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A08283 A pensiue mans practise Very profitable for all personnes, wherein are conteyned verie deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godlie purposes. VVith requisite perswasions before euery prayer. VVritten by Iohn Norden.; Pensive mans practise. Part 1 Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1584 (1584) STC 18616; ESTC S121124 83,439 264

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hold of thy miracles wonders which thou so apparantly diddest worke to declare and manifest thy selfe to be our redeemer and aduocate and to confirme the same in our heartes by faith as thou diddest in the heartes of thy Disciples who notwithstanding there beeing present with thee continued yet neuerthelesse in darknes and misbeleefe without the working of thine holy spirite in them whereby they confessed thee to be very Christe son of the liuing God and onely sauiour of the world Among all which thy great benefits Oh good Iesus we yeelde thee all possible thankes for that it hath pleased thee to leaue vnto vs after thy departure vnto the right hande of thy father the Lanterne of light the Gospell of comfort the word of trueth the foode whereon our soules may continually feede at full without the which wee had beene left vnto our former darknes walking in error in our wonted ignoraunce And for that thou knowest vs from the beginning to be carryed into blindnes and error wrongfully interpreting the parrables darke sentences of thy gospel through the same thy loue hast left vs a continuall cōforter euen thine holy Ghoste proceeding frō thy father thee who in the likenes of a Doue discended frō heauen vpon thee showing himselfe vpon the Apostls in fiery tongues Oh holy ghost our cōforter we yeeld thee most hūble thanks that through the gift of thy grace we haue our harts prepared our vnderstāding lightned mouthes opened to conceiue rightly thy word to declare abroad the wonderfull thinges of thy lawe and to manifest the secrete misteries of the kingdome of God Thou ●rt the true light and the light of trueth without the which it is impossible to please God the father nor haue accesse to God the Sonne who together with thee Oh holy ghost are but one God in essēce though three in person Make our heartes pure make vs cleane sanctifye vs and seale vs among the number of the electe and chosen that when wee shall approche vnto the seate of iudgment we may receiue through the merittes of Iesus Christ not onely the stipende of seruants but the rewarde of obedient children euen the inheritaunce of the kingdome of heauen There to rest with thee Oh Father our maker with thee sweete Iesus our Sauiour and with thee Oh holy ghoste our comforter and sanctifier for euer and euer To whome bee all prayse and eternall glory world without ende Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth A praier to be saide before the receiuing of the Communion THere is sayde sufficient in a certaine exhortation set downe in the booke of cōmon prayer to stirre vppe the minds of all well disposed persons willingly and zealously to come to this holy table wher vnto before we come wee ought to addresse and prepare our hearts to put of all rancor mallice wickednes and all kinde of vice with the fruites of the olde man which is disobedience and sinne and to put on the newe man which is righteousnes comming therevnto in a pure cleane hart abounding with loue peace fayth charity that wee may receiue it to our comfort Reade the 11. chap. of the firste Cor. from the 20. verse vnto the 29. and there shall you finde not onely the manner of the institution and celebration thereof but also howe to receiue it with heauenly profit the daunger in the vnreuerent and vnfaythfull receyuing of the same to the cosort of the Godly shame of the wicked SVVeete Iesus sonne of the euerliuing and omnipotent GOD vouchsafe I humblye pray and beseeche thee euen for thy death sake to instill into mine hart the gift of thy grace whereby approching vnto the sweete banquet of thine holy body blood which thou vouchfafest to giue for the redemption of vs miserable sinners I may by faith eate and drinke the same and be made a fitte and faithfull member of thy misticall body laying aside the darknes of olde Adam embracing the light of thine obedience loue and patience that that most preacious bodye of thine bee not giuen not thy blood shed for me in vaine but may direct the whole course of the residue of my life by thine holy spirite according to thine heauenly wil in all thinges that after this life ended I may appeare before the tribunall seate of his high and heauenly maiestie as a faythfull member of thine and enioy that heauenly enhearitaunce which thou our head and guide hast purchased for all true beleeuers in thee Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth At the receiuing of the breade say thus Vouchsafe oh sweet Iesus that as thou hast giuen thy flesh to be the breade of our eternall saluation So vouchsafe to worke in me by a liuely faith that I receiuing the same may be and euermore continue one in thee and thou in me Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth At the receiuing of the cuppe say thus Oh lorde vouchsafe that as thy blood was shed for me a sinner So graunt that it may through a liuely faith wash me from the filth of sinne and renue in mee the fruites of righteousnes that I may become a fitte member of thee liue and dye in thee for euermore Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A prayer after the receiuing of the Communion VSe not the manner of many who in the day wherein they repayre vnto the holy table of the Lorde doo not onely lightlye esteeme the weightines of the matter but lewdly gyue themselues to wanton companyes gadding heere there to banquets tauerns loosly aboue other dayes giue thē selues to wanton behauiour but remember thy promise that thou hast made to god to become a new man to 〈…〉 all wantonnes and cleaue vnto godlines of life Be not like the dog that 〈…〉 ●o his vomit or the ●●w to her wanted wallowing in the dyrt of sinne 〈…〉 ●e holy as your heauēly 〈…〉 er is holy Seeke the 〈…〉 me of God and the 〈…〉 thereof and all thinges shall bee gyuen ●●u and as the true members of Christ in the ende r●igne with him in eternal glory OH omnipotent most mercifull father I thy silly creature praise thee not able to yeeld thee thanks sufficiently for thine vnspeakable fauour and louing kindnes in feeding mee at this time with the spiritual foode of the body blood of thy sonne our sauior Iesus Christe whom thou vouchsafest to send for our redemptiō into this miserable world and to giue him euen to the death in remembraunce whereof vntyll his second comming hee hath willed vs to eate his bodye and to drinke hys blood to thende by sayth we should be vnited and knitte vnto his body and beeing washed from all our sinnes to leade a new life vouchsafe I humbly beseeche thee for his sake to endue mee with thine holy spirit wherby heerafter casting aside the workes of darknes I may from hencefoorth walke in the light of thy Gospell in the number of thy chosen wayting faithfully when he shall come
