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A06157 Instructions and aduertisements, how to meditate the misteries of the rosarie of the most holy Virgin Mary. Written in Italian by the Reuerend Father Gaspar Loarte D. of Diuinite of the Societie of Iesus. And newly translated into English; Meditationes de rosario B. Virginis. English Loarte, Gaspar de, 1498-1578.; Fenn, John, 1535-1614. 1597 (1597) STC 16646; ESTC S108809 74,621 256

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and deuotion nowe for the ignorant that knowe not howe to doo this without some further helpe I haue shewed thē the maner how to interteine thē-selues and to discourse vpon eche point which soeuer they may thinke good to meditate vpon out of which maner of amplification they may gather these commodities folowing 1. First they shal better vnderstand the historye of that point whereon they purpose to meditate 2. They maye conceaue the document or example which some-times is intermedled for their iustruction 3. They maye learne howe other-whiles to aske our Sauiour suche thinges as the point whereon they meditate may most fitly minister occasiō of other-whiles to yeeld thanks for such graces and mercies as they maye be put in minde to haue beene done vnto them and to this purpose may they apply the vocal prayer set downe at the end of euery misterye 4. They maye with the reading of these amplifications helpe thē-selues to auoide the distractions and wandring of minde which other-whiles yea eftsons happeth in time of meditation 5. The Apostrophes and familier speeches which I haue nowe and thē intermedled in this methode and maner of dilatation may serue to excite and kindle deuotion being weake or wāting as happeth many times to be 6. After they haue read more then once the foresaid maner of amplifications vpon eche point they shal perceaue them-selues so sufficiently instructed as that of them-selues they may eyther altogether or in part be able to amplifie such articles as they are minded to meditate vpon and when they found nothing suggested of their owne brayne and peculier deuotion yet maye the readinge of these points that are here propoūded thē with their amplificatiōs wel and leisurly considered serue for a sufficient meditation whiles nothing els were graunted them And of these and such like fruites which the simple sort may suck and gather out of the fore-saide amplifications the learned may in like wise helpe them selues ther-withal at some times whē best shal like them so that as-wel to th'one as th'other they shal not be vnprofitable Moreouer this maner of distinguishing and entertaining a mans selfe vpon euerie article may serue for al sortes of people for who so mindeth to discourse vpō al the three pointes of the misterie whereon he meditateth wel may he so doo and who fancied not to pause in eche point so long time may make choise of that point that shalt best like him seruing his turne if he thinke good with the meditating of one onely point and the amplification therof if he list which he may right easilye finde out seing euerye point is so plainly distinguished a-part as one hangeth not of an-other but ech one is absolute in his owne conclusion I thinke it good besides to aduertise thee in this place that the instructions which I haue geuen thee in the 6. 8. and 11. Chapters of The exercise of a Christian life as also those aduises that I set thee downe in the Tretise I wrote of the meditation of the Passion at the ende of the instructiō may greatly helpe thee to the better meditating of these misteries al the which documentes I here omitt for breuitie sake referring thee onely to the foresaide places in the bookes aboue especified Finally I thinke it meete to aduertise thee that for-somuch as in the institution of the Rosarie it is ordeined that tenn Aue Maries and one Pater noster be recited vppon euery misterie these maye be saide in three sundrye maners The first is to recite them before thou enter into thy meditation The second is to say them in the very time of meditation The third is to saye them after a man hath finished his meditation And this last way is in mine opinion the best sith the soule doth commonly after meditation finde it self more supple and better disposed to praye with attention and deuotion Yet meane I not hereby to make a lawe but that eche one may say them at such time as best shal like them These particularities haue I thought good to touche minding thereby to helpe nouices and such as are smallye acquainted with this exercise a labor that I haue willingly laide my handss to as-wel for that it was appointed me by those that haue authoritie to commaund me as also in regarde of the hope I haue conceued that it shal benefite the brethren of our companie for whose profite and commoditie this pamphlet was principallye composed whom I exhort and pray as earnestly as I can to geue them selues diligently to this holy exercise of meditation considering that for so smal paine they are promised so great a gaine and so singuler consolation as I am persuaded al those shalbe able to testifie who with a willing and feruent desire shal for some time geue them-selues to assaye and proue the same For verily doo I hope that such shal by experience finde his life to be the guide of their life who is the way the truth and the life to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be eternal and euerlasting glory Amen TOTIVS LIBRI SVMMA Nunciat inuisit Parit Offertur Reperitur Orat Flagra Vepres Fertque Subitque Crucem Viuit Ascendit Paracletum mittit ab alt●● Mors Mariae Redimit sacra Corona Caput THE FIFTEENE MISTERIES OF THE ROSARIE OF OVR LADIE WHEREOF THE FIVE FIRST ARE CALLED IOYFVL THE SECOND DOVLFVL THE THIRD GLORIOVS THE ANNVNTIATION Hic Maria Gabriel Superi Consulta Senatu● Nunciat implentur viscera Casta Deo ¶ THE FIRST IOYFVL MISTERIE IS OF THE INcarnation of the Sonne of God and of the Annunciation of our Ladye where vpon thou shalt meditate these three pointes folowing FIRST that Cordial charitie of God who vouchsafed to be incarnate and to make him-selfe man as we are to repaire thereby the fal of miserable man-kinde deliuering vs by this meanes from the slauerie of Sathan and this without any merite of ours going before woorthie the receeuing of so great a benefite SECONDLY Consider howe for the accomplishment of this misterie he sent that celestial Ambassage to the most sacred virgin the which Gabriel the Angel caried according as the Euangelist S. Luke reporteth Wherein thou maiest contemplate the circumstances of the Ambassadour and of the great Lady to whō the Ambassage was sent as also the wordes of those most amiable speeches that passed betwixt them twaine THIRDLY consider howe presently after the most sacred Virgin had yeelded her consent to the message that was deliuered her by the Angel this diuine misterie was forth-with accōplished Here maiest thou meditate what meruailous matters were done in that instant THE FIRST Article maye be amplified by meditating the pitiful estate which the world was in when God vouchsafed to bestow this his so bountiful a benefite vpon it how many sinnes did euery where beare sway how many errours howe great blindnes howe many dangers howe slender a desire ne yet any imagination to receaue so great
with exceeding patience First the sharpnes of the season did greatly augment her annoyes sith this iorney was performed in the verye hart of winter when as we see it is verye painful trauailing Secondly her pouertie which forced her to suffer manye discommodities especially being great with childe and so tender and delicate as she was Thirdly the lack of lodging which could not be prouided her in al the whole Citie of Bethleem albeit wel may we beleue that good Ioseph tooke great paines in seeking it very diligentlye and howe seing them-selues thus refused it coulde not be but that they felt great shame and confusion O what a soueraine solace and singuler cōfort should this be for poore folkes that are in this world distressed despised and forsakē if they considered how the most woorthy noble and moste holy creatures which ought to haue been more honored reuerēced then al the whole world again to witt the Queene of heuen and her most blessed Infant were the most distressed annoyed and pained of al others THOV maiest pause in the second point beholding with thy spiritual eyes in what state the moste blessed virgin found her-selfe the day of her most sacred deliueraunce and here shalt thou see in her so vertuous a disposition so holye a deuotion so graue a modestie so singuler a beautie so great an eleuation of spirite in God as no mans tonge can possiblye declare it Thou shalt finde howe in counterchange of griefes which other women feele in child-birth she felt a strange and ineffable solace a singuler ioy and diuine consolation and being there-with wholly rapt and eleuate the celestial bridegrome issued miraculously out of her wombe as out of a most pretious bride-chāber without any alteration or detriment at al to her most perfect virginitie O virgin-mother and mother-virgin A priuiledge neuer graunted to any other creature O diuine excellencie and dignitie due to thee alone to be the mother of God and mother of thine owne Father and Creator Who can possibly conceue what thy heart felt when with thy bodily eyes thou beheldest the Prince of heauen lying naked in earth and him shiuering for colde who doth clothe and warme al other creatures O with what reuerēce diddest thou prostrate thy selfe to adore that infinite Maiestie masked vnder the vaile of so great distresse and miserie Oh with what compassion diddest thou associate with thy teares those which thy deere yonge sonne shed feeling his so great annoiances Oh with what cordial loue endeuouredst thou to lul and lapp him vp in such poore swaddling cloutes as thou haddest geuing him thy sacred brestes to suck vpon which were at that time miraculouslye replenished with milke Matters sufficient to melt anye flintie heart that would with leisure ponder and discusse them THE MEDITATION of the thirde point wil furnish thee of fitt matter to moue compassion if thou consider howe this moste mightie monarche this King of al kinges he whom neither the heauens nor earth can holde and comprehende hath in such wise debased humbled and throwen him-selfe downe in a harde manger vpon a litle haye he whom the Angels doo adore and in whose presence the powers of heauen doo quake againe lieth quaking him-self for colde betwixt two brute beastes O diuine darling what meaneth this geere what humilitie and basenes is this O Soueraine King of glorye what hast thou to doo with the crib thou that hast thy throne aboue the Cherubins how art thou made thus dombe O eternal worde of the Father whye weepest and wailest in such sort thou that art the ioye of al the holy Angels verily thou haste masked thy diuine nature with our humane nature to be the King and Sauiour of Israel and of the vniuersal world The desire which thou hast to redeeme vs moueth thee to doo these strange matters the loue which made thee wel-●are descend frō heuē for our wal-fare causeth thee nowe to be borne and to cloake thy puissance with such penurie and extreme want of al thinges that we shoulde thereby learne to meeke and humble our selues and to detest al pride al pamperinges and delicacies of the fleshe louing the lowlines the penance and the pouertie which thou diddest chuse and teach vs and wouldest for this cause haue thy natiuitie announced to poore Sheppardes of whom thou wast visited and adored the which their visitation and adoration we ought attentiuely to ponder and diligently to imitate A PRAYER VVHAT tongue can woorthely tel O most woorthye Queene of Angels the ineffable ioy and exultation which thou wert seased with in thy moste sacred and virginal child-birth When thou sawest the Redeemer of the worlde borne of thee and adoring him with great reuerēce didst swaddle him vp in poore cloutes and laide him in a manger where he was announced of the Angels visited of poore shepperds I beseech thee O most happy mother by this his most holy natiuitie that seing he was borne for vs and geuen vnto vs thou wilt obteine me of him that he vouchsafe to be borne in my poore soule with whom I maye be borne anewe and leade henceforth such a new life as maye continually be grateful to his diuine Maiestie Amen OF THE PRESENTATION Lustratur Genetrix templo sistitur Infans Anna Deum atque hominem cum Simeone canit THE FOVRTH IOYFVL Misterie is of the Presentation to witt when our Ladye presented her blessed Sonne in the Temple wherevpon thou shalt meditate as foloweth FIRST how the fortie daies that the Virgin-mother had staide in Bethleem being nowe fully expired she went from thence to Ierusalem there to present her moste sacred Sonne in the Temple meaning to accomplish that which the lawe commaunded al w●men to doo in like case SECONDLY consider howe our Lady carying her most sweete Sonne to the Temple that holye olde Father S. Simeon tooke him in his armes who for that cause came at that time to the Temple by inspiration of the holy Ghoste weigh also the consolation he receaued by doing thus and the most deuout speeches which he vttered THIRDLY contemplate the deuotī and ioy of that old woman S. Anna that neuer taried out of the Temple when she saw this moste pretious present which the moste sacred mother brought Behold also with what reuerence and spiritual consolation the wel beloued Sonne was offred vp to his celestial Father being accōpanied with so holy and reuerent persons as wer there present AS FOR the first article thou maiest intertaine thy selfe therein meditating howe rightly the virgin-mother doth imitate her blessed sonne especiallye in such thinges as concerne humilitie a vertue so highlye commended and practised of them twaine sith the sonne vouchsafed to be circumcised albeit he were not bound therto nor had any neede at al of Circumcision which appertained to sinners alone and the mother she vouchsafed to fulfil the precept of Purification which oblieged only the vncleane
