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A14813 Twoo notable sermons made the thirde and fyfte Fridayes in Lent last past, before the Quenes highnes, concernynge the reall presence of Christes body and bloude in the blessed Sacrament: & also the Masse, which is the sacrifice of the newe Testament. / By Thomas Watson, Doctor of Diuinitie.. Watson, Thomas, 1513-1584. 1554 (1554) STC 25115.3; ESTC S119557 86,731 390

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▪ of lesse value and efficacie In the olde lawe and also in S. Paule it is sayd Hic est sanguis Testamenti quod uobis cum pepigit Deus This is the bloude of the Testament that god hath couenaūt with you he sayeth not This is the bloude of the newe Testamēt But yf these woordes Thys is my bloude of the newe Testament the Euangelist had meant that it had bene the figure of the bloude of the new Testament what had he sayd more then Moyses sayde before for the bloude of calues gotes was the figure of thys bloude of Christe And then were the Iewes and the olde lawe of more dignity then we Christen men of the new law because beside we both 〈◊〉 but vnder figures as these men saye yet their figure was of more estima●ion 〈◊〉 ours is beyng as they saye but ●are breade and wyne wherefore seyng these wordes of Christ. this is my bloude be y ● ●rme of our Sacrament the effect wherof is the confirmation of the newe Testament it foloweth wel that the cause muste be of lyke or more dignity so by no meanes can be y e material creature of wine but must nedes be the innocent and preciouse bloude of our immaculate and vndefyled lambe of God Iesus Christ. An other effect of this Sacrament is taughte vs in S. Luke the .24 chapiter of his Gospell where oure sauioure Christe sate downe with his two Disciples that wente to Emaus and takynge breade blessed it and brake it gaue it to them and then their eyes were opened and they knewe him S. Augustyne in his booke De consensu Euangelistarum teacheth vs to vnderstand this place of the blessed bread which is the sacramēt of the aultare sayth the effect of it is to open oure eyes that we may know god And Theophilactus vpon thys place of saynt Luke wryteth thys Insinuatur et aliud quiddam nempe quòd oculi eorum qui benedictū panem assumunt aperiuntur ut agnoscant illum magnam enim indicibilem uim habet caro Domini By thys scripture an other thing is giuen vs to vnderstande that the eyes of them whyche receaue thys blessed bread be opened that thei might know hym for the fleshe of our Lord hath a great vnspeakeable vertue Here we may perceaue both by the scripture and also by y e holy Doctours and Fathers that the effect of this Sacrament is the openynge of oure eyes to knowe God and that the cause of that is the fleshe of Christ whych is our sacrament and in no wyse can be eyther breade or wyne An other effect is the immortalitye of our bodyes and soules the resurrection of our fleshe to euerlastyng lyfe to haue lyfe eternall dwellynge in vs. Thys effect is declared in the syxt of S. Iohn He that eateth me shall lyue for me he that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloude ▪ hath euerlastyng lyfe and I shall rayse hym vp in the last daye Upon thys place Cirillus sayth Ego enin dixit id est corpus meum quod comedetur resuscitabo eum ego igitur inquit qui homo factus sum per meam carnem in nouissimo die comedentes resuscitabo Christ saith I that is to saye my bodye whych shalbe eaten shal rayse hym vp I that am made man by my fleshe shall rayse vp thē that eate it in the last daye And in hys 10. booke he sayeth more playnly Non potest aliter corruptibilis haec natura corporis ad incorruptibili tatem uitam traduci nisi naturalis uitae corpus ei coni●ngeretur Thys corruptible nature of oure bodies can not otherwyse be broughte to immortalitye and life except the body of natural lyfe be ioyned to it By these aucthorities we learne that the effect of Christes body in the sacrament is the raysyng vp of our bodyes to eternall lyfe And also we learne that the eatyng of christes body is not only spiritually by fayth as the sacramentaries saye but also corporally by the seruice of our bodyes when Christes body in the sacrament is eaten and receaued of our bodyes as our spirituall foode and because it is of infinite power it is not conuerted into the substaunce of our flesh as other corruptible meates be but it doth chaūge conuert our fleshe into hys propertye makyng it of mortall and deade immortall and lyuely As the same Cyrillus writeth in his .4 booke Recordare quamuis naturaliter aqua frigidior sit aduentu tamen ignis frigiditatis suae oblita aestuat Hoc sanè modo etiam nos quāuis propter naturam carnis corruptibiles sumus participatione tamen uitae ab imbecillitate nostra reuocati ad proprietatem illius ad uitam reformamur Oportuit enim certe ut non solū anima per spiritum sanctum in beatam uitam ascenderet uerū etiam ut rude atque terrestre hoc corpus cognato sibi gustu tactu cibo ad immortalitatem reduceretur The Englysh is thys Remembre how water although it be colde by nature yet by reason of fyre put to it it forgetteth the colde waxeth hoate euen so do we although we be corruptible by reason of the nature of oure fleshe yet by participation of Christes fleshe whych is life we are brought frō our weakenes and refourmed to his proprietye that is to saye to lyfe for it is necessary that not only our soule should ascende to an happy and spirituall lyfe by receauyng the holy ghoste but also y t this rude earthly body should be reduced to immortalitie by ta●ynge touching and corporall meat like to it selfe This place is verye playne declarynge vnto vs that lyke as our soules are reuiued frō the death of synne to the lyfe of grace and glorye by the receauynge of Gods sprite the holye