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A10206 The life of the holy and venerable mother Suor Maria Maddalena De Patsi a Florentine lady, & religious of the Order of the Carmelites. Written in Italian by the Reuerend Priest Sigr. Vincentio Puccini, who was sometymes her ghostly father. And now translated into English.; Vita di Santa Maria Maddalena de Pazzi. English Puccini, Vincenzio.; Matthew, Tobie, Sir, 1577-1655. 1619 (1619) STC 20483; ESTC S101534 127,169 365

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In this meane tyme she vnderstood from the Eternall Father as afterwards in vertue of holy Obedience she told the Religious that in her diet his pleasure was she should lead a particuler life susteyning her selfe only by bread and water excepting on the Sabbaoth dayes and then she was to vse the meats of Lent and this to be done in satisfaction of the offences which are committed against God by his creaturs Afterwards she saw the reward which is giuen to such as for the loue of God depriue themselues of earthly comforts Whereupon she sayd thus O how sweet and pleasant is that place but great are the workes which they must performe who aspire thither But if this were sufficient o my God for the helping of thy creatures I would liue a thousand yeares in this manner and should hold my selfe to be glorious thereby Thy Word made me aske to do some pennance for thy creatures art thou content with this then is it wellcome Thou art Mighty o my God yet if thou hadst not called me and cast me downe to the ground I had not answered thee but thy will be euer done and I rather desire to dye then to offend the high Purity I am resolued to remit my selfe wholy vnto thee for being vnited to thee nothing can be able to trouble me Graunt me therefore this grace O my Iesus that I may euer be resigned to thy holy will Vpon the Thursday following saying her Office with one of the Sisters she was in the same manner cast downe to the ground being suddainly rapt in spirit with her eyes fixed vpon heauen she sayd Adsum adsum adsum Note heere I am and then in the person of the Eternall Father she replyed I call thee that thou mayst answere my vocation and petition as already I haue shewed thee She instantly answered O it is thou who art great and powerfull She remayned in that cōtemplation more then halfe an houre in which time it was euident that she did extremely suffer and so ended the Rapt But the day following whilest after her manner she was with the Nouices she was forcibly cast downe to the ground with great violence where hauing lyen a while without speach she sayd afterwards in the person of the Eternall Father Crastino die nihil gustabis nisi panem aquam si hoc non facies retraham abs te oculos meos To morrow thou shalt eat nothing but bread and water and if thou performe not this I will withdraw myne eyes from thee But if thou wilt do that which I require and fullfill my will and the will of my Word who with so much loue hath giuen himselfe and doth giue himselfe to thee I will take pleasure in thee as hitherto I haue done And if thou haue a desire that thy worke should be gratefull to me see that it be voluntary This exteriour operation which I require of thee shall be a glasse for thy mind to looke in and feare not that which the aduersary will procure to do against thee for I will not suffer him to preuayle I will giue Angels to thy soule that they may guard it The Mother of my only begotten Sonne shall be thy keeper that thou loose not the impression of the Passion of the Word which I haue grauen in thy hart Be free from feare for thy desires shall not be knowne to thyne enemy the Diuell but I will fullfill them all After this she remained a while in silence but then in her owne person all resigned to the will of God she sayd Non moriar sed adimplebo opera tua I will not dye but I will performe thy workes vpon which wordes she returned from the Rapt She considered then with her selfe that which the Eternal Father had commanded Note and finding that she could not otherwise lead that singular manner of life appointed by God she resolued instantly to informe her Superiours of the whole affaire Which she did with singular humility she was answered by them out of the great feare they had least in this there might be some mixture of the Diuells craft that she should performe Obedience vnto them and as for her food she should vse no other but such as was common to all the rest and that they would not permit any one to be particuler in her manner of life Nor did they this without mature deliberation but determined among themselues to attend the issue as knowing well that if it were the will of our Lord it would be more cleerely and apparant to them And indeed it proued as they conceaued for the day following the houre of dinner being arriued there being set before this seruant of God such diet as was prepared for the other Sisters she being commanded by holy Obedience which vertue she had euer in particuler recommendation beyond the rest wold needs begin to eate thereof but it was not possible for her to swallow a bit for all that which she chewed and procured to put downe was instantly and forcibly cast out by vomite Many and many tymes did the Superiours trye her but neuer would there succeed other effect Whereupon the Ghostly Father of the house with Mother Prioresse gaue her full liberty to lead that life which the supreme God imposed vpon her for now they knew that such was his will and that the craft or deceit of the Diuell had no part therein So as vpon the day of S. Zanobius Bishop of Florence on the 25. of May in the yeare 1585. she began in the name of our Lord to eat bread drink water only excepting on Sundays when she was to feed vpon the meats of Lent as our Lord had commanded her And although she felt great repugnance thus to lead a particuler life against the common vse yet neuertheles did she go through with it as knowing that the will of her God was such The Eternall Father putteth her in mind of some spirituall exercises that she was to performe he foretelleth the probation that he would make of her for fiue yeares promising first to infuse the holy Ghost into her soule CHAP. 9. AT this tyme on the 26. of the same month and yeare she was rapt according to her custome to celestiall contemplations and remayned in them two houres without any speach at all Being returned to her senses she was commanded by the vsuall Obedience to reporte that which in that tyme she had vnderstood of our Lord. Wherupon with profound humility much griefe of mind she told them How the Eternall Father had giuen her a rule of life which she was to hold Note confirming the food only of bread and water That she was not to exceed fiue hours of sleep that ordinarily she should take it on a sacke of straw yet not denying but that sometymes she might repose vpon a matteresse that her words should be of meeknes of truth and of Iustice That her vnderstanding was to be dead
without troublesome considering of any thing which might concerne either her selfe or others that her memory should forget all thinges except the benefits receaued by him that her will should desire none of these earthly things but only do that whereby his diuine Maiesty might be pleased Finally he would haue her resigne all these facultyes of mind vnto his Prouidence and cast her selfe like a dead body into his hands Our Lord also told her his pleasure was That she should enter like another Daniel into a lake of Lions that is into a multitude of most horrible tentations which were to last fiue yeares That by her infernall enemyes she should be extremely afflicted vexed And to conclude that after the manner of gould she should be cast into the furnace of troubles and vexations both of body and mind wherby she might afterwards appeare more beautifull in the sight of God She further vnderstood That she was to enter into these tribulations as into a lake vpon the next feast of the solemnity of the Holy Ghost and by our Lord she was certifyed that in all these battails she should obteyne victory for the Word in the lake it self would preserue her the most sacred Virgin S. Augustine S. Ang●lus the Carmelite S. Catharine of Siena to all whome she was particulerly deuoted should bring her the food of spirituall comfort which they were to deriue from the Humanity of the Word by the vigour wherof she was to be restored and should not be ouercome by those tentations The Eternall Father did also promise That before this Probation he would infuse the Holy Ghost into her soule to the end that being fortifyed by such a buckler of defence she might more cheerfully enter into this battaile against the Diuells And besides he shewed her the lake of Lyons that is the tribulations and tentations that she was to endure after hauing receaued the holy Ghost Whereupon by this spectacle she grew instantly extremely pale shewing excessiue horrour at the sight of the most vgly formes of Diuels which appeared before her in the shape of hideous cruell beasts But yet neuertheles she offered her selfe with a cheerefull hart to the Eternall Father for the suffering of whatsoeuer tormēts or tentations How she was called three tymes by God and by him were giuen twenty Rules to be obserued by her CHAP. 10. THERE past not much tyme when once after hauing communicated she againe found her self to be called by Iesus in these wordes Come hither O my Spouse for I am he who drew thee out of my owne vnderstanding and placed thee in thy Mothers wombe where I was delighted in thee To this vocation she suddainly hearkned seeking vp down the Monastery where her Iesus might be and her countenance was extraordinarily inflamed In the the meane tyme she heard her selfe called againe in this manner O come for I am he who drew thee out of thy Mothers wombe vniting my selfe to thee and taking pleasure in thee She did therfore now with greater zeale proceed in the search of Iesus but the heauenly voyce not ceasing called her the third time with these wordes Come hither O thou elected soule for I will giue thee a Rule make a bound to thy passions for the whole tyme of thy life vntill I bring thee to delight and enioy me in the land of the liuing As soon as she heard these words she becam immouable abstracted into Extasie At which tyme there were giuen to her by the eternal Word twenty rules which she was to obserue throughout all her life for her greater profit in the perfection of vertue which she in the person of the VVord deliuered in this manner I the Spouse of thy soule and the Word of my Eternall Father do giue thee a Rule in the same act of loue wherewith I graunted made thee partaker of the greatnes of my purity o thou beloued of me who am beloued note this Rule which is myne and thyne myne because I prescribe it and thyne because thou art to obserue it 1. First I require of thee that in all thy actions internall and externall thou haue an eye to that Purity which I haue made thee vnderstand and imagine that euery one of thy wordes and works are to be the last of thy life 2. Thou shalt procure to the vttermost of thy power and of the grace which I will giue thee to haue as many eyes as thou shalt gaine soules 3. Thou shalt neuer giue any counsaile nor impose any commandement although thou haue authority so to do till first thou shalt haue made it knowne to me as I am hanging vpon the Crosse 4. Thou shalt not obserue any defect nor reproue it in any mortall creature till first thou shalt haue knowne that thy selfe it more vnworthy then that creature 5. Thy words shall be sincere true graue and far from all flattery and thou shalt be euer bringing me for an example to the works which are to be performed by the Creatures 6. Take care that with such as are thy ●qualls thy cheerefullnes do not take away thy grauity that thy grauity do not diminish ●n thee Meeknes and Humility 7. Let all thy actions be performed with ●uildnes and with so humble and sweet manner that they may be like so many loadstons to draw the creatures towards me and let them be done with so much prudence as that they may serue for a rule to the members of my body that is to the soules of my Religious and to thy Neighbours 8. Be thirsty as is the Harte after water night and day to be exercise Charity towards the members of my body making the same account of the weaknes wearines of thyne owne which thou makest of the ground whereon thou treadest 9. Thou shalt force thy selfe as much as I shall make thee able to be meate for the hungry drinke for the thirsty a garment for the naked a garden for the imprisoned and a solace for the afflicted 10. With such as I leaue in the sea of the world thou shalt be prudent as the serpēt and with myne elected soules thou shalt be simple as the Doue being affrayd of the former as of the face of a dragon but louing the later as so many Temples of the holy Ghost 11. Be euer subduing of thy Passions and demand grace of me wherewith to do it who haue dominion ouer all the creatures 12. Thou shalt condescend vnto my creatures and suffer with them as I whilest I was on earth proceeded with supreme charity towards them hauing euer in thyne eares that sentence which was afterward of myne Apostle Quis infirmatur ego non infirmor 13. Thou shalt neuer faile to giue any thing to any person when it is desired if thou haue power to dispose therof and thou shalt neuer depriue any creature of any thing that hath beene graunted to it vnles first thou consider that I am the searcher of thy hart that
