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A08335 Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith made in fourme of a confession, vvith a confutation of the papistes obiections and argumentes in sundry pointes of religion, repugnaunt to the Christian faith: made by Iohn Northbrooke, minister and preacher of the worde of God. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes iniunctions.; Breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith Northbrooke, John. 1571 (1571) STC 18663; ESTC S120959 288,552 342

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because forsoothe that the kyng is a man and knoweth not vnto whom he maie commit the cōmon weale But for to get the fauour of God from whom nothing is hidden for he knoweth all mens merites we haue no neede of a mediatour or intreatour but of a deuoute mynde But nowe will I bryng in a similitude whiche hath a sure foundation and grounde in the holie Scriptures and sacred woorde of God whiche shall quite ouerthrowe theirs For why It is onely grounded vpon the imaginations and dreames of their owne heades What if there were a kyng benigne gentle mercifull and bounteous that he would make an acte or proclamation whereby he should exhort his subiectes that if any among thē had any matter or suite thei should all boldely without mediatours or meanes come vnto hym promising that he would heare them deliuer them frō their troubles and aduersities and from the handes of them that do oppresse them would not al men by that acte or proclamation take a wonderfull boldenesse to come vnto the king him selfe Who excepte he were starke madde or did mistrust the kynges proclamation would seke for any mediatours or meanes for to haue accesse vnto so bounteous a prince But we haue a moste sure acte and proclamation which is enacted and made in that most holie glorious and sacred counsaile of the blessed trinitie whereby we are exhorted bidden and commaunded to come boldely vnto hym who alone is able to heale all our infirmities and to deliuer vs from all troubles and aduersities be thei neuer so greate and our enemies neuer so mightie Firste the father doeth set forthe this comfortable Proclamation vnto vs saiyng Call vpon me in the daie of trouble so will I heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Here wee are not onely exhorted bidden and commaunded to call vpon God in the daie of trouble but also we haue a promise that if we doe it we shal be heard and deliuered who then beyng in trouble would not come boldely vnto God and call vpon hym with a good and sure confidence sithe that it is his blessed will pleasure biddyng and commaūdement whervnto he hath added so comfortable a promise that wee should doe so In the Prophete Ieremie he crieth out saying Ye shall call vpon me and I shall heare you beyng then so louynglie called let vs come vnto the seate of his mercie with a stedfast truste and hope that we shal be heard But whom I praie you would not that sweete Proclamation which his onely begotten sonne our sauiour Iesus Christe doeth make vnto all repentaunte synners encourage excéedyngly Come vnto me saieth he all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refresh you And in an other place Uerely verely I saie vnto you what soeuer ye shall aske my father in my name he will giue it you Doeth not the eternall and heauenly wisedome of the father speake these woordes Euen he whiche can not lye whiche can not denie him self why should we then be afraied to come vnto hym Or what neede haue wee to seeke for any Mediatours aduocates or intercessours for to make any intercession for vs sithe that he doth call vs so gently vnto him bindyng hym selfe and his promises with an othe which can neuer be broken Also the holie ghoste who procéedyng from them bothe is the thirde persone in the blessed Trinitie doeth set forthe vnto vs a very comfortable edicte or proclamation whē he saith by the mouth of the holie Prophet Dauid The Lorde is nigh vnto all theim that call vpon hym in truthe And in an other place who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde he shal bee saued Here haue we the moste sure and infallible proclamations of the father of the sonne and of the holie ghoste whereby wee are moste louyngly and mercifully called vnto the mercie seate of almightie God and also assured that wee shal be hearde when soeuer wee doe call vpon hym in faithe through our onely mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our Lorde Is it not then a manifeste signe and token that we do not stedfastly beléeue the promises of GOD nor trust in his mercie whereof wee are assured in his truthe when wee doe direct our praiers to any other then vnto hym or when wee seeke for other meanes to come vnto hym then he hym selfe hath appoincted in his holie Scriptures Reade all the whole bodie of the scriptures throughout from the one ende to the other and ye shall not finde that euer the Patriarches Prophetes or Apostles did praie to any other Mediatour Intercessour or Aduocate but onely vnto God a lone For there is no other Mediatour that can bee founde and appoincted vnto vs besides that blessed seede of Abraham our sauiour Christe Iesus For whereas thei doe alledge that it is read in the scriptures that the Aungelles doe some tyme praie for the electe people of God and also that thei dooe offer our praiers before the Lorde That same maketh nothyng for their purpose except thei coulde proue that the Sainctes bee ministryng spirites sent to minister for their sakes whiche shal be heires of Saluation or that thei be appoincted to waite vpon vs as the Angels are which haue a charge giuen them ouer vs to keepe vs in all our waies yea and also to encampe rounde aboute theim that feare the Lorde And this ministerie and office of theirs because that thei be immortall shall continue as long as there bee any men abidyng here vpon the earth that is to saie vntill the number of the children of God be fulfilled But as for the sainctes it goeth otherwise with them For as thei are bounde whiles thei be yet in this life to doe those thynges that pertaine to their vocation accordyng to the office that God hath called theim vnto So when thei haue once performed their course and are at rest with God thei haue no more to do with the liuyng their ministerie and office is at an ende and if thei make any praier vnto GOD it is that their bloud maie bee auenged on theim that dwell on the earth desiryng that the number of their felowes and brethren maie be fulfilled and that the glorious kyngdome of God beyng come thei maie receiue their glorified bodies whiche nowe lye in the earth till the generall resurrection of all fleshe I do not doubt but that thei doe wishe vs good and are very desirous to haue vs in their blessed felowship for as muche as thei are members of the same bodie that we are of But to saie that thei knowe our necessities or that thei heare our particuler vowes and praiers and offer theim vnto god It is a méere inuention of men For we haue not one onely iote in holie Scriptures that doeth certifie vs of it And as touchyng their goodly shift whiche beyng wholie destitute of the scriptures and woorde of
vp at the daie of iudgement for to dye againe as thei did whom Christe the Prophetes and Apostles had raised vp againe But in one immortall eternall and perdurable life for euermore to raigne euerlastynglie with God in bodie and soule And therefore am I well assured ▪ and constantly beleeue and doubtyng nothing at all knowing that who soeuer doubteth of his saluation made by Iesus Christe he shall neuer be saued as of this matter wee haue largely intreated of before in the article of forgiuenesse of synnes Wherefore as I am sure and certaine that Christe is deade and risen againe and doubte it not in any condition euen so am I sure and certaine of my Saluation made by hym and that infalliblie I shall bee saued and shall goe into euerlastyng life with the same bodie and soule that nowe I haue beyng then made immortall and glorious and raigne with Christe Iesus my onely Sauiour in his eternall and perdurable kyngdome that he hath prepared for me and all his electe and predestinated before the beginnyng of the worlde by his precious death and bloodshedding To whom therfore with the father and the holy ghost bée all praise glorie and honour worlde without ende So bee it Come quickely Lorde Iesus come quickely Reuel 22. Vigilius contra Eutichen lib. 1. Haec est fides professio catholica quam Apostoli tradiderunts Martyres roborauerunt fideles hucusque custodiunt This is the faithe and catholique profession whiche the Apostles haue deliuered the Martyrs haue confirmed and the faithfull keepe vntill this daie Cyprianus ad Cornaelium lib. 1. Sacerdos Dei Euangelium tenens Christi praecepta custodion●● occidi potest non potest vinci The Priestes of God holding the Gospell and kéepyng the Commaundementes of Christ maie well be killed but conquered they can not be Luk. 21. ●● 2. Cor. 12. Exod. 25.3 ▪ 4 5 6 7 8 1. Cor. 3.17 Ephe. 2.21 Cap. 5.26 Matth. 25.15 The causes that made the aucthour to set foorth this booke First cause Matth. 3.12 Barnard super cant Serm. 66. Matth. 7.15 Matth. 23.27 2. Cor. 11.13.14 Iosua 9.3.4 Papistes haue Iacobs voyce but Esaus hart and handes Eusebius Woulde all princes were of this minde 1. Peter 3.15 Order fit for papistes The fruits of time seruyng hypocrites They wyll dissemble a point with Leontius Ios●a 9.21 1. Iohn 4.1 Zach. 11.17 Ministers shoulde be preachers Barnard Sermo ●8 1. Tim. 4.16 Seconde cause 2. Sam. 16.5 Matth. 5 1● Matth. 15.3 Matth. 7.3 Turpe est doctori cum culpa redarguit ipsum Pope Bonifacius A whore Pope Pope Iohn 12. Pope Sergiu● Pope Marcellinus Pope Syluester Pope Liberius Pope Leo. Pope Caelestinus Pope Honorius Pope Ioh. 22. Pope Hyldebrand Pope Vrbanus Po●e Stephen D. Boorde Aureum Spe●●lū in Antilogia Barnard ad Clerum in Sino Rhemē The thirde cause The .vi. of August Anno. 2591. ● Cor. 5. Luk. 15.1 Matth. 9.11 1. Peter 4.4 Luk. 15.10 Psal. 114.10.11 Eccle. 8.5 Galat. 6.1 Ezech. 18.21 Blackeall hath foure wiues aliue at once Blackeall is a Pillorie knight Blackeall vseth ●eales to counterfeit Cōmissions Blackeall is a chopper of benefices He is a raker for mens money He is a common caryer about of whores and harlottes He is ashamed of his owne name Matth. 3.7 Barnard in Serm. 4. 1. Pet. 2.5 Rom. 12.1 August 1. Cor. 4.10 ▪ 11.12.13 Wisd. 2.24 Rom. 16.17 1. Cor. 4.18 2. Cor. 10.2 Galat. 1.7 2. Cor. 2.11 Eccle. 2.1 Psal. 109.4 Luk. 23.46 Heb. 2.14.15 1. Cor. 15.55 Colo. 1.13.14 Ioh. 5.24.25 Reuel 14.13 Iohn 19.30 Actes 24.14 Psal. 119.105 Psal. Wisd. 10.21 Iohn 5.39 Actes 17.11 August de doctr christia lib. 1. cap. 37. Hieron aduer error Iohan. Hierosolymitani Cyprian in Symbo expositio Erasmus in Symbolum cathechesis 4. In eodē loco August de ●●de Symbo cap. 5. Phil. 2. ● Hieron i● psal 98. August in epist. 157. Rom. 3.21 Hiero. in Matth. 23. Iohn 5 3● Actes 17 1● ▪ Psal. 16.10 Zach. 9.11 Actes 2.31 1. Peter 3.19 Leui. 21.1.11 Num. 9.10 Gen. 46.26 Actes 2.41 1. Pet. 3.20 Rom. 13.1 ●ob 19.20 Cypr. in Symbo Zach. 9.11 Gen. 17.9 August de ciuit dei lib. 18. cap. 35. Psal. 59.2 Zach. 9.12 Hiero. in Epist. ad Gala. cap. 1. 2. Peter 1.20 Act. 2.30 Act. 2.30 31 32 Hieron in Esai cap. 9. August in lib. 83. questio quest 64. Theodo Beza in Act. 2. In ●odē loco August de tempore Serm. 145. 1. Peter 3.18.19 Erasmus is very corrupt vpon this place but it seemeth that he well vnderstandeth it not for he saith in the margene it is locus dur●s Caluin in com 1. Pet. 3. 2. Cor. 13.4 Coloss. 2.12 Rom. 8.11 The Greke worde signifieth an high towre where watche is kept Gen. 6.3 Isaiah 42.7 Isaiah 29.9 Gala. 4.3.23 Luk. 4.18 Isa. 61.1 1. Pet. 4.6 2. Peter 2. ● Matth. 28.19 Mark. 16.15 2. Peter 2.5 Franciscus Titlemanus Hesselensis in 1. Peter 3. Rom. 2.4 2. Peter 3.15 1. Pet. 3.18.19 Gen. 6.3 2. Pet. 2.5 Eccle. 2.20.21 Matt. 10.20 Luk. 10.16 Matt. 10.40 Iohn 13.20 Matth. Luk. 17.26 Mark. 13.33 1. Cor. 10.11 Erasmus in Symbolum In eodē lo●● Hebr. 13.8 Iohn 8.58 Ephe 1. Cor. 3.11 Reuel 1.11 2. Pet. 1.21 1. Peter 3.19 Iohn 15.26 cap. Ioel. 2.12.13 Matth. 3.3 cap. 28.19 Mark. 16.15 Actes Rom. 1.16 1. Cor. 18. 2. Cor. 3.6 Hylarius lib. 4. de Trinita Erasmus in Symbol In eodē loco Richard. Pampolitanus in Symbo Luk. 16.26 Wisd. 3.10 Deut. 33.3 wisd Rom. 8.1 Luk. 23 4● Hebr. 11.6 1. Cor. 10.3.4 Leo de nattitate domi Serm. 3. August in Ioh. tract 26. August de utilitate poeniton cap. 1. Chrisost. in Lucā Tom. 6. Hom. 15. Gen. 3.15 Gen. 15.4 cap. 2. Sam. 7.12.13 14.15.16 Galat. 3.6 Eccle. 4.4 Reuel 13.8 Hebr. 13.8 Iohn 8.56 Hebr. 11.10 Galat. 4.4 Psal. 90.4 2. Peter 3.8 August in lib. qustio 85. quest 15.16 In lib. de predestinatione gratia cap. 5. In lib. de triplici habitaculo cap. 5. Luk. 16.22 Wisd. 3.10 cap. 5.2 Matth 25 4● August de verbis Apost Serm. 18. Luk. 23. 42 43 46 53 Iohn 17.24 1. Iohn 4.29 Deut. 4.37 Rom. 5.8 Iohn 3.16 The efficiēt The materiall The formall The finall cause of our saluation 1. Peter 1.2 August in Ioh. tract 110. Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.8 2. Tim. 4.3 ● Iude. 1.10 Rom. 10.32 August in Ioh. tract 12. and in psal 137. Psal. Isaiah Matth. 8.17 1. Peter ● Peter 3.18 Luk. 22.44 Psal. 22.2 Matt. 27.46 1. Tim. 6.13 Hebr. 2.7 Cap. 4.15 Luk. 1.31.32 Cap. 2.11 Matth. 1.21 Cap. 26.38 Iohn Cap. 27.17 Cap. 21.1 Luk. 24.51 Actes 1.9 Rom. 8.34 Hebr. 7.25 1. Tim. 5.12 Rom. 6.16 2. Peter 2.19 Matth. 10.33 Luk. 9.62 2. Peter 2.15 Hebr. 6.4 Cap. 10.26 Ephe. 2. Sam. Psa. 21.11.12 Prou. 21.29 Psal. Psal. 127..1 Psal. 118.10 Eccle. 2.16 Iohn 14.24 Deut.
119. Of the office and aucthoritie of the Churche and how it may erre and how it can not erre Cap. 39. fol. 121. Our offences and sinnes are forgiuen vs by faith through Christ and not by our workes and merites Cap. 40. fol. 123. Faith onely iustifieth vs before God. Cap. 41. fol. 127. It is no presumption to be sure and certaine of our saluation Cap. 42. fol. 132. Of free wyll Cap. 43. fol. 133. Of the generall resurrection both of the godlie and wicked at the last day Cap. 44. fol. 142. FINIS ¶ A breefe Summe of the Christian faith ¶ The firste Chapiter ¶ Of Gods creation and gouernaunce of all thinges of Christes conception and birth of his death and passion c. I Dooe not onely confesse that there is a true liuyng God who by his almightie power did of nothing make bothe heauen and earth and all the creatures that bee in theim bothe visible and inuisible but also I dooe vnfeignedly beleue that the same true liuyng God who by his almightie power hath created all thinges and now by his vnsearchable wisedome and vnspeakeable goodnesse doth gouerne rule and preserue all his creatures will bee a most louyng mercifull father vnto me and vnto all the faithfull beleuers for as he is almightie and able to dooe what soeuer he will bothe in heauen and in earth so that nothyng is able to resist or withstande his holy and blessed will for euen the very deuilles and wicked spirites will thei nill thei must be obedient vnto him and can doe no more then he doth appoint suffer and permit them so is he most louyng and mercifull vnto all those that putte all their whole trust and confidence in hym And therefore we muste take holde vpon his fatherly promises through a liuely faithe in our sauiour Iesu Christe his onely begotten sonne our Lorde Who beyng true and naturall God begotten of the father afore all beginnynges coeternall and coequall with hym in power and Godhead did at the fulnesse of tyme take our fraile nature vpon hym and was conceiued by the mightie operation of the holy ghoste in the blessed virgines wombe of whom he tooke his vndefiled substaunce to witte his mortall bodie that so he might offer hym self an omnisufficiente Sacrifice vnto God his father for the redemption of mankinde and deliuer vs all that take holde by faithe vpon the merites of his death and bloodsheddyng from the curse and malediction of the Lawe wherevnto all men of their owne nature are subiecte He then beyng bothe God and man and touchyng his māhode subiecte to all maner of infirmities that we are subiecte vnto synne onely beyng excepted Did suffer a moste cruell and opprobrious death vpon the crosse vnder Poncius Pilat who was at the same time the Emperours deputie and liefetenaunt in the land of Iewrie before whom he was brought and by his determinate sentence iudged and condemned and so deliuered into the handes of the tormentors to th ende that I and all faithfull beleuers should not bee condemned before the iudgemente seate of almightie God nor put into the handes of the deuill nor yet sent into the euerlastyng fire of hell but that I and all other that beleue truely should finde fauor and be quieted before the greate and euerlastyng iudge And saie boldly with the holy Apostle who shall laye any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is GOD that iustifieth who shall then condemne it is Christ whiche is deade yea rather whiche is risen againe whiche is also on the right hande of God and maketh intercession for vs Let vs therefore goe boldely vnto the seate of grace that wée maie receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in the tyme of néede Thus beyng iudged and condemned for to deliuer vs that beleue frō the fearfull iudgemente of God and from the condemnation that is due vnto vs for our synnes He was with all dispitefulnesse nailed vpon a Crosse as it was signified and prefigured before by the listyng vp of the brasen Serpente in the wildernesse For as the brasen Serpente was eleuated and lifted vp in the deserte by Moises for to heale all those that did looke vpon it so it was necessarie that our sauiour Iesus Christ as he hym self doeth expounde should bee hanged vpon the crosse and lifted vp on high for to heale all those that be deadly stonge and wounded by the olde serpent the deuill And as the brasen serpent had the figure forme and shape of a serpent and yet it was no serpent nor yet had any venime or poyson So our Sauiour Iesus Christe did take vpon hym the shape of a synner and yet he was no synner but was and is a moste wholsome medicine and salue vnto all poore synners that doe beholde and looke vpon hym by faithe and that seeke for saluation no where els but in the only merites of his death passion and bloodsheddyng although this meane and waie to saue men doeth séeme very vile and straunge vnto mans reason whiche iudgeth this wisedome of God and the preachyng of the crosse to be mere foolishnesse And yet notwithstāding as there was no phisick medicine nor salue that could heale those that were stong of the fierie serpents but only the loking vpō the brasen serpent that was erected set vp by the commaundement of god so haue we no maner of Phisick or salue against synne euerlastyng death for to bryng soule health saluation vnto vs but onely Iesus christ being crucified who is giuen vnto vs of God for it doth not belong vnto vs to choose the medicine or salue but it pertaineth only to god our soueraigne phisicion who alone is able to heale vs frō this deadly sickenes who alone knoweth what medicine or salue is necessarie for vs And giueth such as pleaseth him suche as he giueth is sufficient so that we can finde none other that is worth any thing and that doeth not rather bryng death then life if we do put any confidence in it or seke to obtain through it saluation and forgiuenesse of our synnes Also bicause that it is written cursed is euery one that cōtinueth not in all thynges whiche are written in the booke of this lawe to fulfill theim wherby all men were brought vnder the malediction and curse of the lawe and so made the children of euerlastyng damnation The onely begotten sonne of God did vouchsafe for to deliuer vs from this curse and malediction of the lawe to hang on a tree and to bee made accursed for vs for it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree that the blessyng of Abraham whiche was promised him in his séede who is our Sauiour Iesus christ might come vpon vs for whose sake and loue he was made lower then all men yea he was reputed as a worme and not as a man he
was moost despitefully and opprobriously hanged betwéene twoo theeues and counted among the wicked beyng a very scorne of men and the out cast of the people that the Prophecies of Dauid and Esaie might be fulfilled ¶ The seconde Chapiter ¶ Christes death and passion is a sufficient Sacrifice for all mankynde BUT as I doe beleue that the onely begotten sonne of GOD did suffer this mooste shamefull and opprobrious kinde of death vpon the crosse So this shall be my beleue and my faithe as longe as I liue that his bitter passion and bloudshedding is an omnisufficiente Sacrifice for the redemption of all mankinde and that who soeuer doeth acknowledge any other Sacrifice for synne he shall haue no parte in this moste perfect and consummate Sacrifice which beyng offered once for euer can be offered no more Except we will make the precious death and bloudsheddyng of the onely begotten sonne of God to bee of no more vertue efficacie and strength then the bloud of the brute beastes that were offered in the olde lawe whiche as the Apostle doeth testifie hauyng but the shadowe of good thynges to come and not the thynges of their owne fashion can neuer with the Sacrifices whiche thei offer yere by yere continually make the commers therevnto perfecte For would not then those Sacrifices haue ceased to haue been offered bicause that the offerers beyng once pourged should haue no more conscience of synne We see here plainly that the causes why the Sacrifices of the old lawe were offered more then once that is to saie many tymes often were the insufficiencie of theim and also bicause that thei could not make the commers therevnto perfect nor purge their consciences from deade woorkes for to serue the liuyng God. And therefore euery Prieste was readie daiely ministeryng and often tymes offered one maner of offeryng whiche could neuer take awaie synnes but our sauiour Iesus Christ being an high Priest of good thynges to come did by his owne bloud enter once for all into the holy place and hath founde eternall redemption so that hauyng offered one Sacrifice for synnes he is sette downe for euer on the right hande of God and frō henceforthe tarieth till his foes be made his foote stoole For with one onely offeryng he hath made them perfecte for euer that are sanctified That the saiyng of the Prophete might be fulfilled where the lorde hymself doeth speake these wordes Beholde I will bring forthe the braunche of my seruaunt For loe the stone that I haue laied before Iehosua vppon one stone shall bee seuen eyes beholde I will hewe hym out and take awaie the synne of the lande in one daie This braunche that the Lorde doeth speake of here is our Sauiour Iesus Christe who is the braunche of Dauid of whom he did come touchyng the fleshe He is also the sure rocke and stone wherevpon all the faithfull beleuers are builded hauyng the eyes of their faithe whiche be signified by the seuen eyes that should be vpon the stone fastened still vpon hym as vpō their mightie deliuerer and omnisufficient sauiour And this rocke or stone did the lorde hewe out when he did deliuer his onely begotten sonne vnto the bitter death of the Crosse whereby he did take awaie the synnes of the lande in one daie Therefore sithe that full remission and forgiuenes of synnes is purchased vnto all true and faithfull beleuers by this one onely Sacrifice I dare conclude with saincte Paule that there is no more offeryng for synne and that thei that go aboute to perswade the simple and ignoraunte people that thei dooe offer euery daie in the Churche an expiatorie satisfactorie or propitiatorie Sacrifice for the synnes bothe of the quicke and of the deade as thei are moste shamefull and abhominable lyers for why the holy ghost doeth testifie plainly that there is no more offeryng for synne so are thei most cruell and detestable murtherers of the onely begotten sonne of GOD whom as thei will make vs to beleue and that with fire and sworde thei doe offer daiely in their blasphemous sacrifice of the Masse For these are the very wordes of the holy Apostle Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with handes whiche are but similitudes of true thynges but is entered into very heauen for to appeare now in the sight of God for vs not to offer hym self often as the high Priest entered into the holy place euery yere with straunge bloud for then muste he haue often suffered since the worlde beganne These wordes doe plainly declare that our sauiour Iesus Christe can not bee offered excepte he doeth suffer also and be slaine How many tymes then and in how many places doe these folke slea and murther our sauiour Iesus Christe I doe here let passe that thei will bée counted of the people although thei dare not saie so theim selues to bee of more dignitie worthinesse then the onely begotten sonne of God for he that offereth must be of more worthinesse then the sacrifice that he dooeth offer for the person is not accepted bicause of the Sacrifice but the Sacrifice is accepted bicause of the person whiche is made acceptable and worthie onely and solely through faithe in our Sauiour Iesus Christe who beyng holy harmelesse vndefiled separated from synners and made higher then heauen needeth not daiely as yonder Priestes to offer vp Sacrifice firste for his owne synne and then for the synnes of the people for that did he once for all when he offered vp hym self ¶ The third Chapiter ¶ The meanes whereby the death and Sacrifice of Christ maie be applied vnto vs. ANd as he is a Prieste for euer after the order of Melchisedech and needeth no successour for he indureth euer and hath an euer lastyng Priesthoode beyng able therfore to saue theim fully and perfectly that come vnto God by him so is his Sacrifice euer of one efficacie strēgth and vertue and worketh still a moste perfecte saluation in theim that take a sure holde vpon it by faithe And none other meanes doe I knowe whereby the Sacrifice I meane the benefites of Christes death passion and bloudsheddyng can be applied vnto vs but the true preachyng of Gods woorde and the right ministration of the Sacramentes accordyng to the Lordes institution and ordinaunce The trueth hym self saiyng Goe ye into all the worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures he that beleueth and is baptized shall be saued Againe thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise again from death the third daie and that repentaunce and remission of synnes should bee preached in his name amongest all nations And in an other place goe therefore and teache all nations baptisyng them In the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste teachyng theim to obserue all thynges what soeuer I commaunde you And in the Gospell of Ihon these bée
