others are mooued and one standing the rest are still and stirre not so that though they bee many in number in forme fashion and agreement they are but one Euen so in a Christian Common-wealth and Church there ought to be one and the selfesame will and so great a concord and likenesse of minds reconciled and drawne together with the infringible band of sincere loue in Christ that though in bodies they be infinite innumerable yet in vnanimitie consent and good agreement in the Lord Iesu they should be all as one man Psal 133.1 Luk. 1.79 Ephe. 4.3 Rom. 14.17 Promises made to particular persons appertaine to their successors LIke as what league truth or Promises of fauour soeuer is made to any King in the same is his kingdome contained and his subiects are also partakers of the same So the Promises made to Abraham Isaac Iacob and Dauid belong not to them onely but to their children also their successors heires people and subiects Amo. 9. Physicke commendable 1 AS pure Corral will receiue no colouring Or as pure Ciuet will neuer leese his fauour Euen so Physicke is so exquisitely excellent that it need not haue any counterfeit helpe and the Physitions haue their commission so lawfull that they cannot bee condemned nor iustly disdained 2 As it is to bee prooued by Gods word damnable sinne for a man to kill himselfe with fire water sword or such like So likewise it is sinne for a man to destroy himselfe in not seeking after Physitions and Chirurgions when time and opportunitie is offered for recouerie It is our dutie to be present at publike Prayer LIke as when a whole Burgesses of a Citie doo come before their Prince and with one voice craue pardon for some offence or beg some grace or fauour the Prince will bee more mooued then if they being absent some one man should speake for the whole Euen so when the whole Church assemble together dooth with heart and mind in presence of God accompanie the Prayers which the Preacher as the mouth of the congregation powreth foorth let them be assured that those Prayers doo penetrate the heauens and that God is mooued to heare them Matth. 18.19.20 Act. 16.13 21.5 Zacha. 8.21 Psal 65.2 Ioel 2.15 The dutie of the Poore AS the prodigall childe hauing goods in the wasting of them gaue himselfe to the worlde and the flesh but hauing fallen into pouertie thought vpon his fathers house and returned thereto So should the discommodities and wants which the Poore doo finde in their estates loosen their harts from the earth and cause them to aspire to the house of their heauenly Father where they shal enioy all spirituall and euerlasting treasures Luk. 15.12 c. Iam. 2.5 1. Cor. 4.11 Hebr. 11.24 25. The dutie of Pastors and Ministers 1 AS they which shall be saued by the Ministerie of Pastors shall be their crowne and ioy in the day of the Lord and they which shall win most to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer So contrariwise the bloud of such as shall perish through the negligence of Pastors shall be required at their hands Phil. 4.1 Dan. 13.3 Ezech. 3.17 Hebr. 13.17 2 As he is knowne to be a Taylor that cutteth out and soweth garments he a Shoe-maker that maketh shoes he a Phisition that imployeth himselfe in curing of sicknesses and so of others Euen so likewise is a Pastor and a Minister knowne in that he preacheth and teacheth the word of God 1. Tim. 4.16 1. Pet. 5.2 Mar. 16.15 2. Tim. 4.1 1. Cor. 9.6 Math. 28.19 20. Ier. 1.6 c. 3.15 3 As the Phisition who ordeineth a potion which in stead of health procureth death is not a Phisition but a murtherer Euen so is it with the Pastors that do preach lyes in stead of truth Ezech. 22.27 28. Iere. 25. toto 4 As a Housholder cutteth out bread at meale times to his children So in like manner a faithfull Pastor must be apt and fit to teach and
3 As in fishing when the fishes bee deceiued with the baite haue the Hookes in their mouths men draw them and make them follow whither so euer please them Euen so God withdraweth mightie Tyrantes from executing their deuises and from obtaining their enterprises Threatnings AS sometimes it thundreth without lightning which thunder bringeth most terrour but voide of all daunger So the Threatnings of some doo appeare terrible yet are they voide of all trouble and hurt Esay 37.29 Trade of life 1 AS the Oxe is most apt for the plough the Horse for the carte and the hound for hunting So ought men to chuse that occupation and Trade of life wherunto by nature they are most apt 2 As he which hath no house of his owne wandereth here and there So he which followeth no certaine Trade of life must foolishly assay many sorts and chaunces Thoughts LIke as the Lord requireth an account of euerie idle word Euen so he requireth tribute of wicked lusts Thoughts arrayneth them keepeth a court for them and setteth fines and mercements vppon the heads of them Math. 12.36 Rom. 7.7 Iam. 1.15 Math. 9.4 Temperate LIke as it is in vaine to shut the outter Gates of a Citie if but one bee left open whereat the enemie may enter So it is not enough to bee Temperate in other things that is to haue a firme and moderate gouernment of reason against vicious affections of the mind if we set open our eares vnto ribauldrie and filthie talke Tongue 1 AS ryuers be compassed with banks least they should flow ouer So ought our Tongue to be walled with reason least it should be ouer busie in babling Iam. 3.2 c. 1. Pet. 3.10 2 As beasts and birds by mans industrie are tame Euen so contrariwise the Tongue of man is so vnruely that no man can tame it Iam. 3.7 8. 3 As a very little fire kindleth neuer so great a heape of matter apt to be kindled Euen so the Tongue setteth the whole course of nature on fire is kinled it selfe of hell Iam. 3.5 6. 4 As a sharpe Rasour with the least touch that can be shaueth and cutteth So dooth also the Tongue of a mischieuous lying man Psal 52.2 5 As a Ship though neuer so great and huge is turned about with a verie small Rudder Euen so the Tongue though it be a small member oftentimes ouer-ruleth the whole bodie and setteth it out of course Iam. 3.4 6 As it is vnpossible that a Figge-tree should be able to bring forth Oliues or a Vine Figges So it cannot be that that Tongue which is giuen to euil speaking and slaundering should be able to bring foorth any good thing not defiled with the venim of the Tongue and the heart Iam. 3.11 12. 7 As Fire Chaffe and Stubble being added vnto it or any thing apt to burne will burne it cleane vp yea if Townes if Cities yea the whole world be added therto it will burne them vp all So likewise if words be added to the Tongue then backbiting slaundering swearing lying c. it will at the last set whole Kingdomes on fire Talke 1 AS the Musitian with the soft striking of strings doth please vs So the Talke that is gentle dooth sooner perswade then that which is rigorous and extreame 2 As the East wind is accounted neither good for man nor beast Euen so Talke and words that profit not are not wont to proceed from the wise Iob. 15.2 3. 3 As the sauour of stinking carrion is noysom to them that smel it So is the speech of fooles tedious to wise men that heare it 4 As a Vessell is knowne by the sound whether it be whole or broken So are men prooued by their speech whether they be wise or foolish Two natures in the personall vnion of Christ LIke as in that one person of Christ there be Two natures So there is a dubble will working wisedome strength power vertue c. the one heauenly and not created the other humane and created Luk. 2.52 Mar. 11.13 13.32 1. Iohn 2.1 17. Iohn 2.25 6.64 5.20 Heb. 1.9 Iohn 1.33 4.6 Heb. 1.3 Iohn 2.19 10.18 Testimonie of the spirit in the elect AS Marchants being desirous to sell their wares are content to let the buyer see handle and sometimes also taste of the same thereby to induce them to buy Euen so God Almightie willing as it were to sell vs the ioyes of heauen is content to impart a certaine taste before hand to such as he seeth are willing to buy thereby to make them come off roundly with the price and not to sticke in paying so much as he requireth False Teachers AS emptie Cloudes which boast of raine but yet haue none are blowne away with the winde Euen so false and vntrue Teachers who bragge of great things yet they bring not that which they boast off 2. Pet. 2.17 Hose 13.3 Iude. ver 12. Trouble of conscience 1 AS the Angel did say that ther shal be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shal there be any more paine So after that we are at peace with God it is most true that there shal be no more Trouble of conscience Reue. 21.14 2 As it is a chiefe point of worldly wisedome not to tarrie for the vse of phisicke vntill we be deadly sicke but to be acquainted with Gods merciful preseruation to defend vs from it So likewise it is a chiefe pollicie of a good Christian not onely to seeke comfort when the agonie and Trouble of Conscience is vpon him but also to vse all good helpes to meet with it before it comes 3 Like as we condemne them of folly who will not as well labour to keep themselues out of debt as also to pay the debt when they owe it So likewise it is a madnesse not to be circumspect to auoyd all occasions which may bring Trouble of minde or Conscience vpon them As also they would be prouident to enter euery good way which may drawe them out of this Trouble when they haue once entered into it Types of truth AS the Rauen was a figure of the Lawe of God which threatned al sinners So the floud was a reuengement sent from Almightie God vpon all offenders Gene. 8.6 c. Trinitie LIke as if three Kings equall in dignitie should meete all in one place being equall also in power and maiestie if all three should sit downe though one be no better then an other yet one of them must needs sit downe the first and another in the second place and then the third but yet we cannot say that he which sat downe first is the chiefest So it is in the Trinitie though none be greater or aboue another yet the Father is in the first place not because he is before the Sonne or the holy Ghost in dignitie or honour but because hee is the fountaine of the Deitie the Sonne being from him and the holy Ghost from them both 2
