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father_n eternal_a ghost_n holy_a 29,948 5 5.9119 4 false
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A15576 The best merchandise or, A cleare discovery of the evident difference, and admirable advantage, betweene our traffike with God, for the true treasure; and with men, for temporall commodity VVherein is shevved that our spirituall trading is both free from all the evill, & full of all the good, which is incident to civill commerce; yea, that it overfloweth with divers excellent prerogatives, which the affayres of the earth cannot yeelde. Preached at Middleburgh in Zeelandt, immediately before the remoovall, of the famous fellowship of Merchant Adventurers of England, from thence, vnto Delft, in Hollandt. And now published, and dedicated, to the honour and vse, of that whole society, there, or other where, residing. By Iohn VVing, a true harted wellwiller, to their temporall, and eternall good, with God and men. Wing, John, of Flushing, Zealand. 1622 (1622) STC 25843; ESTC S120117 86,198 146

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cup of her fornications But of these merchants of God it shal be sayd yea it is already sayd jrrevocably recorded too that they shal be kings in heaven every merchant of wisdome shall be called GREAT in the kingdome of heaven and have glory there with the king of kings for ever and ever The Lord Iesus hath made it sure already by his blood it is not more ceartayne that he is dead shamefully for vs then that we shall liue gloriously with his father through him for by his infamy our honour was purchased he dyed miserably to the end we might live blessedly and was content to come much beneath himself that we might be marveilousy exalted by his extreame abasement It is he that hath of his owne goodnes made vs of naturall men gracious merchants and he it is that will make vs Princes of glory after we have beene merchants in grace proclayming vs both to our selves and others by the proper and peculyar prerogatives of his spirit to be heires apparant vnto that kingdome while we are in this body here below and afterward putting vs into the actuall and eternall possession of the same And what a rare royall and surpassing prerogative this is every man may apprehend it is rare for the world cannot match it royall for it dignifyes a man aboue the worlde surpassing for none els can come neere it We were as was sayd happy while we were getting this merchandise by Prayer and Endeavour and such other good meanes as we have specifyed but all this was but the first fruits the beginning and earnest pennyes of our comforts now to come which are full infinite everlasting and incomprehensible for greatnes for goodnes for durablenes and whatsoever els may any way conduce to make a thing inconceivably comfortable both in it self and vnto vs. While we were here we were but driving this trade and during the time wherin we were either selling our corruption or buying sanctification we now and then mett with some adverse and opposite things our graces could not evermore worke kindely because they were many times encumbred and interrupted Satan the world and our owne corruption were often in our way all or some of these did ever annoy vs doing daily their worst to make the streame muddy to embase these excellencyes and to embitter our sweete proceedings in these happy passages But now we shal be out of the divells the world and our owne sins reach all their gunshot shall not come neere vs but we shall for ever enjoy most quietly the fruit of that which we have gotten Christianly Now shall we be enriched and honoured by him by whome we were employed and set on worke now shall we sit with our fellow Merchants in grace and posessors of glory Abraham Isaac and Iacob all the rest of the most blessed Patriarchs Prophets Apostles and whatsoever other Saints doe concure to make vp that numberlesse number of those who are sayd to be an jnnumerable multitude of just and perfect men and with them all and all the residue of the mysticall members of the most sacred body of Christ shall we see the face and enjoy the presence of our lining God our loving father the king of kings and Lord of Lords and we shall beholde him as he is in the perefection of his essence in the glory of all his excellencyes in the mystery of his persons Then and there shall we be in such a state as we cannot now discover it appeareth not what we shal be saith John that is in particuler perfection of that estate of the boundles and vnlimited extent wherof nature and mortality is no way capable There shall we be as kings to raigne with the Lord the king of saints sitting vpon thrones of glory wearing crownes of jmmortality with Iesus the purchaser of these perfections for vs who hath given and granted to all saints to fit vpon his throne as he sitteth vpon his fathers throne What we have gott here shal be wholy taken vp there I meane of those remayning graces that shall abide for faith hope patience zeale and such like graces as had their proper excercise and principall jmployment either vpon present evill or good to come and not yet posessed shall cease but all those graces that goe