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A06151 The exercise of a christian life. Written in Italian by the Reuerend Father Gaspar Loarte D. of Diuinitie, of the Societie of Iesus. And newly translated into Englishe. by I.S.; Essercito della vita Christiana. English Loarte, Gaspar de, 1498-1578.; Brinkley, Stephen. 1579 (1579) STC 16641.5; ESTC S107018 152,306 462

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glorious thinges meruailous excellencies reported which this heauenlye misterie doth worke yet much more shal suche by experience find and proue as wil dispose them-selues to taste ofte and woorthely this diuine foode grace aboue al graces IN WHAT maner we ought to prepare our selues before we come to receaue the blessed Sacrament ¶ Cap. 14. HAVING in some wise touched the importance and great profit which the often frequenting of this holye Sacrament is of it remaineth nowe to teach thee the maner how to prepare and make thy selfe fitt to receaue the same sith as the Apostle sayeth It behoueth that a man proue him-selfe before he eate of this breade sith otherwise who so should vnwoorthely eate it should not receaue any benefite therby but iudgement and condemnatiō for his soule It is therefore to be noted that so farr is man vnable to present him-selfe woorthely and according to the dignitie of this Sacramēt that the Angels them-selues can-not doo the same Neuerthelesse to haue that woorthines which mans frailtie wil permit it shal-be sufficient to prepare and proue thy selfe so wel as thou canst and this maiest thou doo in maner folowing FIRST the euening before thou purposest to receaue indeuour thy selfe as much as possibly thou maiest to refraine al temporal traficque and busying thy minde in seculer affaires yea from al superfluous and impertinent speeches Likewise if thou hast a wife it were very commendable to forbeare that night the act of matrimonie as also to leaue thy supper or at least wise to make it more moderate thē at other times sith that considering the high feast thou lookest for the next day some smal abstinence should doo wel before it In like maner shal it be good to make a litle meditation before thou go to bed calling to thy minde that immeasurable loue wherewith our Lorde and Sauiour vouchsated to leaue vs so inestimable a grace as this most gratious sacrament is and beginne then in heart to taste that sauourie foode which on the morow thou hopest to receaue beseeching God to preserue and prepare thee that thou maiest doo the same to his glorye and the wel-fare of thine owne soule On the morowe being got vp betimes examine thy conscience quietly with sorowe for suche sinnes and faultes as thou shalt finde therein and get thee afterwardes to thy ghostly father to confesse them if haply thou haddest not done so ouer night And eyther whiles thou art in confession or afterwardes it shal-be verye good to renewe and confirme thy former good purposes to walke hence-forth more warilye in Gods wayes and with greater diligence to amend thine imperfections especially suche as thou vsest most commonly to fal into crauing thereto particuler ayde and grace of God deuising also some newe means howe better to perfourme the same When thou hast in this wise examined and vnfolded thy conscience gather thy selfe a while to meditate some one or mo pomtes of the passion of our Lorde and Sauiour in memorie wherof was this venerable Sacrament instituted that euery time we receaue the same we should cal to mind that infinite loue wher with he offered vp him-selfe to the crosse for vs as also al other the pains and tormentes he from the cribbe vntil the Crosse did willinglye suffer for our saluation Doing thus and deuoutly meditating the roode and other his most ruful panges the fire of his feruent loue shal by this meanes kindle and creepe into thy soule being a thing right necessary for the worthy receauing of this sacrament For like as in the olde lawe God commaunded the pascal Lambe to be eaten rosted euē so the most innocent Lambe which is conteined in this sacramēt and figured by the former of the old law must be eaten rosted to wit with a heart inflamed in his loue sithens he here geueth him-selfe to vs rosted with the fire of his most feruent charitie And to th ende that with this loue thou maiest also haue due reuerence for receauing so high a sacrament consider wel the excellencie therof and what that is thou mindest to receaue howe in this sacrament is conteined the sacred and soueraine humanitie of Christe that is to saye his soule his body and his bloud and not onely his humanitie but eke his diuinitie sith th' one can no waies be seperated from th' other so that in this sacrament is conteined the sonne of the eternal God and of the blessed virgin Mary And forsomuch as looke where the son of God is there is the father and the holy ghoste being al three persons one selfe same essence it foloweth that al the most ho lye Trinitie is conteined in this high and mightie sacrament in such wise as the deuines declare and teache it which thou art bound most firmelye to beleeue albeit to knowe the maner thereof surpasseth thy capacitie and vnderstanding See nowe al this being wel considered with howe great reuerēce thou oughtest to present thy selfe before so great a Monarche as is conteyned in this Sacrament before whom al the powers of heauen doo tremble and quake againe and thousand thousandes of Angels waite and geuo attendance on him in the same yeelding adoration and al other most dut ful 〈◊〉 the to Hauing the being astonished at so 〈◊〉 an excellencie and dreadful Maiestie thou mayest say these wordes My Lorde my God what art thou and what am I wherein pause and occupie thy selfe a while before thou receaue weighing thine own inspeakable vilenes and his incomprehensible Maiestie and highnes as also that ineffable loue and beyond al measure wherwith he vouchsafeth to come to that Sacrament thereby to communicate his graces and gifts vnto thee if thou be thy self disposed to receaue them Being in this maner by these lowlye considerations prouoked to humilitie and thy heart already inflamed in feruent loue and charitie thou maiest then receaue thy maker with great reuerēce see thou in no wise chowe the hoste with thy teeth but let it moisten a while in thy mouth thereby to swalowe it downe more easilye without any cleauing to thy palate humbly beseech that Lorde thou receauest that it may please him to receaue thee and through his loue graces to transform thee into him to make thee partaker of such gra ces as he ordinarily bestoweth by the means of this most sacred sacrament And thus hauing receaued see thou pause a while to yeelde that Lorde moste hartie and humble thankes for hauing thus louingly vouchsafed to visite thee comforting thy selfe and keeping company with him whiles he yet remaineth in thy brest being otherwise a very indecent thing that so great a Lorde vouchsafing thus to visite thee to enter into thy poore cotage thou shouldest bye and bye fling out of dores and occupie thy selfe in forraine thoughtes and communications See therefore thou attende onely of this most worthy gest which thou haste receaued and solace thy selfe with his moste
I may feele iust remorse and sorowe for euery sinne and imperfection what soeuer And that I may the better performe this graunt me grace my sweete Sauiour Iesus Christe that I may perseuer in discussing my conscience euery night more diligently thē other according to the good instructions it hath plesed thee by thy seruauntes to impart vnto me and that eche morning I may so happily beginne the day by offering thee the firste fruites of al mine actions as that the rest thereof may euermore be passed to thy glory As for my Penance that is enioyned me and not performed alreadie fauourably I beseeche thee to assist me both in the perfect remembring therof and in the diligent executing in good time And graunt that by thus endeuouring my self daily thorough thy grace to amende my life I may both liue and dye a true Penitent and obteine through the merits of thy blessed passion a ful forgeuenes of my sinnes in this world and in th' other the life eternal wherto thou hast created me To thee mine onely Sauiour Iesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Ghoste one God be al honour praise and glory euerlastinglye Amen A VERY fitt praier to be saide before Masse wherein we exercise very fruitfully our faith and prepare our selues to heare it with dutiful attention O MOST puissant and louing Lorde who haste of thine infinite mercy vouchsafed that thine only sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christe should before his doleful death ordeine his bodye and bloudd to be consecrated in thy Churche by vertue of thy worde in a most miraculous and dreadful misterie graunt me grace I beseech thee O Lorde that as of thy singuler loue towardes vs thou hast ordeined this diuine Sacrament to make vs alwaies mindful of the merits purchased vnto vs by the death of thy deere sonne our Sauiour so I maie with due reuerence and diligent remembrance of those his most bitter tormentes assist here whiles thy seruaunt celebrateth this misterie and offer vp my praiers in most obedient wise vnto thee The souerain desire thou haddest of our wel-fare O Lorde was that which moued thee to leaue vs this moste diuine sacrifice of the Masse that like as thy triumphant Churche hath her sacrifice aboue so thy militant Churche might haue her sacrifice belowe For like as in heauen thy sonne dailie offereth him-selfe vnto thee for bethouse appering before thy face in a visible and glorious maner so hast thou vouch safed that in earth he should dailie be offered to thee by the function of priestes for our sinnes in a maner inuisible and proportionable to our frailtie Yet is it al one onelie and the selfe same Iesus Christe thy sonne and al our profite and auaile is whollie deriued from the Tree of the holie Roode This misterie most mightie Lorde is farre surpassing al humane capacitie and yet right easie for those to beleeue that haue in time sucked the sweete sapp of thy most sauorie and wholesome doctrine For mine owne part Lorde I beleeue through thy gratious goodnes simply whatsoeuer thy holie Catholike Apostolike and Roman Church teacheth me either touching this or anie other of thy most diuine misteries and doctrines and confesse vndoubtedly that as thou hast said that body and bloud is conteined in this most sacred Sacrament and the same bodye to be like-wise on the right hand of thy Father in heauen so beleue I them both most assuredly and th' one as firmelye as th' other seing one is as-wel the wil and worke of the Word God and man as is the other and to be in earth in heauen and in many places at once is in thy power to doo it most easily as thou doest and is in my power through thy grace to beleeue it most constantlye as I doo Herein I vtterly renounce my sence and al mans vnderstāding and cleue only to thy diuine and inexplicable Omnipotencie who as thou madest al things of nothing so canst thou alter and dispose of al thinges at thy wil and pleasure Nowe therefore I beseeche thee most omnipotent and mightie God to driue awai al distractions and wicked thoughts out of my minde that I may attend the celebration of this heauenly misterie with feare and reuerent humilitie Sanctifie also I beseech thee his spirite who is here to present him-selfe before thee to celebrate this diuine Sacrifice to th' ende that he may woorthely doo it to thine honour and glorye his owne auaile and the benefite of al others Geue me grace that by the reuerent ceremonies which are here to be vsed I mai be put in mind of thy most painful torments which they doo represent and that I mai adore thee in thy imperial Sacrament with souerain dread and lowlines This by thy grace I purpose this by thy grace I hope to performe Accept therfore O Lorde to thine honour our welfare and the vnitie of thy Churche the bodie and bloud of our Sauiour thy sonne Iesus Christe offered thee in this Sacrifice Incline thine eares O Lorde to the praiers of thine afflicted flocke and mercifullie restore thy true religion where it is lacking Open the eies of the blind and make them know their errors Relieue the distressed the captiues and the sicke in the vertue of this sacrament Geue grace to the liuing and perpetual place of rest and quietnes to those which are departed in thy faith for the merits of our onely Sauiour thy sonne Iesus Christe to whom with thee and the holy Ghost one God be al renowme praise and soueraintie for euermore Amen ANOTHER short praier to be saide likewise before Masse O MY soueraine Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe O Lampe of light and truth I most miserable wretche humbly beseeche thee to stanche my wandring mind in such sort as I maie with due 〈◊〉 and attention assist and waite here in thy imperial presence whiles thou procurest this so important an affair with thy eternal father for my wel fare and of al man-kind Illuminate my soule and stirre vp my lumpish heart O sonne of true Sapience and Iustice with the bright nes of thy countenance that I maie here with a grateful and deuout memorie cal to mind that sacrifice of obedience patience and mosle inflamed charitie which thou being wrapt in extreme woes and ignominious reproches diddest offer vppon the roode with thy life and euerie dropp of thy most sacred bloud to thi celestial Father for our sins Amē AN EXCELLENT praier and adoration to be made in the presence of the blessed Sacrament I MOST wicked wretche and vnwoorthie Christian bow down before my Lorde who hath made and redeemed me who fostreth and susteineth me and euermore remaineth life and veritie O Iesus Christe very God and mē I adore thee here present and cal vppon thee not doubting any whitt at al of the verie real presence of thy flesh and bloud viuificant nor of the presence of thy pretious bodie and most sacred soule Ah Lorde that I coulde in
such sort knowe beholde loue and laude thee as so many millions of Angels doo with soueraine ioy and gladnes behold thee knowing louing and lauding thee perfectly without being euer weried in doing 〈◊〉 and due obeisance vnto thee I salute thee O sauegarde of my soule eternal word of the father true sacrifice flesh viuificant entier diuinitie eternal life O most pretious Treasure replenished with al delight the harbour and resting place of pure and cleane heartes O 〈◊〉 viande O celestial and most excellent breade O eternal word of the father which art for vs made fleshe and yet remainest God in the verye selfe same person I confesse thee most vndoubtedly to be true God and true man consecrated after a miraculous maner on the Aultar Thou art the assured hope and the true saluation of sinners Thou art the 〈◊〉 Restoratiue of those that languishe Thou art the 〈◊〉 Treasure of poore distressed pilgrims Halowed be thy name therefore most sweete Sauiour Iesus Christe Al thy creatures sound forth praises and thanks-geuinges to thee for the 〈◊〉 wher-with thou tenderedst our welfare by descending downe from 〈◊〉 and offering vp thy noble 〈◊〉 and innocent bodie on the 〈◊〉 of the roode for our redemption and that after thy Resurrection and Ascension thou didst vouchsafe for our wel-fare and consolation to leaue vs with ineffable loue the selfe-same thy liuely and immortal bodie conteined in this most venerable Sacrament as a memorial of thy departure and paune of the peerlesse loue thou bearest vs. O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon vs and graunt vs thy peace Refreshe also our soules with spiritual foode and comfort especially at the latter ende of our daies that neither in life nor death we depart frō thee nor be depriued at any time of thy celestial benedictions thou which liuest and reignest with God the Father and the holy ghost in al eternitie Amen A PROTESTATION to be made in time of sicknes according to the instructions of the. 27. Chapter aboue Say first the Creede and then in maner folowing I PROTEST here before Almightie God my maker and Redeemer before the blessed virgin Marye and al the whole Court of heauen namely before my Gardian Angel and al you that are here assistant about me that by Gods grace I minde to liue and dye in this faith I haue here protessted according as the holy Catholike and Romane Church vnderstandeth it and that I wil euermore by Gods grace remain in the vnion of the bodie of this Churche vnder the head our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe and his Vicar here in earth And if anie word that sounded contrary hereto should by dotage escape out of my mouth I protest here that it is not mine but onely that which I haue aboue protested A PRAYER to God and to al his blessed Saintes for al thinges necessarye for our selues and our neighbours MOST bountiful pitiful and most merciful Father haue mercie and pitie vpon me who for al mine offences and those of the whole world offer the life passion and paineful death of thine onely sonne vnto thee I present vnto thee al that he hath moste patiently abidden for my sake I offer vnto thee his most holie heart conuerted into honie through the greatnes of the loue he bare me I offer thee the merits of his most sacred mother and of al thy holie Saintes that it maie please thee for their sakes to pardon me my sinnes to take pitie vpon me and that al glory and renowme maie thereby redounde to thee euerlastingly Amen MOST SWEETE Iesus my Soueraine Lorde and Sauiour take pitie and compassion vpon me for the infinite multitude of thy mercies I thanke thee most humbly for the innumerable benefits which I haue receaued and daily doo receaue