and haue a taste of eternall saluation that death bee not terrible vnto me but rather when it cōmeth I may with ioy receiue the same in the name of Jesus Christe mine onely sauiour and redeemer Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A praier vppon the Lettany or praier for all men at all times necessary Pray thou in faith for eache degree As God by Iames commandeth thee So shalt thou prosper in thy wayes And liue both many and happy daies THe Lettany beeing a moste singuler deuout praier for the estate of all men in generall and sette out for the vse of the whole congregation as it were with one mouth one voyce to be pronounced begging at the handes of God not onely pardon for such seuerall offences as are therein expressed but also crauing thinges necessary as well for them that are absent as present yea for all men a thing most commendable godly praying one for another as S. Iames willeth Iam. 5. vs to pray one for another that wee may be hearde of God for the prayer of the righteous auaileth much And because the zealous may without the so often repitition of these wordes Good Lorde deliuer vs and we beseech thee c. priuatlye vtter his godly desire of the prosperitie of his Christian bretheren without answering himselfe in those respectes I thought it not much amisse to contriue it into this prayer following the which I pray the Reader willingly to accept OH almighty God and father of all that beleeue and trust in thee Oh Lorde God sonne redeemer aduocate of all thē who faithfully serue thee Oh God holy ghoste who proceeding from the father and the sonne santifiest the elect and chosen ones Oh blessed most glorious Trinitie three personnes and yet but one God haue mercy vpon vs who most miserablie haue offended Remember not our offences nor the offences of our fore-fathers nor punishe vs according to the multitude of our sins Spare vs good Lorde whome thou hast redeemed and so directe all our cogitations and actions that wee giue none occasion of thine anger towardes vs for euer mercifully saue and defende vs frō sinne mischeefe from the craftes and assaults of sathan from thy displeasure and eternall damnation good Lorde for thy mercies sake deliuer vs from darknes of misbeleefe from hautines of minde from mallice enuie hatred and double dealing from euill motions of our corrupt fleshe and from all worldly vaneties Saue vs from plague pestilenee from extreame hunger and famine from sodaine death from heresie and false doctrine and graunt vs alwayes will and ablenes to fulfill all thy most godly commaundementes with a cleane and a pure heart Oh sweete Iesus deliuer vs from all euill euen by thy death and passion by thine anguish of mind by thy bloody sweate by thy glorious resurrection from the deepe of death and hell and by thine assention into thy celestiall kingdome Bee present with vs good Lorde in all our troubles vexation of minde at the howre of our departure hence And for thy meere mercies sake be thou fauourable vnto vs in the day when we must giue account for our life past that we be not rewarded according to our desertes but by thy merites may enioy eternall saluation Oh most mercifull and euerliuing God wee most miserable and most wretched sinners heere humbly prostrating our selues before thee beseeche thee to listen to our petitions and graunt vnto thine vniuersall Church godly deuout preachers of thy word and gospel that it may dayly increase in vertuous and godly gouernment dayly growing and proceeding from faith to faith truely knowing thee and vnfeynedly seruing thee Graunt vnto thy seruaunt Elizabeth our Queene true vnderstanding of thy will and vnto her counsaile knowledge and wisedome That vnder her for her and in thy name they may establish godly Lawes statutes and ordinaunces for our good and godly gouernment and vnto vs thy people grace continually to follow and fulfill the same Be thou good Lord her defendour in all aslaultes of her enemies and so rule her hearte in thy faith seare and loue that she may alwaies seeke to aduaunce thine honour and glory deface superstiton errour and false religion and euer be able to vanquish and ouercome suchas rise vp against her to seeke the contrary Lighten the hearts of all Byshops ministers and Pastours of thy church with right vnderstanding and knowledge of thy worde that they may not onely in speeche doctrine but also by their conuersation and life soundly and sincerely vtter the same to the true edification of thy people Oh Lord let not such as are put in authority to see the due execution of thy lawes be slowe negligent or ignorant therin but endued with grace wisdom vnderstanding boldnes may execute iustice maintain thy trueth without affectiō fauor or respect of persons vouchsafe to endue vs all with continuall vnfeined good will one towards another that wee may liue all the daies of our life in vnitye peace godly agreement pleasing thee by liuing according to the rule of thy blessed commandements Graunt vs Oh Lord feruent desire to be where thy word gospell is preached taught and endue vs with thy grace to heare to beare away not only to heare and beare away but to expresse the same in our life conuersation that the truth of thy gospel which is the fruit of thine holy spirit may dailye increase in vs call home all wandring soules which are carried into blindnes by the subtiltie procurements of sathan his wicked ministers following strange Gods worshipping that that cannot auaile them in their distresse and giue them Oh Lord repenting heartes conuerting the soule Shewe them thy true light that they seeing it though a farre off may by little and little attaine vnto the perfit enioying of the same Strengthen al them that haue taken holde of thee by true faith and pure religiō that they fall not from thence by any deceiuable show of any counterfeit secte comfort those that are weake lift vp those that are downe that they by thee thou in them maist beate down keepe sathan vnder their feete Vouthsafe good Lord to giue succor help cōfort to all such as are in any kind of affliction daunger necessity or tribulation preserue and keepe safe all such as labour trauaile by sea or land for the benefit of our common weale Strengthen all women with child and sende them good deliueraunce comfort all them that are sicke and giue them either patience to beare it or mittigate their greefe giue health and nourishment to al young children and graunt them grace to goe forward in nurture and knowledge of thy will Lorde we beseeche thee to showe compassion vppon all such as suffer impty sonment and giue them deliueraunce at thy good pleasure Prouide good Lord for such poore children as are fatherles or helples consider the cause of all
Iesus Christes sake Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth A short prayer to the like purpose LOrd I am a sinfull creature and haue deserued thine indignation against me yea I confesse that I haue deserued many and great punishments yet Lord for thy mercies sake turne thee vnto me and haue mercy vpon me let not mine enemies preuaile in theyr mischeuous deuises against me I am in thine hand and they are within the compasse of thy power stay theyr furye let them not take effect in theyr deuises against mee but for thy sonne Jesus sake stand betweene me and them and put them backe and as I haue offended thee by naturall blindnes so by the working of thine holy spirite I shall ryse to thee and liue in thee againe through Jesus Christ our Lord which vouchsafe to graunt that they may not onely not preuaile but be ashamed and flye swéets God Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A prayer when a man taketh a iourney Before thou take thy iourney pray That God by Christ will guide thy way FOr asmuch as the earth is replenished with many perrils and sodaine daungers haue diligent regarde that when thou takest thy iourney to desire instantly the almighty God to conduct thee as he vouchsafed to conducte Tobye by the hande of hys Angell Raphaell in his iourney to Rages Toby 5 defending him from many daungers and especially from the fishe which was like to haue deuoured him So shall hee likewise sende his Angels to take charge of thee that no kinde of danger shal preuaile against thee if thou hartely praye his ayde behauing thy selfe godly and vertuously not prouoking his anger by enterprysing that which is either vncomly or vnlawfull but be dooing good as S Paule in all his ●●urnyes saying faithfully and often the right hand of the Lord mightely defend me Act. 1 ALmightie God most mercifull father who guidest and defendest all those that in thy name walke trauaile in this world vouchsafe to stretch forth thine hand ouer me thy poore creature