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A16834 A sermon, preached at Paules Crosse on the Monday in Whitson weeke Anno Domini. 1571 Entreating on this sentence Sic deus dilexit mundum, vt daret vnigenitum filium suum, vt omnis qui credit in eu[m] non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam. So God loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that al that beleue on him shoulde not perysh, but haue eternall life. Iohn. 3. Preached and augmented by Iohn Bridges. Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1571 (1571) STC 3736; ESTC S109682 109,364 184

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Faythe and take holde of Chryste No sayeth Christe hymselfe Hoc est opus Dei vt credatis in eum This is the worke of God that ye beleeue in hym whome hee hathe sente It is not your worke Donum Dei est It is Gods gift Then man hath nothyng at all in hym selfe not so mutche as to put out his hande and receyue this gifte excepte GOD geue hym this gyfte also to receaue it except God geue him this hand to put out howe can he put out that he hath not it muste needes bee then that those that receyue this gift the sonne of GOD are euen the elect of god Crediderunt quotquot praeoidinati fuerunt ad vitam aeternam Euen so many beleued as were ordeyned to eternall lyfe And further then thys we will not we dare not we can not wade howe soeuer the diuell the worlde the fleshe the Papists doo startle hereat but moste humbly lette vs prayse and magnifie God for this and saye with Christe Confiteor tibi pater c. I giue thee thankes O Father Lorde of Heauen and earth bicause thou haste hidden these thyngs from the wyse and prudent and haste opened them vnto babes it is so father bycause thy good pleasure was such It is not so bicause it was oure pleasure oure will oure merite our worke our preparatiue or any thyng in vs But GOD hath only of his mere mercyful loue begunne it wrought it and performed it in his choyse vessels of mercie thorough his onely begotten sonne oure Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe Thus haue I derely beloued in the lord a great deale to long I graunt deteined your pacience but the matter for me I hope wil pleade my pardon A matter of no lesse momente in it selfe than conteyning the weyghtiest poynts of our religion the chiefest controuersies of oure contention and all the causes of our saluation Neither myghte wee passe through these matters hauing to deale with suche crafty and warbling aduersaries so soone as the ordinarie time in this place dothe require but I haue presumed in this extraordinarie Sermon or rather was driuen thereto to driue out the time extraordinarily for the aduersaries to step their mouths and if it please God to win their harts also at least for our selues to confirme strengthen ours against all theyr cauillations Which effect that it may worke in them and vs let vs neuer forget this most worthie sentence So god loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that all that beleue in him shold not perishe but haue eternall life Let vs remember all the foure parts into the which I deuided this sentence In the firste let vs seriously set before vs these two endes Euerlasting death and Euerlasting life Secondly these two parties God and the world chiefly considering the eternall purpose and election of God the first cause and originall of our saluation In the second parte let vs consider what moued God to elect vs to life euerlasting nothing in the world but all in him selfe euen only his owne mere loue Wherin remember withall howe greatly they haue abused you or rather abused God by little and litle in taking all from God and let vs render all to him from whose loue all procedes to vs In the third parte consider by what meanes god hath wrought it euen by Iesus Christ His only begotten sonne What a passing loue thys was surmounting all kindes of loue what an excellente gifte it was and how the Papists trode it vnder foote and let vs beware