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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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hys passion ☞ To him be glory foreuer The vse of the rest of the Psalmes not comprehended in the former Lable of Athanasius IF thou wouldest prayse God because he hathe geuen vs a good Prince whiche wyll and doth punish the enemies of Christes relygion vse the 21. Psalme If thou be persecuted withoute a cause if thou wouldest haue no affinitie with vice nor with the virious vse the 26. Psalme If thou wouldest not be wicked if not accōpted as a malefactor but wouldest haue them punished and thyselfe and suche other godly men defended from the tiranie vse the. 28 Psalme If thou seest the nobilitie the counsell the magistrates Princes not geuen to religion nor to the praysing of God vse the 29. Psalme If thou desirest to be iust and vertuous vse the 33. psalm If thou beest afflicted with any sicknes wouldest faine lyue and see good daies and Christes glory to be encreased vse the. 29. Psalme If thou be banished for religiō and art almost in dispaire of retorning to thy countrey vse the 42 psalme If thou perceyue thy selfe forsaken of God and therfore persecuted for religion and vertue sake vse the. 44. Psalme If thou wouldest complaine of a Doeg of a wycked man and would haue him to be voted oute and thy selfe to haue prosperitye vse the. 52 psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from thyne enemies which persecute thee vnto deathe vse the 54. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the helpe of God againste suche as persecute thee without a cause vse the 59. Psalme If thou wouldest prepare thy selfe to fight against the Idumeane or such lyke enemyes of Christ vse the 60. Psalm If thou wouldest haue Chryste to come conquere beate downe the Siriās Idumes Amonites Papistes Antichristians Nullifidians Neutralles and vngratious Pelagyans vse the 68. Psalme If thou best perswaded that Chryste wyll come and pounysh offenders ayde the true worshippers and poure oure the dregges of wyne and vengeaunce of hys cuppe on the vngodly vse the 75. Psalme If thou neither wouldest haue Idolatry neyther any lycencious lustes rayne in Christes common welth thou must geue God thankes if thou be perswaded he bothe will and can take them awaye vsing the 81 Psalme If thou wouldest gladlie know Christes Churche how that Sion signifieth it and how that the true religion shalbe delated and spred throughe the hole worlde vse the. 87. Psalme If thou goest to fight againste the Idumeans or anye of Christes enemies whether they offende in manners or in doctrine and wouldest desire God to geue the victorye vse the 108. Psalme If thou woldest liue a godly lyfe if thou wouldest replenysh thy mynde with gooly preceptes and therby obtayne imortalitie and eternall felicitie Study diligently the. 119. Psalme If thou be thrust into a Colledge or in a parish towne or countrey whose in habitours are wicked crafty and malicious picke quarels to be deliuered from them vse the. 120. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the congregatiō of Christ to prosper vse the 122. Psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from contempt infamye the derision of the wicked vse 123. Psalme when thou art deliuered out of prison captiuitie or anye distres in geuing thankes to God vse the 124. Psalme To vnderstande the saftie that those are in whiche ar vnder the tuicion of the Lorde Ioua and howe that the wicked shalbe punyshed consider the 125. Psalme If thou desirest to knowe the felicitie that he hathe which reuerenceth God and liueth godly the tranquillitie peace of conscience whiche he enioyeth in this life and the vnspeak able ioye in the life to come meditate diligentlie the 128. Ps. To vnderstand how the good and godlye are defended by the ayde of the Lord and the wicked perish consider the 129. Psalme If thou wouldest not be arrogaunte and proude vse the 131. Psalme If thou wouldest prayse vnitie and concord amonge bretherne vse the. 133. Psalme To syng prayses to god for his mercies vse the 134. Psal. FINIS Venicreator COme holy Ghost eternal God proceding from aboue Both from the Father the son the God of peace loue Uisit our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspire that in all truth godlines we may haue true desire Thou art the very comforter in all wo and distres The heauenly gift of God most highe which no tonguee an expres The fountaine and the liuely springe of ioy Celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christes church doth stande In faythfull hartes writyng thy law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speache of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God may stande in euery place O holy Gost into our wittes sende downe thy heauenly light Kindle our harts with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes sofeable and so frayle That neither flesh the worlde nor deuill against vs do preuayle Put backe our enemies far from vs and graunt vs to obteyne Peace in our hartes with God and man without grudge or disdayne And graunt O Lorde that thou beyng our leader and our guide We may eschewe the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slide To vs suche plentie of thy grace good Lorde graunt we thee pray That thou maiest be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strief and discention O Lord dissolue the handes And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all christen landes Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of might That of his deare beloued sonne we may atteyne the sight And that with perfect faith also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirit also one God coeternall And pray we that the only sonne vouchesafe his Sprit to sende To all that doo professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Loke for the lxxxxv Psalm iii Fol. 237. The songe of S. Ambrose called Te Deum WE praise thee god we knowledg the the only Lord to be And as eternal father all the earth doth worship the. To the al angels crye the heauens and all the powers therin To the Cherub and Seraphin To crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lorde Of Saboth Lord the God Through heauē earth thy praise is spred And glory all abrode Thapostles glorious companye yelde prayses vnto thee The Prophets goodly selowship praise thee continually The noble and victorious host Of martirs sounde thy prayse The holy churche throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they doo acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and only sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art king O Christ and of the father arte the sonne euerlasting When sinfull mans decay inhand thou tokest to restore To be enclosde in virgins wombe Thou diddest not abhorre When thou