leade mee and conducte me in thys my iourney which vrgent occasion forceth considering good Lord that the pathes yea euerye corner of thys wretched vale of miserye is replenished with innume rable perrils and dangers both of bodye and soule whereinto without thine assistaunce protection ayde without the helpe of thy mighty hand and out stretched arme wee can not but fall and perish walking and wandring in the troublesome and daungerous coastes of the earth where robbers theeues and euil affected persons in greate number secretely lurke violently to take not onely our proper substaunce and goods which by the great labour and sweat of our bodyes we haue gotten or otherwise by thy prouidence giuen vs but out liues also if we be not preuented and by thy good and fatherly prouidence defended Wherefore I humbly beseeche thee Oh God almighty if any such lye in wayte in my waye at this time graunt me foreknowledge thereof that of thy meere mercy I may happily auoyde theyr pretended euill either by betaking me another way or may bee defended vnder the shaddowe of thy winges and so encounter with them that by the force of thy right hand I may ouercome them beeing of mine owne selfe of no force neither lyeth it in the strength of our owne handes to put backe or ouercome such as in this wicked intent arise vppe against vs. It is not the sword good lord I confesse the speare nor strength of the Horse but thine owne power that ouercommeth for vs. Vouchsafe therefore Oh Lord thine holy Angell to goe with me let him goe before me to direct me to saue me preuenting me from all daungers as he did thy seruant Toby going into a straunge Countrey Conduct me safely sweete God in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ that my busines may take good successe and I make a safe and prosperous returne without hurte either by the merciles and great waters by wilde Beastes of the fielde saue me from the stroke of Thunder from lightning and tempest preserue and keepe me as the apple of thine eye vnder the shaddow of thy winges from the wayes of the wicked that accomplishing the end of my iourney I may effectually finish and with happy successe ende my busines and by thine omnipotent conduction prosperously returne againe according to thy wil sweet God Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A thankes giuing after returne At thy returne giue God the prayse Who still conducts thee in thy wayes COnsider what daungers thou hast escaped in passing the pirrilous places of this worlde no place or tyme beeing without his danger And therefore at thy returne eyther vnto thine owne home or to any other place of rest Bee not vnmindfull to giue God hartye and vnfeyned thankes for his gracious protection and fatherly conduction So shall he our heauenly protectour euermore bee mindfull to directe thee in all thy wayes I Thanke thee Oh most louing and most mercifull God that it hath pleased thee to giue mee prosperous and happye returne from thys my iourney escaping dyuers and sundrye daungers which doo abound in all corners of the earth and hast giuen mee such successe in my busines as I trust shalbe for my best and hast of thy goodnes meere mercy brought mee againe vnto myne owne home and dwelling place to recreate my wearied members Also I thank theee Oh mercifull God for protecting and sauing mee thy silly creature from all pirrills as from drowning by water from the stroake of thunder and blastes of lightning from the clawes and iawes of wilde beastes of the feelde and for defending me from theeues robbers and men of blodie conditions which and sundry other mishaps I haue in thys my iourney escaped and whereby I haue bothe seene and hearde of diuers other to haue perished acknowledging it thine onely goodnes thine vnspeakable loue and meere mercy not able sufficiently to prayse thee for the same nor to yeelde sufficient thankes for thy fauour therein To thee sweete Lord be all honoure pray se dominion and glory for euer and euermore Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A thankes giuing to God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy ghost worthy to be often sayde Giue thankes to God who did vs make And to his sonne so deere Who did our raunsome vndertake With tho'ly Ghost so cleere ALthough we can not sufficientlye prayse God our heauenly father for his exceeding loue in making creating vs in the beginning to hys owne image likenes and that when we were not let vs yet humble our selues with dutifull obedience as good children to a louinge father praying for grace to set forth as much as in vs lyes his praises with Dauid who saide Psam 145. great is the lord meruey lous woorthy to bee praised who made heauen earth the sea al that is therein who keepeth his couenaunt fidelity for euer giuing vs for his son Iesus Christs sake al
things for our vse in time conuenient as by the placing the stars in heauen with the son mone their course orderly motiōs the hearbs of the field and due manner of their spring fading withering agayne The sea so inuironed compassed notwithstāding the rage force thereof kept within his limmits appointed boūds with the fishes so infinit therein both smal great the ebbing flowing therof which all serueth only for the vse seruice of man yea with out the which man coulde not continue yet especially aboue al things so great was his loue that he spared not for our sakes to giue his only son euen to dye most vndeseruedly vpon the crosse for our redemption which loue of the father therin as it moueth or shold moue a great desire of thanksgiving in vs so doth the obedience of the son giue vs a greater occasion of thankes giuinge then the tongue of any mortall man can expresse by whose acceptance of the pangs of death came the remission of al our sins as witnesseth the holy ghost the water of life which beeing sprinckled in our harts procureth vnfeyned looue whereby wee haue accesse to Christ our onely mediator to God the father Prayse God the father who made vs prayse God the sonne who redeemed vs and is our continuall aduocate to his heauenly father prayse God the holye Ghoste who hath sanctified gods electe and gyueth light vnto the hearts of all such as serue the Lord vnfeynedly OH almighty God maker and creator of all thinges conseruer of all that thou hast made and protector of all that loue thee who in the beginning madest all thinges of nothing which al rest in thine hādes haue their continuaunce beeing without whose prouidence they shold cōuert againe to nothing we yeeld vnto thee al lawd praise and glory vnto thee ascrib al power maiesty dominion who rulest all things workest al things disposest all things after thy wil to thine owne glory to our vnspeakable vndeserued cōfort who are as Pilgrims and strangers without the same thy continuall protection as creatures forsaken castawaies Lorde thine hād guideth al thinges preserueth al thinges guiueth all thinges for our vse most disobediēt stifnecked childrē who not withstanding thou through thy meere mercy loue vouchsafed in the beginning to place in the garden of happines where we shold haue cōtinued had not our firste parent by transgression made forfeiture therof so highly displeased thee that thou repēting of the makīg of vs didst drown the whole world for our sins sake yet so tender was thy loue so soone was thine anger conuerted into a desire of our saluation that thou vouchsafedst to sende into thys world Iesus Christ to redeeme vs into thy fauor again a surpassing loue where the offended shold seek attonemēt wyth the offendour for which thy singuler loue mercy in finit we can not sufficiēly thanke thee god of our cōfort nor thee sweetsaui our Iesus christ for thine obediēce for thine vndeserued humility and ardent desire of our reconciliation and eternall saluation Lorde increase my faith sende mee thy grace and endue me with thine holy spirite that I may hartely render and continually yeelde all possible thankes