women albeit she were whollye pure and deuoide of al vnclennes O most sacred mother why wilt thou obey this ordinance which neither toucheth thee nor maketh anye mention of thee for like as for thy sanctitie thou differest from al thy sexe and surpassest al women in thy most wonderful vertues euen so is the conception of thy blessed child far differēt frō that of al other womē and without comparison exceedeth al other conceptions Sith others are wrought by humane societie and thine is accomplished by the operation of the holye ghost What is it therefore whereof thou wilt purifie thy selfe O blessed Ladye Seing the holy Ghost witnesseth of thee in this wise Thou art al faire my Louer neither is there any blemish at al in thee forsomuch as thy most sacred child-birth so farr was it frō defiling thee or distaining th● most pure virginitie as it adorned exalted renowned thee What other thing maketh thee then fulfil this lawe whereout thou art exempted but the selfe-same reason that made thy deere sonne to suffer circumcision that is to saye the desire thou haddest to be by this meanes a glittering mirrour of most obedient humilitie As he therfore vouchsafed to be taken for one of the common sort of children so hast not thou disdained to be thought like to other women This thine humilitie and charitie with that of thy sacred sons be hallowed and imitated of vs al for euer IN THE second Article thou shalt haue great cause of consolation if thou fixe thine imagination of the inestimable offering which the most gratious mother brought to the temple there to present vnto her Lorde Contemplate attentiuely the modestie grauitie and comely reuerence wher-with the blessed virgin entred into the temple carying in her armes that most pretious fruit of her virginal wombe O what an inestimable ioye was it to see the sonne thus borne and to behold the blessed mother that bare him whose presence reioyced the Angels and enriched the whole Temple in such wise as the glory therof was then farre greater then when king Salomon caused it to be builded Consider also what the good olde father Simeon felt at such time as being instructed of the holy Ghost he sawe and knewe that to be come to passe which he so long time had wished for and so oft had craued at Gods handes with continual teares and praiers Beholde with howe great zeale he beclippeth him in his armes with howe great reuerence he adoreth him with howe sweete embracinges he closeth him against his brest neuer being contented with kissing and beholding him Al the which his amiable intertainmentes this most sweete babe liked very wel of as a louer of al those that loue him and did with his gratious lookes perce and melt the poore olde mans heart who behelde him al rapt in admiration as he most apparantlye testified by the teares he shedd for ioye and by the feruour of the words he vttered in his moste excellent Canticle of Nunc dimittis seruum tuum Domine c. whereby he plainely declared what singuler consolation and contentment his soule receaued by hauing seene with his corporal eyes the Sauiour of the worlde Ah how happye were they that merited with their corporal eyes to beholde so gratious a spectacle yea and happye are they who with the eyes of a liuely fayth doo deuoutly beholde the same sith they in like maner shal-be partakers of the same ioyes and consolations THOV MAYEST IN the thirde point interteine thy selfe with great profite and consolation of thy soule weighing the feruour of Anna the Reuerent matrone who through her auster fastes and the perpetual praiers which she made with great deuotion in the temple as S. Luke th' euangelist reporteth merited to be an assistant at this so glorious a spectacle and to receaue souerain cōfort through the sight of such a sonn and a mother of whom al the misteries were reueled vnto her which she confessed and published to al those deuout persons that were in the temple and gaue eare vnto her Whence thou maiest learne that but if thou keepe the Church with religious deuotion addict thy selfe to often praier and with rigorous abstinence dōpt the disordinate desires and concupiscence of the fleshe as chast S. Anna did thou shalt then be made partaker of the sight and diuine solace of the fauours and other graces that were at that time so bountifully bestowed vpon her Meditate besides the ineffable consolation wher-with the sacred virgin was surceased vnderstanding the meruailous matters that were then spoken of her dearly beloued sonne who by the speeches of S. Simeon and S. Anna was apparantly reuealed and knowen what he was to al those that were then present in the Temple Contemplate with-al the moste deuout procession which al that holy assemblie made going vp to the Aultar to offer vp to Almightie God this the most pretious the most worthie and most acceptable present to his diuine Maiestie that was presented him til that day from the beginning of the world Ponder also with what deuotion charitie and reuerēce with what a cheerful and willing heart the most happy mother offred vp her wel-beloued Infant to the celestial Father who had of his infinite fauour geuen him for her sonne and did by that meanes make her his owne mother who was her owne and natural Father O great Ladye what did thy heart feele at the time and at al times after when thou vnbethoughtest thee of this Misterie howe zealous thankes diddest thou breath forth to God for the gifte he had bestowed vpon thee and vppon al man-kinde with what affection and with what inflamed desire diddest thou present this moste sacred oblation to God! which thou knewest wel was onely sufficient to reconcile man to God his maker and to cause him to recouer againe the blessinges which he had earst so lewdlye lost And howe did thy sonne in like maner conforme him-selfe to thy pietie and deuout intent he at that time offering him-self with a frank heart to his eternal Father as a morowe sacrifice whiles the euening sacrifice came which he was afterwards to offer vppon the Aultar of the Roode O my soule if thou wouldest attentiuely consider al this offering thee wholly to this Lorde who was offered for thee what giftes and what spiritual riches should be imparted vnto thee A PRAYER THY HEART O most blessed mother of God thy hart was seased with surpassing ioye when the fortie daies after thy childe-birth being at an ende thou wentest to the Temple of our Lord there to offer vpp the selfe-same Lorde thereof who was thy firste thy first begotten and onely Sonne and the onely sonne of the Father euerlasting O what a consolation diddest thou feele seing the thinges that S. Simeon did and spake taking him in his armes kissing and adoring him with great reuerence I beseeche thee O most sweete Lady in fauoure of this sacred misterie that I
in the world for the succour and consolation of man that I may neuer be destitute of thy protection to th'ende that by meanes thereof I may know my selfe to be a pilgrime in this world and that my thoughtes and conuersation maye be principally in heauen where the self-same Lorde reigneth in the glory of God his Father Amen OF THE COMMING OF THE HOLY GHOST Iam Mariae socijsque datur Paracletus Olymp● Munere quo magno munera magna parant ¶ THE THIRD GLORIous Misterie is of the cōming of the holye Ghost concerning the which thou shalt meditate these pointes folowing FIRST howe the most sacred Virgin and that holy assemblye which was present at our Redeemer his Ascensiō remained together in the dining chamber or refectorie of Ierusalem expecting the comming of the holye Ghost like as the same Lord had commaunded them to doo SECONDLY consider how on Whitsonday al of them being in the same place and deuoutly at their prayers the holy Ghost came in forme of fyrie tonges which were seene ouer ●che one of the Apostles heades who were greatlye retoyced and comforted with this comming THIRDLY consider the meruailous effects which the holy Ghost wrought in them sith they which before were shutt close vpp for feare of the Iewes presently after they had receaued the holy Ghost issued forth preaching with great feruour in the streates and market-places by the which preachinges a great multitude of people was conuerted IN the first point thou mayest entertain thy self meditating howe the most sacred Virgin with al the Apostolical Societie remained secret in the great hal of Sion expecting in great peace charitie and vnion that celestial Cōforter which our Lord had promised them Thinke what sighes what sobbes and what store of teares they shedd and how feruent and continual praiers they made in this behalfe and learne thou that if so be thou couet to haue the same comforter come to thee it behoueth thee necessarilye to haue the same disposition that is to say to be vnited with al in perfect peace and charitie estranged from al strife and contention sith this diuine spirite wil that such as dwel in the house where he is to come be of this dispositiō like as contrarywise the wicked spirite where-soeuer he soiourneth doth what he can to sow furious debates and enmities This L. wil also be greatly longed for and inuited with often praier according to that our Sauiour said once with a loude voice If any be athirst let him come to me and drink Which he ment by the holy Ghost which al they were to receaue that would beleeue in him Note moreouer in this point how the Apostles went not forth to preache before they had receaued the holy Ghost like as their Master had warned thē tofore whence such as are to exercise the same office may learn how before they beginne it behoueth them to with-draw them-selues and to pray for the receauing of the same spirite without the which the worde they preache shal-be of smal efficacie and auaile Here maiest thou meditate in like maner how feruent and deuout were those prayers which our Lady made in this place who vnderstoode much better then the rest the cause of this their retyring and of how great importance and woorthines was the spirite which they required by whose meanes the Gospel was to be preached through the vniuersal world O happie was that habitation where such worthie persons remained more happy the exercises wherto they addicted them-selues but most happie the tresure and the consolation which they looked for O Harbour far more excellent and delicate then is the terrestral Paradise howe iustly might that be applied to it which Iacob had earst said Verily our Lorde is in this place this is the house of God this is the batche of heauen Sith here there was nothing thought of but God nothing spoken of but God nothing desired and wisshed for but onely God him-selfe AS TOVCHING the second point thou hast a plentiful subiect to warm thy soule with entertaining thy selfe in meditating the comming of the holy Ghost Thou maiest therefore thinke with godly zeale according to thy deuotion howe after that sacred Colledge had beene thus assembled together certaine dayes geuing them selues diligentlye to the exercise aforesaide and seing howe the holye Ghost staied longer in his comming then they desired they beganne to be heauie for as it is written The delaied hope afflicteth the soule yea and some did haply beginne to doubt Our Ladye vnderstanding their affliction like a true mother and comforter of the afflicted endeuoured al she might to comfort and harten them persuading them to perseuer in their prayers with greater feruour and faith assuring them how they should be sooner visited and comforted of the holy Ghost then they looked for and to animate them the better fel her-selfe to her prayers with them Contemplate nowe howe the pitiful mother kneeling on the grounde with her handes and eyes eleuate vp to heauen wholly inflamed in diuine loue pouring forth aboundant streames of bitter teares did with great instance and feruour craue that the celestial Comforter whom they expected would vouchsafe to come and amongst other deuout speeches wherof thou maiest meditate she vttered likely ynough that sentence of the royal Prophet Dauid Sende Lord thy holy spirite and they shalbe created to witt new affectes newe thoughtes new wordes newe force in these thy seruants which desire and craue thee And so shalt thou renew the face of the earth O how great consolatiō did the praiers and speeches of this most blessed Lady geue to this holy Congregatiō howe exceedingly did she comfort them how did she inflame thē howe did she animate and stirre them vp to doo the same A most pleasant and deuout thing is it to meditate and viewe with our spiritual eyes this prayer which the most holy mother made in earth but much more to cōtemplate that which the most sacred Sonne as man made in heauen like as he had promised to his Disciples saying I wil pray my Father that he wil geue you an-other Comforter Whose prayer thou maiest wel thinke how feruent how gratious how effectual and acceptable it was to his eternal Father especially when he presented to him those most sacred woundes which so lately he had receaued and reserued to this ende Thus so many deuout prayers so many sighes wishes sobbs and teares hauing been made before on whitsonday at the third hour which was the selfe-same daye and houre wherin the old lawe had earst bene geuen in the mount Sinai they receaued the holy Ghost in the mount Sion who engraued the newe and Euangelical lawe not in tables of stone as before but in their heartes of flesh those tonges of fire which wer seene ouer the Apostles signifying the fire of diuine loue which he kindled in their heartes and the eloquence which