to want their fode And calling to remembraunee His mercy euery dele Hath holpen vp assistantly His seruaunt Israell According to his promise made To Abraham before And to his sede successiuely To stande for euermore The song of Simeon called Nunc dimittis S. O Lord because my harts desire hath wished long to see my only Lord sauiour thy sonne before I die the ioye and health of all mankind desired long before which now is come in to the worlde of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thyseruaunt now In peace for to depart According to thy holy word which lighteneth my hart Because mine eies whiche thou hast made To geue my body light Haue now behelde thy sauing health which is the Lord of might Whom thou mercifully hast set Of thine aboundant grace In open sight and visible Before all people face The Gentils to illuminate And Sathan ouer quell And eke to be the glory of Thy people Israell ☞ The Crede of Athanasius N WHat man soeuer he be that saluation will attayne the catholike belefe he muste before all thinges retayne which faith vnles he holy kepe and vndefiledly without al doubt eternally he shalbe sure to dye The Catholike belefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie alone So as we neyther doo confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one In sunder parted be One person of the father is an other of the Sonne An other person propre of the holy Ghost alone Of Father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhed is Like glory coeternall eke the maiestie likewise Suche as the father is such is the Sonne in eche degree And suche also we do beleue the holy Ghost to be Nncreat is the Father and vncreat is the Sonne The holy Ghost vncreate so vncreat is eche one In comprehensible Father is Incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is The holy Ghost of none The Father is eternall and the Sonne eternall so And in like sort eternall is the holy Ghost also And yet though we beleue that eche of these eternall be Yet there but one eternall is and not eternals three As ne incomprensible we ne yet vncreat three But one incomprensible one vncreat holde to be Almightie so the father is the sonne almightye so And in like sort almightye is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almightie be Yet there but one almightie is and not almighties three The Father God is God the Sonne God holy Ghost also Yet are there not three Gods in all but one God and n●mo So likewise Lorde the Father is and Lorde also the Sonne And Lord the holy Ghost yet are there not three Lordes but one For as we are compeld to graunt by Christian veritie Eche of the persons by himselfe both God and Lord to be So Catholick religion for biddeth vs alway That eyther Gods be three or that there Lordes be three to say Of none the father is ne made ne creat nor begot The Sonne is of the Father not creat ne made but got The holy Ghost is of them both the father and the Sonne Ne made ne creat nor begot but doth procede alone So we one Father hold not three one Sonne also not three One holy Ghost alone and not three holy Ghostes to be None in this Trinitie before nor after other is Ne greater any then the rest ne lesser be likewise But euery one amonge them selues of all the persons three Together coeternall all and all coequall be So vnitie in Trinitie as said it is before And Trinitie in vnitie in all things we adore Therfore what man so euer that saluation will attayne This faith touching the Trinitie of force he must reteyne And nedefull to eternall life it is that euery wight Of the incarnating of Christ our Lord beleue a right For this the right faith is that we beleue and eke beknow That Christ our Lorde the son of God is God and man also God of his fathers substaunce got before the world began And of his mothers substance borne in worlde a very man Both perfect God and perfect man in one one Iesus Christ That doth of resonable soule an humane flesh subsist Touching his Godhed egall with his father God is he Touching his manhed lower then his father in degree Who though he be both very God and very man also yet is he but one Christ alone and is not persons two One not by turning of Godhed into the flesh of man But by taking manhod to God this beyng one began All one not byconfounding of the substance into one But onely by the vnitie that is of one persone For as the reasonable soule and flesh but one man is So in one persone God and man is but one Christ likewise Who suffred for to saue vs all to hell he did descend The third day rose agayne from dead to heauen he did ascend He sittes at the right hand of God thalmightie father there From thence to iudge the quick and dead againe he shall retire At whose returne all men shall rise with bodies new restorde And of theyr owne workes they shall geue accompt vnto the Lorde And they into eternall lyfe shall go that haue done well Who haue done ill shall go into eternall fire to dwell This is the catholike belefe who doth not faithfully Beleue the same without all dout he saued can not be To Father Sonne and holy Ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shalbe euermore The Lamentation of a Sinner M O Lord turn not away thy face frō him that lieth prostrate Lamenting sore his sinfull lyfe before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those that doo lament their sinne shut not y t gate against me lord but let me enter in And call me not to mine accompts How I haue liued here For then I know right well O Lorde How vile I shall appere I nede not to confesse my lyfe I am sure thou canst tell what I haue ben and what I am I know thou knowest it well O lord thou knowest what things be past And eke the thinges that be Thou knowest also what is to come Nothing is hid from thee Before the heauens earth were made Thou knowest what thinges were then As all things els that hath bene since Among the sonnes of men And can the thinges that I haue done Be hidden from thee then Nay nay thou knowest them all O Lord where they were done and when wherfore with teares I come to thee To begge and to entreat Euen as the child thht hath done euill And feareth to be beat So come I to thy mercy gate where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sinne Toheale my deadly wound O Lorde I nede not to repete what I doo beg or craue Thou knowest O Lorde before I aske The thing that I would haue Mercy good Lorde mercy I aske This is the totall summe For
another we doo not only make request O Lord for ourselues and them that thou hast alreadie called to the true vnderstanding of thy heauenly wil but for all people and Nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thou art god ouer al So they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee theyr only Sauior and redemer But for as much as they cānot beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preachyng and none can preache excepte they be sent therfor O Lorde raise vp faithfull destributers of thy misteries who setting apartal worldly respectes may bothe in their life and doctryne only seeke thy glorye Contrarylye confound Sathan Antichriste with all hierlinges whom thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sēce that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errours disquiet thy littell flocke And because O Lorde we be fallen into the latter dayes daungerous tymes wherin ignoraunce hathe gotten the vpper hande and Sathan by his ministeres seke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy Gospel we besech the to maintaine thy cause against those rauening wolues and strengthen all thy seruauntes whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long suffryng be an occasion either to encrease theyr tirannye or to discourage thy childrē nether yet let our sinnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede O Lorde consider these great miseries For thy people Israel many times by theyr sinnes prouoked thine anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgemente yet though their sinnes wer neuer so greuous if they once returned from their iniquitie thou receiuedst them to mercye We therfore moste wretched synners be wayle our manifolde sinnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickennes and vngodly behauior towards thee and where as we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humblie beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercyes vpon vs and receyue vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these oure requests and all other thinges necessary for vs thy whole churche according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our Lorde In whose name we beseche thee as he hath taught vs saying Oure father c. A prayer to be sayde before meales ALl thinges depende vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy handes due sustenāce in time conuenienie Thou geuest to them they gather it thou openest thy hand and they are satisfied with al good things O heauenly father whiche art the fountaine ful treasure of all good nes we besech thee to shew thy mercyees vpon vs thy children and sanctifye these giftes whiche we receiue of thy merciful liberalitie graunt vs grace to vse them