of thy most bountiful liberalitie I thanke thee for thy most sacred incarnation thy most pure natiuitie thy moste cruel passion for al the effusions of thy most sacred bloud and for thy most ignominious and doleful death I beseech thee most louing and merciful Lorde that it maie please thee to make me partaker of al thy merits that being incorporate and made one selfe same thing with thee through loue and imitation of thy most holie life I may merite to depende and be nourished of thee as a braunche of the vine seing thou art the true vine and the life of al faithful persons wherby al glorie and honour is due to thee for euermore Amen O HOLY Ghost my Comforter helpe and succour me I moste humblie beseeche thee I commend vnto thee my soule bodie and whatsoeuer I haue within or without me and resigne and yeeld vp into thy handes al the whole course and last ende of my life Graunt me Lorde that I maye perseuer thy faithful seruant euen til the last breath doing true and sincere penance for my trespasses and that I sorow and lament them moste hartely before my soule depart this miserable habitation I know right wel Lord that whiles I liue in this world I am blinde feeble and fal with great facilitie into the snares of mine affections I straye verye easily and am easily seduced and beguiled of mine enemies I present therfore and offer al vp into thy handes shrouding my selfe vnder thy most soueraine protection Defende Lorde defende this thy poore seruaunt from al euil Illuminate mine vnderstanding gouerne my soule direct and guide my bodie fortifie my courage against the disordinate dulnes of my heart and against the innumerable scruples which crosse and cruelly encounter it And graunt me grace to loue thee with al delight and sweetnes and that wholly I may be inflamed in thy loue fulfilling at al times and in al places thy moste soueraine behestes And thou be alwaies blessed and thanked for euermore Amen I ADORE reuerence and glorifie thee O most sacred Trinitie God Almightie the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghoste I prostrate and humble my selfe whollye before thy dreadful and diuine maiestie and abandon my selfe for euer vnto thy most holy wil. Expel Lorde and banish quite out of me and of al faithful persons what-soeuer offendeth thee and geue vs that which is grateful and acceptable to thy most soueraine eyes Bring to passe O Lorde that we maye be euen such as thou wouldest haue vs I commend vnto thy sacred protection al this whole familie and al the cause and affaires of euery one be thei spiritual or temporal I commend vnto thee al my parentes brethren kinsfolkes benefactours frendes and acquaintance as also al those whom I am bounde to praye for and that either haue done or presentlye doo commende them selues to my poore deuotions Procure Lorde that al obey thee serue thee and that al in perfect vnitie doo loue thee Reduce the wandrers to the right way extinguish al heresies and schismes conuert to thy faith al those that yet are ignoraunt of thy holye name Graunt vs peace and mainteine vs therin as thou
moste innocent Lambe stood dombe and quiet with out mouing or making any resistance at al sith he was not so straitly fastned to the piller with hempen coardes as with heauenlye charitie and the feruent loue he bare vs which knitt his diuine heart with muche more stronger bandes then were the other FOR THE second poynt meditate howe the tirannous officers being nowe tired with beating him albeit he not so with suffring for vs they thē vnlosed him from the piller and without geuing him ani other succor or solace let him seeke his garments throwne here and there about the palace which hauing at length with much adoe found out and put vpon him they straitwaies stripp him a newe to put on that olde purple coate wherewith they openly scorne and make him their laughing stocke and anone crowne him most cruelly with a crowne of sharpe pricking thornes If thou viewe and consider al this with deuout attention it can not be but it must prouoke thee to loue that Sauiour who for thy welfare onely vouchsafed to endure so fel tormentes and make thee also to feare for thy sinnes and vtterly to abhorre thy lasciuiousnes thy plesures pompes and superfluous pamperinges of thy fleshe with the whiche thou haste so highly offended God for the which he hath in this wise so painfully satisfied For if a kinges sonne be afraide when he seeth but a contemptible bodslaue beaten in his presence howe shal not the moste abhominable boundslaue feare quake again seing the sonne of God so cruelly handled for his offences if others sinnes be paide thus derely for what paiment shal he haue that shal be punished for his owne LASTLY thou maiest meditate this day howe our Sauiour standing in this wise crowned wounded and mocked Pilate commaunded him to be brought forth for the whole assemble of people to looke vpon to trye whether he might this waies mollifie those obstinate and stonie heartes and thervpon saide Ecce homo Loe here the man Faile not thou therefore with the eyes of thy soule to take an aduised view of this most rueful spectacle beholding the hewe and ouglie shape he caried who is the brightnes of his eternal fathers glory and that to restore what thou hadst lost through thine offences Beholde howe he standeth in the middest of suche an assemblie fraight ful of shame and sorow cladd in that fooles coate so euilfauoured an attire with the crowne of thornes cnuironing his sacred head the reede in his tied handes in lieu of a sceptre that harde coarde about his tender necke his diuine visage al put vp swelled with the blowes he had receaued and abhominably disfigured with bloud filthie spittle yea from to ppe to too no one spot free from woundes neither was this inough to soften those flintie heartes sufficient though to appease his eternal fathers wrath who accepting the same for the satisfaction of our moste heinous crimes FRIDAY MEDIT ATE secondly how those vnmerciful tormentors so soone as they wer now come to the moūt of Caluari stript forthwith in cruel wise that louing Lambe tearing his skinne to his excessiue griefe being through the greene woundes festred to his garmentes and afterwardes stretche him out vpon that harde bed of the crosse which the world had prepared for him and so with out stretched armes of his aboundant charitie offered he him selfe vp to his euerlasting father in a true and liuely Sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world And thus his handes and most holy feete being with sharpe nailes fastned to the crosse they hoiste him vp on high hanging moste pitifullye thereon Weigh here diligently what griping griefes his moste rueful virgin mother suffered hearing the strokes of the hammer wherwithal they erucified him and seing him afterwardes hoisted so vp vpon that hard crosse with such opprobrious shame and infinite paines and tormentes Now then behold a while with the eyes of thy soule this thy Sauiour thus hanging nailed vpon the crosse and gather vpon this wholsome tree the fruite of life it plentifully affordeth thee for here is alwaies forth-comming the supply for al thy nedes the salue for al thy sores the satisfaction for al thy sinnesiand herein maiest thou as in a glasse plainly perceue al thy wantes and imperfections sith this is a much more beautiful and bright glasse then those were that God commaunded to be set in the temples for the priestes to looke thē in at suche time as they were to minister for that the godly soule which shal attentiuely admire it selfe in this mirrour may soone espye and easily find out al her faults and folies whatsoeuer That nakednes and extreme pouertie we see vpon the roode vtterlye ouerthroweth al our pompes superfluous decking That crown of thorns condemneth our pride and ambition The gaule and vinager which was geuen him to drinke cryeth out against our gourmandise and disordinate drinking those weeping withered eyes accuse the losenes and lacke of modestie in ours those out stretched armes readie to embrace both frendes and foes find fault with our rancour and reuenge that moste sacred body wounded al ouer from topp to toe argueth and that seuerelye the lasciuiousnes and sensual appetite of ours Thus seest thou how al the staines and sinful spots of thy whole life doo manifestly appere in this vnstained mirrour ful of al perfection THIRDLY if thou haue any spare time leste thou maiest meditate the other egregious and notable thinges which happed about our Sauiours death but chiesly those seuen speeches he vttred being vpon the crosse For in the first Father forgeue them for they knowe not what they doo is charitie towardes our foes highly commended In the second 〈◊〉 I say vnto thee this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise mercy to wardes sinners in soueraine wise 〈◊〉 out In the third Behold thy sonne behold thy mother a pietie and zeale towardes parentes In the fourth I thirst a feruent desire of our neighbours welfare In the fift My God my God why hast thou for saken me an humble praier in tribulation In the sixt It is accomplished a perseuering in obedience til th end In the seuenth Father I cōmend my spirite into thy handes a perfect and entier resignation into the handes of God which is the periode and somm of al our perfection SATERDAY ON SATERDAY meditate the percing of our Sauiours side with that cruel speare to the incomparable griefe and hart-break of his most heauie mother And pause here a while to beholde both this and other his infinite most pretious wounds sithens these are to be thy refuge thy phisike and chief consolation In the olde lawe we reade howe God commannded certaine cities to be assigned in the lande of promise whereto such as had committed any offence might securely make their refuge but nowe in the lawe of grace there is none so secure a refuge as is the harboring in
suche times as thou foundest thy selfe barrein of deuotion and without any relishe or tast in the foresaid meditations FIRST therfore it is requisit thou haue this in minde howe one of the principal meanes and helpes for thee both in this life to liue vertuouslye and in thother to enioy God euerlastingly is this exercise of prayer and therfore what paines and care soeuer it behoued thee to take for the gayning of so great a iewel ought in no wise to seeme greeuous and yrksome to thee yea propounding this so rich a recompence before thine eyes thou oughtest with al might and maine to remoue suche obstacles and lets as might any waies impeache the due and orderly perfourming of this exercise Thou oughtest therefore take heede of distracting thy minde in diuers vaine thoughts of spending the time in profane and vnprofitable cōuersations of disordinate affections of excessiue passions of thy soule as anger heauines too much laughing and reioysing in worldly matters and of too great a carke and care in thy temporal affaires and busines These and suche other like imperfections whereby the peace and serenitie of thy soule may be shadowed and takē away are in any wife so much as may be to be auoided Neither behoueth it onely to haue this watch and ward ouer thy heart and inwarde powers but also to vse the like touching thy outward senses which are the dores wherby these distractions enter penetrate into thy heart as might be a curious eye in viewing a listning after nouelties and impertinent matters too much speech and talke and eche other thing whatsoeuer that experience teacheth vs to breede distraction No doubt therfore but solitarines would in this case be a soueraine helpe to suche as might conueniently vse it for by it are al occasions of distracting the senses clene cut off and therby a man may with more facilitie eleuate his mind vp to God and stande wel garded within him selfe wherevpon this saying hath bene woorthely of longe time vsed that a contemplatiue man ought to be deafe blinde and dombe that by this meanes wanting occasions to distract his minde in outward thinges he might alwaies be gathered and attentiue inwardly in godly cogitations It shal profite likewise to procure deuotion and eleuation of minde vp to God to vse abstinence fasting and other afflictions and corporal chastisementes moderately applied For like as these proceede of deuotion so doo they mainteine and increase deuotion A puritie and cleanes of conscience is also verye necessary for gayning this deuotion the which ought not only to be kept vndistained with any mortal sinne but also free from venial so much as may be for these doo swage and abate the feruour of charitie which is the nurse and mother of deuotion It behoueth therfore if thou couet to finde a sweetnes and sauoure in thy prayers to shunne al kinde of sinne and such imperfections as may gaule and fret thy conscience as also to shake off scruples al superfluous remorse the which like priuie thornes lye pricking and paining the soule and wil not suffer it to enioye any quiet rest or fruitful sauour in deuotion THE SECOND remedie which concerning this matter of meditation is by diuers good vertuous men proued to be very profitable is for one to straine him-selfe continuallye to walke in the presence and sight of Gods diuine Maiestie supposing as moste true it is that we alwaies stand before his eyes he beholding euerye houre and moment what we doo speake or thinke and keeping with eche one a particuler accompt of euerye thing Seing therfore God euermore hath vs in his heauenly eye and presence right meete and requisite is it we alwayes haue him in ours And in very deede the taking vp of this custome shal helpe in this respect verye muche to make vs afraide of cōmitting any filthie and dishonest act when we bethinke vs that the eyes of God are euery where vpō vs. THE THIRD remedie that helpeth greatly to gather attention and deuotion is an often frequentation of certaine prayers euery day which the holye fathers cal darting prayers for that they bee in maner of amorous and louing dartes throwen vp at Gods heart The maner of doing this is by saying with a zeal and inflamed desire certain verses of Dauid or som other sentences of holy Saints which thou must euer haue in memorie and at such time as thy deuotiō shal serue to sai those that be fittest for that present affection thou then feelest as for example finding at some time a disposition of repentance and compunction for thy sinnes then to rehearse certaine verses of the Miserere psalme or some other suche like brief sayings seruing to signifye this affect of repentance At an other time feeling a desire to be more and more inflamed in the loue of God saye that verse Diligam te domine fortitudo mea Another time desiring to bee with God saye Quemadmodum desideras 〈◊〉 ad fontem aquarum c. Otherwhiles longing to approche and draw nighe to those heauenly bours say Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Domine c Beati qui habitant in domo tua Domine An-other time with an affect to geue thankes to God for his diuine benefites thou maiest saye certain everses of the psalme Benedie anima mea Domino omnia quae intra me sunt c. or Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore And so in like maner according to the diuersitie of eche other affect thou haply findest thy self touched with in soule for cche kinde wherof either in the prophetes or in some other of the Saintes and fathers thou maiest finde very fitt words and sentences to signifie thy meaning with But if so be thou want skil and knowledge thy selfe to cul and gather them out then maiest thou frame wordes of thine owne according as the holye Ghoste shal vouchsafe to instruct teache thee such as maye serue moste fitly for thy purpose and cause thy zeale to increase to God-ward and to good desires And albeit at the first it may seeme thou dartest not those amorous arowes with any great feruoure or fierie heate of soule yet faile not to send and breath them forth for no doubt but they shal afterwardes kindle and gather heat and helpe thee greatly to warm thy soule withal But if haply thou couldest not light of such wordes as thou wisshest for sende then vp certaine sighes and grones drawen out from the bottome of thy heart and these shal supplye and serue in steede of wordes to God-warde who wel woteth what thy spirite doth craue and longe for These darting prayers with the sentences sighes and speeches abouesaide shal likewise helpe such gretly as lack conueniūt leisure to perfourme this exercise in suche maner as I haue heretofore declared THE FOVRTH remedie whiche maye be vsed at suche time as thy distraction wer greater then that the