did talke with the woman of Samaria and also when he did bidde them that were in the Temple that they should come to drinke those liuely waters did vse the same maner of speakinges for to declare vnto vs also to what ende he did institute the signe of water in baptisme And that this is true that I saie I doe take Iohn for my witnesse who expoundyng the wordes of his maister did saie that by those waters he did vnderstande the holy ghost which they that beléeued should receiue Thirdly by this figuratiue maner of speaking he doeth instruct and teache vs what a Christian man that is regenerated by the holy spirite of god ought to be comparyng the water and the winde whiche are creatures moste fine cleare and pure with the earth whiche is an element more grosse more heauy and more materiall These wordes then doo signifie as muche as if he should saie that in steede of that grosse earthy and corruptible man he must be renewed and made altogether a newe creature heauenly spirituall and perfect differyng asmuche from hym that is earthy and corruptible as the water and winde do differ from the earth and that this muste bee doen by the holy ghost who is that true water that worketh this purifiyng in vs. But let vs graunt vnto them that this texte ought in déede to be vnderstande of the visible baptisme what shall they get by it Doeth not the maister of Sentences hym selfe hauyng all questions that coulde be moued vpon this texte affirme that this place ought to be vnderstanded of them that could be baptized and did not estéeme it The doctours themselues perceauing what absurdities inconueniences should folowe if thei would vnderstand this texte of the outward baptisme only goe to the rigour of the letter were faine to confesse that there be .iij. maner of baptismes that is to say the baptisme of water the baptisme of the holy Ghost the baptisme of blood Wherby they doe confesse that there is some other baptisme besides the baptisme of water whereby a man maie be saued There is the baptisme of the holy ghost and of faith which can be without the baptisme of the water whervpon the maister of Sentences doth alledge S. Augustine saiyng Thou doest aske whiche is greater faithe or the water I doe not doubt but that thou wilte aunswere faith If that then which is lesse can sanctifie how much more shall that which is greater be able to doe it that is to saie faith of the whiche Christ saieth he that beléeueth in mee though he were dead yet shal he liue Here againe wil thei alledge Saint Augustine against me who writeth on this maner We doe not beléeue that any Cathechumene hath life euerlastyng though he dye in good workes except he be baptized or suffer Martyrdome Againe we doe beléeue that there is no way of saluation but for them that are baptized I thinke thei be not so ignoraunt but that thei know what their owne Doctours are wonte to aunswere to this place among whom one Holcot by name doeth openly withstande Saint Augustine sayng that his exception is not sufficient and that a man that knoweth and beléeueth in our sauiour Iesu Christe can bee saued by some other meanes then by martyrdome though he dye without baptisme Yea moreouer hee is of opinion that if a man shoulde beléeue perfectely that he were baptized although he were not yet he shoulde be out of the daunger of damnation and saieth plainely that this faithe should serue him vnto saluation though it were founded vpon a falshoode Therefore the maister of Sentences aunswering to such obiections saieth that these wordes of Sainct Augustine must be vnderstanded accordyng to the declaration that he geueth in other places where he doeth intreate more largely of this matter And therefore he doeth write that these thinges must be vnderstanded of those that had tyme to make them selues to be baptized and did it not For if any man hauyng faith and charitie would be baptized and can not beyng preuented by some necessitie the mercie and goodnes of almightie god doth recompence that whiche doth lacke of the Sacrament For when he is able to paie if he paieth not he remaineth bounde still But if he cannot and yet hath a good wil to do it god who doth not bynde his power vnto the Sacramentes shall not impute it vnto hym I haue alledged euen the very wordes as thei are written in the booke of the maister of Sentences who doeth proue also by Saint Augustine that the inuisible sanctifiyng hath been in some and hath profited them without the visible Sacramentes saiyng on this wise and maner The visible sanctifiyng which is doen and wrought by the visible Sacramente may be without the inuisible but it profiteth nothyng Yet we must not therefore contemne and despise the visible sacrament for the despiser and contemner of it can not be sanctified inuisibly And as for maister Holtcot although he doeth allowe that which the other haue written of the baptisme of blood yet doeth he sufficiently declare that he that beyng vnbaptized doeth shed his blood for the name of Iesu christ is not baptized by that blood that he hath shed but that the Churche doth holde hym for baptized bicause that he hath sufficiently declared that he did not despise baptisme but that he would gladly haue receiued it if it had been possible for hym sith that he hath shewed suche a faith in the gospell of our Sauiour Iesu Christe There is yet a place that they be wont to alledge out of a certaine booke that goeth vnder the title and name of Sainct Augustine The wordes are these holde this for a suertie and doubt in no wise of it that not onely they that doe alreadie vse reason or be of yeres of discretion but also the little infantes that begin to liue in their mothers wombe and die there with out the Sacramente of holy baptisme whiche is geuen in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost or they that without it passe foorth of this worlde after that they be borne shall be punished with euerlastyng fire For although they haue no actuall synne of their owne yet haue thei drawen by their conception and byrth the damnation of Originall synne Let them turne them selues which way soeuer they list and yet thinking to maintayne and vpholde the Lymbe of the litle infantes they do vtterlye ouerthrowe it and that vnawares to them selues For whosoeuer is aucthour of this booke that they do father vppon Saint Augustine the same that thei do alleadge and bring out of it doth vtterly cast them in their owne talke For if these wordes be true after the sence that they geue vnto them the litle infantes dying without baptisme shall not onely be depriued of the fruition of Gods glorie and of all other ioyes of heauen but also
did ouerthrowe that cruell tyraunt Pharao and also raised vp his sonne Iesu Christe from death exaltyng hym aboue all creatures If we shoulde saie that our Sauiour Christe touching his manhoode doeth sit on the right hande of God beyng taken in that sence and signification and that therefore his glorified bodie can be euery where and in all places euen as farre foorthe as the almighty power of God doeth stretche or extende then shoulde we be faine to confesse with that heretique Eutiches that the body of Christ is deified or tourned into the godhead For it is against the propertie of any creature to bee euery where or in mo places then in one at once As we may gather of the argument that Didimus doeth make for to proue the holy ghoste to be true and naturall god equall with the father and the sonne and also a Creatour and not a creature If the holy Ghoste saieth he were one of the creatures he should haue a circumscribed or limitted substance as all other thynges that be made For although the inuisible creatures are not comprehended within bondes and limittes yet by the propertie of their substaunce they are limitted but the holy ghoste though he be in many yet hath he no comprehensible subaunce And Saint Basill writeth thus The Angell that stoode by Cornelius was not all that present houre with Philip nor the angel that spake to Zacharie frō the alter did at the selfe same tyme fill his standyng or seate in heauen But we beléeue that the holy ghoste was all at one tyme with Baruch in Iurie and with Daniell in Babilon and also that he was with Ieremie in the mierie doungeon and with Ezechiel in Chobar Whervpon he doth conclude that the holy ghost is true and naturall God equal with the father and the sonne in deitie power and godhead We may sée then that it parteineth onely vnto God and to no creature whether it be in heauen or in earth to be euery where or in mo places then in one at once But I beleeue certainely that the body of Christe is a creature not onely before his death and passion but also after his ascendyng vp into heauen and that it shall continue so for euer Therefore it can bee but in one place at once And verely I do marueile that the Popecatholikes dot not see that thei do by their doctrine vpholde maintaine that abhominable herisie of Eutiches who did affirme that the māhoode of Christe was courned into his godhead so that he was no more both God and man but onely pure and perfect God his humanitie beyng cleane swalowed vp and consumed with his Godhead Whiche thyng will they nyll they they muste graunt to be true if they will haue the body of Christe to bee euery where or in mo places then in one at once whiche is against the propertie of any creature But an obiection will thei now make here thinkyng therwith to blinde all the simple and ignoraunt in the world The Godhead and manhoode of Christe saie they be so ioyntly ioyned together that thei cannot be separated one from an other but that wheresoeuer the one is there the other must be also But the godhead of Christ can be euery where and in mo places then one at once Ergo the manhoode of christ can be euery where and in mo places then one at once This cupstantiall argumente haue they alwaies in their mouthes in so muche that they be not ashamed to saie that these wordes of our sauiour Christ beholde I am with you alwaies vnto the worlds ende ought not only to be vnderstanded of his godhead but also of his manhoode though any childe in the streete may easely see that they speake directly against the meanyng of Christe and against all the olde doctours of the auncient catholike churche Of whom Saint Augustine saieth When Christ did saie ye shall not haue mée alwaies with you hee did speake of the presence of his bodie for touchyng his maiestie touchyng his power touchyng his prouidence touchyng his vnspeakeable and inuisible grace that is fulfilled which was spoken of him beholde I am with you alwaies vnto the worldes ende But touchyng his fleshe that the worde did take touchyng that that he was borne of a virgine touchyng that that he was taken of the Iewes that he was crucified that he was taken downe that he was woūde in a shéete that he was laide in the graue that he was manifested in the resurrection his saiyng is fulfilled where he saith ye shal not haue mée alwaies with you Wherfore for he was .40 daies touching the presence of his fleshe conuersaunt with his disciples and as thei accompanied him with séeyng and not with folowyng be ascended vp into heauen and is not here For there he sitteth on the right hande of the Father And yet he is here For he is not gone awaie touchyng the presence of his maiestie Otherwise wee haue alwaies Christe present with vs touching his maiestie but touchyng the presence of his fleshe it is well saide ye shall not haue mee alwaies with you For the Churche had hym fewe daies touchyng the presence of his flesh now she holdeth hym fast with faith she séeth him not with her eyes Thus farre hee What could be spoken more plainely then this is Is there any childe in the worlde that is not able to perceaue by these plaine wordes of saincte Augustine that all that they doe is a méere ingling and a manifest and open castyng of mist before the eyes of the poore ignoraunt and vnlearned people but we will heare also that good auncient Father Vigilius Martyr who writyng againste that abhominable heretike Eutiches whose disciples the Popecatholikes will bee in despite of all mens heartes doeth saie after this maner This was to goe vnto the Father and to departe awaie from vs to take awaie out of this worlde the humane nature that he had taken of vs Beholde the miracle Beholde the mi●terie of both the properties the sonne of God touchyng his fleshe doth goe awaie from vs but touching his diuinitie hee saith vnto vs behold I am with you alwaies vnto the worlds ende Then by and by after it foloweth he is with vs and he is not with vs for whom he hath left and from whom he is gone by his manhoode them hath he not left nor forsaken touchyng his diuinitie and godhead For touchyng the shape of a seruaunt whiche he tooke awaie from vs into heauen he is absent from vs but touchyng the shape of God wherby he departeth not awaie from vs he is in the earth present vnto vs yet notwithstandyng both present and absent he is one christ and the same vnto vs. Here might I alledge Ciryll with many other of the auncient fathers that doe agree with vs in this point But these two aucthours shal suffice for to proue that these words of our Sauiour Christe beholde
veritie of his body It is not conuenient nor méete that the same that is in God shoulde be euery where as god For the infallible Scripture saith of vs that we be in God that we liue and moue in him and yet we are not in all places as he is And a litle after he concludeth saiyng Ne dubites christum esse in aliquo loco celi propter veri corporis modum Doe not doubte Christe to be in some certaine place of heauen bicause of the propertie and fourme of a verie body for he had said a litle before Christ in that he is God is euery where or in all places and in that he is man he is in heauen Againe he saieth in an other place Corpus enim domini in quo resurrexit in vno loco esse oportet veritas eius vbique diffusa est The body of Christe in the which he rose can be but in one place but his trueth is dispersed euery where Againe he saieth Spatia locorum tolle corporibut et nusquam erunt quia nusquam erunt nec erunt tolle ipsa corpora qualitatibus corporum non erit vbi sint ideo necesse vt non sint That is to saie take awaie from bodies limitation of places and the bodies will be no where and bicause they bee no where they will be nothyng take awaie from bodies the qualities of bodies there will be no place for them to bee in and therefore the same bodies must needes be no bodies at all Againe he saieth Christus secundum presentiam corporalem in Luna in Sole in Cruce simul esse non potuit Christ as touchyng his corporal presence could not be in the Sunne in the Moone and vpon the Crosse at one tyme. Saint Ciryll also saieth Secundum carnem abiturus erat adest autem semper virtute deitatis Touching Christes body or fleshe it is gone notwithstandyng he is present alwaies by the power of his godhead againe Nam si corpore abfuero tamen presens vt deus ero Although I shall bee absent in my bodie notwithstanding I shall be present as I am God. Saint Origene also speaketh most plainely It is not christ as being man that is whersoeuer two or thrée be gathered together in his name neither christ as being man is with vs al daies vnto the worldes ende nor Christ as beyng man is present with the faithful euery where gathered together but the diuine power or nature that is in Christe Gregorie a Pope some tyme of Rome saieth in the like sorte Verbum incarnatum manet recedit manet diuinitate recedit corpore The worde incarnate doth tary and doth go awaie doth tary and remayne by his diuinitie and Godhead doeth depart or go away by or in his body But yet Vigilius Martyr doeth make the matter more playne when he saith If the nature of the fleshe and of the worde is all one howe doeth it chaunce that whereas the worde is euery where the fleshe is not also founde to be euery where For when it was in earth truely it was not in heauen and nowe that it is in heauen truely it is not in the earth and in so much it is not in the earth that we loke that Christ shal come from heauen touching his fleshe whom touching the worde we beléeue to be alwayes with vs. Therefore after your opinion either the worde is conteyned in place with his fleshe or the fleshe is euerywhere with the worde For one nature doeth conceaue no contrarie thing in it selfe But it is most contrarie and vnlike to be euerye where and to be conteyned in place I trust that we haue already sufficiently proued that although the humanitie and Godhead of Christe be so ioyntly ioyned together in vnitie of person that the one can not be separated from the other yet it foloweth not that wheresoeuer the Godhead is there the manhoode and humanitie must be also Therefore when the Scriptures saith that our Sauiour Iesus Christ is syt downe on the right hande of the father they shal be fayne in despite of their heartes there to vnderstande with Saint Augustine by the right hande a place of eternall rest felicitie and ioye where our Sauiour Christ touchyng his manhoode beyng accompanied with all the holy angels and with all the blessed spirites and soules departed doth raigne with the father in coequal glory and maiesty For that the same right hande whereon our sauiour Christe should sit is a certaine locall place it euidently appeareth by his owne wordes where he saith If any man doeth minister vnto mee let hym folow mee and where I am there shall my minister be also Againe I wil that thei which thou hast geuen vnto mée be with mee where I am that they maie see my glory which thou hast geuen vnto mee Who doeth not see that he doeth here speake of some certaine locall place where his elect and chosen should be with hym in euerlastyng glorie and ioye For touchyng his Godhead his chosen and elect are with hym and he with them according to the promise that he hath made vnto vs saiyng Beholde I am with you alwaies vnto the worldes ende Againe if any man loue mee he kepeth my worde and my father shall loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with hym Therefore those places and textes must bee vnderstanded of Christe beyng true and perfect man with whom beyng in the glorious kingdome of his father all his faithfull seruaunts and ministers shal be ▪ Else if they will still mainteine stiflie that Christe touchyng his manhoode can be euerie where thei shal be faine to graunt also that his faithfull seruauntes and ministers be euery where with him For he saieth where I am there shall my ministers be also ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter ¶ Againste popishe transubstantiation THis aunswere I knowe they will make Sith that our sauiour Christe did saie holdyng the bread of the Sacramente in his handes This is my body the body of christ muste needes be wheresoeuer the Sacrament is ministred though it be in ten thousande places at once For he saide and thei were made he commaunded and they were created This is most certaine sure his word must be fulfilled it must needes be as he saide though we can not comprehende by our naturall reason howe it can be doen or brought to passe Moreouer saie they where as twoo witnesses by the lawe of God are sufficient to proue and confirme a trueth we haue foure of the chéefest that euer were in all the whole worlde For we haue thrée of the Euangelistes and the blessed apostle Sainct Paul whiche doe with a whole and full consent rehearse these wordes that we haue alledged whiche the trueth hym selfe did vse in the institution of his Sacrament all after one fashion Whiche thyng they would not haue doen if our Sauiour
vnto him that is signified by them Saint Ciprian therefore saieth full well Before prayer the priest with a preface prepareth the hartes of the brethren saying vnto them Lift vp your heartes that when the people aunswereth We lift them vp vnto the Lorde thei may be put in minde to thinke of nothing else but of the Lorde Chrisostome also saith Clamamus in conspectu sacrificij Sursum corda We crie a loude in the sight of the oblation Lift vp your hearts S. Augustine vpon the Psalmes saith Let vs lift vp our heartes if ye be risen againe with christ he saieth vnto the faithfull he saieth vnto them that receaue the body and blood of our Lorde If ye be risen againe with Christ sauour those thynges that are aboue where Christe is at the right hande of God seeke for the thinges that bee aboue not for the things that be in earth Their owne manipulus curatorum saith thus Before the Canon the Priest saith Lift vp your hartes As if he woulde saie who so will receaue this Sacramente ought to haue his hearte lifted vp vnto God. But lette vs graunt vnto them by waie of disputation that the naturall body and blood of Christe bee really present vnder the formes of bread and wine yet we shall alwaies bee in feare to commit Idolatrie if at least their doctrine be true For they saie excepte the Priestes doe pronounce the wordes of consecration which words they be in doubt of them selues and cannot wel tel which they be vpon the creatures of bread and wine Cum intentione consecrandi That is with an intent and mynde to consecrate they be not made the body and blood of Christe but remaine still nude nude and bare creatures of bread and wine Therefore Holtcot saieth vpon the maister of sentences Laicus adorat hostiam non consecratam The laie people saith he worshippeth a wafer that is not cōsecrated And therfore that perill and daunger of Idolatrie may be auoyded at all tymes Thomas de Aquino in a certaine booke geueth vs counsell that we worship it with a condition saiyng Lorde if thou be there I doe worship thee if thou be not there I worship thee not Is not this a sure and certaine doctrine thinke ye and most worthy to be mainteined with fire and sworde and with suche sheddyng of innnocent blood Repe●t then ye Magistrates and rulers of the people and be sorie in your heartes that euer ye consented to the death of so many Martyrs that in these our daies haue been most cruelly put to death for the truethes sake and crie God mercie betimes lest ye with the beaste and hir false Prophetes whose slaues ye are now become though some of you perceaue it not be cast for euer into the lake that burneth with fire and Brimstone which is the seconde death There be some in the world that alledge Saincte Ciprian to proue that the Sacrament must be worshipped And these wordes of his doe they bryng foorthe The Sacramentes as muche as in them is can neuer be without the proper vertue nor the diuine maiestie can in any wise absent it self from the misteries It foloweth then saie they that they must be worshipped sith that the diuine maiestie is neuer absent from them I would faine aske these greate doctours of diuinitie why they doe not then worship the water of baptisme wherin we are apparelled with Christ renewed with the holy ghost and receiue free remission of our synnes I am sure that the diuine maiestie of God is no more absent from the Sacrament of baptisme then from the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christe And yet none of them all will graunt that the water of baptisme should be worshipped Christ our sauiour who is the trueth hymselfe and can not lie doth saie in his Gospell He that loueth me keepeth my worde and my father shal loue hym and we will come to hym and dwell with hym Againe He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood dwelleth in mée and I in hym These also are sainct Iohns wordes whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of god God dwelleth in hym and he in God. By these textes we doe learne that God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghoste dwelleth in all the faithfull beléeuers yea I dare saie a thousande tymes more effectuously then in the inuisible elementes of water or bread or of wine And yet no godly honour ought to be doen vnto them for that were a plaine Idolatrie Christe our Sauiour saiyng Thou shalt honour the Lorde thy God and hym onely shalte thou serue and worship Now all men maie see that the saiyng of Saincte Ciprian helpeth them nothyng for to maintaine their Idolatrous worshippyng of the sacrament excepte they will also graunte that the water of Baptisme and euery true christian man must be worshipped also But peraduenture some man wil aske will ye haue no maner of honour to be doen vnto the Sacramentes I doe aunswere that we doe sufficient honour vnto them when we doe receaue them with an vnfained faith and as Christ hath instituted them submitting our selues obediently vnto his holy institution and ordinaunce If we doe otherwise we receaue them vnworthely ▪ to our vtter vndoing and condemnation If then S. Ambroses saiyng after they receaue the Sacrament vnworthely that handle the misteries otherwise than Christ hath instituted If they be also guiltie of the body and blood of the Lorde that come to this holy Supper not obseruyng the institution of hym that is the aucthour of it where shall our Pope catholiques become How shall they escape damnation For none in all the whole worlde if we consider well what hath been saide before doe more abhominably and shamefully breake the ordinaunce of God then they doe Can they therefore haue a deuout mynde towardes hym that saieth Ye shal not doe euery thing as ye thynke best but that whiche I commaunde you that shall ye doe onely I am the Lorde your god Adde nothyng vnto it nor take ought awaie from it but leauing them to the righteous iudgement of hym that with the fire of his wrath did consume Nadab and Abihu in the sight of all the people bicause that thei had offered straunge fire which the lorde had not commaunded them I will goe through by the helpe of God with the rest of their obiection We saide before that thei eate the bread of the Lorde and drinke his Cup vnworthely that come to the holy misteries not hauing truly examined themselues or that come to them without true faithe in the merites of the deathe passion and blood shedding of our Sauiour Iesu Christe and that presume to take or receaue them without true repentaunce vnfeyned confession of their synnes and without amendement of their owne liues I saide also that after the saiyng of Saincte Ambrose thei
