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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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haue nothing lesse Hereby we may plainly see that the Pope with his doctrine doth nothing else but trouble and torment mens consciences at length driueth them to desperation For he not onely teacheth but also cōmaundeth men to dout Therfore according to the Psalme There is no truth or certaintie in his mouth And in an other place vnder his tōge is iniquitie mischeefe Here we may see what great infirmitie is yet in the Faith of the Godly For if we could be fully perswaded that we are vnder grace that our sinnes are forgeuen that we haue the spirit of Christ that we are the children of God then doubtles we should be ioyfull and thankfull to God for this inestimable gift But because we feele cōtrary motions that is to say feare doutfulnes anguish and heuines of heart such like therfore we can not assure our selues hereof yea our conscience iudgeth it a great presumption and pride to chalenge this glory Wherfore if we will vnderstand this thing rightly and as we should doe we must put it in practise for without experience and practise it can neuer be learned Wherfore let euery man so practise with him selfe that his conscience may be fully assured that he is vnder grace and that his person and his workes doe please god And if he feele in himselfe any wauering or douting let him exercise his Faith and wrastle against this douting and let him endeuour to attaine more certaintie so that he may be able to say I know that I am accepted and that I haue the holy Ghost not for mine owne worthines my worke my merite but for Christes sake who of his inestimable loue towardes vs made him self thrall and subiect to the lawe tooke away the sinnes of the world In him do I beleue If I be a sinner erre he is righteous and can not erre Moreouer I gladly heare read sing wryte of him and I desire nothing more then that his Gospel may be knowne to the whole world and that many may be conuerted vnto him These things doe plainly witnesse that the holy Ghost is present with vs in vs For such things are not wrought in the heart by mans strength nor gotten by his industrie exercise or trauell but are obtained by Christ alone who first maketh vs righteous by the knowledge of him in his holy Gospel and afterwardes he createth a new heart in vs bringeth forth new motions geueth vnto vs that assurance wherby we are perswaded that we please the father for his sake Also he geueth vs a true iudgement whereby we proue trie those things which before we knew not or else altogether despised It behoueth vs therefore to wrastle against this douting that we may daily ouercome it more and more attaine to a full perswasion certainty of Gods fauour towardes vs rooting out of our heartes this cursed opinion that a man ought to dout of the grace fauour of God which hath infected the whole world For if we dout whether we be vnder grace whether we please God for Christes sake or not we deny that Christe hath redemed vs we deny simply all his benefits Ye that are yong mē may easily apprehēd this pure doctrine of the Gospel and abādon this pernicious opinion because ye are not yet poysoned therwith Verse 6. Crying Abba Father Paule might haue sayd God sent the spirite of his sonne into our hearts calling Abba Father Now he sayth not so but crying Abba Father that he might shew and set forth the temptation of a Christian which yet is but weake and weakly beleueth In the .8 to the Rom. he calleth this crying an vnspeakeable groning Likewise he sayeth The spirite helpeth our infirmities For vve knovv not hovve to pray as vve ought but the spirite maketh intercession for vs vvith vnspeakeable gronings c. And this is a singuler consolation when he sayeth here that the spirite of Christ is sent into our hearts crying Abba Father And againe that he helpeth our infirmities making intercession for vs with vnspeakeable gronings He that could assuredly beleue this should neuer be ouercome with any affliction were it neuer so great But there are many things that hinder this Faith in vs First our heart is borne in sinne Moreouer this euill is naturally grafted in vs that we doubt of the good will of God towardes vs and cannot assure our selues that we please God. c. Besides all this the Deuil our aduersarie raūgeth about with terrible rorings and sayeth Thou art a sinner therefore God is angrie with thee and will destroy thee for euer Against these horrible and intolerable rorings we haue nothing whervpon to hold stay our selues but only the word which setteth Christ before vs as a conquerour ouer sinne and death and ouer all euils But to cleaue fast to the word in this tentation and these terrours of conscience herein standeth all the difficultie For then Christe appeareth to no sense We see him not the heart feeleth not his presence or succour in temptation but rather it seemeth that Christ is angrie with vs and that he forsaketh vs Moreouer when a man is tempted and afflicted he feeleth the strength of sinne and the infirmitie of the flesh he douteth he feeleth the flerie dartes of the Deuill the terrours of death the anger and iudgement of god All these things cry out horribly against vs so that we see nothing else but desperation and eternall death But yet in the middest of these terrours of the lawe thundrings of sinne assaultes of death and rorings of the Deuill the holy Ghost sayth Paule cryeth in our hearts Abba Father And this crie surmounteth those mighty and horrible cries of the lawe sinne death the Deuill c it perceth the cloudes and the heauens and ascendeth vp vnto the eares of God. Paule therfore signifieth by these words that there is yet infirmitie in the godly As he doth also in the .8 chap. to the Rom. when he sayeth The spirite helpeth our infirmities For as much therfore as the sense and feeling of the contrary is strong in vs that is to say for as much as we feele more the displeasure of God then his good will and fauour towardes vs therefore the holy Ghost is sent into our heartes which doth not only sigh and make request for vs but mightely crieth Abba Father and praieth for vs according to the wil of God with teares and vnspeakeable gronings And how is this done When we are in terrours and in the conflict of conscience in deede we take hold of Christ and beleue that he is our Sauiour but then doe the law and sinne terrifie and torment vs most of all Moreouer the Deuill assaileth vs with all his engines and fierie darts and goeth about with all his power to plucke Christ from vs and to take from vs all consolations Here we feele our selues almost ouercome and at
treasure which is Christ and apprehend him in our heartes by Faith although we feele our selues to be full of sinne These words therfore of the Apostle that vve might be iustified by faith and not by the vvorkes of the lavve are very effectual and not in vaine or vnprofitable as the Scholemen thinke and therefore they passe them ouer so lightly Hetherto ye haue heard the wordes of Paule which he spake vnto Peter wherein he hath briefly comprised the principall article of all Christian doctrine which maketh true Christians in deede Now he turneth to the Galathians to whom he wryteth and thus he concludeth Since it is so that we are iustified by faith in Christ then by the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified Verse 16. Because by the deedes of the lavve no flesh shall be iustified Flesh in Paule doth not signifie as the Scholemen dreame manifest and grosse sinnes for those he vseth to call by their proper names as adultery fornication vncleanes and such like but by flesh Paule meaneth here as Christ doth in the third chapter of Iohn That vvhich is borne of flesh sayeth he is flesh Flesh therfore signifieth the whole nature of man with reason and all other powers what so euer doe belong to man This flesh sayth he is not iustified by workes no not of the lawe Flesh therefore according to Paule signifieth all the righteousnes wisedome deuotion religion vnderstanding and will that is possible to be in a naturall man So that if a man be neuer so righteous according to reason and the lawe of God yet withall his righteousnes workes merites deuotion and religion he is not iustified This the Papistes doe not beleue but being blinde and obstinate they defend their abhominations against their owne conscience continuing in this their blasphemie and hauing yet still in their mouthes these execrable wordes He that doth this good worke or that deserueth forgeuenes of his sinnes who so euer entreth into this or that holy order and kepeth his rule to him we assuredly promise euerlasting life It can not be vttered what an horrible blasphemie it is to attribute that to the doctrine of Deuilles to the decrees and ordinaunces of men to the wicked traditions of the Pope to the hypocriticall workes and merites of Monkes and Friers which Paule the Apostle of Christ taketh away from the lawe of god For if no flesh be iustified by the workes of the lawe much lesse shall it be iustified by the rule of Benedict Fraunces or Augustine in which there is not one iote of true Faith in Christ but this onely they vrge that who so euer kepeth these things hath life euerlasting Wherefore I haue much and often marueled that these sectes of perdition raigning so many yeres in such great darknes and errours the Church could endure and continue as it hath done Some there were whom God called by the letter of the Gospell and by baptisme These walked in simplicitie and humblenes of heart thinking the Monkes and Friers and such onely as were anoynted of the Bishops to be religious and holy and them selues to be prophane and secular and not worthy to be compared vnto them Wherfore they finding in them selues no good workes to set against the wrath and iudgement of God did flie to the death passion of Christ and were saued in this simplicitie Horrible and vnspeakeable is the wrath of God in that he hath so long time punished the contempt of the Gospell and of Christ in the Papistes and also their ingratitude geuing them ouer into a reprobate sense in so much that they blaspheming and denying Christ altogether as touching his office in stede of the gospell haue receaued the execrable rules ordinaunces and traditions of men which they haue deuoutly adored and honoured yea and preferred the same farre aboue the word of God vntill at length they were forbidden to marry and were bound to that incestuous single life wherein they were outwardly polluted and defiled with all kindes of horrible wickednes as adultrie whoredom vncleanes Sodomitrie and such other abominations This was the frute of that filthie single life So God punishing sinne with sinne inwardly gaue them ouer into a reprobate minde and outwardly suffered them to fall into such horrible abominations and that iustly because they blasphemed the onely sonne of God in whom the father would be glorified and whom he deliuered to death that al which beleue in him might be saued by him and not by their owne execrable rules and orders Him that honoureth me sayth he I vvill honour Nowe God is honoured in his sonne Who so thē beleueth that the sonne is our Mediatour and Sauiour he honoureth the father and him againe doth God honour that is to say adorneth him with his giftes forgeuenes of sinnes righteousnes the holy Ghost euerlasting life Cōtrariwise They that despise me sayth he shall be despised This is then a generall conclusion Because by the deedes of the lavv no flesh shal be iustified The law of God is greater then the whole world for it comprehendeth all men and the works of the law do farre excel euen the most glorious wilworkes of all the Meritmongers and yet Paule sayth that neither the lawe nor the workes of the law do iustifie Therfore we conclude with Paule that faith only iustifieth This proposition he goeth about to confirme in this maner Verse 18. If then vvhile vve seeke to be made righteous by Christ vve our selues are found sinners is Christ therefore the minister of sinne God forbid If this be true sayth he that we are iustified by Christ then is it vnpossible that we should be sinners or should be iustified by the lawe On the contrary if this be not true but that we must be iustified by the lawe and the workes of the lawe it is then vnpossible that we should be iustified by Christ One of these two must needes be false Either we are not iustified by Christ or we are not iustified by the lawe But the truth is that we are iustified by Christ therefore we are not iustified by the lawe He reasoneth therefore after this maner If then vvhile vve seeke to be made c. That is If we seeke to be iustified by Christ and so being iustified we are yet foūd sinners hauing neede of the lawe to iustifie vs being sinners If we haue neede I say of the obseruation of the lawe to iustifie vs so that they which are righteous in Christ are not righteous but haue yet neede of the lawe to iustifie them Or if he that is iustified by Christ must yet further be iustified by the lawe then is Christ nothing else but a lawgeuer and a minister of sinne Therfore he that is iustified and holy in Christ is not iustified or holy but hath yet neede of the righteousnes and holines of the lawe But we are in deede iustified and made righteous in
for his mischeuous deedes What is this els but to heape vpon him that is already most miserably afflicted extreme perdition and destruction and through a false confidence in his owne death to shew him the ready way to hell Hereby these hypocrites doe plainely declare that they neither teache nor vnderstande one letter or syllable concerning grace the Gospell or Christ They retaine onely in outwarde shewe the name of the Gospell and of Christ that they may begile the heartes of the people Notwithstanding they denying and reiecting Christ in deede doe attribute more to the traditions of men then to the Gospell of Christ Which thing to be true so many kindes of false worshippe so many religious orders so many ceremonies and so many wilworkes doe witnesse All which things were instituted as auailable to deserue grace righteousnes and euerlasting life In their confessions they make no mention of faith or the merite of Christ but teach and set forth the satisfactions and merits of men as it may plainly appeare in this forme of absolution I speake nothing here of other matters which the Monkes vsed among themselues yea and such as would be counted more deuout and more religious then others which I thinke good here to sette downe that our posteritie may see howe greate and howe horrible the kingdome of the Pope is The forme of a Monkish absolution God forgeue thee my brother The merite of the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and of blessed Saincte Mary alwaies a virgine and of all the Saincts the merite of thine order the streitnes of thy religion the humilitie of thy confession the contrition of thy hart the good workes which thou hast done and shalt doe for the loue of our Lord Iesus Christ be vnto thee auaileable for the remission of thy sinnes the encrease of desert and grace and the reward of euerlasting life Amen Ye heare the merite of Christ mencioned in these words but if ye weye them well ye shall perceaue that Christ is there altogether vnprofitable and that the glory and name of a iustifier and Sauiour is quite taken from him and geuen to Monkish merites Is not this to take the name of God in vaine Is not this to confesse Christ in wordes and in very deede to deny his power and blaspheme his name I my selfe also was once entangled with this errour I thought Christ to be a iudge although I confessed with my mouth that he suffered and died for mans redemption and ought to be pacified by the obseruation of my rule and order Therfore when I prayed or when I said Masse I vsed to adde this in the end O Lord Iesus I come vnto thee I pray thee that these burthens and this streitnes of my rule and religion may be a full recompence for all my sinnes But now I geue thankes vnto God the father of all mercies which hath called me out of darkenes vnto the light of his glorious Gospell hath geuen vnto me plentifull knowledge of Christ Iesus my lord for whose sake I coūt al things to be but losse yea I esteme them but as dunge that I may gaine Christ and that I may be found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnes out of the rule of Augustine but that righteousnes which cometh by faith in Christ Vnto whom with the father the holy ghost be praise and glory world without end Amen We conclude therefore with Paule that we are iustified by faith onely in Christ without the law Now after that a man is once iustified and possesseth Christ by faith and knoweth that he is his righteousnes and life doubtles he will not be idle but as a good tree he wil bring forth good frutes For the beleuing man hath the holy Ghost and wher the holy Ghost dwelleth it will not suffer a man to be idle but stirreth him vp to all exercises of pietie and godlines and of true religion to the loue of God to the patient suffering of afflictions to praier to thankes geuing to the exercise of charitie towards all men Hitherto we haue handled the first argument wherin Paule contendeth that either we can not be iustified by the law or els that Christ must needes be the minister of sinne But this is impossible wherefore we conclude that iustification cometh not by the law Of this place we haue largely entreated as it is well worthy and yet can it not be caught and setforth sufficiently Verse 19. For I through the lavv am deade to the lavv that I might liue vnto God. These are maruelous words and vnknowne kindes of speach which mans reason can in no wise vnderstand And although they be but few yet are they vttered with greate zeale and vehemencie of spirite and as it were in greate displeasure As if he should say why doe ye boast so much of the law wherof in this case I will be ignoraunt But if ye will needes haue the law I also haue the law Wherfore as though he were moued through indignation of the holy Ghost he calleth grace it selfe the law geuing a new name to the effect and working of grace in contempt of the law of Moses and the false Apostles which contended that the law was necessary to iustification and so he setteth the law against the law And this is a sweete kind of speach and full of consolation when in the scriptures and specially in Paule the law is set against the law sinne against sinne death against death captiuitie against captiuitie hell against hell the altar against the altar the lambe against the lambe the passeouer against the passeouer In the .8 to the Romaines it is sayd For sinne he condemned sinne Psal. 68. and Ephes 4. He hath led captiuitie captiue Hosee 13. O death I vvill be thy death O hel I vvill be thy destruction So he saith here that through the lawe he is dead to the lawe As if he sayd The lawe of Moses accuseth and condemneth me but against that accusing and condemning lawe I haue an other lawe which is grace and libertie This lawe accuseth the accusing law and condemneth the condemning law So death killeth death but this killing death is life it selfe But it is called the death of death by abundance of spirite or vehement indignation against death So righteousnes boroweth the name of sin because it condemneth sin this cōdemning of sin is true righteousnes And here Paule semeth to be an heretike yea of all heretikes the greatest his heresie is straunge and monstrous For he sayth that he being dead to the lavv liueth to God. The false apostles taught this doctrine Except thou liue to the lawe thou art dead to God that is to say vnlesse thou liue after the lawe thou art dead before god But Paule sayeth quite contrary If thou be not dead to the law thou canst not liue to God. The doctrine of our aduersaries at this day is