for so is moste expedient forsomuch as the thinges that are here intreated of sith they be the rules and remembrances which thou oughtest in spiritual life to leuel and guide thy worke by it behoueth at al times to reade them when thou purposest to practise thē For besides that the bare reading shal-be a laudable and meritorious exercise for thee and serue as a part of prayer the reiterating and frequētation of reading shal helpe thee to learne by heart what in action thou art bound to execute and so maiest thou afterwardes exercise thee in ech point with much more facilitie and lesse adoo a great deale And therfore albeit this litle labour maye profite eche one that with good and godlye intent wil vouchsafe to reade it yet was it principally intended for the simple and more ignorant sort and for that cause haue I thought good to annexe here in the end such thinges as many of them wot not and yet are bound to knowe Seing that if euerye Artisan thinke it meete to knowe such thinges as belonge vnto his Art howe much more is a true Christian bound to knowe what appertaineth to his profession an Arte aboue al Artes and to be prepared as the Apostle S. Peter saith to yeeld accompt of that he beleeueth and hopeth and what it behooueth him to doo to liue according to Gods wil and pleasure and to obteine euerlasting life withal Wherefore for such as be in this behalfe blame-woorthye negligent I haue here set downe such thinges as without daunger of their owne wel-doing they neither ought nor can be ignorant of that by reading these notes and short remembrances they may both vnderstande what they want and learne it here commodiously without further seeking of other bookes And as for the textes I haue here set them foorth both in the latine and vulgar tonge for euery one to learne them as best shal like thē not respecting so much the wordes as the substance and sapp conteined in the same SIMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM which in vulgare tonge is called the Creede 1. CREDO in Deū Patrem Omnipotentem Creatorem coeli terrae 2. Et in Iesum Christum filium eius vnicum Dominum nostrum 3. Qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto natus ex Maria virgine 4. Passus sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus mortuus sepultus 5. Descendit ad inferos tertia die resurrexit à mortuis 6. Ascendit ad coelos sedit ad dextram Dei Patris Omnipotentis 7. Inde venturus est iudicare viuos mortuos 8. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum 9. Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam Sanctorum Communionem 10. Remissionem peccatorum 11. Carnis Resurrectionem 12. Vitam aeternam Amen 1. I beleeue in God the Father Almightie Maker of heauen and earth 2. And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord. 3. Which was conceaued by the holy Ghost born of the virgin Marye 4. Suffred vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified deade and buried 5. Descended into hel the third day he rose againe from the deade 6. Ascended into heauen sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie 7. From thence he shal come to iudge both the quicke and the deade 8. I beleeue in the holy Ghoste 9. The holy Catholike Churche the Communion of Saintes 10. The forgeuenes of sinnes 11. The Resurrection of the bodye 12. And the life euerlasting Amen A BRIEFE declaration of the. 12. Articles conteined in the Crede ¶ Cap. 30. FOR thy better remembring of these xij Articles conteined in the Creede aforesaid wherin the whole summe of our holy Catholike fayth is comprehended I haue thought good in this second impression to adioyne a briefe declaration as-wel thereof as also of such other thinges as be needful for thee to haue by hart Wherby thou maiest easily learn not onely to rehearse the bare wordes but to sucke out the sense and sapp also of that which thou beleeuest con fessest and witnessest or at least wise oughtest to doo in al thy life and actions It is therfore for declaration of this Creede or Simbole to be noted howe God being one in substance three in person al the three persons of the most sacred and souerain Trinitie are in this Creede especified and vnto eche one of them their peculier and proper Articles assigned THE FIRST Article sheweth vnto vs the first person of the Trinitie to wit the Father vnto whom is attributed the creation of heauen earth and of al things visible and inuisible al the which as he for vs hath by his Omnipotencie created of nothing so doth he forovs through his wisdome and goodnes still mainteine and gouerne them whereby we are done to wit what great loue we are bounde to beare towarde this our so good a father who hath for vs created and kept so manye thinges What trust we may also repose in him and howe greatly we ought to dreade the offending of so omnipotent a Father THE SECOND Article declareth vnto vs the second person of the sacred Trinitie which is the Sonne who touching his diuinitie is from al eternitie ingendred of his Father of the self-same substaunce with his father and coequal to him This one only and eternal sonne of God as he tooke humane nature and fleshe vppon him is called Iesus Christe that is to saye Sauiour annointed IESVS which signifieth Saurour for that he came to saue and redeeme his people from their sinnes and CHRISTE which is as much to say as annointed for that he was annointed by the holye Ghoste ful of grace and truth He is also called MESSIAS whom God had erst promised to sende into the worlde a KING BISSHOP and LORDE for that he bought vs with his most precious bloud and thereby is geuen vs to vnderstande howe much we are bound to honour loue and reuerence him THE THIRD Article teacheth vs the incarnation and temporal natiuitre of this our Lord for that being as God eternally engendred of his father without mother he for our loue descended frō heauen and tooke humane fleshe vpon him and was as man conceaued without father or operation of man in that most sacred vessel the virginal wombe of the euermore virgin Mary and was afterwardes borne in Bethlcem of this his blessed mother she remayning euermore a virgin By this incarnation of the 〈◊〉 of God we are al of vs regenerated of carnal that we were made spiritual and the children of God in Iesus Christe THE FOVRTH Article doth informe vs of the Passion death and burial of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe who hauing preched and done many miracles for the space of three yeres the Iewes of meere spite and malice accused him to Pontius Pilate their Iudge who albeit he wist wel his innocencie and cleernes frō any crime yet did he adiudge him to suffer death vpon the Roode and so was he by that means crucified dead and buried whose holy wounds passion Crosse
and death were causes of our life and yeeld great consolation to al such as sincerely doo loue and serue him THE FIFT Article openeth to vs howe Christe our Redeemer being thus deade on the roode his most sacred soule vnited to his diuinitie discended downe to hel to fetche thence those holye Fathers that so many yeres had looked for him And afterwardes triumphing ouer death as he had alreadie done ouer the deuil and hel did rise vp the third daye by his owne power and vertue and so issued out of his Sepulchre immortal and most glorious This his example geueth hope to eche one beleeuing sinceerly in him that they shal in th' ende rise like-wise vp immortal and right glorious THE SIXT Article instructeth vs howe our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe the fortie daye after his Resurrection did with exceeding triumph ascend vp to heuen and sitteth there on the right hand of his Almightie Father that is to say in the self-same glory power and Maiestie with the Father enioying al the blisse his Father doeth and gouerning al thinges with him This glorious Ascension of Christe our head yeeldeth confidence to his true members that if they obey their head and heauenlye captaine they shal one day ascende also and reigne in heauen with him THE SEVENTH Article telleth vs of the second comming of Christe our Lorde which shal-be at the last day when he shal in humane fleshe come with great power and Maiestie accompanied with al his holye angels to iudge the vniuersal world as-wel those that be at that time liuing in erth as also al those that haue beene dead since the worlde was first created thē shal he yeeld reward to ech one according to the deedes and workes they shal haue wrought This article admonisheth vs to liue with so much more vigilant care and watchfulnes as we knowe more certainlye that al our woordes woorkes and thoughtes are to be examined and discussed of this moste dreadful Iudge before whose tribunal seate we must needes al of vs appere THE EIGHT Article sheweth vs the third person of the moste sacred Trinitie which is the holy Ghoste who proceedeth from the Father and the sonne and is with them the selfe same God eternal and omnipotent And therfore are we bound with the selfe same honour faith and dutiful obeisance to reuerence adore him This is the comforter and spirite of truth that illuminateth teacheth and sanctifieth vs and according to his diuine pleasure departeth his giftes to euery one IN THE ninth Article we confesse that there is a holye Catholike Church to wit an vniuersal congregation of the faithful which haue the very self-same faith doctrine and Sacramentes And this Church is HOLY because it is sanctified by Christ the head therof and gouerned by the holye Ghost and is CATHOLIKE that is to say vniuersal for that it embraceth al the faithful that in euerye place and time haue helde and doo holde one selfe same faith of Christe We confesse like-wise in this Article that in this holye and vniuersal Churche or congregation there is a communion of Saintes that is to say that al those that dwel in this Churche doo as in the house of God al of them communicate one with an-other such giftes as they receaue and doo one of them helpe an-other both spiritually and corporally like members al of one body THE TENTH Article propoundeth to vs the remissiō and forgeuenes of our sinnes which is obteined in this holy Catholike Church aboue saide by the vertue of Christes passion operating by meanes of such holy Sacramentes as he left in this same Churche Hence are sinners to gather a singuler comfort sithens if they be truely penitent for their trespasses and haue a ful purpose neuer after to offende their maker they haue then a redy means to recouer Gods grace again which by their vngratiousnes they had so lewdly lost THE ELEVENTH Article testifieth the vniuersal resurrection of al men who eche one of them iust or vniust shal rise againe in the last day of iudgement with their owne bodies and shal stand before the tribunal of Christes iudgement there to receaue doome in their bodies according to the good or euil they shal haue wrought in this life So that the elect that haue done good shal arise with bright and beautiful bodies to the resurrection of life and perpetual blisse and happines And the damned that haue done euil with moste horrible and vggly bodies to the resurrection of damnation and euerlasting tormentes both in their soules and bodies THE TWELFTH Article promiseth vs an euerlasting life which shal succeede after this transitorye life wherin the good rising vp in bodies and soules shal reigne eternally and enioye the inestimable treasures of blessed happines exempted from al miseries and toils that in this temporal life doo eftsons trouble vs And the wicked being also in body and soule resuscitate shal dwel in perpetual paines and abide more terrible tormentes then any mans tonge can tel This article geueth good Christians cōfort to abide al aduersitie with patience considering that eternal life we looke and hope for where being exempt from al euil we shal enioy al good thinges and reigne in euerlasting happines This worde Amen annexed to the end sheweth the most certain and infallible truth of the christian fayth confessiō conteined in this Creede THE DECALOGVE or tenne Commaundementes of the lawe of God 1. NON ae habebis Deos alienos coram me 2. Non assumes nomen Domini Dei in vanum 3. Memento vt diem Sabathi sanctifices 4. Honora patrem tuum matrem tuam 5. Non occides 6. Non moechaberis 7. Non furtum facies 8. Non loqueris contra proximum falsum testimonium 9. Non concupisces domum proximi tui 10. Non desiderabis vxorem eius 1. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me 2. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lorde God in vaine 3. Remēber that thou keep holy the Saboth day 4. Honour thy father and thy mother 5. Thou shalt not kil 6. Thou shalt not committ aduoultry 7. Thou shalt not steale 8. Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour 9. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house 10. Thou shalt not desire thy neighbours wife A DECLARATION of the Decalogue or tenn Commaundements ¶ Cap. 31. LIKE as we haue alreadie seene in the Creede what we are bound to beleeue euen so in these tenn commaundementes are we taught by our Lorde God what his wil is that we doo to gaine euerlasting life withal Wherefore the summe of his first precept is this to beleeue in one true and onely God which is the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste as is aforesaide in the declaration of the Articles and that to him alone we geue adoration honour and reuerence louing this our God aboue al things with al our heart with al our soule and
father THE SECOND petitiō is Thy kingdome come wherin we shewe the boyling desire we haue or should haue to abandon this exile and to come to that heauenlye and eternal inheritance which God hath prepared for those that loue him thither is it we craue by these wordes happily to be conducted And whiles this our flitting is deferred for so is it meete it should be we praye in this petition that his kingdome of grace doo come vnto vs that is that God by grace reigne in vs and no sinne soiorne in our soules to let vs from seruing this celestial king with whom we hope one day to liue and reigne eternallye THE THIRD petition is Thy wil be 〈◊〉 in earth as it is in heauen wherein we craue grace to obey Goddes behests with like obeisance and redines here in earth as the Angels and whole number of elect doo fulfil them in heauen and are continually conformable to his moste holye wil. We ought therefore to take great heede that in our workes we be not contrarye to our wordes and that we al enforce our selues to obey God perfectly and continually to conforme our selues to his diuine wil as-wel in aduersitie as in prosperitie saying alwayes in eche thing he shal send vnto vs Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen THE FOVRTH petition is Geue vs this day our dayly bread wherin we beg of our holye father like poore and needie creatures sustenaunce of body and soule such as may be necessary for vs in this our temporal life For our bodies we begge vnder the name of bred al other necessary thinges for the intertainment of this our transitory life and therewith according as they shal-be geuen vs ought we moderately to holde our selues contented For our soules we craue spiritual breade to wit his diuine word a sauourie sustenance for our soules and withal that moste blessed Sacrament of the Aultar with the other Sacramentes of the Churche which doo wonderfully feede foster and recure our soules infirmities THE FIFT petition is And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. In this petitiō we craue the most grieuous and difficult debts of this life to be forgeuen vs to witt our trespasses and crimes committed whereby we remaine oblieged and thral to most greeuous calamities and nishmentes By annexing these wordes as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs we are warned that if we wil haue God to acquit and forgeue our debts we must acquitt others and forgeue them that haue anye wayes offended vs Otherwise our petition shal in no wise be allowed THE SIXT petition is And leade vs not into ten 〈◊〉 whereby we craue Gods diuine succour knowing howe we haue many foes to fight withal in this life that with their temptations and tretcheries we be not ouercome but resisting manfullye against the worlde the fleshe and the deuil we may so merite at length to be crowned like woorthy Conquerours THE SEVENTH and last petitiō is But deliuer vs from euil wherein we craue of this most bountiful and louing father that he vouchsafe to preserue vs from the perils troubles and calamities of this life and from eche other euil that maye withdrawe or hinder vs frō diuine seruice and the obteining of that which we haue in this prayer required That last worde Amen which is as muche as So be it is a confirmation of that we haue craued wherwith we shew the desire and hope we haue to obteine our former petitions THE Salutation Angelical which is that where with our blessed Ladye was greeted by the Angel Gabriel AVE Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus Sancta Maria mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc in hora mortis nostrae Amen HAILE Mary ful of grace our Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst wemen and blessed is the fruit of thy wombe IESVS Holy Mary mother of God praye for vs sinners both nowe and in the houre of our death Amen AN Exposition of this Salutation ¶ Cap. 33. FIRST we must vnderstand howe this salutation is the most holy and diuine prayer that can be possibly saide next to the former of the Pater noster seing this salutatiō was formed of the holy ghost by meanes of the Angel Gabriel S. Elizabeth S. Iohn Baptists mother and the holye Church our most sacred mother We ought not therfore to make any light accompt of this our instruction and teaching in what maner we are to inuocate the blessed virgin her fauor help how we are to salute her sith her intercession is right valable to vs ward right effectual to Godward And therefore haue the holy fathers illuminated with the holy ghoste alwais obserued this maner of saluting calling vpō her which al true Chri stians haue alwaies with cōmō cōsent vsed and doo vse in these our daies THE FIRST part of this salutatiō Haile Mary ful of grace onr Lorde is with thee blessed art thou amongst women the Angel spoke when he came to announce the celestial mistery of the sonne of God his incarnation in the blessed virgin her most sacred wōbe wherof eche time we saye this salutation we ought to be mindful yeelding God most humble thankes for this diuine misterie the first beginning of our saluation By this worde Aue which counteruaileth Reioyce or God saue thee is declared the zeal which the Angel had as also that we ought to haue towardes this most holy virgin inuiting her eftsons with this worde to be ioyful and glad for this diuine misterie and expressing therby the contentation we feele through the manifolde graces that were bestowed vpon her This word MARY being the holy name of our Souerain Lady the Angel did not vtter in saluting her but is added by the holye Churche both to signifie the better vnto vs who it is we salute as also for a deuotion sake towardes this holye name of Mary which is interpreted Lady and illuminated or Illuminatrix and sea starre eche one whereof as euery man perceueth may be right fitly applied vnto her This worde ful of grace is the first speeche wherewith the Angel praysed her and that right woorthely for so much as the grace of God is the greatest good and treasure that may be possibly desired and with it doo al other giftes come ioyntlye and heaped togetherwards With this diuine grace was the blessed virgin replenished more then euer was any pure creature as being elected to a higher dignitie and prerogatiue that is to be the mother of god Our Lord is also wont to graūt continually such graces as be necessary for the state whereto he electeth eche one It foloweth Our Lord is with thee that is to say he that properlye and absolutely is Lorde which God alone is is with thee For albeit other men here in