giue eare to Paule and in respecte of this spirite the Prophet saith Erunt omnes docti a Deo Thei shal bee all taught of god Who so euer besides dooeth not beleue that the doctrine of the holie ghoste conteined in the olde and newe Testament is sufficiente vnto saluation But regardeth it as vile and of no force nor yet aucthoritie but calleth nameth and reporteth it with these woordes and suche like blasphemie deade ynke a liuelesse matter a dumbe iudge that can not speake a blacke Gospell Inken diuinitie a nose of ware Doeth deny this article of our beléefe I beleue in the holie ghost that is to saie he doth denye the holie ghoste to be true and naturall God sithe that any insufficiencie or vnperfection is founde in his doctrine For why It is the propertie of God to dooe all thynges with most consummate perfection Whereby it doth folowe that he whiche doeth any thyng with vnperfection is no true and naturall god Thei therefore that deny the doctrine of the holie ghoste and also doe despise mocke scorne and speake vnreuerently of it conteined in the old and newe Testamēt not to be perfect or sufficient to saluation are plaine Macedonians For they deny the holie ghost to bee true and naturall god And all thei that followe this opinion and doctrine not contentyng theim selues with the moste true and infallible worde of God whiche is set foorth vnto vs by the holie ghost are not the true Churche and spouse of christ For the true Churche and spouse of Christe as it is borne of newe not of mortall seede but of immortall by the worde of God whiche liueth and lasteth for euer so is it builded vpon the sure foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Christe Iesus hymself beyng the chief corner stone Wherefore we must learne firste of all to beleue God secondly to beleue hym as God thirdly to beleue in God wee must beleue GOD that is to saie that he is creatour of all thynges and that he is omnipotente We muste beleue God as God that is wée must beleue hym as he hath declared and opened hym self in his holy and sacred scriptures vnto vs To beleue in God that is to put our whole truste confidence and affiaunce onely in hym and to call vnto and vpon hym in all our troubles miseries and aduersities and vpon none other And also constauntly and assuredly to beleue in hym that by his power he susteineth vs by his prouidence he gouerneth vs by his goodnesse nourisheth vs and by his mercie saueth vs and indueth vs with all kinde of blessynges So that wee must beléeue in none but in God the father that loueth vs in God the sonne that redemeth vs and in God the holie ghoste that sanctifieth vs although three in persones yet one in essence and Godhead Sainct Agustine therefore saieth Credimus Paulo non credimus in Paulum credimus Petro non credimus in Petrum Wee beleue saieth he Paule but we beleue not in Paule we beleue Peter but we beleue not in Peter The .xxxiiij. Chapiter ¶ What is the true Churche of God and where it is THis then shal be my beliefe touchyng the true Catholique and vniuersall Churche All they that are begotten of newe with the immortall séede of Gods worde and are builded vpon the foundation of the prophetes and Apostles hauyng Christe for their chief corner stone by whose only spirite and worde they are guided and ruled in what countrie or nation vnder the heauens so euer then be are the true church of Christe we may also define and set forth the Churche after this maner The Churche of Christ is the holy congregation of the faithfull whiche by a true and liuelie faith are vnited incorporated in our sauiour Christe whose members they are And bicause that sauiour Christ is the true sonne of God all his members by hym are the sonnes of god Iesus Christe is the head and the true Christians are his body He is the Bridegrome and the faithfull are his spouses whiche he doth cleanse with his blood geuyng health and saluation vnto his bodie and sauyng his people from their synnes This Church is affixed or bounde to no seuerall place but wheresoeuer twoo or three are gathered in the name of the Lorde I meane of our sauiour Christ there the true Church is They therefore that doe aligate and bynde the true Catholique Church to this place or that place as though it coulde be no where els as our Papistes doe are in this thyng greately deceiued For though the whole worlde were so ouer whelmed with Idolatrie and superstition that there shoulde séeme to be no Church at all yet God hath alwaies his elect and chosen in one corner or other although they be vnknowen vnto the worlde Yea many tymes the faithfull congregation is vnknowen vnto the true and faithfull seruauntes of God as we maie see by the example of Elias the Prophete who complained that he was lefte alone But the Lorde made hym an aunswere that he had seuen thousandes left in Israell whiche had not bowed their knées vnto Baall Who woulde not then haue thought that the Churche had been at that tyme in Israell or in Samaria where foure hundreth and fiftie false Prophetes were continually which did feede at Iesabelles boorde or that there had been no Church at all yet we sée that God had euen at that tyme his flocke which he did preserue and keepe vnto hymselfe although they were scattered abroad and not scarcely knowen of the true and faithfull Prophetes of God. Therefore it were good to haue alwaies before our eyes the goodly saiyng of Hilary which writeth on this maner One thyng saieth he I warne you of beware of Antichriste It is not well that ye haue suche a pleasure in the walles It is not well that ye honour and reuerence the Church of God in houses and buildings It is not wel that vnder the colour of them ye doe bryng in the name of peace Is it to be doubted that antichriste shall sit in them The Mountaines the Woodes the Lakes the Prisons and mierie Doungeons are more sure for mee For the Prophetes remainyng in them or beyng let downe into them did there prophecie This then is my beliefe that although the true preachyng of Gods word and the right ministration of the sacramentes accordyng to the Lordes institution and ordinaunce are the moste infallible tokens and signes whereby the true Churche of God is knowen here vpon the earth yet many and sundrie tymes by the righteous iudgement of almightie God our sinnes and wickednesse deseruyng the same these signes and tokens are so taken awaie that it is impossible for the worlde to knowe where this true Churche of God is And yet notwithstanding God hath stil his flocke in one place or other he hath still his elect and chosen whom he doeth preserue and keepe in the
are spoken vnto Peter thei are spoken vnto all Priestes or Ministers Beda plainly saieth these wordes Potestas ligandi soluendi quamuis soli Petro a domino data videatur tamen absque vlla dubietate noscendum est quod caeteris Apostolis datae est The power of bindyng and loosyng notwithstandyng it séeme to bee giuen onely vnto Peter yet without all doubte wee muste vnderstande that it was giuen also to the reste of the Apostles Sainct Augustine saith Petrus quando accepit claues ecclesiam sanctam significauit Peter when he receiued the keyes signified the holy Churche Therefore saieth he when thei were all asked Peter alone doeth make an aunswere and it is saied vnto him And I will giue thée the keyes of heauen as though he alone had receiued aucthoritie to binde and to loose whereas he had spoken that for theim all and receiued this as bearyng in hym self the persone of vnitie with them all The meanyng is this when our Sauiour Christe did aske his Apostles whom thei thought hym to bee Peter alone did make aunswere whiche did serue for theim all For though one alone had aunswered yet Christ tooke it as if thei had all aunswered like to a Iurie of twelue men one maketh aunswere for all and the Iudge accepteth it as though euery one had spoken And as the aunswere of one did serue for them al so the promise that was made vnto one was made vnto them all Whiche thyng is moste true For looke what he did promise to one the same doeth he performe vnto them all saiyng these wordes As my father hath sent me so doe I sende you And when he had spoken these words he did blowe vpon thē saiyng Receiue the holy ghoste whose synnes soeuer ye dooe forgiue shal bee forgiuen vnto hym and whose synnes soeuer ye doe retaine thei shal be retained vnto hym Whiche doeth plainly agree with the woordes that he speaketh vnto them in the .xviij. Chapiter of Sainct Matthewe But I thinke it expediente and necessary for the instruction of the vnlearned and ignoraunte people to shewe what our sauiour doeth vnderstande by the keyes And here will I bryng nothing of mine owne but Chrisostome an auncient writer of the Greke churche shall discusse all the whole matter The keye saieth he is the knowledge of the worde of the scriptures whereby the gate of the truthe is opened vnto men And the kepers of the keyes are the ministers vnto whom charge is giuen to expounde and declare the scriptures Saincte Tertulian also saieth Quam clauem habebant doctores nisi interpretationem legis What key had the doctours of the lawe sauyng the exposition of the lawe Sainct Hierome also hath these wordes Duces ecclesiae habent claues scientiae vt aperiant scripturas creditis sibi populis Vnde praecipitur vt magistri aperiant discipuli ingrediantur The capitaines of the Churche haue the keyes of knowledge to open the scriptures vnto the people to them committed Therefore commaundemente is giuen that the Maisters should open and the Scholers should enter Sainct Ambrose saieth Remittuntur peccata per dei verbum cuius leuites est interpres Synnes bee forgiuen by the worde of God the expounder whereof is the priest Saint Augustine agreyng with them all saieth Claues est dicenda qua ad fidem pectorum dura reserantur That ought to bee called the keye wherewith the hardnesse of mens heartes is opened vnto faithe Here maie wee see that all the true preachers of Goddes worde are the kepers of those keyes and not the Bishoppe of Rome onely for of hym Christes woordes maie bee verified when he saieth Ye haue taken awaie the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen and neither dooe you enter your selues nor will you suffer others that would enter Of the Popes keyes it is well saied of Veselus Claues Pape praelatorum non aperiunt regnum dei sed claudunt potius The Popes and the prelates keyes dooe not open the kyngdome of God but rather shutte it It was saied generally vnto theim all Go ye into the vniuersall worlde and preache the Gospell vnto euery creature he that beleueth and is Baptized shall bee saued and he that beleueth not shal be condemned In these fewe wordes of our Sauiour Christe twoo thinges are to be considered and marked Firste we doe learne by them that the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen that is to saie the preachyng of the Gospell is committed vnto them all I meane vnto all the Apostles and not to one more then an other Secondly wee learne by theim that to loose is none other thyng but to certifie by Gods woorde the consciences of the true beleuers that their synnes are freely forgiuen thorowe faithe in our Sauiour Christe iesu Whiche thyng beyng doen by the true and faithfull ministers of the Churche here vpon the earth taketh no lesse effecte in all true repentaunte synners then if it were dooen in heauen in the sacred counsaile of the holy and blessed Trinitie And for this cause doeth Christ our sauiour saie What soeuer ye loose here vppon the earth is loosed in heauen Therefore saincte Hierome accordeth herewith saiyng Quaecunque solueritis super terram erunt soluta in caelo Soluant autem eos Apostoli sermone dei testimonijs scripturarum exhortatione virtutum What soeuer thynges ye loose vppon earth thei shall bee loosed in heauen but the Apostles loose them by the woorde of God and by the testimonies of the scriptures and by exhortation vnto vertue Sainct Augustine also saieth Now are you cleane bicause of the worde that I haue spoken vnto you Quare non ait mundi estis propter Baptismum quo loti estis Nisi quia in aqua verbum mundat non quia dicitur sed quia creditur Wherefore saieth he not you are cleane because of the baptisme wherewith ye are washed Sauing that euen in the water it is the worde that maketh cleane Not because it is spoken but because it is beleued Againe he saieth Fides nostra est clauis regni coelorum Our faithe is the key of the kyngdome of heauen Ambrose saieth these woordes Remittuntur peccaeta per verbum dei cuius leuites est interpres Sinnes be forgiuen by the worde of God the expounder whereof is the Leuite or Prieste Therefore S. Paule calleth it Verbum reconciliationis the worde whereby we be reconciled to God. Againe he called it Potentia dei ad salutem omni credenti The power of God vnto saluation to euery one that doeth beleue And on the contrary parte to binde here vpon the earth it is none other thyng but to certifie by the same worde the vnfaithfull synners whiche will giue no eares vnto the glad tidynges of the kyngdome of heauen their synnes are stil in remembraunce before God vnto euerlastyng condemnation because thei will
not beleue on the name of the onely begotten sonne of god And this beyng duely and rightly dooen accordyng to the institution and ordinaunce of Christe our sauiour is of no lesse efficacie and strength then if the father the sonne and the holy ghoste had dooen it as the heauenlie wisedome of the father dooeth testifie in the self same place saiyng What so euer ye shall binde here vpon earth shall be bounde in heauen If it parteineth onely to the Bishop of Rome who moste liyngly doeth boaste hymselfe to bee the successour of Peter to preache the frée remission of synnes vnto the true repentaunt synners and eternall condemnation vnto the vnrepentaunt and vnfaithfull then hath he alone the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but any childe may learne by the wordes of our sauiour Christe that this office doeth parteine generally vnto all the faithfull preachers and ministers of Gods worde Sainct Augustines wordes therefore are plaine Si autem in Petro non esset ecclesiae misterium non ei diceret Dominus tibi dab● claues si autem hoc Petro dictum est non habet ecclesia si autem ecclesia habet quando claues accepit ecclesiam to●am designauit If in Peter were not a misterie of the Churche the Lorde would not haue saide to hym I will geue to thee the keyes of the kyngdome of Heauen If this were spoken onely vnto Peter the Churche then hath them not if the Churche hath them then when Peter receiued the keyes he signified the whole church Sainct Ciprian also saieth Christus eandem dedit Apostolis omnibus potestatem Christe gaue to all his Apostles like power Wee maie then right well conclude that this saiyng of Christe And I will geue thee the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen c. Doth make nothyng for the mainteinaunce of the Popes supremacie no more then the saiyng that goeth before where it is saide Thou arte Peter and vpon this Rocke I will builde my Chuche For as Saincte Augustine writeth I deò quippe ait dominus super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam quià dixerat Petrus tu es Christus filius Dei viui Super hanc ergò inquit Petram quam confessus es edificabo ecclesiam meam Petra enim erat Christus super quod fundamentum etiàm ipse edificatus est Petrus Fundamentum quippe aliud nemo potest ponere paerter id quod positum est quod est christus Iesus Therfore the lorde did saie Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke will I builde my Churche bicause that Peter had saide thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng god Therefore saieth he vpon this Rocke that thou hast confessed I will builde my Churche And the Rocke was Christe vpon whiche foundation Peter also is builded For none other foundation can any man laye besides that whiche is laide alreadie whiche is our Sauiour Iesus Christe Againe in a nother place he saieth these wordes Tues ergò inquit Petrus super hanc petram quam confessuses super hanc petram quam cognouisti dicens Tu es Christus filius dei viui edificabo ecclesiam meam Super meipsum filium dei viui edificabo ecclesiam meam Super me edificabo te non me super te Nàm volentes homines edificari super homines dicebant Ego quidèm sum Pauli Ego autem Appollo Ego verò Caephe ipse est Petrus Et alij qui nolebant edificari super Petrum sed super petram Ego autem sum Christi Thou art Peter saieth he and vpon this Rocke which thou hast confessed and vpon this Rocke whom thou hast acknowledged saiyng thou art Christ the sonne of the liuyng God I will build my Church Upon my selfe ▪ being the sonne of the liuing God I will builde my Churche I will builde thee vppon mee not mee vpon thee When men would builde vpon men thei did saie I holde of Paul I holde of Apollo I hold of Cephas which is Peter And other whiche would not be builded vpon Peter but vpon the Rocke saide I am Christes Which verie wordes also Bede hath as it were verbatim worde for worde writyng vpon the Corinthians Sainct Ambrose saieth likewise Dicit Dominus ad Petrum Super istam petram edificabo ecclesiam● meam hoc est in hac catholicae fidei confessione statuo fideles ad vitam The Lorde saide to Peter Upon this Rocke will I builde my Churche that is in this confession of the catholique faith I appointe all the faithfull to liue Sainct Hierome hath these wordes Secundum autem metaphoram petrae rectè dicitur ei edificabo ecclesiam meam super te That is by a metaphoricall speach of the Rocke it is well saide to Peter I wil builde my Church vpon thee These holy Fathers of the auncient catholique Churche doe manifestly proue by the scriptures that the Rocke which the true Churche is builded vpon is our Sauiour Christ hym selfe the sonne of the liuyng god Here might I bring Chrisostome Cirill Hilarie which all by the rocke that the Church is builded vppon do vnderstande a strong stedfast faith in our Sauiour Christ and a true confessyng of his name but I haue alreadie alledged them Nowe will I come to the other saiyng of Christe where he saieth vnto Peter Thou art Symon the Sonne of Ionas and thou shalte be called Cephas whiche saieth the Euangeliste is by interpretation a Stone If all the Popes of Rome then with all their smoth shauen faced greacelinges shoulde affirme vnto mee that this worde Cephas doeth betoken a heade I would accompte them as accursed Ye may see howe they are not ashamed to wreast the Scriptures and to geue them a cleane contrarie interpretation that so they maie mainteine and vpholde stil their vsurped supremacie power The holy ghoste saieth that Cephas by interpretation is a ●tone The Bishop of Rome saieth that Cephas doeth beto●●n and signifie a heade and therefore sithe that he is the successour of Peter he ought to be the supreme head of the church Whether of these twoo ought we to beleeue If an angell from heauen should preache any other Gospell vnto vs then we haue receaued alreadie S. Paul biddeth vs to count it accursed Cursed be they then that dare expounde the scriptures otherwise then the holy Ghoste hath expounded them yea euerlastyng damnation hangeth ouer their heades in what estimation soeuer they bee in this wicked worlde though the worlde I saie do estéeme them as Gods yet before the liuing God and his sonne Christe our Lorde are they accursed Why will these good felowes saie is not Peter alwaies named first whensoeuer the apostles are rehearsed by name doth not this sufficiently declare that he is appointed of God to be the supreme head of his Churche I aunswere againe that if to be named first doeth purchase or get any preheminence then Caesar must be preferred before
nother fol. 125. The imperfectiō of our owne workes fol. 130.2 Thre maner of powers to forgeue synnes fol. 132. Two thynges to be learned in S. Paules saiyng Ro. 8. fol. 137. The Lawe hath moe endes then one fol. 137.2 Twoo thynges to bee noted fol. 140.2 The spirite of god worketh in vs our regeneration fol. 24. V Unto whom hell is ouercome fol. 6.2 Uaine opinions of sundry mē fol. 29. Vsia fol. 73.2 VV Wherefore Christe was iudged and condemned before Pilate fol. 1.2 What the Serpent signified ibidem Why the Sacrifices of the old Lawe were offered often fol. 2.2 Why Christe was laide in a newe graue fol. 4.2 Why Christe was laide in a nother mans graue ibidem What the newe graue signified fol. 7. What was signified by the graue that was he wen out of the stone ibidem What is to bee vnderstanded when we sai● ▪ Christ barowed hell fol. ●●2● Whereto God had respecte in his sonne our sauiour fol. 5.2 What thyng caused Christ to be so heauie before his death fol. 8. What Abrahams bosome is fol. 9.2 What we learne by the third of Iohn fol. 23.2 Wherin the fire of purgatory doth differ frō the fier of hel 12.2 We are al saued by priuiledge fol. ●3 What is the firste foundation of our election fol. 18. What fruicte their doctrine doeth bryng that condemne children that dye without baptisme fol. 19. Without faith no man can be deliuered from condempnation fol. 20. What daunger it is to refuse to receiue the sacramēts f. 20. What we ought to doe if we should followe the Fathers in all thynges fol. 22. Why the spirite of God is called fire fol. 24. Why the holy ghoste is called water fol. 24.2 What certaine of the learned called Augustine for his rigour towardes infantes not Baptized fol. 26.2 What moued Augustine to write as he did of children not Baptized fol. 27. Wherin the Anabaptistes exceeded fol. 27. Whereof Confirmation dyd come fol. 27.2 Why the Fathers did magnifie the Sacramentes so much fol. 29. What profite commeth to thē that are perswaded in this doctrine fol. 30.2 What many foolishe people vsed to doe in carriyng their children to Idols fol. 31. Wee doe parte our saluation betweene Christes death and his resurrection fol. 31.2 What it is to bee dead vnto synne fol. 32.2 What a large doctrine our baptisme doeth preache vnto vs. fol. 34. What it is to sit on the right hande of the Father fol. 35.2 What the Papistes must doe if they wyll haue vs to beleue them 47.2 What it is to receiue the Sacrament vnworthely fol. 48. Why the papists can not perceaue in what parell they bee fol. 49. Wherin the papists haue the Fathers in estimation fol. 53. Wherin we must beare with our weake brethren fol. 53. Why the sacramentes were ordeined fol. 16.2 We do make more then bare signes of the Sacramentes fol. 58.2 What honour we ought to do to the sacrament ibid. What we learne of the lordes wordes in Zacharie fol. 60. Why Christ would be baptized fol. 63.2 Who can choose but laugh at the papistes fol. 68. Why the sacramentes be called by the names of the thynges whereof they bee Sacramentes fol. 69. What this word Signum doth signifie in the .2 of Luk. f. 72.2 What it is to examine our selues fol. 57. and 76.2 Who they be that féede effectuously vppon the bodye and blood of Christe fol. 76.2 Why Christ our sauiour was man. fol. 81.2 What is the chief marke that the papistes shoote at fol. 89. Why the Apostles were called light fol. 87 2 What properties must bee in hym that we must pray vnto fol. 89.2 What was the meanyng of the Prophete Ieremie fo 96. What is signified by psalmes hymnes and songes fol. 104. What the Sunne doth signifie fol. 104.2 What the Moone doth signifi● fol. 105. What the Starres doe signifie ibidem We must beleue in Gods power Gods prouidence Gods goodnesse fol. 111. What the true Churche of Christe is fol. 111.2 Who can bee the heade of the Churche fol. 112. Who bee the kéepers of the keyes of Gods kyngd fo 114.2 What it is to loose ibidem What it is to bynde fol. 115. Wherof the certitude of gods worde doth depende fol. 118.2 When the Churche can not erre fol. 122.2 When the Churche can and doeth erre ibidem Whole vniuersall Churche doeth neuer fall awaie from God. ibidem Why it is called the inuisible Churche fol. 122. We muste not deuide our selues from the Churche bicause the wicked are among vs. fol. 123. Whence this worde iustificare hath been borowed and what it signifieth fol. 124. Why God doeth crowne his giftes in vs. fol. 129.2 What the nature of merite is fol. 130.2 What we are as long as we are without the spirite of god fol. 135. What this worde Apochripha is fol. 135.2 What this word Canō is ibi Why the faithfull are saide to be free fol. 141. What thyng caused Christ to be so heauie before his death fol. 8. What Christes goyng downe to hell is fol. 9. Without faith no man can be deliuered from condemnation fol. 20. Whereto the Papistes haue brought the order of confirmation fol. 28.2 What it is to bee crucified to the worlde fol. 32. Wherefore the Sacramente was instituted fol. 56.2 What greate absurdities doe come of the doctrine of trāsubstantiation fol. 67.2 What Christe meant by the keyes fol. 114. FINIS