to the Gentiles by the only hearing of faith Therfore in no case are they to be burdened with the law To conclude since it is certaine that neither we nor our fathers were euer able to fulfill the law it behoueth you also to reiect this opinion that righteousnes and saluation commeth by the law And this did the beleeuing Iewes by litle and litle but the wicked which by this preaching were offended at the length were altogether hardened The commendation of that Booke which containeth the Actes of the Apostles So in the Acts ye shall finde both expositions and experience and the preachings of the Apostles and also examples for the confirmation of this matter against this obstinate opinion touching the righteousnes of the law And therfore we ought the more to loue the more diligently to read this booke because therin are contained most substantiall testimonies wherby our mindes may be comforted and confirmed against the Papistes our Iewes whose abhominations and coloured hypocrisie we resist and condemne by our doctrine that we may set forth the benefites and glory of Christ Who though they haue no substantiall matter to aledge against vs wheras the Iewes might haue laid against the Apostles that they had receaued the law all these ceremonies from God yet notwithstāding they are no lesse stubborne in defending their wicked traditions and abhominations then the Iewes were in mainteining their law which they had receaued frō God standing principally vpon this grounde that they are called to the place of Bishops that the power and aucthoritie of gouerning the Churches is committed vnto them This they do to the ende that they may bring vs into bondage and that they may wrest from vs this article that we are iustified not by faith formed and adorned with charitie as they say but by faith alone But we set before them the booke of the Actes that they may reade it and consider the examples contained therein There shall they finde this to be the summe and argument of that booke that we are iustified by faith onely in Christ without workes and that the holy Ghoste is geuen by the onely hearing of faithe at the preaching of the Gospell and not at the preaching or worke of the lawe Wherfore thus teach we O man although thou faste geue almes honour thy parents obey the magistrate c yet art thou not iustified therby This voice of the law honour thy parents or any other else either heard or fulfilled doth not iustifie What then To heare the voice of the spouse to heare the word of faith this worde of hearing doth iustifie Wherfore Because it bringeth the holy ghost which iustifieth and maketh righteous Hereby may we see what is the difference betwene the law and the Gospell The law neuer bringeth the holy Ghost but onely teacheth what we ought to doe therfore it iustifieth not But the Gospell bringeth the holy ghost because it teacheth what we ought to receaue Therefore the law and the Gospell are two contrary doctrines To ground righteousnes therfore in the law is nothing els but to fight against the Gospell For Moses with his law is a seuere exactor requiring of vs that we should worke and that we should geue briefely it exacteth of vs Contrariwise the Gospell geueth freely and requireth of vs nothing els but to hold out our hands and to take that which is offered Now to exacte and to geue to take and to offer are cleane contrary and can not stand together For that which is geuen I take but that which I geue I do not take but I offer it vnto an other Therfore if the Gospell be a gifte it requireth nothing Contrariwise the law geueth nothing but it requireth and streitly exacteth of vs yea euen impossible thinges Of Cornelius in the 10. of the Actes Here our aduersaries set against vs the example of Cornelius Cornelius say they was as Luke witnesseth a good man iust and fearing God vvhich gaue almes to the people and praied to God continually therefore of Congruence he did merite the forgeuenes of sinnes and the sending of the holy Ghost I aunswere Cornelius was a Gentile and this cannot the aduersaries deny For the words which Peter alledgeth in the 10. chapter of the Actes do plainly witnesse the same Ye knovv saith he that it is vnlavvful for a man that is a Ievv to accompany vvith one of an other nation but God hath shevved me that I should not call any man polluted or vncleane He was therfore a Gentile and not circumcised not keeping the law yea not once thinking of it because it pertained nothing vnto him And yet notwithstanding he was iustified and receaued the holy Ghost And this argument as I said is handled throughout the whole booke of the Actes to wit that the law auaileth nothing to righteousnes Let this suffice then for defence of the article of iustification that Cornelius was a Gentile not circumcised not keeping the law therfore was he not iustified by the lawe but by the hearing of faith God therefore iustifieth without the lawe and so consequently the law auaileth nothing to righteousnes For otherwise God woulde haue geuen the holy Ghost only to the Iewes which had the law kept it and not to the Gentiles which had not the law much lesse did accomplish it But God wrought cleane contrary For the holy Ghost was geuen to them that kept not the law wherfore righteousnes commeth not by the lawe By this meanes the obiection of the aduersaries which doe not vnderstand the true meane of iustification is aunswered Here againe the aduersaries do obiect against vs and say Be it so that Cornelius was a Gentile did not receaue the holy Ghost by the law yet notwithstanding forasmuch as the text saith plainly that he vvas a iust man fearing God geuing almes c. it might seeme that by these works he deserued to haue the holy ghost afterwards geuen vnto him I aūswere that Cornelius was a iust a holy man in the old testament because of his faith in Christ which was to come as all the fathers prophets godly kings were righteous did receaue secretly the holy ghost thorough faith in Christ to come But these popish Sophisters put no difference betwene faith in Christ to come in Christ which is already come Wherfore if Cornelius had died before Christ was reueiled yet had he not bene damned because he had the faith of the fathers which were saued by faith onely in Christ to come Actes 15.11 He remained then alwaies a Gentile vncircumcised without the law yet notwithstanding he worshipped the selfe same God whom the father 's worshipped by faith in the Messias to come But now because the Messias was already come necessary it was that it should be shewed vnto him by the Apostle Peter that he was not now to be looked for but that he was already come And
nature that is he must needes hate sinne and sinners and this he doth of necessity for otherwise he shoulde be vnrighteous and loue sinne How then can these two contradictories stand together I am a sinner and most worthy of Gods wrath and indignation and yet the father loueth me Here nothing commeth betwene but onely Christ the mediatour The father saith he doth not therfore loue you because ye are worthy of loue but because ye haue loued me and haue beleeued that I came out from him Thus a Christian man abideth in true humilitie feeling sinne in him effectually and confessing himselfe to be worthy of wrath the iudgement of God and euerlasting death for the same that he may be humbled in this life And yet notwithstanding he continueth still in his holy pride in the which he turneth vnto Christ and in him he lifteth vp him selfe against this feeling of Gods wrath and iudgement and beleueth that not only the remnants of sinne are not imputed vnto him but that also he is loued of the father not for his own sake but for Christes sake whom the father loueth Hereby now we may see how faith iustifieth without works and yet notwithstanding how imputation of righteousnes is also necessary Sinnes doe remaine in vs which God vtterly hateth Therefore it is necessary that we should haue imputation of righteousnes which we obtaine through Christ and for Christes sake who is geuen vnto vs and receaued of vs by faith In the meane time as long as we liue here we are caried and norished in the bosome of mercy and long sufferance of God vntill the body of sinne be abolished and we raised vp as newe creatures in that great day Then shall there be newe heauens and a new earth in which righteousnes shal dwell In the meane while vnder this heauen sinne and wicked men do dwell and the godly also haue sinne dwelling in them For this cause Paule Rom. 7. cōplaineth of sinne which remaineth in the Saincts yet notwithstanding he saith afterwards in the 8. chapter that there is no damnation to them vvhich are in Christ Iesu Now how shall these things so contrary and repugnant be reconciled together that sinne in vs is no sinne that he which is damnable shall not be condemned that he which is reiected shall not be reiected that he which is worthy of the wrath of God and euerlasting damnation shall not be punished The onely reconciler hereof is the mediatour betwene God and man euen the man Iesus Christ as Paule sayth There is no condemnation to them vvhich are in Christ Iesu Verse 7. Knovve ye therfore that they vvhich are of faith the same are the children of Abraham This is the generall argument and whole disputation of Paule against the Iewes that they which beleeue are the children of Abraham and not they which are borne of his flesh and his bloud This disputation Paule vehemently prosecuteth in this place and in the 4. and 9. chapit to the Rom. For this was the greatest confidence and glory of the Iewes VVe are the seede and children of Abraham He was circumcised and kept the lawe therfore if we will be the true children of Abraham we must folow our father c. It was no doubt an excellent glory and great dignitie to be the seede of Abraham For no man could denie but that God spake to the seede and of the seede of Abraham But this prerogatiue nothing profited the vnbeleuing Iewes By reason wherof Paule especially in this place mightely striueth against this argument and wresteth from the Iewes this strong affiance in them selues And this could he as the elect vessell of Christ doe aboue all other For if we at the beginning should haue disputed with the Iewes without Paule peraduenture we should haue preuailed very litle against them So then Paule reasoneth against the Iewes which stoode so proudly vpon this opinion that they were the children of Abraham saying VVe are the seede of Abraham Well what then Abraham was circumcised kept the lawe we doe the same All this I graunt What will ye therefore looke to be iustified and saued No not so But let vs come to the Patriarke Abraham himselfe and let vs see by what meanes he was iustified and saued Doutles not for his excellent vertues and holy workes not because he forsooke his countrey kinred and fathers house not because he was circumcised and obserued the lawe not because he was about to offer vp in sacrifice at the commaundement of God his sonne Isacke in whom he had the promise of posteritie but because he beleued Therfore he was not iustified by any other meanes then by faith alone If ye then will be iustified by the lawe much more ought Abraham your father to be iustified by the lawe But Abraham could not otherwise be iustified nor receaue forgeuenes of sinnes and the holy Ghost then by faith alone Since this is true by the testimonie of the scripture why stande ye so much vpon circumcision and the lawe contending that ye haue righteousnes and saluation therby when as your father Abraham him selfe euen your headspring of whom ye doe so much glory was iustified and saued without these by faith alone What can be brought against this argument Paule therfore concludeth with this sentence They vvhich are of faith are the children of Abraham that corporall birth or carnall seede maketh not the children of Abraham before God. As though he would say There is none before God accompted as the childe of this Abraham who is the seruaunt of God whom God hath chosen and made righteous by faith through carnall generation but he must haue such children geuen him before God as he was a father But he was a father of faith and was iustified and pleased God not because he could beget children after the flesh not because he had circumcision and the lawe but because he beleeued in god Therfore he that will be a childe of the beleeuing Abraham must also him selfe beleeue or else he is not a childe of the elect acceptable and iustified Abraham but onely of the begetting Abraham which is nothing else but a man conceaued borne wrapt in sinne without the forgeuenes of sinnes without faith without the holy ghost as an other man is and therfore cōdemned Such also are the children carnally begotten of him hauing nothing in them like vnto their father but flesh and bloud sinne and death therefore these are also damned This glorious boasting then Vve are the seede of Abraham is to no purpose This argument Paule setteth out plainly in the .9 to the Romains by two examples of the holy scripture The first is of Ismaell and Isaac which were both the seede and naturall children of Abraham and yet notwithstanding Ismaell which was begotten of Abraham as Isaac was yea and should also haue bene the first begotten if
the morall lawe before Faith. Verse 5. That vve might receaue the adoption of the sonnes Paule setteth forth amplifieth very largely this place of Gen. 22. In thy Seede shall all the natiōs of the earth be blessed A litle before he called this Blessing of the seede of Abraham righteousnes life the promise of the spirit deliuerance from the law the testament c. Here he calleth it the adoption and inheritance of euerlasting life All these this word Blessing doth comprehend For when the Curse which is sinne death c. is abolished then in the stede thereof succedeth the Blessing that is righteousnes life and all good things But by what merite haue we receaued this Blessing that is to say this adoption and inheritaunce of euerlasting life By none at all For what can men deserue that are shutte vnder sinne subiect to the curse of the lawe and worthy of euerlasting death We haue then receiued this Blessing freely and being vtterly vnworthy therof but yet not without merite What merite is that Not ours but the merite of Iesus Christ the sonne of God who being made vnder the lawe not for him selfe but for vs as Paule sayd afore that he vvas made a curse for vs redemed vs which were vnder the lawe Wherfore we haue receaued this adoption by the onely redemption of Iesus Christe the sonne of God which is our rich and euerlasting merite whether it be of congruēce or worthines going before grace or comming after And with this free adoption we haue also receaued the holy Ghost which God hath sent into our hearts crying Abba Father as foloweth Verse 6. And because you are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne into your hearts The holy ghost is sent two maner of wayes In the primatiue church he was sent in a manifest visible appearāce So he came vpon Christ at Iordane in the likenes of a Doue and in the likenes of fire vpon the Apostles and other beleuers And this was the first sending of the holy Ghost which was necessary in the primatiue church for it was expedient that it should be established by manifest myracles because of the vnbeleuers as Paule witnesseth 1. Cor. 14. Straunge tongues sayth he be for a signe and a token not to them that beleue but to them that beleue not But after that the Church was gathered together and cōfirmed with those myracles it was not necessary that this visible sending of the holy Ghost should continue any longer Secondly the holy Ghost is sent by the word into the hearts of the beleuers as here it is sayd God sent the spirite of his sonne c. This sending is without any visible appearance to witte when by the hearing of the externall word we receaue an inward feruencie and light wherby we are chaunged become new creatures wherby also we receaue a new iudgement a new feeling a new mouing This chaūge this new iudgemēt is no worke of reason or of the power of mā but is the gift operation of the holy Ghost which commeth with the word preached which purifieth our hearts by faith and bringeth forth in vs spirituall motions Therefore there is a great difference betwixt vs those which with force subteltie persecute the doctrine of the gospell For we by the grace of God can certainly iudge by the word of the will of God towardes vs also of all lawes and doctrines of our owne life and of the life of others Contrariwise the Papists and Sectaries can not certainly iudge of any thing For they corrupt they persecute and blaspheme the word Now without the word a man can geue no certaine iudgement of any thing And although it appeare not before the world that we be renewed in spirit and haue the holy Ghost yet notwithstanding our iudgemēt our speech our confession do declare sufficiently that the holy Ghost with his giftes is in vs For before we could iudge rightly of nothing We spake not as now we doe We confessed not that all our works were sinne and damnable that Christe was our onely merite both before grace after as now we doe in the true knowledge and light of the Gospell Wherefore let this trouble vs nothing at all that the world whose workes we testifie to be euill iudgeth vs to be most pernicious heretikes and seditious persons destroyers of religion and troublers of the common peace possessed of the Deuill speaking in vs and gouerning all our actions Against this peruerse and wicked iudgement of the world let this testimonie of our conscience be sufficient wherby we assuredly know that it is the gift of God that we doe not onely beleue in Iesus Christ but that we also openly preach and confesse him before the world As we beleue with our heart so do we speake with our mouth according to the saying of the Psalm I beleued therfore haue I spoken Moreouer we exercise our selues in the feare of God and auoide sinne as much as we may If we sinne we sinne not of purpose but of ignorance and we are sory for it We may slippe for the Deuill lieth in wait for vs both day and night Also the remnantes of sinne cleaue yet fast in our flesh therefore as touching the flesh we are sinners yea after that we haue receaued the holy Ghost And there is no great difference betwixt a Christian and a ciuill honest man. For the workes of a Christian in outward shew are but base and simple He doth his duetie according to his vocation he guideth his familie he tilleth the ground he geueth counsell he aideth and succoureth his neighbour These workes the carnall man doth not much esteme but thinketh them to be common to all men and such as the heathen may also doe For the world vnderstandeth not the things which are of the spirite of God and therefore it iudgeth peruersly of the workes of the godly But the monstrous superstition of hypocrites and their will workes they haue in great admiration They count them holy works spare no charges in maintaining the same Contrariwise the workes of the faithfull which although in outward appearance they seeme to be but vile nothing worth yet are they good works in dede and accepted of God because they are done in Faith with a cherefull heart and with obedience and thankfulnes towards God these works I say they do not onely not acknowledge to be good works but also they despise and condemne them as most wicked and abhominable The world therfore beleueth nothing lesse then that we haue that holy Ghost notwithstanding in the time of tribulation or of the crosse and of the cōfession of our faith which is that proper principall worke of those that beleue when we must either forsake wife children goodes and life or else deny Christ then it appeareth that we make confession of
