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A17589 The countesse of Marres Arcadia, or sanctuarie Containing morning, and evening meditations, for the whole weeke. By M. Ia. Caldwell sometimes preacher of Gods Word, at Fawkirke. Enriched with a godlie treatise, called, An ascension of the soule to heaven, by meditation on the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. Caldwell, James, 1580?-1616.; Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. 1625 (1625) STC 4366; ESTC S116200 116,521 496

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woundes salue for my sores whose mercies are infinitelie more than my detestable sinnes can bee I haue wandred alace like a lost sheepe Good Sheepheard seeke mee and bring me home againe O Lambe of God who taketh away the sinnes of the world let the light of thy countenance shine on me and looke on mee as thou didst on Peter By dying thou hast overcome Death and brought ag●ine Life by rysing therefrom If I had the knowledge of Angels and all my members were converted into tongs never should I be able worthily to magnifie the boweles of thy compassion extended to mee wretched sinner which passeth all vnderstanding Thou didst not take deare Christ the Angels but the seed of Abraham beeing made like vnto mee in all things Sinne excepted which nature thou hast glorified in the heavens Now since it is humane nature wherein thou raignest I beleeue also to reigne and bee glorified with thee And albeit my sins hinder me in the constant course of my Salvation yet thy loue this Commnuion and coniunction taketh all lettes out of the way Thou art not so hard O Lord as to despise mee since thy Sonne hath caried my nature vnto heaven Canst thou forget that which thou hast fast by thee No truelie thou art slow to anger full of mercie with thee is plentifull redemption Most louing art thou for no man hateth his owne flesh at any time thou O God louest thy Sonne and they that are his which are risen with him and placed by Faith hope in heavenlie places I was not worthie to bee thy servant but thou hast made mee thy Sonne and fellow-Heire with my Brother Christ Consider the paines of my Redeemer and pardon the redeemed his offences Why did he so obedientlie suffer the punishment of disobedience but onelie to saue mee and thine Elect There was no goodnesse in mee that could induce thee to the same it was thy bountie and free mercie and now thine hand is not shortned but it can saue mee Wil thou then try thy power against straw and stubble against mee who am but a shaddow and lighter than vanitie My sinnes are alwayes in my sight still representing before me thy anger I feele the grievous burthen of them thy iudgements against them but thou will not the death of a Sinner but that hee should turne and liue Enter not therefore in iudgement with mee O Lord for no flesh shall bee iustified in thy sight for thy Christ whom I imbrace by a true Faith is made vnto mee righteousnes wisedome and redemption To whom with thee and the holie Ghost bee all glorie and praise for euer Amen A PRAYER BEFORE the Communion WOunderfull must thy loue bee O Lord towards mee poore and miserable Sinner that thou woldest haue thy deare and onelie Sonne to suffer all tormentes and death for mee and to take vpon him all my infirmities and miseries yet not contented therewith wouldest haue the remembrance of this thy great mercie least it should be forgotten razed out of mine heart and that my Faith should not waxe faint sith thy Sonne hath ascended vp to Heaven after a strange and wonderfull manner fed and nourished mee and distilled in mee that spirituall Life by the meanes of his Bodie making the Crosse the wine-presse out of the which those grapes liquor of eternall life are drawne out Giue me thy holy Spirit that I may haue strēgth against Sathan the World the Flesh Grant spirituall life to abide in mee as the branches hath that naturall from the wine that forsaking my selfe louing of my selfe I may liue in thee by thee and for thee vntill I come vnto thee where I shall see thee face to face True it is O Lord no reasō can reach to this spirituall food but Faith onely doeth goe through for by those visible Elements I d●e apprehend spirituall and invisible graces and that not by imagination for as Breade doeth nourish the body so doest thou O Christe the soule And as Flesh is a substance so thou Sonne of God incarnate is the cause of this substantiall nourishment of my soule As life is in the bodie so Christ by his Blood shall giue mee life and is my life the condition estate of my flesh my blood and my whole life was more than miserable but by throgh and in thee O Christ all things were restored and made perfect in me The forebidden blood of beastes in the Law should make me shunne a brutish and a beastlie life But thy Blood teacheth mee to liue a Christian holie righteous and sober life For it is not nowe I that liueth but thou in mee who is only consubstantiall with the Father and holy Ghost yea this vnion I haue with thee by true faith as the head with the members an vnion I say of affections wittes participation of heavenlie and eternall blessednesse that I liue not to my selfe but to thee O Lord who loued me and gaue thy selfe for me For they that liue on sweet meates haue sweete breath so they haue a sweet odour in all their words works who taste of this spirituall and heavenlie food in whome Christe doeth spiritually dwell by faith O Christ thy manhood was seene on earth but the God-head not at all yet did great wonderfull things without changing or cōfounding of natures so in these Symboles Christs bodie I see not which notwithstanding worketh in me a beginning and grouth of renovation The body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heere beneath so thou O Christ is aboue in