Ghost in seuerall formes CHAP. 14. ABOVE all the Extasies of this beloued Spouse of Iesus that one was admirable which she had vpon the Vigil of the holy Ghost in the yeare 1585. wherin she remayned eight continuall dayes from the sayd Vigil vntill the feast of the Blessed Trinity returning only to her senses for the space of two houres euery day wherin she recyted her office and prouided for the necessity of her life by feeding only vpon a little bread and water and taking very little rest In this tyme she did euery morning receaue at the houre of Tertia the Holy Ghost in diuers forms of Fire of a Riuer of a Doue of a Pillar of a Clowd of a Wind and of Flaming tongues And at the same tyme she became so ioyfull and bright and did speake so sublimely of the most hidden Mysteries that it was a thing miraculous And yet further whilest she was speaking in the person of the Eternall Father or of Christ or of her selfe her voyce would be changed in such sort that euen without vnderstanding the wordes one might haue knowne that they were diuers persons which discoursed by her tongue So many were the spirituall intelligences which our Lord communicated vnto her in this Rapt as that being set downe by the Religious as she produced them they make a iust volume whereof is compiled an addition to the third part of her life But to giue some patterne of the aforesayd Extasis I say that on the Vigil of the holy Ghost which came that yeare vpon the eight of Iune she was called by the Eternall Father in these words Come my spouse the rest yet the impulse of my spirit Wherupon she remayned suddainly abstracted from her senses sayd Ecce venio venio citò citò venio And hauing beene a while in contemplation she began thus to speake in the person of the Incarnate Word Before thou enter into the admirable knowledge of my holy Ghost I will make knowne to thee what I meane to do with thee therfore be attentiue Heere she stayed a while and then resumed the discourse still in the person of the Eternall Word Know that vntill the day where you there below do celebrate that feast whereon thou didst so intrinsecally knit thy selfe to me and I in so great aboundance gaue my selfe to thee which was meant of the Profession which the yeare before she had made vpon the day of the most holy Trinity thou shalt be vnited to me in such sort that thou shalt be made partaker of diuin treasures Yet further know that for the space of fiue yeares as heertofore I told thee I will depriue thee of the feeling of my grace but not of my grace it selfe for that shall euer be in thee That priuation shall be made for the glory of my Father for the ioy of the Angells and of all the blessed spirits which stand assisting at the Throne of the most holy Trinity for the example of mortall creatures for the greater torment of damned soules for the confusion of Diuells for the ease of the soules in Purgatory and for the comfort of thy self I will also proceed with thee like to a valerous Captaine who before he exalt his souldier to high honour doth put him to many proofs and so I before I will exalt thee in the sight of my Father will proue thee first Thou shalt therfore indeauour to haue in thee the knowledge of thy being nothing and to be euer seconding and executing the internall inspirations which I will giue thee as hitherto thou hast done But although thou hast heeretofore done it with much indeauour yet heereafter thou must do it with much more Thou shalt procure to obserue nay I command thee that thou do obserue interiourly withall sincerity all the directions which I haue giuen thee Thou shalt reproue the defects of others speaking euer all truth I tell thee yet further that in all the Feria's Sexta's if thou wilt be attentiue at the houre when I dyed vpon the Crosse thou shalt receaue the spirit which I rendred to my eternall Father and although thou feele it not yet shall it euer descend on thee And as the creature cannot liue without a hart so I cannot be without thee whensoeuer thou shalt haue the knowledge of thy being nothing which as long as it remaynes in thee thou mayst well be confident that thou shalt euer be vnited to me And my peace shall be with thee although it may seeme to thee that thou art in continuall warre because in this probation which I will make of thee many infernall Lyons will come forth against thee beating thee and giuing thee torments Nor shall they only striue to beate thee exteriourly but also interiourly with greater fury yet they shall not be permitted by me to haue power to conquer thee but thou shalt euer be stored with this same grace of myne which now thou hast Nay how much more they come towards thee with violence so much more shall my fauourable assistance towards thee superabound although it is to be without any feeling comfort of thyne To this she answered cheerfully sufficit mihi gratia tua And after hauing beene a while in silence the discourse of the Incarnate Word followed on with great earnestnes and aboundance of speach to this effect There will not be wanting such as I haue appointed to fauour thee this was sayd by her Patron-Saints in bringing to thee spirituall food and thou shalt speedily flye vnder the shaddow of my purity not making any motion or operation without that although yet euen this shall be without the feeling of my grace Against the fiue grieuous temptations by which thou shalt be most assaulted thou shalt arme thy selfe with the gifts which already I haue communicated to thee Thou shalt take in the first assault my purity In the second my hart and thyne In the third my woundes which thou hast of me In the fourth the crowne of thorns which I wore In the fifth the great desire which thou hast of the saluation of my creatures And if all the Diuells in hell come with great fury to fright thee thou shalt not yet be afrayd for as their Enuy hath no end so I will neuer be wanting to continue my grace in thee And faile not thou to relate that which thou shalt participate therein This was meant by the high Intelligences which he would be pleased to graunt her as afterwards appeared After these words she hauing heard those heauenly directions replyed in her owne person O thou only begotten O Incarnate and humane Word who can execute thy great workes In respect of thee they are little but for me they are great Vpon this thought she remayned a while in silence finding her selfe still to be filled more and more with the Spirit of God she followed thus Who shall euer be able to resist so great assaults but such a one as is transformed into thee O my God
Host so did she r●ise by little little with admirable reuerence that sacred Image towards the Eternal Father saying in the first of these places Offero tibi sancte Pater Fi●ium tuum quem ab aeterno genuisti mihi in terram misisti Holy Father I offer thy Sonne to thee whome thou hast begotten before all eternity and whome thou hast sent into this world Going towardes the second place she added this in the way Viuo ●go iam non ego viuit verò in me Christus Dilectus meus candidus rubicundus I liue yet not I but Christ in me My beloued is white and red And being now where she desired to be she performed the same action as before she had done in the first place saying Offero tibi aeterne Pater Filium tuum quem ab aeterno in sinu tenuisti in sapientia tua generasti propter miseriam meam misericordiam tuam in terram misisti O Eternall Father I offer thy Sonne to thee whome from all eternity thou didst keep in thy bosome whom in thy wisedome thou didst beget and whome in thy mercy thou didst send into the world for the relief of our misery Afterwards in the third place vsing the selfe same ceremony she also sayd Offero tibi Filium tuum aeterne Pater quem post resurrectionem eius ad te attraxisti ad dexteram tuam collocasti O Eternall Father to thee I offer thy Sonne whome after his resurrection thou didst draw vp to thee and didst place him at thy right hand When she had finished these Oblations she returned into the Quire and ascending vp to the Altar of the B. Virgin she gaue the little child Iesus to be kissed by all the Religious who were come in to that deuout spectacle reaching towards one the head of that sacred Image ●o another the breast to some the hands and to others the feet according as the spirit of God did guide her With these pious feruours she did so kindle the minds of her Sisters both towardes deuotion and wonder that there was not any one to be found who accompanyed not her actions with teares At last she returned from her Rapt wherein she had continued for three houres She vnderstood from God how his pleasure was that she should go barefoot and basely clad she performeth it all and in the bosome of an image of the B. Virgin she promiseth to obserue it she is proued by her Superiours CHAP. 21. ON the 5. day of Iuly in the yeare 1587. after she had serued the Religious at the table as she went towards the dormitory of the Nouices vnto the gouernement of whose Mistres she was at that tyme subiect she was rapt in spirit And hauing deliuered a few words suddainly she raised her selfe on foot with such grauity and cleernes of countenance that she seemed to be some Angelicall spirit And hauing taken of her hose and shooes and going into her cell she remoued euery thing without exception from of the little Altar of her Oratory sauing only a Crucifixe nor did she leaue any thing vpon her bed but the mattresse the sackes of straw and a board at the head insteed of a bolster Afterwardes being come to the Presse where the Sisters cloaths are kept and taking thence the poorest most patcht coate that she could find she retyred into a priuate roome and apparelled her selfe therewith And when she saw her selfe so vilely clad she fell suddainly prostrate vpon the ground and yet fixing her eyes vpon heauen with incredible deuotion she recyted Te Deum c. Besides making vp her former cloathes into a bundle being still in Rapt she carryed them to the Prioresse and then passing into the Quire went vp to the Altar of the B. Virgin and there in the bosome of her image with the pen incke and paper that she had brought thither for that purpose she wrote these wordes I Suor Maria Maddalena make profession and do promise to God and to his most pure Mother the Virgin Mary to S. Catharine of Siena and to the Seraphicall Francis togeather with all the celestiall Court Obedience Chastity and Pouerty in such sort as God at this instant doth make me vnderstand and know it with firme purpose that I will neuer leaue it vnles I shall haue true light that his pleasure is otherwise as now I vnderstand that it is truely he who is pleased that I shall obserue this kind of Pouerty And therefore confiding in his help and mercy I make this Profession in manu Puritatis Mariae in the hand of the Purity of Mary And in making of this profession she euer held her left hand in the handes of the Image of the B. Virgin She further spake with so much spirit of holy Pouerty that she kindled an ardent desire thereof in the hart of whosoeuer heard her and turning then againe towardes the B. Virgin with words of incredible tendernes she prayed her to keep her in continual protection and that she would help her to execute whatsoeuer our Lord had required of her This being sayd she departed and returning thither where she was taken into this Rapt she spake these wordes Agimus tibi Deo gratias c. We thank thee O God c. Then going to Mother Prioresse she begged of her with great feruour of spirit after she had prostrated her selfe at her feet that she would not hinder her from that kind of life which by God had beene prescribed to her The Superiour answered discreetly that the Confessarius was first to be acquainted with it and that she should gouerne her selfe according to his aduice Now as soon as he had notice of it he called the Spouse of Christ to him and to trye her commanded her by Obedi●nce that instantly she should apparell her selfe as formerly she had beene vsed to doe Vpon the hearing of these wordes she readily and without delay obeyed and though she brake forth into bitter tears fearing least formerly she had been deluded as not finding the Will of her Ghostly Father to be agreable to that which she thought to be the wil of God yet neuertheles she quieted her selfe Note and being retyred into a priuate roome she performed that which was imposed by Obedience But on the morning next following our Lord did comforte her aboundantly in the holy Communion letting her know that her Ghostly Father did it to trye her spirit he sayd that her so ready Obedience was gratefull to him Whereupon she being vrged by a new feruour of spirit returned to the old cloathes and taking the worst of them she was putting them on and looking vp towardes heauen remayning all this while in Rapt she sayd VVell yet O my Iesus now that I am with thee I will obey thee when I shall be there below I will obey them She was seene by Mother Prioresse to take the sayd old cloaths and she had hardly pronounced these very wordes Suor Maria