leape dice carde sweare fight runne abrode in the night breakyng vp dores and windowes and burne mens houses one of his Cardinals he gelded he put out anothers eies whiche was his Godfather he cut of ones hande of a nother a tongue of others a finger a nose an eare in his dice plaiyng he woulde call vpon euil spirites and drinke to the deuil beyng thus Pope and an vnholy father nine yeres three monethes and fiue daies was striken of the deuill as they saie as he was a bed with a nother mans wife and so died within eight daies after most miserablie So of this fathers godly life came that prouerbe vp as merie as Pope Iohn VVhat was Pope Sergius ▪ not a man without al vertue and learnyng kept not he a whore in the tyme of his Popedome called Morozia and had by her a bastarde whiche was Pope long after hym called Pope Iohn the .11 This filthy tyraunt did many villanous actes VVhat was Pope Marcellinus not a greate Idolater what was Syluester the .2 not a greate coniurer and gaue hymselfe body and soule to the deuill and by the deuils procurement was made Pope was not Pope Liberius an Arrian heritique was not Pope Leo likewise an Arrian Pope Caelestinus was he not a Nestorian heretique was not Pope Honorius a Monothelite heretique Pope Iohn the .22 was not he reproued as an heretique at Paris concernyng the soule of man I praie you what was Pope Hyldebrande was he not an aduouterer a Churche robber a pe●iured man a murtherer who poysoned sixe other Popes his predecessours to make hym selfe roome to the holy seate was he not a greate Sorcerer and a reneger of the faith was not Pope Vrbanus a tyrannous murtherer that tooke fiue of his Cardinals aliue and put them into Sackes and threwe them into the Sea I coulde speake of Pope Stephen of his handlyng of Formosus his predecessour in cuttyng of his fingers and heade and threwe his carkasse into Tyber and of many others of them but that I should occupie and consume muche ynke and paper about a sorte of filthie liuers therefore Pope Adrian the .4 was wont to say Succedimus nō Petro in pascendo sed Romulo in parricidio VVhat should I speake of their holy Cardinals are thei not Ruffians tosse pottes whore maisters and buggerers with yong boies like vnto the Sodomites al the world knoweth it VVhat should I saie of others their Priestes how shamefully thei liued in their holy orders were not a nomber of them theeues periurers murtherers buggerers with boyes Mares and Sowe pigges some of them haue been arained at the Barre for it in Excester and els where as the recordes can testifie some of them were no small chickens in the Popes Coube what saie you to those holie Fathers at the last councell of Trydent whiche were solemply gathered together as thei saide to reforme matters of religion and suppressyng of vice was not two of those holy fathers taken at that tyme in whordome the one was striken downe with a Club the other taken with the maner by the husbande and hanged by the necke out of a greate Lucane window in the streete VVhat shoulde I saie not long agone of one in VVinchester a great D. of the Papistes who would drinke nothing but water thrise a weeke who vnder the colour of virginity of wearing a shurte of heere and hanging his shrowde at his beddes feete and mortifiyng his body with straightnes of life kepte three whores at once in his Chamber to serue him and his fellowes at neede whiche whores were fetched out by certaine Iustices of peace This is as true as men vse to eate meate vpon a Boarde To conclude and leaue troublyng of your Lordeships chaste and Godly eares we will saie of their whole Cleargie as some of their owne doctours haue written Venalitate Curiae Romane inanitèr praeficiuntur Lenones Coqui Stabularij equorum pueri Through the briberie of the Courte of Rome Bawdes Cookes Hostlers Horsekepers and children are placed in offices to gouerne the Churche Thus I haue rather geuen an inkelyng hereof then opened the particuler secretes of the matter for as saint Barnarde saith Qu● in occul●● fiunt ab Episcopis turpe est vel dicere The third cause is for that of late one Ihō Blackeal borne in Excester did open penaunce at Powles Crosse And then and there before all the congregation openly for that I detected his horible vices and manifested thē to certaine of my friendes to the ende that he might be better reclaimed from his lewde and wanton life and so to satisfie the whole congregation with open repentaunce crauyng their praiers vnto god for him cried and breathyng out against me many foule and sclaunderous reportes to the greate griefe of the godly and ioye of the wicked Papistes But hereby easely appeareth the nature of the wicked malicious For when any cōuersion is made through gods spirite by any sinner they will enuy and vse railyng words againste that conuert as the wicked Scribes and Pharisees did And will speake euill of them bicause saieth Peter they runne not with them vnto the same excesse of riote therefore speake thei euill of you If I had been altogether as wicked as he declared openly yet he and all other enuious men ought not to haue sorrowed but ioyed not to haue enuied ▪ but loued Gods good workyng in mee with the aungels of heauen This wicked man will not light a Candle to seeke a sinner but rather will bryng a fier brande to consume his brother with his flamyng wordes but as Dauid saieth who● burning Coales shall consume that same tongue that will bee the portion for euer for all suche lyers and sclaunderers A sclaunderer is worse then a Rauen who eateth men beyng dead but a wicked slaunderer eateth men beyng a liue But let vs examine Reuerend Father howe this lewde man followeth the Counsell of Salomon that saieth Despise not a man that turneth hym selfe awaie from synne nor cast hym not in the teeth with all but remember that we are all worthy blame the like doctrine Paule teacheth Brethren if a man be fallen by occas●ion into any faulte ye which are spirituall restore suche one with the spirite of meekenesse considering thy selfe lest thou be tempted also The Lorde saith by his prophet that he will not remember nor make mention of the former life of a sinner after his conuersion But this enuious and sclaunderous man will haue in remembraunce thinges past and make mention of that was neuer doen spoken no● saide to the greate infamie of the Gospell bicause I am called although vnworthy to be a preacher thereof Vpon which reportes and manifest sclaunders spoken the Queenes maiesties commissioners immediatly sent for mee to come before them and vppon my apparaunce he then beyng in the Marshal see a prisoner founde suche subtill and craftie meanes
firste would sainct Augustine haue left it out thinke you or at least ▪ neuer to haue spoken woorde of it in this place hauyng suche an occasion and oportunitie as he had in entreatyng of the beleife I can neuer beleue that for of al the old writers he was moste precise and vigilante in suche poinctes of Religion that touched faithe So that it must euidently appeare that it was putte in by some aftercommers as Erasmus before hath saied Whereby we maie vnderstande the care of the godlie ones then that woulde not putte foorth or affirme any thyng whiche could not bee proued by the Scriptures So Hierome saieth Omne quod loquimur debemus affirmare de scripturis sanctis What soeuer we affirme we must proue it by the holie scriptures For Augustine saieth Sine scripturarum autoritate nihil definiendum est Nothyng is to bee determined or affirmed without the aucthoritie of the holie and sacred scriptures And likewise Saincte Paule saieth Now is the righteousnesse of God made manifeste without the Lawe hauyng witnesse of the Lawe and of the Prophetes Whereby is gathered that all truthe and righteousnesse of Gods Religion and our faith in the redemption of his sonne muste haue the witnesse of the Lawe and the Prophetes that is to saie the holie Scriptures will euer acknowledge and allowe it And whereto it giueth no witnesse that is alwaies false and erronious For as sainct Hierome saieth Hoc quia ex sacris literis authoritatem non habet eadem facilitate refellitur qua probatur Seyng this saieth he speakyng againste those Fathers that did affirme that that Zacharie whiche Christ spake of beyng the sonne of Barachie was Iohn Baptists father hath no aucthoritie out of the scriptures it maie bee as easely denied as affirmed Therefore I saie searche the holy scriptures as they of Berea did as cōcernyng this matter in question and yet thou shalte neuer bee able to finde there that euer Christe our Sauiour in bodie or soule descended into hell after his death to the place of the dāpned or into any Limbo Onely thou shalt finde there that he died and rose againe the thirde daie c. Some will here replie and saie What sir you saie not truely Are there not scriptures sufficient to proue he descended into hell although there are sondrie places yet there are fower principall places as in the Psalmes in Zacharie in the Actes of the Apostles and in Saincte Peters Epistle I praie you saie thei is it not writen in the Psalme thus Non derelinques animam meam in inferno I doe graunte it is so written but it followeth not hereby to proue that his soule or that Christes soule should goe vnto hell the place of the damned for soule in this place doeth not signifie the soule of Christe but it signifieth the bodie or persone of Christe and by hell he vnderstandeth not the place of the damned but the graue or sepulchre and therefore Stephanus translation hath Non relinques corpus meū in sepulchro thou shalte not leaue my bodie or persone in the graue So hath the Tygurian translation also For this Hebrue woorde N●pesch signifieth a bodie or person as you maie reade in Leuiticus and in Numeri Also for this worde Soule in that place and many others is taken for the whole naturall man for we reade in Genesis that all the soules that came with Iacob into Egypt whiche came out of his loynes were in the whole thréescore and sixe foules that is thréescore and sixe persons or bodyes And in the Actes it is sayde There were added to the Churche by Peters Sermon about thrée thousande soules that is thrée thousand persons And so Peter vseth the same when he saith Wherein fewe that is eight soules were saued in the water that is eight persons or bodyes S. Paul also vseth that worde saying Let euery soule be subiect vnto the higher powers c. That is let euery body or person be subiect c. By this you may soone perceaue what Dauid meaneth by this word soule that it shoulde not lye in the graue for euer but shoulde rise vp againe So Iob saieth in matter one although in other wordes where he saieth Though after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet I shall see God in my fleshe As for this worde Hell it is taken in diuers significations in the Scriptures as you may ●ée in my booke where I do intreate of this article but in this place it signifieth not the place of the damned but the graue wherein he was buryed So likewise S. Cyprian d●eth expounde that worde hell saying Vis tamen verbi eadem videtur esse in eo quod sepultu● dicitur That is howbeit there séemeth to be the same strength of the worde hell in that he is sayde to haue béen buryed As for the place of Zacharie where he saieth Thou also shalt be saued through the blood of thy couenaunt I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water serueth litle and nothyng at all for the proofe of Christes descention into hell For the Prophetes meanyng is in that place that God saueth his Churche by the blood of Christe whereof the blood of the sacrifices was a figure and is here called the couenaunt of the Churche which he did make with Abraham promisyng vnto him that all nations should be blessed in his séede which is our sauiour Christ. And so Zacharie compareth the babylonicall ouerthrowe wherein the people was oppressed to a drie pyt So that he vnderstandeth by the prisoners not any soules in hell but the children and seruauntes of God which were and are captiues vnder Sathan the deuyll mans enemie who was prefigured before by that cruell tyraunt Pharao and by the king of Babylon And by the waterlesse pit he vnderstandeth the goulfe of all miseries calamities whence it is impossible for man to come out by any meanes without the helping hande and out stretched arme of Gods almightie power And that you shall not thinke this to be of my owne exposition I wyll shewe you what S. Augustine saith vppon this place Alio loco ad ipsum Christum in spiritu Prophe●ia loquens de remissio●e peccatorum per eius sanguinem Tu quoque inquit in sanguine Testamenti tui ●misisti vinctos tuos de lacu in quo non est aqua Quid per hunc locum velit intelligi possunt diuersa sentiri etiam secundum rectam fidem Mihi autem videtur non eo significari melius nisi humanae miseriae si●cam profundi●atem quodammodo sterilem vbi non sunt fluentia iustitiae sed iniquitatis lucum D● hoc quippe lac●● in psalmo dicitur eduxit me de lacu miseriae de lu●● l●mi that is to saie And in an other place speakyng of the spirite of prophecie vnto Christe hym selfe touchyng the remission of synnes through his blood
vnto death to those that beléeue not But howsoeuer men liste to take it this shal be my beléef that the goyng downe of Christ into hell is our deliueraunce from thence For excepte our sauiour Christe had been enuironed and compassed aboute with the sorowes and paines of hell and in a maner ouerwhelmed with them for a while hell would haue swallowed vs vp vnto euerlastyng damnation we should haue perished vtterly both in body and soule wee should neuer haue escaped the tyranny of Sathan nor be healed of the deadly wounde that we haue receiued of that olde venimous serpent the deuill and enimie to our saluation So that I denie not that article of Christes discention but of the maner howe is the question for when it is saide he will not leaue his soule in hell he speaketh not of his discendyng into hell of the damned but that he shal rise againe from the dead that is he shall not leaue hym in death or liyng continuallie in the graue For the soule in that place is taken for the whole naturall man c. For seeke all the scriptures from one ende to a nother and ye shall neuer finde that Christ in body or soule discended into hell but that he died and rose againe the thirde daie accordyng to the Scriptures For you shall note that the East Churche had it not the Counsell of Nicen Creede hath it not nor the Counsell of Ephesus c. But to be short ye shal vnderstande that christ descended into hell three maner of waies Videl Firste in power as when the Uaile of the Temple did rent in twaine from the top to the bottome and the earth did quake and the stones were clouen and the graues did open them selues and many bodies of the Sainctes whiche slept arose and came out of the graues after his resurrection and went into the holy Citie and appeared vnto many Secondly in spirite when as he saide my soule is heauy euen vnto the death and when he cried my God my my God why hast thou forsaken mee The thirde in person when as he was laide in the graue as we reade that thei tooke the body of Iesus and wrapped it in linnen clothes with the odours as the maner of the Iewes is to bury Paul saith now in that hee ascended what is it but that he had also descended first into the lower parte of the earth This deare brother is my beleefe grounded vpon the worde of GOD and not vpon men or mens dreames or phantacies And reporte not that I doe denie any article of the faithe God forbid I should wherfore reade with iudgement and with the spirite of mildenes come not pre iudicio but with iudicio Some there be againe that be of opinion that the soule of Christe went not downe into the hell of the damned but that it went onely downe for to deliuer the Patriarkes and other holy fathers of the olde Testament out of the Lymbe ▪ and also for to deliuer the soules of them that were of lesse perfection then the Patriarkes and other holy fathers out of the paines of purgatory where they were kepte for to make satisfaction for those synnes that they had done no penaunce for in this worlde But as for Lymbe I knowe none but Abrahams bosome whiche to saie truely is that moste blessed life whiche they that dye in the faithe that Abraham did shall enioye after this worlde ¶ The .vij. Chapiter ¶ Christe is our true Purgatorie and the Papistes Purgatorie is false AS for Purgatorie I knowe none other but the blood of Iesu Christe our onely sauiour that doth cleanse vs from all our sinnes Againe none other fire doe I know in all the Scriptures that hath any vertue or power to purge synnes but the fire of his holy spirite wherewith he promised to Baptize his elect and chosen and the fire of his sacred and diuine word whereof hym selfe speaketh on this maner ye are cleane bicause of the woorde that I haue spoken vnto you This is true purgatorie wherein all muste be purged afore that they can enter into the kingdome of God. That other Purgatorie that they haue inuented of their owne heades without and against Gods worde is a most deuillishe and abhominable blasphemyng against the merites and bloodshedding of our sauiour Christes death and Passion For by it the onely begotten sonne of God is made an vnperfect sauiour and of lesse aucthoritie power and strength then they will haue that fleshely ydoll of Rome and most pernicious antichriste to be vnto whom they dare attribute and giue full aucthoritie and power to absolue men and to graunte vnto them a ful pardon of all their synnes euen a poena a culpa that is to say to deliuer them not onely from the offence it self but also from the paine or punishment that is due vnto it Whereas poore Christe who hath shed his heart blood for vs and who hath troden the Wine presse alone is scarcely able by their doctrine to forgeue vs our offences at least he cānot release vs of the paine For if it be of his forgeuing we must suffer the paines that be due vnto our synnes in the fire of Purgatorie till we haue made satisfaction for them or till we haue bought them out at the antichristes handes and at the handes of his shauelinges or els we muste make a full satisfaction for them here in this worlde whiles we are here yet a liue if at least we entend for to escape that whot burning fire of theirs So that euery waie Christe shall be but halfe a a Sauiour and God his father a moste abhominable and deceitfull lyer for he saieth at what tyme soeuer a synner doth repent hym of his synne from the bottome of his harte I wil put his wickednes out of my remembraunce so that it shall no more be thought vpon How is this promise fulfilled I praie you if he doe so cruelly punishe our wickednes and offences in the fire of purgatorie after that he hath forgeuen and pardoned them Is this to thinke no more vpon them what can these deuillishe and abhominable Sophisters alledge nowe for them selues will they saie that GOD is a lier and that he doeth not performe and fulfil his promises moste truely either they must saie so what startyng holes soeuer they can finde out or els confesse and acknowledge that their doctrine is most detestable and also blasphemous against the trueth of Gods promises and against the merites of the moste precious death passion and bloodsheddyng of his onely begotten sonne our Sauiour Iesu Christe And in a nother place this moste mercifull Father and bounteous Lorde who is alwaies true and most faithfull in all his promises doeth crie out saiyng I am he I am he that taketh awaie thy wickednes and that for mine owne sake and thy synnes will I remember no more Here
must we be in the resurrection These wordes shal the easlier be vnderstanded if we will consider and marke that the whole life of our sauiour Christe ought to serue vs in stéede of an Allegorie wherby we should make our selues conformable vnto hym spiritually in those thynges that haue been truely and really or in very deede fulfilled in his body and can in no wise be fulfilled in ours As for an example our sauiour Christ hath been conceaued by the holy ghoste borne of the virgine Marie he hath been crucified and put to death he did rise againe the thirde daie and ascended into heauen All those thynges cannot be performed nor fulfilled in our bodies as they were in his But let vs endeuour our selues that our spirite or inwarde man maie be fashioned and made conformable vnto hym in these thinges Our bodies are conceaued and borne in synne not by the holy Ghoste nor in the wombe of a virgine as our Sauiour Christe was but they are conceaued by the carnall copulation of man and woman and of corruptible seede That wee maie therefore be conformable vnto hym in this pointe let vs come vnto his true Churche and beléeue his gospell And when we be in the true Churche of Christe whiche is both our mother and a chaste virgine wee shal be conceaued and begotten in it by the vncorruptible seede of the worde of God our heauenlie father and by the vertue of his holy spirite and shal be borne againe the children of god and made newe creatures we shall put of the olde man and put one the newe bearyng the image of the newe Adam whiche is Iesus Christ as we haue borne the image of the olde Adam and of the man of synne After that we be thus conceaued by the holy ghoste and borne of a virgine which is the true Church and spouse of our sauiour christ the residue of our life must also be conformable vnto the life of our sauiour christ as our spirituall conception and birth is We be not crucified and put to death as he was but we learne of him to beare the Crosse with hym and to be crucified vnto the world that the world may be crucified vnto vs as Sainct Paule writeth of hym selfe But to be crucified and dead vnto the world is to be crucified and dead vnto sinne And to be crucified and dead vnto synne is to forsake synne to haue no more acquaintaunce with it and to be no more a seruaunte vnto it then the dead bee wonte to serue the liuyng For as the dead hath no more to doe with the liuyng but are separated from them so thei be dead vnto the world that haue forsaken it for to serue the liuyng God and that will not fasshion themselues after it nor walke after the fleshe and the concupiscence of it Now it is vnpossible that they that be thus dead vnto the worlde should not liue vnto God and that the worlde shoulde not be dead vnto them As contrariwise thei that liue vnto the worlde and the worlde vnto them they are dead vnto GOD As Sainte Paul hath written of the widowe that liueth in pleasure saiyng that widowe that liueth in pleasure is dead euen yet aliue Bicause she liueth vnto the worlde and is dead vnto God that was the meanyng of our sauiour Christ when he saide to the yong man that would goe and burie his father let the dead burie their dead folow thou me whē we die then vnto the worlde we rise againe vnto God. Againe wee practise spiritually in vs the example of the death of Christ when we doe mortifie our earthy members when we offer our bodies a liuely sacrifice vnto god when we doe slaie with the sworde of Gods worde and also burne with the fire of his spirite our concupiscences and carnal affections whiche are the brute beastes that we sacrifice vnto God that the offeryng and sacrifice of our bodies may be reasonable Therefore we dye with our Sauiour Christ when we do kill and mortifie our olde Adam we doe also rise againe with hym when we doe put on Iesus christ and be apparelled with hym when we serue to righteousnes and despise this worlde with all the pompe and pride thereof hauyng our myndes and conuersation in heauen where we doe seeke for our ●auiour Iesu Christe fittyng on the right hande of God the father The Apostles and specially Saint Paul doe teache vs that we ought after this maner to apply and set before vs the death and resurrection of our sauiour Christ of a liuely image and paterne of the Christian and spirituall life And do declare vnto vs that baptisme is a sacrament of all these thynges For the water that is powred vpon vs in baptisme it is firste and formost vnto vs a certificat signe token and seale of the free remission and forgeuenesse of our sinnes and of the holy ghost who is the liuely water that washeth and cleanseth our consciences from synne as the visible water doth washe away the filthines of the body Moreouer it is a sacrament of repentaunce which teacheth vs that as the water doeth come vpon vs as it were for to couer and ouerwhelme vs so it behoueth that our olde man of synne be drowned as Pharao and the Egiptians were drowned in the red Sea and that we must be buried with our sauiour Christe But in this that the water doth not remaine still vpon our heades nor yet drowne vs it is thereby signified vnto vs that the repentaunce and mortifiyng that god doeth require of vs is not vnto death but vnto life so that by death he maketh vs to enter into life as the children of Israell goyng through the red Sea were brought out of seruitude and boundage in to a goodly libertie And as our sauiour Christ did by his death and crosse enter into the glory of his father And so the grace and mercie of God are not only represented vnto vs in our baptisme we are not onely by it grafted in his Testament and receiued into his church but also we haue there the sacrament of the death buriyng and resurrection of our sauiour Christ and of our death buriyng and resurrection with hym We haue also there repentaunce and of remission of synnes and the summe of the whole doctrine of the Gospell and also a liuely image of al the whole christian life preached vnto vs. But to come againe to our purpose After that our sauiour Christe had by manye tokens and signes declared that he was truely risen againe for he was by the space of .xl. daies after his resurrection alwaies conuersaunt with his Apostles and disciples eatyng and drinkyng with them and biddyng them to handle and feele his body and for a further proofe or trial to put their fingers into his woundes that they might bee in no doubt but that it was the same selfe
body that he died and was buried in ¶ The .xij. Chapiter ¶ Of Christes ascention into heauen and how it is saide that he sitteth at the right hand of god c. And after what maner he is here amongest vs. AND he did most triumphantly in the sight of al his Apostles and Disciples ascende vp into heauen where a clowde receaued hym vp out of their sight the Angels testifiyng that as he was taken vp from vs into heauen so he shall be séene come againe at the dreadfull daie of iudgement when he shall being accompanied with his holy angels come downe to iudge both the quicke and the dead In the meane season we must not thinke though he hath taken the reall presence of his body away from vs that therfore he hath forsaken vs or that he doth not assist ayde and helpe his chosen and elect as long as they be pylgrimes and straungers here in the earth For according to his promise ▪ he is alwayes with vs vnto the worldes ende Which thing must be vnderstanded of his godly power and inuisible grace So doeth Saint Augustine saie Secundum presentiam maiestatis semper habomus christum Accordyng to the presence or as he is God we haue alwaies christ with vs againe he saieth in the same place Nam secundum maiestatem suam secundum prouidentiam secundum ineffabilem et inuisibilem gratiam impletur quod ab e● dictum est ecce ego vobiscū sum omnibus diebus vsque ad consummationem seculi That is to saie in englishe as concernyng his diuine maiestie his prouidence his inestimable and inuisible grace these words are fulfilled that were spoken by hym beholde I am with you all the daies of your life vnto the worldes ende For as touching his humanitie or manhoode he is absent from vs and wyll be to the worldes ende vntyll he shall be séene visibly of all fleshe to come againe thereto accordeth S. Augustine saiyng Secundum presentiam carnis recte dictum est discipulis sui● me autem non semper habebitis Accordyng to the presence of his fleshe or body it was rightly and truely saide vnto his disciples mée you shal not haue alwaies For it is to be noted that as he is both God and man so touchyng his manhoode or humanitie that he tooke in the virgines wombe ▪ he is in all thynges like vnto vs synne onely beyng excepted as the holie apostle doth write saiyng he tooke not on him Angels but the séede of Abraham that in all thinges he might be like vnto his brethren As then he did hunger and thirst in the same body was subiect to all maner of infirmities that we his brethren are subiect vnto sinne alwayes being excepted therefore Barnarde very pretily sayde Christe loued vs dulcior sapientior fortior Swéetely in that he toke our fleshe vpon him wisely in that hée had no sinne by takyng our nature vppon him strongly in that he vanquished Sathan death and sinne So hauing fulfylled the thinges that he toke it for he dyd cary it vp into heauen and there he sitteth in the same humaine body being nowe glorified and immortall on the right hande of God the father Almightie which is as much to say as that he is exalted aboue the heauens hauing receaued a full aucthoritie and power ouer all creatures both in heauen and in earth and raigning there in glorie with the father tyll his enimies be made his footstoole For when we heare that Christ is set downe on the right hande of his father we must put all grosse imaginations out of our mindes We must beware that we imagine not that God the father is set downe as an earthly king in some visible and materiall seate and that Iesus Christ is set downe by him in another as his son or one of his princes and lordes Againe we must not thinke that God the father in his diuine essence hath a right hande and a left hande with other humayne lymmes as we sée mortall men to haue For that were to fall into the heresie of the Antropomorphites but rather we must marke that it is spoken by a similitude being borowed of princes and kinges of the worlde For as a king doth commonly cause that man to sit by him and at his right hande whom he wyll most honour and vnto whom he wyll geue most aucthoritie and power so we do vnderstande by these wordes that our Sauiour Christe is exalted aboue all creatures and that he hath power geuen vnto him both in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with the father hauing equall power with him Or by the right hande of God we may right well vnderstande with Saint Augustine the place of felicitie and ioye where our Sauiour Christ doth raigne nowe in glorie with the holy angels and with all the blessed spirites and soules of the chosen and elect of God As contrarywise by his left hand the state and condition of the reprobate is vnderstanded and signified vnto vs. Againe it is not knowen to them that reade the scriptures that to syt is many tymes taken for to be in quiet peace and rest as when Moyses saith to the children of Gad and of Ruben Shall your brethren go foorth vnto the warre and ye syt here Againe in the prophete Euery man shall syt vnder his Figge trée When we say then that our Sauiour Christ is set downe we do vnderstande that he is after the paynefull labours of this life and the wofull death of the crosse entred into a ioyfull and quiet rest where he shal be touching his humanitie and manhoode as lorde and head ruler of all creatures both in heauen and in the earth vntyl the time that all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophetes since the worlde began be restored againe as the holy Apostle saint Peter doth testifie vnto vs in the Actes For a better vnderstanding of the whole matter and also that the ignoraunt and simple persons may the better auoyde the subtile trickes of the deuyls Sophistrie which is wont to dasill the eyes of the vnlearned with this like argumentes The right hand of God is taken for his almightie power but his almightie power is can be euery where Ergo sith that Christ touchyng his manhoode is on the right hand of God the humanitie or manhoode of Christe can be euery where It is to be noted and marked that the right hand of God is taken two maner of waies First by it the almightie power of God is vnderstanded as when Moyses doeth saie in his Canticle Thine hande Lorde is glorious thine hande hath all too dashed the enimie And in the Actes of the Apostles Saint Peter saieth him hath God lift vp with his right hande In these places and such like the right hande of god is taken for his almighty power wherwith he