euermore which maketh thee respect more our profite then thine owne peculier torment Consider also how many mischiefes a vain loue and feare of the worlde is cause of where-with this miserable Pilate let him-selfe be ouercome sith that confessing him-selfe that he founde no fault in our Sauiour and knowing that he was accused of mere malice yet for al this did he condemne him iniustly to this torment and afafterwardes to death making more accompt of his owne interest then of iustice and of truth IN THE second point thou maiest entertaine thy selfe meditating with great compassion the crueltie wherewith those vile and wicked ministers stripp the most innocent Lorde of his clothes and binde him with hard cordes fast vnto a piller Consider that his mildnes more then of a Lambe wher-with he suffereth him selfe to be stript and tied without making anye resistance for ought that they could doo to him Beholde with the eyes of thy mind that most sacred body more beautiful then al mens howe it stood al naked ful of shame with necke armes and feete fast bound vnto the piller in maner of a slaue waiting for that greeuous punishment which he was forthwith to receaue and weigh that his redie and prompt wil wher-with he haply saide inwardly that verse of the prophet Dauid I am redie to be whipt and my griefe is alwaies in my sight O most sweete Redeemer me thinkes I see thee fast bound to that hard piller howbeit these cordes be they neuer so stronge would litle auaile to holde thee if thou wert not more straitlye bound therto with the bandes of thy most burning charitie the which tied thee much faster with the desire which thou haddest to warme and mollifie our heartes harder a great deale and more frosen then the piller of marble whereto thou art thus bound They stripp thee like a slaue that being starke naked they maye more cruelly scourge thee and thou willingly consentest thereto that by this meanes thou maiest vesture with thy graces and set at libertie those who had earst with their vices made them-selues the slaues of Satan IN THE third point thou maiest pause very conueniently sith therein thou shalt finde more ample matter to melt thy heart with considering that cruel rage wherewith those wicked executioners beginn to beat this most sacred virginal bodye causing that white flesh to turne to a sanguin hewe and howe with the violence of their blowes they flea his tender skin in such pitiful wise as his most pretious bloud gushed out al ouer his body the which was so barbarouslye torne and wounded that he might wel pronounce that which was writtē of him There is no soundnes in my flesh Beholde nowe O my soule beholde attentiuely this most ruful spectacle and take compassion of such a Lord who hath vouchsafed to suffer suche paines for thee beholde that Reuerend visage made pale and heauie lening against that hard piller wherto he presseth him-selfe close through the most vehement pains he suffreth which made him to breathe verye short and to sounde out most lamentable sighes Beholde howe he standeth fast tied and bounde vnto the piller shedding his bloud on earth his eyes lifted vp to heauen offering those most grieuous tormentes to his celestial Father which he endured most willingly for our trespasses Cōsider how al this punishment and affliction which he suffered sufficed not to disquiet or make him lament at al yea the tormentours waxing wery through the infinite number of blowes which they had laide on him yet was not he for al that weried with suffring and his body being al torne and rent yet was his soule and courage alwaies sounde and readie to abide greater tormentes through his insuperable charitie O immaculate Lambe howe doo I see thee al forlorne besprinkled and died with thy most pretious bloud and thou not onely standest without wailing like other Lambes before them that shere thee but also before them that strike and whipp thy virginal body thou neither speakest nor complainest thee at al. O most sacred Virgin if thou hadst seene the pitiful plight wherin thy most sweete sonne stood bound naked couered with blud and blowes howe would thy heart haue been couered and wounded with mortal woe seing him not onely bereft of that robe which with thine owne handes thou haddest wouen for him but also without a great part of the skinne and bloud which he had taken in thy virginal wombe O how much more iustlye mightest thou haue lamented then Iacob did and vpon greater cause haue saide that which he saide Enuie that most cruel beast hath deuoured my sonn she it is that hath thus wounded and ill intreated him Behold O my soule howe meruailous is the mercie and charitie of thy Lorde that hath endured al these thinges to shadowe thee with his shoulders and with his woundes to heale thy woes vouchsafing to take the correction and chastisment due to thee vppon him that thou mightest present this satisfaction to the eternal Father crauing humblye that it maye please him for these so great and cruel beatinges of his beloued sonne to diuert from thee the whipp of his wrath which thou through thine offences hast most iustly merited A PRAYER O MOST holy Lady who can possibly conceaue how greuous was the sorowe of thy soule when the virginal body of thy most sweete sonne fast bound to the piller was with most cruel scourges whipped O howe did his cordes gripe thy heart howe did his wounds occasionate thy woes I beseech thee therefore holding vp my handes to thee in humble wise O mother of mercie by the moste vehement anguish of this his and thine affliction that sithens he hath been tied for my trespasses I maye be losed by meanes of thy sacred intercessions and that I may for the merite of so manye his blowes escape the punishment due vnto my most greeuous sinnes Amen OF THE CORONATION Spinea serta caput pungunt illudit amictus Purpureus turbis Ecce homo Praetor ait ¶ THE THIRD DOLOrous Misterie is of the Coronation whē our Redeemer was crowned with thorns about the which thou shalt meditate these pointes FIRST howe these cruel ministers hauing beaten our most patient Lorde vntil they were werie they then vnlose him from the piller and how he hauing very hardly made shift to gett on his clothes they stripp him anewe to put on that cote of scorne SECONDLY howe Pilate his souldiers scorned him putting on his backe an olde purple garment crowning him with a crowne of sharpe thornes and geuing him in his hande a reede in stead of a sceptre howe they adored him in mockerie saying Al haile king of the Iewes smote him with the reede and gaue him manye blowes THIRDLY howe hauing thus scorned and mocked him a good while Pilate caused him to be brought forth and shewed him to the Iewes saying Ecce homo Behold the man that by
his vices concupiscences Amen ¶ THE FIVE LAST MISTERIES ARE CALLED GLORIOVS FOR THAT THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARYE RECEAVED THEM AFTER HER SONNE WAS WHOLLYE GLORIOVS TO WITT BOTH IN BODY AND SOVLE OF THE RESVRRECTION Post triduum sospes repetit data membra sepulchro Tartareaque refert rapta trophea dom● ¶ THE FIRST WHEROF is of his triumphant Resurrection about the which thou shalt meditate these pointes folowing FIRST howe our Redeemer being dead his most sacred soule descended downe to Limbo to comfort and deliuer thence those holy fathers which had so long time looked for him with whom he staied til Sundaye morning when very early he returned to the sepulchre and taking againe his most holy bodye he rose vp glorious and issued out of his closed sepulchre SECONDLY thou maiest meditate howe our Lord being thus risen vp he appered first to his most holy mother who receaued an incomparable gladnes seing him risen vpp so beautiful and so glorious THIRDLY meditate howe after he had remained some space with his most blessed mother comforting and reioysing her he went afterwardes to performe the same office to his Disciples and his other deuout seruauntes amongst the which he first appered to good Mary Magdalen who loued him most feruently and with greatest desire did seeke him IN THE firste point thou maiest entertaine thy selfe meditating how al those holy Fathers Patriarches and prophets with al the other righteous persons which had been dead from the beginning of the world were al detained in Limbo expecting the happye comming of our Sauiour who with the same charitie and humilitie wher with he had hūbled him-selfe in suffring death vpon the Crosse vouchsafed also to humble him-self in discending downe to Limbo and visiting that blessed congregatiō which with such feruent zeale had long time desired to see this happy daye I leaue thee now to thinke what surpassing ioy those sacred soules receaued when they sawe this most sacred soule of Christ vnited to the Diuinitie enter with such triumph and puissance into their prison and with his brightnes to illuminate those mistie dongeons and vnderstood besides what he had done and suffred in the world and then wherfore he was discended thither to be onely to deliuer them out of their imprisonment and to make them endlesse happie What tongue can woorthelye tel their consolations their ioyes their songes praises and benedictiōs which they sounded forth in praise of their glorious benefactour Neuerthelesse albeit the ioye of these redeemed soules were so exceeding great yet farre greter was that of their Redeemer beginning now to see the glorious fruit of his great paines and the great good which his grieuous passion had wrought O with how great reason might eche one then saye This is the day that our Lorde hath made let vs reioyce and be gladd therein Where note that albeit it may seem other-whiles that our Lorde hath forgotten his elect and that which he hath promised them yet doth he not so but expecteth the fittest time wherein he knoweth how to fulfil the same like as we see he hath here done towardes these good holy Fathers We must not therefore wauer in our beliefe but abide and waite with patience for his most holy comming Sithēs as the Prophet Abacuch admonisheth vs Our Lorde whom thou hast so greatly called on wil come at length and wil not lye if he tary expect him for he that commeth wil come and wil not tarye long Consider also in this point howe our Sauiour hauing staide al Saterday with those holy Fathers reioycing and cōforting thē as wel thou maiest imagine his most blessed soule did on Sunday morning returne to reuiue his most sacred body which laye in the sepulchre wherinto he entring made it become so beautiful and glittering as the Sunne and that bodye which earst through the tormentes of his passiō was al wounded al blacke and al difformed like a Lepre presently after it was vnited to the most sacred soule and by it reuiued became the most beautiful of al bodies the blacknes being now changed into brightnes the woundes and deformitie conuerted into an incomparable beautie he reserued only the fiue most sacred woundes of his handes feete and side in memorie of our redemption the which doo wonderfully shine forth and beautifie the same and the fight therof causeth a singuler contentation to the blessed Saintes and moueth his eternal Father to mercy in our behalfes when for this intent it pleaseth him to shewe them O happy are those euer that shal enioye such a sight O what a Mirrour is this so cleare and beautiful wherein we maye eftsons take viewe of our selues to know our defects and to reioyce our hartes like as his disciples did reioyce eche time that the same Mirrour did shewe it selfe vnto them and at this day are they neuer satiated with beholding it in heauen IN THE second point thou mayest enterteine thy selfe meditating and beholding with the eyes of thy soule howe our Lorde and Redemer did presently after he was risen vp visite his most holy mother whom thou maiest wel beleue to haue been the first albeit in the Gospel there is no mention made thereof for that being a cōmaundement of his which the wise man reporteth Honor thy Father and forget not thy mothers sorowe howe were it possible for the most obedient sonne to forget his mother who loued him so dearly and had so bitterly wailed wept and sorowed his passion and paineful death Whye should not she be visited and comforted before al others which was more afflicted then al others If as the Euangelist reporteth our Lorde did after he was risen vp appere to S. Peter that had earst denied him why shal not we beleeue that he appered first to his blessed mother that neuer did denye him yea continuallye confessed him and loued him aboue al and in whom alone the faith remained firme and incorrupted Admitt therefore it was so as reason requireth it should be force thy selfe to meditate a litle what ioy this blessed Lady felt when being solitary in her chamber weeping waiting and longing to see the sonne of righteousnes rise vp to lighten and clear her darke and doleful heart she sawe her self in a moment enuironed with the glittering beames of the beautiful light thereof Howe great her gladnes was when she sawe that bodye which she had lately left in the sepulchre dead al wounded and deformed nowe liuing whole glittering and glorious How great contentatiō she receaued when she sawe the soueraine beautie and brightnes restored to that face ful of al graces and those diuine eyes wher-with he looked vpon her so cleare and so louely What pleasure her sence receaued when with her eares she heard the most sweete voice where-with he saluted her Howe soueraine her exultation was when she saw those most sacred armes embrace her so louinglye and how