heaven whole yet dost communicate to everie belieuer to bee partaker of thy Body and Blood but diminution or weakening of thy selfe which thou offeredst for me weak not inclosed in me when thou is receiued of mee without any dishonour at all to thy Maiestie when thou commeth vnto this my sinfull cottage hauing mine heart to be thy Temple and dwelling place who filleth the heavens and the earth thy Footstoole O happy is he that doth eate the flesh of my Lord and Saviour with earnest desire to obey his will and stayeth on his promises trusting alwaye● on him In this earth am I partaker of Christ by the helpe of his word Sacraments But in heaven aboue without any externall meanes I shall feede on that heavenlie Breade and drinke of that spirituall drinke feeling in effect his presence and enioying that glorious life fulfilled in the Kingdome of God where I shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the Sun light on mee neither any heate For thou O Lambe which is in the midst of the Throne shall governe mee and lead me vnto the liuelie fountaines of waters And thou sweete Saviour shall wype away all teares from my eyes O happy day when I shall feede on that heavenlie Manna the food of thy holy Angels in that Paradise and thrise happie am I in Christ to taste of the sweetnesse of the life
to come I doe refuse the deceitfull pleasures of this world and choose rather to suffer adversitie with the people of God than enioye the pleasures of sinne for a season Reioyce thou one of that flocke on whom it hath pleased the Father to giue a Kingdome Thou art my good Shepheard who feedeth mee with thy owne Blood that I may liue by thy life For they that liue by the infected and poysoned blood of olde Adam only are more miserable than beastes Prepare O Lord in me loue and repentance make mee cleane and purifie mine heart by Faith the onely receptacle and mansion of thy presence to receiue such a pretious Guest Put on mee the wedding Garment sith thou deare Husband Iesus will ioyne vnite thy selfe to mee never heereafter on thy part to bee dissevered make mee beware of Hypocrisie and coūterfaite dealing in approaching with my body but my heart farre off betraying thee againe with a Iudas kisse The pure the contre●te and broken heart for the sence of Sinne laden and wearie are here invited by thee who wil not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoaking flaxe such are eased and find rest to their soules And because none oblation pleaseth thee without reconciliation with my Brother I make an attonement with him forget and forgiue him as I hope to be forgiven for his sake who hath come vnder the poore roofe of my soule by participation of his bodie on earth beginning alreadie a life in mee in heaven for whom haue I there but thee whom can I desire on earth beside thee The Israelites did eate that Manna and died but they that eate this heavenlie food shall never perish But after thou hast guided me by thy counsell wil receiue me to glorie Adams forbidden tree procured death but by thee is everlasting life agreeing heaven with earth Men with Angels as it is the fulnes of Ioy to behold thy Face feele thy presence so let my soule haue a liuelie feeling of comfort in my Christ with a growing strength in grace and in the saving knowledge of thee my God and not to losse a good conscience for the trash of this world and as thou willes me to remember thy Sonnes death O F●ther bee thou as thou hast promised and wilt performe mindfull of mee in the riches of thy mercie to the ending of my life in Iesus To whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee praise and honour for now and euer So bee it A Prayer and Thankesgiuing af●er the receiuing of the holy Supper of our LORD O LORD GOD Father Almightie I yeelde thee heartie thankes for thine inestimable loue and favour towards mee miserable Sinner not onely for that I haue my being moving and living in thee and from thee but also because it hath pleased thee of thy meere mercie to redeeme me from eternall damnation wherein I was cast by reason of transgressions and that by the Blood of thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot that I might liue with thee in that thy Kingdome in the Heave●s Let not the effusion thereof be in value towards mee but still feede and nourish my soule by participation of the Body of thy Son Christ Iesus as an effectuall pawnde earnest of that glory which shall follow And now what shall I render vnto thee for all thy spirituall and temporall blessinges thou hast vouchsafed on mee And what doth the Lord my God require of me but to feare thee to walke in all thy wayes and to loue thee and serue thee with all mine heart and with all my soule Command mee Lord what thou wilt and doe in mee that thou commandest The most detestable vice is ingratitude and greater honour can be giuen to none than to bee called the Childe of God Thou hast the Son of thy delight with whom thou mightst haue contented thy selfe and hast thou not the holy Angels which doe readily thy will yet it hath pleased thee to adopt man-kinde O suffer me not holy Father to degenerate from thee and to turne to my former nature Giue me an vnderstanding heart to doe thy will and preserue mee as the apple of thine eye Remoue my sins which are as a clowde betwixt thee and mee O my God which art my light my life and salvation albeit I find in my selfe great temptations and grievous assaultes of Sathan the flesh and the world Thogh thou euen thou my deare God wold kill mee yet will I trust in thee for I know thou canst reviue me and when thou woundest canst heale mee Grant I never doubt of thy promises through vnbeliefe but beeing confirmed in Faith giue glorie to thee as fully perswaded that thou that promisest art also able to doe it For it is the greatest punishment