vnto thee not onely for creating keeping and preseruing vs hethervnto but also for reaching vnto vs thine hande of loue againe after our so greate and long disobedience I thanke thee Oh sauiour Iesus Christe redeemer and sauiour of our soules who refusedst not but most wilingly acceptedst for our sakes for our redemptiō from hell and eternall death beeing then thine enemies the approbrious death of the crosse among notorious offenders beeing often spightfully intreated buffeted spette at reuiled and most iuiuriously handled not for thine owne sweete Iesus but for our offences for our sinnes yea to purchace that by thine obedience which we lost by willfull rebellion against thyne heauenly fathers precept and will Oh good Iesu we thanke thee that it hath pleased thee to leaue the sacred mansion of thy Fathers right hand thy celestiall beeing and to put on the base attyre of a seruaunt to walke in the troublesome pathes of this miserable world and yet thinking it no robbery to be equall with God though leauing his heauenly habitation for a time according to his prouidence and heauenly knowledge to suffer heer in this vale of misery in this desert of sinne moste cruell and most shamefull abuses onely for our sins which were so odious and vile in the sight of our good God that no sacrifice or oblation coulde appeaze his wrath and deserued displeasure towardes vs for the same but thy death onely and sacrifice of thy precious and vndefiled body vpon the Aulter of the crosse who willingly sufferedst the same for our sakes notwithstanding they were so greeuous so in tollerable and odius that by reason of the extremitie and anguish rhereof thou werte constrained to sweat water and bloode Oh surpassing loue Oh loue without the which the hatred of thine omnipotent father had not been appeazed nor remooued from vs. Oh loue without the which we had beene barred of all accesse vnto the seate of mercy and woonted fauour of almightye God and continued in his heauy displeasure for euer to our vtter distruction death and damnation Oh sweete Iesus Oh healthfull comforter and giuer of health and restorer of life howe can wee but prayse thee how can we but loue thee howe can wee but magnifie and extoll thine holy name for euer who haue receiued at thy mercifull handes so vnspeakable a benefitt yea and who so tenderly louedst vs that by thy meanes without our deserts we are restored from death to life frō the deserued displeasure of our creator to his vnspeakable loue and fauour without which we had perished both body soule we haue attonement now with him that before we had so greatly offended euen God our maker without whose fauoure wee fall and without whose helpe wee perishe and passe to naught Oh sweete Iesus thou haste also taken vppon thee not onely to dye for our redemption and rise againe for our Iustification and to place vs in the sweete mansion of thine heauenly knowledge But haste also promised to continue our mediatour to thine heauenly father for euer while wee mortall men liue sinners on earth making continuall intercession for vs that he will vouchsafe neuer to withdrawe his louing countenaunce from vs his poore creatures but to be our Castell staye and strong refuge vnto the ende Oh Lord Iesus Christ we giue thee thankes not onely for that thou haste beene for a time heer present with vs on earth to manifest thy selfe vnto vs by the visible showe of thine humanity but in making the cause of thy comming certainly known vnto vs which was indeed in that thou wast verie God to call vs from blindnes error wherein we walked according to the will of sathā to take
the clowdes with most sweete wordes of comfort but such as haue seene thee euen the poore and little ones to bee sicke and comfortles and haue denyed them helpe releefe and ayde or hungrye and haue with-helde foode Thirstye and haue not giuen drinke naked and haue not clothed them Such sweete Lorde shall suffer hunger colde nakednes and thirst with vnspeakable greefe of conscience which shall neuer haue ende Oh that it woulde please thee therefore Oh mercifull God of thy greate goodnes fauour and louing kindnes to consider of these latter dayes and perrilous times wherein we liue wherein eniquitie hath gotten the vpper hand charity waxing cold and loue banisht from amongst brethren and thy selfe sweete Lorde euen thy poore and little ones the Orphanes and Widowes not onely not releeued not comforted not defended but troden vnder feete neglected and forgotten euen of such as haue aboundaunce Vouchsafe vouchsafe good Lorde according to thy promise to shorten these dayes least also thine elect be seduced with vanitie and forsake thee theyr onely comfort It is come to passe which thou hast sayde That as towardes the Summer trees and plantes of the earth doo budde so before thy comming to make vs so much the more prepared thou hast promised to sende vs foreknowledge by sundry signes and tokens bothe in the earth belowe which hath by thy passing as it were by vs quaked already at thy presence as also by the Sunne and moone other thy creatures apparantly showing thy rodde of vengeaunce to be ouer our heades ready to strike Oh Lorde wee cannot but looke for vtter distruction according to the weight and aboundance of our sins and iniquities vnles it may please thee to show thy mercy for Iesus sake in cōuerting vs we haue sinned we haue gonne astray we haue wrought wickednes in yeelding to the will of the flesh but most sweete Lorde let thy light so shine into our hearts that we may now beginne to seeke onely thy kingdome leaue the darknes of sinne growe to all goodnes and be mortefied as touching the olde man which is corruption dye to the world And remooue sathan that with godly desires we may attayne vnto the perfecte feeling of thy grace that hauing obteined the pure vnderstanding of thy word we may guide our liues by the rule therof that after the finishing of this our pilgrimage we may thorow the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christ enter into thy kingdome of eternall glory there for euer and euer to raigne enioying the sight of thee and to thy name with the rest of thy saintss sing laude and prayse eternally Oh Lord increase our fayth and giue vs grace vnfeynedly to repent vs of our sinnes Amen A praier necessarie to bee sayd after and at the end of all our prayers VOuchsafe Oh Lord and mercifull Father in whose handes resteth the harts of all men who knowest what wee want before we pray what wee will aske before we speake what wee doo in al thinges Vouchsafe to forgiue mine ignorance dulnes and slacke comming vnto thee the fountaine of all health and helpe encrease my faith dayly more and more and kindle in me the perfecte gift of prayer that I may at all times serue thee in trueth and whatsoeuer I haue asked according vnto thy wyll at this time giue me and what I haue omitted vnrequested for my selfe or any for whom thou wouldest we should pray for for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake gratiously graunt for which and for al thinges els necessary for mee and thē for body or soule I pray thee as thy sonne taught vs saying OVr father which art in heauen hallowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be doone in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily breade And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all euill Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth and continue the same effectually in me all men vnto the end Amen Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lorde mercy imbraceth him on euery syde Psal. 32. PAule before he would presume to eate gaue thanks Act. 27 35 Christ likewise before hee gaue the bread and Fyshes to them that were wyth hym in the wyldernes yea although he were Lord of all looking vppe to heauen from whence commeth all goodnes blessed it and gaue thankes and brake it vnto them Mat 14. the store beeing small replenished many