the poynt of desperation for then are we that brused reede smoking flaxe which Esay speaketh of notwithstanding in the meane season the holy Ghost helpeth our infirmities maketh intercession for vs with vnspeakeable gronings certifieth our spirits that we are the children of god Thus the minde is raised vp in terrors it loketh vnto his Sauiour high Bishop Iesus Christ it ouercommeth the infirmitie of the flesh it conceaueth comfort againe and sayth Abba Father This groning which then we scantly feele Paule calleth a crying vnspeakeable groning which filleth both heauē and earth Moreouer he calleth it the crying and groning of the spirite because the holy Ghost stirreth vp the same in our heartes when we are weake and oppressed with terrour and tentation Although then the lawe sinne and the Deuill crie out against vs neuer so much with great and terrible rorings which seeme to fill heauen and earth farre to excede this groning of our heart yet can they not hurt vs For the more fiercely they assaile vs accuse and torment vs with their cryings so much the more doe we grone and in groning lay hold vpon Christ call vpon him with heart and mouth cleaue vnto him and beleue that he was made vnder the law that he might deliuer vs from the Curse of the lawe and destroy both sinne and death And thus when we haue taken hold of Christe by Faith we crie through him Abba Father And this our crie doth farre surmount the roring of the lawe sinne the Deuill c. But so farre of is it that we thinke this groning which we make in these terrours and in this our weaknes to be a cry that scarsely we perceaue it to be a groning For our Faith which in tentation thus groneth vnto Christ is very weake if we consider our owne sense and feeling And this is the cause that we heare not this crie We haue but onely the word which when we apprehend in this conflict we haue a litle breathing and then we grone Of this groning some litle feeling we haue but the crie we heare not But he sayeth Paule vvhich searcheth the heartes knovveth vvhat is the meaning of the spirite c. To this searcher of the hearts this small and feeble groning as it seemeth vnto vs is a loud and a mighty cry and an vnspeakeable groning in comparison whereof the great and horrible rorings of the law of sinne of death of the deuill and of hell are nothing neither can they be once heard Paule therfore not without cause calleth this groning of a godly afflicted heart a cry and a groning of the spirite which can not be expressed For it filleth the whole heauen so that the Angels thinke they heare nothing else but this crie But in vs there is a cleane contrary feling For it semeth vnto vs that this our small groning doth not so perce the cloudes that there is nothing else heard in heauen of God and his angels Nay we thinke and especially during the time of tentation that the Deuil horribly roreth against vs that the heauens thunder the earth trēbleth that all will fall vpon vs that all creatures threaten our destruction that hel is opē and ready to swallow vs vp This feling is in our heart these horrible voices and this fearfull shew we heare and we see And this is it that Paul sayth in the .2 Corrin 12 That the strength of Christ is made perfect through our vveaknes For then is Christ almighty in dede then doth he truly raigne and triumph in vs when we are so weake that we can scarsely grone But Paule sayth that this groning is in the eares of God a most mightie cry which filleth both heauen and earth Christ also in the .18 of Luke in the parable of the wicked iudge calleth this groning of a faithfull heart a cry yea such a cry as ceaseth not day night to cry vnto God where he sayth Heare vvhat the vnrighteous iudge sayth Novv shall not God auēge his elect vvhich cry day night vnto him yea though he suffer long for them yea I tel you he vvil auenge them quickly We at this day in so great persecution cōtradiction of the Pope of tyrānes Sectaries which fight against vs both on the right hand on the left can doe nothing else but vtter such gronings And these were our gunnes artillery wherw t we haue so many yeres scattered the coūsels and enterprises of our aduersaries wherby also we haue begon to ouerthrow the kingdom of Antichrist They also shall prouoke Christ to hasten the day of his glorious comming wherein he shall abolish all rule authoritie and power and shall put all his enemies vnder his feete So be it In the .14 of Exodus the Lord speaketh vnto Moises at the red sea saying VVhy criest thou vnto me Yet Moises cried not but trembled and almost despaired for he was in great trouble It seemed that infidelitie raigned in him and not Faith. For he saw the people of Israell so compassed and enclosed with the Egyptians host and with the sea that there was no way whereby they might escape Here Moises durst not once opē his mouth How thē did he crie We must not iudge therfore according to the feeling of our owne heart but according to the word of God which teacheth vs that the holy Ghost is geuen to those that are afflicted terrified ready to despaire to raise them vp to comfort them that they be not ouercome in their tentations afflictions but may ouercome them and yet not without great terrors and troubles The Papistes dreamed that holy men had the holy Ghost in such sort that they neuer had nor felt any tentation They spake of the holy Ghost onely by speculation and naked knowledge But Paule sayeth that the strength of Christe is made perfecte through our vveaknes Also that the spirite helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercession for vs vvith vnspeakeable gronings Therefore we haue then most neede of the helpe and comfort of the holy Ghost yea and then is he most ready to helpe vs when we are most weake and nerest to desperation If any man suffer affliction with a constant and a ioyfull heart then hath the holy Ghost done his office in him And in deede he exerciseth his worke specially and properly in those which haue suffered great terrours and afflictions and haue as the Psalme sayeth approched nigh to the gates of hel As I said of Moses which sawe present death in the waters and on euery side whether so euer he turned his face He was therefore in extreme anguish and desperation and no dout he felt in his heart a mightie crie of the Deuill against him saying All this people shall this day perish for they can escape no way And of this great calamitie thou onely shalt be found to be the authour
measure in prison more plenteously in death oft Of the Ievves fiue times receiued I fortie stripes saue one I vvas thrise beaten vvith roddes I vvas once stoned I suffered thrise shippevvracke night and day haue I bene in the deepe sea In iourneyings I vvas often in perilles of vvaters in perilles of robbers in perilles of mine ovvne nation in perilles among the Gentiles in perilles in the Citie in perilles in the vvildernes in perilles in the sea in perilles among false brethren c. These be the true markes and imprinted signes of which the Apostle speaketh in this place The which we also at this day by the grace of God beare in our bodies for Christes cause For the world persecuteth killeth vs false brethren deadly hate vs Sathā inwardly in our heart with his fiery dartes terrifieth vs and for none other cause but for that we teach Christ to be our righteousnes life These markes we choose not of any deuotion neither do we gladly suffer them but because the world and the Deuill do lay them vpon vs for Christes cause we are compelled to suffer them and we reioyce in spirite with Paule which is alwayes willing glorieth and reioyceth that we beare them in our body for they are a seale and most sure testimonie of true doctrine and faith These things Paule spake as I shewed afore with a certaine displeasure and indignation Verse 18. Brethren the grace of our Lord Iesus Christe be vvith your spirite Amen This is his last farewell He endeth the Epistle with the same wordes wherewith he began As if he sayd I haue taught you Christ purely I haue entreated you I haue chidden you and I haue lette passe nothing which I thought profitable for you I can say no more but that I heartely pray that our Lord Iesus Christe would blesse and encrease my labour and gouerne you with his holy spirite for euer Thus haue ye the exposition of Paules Epistle to the Galathians The Lord Iesus Christ our iustifier and Sauiour who gaue vnto me the grace and power to expound this Epistle and to you likewise to heare it preserue and stablish both you and me which I most hartely desire that we daily growing more and more in the knowledge of his grace and Faith vnfained may be found vnblameable and without fault in the day of our redemption To whom with the father and the holy Ghost be glory world without end AMEN 1. TIMOT 1. Vnto the King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely vvise be honour and glory for euer and euer AMEN FINIS Samuul 1. Esay 41. 1. Cor. 1. Hereof reade more in the Apologie of the church of England and in the booke of monuments fol. 992. Col. 2. Rom. 4. Iac. 2. Mar. 1. Mat. 3. Gen. 3 vers 2. Genes 4. Genes 6. 2. Peter 2.5 Genes 10.6 c. 1 Actes 14. Actes 7 5● The church of the Gentiles 1. Cor. 2.1 1. Cor. 1.30 The argument of iustificatiō very necessary and diligently to be handled The rage of Sathan a sure argumēt that the day of iudgemēt is at hande The outrages of the Anabaptistes The Deuill troubleth not those that are buried and dead in sinne but especially those that are godly and hate sinne Genes 3 ver 15. For vvhose cause specially Luther setteth forth this vvorke and vvho they be that onely vnderstand this doctrine The dignitie of Gods vvord and the sacraments depend not vpon the vvorthines or vnvvorthines of the minister Iudges ●5 4. 1. Timot. 1 1● Eccles 11 4. Psal. 121.4 The Churche shall neuer be quiet in this vvorld Vnderstande this of pestilēt Libertines vvhich vvould vtterly take avvay the lavv al feare of god and the ministerie of his vvord Osea 4 4. Mich. ● 6. An exhortatiō to ministers 1. Cor. 11 19. 2. Cor. 6 15. Genes 3 5. 2. Cor. 1.12 Hovve many kindes of righteousnes there are Christian righteousnes The righteousnesse of faithe aptlye called the passiue righteousnes because it cōsisteth in suffering receauing like as the righteousnes of the lavv is called th' actiue righteousnesse because it cōsisteth in doing vvorking The infirmitie of man in tēptations The lavve can not comfort vs in afflictions The lavve is not giuen to a righteous mā but to the lavvlesse and disobedient Tit. 1 9 Rom. 3 20. Rom. 6 14. Rom. 10 4. Galat. 3 24 Po. 1 1● Good vvorkes not forbiddē Christiā righteousnesse not vvroughte by vs but vvrought in vs 1. Cor. 15.49 VVe cā do nothing for the obtaining of Christiā righteousnesse Io. 16 10. Heb. 1 3. 1. Cor. 1 30. Heb. 4.15 Rom. 4 15. 1. Io. 5 18. 1. Iohn 5.18 Rom. 1. vers 19.20.21 c. The drifte of the Apostle in the Epistle to the Galathiās See vvhat vve fal into vvhen vve neglecte this doctrine or vvant true zeale to aduāce the same 1. Cor. 1.30 Heb. 7.25 Rom. 4. 15. 1. Cor. 6.19 The occasiō of vvryting this Epistle to the Galathians The Deuil hateth the gospel stirreth vp vvicked mē against it The doctrine of the gospell The accusatiōs vvhervvith the vvorlde chargeth the gospell The effectes of the gospell Coloss 1. ver 1● The authority of the false Apostels Io. 8. Rom. 4 4.5.6 Math. 7 ver 22 The argument of the papistes against vs. VVith hovve greate constācie S. Paule defendeth his vocation and authoritie against the false Apostles The summe of the tvvo first chapters Galat. 5. The minister of God must be sure of his calling The glorying of S. Paule necessary and holy Rom. 11.13 The Preachers are to be receaued as messengers from God by vvhose ministerie God himselfe speaketh The calling of the Apostles 1 Cor. 10.28 Ephes 4.11 VVho be Apostles Actes 1.24.25 The calling of Mathias Actes 9.15 The Apostles sainctes Math. 27 5. They vvhich be not called do kil and destroy The certaintie of calling VVhat daunger they be in vvhich haue no lavvfull calling VVhy Paule exalteth his calling so in euery place The profite of extolling our calling A holy pride The summe of the Epistle to the Galathiās Math. 12.34 VVhat Paule goeth about in this Epistle Rom. 4.24.25 The victorie of Christ is ours 1. Cor. 15.57 Iohn 11.25 VVhy he saith and all the brethern These fantasticall spirites flie the crosse and therfore betake them selues to such places vvhere they may liue at ease The condition of all godly preachers The cōfort of faithfull teachers laboring vnder the crosse 1. Cor. 2 9. The constant faith of Luther 1 Pet. 5 4. The vvord sacramentes are not polluted by our vngodlines The seat of Antichrist 2. Thes 2.4 The churche dispersed through the vvorld Grace Peace The article of of iustificatiō is continually to be beaten into our heds The greeting of the Apostle straunge and vnheard of to the vvorld Sinne. Conscience The doctrine of Christians Grace Peace Sinne is not released but by grace alone The vvorld knovveth not the doctrine of true godlines Onely by grace is the conscience
the wisedom and righteousnes of Christ moreouer it darkneth hindreth blasphemeth and persecuteth the same Therfore Paule doth rightly call it the euill or vvicked vvorld for when it is at the best then is it worst In the religious wise and learned men the world is at the best and yet in very dede in them it is double euill I ouerpasse those grosse vices which are against the second table as disobedience to parents to magistrates addulteries whoredomes couetousnes thefts murthers and maliciousnes wherin the world is altogether drowned which notwithstanding are light faultes if ye compare them with the wisedom and righteousnes of the wicked wherwith they fight against the first table This white Deuill which forceth men to commit spirituall sinnes that they may sell them for righteousnes is farre more daungerous then the blacke deuill which onely enforceth them to commit fleshly sinnes which the world acknowledgeth to be sinnes By these wordes then That he might deliuer vs c. Paule sheweth what is the argument of this Epistle to wit that we haue neede of grace and of Christ and that no other creature neither man nor Angell can deliuer man out of this present euill world For these workes are onely belonging to the diuine Maiestie and are not in the power of any either man or Angell that Christ hath put away sinne and hath deliuered vs from the tyrannie and kingdom of the Deuill that is to say from this wicked world which is an obedient seruaunt and a willing follower of the Deuill his god Whatsoeuer that murtherer and father of lies either doth or speaketh that the world as his most loyall and obedient sonne diligently followeth and performeth And therfore it is full of the ignoraunce of God of hatred lying errours blasphemie and of the contempt of God Moreouer of grosse sinnes murthers adulteries fornications theftes robberies and such like because he followeth his father the deuill who is a lier and a murtherer And the more wise righteous and holy men are without Christ so much the more hurt they doe to the gospell So we also that were religious men were double wicked in the Papacie before God did lighten vs with the knowledge of his gospell and yet notwithstanding vnder the colour of true pietie and holines Let these words then of Paule stand as they are in deede true and effectual not coloured or coūterfait namely that this present world is euill Let it nothing at all moue thee that in a great nombre of men there be many excellent vertues and that there is so great a shew of holines in hypocrites But marke thou rather what Paule sayeth out of whose wordes thou maist boldly and freely pronounce this sentence against the world That the world with all his wisedome power and righteousnes is the kingdom of the deuill out of the which God onely is able to deliuer vs by his onely begotten sonne Therfore let vs praise God the father geue him harty thankes for this his vnmeasurable mercy that hath deliuered vs out of the kingdom of the Deuill in which we were holden captiues by his owne sonne when it was impossible to be done by oure own strength And let vs acknowledge together with Paule that all our works righteousnes with all which we could not make the deuil to stoupe one hear bredth are but losse and dung Also let vs cast vnder our feete and vtterly abhorre all the power of free will all Pharasaicall wisedom and righteousnes all religious orders all Masses ceremonies vowes fastings and such like as a most filthie defiled cloth and as the most daungerous poyson of the Deuill Contrariwise let vs extoll and magnifie the glory of Christ who hath deliuered vs by his death not out of a world onely but out of an euill world Paule then by this word Euill sheweth that the kingdom of the world or the Deuils kingdom is a kingdom of iniquitie ignoraunce errour sinne death blasphemie desperation and euerlasting damnation On the other side the kingdom of Christ is a kingdom of equitie light grace remission of sinnes peace consolation sauing health and euerlasting life into the which we are translated by our Lord Iesus Christ to whom be glory world without end So be it Verse 4. According to the vvill of God euen our father Here Paule so placeth and setteth in order euery word that there is not one of them but it fighteth against those false Apostles for the article of iustification Christ sayth he hath deliuered vs out of this most wicked kingdom of the deuill and the world And this hath he done according to the will good pleasure and commaundement of the father wherfore we be not deliuered by our owne will or running nor by our owne wisedom or policie but for that God hath taken mercy vpon vs and hath loued vs like as it is wrytten also in an other place Herein hath appeared the great loue of God tovvardes vs not that vve haue loued God but that he hath loued vs and hath sent his onely begotten sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes That we then are deliuered from this present euill world it is of mere grace and no desert of our ours Paule is so plentifull and so vehement in amplifying and extolling the grace of God that he sharpeneth directeth euery word against the false Apostles There is also here another cause why Paule maketh mention of the Fathers wil which also in many places of S. Iohns gospel is declared wher christ cōmēding his office calleth vs back to his fathers wil that in his words works we should not so much loke vpon him as vpō the father For Christ came into this world toke mans nature vpō him that he might be made a sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world so recōcile vs to God the father that he alone might declare vnto vs how that this was done through the good pleasure of his father that we by fastning our eyes vpō Christ might be drawn caried streight vnto the father For we must not thinke as I haue warned you before that by the curious searching of the Maiestie of God any thing concerning God can be known to our saluation but by taking hold of Christ who according to the wil of the father hath geuē himself to the death for our sinnes Whē thou shalt acknowledge this to be the wil of God through christ then wrath ceaseth feare and trembling vanisheth away neither doth God appeare any other then mercifull who by his determinate coūsell would that his sonne should die for vs that we might liue thorow him This knowledge maketh the hart chearfull so that it stedfastly beleueth that God is not angry but that he so loueth vs wretched sinners that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for vs It is not for nought therfore that Paule doth so oftē repeat and beat into our minds that