ghost in baptisme euen so our bodyes beyng corruptible by nature and dead by reason of the general sentence of death are restored agayne to lyfe eternal and celestial by the receauynge of Christes liuely fleshe into them after the maner of meate in this sacrament of the aultare And in hys eleuenth boke he sayth that it is not possible for the corruptible nature of man to ascende to immortalitye excepte the immortall nature of Christ do reforme and promote it from mortalitye to lyfe eternall by participation of hys immortall fleshe Here perchaunce some men wyl stumble consideryng that we beleue the bodyes of yong innocentes shall ryse to euerlastyng lyfe whych we knowe neuer receaued Christes flesh in the sacrament But their dout in this poynt may soone be resolued yf they cōsidre that scripture and the olde fathers speake after the ordinary workyng of GOD making no preiudice to the absolute power of God who oftentymes giueth the propre grace of the sacramentes before the outward receauynge of the same As for example Wythout Baptysme in water and the holy ghost no man can entre into the kingedome
was the speaker for what intente what tyme and suche other it shal playnlye appeare that the literall sense as the woordes purporte is the true sense that the holy Ghost dyd principally intende As for example Fyrst it appeareth euidentlye the speaker to be Iesus Christ oure Lorde Gods sonne equall and omnipotent God wyth the father that these hys wordes be not wordes of a bare narration teachyng but wordes whereby a sacrament is instituted And for that reason we muste considre that it is otherwise with Christ then with vs for in mā the woorde is true when the thyng is true wherof it is spoken In God the thing is true when the woorde is spoken of the thing Mans word declareth the thyng to be as it is before Gods worde maketh the thyng to be as it was not before In man the trueth of hys word dependeth of the trueth of the thyng Contrarye in God the trueth of the thynge dependeth vpon the speaking of the woorde as the Psalme sayeth Ipse dixit facta sunt He spake the word the thynges were made And thys thynge the deuill knewe well ynough being sure that yf Iesus were Christe and God he could with his word both create newe thynges and also chaunge the nature and substaunce of any thynge therfore sayd vnto him temptyng him whether he was Gods sonne or no yf thou be Gods sonne speake the woorde that these stoones maye be made bread Wherbi we may learne that although in mās speache it is not true to saye these stones be breade yet yf GOD should saye so it shuld be true the inferior nature of creatures gyuyng place to the omnipotent power of God the creator After which sort Ireneus reasoneth agaynste those heretikes that denied Iesus Christ to be Gods sonne vsyng that most constantly beleued truth of the sacrament that we hold now grounded vpon Christes wordes for an argumente to conuince Iesus the speaker to be Gods sonne His woordes be these Quomodo autem constabit eis eum panem in quo gratiae actae sunt corpus esse domini sui calicem sanguinis eius si non ipsum fabricatoris mundi filium dicant Howe shall it be certayne vnto them that that breade vpon whiche thankes are giuen that is to saye the Eucharistical bread is y e body of theyr Lorde and the cuppe of his bloude yf they saye not that he is the sonne of hym y t made the world as though he should reason thus These wordes which Iesus spake of the blessed breade sayinge This is my body This is the cuppe of my bloude be eyther true or false If the speaker of them be pure man and not god as they say then can they not be true for mans word chaungeth not the nature of thynges as it is here But yf the woordes be true as they certeynlye beleue then the speaker of thē must nedes be gods sonne of infinite power able to make the thynges to be as he sayeth they be And also in his 57. Chapiter the fame 4. booke he maketh the lyke argumente in these woordes Quomodò iuste Dominus si alte rius patris existit huius conditionis quae est secundum nos accipiens panem suum corpus confitebatu● temperamentum calicis sui sanguinem cōfirmauit If our Lord be a pure man of that nature condition that we be of the sonne of an other father then God How dyd he iustly and truely taking bread into hys hande confesse saye it to be his body and confirme that mixture of wyne and water that was in the chalyce to be his owne bloude By these two places of Ireneus that liued within 150. yeares of Christ we are taught not to flye to oure figures of grammer to make these wordes of Christ true which in dede we must nedes do or else say they be false yf Christe the speaker be but only man and not God but we be taught by him to be leue them to be most true and for that reason to beleue also that Christe the speaker is Gods sonne by whose almighty power the thynges be chaūged and made as he speaketh so that we may iustly after the minde of Ireneus diuerse other olde auctours whiche were longe to rehearse nowe conceaue this opiniō of these men that say these wordes of christ can not be true except they be vnderstanded by a figuratiue speache that they eyther beleue not them selfes y t Christe is Gods sonne or els gyue occasion to other to reuiue that olde damnable heresye of Arius that denyed Christes Godheade thexperience whereof we haue had of late dayes of some that from Sacramentaries by necessary consequence of that heresye became Arianes The seconde circumstance I spake o● was ●o considre to what purpose intent Christ spake these wordes I sayde they were woordes not of a bare narration teaching some doctrine but the woordes of thinstitution of a Sacrament of the newe Testamente And then it foloweth that yf they be the forme of a Sacrament as they be in dede then muste they nedes be