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A04766 Ouranognōsia. Heauenly knowledge A manuduction to theologie. Written in Latin by Barthol. Keckerm. done into English by T.V. Mr. of Arts. Keckermann, Bartholomäus, ca. 1571-1608 or 9.; Vicars, Thomas, d. 1638.; Vicars, Thomas, d. 1638. Briefe direction how to examine our selues before we go to the Lords table. 1622 (1622) STC 14896; ESTC S103956 89,591 228

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Systeme of Diuinitie and may serue for a Catechisme of Christianitie WHat is Christian Religion It is that worship and seruice which euery good godly man ought by vertue of bond and obligation to tender vnto God himselfe Wherein is chalked out vnto vs the way as wel of liuing heere honestly as liuing hereafter happily as Augustine saith in his booke of true Religion the first Chapter The onely course of liuing well and happily consists in true Religion whereby we know the onely true God and worship him in holy purenesse For by religion the soule of man which before by sin was separate from God being now reconciled is againe tied and re-vnited to God from whence Religion hath its very name For when we re-lige as it were that is oblige and binde ouer againe our soules vnto God then we empty our selues of all superstitious worship contrary to Gods seruice So saith Lactant. lib. 4. ca. 28. l. 6. c. 1. We are by the tye of Religion bound and obliged vnto God whereupon it is called re-ligion not as Cicero wil haue it of relection but of religation in as much as God doth heereby binde vs ouer to his seruice whom it is our part to serue as our Lord and to obey as our Father For in very deed this is the dutie of man wherein the sum of all and the summitie of a blessed life doth consist This is the very first step in wisdome to know what it is for God truely to be a Father vnto vs and him with all sanctitie to worship and reuere obeying his will and wholy deuoting our selues to his seruice Which be then the principall parts wherin Christian Religion or the speciall actions wherein the worship of God standeth There be three of them 1. The meditation of the word of God and consequently of faith in Christ our Sauiour which is especially comprehended in the word of God to whom wee must referre all in our meditation 2. The vse of the Sacraments instituted by Christ. 3. Inuocation of Gods holy name ioyned with the loue of God and our neighbour Of the formost and last part of Christian religion we haue spoken elsewhere and at another time at this opportunity it is our purpose only to treat of the middle or second Branch of Christian Religion or the seruice of God and therin touching the vse of the principall Sacrament of the new Testament namely the Lords Supper which is called commonly the holy Communion as also the Eucharist that is a most eminent sacrifice of thanksgiuing to Christ our Sauiour Wherein consisteth the true vse and due preparation to the holy Communion In two things to wit in Knowledge and Deuotion Of what sort is that knowledge which appertaineth to our commendable preparation vnto and our lawfull vsing of the holy Communion It is of two sorts Generall and Particular Of how many kindes is our generall knowledge Of two either it is Primary and independant or Secondary and arising from the former How many parts hath the former kind It consists of a double doctrine the one of God the other of Gods Word What is God God is a spirituall essence 1. before all most perfect eternall 2. infinite 3. almighty of incomprehensible wisedom goodnesse 4. mercy 5. Iustice subsisting in three persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost What are we to consider in God Two things the Essence and Person What and of what sort is the Essence of God It is most simple and onely one so that God in regard of his Essence is simply one as the Scripture witnesseth Deuter. 6. vers 4. Heare oh Israel the Lord our God is one God 1. Tim. 2. v. 5. One God and one Mediatour What is the Person It is the maner of being in God whereby Gods Essence is made relatiue and respectiue which relation notwithstanding neither multiplieth the Essence nor diuides it into parts which may in some sort appeare by the degrees of light and heat For in the Sunnes light there are certaine degrees as morning or twilight and noon-light or perfect sunne-shine And yet for all those degrees the light is the same So in heate luke-warm and scalding hote though they make two degrees yet they make vp but one numericall caliditie which in a higher degree is in boyling water now before being in the same water inclining to feruent heat in a lower degree So then that we may apply this instance to our present purpose in some resemblance the Persons of the Deitie or these diuers maners of Gods being do not multiply the diuine essēce no more then the diuers degrees of heate or light do multiply the light or heat so that I speak right whē I say there are mo persons in the diuine essence but it cannot bee vttered without blasphemy to say there are in God more Natures or mo Gods thē one How many persons are there Three the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost which is prooued by manifest Testimonies of holy Writ Matt. 28.19 Goe teach all nations baptizing them in the name so by the authoritie and appoyntment of the Father the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Iohn 15.26 When that Comforter shall come whom I will send to you from the Father euen the Spirit of truth who proceedeth from the Father hee will testifie of me where they are all three plainly named The Father from whome the holy Spirit is sent the Sonne who sendeth and the holy Ghost who is sent 1. Ioh. 5.7 There bee three which beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the Spirit and these three are one in essence or nature How prooue you that these three Persons be that one God First I must haue it granted that these three persons are distinct because he that sendeth is distinguished from him that is sent he frō whō is distinguished frō him that is sent Now Io. c. 15. plainly saith that Christ is hee that sendeth the Holy Ghost him that is sent and the Father from whom the Sonne sendeth the holy Ghost Whence I doe necessarily infer that these three manners of being in God are distinct which being graunted I shall easily prooue this three-fold manner of being or these three Persons in the diuine Essence to be that true God For first as touching the Father the very aduersaries themselues yeeld that he is truely God And touching the Sonne we haue manifest testimonies of the Scripture Rom. 9.5 Of whom namely the Israelites are the fathers of whom Christ came as concerning the flesh who is God aboue all blessed for euer If aboue all therfore aboue those who by reason of their excellent guifts are called Gods That the holy Spirit is God these Sentences of Scripture plainely prooue Acts 5.3 Peter saith to Ananias Why hath Satan filled thy heart that thou shouldest lye against the holy Ghost And presently he addeth v. 4 Thou hast not lyed
that was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Againe Vnto him not that worketh but that belieueth in him which iustifieth the wicked his faith is counted for righteousnesse Luk. 8 Mark 6. saith Christ onely belieue which is all one as if he had said By faith alone thou shalt obtaine euerlasting life So then although these words bee not manifestly extant By faith alone we are iustified yet the sense is manifestly put downe and other words therevnto equiualent are contained in the Scripture for whereas the Apostle saith Rom. 3.28 We conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Law Certainely it is all one as if he said Wee conclude that a man is iustified only by faith for a man must needs be iustified either by faith or by workes a third way none can be able to shew Paul plainely saith to the Galath We know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ. Not By those righteous deeds which wee haue done but by his owne mercy he hath saued vs through the Lauer of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirit Therfore it remaineth that we say that faith alone doth iustifie a man And that no man is iustified by workes and so consequently that our works doe not merit for vs forgiuenesse of sinnes I prooue it by euident testimonies of holy Writ I. Tit. 3.5 Eph. 2.8 By grace are ye saued through faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes lest any should boast Secondly Philip. 3.9 Rom. 3.24 II. We are iustified before we do any works as S. Paul expressely witnesseth of Abraham that before hee had done any good work he was iustified before God Rom. 4.2 where he saith If Abraham had been iustified by workes he had wherein to boast but not with God To him that worketh the wages is not giuen vpon fauour but debt but he that worketh not but belieueth only in him who iustifieth the wicked his faith is imputed vnto him for righteousnes III. Arg. is taken from the proprietie of our works Our works are debts therfore by them can we deserue nothing Antec is confirmed by Luk. 17. When you haue done all that you can do c. 2. Good works are not ours but Gods now by that which is anothers and not our owne wee can merit nothing Antecedent is proued Phil 2.13 God it is who worketh good in you and perfects it Eph. 2.10 We are his workmanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which hee hath prepared that we should walke in them Thirdly our good workes are not perfect therefore wee can merit nothing by them for three things there bee required of him that will merit first that hee hath that by which he will merit of his owne secondly that it be no debt thirdly that that bee perfect which three conditions our good workes haue not as it is said Esay 6. All our righteousnesse is like vnto a menstruous cloath And Philip. 3.8 Paul calleth his workes dung I vnderstand what iustifying faith is now tell mee the cause thereof whereby it is begotten in vs The principall cause whereby sauing faith is ingendred is the holy Spirit the instrumentall cause or meanes is either ordinarie or extraordinarie What is the ordinarie meaner whereby the holy Spirit worketh faith in vs It is twofold namely the Word of God and the Sacraments The Word of God you haue already touched now tell mee what is a Sacrament It is a holy signe instituted of God whereby God maketh the belieuers sure of his fauour the forgiuenesse of their sinnes and other benefits likewise by Christ his passion and death to be bestowed vpon them Of what sorts are the Sacraments Of two sorts Sacraments of the old and new Testament How many Sacraments were there in the old Testament Two to wit Circumcision and the Paschall Lambe How many Sacraments be there in the new Testament Two onely Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord What is Baptisme It is a Sacrament of the new Testament whereby sprinkling of the water in the name of Father Sonne and holy Ghost being made we are initiated