least we misuse this gifte by securitie of life as they by false doctrine dy●… deface it Laste of all let vs receaue thys gifte by faith the only meanes we take it by and take hede of them for in euery thing they haue shewed them selues to God and man vnfaithfull neither know they what faith meanes and therefore are they suche enemies of this doctrine that only a stedfast faithe apprehending The sonne of God doth make vs acceptable vnto the father But let vs leauing them to Gods iudgemēts to come vpon them admit and beleue this his eternall truth and prayse God for these his vnspeakable mercies poured on vs in Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with the father and the holy ghost three persons and one most perfecte and euerliuing Godhed be all prayse and glory now and for euer Amen FINIS 1. Cor ▪ 2. Luc. 14. Philip. 3. Prou. 2. Rom. 6. Ludoui●… Viues Eccl 7. 3. Reg. 2. Osee. 13. Rom. 6. Math. 16. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 9. Matth. 20 Matth. 2●… Mark 9. Luc. 16. Matth. 15. Iohn 14. Iohn 10. Ierem. 7. 2. Pet. ●… Matt. 22. Mat. 22. Luc. 12. 1. Peter 4. Hebr. 10. Apoc. 3. Matth. 24 Matth. 25. Matth. 10. 1 Iohn 5. ●… Ion. 2. 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 1 Mare 16. Legenda in vita S. Francis. Iohn 17. 1. Iohn 2. Matth. 7. Iohn 6. Ephes. 1. Rom. 8. Iohn 13. Iohn 5. 1 Cor. 6. Gen. 3. Gala. 6. Iohn 12 Iohn 17. Rom. 10 Marc. 16. Rom. 10. Gala. 3. Rom. 4. 1. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Cor. 2. Lbi. 1. D●… doct christiana 1. Tim. 2. Rom 9. Prouer. 15. Rom 9. Rom. 9. Matth. 26. Ephes. 1. Rom. 8. Aug li. 50. Homili●…r Homili 17. Act. 9. Psalm 117 Phil. ●… Iohn 6. Iohn 17. Ephes. ●… Rom. 9. Ezech. 33. 1. Tim. 2. Matth. 23. Psalm 17. Exod. 6. Malach. 3. Rom. 〈◊〉 Hebr. 13. Exod. 3. 2 Cor. ●… L●…c ●… Rom. 8. Psalm 13. 1. Tim. ●… Matth. 6. Matth. 5. ●… Tim. 3. Ierem 2. Iohn 4. Gen 3. Rom. 13. Esa 48 Prouer. 25 1 Pet 4. 1 Cor. 13. ●… Cor. 11. Matth. 22. Matth. 10. Iohn 8. 2. Cor. 6. Iohn 8. Matth. 4. 1. Iohn 2. Matth. 4. Luc. ●…2 Iob. 1. ●… Pet 5. Matth. 16. 2. Cor. 12. Iob. 13. Rom. 5. Rom. 8. 1. Iohn 3. Collos. 1. Marc. 8. 2 Reg. 6. Gen. 19. 4 Reg 6. 2. Tim 3. Luc 10. 2. Tim. ●… 2. Tim. 1. Rom. 3. Rom 8. Rom 4. Psalm 126 Rom. 11. Ezech. 16. Ezech. 16. Esai 1. 57. Gen 12. Iosu. 24. ●…sa 59. Act. 7. Rom. 5. Gal. 5. Rom. 3. Rom. 3. Rom 6. Gal. 3. Gen. 18. Rom. 7. Matth 7. Luc. 6. Iohn 15. Ephes. 1. 1 Cor. 2. Psalm 48 Psalme 31. 2. Cor. 2. Rom. 5. Ephes. 2. Rom. 7. Iacobi 1. Rom. 8. Rom. 7. Matth 12. Poue●…b 〈◊〉 Matth. 15. Ierem 17. Gen. 6. Gen. 8. Psalm 13. Pigghius de origin peccato Rom 5. 1. Iohn 3. Iob. 14. Psal. 50. Ruth 4. 1. Cor 7 ▪ Heb. 1●… Iohn 3. Gen. 2. Rom. 5. Rom. 6. Iohn 8. Rom 8. Rom 8. Rom 5. Rom. 5. Rom. 8. 2. Tim 1. Gala. 3. Tit 3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…phes 2. Gala. 5. Ad 〈◊〉 lib. qu●…st 2 De ●…ide operibus cap 14 ●… Th●…ss 2 Rom 9. 〈◊〉 13. 1. Cor. 2. Augu in Psal. 6●… Psa●…m 1●… Iob. 〈◊〉 Iohn 17. ●…xod 9. Rom 9. Psalm 77. Iud epist. Psalm 15. Gen 3. Heb. 12. Exod. 19. Iob
enstruete them in it The Papists doe knowe these two endes of heauen and hell but they are not cōtent with these two endes but will make for lucre a thirde ende of Purgatorie betweene them bothe If they replie they make this no ende as it is apparaunt to the contrarye they make it a state after thys lyfe betweene Hell fyre and Eternall lyfe and saye it differeth nothing from Hell fire but onely in continuaunce so in this poynt of continuance they imagine Hell fyre to bee sutche an ende also as they with their Masses can deliuer from it not only those that are aliue an are not yet f●…lne into this ende but also the soules that already are damned the rin As they write how Gregory with a Trentall deliuered his mother that came whisking crying in the aire whē she was alredy dāned hauing bin in her life time a priuie whore and murderer of her bastards And likewise how T●…aiā that was an hethē Emperor an enimie of Christ and damned in hell fire that