that instrument whereby Gods almightie power assistinge the dewe ministration of his priest worketh that grace inwardly that the wordes purport outwardlye For so it is in al other Sacramentes In Baptisme these wordes Ego baptizote I baptise thee and so forth lyke as outwardly to the eares of the hearer they signifie a washing so almightie God assisting the due pronouncing of thē dothe inwardlye worke the grace of washynge the soule of him to whome the wordes be spoken yf there be no stoppe or impediment of his partye And likewise in penaunce as the woordes of the Prieste saying Ego absoluo te ab omni bus peccatis tuis in nomine Patris filij spiritus sancti I absolue thee from all thy sinnes in the name of the father and the sonne and the holye ghoste do signifie forgiuenes so God doth inwardly forgiue yf the partye be truelye penitent Likewise in mariage that knotte the man knitteth with the woman in takynge hir to his wife she him to hir husband God also inwardly doth knitte the same which manne can not lowse and so forthe of al other Sacramentes Now to our purpose The grace whyche is included in these wordes This is my bodye This is my bloude is not only accidental grace as in the other but the body of Christe to be our Sacrament whiche is the substaunce of grace the aucthor fountayne and well of al grace as S. Bernarde sayth Dicitur Eucharistia per excellentiam In hoc enim Sacramento non solum quaelibet gratia sed ille à quo est omnis gratia sumitur This Sacramente is called Eucharistia for some excellencye aboue al other for in this sacramēt is receaued not only anye other grace but he of whome procedeth al grace Then it foloweth y t whereas the grace of this sacramente which the wordes purport to the outward
for the buylding and vpholdyng of it in truth that hys flocke be not seduced and caried about wyth euery blaste of newe doctrine by the craftines of men to the destruction of their soules Of thys I haue spoken somethyng alreadye Thirdly we may know the consent of the churche by the determination of the general councels where the presidentes of Gods churches the rulers and learned priestes of christendome assembled in the name of our lord Iesus christ representyng the holy church of God militaunt being ledde not with priuate affection but by Gods holye spirite to hys glorye instant in prayer feruent in deuotion purely diligently and freely haue intreated determined those thynges that perteyne to y e fayth of Christ and the purgyng of hys churche to whose determination as to Goddes ordinaunces we are bounde to obeye Wherein appeareth manifestlye the consente of the churche The fyrst general councell both for the callyng and also for the cause was holden at Nice in Bithinia by .318 bisshops in the tyme of Constantinus Magnus twelue hundreth and thirtye yeares agoo where it was determined and publyshed to y ● worlde in these wordes Exal altata mente fide consideremus situm esse in sancta illa mensa agnum Dei qui tollit peccatum mundi qui à sacerdotibus sacrificatur sine cruoris effusione et nos uerè preciosum illius corpus sanguinem sumentes credere haec esse resurrectionis nostrae symbola c ▪ Let vs lyfte vp our myndes vnderstandynge and considering by fayth that the lambe of God whyche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde is situate and lyeth vpon that holy table whych is offered of the priestes wythoute the sheddyng of bloude that we receauynge verelye hys preciouse bodye bloude do beleue them to be the pledges or causes of our resurrection Thys aucthoritye serueth me very wel to declare the cōsent of the churche both in the matter of the reall presence also of the sacrifice whych we haue in hande For the wordes be couched meruelouslye euery one seruyng to expresse the trueth and to auoyde all doubtes For fyrst he byddeth vs lift vp our myndes and considre by faythe wyllynge vs not to stycke only to our senses thinkyng nothyng els to be there but that we see outwardlye teachynge vs that the iudgemente of thys matter perteyneth not to oure senses but to our fayth only as Eusebius Emesenus sayeth Verè unica perfecta hostia fide aestimanda nō specie nec exterioris cēsenda est uisu hominis sed interioris affectu Thys hoste and sacrifice is verely one and perfect to be estemed by fayth and not by forme and apperaunce to be iudged not by the syghte of the outward man but wyth y e affection and persuasion of the inward man for to fayth only and not to senses perteyneth the knowledge and iudgemēt of Gods mysteries and sacramentes Then the councell declareth what fayth teacheth that is to saye that the lambe of GOD not materiall breade wyne nor the figure of the lābe but the lambe that taketh awaye the synne of the worlde is placed lying vpon the holye table of the aulter whych externall situation proueth a reall presence of Christe to be there before we receaue it and not a phantasticall or an intellectual receauyng of Christe by fayth in the tyme of the receauinge only as these men contende Further it teacheth that this lambe of God is offered to almightye God by the priestes whiche is a distincte offeryng from that Christe made vpon the crosse for there he offered hym selfe by sheddyng hys bloude whiche he did but ones and neuer shall do it agayne any more Here is he offered of the priestes not by sheddynge of bloude but as the councell sayeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not after a bloudy maner whych is not a new kyllynge of Christe but a solempne representation of hys deathe as hym selfe hathe ordeyned After this it declareth the receauing of it saying that we verelye receaue his preciouse body and bloude which word verelye is as muche as that we call reallye and declareth the vse of the sacrament in the receypte of it wyth the seruice of