I am with you alwaies vnto the worlds ende can not be vnderstanded of the naturall presence of his fleshe but of his diuinitie and godhead onely ¶ The .xiij. Chapiter ¶ Christes humane body can be but in one place at once ▪ and no● in many and diuers places NOW will I come to their gaie painted reason whereby they goo aboute to proue that whersoeuer the diuinitie and godhead of Christe is ▪ there muste his manhoode be also bicause that they bee so ioyntly ioyned together that thei cannot be separated one from another But I entende God willyng t● proue nowe ●oth by naturall reason by the Scriptures and also by the auncient Fathers that it is not the propertie and nature of those thynges that be so ioyntly ioyned together that the one can not bee separated from the other that wheresoeuer the one is there the other must be also For first and formost the body of the sonne and light of it are so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cānot be separate● from the other yet it foloweth not that whersoeuer the light of the sonne is there the body of the sonne must be also And herevpon may I gather a go●●y similitude 〈◊〉 y●méete for our purpose For as the Sonne 〈…〉 in the ●lement according to the order that God hath appointed among his creatures doth with his light refreshe comfort quicken and viuifie all thynges here vppon the earth so our Sauiour Christe Iesus who is the true sonne of righteousnesse beyng still vntill the tyme that GOD hath appointed on the right hand of his father touchyng his manhode that is to say aboue in heauen in the place of beatitude felicitie and ioye raigning there with the father in coequall glory and maiesty doth continually assiste ayde and comforte his Church by his holy spirite beyng alwaies present with his electe and chosen by his diuine maiestie prouidence and inuisible grace whom he doth not cease through his almightie power the spirite beyng the worker of it to féede still with the wholsome foode of his most precious fleshe and blood And yet as it were moste noysome and hurtefull vnto all the whole earth if we had here belowe the bodie of the sonne so is it not expedient that the churche and congregation of the faithfull should haue Christe still present here touchyng his humanitie and manhoode For so saieth he hymselfe It is expedient for you that I goe hence for vnlesse I goe awaie the comforter shall not come Againe they can not deny but that the eye and the sight of it be so ioyintly and inseparably ioyned together that as long as the eye is whole and sounde the one can not be separated from the other will they saie therefore that the eye is in all places that the sight doeth reache too Seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntely ioyned together that the one cannot be separated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doe not feele his mercie that is to saie whom he doeth accordyng to his righteous iudgement punishe euerlastingly in hel fire them doeth hee vtterly banishe and put awaie from his bounteous goodnes and mercie But nowe will I come to the Scriptures and worde of God. When our Sauiour Christe did talke with Nicodemus where was hee touchyng his humanitie and manhood in heauen or in earth I am sure that they will not saie that he was in heauen And yet he saith No man ascendeth into heauē but he that came downe from heauen the sonne of man that is in heauen Here do we manifestlie see that the Godhead of Christe was then in heauen and yet no man will saie that his humanitie and manhoode was there For he did then in it talke with Nicodemus here vppon the earth Againe when Lazarus was dead Christ beyng then away from Iurie did saie to his Apostles Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sake that I was not there that ye maye beléeue Christ at the same time that he spake these words was in his humanity or manhoode conuersaunte with his Apostles out of the lande of Iurie that is to saie farre frō among the Iewes that sought his death and yet without all paraduenture he was in his Godhead present with Lazarus when he departed When that Marie Magdalene came to the graue to embalme the body of Christe did not the Angell saie vnto them non est hîc he is not here he is risen as he saide come and sée the place where the lorde was laide And beholde hee goeth into Galilée before you there ye shall see him here is plainely opened that his humaine nature was not in the Sepulchre and at Galile and doubtlesse his diuinitie and Godhead was both in the graue and at Galilée too Therefore that auncient father Fulgentius saieth Christ beyng one and the same is a locall man of man that is to saie touchyng his manhoode that he tooke of man he is conteined in place Who is God incomprehensible of the father beyng one and the same touching his humanitie or manhood was absent from heauē when he was in earth and leauing the earth when he ascended vp into heauen but touching his incomprehensible and diuine substaunce he was not absent from heauen when he was in the earth ▪ nor forsaking the earth when he went vp into heauen And that hee might shewe vnto his Apostles that his humanitie or manhoode was locall that is to say conteyned in place he did say I go vnto my father and vnto your father Againe when he had sayde Lazarus is dead he did adde by and by And I am glad for your sake that I was not there But declaring the incomprehensiblenesse of his diuinitie or Godhead he did say Beholde I am with you alwayes vnto the worldes ende Howe did he ascende vp into heauen but that because being the same he is locall and true man And howe is he alwayes with his elect but that bicause being the same Christ he is incomprehensible and true God Wherevnto Saint Augustine doth agrée saying Doubt not but that Christ being man is there from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Holde faithfully and beare in remembraunce the christian confession howe that he rose againe the thirde day he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of the father and that he shall come from none other place but from thence to iudge the quicke and the dead and that he shall so come the angelicall voyce testifiyng the same as he was seene to go vp into heauen that is to say in the same shape and substaunce vnto the which he gaue immortalitie but he did not take away the nature of it we must not thinke that touching his shape and substaunce he is euery where for we must beware that we do not so defende the diuinitie of man that thereby we shoulde take away the
hartes they haue not And therefore they eate and drinke their owne iudgement Againe he saith Re●s erit non paruipretij sed sanguini● christi qui violat commaculat animam christi sanguine passione mundatam He is guilty of no small price but euen of the blood of Christ that defileth his owne soule that was made cleane by the passion and blood of Christe Athanasius also saieth Adorantes dominum neque ita vt dignum est eo viuentes non sentiunt se reòs fieri dominicae mortis● Worshippyng our Lorde and not liuyng so as it is meete for our Lorde they feele not that thereby they are made guiltie of our Lordes death So that we may easely perceiue by these testimonies that Saint Paules meanyng is that the wicked resortyng vnworthely to the holy misteries and hauyng no regarde what is meant thereby and maketh no more accounte of it then if he did eate and drinke at an Alehouse vppon an Alchentche is guiltie of the Lordes body and blood for so Sainte Augustine speaketh of the water of baptisme Baptismum multi habent no● ad vitam aetern●m sed ad panam aeternam nō bene vtentes tanto bono That is to saie some haue baptisme not to life euerlastyng but to paine euerlasting not well vsing so good a thing Thus you haue hearde out of these auncient fathers what it is to be guiltie of the body and blood of the Lorde Whereby our Pope catholikes may learne that they all receaue this sacrament vnworthely that thei are all guilty of the body and blood of the lorde and so eate and drinke their owne damnation For they doe moste shamefully alter and chaunge the holy institution and ordinaunce of our Sauiour Christe not onely in this that they doe without any grounde of the scriptures take awaie the cup of the lorde frō the laitie or laie people for whom he did shead his precious blood as wel as for our gallaunt maisters of the Cleargie but also in this that thei doe suffer their shauelinges to eate and drinke vp all alone blessyng the people with an emptie Cup and sendyng them home againe as much fooles as they came But if they be guiltie of the body and blood of the lorde if they eate and drynke there I meane in the Sacrament their owne damnation and yet doe not vnderstande nor perceaue in what perill they be and that very damnation doth hang ouer their heades it ought to be no marueyle vnto vs For GOD hath geuen them ouer into a reprobate sence hee hath made their wisedome meere foolishenes And why bicause that thei haue preferred their owne wisdome before the wisdome of our sauiour christ who is the wisdome of the heauenly father ¶ The .xvj. Chapiter ¶ The Sacrament ought to be ministred to all the people in both kyndes OUr Sauiour Christe did appointe institute and ordeine that his holy sacrament should be receaued in both kindes and that the faithfull shoulde take the misticall cup and deuide it among themselues For these are his wordes Take this and deuide it among you Whiche thyng they did immediatly For as the blessed Euangeliste Saint Marke doth write thei al dranke of it No no will these wise folkes saie it needeth not to be so For sith the bread is the naturall body of Christe it can not be without blood If the people then doe receaue the bread beyng made the body of Christe they doe per concomitantiam for so thei tearme it whereby they signifie that the body cannot be without the blood nor the blood without the body receaue both the fleshe and blood together and haue no neede to receaue the misticall cup for that were to receaue the blood of Christe twise In deede Christe our sauiour had not the wit to perceaue so muche or else his mynde was so much vppon his death and passion that he shoulde suffer the next daie that he wiste not well what he did O ye blinde bussardes and wicked obstinate enemies of al trueth wil yet set the wisdome of god to schole or if it be so as ye saie that the one is sufficient so that receauing the one we receaue both together what néede haue your shauen Madianites of suche sippyng and lickyng as thei vse in their abominable and blasphemous Masses If by our goodlie concomitantiam the flesh and blood are so conteined and ioyned together vnder the accidentes of bread as ye say that no man can receaue the sacramentall bread but he must receaue both the bodie and blood together why do your Priestes both sippe and licke vp the blood seuerallie by it self in the Chalice why is it not as lawfull for the laitie or laye people to drinke the Cup of the Lorde as ye make it lawfull for your annoynted gentlemen was it not as well instituted for vs as for you or for either Doth not the wisdome of God saie himself drinke ye all of this And Marke writeth that according to the lordes commaundement they dranke all of it Yea saie they but this was spoken to the apostles onely who alone were there present we reade not that their were any besides them in the company of Christ or that fate with hym at boorde when he did institute this sacrament Sith thā that the priestes are the apostles successors it is most requisit that they should communicate in both kyndes that the laitie or laie people of whom none was with christ at the first institution of the sacrament do content themselues with one kinde Uerely this is well hit If thei do put awaie the laie people from the misticall cup bicause that none of them was present with christ at the firste institution of his sacrament how dare thei be so bold to minister vnto them the sacramentall bread sith that Christ did geue it to none of the laitie then nor commaunded afterwards that the one should be more geuen vnto them then the other Or how doth it chaunce that when your sacred apostles doe communicate without Masse and receaue the Sacrament at their holy brethrens handes they do vtterly refuse the misticall cup of the precious blood of our Sauiour Iesu Christe Are they the apostles successors onlie whyles they say Masse do thei not run into the curse the of Pope Gelasius whose wordes are these we haue vnderstanded that some hauyng onely receaued the holye portion of the body do abstaine from the cup of the holy blood But sith that they are moued by a fonde superstition whiche I knowe not thus to abstaine either let them receaue the whole Sacrament or be put from all For there can be no deuision of this one Sacrament and high misterie without greate sacriledge The glose that is written vpon this Canon doth also saie It is not without a iuste and necessarie cause that the Sacrament is taken vnder both kyndes For the kynde or forme of
to him in our willes and vnited in our affections If we shoulde say thei againe minister the mysticall cup to the laye people we shoulde be fayne to keepe the sacramentall wine as well as the sacramentall bread But the wine can not be kept long but it waxeth eger so that it can not be drunken for egernesse Therefore the Churche of Rome hath thought good that the cup shoulde be cleane taken away from the laye people Who woulde not laugh at this balde reason of theirs do not your holy cakes in the pixe if thei be to long kept moulde also and finnie yea and runne full of maggottes and wormes too so that ye be fayne many tymes to burne that blessed body of the Lorde that ye your selues haue made and to burye the ashes in some blinde and darke corner Let the cautels of your Masse beare witnes of the thing How chaunceth it that your whorishe mother the Churche of antechriste did not for the same cause put the laye people from the sacramentall bread too Doeth not the one stande with as good a reason as the other For if ye can finde a remedie that the bread shall not waxe out of fashion by often chaunging of your holye cakes that is to say by often taking away of the olde and putting in of newe may not the same remedie be vsed in the wine Whereas they say the wine can not be kept or reserued for causes before expressed Herein they shewe them selues most miserable blasphemers From where and from whence haue they this aucthoritie to reserue and locke vp their consecrated bread as thei call it scriptures thei can shewe none and the learned are against them yea and some of their owne proctours and doctours Gabriell Biell a greate stickeler in your Transubstantiation saieth Non dedit discipulis vt ipsum honorificè conseruarent sed dedit in sui vsum dicens accipito manducate Christ gaue not the sacrament to his disciples that they should reuerently reserue it but he gaue it for their vse sayng take and eate Saincte Ciprian an olde auncient Father saieth Panis iste recipitur non includitur This bread is receaued and not shut vp Clemens likewise saieth Tanta in altario Holoc●usta offèrantur quanta populo sufficere debeant quod ●i remanserint in crastinum non reseruentur Let there be so many Hostes or so muche bread offered at the aulter as maie bee sufficient for the people if any thyng remaine let it not be kepte vntil the mornyng Origene and Cirill saie also verie plainely Dominus pan●m quem discipulis suis dabat non distulit nec iussit seruari in crastinum The bread that our Lorde gaue to his disciples he lengred it not nor ●ad it to be kepte vntill the mornyng Sainct Hierome shewyng the order of the Churche of Corinth saieth After the Communion was doen whatsoeuer portion of the Sacrifices remained they spent it there together in the Churche eatyng their common supper Hesichius sheweth the order in his tyme of that that was left of the sacrament and saieth that the remanentes of the Sacramente were burnt immediatly in the fire Nicephorus also saieth of the order in his tyme of that was lefte after the people had communicated together that the remanentes of the same in some places were geuen to the children that went to schole to be eaten by them presently in the Churche These testimonies are sufficient to disproue all that they haue or can alledge for their reseruation and if they woulde vse this order as thei haue declared they should neuer doubte of ●nowing moulding and sowring of the sacramentall bread and wine but yet a little more to reason with these fellowes of Rome aboute the sowryng of the wine for the which cause it can not be reserued saie they If it be the blood of christ how can it corrupte or chaunge or if it doeth corrupt and chaunge how can it be the blood of Christe Is not the blood of Christ vncorruptible and no more subiect to alteration Your owne reasons whatsoeuer ye can imagine and prate of your accidentes without substaunce or of your substaunce without accidentes doe quite ouerthrowe your false and erronious doctrine of Transubstantiation But that I should be somewhat shorter you haue no commaundement in all the scriptures to doe as you doe Is not this that ye doe in keepyng any parte of the Sacrament one of your beggerly traditions Doe ye not moste vngodly contemne despise and breake the holy commaundementes of the lorde that so ye maie maintaine vpholde your lousie inuentions The wisdome of the father our sauiour Iesu Christ doth saie drinke ye all of this diuide this among you whiche thyng the holy apostles whom we ought most chiefly to folowe next vnto Christe did performe immediatly For they dranke all of it But this wholsome commaundement of our Sauiour is cleane put downe that your wise traditions maie stande and take place When we do reproue your false shamefull and detestable abuses wherwith ye haue filled the Churche of Christ ye crie out still againste vs The Fathers The Fathers and nothyng haue ye in your mouthes but the Fathers Heare then what Sainct Ciprian who is one of the moste auncient writers of the true Churche doeth saie if in the sacrifice whiche is Christe saieth he Christe onely ought to be folowed truely we must heare and doe the same that Christe our Sauiour did and commaunded to be doen. For he saieth in his gospell if ye doe the thinges that I commaunde you I wil no more cal you seruauntes but frendes And that christ alone ought to be hearde the father doeth also testifie from heauen saiyng This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am pleased heare hym If Christe onely must be hearde we ought not to care what any man hath thought good to be doen afore vs but what Christe first who is before all hath doen. For we ought not to folowe mans custome but the trueth of god Sith that the Lorde doeth crie out by Esay saiyng They worship mée in vaine teachyng the doctrines and commaundementes of men And he saieth a litle after whosoeuer breaketh one of the least of these commaundementes and teacheth men so to doe he shal be called the least in the kyngdome of heauen If it be not lawfull saieth he to breake the least of the lordes commaundementes How much lesse ought wee to breake or transgresse those greate and weightie commaundementes and that do so muche pertaine to the Sacrament of the Lordes death and of our redemption or to chaunge them into any other thyng than it hath been instituted or ordained of God Sainct Ambrose also hath a notable saiyng Nos noua omnia qu● christus non docuit iure damnamus quia christus fidelibus via est Si igitur christus non docuit quod
receiue this Sacrament vnworthely that handle the misteries otherwise than the lorde hath instituted and ordeined them and that they be guiltie of the body and blood of the Lorde which as this father doeth write is to be punished for the death of Christe or to suffer the punishment that they shall suffer and haue that did put him to death and did shed his most precious blood that come to this holy Table not obseruyng the institution and ordinaunce of Christe and without a christianlike conuersation The .xviij. Chapiter ¶ How the vnworthy receiuers are guiltie of the body and blood of Christe although he be not corporally in the Sacrament NOwe let vs sée whether the vnworthy receauers of this holy Sacrament can not eate and drinke their owne damnation or be guiltie of the body and blood of Christ except our Sauiour both God and man fleshe blood and bones as he was borne of the virgin Marie be there vnder the formes of bread and wine really present Christe our sauiour did say with his owne mouth Uerely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye doe to one of these litle ones ye do it vnto me Shal we say therfore that Christ is naturally fleshe blood and bones in euery poore body that lieth impotent and sicke or that goeth from doore to doore It were too much madnesse so to say As then our Sauiour Iesus Christe is either refreshed or despised in his poore néedie members so is he honoured or dishonoured in his Sacramentes And as he doth recken and impute that to be done vnto him that we do vnto his poore néedy members so doth he recken and impute that to be done vnto his body blood that is doen vnto the sacrament of the same In an other place he saieth vnto Saul who persecuted his Church Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me Christ was then risen from death and coulde die no more or yet be persecuted of any man and neuerthelesse he saith Why doest thou persecute me Shall we by and by descant vpon these words that Christ our Sauiour is really in euery one of his faithfull members that be persecuted If we should so do all the world might count recken vs for mad and out of our right wittes We may say then as we did before As our sauiour Christ doth impute that persecution to be done vnto his owne body and vnto his owne person that is done vnto his faithful members so if we do with an vnworthy and vnreuerent receauing with a presumptious or wilfull disobedience towardes his institution and ordinaunce pollute and defile his holy Sacramentes he will impute it to be done vnto the very thinges that thei do signifie and not to the visible signes elementes The Lorde him selfe saith He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye He were a very idiote that woulde vpon the occasion of this text affirme and mainteyne that euery one of the faithfull is really the apple of the Lordes eye We do rather learne by this text that God doth loue his elect and chosen as dearely as a man doth loue the apple of his owne eye that he will as sore punishe the cruel tyrantes of the worlde that persecute and hurt them as he woulde punishe them that should hurt the apple of his owne eye Which as it is a dreadfull saying for the tyrantes and persecutours of Gods people so is it very comfortable for all those that suffer persecution here in this worlde for righteousnesse sake Many like textes haue we in the Scriptures as when S. Paul saith A man praying or propheciyng and hauing any thing on his head ▪ doth dishonour his head And before he sayd that the head of euery man is Christ. It shoulde folowe then by their owne doctrine that Christ coulde not be dishonoured except he were really and substantially in euery mans head that doth pray or prophecie But thei will neither perceaue nor vnderstande that this maner of speaking that the holy ghost doeth vse here in this place is borowed of the common phrase and speache that is vsed among men If I shoulde send a gift or a present vnto a man if he woulde not take it but refuse it despitefully or cōtemne it I would veryly thinke that he had contemned and disdayned me and not my gift or present But what woulde I thinke if he shoulde cast it into the dirt and treade it vnder foote When an earthly king doeth sende foorth his broade seale among his subiectes thereby to declare his princely fauour towardes them and that he will helpe ayde ▪ and succour them in all their necessities and troubles and deliuer them from all peryls and daungers as much as in him lyeth If any man shoulde despitefully take it breake it in péeces and cast it into the myre or estéeme it no more than other common waxe Woulde it not be saide that he should commit treason against the kinges person And yet no man will say that the kinges person is there really vnder the waxe or that the waxe is the kinges person So the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christe is the true seale of our heauenly king wherby he doeth seale vp vnto vs all the benefites of his precious death passion and bloodsheeding and also certifie vs that if we will take holde vpon him by faith he will deliuer vs from all our enimies both bodyly and ghostly and as long as we be in this mortall warre fighting against the whole worlde Satan the deuill and the fleshe féede and comfort vs with the heauenly foode of his most precious body and blood and at length make vs felowe heires with him of his heauenly kingdome Therefore if we do handle it vnreuerently not considering who is the aucthour of it nor who it is that offereth him selfe so mercifully and louingly vnto vs Is it marueyle that the holy Apostle saith that we are guiltie of the body blood of the Lorde that is to say that we are before the iudgement seate of almightie God because of our vnthankfulnesse and vnreuerent handling of the holy misteries counted as guiltie as if we had slaine the body of the only begotten sonne of god and shed his most precious blood vppon the crosse And yet it foloweth not that the body and blood of Christe be really present there in the Sacrament The Apostle Saint Paul doeth write that thei that fall away from the knowen trueth do crucifie a new the only begotten sonne of god Shall we therfore say that thei haue our sauiour Iesus Christ among them and that thei nayle him vpon the crosse as the Iewes did vnder Pontius Pilate when thei did by the handes of the Gentiles put him to a most shamefull death That were to great a blasphemie against the glorious resurrection of our sauiour Iesu Christ who rising againe from the dead dieth no more death hath no more power ouer