it but if the mother put wormewood or mustard vpon the breast the child sucking it and feeling the bitternesse he quite forsaketh it without sucking any more Euen so though Gods Preachers preach vnto vs and exhort vs to forsake the corrupt milke of the world and of the flesh yet we seeme deafe still and are alwayes backward vntill God put vpon these cursed teates the mustard and worme-wood of afflictions to weane vs. 50 Like as when we see the Carpenters strike with their axes vpon pieces of wood to square it or plane it and Masons to polish stones with the strokes of an hammer wee gather that these are stones and timber which the maister would imploy to some building Euen so let vs conclude of our selues that if God list vp vpon vs the axes and hammers of Afflictions to polish vs it is a manifest and sure testimonie that he hath chosen vs to put in the building of his temple and that so we are his children both well beloued and happie Heb. 12.6 1. Pet. 4.17 51 As he that despiseth the word and Sacraments despiseth them not onely but the Lord who is the author of them Euen so he that cannot away with Afflictions and temptations eyther of body or minde but counteth them miserable and not to be suffered despiseth them not only but the Lord himself who hath appointed them as means to work in vs that excellent vertue of patience Iam. 11.2.3 52 As the Goldsmith knoweth how much drosse hee hath and how much cleane and fine gold by the trying of it in the fire Euen so we shall know what portion of faith the Lorde hath giuen to vs by Afflictions and troubles and what drosse and imperfections remaine in vs as infidelitie which when we know perfectly we must learn by the word of God and so heartily and earnestly pray him to redresse it 53 As Myrrhe doth keepe mens bodies from corrupting and preserueth them from putrifaction and rottennesse Euen so it is most true in the children of God that Afflictions and calamities taken borne patiently do profit preuaile much to keepe their soules from the corruption and canker of greeuous euils Iohn 16.20.21 2. Cor. 1.8 Reue. 7.14 54 Euen as a bitter potion is not said to be vnprofitable nor without hope when health soundnes doth follow althogh it be exceeding bitter to him that taketh it so sharp and pinching Afflictions troubles and calamities wherewith the Lord doth exercise his children now and then are not to be counted idle and in vaine when some peace of conscience and comfort vnto our soules do follow that when the iustice of God is seene many may be amended and the faith and patience of many may be tried For nothing is more auaileable for the aduancing of the praise and commendation of true vertue then calamitie it selfe taken and borne patiently for Christs sake 55 As the intangled bird cannot escape out of the net that cōpasseth her euē so no more can we wind our selues out of those Afflictions that God layeth vpon vs. Lament 1.13 56 Like as a man that hath two sonnes the one an earnest louer of vertue strong in body and of a mightie courage the other depraued and of crooked disposition enclined to effeminate pleasures wanton delights weak in body and of litle or no courage the first he sendeth out to wars and doth aduenture him in perils and dangers of all sorts that he may exercise acquaint him with the labors troubles toiles of the world the other he cockereth and maketh too much of him hee suffereth him to haue all things at his will he is kept at home and as it were dandled vpon his mothers lap but at the last he that in all his affaires and dangerous aduentures did in euerie point quite himselfe like a man of great valor and noble courage receiued togither with great praise and deserued honour a most high and noble reward but hee that was pampered and cockered at home had neither praise reward nor honor Euen so our heauenly father doth lead men that are strōg and constant in faith through diuers and sundrie perils and dangers doth draw them as it were with his owne hand throgh bitter anguishes great perplexities and narrow sleights of calamities miseries and temptations and doth continually exercise them with fearefull combats against the enemies of their soules and through many and great labours infinite sturdie stormes and bitter blasts doth strengthen and confirme them in vertue and godlynesse but the fraile and wicked men of the world such as are meere naturall without any delight or comfort in his word and are no whit seasoned nor cheared with the dewes of his grace and his most blessed spirit he permitteth them to be in great prosperitie and to haue all things at their will and pleasure without smarting sighing sobing and groning for want or lack of any thing that their hearts can deuise or desire but at the length in the end of the day they that haue striuen hard and fought manfully and haue in battell ouercome the flesh the world and the diuell shall be receiued into endlesse saluation euerlasting life eternal glorie they which haue laid downe their heads and slept in the bosomes of worldly pleasures and haue slumbred in foule and filthy idlenesse neuer caring nor thinking what will follow nor remembring the dreadfull day of iudgement when the wicked shall heare their damnation denounced by Christ they then shall bee vtterly condemned reprobated and cast into euerlasting and endlesse miseries Then shall most plainely bee seene and felt the losse that fleshly pleasures bring and the profit of Afflictions and crosses carried and borne for our Sauiour Christ his sake 57 As Wheate or other corne and graine laid vp and kept in a garner seller or chamber if it be not stirred and dressed with a shouel or fan will be full of corruption lose the sweete sauour wax vnwholesome for mans body and will be consumed of weeuelles Or as apparell orgarments being laid close vp in a presse or other place if they bee not much shaken beaten and tossed will be eaten and spoyled with moathes Euen so Christians if they be not tried with temptatious throghly exercised with calamities miseries wil be very quickly mōstrously corrupted and wil grow to be so rotten in all maner of sin and iniquitie that they will shrinke fall quite from the Lord but being wel proued canuased and throghly tried with many crosses afflictions troubles one following in the necke of an other they become the firmer stronger and more constant in the faith fear and loue of ●od and so manfully fighting couragiously ouercomming the aduersaries and enemies of their soules they shall at the length be crowned with an euerlasting crowne of eternall glorie 2. Timo. 2.3.5 1. Cor. 10.13 58 As a father giueth vnto his sonne whom hee loueth dearely a breast-plate or stomacher verie costly and
to whom it were sent wold not take it but refuse it despitefully or contemne it the man that sent it might well thinke he had contemned and disdained him and not his gift or present but what might hee thinke if hee should cast it into the dyrt and trample it vnder his feete Therefore if hee did as hee ought to do he should consider when he receiued the token the minde and good will of his friend that sent or gaue it and according therevnto to esteeme and receiue it So likewise if we do as we ought to do in beeing partakers of these holy Mysteries we should rather consider the minde and good will of our louer Christ then the Bread and Wine which we see yea if we do not altogither consider Christes minde and purpose in this behalfe we deale vnhonestly and strump● like with him For it is the propertie of Strumpets to consider the things giuen and sent them rather then the good will and minde of the giuer and sender whereof the true louers doo not consider in any point the value of the things giuen or sent but the minde and good will of the partie So we if we be true Louers of Christ must not consider barely the outward things as the Bread and Wine which wee see and our senses perceiue but rather altogither wee must viewe and consider the minde of Christ and therafter and according to it to esteeme and account of the same 4 Like as if a wilfull and rebellious subiect should no more esteeme or regard his Princes seale then other common wax or haue it in no greater reuerence then the seale of some priuate man it might rightly be said that hee maketh no difference of his Princes person that is to say that he doth no more esteeme him then hee doth other men yet it needeth not that the Kings person bee there really present So when we come to the Lordes table if we take vnreuerently the misticall Bread and Wine as other common meates appointed for the bellie then make wee no difference of the Lordes Body wee doo not esteeme the worthinesse price and vertue of it which in the holy Mysteries is so freely and so liberally offered vnto