soberlye and purely according to thy blessed wyll so that hereby we may acknowledge thee to be the author and geuer of all good things and aboue all that we may remember continually to seke the spiritual fode of thy word wherwith our soules may be norished euerlastingly throughe oure sauior Christe who is the true breade of lyfe whiche came downe from heauen of whom whoso euer eateth shall lyue for euer and reigne with him in glory worlde without ende So be it ☞ A thankes geuing after meales LEt all nations magnifye the Lorde let all people reioyce in praysing extollyng his great mercyes For his fatherly kindnes is plentyfully shewed forth vpon vs and the truth of his promise indureth for euer We render thankes vnto thee O Lorde god for the manifold benefites whiche we continually receaue at thy bountifull hande not only for that it hath pleased thee to fede vs in this present life geuyng vnto vs all thinges necessary for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercies facioned vs a new into an assured hope of a farre better lyfe the whiche thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holy Ghospell Therfore we humbly besech thee O heauenly father that thou wilte not suffer oure affections to bee so intangled or roted in these earthly and corruptible thinges but that we maye alwayes haue oure mindes directed to thee on high continually watching for the comming of oure Lorde and Saiuour Chryste what tyme he shall appeare for oure full redemption To whom with thee and the holye Ghoste be all honor and glory for euer and euer So be it A nother thankes geuing before meate ETernall and euer liuing God Father of oure Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue whiche thou bearest to mankinde haste appointed to his sustenance not only the frutes of thearth but also the foules of the ayre the beastes of thearth and fishes of the sea and hast commaūded thy benefites to be receyued as from thy hāds with thanks geuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thy Apostle that to the cleane all things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by thy word and by prayer graunt vnto vs so moderatly to vse these thy giftes present that the bodies beyng refreshed the soules may be more hable to procede in all good works to the prayse of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Sobeit Oure Father whiche art in heauen c. Another THe eyes of all things doo loke vp and trust in thee O Lord thou geuest them meat in due season thou openest thy hand and fillest with thy blessinge euery liuing creature good Lorde bles vs and all thy giftes which we receyue of thy large liberalitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Sobeit Our father c. Another thanks geuing after meat GLorye prayse and honor be vnto thee moste merciful omnipotent Father who of thyne infinite goodnes hast created man to thyne owne image similitude who also hast fed dayly fedest of thy most bountiful hand all liuing creatures graunt vnto vs that as thou hast norished these oure mortall bodies with corporall foode so thou woldest replenish our soules with the perfet knowledge of the liuely word of thy beloued sonne Iesus to whom be prayse glorye and honor for euer Sobeit ☞ God saue the Church vniuersall our Quene and Realme God comforte all them that be comfortles Lord increase our faith O Lord for christ thy sōnes sake be mercifull to the cōmon wealths where thy Gospell is truely preached and harbor graunted to the afflicted members of Christes body and illuminate according to thy good pleasure all nations with the bryghtnes of thy word So beit Another THe God of glory and peace who hath created redemed and presently fed vs be blessed for euer and euer Sobeit The God of all power who hathe called frō death that great pastor of the shepe our Lorde Iesus comfort and defend the flock whiche he hathe redemed by the bloud of the eternall Testamente increase the number of true Preachers repres the rage of obstinate tirants mitigate and lightē the hartes of the ignorant relieue the paynes of suche as be afflicted but especially of those that suffer for the testimony of thy truth and finally cōfoūd Sathan by
for worne and old our realine as now doth stand verse 22 Let not the simple go away with disapointed shame But let the poore and nedye aye geue prayse vnto thy name verse 23 Ryse Lord let be by thee mainteined the cause that is thyne owne Remember how that thou blasphemde art by the folysh one verse 24 The voyce forget not of thy foes for they presumyng hie Is more and more encreast of those that hate thee spitefully Confitebimur tibi deus Psalm lxxv N. The faythfull doo prayse the name of the Lord whiche shall come to iudge at the time appoynted when the wicked shal be put to confusion and drynke of the cup of his wrath theyr prayer shall be abated the righteous shall be exaited to honor VNto the God we will geue thankes Sing this as the. rliiii psalme we will geue thankes to thee Sith thy name is so nere declare thy wondrous workes will we verse 2 I will vprightly iudge when get conuenient tyme I may The earth is weake and all therin but I her pillers stay verse 3 I did to thee mad people say deale not furiouslye And vnto the vngodliones set not your hornes so hie verse 4 I sayd vnto them set not vp your taysed hornes on hye And see that you doo with stiffe neck not speake presumptuously verse 5 For neyther from the eastern part nor from the westernside Nor from forsaken wildernes protection doth procede verse 6 For why the Lorde our God he is the righteous iudge alone He putteth downe the one and sets another in the throne verse 7 For why a cup of myghtye wyne is in the hand of God And all the myghtye wyne therin himself doth poure abrode verse 8 As for the lees and filthy dregges that doo remayne of it The wicked of the earth shall drinke and suck them euery whyt verse 9 But I will talke of God I say of Iacobs God therfore And will not cease to celebrate his prayse for euermore verse 10 In sunder breake the hornes of all vngodly men will I But then the hornes of righteous men shalbe exalted hye Gloria patri To father sonne and holy ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shalbe euermore In Iudea Psalme Lxxvi I. H. This Psalme● setteth for the the power of God and care for the defence of hys people in Jerusalem in the destruction of the armie Senacherib And exhorteth the faythfull to be thankefull for the same TO all that now in Jury dwell Sing this as the lxix psa the Lorde is clerly knowen His name is great in Israell a people of his owne verse 2 At Salem he his tents hath pighte to tary there a space In sion eke he hathe delyghte to make his dwellyng place verse 3 And there he brake bothe shaft and bow the sworde the speare and shilde And brake the ray to ouerthrowe in battell on the fielde verse 4 Thou arte more worthy honour Lord more mighte in thee dothe lye Then in the strongest of the worlde that rob on mountayes hye verse 5 But now y e proud are spoyled through the and they are fallen on sleepe Through men of warre no helpe can be them selues they coulde not kepe verse 6 At thy rebuke O Iacobs God when thou doost them reproue As halfe in slepe theyr charets stoode no horsman once doth moue verse 7 For thou arte fearfull Lorde in dede what man the corage hathe To bide thy sight and doth not dreede when thou art in thy wrath verse 8 Whē thou dost make thy iudgmēts hard from heauen through the grounde Then al the earth full sore afearde in silence shalbe founde verse 9 And that when thou O God dost stand in iudgement for to speake To saue thafflicted of the lande on earth that are full weake verse 10 The fury that in man doth raygne shall tourne vnto thy prayse Hereafter Lorde doo thou restrayne theyr wrath and threates alwayes verse 11 Make voues paye them to your God ye folke that nigh him bee Bring giftes all ye that dwell abrode for dreedfull sure is he verse 12 For he doth take bothe lyfe and might from Princes great of birth And full of terroure is hys