deformed sinner vnto this thy diuine borde not for mine owne sake but for the merite and honour of thy deere frende and most sweete sonne Iesus Christe our Sauiour and our Father who with such griefes and tormentes did on the roode regenerate vs whose passion and most pretious death is represented eche time that this most grateful Sacrifice is offered vp vnto thee And thee againe my most louing Lorde and king Iesus Christe which art in this holy banquet both the foode it selfe and he that doth inuite vs to it I humbly begg of thee albeit most vnwoorthy that it may plese thee to ad mit me to satiate me and to make me partaker of the graces and innumerable gifts which thou art wont to bestowe vpon such thy seruantes as doo woorthely receaue thee Suffer me not to depart fasting from thee least I faint in the way like as thou sufferedst not the great multitude of people that folowed thee with so great zeale to heare thy sugred wordes in the desert whom thou moued with pitie vouchsafedst not onely spiritually but corporally also to satiate least haply they might haue fainted and miscaried in their iourney Wherefore seing this most sacred Sacrament is the food of this our pilgrimage much more am I to desire and to teceaue it to th' ende I faine not in the way but like an-other Elias may by force of this foode passe out and arriue at length to the moūt of euerlasting happines Let me in therefore O Lorde seing I knocke at the gate of thy mercy as a famished poore and feeble creature that being filled by thee enriched by thee and cured by thee I may reioyce in thee geue thankes to thee and yeeld perpetual peales of praises to thee with the Angels that here attende about thee with whom I laude and blesse thine eternal fathers infinite charitie who hath vouchsafed to graunt vs this pledge of future and euerlasting glory Amen ANOTHER praier or meditation to be made the day that one hath receaued to stirte him vp through the consideration and knowledge of so great a benefite to geue God thankes therfore and to be grateful for his goodnes BLESSE thy Lorde O my soule and al my entrals laud his most holy name Forgett not O my soule the infinite mercies and continual benefites receaued of his most liberal hande amongst the which wel maiest thou recken that which hath beene this day geuē thee that so infinite a Maiestie shoulde vouchsafe to visite thee to enter into thy homely habitation and with surpassing clemencie whollye to geue him-selfe to thee in this moste meruailous Sacrament O thou incomprehensible God no lesse pitiful then puissant what shal I say seing the depth of thy bottomlesse lesse mercies hath vouchsafed to impart it selfe to the deapth of my inspeakable miseries What thanks can I yeeld thee for so great kindnes and loue who wott right wel that if al the members and muscles of my bodye were turned into tounges yet could I not condignely thanke thee for the least of al thy benefites howe much lesse able shal I then be with one tounge to laude and thanke thee for this present gift being of so great and inestimable a value If the mother of thy for-runner S. Iohn Baptist being visited of thy most sacred virgin mother when she perceaued thy presence illuminated with the holy Ghoste was so astonished therat as she cried out aloud and said Whēce haue I this that the mother of my Lord doth come vnto me how much more iustly am I to be astonished and to cry out Whence haue I this that not the mother of my Lorde but my Lorde him-selfe and Lorde of al the Angels of heauen and earth and of al the creatures of the world hath visited me entred into me honoured me fostred me and filled me in this most woorthy Sacrament Whence haue I this that a Lord so high so puissant so woorthye of al woorshipp hath vouchsafed to come to me a moste wretched worme to me the most heinous sinner of al sinners to me that haue so many times offended him to me that with my lewdnes and abhominations haue so oft banished and expelled him out of me Woorthelye did the holy prophets Iob and Dauid wonder at thy diuine clemencie at what time they sayde What is man that thou so greatlye magnifiest him ' what is the sonne of man that thou thus visitest him but much greater reasō haue we most wretched caitiffs to say the same in these our dais What is man that thou hast thus extolled him as for man to make thy selfe man and to geue thy selfe in foode to man wherwith he may euery day be visited and refreshed And albeit al men may meruail at this thy diuine clemencie vsed towards man muche more yet maye I meruaile which of al men am the basest and vnwoorthiest If Dauid when king Saule woulde haue chosen him for his sonn in law reputed him-selfe vnwoorthy and saide What am I or what is my life or my fathers lignage that I should be a sonne in law to a king howe much more cause haue I nowe to say the same seing the king of al kinges hath admitted me to so high a dignitie what am I or what is my fathers ofspring what other am I then a vessel of corruption a sacke of donge and filth engendred of a most vile and stinking matter touching my fleshe which ere long shal yeeld foode to woorms and am concerning my soule al soiled with sinn fraught with ignorance and forgetfulnes with many mo defectes and wicked inclinations what other is my life thē a vanitie a pufle of wind a smoake and shadowe that quicklye vanisheth a confusion and disorder a continual exercise of sinne and transgressions of thy commaundements Such hath my life mine exercises and mine inclinations beene such also is my father Adams ofspring and al his auncient familie sith al that discend of him are generally born thus blemished thus bent and al like children of a traitour as he was adiudged to suffer death Wherefore O most puissant prince and dreadful King aboue al kinges thou knowing me and my life to haue been such and much worse thē I either knowe or can imagine haste vouchsafed to receaue me not for a in lawe but for thine owne sonne yea and as a yonger one right tenderlye beloued for such are fathers accustomed most of al to cherishe as now thou hast cherished and fed me with this Angels bread wherin is founde al sauor and al diuine delight S. Luke reporteth howe one of those gestes that were at table with thee in a prince of the Pharises house shoulde saye Blessed are those that shal eate the breade of life in the kingdome of heauen but much more happye am I if I can knowe it and gather fruite out of it which in this life eate the breade wherein is the selfe-same God conteined and ther-with receue a pledge to eate
as that I onely liue to thee I onely loue thee I onely delight in thee that thou be my onely ioye my onely comfort my only foode wherwith my soule maye in such sort be refreshed as that al other meats seem lothsome and vnsauourie to it This onely haue I chosen this onely shal suffice me with this alone wil I liue contented satisfied and happy vntil that most desired day come when I shal feede of thee in another forme and enioye thee continually in the company of al the elect and blessed Saintes of thy celestial court where with the Father and the holye Ghost thou liuest and reignest euerlastingly Amen PRAYERS THE Translatour of this Treatise 〈◊〉 earnestly good Christian Reader to be remembred in thy praiers and that other-whiles of thy charitable deuotion which shal not be vnrewarded thou wilt offer for him to God these fewe lines in maner folowing O LORDE of infinite maiestie and mercy who desirest not the death but the deliuerance of a sinner take pitie vpō thy seruant N. and pardon his moste greeuous trespasses Graunt him grace to knowe thee and to knowe him-selfe Geue him the vertues of humilitie patience temperance chastitie and perfect resignation Deliuer him frō mortal siun during life and in the hour of death strengthen him in faith and firme hope of finding mercy So that scaping the daungers of his enemies both in his life time and in that last most dreadful houre of death he maye through thy gratious goodnes attaine to euerlasting happines there to praise thee the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost one God eternallye Graunt this O Lorde for our Mediatour and only Redeemer Iesus Christe his sake Amen Non nobis Domine non nobis sed Nomini tuo da gloriam Thy sugred name O Lorde Engraue within my brest Sith therein doth consist My weal and onely rest TO THE READER I HAVE thought good gentle Reader folowing herein the aduise of certaine vertucus and learned men to annexe in the ende of the former most excellent Treatise these few praiers that folow moued therto chiefly with this reason that such as haue not ben erst exercised in the maner of praying prescribed by the Authour might here see some practise of his preceptes touching gouernment on morninges and euenings the two especial times wheron depend the whole course of a wel-ordered life as also touching the disposition requisite both before and after confessiō with some such other prayers as I demed most necessary here to present vnto thee I hope if thou beest a Nouice and delighted with the former worke this my smale paine shal not seeme vnprofitable vnto thee which I beseech thee to vse to thine auaile whiles thou wantest better meanes And this must I say for the better credite of that which foloweth how it is not I that am the authour thereof but other famous men of the same liuery that the former is God requite al our benefactors spiritual especially and geue thee Reder such good by this whole worke as the Authours thereof doo wish thee and my poore hart affordeth thee A PRAYER 〈◊〉 be sayde in the morning before al other busines MY LORDE God and most benigne Sauiour Iesus Christe who when I was not diddest create and make me capable of thee the soueraine and only good and being made a thral and bondslaue through my fore-fathers trespasse diddest redeeme me with thy most pretious bloud and losse of thy sacred life abiding the tormentes due to my trespasses to acquit and ridd me from the same For these O Lorde and al other thine inestimable benefites namely for hauing preserued me this night past I yeelde thee moste humble zealous and obedient thankes offring my selfe whollye to thee as I am wholly thine beseeching thee also of thine infinit clemēcie to preserue me this day from any waies offending thee and to direct al my thoughtes wordes and workes to thine euerlasting glory Mine estate and calling is as thou knowest O Lorde inuironed with many difficulties here is eche one to weigh their vocation and the dangers it is subject too and through mine euil customes and wicked inclinations hardlye can I without thy special assistance passe this daye without offending in these sinnes Here must eche one cal to mind the vices he is most prone too Refreshe therfore O Lorde my concupiscence with the dewes of thy diuine grace and geue me strength to fight more manfully and to subdue al wicked suggestions Truely Lord here in humilitie and sinceritie of heart I protest neuer willingly by thy gratious fauoure to offende thy lawes and commaundementes anye more I detest al sinne and what may any wayes displease thee I desire to loue thee feare thee and serue thee this day and euermore and to direct al mine actions to thine honour and glorye Assist me Lorde with thy grace and enriche my pouertie with the plentie of thy merits Wherfore in the vnion of that charitie wherewith thou descendest from heauen into the blessed virgins wombe and afterwardes offredst vp thy selfe on the roode in sacrifice for our sinnes in the vnion of this thine incomprehensible charitie I offer vnto thee what-soeuer I shal doo thinke or speake this day Here may we briefly discourse wherin we are like to passe ouer the day beseeching thee through thy merciful goodnes to accept gouerne and enriche al in such sort as thy glorye may be therby procured my neighbours wel-fare occasioned and mine owne soule better fortified and prouided To thee my sweete and only Iesus Christ with the father and the holy Ghost be al glorye and praise euerlastingly Amen Pater noster Aue Maria. Credo c. A PRAYER to be saide to bed warde applied to the excellent instructions of the third Chapter aboue 1. SOVERAINE dreadful and most louing Lorde my God who neuer ceassest to shew thy mercy towardes sinners yea when they offende and trespasse against thee such is thine infinit clemencie and loue as then thou forbearest not to heape thy benefites vpon them I moste sinful and wicked wretche yeeld thee humble thankes for thine ineffable goodnes shewed towardes me in creating me to thine own likenes and making me capable of thine euerlasting glorye for the creation of so many other creatures for my behoufe and sustenance and for that inestimable worke of my redemption wherby thou deliueredst me from the slauerie of Satan and purchasedst me free entraunce into thy celestial Region These pointes may be fruitfully particularised according to eche one their skil and deuotion for hauing singled me amongst so many millions that know thee not and lye drow ned in ignorance and miserable errours to be thy seruaunt and a true Catholike Christian for al thy blessed Sacramentes especially for that sacrament aboue al sacraments wherin thou art thy selfe most really conteined for hauing preserued me so many times from hel wherin I had beene longe since plunged had not thou of thine inspeakable goodnes susteined and deliuered me
from my foes For these and al other thy benefites namely for those thou hast this day most bountifully bestowed vpō me Here are they particulerly to be though of O my soueraine Lorde I yeeld thee such sincere and dutiful thankes as my poore hart can possibly afforde thee beseeching the blessed virgin and al the Saintes of heauen to yeeld thee thankes and praises in supply of my want 2. AND NOWE mine only Redeemer and Sauiour I humbly craue the light of thy grace to know wherein I haue this day any wayes offended thee and that by mature and sounde discussion of my conscience I maye see mine owne sinnes with sorowe and thine ineffable mercy with a zelous and firme purpose of amendment 3. HERE MVST we examine our selues how we haue employed the day in word thought and deede towardes God and our neighbours 4. THOV SEEST O Lord my lewdnes and wotest my miserie muche better then I my selfe doo Sory I am with al my heart that I should stil offend so louing a Lord and wish to God my sorowes were greatly multiplied I purposed earst to doo better by thy grace which wanted not and yet haue I trāsgresled in my former trespasses Neither yet may I despaire O Lorde but wil continually trust to thy mercies in al euentes and purpose firmely as I nowe doo euery day to amend my life Deliuer me my gratious God from al mortal sinne for euer and geue me grace to persecute my venial vices with sorow during life And for the satisfaction of these and al my former sinnes together with al those of the world as also for al thine ineffable benefites bestowed vpon me and al man-kinde I offer vnto thee the merits of thy bitter passion those moste pretious droppes of bloud thou sheddest for me and that inflamed charitie wherwith thou wholly resignest thy selfe to al thy tormentes for my 〈◊〉 and in the vnion of this thine oblation on the roode I offer vp my self soul body and al I haue of thine within or without me to thine honour and euerlasting glory I retaine nothing to my selfe but geue al to thee whose it is and make that thine by my wil which is thine of iustice Geue me thy grace O my God to liue better her eafter and to confesse my sins in due time to my ghostly Father Geue me true humilitie and repentance grace to knowe thee and grace to knowe me puritie of heart in al my doinges patience chastitie and perfect charitie Geue me a good life and a good death and in the daungerous houre of my departure the assistance of thy blessed Saintes and Angels with whom I may through thy mercie in an-other world praise and glorifie thee euerlastinglye Amen Say then the Pater noster Aue Maria and the Creede with some short praier or hymne as thou liest thee downe to craue protection for the night and conuenient rest of bodie and soule And faile not to commend thee to thy Gardian Angel. A PRAYER to be 〈◊〉 before Sacramental Confession MOST Soueraine mightie and merciful Lorde who of thine infinite loue and mercie towards mankinde hast ordemed in thy Churche the Sacrament of Penance as a soueraine saulue