that can befall man to forsake thy word and admonitions not to relye on thy promises but harden the heart by obstinacy and rebellion Take not thy Spirit from me but fasten mine heart to thee Show mee the light of thy countenance that I wander not from thee and sleepe in sinne but I may gather in this last age of the world Manna for that great and everlasting Sabbath in the Heavens that Ierusalem aboue the Citie of the living God where I shall find peace and rest for ever hauing accesse and entrie to that light of Glorie which hath broken and overthrowne the kingdome of Sathan For I know as thou strengthenest and fortifiest thy secre● ones thou redoublest their temptations O● but hard is the combate when thou striu●● against vs and seemest to bee our adversari●● for how should dust and ashes stand befor● thee Strengthen guide me by thy might that encouraged by thy promises I may conquere and bee conpassed with ioyfull deliverances Great infirmitie and weakenesse doth remaine in mee I am full of vexation and anguish of minde but let mee never yeelde no● waxe faint but sustained and vpholded by thy grace and power that b●eing pressed I bee not oppressed but rise againe as the Palme tree For as the seede dead and rotten in the earth bringeth foorth greater aboundance so tribulation is the seed of the Church Assist me therfore by thy heavenly grace to try how much more precious the tryall of my Faith is than gold which bringeth so great a glorie when thou shalt change my teares into ioye my mourning into mirth my sorrow into solace my death into life Make my delite to bee always in thy word which being eternall can make mee also eternall I choose it to be my Treasure that mine heart may be alwayes therein for he that will liue must needes know thee hee that will reigne must needs serue thee that he wil haue ioy of heart must needes praise thee for thou art that Ladder by which Angels come downe to vs and w●● ascend vp to Heaven to them Thou art the Way the Veritie and Life no man commeth to the Father but by Thee Quicken ●●e therefore in thy Blood that I may bee of the number of thy Children and true member of the bodie of thy Church and never forget this Covenant I haue now boūd vp with thee who hath giuen mee that Inheritance by thy Will and Testament wherof this holy Supper is a true pledge Nowe hence foorth I am fullie deliberated to obey willinglie thy Statutes and persevere ioyefullie vnto the death and suffer crosses patiently sith thou my Saviour art my life To thee therefore with the Father and the holie Ghost Trini●●e in Vnitie bee all praise and glorie and honour for nowe and euer Amen
for the Soule to your daylie practise as afore and thus my good intention to your favourable censure wishing alwayes your Hon. not to think it amisse althogh it agreeth not so much with my professiō as in respect of others more beseeming that I should exhort your Ho. as you haue begun to bee constant in your religious dueties althogh I know it was not needfull for mee to remember you of those things you haue beene taught of God because I know the sinceritie of your profession and practise hath so many witnesses since you beleeued the Gospell of Salvation and was sealed by the Spirit of promise you haue a witnesse in your selfe which I am perswaded will not faile in life or death to plead your aboundant consolation Now thus with due acknowledging of the manifold kindnesses I haue receiued both from your selfe and from my right Honourable good Lord Patron I commit your Honours and your most Noble Familie to the mercifull protection of the Almightie who mot without ceasing multiplie his graces vpon you and crowne you with all kind of blessings The God of mercie and Father of Glorie who hath abounded towardes you not only in outward happinesse of vnstained Nobilitie grandour greatnesse of meanes and favour with the highest on our earth but which is greatest of all in the vnsearchable riches of Iesus Christ in the largenesse and eminencie of manie singulare gifts and abundance of all good workes make you perfite to doe his will and worke in you an increase of all that is pleasing in his sight That yee may see many good and happie dayes in this life and end them with comfort and immortalitie in the life to come I rest Your Hon. owne Physitian in all humble duetie M. P. ANDERSON THE COVNTESSE OF MARRES SANCTVARIE Morning meditation of the first Day I Doe present my self O LORD before thy sacred Majestie a poore sinfull creature filthy within and filthie without but where shall I goe to bee cleansed the waters of Iordan cleansed the leprosie of Naamans bodie 2 King 5.14 but all the waters in the Ocean can not cleanse the leprosie of my soule I am enforced to come to thee O Lord for where shall I goe Thou hast the words of eternall Life Iohn 6.47 If thou wash mee not I can haue no part with thee Iohn 13.8 Wash I beseech thee O Lord not my feete onelie but my hands and my head also Mercifull Father let not the gates of thy mercie bee closed vpon mee which haue beene opened to so manie poore sinners before me If thou refuse to be mercifull where shall mercie bee found Luc. 23.43 O Lord thou didst not abhorre the penitent Theef nor the woman of Canaan when shee requested thee Mat. 15.22 neither the woman apprehended in adulterie Iohn 11 8. nor the Publican praying to thee Mat. 26 74. neither yet the Disciple that denyed thee In the smell of these thine Oyntments doth my soule runne after thee Cant. 4.10 I doe confesse in sinceritie 1. Tim. 1 15. O Lord that of all sinners I am the chiefe where sinne hath abounded Lord let thy mercie superabound I say vnto thee O Lord with that poore leper Lord if thou wilt Mat. 8.2 thou canst make mee cleane yea although I bee spotted as the Leopard and blacke as a Moore one drop of the blood of Iesus Christ is able to make mee as white as snow I beleeue Lord Psal 51.7 helpe my vnbeliefe It is thy praise O Lord that thou makest the barren wombe the mother of manie children and turneth the barren wildernes into a fruitfull Land Psal 107 35. Exod. 15 25. Iohn 2.9 Mat. 12 10. Thou Lord canst make bitter waters sweet and canst turne water into Wine O Lord pittie my withered heart as thou pittied the withered hand Quicken this dead heart of mine by the quickening vertue of thy Spirit yea Lord Act. 16.14 Numb 17.8 open my heart as thou openedst the heart of Lydia thou that madest the rodde of Aaron to blossome make my soule to floorish in true repentance It is no small mercie O Lorde that thou hast spared mee so long If thou hadst dealt with mee as I haue deserved thou mightest haue taken the Axe in thine hand Mat. 3.10 and hewed mee downe as an vnprofitable tree and casten mee into the fire Long hast thou spared mee O Lord but let mee not bee reserved to anie further wrath as I am partaker of thy sparing mercies make mee partaker also of thy converting mercie Create into mee a new heart Psal 51.10 and renew a right Spirit within mee Let mee finde that change into my soule that is proper to the children of God Translate mee yet further out of the Kingdome of darknesse Col. 1.13 into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne Fashion me so to thine owne image Gal. 2.20 that I no longer live but Christ may live in me Marke mee with that new Name which no man knoweth but hee that hath received it Giue mee to taste of that hidde Manna which no man can decerne but he that hath tasted of it Create in my soule spirituall senses that in a spirituall manner I may take thee vp who is the spirit of spirits Furnish my languishing soule with some of the first fruits of thy heavenlie Canaan that in the strength thereof I may walke vntill thou possesse mee into that promised rest Bee with mee in all my tentations and lead mee through all difficulties that I may sing that joyfull triumph with thine owne Apostle Thankes bee to GOD who hath given vs victorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Evening Meditation of the first Day SINNE makes mee ashamed to speake vnto thee O Lord but my Saviour encourageth mee to present my selfe before thee vnder the shaddow of his merits doe I appeare in thy sight and in his Name doe I present my selfe and my supplications to thy Majestie O Lord dost thou not number my steppes If the conscience of the sinnes of this one day doe so dash and confound mee what feares may arise in my soule through the memorie of sinnes committed my whole lifetime I doe confesse O Lord my whole life hath beene a wandring from thee and all my dayes I haue beene doing nothing but making vp a d●tt●y against my selfe thou needst not O Lord to lead any processe against mee for my conviction the conscience may both accuse witnesse and condemne O Lord all my life hath beene either sinfull or vnfruitfull If I haue done anie thing that seemed good it was either counterfeit or corrupt or some way vnperfite the dung of all my sacrifices justlie mightest thou cast vpon my face I haue rather seemed nor truelie beene religious therefore doe I seeke salvation without my selfe Mat. 3.17 I seek it in him in whom thou art well pleased Israel stinged with fyrie Serpents Numb 21 6. were healed by looking to the
downe thy Spirit to put vpon my soule that I may awake out of the deep sleep of vnrighteousnesse take the staffe of God in mine hand and never to looke backe with Lots wife Gen. 26. but ever to haue my face towards the new Ierusalem that in the end I may say with thy servant Paul 2. T● 4. ● I haue runne a good race I haue foughten a good fight from this time foorth is the Crowne laid vp for mee Leade mee thorow the snares of this day See my feete vpon a rocke Psal 2. and order my going● Furnish me with wisdome that I may go in and out wiselie before thy people set a watch before my lippes Psal and the doore of my speech let all my speeches bee seasoned with grace and tend to edifieing Let my heart ever be with thee what ever I bee doing beneath And finallie as thou led thy servant Moses vnto mount Pisga and did let him see Canaan a farre off Deut. 34. 1 let my soule delite to walke vpon the mountaine of heavenlie meditations looking a farre off to that heavenlie Canaan while in thine owne good time thou bring mee through the waters of Iordan even through death it self and enter me into that rest Now to my blessed Lord the purchaser of this rest with the Father who from all eternity appointed the same the holie Spirit who daylie confirmeth me in the hope of it bee praise for ever 3 Eph. 1.13 Amen Evening meditation of the second Day O LORD let that same Spirit which indyted thy holy Word whereby thou speakes to my Soule indyte my prayers Rom. 8.26 whereby my soule speaketh to thee thou knowest the voyce of thine owne Spirit but the voyce of a stranger thou wilt not heare I continue my complaint to thy Majestie still lamenting this ignorance and yet remaineth into the mind notwithstanding I am ever endevouring to know thee Who can take thee vp who is such an infinite and incomprehensible Spirit thou dwellest into a light 1. Iohn 4.12 wherevnno man can haue accesse No man can take thee vp by naturall light 1. Cor. 2.14 for the naturall man knoweth not the things that are of God they are foolishnesse vnto him I crave therefore such a measure of that vncreated light even the light of thy Spirit as may breed into the mind a continuall reverence of thee bring the heart to an holie obedience to thee and make all my affections and actions directlie to tend to thy glorie True it is O LORD now and then I haue enjoyed sensiblie this light but ever after humiliation and fervent prayer I am become colde in prayer I seek thee not with