time of thy dere Son his passiō the bright and calme day of his Resurrectiō appered to thee wherein thy heart was incomparably reioyced seing him risen vp glorious immortal and impassible I beseech thee O glorious Ladi by that ineffable exultation which thou receauedst on this most happy dai that it mai plese thee to make me partaker therof obteining me that I may dye to mine old life of sinn and may rise vp againe with a newe life of grace by means wherof I may afterwardes attaine to the true and perpetual life of glory Amen THE ASCENSION Victor agit spolijs auctos in sydera currus Et Patris aeterna dexter in arce sedet ¶ THE SECOND GLOrious Misterie is of the Ascension of our Lorde concerning the which thou maiest meditate these pointes folowing FIRST how our Lord appered the fortie day after his Resurrection to his Disciples then being at table and blamed their slacknes and difficultie in beleeuing his Resurrection and afterwardes taught them what they ought to doo after his Ascension and commaunded them to goe to Mount Oliuet there to see him ascend SECONDLY thou shalt meditate howe al our Lord his Disciples being gathered together in the Mount Oliuet as also the most holye mother our Lady and the other deuout women there with them our Sauiour came to the place where they were hauing with him those blessed troupes which he had earst deliuered out of Limbo and after he had spoken to them and bidd them al fare-wel he beganne in their sightes to mount vp to heauen with great triumph and exultation THIRDLY consider how the blessed mother with the Disciples and other deuout womē as they were al-together looking vp to heauen where they saw our Lord ascend there descended two Angels downe cladd in white aduertising them to make no longer abode there and then they al of them returned backe to Ierusalem IN THE firste point thou maiest meditate the exceeding clemencie and lowlines of this our Lord who being that he was did neither disdaine ne was ashamed to visite his poore seruants and to stay with them in any time place or disposition whatsoeuer Sith as the Gospel telleth he appered to them when they were at table and peraduenture did eate with them therby to doo thee to witt that thou maiest at al times and in al places securely cal vpon him and howe thou oughtest to enforce thy selfe to order al thine actions in such sort as if euery houre thou diddest expect his holye visitation Note moreouer howe his checkes and scoolinges be of a Father that loueth vs right tenderly and is greatly desirous of our profite Like as thou seest here howe after he had found fault with his Disciples incredulitie he forthwith taught and instructed them of that they ought to doo in going rounde about the world besides other graces and fauours which he did impart vnto thē At what time therefore thou feelest either inwardly his rebukes or outwardly his roddes be not troubled thereat nor anye deale discouraged but beleeue assuredlye that in thus exercising his whipp he doth like a louing Father who as holye writt doth witnes Chastiseth him whom he loueth and scourgeth him whom he taketh for his childe Contemplate then the singuler ioye wher-with the holy Apostles were surseased in beholding their most louing Master and and with what attention they gaue eare to his diuine wordes and if the most holy mother wer thē present amongst them as with godly deuotiō we may beleeue she was howe much more she desired to behold and heare her sonne then to taste any corporal foode and if at other times when she was at table with him she forgot to eate her meat as we may wel beleeue she did through the contentatiō she receaued by looking of him howe much more did she so this last time woting how presently after he was to depart this world O sacred virgin who can possibly conceue with how sundry cogitations thy heart was at that instant occupied for on th'one side thou wast delighted with beholding his so amiable presence on th'other side thou languishedst vnbethinking thee how not many houres after he should be taken from thee and that thou shouldest remaine here in earth he ascending vp to heauen whose absence could not choose but be greatly grieuous to thee in such sort as the self-same cause and obiect did make thee both glad and sorowful howbeit this did in th'end chieflye comfort thee that thou knewest such to be his wil and pleasure wherto continually thou diddest conform thy selfe IN THE meditation of the second point thou maiest intertaine thy self being a matter of great deuotiō considering the wonderful Ascension of our Lorde and beholding with the eyes of thy minde euery particularitie of the maner of his ascending the which wil no doubt afford thee gret comfort and spiritual fruit For if the Prophet Elias promised to geue his Disciple Heliseus the gift of his spirite which he required if so be he saw him ascend in that fierie chariot where-in he was transported into earthly Paradise howe much more iustly mayest thou hope to obteyne a greater gifte if thou contemplate and viewe with the eyes of thy minde deuoutly and with attention howe not the Prophete Elias but the Lorde of al the prophetes ascendeth not in a chariot of fire but by his owne vertue and power not into terrestral Paradise but into the Emperial heauen where he sitteth on the right hande of his eternal Father and if as S. Paule saith Christe when he ascended into heauen gaue many giftes to men wel maiest thou beleeue he wil doo the same euen nowe towardes them that doo spirituallye contemplate the same Ascension Open therefore thine internal eyes and with great faith and attention beholde howe the most holye Virgin with al that blessed companye that associated her being arririued to the mount Oliuet her most sweete sonne came also to the same place with the sacred spoiles of so many soules as he had earst deliuered out of Limbo Doo nowe contemplate with howe great sweetnes and affabilitie he talked to euerye one with howe great benignitie he embraced euerye one with howe great charitie he blessed and comforted euerye one and if he did thus to al consider in what maner he behaued him-selfe towardes that his most sacred Mother who loued him more then al merited more then al and was more tenderlye moued then al with his departure O howe much more sugred wordes maye we thinke he spake to her howe much more singuler fauours he did her and howe much more amiably he embraced her The blessed mother desired to accompanie her most dear sonne without whose presence and company her life was lothsome and painful to her how-beit it was not graūted her our Lord vouchsafing that she for some time should remaine here in the world as a Keeper and comforter of that litle flock which the good Sheppard left
soules allured to beholde this glorious spectacle by those wordes that say thus Come out ye daughters of Sion and see your Queene whom the morning starres geue laude vnto At whose beautie the Sonne and Moone doo meruaile againe But what meruaile is it if the Sonne and Moone doo meruaile at her beautie if the Angels thē-selues doo meruaile thereat as also at her other riches and fauours and as amased at such matters doo saye Who is this that ascendeth from the desert replenished with such delicacies and leaning vpon her louers shoulder What is she this so glittering so faire so gratious that mounteth vp thus odoriferous as the fragrant smel of her vertues doth delight and fil al the whole Court of heauen Howbeit meruaile not O ye Angels of to see in earth a creature so faire and glittering being vestured with the Sonne and hauing the Moone vnder her feete Meruail not to see such riches and excellencies in a house which the eternal wisdome hath thought good to frame for him-self And this day hath he made an ende to geue it the last and entier perfection fulfilling that which the Prophete Esaie he had foretolde I wil glorifie the mansion of my Maiestie IN THE second point thou maiest pause assisting with thy spirite the most solemne triumph that was celebrated in the celestial court on that daye that the most sacred virgin being risen vp was both in body and soule assumpted into heauen We reade in holy writt of two solemne festiual dayes that wer kept at the Arke of the old Testament The first when king Dauid caried it from Obeded on his house to the Citie and to his palace this did he with such reioycing both of his owne part and of al the people that it is a wonderful matter to consider the great solēnitie which the Scripture telleth to haue bene celebrate that daye in so great a multitude of sacrifices as wer offred such varietie of musical instruments as were plaied vpon such store of Canticles himnes and diuine praises as were there sounded forth yea and king Dauid him-selfe did sing play and daunce being araied with newe robes made for the same purpose through the great feruour and deuotion which he felt inwardlye in him-selfe Yet for al this was the festiual and solemne daye that his sonne Salomon made farr greter when he caried the same Arke into the famous Temple which he had erected for it These two solemn festiual daies that were thus celebrate in the honour of that holy material Ark doo foreshew in figure the farre more solemn festiual daies that were celebrate in the honor of the mistical Arke that is to saye of the most sacred virgin-mother which was a farre more woorthy and more pretious Arke then th'other albeit it were of souerain sanctitie and woorthy great woorshipp for that a farr more rich and pretious treasure was kept in this Arke mistical thē in that material The first solēnitie was celebrate in her honor whē in soul she was assumpted vp to heuen wherof I haue alredy spokē in the former misterie And the second it was solemnized when being risen vp in body and soule she was placed in that celestial throne that was prepared for her And albeit the first solemnitie were of so surpassing ioye as no humane eloquence can possibly expresse it yet was the second without al comparison farr greater Howe may therefore any humane capacitie suffice to comprehende the solemne reception and intertainment that was made vnto this glorious Queene of al the celestial Court when with her most beautiful and glittering bodye she ascended into heauen in so great a Maiestie What store of musical instrumentes yeelded forth a most melodious harmonie what Canticles Himnes Psalmes and praises were there sounded forth vnto her howe gret the ioy and iubilatiō was which al the blessed spirites shewed howe soueraine the contentment and consolation which al those auncient Fathers and other Saintes of both sexe felt O how much more iustly might they say to this most blessed Ladye what they had saide tofore to the chast and valiant Iudith Thou art the glory of Ierusalem thou art the ioy of Israel thou art the honour of our people O daughter thou art blessed of our Soueraine Lord God for by means of thee we haue obteined the fruit of life blessed art thou therfore amongst al women Now if al the Saintes and Angelical spirites did reioyce so greatly and make so exceeding triumphe for the Assumption of their Queene what maiest thou thinke was the exultation of her most puissant Sonne and th'onour and interteinment he vsed towardes her vouchsafing to accompany her and to lodge her him selfe in counterchange of the lodging which he had receaued of her in her entrals and virginal wombe O most woorthye mother thou alone hast merited to receaue such fauours Thou alone wast woorthy of suche interteinmentes Thou alone couldest tel thy plesures and sugred tastes thy delightes and soueraine iubilation and vpon new causes mightest thou recite and sing a-newe that diuine Canticle which thou pronouncedst earst before thy holy Cousin S. Elizabeth for that he hath done great thinges to thee which is mightie whose holy name be blessed euerlastingly REASON requireth that thou pause in the last point meditating how the glorious Queene of Angels going with them and with al the blessed Saintes thus accompanied thus reuerenced and thus honored arriued to heauen where she presented her-selfe before the high throne of the moste sacred Trinitie who receaued her most louingly and exalted her so much the more as she had humbled her-selfe more profoundly liuing in the world like as our Sauiour had manye times fore-tolde saying Who so humbleth him-selfe shal-be exalted The celestial Father receaued her as his most dere daughter The sonne receued her as his most worthy mother the holy Ghost receued her as his most holye spouse and thē was she of al the thre diuine persons crowned with a most pretious crown and placed in a most sumptuous throne on the right hand of her sonne Then was that fulfilled which the royal Prophet had with diuine spirite fore-tolde The Queene hath assisted at thy right hande in a garment of gold enuironed with varieti By the which wordes he signified her souerain●ie her dignitie her beautie the diuersitie of giftes vertues prerogatiues riches and excellencies that wer graūted vnto her sith she neither wanted the faith of Patriarkes nor the charitie of the Apostles nor the constancie of Martirs nor the wisdome of Doctors and Confessors neither the chastitie of Virgins nor the puritie of Angels nor the knowledge of Cherubins nor the most inflamed loue of Ceraphins besides the vertues graces that wer geuē to other by peece-meal and measure were al geuen to her together and heaped in al fulnes one vpō an-other And like as her vertues and excellencies exceeded far those of al the