taken in writing by the other Religious● as she was vttering them Now these grew to multiply both in so great number and measure as that the foresayd second part did afterwards endure a diuision into fiue so as in all they are six parts and they make a large volume full of admirable Conceptions and Expressions Which yet because they are so high and full of Mysteryes I haue contented my ●elfe with translating only the first that being all the historicall part of her life wherein also are diuers sufficient touches of those other togeather with many most approued miracles whereby it pleased God to declare the sanctity ●f this his Seruant The Author whome I named is also a Florentine a Gentleman of a good house and of a good estate but which he is dayly giuing away for Gods sake and a man of great reputation both for his iudgment his piety and the good example of his life Which yet with ●ne is much the more considerable because I haue vnderstood by some who know him best that himselfe for as much as concernes conscience is also gouerned by others of great sanctity and experience in the way of spirit and it is well that he is so For though many do excellently gouerne others no creature is able to do it sufficiently for himselfe But as for his own vertue valew it is not a thing ●nly knowne to men of his owne Citty and Countrey but to many Gentlemen and some Noblemen of England and they not only Catholikes but Protestants This vertuous Priest was the Ghostly Father of that holy Woman and he gouerned her soule togeather with the whole Monastery where she liued for the space of some immediate years before she dyed And for the greater credit of that which is heere deliuered and to the end that not only no pious Catholike may doubt thereof but that euen no prudent Protestant may haue colour to quarrell or so much as question the truth of that which shall be in this booke declared I will deliue● some circumstances which I assure my selfe i● the iudgment of indifferent and morall men will serue the turne In the Monastery of Florence called Santa Maria de gli Angioli there be three score Religious women who are though worthy as worthy as flesh and bloud may be to receaue euery day the Body of our Blesse● Sauiour in the B. Sacrament though indeed this cannot be worthily done by any and i● must suffice that it be not done vnworthily To the so often feeding vpon this bread o● Angells they are admitted not by any importunity or fancy or particuler iudgment o● their owne but by the hand of this Priest whome I haue already described In whose gouernement of them if there be a●y imperfection it is in that he may be thought a little scrupulous through the great light he hath of the purity Maiesty of almighty God on the one side and the great indecency or rather deformity which he discouereth in the least sinne on the other Now the passages of this Saints life after she entred into the Monastery were verifyed and that vpon Oath by these other Religious women that liued with her in presence of their spirituall Magistrats who had authority to take full information thereof Let me further present to your consideration discreet Reader that at the tyme of taking those Oaths the Religious were particulerly put in mind though they were far from being ignorant therof before of the nature of an oath and with how much truth reuerence they were bound to sweare that they must not for the conuerting or sauing of the whole world tell the least officious lye especially in matters of this nature wherin as it was to be an act of Iustice and Religion to expresse a truth when they were lawfully called thereunto so to publish and authorize an vntruth truth was to commit a grieuous sinne And indeed the Catholique Apostolique Roman Church doth so much abhorre all collusion fraud in this high kind as that it denounceth a solemne sentence of most rigorous Excommunication ipso facto to be incurred by any that shall publish or any way cooperate willingly towards a false Miracle Now therfore that such a company of holy women as I haue heere described who do otherwise lead a life of so great perfection and pennance as is notorious to the world in those parts being directed in their cōscience by such a Ghostly Father being put in mind of their duty towards God and the world in so expresse manner by their other spirituall Gouernours should in despite of all Religion and reason combine and band themselues to deceaue the world and damne their owne soules by auowing solemne vntruths and to do all this betweene foure walls and in the middest of perpetuall fastings praying haire cloath disciplines and the like is not only improbable but impossible And I shall wonder with what sense by the Ciuill or Municipall Law of any Countrey the oaths of any two honest men or women may be admitted to rule the case of mens lands and liues and that the oaths of so many persons and such persons should be reiected in verifying of that which passed vpon their knowledge and vnder their eyes So that when this truth is tould you that the seuerall Chapters of this following history were ratifyed by the subscription and oaths of these Religious I assure my selfe that all danger of doubt will be remoued and to the end that there be no question made but that they did so subscribe sweare I will heer set down that part of the Authors Preface to the Reader which concerneth the act in law wherby it is expresly declared To the end that the truth of what is deliuered in this history might appear more clearely the most Reuerend Monsigr. Pietro Nicolini Vicar-Generall of Florence at the instance of the Gouernour of the Monastery came in person to the same place togeather with the Chancellour of the Archbishoprike vpon the 14. day of April in the yeare of our Lord 1609. where calling all the Religious of that House into their presence who had seen with their owne eyes the actions of their Mother Suor Maria Maddalena which are set down in this presēt work he examined them most particulerly concerning the truth therof Which Religious women amounting to the number of threescore who are accustomed euery morning to receaue the Body of our Lord did affirme vnder their oaths that those thinges which are recounted in this life of this seruant of God are meere and reall Truth and many of them did moreouer say by word of mouth that they had seene many more particulers then are written there Now therefore at the end of euery Chapter of this booke those Religious women who were present and saw the wonderfull things which therein are seuerally related did subscribe the same with their owne hand writing and so by the subscription of all these Chapters there is a
Pharo's Court in despite of al his guardes That the wedge of the hatchet leaped instātly vp to the helme whē it was put into the water That the sight of a man borne blind was giuen by meanes of applying durt and spittle to his eyes That sicke persons were cured by walking only in another mans shaddow These thinges and many other like to these are recorded in holy Scripture and yet no Christian man must presume so much as once to doubt therof So as the only strangnes or supernaturallnes of any euent cannot authorize any modest and wise person to deride it but may iustly ought in prudence oblige him to doubt thereof or rather to deny his assent therto till it be conueniently proued The authority therefore is that wherupon the credit of any supernaturall thing doth depend whether it be more or lesse and not only the meere strangnes of the thing it selfe And from hence it is that whatsoeuer is recorded in holy Scripture how wide soeuer it falleth in respect of our experience or how far soeuer it ouershooteth in respect of reason must cheerefully vndoubtedly be assented to because it resteth vpon an infallible authority which is the Reuelation of God and the proposition of his Catholike Church And such an authority doth declare whatsoeuer thing to be as certainly true as truth it selfe is true and that no man may doubt thereof but vpon the price of being either an Infidell or an Heretike There is another kind of inferiour authority standing vpon humane and morall proofe exhibited vnder the Oaths of many persons being eye witnesses and free from all exception both concerning the very actions themselues of Saints and the miraculous works of God shewed in honour of them by the meanes of their intercession whereof no man that hath perfect information of the particulers can so much as doubt without extreme imprudence nor once deride without profanenesse But he that deserues to weare that Liuery will not only laugh at me translating heere the life of this moderne Saint but will make as little scruple to laugh at all our Saints Liues though written by other Saints themselues and other most excellent persons as S. Bonauenture writing the life of S. Francis S. Bernard of S. Malachias Paulus Diaconus of S. Gregory S. Gregory of S. Bennet Possidius of S. Augustine the incomparable Doctour S. Hierome of S. Paul the first Eremit of S. Hilarion Malchus a great number of most holy Virgins Cassianus of whole troops of ancient Eremits S. Ambrose of S. Agnes and S. Athanasius of S. Anthony who all relate miraculous things of those seuerall Saints in great abundance As little difficulty I say will he make to laugh at these which I heere relate in the person of my Authour whilest yet whosoeuer he be he cannot bring the tenth part of that proofe whereby he would be taken for his Mothers Sonne or the heyre of his Fathers land or that the very name he is knowne by is his owne which I will offer to the eye of any indifferent man for all that is affirmed heere concerning this great seruant of God And that any person either absurdly incredulous or prophanely blasphemous may see how little reason he hath in rebelling thus from the laws of human society and planting his owne either humorous imagination or impious assertions in place thereof I will addresse him to that excellent Treatise De vtilitate credendi written by that Top and Crowne of wits S. Augustine who by a number of most pregnant reasons and most palpable experiments doth demōstrate it to be a point of sottish pride and impertinency and not of wit or iudgment for men to be euer questioning or doubting to admit of nothing which hath passed vnder the testimony of their owne eyes We therefore that are Catholikes shall make no difficulty to imbrace with a most pious affection the beliefe of this history and Protestants I hope will find no true cause to doubt thereof And moreouer if it were but euen out of nouelty these later me thinkes ought to flye vpon this kind of studdy with great appetite for as much as concernes the vnderstanding part because in their owne Communion they haue in effect none at all of whome they write and recōmend the liues of Saints nay I scarce know of any ancient Saints whom yet they will though extremely against the very appearance of common sense pretend to haue beene of their Religion whose liues they haue written or in whose honour they haue so much as published any Sermon which yet they might do at least for admiration or imitation though they will not do it for Inuocation I cannot say what the reason heerof may be vnlesse they know not how to re●ompt the ancient Saints Liues vntruly without being reproued and confuted by vs and ●hey cannot do it truly without casting shame and confusion of face vpon themselus through the extreme vnlikenes that would instantly appeare both in the beliefe and life of these ●ew men who are but like so many prety fay●ings being compared and ranged with those venerable and sacred antiquityes of the Church which on the other side are as so many exquisite Statues drawne by the life of that deere Originall our B. Sauiour Iesus Christ himselfe of whome it was sayd to vs Inspice fac secundum exemplar c. Behould and do according to this example or ●atterne I confesse it would be excellent sport if it were not extreme pitty to see how much these good men make of a little and how they do not only gape but euen gaspe againe after the findinge of somwhat which may seeme to carry some small shew of sanctity in any of their owne brethren whilest they despise ours Wherin yet if yow come to particulers whatsoeuer truth they will tell you or euen whatsoeuer they will but aspire vnto shall not e●tend it selfe beyond the latitude and oblig●tion o● an hon●st morall man of any Religio● As that such an one is no great Gamester that he is no Swearer that he owes no man ●ny thing that he enioyes a good report an● doth his neighbours no wrong that he follow sermons close and perhaps that he is stu●ious and frequents not Tauernes or Playes Th● much they will say and they may say it truel● of many whome either the precepts of good education or the custome of good conuersatio● or the piety of naturall inclinatiō doth dispo● so well And thus much may be also most trul● sayd of many men in Turky or Barbary who haue not so much as a beliefe in Christ. But if you will further aske what heroicall acts haue beene performed by them what great estats they haue wholy giuen aw● for Gods sake what sacrifice they haue made o● themselues in imitation and vnion of th● high oblation which our B. Sauiour did 〈◊〉 much to his cost make for vs to his Eterna● Father what corporall punishment they ha● inflicted vpon