sighte to all the kinges on earth Voce mea ad dominum Psalm lxxvii IH The Prophet in the name of the churche rehearseth the greatnes of his affliction and his greuous temptation wherby he was driuen to thys end to consider his formore conuersacion the continuall cours of Gods worckes in the preseruation of his seruauntes and so he confirmeth his sayth agaynst these temptacyons I With my voyce to God do cry with harte and harty cheare my voyce to God I lyfte on hyghe and he my sute doth heare in tyme of grief I sought to God by nyght no rest I toke But stretcht my hands to him abrode my soule comfort forsoke verse 3 When I to thinke one God entend my troble then is more I spake but could not make an ende my breath was stopt so sore verse 4 Thou houldst myne eys alwayse from rest that I alwayes awake With feare am I so sore opprest my speche doeth me forsake verse 5 The dayes of olde in minde I cast and oft did thinke vpon The times and ages that are past full many yeares agon verse 6 By night my songes I call to mynde once made thy prayse to shew And with my hart much taulke I finde my spirites doth searche to knowe verse 7 Will God sayd I at once for all cast of his people thus So that hence for the no time he shall be frendly vnto vs. verse 8 What is hys goodnes cleane decayed for euer and aday Or is hys promise now delayde and doeth his truthe decaye verse 9 And will the Lorde our God forget his mercyes manifolde Or shall his wrath encrease so whot his mercy to with holde verse 10 At last I sayde my weakenes is the cause of this mistrust Gods mighty hand can healpe all thys and chaunge it when he lust verse 11 I will regarde and thinke vpon the workyng of the Lorde Of all his wonders past and gone I gladly will recorde verse 12 yea all his workes I will declare and what he did deuise To tell his factes I will not spare and eke his counsell wyse verse 13 Thy workes O Lorde are all vprghit and holy all abrod What one hath strēgth to match y e mighte of thee O Lorde our God verse 14 Thou art a God that oft dost show thy wonders euery hower And so doest make the people knowe thy vertue and thy power verse 15 And thine owne folke thou diddest defēd with strength and stretched arme The sonnes of Jacob that discend and Josephes seede from harme verse 16 16 The waters Lorde perceued thee the waters saw thee well And they for feare a side did flee the depthes on trembling fell verse 17 The clouds that were both thick black did rayne full plenteously The thonder in
the ayer did cracke thy shaftes a brode did flye verse 18 Thy thunder in the fire was hearde the lightening from aboue With flashes greate made men afearde the earth did quake and moue verse 19 Thy wayes within the sea do lye thy pathe in waters depe Yet none can there thy steppes espye nor know thy pathe to kepe verse 20 Thou leadest thy folke vpon the lande as shepe on euery syde Through Moses through Aarons hand thou didst them safely gide Attendite popule Psal. lxxviii T. S. He sheweth how God of his mercy chose hys church of the posteritie of Abraham castyng in theyrteth the stubburne rebellion of theyr fathers that the children might not only vnderstand that god of his fremercies made his couenant with theyr auncestors but also seyng thē so malitious and peruerse might be ashamed so turn wholy to god In this Psalme the holy Ghost hathe comprehended as it were the sum of all Gods benefites to thintent the ignoraunt and gros people mighte see in few wordes the effect of the whole historyes ATtend my people to my law to my wordes inclyne My mouthe shall speake straunge parables and sentences deuyne Which we our selues haue hard lernd euen of oure fathers olde whiche for our instruction our fathers haue vs tolde verse 4 Because we shoulde not kepe it close from them that shoulde come after Who should Gods power to theyr race praise and all his workes of wonder verse 5 To Iacob he commaundment gaue how Israell should lyue willyng our fathers shoulde the same vnto theyr children geue verse 6 That they and theyr posterytie that were not sprong vp tho Should haue the knowledge of the law and teache theyr seeede also verse 7 That they may haue the better hope in God that is aboue And not forget to kepe his lawes and his precepts in loue verse 8 Not beyng as theyr fathers were rebellyng in Gods syght And would not frame their wicked harts to know theyr God a ryght verse 9 How went the people of Ephraim theyr neyghbours for to spoyle Shoting their dartes the day of warre and yet they toke the foyle verse 10 For why they did not kepe with God the couenant that was made Nor yet would walk or leade their liues according to his trade verse 11 But put into obliuion his counsell and his will And all his workes most magnifique which he declared styll The second parte verse 12 What wonders to our forefathers did he him selfe disclose In Egipt land within the field that called is Thaneos verse 13 He did deuyde and cut the sea that they might pas at once And made the water stand as styll as doth an heape of stones verse 14 He led them secret in a cloud by day when it was bryght And in the night when darke it was with fire he gaue them lyght verse 15 He brake the rocks in wildernes and gaue the people drynk As plentifull as when the depes doo flow vp to the brynk verse 16 He drew out riuers out of rockes that were bothe drye and harde Of suche a boundaunce that no floudes to them might be compard verse 17 Yet for all this against the Lorde theyr sinne they did increase And styred hym that is most hygh to wrath in wildernes verse 18 They tempted hym within theyr harts lyke people of mistrust Requiring such a kynd of meate as serued to theyr lnst verse 19 Saying with murmuration in theyr vnfaythfulnes What can this God prepare for vs a feast in wildernes verse 20 Beholde he strake the stony rock and floudes forthwith did slo But can he now geue to his folke bothe breade and flesh also verse 21 When God hard this he waxed wroth with Iacob and his sede So did his indignation on Israell procede The thirde parte verse 22 Because they did not faithfully beleue and hope that he Could alwayes help and succor them in theyr necessitie verse 23 Wherfore he did commaund the clouds forthwith they brake in sundre verse 24 And raind down Manna for thē to eate a foode of mickell wondre verse 25 When earthly men with angels fode were fed at theyr request verse 26 He bad the east wynde blow away and brought in the south west verse 27 And raind downe flesh as thick as dust and foule as thick as sand verse 28 Whiche he did cast amids the place where all the tents did stand verse 29 Then did they eate excedingly and all men had theyr fils Yet more and more they did desire to serue theyr lusts and wils verse 30 But as the meate was in theyr mouthes his wrath vpon them fell {punctel} verse 31 And flew the floure of all theyr youth and choyse of Israell verse 32 Yet fell they to theyr wonted sinne and still they did him greue For all the wonders that he wrought they would him not beleue verse 33 33 Theyr dayes therfore he shortned and made theyr honor vayne Theyr yeares did wast and pas away with terrours and with payne verse 34 But euer when he plaged them they sought hym by and by verse 35 Remēbring then he was their strength theyr help and God most hye verse 36 Thoughe in their mouthes they did but glose and flatter with the Lord And with their tongs in theyr hartes dissembled euery worde The for the parte verse 37 For why their harts were nothing bēt to him nor to his trade Nor yet to kepe or to performe the couenaunt that was made verse 38 yet was he still so mercifull when they deserued to dye That he forgaue them their misdedes and would not them destroy Yea many atyme he turned his wrath and did himselfe auise And would not suffer all hys whole displeasure to aryse verse 39 Considering they were but fleshe and euen as a wynde That passeth away and cannot well retourne by his owne hynde verse 40 How often times in wildernes did they their Lorde prouoke How did they moue and stir theyr Lorde to plage them with hys stroke verse 41 yet did they turne agayne to sinne and tempted God eftsone Prescribing to the holy Lorde what thinges they would haue don verse 42 Not thinking of his hand and power nor of the day when he Deliuered them out of the bondes of the fierse ennemie verse 43 Nor howe he wrought his miracles as they them selues beheld In Egipt and the wonder that he did in Zoan field verse 44 Nor how he turned by his power theyr waters into bloud That no man might receyue his drink at riuer nor at floud verse 45 Nor how he sent them swarmes of flies whiche did them sore annoy And fild theyr countreys full of frogs whiche should theyr lande destroy verse 46 Nor how he did commit theyr fruites vnto the Caterpiller And all the labour of theyr handes he gaue to the Grashopper verse 47 with haylestones he destroid their vines so that they were all lost And not so much as wylde figge trees but he consumde with frost verse 48