into glory with vs shal be jmployed in a most glorious manner vpon the most glorious things that are there as our wisdome and knowledg and loue vpon himself his son and spirit those three blessed and distinct persons every of which is God to be blessed for ever not thrice nor a thousand thousand times blessed but infinitly beyond all millions of blessings and blessednes that the created and finite hart of man comprehend in the vttmost jmaginations therof That one moe glorious essence of those three most glorious persons and that Trinall and most sacred subsistence shall then be the only objects of our wisdome to know them fully loue to affect them perfectly joy to delight in them everlastingly These while we were here among mysts of ignorance were mysteries vnto vs and such secrets vnto our clouded vnderstādings as we could not clearely discerne but we had some glymmering light or weake guesse at them such as the man had whose eyes were in part opened that saw men walking like trees which was a seing very grosse and confused New we see saith the apostle through a glasse darkely and know but in part But when we shal be translated from hence to that celestiall state and station then shall we see face to face and know vs we are knowne yea saith another apostle we shall see him the Lord as he is both in the incomprehensible vnity of his nature and inconceivable trinity of the persons the severall excellencyes of the former and their infinite acts the distinct acts of the latter and their divine effects the FATHERS eternall generation of the SON the SONS eternall sonship or filiation of the father and the proceeding of the holy GHOST eternally from the Father and the Son shall the shyne openly vnto vs and soe shall the power the wisdome the merey the justice all that infinite variety of ineffable goodnes whic hath his residence in the glorious nature of that Being of Beings these shall we see with open face yea as we sayd even now face to face the Lord will no more turne his backe-parts to vs but we shall have full sight of all his glory vnto the brightnes wherof the clearest lustre of the sun is but as fogg and darknes our eyes and vnderstanding shal be free from feeble jmpotency and both made absolute in perfect jmmutable jmmortality to beholde him who hath blessed vs with these heavenly things in heaven The shaddowes of these things which we now reade with astonishment in the booke of God we shall then and there receive and feele with vnvtterable ravishment where the Lord is and where we shall for ever be with him in the highest happines
may lay his hand vpon some and disable them to satisfy where they have received which thing they would most willingly doe were it in their power and it doth not a little perplexe them that it is not The debt in this case may be bad but soe is not the debtor who not being any whit lesse honest in hart but more poore in estate and that by the hand of God cannot be sayd to be bad vnlesse it be in the construction of those base earth-wormes who make the world their cheifest good hating pouerty as men doe theevery These as wee sayd before are the true objects of Gods compassion mans comiseration and he hath no Christian hart who lendeth not a hand so farre as he may to left vp such as the Lord hath thus humbled But for others who are truly called Bad debtors from whome God hath not taken sufficitency of meanes but the Diuell hath rob'd them of honesty of minde to retayne that money to enrich themselves which others ought by vndeniable right to receiue from them what should I say but what the Apostle once sayd Their money perish with them they with their money who thus gaine it retayne it yea without repentance to God and restitution to men they shall both surely perish for the curse even the consuming curse of God cleaveth both to it and them The catalogue of these caytiffes increaseth daily it is lōg enoug I thinke to reach from hence to hell whereinto they shall all be cast and be accursed for ever who vpon pretended poverty of their owne doe really rob jmpoverish many The Divell himself was never so bad as to make himself worse then he is as he hath taught these vile varlets to doe it is his manner many times to make himself better then he is for his advantage but never worse but these wretches will fayne to be poore and penurious even in despight of God and his good providēce who hath take nothing from them but giuen them enough to give men their owne which because they will not doe he hath pleaseth to give them over to this new-founde most notorious villany that their tayle should be like the dragons to draw soe many downe as must fall by theyr rising But of all those that ever had to doe with God in this merahādise can one be named in the whole worlde or any age or time therof whome he fayled fully to satisfy according to promise and kindnes too All the Dinolls in hell cannot instance any one soe exact most absolute hath the faithfullnes of God ever beene to all his in all things Sooner shall the sun faile to give vs light and the day to follow the night then our God seīg he wil be our debtor will fayle vs one jot God himself hath sayd it we may therefore safely beleeue it and with joy settle