meditation of the worde And when we haue striuen neuer so much yet shall we haue enough to keepe vs occupied For we haue to doe with no small enemies but strong and mighty and such as are in continuall warre against vs namely our owne flesh all the daungers of the world the law sinne death the wrath and iudgement of God and the Deuill himselfe who neuer ceaseth to tempt vs inwardly by his fierie darts outwardly by his false Apostles to the ende that he may ouerthrow if not all yet the most part of vs. This argument therefore of the false apostles had a goodly shew and seemed to be very strong Which also at this day moueth many namely that the Apostles the holy fathers and their successours haue so taught that the Church so thinketh and beleeueth Moreouer that it is impossible that Christ should suffer his Church so long time to erre Art thou alone say they wiser then so many holy men wiser then the whole church After this maner the deuil being chaunged into an Angell of light setteth vpon vs craftely at this day by certaine pestiferous hypocrites who say We passe not for the Pope nor for the Bishops those great persecutors and contemners of Gods word we abhorre also the hypocrisie deceitfulnes of Monkes such like but we would haue the aucthoritie of holy Church to remaine vntouched The Church hath thus beleeued and taught this long time So haue all the Doctours of the primatiue Church holy men more auncient and better learned then thou Who art thou that darest dissent from all these and bring vnto vs a contrary doctrine When Satan reasoneth thus conspiring with the flesh and reason then is thy conscience terrified and vtterly despaireth vnlesse thou constantly retourne to thy selfe againe and say Whether it be Cyprian Ambrose Augustine either S. Peter Paule or Iohn yea or an Angell from heauen that teacheth otherwise yet this I know assuredly that I teach not the things of men but of God that is to say I attribute all things to God alone and nothing to man. When I first tooke vpon me the defence of the Gospell I remember that Doctor Staupitius a worthy man sayd thus vnto me This liketh me well that this doctrine which thou preachest yeldeth glory and all things else vnto God alone and nothing vnto man for vnto God there can not be attributed too much glory goodnes mercie c. This saying did then greatly comfort and confirme me And true it is that the doctrine of the Gospell taketh from men all glory wisedom righteousnes c. and geueth them to the creatour alone who made all things of nothing We may also more safely attribute too much vnto God then to man For in this case I may say boldly Be it so that the Church Augustine and other Doctours also Peter and Apollo yea euen an Angell from heauen teach a contrary doctrine yet my doctrine is such that it setteth forth and preacheth the grace and glory of God alone and in the matter of saluation it condemneth the righteousnes and wisedom of all men In this case I can not offend because I geue both to God and man that which properly and truely belongeth vnto them both But thou wilt say The Church is holy The Fathers are holy It is true notwithstanding albeit the church be holy yet is it compelled to pray forgeue vs our trespasses So though the fathers be holy yet are they saued through the forgeuenes of sinnes Therfore neither am I to be beleued nor the Church nor the Fathers nor the Apostles no nor an Angell from heauen if we teach any thing against the word of God but let the vvord of God abide for euer For else this argument of the false Apostles had mightely preuailed against Paules doctrine For in deede it was a great matter a great matter I say to set before the Galathians the whole Church with all the companie of the Apostles against Paule alone but lately sprong vp and of small authoritie This was therefore a strong argument and concluded mightely For no man sayth willingly that the Church erreth and yet it is necessary to say that it erreth if it teache any thing besides or against Gods worde Peter the cheefe of the Apostles taught both in life and doctrine besides Gods word therfore he erred and was deceaued Neither did Paule dissemble that errour although it seemed to be but a light fault because he sawe it would turne to the hurt of the whole Church but vvithstoode him euen to his face because he vvalked not after the truth of the Gospell Therefore neither is the Church nor Peter nor the Apostles nor Angels from heauen to be heard vnlesse they bring and teach the pure word of God. This argument euen at this day is not a little preiudiciall to our cause For if we may neither beleeue the Pope nor the Fathers nor Luther nor any other except they teach vs the pure word of God whom shall we then beleeue Who in the meane while shall certefie our consciences which part teacheth the pure word of God we or our aduersaries For they bragge that they also haue the pure worde of God and teach it Againe we beleue not the Papistes because they teach not the word of God neither can they teach it Contrariwise they hate vs most bitterly and persecute vs as most pestilent heretikes and seducers of the people What is to be done in this case Shall it be lawfull for euery fantasticall spirite to teach what him selfe listeth seeing the world can neither heare nor abide our doctrine For although we glory with Paule that we teach the pure Gospell of Christ vnto which not onely the Emperour Pope and the whole world ought to geue credite but also ought gladly and thankfully to receaue and embrace it yea and diligently to prouide that it be taught in euery place and if any should teach the contrary were he the Pope an Apostle or an Angell from heauen to holde him accurssed together with his Gospell yet for all that we profite nothing but are compelled to heare that this our glorying is not onely vaine rash and arrogant but also Deuilish and full of blasphemie But if we abase our selues and geue place to the rage of our aduersaries then both the Papists and Anabaptists waxe proud The Anabaptists wil vaunt the they bring and teach vs some straunge thing which the world neuer heard of before The Papistes will set vp againe and stablishe their olde abhominations Let euery man therfore take hede that he be most sure of his calling and doctrine that he may boldly say with Paule Although vve or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you othervvise then that vvhich vve haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Verse 13. For you haue heard of my conuersation in times past in the Ievvish religion hovv thar I persecuted the Church of God
extremely and vvasted it And profited in the Ievvish religion aboue many of my companions of mine ovvne nation This place hath in it no singuler doctrine Notwithstāding Paule alledgeth here his owne example saying I haue defended the obseruations of the Phariseis and the law more constantly then ye and all your false teachers Wherfore if the righteousnes of the law had bene any thing worth I had not turned backe from it in the keping wherof notwithstanding before I knew Christ I did so exercise my selfe and so profite therin that I excelled many of my companions of mine owne nation Moreouer I was so zelous in defence of the same that I persecuted the church of God extremely wasted it For hauing receaued authoritie of the high priests I put many in prison whē they should be put to death I pronounced the sentēce and punishing them thorow out all the Sinagoges I compelled them to blaspheme was so exceding mad vpon them that I persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities Verse 14. And vvas much more zelous of the traditiōs of my fathers He calleth not here the Pharisaicall or humane traditions the traditions of his fathers for here he treateth not of the Pharisaicall traditions but of a farre higher matter and therefore he calleth euen that holy law of Moises his fathers traditions that is to say receaued and left as an inheritaunce from the fathers For these sayth he vvhē I vvas in the Ievvish religion I vvas very zelous He speaketh after the same maner to the Philippians As concerning the lavv sayth he I vvas a Pharisee cōcerning zeale I persecuted the church and as concerning the righteousnes of the lavv I vvas vnrebukeable As though he would say Here I may glory and may cōpare with the whole nation of the Iewes yea euen with the best and the holiest of all those which are of the Circumcision Let them shew me if they can a more zelous and earnest defender of Moises law then I haue bene This thing O ye Galathians ought to haue perswaded you not to beleue these seducers deceauers which magnify the righteousnes of the law as a matter of great importaunce when as if there were any cause to glory in the righteousnes of the law I haue more cause to glory then any other In like maner say I of my selfe that before I was lightned with the knowledge of the gospel I was as zelous for the papistical lawes and traditions of the fathers as euer any was most earnestly maintaining defending them as holy and necessary to saluation Moreouer I did my endeuour to obserue kepe them my selfe as much as was possible for me to do punishing my pore body with fasting watching praying other exercises more thē all they which at this day do so bitterly hate and persecute me because now I take frō them the glory of iustifying For I was so diligent and superstitious in the obseruation hereof that I laid more vpon my body then without daunger of health it was able to beare I honoured the Pope of mere conscience vnfainedly not seking after prebēds promotions liuings but whatsoeuer I did I did it with a single hart of a good zeale for the glory of god But those things which then were gainfull vnto me now with Paule I count to be but losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Iesus Christ my lord But our aduersaries as idle bellies tried with no tentations beleue not that I and many others haue endured such things I speake of such as with great desire sought for peace quietnes of conscience which notwithstanding in so great darknes it was not possible for them to finde Vers 15.16.17 But vvhen it had pleased God vvhich had separated me from my mothers vvombe and called me by his grace to reueale his sonne in me that I should preach him among the Gentiles immediately I communicated not vvith flesh and bloud Neither came I againe to Ierusalem to them vvhich vvere Apostles before me but I vvent into Arabia and turned againe vnto Damascus This is the first iourney of Paule And here he witnesseth that straight way after he was called by the grace of God to preach Christ among the Gentiles he went into Arabia without the aduise of any mā to that vvorke whervnto he was called And this place witnesseth by vvhom he was taught by what meanes he came to the knowledge of the Gospell and to his Apostleship VVhen it pleased God saith he As if he would say I haue not deserued it because I was zealous for the lawe of God without iudgement nay rather this foolish and wicked zeale stirred me vp that God so permitting I fell hedlong into more abhominable and outragious sinnes I persecuted the church of God I was an enemy of Christ I blasphemed his Gospell and to conclude I was the author of sheding much innocent bloud This was my desert In the middest of this cruell rage I was called to so great inestimable grace What was it because of this outragious cruelty No forsoth But the aboundant grace of God who calleth and sheweth mercy to whom he will pardoned and forgaue me all these blasphemies and for these my horrible sinnes which then I thought to be perfect righteousnes an acceptable seruice vnto God he gaue vnto me his grace the knowledge of his truth and called me to be an Apostle We also are come at this day to the knowledge of grace by the self same merits I crucified Christ daily in my monkesh life and blasphemed God through my false faith wherin I then continually liued Outwardly I was not as other men extorcioners vniust whoremongers but I kept chastitie pouerty and obedience Moreouer I was farre from the cares of this present life I was onely geuen to fasting watching praying saying of Masse and such like Notwithstāding in the meane time I fostred vnder this cloked holines and trust in mine owne righteousnes continuall mistrust doubtfulnes feare hatred and blasphemy against god And this my righteousnes was nothing els but a stinking puddle and a pleasant kingdome of the Deuil For Sathan loueth such Saincts and accomteth them for his deare darlings who destroy their owne bodies and soules and depriue themselues of all the blessings of Gods gifts In the meane time notwithstanding wickednes blindnes contempt of God ignorance of the gospel prophanation of the sacraments blaspheming and treading of Christ vnder foote and abuse of all the benefits and gifts of God raigne in them at the full To conclude such Saincts are the bondslaues of Sathan and therefore are driuen to speake thinke and doe whatsoeuer he will although outwardly they seeme to excell all others in good works in holines and streitnes of life Such were we vnder the Popedome verely no lesse if not more contumelious and blasphemous against Christ and his Gospell then Paule himself and especially I for I did
sentences of the scriptures and not to expoūd them By these words Abraham beleued Paule defineth and setteth before our eies a spirituall Abraham faithfull righteous and hauing the promise of God an Abraham I say which is not in errour and in the old flesh which is not borne of Adam but of the holy Ghost And of this Abraham renued by faith and regenerate by the holy Ghost speaketh the scripture and pronounceth of him that he should be a father of many nations Also that all the Gentiles should be geuen vnto him for an inheritaunce when it saith In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed The scripture then attributeth no righteousnes but vnto the beleuing Abraham and it speaketh of such an Abraham as he is accounted before god Therefore such sentences of the scripture doe set forth vnto vs a new Abraham which is separate from the carnall mariage and bed and from the carnall generation and is taken for such a one as he is before God that is to say beleuing and iustified through faith to whom now God maketh this promise because of his faith Thou shalt be a father of many nations Again In thee shall all the natiōs of the earth be blessed And this is the meaning of Paule where he sheweth how the scripture preuenteth the vaine presumption and proude bragges of the Iewes as touching the lawe For the inheritaunce of the Gentiles was geuen vnto Abraham not by the law and circumcision but long before the same by the onely righteousnes of faith Therfore wheras the Iewes will be counted and called blessed because they are the children and seede of Abraham it is nothing else but a vaine glorious bragge It is no doubt a great prerogatiue and glory before the w●●ld to be borne of Abrahams seede as Paule sheweth Rom. 9 but not so before god Wherfore the Iewes doe wickedly peruert this place cōcerning the Blessing in applying it onely to a carnal Blessing and do great iniurie to the scripture which speaketh most manifestly of the spirituall Blessing before God and neither can nor ought otherwise to be vnderstande This is then the true meaning of this place In thee shal be blessed In which thee In thee Abraham beleeuing or in thy faith or thy seede which is to come that is to say in Christ in whom thou beleuest all the nations of the earth I say shal be blessed that is all the nations shal be thy blessed children euen like as thou art blessed as it is writen So shall thy seede be Hereof it followeth that the Blessing Faith of Abraham is the same that ours is that Abrahams Christ is our Christ that Christ died aswell for the sinnes of Abraham as for vs Abraham vvhich savve my day and reioyced Io. 8. Therefore all sounde but one thinge We may not suffer this word Blessing to be corrupted The Iewes looke but through a veile into the scripture and therefore they vnderstande not what or whereof the promise is which was made to the fathers Which we notwithstanding ought to consider aboue all things So shal we see that God speaketh to Abraham the Patriarke not of the lawe nor of things to be done but of things to be beleued that is to say that God speaketh vnto him of promises which are apprehended by faith Now what doth Abraham He beleeueth those promises And what doth God to