he dyed in the fleshe But quickned in the sprite His body then was buryed As is our vse and ryte His sprit did after this descend Into the lower partes To them that long in darknes were The true lyght of theyr hartes And in the third day of his death He rose to lyfe agayne To thende he might be gloryfyed Out of oll grief and payne Ascending to the heauens hie To sit in glory styll On Gods right hand his Father dere According to his will Untill the day of iudgement come When he shall come againe With Angels power yet of that day We all be vncertayne To iude all people rightuously Whom he hath dearly bought The lyuing and the dead also Which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirit of God My fayth to satisfye The third parson in Trinitie Beleue I sted fastlye The holy and catholick Churche That Gods worde doth maintayne And holy Scripture doth alowe Which Sathan doth disdayne And also I doo trust to haue By Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon of my sinnes And that only by fayth What time all flesh shall ryse agayne Before the Lorde of might And se vim with theyr bodely eyes Whiche now doo geue them light And then shall Christe our sauior The shepe and Goates deuide And geue lyfe euerlastyngly to those whom he hath tride Whiche is the realme celestiall In glory for to rest With all the holy company Of Saincts and Angels blest Whiche serue the Lorde omnipotent Obediently eche houre To whom be all dominion and prayse for euermore A Prayer vnto the holy ghost to be song before the Sermon COme holy sprite the god of might Comforter of vs all Teach vs to knowe thy word a right Sing thys as the. cxix Psal. that we doo neuer fall O holy Ghost visit our coast defend vs with thy shild Against all sinne and wickednes Lorde helpe vs win the field Lorde kepe our Quene and her counsell and geue them will and might To perseuer in thy Gospell which can put sinne to flyght O Lorde that geuest thy holy worde send preachers plenteouslye That in the same we may accorde and therin lyue and dye O holy Sprite direct a ryght the Preachers of thy worde Thot thou by them maist cut downe syn As it were with a sworde Depart not from those pastors pure but ayde them at all nede Whiche breake to vs the breade of lyfe wheron our soules doo feede O blessed spirit of truthe kepe vs In peace and vnitie Kepe vs from sectes and errours all And from all papistrie Conuert all those that are oure foes and bryng them to thy lyght That they and we may well agree and prayse thee day and nyght O Lorde increase our fayth in vs and loue so to abounde That man and wyfe be voyde of strife and neyghbours about vs rounde In oure tyme geue thy peace O Lorde to nations farre and nye And teache them all thy holy worde that we may syng to thee All glory to the Trinitie that is of mightes most The lyuing Father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene in all the time that hathe been here to fore As it is now and so shalbe henceforth for euermore Dapacem domine Geue peace in these our daies o lord great daungers are now at hand thine enemies with one accorde Christ name in euery lande seke to deface route out and race thy trew right worship in dede be thou the stay lord we the pray thou helpest alone in all nede Geue vs that peace ▪ whiche we doo lack Through misbelief and ill lyfe Thy word to offer thou dost not slack Whiche we vnkindly gainstriue with fire and sword This healthfull word Some persecute and opprisse Some with the mouth Confes the truth Without sincere godlines Geue peace and vs thy spirite downe send With grief and repentaunce true Do pearce our harts our liues to amend And by fayth Chryst renue That feare and dread Warre and bloudshed Through thy swete mercy and grace May from vs slyde Thy truth may byde And shine in euery place The complaint of a Sinner who craueth of Christ to be kept vnder hys mercye WHere rightuousnes doth say lord for my sinfull part in wrath y ● shouldst me pay vēgaunce for 〈◊〉 desart I can it not deny but nedes I must confes how y t continually thy lawes I doo transgres Thy lawes I do transgresse But if it be thy will With sinners to contend Then all thy flock shall spill And be lost without end For who liueth here so right That rightly he can say He sinneth not in thy sight Full oft and euery day Thy scripture plaine telth me The righteous man offendeth Seuen times a day to thee Wheron thy wrath dependth So that the rightwise man Doth walke in no such path but he falth now or than In daunger of thy wrath Then since the case so standes That euen the man rightwise Falth oft in sinfull bandes Wherby thy wrath may ryse Lorde I that am vniust And rightwisenes none haue Wherto then shall I trust My synfull soule to saue But truly to that post Wherto I cleaue and shall Whiche is thy mercy most Lorde let thy mercy fall And mitigate thy mode Or els we perish all The pryce of this thy bloud Wherin mercy I call Thy scripture doth declare No drop of bloud in thee But that thou didst not spare To shed eche drop for me Now let those drops most swet So moyst my hart so dry That I with sinne replete May liue and sinne may die That being mortifyed Thys synne of myne in me I may be sanctifyed By grace of thine in thee So that I neuer fall Into suche mortall sinne That my foes infernall Reioyse my death therin But vouchesafe me to keep From those infernall foes And from that lake so depe Wheras no mercy growes And I shall sing the songes Confirmed with the iust That vnto thee belonges Whiche art mine only trust ☞ Through perfecte repentaunce the sinner hath a sure trust in God that his sinne s shalbe washed away in Christes ēloud O Lord in thee is al my trust geue eare vnto my wofull cry Refuse me not that am vniust but bowing downe thy heauēly eye behold how I doo still lament my sinnes wherin I do offende O Lord for them shall I be shent Sith thee to playse I doo intend No no not so thy will is bent To deale with sinners in thine ire But when in hart they shall repent Thou grauntst with sped their iust desire To thee therfore still shall I cry to wash away my sinfull cryme Thy bloud O Lorde is not yet drye but that it may help me in time Hast thee O Lorde hast thee I say To power on me the giftes of grace That when this life must flit away In heauen with thee I may haue place Where thou dost reigne eternally with God which once did downe the sēd Where angels sing