our harts vpon it If we should nay if we could survey the receits of Gods servants and take knowledge what they themselves have freely confessed freely to have received it would soone appeare that they have had more then they can fully acknowledge and beene made partakers of more then they could aske or thinke Eph 3.20 and that not a litle but abundantly yea exceeding abundantly too as the Apostle witnesseth Nay if we enter seriously and search narrowly into our selves we could not but confesse our receits of kindnes and comfort from God to be many more thē we can number or account But we take soe litle notice which is our great sin of what God doth cast vpō vs that we are not able as we ought to cast it vp feelingly to confesse it either vnto the Lord for the landing of his name or to men to leade them on to the sounde comfort and benefit of this confidence And this is the second evill incident to your merchandise but exempted from this Let vs come to enquire ter a third Thirdly in this merchandise Prove ∣ ledg 3 there are NOE BAD COMMODITIES nothing ill conditioned nothing that is counterfeited or sophisticated or that will shrinke in any measure but all that come's to this Mart is currant merchantable and as it ought to be in every respect Noe man neede feare either cloth or colour lengths or breadths matter or making all is true sufficient and without any fault or exception And this you may well and willingly beleeue if you doe but remember what is the only commodity in request here even GRACE soe saith our text the merchandise THEREOF that is of wisdome and vnderstanding named before and comprehending all graces vnder them This and this alone is salable here this of it self take's vp the whole trade all the doings is for this one thing even for Grace a commodity which is originally and infinitely seated in God himself and graciously dispenced vnto vs according to that measure therof wherof we are most capable and wherin we may be most meete and able to honour him who is the fountayne ef the same And how is it possible that any of this should not be exceeding good when it flowes from the Lord himself by him is derived communicated to vs through the purchase of Christ by the power of the holy ghost shall we thinke that either this fountayne can yeelde any thing that is corrupt or that Chrst would buy that for vs which were naught or that the holy ghost would convay any thing to vs which is not good Farre be all such jmpious and vnholy apprehensions from vs as at once to blame yea to shame the blessed trinity to lay any jmputation of falhood vpon God the father or of foolishnes vpon God the son or of venity vpon the holy ghost all which yet were most true if any Grace that came from God were vnsounde Soe that in this trade there is no trash or ill conditioned commodity offered to any But in yours is much yea if yours and all mens generall complaints be true too much he must be some-body that most soe farre see into a thing that he may not be deeceived now dayes inasmuch as many are growne from being CRAFTE MASTERS to be MASTERS OF CRAFTE and to liue and gaine more by their witts in making a false commodity then ever they did by the worth of a true studdying how they may yet denying that they doe deceiue For that is the manner of all Satans art-smen that their practise goes before their profession in evill but in good their profession goe's not only before practise but without it also because practise never folowe's In diabolicall dealings they ever prastise seldome professe in divine affayres they ever professe seldome nay never practise And as much of your bad ware is soe cunningly artificially handled that it is not nor cannot be easily discerned but is taken or rather mistaken for good Soe is it in this merchandise by Satans subtilty and mens simplcity come to passe that many are deceived with
that the heaven of heavens hath reserved for all the holy and elect Our Lord Christ had a transfiguration on earth vpō mount Tabor wherin his glory was such compared to his ordinary estate which was very meane among mē as that Peter vpon sight of the same so affected with it that he could not contayne the manifestation of his apprehension but must reveale his over-joyed mynde in desiring to make his abode and dwelling there yet Peter was no partaker at all in it but a meere spectator of it he was graced chosen to be one of those that might stand by to beholde it as a witnes but neither he nor any of the rest who had the favour to be admitted thither were more then standers by Now if the sight of such momentany glory as may be seene vpon a mountayne here on earth and wherin one hath hath no part himself but only beholdeth it in another who doth wholy enjoy the same may soe take vp a man beyond himself to make him soe quickly forget and soe willingly forgoe all other things what shall we conceive that heavenly glory and happines will be vnto vs and how shall we apprehend it whenas it is greather then can be manifested on the earth and more glorious vpon our whose soule and body then it was threre vpon Christs humanity we our selves not only beholding his glory which infinitely surpasseth that which was seene here but the glory