that beleeuing Abraham He imputeth faith vnto him for righteousnes and addeth further many moe promises as I am thy defender In thee shall all nations be blessed Thou shalt be a father of many nations So shall thy seede be These are inuincible arguments against the which nothing can be said if the places of the holy scripture be throughly considered Verse 9. So then they vvhich are of faith are blessed vvith faithfull Abraham All the weight and force lieth in these wordes vvith faithfull Abraham For he putteth a plaine difference betwene Abraham and Abraham of one and the selfe same person making two As if he sayde There is a working Abraham there is a beleuing Abraham With the working Abraham we haue nothing to doe For if he be iustified by works he hath to reioyce but not with god Let the Iewes glorie as much as they will of that begetting Abraham which is a worker is circumcised and keepeth the law but we glorie of the faithfull Abraham of whom the scripture saith that he receaued the Blessing of righteousnes through his faith not onely for himselfe but also for all those which beleue like as he beleued And so the world was promised to Abraham because he beleued Therefore all the world is blessed that is to say receaueth imputation of righteousnes if it beleue as Abraham did Wherfore the Blessing is nothing els but the promise of the Gospell And that all nations are blessed is asmuch to say as all nations shall heare the Blessing that is the promise of God shall be preached and published by the Gospell among all nations And out of this place the Prophets haue drawen many prophesies by a spirituall vnderstanding As Psal. 2 Aske of me and I vvill geue thee the heathen for thine inheritaunce and the endes of the earth for thy possession And againe Psal. 19 Their voice hath gone through all the earth Briefely all the prophesies of the kingdom of Christ and of the publishing of the Gospel throughout all the world haue sprong out of this place In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Wherefore to say that the nations are blessed is nothing els but that righteousnes is freely geuen vnto them or that they are coūted righteous before God not through the lawe but by the hearing of faith For Abraham was not iustified by any other meanes then by hearinge the worde of promise of blessing and of grace Therefore like as Abraham obtained imputation of righteousnes by the hearing of faith euen so did all the Gentiles obtaine and yet doe obtaine the same For the same word that was first declared vnto Abraham was also afterward published to all the Gentiles Hereby then we see that to blesse signifieth nothing els but as I saide before to preach and teach the worde of the Gospell to confesse Christ and to spread abroad the knowledge of him among all the Gentiles And this is the office of the Priesthod and continuall sacrifice of the Church in the new testament which distributeth this Blessing by preaching and by ministring of the sacramēts by comforting the broken harted by distributing the worde of grace which Abraham had and which was also his Blessing which when he beleued he receaued the Blessing So we also beleuing the same are blessed And this blessing is a greate glorie not before the world but before god For we haue heard that our sinnes are forgeuen vs and that we are accepted of God that God is our father
and that we are his children with whom he will not be angry but will deliuer vs from sinne from death and all euils and will geue vnto vs righteousnes life and eternall saluation Of this Blessing as I haue said doe the Prophetes preach in euery place who did not so coldly consider those promises made vnto the fathers as the wicked Iewes did and as the popish Scholemen and Sectaries doe at this day but did reade them and way them with greate diligence and also drew out of those promises whatsoeuer they prophecied of Christ or his kingedome So the prophecie of Hoseas 13. chapter I vvill redeeme them from the povver of the graue I vvill deliuer them from death O death I vvill be thy death O graue I vvill be thy destruction and suche like places of the other Prophetes did all spring out of these promises in which God promised to the fathers the brusing of the serpentes heade and the blessing of all nations Moreouer if the nations be blessed that is to say if they be accounted righteous before God it followeth that they are free from sinne and death and are made pertakers of righteousnes saluation and euerlasting life not for their works but for their faith in Christ Therfore that place of Genesis the .12 chapter In thee shall all the nations be blessed speaketh not of the blessing of the mouth but of such a blessing as belongeth to the imputation of righteousnes which is auaileable before God and redemeth from the curse of sinne and from all those euils that doe accumpany sinne Now this Blessing is receaued onely by faith For the text saith plainely Abraham Beleued and it vvas accounted vnto him for righteousnes Wherefore it is a meere spirituall Blessing there is no Blessing in deede but this which although it be cursed in the world as in deede it is yet is it auaileable before god This is therefore a mightie place that they which are of faith are become partakers of this promise of the Blessing made vnto the beleeuing Abraham And by this meanes Paule preuenteth the cauillation of the Iewes which bragge of a begetting and a working Abraham and iust before men and not of a beleeuing Abraham Now like as the Iewes doe glorie onely of a working Abraham euen so the Pope setteth out onely a working Christ or rather an example of Christ He that will liue godly saith he must walke as Christ hath walked according to his owne saying in the .13 of Iohn I haue geuen you an example that you should doe euen as I haue done to you We deny not but that the faithful ought to follow the example of Christ and to worke well but we say that they are not iustified therby before god And Paule doth not here reason what we ought to doe but by what meanes we are made righteous In this matter we must set nothing else before our eies but Iesus Christ dyinge for our sinnes and risinge againe for our righteousnes and him must we apprehende by faith as a gift and not as an example This reason vnderstandeth not therfore as the Iewes follow a working and not a beleuing Abraham euen so the Papistes and all that seeke righteousnes by workes doe behold and apprehend not a iustifying but a working Christ by this meanes they swarue from Christ from righteousnes and saluation And like as the Iewes which were saued ought to follow the beleuing Abraham so we also if we will be deliuered from our sinnes and be saued must take holde of the iustifying and sauing Christ whom Abraham him selfe also by faith did apprehend and through him was blessed It was in deede a greate glorie that Abraham receaued circumcision at the commaundement of God that he was endued with excellent vertues that he obeied God in all things as it is also a greate praise and felicitie to follow the example of Christ working to loue thy neighbour to doe good to them that hurt thee to pray for thine enemies patiently to beare the ingratitude of those which render euill for good but all this auaileth nothing to righteousnes before god The excellent deedes and vertues of Abraham were not the cause that he was counted righteous before God So likewise the imitation and following of the example of Christ doth not make vs righteous before god For to make vs righteous before God there is a farre more excellent price required which is neither the righteousnes of man nor yet of the law Here we must needes haue Christ to blesse vs and saue vs like as Abraham had him to be his blesser and Sauiour Howe Not by works but by faith Wherfore as the beleuing Abraham is a thing farre differing from the working Abraham so is Christe blessing redeming a thing farre differing frō Christ working or geuing example And Paule here speaketh of Christ redeming and Abraham beleuing and not of Christ geuing example or of Abraham working Therefore he addeth purposely and that with greate vehemencie They vvhich are of faith are blessed vvith faithfull Abraham Wherefore we must separate the beleuing and the working Abraham as farre asunder as there is distance betwixt heauen earth A man beleuing in Christ is altogither a diuine man the child of God the inheritour of the world a conquerour of sinne death the world and the Deuill therefore he can not be praised and magnified enough Let vs not suffer this faithfull Abraham to lie hid in his graue as he is hid from the Iewes but let vs highly extoll and magnifie him and let vs fill both heauen and earth with his name so that in respect of this faithfull Abraham we see nothing at al in the working Abraham For when we speake of this faithfull Abraham we are in heauen But afterwards doing those things which the working Abraham did which were carnall and earthly and not diuine and heauenly but in as much as they were geuen vnto him of God we are among men in earth The beleuing Abraham therefore filleth both heauen and earth So euery Christian through his faith filleth heauen and earth so that besides it he ought to behold nothing Now Paule of this word shal be blessed gathereth a contrary argument For the scripture is full of oppositions or contrary relations And it is a great point of cunning to marke wel these kindes of speach in the scriptures and by them to expound the sentences therof as here this word blessing by and by inferreth the contrary that is to say malediction For when the scripture saith that all nations are blessed in faith or with faithfull Abraham it followeth necessarily that all aswel Iewes as Gentiles are accursed without faith or without this beleuing Abraham For the promise of Blessing was geuē to Abraham that in him all natiōs should be blessed There is no Blessing then to be looked for but onely in the promise made vnto Abraham now published by the Gospell
diligently teach we sustaine the hatred and cruell persecution of the Deuill and of the world For Sathan feeleth the power and fruite of this Article And that there is in deede no more sinne death or malediction since Christ nowe raigneth we confesse daily in the Creede of the Apostles I beleue that there is an holy Church Which is in deede nothing else but as if we should say I beleue that there is no sinne no malediction no death in the Church of god For they which do beleue in Christ are no sinners are not giltie of death but are holy and righteous lordes ouer sinne and death liuing for euer But Faith onely seeth this for we say I beleeue an holy Church But if thou beleue reason and thine owne eyes thou wilt iudge cleane contrary For thou seest many things in the Godly which offend thee Thou seest them sometime to fall into sinne and to be weake in Faith to be subiect vnto wrath enuie and such other euill affections therefore the Church is not holy I deny the consequēce If I looke vpon mine owne person or the person of my brother it shall neuer be holy But if I behold Christ who hath sanctified and clensed his Church then is it altogether holy for he hath taken away the sinnes of the whole world Therfore where sinnes are seene and felt there are they in deede no sinnes For according to Paules Diuinitie there is no sin no death no maledictiō any more in the world but in Christ who is the Lambe of God that hath taken away the sinnes of the world who is made a Curse that he might deliuer vs from the Curse Contrariwise according to Philosophie and reason sinne death and the Curse are no where else but in the world in the flesh or in sinners For a Sophisticall Diuine can speake no otherwise of sinne then doth the Heathen Philosopher Like as sayeth he the colour sticketh in the wall euen so doth sinne in the world in the flesh or in the conscience therfore it is to be purged by contrary operations to witte by charitie But true Diuinitie teacheth that there is no sinne in the world any more for Christ vpon whom the Father hath cast the sinnes of the whole world hath vanquished and killed the same in his owne body He once dying for sinne and raised vp againe dieth nowe no more Therefore whersoeuer is a true faith in Christ there sinne is abolished dead and buried in deede But where no Faith in Christ is there sinne doth still remaine And albeit the remnaunts of sinne be as yet in the Saintes because they beleue not perfectly yet are they dead in that they are not imputed vnto them because of their Faith in Christe This is therfore a strong and a mighty argument which Paule here prosecuteth against the righteousnes of workes It is not the lawe nor workes that doe deliuer vs from the euerlasting Curse but Christe alone See therefore good Christian reader I beseech thee that thou distinguish Christ from the law and diligently marke how Paule speaketh and what he sayth All sayth he which doe not fulfil the law are necessarily vnder the Curse But no man fulfilleth the law therfore all men are vnder the Curse He addeth moreouer an other proposition Christ hath redemed vs frō the Curse of the law being made a Curse for vs It followeth then that the lawe and workes doe not redeeme vs from the Curse but doe bring vs rather vnder the Curse Charitie therefore which as the Schoolemen say geueth forme and perfection vnto Faith hath not onely not redemed vs from the Curse but rather it wrappeth vs more and more in the Curse This text then is plaine that all men yea the Apostles Prophets and Patriarks had remained vnder the Curse if Christ had not set him selfe against sinne death the Curse of the law the wrath and iudgemēt of God and ouercome them in his owne body for no power of flesh and bloud could ouercome these huge and hideous Monsters But now Christ is not the law or the worke of the law but a diuine and humane person which tooke vpon him sinne the condemnation of the lawe and death not for him selfe but for vs Wherfore all the weight and force hereof consisteth in this word For vs. We must not thē imagine Christ to be innocent as a priuate person as doe the Schoolemen and almost all the Fathers haue done which is holy and righteous for him selfe onely True it is in deede that Christe is a person most pure and vnspotted but thou must not stay there for thou hast not yet Christe although thou knowe him to be God and man but then thou hast him in deede when thou beleeuest that this most pure and innocent person is freely geuen vnto thee of the Father to be thy high Priest and Sauiouer yea rather thy seruaunt that he putting off his innocentie and holines and taking thy sinnefull person vpon him might beare thy sinne thy death and thy Curse and might be made a sacrifice and a Curse for thee that by this meanes he might deliuer thee from the Curse of the lawe Ye see then with what an Apostolike spirite Paule handleth this argument of the Blessing and of the Curse whilest he not onely maketh Christ subiect to the Curse but sayth also that he is made a Curse So in the. 2. Corrin 5. he calleth him Sinne when he sayth He hath made him to be Sinne for vs vvhich knevv no sinne that vve shoulde be made the righteousnes of God in him And although these sentences may be well expounded after this maner Christ is made a Curse that is to say a sacrifice for the Curse and Sinne that is a sacrifice for sinne yet in my iudgement it is better to keepe the proper signification of the words because there is a greater force and vehemencie therin For when a sinner cometh to the knowledge of him selfe in deede he feeleth not onely that he is miserable but misery it selfe not onely that he is a sinner is accursed but euen sinne and malediction it selfe For it is in deede a great matter to beare sinne the wrath of God malediction and death Wherefore that man which hath a true feeling of these things as Christ did truely effectually feele them for all mākinde is made euen sinne death and malediction it selfe Paule therefore handleth this place with a true Apostolicall spirite There is neither Sophister nor Lawyer nor Iew nor Anabaptist nor any other that speaketh as he doeth For who durst alleage this place out of Moises Accursed is euery one that hangeth on tree and applie it vnto Christ Like as Paule then applied this sentence to Christ euen so may we apply vnto Christe not onely that whole 27. chap. of Deuteronomie but also may gather all the Curses of Moises lawe together and expound the same of Christ For as