that hunger and thirst as I should doe and this maketh my feellings not so frequent Lord stirre vp my spirit that I may seeke thee continuallie with that holie zeale and fervencie that becommeth mee Indeede O LORD these desertions are ●earefull and terrible to fall vnto thy Children Truelie I am most certaine that greater deadnesse darknesse and senselesnesse can not fall vnto a reprobat If the memorie of by past experiences did not comfort me these fearfull desertions wold mak me faint fall a back Lord let not thy servant bee tempted aboue his strength 1. Cor. 10.13 Returne O Lord deliver my soule Psal 119.8 save mee for thy mercies sake forsake mee not over long And if it shall please thee O Lord to hold mee vnder the bitter sense of those fearefull desertions for a time for my further humiliation let this ever bee my greatest griefe that I misse thy presence Teach mee to seeke vncessantlie vntill I finde thee to knocke vntill thou open to call vntill thou answere Psal 39.7 What waite I for O Lord Is not mine hope even in thee Yea let the hope I haue to enjoye thee and thy presence for ever make mee to possesse my soule with the greater patience in the middest of all these feares And now O Lord in this absence from thee albeit the body be here on earth Phil. 3.20 let my conversation ever bee in heaven Giue me grace this night to examine my heart vpon my bed Teach thou my reines in the night Psal 4.4 let mee lye down in thy peace and rest vnder the shadow of thy protection Psal 4.9 Let my bed remember mee of the grave and my rising againe of the last resurrection Make ●ee alwayes w●tchfull and suffer not Oyle to bee inlacking to my lampe Mat. 25.8 When my Lord shall come grant I may meet h m with joy ever bee with him in heaven whom my soul hat● sought on earth Amen Morning meditation of the third Day O LORD my God if I had eyes to see the miserie of this time wherein I doe live I could take vp both the vniversall defection of the whole world and the particular desolation of my owne soule then would mine eyes bee a fountaine of teares Thy servant David powred out rivers of teares Psal 119.136 when hee did see the wicked not keepe thy Law 2. Pet. 2.8 Lots heart was vexed within him when hee saw the iniquitie of Sodome but alaace Lord I am not so sensible these things are hidde from mee therefore I pray thee remove this vaile that overshaddoweth my soule Act. 9.18 Make the skales to fall from mine eyes that I may take vp those decayes into a clearer light from the Priest to the people Hos 4.9 all haue a part in this defection Where is that wonted zeale to thy glorie Who are they who in singlenesse of heart seeke thee All doe seeke their owne thinges Phil 2.21 but few the things which are Christs Religion which should overrule mens wayes are made a coverture to vice and sinne O Lord demaske them and let them appeare who turne the trueth of GOD into a lie and laboure to cover vngodlinesse with a clo●ke of an holie profession Mat. 2.12.13 Take the scourge into thine hand and purge thy Temple put to the door those buyers and sellers who make the house of God a denne of theeves and touch mine heart with a livelie feeling of my particular defects I confesse O Lord I haue fallen from my first love from my former zeale Revel 2.4 from my former care and diligence in thy service Where is the melting hearte the mourning eye the painfull diligence night and day at home and abroad to seek thy face Where I was wont to pray with delite with libertie and with teares now I wearie of prayer I finde no inwarde libertie no softnesse of heart I come vnto thee with a senselesse heart I depart from thee with as senselesse a heart Where my heart was wont to bee pricked at the hearing of thy Worde Act. 2. ● where I was wont to depart from Sermons with great comfort now I finde my selfe neither casten downe nor raised vp Thy Word O Lord worketh not
Now hee must play the Priest and suffer patientlie his death which hee would not stay Thou should vse poore Soule the opportunitie of the worde verie earnestlie while the raine thereof from Heaven doeth water the dry and thirstie soules of men and whilst it is called to day let vs not barden our hearts The Lord therefore will knowe the inventer of this accusation and in all the History wil haue every mans part knowne in this action I am no Iew said hee cleansing himselfe Thine owne Nation doeth accuse thee I count not for the Messias religion troubles me not so much The Cleargie and Church-men must take heed thereto A liuelie image of wordlings who in the matters of the earth are more thā curious But spiritual things are spirituallie decerned For he inquireth not what a King hee was where his Kingdome was that he might haue a part and sh●re thereof but breakes off in an accusation of Iesus if he was a King The naturall man knoweth not the thinges of the sp●rit of God 1. Cor. 1.14 for they are f●clishn●sse to him And therefore Christ taketh the mouth of Pilat to bee witnes that hee was a King Who albeit hee was equall with the Father Phil. 2.6 and thought it no robberie made himselfe of no reputation by taking on him the forme of a servant to his Father to be witnes to the Truth He wold haue hereby wonne Pilat if it had been possible but he was interrupted for the word is euer a sweet odour to God 2. Cor. 2.15 either to salvation or damnation in mercie or Iustice. With great constancie and grauitie without respect of persons doeth Christ answere so should his servants defend Gods honour and not to turne their faile to everie Winde and therefore hee did avouch his Kingdome as anonynted of the Father Psal 2.6 and sat vpon M●unt Syon his holie Mountaine Zac. 9.9 who is just and saued himselfe and his people from their sinnes Mat. 2.21 Blessed is hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord Hosanna Mat. 21.9 thou which art in the highest heavens who hath giuen vs to inherite the Kingdome prepared for vs Mat. 25.34 from the f●undation of the world And therefore weak Soule Why art thou aff●aied Is it of the Devill hee can not hurt one haire of t●i●e head Mat. 8.31.32 without thy Kings will Art thou troubled with sickenesses At his command they depart Mar. 1.31 Are enemies risen against thee Hee can crushe with a Scepter of Iron Psal 2.9 and breake them in pieces like a Potters vessell Art thou astonished at Death 1. Cor. 15.55 Death is swallowed vp in victorie feare not therefore feeble Soule For it pleaseth the Father to giue thee his Kingdome Luc. 12.32 who can therfore separate thee from the loue of Christ bee perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor hight nor deepe nor any other creature shal bee able to separate thee from the loue of God Rom. 8.35 38.39 which is in Christ Iesus our Lord for he hath al power in heaven Mat. 11. ●7 and in earth His Kingdome is not subject to change and vanitie but eternall Iohn 3.35 and reacheth aboue the heavens and the earth and the depths therof Ier. 6.7 Therefore poore Soule place thy treas●●e in heaven but alace as the Fountaine casteth out her waters so doe wee cast out our malice Let the world bee crucified to vs and vs to the world Gal. 6.14 For if wee bee dead with him wee shall also liue with him 2. Tim. 2.11.22 if wee suffer with him wee shall reigne with him if wee be therefore troubled with the Children of this vvorld remember my Soule his Kingdome is not of this world Iohn 16.33 in the world thou shall suffer affliction but be of good comfort bee hath overcome the world This his Kingdome is from Sea to Sea Psal 72.8 and to the last parts of the earth and it is governed by the preaching of the Gospel Heb. 2.8 who in place of taking tribute from his subjects Luc. 24.47 hath caried vpon him our sorrowes plagued of God Esay 53.4 and smitten of God and humbled who hath giuen vs eternall goods as Righteousnesse Rom. 14.17 Peace and joye in the holie Ghost And therefore my Soule bee wise serue the Lord in feare and rejoyce in trembling Psal kisse the Sonne least hee bee angrie and thou perish in the way when his wrath shall suddenlie burne blessed are all they that trust in him I came in the world to witnes the Trueth Iohn 14.6 who am the Way Veritie and Life to giue knowledg of salvation vnto my people by remission of their sins Luc. 1.77 that all that beleeue in mee ●ohn 3.15 should not perish but haue everlasting life Hee is therefore not onlie the Teacher of that heavenly wisedome Iohn 3.32 but is also made our wisdome from God 1. Cor. 1. 30 Receiue therefore comfortles Soule receiue his testimonie Hee that receiueth his testimony Iohn 3.33 hath sealed that God is true for hee whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giueth him not the spirit by measure Iohn 8.47 he that is of the Trueth doeth heare his voice be that is not of God Iohn 10.27 heares not Gods word Iohn 12 48. for the word that hee hath spoken shall judge him in the last day Verily he that heareth his word Iohn 5.24 and beleeueth in him that sent him hath everlasting life and shall not come vnto con●emnation but hath passed from death vnto Life So Pilat comming from the Common-Hall testified Christs innocencie but herein hee offended that hee did not deliver him who suffred wrong from the band of the oppressor Eccl. 4.9 but was faint hearted when he judged Iam. 1.26 All this while in silence and patience our Saviour possessed his soule vseing great moderation in speeches 1. Pet. 3.10 If thou lay thy injurie poore Soule at Christs feete hee will avenge it if thy wrong hee will repare it 1. Cor. 6.7 if thy sorrow he will care it And therefore learne to suffer wrong and sustaine harme Thy Christ sad Soule is thy patron and Advocate in the presence of God who by his silence hath opened thy mouth giuē thee libertie to speak for because thou art his son hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into thy heart Gal. 4.9 which cryeth Abba Father Let not therefore thy vnworthinesse dash thee so that thou should bee frighted Therefore come boldlie vnto the Throne of grace Heb. 4.16 that thou mayest receiue mercie and grace in the time of need The third Step of the third degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven c. NOw must Christ pas to Herod
Tetrach of Galile in such perilous cace wherein Pilate coulde not absolve the innocent and haue the favour of the Iewes vnlesse hee hadde perverted Iustice but casteth this fire in Herod his enemies skirt for that he was of his jurisdictiō and that hee had punisht Iudas and Theudas Galileans for insurrection before But most of all would God draw out of Herod a testimonie of Christ Iesus innocencie Such subtersuges evasions did Pilat brotch because they were at fead hee presented him and gifted the Person of Iesus Christ the best gift that ever was giuen if he had rightlie vnderstood for by this meanes Luc. 23.12 Herod and Pilat were reconcealed the same day But the providence of God doeth shine most heere For as Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Mat. 9.13 but sinners to repentance so to diverse sortes degrees of people doth hee offer himselfe to Herod his Courteours which will not admit his Grace but despise the day of their peace Hee looketh for some miracle of his curiosity to be don by Christ as a Iugler so doeth the children of this world hunt after their pleasure in the Gospel which when it will not afscord they loath the same Herod therefore did aske Christ of many things as fooles which doe not knowe what they would haue His mind was not to be instructed but to haue occasion of calumny H●e that will bee informed of Christe muste as a Disciple come with humilitie and earnest desire to learne but the Iewes inquired a signe 1. Cor. 1. 