grafted into the church and whereby there is sealed vnto the faithfull forgiuenesse of sinnes by the bloud of Christ and regeneration vnto life eternall See more in my Syst. of Diuin pag. 451. and in the Comment on Vrsins Catechisme pag. 429. according to the last Edition What is the Lords Supper This wee shall handle afterward in the opening of our particular knowledge wherewith wee must furnish our selues in regard that the knowledge hereof comes nearest vnto our lawfull and seemely preparing of our selues to the Lords Supper Here onely would be noted that e●rour of the Papists who haue made seuen Sacraments of the new Testament to wit Baptisme Confirmation Pennance the Eucharist Extreeme Vnction Orders and Matrimony But that number of Sacraments is neither vpholden by any testimonie of holy Writ neither is it propped by the authoritie of any of the ancient Fathers but it is a new deuise hatched not aboue 200 yeares agoe in the time of Lombard the Master of the Sentences Besides euery Sacrament should haue a signe and thing signified but Pennance Orders Matrimony haue no signes at all Further yet euery Sacrament hath annexed promise of grace and appertaines to all belieuers in the Church and to conclude it is more then manifest that all Sacraments ought to be instituted by Christ euery of which markes of a Sacrament cannot bee auerred and truly attributed vnto those fiue Sacraments the Papists faine no to none saue Baptisme and the Lords Supper What is the extraordinarie meanes of Faith Miracles which are extraordinarie signes wherby God after a wonderfull manner wrought and confirmed faith in the time of the Primitiue Church And here must be obserued a double error of the Papists First in that they are of opinion that now there is neede of miracles whereas this is onely the vse of Miracles namely to confirme doctrine at the beginning and first setting a broach of it and therefore must cease after the doctrine bee sufficiently confirmed Second errour is in that they thinke that miracles is a marke of the true Church when as euen very Hypocrites oftentimes haue done miracles yea and can doe them Marke 13. v. 22. Luke 21. where it is plainly told vs that toward the ende of the World there shall arise false Prophets which shall worke miracles But 2. Thess. 2. v. 9. is a notable place against the Papists that doe so brag of their miracles The comming of Antichrist is in the power of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders whence it may appeare that before the end of the World to doe many miracles is a marke of Antichrist and the Apostle cals those miracles lying wonders time and long experience testifieth so much for in
wee professe any other Religion then that which they bequeath'd vnto vs and which we wil liue and dye in too We our forefathers customs still obay Doe as they did and follovv their blind vvay Not striuing busily our vvits to approue By searching doubts but rather shevv our loue By louing euen their errours that are gone Or reuerendly belieuing they had none True it is like enough you will doe so whatsoeuer be said to the contrary For as the wise King saith of a foole Bray a foole in a morter and hee will neuer be the wiser The holy Spirit hath branded those people with black who practiz'd that long since which you plead for now So those nations feared the Lord and serued their images too So did their children and their childrens children as did their fathers so doe they vnto this day It was but a Pagans argument to Theodosius the Emperour Seruanda est tot saeculis fides nostra sequendi sunt maiores nostri qui secuti sunt foeliciter suos And the Emperors Letter to the States of Germany assembled at Wormes against Luther sounds and runnes in the same tenour Our predecessours were obedient to the Romish Church and therefore wee cannot without great infamy and staine of honour degenerate from the examples of our elders but will maintaine the ancient Faith and giue ayd to the See of Rome But here first of al we desire no better Aduocate for our selues then Gratian I will set downe his owne words Si consuetudinem fortassis opponas duertendum quod Dominus dicit ego sum via veritas Non dixit ego sum consuetudo sed veritas Et certe vt beati Cypriani vtamur sententia quaelibet consuetudo quantumuis vetusta quantumuis vulgata veritati omnino est postponenda vsus qui veritati contrarius est abolendus Secondly M. Caluins note on the fourth of Iohns Euangell and the 20. Verse is here worth the noting Verae pietatis desertoribus solenne est vt patrocinium sibi ex Patrum exemplis quaerant It 's a very ordinary thing with Sectaries and Apostates from religion to vrge for their doings their Fathers examples Oh ye Apostaticall generation which doe as much as in you lies to resist the Holy Ghost as your Fathers haue done so will you do too But your tame-blind obedience vvell befits Such earth-bred do●eish dull and sluggish vvits But ayerie Spirits acquainted vvith the light VVill not be led by custome from the right No loue no friends no predecessors shall Peruert their iudgements they examine all Your Fathers haue stepp'd awry in some points of doctrine and you hauing once entred their by-paths will needs runne into the desert of errour your Fathers liuing in the stinking ayre of Popery could not choose but be tainted with some infection of Heresie What then Dare you say they died in their pollution Did God reueale vnto you the time the houre of their conuersion Do you not know that God might haue his secret