thousandes and left many Baskets full wherefore take the blessings of God with thankes A prayer before meate OH bountifull GOD vouchsafe to looke downe with thy fauourable eyes of pittie vpon our weaknes and want and giue vs at this time those things which may be to our cōfort sanctifie these thy gifts that our bodyes beeing replenished we may be thankfull and enioy at thy mercifull handes the bread of eternall life to the releefe of our poore soules through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour Amen God saue and still increase thy flocke Keepe vs within thy folde Vouchsafe to heare when wee doo knocke Oh Lord our strongest holde Preserue our Queene be thou her stay This Realme of thine defend Indue vs with thy grace for aye On thee we all depend Oh Lord increase our fayth WHen God hath fedde your poore bodyes bee not therewith pust vppe with forgetfulnes what he requireth at our handes for his blessings but in a reuerent and deuout manner giue thankes that he may continue his louing kindnes to your comfort vnto the ende A thankes giuing after meate WE thanke thee most bountifull Lord for this thy fatherly feeding our hungry bodies so vouchsafe to feede our silly soules with the breade of eternall life That after this life ended we may ascend where Christ is gonne before Amen Sith God hath fedde our bodyes poore VVhich els would soone decay Remember such as lye at doore Say not their cryings nay God saue his Church our Queene defende this Realme preserue for aye And graunt vs all a godly ende And ioyfull rysing day Oh Lord increase our fayth FINIS A Table to finde out the principall Prayers conteined in this booke A Prayer to Christ. Folio 1. A prayer for the assistaunce of Gods holy spirite fol. eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fo 3 A morning prayer for the working day fol. eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 5 A prayer for the Queene eodem A prayer for the Sunday morning fol. 7 A short prayer to the like purpose fol 9. A confession of sinnes eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 11 A prayer for the euening fol. 12 A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 14. A prayer for the increase of fayth eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol 17. A prayer against the deuill the world and the fleshe very necessary to be often sayd eodem A short prayer to the same effecte fol. 20. A prayer for the helpe and assistaunce of God in all our dooings and that we doo nothing but in hys feare and due obedience eodem A short prayer to the like purpose folio 23. The sorrowfull sinner afflicted in conscience by reason of his sins may say thus eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 26. A prayer for a competent necessary liuing fo eod A prayer necessary after the hearing of the worde of God folio 29 A short prayer to the like purpose folio 31 A thankes giuing to God for his benefits eodem A deuout prayer or meditation that we may alwais haue consideration that we must dye which as it is good at all times so especially in the time of any common plague or sicknes a godly meditation folio 33. A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 37 A prayer vpon the Lettany or prayer for all men at all times necessary eodem A prayer for the fulfilling of the tenne commaundements fol. 40 A short prayer to the like purpose foli 44. A prayer for the true ordering of worldly titches very necessary for such as God hath endued with the wealth of this world eodem A short prayer to the like purpose foli 47 A prayer to be sayd of a woman with child fol. 48 A short and most necessary prayer alwayes to bee sayd of one with childe folio 49 A thankes giuing to God after the deliuery fol. eod A prayer for wisedome folio 51. A short prayer to the like purpose foli 53 A prayer in misery and trouble fol 54 A short prayer to the like effecte often to be sayde folio 57. A payer to be defended from enemies eodem A short prayer to the like purpose folio 60 A prayer when a man taketh a iourney folio 61. A thankes giuing after returne folio 62 A thankes giuing to God the father God the sonne and God the holy ghoste woorthy to bee often sayde folio 63 A prayer to bee sayde before the receiuing of the Communion fol. 67 A prayer after the receiuing of the communion fol. 68. A deuout meditation or confession of our sinnes with humble request vnto almighty God c. folio 69 A prayer necessary to be sayde after and at the ende of all our prayers fol. 74. A prayer before meate folio 75 A thankes giuing after meate fol. 76 FJNIS ·GOD· ·IS· ·MY· HELPER a 〈…〉 te the rest 〈…〉 Child be de 〈…〉 ying the 〈…〉 pray●r and 〈…〉 at the ●ude 〈…〉 prayer
eodem 27 where were 25 eodem 24. desease deseased 26 2 4 as white be as white 32 eodem 6 learne teache 59 2 9 vndeserudly deseruedly eodem eodem 27 wylles wyles ¶ A pensiue mans practise Before we pray we must forgiue if we haue any thing against any man otherwise our heauenly Father will not forgiue vs. Mar. 11. A prayer to Christ. O Sweete Iesus who haste taken vppon thee to bee our intercessor Aduocate vnto God thine heauenlie Father vouchsafe I humbly be secche thee to accompanye me in these my supplications and prayers presenting them vnto his heauenlie maiestie in such sorte as for thy sake sweete Iesus they may be acceptable vnto him to the washing away of my sinnes obteining thinges necessarie for me and all men according vnto his will in all things Amen O Lord increase my faith O Lorde open thou my lips that my mouth may extoll thee with prayse and bee thankfull vnto thee for thy benefites grant that I speake nothinge but that which may bee to thine honour glorie to the reliefe of our necessities bodelye and ghostlie Amen O Lord make speede to sende vs helpe succor from the Tower of thy strength O Lord let thine heauenly kingdome bee alwayes readie to receiue vs to eternall saluation Eternall praises be vnto thee oh God So be it A praier for the assistaunce of Gods holy Spirite Aske what thou wilt and thou shalt haue If thou in Christ the same doo craue For Christ thy Mediator sees When thou to him doost fall on knees ASke and yee shall haue seeke and yee shal finde knocke it shalbe opened vnto you Matt. 7. If yee that he euill can giue vnto your Children good giftes when they aske them how much more shall our heauenlie father giue his holie spirite to thē that faithfully desire it Luk. 11. VVe knowe not what to aske nor how to pray as we ought but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which can not be expressed Rom. 8. Seeing therefore our prayers be vaine and of none effecte without the grace and assistaunce of Gods holie spirite let vs fail downe vnto the throne of his Maiestie praying faithfullie for the same and it shall be giuen vs. O Almighty God omnipotēt father who comfortest such as be sorrowfull and who giuest all good and perfect giftes as thou of thy free fauour and loue hast willed vs in all our afflictions and necessities and as often as we finde our selues burdened with any kinde of tribulation or afflictiō either of bodie or minde to call for ease at thy mercifull handes So vouch safe to heare my crye and to consider the secrete groanes sighes and sorrowes of my sillye soule Oh blessed and eternall God loe heer before the thrōe of thy mercy euen at the gate of thy sweete promises I thy silly creature worke of thine owne hands prostrate my selfe in hearte most humbly beseeching thee to sende downe vppon my darke vnderstanding the bright beames of thine holy spirite to lighten me and to direct me in all my supplications and prayers and especially at this time Oh Lorde for that thou knowest my weakenes wickednes and ignoraunce to be such as I am altogether vnable to frame my requestes according to thy will or to seeke that is truelie for mine owne soules health and am altogether ignoraunt of the right gate to knocke at without thine especiall grace directing and assisting