our mouth as Christe commaunded sayinge Take eate whyche is a corporall eatinge not a spirituall beleuyng And last of al it sheweth the effect of the sacrament whych is the resurrection of oure bodyes to eternal life for because Christes body being the body of very life is ioyned to our bodies as our foode it bryngeth oure bodies that be deade by sentence of deathe to hys propertye which is life wherof in my laste sermon I spake more at large O Lord what hard hartes haue these men to doubte thē selfes or to denye or to bryng in question that manifest open trueth in so highe and necessarye a matter whiche in moost playne woordes hathe bene taught of our sauiour Christe his Apostels and euangelistes declared so to be vnderstand by the holye ghoste oute of the mouthes of all these holye fathers whome the holy ghoste dyd assemble and inspire wyth the spirite of truth to the confusion of the greate heretyke Arius that troubled the worlde then and also did inspire their hartes to declare so playnlye the mystery of thys blessed sacramente whyche then was wythout al contention beleued of all Christen men onlye to preuente these heretikes y e aryse and sprynge vp nowe in these latter dayes that the worlde maye see howe they stryue agaynste the knowen trueth their owne conscience and the determination of the whole churche being enemies of God breakyng hys peace diuiding them selfes from the churche whose ende is eternal confusion Lykewise the next general councell holden at Ephesus in the tyme of Theodosius the Emperor eleuen hundreth and twentye yeares agoo dothe determine this trueth lykewyse in these wordes Necessario igitur hoc adijcimus Annunciantes enim sicut secundum carnē mortem unigeniti filij Dei id est Iesu Christi resurrrectionem cius in coelis ascensionem pariter confitentes incruentum ce lebramus in Ecclesijs sacrificij cultum sic etiam ad mysticas benedictiones accedimus sanctificamur participes sancti corporis et preciosi sanguinis Christi omnium nostrum redemptoris effecti non ut communē carnem percipientes quod absit nec ut uiri sanctificati uerbo coniuncti secundum dignitatis unitatem aut sicut diuinam possidentis habitationem sed uerè uiuificatricem ipsius uerbi propriam factā We adde this also necessarely We shewynge and declarynge the corporall death of Gods only begotten sonne Iesus Christ and lykewise confessing his resurrection and ascension vnto heauen do celebrate the vnbloudy oblatiō and sacrifice in our churches for so we come to the mysticall benedictions are sanctified being made partakers of the holy body and preciouse bloude of Christ all our redemer not receauyng it as common fleshe God forbidde nor as
sayeth it is gyuen for vs and not to vs as Zwinglius and our great Archebisshoppe his disciple wold haue it we must nedes vnderstande by gyuen for vs offered for vs so that in this place and many other to giue is to offre And althoughe it be true that Christ was giuen offered for vs to the father vpon the crosse the next day folowinge yet because the worde datur is in greke in al y e Euangelistes where it is expressed in the present tense and also euerye sentence is true for the time it is pronoūced therfore me thinke I may certenly cōclude because Christe sayeth datur pro uobis is giuen for you that euen then in the supper tyme he offered hys bodye for vs to his father Thirdly Christ did deliuer to hys disciples to be eaten dronken that he hadde before consecrated and offered and thys appeareth by hys wordes Take eate and drynke ye all of this The fyrst and third whyche be the consecration receauyng be out of all controuersy confessed of al men The seconde whiche is the oblation is of late broughte in question which I haue partly proued by the playne wordes of scripture as it semeth to me so that I may well reason thus Christes action is oure instruction I except his wonderful workes and miracles specially when his commaundement is ioyned vnto it But Christe in hys supper offered hym selfe verely and really vnder the formes of breade and wine after an impassible maner and commaunded vs to do the same tyll hys seconde commynge me thynke therfore that in the Masse we do and ought to do sacrifice and offre Christe vnto his father whyche oblation is the external sacrifice of the Churche propre to the newe Testament And for further proue that Christ offered hym selfe in his last supper I shall alledge vnto you the aucthoritie of the Churche and the consente of y e fathers in this poynt which ought to suffise any Christen man Ireneus writeth in hys fourth booke that Christ takyng the creature of breade and giuing thankes sayd This is my body and lykewyse confessynge the cuppe to be of hys bloude Noui testamenti nouam docuit oblationem quam Ecclesia ab Apostolis accipiens in uniuerso mundo offert Deo de quo in duodecim Prophetis Malachias sic praesignificauit Non est mihi uoluntas in uobis c. He taught the newe oblation of the newe testament which oblation the Churche receauyng of the Apostels doth offre to GOD throughout the whole worlde whereof Malachye one of the twelue Prophetes did prophecye I haue no wyll pleasure in you c. What can be more playne then that Christ in his last supper in the ministration of the blessed sacrament dyd teache hys Apostles the newe oblation of the newe Testament and hys Apostles taught the Churche the same that they receaued and the Churche doth continuallye vse to offre the same to GOD in euerye place Thys aucthority the wordes beyng so manifest and the author so aunciente and substantiall can not be auoyded wyth all their cauillations S. Cyprian also the blessed Martyr wryteth thus Si Christus summus sacerdos sacrificium Deo patri ipse primus obtulit hoc fieri in sui commemorationem praecepit utique ille sacerdos uice Christi uerè