the power of our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Euening prayer O Lorde God Father euerlasting full of pitie we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lyft vp our eyes to heauē muche les to presente our selues before thy maiestie with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt our requestes if we consider o●●e owne deseruinges for oure conciences doo accuse vs and our sinnes witnes against vs we know that thou art an vpright iudge which dost not iustifye the sinners and wicked men but punishest the fautes of all such as transgres thy commaundements Yet most mercifull father since it hathe pleased thee to commaunde vs to call on thee in aloure troubles and aduersities promising euen thē to help vs when wefele our selues as it wer swalowed vp of death and desperation we vtterly renounce all worldly confydence and flee to thy so-souerayne bountie as our only stay and refuge beseching thee not to call to remembraunce our manifolde sinnes and wickednes wherby we contynuallye prouoke thy wrathe and indignation againste vs neyther oure negligence and and vnkindnes whiche haue neyther worthely estemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the swete cōfort of thy Gospell reueled vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offring vp his body in sacrifice once for all hathe made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercy therfore vpon vs O lord and forgeue vs our offences Teache vs by thy holy spirite that we may rightly wey them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and suche as thou hast for saken cannot prayse thee nor call vpon thy name but the repenting hart the sorow full minde the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shal euer set forth thy praise and glory And albeit we be but worms and dust yet thou arte oure creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thou art oure father and we thy children thou art oure shepeherd and we thy flock thou art our redemer and we the people whō thou hast bought thou art oure God and we thyne inheritaunce Correct vs not therfore in thine anger O Lorde neither according to our desertes punish vs but mercifully chastyce vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may knowe that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of hys sinne from the bottom of his hart thou wilt put a way his wickednes out of thy remembraunce as thouhast promised by thy holy prophet Finally for asmuche as it hathe pleased thee to make y e night for mā to rest in as thou hast ordayned him the day to trauel graunt o deare father that we may so take our bodely rest y t oure soules may continually watch for the time that our lord Iesus christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall lyfe and in the meane season that we not ouercomen by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our slepe be not excessiue or ouermuche after the insaciable desires of our flesh but onelye sufficient to contente oure weake nature that we may be better disposed to lyue in all godly conuersatyon to the glory of thy holy name and profit of oure brethren Sobeit A godly Prayer to be sayd at all tymes HOnor and prayse be geuen to thee O Lorde God almightie most deare Father of heauē for all thy mercies and louing kindnes shewed vnto vs in that it hathe pleased thy gratious goodnes frely and of thine owne accorde to elect and chose vs to saluation before the beginning of the worlde and euen like continull thankes be geuē to the for creating vs after thine owne image for redeming vs with the precious bloude of thy deare some when we were vtterly lost for sanctifying vs with thy holy spirit in the releuing and succoring vs in all our nedes and necessities for sauing vs from aldaungers of body and soule for comforting vs so fatherly in all oure tribulations and persecutions for sparing vs so long and geuyng vs so large a tyme of repentance These benefites O most mercifull father like as we know ledg to haue receyued them of thy only goodnes euen so we beseche thee for thy dere sonne Iesus Christes sake to graunte vs alwayes thy holy spirite wherby we may continually grow in thankfulnes towardes thee to be led into all truth and comforted in all our aduersities O Lorde strengthen our faith kindle it more in feruentnes loue towardes thee and our neyghbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare Father to receyue thy worde any more in vaine but graunt vs alwayes the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in hart worde and dede we maye sanctifye and doo worship to thy name Helpe to amplifie increase thy kingdome and what so euer thou sendest we may be hartely well contente with thy good pleasure and will Let vs not lack the thynge O Father without the whych we can not serue the but blesse thou soo all the workes of our handes that we may haue sufficiente and not to be chargeable but rather helpefull vnto others be mercifull O Lord to our offences and seyng our det is great whiche thou haste for geuen vs in Iesus Christe make vs toloue thee and our neyghbors so muche the more Be thou our Father our captayne and defender in all temptations holde thou vs by thy mercyfull hand that we may be deliuered from all inconueniences and end our lyues in the sanctifying honor of thy holy name through Iesu Christ our Lord and only sauior Sobe it Let thy mightie hand and out stretched arme O Lorde be still oure defence thy mercy and louyng kindnes in Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our saluation thy true and holy woord our instruction thy grace and holy spirit our comforte and consolatiō vnto the ende and in the ende Sobe it O Lorde increase our fayth A confession of all estates and tymes O Eternall God and most mercifull father we confesse and acknowledg heare before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable synners conceyued and borne in sinne and iniquitye so that in vs there is no goodnes For the flesh euermore rebelleth agaynst the spirite wherby we continually transgres thy holy precepts and commaundemēts so purchase to our selues through thy iust iudgement deathe and damnation Notwithstanding O heauenly father for asmuche as we are displeased with oure selues for the synnes that we haue committed against thee and do vnfeynedly repent vs of the same we most humblye beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewthy mercy on vs to forgeue vs al our sinnes and to increase our holy spirite in vs that we acknowledgyng from the botome of our hartes our owne vnrighteousnes may from henceforth not only mortifie our sinful lusts and affections but also bring forth such frutes as may be agreable
to thy moste blessed will not for the worthines thereof but for the merites of thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ our only Sauior whom thou hast already geuen an oblation and offering for oure sinnes for whose sake we are certenlye perswaded that thou wilte denie vs nothing that we shall aske in his name according to thy will For thy spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull father and so louest vs thy children through hym that nothing is able to remoue thy heauēly grace and fauoure from vs to thee therfore O father with the sonne and the holy Ghoste be all honor glory worlde without ende Sobeit ☞ A Prayer to be sayde before a man begin his worke O Lorde God most mercifull father and Sauiour seyng it hath pleased thee to cōmaūd vs to traueil that we may releue our nede webeseche thee of thy grace so to blesse our labour that thy blessing may extend vnto vs without the whiche we are not able to continue and that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy boūtifulnes assistance so that therby we may know the fatherly care that thou hast ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord we beseche thee that thou woldest strengthen vs with thine holye spirite that we may faithfully trauaill in oure estate and vocation without fraude or deceit that we maye indeuour our selus to folow thine holy ordinance rather then to seke to satisfye our gridie affectiōs or desire to gayne And if it please thee O Lorde to prosper our labour geue vs a mind also to help thē that haue nede according to that abilitie that that thou of thy mercy shalte geue vs and knowing that all good things come of thee graunt that we may humble oure selues to our neyghbours not by any meanes lift our selues vp aboue them whiche haue not receyued so liberalla portion as of thy mercy thou haste geuen vnto vs. And if it please thee to try and exercise vs by greater pouertie and nede then our flesh would desire that thou woldest yet O Lorde graunt vs grace to knowe that