vs. And therefore if we receiue this Sacrament vnreuerently not considering who is the Author of it nor who it is that offereth himselfe so mercifully and louingly vnto vs it is no maruell therefore that the holy Apostle saith that we are guiltie of the Body and bloud of the Lord that is to say that we are before the seate of Almightie God because of our vnthankfulnesse and vnreuerent handling of the holy Mysteries counted as guiltie as if wee had slaine the Body of the onely begotten sonne of GOD and shead his most precious bloud vpon the Crosse Or it is no maruell that in stead of grace in stead of forgiuegesse of our sinnes and of life euerlasting wee doo eate and drinke our owne damnation And yet it followeth not that the Body and bloud of Christ be really present there in the Sacrament Christes naturall and immortall Body can be but in one place at once and not in many places 1 LIke as the Soule of man vnited to his Body cannot be a Body because it is a spirit Euen so the like is of the Body and of the Soule of Iesus Christ and of his diuine and humaine nature of the which euerie one of them holdeth so continually his properties that the one cannot be that the other is For albeit that they be vnited together by personall vnion yet for all they remaine alway distinct in their vnitie according to their properties and not confused in such sort that the one cannot be the other wherefore wee may not say at all that the Diuinitie is the humanitie or that the humanitie is the Diuinitie nor that the one is conuerted into the other For if there were such a conuersion they should no more be that which they are but should bee chaunged into other natures which thing cannot be For God can neuer bee but God Wherefore hee cannot be conuerted into man but he may vnite man to himselfe as he hath done in the person of his Sonne Iesus Christ Likewise man cannot bee conuerted into God for so much as he is a creature and that God which is the Creator of all cannot bee created but is without beginning as hee is without end and infinite the which thing cannot agree with any creature From whence it followeth that the Gods which are created are no Gods at all but are onely creatures or else vaine illusions or imaginations And as the substance of GOD cannot bee conuerted into that of man nor that of man into that of God for otherwise God should not be God nor man should not be man at all Euen so neither the one nor the other may be without his conuenient and naturall properties belonging to the diuine nature it is no more diuine nature but humaine In like sort if the Sacramentall signes of the Body and bloud of Iesus Christ haue the naturall properties which do belong to the Bread and to the Wine as they haue indeed if they haue their qualities and accidents and these same effects they are not then really and substancially the Body and bloud of him but Bread and Wine remaining alwaies in their substance with their accidents 2 As the bodie of the Sunne and light of it are so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other yet it followeth not that wheresoeuer the light of the Sunne is there the body of the Sunne must be also For as the Sunne being still in the Element according to the order that God hath appointed among vs his creatures doth wtth his light refresh comfort and quicken all things here vpon earth So our Sauiour Christ Iesus who is the true Sonne of righteousnesse being still vntill the time that God hath appointed on the right hand of his Father touching his manhood that is to say aboue in heauen in the place of beatitude felicitie and ioy raigning there with the Father in equall glorie and maiestie doth continually assist aide and comfort his Church by his holy spirit being alwaies present with his elect and chosen by his diuine Maiestie prouidence and inuisible grace whom hee doth not cease through his almightie power the spirit being the worker of it to feede still with the wholsome foode of his most precious flesh and bloud Now as it were most noysome and hurtfull vnto all the whole earth if we had here belowe the Body of the Sunne so is it not expedient that the Church and Congregation of the faithful should haue Christ still present here touching his humanitie and manhood For so he saith Iohn 16.7 3 As no man can denie but that the eye and the sight of it be so ioyntly and inseperably ioyned together that as long as the eye is whole and sound the one cannot be seperated from the other yet
may not controll his Creator AS it is vnreasonable for a peece of clay to challendge the Potter for the forme shape or vse that it is made for Euen so it is an intollerable presumption of man to reason against his maker for the end that he is made for whether it be honour or dishonour Iob. 10.9 Psal 103.14 Rom. 9.20 21. Esa 64.8 The wonderfull Chaunge of Christians AS it is a great miracle for a dead man to be raised again So likewise is the chaunge that Christ hath made in those that be his wonderfull 1. Pet. 4.6 Christians in great miserie if God forsake them AS women traueyling in childe-birth and haue not strength to bring foorth their fruite are in great miserie So likewise are the Children of God in great distresse in the dayes of trouble and affliction if God leaue them and forsake them therein Esay 37.3 Contentious Spirits are daungerous AS we are to take heed of Dogges when they are fighting and brawling for a bone that we be not too busie in kicking them least we be caught by the shinnes Euen so are we to take great heede of such as be vnquiet troublesome spirits that are readie to wrangle and disquiet the Church about euery trifle Phil. 3.2 Christ the appointed Reconciler LIke as there was a certaine person by whom sinne entered into the world and by sinne death and so became as it were the cause and foundation of falling away from God and entering into league with the diuell So also must there be a certaine person appointed of God that might be the foundation cause of Reconciliation and of neuer breaking the same coniunction with God the fountaine of all happinesse Custome an other nature AS impossible as it is for a Black-moore to cast away his skinne and to become white and for a Leopard to put away his spots So impossible it is for them that noosell themselues and accustome themselues continually with euill doing to chaunge their custome and to endeuour to do well Iere. 13.23 Christians are to pray chiefly for spirituall graces AS Achsha begged of Caleb her Father a blessing to her dowrie and springs of water to her drie soyle So must all Christians intreate Almightie God to giue them the grace of his holy spirit with the gift of his heauenly Word that they may pay vnto him the tribute of honour Iosu 15.19 The benummed Conscience is senselesse of spirituall graces AS the sicke man lying vpon his bed is not able to go to the Phisition to seeke for his health but the Phisition is to be intreated to come to minister to him Euen so such people as are ignorant and sicke of sinne vnto death are not able to go to the spirituall Phisition the Preacher or haue any minde so to do because they neither vnderstand their disease nor the daunger they be in nor yet feele the griefe thereof so that oftentimes when the godly Preacher commeth vnto them and ministreth wholesome medicines and consolations yet are they not able to receiue the same Ephe. 2.12 2. Tim. 2.25 26. Good Counsell not to be refused of the wisest LIke as they that are giuen to gather wealth although they haue great store of wealth at home yet if Golde and Siluer be brought to them from other places they do not refuse it and the richer they be the more they desire So wise Magistrates whose treasure is to consist rather in the wisedome and faithfulnesse of good men then in the hugest masse of money that can be though they be most wise and rich that way yet they ought not to refuse the wise aduise of any but be willing glad to heare it whose soeuer it be Affectionate Admonitions vnfruitfull LIke as he that obserueth the wind shall neuer sowe So likewise they which haue an eye alwayes vnto the affections of men and will know what entertainment their admonitions and reproofe shall haue before they wil bestow them can neuer profit thereby for that in so doing they seeke rather to please men and feede their humours then that God should haue his glory increased thereby Prea 11.4 Gal. 4.10 Christ comforteth his AS the Raine maketh the new mowne grasse freshly to spring againe and showers so comfort the earth that it yeeldeth the fruites therof Euen so shall Christ refresh foster nourish and cherish his people Psal 72.6 Christ a sure Rocke AS hee that setteth the foundation of his house vpon a firme Rocke may be sure that the foundation shall be ●ble to beare the weight of that which shall be set vpon ●t and that no raine or flood shall wash it away So hee that buildeth his faith vpon Christ as hee is set out and preached vnto vs in the Gospell shall bee sure that hell gates that is al the power force and cunning of the diuel shall neuer be able to preuaile against him Math. 7.24.25 Mat. 16.18 The compleat armour of Christians 1 AS a Souldier if hee be not shod but barefooted shall quickly bee surbatted and vnable to trauaile Euen so a Christian not hauing the Gospel of peace cannot endure Ephe. 2 As it is an absurditie for a Souldier to put himselfe into the field naked without armour and weapon as well to strike the enemie as to defend himselfe