fungitur qui id quod Christus fecit imitatur Yf Christ the hyghe priest did fyrst hym selfe offre a sacrifice to God hys father and commaunded the same to be done in his remembraunce verelye that priest doth truly occupye the office of Christe that by imitation doth y e same thing that Christ dyd Thys holy martyr teacheth vs that Christ dyd fyrst offre hym selfe to his father in hys supper and also commaunded vs to do the same Why shuld anye man doubte of that that in the beginnyng of y e churche the holye martirs dydde and taught wythout al doubte Hesichius also that flouryshed in the tyme of Gratiane the Emperoure wryteth thus Prius figuratam ouem coenans cum Apostolis postea suum obtulit sacrificium deinde sicut ouem semetipsum occidit Christe in hys supper dyd fyrste eate the figuratyue lambe wyth hys Apostels then he offered hys owne sacrifice and after that he kylled hym selfe lyke a lābe By thys saying that christ kylled hym selfe is ment that christe voluntarely dyd offer hym selfe to the death suffring the Iewes to kyl hym whom he might haue withstāded but to our purpose It is playne y t besyde the bloudye oblation vpon the crosse and also beside the figuratiue oblatiō of hym selfe in the pascal lambe he also did offre him selfe mistically in the celebration of the sacramente whyche is the verye poynte that we go aboute to proue is manifestlye proued by thys auncient author Damascen sayeth In nocte in qua seipsum obtulit testamentū nouū disposuit In that nyght when he offered hym selfe he dyd ordeyne and institute the new testamēt Marke that he saith he offred him selfe in the night y e oblation vpō the crosse was in the mydde day whych is a distincte offerynge from that in the night And Theophilactus sayth Tunc immolauit seipsum ex quo tradidit discipulis corpus suum It is manifeste that then he offered hym selfe when he delyuered too hys disciples his bodye teachinge vs that christe in hys misticall supper offered hym selfe too hys father To this Saynte Augustyne beareth witnesse wrytinge thus Vnde ipse dominus etiam quos mundauit a lepra ad eadem sacramenta misit ut offerrent pro se Sacrificium Sacerdotibus quia nondum eis successerat sacrificium quod ipse post in Ecclesia uoluit celebrari pro omnibus illis ▪ For whyche cause our lorde him selfe sent them whome he had made cleane from their lepre to the same sacraments of the olde Testamente that they shoulde offre to the priestes a sacrifice for them selfes because as yet that sacrifyce dyd not succede to them whyche Christ woulde haue celebrate in his church in stede of al thē ▪ Waye these wordes wel ye shall perceaue that they can not be vnderstand of the sacrifyce of christe vpon the crosse whych was but ones offered and can not be continual celebrate and vsed of the churche nor yet of y e sacrifice of thākesgiuing whyche succedeth not the other but was before and with the other and therfore they proue playnly that this one sacrifice of the newe testamēt y t succedeth the multitude of the olde sacrifices is onelye the sacrifice of Christes bodye and bloud in the blessed Masse whyche he hath ordeyned to be daylye frequented in his churche to the worldes ende What shuld I alledge moo authors Wyll ye yet heare one of the eldest I meane Dionisius Areopagita S. Paules scholer and Bisshoppe of Athens he wryteth thus Quocirca reuerenter simul ex pontificali officio post sacras diuinorum operum laudes quod hostiam salutarem quae
aunswere that Christ was neuer offered to the death for our redemption but ones and yet otherwise was he offered many times both of him selfe and of his creatures We reade in the Prophete Daniel that Aungels offered him in the syght of hys father And also y t the blessed virgine his mother offered him at hir purificatiō of whych offeryng S. Bernard saith Ista oblatio fratres satis delicata uidetur ubi tantum sistitur domino redimitur auibus ilico reportatur Thys oblation brethren is very delicate where he is onely presented to our Lorde redemed with birdes and by and by brought home agayne And therfore we aunswere them that their argumente is of no strength to confute one truth by an other when bothe may be true as to reasō christ was but ones offered vpon y e crosse ergo he was not offered in the sacrament And we tell them that they do not considre howe Christe is offered three wayes of hym selfe and also three wayes of man First he offered him selfe vpō the crosse really and corporallye as Isaias sayeth oblatus est quia uoluit Thys is manifest ynoughe And here their exclamacions of ones ones hath very good place Secondly he offered hym selfe figuratyuelye in the paschall lambe For the scripture saythe the lambe was slayne from the begynninge of the worlde and the fathers in the olde lawe in all their sacrifices dyd offre Christe not in substaunce but in figure and so Christe offeryng the paschall lambe at hys supper offered him selfe in figure Thirdly Christ offereth him selfe in heauen reallye and so continually as the same chapiter which they bryng agaynst the Masse doth testifye Non in manufacta sancta Iesus intro iuit exemplaria uerorum sed in ipsum coelum ut appareat nunc uultui Dei pro nobis Iesus entered not into a temple made wyth mans hande a figure of the trueth but into heauen that he myghte appeare now to the countenaunce of God for vs. What is this appearyng in the syght of GOD for vs but an offerynge of hym selfe for vs to pacifye the angre of god with vs to represente hys woundes and all that he suffered for vs that we mighte be reconciled to God by hym Thys is the true and perpetuall oblation of Christ in cōparison of thys in heauen the bloudye oblation vpon the crosse is but an ymage as S. Ambrose sayeth Hic umbra hic imago illic ueritas umbra in lege imago in Euangelio ueritas in