Camillo the sonne of Geri de Patsi and of Maria the daughter of Lorenzo Buondelmonti two familyes most illustrious for antiquity and greatnes Her ●ame was Catharina which afterward ●as thought not to be without mystery 〈◊〉 like she was to Saint Catharina of Ste●a to whome she was particulerly de●oted Her Mother affirmed that she had ●euer when she was with child of her ●elt either any indisposition or weight ●f the burthen nor in the infancy ten●er age of the child had she any of those ●combrances which children do vsual● bring to such as gouerne them but she ●uer receaued comfort by her partly ●hrough the grace of her countenance ●nd partly through the promptitude of ●er obedience She had no pleasure in childish pa●imes or playes but notwithstanding ●at she was affable in her conuersatiō ●e tooke withall Note extreme contentment 〈◊〉 heare spirituall things spoken of and ●ith discretion diuerted all discourses of ●orldly matters And when she chaun●d vpon deuout persons she would be ●king them of such things as appertai●ed to saluation of the soule and particulerly of the mistery of the most Holy Trinity An admirable thing whereof she was so incredibly inamoured as that the Creed of S. Athanasius cōming once into her handes she not only read it with greedines but carryed it to her mother with extreme contentment as a thing of rare estimation By which actions wrought in so tender yeares it might be inferred what kind of creature she was to shew her selfe with the help of God in a more mature and perfect age Of her Charity towards poore folkes and the Mentall Prayer which she vsed CHAP. 2. BEING come to the seauenth yeare of her age she began to make shew of her holy inclination For part of her meat such as is vsually giuen to childrē either for breakefast or collation when they are taught to worke or read Note she would already be distributing to Prisoners and other poore people and she was delighted extraordinarily whensoeuer she had oportunity of teaching other children the Pater Noster the Aue Maria and such like prayers In which holy exercise she might spend much time in their house in the Countrey instructing withall kind of patience and charity the poore Countrey-maydes and neighbours children And to this she went with so great passion as that once being to returne towards the Citty she began to weep bitterly for this only reason as she confest that she should be disabled to teach a daughter of a husbandmans belonging to the house which daughter for the recomforting of our little one must needs be also conducted with her to Florence It seemeth a wonderfull thing that in so tender yeares she could take so great care as she had for the preseruing of her hart in purity and to cast such a bridle vpon her thoughts as to keep them euer addressed to the seruice and glory of Almighty God And withall that when she was but newly come to the vse of reason she could exalt her vnderstanding and intertaine it in mentall prayer to which she was much giuen hauing already beene instructed by her ghostly Father the Father Andreas Rossi of the Society of Iesus For a preparation thereunto she vsed to read in a little book of Father Gaspari Loarte of the same Society and then with a liuely feeling of heauenly thinges hauing prostrated her selfe on earth and with deuotion sayd the Hymne Veni sancte Spiritus and the Consiteor she raysed her mind to most diuine thoughts and not incombred with earthly cares she only considered within her selfe how she might come to a religious state So great was the delight she tooke in prayer as that the halfe houre which was assigned to that effect by her ghostly Father Note did often passe a whole one When sometymes she was alone retyring her selfe into the most secret parts of the house she gaue liberty vnto her soule to discharge those amorous desires which were kindled in it towards the obteyning of heauen Whereupon they of the house seeking her vp and downe with diligence would find her behind some bed so plunged into heauenly cōtemplation and so as it were transformed in God that she could neither heare nor see any obiect She was often interiourly stirred vp by the presence of God to the true purchase of Euangelical perfection Whereupon through the light of those celestiall graces which by his Maiesty were communicated to her whensoeuer she heard any such wordes spoken as became not the mouth of Christians or that they resulted not to the honour of his diuine Maiesty Note she conceaued so bitter griefe as that one night particulerly she spent all in teares and sighes vpon that occasion excusing neuertheles the defects of others with aboundant charity Of the great desire which she had to receaue the B. Sacrament and of the pennances which she vsed CHAP. 2. BESIDES this she was so desirous to receaue our Lord Iesus being veyled vnder the shew of bread that when she saw her mother or other deuout persons communicate she procured to come close to them and being extremely in appetite to receaue the odour of that most sacred food she could hardly part from such as she knew had receaued it Afterward being entred into the tenth yeare of her age she began with the leaue of her Ghostly father to communicate sometymes and she receaued so much delight therby as forced from her the teares of ioy And on the other side she did so afflict her selfe when by any occasion she was hindred that in nothing she could find comfort Once vpon Holy Thursday being in contemplation of the soueraigne loue which our Lord Iesus shewed in leauing himselfe vnto vs in the Blessed Sacrament no lesse attentiuely considering what she might render by way of gratitude for so great loue she did with admirable deuotion dedicate her selfe to Christ Iesus by a vow of Virginity when she was arriued but to the eleuenth yeare of her age By that tyme she delighted in nothing but discoursing of heauenly things nor did she looke after any other obiect but how she might be wholy answerable to the example of her heauenly Spouse Therefore did she refuse soft beds Note and slept often vpon straw and in the most secret places of the house she wold be disciplining of her selfe And for her greater mortification she tooke secretly certaine ong stalkes of Orange trees which were full of prickles and binding them hard about her head she past a whole night in excessiue payne only for the imitation of Iesus who was crowned with piercing thornes And because where the diuine loue hath dominion there is euer kindled a desire of doing pennance more and more therefore did this deuout child exercise her selfe in other acts of mortification as sometims in her meate not taking any more then what was meerely necessary and scarcely that sometymes in making her selfe obedient to the vnworthiest and basest person
in the house and in many other holy actions altogeather repugnant to Sense seeking euer new meanes whereby she might become more acceptable to our soueraigne Lord. How she was left in the Monastery of S. Giouannino and of the inspirations which she had to become Religious in the Monastery of S. Maria de li Angeli CHAP. 4. BEING aged now of fourten years and her Father being to go in publique imployment to Cortona her parents determined by the aduice of the Reuerend Father Pietro Blanca Rector of the College of the Society of Iesus to leaue her placed for a yeare in the Monastery of S. Giouannino of Florence Which Father because he well knew the perfection singuler spirit of this child as also the ardent desire she had to frequent the Blessed Sacrament resolued to place her there vnder condition that vpon euery Sunday and Holy-day she might communicate at her owne deuotion This being then promised very willingly by those Reuerend Mothers she entred into the sayd Monastery and passed the yeare with great increase of vertue and no lesse satisfaction of the sayd Religious for the liuely example which euery one of them tooke from her true deuotion Neuertheles there wanted not in that tyme some occasions to disturbe so great a frequence of the Sacraments but she kindling her selfe more and more in so holy a desire did not at all release the ardent purpose she had to get ground in the seruice of God With excessiue feruour she followed the exercise of Mentall Prayer Note and did very often for the space of foure continued houres enioy celestiall thoughts And on the day of the most holy Ascension of Iesus into heauen whilest in a most retyred part of the Monastery she was deuoutly praying the Giuer of all good things imparted to her so liuely a knowledge of his diuine Bounty that with much difficulty she was able to conteyne the ioy triumph that in her soule she felt Those Reuerend Mothers were moued by her vertue to haue extraordinary desire that she would take their habit and with particuler instance aduised her to it letting her see the good which thereby would redound to the Monastery Whereupon she earnestly prayed the illuminatour of all harts to make her choose that place which should be most for the seruice honour of his diuine Maiesty In the meane tyme her Father Mother being returned from Cortona tooke her home into the house and forbare not by many wayes to disturbe her holy purpose being vrged by the affection of flesh and bloud which is the vsuall author of such inconueniencies and they did so the rather because she was their only daughter But she hauing by help from heauen ouercome all difficultyes and being more desirous then euer to imitate the Incarnate Word in the state of holy Religion sayd resolutly vnto them that she would rather suffer her head to be strocken from her shoulders Note then consent not to be Religious Her parents hearing this remitted all to her Ghostly Father who wisely counsayled her to choose some Monastery where both deuotion and a perfect obseruant life did flourish in the Religious to which her selfe was much inclined There being then propounded to her the Monastery of S. Maria de li Angioli neere S. Friano of the order of the Carmelites and that other venerable Monastery of the Crocetto of the order of S. Dominicke to which later she had some inclination because the Religious of that place are neuer seene yet at last hearing the former so highly paysed especially for the frequent receauing of the B. Sacrament which there is vsed euery day she determined to go into the sayd Monastery for fifteene dayes And hauing obteyned licence on the Vigill of the Assumption of the B. Virgin she entred full of ioy and in the tyme of her stay there gaue an excellent example of life Hauing diligently then considered the seuerall Orders of Religion she was wholy satisfyed that this was the place to which our Lord had called her Therefore it grieued her to go thence at all but being forced by her parents she must needs returne home where with a great deale of grief for the space of three monthes she remayned But finally being more and more moued by Almighty God to take the habit of Religion on the Saturday precedent to the first Sunday of Aduent in the yeare 1582. she entred into the Monastery to consecrate her selfe for euer to the seruice of God And hauing obteyned their acceptation she was on the eight of December in the same yeare being the day of the Conception of the B. Virgin receaued with great ioy and satisfaction by all the Religious Afterward vpon the thirtith of Ianuary next following with ardent desire of heauenly graces extreme contempt of earthly cares she tooke the habit of the Carmelits order in the sayd monastery at the hands of the Confessour thereof Agostino Campi of Pontremoli a Priest of great vertue and exemplar life And in the instant when he put the crucifixe into her hand the Religious singing those words of S. Paul Mihi absit gloriari nisi in cruce Domini nostri Iesu Christi c. Note it is a wonder to tell how she felt interiourly so great an vnion with our Lord Iesus and such a spirituall sweetnes that in all her life as she sayd she remembred not to haue found the like Whereupon hauing placed in eternall obliuion all the commodityes of this life and hauing confirmed her selfe more resolutely in her holy purpose she protested at that tyme to her heauenly Spouse that she would neuer thirst after any thing but him crucifyed nor aspire to any thing but that her soule might to the vttermost of her possibility be instructed and deuoted to do him seruice After she was clad with the sacred habit she did with profound humility giue her selfe for dead to the Mother who was Mistresse of the Nouices Note and did ardently beg that she would euer humble her and mortify her and at all tyme contradict her will and direct her in all her actions A liuely and fit example for all such as thirst after an increase of Religious vertue for without this resignation there is no profit to be expected in a spirituall life In the yeare of her Nouiship she makes great proof of many vertues of the much desire she had to be Professed which was accorded by her Superiours by reason of her great sicknes from which she was freed in miraculous manner CHAP. 5. HAVING at last obteyned that which so long she had desired to be clothed with the Religious Habit Note with great deuotion and feruour she submitted her selfe to the easy yoke of the Holy Obedience of the Mistresse of the Nouices with such humility as that in the perfection of that kind of life she seemed not a Nouice but a Religious woman of many years In conuersing with her Sisters she esteemed her selfe in
degree and condition inferiour to them all and although by others she were held a Saint yet she gaue little satisfaction to her selfe but was vsually her own accuser of idlenes and other defectes in the presence of euery one of them Moreouer she shewed her selfe compassionate in supporting the defects of others and withall sweetnes vsed to accommodate her selfe to their wills In countenance she was euer discharged and cheerefull nor could she be troubled through any accident by meanes of the gift she had of prayer whereby she had already acquired so great vnion with God that she had continuall fruition of his presence in her soule By the attractiue manner of her speach whereof yet she was most sparing she kindled in the harts of others an vnspeakable desire of seruing God Much labour she vsed in the mortification of her will and in the hiding of her vertue carrying alwayes her eye vpon the execution of such Orders as were common to all the Nouices vpon the doing of whatsoeuer might bring to her most humility and mortification By these vertues she walked on towards greater perfection hauing extreme desire to be vnited with her heauenly Spouse by the knot of holy Profession Now the tyme being come when seauen Nouices were to be veyled and professed and her tyme not being come that she might also make the same oblation of her selfe to the eternall God she was afflicted with much griefe though she were somewhat recomforted with a promise which was made her by the chiefe of the Religious that towardes the end of the yeare her desire should be g●aunted The yeare being ended and she againe making instance with great affection to be knit to God by the free vow of solemne Profession it was answered that she must expect till some other Nouices might ioyne with her To this she instantly replyed thus with great humility I shall not make my Profession with others but you will be constrayned by a necessity which will go much against your will to permit that I be profest alone It punctually came to passe as she fortould for hardly there had past a moneth but that she being assayled by a sharp burning feuer and a vehement cough accompanyed with extreme paine grew into such danger of her life that foure of the chiefe Phisitians in the Towne confessed ioyntly that they could not penetrate her disease And Iacopo Tronconi one of the foure by whome she