and hauyng taken vpon him a mortall body in the virgins wombe As then he did speake vnto vs by his sonne beyng made man and hauyng taken our frayle nature vppon him so his sonne I meane our sauiour Christe beyng man that is to say touchyng his manhoode and not touchyng his Godheade is the image or figure of his substaunce For the image or figure of a thing must be visible and apparaunt to the eye else it can not be called an image or a figure But the godhead or diuine substaunce of Christ coulde not be séen no more than the diuine substaunce of the father therefore he coulde not touching his Godhead or diuine substaunce be the image or figure of his fathers substaunce but onely touching his humanitie and manhoode As he him selfe doth testifie saying He that séeth me séeth the father And it ought to séeme no straungenesse that we say that Christe touching his humanitie or manhoode is the image or figure of the father For if the first Adam whiche notwithstanding that he was created in the estate of innocencie could fall and breake the commaundement that was geuen vnto him was called the image of God how much more ought the second Adam in whose mouth no guile was founde and which coulde not sinne to be called the image of the fathers substaunce yea the holy scriptures doe testifie of vs that when we be regenerated or borne a newe we are the image of God And shal not he by whose spirite and worde we are begotten a newe and regenerated be most liuely and most effectuously the image of the fathers substaunce Thus then may we conclude that as God did in these last daies speake vnto vs by his sonne beyng made man or hauyng taken vpon hym a mortall body so his sonne beyng man or touching his manhoode is the image of his diuine substaunce But no man will saie that Christe touchyng his humanitie or manhoode is one with the father in substaunce for that were to affirme that the father is a creature Therefore the argument that they make vppon this te●te of Paule affirmyng that Christe is the figure of a thing that he is hym selfe is not worth a blewe button And though thei would maintaine still that this place must be vnderstanded of his diuitie and Godhead yet shoulde they winne nothyng by it For the Greeke hath not the figure or image of his substaunce if they would goe to the rigour of the letter but the image or figure of his persone ▪ And takyng it so ▪ I should agree with the Councell of Nice wherein it was decreed that in the blessed Trinitie there is but one substaunce whiche the Greekes call Vsia and three persons whiche thei call Hypostases We doe graunt then after this interpretation that Christ touchyng his diuinitie or Godhead is the image of the persone of the father But we will in no wise graunt that the person of the father and the person of the sonne be all one For that were a plaine heresie whiche ought in no wise to bee suffered in the churche of christ Let them turne themselues whiche way soeuer they will yet this place will helpe them nothyng no more then the places aboue rehearsed But that they shal be faine to confesse Mawgrie their shauen crownes that the auncient fathers haue expounded these wordes This is my body and this is my blood as we do now expounde them But how many places out of the Doctours were I able to bryng for to proue that the Sacramentes are called by the names of the thynges whereof they be Sacramentes Thus doeth the blessed Martir S. Ciprian wryte Dedit itaque Dominus noster in mensa in qua vltimum cum Apostolis participauit conniuium proprijs manibus panem vinum in cruce verò manibus militum corpus tradidit vulnerandum vt in Apostolis saecretius impressa sincera veritas vera sincaeritas exponeret gentibus quomodo vinum panis caro esset sanguis Et quibus rationibus causae effectibus conuenirent diuersa nomina vel species ad vnam reducerentur essentiā significantia significata eisdem vocabulis censerentur That is to saie in englishe The Lorde at his last supper whiche hee kept with his Apostles did with his owne handes geue bread and wine and vpon the Crosse he did with the handes of the souldiours deliuer his body to be woūded that the sincere veritie and the true sinceritie beyng secretely printed in the Apostles should declare or expounde vnto the gentiles how the bread and wine is blood and fleshe and by what meanes the causes doe agrée with the effectes And how diuers kindes and names shoulde bee reduced or brought to one essence And the thynges that signifie and the thynges that be signified called by one name Sainct Augustine besides that place that I haue already alledged out of his Epistle that he did write to Bonifacius doth in his booke of Questions vppon Leuiticus saie these wordes Solet autem res quae significat eiu● rei nomine quam significat nuncupari sicut scriptum est septem spicae septem anni sunt Non enim dixit septem annos significāt Et septem boues septem anni sunt multa huiusmodi Huic est quod dictum est Petra erat Christus non enim dixit petra significat Christum sed tanquaem hoc esset quod vtique per substantiam non hoc erat sed per significationem Sic sanguis quoniam propter vitalem quandam corpulentiam animam significat in sacramentis anima dictus est In englishe it is to saie The thyng that doth signifie is wont to be called by the name of the thing that it doeth signifie Therefore it is written And the seuen eares of corne are seuen yeres and not the seuen eares of corne doe signifie or betoken seuen yeres And the seuen kyne are seuen yeres And many suche like places And thereof it commeth that it was saide And the Rocke was Christ he saide not the Rocke did betoken or signifie Christe as though it had been that thyng in substaunce whiche was onely in signification And bicause that the blood by reason of a certaine liuely substaunce doeth signifie and betoken the soule therefore in the Sacramentes the blood is called the soule But the wordes that haue been alledged before out of his epistle to Bonifacius make the matter most plaine Therfore I will thinke it no labour lost to repeate them againe as they lye in Latine first Si enim Sacramenta quandam similitudinem ▪ earum rerum quarum Sacramenta sunt non haberent omnino sacramenta non essent Ex hac autem similitudine plaerunque etiam ipsarum rerum nomina accipiunt Sicut ergo secundum quendam modum Sacramentum corporis Christi corpus Christi est Sacramentum sanguinis Christi sanguis Christi est ita Sacramentum fidei fides est If the Sacramentes
saieth he had not some certaine similitude or likenesse of the thynges whereof they be Sacramentes they should be no Sacramentes and of this similitude many times they haue the names of those thynges them selues As then the Sacrament of the body of Christe is after a certaine maner the body of Christe and the Sacrament of his blood after a certaine maner his blood So the Sacrament of faith is faith All these aucthorities are of them selues plaine enough and néede no further exposition Therefore sith that I haue sufficiently proued both by the holy Scriptures and also by the aucthorities of the auncient fathers that the Sacramentes are called by the names of the thinges whereof they be Sacramentes I wyll be so bolde to conclude that Christe our sauiour dyd at his last Supper call bread his body and the wine his blood because that they were by his holy institution made the sacramentes of his body and blood And vnto this doeth Theodoretus agrée as it hath béen declared before whē he saith He that did call his body wheate and bread and himself a vine doth honour the bread and wine with the name of his body and blood not chaūging the nature but addyng grace vnto the nature S. Chrisostome hath euen the like wordes whereby we may also gather that the bread and wine being cōsecrated that is to say being applied to that holy vse that God hath instituted and ordeined for that is the true consecration as one very well sayde consecratio tota actio Christi est whatsoeuer the papistes can prate and scoulds to the contrary be called the body and blood of Christe because that being duely ministred and worthily receaued thei bring with them selues the grace vertue and propertie of his most precious fleshe and blood whose nature and propertie is to bryng immortalitie and life euerlasting that is to say to viui●●e and quicken all faithfull beleuers both in soules and bodies And this doth S. Ambrose meane when he saieth Thou doest receaue the Sacrament in a similitude but thou obteynest the grace and vertue of the true natural body of Christ and also of his blood and that eating the bread as we ought to do we are fed vnto immortalitie whiche is a propertie of the diuine substaunce This also doth saint Cyprian meane when he writeth on this maner The same bread that the Lord did reache foorth vnto his disciples beyng chaunged not in outwarde appearaunce but in nature was by the almightie power of God made fleshe Which wordes notwithstanding that they be aleaged of the papistes for to mainteyne their butcherly and grosse doctri●e of transubstantiation withall haue none other meanyng but that the bread remayning bread styll as it was before as it doth appeare outwardly vnto the eye the nature of it is cleane altered chaunged For whereas the propertie nature of the bread is to féede the body only and to mainteyne or continue the life of it beyng applied to that holy vse that Christ hath instituted ordeyned in his holy misteries it doth feede both the soules bodies vnto immortalitie life euerlasting so that by it not only our soules do receaue a life that neuer shall haue ende but also our bodies are made partakers of vncorruption as Ireneus doth testifie saying As the bread which is of the earth after that the name of god is called vpō ouer it or receauing the name or calling of god is no more cōmon bread but the bread of thankes geuyng consistyng of two thinges that is to say of the heauenly and earthly so our bodyes receauyng the bread of thankes geuing are no more corruptible hauyng a hope of resurrection Who woulde not saie that the nature and propertie of the bread is wonderfully altered and chaunged The like doeth Sainct Augustine wryte of the water of baptisme saiyng Vnde ista tanta virtus aquae vt corpus tangat cor abluat nisi faciente verbo Whence commeth this so greate vertue of the water to touche the body and wash the soule but by workyng of the worde here is a wonderfull alteration and chaunge The propertie and nature of the water is to washe awaie the filthines of our bodies to quenche our thirste and to serue vs in other thinges that parteine to this mortall life to moyst the grounde and to make it fruictfull but beyng rightly ministred and worthely receaued in the Sacrament of baptisme it washeth awaie the filthinesse of the soule and maketh the inwarde man cleane from all sinnes through the working spirit of God and yet it remaineth water still no parte of the substaunce thereof beyng chaunged so ought we to vnderstande of the sacramentall bread and wine For though beyng duely ministred worthely receaued they haue the nature propertie and grace of the precious fleshe and blood of Christ yet as Theodoretus saieth they remaine still in their former substaunce shape and figure Whereunto the olde writer Emisenus doeth agree affirmyng plainely that the corruptible creatures of bread and wine are by the consecration or worde and secret power of the inuisible priest so chaunged and turned as we be chaunged in baptisme where though we be renued by the holy ghost and made newe creatures yet we remaine stil the same in substaunce that we were before And so with the blessed Martir Ciprian he calleth the visible creatures of bread and wine the body and blood of Christ bicause of the excellent nature vertue propertie and grace of his most precious fleshe and blood that thei do receaue by the mightie word and secret power of the inuisible Priest who is our Sauiour Iesus Christe hym selfe For this excellent propertie I saie vertue and grace that the creature of bread beyng rightly ministred and worthely receaued doth obtaine by the almightie power of God. The blessed Martir sainct Ciprian with the other auncient fathers doe saie that the bread is made fleshe Else if we shoulde take his wordes so grossely as our papistes doe we should be faine to confesse that the blessed body of Christe beyng made of bread should haue his beginnyng originall and ofspryng of the corruptible creature of bread as I haue sufficiently proued already before Wherefore Saincte Ambrose saieth Sunt quae erant in alium mutantur in substaunce they are meaning the Sacrament the same they were before but in accident or qualitie they are turned into another thyng for before it was common meates For mans table nowe is turned to be meate for the Lordes table and in another place he saieth Ante consecrationem alia species nominatur post consecrationem corpus christi significatur before the consecration it is named by another kynde but after consecration it doeth signifie the body of Christe Sainct Chrisostome agreeyng herewith saieth Si incorporei essemus c. If we were bodilesse god would geue vs these thynges bare and bodylesse but for
asmuche as we haue soules fastened vnto our bodies therfore God geueth vs thynges spirituall vnder thinges visible Sainct Augustine to put all out of doubte that we eate not grosly nor drynke verily or carnally the body and blood of Christe as the Papiste affirmeth saith these wordes Non hoc corpus quod videt●s manducaturi estis bibiturs illud sanguinem quem fusuri sunt qui me cruci●igent Sacramentum aliquod vobis commendaui That is to saie Ye shal not eate this body that ye s●e mee to haue nor yet shal ye drinke that blod whiche they shall shed that crucifie mee it is a sacrament that I geue or deliuer vnto you therefore hee ●aide in his trac●es vppon Iohn Aliud est sacramentum aliud res sacramenti The sacrament is one thyng and the thyng of the sacrament is another Wherefore he geueth this lesson to all saiyng In sacramentis videndum est no quid sint sed quid significent In the sacramentes wee maie not looke what they are but what they doe signifie Nowe all men may see howe shamefully the papistes doe belye vs saying and writyng that we do make of the Sacrament but a bare figure and signe For this is our faith and beléefe that if a man doth truely examine himself that is to say ponder weigh and consider with his owne mynde whether he acknowledgeth him selfe to be a sinner or not and whether he hath an inwarde gréefe and an vnfayned repentaunce or sorow for his sinnes whether he hath forgiuen from the bottome of his heart all his enimies and reconciled him selfe vnto them that he hath offended whether he be determined to restore againe vnto his neighbour al that he hath taken away from him wrongfully by any maner of meanes whether he be mynded for the loue that he beareth vnto God to liue afterwardes vertuously according to his holy cōmaundements forsaking sinne and the worlde but aboue all thinges whether he hath a true faith in the mercie of God and in the name of his sonne Iesu Christ and whether he beleueth stedfastly that Iesus Christe is his only sauiour redéemer intercessour aduocate and mediatour betwixt God and him finally whether he hath a desire to liue and dye in the onely doctrine of Christ forsaking all other false and erronious doctrines with all kinde of deuillishe superstition and idolatrie and so eate of this bread and drinke of this cup our faith I say and beléefe is that such a man doeth féede most effectuously vppon the body and blood of Christe our onely sauiour and yet it néedeth not therefore that his naturall body and blood be really present vnder the formes of bread and wine For as in the holy Sacrament of baptisme if it be duely ministred and worthely taken we receaue the holy ghost by whom we are renued or made newe creatures we obtayne frée remission forgeuenesse of our sinnes and are apparelled with Christ whom we do put on there and yet no man wyll say that the water is any of these thinges or that it is turned into them So in the holy misteries when we come worthely vnto them we are most wholsomly fed with the precious bodye and blood of our sauiour Christ yet if we shoulde say that it coulde not be doen vnlesse the bread and wine were transubstantiated into the very body and blood of Christ or except his body and blood be there really present vnder the formes of bread and wine we might moste iustely be likened vnto the Iewishe ruler and gouernour whiche thought that excepte Christ should come in his owne person his sonne could not be healed For christe our sauiour is able by the vertue of his holy institution and by the mightie workyng of his eternall spirite to doe all these thinges as he sitteth on the right hande of his father And for the obiections that some make out of Chrisostome where he saieth doest thou see bread doest thou see wine doe they auoyde beneath as other meates doe God forbid think not so for as waxe if it be put into the fire it is made like the fire no substaunce remainyng nothyng is lefte so here also thinke thou that the misteries be consumed by the substaunce of the body they are easyly aunswered and yet our papistes thinke by these wordes of Chrisostome that they haue the conquest because he saith that we sée no bread nor wine but as waxe in the fire they be consumed to nothing so that no substaunce remayneth If thei had rehearsed no more but the very next sentence that foloweth in Chrisostome which craftyly and deuillishly they leaue out the meanyng of the Doctour would easyly haue appeared which wordes that folowe are these Wherfore saith he when you come to these misteries do not thinke that you receaue by a man the bodye of Christe but that with tonges ye receaue fire by the Angels Seraphin Thinke that the blood of saluation floweth out of the pure and godly side of Christ and so comming to it receaue it with pure lippes casting downe your eyes liftyng vp your mindes mournyng priuily without speache and reioysing in our heartes Nowe if the papistes wyll gather of the wordes by them recited that there is neither bread nor wine in the Sacrament then we may aswel gather of the wordes that folowe that there is neither Priest nor Christes body For as in the former sentence Chrisostome saieth that we maye not thinke that we see bread and wine so in the seconde sentence he saith that we may not thinke that we receaue the body of Christ of the priestes handes Nowe if vpon the seconde sentence the papistes will say it can not be truely gathered that in the holy cōmunion there is not the body of Christe ministred by the Priest then must they confesse also that it can not be well and truely gathered vpon the first sentence that there is no bread nor wine But all these thynges be together in the holy Communion Christ hym selfe spiritually eaten and drunken and norishyng the right beléeuers the bread and wine as a sacrament declaryng the same and the priest as a minister thereof wherfore Chrisostome meant not absolutely to deny that there is bread and wine or to deny vtterly the Priest and the body of Christe to be there But his intent was to drawe our myndes vp towards heauen that we should not consider so much the bread wine Priest and body of Christe as we should consider his diuinitie holy spirite geuen vnto vs to our eternall saluation And therefore in the same place he vseth so many tymes these wordes Thinke and Thinke not willyng vs by these wordes that we should not fixe or set our thoughtes and mindes vpon bread wine Priest nor Christes body but to lift vp our heartes higher vnto his spirite and diuinitie without the whiche his body auaileth nothyng as he saieth hym selfe It is the spirite that geueth
reioycyng against hell For ascending vp into heauen he hath ledde captiuitie captiue and hauyng spoyled his enimies he hath enriched and doth dayly enriche his people with heauenlye richesse preseruyng and defending his Churche with the mightie strength of his arme against the malicious and cruell tyrantes of Sathan the deuyll and of all the mightie rulers of darknesse whom he doth in despite of their heartes brydle and kepe in that they can do no more than he suffereth them and appointeth them to doe for the setting foorth of his owne glorie for the triall of his elect and edifiyng of his congregation and Churche Thirdly we learne by his ascending vp into heauen that we ought not to seke for him here in the earth nor vpon the earth nor about the earth as S. Ambrose writeth but in heauen aboue where he sitteth on the right hande of the father that therefore we can do him no greater honour and seruice than to worshippe him in spirite and trueth bestowing for his sake and loue vppon his poore néedie members all that we coulde finde in our heartes to bestowe vpon him if he were still here vpon the earth conuersaunt among vs And therefore to put vs in remembraunce of the true seruice that he doeth require at our handes he saieth Ye shall haue the poore with you alwayes and whensoeuer ye wyll ye may do them good but me ye shall not haue alwayes We learne also by it that we shoulde in no wyse set our mindes vppon this transitorie worlde sith that our head hath forsaken it and hath taken away his corporall presence from it but that we shoulde go and walke through it as pilgrimes and straungers hauyng alwayes our conuersation aboue in heauen where he sitteth on the right hande of his father and where we shall haue with him a permanent or euerlastyng Citie of a moste strong and sure buildyng and of such a foundation that it can neuer be shaken nor remoued Whereby the shamefull errour both of the Iewes and also of those that folowed them is quite ouerthrowen which did thinke that the Messias should tarie and reigne here beneath in the earth with his elect and chosen for by his ascension vp in to heauen he did sufficiently declare vnto vs that his kyngdome is not of this world but that it is heauenly and eternall But this ought to be moste comfortable of all that by his ascendyng vp we are assured to haue a most mightie intercessour and aduocat with the father For sith that he doeth continually appeare before the face of God for vs we ought not to doubt but that he is our intercessour aduocate mediatour Therefore we neede to feare no maner of thyng whether it be in heauen or in earth if wee haue a stedfast confidence and trust in hym For sith that he is true God without doubt he is almightie Sith that he is of one substaunce and power with the father al that his father hath is his Sith that he hath béen to the father obedient vnto the very death of the Crosse and that he is his welbeloued sonne we haue no occasion to feare that his father will say hym naie of any thing that we aske of hym in his name On the other side sith that Christ is our brother fleshe of our fleshe and bone of our bones and also our head without al doubt he doth loue vs he hath pittie and compassion vpon vs we ought not therfore to thinke that he will forsake his owne fleshe or that he wil suffer his deare and welbeloued spouse to perishe For he hath therefore put on our fleshe and hath taken vpon hym all our infirmities beyng temped in all thynges like vnto vs but yet without synne thereby to assure vs that we haue a Bishop that knoweth our infirmities and miseries and that can haue compassion vpon vs and that whatsoeuer doeth happen or chaunce to be doen vnto vs beyng his liuely members he will impute it to be done vnto himselfe as it doth most plainely appeare by the words that he spake vnto Saul who persecuted his Churche and that also as head of the whole body he is readie to deliuer his members from all miseries and calamities as he hymselfe was deliuered But here wyll I bring in the comfortable scriptures that do certifie vs that we haue in the court of heauen such a mightie freende whiche hauyng all power geuen vnto him both in heauen and in earth doeth alwayes appeare before the face of the great and eternall God which ought to be vnto vs a marueylous assuraunce and comfort against all temptations and peryls These be the wordes of the blessed Apostle S. Paule It is Christe which is dead yea rather which is risen againe which is also on the right hande of God maketh intercession for vs. Againe This man because he endureth for euer hath an euerlasting priesthoode wherefore he is able also to saue them fully or perfectly that come vnto god by him euerliuing for to make intercessiō for them And in the same epistle christ saieth he is not entred in to the holye places that are made with handes which are but similitudes of true thinges but is entred into verie heauen for to appeare nowe in the sight of God for vs Doth not the blessed Euangelist S. Iohn saie also My little children these thynges write I vnto you that ye sinne not Yet if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ whiche is righteous These Scriptures doe sufficiently teache vs that we haue such a frende intercessour aduocate in the heauenly courte that nothyng can bee denied vnto hym of the father Yea hée hymselfe whiche can not lie speaketh these most swéete and comfortable wordes vnto vs all Uerely verely I saie vnto you whatsoeuer you shall aske the father in my name he will geue it vnto you Hauing then so many notable sentences and testimonies of the infallible worde of God whereby we are assured that the onely begotten sonne of God is our aduocate and mediatour and that he doth nowe appeare before the face of the father for to make intercession for vs. The .xxv. Chapiter ¶ Aganst praiyng and intercession to Sainctes WHat néede haue we to flye vnto dead creatures I meane vnto dead Sainctes for to make them our aduocates and intercesours Sith that wee haue not one onely syllable in all the whole Scriptures that biddeth vs so to doe ▪ Againe Where haue wee any promise in the booke of God that we shall haue accesse vnto God by them or that we shall the rather obtaine our petition praiers and requestes by their intercessions and mediations whatsoeuer saith the apostle is not of faith is synne But this praiyng vnto dead sainctes that they should make intercession vnto God for vs is not of faith for why it hath no grounde at