So also is it alwaies necessarie for a Christian to be armed at all points especially to haue the shield of faith the helmet of saluauation the sword of the spirite which is the word of God Christian freedome AS seruants when they haue serued a time chaunge their maisters and are maisterlesse or serue others Euen so Christians are to remember that their condition is so vnstable and vncertaine in the Church of God except they haue the spirit of freedome namely the spirite of adoption of children and so by Christ and in Christ bee truely made free Ioh. 8.35.36 Christ our graund Captaine AS souldiers are to resort to their standard So faithfull Christians are appointed to flocke to Christ Esay 11.11.12 Contemners of the truth 1 AS Swine will moozell vp and downe in the mire whatsoeuer precious thing shall be offered them So wicked contemners and despisers of the word doe as it were treade vnder their feete whatsoeuer promise is offered or in iudgement threatned to them out of the word 2 As they which are displeased with all things that profit them not Or as a deafe man who seeing the lippes of speakers to moue thinketh them too lauish of their tongues Or as a blind man which groping by the walles and windowes of a faire house doth find fault with the windowes because they are not so smooth as the walles Euen so such are they that find fault with the Scriptures because they shew as well the spots as the beautie the vice as the vertue Math. 7.6 Comfort from Gods spirit AS water refresheth the thirstie and as floudes doo moysten the drie land and make it fruitfull so God by his spirite reioyceth
Christ the greater glorie and gaue Sathan the greater shame Christ suffered and died as he was man AS the precious stone called the Carbuncle to see too is like an hotte burning cole of fire shining exceeding brightly the which feeleth no fire neither is it molten chaunged or mollified therewith If thou shalt take it and close it fast in a ring of lead and cast it into the fire thou shalt see the lead molten and consumed before thy face but the Carbuncle remaining sound and perfect without blemish as before for the fire worketh vpon the leade but vpon the Carbuncle it cannot worke Euen so Christ our Sauiour being in the hotte scorching fire of his torments suffered and died as hee was man but as hee was GOD hee neither suffered nor died the fire of his afflictions wrought then vpon his manhood but his diuinitie and godhead continued perfect and vtterly vntouched The Crosse maketh peace AS in a ciuell gouernment and common-wealth nothing is more occasion of war then ouermuch peace So in the Church and among Ministers of the Church as nothing is more pernicious then too much quietnesse so nothing more ceaseth priuate contentions oftentimes arising amongst them thē the publike Crosse of persecution The personall vnion of Christ. AS a certaine soule beeing ioyned to a certaine body maketh one certaine person as Peter Paul Iohn So the eternall word of the Father tooke vnto it that flesh of the virgine that is to say made the same so proper vnto it selfe that from hence commeth and proceedeth that person which is called Christ Christ the resurrection and life 1 LIke as in a perfect body when the head hath sense and motion the hand that is of the same body hath also sense motion conuenient for it So likewise Christ being the resurrection and the life as there is spirituall life in him so euery member of his shall feele in it selfe spiritual sense and motion whereby it is raised vp from sinne and liueth vnto God Ioh. 5.25 6.63 2 As the Burgesse of a Towne in the Parliament house beareth the person of the whole Towne and whatsoeuer he saith that the whole Towne saith and whatsoeuer is done to him is also done to al the towne So Christ vpon the Crosse stood in our place and bare our person and what he suffered wee suffered and when he died all the faithfull died in him and so likewise as hee is risen againe so are all the faithfull risen in him 3 As Christ by the merite of his death wipeth out our iniquities and by his bloud clenseth our consciences from all mortall sinne So in like manner by his resurrection from death he declareth himselfe to be righteous and in all respectes perfectly pure according to the law of God Rom 4.25 Psal 16.16 Christ hath prepared a place for vs in heauen LIke as if a man were assured that there were made for him a great purchase in Spaine or Turkie so as if he would but come thither hee might enioy it he would not forbeare to aduenture the daungers of the Sea and of his enemies also if need were that so hee might come to his owne Euen so seeing that Christ Iesus hath made a purchase for vs in heauen and there is nothing required of vs but that we will come and enioy it wee ought to refuse no paines or feare in the way but carefully to striue to get in Luk. 13.14 Christ our Intercessour LIke as he that would know whether the sunne shine in the firmament must not clime vp into the cloudes to looke but search for the beames thereof vpon the earth which when he sees he may conclude that the sun shines in the firmament Euen so if wee would know whether Christ in heauen make intercession for vs let vs ransacke our owne consciences and there make search whether we feele the spirit of Christ crying in vs Abba Father As for those that neuer feele this worke of Gods spirite in them their case is miserable whatsoeuer they be Rom. 8.26 Calamitie EVen as a cloud darkneth the ayre and couereth the sunne So Calamitie and miserie maketh cloudie the mind of man taking from him all his ioy it leaueth him bare and naked without comfort and full of sorrow 2 Like as lightnings do smite whatsoeuer they find in the earth except the Lawrel tree as Plinie affirmeth Euen so great Calamitie is able to take away and to ouerthrow whatsoeuer is in man or that hee hath saue onely firme and constant vertue for constant vertue is a goodly Lawrell tree euer flourishing and greene and will not be consumed burnt vp nor destroyed with any fire that breaketh out of the cloudes be it neuer so fierce nor with any violence of torments and troubles whatsoeuer Rude and wanton Children LIke as when any are stinged with the poyson-ful sting of Serpents foorthwith they labour for remedie against the same least the wound rot and put them to further annoyance Euen so such Children as bee infected and diseased with wanton Idlenesse being also destitute of good maners and learning must be sent to the schoole to be cured of their maister with the rodde of correction and vertuous education False Christians LIke as among a great sort which are striken with extreame sickenesse and diseases some doo alwayes scape as it pleaseth God So it is to be hoped that among an infinite number of false Christans God will touch some to bring them backe from the filthinesse and corruptions of the worlde and to leade them to the fearing of himselfe It is impossible to know who is a true Christian before he die LIke as in a ground sowed with diuers seedes no man can certainly knowe some seede from an other which shall bring forth fruite and which shall not yea though it haue alreadie put foorth yea and that more is though it be eared Euen so no one man can know an other man throughly to bee a Christian which is the greatest felicitie that is before the end of his race because no man is to bee counted happie before his deathes day by reason of many miseries and calamities which may befall him Christ the cause of our resurrection and life 1 AS the first Adam was the roote of all mankind and he conuyed sinne by sinne death to all that sprang of him Christ onely excepted So likewise Christ the second Adam which is the roote of all the elect conueyeth life both in body and soule to al that are vnited to him and by the vertue of his resurrection they shall rise againe after this life 2 Like as the power of the Godhead of Christ when ●he was dead in the graue raised his body the third day So also shall the same power of Christ his Godhead conuey it selfe vnto all the faithfull which euen in death remaine vnited vnto him and raise them vp at the last day Why God afflicteth his Children AS a godly and wise Surgeon purposing to cut