to heale our spiritual woundes and to purge vs from the filth wher-with we maie after Baptisme any wayes haue defiled our soules I. N. thy most vile and ingrateful creature hauing offended thee many waies and most greeuouslye since my last Confession purpose through thy grace to flie hither for my remedie and according to thy diuine ordinance to confesse my sins vnto thy seruant hoping therby according to thy promise to receaue a ful and perfect absolution Geue me grace therefore O Lorde that like as of thy goodnes thou hast inspired into my hart a desire to apply this remedy to my ghostly griefs so I may in due reuerence contrition and sinceritie vse the same to the glory of thy name and the ful forgeuenes of my sinnes Open the secretes of my soule vnto me O Lord and make me knowe al my sinns and iniquities what-soeuer Geue me also due sorowe and contrition for the same and grace to vnfolde them to thy vicar my ghostly phisition purely plainly sorowfully and sincerely with firme and constant purpose through thy grace to amend my life hereafter Ah Lorde my gratious God and onely comfort of my soule sithens thou desirest that in al thinges I should sincerelye serue thee and I through thy grace desire nothing more then to doo the same why is it Lorde that I stil offend thee whye fal I so ofte in relapse of my former folies Thy grace is not wanting but mine vngratiousnes and inconstancie is the cause thereof whereof I moste hartily accuse me Euen nowe I mind to fight manfullye and by and by I faint and faile in my former purposes Rightly therefore am I in respect hereof to humble my selfe and to deem me to be thy most vile and abiect creature Increase in me daily thy grace and soueraine vertue of humilitie and graunt me that once I may know thee and know my selfe Thee in thy Maiestie and mercye me in mine abhominations and misery and that at length I may fight more manfully and gain the victorie ouer mine 〈◊〉 through thy gratious helpe and fauour my onely Redeemer and Sauiour Iesus Christe who with the Father and the holy Ghost reignest one God euerlastingly Amen A PRAYER to be saide after Sacramental Confession O GOD of mercie and pitie hauing nowe through thy gratious goodnes disburdened my conscience of the gilt wherwith it was oppressed and in the low liest wise I might vnfolded al the sinnes I could possibly thinke of vnto thy minister my ghostly father I most humblie beseeche thee to accept this my Confession and to forgeue me my trespasses aswel remembred as forgotten Graunt me grace O Lorde to liue more carefullie and diligentlie hereafter and to refraine from my former folies which I vtterlie detest and through thy grace doo firmely purpose neuer any more to offende in Especially O my gratious and benigne Sauior geue me grace to withstande these temptations wher-with I am most greeuously infested Here are the temptations wherwith one is most troubled to be rehearsed as also grace to eschewe al occasions of offending so much as possibly I maie The just man as Scripture telleth falleth seuen times a daie much more then shal I fal O Lorde hauing thorough mine owne most vile abhominations increased greatlye the weaknes and blindnes I receaued frō my fore-father Adam yet Lorde as I hope and purpose firmelie by thy merciful fauour to refrain from consenting to anie mortal sinne which I most humblie begg of thee to preserue me from whilest I liue so Lord wil I by thy goodnes detest and persecute my venial sins and imperfections during life Graunt me grace so to doo O merciful Lorde and that as heretofore I haue without ani remors of conscience most heinously transgressed thy commaundementes in euery sort so nowe
our Lorde and Sauiour wherein amongst other things thou shalt meditate conformably to the story of the Gospel cal chiefly to minde these three points to wit that most profound humilitie wherewith he washed his disciples feete the institution of the moste holy Sacrament those moste sugred speeches he lastly preached to them ABOVT the first consider that humilitie inough to astonishe a man wherewith that most high and puissant prince into whose handes his eternal father had geuen the rule of al thinges bowed him selfe to washe and clense his disciples feete and amongst the rest those filthie feete of Iudas the Traitour neither yet did his puissance nor his wisdom nor his holines nor his greatnes eche being incomprehensible let him to do this so base a worke that we should folowe the example that he left vs therin not only to humble our selues to our betters but also our equals inferiours TOVCHING the second point cōsider that most feruēt loue our sweete Redeemer bare vs to the ende wherby he being now to depart from vs deuised this ineffable means how to 〈◊〉 stil with vs for our consolation profite and refection in this most holy Sacrament and like as he could not leue vs any gift more pretious then this so ought we not to seke or desire any other then this disposing our selues eftsons to receaue this moste sacred foode that being eftsons vnited to him we be made partakers of the inestimable fruites which are by meanes therof imparted to vs. CONCERNING the third amongst the other wordes of that longe and moste loftie sermō he made to his disciples take for thee that his newe precept of charitie so highly cōmended of him wherein he saide that his disciples should be discerned and withal note the patience thou must haue in the manifolde tribulations and persccutions which thou must needes suffer in this world wherewith the soule is purged gaineth great and inspeakable meede TVESDAY THOV maiest on Tuesday at thy wonted houre meditate three other points wherof let the first be of our Lordes prayer which he made three times in the garden of Gethsemani Beholde here the anguishe and anxietie that sacred foul of his felt which he him selfe saide was sorowful and heauie to death that is to say that the sorow he felt was inough to procure his death And note the remedie we must flee to when we hap to be thus afflicted and made heauy which is a zeale and perseuerance in praier as he vsed three times praying so muche the longer as his affliction increased and grew more greuous through the most vehement apprehension he had of his future tormentes now at hand which made him sweate great drops of bloud Take therfore this refuge of praier in al thy tribulations as Saint Iames doth also admonishe thee and seeke not after any other faithlesse vaine remedies THE SECOND point for this dai is our Sauiours imprisonment whervnto he willingly offred him selfe to loose thereby the giues and fetters of our folies Here maiest thou weighe that insuperable patience wherwith he willingly consented to be bound iniured and stroken with diuers blowes buffets without any moue making or resistance yea he founde fault with Peter who did what he could to defend him saying The 〈◊〉 that my father hath geuen me wilt thou not that I drinke it the vertue and meaning wherof thou oughtest to marke wel and lay vp in the tresure of thy hart therwith to releeue and defende thy selfe in al thy griefes and persecutions for whence soeuer they come whether of the world or the deuil al is the cup which thine euerlalting father geueth thee for the welfare of thy soule THOV MAIEST also meditate the thirde point howe the faithfullest master that euer was being abandoned and forsaken of al his disciples and accompanied onely with those cruel officers was ledd to the houses of those sacrilegious bishops Annae and Caiphas where they begonne a fresh to renewe their villanous outrages their haukinges and spittings their blowes and buffets their mocks and mowes with other their greuous vexations wherewith he passed ouer al that night abiding euery thing with incomparable patience that thou in like case shouldest indeuour thy selfe to imitate him WEDNESDAY ON WEDNESDAY meditate the ignominious progres and wearisome iourney our Sauioure made on the morowe being conducted from one Iudge to another and pause a while in eche of their houses to weigh the wordes he spake and the iniuries that were done him but chiefly cal to minde those wordes he answered Pilate withal asking him if he were a king which were these My kingdome is not of this world which if thou mashe and ruminate wel wil make thee knowe the blindnes of worldly men who with so great carke and care desire to reigne and to enioye the prosperitie pleasures and pompes of this world wherof the true and only king confesseth in these wordes that his kingdome consisteth not that thou shouldest thereby frame thy selfe to contemne the world which he so litle regarded learne to liue like a pilgrime and straunger therein making no accompt of the pompes riches credite therof which be so vaine and transitorie CONSIDER likewise the scornes done to him in Herodes house that vniust Iudge who to make him be mocked caused him to put on that white fooles cote and thus hauing fooled and doulted him sent him afterwardes backe againe to Pilate in the which voiage he suffered suche paines and spiteful reproches as thou wel maiest thinke of Learne here to holde thy peace when thou art despised mocked or otherwise curiouslye questioned thou maiest see likewise what paines and trauaile thou must prepare thy selfe to take when neede shal require for his sake thy neigh bours sithens he hath thus both for thee and al their sakes made so many wearisome iourneys THVRSDAY ON THVRSDAY at thine accustomed time and place thou shalt meditate firste the cruel scourging of the sonne of God in Pilates house who weening thereby to appease the rage and furie of the Iewes caused him to be whipped and beaten most bitterlye Beholde then howe they pul off his clothes stripp him naked who adorneth the fieldes with al their beautie and howe they binde those handes to the piller which created earst the heauens and being thus naked and fast tied howe the cruel executioners beginne then with might and maine to laye on that virginal flesh fleaing the tender skinne of the immaculate Lambe and causing that moste sacred bloud to issue and spin out of al the partes of his body in so great quantitie as it wet and couered the ground he stoode vpon yea in suche sort was that most daintie and beautiful fleshe fleane and wounded as thereby was rightly fulfilled the prophecie of Isay saying We reputed him as a leper and as one smitten of God and humbled In the middest of al these grieslye griefes the
former aduises coulde suffice to cal thy minde home and to cause attention then maiest thou haue recourse to reading whereto shal-be very expedient thou be prouided of some godly booke ful of good deuotiō and sound doctrin theron to read with leisure faire and softly not lightlye running ouer many leaues but pausing at euery periode and sentence to chawe the same and to picke thence some profite and fruitful deuotion staying therein so longe as attention serueth thee which once wanting proceede then on forwarde to an-other sentence doing likewise in that and thus mightest thou by meanes of such wordes as thou readest vse those speeches sighes and inflamed desires whereof I jastly spake in the third remedie sith no doubt but they are very valable and of great force to retire thy minde home and to kindle in it a deuotion and feruent loue to God-warde The fittest bookes for this purpose are suche as stirre a man vp to pietie and deuotion and that withal geue good instructions for life and maners as might be the meditations Soliloquies and Manuel of S. Austin certaine smal treatises of S. Bernarde and S. Bonauenture which are to be founde a-part and printed by themselues especially some suche one as intreateth of the life of Christe but aboue al other shal that booke benefite and doo thoe good which is called De contemptu mundi Or The folowing of Christe intituled to Iohn Gerson though in very deede it was of one Thomas de Kempis making this being a worke of wonderful profite and moste notable doctrine The liues of Saintes shal-be likewise very good for this purpose who earst haue shewed them-selues liuely paterns of christian perfection In these and suche like bookes maiest thou exercise thy selfe nowe reading now meditating on them and alwaies committing some spiritual poynt to memorie which thy soule may amongst other thy busines nourishe and comfort it selfe withal How-be-it because this remedie is onely to serue their turnes that can reade others that lacke that skil may vse pictures in steede of printed bookes and therein beholde that passage they meane to meditate on and thus shal the picture serue them in stede of bookes and helpe to procure inward collection of their minde and to purchase deuotion which is wanting This shal chieflye helpe yonge beginners and such as be yet rawlye rooted in these exercises as also at the beginning first entrance into praier when the soul doth cōmonly find disquietnes by reason of vaine thoughtes and wandring cogitations THE LAST remedie thou art to take concerning this matter is to force thy selfe to perseuer in prayer howe distract and frosen soeuer thou shalt finde thee for that who so shal thus force and strain him-selfe to endure the tedious toile and paine of praier whiles thus he feeleth himselfe frosen and caried away with diuers forraine thoughtes and fancies wel may he beleeue that at the ende of his praier he shal for the most part receaue comfort and contentation and that as it happed to our Sauiour whom the Angel came and comforted in the garden after his longe perseuerance in prayer which he made three seueral times euen so likewise shal it in th' ende befal to him And as in other workes experience teacheth vs that custome taketh away the toile which we feele at the beginning therof euē so shal custome continuance in this exercise not slacking or neglecting it at any time eut off the toile and trauaile thereof and cause a conquest of al such difficulties as in the beginning seemed right painful to vs. OF CONFESSION howe and when we ought to make it ¶ Cap. 12. TWO things there be wherwith the soule is chieflye fostred and wherewith as with two winges it soareth vp to heauen that is to say prayer and the receauing of the blessed Sacrament Hauing therfore alreadie spoken sufficiently of the first it remameth I now say some-what of the seconde And because to receaue rightly this blessed Sacrament Confission is alwaies presupposed to go before I shal firste of al entreate therof being a very sowithal ueraine saulue for our soules and 〈◊〉 necessary to susteine our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 withal wherof albeit I haue spoken some-what before in the first Chapter yet sith that speech tended chieflye to teache the maner of making a general confession to suche as purposed presently to beginne a ne we life it behoueth I nowe declare howe and when suche as doo proceede on forwarde in the true feare of God and in his diuine seruice ought to confesse them-selues wherein this I say first that as-wel for the making of a general as a particuler confessio both in th one and thother it shal helpe thee greatly to choose out such a Confessour as I then spake of one that is wise learned and of godly life as also wel beat and practised in spiritual waies who both in this and eche other cause may guide and teach thee what thou oughtest to doo And therfore no doubt but it behoueth thee to vse great diligence in 〈◊〉 searching for suche a one for if we vse with so great care to enquire after the moste learned and sufficient phisition to cure our bodily griefes howe much the rather ought we to doo the same for the sicknes and infirmities of our soules Why doo we not digest ponder wel what truth him-selfe did testifie vnto vs that If the blinde doo leade the blind bothfal down intc the diche the truth wherof because diuers haue litle regarded rought of haue therfore proued to their cost what harme and hinderance they haue susteined in being so blind and recklesse in this behalfe whereby both they and eche other maye wel wot what care and diligence ought to be emploied for the finding out of so sufficient a person as the weight of this affaire importeth And hauing once founde out suche a one make accompt to haue hitt of no smal treasure thy soule nowe hauing one by whose good means and helpe al her spiritual infirmities shal-be healed al her doubtes dissolued al her feares asswaged and comforted and by whom she may in her weaknes and indeuotion be inflamed in her wearines eased and encouraged holpen in al her temptations and directed in the sundry daungers which in this life doo dasel and fright vs and finally by his conduct be caried the right waye to eternal blisse and happines like as the children of Israel wer let into the land of promise for hauing had so good a guide as was their Captaine Iosue Hauing therefore in this wise founde out such a ghostly father and good guide impart to him thy whole life thine intentes and exercises as also eche other thing whereof he shal desire to be informed see that by counsaile thou gouerne the whole course of thy spiritual life How-be-it because a man shal verye hardly at al times haue suche a ghostly father at hande as maye in euery poynt serue his