all in Gods worde Therfore we may well conclude that it is an abhominable synne And therefore Sainct Augustine saieth full well Non est iusta oratio nisi per Christum Oratio autem que non fit per Christum non solùm non potest delere peccatum sed etiàm ipsa fit in peccatum there is no iust or right praier but that that is made by Christ that praier that is not made vnto God by Christe not onely doeth not put awaie sinne but also is turned into sinne And no marueile for what greater blasphemie can there be in the world then to robbe the only begotten sonne of God of his glory and to geue it vnto dead creatures but as the glorie of Christe doth consist in this that he is our omnisufficient Sauiour for none other name vnder heauen is there geuen vnto men wherby thei must be saued so it doth consist in this that he is an omnisufficient and most perfect mediatour able to obteine at his fathers hande all maner of thynges that are necessarie for the saluation both of our bodies and soules They therfore that seeke any other mediatours besides hym doe robbe hym of his glory and so commit a most detestable sacriledge Is it then marueile that the more that they praie after this maner the more the wrath of God is kindeled against them Againe in what case must they néedes stande that seeke other wayes for to come vnto God vnto the seat of his mercie than he himselfe hath appoynted in his sacred worde But his heauenly and eternall wisedome saith vnto vs that he is the way the trueth and the life and that none commeth vnto the father but by him It can not be then but that they must be farre out of the way that seke to come vnto God by any other meane or way then by Christe and that in stéede of commyng vnto God they go the plaine dunstable high way vnto the deuyll and that most deseruingly sith that they will not go that plaine and sure way that God him selfe appointed vnto them saying This is the way walke in the same Why do they not sith that they wyll alwayes séeme to be such folowers of the auncient fathers of the primitiue church print in their mindes that golden saying of Saint Ambrose where he saith on this maner Christe is our mouth whereby we speake vnto the father our eye wherewith we sée the father our right hande whereby we offer our selues vnto the father without whose intercession neither we nor all the saintes haue ought to do with god Do they not learne by the wordes of this auncient writer and father of the Church that if we wyll speake vnto the father Christe must be our mouth If we wyll see the father he must be our eye Or if we wil offer our selues vnto the father he must be our right hande It is so farre of that he shoulde appoynt any of the saintes to be either our mouth our eye or our right hande that rather he doeth boldly affirme that except Christe doeth make intercession all the saintes haue nothing to do with god For why Saint Paul saieth That as there is but one God of all so there is but one mediatour betwixt God and man These be his wordes For there is one God and one mediatour betwixt God and man which is that man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men Here we doe both sée and learne that as there is but one God so there is but one mediatour betwixt God and men which is our sauiour Iesus Christ the only begotten sonne of God who was made man for to set God and man at one and for to make attonement betwixt them For when we wyll ioyne two thinges together which do differ or be of contrary natures there must be some third thing that doth approche holde of the nature of them both or else there can be none attonement no agréement nor true coniunction betwixt them specially if the natures be repugnaunt and contrary one vnto another But what agréement can there be betwixt God and man looke what agréement there can be betwene consuming fire and thornes betweene light and darkenesse betweene righteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse betwéene blessyng and cursyng betweene death and life Paradise and Hell euen the same can be betwixt God and man if we doe consider man in his corrupted nature Therefore it was most necessarie that we should haue a mediatour for to make this agreement and coniunction which mediatour shoulde bee partaker of both the natures but yet without sinne and whiche should be both perfect God and perfect man for to make this coniunction and alliaunce betwixt God and man But there is no such sauyng onely our sauiour Iesus Christ. Therefore it doeth necessarily folow that none other can be our mediatour aduocate and intercessour but he alone Whiche thyng hath been sufficiently proued already by the wordes that haue been aleaged nowe out of Sainct Paule For they signifie asmuche as if he should haue saide after this maner As there is but one God whiche neuerthelesse is sufficient for all creatures as one only Sunne serueth for all the whole worlde so there is but one mediatour whiche is Iesus Christe who alone hath paide our raunsome and is meete for this office The same thyng doeth that blessed Euangelist sainct Iohn meane when he saieth that we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ which is righteous Upon whiche place S. Augustine writeth on this wise He beyng such a man did not saie ye haue an aduocate with the father but if any man doth synne we haue saieth he an aduocate with the father He said not ye haue mée for your aduocate But brethren we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the satisfaction for our synnes Hoc qui tenuit haeresim non fecit hoc qui tenuit schisma non fecit He that holdeth this committed no heresie he that hath holden this hath committed no schisme These are Sainct Augustines wordes wherby we maie gather that it is neither heresie nor schisme to cleaue vnto Christe alone as vnto an omnisufficient mediatour aduocate and intercessour as our Popecatholikes doe make it nowe persecutyng them with fire and sworde that will haue none other mediatour nor intercessour but hym onely whom the Scriptures and worde of God doeth appointe The .xxvj. Chapiter ¶ Christe is both our mediatour of saluation and also of intercession NOW ye shall haue the trickes of the deuilles sophistrie We doe not denie saie they but that Christe is the onely mediatour betwixt God and man But howe ought this to be vnderstanded Christe is onely the mediatour of redemption saie they for it is he onely that hath redéemed vs and by his death and bloodshedding hath made attonement betwéene god and vs but the blessed virgin Marie and other sainctes in heauen are
the onely foundation of the Christian faithe and of all godly doctrine and yet in an other place he saieth Ye are citizens with the Sainctes and of the housholde of God and are builte vpon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles And in the Apocalipse of Iohn we reade that the wall of the newe citie hath twelue foundations and in them the names of the twelue Apostles Here doe we see saie thei that Christ is called the light of the worlde and yet notwithstandyng the Apostles are called the light of the worlde also Likewise we see that christ is called the foundation yet notwithstanding the Apostles are called foundations also why should not then the virgine Marie and the sainctes be called Aduocates Mediatours and intercessours as well as our Sauiour Christe though it be not after one sorte and maner Why ought men to bee offended if folowyng the phrase of the scriptures wee doe attribute vnto the blessed virgine Marie and vnto the other Sainctes the office of mediation and intercession As for the first it is to bee vnderstanded that our heauenly father and his sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde haue many tymes of their speciall grace communicated or giuen that name vnto men that did not properly pertaine vnto them not for to saie that thei were so in very deede and of their owne nature but by reason of some office and dignitie that God did putte theim in also to the ende that thei should haue their office in greater estimation as it dooeth manifestely appeare by the example of Christe and of his Apostles whiche thei do commonly alledge For our sauiour Christ is the true and natural light of the worlde but the Apostles are the light of the worlde onely by the denomination or communication that is to saie the Apostles were not called the light but onely because that thei were lightened and deliuered from darknesse by the light of our sauiour Christ. And for this cause the holy Apostle doeth call the Christians light when he saieth Ye were in tymes paste darkenes but now ye are light in the Lorde Now our sauiour Christ lighteneth no man but onely to this ende that he should shine vnto other with good workes as he him self sufficiently declareth saiyng Let your light so shine before men that thei maie see your good workes and glorifie your father whiche is in heauen Also Christe doeth geue this name to his Apostles because of the office that he called them vnto whiche was the preachyng of his holy Gospell and of the worde of God which in the scriptures is called light After the same maner Magistrates Kynges and rulers are in the Scriptures called gods not bicause they are so in deede or that suche a name doeth properlye pertaine vnto them but bicause of the dignitie that GOD hath placed them in and also to the ende that the subictes shoulde haue their princes in greater reuerence beyng obedient vnto them as vnto god But when god doth take awaie this office from them he doth also take awaie the name In like maner now the apostles are no more light For they be no more in place where thei can shine vnto men by good workes they be no more in the office of preachyng I would faine that these greate learned doctours shoulde shewe mee a place in all the scriptures wherein the wisdome of the Father our sauiour Christe or the angelles and apostles dyd euer geue either vnto the virgine Marye or vnto anye of the sainctes the name or office of mediatour intercessour ▪ and aduocate then would I saie that their distinction might take place but no suche place can they shewe though they shoulde breake their heartes As for the place that they doe aleadge out of the Epistle to the Ephesians it is plaine enough and néedeth no exposition at all For if we looke narowly vpon the wordes of Sainct Paul we shall finde that he doth not saie Ye are built vppon the Prophetes and Apostles but are builte vpon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles The Apostles then and Prophetes were not the foundation but they had all one foundation whiche is our Sauiour Iesus Christ vpon whom as vppon a sure and strong rocke they both builded the Churche of God. And in the Reuelation of Iohn by the twelue foundations wherein the names of the Apostles are written are all the Sermons that the twelue Apostles did make vnto the twelue tribes of Israell to be vnderstanded And they be called foundations bicause that by them Christ our sauiour who is the onely foundation of the Churche of GOD was preached vnto them bicause I saie that by them the true and only foundation whiche is our sauiour Christe was layde Saint Iohn doth not saie that the Apostles are foundations but that their names be written in the foundations Whereby it appeareth plainely enough that al that our Louanian papistes go aboute is to paruerte the true saiynges and meanyng of the sacred scriptures and worde of god Yea though it were so that they could prone by the places by them alledged that the Apostles were called foundations yet it woulde helpe them nothyng For as it hath been saide alreadie before we doe not finde in all the whole body of the Scriptures that either God our sauiour Christe or his Apostles did euer call the Sainctes intercessours aduocates or mediatours betwene God and men Therefore I saie againe that we neede no suche distinctions as they doe make to the vtter blasphemyng of the onely begotten Sonne of God our sauiour Iesus Christ whom I do stedfastly beléeue to bee the onely mediatour betweene God and vs as the Scriptures doe plainely testifie vnto vs in euerie place Some there be among them whiche beyng compelled by the Scriptures to confesse that our Sauiour Christ is the only mediatour betweene God and men are woont to replye on this maner and to saie that although christ our sauiour is an omnisufficient mediatour betwéene God and man yet wee must haue some intercessours aduocates and mediatours betweene hym and vs For howe durste we els beyng synners come before his presence or direct our praiers vnto hym Is it not written that God heareth not synners Moreouer when we haue a matter before any earthly Prince muste wee not haue mediatours for to bryng vs vnto his person And also to speake and intreate for vs Who of vs all durst be so bolde to come vnto an earthly kyng without suche meanes that is to saie not beyng brought to him either by some of his Counsell or by some of his Chaumber or else by some of his Lordes or Gentlemen How dare we then to bee so bolde to come without intercessours aduocates and mediatours vnto him that is Kyng of all Kynges Prince of all Princes and Lorde of all Lordes In comparison of whom all the Princes of the world are nothyng But who can be more meete for to bryng vs
infirmities how muche more are th●● now hearde beyng in glorie with God How muche better did the blessed Apostle Saincte Iames reason when he did saie Helias was a man mortall euen as we are and he praied in his praier that it might not raine and it rained not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes And he praied againe and the heauens gaue raine Doe we not rather learne by their example to praie boldely vnto God though we be compassed about with infirmitie as they were then otherwise The holy prophete Dauid doeth not saie that the fathers were hearde bicause that they praied to any of the Patriarches that were before them but bicause that they praied vnto God and trusted in him The same selfe lesson doth Iames geue vnto vs. Let vs therefore ▪ folowe their examples and we shal be hearde as they were As the arme of God is not shortened since so his mercie is not waxen lesse He is as readie nowe to heare them that call vppon hym in truth and veritie as he was then Haue we not besides al this a mediatour an aduocate that appeareth continually in the sight of God for vs It is vnpossible then but that we shal be hearde whensoeuer we call faithfully vpon our heauenly Father through our onely Mediatour and Aduocate Iesu Christ our Lorde ¶ The .xxviij. Chapiter ¶ How and wherein wee ought to honour the Sainctes NOwe when thei haue nothyng to saie for their inuocations to deade sainctes beyng conuinced by the holie scriptures thei crie out and saie beholde these newe preachers dishonoureth defaceth spoileth maketh none accompt of the holie and blessed sainctes in heauen and especially thei dishonor the blessed virgine Marie the sweete mother of Christe Iesus to whom was more grace giuen then to any other creature and maketh no more of her then of another woman c. Belie vs not ye papistes for we giue to them that honour as we are commaunded in the holie scriptures to giue them And therefore sainct Cyrill saieth very truely At sanctos Martyres neque deos èsse dicimus neque adorare consueuimus laudamus autem eos potius summis honoribus quod pro veritate straenue certarunt fidei synceritatem seruarunt that is to saie in Englishe But neither we saie that the holie Martyres are Gods neither haue we vsed to worshippe or honour them but wee rather praise them with greate reuerence for that thei haue striued earnestly for the truthe and haue kepte the sinceritie of the faithe of Christe And Saincte Augustine sheweth also howe we must honour them saiyng Honorandi ergosunt propter imitationem non adorandi propter religionem The sainctes are to bee reuerenced and worshipped for imitation that is to followe their godly doinges and conuersation and not to honour them for any religion to make them our Gods or aduocates and to haue our confidence in them this kinde of honour wée giue to the sainctes and none other And wheras you saie there was more grace giuen to Marie then to any other creature because she was the mother of Christe You maie also learne in the booke of God to bee the childe of God is a greate deale greater grace then to bee the mother of Christe Therefore sainct Augustine saieth Beatior ergo Maria fuit Percipiendo fidem Christi quam concipiendo carne Christi Materna propinquitas nihil Mari● profuisse● nisi faelicius Christum corde quàm carne gestasset Marie was more blessed in that she receiued the faithe of Christ then in that she conceiued the fleshe of Christe Motherly kindrede could haue doest Marie no good vnlesse she had borne Christ more blessedly in her hart then she bare him in her fleshe And in an other place he saieth Mater mea quam appellastis faelicem inde felix est qui● verbum dei custodiuit non quia in illa verbum caro factum est My mother whom ye haue called blessed therefore is blessed because she hath kepte the worde of God not because the worde in her was made fleshe Therefore Epiphanius saieth Christe saied vnto his mother woman what haue I to doe with thee My houre is not yet come Lest any man shoulde thinke our Ladie was of greater excellencie he called her woman as it were prophesiyng of the kindes and sectes of heresies that were to come in the worlde lest any man hauyng to greate opinion of that holie Saincte should fall into this heresie and into the dotage of the same For in deede the whole matter is but a mockerie and an olde wiues tale and sothely to saie nothyng els but the handelyng of an heresie Therefore Origene saieth Si mensuram transcenderit charitatis qui diligit qui diligitur in peccato est If loue passe the measure of charitie aswell he that loueth as also he that is loued is in synne The saied Epyphanius saieth further Let no man eate saieth he of this errour touching saint Marie for though the tree bee faire yet is not this fruite to be eaten Although Marie bee beautifull and holie and honourable yet is not she to bee adoured But these women worshippyng Saincte Marie renue againe the Sacrifice of wine mingled in the honour of the Goddes Fortuna and prepare a table for the deuill and not for God as it is written in the Scriptures thei are fedde with the meate of wickednesse And againe their women boult flower and their childrē gather stickes to make fine cakes in the honour of the Queene of heauen Therefore let suche women bee rebuked by the Prophete Hieremie and let them no more trouble the worlde And let them not saie we worship the Queene of heauen Thus he applied the wordes of the Prophete vnto the virgine Marie beyng Idolatrously abused by the heretiques called Collyridiani as she and other Sainctes are by the Papistes abused now in these daies This shall now suffice for to proue that Christ our Sauiour touchyng his manhoode whiche he did take of vs is and shal be vnto the worldes ende in heauen on the right hande of the father that is to saie in felicitie ioye and glorie beyng exalted aboue the heauens made lorde ouer all creatures bothe in heauen and in earth and hauyng receiued a name that passeth all the glorie that man can reporte And that as heauen muste holde hym vnto the tyme of the restitution of all thynges that God hath spoken by the mouthe of his holie Prophetes since the worlde began beyng neuerthelesse here among vs touchyng his diuinitie and godheade and feedyng vs by his eternall spirite and by the veritie of his holie institution and ordinaunce with the heauenly foode of his precious bodie and blood so he doth appeare alwaies in the sight of God for vs beyng an omnisufficiente intercessour aduocate and mediatour betwixte God and man so that we neede not to goe vnto
Gods promises Now the maister and teacher of trueth the aucthour of light the well and fountaine of wisedome knowledge and vnderstandyng This is he that doeth pourge and cleanse vs from all filthines and ouersprinckleth vs with his sanctitude and holines that we may be made the worthy temples of almightie god This is he that with his effectuall wateryng doeth make vs fruictfull vnto righteousnes for to bryng foorth aboundauntly the fruictes of our faith that our heauenly father may be glorified through our good workes conuersation and outwarde liuyng For the whiche cause he is many tymes called water as in these places of the prophete All ye that are a thirst come vnto the waters Againe I will powre water vpon hym that is a thirste and Riuers vpon the drie lande Wherunto the saiyng of Christe doeth agree where he biddeth them that bee a thirste to come vnto hym and to drinke of the waters of life Although he be other whiles so called for the efficacie strēgth power and vertue that he hath to pourge and make cleane where the Lorde promiseth in Ezechiell to washe his people with cleane waters The same is he that consumeth and burneth awaie the inordinate lustes concupiscenses of our flesh kyndelyng our heartes with the diuine loue of GOD and of heauenly thynges wherefore he is called by God right fyre Finally this is he that by his inspiration doeth make vs wholie to liue vnto God so that we be no more ledde by our owne sensualitie but folowe onely his motion and guidyng Therefore is it saide of Barnarde verie well Quid bonus in nobis spiritus operatur monet mouet docet monet memoriam mouet voluntatem docet rationem That is to saie what good doth the spirite or holy Ghost in vs he doth warne moue and teache he doth warne our remembraunce he doeth moue our willes and teache our reason Therefore if there be any goodnesse in vs it is the fruicte of his grace and vertue But all our giftes without hym are méere darkenesse of the mynde and wicked peruersenesse of the hearte And as I doe beléeue that all the giftes and benefites that we doe receaue of God through his onely begotten sonne our sauiour Iesu Christ are by this holy spirite printed grauen and sealed vp in our heartes and myndes so do I beléeue that all the Canonicall bookes of the olde and newe Testament were written and sette forthe vnto vs onely by his diuine inspiration and that the doctrine that is conteined in them without all other is sufficiente vnto Saluation as the blessed Apostle doeth testifie saiyng Continue in the thinges that thou hast learned whiche also were committed vnto thée seyng thou knowest of whom thou hast learned them and for as muche also as thou haste knowen the holy Scriptures of a childe whiche bee able to make thee wise vnto Saluation through the faithe whiche is in Christ iesu For all scripture giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teach to improue to amende and to instructe in righteousnesse that the man of God maie be perfecte and readie vnto all good workes Wherevnto Chrisostome doth agree saiyng what soeuer is required vnto saluation all the same shall ye finde in the holy scriptures And in an other place He hath at his tyme saieth he reueiled and opened his woorde by the preachyng that is committed vnto me And this is the preachyng the Gospell doeth conteine all thynges bothe present and to come honor godlinesse faithe to be shorte he hath comprehended all thynges in the woorde of his preachyng Againe he saieth what so euer is required for our saluation is alreadie conteined in the holy scriptures he that is ignoraunte shall finde there what he maie learne he that is stubborne and a synner maie finde there scourges of the iudgemente to come he that is troubled maie finde there ioyes and promises of euerlastyng life thorowe the beholdyng of whiche he maie be stirred to good workes Sainct Augustine saieth reade the holy scriptures wherin ye shall finde fullie what is to bée folowed and what to bee auoided Athanasius also saieth the holy scriptures saieth he beyng inspired from God are sufficiente to all instruction of the truthe Lyra one of the Popes owne doctours hath these wordes Like as in a merchauntes shippe are carried diuerse thinges necessarie for mans life So in the holy scriptures are conteined all thynges needefull to our saluation Who so euer then doeth affirme and saie that the doctrine of the holie ghoste whiche is conteined in the canonicall bookes of the olde and newe Testamente is not sufficiente vnto saluation and that besides it wee haue neede of mens traditions and doctrines as though without them we could not haue in the sacred booke of God a sufficient instruction in thynges that pertaine to life euerlastyng Or who soeuer saieth affirmeth that this holy spirite doeth teache and set for the any other worde or doctrine then is conteined in the sacred bookes of God I dare boldely affirme that the same man is not lead with the same holie spirite who is the lorde and giuer of life and who procéeding from the father the sonne should leade vs into all truthe and bryng into our remembraunces whatsoeuer Christ our Sauiour the heauenly wisedome of the father hath taught and set forthe for the saluation of mankind but with the spirite of errour I meane with the spirite of sathan the deuill who to the vttermoste of his power causeth men to contemne despise and sette at naught the holie commaundementes of almightie God that thei maie set vp their owne traditions and dreames and all vnder the title name and colour of the holie ghoste Wherefore it is moste needefull and necessarie that wee haue alwaies before our eyes the saiyng of the blessed Euangeliste saincte Ihon where he saieth Dearely beloued beleue not euery spirite but proue the spirites whether thei bee of God or not Also S. Chrisost. saith agréeyng with the same Many saith he do boast of the holy ghost but they that do vtter and set out their owne phancies and dreames do pretende him in vaine for as Christ doth witnesse that he speaketh not of him selfe but out of the lawe the Prophetes Si quid prae●er Euangelium sub titulo spiritus obtrudatur ne credamus Quia sicut Christus legis Prophetarum impletio est ita est spiritus Euangelij If any thyng be brought vnto vs vnder the name of the holie ghost saieth he besides the Gospell let vs not beleue it For as Christ is the fulfillyng of the lawe and the prophetes so is the holie ghost the fulfillyng of the Gospell For without that spirite we haue neither eares to heare nor eyes to see it is that spirite that openeth and no man shutteth The same shutteth and no man openeth The same spirite opened the sicke womans hearte that she should