was most often visited affirmed many tymes that by all the study that he had imployed he was neuer able to discouer either the occasion or the quality of that sicknes and that it must be left to God for of mans help there was little hope Yet fayled she not to vse conuenient remedyes but all in vaine since euery day more and more her life was found to be in danger She did euer almost sit vpright not being able to lye at length in her bed for the perpetuall cough that afflicted her in such sort as it allowed her very little tyme to restore her weake body either with food or rest But euen then did her spirituall parts receaue strength whē being asked sometims by her sisters what she thought vpon in the midst of her cruell paynes she instantly pointing to a Crucifixe which was neere her bed made this answere I contemplate the great sufferings which that cordiall and incomprehensible loue indured for my saluation he seeth my weaknes and with that sight of his I am comforted Note since all the paynes and griefes which all the chosen children of God haue endured did passe through that most holy Humanity of Christ where they grew to be sweet and to be desired by vs his members Thus was the spouse of Iesus afflicted indeed in body but in her soule so cheerefull serene that she sayd she thought her selfe after a sort to ●e feeding vpon the ioyes of heauen Her health being thus despayred of by the Phisitians it was resolued by the Religious that she should make her Profession which she had so much desired The Confessarius therefore was conducted to her for he would not suffer her to ryse whom he foūd to be so much afflicted by that sicknes Yet she confiding in God prayed her Sisters after leaue obteyned that they would carry her before an Altar of the B. Virgin where there was a little bed set vp for the performance of that holy ceremony Which being put in execution on the 27. of May 1584. which was the morning of the most holy Trinity she made in the hands of the Father Confessarius in presence of all the Religious her holy Profession with greater deuotion and feruour then we can imagine After this she was carryed by force of armes into the Infirmary the Infirmarian was intreated by her that the curtaines of the bed being drawne they would depart out of the chamber for she was desiro● to take a little rest All this was done a whole houre being past when they had heard no noyse in her chamber no so much as the Cough which vsed so continually to importune her the Infirmarian was all in a wonder at it whe● with others entred in and opening th● curtaines found that she reposed well in God for being alienated from her senses she was rapt into heauenly contemplations Her face was growne beautifull and delightfull to the astonishmen● of such as lookt vpon her her flesh was growne liuely coloured and euen inflamed her eyes were fastned so stedfastly behoulding a Crucifixe that vpon the whole matter she seemed no more to be that pale and leane Suor Maria Maddalena but euen a very Angell of heauen In the meane tyme this accident was made knowne to the Mother Prioresse wherupon she with the rest of all the other Mothers and Sisters did suddainly go by one and one into the chamber where they all saw the wonder which God had wrought in his deuout seruant And this was the first time that she had been seen in Rapte wherein she continued for the space of two hours It was not matter of lesse amazement to them which happened in the fourty dayes which followed next for euery day in the morning as soone as she had receaued the food of Angells the same wonder was seene she remayning abstracted from her senses and immersed in diuine contemplations which shal briefly be pointed at in the first Chapter of the second part And so it pleased our Lord after these Extasies to restore the health of her body in miraculous manner since without applying any further remedy her disease so ceased as that she was wholy free our Lord vouchsafing to preserue her to the end that others by her example might be much more inflamed to loue him When she had recouered her health she returned to the Nouiciate and considering the many Rapts which were graunted to her by her Lord she was constreyned by Obedience to relate to two of the Mothers such thinges as were communicated to her
I am one day to iudg thee with power and Maiesty 14. Thou shalt esteeme thy Rule and Constitutions thereof togeather with the vowes as I will haue thee esteeme my selfe procuring to ingraue in the harts of all the Religious the zeale of that state to which I haue called them and of thy Religion 15. Thou shalt haue great desire to be made subiect vnto all and thou shalt haue it in horrour to be preferred before the meanest and least of the company 16. Thou shalt not conceaue that thy comfort repose and solace consisteth in any other thing then in contempt and in humility 17. Thou shalt forbeare to let the creatures know what thy desires are and what my will is excepting those whom I haue giuen to liue with thee and my Christ 18. Thou shalt be in continuall oblation of all thy desires and actions togeather with all my members vnto me 19. From that houre wherein I left my pure mother that is from within two howres before Sun set thou shalt be in continuall oblation of my Passion of thy selfe and of my creatures to the Eternall Father and this shall be thy preparation for receauing of me sacramentally and betweene the day and the night thou shalt visit my body and bloud 33. times 20. The last thing shall be that in all the operations which I shall suffer thee to performe as well internall as externall thou art to be transformed into me After this she remayned for some tyme without speach and she proceeded in the person of the Word saying This is the Rule which the beloued of thy soule in act of loue hath giuen to thee Therefore thou shalt receaue it and such thinges as are conteyned therein thou shalt keep at thy hart and put them in execution excepting only when Charity and Obedience do hinder thee from visiting my body and bloud After these wordes she returned from the rapt And how exactly these Rules were obserued by her the progresse of her life will shew The great excesses of loue which she had in the contemplation of Christ Iesus CHAP. 11. YET was not the vapour of this burning fornace so very hot but sometymes the flame increased which made the most ardent fire of diuine loue euen breake from her breast out of her mouth In so much as in her Rapts fixing her most pure vnderstanding vpon the contemplation of infinite loue which mo●ed Almighty God to do so much for the most vile creatur Man Note the great excesse of her loue to God expressed in this and the next chapter she could not conteine her selfe from exclayming thus with a loud voyce O loue O loue O God how thou louest thy creatures with pure loue O God of loue O God of loue O my Lord no more loue no more loue it is too much O my Iesus the loue that thou bearest to thy creatures Yet not too much for thy greatnes but too much for a creature which is so vile and base Wherfore dost thou O my God giue me so much loue who am so vnworthy and so vile Being once againe in Rapt taking a Crucifixe into her hand she went running about the Couent and easing her hart towards the diuine Word with inamoured discourses and inflamed desires she cryed out O loue O loue O loue This did she with so gracefull smiles with a countenance of top full of ioy that the very sight of her gaue occasion to take vnspeakable comfort Sometimes she would be fixing her eyes on heauen sometimes vpon the Crucifixe sometimes she would imbrace and presse it vpon her hart kisse it with excessiue feruour and the while she would not cease to cry and cry againe O loue O loue I will neuer cease O my God to call thee loue the very ioy and triumph of my hart the hope and comfort of my soule Then turning about to the Sisters which followed her she would thus say on Know you not O deere Sisters that my Iesus is nothing els but loue yea that he is euen as it were fond with loue Fond with loue I say thou art O my Iesus and I will euer say so Thou art all amiable and ioyfull thou art recreatiue and confortatiue thou art nutritiue and vnitiue thou art pennance solace labour and repose life and death both at once Finally what is that which is not in thee thou art wise and cheerefull high and immense admirable and vnspeakable in excogitable and incomprehensible Then she kept her eyes still fixed vpon the wounded side of the Crucifixe wherein she seemed to discouer strang thinges and spake at large of the suprem loue which God beareth to mankind and of the highest Misteryes which the Incarna●e Word wrought on earth for our redemption And againe she exclaymed O loue O loue then casting her eye vp to heauē she sayd Giue me so strong a voyce O my Lord that whilest I call thee Lou● I may be heared from the East to the West throughout all the parts of the world euen to Hell it selfe that thou may● be known reuerenced as the true loue O loue O loue which only dost penetrate and transcend which breakest and bindest which rulest and gouernest all thinges Thou art heauen and earth fire and aire bloud water thou art God and Man And who shall euer be able either to expresse or thinke of thy greatnes since thou art infinite and eternall In these so liuely excesses of Loue she did often spend the whole dayes so as it seemed that she drew on apace towards an Angelicall life and that she was fed with banquetting dishes from the table of heauen In these acts her speach was so deuout so inflamed and so compassionate towards her Iesus hanging on the Crosse that not only in name but in deed she resembled that Maddalena who was so much wounded with griefe vpon mount Caluary when the VVord Incarnate gaue vp his Spirit to his eternall Father Sometymes being vrged by the heat of celestiall fire she would runne with speed into the Quire and getting vp to the Rood lost where there was a Crucifixe she would vnnayle it from the Crosse with incredible agility Then sitting downe she would keep it in her bosome and taking of her veyles from her head she would dry with them the sweat and bloud which she seemed to see runne trickling downe from the face of her beloued Spouse And this would she do with so great feruour of spirit that the Religious who were present would feare that her hart was not able to indure such an ardent fire of loue It is an admirable thing to tell how when the Sisters had taken those veiles linnen-clothes wherewith she had performed those offices of deuotion to the Crucifix they found them so full of sweat and so very wet that it seemed as if she had held in her armes the dead Iesus in such sort as he was when in the middest of those cruell torments of the Crosse he
Lord Archbishop would needes speake with her againe as he did in familiar manner and at large particulerly asking about those things which a little before he had vnderstood of her when she was in Rapt She euer as to her true Superiour with profound humility and reuerence answered to all his demands and conferred about many other thinges with great confidence After which he departed much satisfyed when first in the presence of the Mother Prioresse and many other of the Mothers he had highly praysed the vertue and sanctity of this their Religious Sister She foretelleth vnto the Cardinall Archbishop of Florence that he should be Pope and at another tyme forseeth that he should hold that place but few dayes CHAP. 19. AMONG those discourses which she had with the Lord Cardinall she told him vpon occasion that he should one day come to that highest dignity of Popedome Which came to passe when in the yeare 1605. vpon the death of Clemens Octauus he was chosen Pope and he called himselfe Leo the eleuenth Not only did she forsee this but sayd afterwards in a Rapt that he was to rule the Church of God but a very short tyme for when he past by Florence as the Pops legate to the King of France she vsed these wordes This Christ is in present possession of a great honour but he shall afterwards ariue to the greatest although he shall not long stay therein for when he would fain imbrace it then shall the glory of it vanish out of his sight How clearely this was verifyed we see by the successe for he gouerned the Christian Common Wealth but six and twenty dayes How she was perfectly resigned to God How Iesus shewed himselfe thrice to her with a troubled countenance and afterwards well pleased and of the three offers which she made to the Eternall Father with an Image of Iesus in her hand CHAP. 20. SPEAKING once with one of the Sisters Note she sayd in humble manner that she desired nothing of her Lord but that he would take from her her owne will and that as she knew that by her own only indeauour or power she could not profit according to her desire in those vertues which make a soule gratefull to God She had scarse ended these wordes when turning vp her eyes to heauen she was rapt in Extasis and it was shewed to her by Iesus how great an impediment the being guided by ones proper will doth bring to a soule and especially of one that is Religious who by the vow of Obedience hath already consecrated the Will to God She therefore vnderstood how the will of Iesus was that in nothing she was to suffer her owne Will to haue dominion This being done she instantly tooke the Prioresse by the hand who togeather with many other of the Religious was there present and she conducted her to the Oratory where she made feruent prayers to the B. Virgin beseeching her that she would get her light towardes the executing of the diuine Will After this turning aside to the Mother Prioresse whom still she held by the hand she begged of her with great earnestnes and with many tears that euen for the loue of Iesus she also would indeauour to depriue her of doing her owne Will And then Note prostrating herselfe thrice vpon the ground after the manner of