body he suffered in his soule the heauie wrath and indignation of his Father and the extreame tortures and torments of hell for a time no lesse then the the reprobates that be there alreadie and no lesse then all we by iust desert should haue suffered for euer if Christ had not done it for vs and yet fewe or none for all this will shead one teare giue one grone or sigh once from the bottome of his heart Christ his goodnesse considered there was neuer any creature dealt so vnkindly with him as man doth AS sometimes it falleth out that a Henne sitteth vpon Ducks egges and with her diligent sitting and the heate of her body she doth hatch and bring them forth and when they be able to follow her she clucks them and after her maner as though they were her naturall Chickens she doth call them about her but they being not of her but the Ducks kinde though by her they haue beene hatched and of her haue receiued life and though shee hath a continuall care to bring them vp and to defend them from such enemies as seeke to deuoure them yet neuerthelesse they will follow and seeke after that wherevnto by nature they are inclined and giuen when shee is scraping and scratching in the earth to finde them foode they will be in the water mire or foule puddle after their kinde she may cluck and walke alone they will not keepe her companie vnlesse perhaps in some daunger when the Kite is readie to catch them for some succour they will flie to her howbeit at the length when she perceiueth them to be vnnatural and vnkinde to her she doth forsake them and giue them ouer Euen so our sweete Sauiour Christ Iesus hauing taken great pains for vs and hauing humbled himselfe euen in the lowest degree of all humilitie that can be named as in comming downe out of his fathers bosome being most perfect most holy and omnipotent God being euery way equall and in nothing interiour to his Father to take our weake fraile and feeble nature vpon him and sinne excepted to haue a perfect feeling of all our miseries infirmities as wearisomnes of body hunger and thirst and such others and besides the induring of these many yeres together hauing suffered a most cruell death and euen at his death vpon the Crosse hauing tasted and taken a full cup of his Fathers furie and indignation which was indeed filled and prepared for vs as a iust reward for our sinnes and should haue beene our owne cup and our owne portion for euer and euer had he not euen then taken and supt it vp to cleare and to free vs from it Againe after all these things hauing still continued his humilitie in suffering death to keepe his bodie three dayes in the graue and euen as it were to treade and trample vpon him and then manger death hell diuell and Iewes hauing risen againe and being ascended and gone vp to his Father where now vntill his comming againe to iudge the quicke and the dead he sitteth at the right hand of maiestie and power He now speaketh and calleth vnto vs by his Prophets Apostles and Ministers and willeth vs to remember what case and estate we were ●n before he died and suffered all these things for vs and he would haue vs to know to be sure and neuer to forget that if he had not suffered death here vpon earth as hee did we should neuer haue found any way or entrance into heauen the celestiall ioyes and pleasures of the Lords saints saluation and eternall life should neuer haue be●onged vnto vs wee should haue had no more to do with them then they that liue without faith and die infidels The horrors of hell and the stinking lakes of vnspeakable shame confusion torments endlesse death and damnation should haue beene our inheritance lot and perpetuall portion Christ therfore doth daily put vs in mind that we be not our owne but his and that we bee the greatest and dearest purchase that euer was made in heauen or in earth and that the like price and cost was neuer bestowed vpon any creatures as vpon vs. When the Angels which were in heauen in the presence of their creator did once offend they were hurled out and cast into hell Christ would not bestow vpon them one pennie of all that great price and rich raunsome which he paied for vs he would not then become man to shed one drop of bloud for them but for our sakes hee spared not one drop but shed all The Hen that himselfe speaketh of was neuer so diligent and carefull to gather her chickings vnder her wings as he hath euer beene most ready to shroude and to protect vs against all the enemies of our soules and bodies Many mothers shal sooner forget the children of their owne wombe and vtterly forsake them before Christ will forsake vs yea he will neuer forget nor forsake vs vnlesse we first forget and forsake him Now therefore wee being his so dearely bought and so truely paid for hee calleth vpon vs euery day he clocketh vs and looketh for vs that we should follow him and treade in such steps as he hath appointed that we should not range at randome but keepe our selues within the hearing of his voice and our liues within the limits of obedience vnto the same these things he looketh for at our hands But we deale with this most kind most louing and most mercifull redeemer and Sauiour of our soules bodies euen so as the vnnatural vnkind Ducks deale with the Hen of whom they haue receiued life they regard not her clucking neither we Christs calling when shee is seeking and prouiding for them on the faire drie and wholesome earth they will bee in some foule water filthie mire or stinking puddle And when the Lord Iesus calleth vs to integritie of life to doo the thing that is iust and right in his owne eye and to speake the truth according to the knowledge of our hearts then will wee with greedinesse pollute our soules and bodies with al wickednes and things that be abominable then will we oppresse our brethren not caring who sinke if our selues swimme then will we not sticke to speake lies euen to Gods owne face And when the Lord calleth and sendeth vs to seeke heauenly things wee presently returne to the foule puds of the world carnal delights and vaine yea vile pleasures So that wee euer take the contrarie way to that which Christ commaundeth Christ calleth for our harts to haue them in truth and sinceritie with all diligence to attend vpon his pleasure and to waite on his will he would haue vs not in part but wholly to giue them vnto him and without the heart hee will receiue and take in good part at our hands and lips nothing But wee on the other side giue nothing lesse to God then our hearts There is nothing that may and cannot commaund our hearts haue them at pleasure sooner
King and saith Come ye blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Then come the Angels who carry them like Lazarus into Abrahams bosome to reioyce for euer with them and with the other holy Fathers Math. 25.21 34. 10 Like as some pleasant companions and merily disposed will often say that God fauoureth a man when he taketh away his wife by Death especially if she be euil and of bad condition So likewise if this be true we may safely say that God bestoweth a maruellous grace vpon vs and doth vs the greatest pleasure that may be when as by Death he deliuereth vs frō our flesh which is the most treacherous and disloyal wife that can be and which doth so torment the poore m●nd with whom she is married that she vexeth disquieteth her silly husband with the greatest and most intollerable griefe that may be 11 As we see in the seasons of the year that from the beginning to the end they are appointed of God that in such sort that all the mē in the world thogh they shuld imploy all their whole force counsels and endeuours to the contrarie were not able to alter them Euen so likewise may we be assured that our liues are so limited and bounded by God that neither king nor Prince power nor Potentate can any manner of wayes shorten or prolong them Yea and that which may wonderfully comfort vs so often as we remember it that God doth oftentimes prolong our dayes by the meanes of wicked tyrants which would cut them off by Death As Moses and Daniel were Exod. 2.2.3 c. Dan. 3. toto 6.5 c. 12 As the brazen Serpent was so far from hurting the Israelites that contrariwise it healed them So after the same sort Death is now so farre from hurting any godly Christian that on the other side that if affliction as a firie Serpent sting vs or if any thing else hurt vs presently it is helped and redressed by Death 13 Euen as a Bee stinging a dead body takes no hurt but by stinging aliue body many times looseth both sting and life together So likewise Death so long as it stung mortall men which were dead in sinne was neuer a whit the worse but when it stung Christ once who is life it self by and by it lost both sting and strength 14 As they which wil needs play the hob-goblings or the night-walking spirits as wee call them all the while they speake vnder a hollow vault or leape foorth with an vgly vizard vpon their faces they are so terrible that hee which thinkes himselfe no small man may perhaps bee afrighted with them But if some lusty fellow chaunce to step into one of these and cudgel him well fauoredly and pull the vizard from his face then euery boy laughes him to scorne So it is with Death who was a terrible bulbegger and euery man afraid of him a great while but Christ dying buckled with this bulbegger and coniured him as we may say out of his hollow vault whē as the dead comming out of the graues were seene in Ierusalem and puld the vizard from his face when as hee himselfe rising left the linnen cloathes which were the vizard of Death behinde him Math. 27.52 53. Ioh. 20.6 15 As that Asse called Cumanus asinus ietting vp down in a Lyons skin did for a time terrifie his maister but afterwards being descried did benefit him very much So in like manner Death stands now like a silly Asse hauing his Lyons skin puld ouer his eares and is so farre from terrifying any that it benefits all true Christians because by it they rest from their labours and if they be oppressed with troubles or cares when they come to Death they are discharged Death as an Asse doth beare these burdēs for thē 16 As he that felleth a tree vpon which the Sunne shineth may well cut the tree but cannot hurt the Sunne Or as he that powreth water vpon yron which is red hot may well quench the heate but he cannot hurt the yron Euen so Christ the Sonne of righteousnesse did driue away the shaddow of Death and as glowing yron was too hot and too hard a morsell for Death to digest 17 Like as all the while that Adam did eate any other fruite which God gaue him leaue to eate he was nourished by it but when he had tasted of the forbidden tree he perished So Death had free leaue to deuour any other man Christ onely