mee VVherefore I most humbly beseeche thee to addresse and prepare mine heart to the true vnderstanding of thy will and my tongue and lippes to the pure and vnfeyned calling on thy holy name euen for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake our onely Mediatour and Aduocate for whose bitter deathes sake I humbly beseeche thee of thy meere fauour and louing kindnes to wasn me and to make me cleane by the operation of thine holy spirite that beeing sanctified I may vtter those thinges which may bee vnto thee an acceptable sacrifice through the same thy sonnes mediation and intercession And that nothing passe the bandes of mine vnsta●ed lippes but that which may beseeme a single heart alwaies sounding to thine honour and setting foorth of thy most woorthy prayse both at this time and at all times Let th●ne holie spirite Oh Lorde come vnto me let it continue with me worke and preuaile effectuallie in me vnto the ende that I may both at this time beginne and for euermore continue as thou willest I shoulde namelie in faith that I fall not in anie temptations In hope that I may constantli● looke for and faithfully attaine vnto perfit vnderstanding of thy will and ablenes in all thinges to fulfill the same Make me also good Lord feruent in charitie that I may freelie and vnfeynedlie euen from mine heart forgiue and forgett all iniuries wronges and euill dooings of such as by any meanes haue ostended me with hartie prayer for their amendment that I approching vnto the throne of thy mercie in a pure and simple hart may hartelie as wel for all others as for my selfe for thinges necessary both for bodie and soule say that prayer which thy deerlie and well beloued sonne Iesus Christ taught vs to say Oh our Father which art in heauen c. Oh Lorde increase our faith A shorter prayer to the like purpose OH God almighty most louing and moste righteeus who vouchsafest to instill into the heartes of thy chosen seruauntes grace vnfeynedly to serue thee and to call vpon thine holy name in their necessitie and distresse Uouchsafe I humbly beseeche thee ●f thy méere mercie to expell out of mine heart all naturall dulnes misbeléefe and blindnes of error And through thine holie spirite to plant in steede thereof perfect zeale and vnfeyned desire to prostrate my selfe in heart before thine heauenlie Maiestie in fayth vnfeyned That at thys time it may please thée so to accept these my supp 〈…〉 cations and prayers as I may obteyne at thy mercifull handes what soeuer thou seest necessary bothe for body and soule through Jesus Christ our onely Sautour and Redéemer Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A morning prayer for the working day Before thou d●o thy worke beginne Thanke God craue pardon for thy sin And then thy worke shall prosper so As want shall neuer breede thee woe WHat a great benefit we receiue at the handes of almightie God by our naturall sleepe none is ignoraunt what perrils wee escape in the darke dolefull night wee may easilie iudge And what fauome the almighty extendeth towardes vs in giuing vs lodging not in the fieldes but in houses not vpon the harde and colde grounde but vppon softe pillowes warmelie couered experience teacheth VVhat thankes for this so bountifull benefits of his we are daily bounde to yeelde I woulde we allknewe and had will to yeelde them accordingly as did Dauid who Psal. 55 in the morning at midday and at night calling on the name of the Lord with thankes sayde Psal.
same dilligentlie in following it effectually and in praying vnto thee zealously and faithfully imbracing all goodnes willingly and auoyding all euill watilie that so spending this day I may the better proceede to the execution of my calling this weeke following to the releefe of my necessitie furtheraunce of my neighbours That so continuing vnto the ende I may receiue the reward of thy celestiall kingdome which thy sonne Iesus Christe hath purchased with his bloode for all true beleeuers in thee In number of whome sweete Lorde for the merytes of him thy sonne make me that I with them and they with me may continually sing laude and prayse vnto the Trinitie eternallie which graunt for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A short prayer to the like purpose ALL possible thankes I render vnto thee most louing and moste mercifull Father that it hath pleased the● to bee my carefull watchman this night preseruing me from many euils vouchsafing sleepe vnto mine eyes to the vnspeakable comfort of my poore bo●●e Let it likewise please thee I humbly beseeche thee to giue me grace according to thine heauenly will 〈◊〉 expresse commaundement as at all times so this day especially to imploy me to the seruice of thee in all godlines and purenes of life leauing all bodily labours and exercise as to the Sanctetie which thou in the beginning g●uest vnto the day when thou had●est sinished all thy worke dooth instly deserue Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A confession of sinnes Confesse thy sinnes to God on hie Who pardons sinners when they cry FOr asmuch as all men by nature are sinners and none Christ excepted euer liued without man folde offences Let vs with Dame●l ●●●esse Da. 9 that we haue sinned that we delt wickedlie in tr●sgressing the lawe of the Lord. Pro. 28. For who so hideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth them and forsaketh them shall finde mercie For when Adam Gen. 3. had broken the cōmaundement of the Lorde be excused his fault was accursed But Dauid confessing his wickednes found fauour The lost sonne Lu. 15. after long going astray at last returned confessing his fault and obteyned pardon Iohn Baptist. Mat. 3 when hee first preached the gospell he baptized none but such as confessed theyr sinnes wherefore let vs faithfully and continually vpon our knees acknowledge our sinnes and prepare our selues to vnfeyned repentaunce and vndoubtedlie we shal obteine mercie at the hāds of the Lord For if we acknowledge our sinnes 1. Iohn 1. he is faithfull to forgiue them according to his promise Say with Dauid Psa. 23. I will acknowledge my sinnes vnto the Lord and will not hide mine iniquitie from him yea confesse against thy selfe and he wyll forgiue thy sinnes OH omnipotent father and euerliuing God from whose wisedome foreknowledge no secretes are or may bee hidden but doost plainely consider behold the workes wordes and thoughtes of all creatures I most hūbly beseeche thee of thine infinite mercye to haue compassion vppon my sinnes which are so great and greeuous so many and they so vile and lothsome to thine heauenlie eyes that thou canst not abide to turne thy louing countenaunce towardes me Oh Lorde I doo confesse that my conception my birth yea and all my life hath beene in sin our Fathers and mothers sinfull euen from the stocke of our great Grandfather Adam whose blindnesse shoulde haue beene our light and whose sight was turned to our blindnes darknes by the deceitful most vile alurings of that enemie of ours the wilie and moste subtill serpent sathan by whose ●ntisements our forefather beeing clothed with innocencie and simplicitie in most pure vnspeakable happines was mooued to the desire of the knowledge of that that thou woldest he should haue beene ignorant of And which thou haddest vtterlie forbidden him By breking of which thy commaundement he with Eue whome thou hadst ordeyned out of hys owne flesh to be his companion and comfort where with thine Angell according to thy determinate will driuen out of Parradice a place of ioy to a pitte of sorrow from good to euill from ease to laboure and trauaile from quietnes to trouble from wealth to want from light to darknes from myrth to mourning from succoure to be succourles In so much Oh Lord as he our father purchased for vs his children none other possession or inheritaunce but the vnhappy enteraunce into sinne and corruption And we his children beeing by succession ingrossed in this detestable