demanding pardon she returned from the Rapt The day following she being withall the other Religious imployed in holy exercises she was againe rapt in Extasis and with great violence cast downe to the ground Her countenance was already seene to be growne pale for the great horrour that she had and easily it might be discerned that this happēned not without some mystery And so it was for she seemed then to see Iesus extraordinarily troubled because she had made some resistance to his diuine VVill. For she vnderstood from himselfe that her actions were to be singular and that he was pleased to raise her to higher degrees of Religious perfection but she being vrged by an extreme desire of not appearing such made therein a kind of resistance in her mind desiring rather to suffer whatsoeuer kind of affliction then to be held by others of a singular life Therefore our Lord shewed himselfe againe vnto her as offended added how it was his VVill that both interiourly and exteriourly she should appeare gratefull to him and therfore that she was to make no resistance After dinner she was againe raysed to Extasis and vnderstood many things from the Incarnate VVord but particulerly how she was to suffer much affliction thereby to grow more gratefull to the Eternall Father She was also illuminated about many other things apperteyning to the Constitutions of the Monastery which she particulerly related to Mother Prioresse Not many dayes after hauing left the Religious with whome then she was and going into the Quire being by that tyme alienated from her senses she let her selfe fall vpon the ground with her armes crossed seeing Christ Iesus who seemed to be againe of troubled countenance Wherupon in imitation of S. Paul she sayd O Lord what wilt thou haue me do Tell me what is pleasing to thee and whatsoeuer it be I will procure to accomplish it so that thy bright eyes may shine vpon me and that thy countenance towards me may no more be obscured She added other wordes all full of profound humility and hauing so remayned a while she turned her selfe with great ioy towardes a picture of the B. Virgin saying O Maria I do yet once againe behould those most pure and bright eyes of my Spouse and they looke on me no more with a troubled countenance But I beseech thee tell me O my Iesus what can I haue done in so short a tyme whereby I may haue obteyned this so deere and delicious aspect of thyne And she had scarce ended these words when she heard a celestiall voyce that sayd Conformity of will whereupon she came to know that by being so humbly resigned to the Will of God she saw her Iesus no more now offended but benigne and appeased In this feruour of spirit she went into the Quire to a chappel of the B. Virgin and opening the grates of the Altar she tooke off the candlestickes with more agility then can be imagined Afterwards ascending vp to the Altar she powred forth earnest prayers to the Mother of God that she would giue her her sonne Iesus whose Image togeather with her owne was there embost and vpon the signe made that her sute was graunted she takes into her armes that deuout Image of Iesus and laying aside all the ornaments sayd thus I will haue thee naked O my Iesus for I were not able to endure thee withall thy infinite vertues perfections I will haue thy humanity all naked She went afterwardes with that Image into all those three places where he had shewed himselfe to be offended and in the selfe same manner as a Priest doth offer the
Rapt yet so that as soone as she had restored her selfe with a little bread and water she went againe into Extasis Then did she see a greater light in the midst whereof there was a troupe of her Patron-Saints who being deuided into seauen couples in excellent manner made a noble Procession These were for she named them all one by one S. Thomas of Aquine S. Agnes S. Iohn the Euangelist S. Magdalen S. Iohn Baptist S Catharine Virgin and martyr S. Steuen S Catharine of Siena S. Francis S. Clare S Augustine S. Angelus a Carmelitan Martyr S. Michael the Archangell and her own good Angell These she saw imediatly before going towards the eternall Father and from his diuine breast they took● admirable giftes wherewith to adorn● her and she vnderstood that they wer● sent to her by her heauenly Spouse in reward of the grieuous afflictions that she had susteyned in the fiue yeares of her Probation whereby being made euen top full with ioy she said O my Lord m● thinkes thou art about to reward me if I may so say euen for the offences which I haue committed against thee for I see not that I haue done any thing but offended thee But well well to thee all thinges are knowne After this she made euident shew that her Patron-Saintes were drawing neere her when she said O you my Aduocates how fauourable are you vnto me And so ech couple of them as was euident by the manner of her speach enri●hed her with seuerall celestiall Presents ●etcht from heauen One put vpon her ●ead a glorious Crowne of immortall Light Another with chaines of gould a●orned her necke Another with a most ●ure veste on all sids did couer her Some ●ompassed in her handes with beautifull ●racelets Others enricht her fingers with ringes of inualuable price and o●hers to conclude did honour her with most precious stones and riches of ●eauen She in the meane time contemplated with great admiration the soueraigne beauty of those Saintes and finding that they enuironed her round about she turned from one side to the o●her and could neuer be satisfied in behoulding those diuine obiectes And speaking to them she said thus Faine would I see you all at once but cannot For if I turne to the right hand I see not them who are on the left and if I looke on the left I loose the sight of them who are on the right and yet faine I would see all your beauties She shewed afterwards by the manne● of her speach that the Saintes themselues began to make Court vnto ou● Lord with instruments and voyces gestures betokening ioy for the victory granted to his Spouse in the time of her Probation and so it was an admirable thing to see how she with a manner full of maiesty in acting and dauncing gaue signes of ioy Then she beganne to discourse with the Saintes by one and one naming both themselues and the instruments celestiall which they had in their hands Her countenaunce was ioyfull resplendant when continuing her speach in that heauenly company she said I will go into all those places where my aduersary hath endeauoured to do me hurt to confound him the more with all his craft And first she went into a place of the Monastery where she had beene extraordinarily assaulted by the Diuell there as soone as she arriued by singing and dauncing she affronted Sathan At the first speaking to the Diuells she said I will in despight of you keepe holy the day of ●ur Lord before him I will laugh you to scorn ●nd at his feete I will cast my selfe Then she ●ell vpon her knees and soone after rising added Of that which hath hapned to ●e before my God I will glory for your greater ●aine and thereof I will make a Crowne to weare vpon my head and humble my selfe to him againe O hideous infernall Beastes cry ●ut and howle as loud as you liste my soule ●steemeth you no more then a fly but I will ●hanke my God for this great mercy till I dy She went after into other places of the Couente and there with sweet voyce did singe Quis nos separabit à chari●ate Christi Tribulatio an Angustia an Fames Nemo poterit me separare à charitate Christi And againe she added Omnia arbitrata sum vt stercora vt Christum lucrifa●iam Dominus illuminatio mea salus mea ●uem timebo Thē went she speedily to an Altar of the B. Virgin and said to her with great deuotion O most pure Maria I offer and giue my selfe vnto thee not only with that purity and innocency which I receaued when I consecrated my selfe to thee but I giue ●t thee now being more adorned and more purified Receaue me then O Maria and preserue me in thee After this she returned from her Rapte and although she had beene adorned with so singular giftes yet neuerthelesse with a most profound humility she humbled her selfe before the Religious who by that time were come thither in great number and then she returned to the common affaires o● the Monastery For reward of the sight of Diuells which she had suffered in her Probation Iesus shewed himselfe to her in three manners promising from thence forth that she euer should enioy his presence CHAP. 31. THE course and current of celestiall Grace stayed not heere for the Munday following which was the second feast of the Holy Ghost being rapt in Extasis after the holy Communion she vnderstoood how Iesus would that morning reward her with a liberal gift namely that from thenceforth she euer should haue before the eyes of her mind the high presence of God in lieu of the horrible sight of diuels wherby in the tyme of her Probation she had so terribly been frighted And then she began to see her beloued Spouse wherby she was at an instant filled with such ioy as cannot be imagined and fastning her eyes vpon him she sayd O my spouse for so I will presume to call thee the sight of the Diuell is not so hideous but that thy sight is incomparably more delightfull who art as the Prophet sayth speciosus forma prae filijs hominū And as formerly there was neither tyme nor place when I had not the fearfull vision of those malign Spirits so now whether I go or stand or labour or speake I shall euer see thee my beloued And as they besides that they appeared to the sight of my mynd sometymes did also shew themselues in seuerall formes to my corporall eyes so thou also wilt not only be present to my mind but wilt also shew thy selfe to the eyes of my body thereby to make me triumph in ioy and exultation Our Lord did then aske of her in what appearance she desired to see him and she answered As thou art one God in three Persons so I would be glad to see thee in three manners As thou wast in the tyme when thou wert in Aegypt I say in thy infancy
vocation she would suffer much affliction in the world and that if her Mother should disswade her God would punish her also It happened that the sayd young Mayd did not accept of her vocation thereby she liueth in much affliction But the Mother who discouraged her was chastized so terribly by God with a Canker that by little and little it infected her whole body and she ended her dayes in grieuous torments She desired so much to suffer that she was contented not to receaue any spirituall consolation CHAP. 47. THE fiue years of her Probation being ended wherin she had suffered such a long and discomfortable combat she remayned after the manner of a gallant and complete warriour who beyond measure desiring to come to new proofs of valour forgetteth all trouble and danger past with intrepide mind to giue contentment to his Prince doth cheerefully offer vpon new enterprises In the same manner she was so encouraged Note so in longing to suffer forgetting how much she had formerly endured as she made now a kind of agreement with God that in future tyme she would neuer desire so much as any spirituall consolation This she sought of our Lord with such vnusual desire that he granted her earnest suite and although he had formerly promised her that for reward of so many agonyes and for the continuall sight which she had had of Diuells she should be comforted with his diuine presence yet this was without delight and only as she sayd for strength and comfort of her trauailes past A plaine signe of this was seene when shortly after she being rapt into excesse of mind according to her vsuall manner and our Lord imparting to her a liuely feeling of himselfe she turned to him saying Ah why my God dost thou breake the promise which thou madest to me I hauing renounced for loue of thee all the spirituall delight which I might haue in future tymes She was further so greedy of suffering that she would often say that she wished not to dye so soone because in heauen there is no suffering yea so much she was inflamed towardes the desire thereof that praying in some retyred places of the Monastery she would hold in her hand a great candle from which the drops of burning waxe might fall and for the loue of God she would suffer them to pierce her naked armes and legs in such sort as that afterwards she could hardly go and this custome she followed both many tymes and during much tyme. In like manner when in the bitternes of winter it snowed she would be going into the garden stay there for a good while togeather without hose and her feet naked and vpon her knees would be making prayer to God And amongst other tymes it happened once that she stayed there in a manner one whole day togeather So as she neither thought nor exercised her self vpon any other thing then mortifications acts of humility finding euer new inuentions how to suffer so as the going barefoot the feeding alone vpon bread and water the vse of haire cloaths and disciplines of iron were the only thinges which her hart aspiring and euen panting to suffer for Christ Iesus would account to be desirable and precious She appeares in Vision to one of the Religious curing her of a Fistula The same woman afterwardes by remayning a while in the bed of Suor Maria Maddalena was cured of a dangerous sicknes CHAP. 48. IN the yeare 1592. Suor Cherubina of Rabbata of whome already we haue made mention being fallen sicke againe of a Fistula in one of her eyes which tormented her with intollerable paines recommending her selfe to the B. Virgin that patiently she might be able to endure them one night she found her selfe to be taken by the face and she saw Suor Maria Maddalena with a princely aspect and how with her eyes fixed on heauen she inuoked the most Holy Virgin and her Patron-Saints that they would pray the eternall Father for the recouery of the sicke woman She found afterwards that the seruant of God appeared to her and that her eye was open