ORIGO CASTI CORDIS Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat cant 5. Ego sto ad ostium et pulso si quis aperue rit ianuam intrabo ad illum Apoc. ● Hieronymus Wier● ferit et excud Cum Gratia et Priuil Piermans INSTRVCTIONS AND ADVERTISEMENTS HOW TO MEDITATE THE Misteries of the Rosarie of the most holy Virgin MARY Written in Italian by the Reuerend Father Gaspar Loarte D. of Diuinitie of the Societie of IESVS And newly translated into English IHS Non nobis Domine non nobis sed Nomini tuo da gloriam THE AVTHOVR to the deuout Reader ALBEIT THE PROFITE and importance of holye prayer and meditation of heauenly thinges hath not bene so wel vnderstoode heretofore yet is it nowe through Gods good grace so much the better knowen as it is more vsed And amongst other thinges which they are wont and may meditate that geue them-selues to this holye exercise the deuotion of the holy Rosarie is one that is very commendable very easie and almost exercised of eche one wherein the most highe and diuine misteries are conteined especially being instituted by the glorious Patriarch S. Dominike who receaued it by reuelation of our Lady as his Religion doth witnes and obserue And hauing in like maner bene confirmed by many Popes and enriched with many graces prerogatiues and indulgences namely by Pius Quintus of holy memorie as appereth by the authentical priuiledges which the Fathers of the saide Religiō haue in Rome Bononia Naples and other places Howbeit because al knowe not how to meditate these Misteries as it bohoueth and by this lacke they loose a great part of the fruit which might wel be gathered thereby for their helpe this present Treatise hath bene composed wherin is shewed in what maner they ought to meditate with greatest profite and consolatiō of their soules And that thou welbeloued Reader maiest the better vnderstande howe fruitful this holy deuotion is to euery sort of people and howe it behoueth thee to exercise thy selfe therin thou maiest reade the Chapter folowing wherein this matter is so amply intreated of as I hope thou wilt not grudge to read the rest of the booke meaning to embrace this so holy an exercise which thou maiest assuredly beleeue shal-be more profitable and pleasaunt then painful and yrksome to thee Monstra te esse Matrem Monstra te esse Filium Conditor Omnipotens coeloque saloque soloque Sanctius hac nullū Virgine fecit opus THE AVTHOVRS Preface touching the great profite and vtilitie that may be gathered by meditating vpon the life of our Sauiour Iesus Christe and in what maner we ought to meditate the misteries of the Rosarie which are intreated of in this Treatise and conteine in them the principal part of this most holye life LIKE AS THE Sonn of God vouchsafed to come downe from heauen to earth and to make himselfe man for the wel-fare and life of man according to that the selfe same word incarnate saith I am come that men may haue life and that they may haue it plentilully euen so for the conseruation of this life of grace and spiritual consolation of man one of the thinges that maie moste chieflie helpe him herein is the often meditating of the life of the saide worde incarnate Iesus Christe our Sauiour and the imitation of his most meruailous examples sith the celestial Father hauing geuen him to the world for a light for a guide and for a Schoolemaster and teacher of men and the Sonne him-selfe assuring vs that al whatsoeuer he did was done to geue vs an example that we should do the same what should such doo as could not enioy his vifible presence here in earth how should they be illuminated guided and instructed of him if they had not this remedie of the meditation of his moste holye life by means wherof he euen at this day illuminateth guideth and teacheth vs as though he were present with that he earst did wandring corporally in this world speake worke endure and teache IT BEHOVETH therfore that this meditatiō serue vs as a mirror wherin by eftsons looking taking view we may with the eies of our soule see that which with the eyes of our bodie we neither could nor can see and according to it direct and frame our life sith al Iesus Christe his actions were done for our institution and instruction yea as S. Iohn the Apostle saith Who so saith that he dwelleth in Iesus Christe that is to say that he is a member and seruant of Iesus Christ ought to walke as he hath walked As if he had saide Who-soeuer saith that he is a member of Iesus Christ must be lowlye and meeke as Iesus Christ was must contemne al delightes honours and woorshipp of this worlde as he did seeking in al things the only glorie of God not regarding in any thing his owne peculier estimation he must loue frendes and foes doo iniurie to none and if any be done to him bear it patiently desire rather to serue others thē to be serued him self To be short he must so loue his neighbour as if need require at any time he be ready to lose his life for his welfare and saluation Howe is it then possible for a true Christian to doo these and so manie mo things as be necessarie to be done to imitate Iesus Christ a-right but if he knowe that Iesus Christ him-selfe did first practise and doo them moste exactly and howe shal he wot them but by eftsons meditating his life the liuely perfect examples which of such like workes he left vs and howe may a man learne the lessons of charitie patience pouertie obedience and of al other vertues but if he knowe the life of the Lorde of al vertues and therfore as saith glorious S. Bernard In vaine trauaileth he to attain vertues that hopeth by anie other meanes then by the Lord of al vertues to attain them whose doctrine is a nurcerie of prudence his mercie a worke of Iustice his life a mirrour of temperance his death a liuely paterne of prowes Thou seest Reader by this holye Doctour his wordes confirmed by the testimonie of so manie other famous men howe necessary the continual meditation of Christes most holie life is to the obteining of such vertues as be needful for al those that couet to participate of the true and euerlasting life Moreouer besides this so great a profite which proceedeth necessarily out of this moste laudable exercise weigh wel good Christian Reader what other fruites graces and store of spiritual treasure doo associate this holy meditation Tel me I pray thee what thing more sweeter and of greter consolation may any man desire that hath not wholly lost his taste then to meditate discourse and think vpon the wordes workes examples and life of our Sauiour Iesus Christe Of whom we finde written That his conuersation was without al sournes and
this meanes they might be moued to pitie seing him thus scornfully and cruelly handled albeit nothing sufficed to mitigate their diabolical obstinacie IN THE firste point thou maiest pause meditating how with the same barbarousnes and crueltie wher-with these wicked ministers had bounde our most merciful Lorde they nowe vnlose him and vse no kind of plaisters and pitie towardes him who is towardes al men the most pitiful Beholde howe he standeth fraight ful of griefs and frō top to toe al torn with scourges with the printes of the cords deep rooted in his tender flesh which caused his no smal annoy sith he was fastned with such force as according as diuers doo contemplate the cordes were al couered with his very flesh with this grief went he vp and downe seeking his garments which they had throwen here and there on the grounde and thus humblye gathering them vpp put them on him with very great paine no one vouchsafing to helpe him or to afford him any comfort but most redie were they al of them to tormēt and afflict him Ah my Lorde where be nowe the thousand thousandes that Daniel in spirite saw doo thee dutiful seruice and tenne hundred thousand thousandes which assisted at thy throne and yeelded thee due adoratiō Here is no one of those high Angels of heuen to be seene that might adore and serue thee but contrari-wise so many contemptible men of earth which commaund thee and treade thee vnder their feete and thou art wel contented here-with sith thou art not come into the world to be serued but rather to serue others and therfore doth euery one abandon thee and no one afforde thee helpe like as thou alone without others helpe hast perfected our Redemption In the second point thou hast iust cause to stay pondring that new deuise which these deuilish executioners contriue to mocke and withal to torment our blessed Sauiour What greater spite and ignominie might there be inuented then to sett him thus out with those counterfait ensignes of a king which they put vpon him meaning thereby to signifie that he was ambitious and vsurped the Title and Regal dignitie which was not due vnto him and what greter torment then that which they gaue him in crowning him with such a crowne the pricking thornes whereof did perce his head verye deeply smiting of him with the reede which in liew of a Regal Scepter they had put into his handes in such wise as his eyes and face were al couered with the bloud which they caused to issue out of him and yet doest thou see howe he abideth al this with an inexpugnable patience sith with his tormentes and annoiances he vouchsafed to satisfie for our disordinate delightes and dissolutiōs and with his scornes and mockeries to pay for our pride and ambition O King of heauen O supernal Maiestie adored and reuerenced of Angels and mocked and scorned of men I knowe not wel what I should most meruaile at whether at the blindnes and most cruel moode of them that knowe thee not and thus doo beat thee or at the pietie and patience wher-with thou abidest them making farre greater accompt of our wel-fare and satisfactiō then of thine owne contempt and most bitter sorowes Great no doubt is their impietie which did thus torment thee great also is the malice of our offences which did occasionate the same but farre greater is thy bountie and clemencie which is infinite wherewith thou wert redie to suffer more dolours and afflictions then al they could lay vpon thee O my soul contemplate deuoutly this most woorthie spectacle and imprint it in thy heart seing thou hast been the occasion of al these tormentes and reproches which thy Lorde hath suffered Let that his most ignominious robe warme and heat thy coldnes let that horrible crowne penetrate thy bowels those sharpe and pricking thornes let perce thy head let that be to thee an occasiō of cōtinual loue which was to him an occasiō of excessiue griefe IN THE thirde point it is right meete thou interteine thy selfe beholding and adoring this thy moste merciful Lord so lately crowned with that most cruel Diademe and the other roial ensigns which his pitilesse aduersaries haue geuē him wherwith Pilate made him be brought forth be fore al the people that by seing this his so ruful a figure their furious might be som-what pacified and for this cause did he shew him vnto thē saying Ecce homo as if he had saide Behold the man whom you vniustly persecute and whose death you so greatly desire Behold him whom ye say would haue made him-selfe your King how gretly to your liking doo you nowe see him crowned and attired Behold him chastised in such wise that hardly can he be taken for a man so farre is he from being reputed a king And seing neither these wordes which they heare nor that lamentable figure which they behold is sufficient to make their adamantical heartes relent beholde thou him O Christian and let thine relent yea rent and burst in twaine for sorowe considering howe for thee it is that he is thus scorned and vilanously intreated For thy pride and hautines is he crowned with these pricking thornes for thy superfluous and dishonest decking is he thus vestured with this ridiculous robe for thy folies and most vaine vanities doth he beare this sceptre of reede in hande for thy beastlines and abhominations is that most beautiful face defiled and beraide with filthie spittle for thy dissolutions and wanton toyes are those handes and that necke fast tied with harde cordes to the piller See O thou miserable and wicked man see what God a most righteous and merciful man hath suffred for thy iustification procure thou therfore to be grateful to such a benefactour and not to renewe his griefes with thy newe sinnes And to th'ende that for the doing of this thou maiest haue a more aboundant grace graūted thee present this pitiful figure to his eternal Father beseeching him that he will looke vpon his Christs face as it was thē disfigured whē Pilate shewed him to the people and serue thy turne with the selfe-same wordes he then spake saying Beholde the man O celestial father which thou so long hast sought for to oppose him-selfe against thy wrath and to be a Mediatour betwixt thee and sinners Beholde him who is the brightnes of thy glory and the figure of thy substance how gretly he is obscured and difformed to restore by this meanes the beautie which my soule through so great a number of sinnes had lost Beholde the man who with his diuine bloud hath sufficiently satisfied thy iustice Looke therefore O most merciful Father looke vpon the lamentable face of this man who is both God and thy Sonne and for the honour of that which he being most innocent hath paide for me pardon the manifolde sinnes which I haue committed against thy Maiestie Finally thou maiest in this point