promise made vnto Abraham In thy seede shall all nations be blessed might so be fulfilled Therfore by no other meanes could this be done that is here promised but that Iesus Christ must needes become a Curse and ioyne him selfe to those that were accursed that so he might take away the Curse from them and through his Blessing might bring vnto them righteousnes and life And here marke as I haue also forewarned you that this word Blessing is not in vaine as the Iewes dreame who expoūd it to be but a salutation by word of mouth or by wryting But Paule entreateth here of sinne and righteousnes of death and life before god He speaketh therefore of inestimable and incomprehensible things when he sayth that the Blessing of Abraham might come vpon the Gentiles through Iesus Christ Ye see moreouer what merits we bring by what meanes we obtain this Blessing This is the merite of Congruence worthines these are the works preparatiue wherby we obtain this righteousnes that Christ Iesus was made a Curse for vs For we are ignorant of God enemies of God dead in sinne accursed and what is our desert then What can he deserue that is accursed ignorāt of God dead in sinnes and subiect to the wrath iudgement of God When the Pope excōmunicateth a man whatsoeuer he doth is counted accursed How much more then may we say that he is accursed before God as all we are before we know Christ which doth nothing else but cursed things Wherefore there is no other way to auoide the Curse but to beleue and with assured confidēce to say Thou Christ art my sinne my Curse or rather I am thy sinne thy Curse thy death thy wrath of God thy hell and contrariwise thou arte my righteousnes my Blessing my life my grace of God and my heauen For the text sayeth plainely Christe is made a Curse for vs. Therefore we are the cause that he was made a Curse nay rather we are his Curse This is an excellent place full of spiritual consolation albeit it satisfie not the blind hard harted Iewes yet it satisfieth vs that are baptised and haue receaued this doctrine and concludeth most mightely that we are blessed through the Curse the sinne the death of Christ that is to say we are iustified and quickned vnto life So long as sinne death and the Curse do abide in vs sinne terrifieth death killeth and the Curse condemneth vs But when these are translated and laid vpon Christes backe then are these euils made his owne and his good thinges are made ours Let vs therefore learne in all tentations to translate sinne death the Curse and all euils which oppresse vs from our selues vnto Christ and againe from him vnto our selues righteousnes mercy life and blessing For he beareth all our euils vpon him God the father cast the iniquities of vs all as Esay the Prophet saith vpon him And he hath taken them vpon him willingly for he was not giltie But this he did that he might fulfill the will of his father by the which we are made holy for euer This is that infinite and vnmeasurable mercy of God which Paule would gladly amplifie with all eloquence and plentie of wordes but the slender capacitie of mans heart can not comprehende and much lesse vtter that vnsearchable deapth and burning zeale of Gods loue towards vs And verely the inestimable greatnes of Gods mercy not only engendreth an hardnes to beleue but also incredulitie it selfe For I doe not onely heare that almightie God the creatour and maker of all things is good and merciful but also that the same high souereigne Maiestie was so careful for me a damnable sinner a child of wrath and of euerlasting death that he spared not his owne deare Sonne but deliuered him to a most opprobrious and shamefull death that he hāging betwene two theeues might be made a Curse and sinne for me a cursed sinner that I might be made blessed that is to say the childe and heire of god Who can sufficiently praise and magnify this exceeding great goodnes of God Not all the Angels in heauen Therfore the doctrine of the Gospell the booke of God speaketh of farre other matters then any booke of policie or philosophie yea or the booke of Moses himselfe to wit of the vnspeakeable and most diuine giftes of God which farre passe the capacitie and vnderstanding both of men and Angels Verse 14. That vve might receaue the promise of the spirite through faith This is a phrase of the Hebrewes The promise of the spirite that is to say the spirite promised Now the spirite is freedom from the law sinne death the Curse hel and from the wrath and iudgement of god Here is no merite or worthines of ours but a free promise and a gifte geuen through the Seede of Abraham that we may be free from all euils and obtaine all good things whatsoeuer And this libertye gift of the spirite we receiue not by any other merites then by Faith alone For that onely taketh holde of the promise of God as Paule plainly sayth in this place that vve might receaue the promise of the spirite not by vvorkes but by Faith. This is in dede a sweete and a true Apostolike doctrine which sheweth that those things are fulfilled for vs now geuen to vs which many Prophets Kings desired to see to heare And such like places as this one is were gathered together out of diuers sayings of the Prophets which forsaw long before in spirite that all things should be chaūged repaired and gouerned by this man Christe Therfore the Iewes hauing the law of God did notwithstanding besides that law looke for Christ None of the Prophets or gouernours of the people of God did make any new lawe but Elias Samuel Dauid all the other Prophets did abide vnder the law of Moses they did not appoint any new tables or a new kingdom priesthode for that new chaunge of the kingly priesthoode of the law the worship was referred kept to him only of whom Moises had prophesied longe before The Lord thy God shal raise vp a Prophet vnto thee of thine ovvne nation and from among thy brethren Him shalt thou heare As if he should say Thou shalt heare him onely and none besides him This the Fathers well vnderstode for none could teach greater and higher poynts then Moises him selfe who made excellent lawes of high and great matters as are the ten commaundemēts especially the first commaundement I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy heart c. This law concerning the loue of God doth comprehend the very Angels also Therfore it is the headspring of all diuine wisedom And yet was it necessary notwithstanding that an other teacher should come that is to say
sorte vnderstandeth the righteousnes of the lawe which also it teacheth and vrgeth and imagineth that the doers of it are righteous but it vnderstandeth not the office and ende of the law Therfore when it heareth this sentence of Paule which is straunge and vnknowne to the world That the lavve vvas geuen for transgressions thus it iudgeth Paule abolisheth the lawe for he sayth that we are not iustified through it Yea he is a blasphemer against God which gaue the lawe whē he sayth that the lavve vvas geuen for transgressions Let vs liue therfore as Gentiles which haue no lawe Yea let vs sinne abide in sinne that grace may abounde Also let vs doe euill that good may come therof This happened to the Apostle Paule and the selfe same happeneth at this day vnto vs For when the common people heare out of the Gospell that righteousnes cometh by the mere grace of God through Faith onely without the law and without workes they gather by and by of it as did the Iewes in times past If the lawe doe not iustifie then let vs worke nothing and surely they performe this excellently well What should we then doe This impietie doth in deede very much vexe vs but we can not remedie it For when Christe preacheth he must nedes heare that he was a blasphemer and a seditious person that is to say that through his doctrine he deceaued men and made them rebelles against Caesar The selfe same thing happened to Paule and all the rest of the Apostles And what maruell is it if the world in like maner accuse vs at this day Let it accuse vs let it sclaunder vs let it persecute vs and spare not yet must not we therefore hold our peace but speake freely to the ende that afflicted consciences may be deliuered out of the snares of the Deuill And we must not regarde the foolish and vngodly people in that they do abuse our doctrine for whether they haue a law or no lawe they can not be reformed But we must consider how afflicted consciences may be comforted that they pearish not with the multitude If we should dissemble and holde our peace pore afflicted consciences should haue no consolation which are so entangled and snared with mens lawes and traditiōs that they can wind them selues out by no meanes As Paule therefore seeing some to set themselues against his doctrine and others some to seeke the libertie of the flesh and therby to be made worse comforted him selfe after this sort that he was an Apostle of Iesus Christ sent to preach the Faith of Gods elect and that he must suffer all things for the elects sake to the end that they also might obtaine saluation euen so we at this day do al things for the elects sake whom we know to be edified comforted through our doctrine But as for the dogges swine of whom the one sort doth persecute our doctrine and the other sort doth tread vnder foote that libertie which we haue in Christ Iesus I am so offended with them that in all my life for their sakes I would not vtter so much as one word but I would rather wish that these hogges together with our aduersaries the dogges were yet still subiect to the Popes tyrannie rather then that the holy name of God should be so blasphemed and euill spoken of through them Therfore albeit not onely the foolish ignorant people but they also which seeme in their owne conceits to be very wise do argue after this sort If the law do not iustifie then is it in vaine vnprofitable yet is it not therfore true For like as this consequence is nothing worth Money doth not iustifie or make a mā righteous therfore it is vnprofitable the eyes do not iustifie therfore they must be plucked out the hands make not a mā righteous therfore they must be cut of so is this naught also The lawe dothe not iustify therfore it is vnprofitable for we must attribute vnto euery thinge his proper effect and vse We doe not therfore destroy condemne the lawe bicause we say that it doth not iustifie but we answere otherwise to this question To vvhat end then serueth the lavv then our aduersaries doe who doe wickedly and peruersely counterfet an office vse of the law which belongeth not vnto it Against this abuse and forged office of the lawe we dispute and aunswer with Paule that the law doth not iustifie But in so saying we affirme not that the lawe is vnprofitable as they doe by and by gather If the law doe not iustifie say they then is it geuē in vaine No not so For it hath his proper office vse but not that which the aduersaries do imagin namely to make mē righteous but it accuseth terrifieth and condemneth them We say with Paule that the lawe is good if a man doe rightly vse it that is to say if he vse the law as the law If I geue vnto the lawe his proper definition and keepe it within the compasse of his office and vse it is an excellent thing But if I translate it to an other vse and attribute that vnto it which I should not then doe I not onely peruert the law but also the whole Scripture Therfore Paule fighteth here against those pestilent hypocrites who could not abide this sentence The lavve vvas added for transgressions For they thinke that the office of the lawe is to iustifie And this is the generall opinion of mans reason amōg the Sophisters and throughout the whole world that righteousnes is gotten through the workes of the lawe And reason will by no meanes suffer this pernicious opinion to be wrested from it because it vnderstandeth not the righteousnes of Faith. Hereof it cometh that the Papists both foolishly and wickedly do say The Church hath the lawe of God the traditions of the Fathers the decrees of Councels If it liue after them it is holy No man shal perswade these men that when they keepe these things they please not God but prouoke his wrath To conclude they that trust in their owne righteousnes thinke to pacifie the wrath of God by their wilworship and voluntary religion Therefore this opinion of the righteousnes of the lawe is the sinke of all euils and the sinne of sinnes of the whole world For grosse sinnes and vices may be knowen and so amended or else repressed by the punishment of the Magistrate But this sinne to witte mannes opinion concerning his owne righteousnes will not onely not be counted sinne but also will be estemed for an high religion and righteousnes This pestilent sinne therefore is the most high and soueraigne power of the Deuill ouer the whole world the very head of the Serpent and the snare wherby the Deuill entangleth and holdeth all men captiue For naturally all men haue this opinion that they are made righteous by keeping of the lawe Paule therefore to
of that excellent glory of your newe birth and your adoption and call you backe to your olde birth and to the moste miserable seruitude of the lawe making you of the free children of God bonde children of the lawe whiles they will haue a difference of persons according to the lawe In deede there is a difference of persons in the lawe and in the worlde and there it ought to be but not before god All haue sinned and are destitute of the glory of God. Let the Iewes therefore the Gentiles and the whole world keepe silence in the presence of god God hath in deede many ordinaunces lawes degrees and kindes of life but all these helpe nothing to deserue grace and to obtaine eternall life So many as are iustified therefore are iustified not by the obseruation of mans lawe or Gods lawe but by Christe alone who hath abolished all lawes Him doth the Gospell set forth vnto vs for a pacifier of Gods wrath by the sheeding of his owne bloud and a Sauiour And without Faith in him neither shall the Iewe be saued by the law nor the Monke by his order nor the Grecian by his wisedom nor the Magistrate or Master by his vpright gouernement nor the seruaunt by his obedience Verse 28. For ye are all one in Christ Iesu These are excellent wordes In the world and according to the flesh there is a great differēce and inequalitie of persons and the same must be diligently obserued For if the woman would be the man if the sonne would be the father the seruaunt would be the master the subiect would be the magistrate there should be nothing else but a cōfusion of all states and of all things Contrariwise in Christe there is no lawe no difference of persons there is neither Iewe nor Grecian but all are one For there is one body one spirite one hope of vocation There is but one Gospell one Faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all one Christ Lord of all We haue the same Christ I thou and all the Faithfull which Peter Paule and all the Sainctes had Here therefore the conscience knoweth nothing of the lawe but hath Christ onely before her eyes Therfore Paule is alwayes wont to adde this clause In Christe Iesu Who if he be taken out of our sight then commeth terrour The Popish Schoole diuines doe dreame that Faith is a qualitie cleauing in the heart without Christe This is a deuelish errour But Christe should be so set forth that thou shouldest see nothing besides him and shouldest thinke that nothing cā be more nere vnto thee or more presently within thy heart then he is For he sitteth not idly in heauen but is present with vs working and liuing in vs as he sayth before in the .2 chap. I liue yet not I but Christe liueth in me And here likewise Ye haue put on Christe Faith therefore is a certaine stedfast beholding which looketh vppon nothing else but Christe the conquerour of sinne and death and the geuer of righteousnes saluation and eternal life This is the cause that Paule nameth setteth forth Iesus Christe so often in his Epistles yea almost in euery verse But he setteth him forth by the word for otherwise he can not be comprehended then by the word This was notably and liuely represented by the brasen Serpent which is a figure of Christe Moises commaunded the Iewes which were stong of Serpents in the desert to doe nothing else but stedfastly behold the brasen Serpent and not to turne away their eyes They that did so were healed onely by that stedfast and constant beholding of the Serpent But contrariwise they died which obeied not the commaundement of Moises but looked vppon their woundes and not vppon the Serpent So if I would find comfort when my conscience is afflicted or when I am at the poynt of death I must doe nothing but apprehend Christe by Faith and say I beleue in Iesus Christe the sonne of God who suffered was crucified and died for me c in whose woundes and in whose death I see my sinne and in his resurrection victorie ouer sinne death the Deuil also righteousnes and eternall life Besides him I see nothing I heare nothing This is true Faith concerning Christe and in Christe Whereby we are made members of his body flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones In him therefore vve liue vve moue and vve haue our being Christe and our Faith must be thoroughly ioyned together We must be in heauen and Christ must liue and worke in vs Nowe he liueth and worketh in vs not by speculation and naked knowledge but in deede and by a true and a substantiall presence Verse 29. And if ye be Christes then are ye Abrahams Seede and heires by promise That is to say If ye be beleue and be baptised into Christ if ye beleue I say that he is that promised Seede of Abraham which brought the Blessing to all the Gentiles then are ye the childrē of Abraham not by nature but by adoption For the Scripture attributeth vnto it not onely the children of the flesh but also of adoption and of the promise and foresheweth that they shall receaue the inheritāce and the other shall be cast out of the house So Paule in few wordes translateth the whole glory of Libanus that is to say of the nation of the Iewes vnto the desert that is vnto the Gentiles And this place comprehendeth a singuler consolation to witte that the Gentiles are the children of Abraham and consequently the people of god But they are the children of Abraham not by carnall generation but by the promise The kingdom of heauen then life and the eternall inheritaunce belongeth to the Gentiles And this the Scripture signified long before when it sayeth I haue made thee a Father of many nations Againe In thy Seede shall all nations be blessed Nowe therefore because we which are Gentiles doe beleue and by Faith doe receiue the Blessing promised to Abraham exhibited by Christ therfore the Scripture calleth vs the children and heires of Abraham not after the flesh but after the promise So that promise In thy seede c. belongeth also to all the Gentiles and according to this promise Christ is become ours In dede the promise was made onely to the Iewes and not to vs that are Gentiles Psal. 147. He shevveth his vvorde vnto Iacob c. He hath not delte so vvith euery nation c. Notwithstandyng that which was promised commeth vnto vs by faith by the which onely we apprehende the promise of god Albeit then that the promise be not made vnto vs yet is it made as touching vs and for vs for we are named in the promise In thy seede shall all nations be blessed For the promise sheweth plainely that Abraham should be the father not onely of the Iewish nation but of many