turne and satisfie this office I shal therefore briefly geue thee certaine notes wherby for this poynt thou maiest knowe howe to guide and direct thy selfe in matters of Confession And firste concerning the time thereof I say vnto thee that euerye good Christiā ought to prepare him selfe to confession once euery weeke according as both S. Austin and the other holy doctours exhort vs yea suche as in temporal affaires be lesse busied and in spiritual causes better practised may doo it ofter especially being wel battened and exercised in that kinde of prayer I haue alreadye entreated of Such though as are more 〈◊〉 and lesse able to performe that kind of prayer may euery fifteene or twentie dayes confesse them but in no wise would I that any man haue he neuer so muche adoo should faile once euery moneth to doo the same Minding therfore to confesse thee thus ofte let thy preparation thereto be in maner folowing Firste the same day that thou purposest to confesse on see thou gather thy selfe a litle before and craue of God the light of his grace to knowe thy sinnes and faultes without the which neyther can they be knowen nor wel confessed Afterwardes examine thy conscience vnbethinking thee what thou haste done since the time of thy former consession And for the better doing hereof thou mai est runne ouer the commaundementes and the deadly sinnes especially suche as thou art wont moste commonly to fal into How be-it for those that doo more ofte and ordinarilye frequent confession it maye suffice to discourse vpon their thoughtes wordes and omissions or negligences examining in eche one of these pointes wherin they may seme to haue offended And such particuler thinges as thou remembrest to haue transgressed in since thy former confessions those shalt thou chiefely note and confesse thee of be they venial or mortal sinnes for al-be-it we are not bound to confesse our venial sins yet is it both more secure profitable so to doo those specially that be moste notorious and of greatest importance And forsomuch as some doo verye fondly forbeare to receaue and confesse them-selues for lacke of his helpe whom they haue earst chosen for their ghostlye guide and gouernour I deeme it therefore requisite to aduertise thee herein that in suche wise would I haue thee obedient and affected to this thy Confessour thou haste made choise of of whom I haue already spoken that when thou shouldest haplye want oportunitie to make thy confession to him thou faile not then to confesse thee to an-other And let not this sensual and vndiscrete affection which some but chiefelye women are wont to carye toward their Confessours bereue thee of that libertie which is expedient for thee in this case to haue wanting commoditie of confessing to thy accustomed and wonted Father yea rather set thy minde of the grace which is graunted by meanes of this holye Sacrament being al one then of the priest which geueth thee this Sacrament whereof be manye And in doing thus both thy soule shal-be better prouided for and thou remaine more secure not to fal into suche inconueniences as others haue incurred by too indiscretly addicted them-selues to these their chosen Confessours This being thus presupposed thou maiest discuise thy conscience in maner folowing Concerning thoughts If thou haste had any dishonest vncleane vaine and vnprofitable thoughtes and therein spent the time or any rashe judgementes or suspitions or lewd affections and desires Touching wordes of blasphemous speeches othes lyes murmuringes detractions contentious proude ireful and idle wordes For deedes looke if thou haste done any outwarde worke of sinne which is against any of the cōmaundements About omissions here maiest thou accuse thy selfe of hauing lefte vndone some such workes as thou oughtest to haue done as not to haue heard Masse prayed and receaued the holye Sacrament with such other like good workes or at least to haue done them faintlye and with smal deuotion And if at some time it happen so that thou foundest not thy conscience giltie of any particuler crime whereot thou mightest 〈◊〉 accuse thee then maiest thou confesse thee of certaine general pointes wherin moste commonly at be they neuer so spiritual do faile as not to haue loued God so intierly as thou oughtest of vnthankfulnes for his diuine benefites of smal charitie towardes thy neighbours of to great loue thou bearest to worldly things and to thy selfe wherby thou seekest thine owne profite more carefullye then neede requineth of an ouer weening of thy selfe wherby thou reputest thee to be better then others and desirest to be respected and reuerenced of them of to curious a desire to knowe many matters that profite not nor apperteine vnto thee yea sometimes do greatly harme and hinder thee of not hauing made due resistance against such tentations as assault thee not to haue sied and shunned the occasions of offending nor to haue had such diligent watche and warde ouer thy outward and inward senses as behoued of vnprofitable speeches and thoughtes of euil employing the time wherin thou mightest haue done great good of hauing bene negligent in many such workes as thou wert bound to doo and in those workes thou doest not to haue that puritie and right intention thou art bound to haue sithens thou doest them not purely for Gods sake alone but for some other vain respects and so in euery thing to haue bene moste imperfect not answering nor obeying to suche diuine inspirations as thou feelest in thee nor being constant in such purposes as thou haste already enterprised In these and such like other defectes examining thy selfe wel thou shalt finde thy want imperfectiō wherof or at least som part it is very commendable to confesse thee at such time as thou haste not fallen into any greater giltes But in any waves howsoeuer it is meete thou accuse thee of these and suche like defaultes at least once in a moneth not belecuing them for al that to be mortal sinnes but rather vemal and imperfections This doo I adde because there be some of timorous conscience through the often frequēting of confession that are manye times troubled with diuers scruples which annoye and hinder greatlye their proceeding in spiritual life and exercise who the best remedie they can vse in this case is not to credite that their timorous conscience shal tel them ne ween any thing to be a mortal or deadly sinne which is not against the cōmaundements of God or of the Church our holye mother And to take away rid them quite of the toile and perplexitie which these scruples are wont to bring thē in the soundest counsaile for such to folowe is to let them selues be gouerned by their discrete Confessours and to obey thē in al thinges al-be-it that which they commaunde them shal seeme flat contrary to that their own consciences telleth them aud this waies no doubt but they shal receaue a great deale more helpe and
and verye hardlye can be broken wherto may that saying of the psalmist be fitly applied Blessed is he that shal breaze his 〈◊〉 ones to Wit the beginning of his tentations with the stone which is Iesus Christ. But if in case through thy retchlesnes and smal regard these temptatiōs had made a breache and were alredie fortified in thy fleshe and thou therby in daunger to consent and yeelde vnto them let this be then THE THIRD remedie to crye amaine vpon God with great zeale and affection like as they doo which in the maine Seas are sodainly endangered with some horrible tempest crauing his diuine helpe with certain short and pithie sentences like to these Deus in adiutorium meū intende c. Domine vim patior responde pro me Domine ne discedas a me Ne tradaes 〈◊〉 animā confitentem tibi Iesu fili Dauid miserete mei With these and suche like woordes maiest thou cal for his diuine fauour It shal likewise verye much auaile thee to recommend thy selfe to our blessed Lady and to the holy Saintes of heauen specially such as thou bearest moste deuotion too yea and to seeke some vertuous man if haplye in that instant thou couldest hit of any who with his godly exhortations good prayers might not a litle procure thine auaile and benefite THE FOVRTH remedie in this case shal be to geue some affliction to thy fleshe by fasting watching disciplin yea and in the time of daunger to cause some sensible and present grief that thereby the stinges thou feelest may be choked vp and thou made forget those vnlawful delightes thou art prouoked too This remedie did Saint Benet vse feeling some fire in his fleshe through the thinking of a woman who stripping off his cloathes rowled him-selfe starke naked vppon thornes and weltered sō longe there til his bodye became al of a goare bloud and so vanquished his tentation THE FIFTE Remedie is eftsons to thinke of death forsomuche as no one thing sayth Saint Gregorie is of so great force to dompt the desires and concupiscences of the flesh as to thinke of the vgglines and filth therof being once dead This remedy did a holy father vse of whom we reade in the liues of Saintes that being much disquieted with wicked suggestions towardes a woman who he had earst knowen in the worlde and finding no meanes how to ridde the same out of his minde it hapned on a time that a frende of his being come to visite him amongst other thinges tolde howe such a woman was departed This good father hearing him and being wel informed where she was interred got him thither on a night where opening the sepulohre that the deade corpes did lye in and finding it now rotten and stinking very filthely foiled a handkerchefe he had for the nonst brought with him in this carianly filth and therewith returned home againe to his lodging afterwardes when either this or any other woman came to his minde he presently tooke this cloth and al to be-smothred his face with al saying Glutt thy selfe thou 〈◊〉 wretche glutt thy selfe with this filthie sauour of stinking fleshe and by this meanes was ridd of this tentation THE SIXT remedie and that a verye soueraine one especially for religious men to subdue both these and other their temptations with is presently to reueale their thoughtes to their superiours and ghostly fathers this being a thing that wonderfullye displeaseth the deuil and that causeth him to flye with vtter confusion like as a man would do if the woman he solicited to lewdnes should forthwith discouer his dishonest sutes vnto her husband This counsaile did a holye father geue to a yonge man greeued with this temptation who folowing the same and feeling on a night this conflict ranne diuers times to this his ghostlye father returning euermore as his temptation retourned and declared to him what he felt and suffred seriously recommending him-selfe to his good prayers and by this meanes what through the good wordes his ghostlye father gaue him and the godly consolations he encouraged him with it pleased God to perfectly deliuer him These particuler remedies together with the general spoken of in the former Chapter maye greatly helpe to defend thee against this sinn And yet besides those common considerations there assigned thou maiest take for a seuēth remedie others that serue more particulerly against this sin as might be the aduises folowing FIRST consider howe God doth looke vpon thee and thy gardian good Angel beholdeth al thine actions that by this means thou be ashamed to perpetrate so dishonest an act in their celestial sight and presence sith before any neuer so simple a mā thou wouldest not be so impudent and shamelesse as to cōmit the 〈◊〉 SECONDLY consider howe thy soule is with this vice moste notoriously polluted yea thy fleshe it selfe and al thy members which whiles thou perseuerest in grace are the temple of the holy ghost become nowe through this sinne the members of an harlot as S. Paule saith and from a companion and felowe of Angels which thou art liuing in chastitie thou makest thy self a pheere and felowe to brute beastes by liuing dishonestly THIRDLY consider the particuler dis-commodities that rise of this detestable stinking sin first it shortneth life impaireth strength chāgeth complexiō and comly hew of body consumeth a mans substance and spoileth him of his good name sith there is no sin so infamous amongst al men as this is Briefely this vice occasioneth an infinite number of other euils which dayly experience 〈◊〉 declare and teache vs. 〈◊〉 consider that albeit thou wouldest neuer so faine wallow stil in this pestiferous puddle of sin and desire neuer so greatlye to satiate this corrupt desire of thine yet shal it be impossible for thee so to doo this being one of the thinges that is neuer satiated And therefore looke how much more thou wadest in this vice so much more shal the thirst of concupiscēce be inflamed euē like to fire the which looke howe much more wood there is heaped on it and so much more doth it kindle and the flame growe greater Al these things if thou weigh them wel and often shal suffice I hope to make thee abhorre this brutal sinne and cause thee couragiously to resist al such tentations as shal induce thee to it REMEDIES against the seconde sinne of the flesh which is 〈◊〉 ¶ Cap. 20. THE second sinne of the flesh is Gluttony a great frend and fostrer of lasciuiousnes sith when the panch is puffed vp and the fleshe too delicately fedd this fire is quickly kindled and a man falleth easily into the filth of lecherie according as the scriptures doo in sundry places admonish vs It behoueth thee therfore to be armed at al assayes against this vice which is the dore entrance of many others and of the
this aunswer From that time quoth he that I was first made a monke I determined with my selfe neuer to let any anger issue out of my mouth but to mortifie and burye it within me and for this cause is it the deuils doo so greatly dreade me So maiest thou wel hope they wil doo to thee if thou indeuour thy selfe to doo the same that he did Beware also the Sunne doo neuer go downe vppon thine anger according as S Paul admonisheth that is to say that thou expel it quicklye and suffer it not longe to soiourne in thy soule for so might it turn into hatred become more daungerous and harder to be healed We reade howe the Abbot Agatho was wont to saye Neuer would I quoth he sleepe being offended with any man neither haue I suffred as much as laye in me that any other man should sleepe that was offended with me but went about forthwith to make attonement both in my selfe and others Indeuor thou to doo the like as occasion may geue thee leaue These Remedies maiest thou at such time principally put in vre whō thou perceauest thy selfe offended towardes others But if thou contrari-wise see an-other offended and angry with thee then frame thy selfe to doo one of these two things either couertly in the best maner thou canst to winde thy selfe out of his companye that is angrye vntil the wrath he hath conceaued be worne ouer or els wanting oportunitie to doo thus force thee to ouercome euil with good according to the Apostles counsaile seeking to appease him with some faire and humble speeches sith as the wise man saith A milde aunswere asswageth anger and harde speeches kindle furye and rage But if thou shouldest want meanes to doo either of these take such order at least wise as to be silent whiles thou seest him in these freatting fumes and in thy heart to praye to God for him for that as S. Gregory saith It is a great deale more glorious to shun ne wrath by silence then to subdue it by aunswering LASTLY note that if the anger or impatience whiche thou feelest in thee proceede not of any iniurie or wronge done to thee by any person but through the aduersities and tribulations that befal thee in this life then shal it be a very good Remedie to remember the examples of such perfect and holy men as haue endured with great patience farre greater tribulations and calamities thē thine be Remember that inuincible patience of Iob who with so stoute a courage susteined so many losses so many sores such infinite number of griefes corseys hart-breakes as happened to him in one instant Neither did he amongst al these millions of miseries once droope or shewe by worde or deede any signe of blame-worthy impatience as the holy scripture testifieth Thinke also of that holye man Tobias his rare patience who in his blindnes pouertie and al his other annoyes had continually a constant minde and conformable to the wil of god Consider also that mildnes and meruailous patience of the holy prophet Moises whom not al the continual troubles and murmuringes of that ingrateful people which he had brought out of Egipt could suffice to disquiet or moue to anger The like patiēce and mildnes maiest thou note in that holy king Dauid amongst al the manifolde persecutions and afflictions he suffred through the whole course perrode of his life The same constācie and patient minde shalt thou in like maner find by discoursing many other of the holy prophetes and perfect mens liues of the old Testament and much more exactly in the newe sith we reade in S. Luke touching the Apostles how they being by decree and counsail of the Pharises bett and outragiously iniured they abidd and passed ouer al with great gladnes as being thought woorthy to suffer these contemptes for the name of IESVS And not onely these but innumerable other tormentes did they suffer with like constancie cheerfulnes shedding their bloud and losing their liues for loue of the same lord And after them did in like maner manye thousande thousandes of martirs whom thou maiest also vnbethinke thee of But aboue al cal to minde and pause for the nonst to poder that meruailous and incomparable patience of the holy of al holies our Sauiour Redeemer Iesus Christe who suffered much more persecutions paines reproches villanies griefs tormentes in al his life time with farre greater constancie and meeknes then any other conformablye to that the prophete Esay foretolde that he should stand domme euen like a Lambe before the Shearer And S. Peter saith how being railed vpō and reuiled by others he gaue no cuil words at al in suffering so greeuous tormentes did not threaten those that with such barbarous crueltie tormented him yea in recompence prayed to his euerlasting father for them If thou propounde these thinges with th' other examples before thine eyes al thy tribulations aduersities and persecutions what-soeuer shal seem but very smal and easie to thee and thou be animated and encouraged to endure al very patiently THOV maiest also in this case applye an-other remedie by considering the great commoditie thou shalt reape by these tentations and tribulations which thou suffiest This cōsideration as S. Gregory affirmeth doth mittigate the force of the whip and scourge Thinke therefore that like as gold is with fire fined in the fornace so shal thy soule be purged with the fire of tribulations And that for this cause God doth send thē to thee as a father that loueth thee dearly by chastising thee as a son he doth purge purifie thee wheras if thou lackest this discipline his holy rod of correctiō thou shouldest this title and name of sonne Beleeue furthermore that the stones which are to be laide in the celeslial Icrusalem must first be hewen here with many blowes of tribulations paines and persecutions for aboue in those heauenlye boures there shal-be no noyse of hammers to witt no dolours or wailinges no toiles nor tentations at al but an endlesse ioye and happy quietnes Beleeue like-wise that if as S Paule faith thou be a companion of Christ in this life in his passions and tribulations thou shalt in the next life be a companion of his ioyes and consolations And if thou suffer with him in this worlde thou shalt afterwardes reigne with him euerlastingly in th' other world And if here thou beest a litle afflicted and grecued sith the afflicted of this short life are but short and smal thou shalt afterwardes 〈◊〉 in heuen with a glorious 〈◊〉 ioye as S. Peter promiseth thee Al these thinges if thou consider them wel as the holye Saintes aforetime haue pondered and considered them thou wilt not onely abide patientlye these thy present tribulations but yeeld moste hartie thankes to that Lorde who with so singuler loue