thou wilt nourish vs continually through thy bountifull liberalitie that we be not so tempted that we fall into distrust but that we may paciētly wayte tyll thou fill vs not only with corporall graces and benefites but chiefly with thine heauēlye and spirituall treasures to the intent that we maye alwayes haue more ample occasion to geue thee thankes and so wolly to rest vpon thy mereyes Heare vs O Lorde of mercy through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lorde Amen A Prayer for the hole state of Christes church ALmyghtye God and most mercifull father we humbly submit ourselues and fal downe before thy Maiestie beseching thee from the botome of oure hates that thys sede of thy worde nowe sowen amongest vs may take suche deepe rote that neyther the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither neither thorny cares of thys life choke it but that as sede sowen in good ground it may brynge foorth thirtie sixtie and an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wysdom hath appointed And because we haue nede cōtinually to craue many thyngs at thy handes we humbly beseche thee O heauenly father to graunt vs thy holy spirite to directe our petitions that they may procede frō suche a feruente minde as may be agreable to thy most blessed will And seing that our infirmitie is hable to doo nothing withoute thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with how many and great temptations we poore wretches are on euery syde enclosed and compassed Let thy strength o lord sustayne oure weaknes that we being defended with the force of thy grace may be safely preserued against all assaults of Sathan who goeth about continually like a roring Lion seking to deuoure vs. Encrease our fayth o merciful father that we do not swarue at any time frō thy heauenlyword but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keping of all thy commaundements that no hardnes of harte no Ipocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor inticements of the world do draw vs away from thy obedience And seyng we liue now in these most perilous times let thy fatherly prouidence defend vs againste the violence of our enemies whiche doo seke by all meanes to oppres thy truth Furthermore for as much as by thy holy apostle we be taught to make our prayers and supplication for all menne We pray not only for oureselues here present but beseche thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and errours to the pure vnderstanding and knowledge of thy heauenly truthe that we all with one consent and vnitie of mindes may worship thee our only God and sauior And that all pastors shepeheards ministers to whō thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holye worde and charge of thy chosen people may both in theyr lyfe doctrine befound faythfull setting onely before theyr eyes thy glory and that by thē all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered and brought home to thy folde Moreouer because the hartes of rulers are in thy handes We beseche thee to direct and gouern the harts of all kinges princes and maistrats to whō thou hast committed the sword especially O lord according to oure bounden dutye we beseche thee to mainteine and encrease the honorable estate of the Queenes maiestie and all her most noble coūsellers and maiestrates and all the whole bodye of thys commune weale Let thy fatherly fauor so preserue them and thy holy spirit so gouerne their harts y t they may in such sort execute theyr office that thy relygion may be purely mainteined maners reformed and sin punished accordynge to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be all members of the mistical body of Iesus Christ we make our requests vnto thee O heauenly father for all suche as are afflicted with any kind of cros or tribulation as warre plage famyne sicknes pouertie imprisonmente persecution banishment or any other kinde of thy rods whether it be calamitie of body or vexatiō of mind that it wold please the to geue them pacience and constancye til thou send them full deliuerance of all theyr troubles Rote out from hence O Lorde all rauening wolues which to fyll theyr bellyes seke to destroy thy flock And shew thy great mercyes vpon those our brethren in other countreis which are persecuted cast into prison and daily condemned for the testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterlye destitute of all mans aide yet let thy swete cōfort neuer depart from them but so inflame theyr hartes with thy holy spirit that they may boldlye and chearfully abyde such triall as thy godly wisdome shall appoynt So that at length as wel by theyr deathe as by their lyfe the kingdome of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shine throughe all the worlde In whose name we make hurt humble peticions to thee as he hathe taught
yong men and maides Olde men and babes Doo ye the same For his name shall we proue To be most excellent Whose prayse is farre aboue The earth and firmament For sure he shall Exalt with blisse The horne of his And helpe them all His sainctes all shall forthtell His prayse and worthines The children of Israell Eche one both more and les And also they That with good will His wordes fulfyll And him obey Cantate dominum Psalme exlix N. ☞ An exhortation to the churche to prayse the Lorde for hys victorye and conquest that he geueth his fainctes against all mans power SIng ye vnto the Lorde our God a new reioysing song And let the prayse of him be heard his holy sainctes among Let Israell reioyse in him that made him of nothing And let the sede of Sion eke be ioyfull in their king Let them sound prayse with voyce of flut vnto his holy name And with the timbrell and the harpe sing prayses of the same For why the Lorde his pleasure all hath in his peoyle set And by deliuerance he will rayse the meke to glory great With glory and with honor now let all the sainctes reioyse And now aloude vpon their beds aduaunce their singing voyce And in their mouthes let be the actes of God the mighty Lorde And in their handes eke let them beare a dooble edged sworde To plage the Heathen and correct the people with theyr handes To bind their stately kinges in chaines their lordes in iron bandes To execute on them the dome that written is before This honor all his sainctes shall haue prayse ye the lorde therfore Laudate dominum Psalme CL. N. ☞ An exhortacion to prayse the Lorde without sease by all maner of wayes for all hys mightye and wonderfull workes YElde vnto God the mightye Lorde prayse in his sanctuarye And prayse him in the firmament that shewes his power on hie Aduaunce hys name and prayse hym in his mightye actes alwayes According to his excellencye of greatnes geue him praise His prayses with the princely noyse of sounding tropet blowe Praise him vpon the viole and vpon the harp also Praise him with timbrell and with flute orgaines and virginalles With sounding cimbals praise ye him praise him with loud cimballs What euer hath the benefite of breathing praise the lorde To praise the name of God the lorde agree with one accord ☞ The ende of the Psalmes of Dauid in meter The. x. Commaundements of almightie God Exodus xx VV. VV. AT tend my people geue eare of ferly things I wil thee tel {punctel} Se that my words in mind thou bear And to my precepts listen wel I am thy Souerayne Lorde and God Whiche haue thee brought from carefull thrall And eke reclaymed from Pharos rod. Make thee no Gods on them to call Nor facyoned forme of any thyng In heauen or earth to worship it For I thy God by reuengyng With greuous plages this syn will smite Take not in vayne his holy name Abuse it not after thy will For so thou might soone purchase blame And in his wrath he would thee spill The Lorde from worke the seuenth day cest And brought all thinges to perfect end So thou and thyne that day take rest That to Gods hests ye may attend Unto thy parents honor geue As Gods commaundements doo pretende That thou long dayes and good maies liue In earth where God a place doth lende Beware