nations and that he should be the heyre not of one kingdome but of all the worlde Rom. 4. So the glory of the whole kingdome of Christ is translated vnto vs Wherefore all lawes are vtterly ablioshed in the hart and conscience of a christian notwithstanding they remaine without stil in the flesh And hereof we haue spoken largely before The fourth Chapter Verse 1. This I say that the heire as long as he is a childe differeth nothing from a seruaunt though he be Lord of all Verse 2. But is vnder tutours and gouernours vntill the time appoynted of the Father YE see with what vehement affection Paule goeth about to call backe the Galathians what strong arguments he vseth in debating that matter gathering similitudes of experience of the example of Abraham of the testimonies of the Scripture and of the time so that often times he semeth to renew the whole matter againe For before he had in a maner finished the disputation concerning iustification concluding that a man is iustified before God by faith only and alone But because he calleth also to remembraunce this politicall example of the little heire he bringeth the same also for the confirmation of his matter Thus trying euery way he lyeth in waite with a certaine holy subtiltie to take the Galathiās vnwares For the ignorāt people are sooner perswaded with similitudes and examples then with deepe and subtill disputations They will rather behold an Image well painted then a booke well written Paule therfore now after that he hath brought the similitude of a mans testament of the prison and of the scholemaister vseth also this similitude of an heyre which is familiar and wel known to al men to moue and to perswade them And surely it is a very profitable thing to be furnished with similitudes and examples which not onely Paul but also the Prophets Christ himselfe also did often vse Ye see saith he that it is ordeined by the ciuile lawes that an heyre albeit he be the Lorde of all his fathers goodes differeth not from a seruaunt In deede he hath an assured hope of the inheritaunce but before he come to his yeares his tutors holde hym in subiection lyke as the Scholemaister doth his scholer They committe not vnto hym the ordering of his owne goodes but constrayne hym to serue so that he is kepte and mainteined with his owne goodes lyke a seruaunte Therefore so long as this bondage endureth that is so long as he is vnder tutors and gouernours he differeth nothyng from a seruaūt And this subiection and seruitude is very profitable for him for otherwise through folly he would soone wast all his goodes This captiuitie endureth not alwaies but hath a certaine time limited and appoynted by the father wherin it must ende Verse 3. So also vve as long as vve vvere children vvere in bōdage vnder the rudiments of the vvorld In like maner when we were litle children we were heires hauing the promise of the inheritaunce to come which should be geuen vnto vs by the seede of Abraham that is to say by Christe in whom all nations should be blessed But because the fulnes of time was not yet come Moises our tutour gouerner and schoolemaster came holding vs in captiuitie with our handes bound so that we could beare no rule nor possesse our inheritaunce In the meane time notwithstanding like as an heire is nourished mainteined in hope of libertie to come euen so Moises did nourish vs with the hope of the promise to be reuealed in the time appoynted to witte whē Christ should come who by his comming should put an ende to the time of the lawe and begin the time of grace Nowe the time of the law endeth two maner of wayes First as I sayde by the comming of Christe in the flesh at the time appoynted of his father But vvhen the fulnes of time vvas come God sent forth his sonne made of a vvoman and made vnder the lavve that he might redeme them vvhich vvere vnder the lavve c. He entred into the holy sanctuarie once through his bloud and obtained eternall redemption for vs. Moreouer the same Christe who came once in the time appoynted commeth also vnto vs daily and hourely in spirite In deede once with his owne bloud he redemed and sanctified all but because we are not yet perfectly pure for the remnaunts of sinne doe yet cleane in our flesh which striueth against the spirite therefore daily he commeth vnto vs spiritually and continually more and more accomplisheth the appoynted time of his father abrogating and abolishing the lawe So he came also in spirite to the fathers of the old Testament before he appeared in flesh They had Christ in spirite They beleued in Christe which should be reuealed as we beleue in Christe which is now reuealed and were saued by him as we are according to that saying Iesus Christe is one yesterday and to day and shall be the same for euer Yesterday before the time of his comming in the flesh To day when he was reuealed in the time before appoynted Nowe and for euer he is one and the same Christe for euen by him onely and alone all the faithfull which either haue ben be or shall be are deliuered from the law iustified and saued In like maner vve also sayth he vvhen vve vvere children serued vnder the rudimentes of the vvorld that is to say the lawe had dominion ouer vs oppressed vs and kept vs in a streite bondage as seruaunts and captiues For first it restrained carnall and rebellious persons that they should not runne headlong into all kindes of vice For the lawe threatneth punishment to transgressours which if they feared not there is no mischiefe which they would not commit And ouer those whom the law so bridleth it ruleth raigneth Againe it did accuse vs terrifie vs kill vs and condemne vs spiritually and before God and this was the principall dominion that the law had ouer vs Therfore like as an heire is subiect vnto his tutours is beaten and is compelled to obey their lawes and diligently to execute their commaundementes euen so mens consciences before Christe come are oppressed with the sharpe seruitude of the lawe that is to say they are accused terrified and condemned of the lawe But this dominion or rather this tyrannie of the lawe is not continuall but must onely endure vntill the time of grace Wherefore the office of the lawe is to reproue and to encrease sinnes but to righteousnes to kill but to life For the lavve is a Schoolemaster vnto Christe Like as therefore the tutours doe handle the heire being yet a childe streitly and hardly rule him and commaund him as a seruaunt and he againe is constrained to be subiect vnto them euen so the lawe accuseth vs humbleth vs and bringeth vs into bondage that we may be the seruauntes of sinne death and of the wrath of God
famine that the ouerthrowing of common weales kingdoms and countreis that sectes offences and such other infinite euils doe procede altogether of the doctrine of the Gospell Against this great offence we must comfort arme our selues with this sweete cōsolation that the faithfull must beare this name and this title in the world that they are seditious and schismatikes and the authors of innumerable euils And hereof it commeth that our aduersaries thinke they haue a iust cause yea that they doe God high seruice when they hate persecute and kill vs It can not be then but that Ismael must persecute Isaac But Isaac againe persecuteth not Ismael Who so wil not suffer the persecution of Ismael let him not professe himselfe to be a Christian But let our aduersaries which so vehemently amplifie exaggerate these euils at this day tel vs what good thīgs ensued the preaching of the Gospel of Christ and his Apostles Did not the destruction of the kingdom of the Iewes follow was not the Romaine Empire ouerthrowne was not the whole world in an vprore And yet the Gospell was not the cause hereof which Christe and his Apostles preached for the profite and saluation of men and not for their destruction But these things folowed through the fault of the people the nations the Kings Princes who being possessed of the Deuill would not hearkē to the word of grace life and eternall saluation but detested and condemned it as a doctrine most pernicious and hurtfull to religion common weales And that this should so come to passe the holy Ghost foretold by Dauid when he sayeth Psal. 2. VVhy doe the heathen rage and the people murmure in vaine c. Such tumultes and hurly burlies we heare and see at this day The aduersaries lay the fault in our doctrine But the doctrine of grace and peace stirreth not vp these troubles but the people nations kings and Princes of the earth as the Psalme sayeth rage murmure conspire and take counsell not against vs as they thinke nor against our doctrine which they blaspheme as false and seditious but against the Lord and his annoynted Therfore all their counsels and practises are and shall be disappoynted and brought to naught He that dvvelleth in the heauen shall laugh the Lord shall haue them in derision Let thē cry out therfore as long as they list that we raise vp these tumults and seditions notwithstanding this Psalme comforteth vs and saith that they themselues are the authors of these troubles They can not beleue this much lesse can they beleue that it is they which murmure rise vp take coūsell against the Lord his anoynted nay rather they thinke that they maintaine the Lords cause that they defend his glory do him acceptable seruice in persecuting vs but the Psalme lieth not and that shall the ende declare Here we doe nothing but onely suffer as our conscience beareth vs witnesse in the holy Ghost Moreouer the doctrine for the which they raise vp such tumultes and offences is not ours but it is the doctrine of Christe This doctrine we can not deny nor forsake the defence thereof seeing Christ sayth VVhosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my vvordes in this adulterous and sinnefull nation of him shal the sonne of man be ashamed vvhen he shall come in his glory and in the glory of the father and of the holy angels He therfore that will preach Christ truely and confesse him to be our righteousnes must be content to heare that he is a pernicious fellow and that he troubleth all things They which haue troubled the world sayd the Iewes of Paul and Silas Acts. 17. are also come vnto vs and haue done contrary to the decrees of Caesar And in the. 24. of the Actes We haue found this pestilent fellow stirring vp sedition among all the Iewes thorow out the whole world and the authour of the Sect of the Nazarites c. In like maner also the Gentiles complaine in the. 16. of the Actes These men trouble our Citie So at this day they accuse Luther to be a troubler of the Papacie and of the Romaine Empire If I would kepe silence then all things should be in peace which the strong man possesseth and the Pope would not persecute me any more But by this meanes the Gospell of Iesus Christe should be blemished defaced If I speake the Pope is troubled and cruelly rageth Either we must lose the Pope an earthly and mortall man or else the immortall God Christ Iesus life and eternall saluation Let the Pope perish then let God be exalted let Christ raigne and triumph for euer Christe himselfe when he foresaw in spirite the great troubles which should folow his preaching cōforted himselfe after this maner I came sayth he to send fire vpon the earth and vvhat vvil I but that it be kindled In like maner we see at this day that great troubles folowe the preaching of the Gospell through the persecution blasphemie of our aduersaries and the ingratitude of the world This matter so greueth vs that oftentimes after the flesh and after the iudgement of reason we thinke it had bene better that the doctrine of the Gospell had not bene published then that after the preaching therof the publike peace should be so troubled But according to the spirite we say boldly with Christe I came to send fire vpon the earth and what will I but that it should now be kindled Now after that this fire is kindled ther folow forthwith great commotions For it is not a King or an Emperour that is thus prouoked but the God of this world which is a most mighty spirite and the Lord of the whole world This weake worde preaching Christ crucified setteth vpon this mightie and terrible aduersarie Behemoth feeling the diuine power of this word stirreth vp all his members shaketh his taile and maketh the depth of the sea to boile like a potte Iob. 41. Hereof come all these tumultes all these furious and cruell rages of the world Wherefore let it not trouble vs that our aduersaries are offended and cry out that there cometh no good by the preaching of the Gospel They are infidels they are blinde and obstinate and therfore it is impossible that they should see any frute of the Gospell But contrariwise we which beleue doe see the inestimable profites and frutes therof although outwardly for a time we be oppressed with infinite euils despised spoiled accused cōdemned as the outcasts and filthy dunge of the whole world and put to death and inwardly afflicted with the feeling of our sinne and vexed with Deuils For we liue in Christe in whom and by whom we are made Kings and Lordes ouer sinne death the flesh the world hel and all euils In whom and by whom also we tread vnder our feete that Dragon and Basiliske which is the King
euerlasting life These heare their sentence here pronounced that the sonnes of the bondwoman must be cast out of the house with their mother the bondwoman Such sentences diligently considered make vs certaine of our doctrine and confirme vs in the righteousnes of Faith against the doctrine and righteousnes of workes which the world embraceth and magnifieth condemning and despising the other And this troubleth and offendeth weake consciences which albeit they plainly see the impietie the execrable wickednes and horrible abhominations of the Papistes yet notwithstanding they are not easily perswaded that all the multitude which beareth the name and title of the church doe erre and that there are but fewe of them which haue a sounde and a right opinion of the doctrine of Faith. And if the Papacie had the same holines and austeritie of life which it had in the time of the auncient fathers Hierome Ambrose Augustine and others when the Cleargie had not yet so euill a name for their Simonie excesse abundance of riches dissolute liuing voluptuousnes whoredome sodomitrie and such other infinite abhominations but liued after the rules and decrees of the fathers religiously and holily in outward shew and vnmaried what could we doe now against the Papacie The single life which the Cleargye kept very straitly in the time of the fathers was a goodly thing and made of men very Angelles in in the sight of the world and therefore Paule in the second Chapiter to the Colossians calleth it the religion of Angelles And the Papistes sing thus of their virgines He ledde an angelicall life whilest he liued in the flesh and yet liued contrary to the flesh Moreouer the life which they call the contemplatiue life whervnto the clergie men were then very much geuen vtterly neglecting all ciuile and houshold gouernmēt had a goodly shew of holines Wherfore if that outward shew and appearance of the olde Papacie remained at this day we should peraduenture doe but litle against it by our doctrine of Faith seeing we doe now so litle preuaile when that olde shew of outward holines and seuere discipline being vtterly abolished there is nothing to be seene but a very sinke and puddle of all vices and abhominations But admitte the case that the olde discipline and religion of the Papacie were yet remaining notwithstanding we ought by the example of Paule who vehemently pursued the false apostles which outwardly appeared to be very godly and holy men to fight against the Meritmongers of the Papisticall kingdom and to say Although ye liue a single life tiering and consuming your bodies with cōtinuall trauaile and walking in the humilitie and religion of Angels yet are ye seruauntes of the lawe of sinne and of the Deuill and must be cast out of the house for ye seeke righteousnes and saluation by your workes and not by Christe Wherefore we ought not so much to consider the wicked life of the Papists as their abhominable doctrine and hypocrisie against the which we specially fight Let vs suppose then that the religion and discipline of the olde Papacie doth yet still flourish and that it is now obserued with as much seueritie and straitnes as euer it was yet must we say notwithstanding If ye haue nothing but this holines and chastitie of life to sette against the wrath and iudgement of God ye are in very deede the sonnes of the bondwoman which must be cast out of the kingdom of heauen and be damned And now they themselues doe not defend their wicked life nay rather they which are the best and the soundest of them all doe detest it but they fight for the maintenaunce and defence of the doctrine of Deuils for hypocrisie and for the righteousnes of workes Here they alledge the authoritie of Councels and the examples of holy fathers whom they affirme to haue bene the authors of their holy orders and statutes Therefore we fight not against the manifest wickednes abhominations of the Papacie but against the greatest holines holiest Saincts therof which thinke they lead an angelicall life whilest they dreame that they kepe not only the cōmaundements of God but also the counsels of Christ and doe workes of superogation such as they are not bound to doe This we say is to labour in vaine except they take hold of that onely and alone which Christ saith is onely necessary and choose the good part with Marie which shall not be taken from them This did Bernard a man so godly so holy and so chast that he is to be commended preferred aboue them all He being once greuously sicke and hauing no hope of life put not his trust in his single life wherin he had liued most chastly nor in his good workes and deedes of charitie whereof he had done many but remoued them farre out of his sight and receauing the benefite of Christ by Faith he sayd * I haue liued wickedly But thou Lord Iesus Christ by double right doest possesse the kingdom of heauen First because thou art the sonne of God Secondly because thou hast purchased it by thy death passion The first thou keepest for thy selfe by thy birthright The second thou geuest to me not by the right of my workes but by the right of grace He set not against the wrath of God his Monkerie nor his angelicall life but he tooke hold of that one thing which was necessary and so was saued I thinke that Hierome Gregorie and many other fathers were saued after the same sorte And it is not to be doubted but that also in the olde Testament many Kings of Israell and other Idolaters were saued in like maner who at the houre of death casting away their vaine trust which they had in Idolles tooke holde of the promisse of God which was made vnto the Seede of Abraham that is to say Christe in whom all nations should be blessed And if there be any of the Papists which shall be saued they must simplie leane not to their owne good deedes and desertes but to the mercy of God offred vnto vs in Christ say with Paule I haue not mine ovvne righteousnes vvhich is of the lavve but that vvhich is by Faith in Christe Verse 31. Then brethern vve are not children of the seruaunt but of the freevvoman Paule here concludeth his allegorie of the barren church and of the frutefull people of the lawe We are not sayth he the children of the bondwoman that is to say we are not vnder the lawe which begetteth vnto bondage that is which terrifieth accuseth and bringeth to desperation but we are deliuered from it by Christe Therefore it can not terrifie nor condemne vs Of this we haue spoken enough before Moreouer although the sonnes of the bondwoman doe persecute vs neuer so much for a time yet this is our comfort that they shall be compelled to leaue the enheritance vnto vs which belongeth vnto vs that are the sonnes