where the hurt had beene which continually for the space of six dayes had byn shut With that she was in such vnsufferable paine that instantly she fainted but soone after recovering her selfe she found that she was intierly and miraculously free The morning after relating this whole story to the holy Mother and asking her whether or no she had been with her the night before she answered that corporally she had not beene there Note but that indeed betweene fiue and six houres of the night she had earnestly recommended her recouery to our Lord. So as she knew that by these prayers she recouered her health she being cured at the selfe same houre There passed not much tyme when the sayd Religious fell yet sicke againe and was brought to such termes that she receaued the Extreme Vnction expecting euery houre when she was to dye In the meane tyme it seemed to her that these wordes were spoken in her mind If thou wilt be whole go into the Bed of Suor Maria Maddalena So as conferring about this inspiration with the Ghostly Father who was that Reuerēd man Francesco Benuenuti with his leaue she was borne by the arms of others into the bed of the good Mother A great wonder was seene thereby for she had scarce remayned there a quarter of an houre when she found her selfe at an instant wholy freed from her sicknes and of her selfe she arose out of the bed giuing thanks to God who vouchsafed to graunt her so many fauours by the merits of his beloued Spouse And this accident so fallen out many of the Religious who yet liue do affirme vpon their oath She hath a Vision of a yong Mayd who was to become Religious CHAP. 49. IN the same yeare of 1592. she saw once in a Rapt a pure doue like that which went out of the Arke of Noah sought ● resting place This she vnderstood to ●e a certeine young mayd who was much inflamed with the desire of being Religious but as for the place she was ●ndifferent Now she being by the diuine prouidence vpon her way euen at that tyme to come to this Monastery to see if the Rules and Orders thereof could please her she was hardly entred whē Suor Maria Maddalena being rapt in Extasis knew that to be the Doue which went flying about to seek a place of rest She saw also the good Angell of that Soule who held a ladder in his hand but did not apply it determinately to any one place by reason of the vncertainty wherein the young mayd remayned soone after she heard our Lord say these words to the Angel Fasten heer that ladder for to this place haue I chosen her Wherepon the good Mother turning towards the same young mayd who at that very instant came where she was sayd thus The ladder is fastned heere which must carry
it should cost me my life vnles the ghostly Father should impose it vpon m●ly Obedience For me thinkes that I am ●ur● that if I had not the dayly help of this most holy Communion I could not support the continuall paynes of my infirmity togeather with the great desolation of my spirit but after I haue receaued this food of life I feele much vigour towardes the enduring of my afflictions Among the rest one of the things that much payned her was the being cōtinually in her bed for in that she was of an actiue nature she felt extreme mortification thereby And she was wont to say That our Lord could not send her a paine to which naturally she might haue more repugnance then to this But yet because she knew for certaine that such was the will of God it cannot be exprest how much contentmēt she found euen in her greatest dolours Eight dayes before she fell sicke hearing the life of a Saint read in the Refectory who had suffered much for God she did yet still kindle her selfe so much towards suffering that she earnestly againe desired occasiō of our Lord to suffer agreably to his will hauing entirely forgotten all the afflictions that she had endured before To this purpose one of her Sisters once saying to her Mother doth not that seeme to you a great affliction which you suffered in those fiue yeares of your Probation But the Mother quickly answered That she would neuer account that to haue beene a tyme of pure suffering because therein she had tasted of certaine celestiall delights which were able to sweeten any bitternes of payne whatsoeuer but that sayth she which I desire now of God is this that he w●ll graunt me a pure suffering Admitable strength of mind and that it may be tempred with no d●light and through the confidence which I haue in the diuine goodnes I hope that before I dye I shall obteyne this grace for I know that these delicate meates which are so gratefull to our tast cānot be fed vpon at that beauenly table She is violently handled by her sicknes and she supporteth all with singular patience CHAP. 73. THIS her so earnest desire of suffering was not made in vaine for to such termes the holy Mother was reduced that in this crosse of infirmity she resembled after a sort her Iesus when by the most intense paines of the Crosse he was tormented And although in her necessity the Religious were euer present and there was no want of any thing yet in all this she tooke no comfort at all she would say sometymes That she had a hart vncapable of any thing but anguish and those thinges which were wont to bring her comfort were now changed into paine and griefe Her torments togeather with the danger of her life grew to be euery day more more but that bred no decrease in her of the ardent desire to grow in suffering and in the midst of much anguish by moments casting vp her eyes to heauen she thanked God for hauing preserued her life vntill that houre wherin she tryed and tasted of pure sufferance for loue of him euen as her selfe could haue wished Sometyms considering the parts o● her body made subiect to so continual p●●nes she sayd I know w●ll that my sinn●s are such a●so many that I d●serue another manner o● ch●ist●em●nt then this Moreouer the paine of her teeth did solicite her for the space of two year Note night and day w●th such fury that she was sometymes vrged to breake into lamentable wo●ds when she found no remedy that could ease her This paine was in such degree that she could not touch one row of her teeth with the other so as when she was to take her food the tears were forced from her eyes And yet further this paine did so consume and eare into the very rootes of her teeth that all of them by little and little fell out of her mouth through the excesse of anguish If she chanced to haue an appetite to one thing more then another she esteemed it for a notable defect to giue any signe thereof and much more to make it expresly knowne And because a Lady who was deuoted to her and most affectionate to the Monastery being induced by Charity did often send thither some meats well made whereby the afflicted mother might in some sort restore her selfe she vnderstanding it made a scruple and would not eate thereof But because there was thē nothing els which might giue her nutrimēt she was exhorted by the ghostly Father to tast of it assuring her that she might depose all scruple By this meanes she quieted her selfe yet feeling euer great auersion in taking such meats as those and she would often say That euen in sicknes they should not looke to any other thing Note but that holy Pouerty might shine at all tymes And so by how much more delicate and curiously drest the meats were which she was to take so much more difficulty payne she found in taking them keeping euer her mind stifly bent vpon the life of Christ Iesus who for the reason of our saluation reiected all contentment whatsoeuer The pa nes of her head did dayly more and more torment her and especially vpon the Fridayes for then she alwayes suffered extraordinary affliction after that by Iesus he crowne of thorns was put vpon her head as may be seene in the seauenth Chapter of the second part B●side● she found oftentymes that her body was as if it had beene pierced through by certaine cruell shoots which tormented her like so many darts and lastly an istue which the Phisitians had made for the lessening of her infirmity put her to much trouble in that weake state and insteed of easing did afflic● her Vpon the feeling of all these payne● turning her eyes towar●es a Cru●ifixe sh● would say O my Lord if thou dost no● graunt me help and hart this body of myn● cannot indure all these passions She was also much troubled with a feare which she ha● of offending God by the wordes o● lamentation which sometymes she vttered and therefore she would intreate the Religious that they would pray God t● lend her force whereby she might stand vnder the burthen of so great anguish without the least offence to his diuine Maiesty And so much was her thought heereupon that often she would say with profound humility to the Gouernour of that Monastery Father do you thinke that I shall be saued This holy woman was no Protestant he answering like a man amazed why do you aske me such a question the good Mother would reply Let me tell you Father it is a great matter for a creature who neuer did good in her life to appeare before that high Purity of God and yet againe she would be asking Father do you thinke that I shall be saued In which speach did shine her great humility since she could be doubtfull of her saluation
who had both led such a holy life had been honoured euen on earth by so admirable graces from God Of her great Patience in the paynes of her sicknes and how she receaued the Sacrament of Extreme Vnction CHAP. 74. SHE hauing demaunded of God as hath been sayd already that she might purely and solely suffer when any thing brought the least shaddow of comfort to her she would be seriously thinking whether in that she had not offended God and whether for that cause she might not perhaps be suffering perpetually in the next life And being told by the Ghostly Father that before her death it was likely she might feele much spirituall comfort I aske not that answered she of my Lord but indeed I aske patience of him Inuincible spirit for the supporting of these payns Wherby yet she was not afflicted so furiously as that she fayled to exercise according to her power the Office of Subprioresse giuing conuenient instructions to those sisters which repaired to her And it was an admirable thing that none of them could euen then go from her without extreme contentment and satisfaction Note But her anguish more increasing euery day she felt sometimes in her brest as if it had beene a rasour which would haue deuided her parts one from another sometimes in her head as if there had beene strockes with hammers and such other vnspeakable torments that if formerly she had not freely offered her selfe to suffer or had not had a liuely notice of the nobility of suffering for the loue of Iesus Christ her so many seuerall anguishes which were excessiue beyond humane conceit would infallibly haue produced wordes of impatience Among other thinges it was matter of much compassion to consider her body so consumed that her bones made great holes though her skin and concauityes in the bed wherein she lay so that when for any necessary occasion the Religious were to rayse her vp she suffered paines that were insufferable And that which giueth irrefragable testimony to her Purity is that when the Religious were performing those aforesayd offices to her person Note she would say to them Do you thinke O my Sisters that this touching or wrapping of myne which you haue vsed for my assistance hath impeached Virgin●ty or Purity in any degree if you thinke it haue I will procure to help my selfe alone or els I will remayne still in the place where I am An euident signe that as she had related to her Confessarius she had neuer cōceaued or knowne any thing in her selfe which might be contrary to Chastity in the least degre The Phisitians could neuer find a reason how that body might be able to keep it selfe in life so long vnder the burthen of so many so cruell tormēts Nay and the Religious themselues being all astonished would say sometymes that it was impossible for her to liue 8. dayes And yet those dayes did passe weekes and moneths so that all human discourse was put to silence and it grew to be accounted miraculous that body of hers being then reduced to such state that hardly the Religious had the hart to visit her as not being able to endure so lamentable a spectacle And euen when they did visite her they could not containe their tears they had not the power to looke vpon her they lost as it were the vse of speach so as then they parted from her very often without speaking any word vnto her at all The Father who then had the care of the Monastery communicated her euery morning did often seriously consider her extremely fearing that she had not force to swallow downe that celestiall food as also he doubted least that act of piety in the bitternes of her pains might depriue her of life Notwithstanding all this she tooke hart by tymes would needs euery day heare the sacred Office to which she would often listen with incredible attention whilest two of her Sisters were reciting it neere her bed and sometymes she would also her selfe pronounce some verses Finally after fiue months of so great infirmity she was exhorted by the Phisitians to take the Extreme Vnction esteeming that at the most she could not passe two or three dayes of life She as foreknowing her approaching death did instantly resigne and prepare her selfe with great humility for the taking of that holy Sacrament But first she did with ardent wordes recommend the Monastery to the Father who was the Gouernour thereof and made him a promise that if she went to heauen she would pray earnestly to God both for him and all the Religious that after this short life they might meet in that celestiall kingdom Note She then desired the Prioresse to draw all the Religious thither into her presence and she asked pardon of them all for her defects and for the euill example that she had giuen them encouraging them to keep themselues true spouses of Christ Iesus After this she receaued of the Ghostly Father on the 13. of May in the year 1607. the Extreme Vnction and she her selfe did answere both to the verses and to the Letanies and neuer remoued her eye from a Crucifixe which she would needs hold cōtinually in her hand There were not then heard other then sighes and sobbes of the Religious who all being prostrate about the bed of their deer Mother made as it were a very poole of tears As soone as she had receaued this Sacrament by the comfort which she drew from thence she was all cleere in countenance and seemed in a manner as if all her paines had left her And turning towards the Confessarius she sayd Father I vnderstand that to morrow morning you will go to visit those Fathers the Eremits of Monte Senario A most holy Ermitage within 8. miles of Florence and now I tell you that you may go securely Concerning me haue no doubt at all for you shall find me aliue at your returne and I beseech you recommend me to their prayers whereby I much confide that our Lord may graunt me grace that I may be saued The Confessarius then answered that he had no mind to go considering the state wherein she was she replyed yet againe Go securely for you shall fin●●me aliue And so he hauing a firme hope therof went thither where he had designed returning after three dayes did find her in the selfe same termes Hauing prepared her selfe to death she piously rendreth her soule into the hands of her beloued Iesus CHAP. 75. AFTER she had receaued the Sacrament of Holy Oyle in those 13. dayes of her suruiuing she was much more afflicted with seuerall paynes it seemed as if they had al vnited themselues to pul her downe And that little flesh which had been resting vpon her afflicted bons through the excesse of anguish was distilled into so great aboundance of sweat as not only the sheets but euen the bed was bathed therwith so as it was necessary