to waxe colde in good works fixe thine eye vpon those feet so cruelly nailed to the crosse which were neuer weried with wandring and seeking for thy wel-fare Finally in this thy Lorde and Sauiour thus crucified if thou seek in time to him thou shalt finde sufficient remedies against al kind of temptations wherwith in this life thou maiest be anye wayes assailed It resteth now to admonishe thee of one only thing touching this matter that whē at any time thou shouldest either with this or any other of the fore-saide remedies repulse thine enemie and resist his suggestions yet must thou not thinke thy selfe secure as though the battel were ended and the fielde fully fought and wonne sith this is the propertie of the diuel when he is ouercome in one temptation to arme him-selfe forth-with and to make preparation for an-other like as he did to our Sauiour in the wildernes whom when he could not one wayes ouercome he assailed and set vppon an-other waies And therfore albeit thou ween thy selfe to be at some rest and findest the fiende to haue taken truce with thee for a while after he is vanquished yet beware thou trust not too much to him for when thou suspectest least then wil he returne to make a fresh assault to molest thee with newe temptations and if he thē happ to finde thee vnarmed and vnprouided of meanes to encounter and withstand him easily wil he subdue and conquere thee and the aduauntage which thou hadst before woon honorably he wil then make thee lose dishonestlye Take heede therfore thou neuer lay thy weapons aside but alwayes be prouided and in readines for the combat neither be thou tired with his importunate infestations wherby he for the moste part ouercommeth those that waxe wery to with-stand him but like as he is importunate in tempting thee be thou importunate and constant in resisting him and by this meanes shal thy crowne be so much the more riche and pretious as the temptations which by Gods helpe thou ouercommest be more irksome and importunate WHAT a good Christian ought to doo when he falleth sicke and draweth nigh the houre of death ¶ Cap. 27. AL SVCH thinges as I haue hitherto intreated of wil helpe thee during the time it pleaseth God to graunt thee health and strength of bodye But because this temporal life of ours is subiect to many infirmities and in th' ende no remedie but al of vs must needes once dye according to God his good ordinance and appoyntmēt I haue for this cause thought good in this Chapter to adde certain aduises and instructions to teache thee the better howe to gouerne thy selfe both in time of sicknes and in the houre of death Neither oughtest thou with worse wil to reade these nor with lesse diligence to execute them in their time then the former Neuertheles these aduises shal principallye profite those that in their health did employ their time in such exercises as haue beene heretofore spoken of in this litle Treatise preparing them-selues continuallye to death as al good and faithful christiā people are bound to doo For such as prolonge their properation and conuersion vntil the houre of death hauing liued loosly and without the feare of God al the time of their health albeit they be not to dispaire but to make the best shift they can for their poore soules in the smal time that is left behinde yet are they in great daunger no doubt and in a verye perillous estate these being they whose saluatiō S. Austin doubteth of Let vs therefore as S. Paule fore-warneth vs doo wel whiles we haue time continually watching and preparing our selues to death according to our Sauiours counsaile sith we neither wott the day nor houre therof Neuerthelesse when thou suspectest that houre to be alreadye come then oughtest thou to be more curious and careful in thy preperation THE FIRST aduise therfore whiche in this matter thou shalt take let be this that so soone as euer thou fallest sicke albeit the sicknes seem not greatly daungerous to be careful for phisiking thy soule first before thy bodye and therfore take order that thy spiritual phisitiō come to purge thy soul by confession eyther before or assoone as the other to cure thy body by potion and expect not til the bodily phisition doo bidd thee to doo thus as he is bound to doo if he desire to obeye that the sacred Canons doo commaunde him Where this moste true sentence is also written that God doth many times sende sicknes of bodye for the sinnes of the soule And therefore it maye be that the cause once ceassing to witt sinnes the effect shal also ceasse to witt sicknes NOWE if hauing vsed this remedie of confession thy sicknes doo stil continue then take this for a second aduise to accept it with a cheerful willing minde as a gift which thy heauenly father hath for thy soules health with singuler loue sent to thee offring vp thy selfe to suffer for his sake what-soeuer his diuine prouidence shal ordeine and laye vppon thee and see thou purpose fully in al thinges to conforme thy self wholly to his moste holye wil. But because mans frailtie is great and feeling the gripes of greeuous and painful sicknes it shal-be a very hard matter to haue that patience and conformitie to his diuine wil which were meete and requisite for to haue LET THIS be therefore the third aduise to make thy humble prayers to God for the obteining of such graces as thou wantest and he know eth to be needful for thee Procure like-wise that others praye for thee folowing therin S. 〈◊〉 the Apostles counsaile who saith If any man amongst you finde him-selfe sicke let him cause the priests to come that they may pray for him And wel maiest thou hope that their prayers made with fayth shal-be no smal helpe to mittigate thy pains grieuous sicknes THE FOVRTH aduise is that as in thy health either thou diddest or at least wise oughtest to haue endeuoured thy selfe to edifye and geue good example to those thou diddest conuerse withal that nowe in time of sicknes thou be careful to doo the same obeying those that keepe thee taking willingly the medicines and what-soeuer for thy health shal-be geucn thee be it neuer so lothsome and painful to thee In like maner to shewe none anger or impatience in thy speeche especially to such as attend vpon thee and to geue gratious aunsweres to those that visite thee not complayning too much of the pain thou feelest but recommending thy selfe in humble and lowly wise to their good deuotions And so in al other thinges art thou with suche good discretion and mildnes to gouerne thy selfe as al those that see thee or deal with thee may be wel edified by thee and consequently take greter compassiō of thy griefes and help thee more willingly
the last Sacrament of Extreme Vnction or anneling with holy oyle and this thou must indeuour thy self to receaue with great faith and deuotion and hauing once receaued it then to make a protestation of the Catholike faith if thou canst it by heart if not to let it be read vnto thee wherin thou protestest to liue and dye beeleeuing and confessing al that our holy mother the Catholike Apostolike and Roman Church confesseth and belecueth And therefore oughtest thou not to driue off the receauing of this last Sacrament vntil the very latter ende as some verye indiscretly doo to th' ende thou maiest be of sound iudgement and haue perfect vse of reason to receaue it deuoutly and to make the foresaid protestation sincerely and aduisedly THE LAST aduise which I haue to geue in this matter is that hauing alreadie performed what hath beene tolde and taught thee in this chapter thou prepare thy selfe to attend the last conflict which is yet behinde in the houre of thy departure arming thy selfe against such temptations as are wont then commonly to assaile vs And to th' ende thou maiest the more manfully resist and vanquishe them and by vanquishing attain the crowne of conquest it shal not be amisse to tel thee before-hand with what temptations the fiends doo ordinarily disquiet the soule at her departure according as we are informed by the holy Doctours that haue writtē vpon this matter See therfore thou mark wel what I shal hereof tel thee in the Chapter next ensuing OF THE tentations that are commonly felt in the houre of death and of the Remedies against the same ¶ Cap. 28. THERE be many anguishes and anieties which the soule doth commonly feele in the perillous trans hour of death this being the moste terrible thing that can happ vnto vs in this life sith at that time the soule doth suffer on euery side and which waye soeuer it turneth doth finde great cause of corsey and extreame annoye First it suffreth in respect of the body frō which it parteth with no smal pain it suffreth like-wise in parting from the temporal thinges which it leaueth here behind and looke howe much more they were in life time loued of it and so much more doo they in that houre of death torment it It suffreth through the great dreade it hath of the straite accompt which it knoweth wel must forth-with be passed to the dreadful Iudge of euerye thing it hath done in al her life time It suffreth through the horrible vision of the deuils which in that houre appere the sight wherof is an intollerable tormēt And much more doth it suffer through the grieuous and bitter assaultes wher-with in that houre they farre more fiercelye set vpon it then euer they did tofore For like as towardes the ende of the world and time of general iudgemēt the prince of darknes shal more terribly and with greater rage and furye assault mankinde as he knoweth better howe smal a time is then remayning for him to doo the same and to infest it any longer In like maner doo the deuils nowe behaue them-selues towardes suche as be at the point of death against whē they bend al their might and maine al their sleightes and subtilties whatsoeuer sith they knowe wel that if the soule in that last houre doo escape their dreadful clookes they lose what they pretended to gaine al her life time in this world for so doo the Doctors commonly saye vpon the sentence of the Apocalips That the deuil descendeth with great rage woting wel that he hath but a smal time left So that the anxietie and bitternes of that houre shal-be so great as no man by wordes can sufficientlye exaggerate And this doo we plainlye see by an example that S. Iohn Climacus reporteth to haue happed in his time to a religious man whom he both saw and knew and saith how this mā hauing liued some-what looselve in his monasterie came on a time to the very poynt of death and then was in such sort rauished in spirite as he saw the dreadful rigour and such thinges as passe in the time of judgement and doome of euery soule and afterwardes comming to him-selfe again hauing through God his diuine and special dispensation obteined a time of penance this holy man saith how the said monke prayed al those that were there present with him amongest whom was the same Iohn Climacus that they would al of thē depart out of his sel wherein he afterwardes remained al alone vntil the houre of his death which was for the space of xij yeres after without going out at any time speaking worde to any man or receauing al that time any other foode then bread and water but continually sitting in this his sel like a man astonished and besides him-selse and hauing his eyes fixed stil in one place he perpetually reuolued in his mind the things which he sawe in his extasie or rauishment and with the memory therof bedewed his cheekes dayly with streames of bitter teares And in this maner did he continue til the houre of his death at what time the saide Iohn Climacus with al the other religious men that liued there-aboutes in the wildernes came to visite him who breaking downe the doore of his sel which he had walled vp and being entred in they al desired him to geue them some good word of edification before his departure to whē he replied this onely I tel you truely fathers quoth he if men wist wel howe dreadful this last transe of death and howe rigorous the sentence of diuine indgement were they durst neuer offend God nor transgresse his moste holy commaundementes Sith therfore it is so we ought eftsons to forethinke this houre and to arme and prepare our selues at al assaies for this so perillous a season Albeit wel may we hope in that most faithful God our Lorde that he wil not permitt vs as S. Paul saith to be tempted aboue our strength and that the Angels shal-be no lesse careful especially euery mans Gardian to succoure and helpe in that houre of such extreme necessitie then the deuils busie to assault and ouerthrowe vs It shal-be notwithstanding greatly profitable as I saye for eche one to fore-thinke in time the suggestions and temptations that shal in that houre be propounded them as also the remedies and wepons to defende and releeue them with that so they may more securely escape so great a peril and gaine the crowne prepared for the valiant conquerour It is therefore to be noted howe THE FIRST and principal temptation wher-with the fiends are wont in that houre to infest those that are redie to geue vp their ghost is of fayth according as S. Ambrose testifieth which is the foundation of al spiritual building that the principal foundation once failing al the whole frame may fal to ruine Their drift is therfore to intrap a man in some