heauie Crosse on his weak shoulders which they had with great diligence prepared in such wise for him ponder wel how greatly his paine was increased by that so vnmerciful a weight being so sore weakned with his former tormentes and the bloud which he had lost alreadie Consider howe they make his condition worse then that of the twoo theeues whom they carye with him to suffer the like death sith neither of them carieth his Crosse as they make our most mild Sauiour to doo This is the sceptre O my King which these Infidels and rebellious seruants of thine geue thee in signe of the soueraintie which thou hast ouer thē the which answereth very wel to the crowne wherwith they haue alredie crowned thee and thine inestimable charitie dissembleth and embraceth al with the great desire thou hast to conduct them by this way to thy celestial kingdome This is the staffe whereon thou leanest and goest therwith like an-other Iacob to passe the floud of Iordan to witt of death to returne anon after thy resurrectiō associated with those infinite legions of soules which thou deliueredst out of Limbo and cariedst vp to heuen with thee With this staffe and with the fiue stones which thou tookest in the mount Caluarie that is to say thy fiue most sacred woundes thou foughtest like an-other Dauid against that proude giant Lucifer subduedst him deliuering by this meanes thy people from the hellish hoste which did on euery side enuirone them This is the wood which thou bearest on thy backe like an-other Isaac to offer thy selfe thervppon for vs in this most acceptable sacrifice to thine eternal Father being burned with the ●ire of thy moste feruent charitie Consider besides how the Redeemer going thus loden with the grieuous weight of the Crosse fel to the ground through the vnmerciful weight that he bare and howe they smiting him then a-fresh most tirannously make him rise vp and go an ende where thou maiest meditate how not only the weight of the Roode did grieue tormēt him but also both thine and the whole world their manifold and enormous offēces which he then bare vpō him going for thē in this wise to be crucified So did the Prophet Esay affirme saying Howe the eternal Father had laide vpon him al our iniquities that he should stisfie for al like as he had offred him-selfe for al. O my most sweete Redeemer howe grieuous a burden did the multitude of mine abhominations occasionate thee which thou berest on thy backe and paine thee much more then the Crosse it selfe doth O how great reason is it that I weepe and waile with thee for the paine which I haue caused thee to endure and with-al yeeld thee thankes that thou like a good Sheppard hast vouchsafed to carye vpon thy sacred shoulders this miserable strayed sheepe which thou diddest come to seeke in the wildernes of this world Al the quiers of Angels which thou leftest behinde thee in heauen adore and blesse thee who knowe much better then we doo howe greatlye the clemencie meriteth to be thanked which moued thee to come carye and cure so vile a sheepe as is that of humane nature which thou diddest beare vpon thy backe in carying of thy Crosse IN THE THIRDE point thou mayest also interteyne thy selfe contemplating in what a pitiful plight our Lorde and Sauiour was in when the Crosse was taken from him and geuen to Cyreneus because he was not able to go so fast as those wicked helhoundes woulde haue had him Howe greatly he was pained and afflicted sweting through the wearines of the viage he had made howe wounded and annoyed through the heauines of the Crosse shedding his bloud a-new which intermedled with sweat did bedew the ground he went vpon howe fraight with the shame and vilanies they did vnto him howe brused with the blowes and strokes which they gaue him to make him go on ende O my God what a countenaunce is this ynough to burst his heart with compassion who had neuer so litle of humane pietie O my soul if thou couldest throughly consider this passage howe great cause shouldest thou find to take compassiō grief at so many griefs so many and outragious spites as thou seest him suffer for thy sins who neuer sinned nor euer was ani falshod foūd in his mouth and howe greatly oughtest thou besides to waile the hardnes of thy heart which is not rent in twain with the remembrance of such a ruful countenance O if thou didst loue this Lord with such loue as thou art bound to doo he louing thee so dearlye with howe great feruour wouldest thou desire to gather vpp those pretious droppes of bloud and sweat which did fal on the grounde wher-with thou mightest washe out thy staines and beautifie thy beastlye blemishes Ah! what a spite shouldest thou beare that Cyreneus who eased in some wise the paine of this Celestial Monarche carying his Crosse hefore him as a Royal Standard and that which he bore then perforce and maugre his wil thou shouldest beare on thy backe with a willing and cheerful courage woting howe the same Lord hath saide That if any wil folowe him he must take vp his Crosse and folowe him And seing thou hast not deserued to cary that Crosse which Simon Cyreneus did carye at least thine owne like as thou art cōmaunded that is to say the toils and tribulations which in this life shal befal thee Carye also the Crosse of compassion vnbethinking thee of that which thy Lord vouchsafed to suffer for thee sith in this sort thy seruice which now thou doest shal be much more grateful to him thē that which Cyreneus earst performed Meditate also in this Article the pitiful plaintes of those deuout women that folowed him who al of them wept ful bitterlye seing the crueltie wher-with the most patient Lambe was handled but aboue al take compassion of those teares which the most mournful mother shed who like as she loued her sonne more then did al the other women so did she weepe more bitterly then the other lament more then the other and feele more greeuous corseys then the other O sacred virgin who can possiblye conceaue the excesse of thy most vehement griefes when thou sawest him whom thy soule loued so tenderly lodened with that importable weight weakned with so many woes pained with so many woundes contemned with so many iniuries felowed with theeues and adiudged to the death of the Roode which they caused him with such reproche and paine to carye Euen such was thy soule then as was the figure which thou beheldest with thy weeping eyes neither did the thornes of sorowe perce thine entrals lesse then those of woodd pearce his most Reuerend head This onely anguish O my Soueraine Ladye had beene sufficient to haue made thee dye as it sufficed to make thee sowne were it not thy life had been supernaturally pre●erued to see
Spouse saith in the Canticles that her handes and fingers did distil Cōsider also how those huge nailes were not onely driuen through the moste holy Sonne his handes and feete but also perced the entrals of his blessed mother being there present O what a horrible sounde made those vehement blowes of the hammers in her eares which no doubt did more torment and wounde her woful heart then if in very deede her holy hands had been stroken through And this was a cause of doubling our most merciful Lorde his tormentes who wist it wel inough and loued her so tenderly and tooke great compassion of her paines in such sort as besides the torment which these outward nailes did occasionate in his bodye he had other inwarde nailes which afflicted more vehemently his most sacred soule O most patient Iesus how art thou on euery side enuironed with annoiances Rightlye maiest thou say that the waters of tribulation are entred into the very botome of thy soule and thine inuincible patience abideth al which maketh thee become dombe and to stande like a Lambe before those that shere thee and torment thee And if haply thou openest thy mouth it is only to excuse to pray for thē for so much as thine infinite charitie is that which holdeth thee surer nailed and fastned to the Crosse then doo those material and yron nayles minding with this so great cost to confect a soueraine medicine to our saluation CONCERNING the thirde point thou hast a more ample matter to enterteine thee pondring how our Redeemer being crucified was exalted on high vpon the Crosse that as he died for al men so he might be seene of al men This exaltatiō had Moises earst prefigured whē he raised vp the Serpēt of brasse in the wildernes sithens like as thē al they were healed of their corporal wounds which looked vpon the Serpent euen so they which with a liuely faith behold this Lord exalted vpon the Roode receaue cure of their spiritual infirmities which are farre more dangerous Pause therefore O my soul pause and shroude thy selfe vnder the shadowe of this tree of life if thou wilt rightly repose thee and cure thy festred woundes Behold the wholsome fruit that hangeth theron which albeit thou seest naked contēned blasphemed and reproued of this miscreant natiō yet is he most sweete most high and of infinite Maiestie God hiddē who vouchsafeth thus to dissēble and cloke his puissance to make his mercy so much the better knowē Gather then this pretious fruit and trial shal teach thee the meruailous vertue thereof Make thy nest like a simple doue in the crannies and holes of this rocke that is to say in his most sacred woundes sith he geueth thee leue yea inuiteth thee so to doo Weigh wel the throne which this day the eternal King hath chosen amidst two theeues and trespassers in the same mount where such accustomably were executed meaning to signifie by this that as for sinners and offenders he descended from heauen and was borne in the world so did he for sinners and theeues dye in that place betwixt theeues paying by this meanes that he had not stolne and taking away the filth and infamie of that stinking place with the most sweete incense of the sacrifice which he offred Learne moreouer in this point to doo according to the example which is shewed thee in the mountain crucifying thy flesh with her vices and concupiscences as the Apostle doth admonish thee sith it is not meete that thou seeke after delicacies superfluous pamperings of the fleshe seing thy Lord his flesh thus cruelly handled as from the sole of his foote vnto the crowne of his head there is no one free spot in him And very indecent should it be that vnder a head crowned with thorns the other partes should not be nice and delicate Contemplate lastly in this point the extreme dolors which the most ruful mother felt at such time as standing by the Crosse she saw him heaued vp thereon naked racked al wounded hauing his hands and feete perced through whereout those foure flouds of bloud did issue being farre more pretious then the foure flouds that issued out of terrestral Paradise when she behelde those gratious eyes wanne and pale where-with he was wont to comfort al those that were heauie and afflicted that beautiful face wherein the Angels desire to looke difformed and withered that diuine head ful of thorns which had not where to rest it O Queene of heauen what dolor was euer like to thine when with thy weeping eyes thou beheldest this woful figure O howe much more were thy anguishes sufficient to darkē thy most heauy heart thē was the darknes which came then vpon the earth sufficient to darkē it To whom may I compare thee or to whom may I liken thee O most sacred virgin thine affliction and tribulation being so great as is the Ocean Sea If the Angel when he first saluted thee did cal thee ful of grace at this instant he may cal thee ful of griefs and sorow so great a part of the bitter cupp which thy deare sonne dranke being fallen to thy share to whom I humbly beseech thee to offer those greeuous dolors which thou then enduredst like as he offered al his bitter griefes and the bloud he shed to his eternal Father for the redemption of the world And thou O celestial Father behold in al humilitie I begg it beholde the face of thy Christe and smel the sweetnes of the sacrifice which he offreth thee Regard those out-stretched armes that represent the bowe which thou promisedst to place in the cloudes in signe of peace and frendshipp which thou vouchsafedst to make with mankinde Listen that sweete musike he maketh with the wordes he speaketh on the Crosse where his head is al to torne and his members and sinewes stretched out like Dauids harpe whereon when he played he made the fiend to flye and seing al that he hath done and suffred hath been to appease thee and to obteine mercie for vs accept the same O Lord and send vs from heauen thy holy benediction A PRAYER VVHAT griefe was euer like to thine O Virgin most woful mother when thou sawest thy dearly beloued sonne exalted on the Crosse fastned thereto with huge nailes from topp to toe al wounded like a lepre hauing gal and vinegre geuen him to drinke and blasphemed and mocked of that wicked nation O howe in very deede did then the dagger of woes which Simeon had foretolde thee pearce through thy most afflicted soul I beseech thee humblye O most woful Lady with ioyned hands that for thy sonne his most bitter passiō and thy compassion sake thou wilt obteine me graces to feele the taste of his so strange torments and of thy excessiue sorows that being touched with a true compunction I may crucifie b mine olde man with al