working performed vpon them euen at the very last gaspe Doe you not acknowledge that God can saue such as are not pertinacious in their Heresies euen Inter pontem fontem When there is no sensible hope When there is no sensible hope When their soule is at the pits brinke hee can call it backe againe that the pit shall not shut its mouth vpon it I haue often greatly wondred saith M. D. Luther how that in all the time of that tyrannizing Sect of the sonne of perdition for so many hundreths of yeres together the Church should subsist in the midst of such great darknesse and in the throng of so many errours Afterward I conceiued that there were certaine called of God by the Word of his Gospel and Baptisme who walked in the simplicitie and humilitie of their heart thinking the Monkes only and such as were anointed of Bishops to bee holy men and religious but themselues to bee profane and irreligious and in no wise to bee compared with the other Whereupon finding themselues emptie of all good workes and merits which they might oppose to the displeasure and rigour of Gods iustice they clung close to the passion and death of Christ and so in that simplicitie were saued Neither was this the case of simple ones onely but euen of their deepe Doctors their holy Hermites there sanctified Monkes of whom I may truely say That howsoeuer they liu'd among them yet were they not of them Which assertion though it might haue beene doubted of all their life time their habits and cooles and manner of liuing colouring it out to the world that they were Papists yet the point of death approaching put the matter out of question when for all their regularities and obseruances as Monkish as euer for all their comport and carriage as superstitious as euer for all their meanes and maner of liuing as Popish as euer could bee deuised they will bee found to haue dyed true Protestants casting from them all trust and relyance on their owne works and putting their whole trust and affiance in the mercies of God through Christ Iesus Such was that good Hermit Agatho good in name and in truth good Such was that blessed Saint Bernard the best Monke that euer was Both which on their Death beds to haue renounced themselues vtterly and to haue had recourse onely vnto Christ you may reade in that worthy Author afore cited And I thinke verily saith Luther that Ierome and Gregory and many other Fathers and Hermites were after the same manner saued and the ground of this his thus reasoning is for that wee are not to doubt but that euen in the Old Testament many of the Kings of Israel and other Idolaters likewise were saued for because it pleased God euen in the houre of death to turne their hearts causing them to cast away all their vaine confidence they put in their Idols and to apprehend that promise of God as concerning that seed of Abraham which was to come to wit Christ in whom all the nations of the world should bee blessed Hence proceed our charitable censures of such of your Fathers who liuing in the darkenesse of superstition● could not so well see the way to heauen and to reformation in their life time as their meek hearts could haue wished But as for those obstinate wretches furious spirits branded with the marke of the Beast and therefore firebrands of hell too too heady in the pursuit of errour and too too headstrong in their erroneous opinations as the Lord gaue them vp to a reprobate sense that they should not receiue the loue of the truth and so bee saued and they now fry for it So assure your selues if yee insist in their steps and resist all good admonitions you can neuer flye their punishment For it is iust with God that those which haue beene pares culpa shall be also
tenebris Wee trust and desire to bee tried by the light of Gods Word they put their confidence in darkenes whereupon it is that a thiefe stands not in more feare of the Gallowes then they doe of the Scriptures Wee labour to plant knowledge in all saith the reuerend and my much honoured Lord of Chichester and are desirous that euery man may know the things needfull for his saluation they labour to hold all in ignorance their hope is not in the goodnesse of their cause for they see the ruines of Babylon falling euery day onely their care is to blind you and keepe you ignorant If the light of knowledge might freely shine to the world Popery would soone be ashamed of it selfe saith another worthy in our Ch. And not to bee infinite in this kind M. Anton. de Dominis who was once welcommed by vs from the Tents of Antichrist and is ours still if couetousnesse the root of euill and hypocrisie the colour of good hath not put out both his eyes confesseth in that little booke wherein he expresseth the reason of his departure out of the Ch. of Rome the Prodromus to his larger and more fruitfull labours that this closing vp of the Scripture from the people gaue him occasion to suspect their religion and to feare his estate and to thinke on conuersion freely professing there in these termes Scripturae summa apud nos ignoratio that there is nothing whereof the Papists are more ignorant then of the Scriptures Nay a certaine Bishop of Italy was not ashamed to tel Claudius Espencaeus a famous Pontifician that the learned men of Italy it selfe were afraid to study the holy Scriptures least thereby they should become Heretiques and that therefore they employed themselues in commenting vpon the Popes Law-bookes Decrees and the Decretals the which booke though full of lies contradictions impertinences yet