coelestibus antè agnus offerebatur uitulus nunc Christus of fertur sed offertur quasi homo quasi recipiens passionem offert se ipse quasi Sacerdos ut peccata nostra dimittat hic in imagine ibi in ueritate ubi apud patrem pro nobis quasi aduocatus interuenit Here in thys worlde there is a shadowe here there is an ymage there in heauen is trueth the shadowe in the law the ymage in the gospell the trueth in heauen Before a lambe and calfe were offered nowe Christ is offered but he is offered as manne and receauynge passion and he offereth hym selfe as being a priest to take our synnes away here in ymage there in truethe where wyth the father as an aduocate he maketh intercession for vs The same thynge he wryteth also vpon the .38 Psalme So that it is verye playne wythout all controuersy that Christe dothe offre hym selfe nowe moste perfectly in heauen for vs beynge our aduocate to the father face to face and as S. Iohn sayeth Ipse est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris He is a sacrifice propitiatorye for our synnes he sayth not he was but is and after the most perfytest maner that can be in respecte whereof the verye true and reall oblation for oure redemption vpon the crosse is an ymage So that by thys we see by the playne Scrypture that Christe offered hym selfe thre wayes besyde the oblation of hym selfe in hys supper which is the poynte we be aboute to declare And euen so is he offered of manne three wayes lykewyse Fyrste fyguratiuelye in the oblation of the olde Testament When Abraham beynge aboute to offre hys owne deare sonne and by GODS prouision offered in hys stede a ramme and when Melchisedech offered breade and wine and the Iewes the Paschall lambe and their burnte offerynges what dyd they offre but Christe in fygure whose passion those offerynges dyd sygnifye Whyche offerynges dydde of them selfe worke nothynge inwardlye and therfore were called Iustitia carnis the ryghtewesnes of the flesh ▪ but by them they dydde proteste their synne and declared their fayth of whome they looked to haue remission Secondly we offre Christe mysticallye in oure daylye sacrifice of the Masse where Christe is by hys omnipotent power presented to vs in the Sacramente and of vs agayne represented to his and our father and his passion renewed not by sufferynge of death agayne but after an vnbloudye maner not for thys ende that we shoulde thereby deserue remission of oure synnes but that by our fayth deuotion and thys representation of hys passion we moste humblye praye almyghtye GOD to applye vnto vs by Christe that remission whych was purchased and deserued by his passion before The hoste of these two sacrifices vpon the crosse and vpon the aultare is all one in substaunce but the maner is diuers and the ende is diuerse that by this meanes as christe him selfe hathe instituted we myght celebrate and make commemoration of his passion This is onely the sacrifice of the prieste by publycke ministracion but verely and in affection it is the sacrifice of the whole churche whiche euery membre of the Churche dothe vse and frequente and no man dothe impugne it but he that professeth open warre agaynste the churche Thirdely christe is offered by man spiritually onely by y e meditation of our mynde when we thynke and remembre his passion and in our deuoute prayer beseche god to showe vs mercy for it Thus euerye Christen manne and womanne in all places and tymes vpon the aultare of hys owne hearte oughte to offre Christe too the father after whiche sorte of spirituall oblation we be all both menne and women Priestes and kinges beinge as Saynte Peter sayeth Sacerdotium sanctum offerentes spirituales hostias acceptabiles Deo per Iesum Christum An holye Priesthoode offerynge spirituall Sacryfices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. Nowe considerynge these thre wayes shal it be a good argument to inculcate one waye and to reiecte the rest To alledge one membre of a diuision to the reiection of the other This is the peculiar maner of the heritikes the enemies of Christ as thei dyd in the matter of the Sacrament by the spiritual eatynge of Christ to confute reiect the reall and corporall eatynge of christes bodye in the Sacrament Suche shiftes and fonde argumentes they haue to seduce the vnlearned wythall whiche when they be espied and detected they appeare as they be
causa fit uitae Christ out of this fountayne of the chalyce geueth vnto vs not water but lyuelye bloude which although it be receyued for the testimonye of Christes death yet to vs it is made a cause of lyfe Is not this to haue fruite of Christes passiō applied vnto vs when we receyue lyfe by receyuynge of that which is offered in commemoration of Christes death ▪ S. Gregorye sayeth Quoties ei hostiam suae passìonis offerimus toties nobis ad absolutionem nostram passionem illius reparamus As often as we offer to hym the hoste or sacrifice of his passion so often we renewe and repayre his passion to vs for our absolution and perfection And in another place he sayeth Haec uictima singulariter ab aeterno interitu animam saluat quae illam nobis mortem unigeniti per mysterium reparat Thys sacrifice doeth singularelye saue the soule from eternall destruction which by mysterye renueth to vs the death of gods only begotten sonne By these authorities ye see that the sacrifice of the masse doeth nothyng derogate frō the passion of Christ but most of all doeth exalte it repayrynge and renewynge it for vs in the syght of the father that we therby maye be renewed in grace and receyue life perfection and saluation Furthermore thei say we make our owne workes meanynge the masse a sauioure besyde Christe whiche is nothyng so but by this sacrifice of the masse we declare that we beleue there is no sauiour but onely Christ For what