22 23. as the Grecians sought after wisedom But Christ crucified vnto the Iewes is a stumbling block vnto the Grecians foolishnesse This Herod was Archilans brother Mat. 2. the sonne of that Herod who killed the Infantes Luc. 9. and beheaded Iohn In great policie therefore demanded he questions of Christ to catch occasion against our Saviour For after his Fathers example hee would haue the whole seed of David rooted out that hee might reign alone But Christ will not cast pearles before Swine neither giue that that is holie vnto Dogs Mat. 7.6 And therefore he is mocked of the Courteours for as the Iudge of the people is himselfe so are his Officers and what manner of man the Ruler of the Citie is Eccl. 10. ● such are they that dwell therein Thus was he in whom the God-head dwelleth bodilie and in whom are all the treasures of wisedome Col. 2. knowledge and vnderstanding disdainfullie intertained of these Courteours and vsually it is so that in highest places where wealth and pleasure abounds small regarde is had of Christ and his word The servants of Saul would not kill Abimelech at his command 1. Sam. 22.17 1. King 18 3. Abdiab hid an hund●eth Prophets whom King Achab bad appointed to death These doe accompt Christ a foole in cloathing him in white rayment For so doth the world esteeme the preaching of the Gospel 1. Cor. 1.23 to bee foolishnesse But Herod ignorantlie by this Badge declared the innocencie of Christe and that shortlie Christe should enter into his Kingdome yea they honour him while as they contemne him in cloathing him with this Vesture as an Ephod he being both Priest and Lambe the sacrifice and sacrificer Herod therfore and Pilat who were before divided entered in friendship and conspired against Christ to take him out of the Land of the liuing but all in vaine Psal 2.1 The Kings of the Earth people may rage against God and his Anoynted but the Lord shall haue them in derision If Infidels could so shortlie be reconcealed laying apart all dissention Eph. 4.32 should wee not bee courteous one to another and tender hearted forgiving one another euen as God for Christes sake forgaue vs. And so much the more Eph. 2. 14. because Christ is our Peace-maker and our peace also who hath broken downe the partition wall and made of both Iewe and Gentile one Christ must be then broght home againe to Pilat who sought by all meanes to put Christe to libertie in commending of his innocency in making choyce of him with Barabbas in gratifying the Iewes by scourging of him exponing of him to the cruelty of Souldiers far against al Iustice seeing there was nothing to lay to his charge For such a Saviour it behoueth vs to haue H●b 7.26 who should be free from all sinnes 1. Pet. 2.22 and that his verie enemies should beare record of his integritie for Herod was well acquainted with the Iewish religiō as Pilat was with the affaires of the Romanes but neither the one nor the other could impute anie thing to that Innocent who satisfied for vs that were guiltie And therefore Pilat bethought himself that the Iewes should not bee so starke mad and obstinate as to preferre a seditious murtherer to Christ giueth them option which of them to choose Iohn 5.25 but the blinded Iewe would kill him that quickned the dead Lev. 24.21 and deliver him that killed the liuing And this was a custome brought in besides the word of God Deut. 19.11.12 at the solemne day of the Passeouer Exod. 12.3 who were not contented of the Pascall Lambe onelie to signifie the deliverance from Egypt but would adde this ceremonie against reason and Iustice For Magistrates are the Ministers of God Rom. 136. to take vengeance on them that doe evill Gen. 9.6 and a blood-shedder should bee punished by the Law but we should not follow customes but Gods truth not suffer an evill vse to become a law Pilate knew that they had delivered Christ vnto him for envie Mat. 27.18 for Iesus did taxe their corrupt doctrine 1. Tim. 3.6 vitious maners This Envy is the daughter of Pride Gen. 4.5 for the proud must bee invyous This did cast downe the Devill Adam and Eue this made Cain kill his brother And what evill hath it not done Wis● 2.24 For by the envie of the Devill Death came into the world Iohn 6.15 Verie vnconstant is the voyce of the common multitude A little while before they would haue given him Princely honours but now they desire him to be crucified and that at the instigation of the Elders Ier. Evill Magistrates either in Church or Common-wealth are noysome Pestilences The people did in great pompe Mar. 1.33 and frequent solemnitie oft-times resort to Iesus but now they turne to bee his adversaries and they that should haue carried the keyes of the Kingdom Mat. 23.13 they will not enter nor suffer others to enter but bloweth the bellowes of malice against Christ not in heart onelie Esay 48.4 by cogitation or privie grudge as the Iewes did before against Christ but by outward exclamation not one of the multitude but all Esay 1.6 impietie had so crept in as a canker and fire to consume the communalitie