for some of the Religious to be euer present with linnen cloaths wherewith to dry her But she all this while attentiue to the saluation of soules thought still vpon new wayes how to please the diuine Maiesty Note and causing the Mother Prioresse to be called to her she discoursed with her at large of Euangelicall Perfection and of that which concerned the good of her religion promising her that she would giue it more assistance from heauen then she had giuen heere on earth Then to all the Mothers and Sisters she againe gaue profitable remembrances amongst which she willed them in particuler Note That they should loue nothing but Christ Iesus that in him they should place all their hope and that they should euer be desirous to suffer for the loue of God After which wordes she tooke leaue of them Being then neere vnto her last passage the Confessarius demanding of her whether yet she was much afflicted and tormented with paine she answered You shall vnderstand O Father that there is no part of my body which is not ful of paine yet indeed I find a great peace in my hart But that which giueth cleere testimony of her sanctity and of all that which in her life is written is that a little after turning towards the sayd Father she cōsulted him about some things to which he hauing giuen satisfaction You shall know sayth she that I haue euer suffered my selfe to be guided simply by Obedience to my Superiours Note and in all my actions haue had no other thing in my mind but the presence of God In the meane tyme vpon the 24. of May 1607. on the day of the most holy Ascension she had the Recommendation of the soule and hauing almost lost her speach yet in the midst of the sighes teares of her Sisters which made a garland of grief about the poore bed whereon she lay turning her head towards the Confessarius she asked him when he could giue her the Viaticum and it being told her that after midnight her desire should be satisfyed she began in that dolorous but yet glorious state to discourse with so much feruour of spirit of the thinges of heauen Note that it was as if she would haue melted and distilled away in the excesse and quintessence of loue At midnight the Father returned to her with the Viaticum and which till then had neuer happened he communicated her in the presence of all the Religious This being done she was obserued to reioyce exceedingly and through the great spirituall contentment of her soule to receaue strength euen in her body but by this tyme the houre of her parting out of this transitory life drew neere vpon her and of her aspiring to that Crowne which once being gotten is neuer lost Therefore the Fathers was called to her at * That is about 8. or 9. by our accoūt twelue of the clocke in the morning that he might be present at her death as was much desired by her In the same manner did they remay●e til 14. recyting Psalmes and Hymnes for thē she had wholy lost the vse of speach But the Ghostly Father being yet to say Masse to communicate the Religious he departed thence and whilest he prepared himselfe he was aduertised how that holy Soule was euen then going to God so that he was much perplexed with the doubt of what he were best to do because if he went to the dying Mother he should not be able it being then too late either to say masse or communicate the Religious But by the prouidence of God it came into his mind to send her word that in vertue of holy Obedience she shold respite her dying so long as that he might haue ended Masse and ministred the most holy Sacrament to the Religious It is an admirable thing how when she receaued that message she seemed to be all reuiued strengthned yea and not hauing spoken at all for many hours she then sayd instantly with a cleare and cheerefull voyce Note being accompanyed with a gracious smile Benedictus Deus And hauing demanded somwhat which might giue her strength she turned to her Sisters who there were present saying I giue thankes vnto our Lord that euen to the very last he hath left me so desolate Vnspeakable spirit and without comfort I do well content my selfe with any thing that pleaseth him And yet againe I offer vnto him any spirituall comfort that I might haue so that only I my be saued Whilest she interteyned her selfe with these so great actions of spirit the Father withall the Religious returned to her and kneeling about her bed all afflicted and full of teares they recyted Psalmes and Hymnes to the end that her holy soule might in the midst of those diuine Laudes which by her were so entierly loued be receaued into that celestiall Countrey At 18. houres of the clocke vpon Friday expresly at that houre wherein Christ Iesus our Lord was tormented vpon the Crosse with the greatest pains she also vpon the Crosse of her bitter afflictions although with extreme sweetnes almost no motion at all finished happily her life on 25. of May in the yeare 1607. that being the feast day of S. Zanobius Bishop of Florence Her countenance remayned so faire and white that insteed of giuing offence it did of all sides breath forth deuotion the odour of sanctity And that holy soule like vnto purest done being euery way enuironed with glorious light and accompanyed by squadrons of Angels did flye as becommeth vs to beleeue into the bosome of God to liue happily there for all eternity The Mother Suor Maria Maddalena dyed in the yeare of her age 41. and 2. monthes and 24. dayes and of her being Religious in the yeare 24. and 25. dayes O blessed soule now that thou liuest triumphant in that happy countrey of Charity in that kingdome of loue imploy I beseech thee thy feruent prayers to the great God for the children of thy Monastery Thou didst vndergo many labours for them thou didst beare painefull burthens that thou mightst with excellēt vertue discouer to them the way of true happines And if thy zeale were so great in this miserable and fading life now that thou art ascended vp to heauen and art inflamed with more ardent charity how much greater must thy heat be in that most glorious kingdome which was heere so great in the company of terrene and humane passions No other thing is aspired by them but to feele by experience the force of thy deere and blessed help by giuing help with thy prayers towardes those vertues which conduct the possessours of them to that crowne of which there is difficulty in getting but no danger in loosing Permit not that any tyme the horrible infernall Serpent with the poyson of discord may disturbe their holy purposes nor diminish their Obediēce which is both the Mother and the Nurse of peace Procure that these thy
sisters who are consecrated to the seruice of God may be zealous according to humane possibility towardes true Religious obseruance and that they may haue no other ayme but to execute those Orders and Counsells tending to saluation which they haue receaued from their Superiours Confirme them I beseech thee in such a delightfull loue towards candour of mind internall purity that they may sooner consent to giue their bodyes to a thousand deaths then their soules to the spot of any one impure cogitation Kindle thou by prayers in the minds of those that are Superiours such an ardent deuotion to holy Pouerty that they may neuer permit the least trifle to be held in propriety wherby the vigour of Religious obseruance may the better be maynteyned whilest in them as there did in the holy Apostls may raigne vnasid●s cor vnum Let them neuer carry inordinate affection towardes themselues but only be attentiue in seconding the good will of God and mortifying their senses making this life to be nothing els but a full measure and heape of vertue I will not now expresse my selfe to thee in many wordes to intreate thy prayers to the eternall God for me who yet find my selfe in this valley of teares for I confide in that which thou didst so often promise me with carefull charity whilest I ministred to thee the most holy Sacraments in thy last sicknes O blessed Soule we all relying vpon the sweet assistance of thy prayers doe hope by the goodnes of God after this short pilgrimage of ours to arriue with happines to that high hill of heauen where thou being adorned with immortall light dost liue more triumphant and glorious then can be imagined by the poore thoughts of man which are euen ouer whelmed by the greatnes therof Much people concurred to the sight of her body and the funeralls and she was after buryed with great deuotion CHAP. 76. THE Religious therefore seeing in their presence their deere Mother depriued of life it cannot be exprest what cordial sighes of affection they discharged from their harts towardes the blessed body and in what aboundance they did euen raine tears from their eyes On the one side stood the Nouices on the other the yong Religious who had beene gouerned by her and those others also who had beene vnder her care in the Office of Subprioresse Then all the other Mothers togeather did compasse in the holy Corpes making pious and deuout contemplations And in that dolorous spectacle there were heard so piteous sighes and so ardent sobbes that no one could hold from tears Neither did they faile to do so also in the Chapter-house whither she was brought vpon the Beare after they had performed the vsual sacred ceremonyes to recite deuout Hymnes and Psalmes The place whereon she lay was couered with store of flowers she in the midst therof dead I confesse but with a face so Angelical as that it seemed after a sort that the glory of her soule did euen shine in some degree through her body At two hours before Sunne set at those grates of the Church which answere vpon the Chapter-house there was made by the Father who hath the charge of them a spirituall discourse to all the Religious in honour of the seruant of God exalting those holy vertues wherby on earth she had purchased a Crown in Heauen On the morning following the holy body was placed in the Church of whose death when the voyce was a little spread throughout the Citty such a multitude of people came in that it was a wonder The people in a holy manner were striuing among themselues now in taking with deuotion of those flowers which vpon the Blessed Corpes were scattered now in kissing the habit wherwith it was clad now in touching the hearse and now calling Suor Maria Maddalena a Blessed woman and a Saint nor knew they how to departe thence but would enioy as long as it was possible the sight of that diuine countenance And to satisfy the pious affection of the people by tymes it was necessary to couer the hearse againe and that aboundantly with flowers that euery one might depart contented Some were also placed for the guard of the Blessed Body it being doubted least the people should deuide some part of it from the rest And for the great concourse there was difficulty to performe the sacred Office The Church was open from the 15. houre of the same morning with free liberty for euery one to see the B. Mother but fearing there would be some cōmotion it was shut afterwards so the doores were beaten with blows and our eares by the earnest prayers of such as desired to see her Therfore there was no remedy but to open the gate again at the * Two houres before Sunset 22. houre to light torches to the end that the deuout people might be satisfyed in their pious desires and so things continued till the * Sunne set 24. houre The Church was shut after this and the Blessed Corpes layd in a Coffen apparelled for the better preseruing of it from mo●thes and the like in a Coate a Scapulary and a mantle of Taffaty At the second houre of the night she was buryed behind the high Altar with th●t honour and reuerence which belonged to so great a seruant of God Our Lord was not wanting as he had already done in the life of Suor Maria Maddalena so also to shew many miracles after her death as cleere proofes of her great sanctity And these miracles graces granted by Almighty God to this deuout Mother are placed in the end of the second part of her life as may there be seene Laus Deo