excepted but when it went about to destroy Christ then it was destroyed it selfe 18 Euen as those barbarous people called Cannibals which feede only vpon raw flesh especially of men if they happen to eate a peece of rosted meate commonly they surfet of it die So likewise the right Canniball the only deuourer of al mankind Death I meane tasting of Christs flesh finding it not to be raw such as it was vsed to eate but wholesome and heauenly meate indeede presently tooke a surfet of it and within three dayes died 19 Euen as when Iudas had receiued a sop at Christes hand a non after his bowels gushed out So likwise Death being so sawcie as to snatch a soppe as it were of Christs flesh and a little bit of his body was by and by like Iudas choked and strangled with it faine to yeeld it vp againe when Christ on Easter day reuiued 20 As a fire goeth out when al the fuel is spent but burneth as long as that lasteth So Death died when sin ceaseth but where sinne aboundeth there Death rageth 21 As the little worme that groweth out of the tree gnaweth and consumeth the tree of whom it hath his beginning So Death groweth and waxeth out of sinne and sinne with the body it consumeth 22 Like as if one that is about to shoote a Gun bee vnsteadie at the letting of it goe he misseth altogether and al that he prepared for it afore is in vaine Euen so at the end of this life are the diuels most busie to turne vs from the right marke that our former trauaile and labour may be lost for as much as they know that there remaineth but a very small time of life So that if the soule escape thē now they shall afterward goe without it for euer 23 Euen as mightie enemies doo besiege lay assault to a Citie So the diuels compasse the soule of man at the houre of Death with violence subtiltie to take possess●on of the poore soule to apprehend it and bring it to hell 24 Like as if an old siluer goblet bee melted and new fashioned after a beautifull manner then is it better then afore and neither spylt nor destroyed Euen so haue wee no iust cause to complaine of Death whereby the body being deliuered from all filthinesse shall in his due time be perfectly renued 25 As the Egge-shell though it bee goodly and faire fashioned must bee opened and broken
that they may immediately teach not seeking thereby to amend and make better themselues 2 As vessels that are to bee filled are bowed and made apt to receiue the liquor that is powred therein So ought a Learner to accommodate and applie himselfe that nothing of that which is profitably spoken doo scape him 3 Like as in meates one and the selfe same dish is diuersly set forth according to the inuention of the dresser and appetite of the eater Euen so in Learning one and the selfe same point is diuersly handled according to the discretion of the writer and capacitie of the reader 4 Like as choyse and good Wine looseth his verdure and strength if it bee put into a vile and vnpure vessell Right so a good word or sentence if it bee spoken of an euill man or Learning if it chaunce to a wicked man taketh none effect 5 As the Diamond enchased and set in Gold giueth a farre brighter glosse then if it were set in leade yron or other baser mettal Euen so the loue of godlinesse and vertue planted in a Learned mans breast bringeth forth farre greater and more excellent fruit then if an vnlearned man enioyed the same graces Lying of God and his truth most offensiue AS hee sinneth most grieuously which deceiueth trauelling men by shewing them a contrarie way Euen so much more hainously offendeth he that in matters of Religion doctrine and godlinesse doo bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdome of heauen Ezech. 13.6 8 10 19. Iere. 23.25 26 35. 14.14 Esay 9.15 16. 1. Cor. 15.15 Iam. 3.14 Lords Supper 1 LIke as in the person of Christ his manhood was seene on earth and his Godhead being not at all seene did notwithstanding great and wonderfull things without any chaunging or confounding of natures Euen so in the Lords supper we see the bread and Wine Christs body we see not which notwithstanding worketh in vs. 2 As the body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heare beneath So likewise Christ in heauen aboue is whole notwithstanding he suffereth vs in his supper each one to bee full partakers of his body and bloud when hee giueth himselfe vnto vs and yet without any diminition at all of himselfe when he offereth himselfe vnto vs which are weake without beeing inclosed in vs when he is receiued of vs and without any dishonour at all to his maiestie when he commeth into our small cottage and will haue our hearts to be his Temple and dwelling place 3 Like as the forbidden fruit which Adam and Eue did eate in the Garden of Eden by Sathans prouocation procured their death Euen so that heauenly Manna which Christ hath appointed for our spirituall foode in his supper dooth bring vnto the worthie receiuers thereof euerlasting life Gene. 2.17 4 As the sicke man the weaker hee knoweth himselfe to bee should so much the more earnestly desire meate both to receiue nourishment and to refresh his strength Euen so so farre off it ought to bee that our weaknesse should keepe vs from the receiuing the Lords supper that it ought rather to spurre vs forward to come vnto it that by it we might be strengthened in faith and repentance 5 As the word of God is all one whether it fall vppon the euill or vpon the good surely it is all one in the minds of the hearers So the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud is all one whether it be receiued of the good or of the euill and as the Gospell in it selfe is the power of God to sauing it doth also saue but it is not al alike to the vnbeleeuing as it is to the beleeuing So the Sacrament is of it selfe the body of Christ but to the wicked which doo contemne it and to them which do receiue it vnworthily it is farre otherwise 6 As a mother hauing brought foorth her little one dooth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained Baptisme to bee as a seale and pledge of our spirituall new birth into his Church did institute the holy supper to the end that by participation in his body and bloud we might the more bee strengthned in this assurance that Christ is ours together with all his benefites and so feede our soules spiritually to life euerlasting 7 As a litle waxe powred vpon other waxe is made all one with it Euen so they that receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper worthily abide in Christ and Christ in them 8 As the Child when he commeth to age is bound to honour his parents not onely for his begetting and bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp and still do continue the same duties vnto him Euen so should it be with vs whome God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whome hee hath since in his holy supper ministred the foode of our soules in the Communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ for not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which that good Father giueth vnto vs in his holy supper doo binde vs to honour him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for foode of our soules hee hath deliuered his onely Sonne Iesus Christ to bee crucified for vs. 9 Like as if any man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but precious Pearles confected or preserued this child should be much bound to loue and honour his parents that for his reliefe had not grudged at such cost and expences Euen so wee shall deserue great reproofe of our heauenly Father who feedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the very flesh and bloud of his Sonne Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendment of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spirituall life of our soules is without comparison much more excellent then the life of our bodies 10 As meate and drinke ministred vnto the body doo maintaine the life motions and senses of the body So from the communion in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections words and deedes 11 As it were a straunge case if the body by eating and drinking should gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodily operation So were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ should gather no spiritual foode that might bring foorth newnesse of life and holynesse in words and deeds 12 As the hololy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull and members of the Church of Iesus Christ So the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation
Gene. 21.14 11 As the virgin Marie wept so sore for the death of her Son Iesus as though her tender heart had bene stabd and pearst through with a sharpe sword Euen so there is nothing in the world that ought to cause vs to bee more sorrowfull then this that Christ beeing blessed in himselfe ●as cursed for vs being exalted in himselfe was imbased for vs being iustified in himselfe was condemned for vs being a liue in himselfe was dead for vs. 12 As a Ship being neither too heauily burdened nor ●o lightly balāced feareth neither waues nor winds but sayleth safely to the hauen So wee beeing neither too heauie for our owne sinnes and miseries nor too light for Christs mercie but ioyning Weepe not for me but weepe for your selues Luk. 23.28 Both together shall neither bee drowned with waues of desperation nor puffed vp with the winds of presumption but we shall sayle safely in the Arke of Noah vpon the sea of this world till we arriue at the hauen of all happinesse in heauen 13 As a Father pittieth his owne child and if hee see him crie doth what hee can to still him and takes out his hand-kercher and wipes the infants eyes himselfe Euen so after the same fashion God our heauenly Father will with his owne holy finger wipe away all teares from our eyes and take vs most louingly by the hand and leade vs out of the house of Mourning into the house of mirth then though we haue sowne in teares yet wee shall reape in ioy Psal 103.13 Reue. 7.17 Psal 126.5 Naturall thing AS the salte water being for drinke vnprofitable yet susteineth and beareth vp the Ship better then the sweete which for drinke is more apt and meete So euerie Naturall thing hath his owne vse whervnto if it bee applied then it worketh his effect Good Name 1 AS fire once kindled is soone preserued but beeing extinct it is not easie to kindle the same againe So is it easie to defend a good Name but if it be once blotted and lost hardly shall we restore it againe 2 As the Lord by the eight commaundement bindeth our hands as it were with a manacle or hand shackle from stealing robbing or any wayes diminishing of our neighbours goods So also by the ninth Commaundement he bridleth our tongue that we should not hurt or impaire the good Name credit or estimation of our brethren but by loue to vphold and maintaine the same Prou. 22.1 Eccle. 7.3 3. As a precious Oyntment being poured foorth casteth out spreadeth abroad a sweete a fragrant and an oderiferous sm●ll far and neare Euen so the good Name and fame of such Christians as are annoynted with the holy Ghost dooth cast out and spread it selfe farre and neare very sweete to the nosthrils of the Almightie and verie delightfull to the members of Christ Cant. 1.2 1. Ioh. 2.20 27. Noble men and housholders 1 LIke as the Sunne in the Firmament giueth light to all the regions round about him and by his bright appearing expelleth the darknesse comforteth and cheareth the world So likewise should Noble men Magistrates Gentlemen Ministers and housholders labour to banish sinne and corrupt Religion and bee a lanthorne of godly life to comfort and shine to others that they might direct their liues after their good ensamples Phil. ● 15 Math. 5.16 2 As Cyprian let no day passe without reading of Tertullian nor Alexander without reading of Homer nor finally Appelles without some line proportioned So is it meete that no degrees should loose any opportunitie or occasion graunted to the meditation of Christian Religion but rather being taught by the example of the Emperour Constantine would repose their whole study in the word of God Deut. 17.19 20. Iosu 1.8 Psal 1.2 Deut. 3.11 12 13. Neglect of heauen for earthly things LIke as if a Golden game of inestimable value should bee proposed for such as would run could win the same and when the course or race were begunne if some should step aside and followe after flies or feathers that passed in the ayre without any regard of the prize and gole proposed who would not maruaile and take pittie of their folly Euen so is it with men of the world who are placed together in a course or race and that the kingdome of heauen is propounded vnto vs for the game or prize but few endeuour to enter therein and why For that most men doo step aside and leaue the marke Most men doo run awry and doo follow feathers vp downe in the ayre most men doo pursue vanities and hunt after pleasures and doo wearie themselues therewith vntill they can neither runne nor goe nor mooue their limmes any further and then for the most part it is too late to amend their folly 1. Cor. 9.24 25 26 27. Psal 4.2 3. Iere. 2.13 18. The Name profiteth none in whome vertue is n● 〈…〉 1 AS neither they yearely reuenue●●or the glorious titles and Names ●●●●cessors and to discend of noble parentage maketh men noble and renowmed indeed vnlesse they themselues be godly honest and wise Euen so neither the godly Names no nor yet the faith and vertue of Fathers auaileth wicked and vngodly children any thing at all vnlesse they repent and become faithfull as their Fathers were Iohn 8.39 Math. 3. ● Gal. 3.7 2 Like as those children which are named and called by and after any of the names of Patriarkes Prophets Apostles or by the Name of other Saints man or woman are not any thing the better because they haue such godly and Christian Names vnlesse that they doo immitate and follow them in faith vertue and godly behauiour Euen so on the other side they that be not called by such Christian Names as are mentioned in the sacred Scriptures are not in respect of their Names any thing the worse hauing an assured faith in the merites of Christ his death passion and bloud-shedding and leading their liues agreeable to the same Iosua 10.3 Daniel 1.7 To what ende proper Names were giuen vs in baptisme LIke as infants in times past amongst our auncestors had their Names giuen them when they were Circumcised to this end that the Circumcised might be admonished by the calling by their Names at what time and place they had their Names giuen them and should thinke that they are written in the number of the children of God and ioyned in league with him and made partakers of the couenant So after the same maner must we remember that haue had proper Names giuen vnto vs at our baptisme for this vse and end both to distinguish betwixt man and man and also to put vs in mind that we are by grace adopted to bee the Sonnes of God and receiued into his fauour and therefore that wee are Gods owne and as it were his goods and riches as they which beare his Name as proper vnto him Luk. 1.59 2.21 Wicked Neighbours LIke as Thornes cannot be touched nor handled except mens
newnesse of life 2. Cor. 5.19 Saluation onely in the Church 1 AS Sothern-wood will grow no where but in Gardens where it is planted So the godly wil not grow any where but in the Church and body of Christ where they are engraffed 2 Euen as it was necessarie that they which should be saued from the floud should be in the Arke So likewise all they that will be saued from the floud of Gods wrath must of necessitie bee in Christ and so in the Church Gene. 7.1 c. Sacrament of the Supper compared with the Paschall Lambe 1 AS the Paschal Lamb was instituted eaten the night before the children of Israel were deliuered out of Egypt So likewise was the Supper of the Lord instituted and eaten the night before wee were deliuered from our sinnes Exod. 12.1 c. 1. Cor. 11.24 25. c. 2 As the Paschall Lambe was a very Lambe indeed Euen so the Sacrament is very Bread and Wine indeed 3 As the Paschall Lambe was called the Lords passeouer or passing by of the Lord which destroyed the power of Pharao deliuered him So the Sacrament is called the body and bloud of the Lord which destroyeth the power of the diuell and deliuereth vs. 4 As the Children of Israel were but once deliuered from Egypt notwithstanding they did take euery yeare a Lambe to keepe the deed in perpetuall remembrance Euen so Christ our Sauiour bought and redeemed vs but once for all although the Sacrament thereof be often distributed and broken among vs to keepe the benefite in perpetuall memorie 5 As many as did eate the Paschall Lambe in faith and beleeued Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Egypt were as sure of the same thorowe faith as they were sure of the Lambe by eating of it So as manye as doo eate of the bodie and blood of Christ by faith and beleeue Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Sinne Death Hell and damnation are as sure of theyr deliueraunce thorow faith as they are sure of the bread by eating of it c. Sinne how carefully it is to be auoyded 1 AS the diseases of the bodie and corporall death doo much disquiet and trouble our mindes that wee commonly tremble and quake at the onely mention of them Euen so howe much more ought wee to feare the sicknesse of the soule and death of the same which commeth by reason of sinne then which there can bee no greater nor more fearefull calamitie come vnto vs. 2 Like as euerie man dooth auoide so much as in him lyeth the paine miseries diseases and death of the bodie Euen so howe muche more ought wee to decline and eschewe the death of the soule and the causes of these euilles which bee Sinnes and offences and feare the anger of God which wee so by our transgressions doo procure 3 As the Physition seeing in a Glasse by the water the diseases within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of the disease and ministers good things for the same Euen so wee in looking into the Glasse of Gods word shall soone perceiue the diseases and infections of Sinne which are in vs and the cause thereof and so wholesomely minister some profitable and comfortable remedies for the same 4 As little theeues beeing let in at a window will set open great gates for greater theeues to come in at Euen so if wee accustome our selues to commit little Sinnes and let them raigne in vs they will make vs the fitter for greater offences to get the aduantage of vs and to take hold on vs. 5 As all kind of wild beastes escaping out of the snare will take heede least they come there any more yea though they should bee in bondage euen vnto man the most excellent of all other creatures Yet man by Sinne falling into the snares of Sathan cannot beware though hee shall bee in bondage to the most cursed of all creatures 6 As a drunken man whilest hee ingorgeth aboundance of Wine feeleth no discommoditie thereby but afterwards he seeth and feeleth the inconuenience of the same So in like manner Sinne whilest it is in committing dooth darken the light of reason howbeit afterwards the conscience arysing sheweth both the vglinesse of Sinne and the absurditie of the fact and so vexeth the soule more grieuously then if all the world accused him of the same Sacraments are not corrupted by the wickednesse of Ministers 1 LIke as there is no difference betweene the selfe-same image or figure of any thing imprinted or sealed with a Ring or signet of Golde and with a signet made of yron or wood Euen so the word and Sacraments being ministred by a lawfull Minister although otherwise a wicked and an vngodly Minister yet be the same Word and Sacraments of the same vigour strength and efficacie as when they be ministred by a man of excellent vertue and godlinesse For as the Father shall not die for the childe nor the childe for the Father So the Minister shall not die for him that receiues at him nor the partie that receiues for the euilnesse of the Minister for euery one shall sincke in his owne sinne so that the Minister which doth so wickedly corrupt the holy Sacramēts and holy ordinances of God ministreth them to his own damnation and iudgement Deut. 24.16 Ezech. 