comfortlesse with his departure neither thought he it meete that in one day they should be made Orphans being depriued of such a Father and a mother the which this Lady vnderstanding quieted her-selfe and like an humble and obedient hand-maid resigned her wil to his diuine wil saying haply the same wordes in the Ascension which she vttered in the incarnation to wit Beholde the hand maid of our Lord. Hauing then in this wise talked with euery one and taken his leaue of them al behold how by litle and litle he beginneth to eleuate him-self from earth and to mount vpwardes into the aire with his hands lifted vp on high wher-with he blessed thē and with his eyes fixed on them did amiably behold them Here maiest thou meditate what the most sacred virgin with al that holye assembly felt seing him mount vp thus triumphantly how their heartes did rent in twaine through loue and howe they melted againe with teares seing him goe further and further from them and how they withal were incomparably reioyced by beholding the triumphe and Maiestie where-with he ascended and hearing that heauenlye melodie which the Angels and blessed Saintes did make who al of them sounded forth most melodiously the praises of this triumphant Conquerour so that the hearing and seing of these thinges could not choose but make them for ioye and tendernes of heart poure forth plentiful streames of teares O glorious day O Soueraine-sweet solemnitie O most renowned triumphe thus is he honored whom the King of heauen wil honour thus is he exalted who humbled him-selfe so profoundly thus meriteth he to triumph who hath obteined so glorious a victorie Behold O King of heauen thy exaltation and the name aboue al names that was geuen thee for being thus humbled and made obedient to the death of the Crosse Beholde howe thou beginnest nowe to reape the aboundant fruit that was promised thee for hauing lost thy life for our sinnes Beholde the noble triumphe thou hast attained for hauing with such prowes ouercome so daungerous and difficult a daye Gett thee therfore O Lord get thee now to thy rest seing thou hast taken so great paines and carye with thee the arke of thy sanctification that is to saye thy most sacred humanitie which is the most rich arke whereout was taken that pretious treasure of our redemption Be thou exalted aboue al the heauens O my God and thy glorie be ouer al the world Al Angels and al men yeeld thee due adoration and reuerence seing thou hast enriched and reioyced them al with this thy glorious and most miraculous Ascension IN THE THIRDE point thou maiest in like maner enterteyne thee meditating howe the most blessed Mother remained with that holye flocke in the mountaine where she sawe her most glorious Sonne ascende vp to heauen who al of them accompanied him with their corporal eyes whiles they might possiblye discerne him and did after he was once out of sight being receued into a white cloude associate him with their soules Contemplate a while here how she with the other lookers on being al of them deuoutly on their knees fixed their eyes on heauen without anye looking a-side or shifting of places being bereft as it were of al their senses and wholly rauished with this most glorious vision Meditate besides the solemn pompe and reioysing where-with this glorious triumpher king of heauen and of earth was receaued into heuen think as-wel as thou canst with what musike with what songes with what praises and with what reuerence euerie celestial order did receaue and adore him howe the Angels reioyced how the Archangels wondred how the Scraphins burned in loue howe the inferior orders enquired of the superiour that which the Prophet Esaias had so long time before foretolde Who is this that commeth from Edom to witt the world Who is this so beautiful and so attired in new garmentes that ascendeth with so great puissance and triumph with other like words and questions wherof thou maiest meditate according to thy deuotion Contemplate lastly how this most humble Lorde being arriued to the Emperial heauen who as touching his humanitie was lesse then this Father bowed him-selfe downe repeting it may be the same wordes which in his prayer of the last supper he had vsed in the world that is to say My Father I haue preached and announced thy name vpon earth and haue perfected the worke which thou commaundedst me that I should doo now therfore doo thou clarifie me O Father with the clearnes of the glorie which I had with thee before the world was made And then maiest thou meditate how his heauenly Father made him sitt in that high throne on his right hand where he nowe sitteth that is to say that he exalted him made him partaker of the greatest goodes and excellencies that either haue been or euer shal-be graunted to any other yea that no creature can possiblye comprehend which is to be vnderstood in as much as he was man for as he is God he is equal with his Father and hath the same glorye and Maiestie that his Father hath The Prince of glorie being then receaued in this maner who neuer forgetteth them that loue and put their trust in him sent two Angels down to earth to visite his most dear mother with al the other companie as also to informe them of his arriual into heauen and to deliuer such other speeches as he spoke to them by whose comming thou maiest wel weene how great consolation they al receaued what praises and what blessinges they yeelded vnto their Lord whom after they had with most profound humilitie adored they returned with great ioye to Ierusalem Sithens albeit they were sorowful and heauie as being left Orphanes in great solitarines through the absence of such a master and a Shepparde yet for because they loued him better thē them-selues Charitie which seeketh not her owne thinges made them to reioyce more at the prosperitie and glorye of their most louing Lorde then to sorowe the want of their owne consolations This is that which thou mayest meditate touching the historie of this most glorious Ascension and learne withal to desire seeke and sigh for celestial thinges and to lothe al transitorye trashe endeuouring that thy conuersation be in heauen where Christe remaineth sitting on the right hand of his eternal Father A PRAYER LIKE AS O most sacred mother thou louedst Iesus thy most sweet sonne better thē thy selfe euen so didst thou make more accompt of his ioyes and happines thē thou diddest of thine own And therfore albeit thou remainedst behind him here in earth yet diddest thou reioyce greatly when thou sawest him ascend vp to heauen accompanied with the Angels and Saintes he caried with him with such iubilation power and Maiestie as was conuenient for so glorious a triumpher I beseech thee O most holy Lady by this thy ioye that seing thou then remainedst
bene spoken vnto her sithens there is no Gospel nor other sacred writt wherout we maye gather the certaine Storye of her departure and therefore eche one maye lawfullye meditate that which shal cause him to haue best deuotion Doo thou therefore contemplate what consolation what ioye what iubilation this most holy soule receaued with such woordes with such a sight and with such a companye with what considence and securitie did she depart this life the most Soueraine King of heauen taking her in his most sacred armes kissing cherishing her most louingly according as S. Bernard meditateth O glorious Ladye what tongue can possiblye declare the ioye thou feltest seing thy selfe thus highly honoured and thus embraced betwixt those sacred armes of thy dere sonne If the Spouse saith that her soule was melted when her louer spake vnto her howe fared thy soul I beseech thee hauing heard thy best beloued his wordes seene his amiable countenance and tasted of his courtesies Howe much more was it melted with loue and transformed into her louer and replenished with such delightes Behold now O moste blessed mother al thy desires fulfilled nowe hast thou obteined that which thou requiredst now hast thou found that which thou soughtest for now doest thou possesse that which thou desiredst Sweet were the kisses thou gauest him and the louing intertainment thou vsedst towardes him when thou borest him being a litle one in thine armes into Egipt but farre sweeter were those which thou receauedst of him when nowe being a great one he caried thee to heauen to enioy the greatest goodes the greatest riches the greatest felicitie that was euer graunted to any creature For if so be no eye hath seene nor care heard nor humane vnderstāding can possibly conceaue the goods that God hath prepared for those that loue him Who can possibly cōceue or imagine those which he hath prepared for thee which diddest not onely loue him more then al but diddest engender him of the most pure bloud in thy body a priuiledge graūted to thee alone and worthye thee alone A PRAYER WHAT spirite can possiblye conceaue O most blessed Queene of Angels that incomparable ioye wherewith thy heart was filled when that happie hour being come which thou with so great desire haddest longed for thy most holy soule was deliuered from the bondes of the fleshe and went to enioye those inestimable treasures which were prepared for thee in the Celestial Region I humbly beseech thee O most glorious Lady by this most happy day of so soueraine consolation that thou wilt vouchsafe to remember me most vnwoorthie sinner that remaine in this vale of teares subiect to so many miseries and perils from the which I beseech thee that by thy holy intercession I maye be alwaies defended and preserued Amen OF THE CORONATION OF OVR LADY Virginis auricomo cingit diademate frontem Hic Deus excelso datque sedere loco ¶ THE FIFT AND LAST glorious Misterie is of the Coronation of our Lady that is to say when being risen vp according as we doo holily beleeue she was glorified both in bodye and soule and crowned with glory of the most holy Trinitie cōcerning the which thou shalt meditate the points folowing FIRST how within a few dayes after that the soule of the most blessed virgin was assumpted into heauen it discended to take her moste holy body by entring into the which it rose vp glorious immortal and impassible with al the other glorious prerogatiues which shal-be graunted to the elect when they shal rise vp in the day of iudgement SECONDLY consider the glory triumph and ioy wher-with that great Queene accompanied with Saintes and quires of Angels went vp to heauen aboue al the which she was exalted in the celestial kingdome THIRDLY consider that most riche and pretious crowne where-with she was crowned of the most holy Trinitie and placed in that most high throne which was geuen her where she remaineth making intercession for them that recommend them-selues vnto her VPON the firste point thou maiest pause meditating in what maner that glorious Virgin-mother was raised vp being a thing very iust and conuenient that we affirm this of her sithēs it is more then likely that like as our blessed God would that the soule of this Lady should be free from sinn so would he in like maner that her most holye body should be free from al corruption and not permitt that fleshe to turne to asshes whereof the word eternal had taken his flesh For if our Lord would not that Raab the harlots house should be rased with the other houses of Ierico because she had receaued and lodged for one onlye day the spies of Iosue how much more reason is it that the house of the blessed Virgin Mary which had receaued our Lord him-selfe yea and lodged him therein nine monthes should not be destroyed and turned into asshes Let vs beleeue therefore that as God gaue to the first Adam a companion like vnto him to th' end he might not be alone in terrestral Paradise so was it conuenient that such a like companion should be geuen to the second Adam who being risen vp and glorious might reigne with him risen vp and glorious in the celestial Paradise And seing it is saide of other Saints that being now risen vp they doo reigne in heauen much more meet is it that we both say and beleeue this of her who in sanctitie surpasseth al Saintes and in dignitie al pure creatures The which being presupposed cōsider how with the very same solemnitie with the same ioye with the same honour and triumph where-with that most happie soule was assumpted into heauen it descended downe to earth came to the sepulchre where her virginal body lay which as it is said was in the vale of Iosaphat and by operatiō and diuine vertue did not raise her selfe vp as the sonne of God and hers did him-selfe but was of her sonne raised vp Ponder nowe the state of this virginal body being re-vnited to the glorious soul how beautiful how glittering immortal impassible and adorned with the other glorious partes which the elect being risē vp shal be indued with And if the Gospel telleth vs of the other iust persons howe they shal shine like the Sonne in the kingdome of their Father how ought this Lady being risen vp to shine which is the most righteous of al righteous the most holy of al holies the most gratious of al gratious how shal that bodi glitter which was the tabernacle and habitation of the son of God what shal the beautie of that body be which was neuer defiled nor subiect vnto sinne If liuing in mortal flesh it was so faire that it sufficed to make God him-selfe take plesure therin what shal th' excellēcie thereof be being risen vp with al the most absolute gifts graces and excellencies that are added thervnto O with how great reason are al deuout