more afflictiō to his running sores And therefore they did put on him his owne cloathes that hee might bee more fullie known and contemptibly esteemed of al the beholders the Souldiers were to divide his vestments amongst them Psal 22.17 for it was not in a Gentilish but a Iewish apparell that hee was crucified in that al the sins that then were committed might redownd on the head of the Iews And that as the parti-coloured garment of Ioseph was dipped in the Kids blood so our inward man was dyed in the Blood of this innocent Lambe And blessed are they who haue washed their robes therein But as he was stripped first of his owne cloathes which signified the rejection of the Iewes and thereafter arrayed in Purple which is the gathering of the Churche of the Gentiles so last shall that Iewish cloathing bee put on that when the fulnesse of the Gentiles are come in then all Israel shall bee saued But most of all it was that his verie enemies should not thereafter haue fained that some other did suffer in his place And that the cloaths of righteousnesse and holinesse which Adam had lost for after his fall he was found naked this second Adam might restore to the beleeuers for we had never so much hurt in Adams fall as wee haue a thousand folde and aboue restitution by Iesus if wee relye on him by a lyuelie faith The fourth Degree and first Step of the ascension of the Soule vnto Heaven by meditation of the exaltation of Iesus Christ our Saviour vpon the Crosse THus being delivered to these bloody Hel houndes who had shifted Christ of his cloathes and arayed him in Purple And againe to renew the fresh stripes haue vnclothed him puting on his own bringing him out vnto the place of execution carying his own Crosse accōpanied with two euill doers so wearie that Simon of Cyrene was compelled to beare the end thereof All this was that he shuld suffer extreame shame which alwayes followeth vpon Sin for as he took the one so did he the other vpon him But heere are heap●s of shames the death of the Crosse the world gazing on him two Theeues led with him but the more ignominious the death vvas the glory and triumph vvas the greater and the more stinking Golgotha vvas the more sweetlie savoured his sacrifice smelled in the Nose-thirles of his Father Lev. 4.11 Now therefore was hee caried out for the bodies of those beastes whose bloode was brought into the holie Place by the his Priest for sin were burnt without the Campe Heb. 13.11 13.14.15 Therefore euen Iesus that he might sanctifie vs with his own Blood suffred without the gate And should not thou deare Soule goe foorth out of the Campe bearing his reproach Thou therefore shouldest cast off the care of this world denying thy selfe and thirsting for that eternall countrie vvher thy title and burgesship is For wee haue not heere a continuing citie but wee seeke for one to come Wherefore vvhensoeuer thou shalt bee cast out and put in exyle for his Names sake thou hast Christe thy Chiftan Companion with thee But most of all was he caried out of the ports that vve might haue accesse vnto the face of his Father and never bee thrust into those eternall punishments For he as an off s●ouring of the world vnworthy of the fellowship of men vvas caried out of the citie to open that heavenlie Paradise to vs and therefore that hee did not suffer for Ierusalem nor for Iudea or for one part of the world only but for the sinnes of the whole world who shall beleeue in him Wee children of Adam vvere cast out of Paradise hee is als● gone out of the gate to seeke vs bring vs home againe Here hast thou sinful Soule thy Abel caried out into the fields killed by his brother Gen. 4. Thy Isaac Gen. 22.6 ascēding the montaine to bee sacrificed The Masters Sonne● of the Vineyarde Mat. 16.24 who sought fruite of it killed by the husb●nd men and cast out of it Novve must his wearied Corps carie this Crosse also vvhich should bee diligentlie learned to bee done of all Christians But wee should earnestlie consider Christ caried his ovvn Crosse appointed to him by divine dispensation not to bring vpon our selues 1. Pet. 2.20 without the bounds of our calling vnnecessary crosses 1. Pet. 4.15 The bearing of his Crosse should comfort thee poore Soule against the weight of sinne for hee his own selfe bare them in his bodie on the tree Esay 53.5 1. Pet. 2.42 now therfore calamities and miseries beeing sanctified by him are not tokens of the Lords wrath Heb. but meanes to make vs conformable to his Son for hee did beare the burden not only of murther theft but of al the sinnes of the Elect For hee vvent out with two Theeues bearing the burden of one of them and releiving him of his sins who did sup with him that night in Paradise And to a greadge his ignominie the more tvvo euill doers are brought out with him as if hee had beene a Captaine of vvickednes that all Nations which had conveened at the Passeouer in Ierusalem might tak the clearer notice of him Now must Simon little thinking of this businesse helpe to carie his Crosse for when vvee promise greatest trāquillitie to our selves thē are we most object to calamities Hee is compelled to doe this fauour to Christ for it is properlie in borne in vs to loue the pleasures of this vvorld and seeke for glorie riches and quietnesse vntill this vyle flesh be constrained to vndergoe afflictions For it is good that wee be afflicted that wee may learne his statutes ●sal 119.71 because none shall know himselfe without temptation and none shall bee crowned Esay 26.17.18 but hee that hath overcome and none can overcome vnlesse hee fight and none can fight Iam. 1.3.4 vnlesse hee haue an enemi● But heere consider my Soule how this Simon did meete Christ now miserablie debilitated God so providing him to lift the ende of the Crosse that Christ shuld not faint in the vvay For God is faythfull Cor. 10.13 which will not suffer his to be tempted aboue that they are able but will euen giue the issue with the temptatiō that they may be able to beare it Whensoeuer therfore poore Soule thou art cast dovvne in the depth of sorrovve remember that as thou art partaker of the sufferinges so shall thou bee also of the consolation 1. Cor. 1.7 yea 1. Pet. 4.13 14. rejoyce in as much as ye are partakers of Christs sufferings that vvhen his glory shall appeare yee may bee glad and rejoyce But this Ioseph was a Gentile to signifie the Gentiles also shuld be paricipant of the benefite of Christs sufferings For the preaching of the Gospel to them that perish 1. Cor. 1.18 is foolishnesse but vnto vs that are saued it