their Masses deliuered him But the Scripture is manyfest to proue thē liers the fire of hell is vnquencheable Discedite a me maledicti in ignem aeternū the worme that gnaweth there shalneuer die In inferno nalla est redemptio in hell there is no gaole deliuerie Est magnus hiatus There is a greatspace saith Abrahā to the cōdemned glutton betwene you and vs in so muche that they which would go hence to you can not neither can they come from thence to vs. These therfore are but Popishe lyes as they shall fynd by experience when they come thyther excepte they repent betimes For it is impossible for them to taste of eternall lyfe if that they walke in darknesse and ignorance as they do the blinde leading the blynd both fall in the ditche together If that they go otherways than Christ that sayth of him self Ego sum via if that they enter not by the doore of Christ that sayth of himself Ego sum ostiū they must nedes perish and shall neuer enter into eternall lyfe Neyther is hell the place prepared for pagans Turkes Iewes Heretikes and Papists only but also for false Gospellers It shall not auayle the Papistes to saye Templum Domini Templum Domini The Churche of the Lorde the Churche of the Lorde Our holy mother the Churche Neyther shall it profite the faise Protestantes to saye Verbum Domini Verbum Domini The worde of the Lorde the worde of the Lorde the Gospell of Iesus Christe wherein we lerne the true knowledge of these endes for what are wee the better or not rather mutche worse by the knowledge of these endes if oure lyuing bee suche as eyther knoweth them not or carethe not for them To what securitie Lorde bee mercyfull to vs are wee growne euen on whom the endes of the worlde are almoste comme and feare not the case nor prepare oure selues therto hell syre is euen at hande both for body and soule and we fare as though there were no suche thing towardes Wee buylde as though it were at the Cowre of Babel wee purchasse as thoughe the worlde shoulde laste for euer wee ruff●…e in apparell as though oure carryons shoulde neuer turne to dust we gather and whoorde as though we should neuer die we liue in pleasure as though oure heauen were here To conclude in what poynte doe wee shewe that wee knowe these endes or wee consyder these endes or regard these endes or prepare our selues agaynst these endes but euen in a retchelesse securitie rather saye eyther there are no sutche endes at all as the meckers that Saincte Peter prophecyed to comme in the last days shall say Where is the promyse of his comming for since the Fathers died all things continue alvke since the begynning of the creation or else wee saye with the wicked seruaunt Tushe the ●…ndes are fa●…re of the Lorde differreth his comming and so eate and drink and strike our felows but thou naughtie seruaunt in an houre thou lookest not for him thy Lord shall come to giue thee thy wretched ende with hypocrites Take him and binde him hande and foote and cast him into vtter darknesse Thou shalt perishe and be beaten with many stripes Behold the ende is euen at hande eyther of perdition or eternall lyfe The Lorde is comming and hee will not slacke his comming hee standethe euen at the doore and knocketh and biddeth thee watche and looke for the ende Happie is hee that looketh for the ende with the wise virgins Woe woe worth him on whom the ende commeth vnlooked for Blessed is he that abideth to the ende that prepareth hym selfe to the end that setteth euer before him the horrour of eternal death that hath euer in his eies the hope of eternall lyfe that directeth to that lyfe that is eternall all the actions of this lyfe that is so transitorie Thus in this fyrst parte as fyrst of all we muste cōsider these two ends the scape of eternal death the obtayning eternall lyfe so must wee consyder these two parties God and the world God that deliuereth from eternall death and giueth eternall lyfe The worlde that is deliuered from eternall death and receaueth eternall lyfe For in the nature of