imagination the Monkes and Scholemen hadde of their Sainctes as though they hadde bene very senselesse blockes and without all affections The virgine Marie felt great griefe and sorowe of spirite when she missed her sonne Luke 2. Dauid in the Psalmes complaineth that he is almost swalowed vppe with excessiue sorrowe for the greatnes of his temptations and sinnes Paule also complaineth that he hath battelles without and terrours within and that in his flesh he serueth the lawe of sinne He sayeth that he is carefull for all the Churches and that God shewed great mercie towardes him in that he deliuered Epaphroditus being at the poynt of death to life againe lest he should haue had sorrow vppon sorrow Therefore the Sainctes of the Papists are like to the Stoickes who imagined such wise men as in all the world were neuer yet to be found And by this foolish and Deuelish perswasion which proceeded of the ignoraunce of this doctrine of Paule the Scholemen brought both them selues and others without number into horrible desperation When I was a Monke I did oftentimes most hartely wish that I might once be so happy as to see the conuersation and life of some Sainct or holy man But in the meane time I imagined such a Sainct as liued in the wildernes abstaining from meat and drinke and liuing onely with rootes of herbes and colde water and this opinion of those monstrous sainctes I had learned not onely out of the bookes of the Sophisters and Scholemen but also out of the bookes of the fathers For thus wryteth Hierome in a certaine place As touching meates and drinkes I say nothing for as much as it is excesse that euē such as are weake and feeble should vse cold water or eate any sodden thing c. But now in the light of the Gospel we plainly see who they are whom Christ and his Apostles call Saincts Not they which liue a sole a single life or straitly obserue dayes meates apparel such other things or in outward appearance do other great monstrous works as we read of many in the liues of the fathers but they which being called by the sound of the Gospell and baptised doe beleue that they be iustified and clensed by the death of Christ So Paule euery where wryting to Christians calleth them holy the children and heires of God c. Who so euer then doe beleue in Christe whether they be men or women bond or free are all Sainctes not by their owne workes but by the workes of God which they receiue by Faith as his word his Sacraments the passion of Christ his death resurrection victorie and the sending of the holy Ghost To conclude they are Sainctes through such a holines as they freely receaue not through such a holines as they them selues haue gotten by their owne industrie good workes and merites So the ministers of the worde the Magistrates of common weales parents children maisters seruauntes c. are true Saincts if first and before all things they assure themselues that Christ is their wisedom righteousnes sanctification and redemption Secondly if euery one doe his duetie in his vocation according to the rule of Gods word and obey not the flesh but represse the lustes and desires thereof by the spirite Now where as all be not of like strength to resist temptatiōs but many infirmities and offences are seene in the most part of men this nothing hindereth their holines so that their sinnes procede not of an obstinate wilfulnes but onely of frailtie and infirmitie For as I haue sayd before the godly doe feele the desires and lusts of the flesh but they resist them to the ende that they accomplish them not Also if they at any time vnaduisedly fall into sinne yet notwithstāding they obtaine forgeuenes thereof if by Faith in Christe they be raised vppe againe who would not that we should driue away but seeke out and bring whom the straying and lost sheepe c. Therfore God forbid that I should straighte way iudge those which are weake in Faith and maners to be prophane or vnholy if I see that they loue reuerence the word of God to come to the supper of the Lord c. For these God hath receaued counteth them righteous thorough the remissiō of sinnes to him they stand or fall c. Wherefore with great reioysing I geue thankes to God for that he hath abundantly and aboue measure graunted that vnto me which I so earnestly desired of him when I was a Monke For he hath geuen vnto me the grace to see not one but many Sainctes yea an infinite nomber of true sainctes not such as the Sophisters haue deuised but such as Christe himselfe his Apostles doe describe Of the which nomber I assure my selfe to be one For I am baptised and I doe beleue that Christ my Lord by his death hath redemed and deliuered me from all my sinnes and hath geuen to me eternall righteousnes and holines And let him be holden accursed who so euer shall not geue this honour vnto Christe to beleue that by his death his word c. he is iustified and sanctified Wherfore reiecting this foolish and wicked opinion concerning the name of Saincts which in the time of Poperie and ignorance we thought to pertaine onely to the Sainctes which are in heauen and in earth to the Heremites and Monkes which did certaine great and straunge workes let vs now learne by the holy Scripture that all they which faithfully beleue in Christ are Saincts The world hath in great admiration the holines of Benedict Gregorie Bernard Fraunces and such like because it heareth that they haue done in outward appearance and in the iudgement of the world certaine great and excellent workes Doutles Hyllarie Cyrill Athanasius Ambrose Augustine and others were Saincts also which liued not so strait and seuere a life as they did but were conuersant amongs men and did eate common meates drunke wine and vsed clenly and comely apparell so that in a maner there was no difference betwene them other honest men as touching the common custome and the vse of things necessary for this life and yet were they to be preferred farre aboue the other These men taught the doctrine and faith of Christe sincerely purely without any superstition they resisted heretikes they purged the church from innumerable errours their company and familiaritie was comfortable to many and specially to those which were afflicted and heauie harted whom they raised vppe and comforted by the word of god For they did not withdraw them selues from the company of men but they executed their offices euen where most resort of people was Contrariwise the other not onely taught many things contrary to the Faith but also were themselues the authors first inuentours of many superstitions errours abhominable ceremonies and wicked worshippings Therefore except at the houre of death they laid hold of Christe and reposed their whole
it signifieth all the afflictions of the faithfull whose sufferings are Christes sufferings 2. Cor. 1. The sufferings of Christ abound in vs. Againe Novv reioyce I in my sufferings for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictiōs of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake vvhich is the Church c. The crosse of Christe therfore generally signifieth all the afflictiōs of the church which it suffereth for Christe which he him selfe witnesseth when he sayth Saule Saule vvhy persecutest thou me Saule did no violence to Christ but to his Church But he that toucheth it toucheth the apple of his eye There is a more liuely feeling in the head then in the other members of the body And this we know by experience for the litle toe or the least part of a mannes body being hurt the head forthwith sheweth it selfe by the countenaunce to feele the greefe thereof So Christe our head maketh all our afflictions his owne and suffereth also when we suffer which are his body It is profitable for vs to know these things lest we should be swalowed vppe with sorow or fal to despaire when we see that our aduersaries doe cruelly persecute excommunicate kill vs But let vs thinke with our selues after the example of Paule that we must glory in the crosse which we beare not for our owne sinnes but for Christes sake If we consider onely in our selues the sufferings which we endure they are not only grieuous but intolerable but when we may say Thy sufferings O Christe abound in vs Or as is said in the Psal. 44. For thy sake are vve killed all the day then these sufferings are not onely easie but also sweete according to that saying My burden is easie and my yoke is svveete Now it is well knowen that we at this day doe suffer the hatred and persecution of our aduersaries for none other cause but for that we preach Christe faithfully and purely If we would deny him and approue their pernicious errours and wicked religion they would not onely cease to hate and persecute vs but woulde also offer vnto vs honour riches and many goodly things Because therefore we suffer these things for Christes sake we may truely reioyse and glory with Paule in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ that is to say not in riches in power in the fauour of men c. but in afflictions weaknes sorow fightings in the body terrours in the spirite persecutions and all other euils Wherefore we trust it will shortly come to passe that Christe will say the same to vs that Dauid sayd to Abiathar the priest I am the cause of all your deaths Againe He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye As if he had sayd he that hurteth you hurteth me For if ye did not preach my worde and confesse me ye should not suffer these things So sayth he also in Iohn If ye vvere of the vvorld the vvorld vvould loue his ovvne but because I haue chosen you out of the vvorld therfore the vvorld hateth you But these things are treated of afore Verse 14. By vvhom the vvorld is crucified to me I vnto the vvorld This is Paules maner of speaking The world is crucified to me that is I iudge the world to be damned And I am crucified to the world that is the world againe iudgeth me to be damned Thus we crucifie and condemne one an other I abhorre all the doctrine righteousnes and works of the world as the poyson of the Deuil The world againe detesteth my doctrine and deedes and iudgeth me to be a sedicious a pernicious a pestilent felow and an heretike So at this day the world is crucified to vs and we vnto the world We curse and condemne all mans traditions concerning Masses Orders vowes wil-worshippings works all the abhominations of the Pope other heretikes as the dirt of the Deuill They againe do persecute kill vs as destroyers of religion and troublers of the publike peace The Monkes dreamed that the world was crucified to them when they entred into their Monasteries but by this meanes Christ is crucified and not the world yea the world is deliuered from crucifying and is the more quickened by that opinion of holines and trust which they had in their owne righteousnes that entred into religion Most foolishly wickedly therfore was this sentence of the Apostle wrested to the entring into Monasteries He speaketh here of an high matter of great importance that is to say that euery faithfull man iudgeth that to be the wisedom righteousnes and power of God which the world condemneth as the greatest folly wickednes and weaknes And contrariwise that which the world iudgeth to be the highest religion and seruice of God the faithfull doe know to be nothing else but execrable and horrible blasphemie against god So the godly condemne the world and againe the world condemneth the godly But the godly haue the right iudgement on their side for the spirituall man iudgeth all things Wherefore the iudgement of the world touching religion and righteousnes before God is as contrary to the iudgement of the godly as God and the Deuill are contrary the one to the other For as God is crucified to the Deuill and the Deuill to God that is to say as God condemneth the doctrine and workes of the Deuill for the Sonne of God appeared as Iohn sayth to destroy the workes of the Deuill and contrariwise the Deuill condemneth and ouerthroweth the word and the workes of God for he is murtherer and the father of lies so the world condemneth the doctrine and life of the godly calling them most pernicious heretikes and troublers of the publike peace And againe the faithfull call the world the sonne of the Deuil which rightly foloweth his fathers steppes that is to say which is as great a murtherer and lier as his father is This is Paules meaning when he sayth vvhereby the vvorld is crucified to me and I vnto the vvorld Now the world doth not onely signifie in the Scriptures vngodly and wicked men but the very best the wisest and holiest men that are of the world And here by the way he couertly toucheth the false apostles As if he should say I vtterly hate and detest all glory which is without the crosse of Christ as a cursed thing for the world with all the glory thereof is crucified to me and I to the world Wherefore accursed be all they which glory in your flesh and not in the crosse of Christ Paule therefore witnesseth by these wordes that he hateth the world with a perfect hatred of the holy Ghost and againe the world hateth him with a perfect hatred of a wicked spirite As if he should say It is impossible that there should be any agreement betweene me and the world What shall I then doe shall I geue place teach those things which please the
profite that commeth to the godly by the tentation of Satan 1. Iohn 4.4 2. Cor. 12.9 Sathan continually bevvitcheth mē Iob. 1. ● Io. ● 44 The false Apostles bevvitchers of men The example of Doctor Kraus The deuils definition of a false Christ The Godly must diligently vvatch VVorldly and secure men are soone bevvitched VVitchcraft vvhat it is VVho are bevvitched An other goodly commendation of the righteousnes of the lavve 1. Iohn 5.16 Hebr. The errour of the Nonations VVho returne not to the truthe The Apos●●o vseth bitter and rough vvordes Heb. 6. ● They that seeke to be iustified by the lavv crucifie Christ The Papistes are crucifiers of the sonne of God. The Monkes dreamed that they vvere only in the state and life of perfection * VVorkes of superogation they call such vvorks as thei doe of their ovvne good vvill more then they are bound to doe The illusiō of the Deuill In the time of poperie vve vvere so bevvitched that it vvas impossible to acknovvledge Christ Daniel 9 2● Superstitious Monkes and such other by streitnes of life and afflicting their ovvne bodies sought righteousnes and remission of sinnes In you or amongst you Rom. 6.9 To seeke righteousnes by the lavve The abhomination of the papacie horrible The commendations of the righteousnes of the lavv of our ovvne righteousnes The fall of Lucifer An argument dravven from the Galathiās ovvne experience Paule speaketh of the vvhole lavv Tvvo vvaies to iustificatiō The holi ghost is receaued by hearing the vvord of faith and not by the lavve Neither the teachers nor hearers nor yet the doers of the lavve are iustified bi the lavve Acts 10 44. Acts. 11.15 Acts. 15.8.9 Acts. 19.5.6 The lavv bringeth not the holy ghost Rom. 10.3 Rom. 11.7 Math. 3.16 The appearīg of the holy ghost Actes 2.41 Actes 10.44.45 Actes Paulus Sergius the lieutenaunt The Ievves and Gentiles are iustified by faith onely The Gentiles iustified by faith Acts. 11.3 Verse 18. The murmuring of the Ievves against the Gentiles Mat. 20. The Councell of the Apostles Act. 11.17 Actes 15. Acts. 15 8.9.1● 1. Cor. 1. ● That the holy Ghost is geuen by the onely hearing of faith The Papistes are our Ievves vvhich molest vs no lesse thē the Ievves did Paule The argument of the booke cōteining the Actes of the Apostles The difference betvvene the lavv and the Gospell To exacte To geue freely Actes 10. ●8 Cornelius 〈◊〉 Gentile is iustified by faith The lavv helpeth not to righteousnes The fathers in the old testament vvere holy c. Faith in Christ already come and in Christ to come * Messias doth signifie Christ the Sauiour Rom. 1.17 VVorke of congruence or merite before grace The person first to be considered and then the vvorke Actes 10.1.6 2. Reg. * He feleth his conscience vvounded in being present at idol seruice and therefore desireth God to forgeue 〈◊〉 left others by his example might fall to idolatrie For as for his ovvne parte he confesseth that he vvill neuer serue any but the true God. Iob. Niniuites Ionas 3.5 Galat. 3.2 The cōscience vvitnesseth that the holy Ghost is not geuen by the lavv but by the hearing of faith The blindnes of the Popes kingdome The orders and kindes of life that are appointed of God. The state of seruauntes allovved before God. The certaintie of true beleuers By vvhat meanes the holy ghost is geuen vnto vs. The disputation of mans reason Luke 12.32 To vvhom the kingdome of heauen is geuen VVhat the aduersaries doe obiect against vs. The obiection of the Pelagians against Christians Luke 11 45.4● A man is made a Christian by hearing the doctrine of faith Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the vvord of God. The conflict of the flesh against the spirite in the godly To heare the vvorde of God. To begin in the spirite VVhat flesh signifieth in this place The spirite The flesh VVhat the papistes call vvorldly and carnall VVhat inconueniences mās ovvne righteousnes or the righteousnes of the lavv doe bring Paule maketh often rehearsall of the argument groūded vpon experience The kingdome of God consisteth not in vvordes but in povver 1. Cor. 4. Ver. 20. Chap. 2.8 Chap. 4.14.15 The vvorkes of the Deuill VVhat happie successe the gospell had vvhen it vvas first preached The Popedom a very slaughterhouse of consciences The Anabaptistes the authors of tumultes and seditions hindred much the course of the gospell The Anabaptists enemies to the article of iustificatiō This mai rightly be applied to Munster Knipperdolīg and such outragious Anabaptistes of vvhom Sleidan maketh mention vvho before times had much hindred the course of the gospell Genes 15.6 Rom. 4.2.3 Rom. c. The povver of faith infinite To geue glory to God. Faith geueth glory to God. Righteous before God. VVhat God saith if ye set faith aside harken vnto reason The iudgemēt of reason touching the articles of faith The Gospell is the vvord of the crosse 1. Cor. 1 18.2● The chiefe vvorship of God. Faith ●layeth reason The vvrestling of faith vvith reason in Abraham The sacrifice of Christians Reason Gods enemy The commendation of faith The vnfaithful geue not glory to God. Rom. * Formall is that vvhich geueth perfection to the substance vvherunto it is ioyned The remnants of sinne in the godly Rom. 8.23 The blindnes of the Scholemen God accepteth our vvorkes say the Papists not of duetie but of Congruence that is because it is meete that God should revvard them Mans reason Rom. 8.7 Reason must be killed by faith Math. 20.12 Psal. 2.2 The definition of the Christian faith The diuinitie of Paule Christian righteousnes consisteth in tvvo things A Christian i● a righteous man and a sinner Hovv they that fele sinne ought to be comforted Christians be Priestes The daily sacrifice of the nevv testamēt Christian righteousnes Galat. 2 2● Galat. 3.13 A child is borne vnto vs a Sonne is geuen vnto vs. Esay 9.6 VVe are reputed righteous by faith in Christ this Sonne and this gifte geuen vnto vs. The righteousnes of faith out of the xv chapter of S. Iohns Gospel Christ is called our obiect because the eie of our faith is directed vnto him * Cōtrary sayings Iohn 16.27 Iohn 17.8 The imputation of righteousnes Rom. 7.23 Rom. 8.1 Things contrary in Christ are made to agree 1. Tim. 2.5 Rom. 8.1 Ro. 4.11.12 c. Rom. The disputation of Paule against the Ievves The bosting of the Ievves Actes 9.15 By vvhat meanes Abraham vvas iustified Genes c. Genes 17.24 Genes 22.2.3 Genes 15.6 Rom. 4.18.19 Iames. 2.2 Galat. 3.6 That the carnall begetting doth not make vs the acceptable children of Abraham Iohn 8.39 The beleeuing Abraham and the begetting Abraham VVhat maner of ones the carnall children of Abraham are Iohn 8.38.39 Rom. 9.11 The first example of Ismael and Isaac Genes 21 1● Rom. 9.7 Heb. 11.17 The second example of Esau and Iacob Genes 25. ●3 Rom. 9.12