18.20 2. King 14.6 2. Chro. 25.4 1. Cor. 11.29 2 Like as among men if a Letter be sent so that the hand and feale of him that sendeth it be well knowne it maketh no matter who or what manner of man be the carrier Euen so it ought to suffice to know the hand and seale of our Lord in his Sacraments by what lawfull Minister so euer they bee brought for the malice or leaudnesse of man cannot change the nature of the ordinance of God And therefore the vertue and efficacie of the word and Sacrament consist and depend not vpon the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the Minister but in and vpon the commaundement ordinance power and authoritie of God onely 3 Like as Gold is Gold of whom so euer it be giuen or receiued Euen so likewise is the Sacrament whether it be giuen by a good or bad Minister For Iudas although he were a theefe yet hee Preached and baptized whose doctrine and baptisme was as well the doctrine and baptisme of Christ as was Peters and Andrewes Iames and Iohns Ioh. 6.70 12.6 4 Like as if the Treasurer or Receiuer of a Prince doo deliuer forth false counterfeit money in stead of good the Office whereunto hee is called cannot make it other then false and counterfeit money because he dooth not execute his Office faithfully but doth chaunge the good money which hee receiued to distribute by the commaundement of his Lord and Maister into that which is not the same that he receiued to be distributed and by this meanes they which shall haue receiued the same shal be deceiued and spoyled On the other side although he were
taking the signes for the thing it selfe 15 As Siluer and Gold beeing not coyned is nothing else but Siluer or Gold but if by her Maiesties commaundement a new forme or stampe bee added by a print it is made currant money which it was not before although it bee the very same substance which it was before Or as if one take waxe which is fastned to a writing or publike instrument and it differeth not from other wax of it selfe but onely because of the vse to the which it is appointed that is to say to serue for a testimonie that the instrument is effectuall and auaileable the which it hath not by nature but by the ordinance of man Euen so the signes of the Sacraments to wit water in baptisme and bread and Wine in the Lords Supper although they be not chaunged concerning their substance meane quantitie or qualitie but onely in the vse of them and doo differ from common water bread and Wine in that they are ordained of God to serue vnto vs as gages and pledges of those benefits which Christ by his death and ●●ssion hath purchased for vs yet they bee ordained of God for an excellent couenant to represent vnto vs most great and excellent things And albeit that this mutation here spoken of changeth not the substance of the signes neither of bread water or Wine but only the vse of them and is done and wrought by the holy Ghost according to the ordinance of the good will of God which is testified to vs by that promise whereto the signe is ioyned and not by the pronunciation of words after the manner of Sorcerers and Charmers but the promise is the soule of the signe so accordingly the water the bread and the wine become Sacraments that is to say true and veritable signes of those things which the word promiseth and which be presented by them so that this alteration is onely in the vse therof for before and after the administration of the Sacrament it taketh no place but onely during the action and vse to the which this chaunge or mutation tendeth 16 Like as the word serueth to no purpose except it be so preached that it may be vnderstood and further except that which it declareth and representeth to vs that is to say Iesus Christ with all his goodnesse be receiued by the faith of those which heare it Euen so also ought wee to vnderstand of the Sacraments if wee bring not faith which is the onely meanes to receiue that which is preached to vs represented and offered by the same word but contrariwise in dispising them by our incredulitie and reiecting that goodnesse which God offereth with the same to vs we seale our owne condemnation 17 Like as the Gospell ceaseth not of his owne nature to be the word of life and saluation although the wicked through their contempt turne it into the sauour of death and damnation Euen so the Sacraments cease not to be true Sacraments although they be either ministred by vnworthie persons or receiued vnworthily 11 As the seede how good so euer it be bringeth not foorth fruit at the same instant that it is sowne but continueth a certaine time in the earth So is it not meete to restraine the fruit and vertue of the word of God to the same houre that it is preached or the Sacraments to the same instant that they be ministred but the fruit shall be shewed in the elect when it pleaseth God 19 As water is not the water in Baptisme nor a signe nor consequently a Sacrament thereof but so farre forth as they bee ioyned with the word of Iesus Christ by the which it is dedicated and consecrated to that vse and so being applyed to those persons which are to be Baptised according to his commaundement So the verie like is of the Bread and Wine of the Lords Supper for they can no more bee the signes thereof then may the water of Baptisme if being ioyned together with the word of Iesus Christ whereby they are dedicated and consecrated to this Sacrament they bee not giuen and distributed to those which should bee partakers of the same as it dooth appeare by the expresse word of Iesus Christ in that hee saith of both the signes Take yee and eate yee likewise Drinke yee all of this For it is plaine that these wordes may not bee spoken either to the Breade or to the Wine but onely to the persons which might vnderstand them and execute the commaundement that our Sauiour Christ gaue vnto them by the same For the Bread and the Wine can neither eate nor drinke themselues Math. 28.19 Math. 26.27 Mark 14.22 23. Luk. 22.19 20. 1. Cor. 11.24 20 Like as louing and tender hearted parents are not content to procure for their children costly possessions and liuely-hoodes but take order that the same may bee conserued and come to their vse Euen so our Lord and Sauiour thought it not sufficient to purchase for vs his Fathers fauour againe which is the deepe fountaine of all goodnesse and eternall life but also inuented the wayes most wisely by the institution of his holy Sacraments whereby the same might redounde to our commoditie and profit 21 Like as of olde time God decreed his wonderous benefits of deliuerance of his people in memorie by the eating of the Passeouer with his rites and ceremonies So our louing Sauiour hath ordained and established the remembrance of his great mercy expressed in his Passion in the institution of his heauenly Supper wher euery one of vs must be guests and not gazers eaters and not lookers on feeding our selues and not hiring other to feede for vs that wee may liue by our owne meate and not perish for hunger whiles others deuour all Exod. 12.1 c. 22 As of necessitie we must be our selues partakers of the Lords Supper and not beholders of other So wee must addresse our selues to frequent the Sacrament in reuerent and due maner least as Physicke prouided for the body being misused more hurteth then profiteth so this comfortable medicine of the foule vndecently receiued tend to our greater harme and sorrow 23 Like as the Supper of the Lord is a spirituall meate and sweete to those that bee incorporated and made one body with Iesus Christ and with their neighbour Euen so of the contrarie it is a mortall poyson to them which put not their whole trust in Iesus Christ and be seperated from their neighbour 24 As it is not enough for a child to be borne and that hee haue life by his parents which begot him if that afterwards they doo not also nourish him to conserue him and to the ende that hee may grow and become tall and strong in the same Euen so God our Father dooth not content himselfe to haue begotten vs for his children in his Church by the incorruptible seede of his word and to haue giuen vs life in his Sonne Iesus Christ by the vertue of his holy spirit but will