these two is as much difference of them selues God and the world as is euen betwene eternall death and eternall life For first where as God is al holinesse puritie righteousues goodnesse the worlde is all wickednesse vncleanuesse vnrightuousnesse euen a sinke of sin Totus mundus in maligno positus Al the world is set on mischiefe Omne Quam est in mundo aut est concupiscentia carnis c. Al that is in the world is either the lust of the fleshe the luste of eyes or the pride of lyfe Where as God is eternitie perfection the fountaine of all lyfe yea lyfe it selfe both of grace and glorie the world is ouerrunne with death what is in it but vanitie instabilitie miserie and wretchednesse and what in the ende deserueth it but perdition and condemnation To conclude the kingdome of God is not of this worlde the wisedome of this worlde is follie to god Laste of all God the Father hath drowned the worlde God the Holy Ghost shall reproue the worlde of sinne of Iustice and of Iudgement And the Sonne of God that the worlde refused shall come in the end to iudge the world So that betwene these twain God and the worlde is a great contrarietie Now then proue ye this your fyrst part will ye say that God would the world should not perish but haue eternall lyfe Here welbeloued we must consider what this worde the Worlde in this place dothe signifie for by mistakyng thereof great erroures haue growne The worlde hath diuers significations but foure in principall First the worlde betokeneth vniuersally all Creatures that God the Creator hath created visible and inuisible what soeuer Heauen and earth and
is 〈◊〉 causantiū causarum the cause of al causings and of all causes when we here it is Gods purpose so to be shal we not think e●…en this purpose of god the causer to be cause sufficient but we will seke for other causes in the causes inferior things that themselues are caused What absurditie were this in man and what presumption ahainst god sith we heare it is gods purpose and we are not content therwith Well say the Papists be it the cause be only in God and not in man nor any creature that he purposed to bestowe this benefite on the world yet she we me a cause in god himselfe that moued him hereunto Why is not this a sufficient cause of it selfe that we haue sayd al this while it was Gods purpose If this will not suffise thee what will suffise thee Shall I say it is Gods determination that is al one with purpose Shal I say it is Gods appoyntmente this is all one also Shall I say it is his good wil and pleasure what is this but in effecte the same also what shall I saye then that shall contente them Surely neyther I nor all the world shal be able to say any thing that can satisfie a warbling Papist in this matter For how should we satisfie him that is not satisfied with the purpose determination appointment wil and pleasure of God but he will needes know why God purposed determined and appointed why it was his will and pleasure But see euen here if this will content the Papist wee haue a further cause expressed in the firste begynnyng of this sentence Sic dilexit So God loued the Worlde Lo loue is the cause therof Yea but what made him loue the worlde saith the Papist nothing yes euen bycause hee would vouch safe so to doo Why sayeth he this commeth to the former cause hee loued it bicause he would But wherfore woulde he loue it Here the Papist setteth mee I confesse neyther will I search nor can I find any further cause than this neyther am I ashamed to be so sette of a Papist that I can go no further whē I come to the loue good wil of God of which if it were so easy a matter to shew a further cause why was not S. Paul ashamed when he came to the alleaging of Gods will to crye oute that the Iudgementes of God were vnsearchable and durste goe no further after he had alleaged it to be Gods wil bycause beyond this cause he coulde fynde no cause hygher his fadome coulde reache no further Heere was abyssus abyssum inuocat Here was sette the Cherubin and the