doe we in the masse We cōfesse our synnes our vnworthynesse our vnkindnes our manifold transgressions of hys eternal law we graunt that we be not able to satisfie for the least offence we haue done therfore we runne to his passion whiche after this sort as he hath ordayned we renew and represent We beseche our most mercifull father to loke vpon Christes merites and to pardone our offences to loke vp on Christes passion and to releue our affliction We knowledge that what so euer we haue done is vnparsite and vnpure and as it is our worke doeth more offende his maiestie then please hym therfore we offer vnto hym hys welbeloued sonne Iesus in whome we knowe 〈◊〉 is well pleased most hum●●ye prayinge hym to accept him for vs in whom only we truste ▪ accomptynge hym all our righteousnes by whome onely we cōceyue hope of saluation And therfore in the ende of the canon of the masse we saye thus Non aestimator meriti sed ueniae quaesumus largitor admitte per Christum dominum nostrum O Lorde we beseche thee to admitte vs into the company of thy saynctes not wayinge oure merites but grauntynge vs pardon by Christ our Lorde Also whatsoeuer thynge we lacke ▪ all plagues all misfortunes all aduersitie bothe ghostly and temporal we require to be released of them not through our worthynes ▪ but for the merites of Christes passion Consider al this good people and see whether in thys doinge we make our workes a newe sauiour besyde Christ or no We beleue also that our prayer is of more efficacie and strengthe in the presence of Christ in the tyme of the sacrifice then at anye other tyme. For so sayeth S. Cypriane In huius corporis presentia non superuacue mendicant lachrimae ueniam nec unquam patitur contriti cordis holocaustum repulsam ▪ In the presence of this body the teares of a manne doeth not begge forgeuenesse in vayne nor the sacrifice of a contrite hearte doeth neuer suffer repulse And as Chrisostome sayeth In illa horadum mors illa perficitur et horrendum sacrificium quasi sedente rege quaecūque uolueris perficies In that houre whiles that Christes death is celebrate and hys fearfull sacrifice euen as the kynge were sittynge vppon hys mercye seate what soeuer thou wilte thou shalte brynge to passe Stante siquidem uniurso populo manus in celum extendente caetu item sacerdotali uerendoque posito sacrificio quomodo deum non placaremus pro istis orantes For when al the people stādeth holdyng vp their handes to heauen and the companye of the priestes like wise and the fearfull and honorable sacrifice is vpon the aulter howe shall not we mitigate god praying for them And therfore speciallye then in the masse tyme we praye for the whole churche for all prynces and highe powers for al byshoppes and pastors for our selues our frendes and all that be present for peace for plentye for all that we haue nede vpon as Chrisostome wryteth In manibus est hostia adsunt angeli adsunt archāgeli adest filius dei cum tanto horrore astent omnes astent illi clamantes omnibus silentibus putas temere hec fieri ergo et alia temere quae pro ecclesia pro sacerdotibus offeruntur quae pro plenitu dine acubertate absit The host of our sacrifice is in the priestes handes the angels be present the archangels be present the sonne of God is present When all men stande with such tremblynge when the angels stād criyng the other holding their peace dost thou thynke these thynges are done in vayne Then the other also be done in vayne bothe that be offered for the churche for the priestes and also for plentye and abundaunce god forbydde One notable place of Chrisostome I thinke yet expedient to rehearse vnto you cōcernynge thys matter Vt homines ramos olearum ge rentes mouere reges consueue runt eoque arboris genere miseri cordiam commemorant humanitatem sic angeli tunc pro ramis oleaginis corpus domini ipsum protendentes rogant pro genere humano quasi dicant pro his domine rogamus quos tu adeo dilexisti ut pro eorum salute mortem obires animam cruce efflares pro his supplicamus pro quibus ipse tuum largitus es sanguinem pro his oramus pro quibus corpus hoc immolasti Lyke as men bearynge braunches of Olyue trees are wont to moue kinges to compassion and with that kynd oftre do put them in remembraunce of mercye and pitie euen so the angels then in the sacrifice tyme in steade of Oliue braunches holdynge forth the bodye of Christ pray for mankinde as saying thus Lorde we pray for thē whom thou hast so loued that for theyr saluation thou hast suffered death and spent thy lyfe vpon the crosse we make supplication for thē for whome thou haste geuen thy bloud for them we pray for whome thou hast offered thys same very body Now considerynge thys felowshyppe with angelles this humilitie of man this pacifiynge of God this efficacie of praier for the sacrifice sake this knowledgynge of oure vnworthynes this our only trust in the passion of Christ can any manne iustly burden vs that we make our workes a new sauiour beside Christ Furthermore beside prayinge for those thynges we lacke we also by this sacrifice geue thankes for our redēptiō for the hope of our health and