Saints blesded spirites so in like maner merited she to be exalted in heuē aboue thē al This is the womā that S. Iohn saw in his Reuelation clothed with the Sonn and hauing a crown of twelue starres on her head wherby are denoted the prerogatiues of plentiful graces where-with she was adorned wherat we are rather to wonder thē to go about to write them O most blessed Ladye and most woorthy of al praise who can tel what thy merites were but he that considereth thy reward who can cōceaue what thy grace was but he that contemplateth thy glorie who can knowe what thy perfection was but he that beholdeth thy Crowne Reioyce therfore O noble Lady reioyce for hauing atchieued so Soueraine a felicitie as shal neuer in al eternitie be taken from thee And remember them that remaine in this vale of tears Seing also that thy greatnes can not make thee forget thy profounde humilitie encline thine eyes of mercie towardes vs and make intercessiō for vs. Ceasse not to continue thy office of being our Aduocate sith thou art now more mightie and of greater credite and authoritie then thou wast tofore Procure O Queene of heauen procure that by thy meanes we maye be pardoned our offences and that the same most sacred Trinitie which hath enterteined and crowned thee so liberally vouchsafe to receaue vs like-wise to his fauour and mercie To th'end that when we shal depart out of this exile we may merite to remaine in thy company praising adoring and enioying the saide most Soueraine and sacred Trinitie perpetuallye in the celestial Kingdome Amen A PRAYER WHO so loueth thee best O most soueraine Queene of heauen hath best cause to reioice at thy last and most inexplicable ioy which gaue the perfect accomplishment to al thy felicities when being now risen vp and in bodie and soule assumpted into heauen thou wast crowned with a pretious crown of the most holy Trinitie and placed aboue al the quires of Angels in that most high throne which was prepared for thee where nowe thou sittest as Queene on the right hand of thy most louing sonne king of glorie who sitteth on the right hand of his eternal Father I humblye beseech thee O most happy Lady by this thy glorious exaltation that by howe much the dignitie is greater which thou hast obteined in heauen by so much the fauours may be greater which by thee both I and al others may obtein here in earth Amē The most sweet name of IESVS and of his most holy Mother the Virgin MARY be praised for euermore Amen FINIS Diuini diuina patet vis nominis vnum Orco est poena polo gloria vita solo Dulce tuum nostro scribas in pectore nomen Namque tuo constat nomine nostra salus Monstra te esse Matrem Monstra te esse Filium LITANIAE DEIPARAE VIRGINIS EX SACRASCRIP tura depromptae quae in alma domo Lauretana omnibus diebus Sabbati Vigiliarum Festorum eiusdem B. Virgiginis musicè decantari solent KYRIE eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison Christe audi nos Christe exaudi nos Pater de coelis Déus Miserere nobis Fili Redemptor mundi Déus Miserere nobis Spiritus sancte Déus Miserere nob Sancta Trinitas vnus Déus Miserere nobis Sancta MARIA Ora pro nobis Sancta Dei Genetrix ora Sancta Virgo Virginum ora Mater viuentium ora Mater pulchrae dilectionis ora Mater sanctae spei ora Paradisus voluptatis ora Lignum vitae ora Domus sapientiae ora Porta coeli ora Desiderium collium aeternorum ora Vrbs refugij ora Gloria Ierusalem ora Sanctuarium dei ora Foederis arca ora Altare thy miamatis ora Scala Iacob ora Speculum sine macula ora Lilium inter spinas ora Rubus ardens incombustus ora Vellus Gedeonis ora Thronus Salomonis ora Turris eburnea ora Fauus distillans ora Hortus conclusus ora Fons signatus ora Puteus aquarum viuentium ora Nauis institoris de longe portans panem ora Stella matutina ora Aurora consurgens ora Pulchra vt Luna ora Electa vt sol ora Castrorum acies ordinata ora Solium gloriae dei ora A cunctis periculis Resp Libera nos virgo gloriosa Per salutarem conceptionem tuam Libera nos Per sanctam Natiuitatem tuam Lib. Per admirabilem Annunciationem tuam Libera Per immaculatam Purificationem tuam Libera Per gloriosam Assumptionem tuam Libera nos Versus Peccatores Resp Te rogamus audi nos Vt veram poenitentiam nobis impetrare digneris Resp Te rogamus audi nos Vt Societates tibi peculiari obsequio deuotas conseruare augere digneris Resp Te rogamus audi nos Vt Ecclesiae sanctae cunctoque populo Christiano pacem vnitatem impetrare digneris Resp Te rogamus audi nos Vt omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem aeternam impetrare digneris Resp Te rogamus audi nos Mater Dei Resp Te rogamus audi nos Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Resp Parce nobis Domine Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Resp Exaudi nos Domine Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Resp Miserere nobis Versus Ora pro nobis sancta Dei Genetrix Resp Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi OREMVS PIetate tua quaesimus Domine nostrorum solue vincula peccatorum intercedente Beata Maria cum omnibus sanctis tuis nos famulos tuos benefactores Praelatos atque loca nostra in omni sanctitate custodi cunctosque consanguinitate affinitate familiaritate nobis coniunctos à vitijs purga virtutibus illustra pacem salutem nobis tribue hostes visibiles atque inuisibiles remoue carnalia desideria repelle aërem salubrem indulge Inimicis nostris charitatem largire Regnum etiam Angliae vrbemque nostrā N. vnà cum vniuersis in ea commorantibus ab haereticorū feritate conuerte Omnibus fidelibus viuis atque defunctis in terra viuentium requiē aeternam concede benedictio tua sit super nos semper Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen QVI VOLET HAS QVOQVE IN DEIPARAE virginis laudem recitare poterit SECVNDO DIE ANcilla Mater Domini Columba Christi Vas electionis Arca Testamenti Lectulus Salomonis Tabernaculum dei Tabernaculum Cedar Domus aurea sancti sanctorum Turris Dauidica Turris Libani Terra Domini benedicta Terra sacerdotalis libera Cypressus in monte Sion Plantatio rosae in Iericho Palma in Cades exaltata Oliua speciosa in campis Cedrus exaltata in Libano Lilium in aquae transitu Flos rosarum in diebus vernis Thus ardens in igne Thus in aestate redolens Arcus refulgens inter nebulas Luna plena Sol refulgens
may by thy holy intercession haue the vertue of perfect charitie graunted me wher-with I may in such sort loue thy blessed Sonne as I may be woorthye to be presented to him in the Temple of the celestial Ierusalem which is our true home Amen OF THE FINDING Disputat in templo dum quaeritur inter amicos Masta Parens notas itque reditque vias THE FIFT IOYFVL MIsterie is of the consolation which our Ladye receaued when hauing lost her sonne she founde him in the Temple where-vpon thou shalt meditate these three pointes FIRST the great deuotion wherewith our Ladye went euery yeare with her affianced husbande Ioseph to celebrate the Pascal solennities and caried with her her sweete sonne Iesus By meanes wherof he remained there behind in the Temple vnwitting to his most louing mother SECONDLY imagine the extreme sorowe which the sacred mother felt when the holy daies being nowe at an ende the returned backe againe to her house and founde not there her most louing sonne whom she thought to haue been earst returned in companie of her holye affianced husband Ioseph THIRDLY meditate with howe great diligence she went seeking him where she deemed he might be not resting any whitt at al vntil she had found him and ponder the ineffable ioye she receaued when at last she founde him in the Temple amidst the Doctors MEANING to pause in the first point consider howe our blessed Ladye is the liuely paterne of al vertue and perfection which shineth forth in euery one of her actions and thus was she a fulfiller of the lawe not only when she was thereto oblieged but also when she might iustly haue excused her-selfe and therefore albeit men alone were bounde to go to the Temple of Ierusalem to celebrate the Pascal solennitie yet did she for her deuotion sake go thither too as also her affianced husbande Ioseph and her sweete sonne Iesus geuing vs an example herein of the care where-with we ought to obserue the solennities of the Churche and of the deuotion and reuerence wherwith we ought to go and remaine in our Lordes Temple O howe sacred were those solennities where suche persons were present who adored the celestial Father in spirite and truth as he cōmaundeth those which adore him to doo O howe odoriferous was the Temple at that time wherein was so great abundāce of the most sweet incense of their prayers O howe much more did the glory of our Lorde fil at that time al that holy house thē when king Salomon made his praiers therein O sacred virgin who can possibly comprehend what thy praiers wer which thou madest in that temple howe feruent howe deuout howe effectual howe they pearced the heauens and mounted vp to the throne of Gods diuine Maiestie howe grateful were to his goodnes the most zelous thankes thou gauest him for hauing vouchsafed to make thee the mother of such a sonne of whom depended the welfare and redresse of the whole world O I would it were his holye wil that some one sparke of so feruent praiers and thankes-geuinges might fal into the frosen coldnes of our deuotions IN THE second point thou maiest dilate meditating howe the solemnitie being now ended the virgin-mother returned backe to her owne house with great desire to see her deere sonne whom she thought to haue been returned before with Ioseph not hauing seene him her-selfe al that day and finding afterwardes that the desired of her soule was wāting here maiest thou deeme in what a case she was what dagger of woe did wounde her heart what pitiful teares she shed what sighes and doleful sobbes she fetcht to ease by that meanes the internal anguish which she felt in her afflicted hart how manye feares did fright her how many imaginations did amase her not woting on which side to turne her and for that it was alreadie night she resolued to stay vntil the morning remaining in that anxietie and heuines which thou maiest wel imagine O most innocent virgin howe long and dark a night was that to thee wherin thou weptst with woe and thy teares neuer left trickling downe thy cheekes and nothing was able to afforde thee any comfort sith the true comforter being absent al the creatures coulde not yeelde consolation Thy greatest ease al this long night wer thy prayers thy sighes and tears the thinking of thy beloued sonne thy talking to him as though he had beene present the beholding of his beautie his sanctitie his vertues and perfections the vnbethinking thee of his gratious wordes and of the works which thou haddest seene him doo albeit al these thinges as they did on th'one side yeeld thee contentment so on th'other side did they increase thy woe when thou consideredst that he was absent and knewest not when thou shouldest merite to enioye his presence againe Finally this day and night thou feddest thee with thy teares in steade of bread when thou enquiredst of thy selfe where was thy God Herein maiest thou wel suppose that the blessed Virgin did passe ouer the time without sleep or rest vntil the thirde day IN THE THIRDE point thou mayest pause also considering howe presentlye after the dauning daye once appered the moste sacred Virgin went with great diligence to seeke the treasure she had lost where thou maiest meditate with what zeale and feruour she asked those that she mett with if they knewe anye thing of him whom her soule did loue and howe great griefe and sorowe she felt when they coulde tel her no tidinges of him She could neither finde him amongst his kinsfolkes nor acquaintance where she went seeking of him very diligently Sithens IESVS is not to be founde where the daliances and delightes of the fleshe and bloud doo reigne yea there is he wont to be lost and therfore did she returne to the Temple of Ierusalem where she had earst left him and therin did she find him standing in the middest of the Doctours geuing eare to thē and questioning of them to their great admiration O most happy mother who can possibly declare the ineffable ioye thou receauedst at such time as thou sawest thy desired sonne whom with so great sorow thou soughtest for thē did thy heart reioyce which was before oppressed with dole thē did thy troubled and ecclipsed mind through his absence growe calme and cleere againe through his presence then al anguish feares and suspitions departing was the peace and tranquilitie restored the which thou wantedst then were the teares of sorowe changed into teares of solace thē mightest thou wel cal vpō the quires of Angels to congratulate with thee for hauing founde the pretious iewel which with such sorow thou soughtest Consider then how the obedient son seing his deere mother doth most gratiously come vnto her and with what passing loue she receaueth him how she embraceth howe she entertaineth howe she holdeth him and will not let him go with what pietie she complaineth