with his grace that was not due founde all men synners beyng hymself onely frée from synne and a deliuerer of synners And againe in a nother place he hath these words Opera manuum mearum non commendo Timeo enim ne cum inspexeris plura inuenias peccata quàm merita Lorde I commende not the workes of my handes For I am afraide least when thou shalt beholde them thou shalt finde mo synnes then good deseruynges So saith sainct Hierome Si consideremus nostra merita desperandum est If we beholde our owne merites we must be driuen to desperation Origene also affirmeth the same saiyng Ego vix mihi persuadeo vllum opus esse posse quod ex debito remunerationem deposcat I doe scarcely beleue that there can be any woorke that maie of duetie require rewarde Againe hee saieth Quia omniae conclusae sunt sub peccata nunc non in meritis sed in misericordia dei salus humana consistit For as much as all men are shut vp and cloased vnder sinne now the saluation of man standeth not in mans merites but in Gods mercie Barnarde saieth Non est quo gratia intret vbi iam meritum occupauit That is There is no meanes for grace to enter where merite doth keepe place VValdensis one of the Popes owne Doctours saieth these wordes Quid dignum facimus vt participes caelestibus fieri inuencamur Apost●lo dicen●e existimo quod non sunt condignae passiones huius temporis ad futuram gloriam quae reuelabitur in nobis Reputo igitur saniorem Theologum fideliorem catholicam scripturis sanctis magis concordem qui ●al● meritum simpliciter abnegat That is to saie what worthy thing doe we that we may be faunde in the felowship of the heauenly spirites the Apostle saieth I iudge that the afflictions of this tyme are not worthy of that glorie that shal be reueiled in vs Therfore I take hym to be the soūder deuine the faithfuller catholike and more agreable to the holy scriptures that vtterlie denieth all such kynde of merite These testimonies are plaine against all the meritmongers of Rome Louane Let vs take heede therefore of their daungerous and heriticall doctrine leaste while we go aboute to stablishe our owne righteousnesse beyng ignoraunt of the righteousnesse of God and haue not submitted our selues to the righteousnesse of god And thereby shall heape to our selues wrath in the daie of trouble For Christe saieth Saincte Paule is the ende of the Lawe for righteousnesse vnto euerie one that beléeueth The .xlj. Chapiter ¶ Faith onelie iustifieth vs before God. YET these Papistes and Iusti●iaries will saie stil that although we finde in holy scripture that faith iustifieth yet we fynde not quod so●●fides iustificat that faith onely iustifieth so that this worde onely or alone hath been newly added by heretiques whō they doe commonly call Solifidians These iooly felowes doe nothyng but seeke a knotte in a Rushe as the prouerbe is for although we haue not expressie this worde sola only or alone yet haue we many other wordes that are equiuolent or equiualent that is of the same importaunce and force For when the holy ghost saieth that we are iustified fréely by the grace of God through the redemption whiche is in Christe Iesu whom God hath set foorth to be a purchaser of mercie through faith in his blood doeth he not exclude al maner of workes deseruinges or merites from our iustification attributyng it onely vnto faith ▪ whereby we doe apprehende and take holde on the grace and mercie of God so surely fealed vp vnto vs with the blood of that immaculat lambe our Sauiour Iesu Christe in the selfe same Chapiter he saieth againe we conclude that a man is iustified by faithe without the workes of the lawe Who doeth not see that he doeth here also put awaie all maner of thinges from our iustification faith onely excepted But the Papistes in this pointe are like vnto the Arians which bicause those wordes ▪ ●omo●fias consubstantialis be not founde in the Scriptures will in no wise admitte nor alowe them although the thinges signified by them are moste infalliblie and certainely conteyned and set out in the booke of god And therfore the Apostle writyng to Titus saieth Not by the workes of righteousnes whiche we had doen but accordyng to his mercie he saued vs that wee beyng iustified by his grace should be made heires accordyng to the hope of eternall life Againe he saieth God hath saued vs and called vs with an holy callyng not accordyng to our workes but accordyng to his owne purpose grace which was geuē vnto vs through Iesus Christe afore the worlde was Truely whersoeuer this purpose of God is their woorkes merites and deseruinges can take no place in the iustification or saluatiō of man Whereby we may gather that by the frée mercie and goodnes of God apprehended and taken holde vpon by faith we are deliuered frō euerlastyng damnation and made felowe heyres with his sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour whose righteousnes he doth impute vnto vs making v●heires of his eternal euerlasting kingdome of heauen All these things I say and beleue do we obtaine only by faith without any merites goyng before Let vs see nowe what the holy learned Fathers of the Churche so many hundred yeres ago haue taught vs thereof Saint Ambrose saieth Iustificati sun● gratis quia nihil operantes neque vicem reddentes sola fide iustificati sunt dono de● They are iustified freely bicause workyng nothyng nor making any recompence they are iustified through faith onely by the gifte of god Againe in the same place these be his wordes Sic decretum dicit à deo vt cessante lege solam fidem gratia dei posceret ad ●alutem This was Gods determination that the lawe beyng at an ende the grace of God shoulde require faith onely vnto saluation Againe Sola fides posita est ad salutem Onely faith is laide or appointed vnto saluation Theodoretus saieth Non vllis operibus nostris sed per solam fidem mystica bona consequuti sumu● ▪ Not by any workes of ours but by only faith we haue gotten the mistical good things S. Basile saith Haec est nostra integra perfecta gloriatio in deo quando propriae iustitiae nos inopes agnoscimus Sola autem fide in christum iustificati This is our ful perfect reioysing in God when we acknowledge that we are voyde of any our owne righteousnesse and are iustified by only faith in Christe Nazianzenus saieth Credere solum est iusticia Only beléeuyng is righteousnes Origene also saieth these wordes ▪ where nowe is thy boastyng it is shut out Paule saieth that the iustification of only faith is sufficient So that a man onely beleuyng may be iustified although he haue doen no good workes
the inner man that Christ maie dwell in your hartes by faithe Againe he saieth Greeue not the holie spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto redemption But that thyng that he requireth there he desireth God to graunte it to the Thessalonians saiyng Wherefore we praie alwaies for you that our GOD make you worthie of your callyng and fulfill all good purposes of his goodnesse and the worke of faithe with power that the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe maie bee glorified in you and ye in him through the grace of our lorde Iesu Christ. Again I planted and Apollo hath watered but it is the lorde that giueth the increase For in the Lorde we liue and moue and haue our beyng As we maie easily see in that Christe did saie vnto the man that was sicke of the palsie Arise take vp thy bedde and go home It did not folowe that he had strength to arise excepte Christe our Sauiour had giuen it hym but when Christe did saie vnto hym arise he did straight with it giue hym strength to arise Euen so when God dooeth by his Preachers speake vnto them whom he hath chosen alreadie and doeth bidde and exhorte theim to arise out of the bedde of synne straight therewith he giueth them strength to doe it Saincte Augustine agreyng herewith saieth Iubet ergo deus continentiam da●continentiam Iubet per legem dat per gratiam Iubet per literam dat per spiritum God doeth commaunde continencie and he doeth giue continencie he commaundeth it by the law he doth giue it by grace he commaundeth it by the letter he doeth giue it by the spirite And therefore he saieth moste excellently in his booke of confessiōs Continentiam iubes da quod iubes iube quod vis Thou commaundest continencie giue that thou commaūdest and commaunde what thou wilte Againe Lex data est vt gratia quaereretur gratia data est vt lex impleretur The lawe is giuen that grace should be sought grace is giuen that the law should bee fulfilled Againe Quod bene vi●imus quod raecte intelligimus deo debemus nostrum nihil est nisi p●ccatum quod habemus That we liue well that we vnderstande a right wee haue it of God of our selues wee haue nothyng but onely synne that is within vs. Againe sainct Hierome saith Non dixit dedi ●is liberi arbitrij potestatem vt ipsi se suo labore saluarent sed ego custodiui eos ego seruaui Christe saied not I haue giuen to them the power of free will that thei by their owne labour should bee saued but I haue kepte them I haue reserued them These testimonies both of Scriptures and Fathers doe sufficiently declare that whatsoeuer God doeth requre of vs the same he must worke in vs by his holy spirite For of our selues we are able to doe no maner of thyng that good is Therfore saieth Sainct Augustine Homo sibi sufficit ad peccandum vt iustificetur non sibi sufficit nisi ab illo iustificetur qui solus est iustus Man is able or sufficient of hym selfe to synne that hee shoulde be iustified he is not able or sufficient of hymselfe excepte he shoulde be iustified by hym whiche onely is iuste Againe in the same place hee saieth I doneus est homo ad vulnerandum sed nunquam idoneus est ad sanandum se quando vult egrotat nō quando vult surgit Man is apte and meete to wounde hymselfe but he is not apte and meete to heale hym self when he will he is sicke not when he will he doeth rise And where as they saie God will saue none againste his will it is true in déede For thei are made willyng by hym before whom he will and dooeth saue and whom he made willyng them doth he also helpe aide and assist that they may do the thyng that he hath made them willyng to doe wherefore Christe said No man commeth vnto mee excepte my father doeth drawe hym And againe it is God that worketh in vs both the will and also the deede according to his good pleasure Sainct Augustine saieth agréeyng herewith No man saith he can beléeue hope or loue vnlesse he will but euen the selfe same will to beléeue hope and loue cōmeth not but from god Againe Nos volumus sed deus in nobis operatur velle Nos operamur sed deus in nobis operatur operari pro bona sua voluntate Hoc nobis expedit credere dicere Hoc est pium hoc est verum vt fit humilis submissa confessio detur totum deo Tutiores viuimus si totū deo damus nō aūt nos illi ex parte nobis ex parte cōmittimus We will but it is God that worketh in vs to will. We woorke ▪ but is God that worketh in vs to worke accordyng to his good pleasure This is behouefull for vs both to beleue to speake This is a godly this is a true doctrine that our cōfession maie be humble and lowly and that God may haue the whole We liue in more safetie if we giue all vnto God rather then if we commit ourselues partely to our selues and partely to hym Sainct Gregorie saieth Ipse aspirando nos preuenit vt velimus qui adiuuando subsequitur ne inaniter velimus He doeth preuente vs with his grace that we may be willing and with his healpyng hande he doeth followe vs leste we should will in vaine Sainct Barnarde saieth Neque enim aut inchoare bonum donec à misericordia preueniamur aut agere bonum donec adiunemur à gratia aut cōsummare in bono possumus donec gloria repleamur Neither can we beginne saieth he any good vntill we be preuented by mercie or els to doe any good vntill we be holpen by grace or els that we can ende in goodnesse vntill we bee fulfilled or replenished by glorie Therefore doeth Sainct Augustine call it Gratia praeueniens preuentyng grace Thus we maie sée that God saueth no man that is vnwillyng to be saued or that doeth withstande and resiste alwaies his blessed wyll and pleasure But before thae he saueth anye man he maketh that same man by his grace to consent and agree vnto his blessed will and pleasure yea he doeth reache forthe his hande vnto hym for to plucke hym vp Wherefore saieth Fulgentius Ye see of whom wee haue this good will that we must bryng vnto God euen of hymself and not of vs For it is he and none other that doeth woorke it in vs by his holy spirite Euerie good worke then which we doe worke in God the same doeth God woorke in vs For all thinges are of hym through hym and in hym bothe our good worke and our good will then be both of hym Hec Fulgentius Note here that wee saie not that man was bereft of his vnderstandyng
5.10 Cap. 6.5 Matth. 22.37 Luk. 10.27 ▪ Mark. 12 2● Rom. 13.1 Titus 3.1 1. Peter 2.13 Isaiah 66.1 Actes 7.48 Psal. 119. Isaiah 30.21 Iohn 5.39 Actes 17.11 Rom. 15.4 Iohn 17.14 1. Cor. 10.24 2. Cor. 12.14 I beleeue in God the father Almighty c. God doth gouerne rule and preserue all his creatures Nothing able to resist Gods holy wyll 1 Reg. 22.22 Iob. 1.12 Mat. 8.31 2. Cor. 12.7 And in Iesus Christe his onely sonne our Lorde Galat. 4.4 Heb. 3.16 VVhiche was conceiued by the holy ghost Deut. 27.15 Galath 3.13 Rom. 8.3 Heb. 4.15 Suffred vnder pontius pilate Math ▪ 27.2 Wherefore Christe was iudged and condemned before pilate Rom. 8.33 Hebre. 10.12 Hebre. 1.3 Heb. 4.16 VVas crucified Nomb 21.8 Iohn 3.14 What the Serpent signified Heb. 4.15 Rom. 8.3 Christ a most holsom medicine and salue to all poore sinners 1. Cor. 1.18 Marke this ye Masse mongers which seeke such meanes as god neuer appointed Deut. 27.15 Ephe. 2.3 Galath 3.10 Deut. 27.15 Gene. 12.3 Gala. 3.13 Esaie 53.3 Psalme 22.6 Luk 23.33 Psal. 22.6 Esai 53.3 Hebr. 9.11 Hebr. 10.18 Hebr. 10.4 Why the sacrifices of the olde lawe were offered often Heb. 10.1 Hebr. 9.14 Heb. 9.25 Heb. 9.11 Hebr. 1.3 Ephe. 1.20 Zacha. 3.9 A place of Esai expoūded Rom. 9.5 1. Cor. 10.4 Mat. 16.18 wherefore than doeth their popishe Masse serue Hebre. 9.11 Christe can not be offred excepte he be slaine and put to death Euery person that doth offer is of more worthines thē the thyng whiche he offereth But the priest doth offer the body of christ Ergo the priest is of more worthines then the body of Christ O blaspemie most intollerable Haggai 2.14 Heb. 7.26 Ephe. 1.21 Psal. 110.4 Hebre. 7.17 Marke 16.15 Luke 24.7 Math. 28 19● Iohn 5.24 A conclusion The benefites of christes death By the masse the wrath of God is kindled And was buryed Mat. 27.57 Luk. 23.50 Iohn 19.39 Why Christe woulde be laid in a new graue 2. Reg. 13.21 Eccle. 48.14 Why Christe was layde in another mās graue not in his owne Note What the newe graue doth signifie Iohn 14.23 Matth. 23.27 Ephe. 4.24 What is signified by the graue that was hewen out of the rock Mat. 16.18 Ephe. 4.14 Ephe. 1.12 Ephe. 2.20 The misterie of Ionas fulfylled in Christe Mat. 12.40 Ionas 2.3 A comfortable misterie Ionas 2.3 Aug. lib. 22. de ciuitate dei Cap. 5. By the death of christ gods wrath was pacified Rom. 5.2 He descendid into hell Iob. 14.17 Nomb. 16.21.32 Ezech. 32.21.22 Math. 16. 1. Sam. 2.31 Iob. 10.1.22 Math. 26.38 Luke 22.44 Math. 27. A very hell Esaie Gal. 3.13 Luke 23.31 1. Peter 3.18 Heb. 9.15 Rom. 5.6 Ge. 37.44 Esaie 14. Ephe. 4.9 Abrahams bosome Inferna How Christ went in to the hell of the damned Gene. 3. The breakyng of the Serpentes head Math. 16. Iohn 10. What is to be vnderstāded when we say that Christ harowed hel Iudic. 9. An. do 1165. The meaning of harowing of hell 1. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 4. Vnto whom hell is ouercome The foolishe imagination of them that think Christ went to fetch Adam out of hell Luk. 16. The obiections of those that say that christes soule did suffer in hell fire A false conclusion Tertullian Origen Ierom. 9 of the Preacher Aunswere to the foresaide obiections Wherto God had a respecte in his sonne our sauiour Rom. 5.19 Note Nowe the soule of christ did suffer Math. 24. Mark. 14. Luke 22. Iohn 18. Luke 22. What thyng caused Christ to be so heauy before his death Horrible hel Math. 27. Note They know not what hell is The spirituall goyng downe of Christ into hell 1. Peter 3. By the spirite he meaneth the power of the godhead and not of the soule of Christe Both wicked and godlye had one feeling of Christes death but to diuers ends 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 2. What Christes goyng downe to hell is Act. By the soule is meant the body or person of christ By hell is meant the graue Rom. 13. Hebr. 12. Mat. 12. Actes 2. Luk. 21. Loke more hereof in Erasmus vpon the Creede Christe descended three maner of wayes into hell Mat. 27.51 In power In spirite Mat. 2● 38 Mat. 27.46 Iohn 19.40 Ephe. 4.9 A request of the aucthour to the gentle reader The opinion of some concerning christes goyng downe to hell What Abrahams bosome is The true purgatorie 1. Iohn 1. Actes 1. Matth. 3. Iohn 1. Luk. 3. Iohn 15. The papistes purgatorie The Pope of greater aucthoritie and force then Christ the sonne of god among the papistes O most abominable blasphemie Esai 63.5 Ezech. 18. If the papistes purgatorie shoulde stande Gods promises must needes be false Esai 43. The place of Esai expounded Iohn 1. Rom. ● That is nine hundred threescore nine yeres Gen. 5. Aug. in Psal. 31. Petrus Martyr in Rom. Bernarde in annunciatione Marie Ser. 1. Rom. ● More gaines by Christe then losse in Adam The papistes doe make Augustine a lyer The papistes doe make Barnarde alyer Galath ● Ezech. 18. Psal. 103. Mat. 17. Brode way and narowe Matth. 7. Two wayes onely Luk. 16. Two estates of dead The riche glutton Purgatorie scullians Iohn 5. What we learne by this place of saint Iohn The place of Iohn expounded truely Note Nowe we are alreadie in possession of gods kingdome Howe long we must suffer in Purgatorie for euery sinne Wherein the fire of Purgatorie doth differ from the fire of hell Apoc. 14. Note Howe it is to be vnderstanded that the faithfull shal not come into iudgement 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 8. How we are passed from death to life Poore Lazarus Luk. 16. Mat. 27. Luk. 23. Iohn 24. VVisd 3. Deut. 33. A papisticall tricke We are al saued by priuiledge Mat. 20. August cont Pelagianos Hypponosticō lib. 5. Marke this ye purgatorie builders that do holde and mainteyne a thirde place De verbis apostoli Serm. 18. De vanitate huius seculi 1. Thess. 4. Eccle. 9. Hierome in Eccle. 9. Ambr. de bono mort cap. 2. Cip● contra Demetrianū Ibidem Barnardus Cluniacen in Satyra Rome Baptista ma●tuanus The marchaundise of Rome No peny no Paternosti● Chriso●t in Mat. cap. 8. Hom. 2● VVisd 3. August lib. 2. quest 3. ad Simplicianū Reade Deut. 18. Esai 8. Luk. 16. De ciuitat dei lib. 20. cap. 16. Rabanus Reade the .2 chap. of the boke of wis● The Lymbe of the childrē that be styll borne or dye without baptisme Lib. senten 4. distinct 1. Si vero dist 4. cap. necessariū cum filius cum de Sacra This doctrine hath no grounde in Gods word The greate crueltie of the papistes against poore infantes that be still borne or which dye without baptisme Beanard● non priuato sed contemptus baptismi damnat Gen. 17. Gen. 17. Rom. 4. Gen. 17. Why the samentes were ordeyned Gen. 22. Marke this ye Anabaptistes Leuit. 10. Gen. 17. Exod. 1. Iosua 5. Gen. 17. The women of the
a thousande poundes whiche I owe hym though the same man did demaunde this of me and I were not able to satisfie hym or paie hym should he dooe vniustely to aske me his thousande poundes I trowe no man will so saie When the kyng did aske of his seruaunt the tenne thousande talentes that he did owe vnto hym did he vniustly or wrongfully No certainly So then all the whole lawe of God is nothyng els but a commaundement whereby we are commaunded and bidden to paie that vnto GOD that we owe vnto hym For man is bounde of duetie to loue God with all his hearte with all his soule and with all his strength and his neighbour as his owne selfe Therefore sainct Paule saieth Brethren wee are debttours but not vnto the fleshe Shall we saie then that God is vnrighteous or that he doeth vniustly askyng that thyng of vs that we doe owe vnto hym of bounde duetie but rather he doeth most iustly godly and righteously to demaunde such thynges of vs. But these freewill papistes are so ignoraunt that they vnderstande not to what ende the commaundementes were geuen For they thinke that they were geuen to no other vse but to be performed Sainct Paule saith the lawe was geuen bicause of transgression to the intente that thei that would not for feare of God and loue of heauenly thinges refraine frō doing of euil should at the leaste for feare of the punishement of the lawe be driuen to keepe a good order and to liue quietly among them selues els thei would haue killed one an other and no man should haue kept his owne but all thinges should haue gone to hauocke Secondlie to declare vnto men his righteousnesse holinesse and bounteousnesse For in this that God dooeth commaunde vs nothyng in his Lawe but that whiche is iuste and good he declareth thereby that he hym self is righteous holie and good Thirdlie leste men should seeke and goe aboute to excuse theim selues by ignoraunce before the Iudgemente seate of God saiyng that thei knewe not his will and pleasure therefore did he set forthe his lawe and commaundementes for to declare vnto men what he will haue them to doe and what he will haue them to leaue vndoen Fourthlie God did sette foorthe his lawe that by it man should bée brought into the knowledge of his owne self that is to saie that it might be a lookyng glasse or mirrour wherein man should beholde his owne weakenesse imbecilitie and vnablenesse to fulfill and performe the thynges that GOD doeth require of him that so he maie haue an occasion to humble and submit hym self For if it were not for the lawe that doeth discouer open and shewe yea and set before our eyes our owne filthinesse and abhomination wee would neuer acknowledge our selues to be synners nor yet thinke that wee haue neede of the grace and mercie of god GOD therefore leste men should swell againste hym dooeth demaunde and aske the same of theim that thei owe vnto hym of duetie Fifthly it was giuen that it might serue vs for a Scholemaister for to bryng vs vnto Christe who is the ende or performyng of the lawe for to iustifie all men that dooe beleeue For when we haue once learned by the doctrine of the lawe that of our selues wee bee not able to escape the dampnation that we doe deserue by the breaking of the commaundementes of God then are we faine to put awaie all vaine confidēce and trust that we had in our owne strength and in our owne merites and so to flie vnto Christe who was made accursed for vs that is was punished and slaine moste opprobriouslie for our sakes that we might be deliuered from the curse of the lawe and so receiue the blessing of Abraham and the promise of the spirite through faithe Therefore sainct Augustine saieth Vtilitas legis est vt hominem de ●ua infirmitate conuincat gratiae medicinam quae in Christo est implorare compella● That is to say This is the profite of the lawe that it maie make man to knowe his infirmitie or conuicte hym of his weakenesse and so compell hym to seeke for the salue and medicine of grace whiche is in Christe And againe in an other place he saieth O homo in praeceptione cognosce quid debeas agere in correptione cognosce tuo vitio non habere in oratione cognosce vnde accipias quod vis habere That is to say O mā knowe in the commaundementes what thou oughtest to doe in rebukyng knowe that through thy owne fault thou haste it not and in praier knowe whence thou muste receiue that thyng that thou wilte haue Againe Danda itaque fuerat lex quae manifestius sibi ipsum ostenderet hominem ne superbus animus humanus à seipso se posse esse iustum putaret Therefore was the lawe giuen whiche should more manifestlie shewe man in hym self leste he should bee pufte vp or high mynded that he should thinke hym self as of hym self that he can or maie bee righteous or iust And again he hath these wordes The lawe was giuen for this purpose that is should make thee of a high mynded persone lowlie and humble and that it should shewe vnto thee that thou haste not of thyne owne strengthe vnto righteosnesse that so beyng poore bare and naked thou shouldest ●●ie vnto grace and then ●ournyng hym self vnto God he saieth So doe O lorde so doe O mercifull lorde commaunde that thyng that thyng that can not bee fulfilled but through thy grace that when men shall not bee able to fulfill it by their owne strengthe all mouthes maie bee stopped and no man should séeme vnto hymselfe to be high Let all men be little ones humble and lowlie Lette all the worlde bee subiecte vnto god Many other places might I bryng out of this Augustine the golden doctour but these shall now suffice As for exhortations to tourne vnto the Lorde to heare to repent and beleue as it is required in the woorde of God argue not a libertie or proue thereby that we haue strength of our selues to dooe all these thynges or that when grace is offered we haue power to receiue it of our owne strengthe for rather wee are taught thereby to acknowledge our infirmities and vnablenesse and not that wée are able or can do it as soone as it is commaunded and spoken except God dooeth woorke inwardly with his holie spirite in our hartes whiche thyng sainct Paule declareth when he exhorteth the faithfull to abide and perseuer in the grace of god But Paule in an other place sheweth from whence that vertue of constancie and perseueraunce doeth c●me Finallie my brethren saieth he bée strong in the Lorde Againe For this cause doe I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesu Christe that he would graunte you accordyng to the riches of his glorie that ye maie bée strengthened with might by the spirite in