churches or in other realmes This argument of Cōmunion was neuer ●eard of in the worlde before Martyne Luther who was y e first father of it and the first man that euer wrote agaynst priuate masses as he calleth thē ▪ And wher learned Luther that lesson euen of the deuyl not because al euyl cōmeth by the suggestion of the deuyll but I meane y t Luther had a vision of the deuyl and saw hym wyth hys corporall eye beynge wakyng of whom he learned al that he hath pestilently spoken agaynst the holy masse And lest men should say I lied vpon Luther here is his owne boke Ex orete iudico serue nequam We maye Iudge hym by his owne mouth and his owne hand writynge The title of his boke is of priuate masse I shal read you a peice of it that the trueth of my sayinge maye appeare These be hys very wordes I shall make confession before all you reuende and holy fathers geue me I pray you a good absolution It chaunced me once about midnight sodenly to awake than the deuyl Sathā began with me this disputation Heare sayd he doctour Luther very wel learned thou knowest thou hast said priuate masses xv yeres almost daily What if such priuate masses be horrible ydolatry what if there wer not presēt the bodye and bloud of Christ but thou haddest honored onely bread and wine haddest caused other to honor it to whō I answered I am an anoynted priest haue receyued vnction cōsecration of a bishoppe haue done al these thinges by commaundement obedience of mine elders ▪ Why shuld not I cōsecrate whē I haue pronūced y e wordes of Christ haue said masse ī earnest this thou knowest All this sayde he is true but y e turkes gentiles do likewise al things in their tēples of obediēce in earnest The priestes of Hieroboam dyd all they dyd of a certayne zeale intent againste the true priestes in Hierusalē ▪ What yf they orderynge and consecratynge wer false as the priestes of the Turkes and Samaritans were false and their seruyce of god false and wycked First sayd he thou knowest thou haddest than no knowledge of Christ nor true fayth and for faythe thou waste no better than a Turke For the Turke and all the deuyls also beleue the storye of Christ that he was borne crucified and dead ▪ c. But the Turke and we dampned sprites doe not truste to hys mercy nor haue not hym for a mediatour and sauiour but feare hym as a cruell iudge Such a fayth and no other haddest thou when thou receyuest vnction of y e byshoppe and al other both they y t dyd annoynct and were annoyncted thought so and no other wise of Christe ▪ Therefore ye fled from Christe as a cruell iudge to blessed Mary and y e sainctes they wer mediators betwene you Christ. Thus was Christ robbed of his glory ▪ This neyther thou nor no other papist can deny I wold reade more of this boke but for troubling you He y t ly●t to knowe what maye be sayd against priuate masse let hym learne here of y e deuil ynough For here is al that hath yet bene sayde of any other and more to The deuyls derlinges wer ashamed to say halfe so much as their father Sathan lest they shulde be called blasphemous lyers as he is But by this boke Luthers owne confession set forthe in prynt by him selfe to y e world ye maye knowe that the deuyll was the first y t euer barked agaynste y e sacrifice of the churche whiche is the masse knowing that his kyngdome of sinne and iniquitie coulde not stand if this sacrifice most aduersarie to it were not defaced and destroyed But what colour had Luther to publishe this shall we thynke he was so madde as to father that vpō the deuyll that he woulde haue persauded for trueth to the worlde I shall tell you shortlye hys fonde deuyse in thys poynte as it foloweth fyue or sixe leaues here after He sayeth he knoweth the deuyl is a lyer but he saieth hys lyes be craftye he vseth to alledge a trueth whyche can not be denied and wyth that to colour hys lye which he persaudeth And therefore sayeth he the deuyll lyeth not when he accuseth as that I had committed horrible Idolatry in sayinge priuate masses but the lye is when he dyd afterwarde tempt him to dispayre of gods mercy But saith Luther I wyll not dispayre as Iudas dyd but amende that I haue done amysse neuer saye priuate masse agayne O what a cloke of mischiefe is this al grounded of lyes and falshode He sayth the deuyll lyeth not when he accuseth If that be true then he sayd true when he saide that Luther being a preacher manye yeares neuer had true fayth in Christ tyl he fel from the masse nor neuer trusted in Christes mercy nor neuer toke hym for a sauiour but a cruell iudge Of this the deuyll dyd accuse him whether he was a lyer herein or no iudge you Also in hys accusation he sayde the body and bloude of Christ wer not present in the sacrament when suche annoyncted priestes dyd consecrate and that they honored onely bread wine with many other damnable lyes and heresyes whiche whoso shall read the boke maye fynde in great plentie and yet by Luthers principle the deuyl neuer lyeth when he accuseth Now because y e tyme is farre past shortly to conclud I shal most humblye beseche you to consider and regarde the saluation of your soules for the whiche Christe Gods sonne hath shed his preciouse bloud which saluation canne not be attayned w toute knowledge confession of gods truth reueled to his holy church by her to euery membre of her childe of god whose sentence and determination is sure certen as procedinge frō the pyller of trueth the spirite of god by whō we be taught and assured in goddes owne word that in y e blessed sacrament of the aulter ▪ by the power of the holy gost working with gods word is verely really present the bodye and bloud of our sauiour Christe vnder the formes of bread wyne whiche is by Christes owne commaundement example offered to almightye god in sacrifice in commemoration of Christes passion and death wherby the membres of the churche in whose fayth it is offered bothe they that be alyue and departed perceyue plentuouse and abundaunt grace and mercye and in al their necessities and calamities releife and succur ▪ Our moste merciful father graunt vs to persist stedfast constant in the true catholike faythe and confession of this most blessed Sacrament and sacrifice and with pure deuotion as he hathe ordayned to vse frequent this holye misterye of vnitie reconsiliation that we maye therby remayne in him and he in vs for euermore To whome be all glorye and prayse wyth out ende AMEN ¶ Imprinted at London in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the