flamyng sworde to stoppe the entrie into this vnsearcheable Paradyse Here were the boundes of Gods Mountayne Sina limited that the people nor the Priestes nor any else durste or coulde enter into but onely our heauenly Prophete lyke to Moyses Iesus Christe not only man but GOD himself also And wil a beast a Papist a brutishe fleshly man presume to come neare thys mountayn yea to go beyond the boundes appoynted Shall not a dart be cast through him that dare presume thus beastely What is man that he should not be content when he heareth platte and playne it is Gods wyll but he wil demaund a reason of the same Iob neuer durste presume thus farre as the Papists doo yet when in the anguishe of his mynde hee wente beyonde hys reache The Lorde out of the whyrle wynde sayde Whoe is thys that darkeneth the counsell by woordes without knowledge Gyrde vp now thy loynes lyke a manne I wyll demaunde of thee and declare thou vntoo mee Where waste thow when I layde the foundations of the earthe Declare yf thou haste vnderstandynge c. Wylte thou disanull my Iudgemente or wylte thou condemne mee that thou mayste bee iustified or haste thou an arme lyke GOD or doest thou thunder wyth a Voyce lyke hym Decke thy selfe nowe wyth Maiestie and excellencye and arraye thy selfe wyth Beautie and glorye Caste abroade the indignation of thy wrathe and beholde euery one that is prowde and abase hym looke on euery one that is arrogante and bryng hym lowe and destroye the wycked in theyr place hyde them in the duste together and bynde theyr faces in a secrete place then wyll I confesse vnto thee also that thy ryghte hande can saue thee Thys presumption then not to bee content wyth the expressed good wyll of GOD but to searche further causes of his wyll then hee hath expressed that is his loue is euen to make our owne right hande our Sauiour as the Papistes doo Let vs therefore be content with this cause of Gods purpose that it is his good wil and procedeth of his mere loue And that his loue is the very and onely cause hereof as oure Sauioure Chryste hathe sayde Sic Deus dilexit mundum GOD so loued the worlde The loue of God is the cause of the Worldes saluation than the whyche what can bee a more notable cause and more comfortable herein than the loue and good wyll of god But the Papist whose mouth is not yet stopped nor hys ambitious mynde contented groynethe hereat that all shoulde proceede from the good wyll and loue of GOD Did not wee saithe he loue him before and then he loued vs No Papist we loued him not wee hated him as is already she wed In hoc est charitas non ꝙ nos dilexerimus Deum sed quod ipse dilexit nos Loue consisteth herein sayeth S. Iohn not that we loued him but that he loued vs Prior dilexit nos he loued vs before and not we him before for then were all this in vayne then were the cause in vs not in God then were it no godamercie to God that we are saued but gramercie myne owne selfe for God requited me but loue for loue What a pawne checkemate were this to the loue of God But herein commendat charitatem suam Deus in nobis quoniam cum adhuc peccatores es●…emus God not onely loueth vs but herein he maruellously setteth out the glory and praise of his infinite loue vnto vs that euen when we were sinners when we were enemies he loued vs The only and whole cause then of Gods purpose to our saluation is the fauour loue of god Wherfore was Iacob preferred before hys brother Esau Iacob dilexi I loued Iacob Wherefore chose he the seede of Abraham Isaac and Iacob to be hys people for any merite of these their fathers which were holy patriarkes No Quia dilexit patres tuos forbicause hee loued their fathers Wherfore saith God vnto the Israelites The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a precious people vnto hym selfe aboue all people that are vpon the earthe The Lorde did not set his loue vpon you nor chose you bicause ye were mo in number than any people for ye were the fewest of al people but bicause the Lord loued you Wherfore is the