of muder and cruell hate All fylthy fornication feare Se thou steale not in any rate False witnes against no man beare Thy neyghbors house with not to haue His wyfe or ought that he caleth mine His field his oxe his asse his sclaue Or any thing whiche is not thine A prayer The sprit of grace graunt vs O Lord To kepe these lawes our harts restore And cause vs all with one accorde To magnifie thy name therfore For of our selues no strength we haue To kepe these lawes after thy will Thy might therfore O Christ we craue That we in thee may them fulfyll Lorde for thy names sake graunt vs thys Thou art our strength oh Sauior Christ Of thee to spede how should we mis In whom our treasure doth consist To thee for euermore be prayse With thy father in eche respect And with thy holy sprite alwayes The comforter of thine elect The Lordes Prayer D. Coxe OUr father which in heauen art And makst vs all one brotherhod to call vpon thee with one harte Our heauenly Father our God graunt we pray not with lips alone but with the harts depe sigh and grone Thy blessed name be sanctifyed Thy holy worde mought vs inflame In holy lyfe for to abyde To magnifye thy holy name From all errours defend and keye the litle flock of thy poore shepe Thy kyngdom come euen at this houre And henceforth euerlastyngly thine holy ghost into vs poure With all his gifts most plenteously From Sathans rage and filthy band Defend vs with thy mighty hande Thy will be donne with diligence like as in heauen in earth also In trouble graunt vs pacience thee to obey in wealth and wo let not flesh bloud or any ill Preueile againste thy holy wyll Geue vs this day our dayly bread And all other good giftes of thyne kepe vs from warre and from bloudshed Also from sicknes derth and Pine that we may liue in quietnes Without all gredy carefulnes Forgeue vs our offences all Releue oure carefull conscience As we forgeue bothe great and small which vnto vs haue done offence Prepare vs lorde for to serue thee In perfect loue and vnitie O lorde into temptacion Leade vs not when the find doth rage to with stande his inuasion Geue power and strength to euery age Arme and make strong thy feble host with fayth and with thy holy ghost O Lorde from euill delyuer vs The dayes and times are daungerous From euerlastyng deathe saue vs And in our last nede comfort vs A blessed ende to vs bequeath Into thy hands our soules receyue For thou O Lorde art king of kinges And thou hast power ouerall Thy glory shineth in all thinges In the wide world vniuersall Amen Let it bedone O Lord That we haue prayd with one accord The. xii Articles of the christian Faythe ALl my belief and confidedce Is in the Lord of might the father which al things hath made the day eke the night the heauēs the firmament and also many a star the earth and all that is therin which passe mās reason far And in lyke maner I beleue In Chryste oure Lorde hys sonne Coequall with the deitie And man in flesh and bone Conceyued by the holy Ghost His word doth me assure And of his mother Mary borne yet she a Uirgin pure Because mankind to Sathan was For sinne in bonde and thrall He came and offred vp him selfe To death to saue vs all And suffering most greuous paine Then Pilate beyng iudge Was crucifyed on the cros And therat did not grudge And so
vs. Our Father whiche arte in Heauen halowed by thy c. EINIS The Table A Table bothe for the number of the whole Psalmes olso what leafe you may fynde euery of them A     Psal.   Fol. 30 ALl laud praise 61 40 All people her III 78 Attend my people to my law 186 82 A mid the prease 204 B     81 Be light and glad 201 119 Blessed are they 302 128 Blessed art thou 337 134 Beholde and haue 344 142 Before the Lorde 360 144 Blest be the. 363 D     83 Do not O Bod re 205 E     127 Except the Lord 335 G     29 Geue to the Lorde ye 59 37 Grudge not to see 81 48 Great is the Lord. 109 54 God saue me for thy 127 105 Geue prayses vnto 261 107 Geue thankes vnto 275 147 Geue laud vnto 271 H     12 Helpe Lorde for 22 13 How longe wylte 23 Psalm   Fol. 51 Haue mercy on 121 56 Haue mercy Lord 131 67 Haue mercy on vs. 153 73 How euer it be yet 173 84 How pleasant is 208 91 He that within 228 I     5 Incline thine eares 8 11 I trust in God 21 20 In trouble and aduercitie 40. 25 I lyft mine hart 50 34 I will geue laude 71 39 I said I will loke 89 40 I wayted longe and 91 43 Iudge and reuenge 98 77 I with my voice 183 92 It is a thyng bothe 231 100 In God the Lord. 245 101 I mercy will and 246 109 I specheles scilence 281 116 I loue the Lorde 296 120 In troble and in 326 121 I lift myne eyes 327 122 I did in harte 328 L     6 Lorde in thy wrath re proue me not 9 Psal.   Fol. 16 Lorde kepe me for 27 26 Lorde be my iudge 84 35 Lord plead my cause 74 42 Like as the hart 96 68 Let God aryse 154 72 Lord geue thy iudg 169 86 Lord bow thine eare 212 88 Lord God of health 215 130 Lorde to thee I. 338 140 Lorde saue me 356 143 Lord heare my 361   M   23 My sheperd is the 48 45 My hart doth now 10 62 My soule to God 143 71 My Lord my God 166 103 My soule geue 251 14 My soule prayse 254 146 My soule prayse 367   N   115 Not vnto vs. 291 124 Now Israll 331   O   3 O Lord how are my 5 4 O God that art my 6 7 O Lord my God 13 8 O god oure lord how 14 15 O Lord within thy ta 29 17 O Lorde geue eare 28 18 O God my strength 31 21 O Lorde how ioyful 41 22 O God my God 44 31 O Lorde I put my 64 44 Our eares haue hard 99 51 O Lord consider my 118 55 O God geue eare 128 62 O Lord thou didest 140 63 O God my God 145 64 O lord vnto my voy 146 70 O God to me take 165 79 O Lord the Gentils 196 94 O Lord thou dost 233 95 O come let vs. 237 98 O syng ye now 243 102 O here my prayer 247 108 O God my hart 279 117 O all the nations 298 118 O geue ye thankes 298 123 O Lorde that 330 129 Of Israell this 337 131 O Lord I am not 340 133 O how happy a. 343 135 O praise the Lorde 344 139 O Lorde thou hast 353 141 O Lorde vpon thee 358   P   38 Put me not to rebuk 86 106 Praise ye the Lord. 267 136 Prayse ye the Lord. 347 147 Praise ye the Lorde 369   R   61 Regard O Lord for 141 132 Remember Dauids 340   S   59 Sende ayde and saue 137 69 Saue O God 159 96 Sing ye with 239 125 Such as in God 332 Psal   Fol. T     1 The man is blest 1 14 There is no God 24 19 The heauens and the. 38 24 The earth is all 49 27 The Lorde is bothe 56 28 Thou art O Lorde 58 32 The man is blest 67 36 The wicked with 79 41 The man is blest 94 46 The Lord is oure 105 50 The God of Gods 113 53 The foolish man 125 57 Take pitie for thy 133 65 Thy prayse alone 149 76 To all that now 181 80 Thou Lord that Isra 198 85 Thou hast ben 210 87 That citie shal 214 89 To syng the mor. 218 90 Thou Lorde haste 226 93 The Lorde as kyng 233 97 The Lord doth rain 241 99 The lord doth raine 244 110 The Lorde dyd 283 112 The man is blest 283 138 Thee will I prayse 352 145 Thee will I laude 365 V     75 Unto the God we 186 2 why did the Gentils 3 9 with hart and mouth 15 10 what is the cause 18 52 why dost thou tirant 123 74 why art thou Lord. 176 111 with hart I doo 284 114 when Israell by 296 126 when that the Lord. 334 137 when as we sat 350 Y     33 ye righteous in 68 47 ye people all in 107 58 ye rulers that 135 66 ye men on earth 150 113 ye children which 288 150 yeld vnto the. 375 These folowe after the Psalmes Attende my people Oure Father whiche art All my belefe Come holy spirit Geue peace in these where righteousnes doth O Lorde in thee is all my Preserue vs Lorde The Lorde be thanked Also serten godly praiers ☞ These ye shall haue in the beginning of the boke Venicreator spiritus Tedeum laudamus Benedicite Benedictus dominus Magnificat anima Nunc dimittis The Lamentation of a. The humble sute of a sinner Quicunque vult The Pater noster The. x. Cōmaundements FINIS POST FVNERA VIRTVS VIVET TIMEN ETSI MORS INDIES ACCELERAT Imprinted at London by Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saincte Martines Cum gratia priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis perseptennium These bookes are to be solde at his shop vnder the Gate 1562.