of the Father and of the holy Ghost also and made glorious partakers of the same glory not which Christ had here in the world but of a farre better even of that which he as himself saith had with his father before the world was Our corruption that darken's vs now will not only not suffer vs to see but doth disable vs vtterly to discerne the lease thought of that honour and happines which jndeede is more then can be thought So that we who are true Christians shall have a more glorious trensfignration in heaven then Christ himself had on earth to be raysed from merchandising in grace to be jnvested into matchles glory with the Lord king of glory Such honour have all his faints even al who doe their best endeavours to honour him sincerely in their bodyes and soules harts and lives This endles joy and the full fruition of all those pleasures which are in fullnes at his right hand for evermore shal be the end of our faith such other graces as wee have gotten Here shall wese not Hench Elias talking with Iesus but Iesus himself talking with vs that is manifesting such gracious familiarity to vs as a father would doe to his dearest childe or a bridegroome to his delightfull and beloved bride there shall we heare those most melodious voyces which mort all tongnes cannot speake nor mortall eares heare vnlesse they be as it were jmmortalized for a feason as were the apostle Pauls who heard things not to be vttered here on the earth when he was wrap't vp into the third heaven and had some taste and appearance of that glory which he doth now posesse in infinite fullnes And this is the last and best thing of this third and last ranke wherein we see that this heavenly trade bring 's vs that blessednes which cannot be brought vnto vs by the most gainefull busines of the whole worlde Thus we have now at length made good that which we promised in the beginning to wit the mayne point we propounded that GODS MERCHANDISE is better then MANS ⸪ which I hope hath abundātly appeared in every of those particulers which we have at large discovered to prove the same Soe that now we stande perswaded convinced therof as of a divine and vndeniable truth The mayne evidence as you may remember did consist of three most noble branches every branch spreading it self into divers admirable advantages which it cannot be amisse for vs breifely and in few words to recall to our memory We have heard that the excellency of this trade aboue yours doth consist as in many soe especially in three things First that it hath NONE of the EVILS which are vsuall in your affayres and therein we have shewed that thereis No Adventure No Bad Debts No Bad Wares No Bad Servants Secondly that it hath all the GOOD THINGS that yours hath with the advantage of a better measure of them then can be had in yours and here we have shewed that there are evermore Good Sales Excellent Exchanges and The Best Barters Thirdly that it hath some GOOD THINGS PROPER to it self which are beyond all possibility for your trade to partake in and here we have shewed that All our busines is in one place with one party about one commodity All we trade with and all we trade for is freely given vs. All is absolutely good without any evill The best benefit of this trade come's when we have one trading Every of these passages one by one in their due order have beene playnely discovered and handled in our hearing to the end we might well throughly know the odds betweene a heavenly and an earthly commerce betweene a civill and a celestiall course of traffike And now my Christian beloved and deare bretheren after whose eternall enriching my soule doth long from the very hart roote in Christ Iesus seing foe it is as we have seene that there is A TRADE soe surpassing this of yours A trade that hath Noe evill in it wheras yours hath much All good in it that yours hath and more Yea some Good things that yours cannot have What say your soules now to these things which we have sayd bethinke your selves throughly and call in all your jnmost thoughts to the most serious harty consideration of what you have now heard that you may make such an answer as suits with Christanity and may both have approbation with God and bring consolation to you I say what say your soules consciences myndes willes affections harts here vnto summon them all joyntly and severally to give answer to that God who will either presently appose you in merey to make you soe more then ever you have done or let you alone till heareafter at his day of appearance in justice to condemne you for ever and ever for that which you should have done If there be a better trade then that which you are bufied in if a more and much more yea and a soe much more beneficiall busines may be founde will you not be affected toward it and fall to it were there but some odds of advantage betweene our present temporall employment we follow and some other that a freind had given vs notice off it would be censured for egregious sillynes yea for grosse folly in vs if we did not forthwith betake our selves vnto it and lay by that we have to get better And shall others condemne vs in this latter and not we condemne our selves in that former case wherin we may be more happy then