errour of beliefe especially touching those articles wherwith otherwhiles in life time they assailed foūd him som-what feeble To which tēptatiō thou canst not resist better then as I told thee heretofore in the. 26. Chapter to wit by despising it scorning the deuil and not regarding to solute his reasons But if of force thou must needes aunswer som-thing let it be this I beleeue firmely what our holy mother the Churche beleeueth and that which the holy Apostles Martirs and Confessours haue beleued and taught whose faith and doctrine 〈◊〉 God whom none can deceaue hath confirmed with innumerable miracles and for the confession wherof hath so much bloud of Martirs been spilt of whose holines no man can iustly doubt Sticke fast to this aunswere and care not to satisfie his other obiections demaunds which he may propound to thee about this matter and no doubt but by thus behauing thy self thou shalt remain a Conquerour and gain the goale thou striuest for Thus reade we of a seely simple man albeit in this point wise and considerate ynough who in a much like matter de meaned him-self in like maner This good man being in conflict with the fiende shaped him this aunswer touching an importunate adoo he made to know his beliefe I beleeue quoth he al that our holy mother the Churche beleeueth Why quoth the diuel And what is that your holye mother the Church beleueth She beleeueth quoth the good man that which I beleue And what beleeuest thou reiterated he the other repeting his former answer I beleue quoth he what our holye mother the Church beleeueth Neither could the diuel albeit he questioned neuer so importunatelye about this point driue him from this his first answer and so gained he the victorie and put his foe to flight and shameful ignominie In like maner maiest thou doo if thou vse the same means of resisting this tentatiō THE SECOND suggestiō wher-with the wicked spirits are wont to molest vs in this houre is of blasphemic persuading those that are nowe at point of death to beleue or think some indecent vnseemly thing of our bles sed L. God or of his holy SS With this temptation Eusebius S. Ieroms Disciple was greeuouslye infested Hereto maiest thou resist by retorting the blasphemie vpon the Diuel him-selfe that propoundeth it in this maner I am more then assured that my Lorde God is infinitely good and woorthy of al soueraine praise and lcue and that al his holy Saintes are most perfect and replenished with al vertue and thou most wicked fiende by going about to persuade me these blasphemies bewrasest plainly thy peruerse spirite pufe vp with al impietie malice falshood and deceipt and ther by most woorthy to be of eche one despised accursed and abhorred And then turning thine eyes to thy most mild sweet maker force thy selfe to powre out of thy heart right humble blessings and praises in the best wise thou canst vnto him and by howe muche the more the detestable deceauer shal infest thee with these his abhominable and beastly blasphemies by so much the more be thou diligent and attentiue to yeeld laudes and praises to his moste holy name THE THIRD temptation wherewith the deuils doo tempt such as lye a dying especially if they haue beene great offenders is dispaire For like as in time of health they litle rought of their sinnes and through the infinit number of Gods mercies and hope to doo penance at their latter ende made smal accompt therof so in that houre of death doo their sinnes seeme more greeuous and gretlye aggrauated to them by considering the rigor of diuine iustce wherto yt belongeth not to suffer any one sinne vnsifted and vnpunished and then is it the deuils persuade and make them beleeue that their contrition in that present houre is of no force and value as proceeding of seruile and slauish feare They like-wise in that houre represent al the enormous crimes a man hath committed al his life time as also the good he might haue done and by his negligence hath omitted and howe he neuer confessed many of his sinnes or at least wise imperfectlye and with lesse sorowe then he ought to haue done In this wise doo they so girde and gripe many heinous sinners as no doubt but a great number be by that meanes driuen to desperation This is one of the most terrible vexations wher-with such as haue wallowed securely in their sinnes are in this time assailed and is in very deed so violent and hard to be withstood as if the ineffable mercy of God did not geue special assistance and ayde in that houre very few could eschew and ouercome the same The remedie to releeue thee with is to humble thy selfe in the sight of God and to inuocate his diuine clemencie calling to minde the Passion of thy blessed and benigne Redeemer our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe whose moste bitter griefes torments and woundes thou must offer vp to his eternal father for al thy sinnes what-soeuer saying I knowe my Lorde and moste gratious God that albeit my sinnes be great enormous and innumerable yet is the satisfaction which thy moste obedient sonne my Sauiour Iesus Christe hath geuen thee both for these of mine and of al the whole world farre greater more pretious and more infinite I knowe like-wise that thine incomprehensible mercie and pietie doth farre surpasse al my miserie and impietie and therefore wil I not dispaire as Cain and Iudas did especially knowing howe this should be to adde a greater offence to my former trespasses sith dispaire is that which moste of al displeaseth dishonoureth and offendeth thee yea rather wil I hope in the multitude of thy mercies which thou haste vsed towardes other most vnworthy sinners and sure I am that thine eternal truth and infallible worde neither can ne wil euer deceaue whereby thou haste promised to pardon and receaue such as hope in thee calvpon thy mercy and vnfainedly turne to thee being contrite and sorowful for their sinnes as I am nowe This is the anker wher-vnto thou must cleaue fast and neuer to forsake thy holde albeit the deuils doo what they may to drowne thee as is aforesaid THE FOVRTH temptatiō is quite opposite and contrary to the former This being a rash and fond securitie and ouer-weening a man hath in his owne innocencie for that as Cassian saith when the wilye and coonning fiende can-not induce a man to that excessiue feare and pusilanimitie he thought to haue done and so to haue driuen him downe to desperation then doth he craftilye goe about to post him ouer to the other extreame by drawing him to a daungerous securitie and blind delite and pleasing of him-selfe counterfeiting falslye with him how he hath fought manfullye and wel prepared him-selfe to death and howe he is greatly bounde to God for so many his giftes moste plentifully bestowed vpon him
goods either priuily or pertly against the owners wil as also ech other vnlawful seasing or with-holding of others substance be it by stealth violence or any fraude and legerdemain or els by vsurie or some kind of other vnlawful bargaine whereby our neighbour is defrauded and suffreth some losse and hinderance It foloweth therfore that who so in their trades and traffiques vse not equitie and vpright dealing offend against this precept Such also as discharge not their Creditours hauing meanes to pay them or that find any lost thing and restore it not either to the true owner or to the poore the owner being not extant if haply such thinges were not reputed as geuen ouer and voluntarily abēdoned of the owner Finally al fraude deceipt and tretcherie whereby our neighboures goodes is damnified to whom our Sauiour and Lorde wil haue vs to beare great loue and charitie and not to doo other-wise to them then willingly we would that they should do to vs yea that we doo them the good which they maye conuenientlye require and we likewise performe towardes them Who so faileth in anye of these thinges aforesaid doth break and violate this commaundement IN THE eight precept is al such harme forbidden as through our speeche and wordes may be procured to our neighbours as might be principally in bearing false witnes against them in place of iudgement or in speaking suche wordes out of iudgement as might eyther blemishe or quite ouerthrowe our neighbours credite and good name In like maner to reueale suche imperfections and faultes as we knowe by others to them that knowe them not not wherby they are either defamed or els made lesse accompt of especially when such thinges are reuealed with wicked intent and to those that can by no meanes redresse them By this precept is like-wise forbidden al detractions murmuringes speaking euil slaundering of others al scoffing taunting and telling of lies albeit without harme or any preiudice to our neighbours Finally we must beware of speaking or saying anye thing whereby anye harme might any wayes ensue THE NINTH precept is as a declaration of the seuenth thereby to notifie vnto vs the better what charitie God wil haue vs to vse towardes our neighbours and howe farre we ought to be from doing them anye euil being not onely forbidden to take their goodes by outward means from them but also not to desire inwardly in our heartes any vnlawful vsurpation of them And like as the desire and coueting of these thinges is prohibited vs euen so are wee to witt that eche other deliberate wil and desire of any thing what-soeuer that may be preiudicial to our neighbour is vtterly forbidden vs. THE TENTH precept is as a declaration of the sixt to doo vs the better to vnderstand what puritie of heart our Lord requireth of vs wherby we ought not onely to beware of committing aduoultrie fornication or any other carnal act as was abouesaid in the sixt but also not to haue any concupiscence or desire with determinate consent which suffiseth without committing any outwarde act to soile our soules and to procure the losse of Gods diuine grace and fauour towards vs This briefe declaration of these tenne commaundementes shal geue thee some light aswel to know the better how to keepe them as also to vnderstand howe to make thy confession better when haply thou mightest haue trespassed against any of these preceptes Note moreouer that al these tenne commaundementes are according to our Sauiors doctrine reduced vnto two of charitie towardes God and towardes our neighbour sithens who so loueth God sincerely performeth duely the three preceptes of the first table perteyning to Gods honour and who so loueth his neighbor with that sinceritie he doth him-selfe wil not faile in the seuen preceptes of the second table which instruct eche one howe to gouerne thē-selues towards their neighbours OVR LORDES praver which Christ him-selfe made instructing thereby both his disciples and al vs howe we ought to pray and aske for al necessary thinges as-wel for our soules as bodies and this in seucn petitions conteined in thi prayer PATER noster qui es in coelis 1. Sanctificetur nomen tuum 2. Adueniat Regnum tuum 3. Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo in terra 4. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie 5. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris 6. Et ne nos inducas in temptationem 7. Sed libera nos à malo Amen OVR Father which art in heauen 1. Hallowed be thy name 2. Thy kingdome come 3. Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen 4. Geue vs this day our dayly bread 5. And forgeue vs our trespasses as we 〈◊〉 them that trespasse against vs. 6. And leade vs not into temptation 7. But deliuer vs from euil Amen A DECLARATION of the Pater noster ¶ Cap. 32. THIS prayer is of al other the most holy and most excellent as-wel in respect of the maker Iesus Christe our Lorde and Sauior as also for that vnder so smal a compasse is taught vs howe we are to aske al that is needful for our souls and bodies and is deuided into a preface or proeme and seuen petitions THE preface is Our Father which art in heauen fitt wordes to stirre vp such attention and deuotion as is meete to say this prayer withal for hereby are we put in minde how we speake to the moste high and Omnipotent God whom we cal father for twoo causes first by creation hauing created vs as he did al other creatures next by adoption sith through Iesus Christe his onely natural sonne he hath receaued al those that beleeue in his holy name for his children adoptiue and this word Our Father doth vs to witt what honor obedience and loue we are bound to beare towardes such a father as also what charitie we ought to haue amongst our selues being al brethren and children of one self-same Father These wordes Which art in heauen warne vs to lift vp our heartes and desires to heauen where our father is and howe we must liue here not like terrestral but celestial Citizens sith our Father is resident aboue in heauen Who is saide to be there for that he appereth there glorious to his elect albeit he be in eche other place in the selfe same substance power and presence THE FIRST petition is Halowed be thy name and is a petition worthy the childrē of such a father sith good childrē the principal care they haue is to seeke and desire whatsoeuer concerneth the reuerence and honour of their Father Euen so doo we in this first petition couet and desire that God our father be halowed and sanctified in vs that is that he be knowē honoured and reuerenced of vs we by his grace performing such works wherby al those that see vs maye prayse and glorifie this our heauenly
iniquities howe may I present my selfe before thee what can I hope for at thy handes but the tormentes due vnto my trespasses What shal it be other to receaue thee then with mine impudencie more hemously to offēd thee what other to eate thee then to eate a iudgement and condemnation for my soule Neuerthelesse Lord albeit my sins astonish me although the greatnes of thy maiestie appal me yet doth thine incomparable mercy which surpasseth al thy workes cause me to haue confidence thine ineffable bountie maketh me to hope and trust in thee thy most benigne clemencie emboldeneth me to appere and present my self before thee for looke how much my miserie and vnwoorthines is greter and so much thy mercy shal shine forth brighter vouchsafing to admitt him to the foode of angels feast who acknowledgeth him-self of al men to be the most vile and wretchedst I remember me O my Comforter of those most sugred wordes which thou spakest wandring vp downe in this worldly pilgrimage and comforting the poore and feeble the wretched and sinne-ful such as I my selfe am the which wordes O Lorde doo in like maner greatly comfort me and geue me courage to creepe and come vnto thee sith this is my fixed fayth that what thou didst thē say thou like-wise sayest nowe and what then thou diddest thou art readie now to doo Thou sayedst Come to me al ye that trauaile and are loden and I wil refresh you Beholde me toiled and troubled with my trespasses who stand great neede and require thy refresshing Thou saiedst that the soun de haue no neede of the phisition but the sicke and feeble and how thou camest not to cal righteous men but sinners and therefore was it publikely spoken of thee howe thou receauedst sinners and diddest eate and drinke with them Al this maketh wel for me and geueth me cause of great trust and consolation sith I knowe my selfe to be sick sinful and more miserable then any man Beholde me therfore ô heauenly phisi tion I offer and exhibite my self here vnto thee to be eured and healed of thee Behold howe I come slarued to thy table desiring to eate of this strong and delicate foode which may geue me true and euerlasting life for hitherto haue I not through soly fed of other then of leekes and garlike and such like grosse meates of Egipt which were my bane and caused my death and ouerthrowe Remember my God remember thy mercies of old time and impart some part therof vnto me for so requireth my great miserie and most lamentable infirmitie The whole multitude as the Gospel telleth desired to touche thee for that such a meruailous vertue as healed al men issued out of thee The blind came and thou gauest them sight the lepers and thou clensedst them from their leprie the possessed with deuils and thou deliueredst them and finally al that were feeble and annoied thou didst cure remedy and comfort with this meruailous vertue that issued out of thee Wherfore seing thy bountiful clemencie is no deale lessened from that it euer was nor the vertue proceeding from thy fleshe which is geuen vs in this holy Sacrament of lesse efficacie thē aforetime no lesse cure and comfort am I nowe to hope for then they did earst receaue Thou lackest nothing my Lorde requisite for my redresse and wel-fare neither art thou scanted of might sith thou art almightie nor of pitie and clemencie being pitiful without stint and measure nor of loue sith thy charitie is infinite Through loue thou vouchsafedst to be borne for vs through loue thou suffredst most cruel torments for vs through loue thou diedst on the roode for vs and through loue thou haste in this most sweete and sauourie Sacrament vouchsafed to geue thy selfe for foode vnto vs Wel may I therfore hope in thee seing I finde thee suche as I could possiblye wishe thee wel may I expect for cure and comfort of thee seing thou art he who can so easily afford it and redresse my greeuous miserie Wherefore my God my sole delight my tresure and whole wel-fare of my soule abandon me not I beseeche thee but vouchsafe with like charitie and clemencie to receaue me nowe as thou receauedst earst those annoyed and feeble folkes that came for redresse vnto thee Be not angrye Lorde that I so vile and wicked a wretche dare presume to come to thee to touche thee and to receaue thee in this most woorthy Sacramēt no more then that the poore woman that suffered the fluxe shoulde touch thee whom thou comfortedst madest ioyful and gratiouslye gauest her the health which shee desired The flux which I suffer through my sinnes is no deal lesse yea much 〈◊〉 daungerous then hers was and therefore haue I more neede to touch thee thou being he alone who canst afford me my desired health and wel-fare If my manisold and grecuous sinns make me vnwoorthy to appere before thee and thine euerlasting fathers face I crye alowde and craue on thee with thy holy prophete saying Looke not vppon me but vppon the face of thine annointed Christe O most merciful father and so wilt thou receaue me and be fauourable vnto me If my detestable pride and hawtines displease thee and that right woorthely looke vpon Christes most reuerend head perced rounde about with pricking thornes for me If my dishonestie and lasciuiousnes haue offended thee beholde that virginal and most holy flesh of Christe al too torne with moste cruel scourges for me If my wicked workes and disordered step deserue correction looke vpō thy Christ his hāds most holy feete fastned with most spiteful nails to the roode for me If the hardnes of my heart prouoke thee to wrath let Christs most tender and louing hart perced with that cruel launce moue thee to take compassion of me Beholde then euerlasting father beholde thy Christ behold that glittering and bright face whereon the Angels couet to fixe their eyes appaled and bespitted on the roode for me regard that vndistained mirrour distained with strokes and filthie fleame for me beholde those eyes fart passing the sunnie beames in beautie and brightnes ecclipsed and darkned with the shadow of death for me Wherfore O Father of mercies and God of al comfort if heretofore the horror of my monstrous crimes haue prouoked thee to punishment let this most woorthy spectacle of thy Christ moue thee to compassion let the loue thou bearest him be of greater force to pardon and forgeue me then the hatred thou bearest towards my sinnes to correct and punish me We reade of king Dauid accomplished with vertues according to thy heartes desire howe he disdained not to cal a deformed criple to his borde for that he was his deere frende Ionathas sonne meaning therby to honour the sonne not for his owne sake but for the merite and woorthines of his father Disdain not thou then O most merciful Father to admitt me a more vnworthy and