stocke of sinne haue hethervnto notwithstanding thy most louing and by so sundry meanes calling vs by thine holye Gospell of comfort continued therein to our vtter perdition deserued death and distruction confessing and acknowledging our selues runnagates outcastes and trewantes and of our selues altogether vnable to cast away and lay aside these workes of darknes and to obteine againe the Lanterne of light Yet for as much as I am most sorry from the very bottome of mine heart that I haue offended thee wilfully and disobedientlie strayed from the wayes of thy Lawes And doo vnfeynedly condemne al my former life to be most vile determining in heart by thy grace to forsake sinne and cleaue vnto godlines and purenes of liuing to decline from euill and to doo good I most humbly euen vpō the knees of mine heart beseeche thine almightye Maiestie to lysten with a moste willing and attentiue eare vnto my groninges secrete sighes and vnfeyned repentance and with the eyes of thy mercye to beholde my lamenting spyrite and so vouchsafe to accept the same as it may bee vnto thee a sufficient sacrifice for all former euills That I beeing free from sinne not by any deserte or meryte of mine owne but onely by the death and passyon of thy Sonne Iesus Christe may take perfecte holde of the remission thereof and fully perswade my selfe that through the death of him thy sonne I am agayne restored to the former happines and blessed estate which oure first parent Adam was in the beginning placed in And the heade of that subtill Serpent sathan who so wylilye deceyued him by the seede of the Woman to bee altogether bruzed troden downe and vanquished and his power quite taken from him So that hee is not able anye more to lifte him selfe vppe againste the Chyldren of Fayth as hee seeketh and desyreth yea and often preuayleth againste the weake and feeble ones Vouchsafe sweete LORDE and moste loouing Iesus to consider my weakenesse and frayltye and mortefye in mee all delightes of thys miserable worlde and the corrupt fleshe And stande betwene mee and Sathan that hee preuayle no further agaynste mee then I shall bee able to resyste for wee can not stande but doo continually yeelde vnto the deceiueable showes of this worlde the false motions of the fleshe and temptations of Sathan without thy continuall ayde and assistaunce wherewith I beseeche thee both at this time and euer a●me me wash me with thy
bloode and purge me with thy grace that I may nowe beginne and for euer continue in liuing according to thine holy and heauenly commaundement to the prayse of thy name and mine eternall saluation sweete Sauiour Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose OH Father of mercie and God of all goodnes I confesse vnto thee the corruption which from Adam to vs remaineth in our flesh whereby wee daily rebell against thy diuine Maiestie vouchsafe Oh Lorde I humbly beseeche thee for Jesus Christes sake to forgiue my sinnes and to pardon mine iniquities And instill into my heart vnfeyned repentaunce that the death of him thy Sonne may take away the hea●e burden which the fall of our first Parents layde vpon vs Amen Oh Lorde increase my fayth A praier for the euening When thou betakst thee to thy rest Commit thee to tha'lmighties hest For when thou lyest downe at night Thou art not sure to see day light ALthough that wee can not at all times duely examine our selues as concerning our life past yet once in the day it is most requisite to consider howe we haue spent the time past namely at night to weigh what we haue doon the day before and in the morning to consider howe we haue past the night For although the night was ordeyned for rest yet as sayth Paule 1. Thes 5. we should then watch and bee sober singing prayses vnto the Lord as Dauid did Ps. 42 giuing him thankes for the helpe of his presence that is to say for his protection the day past praying the same in the darke night when all th●●●es by reason of the darknes are hidden and when the wicked god about theyr euill pretended purposes to the disturbance of the godlye Therefore whatsoeuer thou doo Dan. II whether thou lie downe or 〈…〉 be medita●●ng the law of the Lorde OH heauenlie God and eternall Father giuer of all good thinges and protectour of all that loue thee I yeelde thee moste humble and harty thankes for thine inestimable benefites not onely for keeping and preseruing me this day but all my life that neither mine enemies haue preuailed against me as they sought and desired nor anie other misfortune which within this world is incident vnto mankinde hath ouercome me but hast like a moste louing father and carefull Puruey or giuen and prouided for me all thinges necessary In somuch as I haue beene well refreshed and replenished with thy great benefit of feeding me and with thy gracious benefite of clothing me so that I haue not sayn●ed throughe want of so●de ●●t beene ●●●resie● with ouermuch colde for lacke of ravment as with mine eyes to my great greefe I may and doo beholde a number da●●e in diuers corners of the streetes and wayes as I passe who are most greeuously tormented with hunger colde sores and sicknes lamentable to see whom also thou hast bought m●st deerelie and yet s●sterest them to be oppreiled and I who haue deserued no lesse nay rather good Lord a great deale more then some of them haue by thy fatherly goodnes not onely escaped those afflictions but receiued at thy mercifall handes infinite good gifts and vnspeakable benefites for which thine inestimable loue I cannot sufficientlie prayse thee Oh Lorde forgiue mine offences which this day I haue committed doone against thine almightie maiestie whether they be secrete and vnknowne or open whether they were doone in my youth or at any time since pardon them Oh GOD for Iesus Christes sake and vouchsafe me thy grace to amende my life and to returne vnfeynedly to the seruice of thee And for asmuch as I can not continue without thy continuall protection vouchsafe to extende the same vnto me thy wretched creature this night that I may quietly take my rest which thou haste appointed for a refreshment of our wearyed members and hast ordeined the night and darknesse as a time most conuenient to take the same in beeing a time wherein we shoulde to that ende cease from our labours and daylie affayres And vouchsafe vnto me thy poore creature who am of my selfe neyther of power to lye downe nor beeing layde able to rise vppe thine especiall assistaunce and helpe that in thy name I may lie downe and receyue at thy mercifull handes sweete and comfortable reste not according to the greedines of my corrupt nature but as shall be onely expedient for the refreshment of my weake body And for as much good Lorde as thou knowest with what mortall foes wee are continuallye assaulted both sleeping and waking who endeuor by all meanes to entrappe vs by some euill or other which wee heare or see in thys vale of vanitie to our delighte though contrarye to thy will wherevnto we often yeelde and that in the day time much more in the darke and lothsome night wherin all thinges are couered and hidden and when the heauines of drowsie sleepe keepeth downe our vnderstanding in which time of darknes such as intende to worke wickednes are most ready with dilligence abhorring the light to put in practise theyr mischeuous deuises Therfore I most humbly beseeche thee Oh God almightie to preuent thē in their euill imaginations that in no wise they hurt me And to graunt though sleepe to my bodie sufficient and not ouermuch yet to my poore soule watchfull and dilligent waking that I fall into no daunger by yeelding to any euill in the sleepe of my bodie vouchsafe also to garde and defende me that nothing hurte me this night that fire consume me not nor anie thing that belongeth vnto me nor any other daunger whatsoeuer dismay me Keepe me also good Lord from suddaine and vnprouided death and preserue me so by the watch of thine holie Angells that I may take my rest in quiet vntill the morning and then giue my selfe vnto the finishing of my duetie to the discharg of my vocation and fulfilling of thy will vnto my lines ende for which thy fauour and for all things els necessary for me and all other for whom thou hast commaunded vs to pray as for all such as are in anie kinde of affliction in bodie or minde for the testimonie of thy trueth that thou wilt strengthen them and thine whole Church in pure religion For all such as are sicke and diseased that thou wil● eyther restore them to health giue them patience or receiue them vnto thy selfe for the preseruation of our Queene and gouernesse Elizabeth by thy dinine prouidence ferre ouer vs that shee may continue to thy pleasure long and prosperously ouer vs and for this whole Realme of England that thou wilt graunt vs all true repentaunce for our Parents Brethren Sisters Kins●olkes Neighbours and all them that thou wouldest wee shoulde commende vnto thee in prayer Giue mee grace to say that prayer which thy sonne Iesus Christ taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. And for as much as we cannot pray effectually without thine especiall gift of faith vouchsafe to
VV iddowes and be helpfull vnto them in their distresses Lord haue mercy vpon all men forgiue our enemies and such as persecute vs and if it please thee turne the heartes Fructifie those thinges on earth which thou hast appoynted for our vse and so increase the same that we may enioy the fruites thereof with sufficiencie for our necessities in time conuenient And vouchsafe to giue vs grace to fall downe vppon the knees of our hearts with vnfeyned repentannce of all our sinnes that we may obteyne at thy mercifull handes pardon for our offences negligences and ignoraunces and vouchsafe to endue vs with thine holy spirite that we may goe forward in daily amendmēt of our liues gouern the same according to thy wil. Amen Oh sonne of almighty God we beseeche thee to heare vs. Oh Lambe of God that takest away the sins of the world graunt vs thy peace and haue mercy vpon vs. Oh Lord increase our fayth Amen A prayer for the fulfilling of the tenne Commaundements Pray that thou maiest fulfill the will Of him whose hand defends thee still And these precepts forget thou not Which Moyses for thy safety wrot BLessed is the man as sayth Dauid Psalm 1. 2. that delighteth in the Lawe of the Lorde and meditateth therein day and night he shall be blessed in his goodes in all that hee taketh in hand at his going out and his comming in and in all thinges But contrariwise he that declyneth from his commaundemēts and neglecteth them shall be accursed in all his waies and nothing shall prosper with him although for a tyme it flourishe in showe heere the ende of the same will be euill And therfore Dauid in all his prayers considering his owne infirmitie besought the Lord to instruct him in his commaundements saying make mee Oh God to vnderstand thy lawes and I will meditate vppon all thine wonderous works Yea his delight was in the commaundements of God And Saloman sayth Pro. 28. that hee that turneth away his eares from hearing the lawe his prayer shall be abhominable For it is the loue of God that we should keepe his commaundements 1. Ioh 5 Praye therefore that God will stirre vp in you an vnfeyned zeale in all your dooings and enterprises to obserue the law of the Lorde OH almighty Iehouah God of heauen earth who haste promised thy selfe euen from the beginning to be our Lorde and our God our shielde and our Fortresse our buckler and defence our Castell and refuge And who hast brought vs with a mighty and strong hand with an outstretched Arme out of the Lande wherein wee were straungers wherein we liued in bondage vnder the yoke and tytannye of Antechriste and sathan into the lande land that floweth with the Milke and Honny of true religion wherewith thou feedest the soules of thy faithfull ones Grant that as through thy meere mercye and loue thou vouchsafest to bring vs into this worlde and to frame vs to thine owne image and likenes So we may account thee as our onely God worshipping none other besides thee making vnto our selues none image of any likenes either of thinges aboue or thinges beneathe nor bowe or seeke helpe at the handes of any as a God beside thee who as by thy mightye power thou broughtest the children of Israell out of Egipt by the handes of Moses and Aaron where they were in bondage where they were continually oppressed with sundry kindes of vexations both of body and minde So hast thou vhuchsased to bring vs and to deliuer vs from a greater bondage seruitude and stauery euen from the power of Sathan vnder whose tyranny we rested and now escaped not by the pollicie strength or power of any Moyses but by the blod shedding of thine only son Iesus Christ who tooke vpon him the death of the crosse for our sakes to bring vs frō darknes wherein we walked according to the will of the flesh vnto the true knowledge of thee againe to redeeme vs out of the bondage of sin into the land of righteousnes from blinde ignoraunce to the bright shining day-starre of thine heauenly will who art not onely a most loouing and gentle Father but also a moste sharp punisher and reuenger who art not onely desirous that we should come vnto thee but art also most ielious ouer vs least we should seeke or follow any other God besides thee yea in all our afflictions and troubles to seeke onely vnto thee and beeing releeued to attribute the onely meane thereof vnto thy selfe whereby thou hast promised to bee mercifull vnto thousandes that loue thee feare thee seeke thee and truely take hold● of thee as theyr onely God And againe threatnest thy vengeaunce and heauy displeasnre to continue vppon the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate thee and folow straunge Gods Oh sweete God vouchsafe that it may be farre from our mindes to haue any desire once to put our foote towardes any straunge Gods appeare their helpe neuer so likely or plentifull but that it bee bothe now and euer in our hearts to confesse both in word and conuersation that there is none other God besides thee who art most glorious and a most louing Father haue mercy vpon vs. And so vouchsafe to direct vs in all our dooinges cogitations and wordes as we may alwayes and in all thinges fulfil thy will neuer taking thine holy and most glorious name in vaine by blasphemous speeches dishonouring the same Keepe vs moste louing Father not onely from the most detestable sinne of periury whereby thine holy name is often defaced and as it were troden vnder foote as in making it the author of abhominable falshoodes and lyes but from all friuolous and vaine othes which to the great greefe of thy children are moste vncomly in the mouthes of such as vnreuerently and rashly vse it euen in common speeches without any vrgent cause or matter forcing wherby they fal into the most hemous sinne of taking thy most glorious name in vaine but that we may vse such a reuerent manner godly order of vsing thy name for trial of any matter in lawfull causes as thou maist alwaies find vs true hallowers of it therby And forasmuchas thou within sixe daies didst finish al things in the be ginning in the seauenth day didst rest from the same labor commanding vs likewise to obserue the sanctification of the same for euer and to rest from all labours trauailes and worldly busines and not onely our selues but all other whom thou hast committed to our charge as seruaunts Oxen and Asses and such like graunt that wee may not onely lay aside all worldly cares and busines on the Sabaoth day resting our wearied members but may in all thinges sanctifie it and keepe it holy with godly exercises diuine prayers and heauenly meditations with carefull and diligent regard to the auoyding of all wanton pastimes foolish and vncomly exercises and vnlawfull practises whereby oftentimes the affection beeing mooued to impatience powreth