because it is the Popes booke it must be respected whilest the holy Scripture lieth as it were in the streets neglected And therefore to barre their seduced followers vtterly from this godly exercise of reading they beare them in hand that to read the Scripture is very perillous and the cause of erring from the faith Sed execratione ac detestatione dignior est ista vox quam responsione Hiper de quot id lectione S. Script lib. 1. pag. 175. Wicked impostors as if God our heauenly Father who hath made his Will and Testament and hath reuealed it by writing vnto vs his children would not haue it read and vnderstood by vs Blasphemous wretches as if God who can neither bee deceiued nor deceiue causing his holy will to be penned both as touching his owne worship and also as touching the meanes of mans saluation and that so powerfully yet plainly withall that he should seeke hereby to entrap and enfold his glorious Creature Man the Creature of his good-will with the mists of ignorance and errour Farre bee it from the thought of euery good Christian once to thinke that from such a good tree should come such bad fruit that from such a blessed cause should proceed such a disastrous effect that from the light should flow darkenes from the reuerend reading of the Scriptures errors As for their Doings that they also are of darknesse it would if I should particularize them require a large volume But to single out and to instance in one wherein they much resemble their prince of darkenesse the deuill who hath been a murtherer from the beginning Let their cruell and barbarous butchering of so many Saints of God meerely in the matter of Religion let the bloudie stabbing and violent murthering of so good and gracious Kings which shewed themselues like good Ezekias forward and bent to reformation Let the diuell in the Vault who was the contriuer of that matchlesse Treason and the Powder Pioners that should haue beene the Actors of the intended Tragedie let all these speake if they belong not to darknesse if they bee not the sonnes of the night Quo male agit odit lucem Aske the Powder-plotters if they hated not and shunned the shining light least their deeds should haue beene reprooued censured condemned as they were and as it fell out happily to this State and Country by the watchfull eye of his prouidence who is the keeper of our Israel and neuer slumb●rs nor sleepes but is alwayes ready at hand to shend and defend his people whom he hath set his loue vpon euen for his owne mercie and goodnesse sake howbeit we haue by our sinnes deserued to be cassier'd out of his fauour to bee ouertaken with imminent dangers and to be ouerturned with the power and powder the fire and fury of our enemies But euer loued and blessed bee his mercifull goodnesse and patience that he hath not giuen vs ouer as a prey vnto their teeth Their snare was broken and our soule was deliuered O let this mightie and wonderfull deliuerance bee written on the posts of our gates let vs be euer talking of it to our neighbours and friends to our children and strangers that all with ioynt mouth and consent of heart may praise the Lord God of Israel for euer Now I doe from my soule desire that the blindfolded Papists and ignorant Catholiques as they will be termed would but a little consider of these Doings of this Doctrine and then tell me if they be not nuzled in most pernicious heresie and most tyrannically held vnder the very power of darknesse it selfe They that haue but the least spink of ingenuitie will bewray betime and will timely bewayle their woeful estate These to vse the words of the words of the Prophet shall remember one day their wayes and all their doings wherein they haue been defiled and they shall loath themselues in their owne sight for all their euills that they haue committed And they shal know that the Lord is God when hee hath wrought in them this conuersion for his owne Names sake not according to their wicked wayes nor according to their corrupt doings But for the ignorant obstinate obdurate Papist who will not heare and vnderstand and bee conuerted who spurnes at the very motion of Reformation and being settled on his lees groweth bold and impudent in the cause for who so bold as blind Bayard Let him bee ignorant let him be mis●ed let him bee misled still These men shall one day know that there hath beene many Prophets among them who are cleare from the bloud of all men and they shall find that their bloud must rest vpon their owne hard hearts and stiffe-neckes What Sir may some of them say doe you so hastily include vs all in the pit of confusion because wee professe another Religion I tell you truely wee haue as good hope to come to heauen as your selfe Doe wee walke in any other saue in the steps of our forefathers and progenitors Do
pares paena Be partakers of their sinnes you shall certainely be sharers in their punishment O then ye generation of those vipers bee forewarned of the heauy vengeance to come Doe not with the deafe Adder alwayes stoppe your eares to all godly and Christian admonitions but take thē at length to hart and say not with your selues Wee haue had ranke Papists to our Fathers wee haue had such as haue derided mocked your Orthodoxe Religion for our patterns and presidents for I dare boldly affirme in the wordes of our Sauiour that vnlesse yee repent and be conuerted you shall likewise perish Be not like them in Saint Austine Verum est quod diciti● to professe all true that we say Non est quod respondeatur and that you haue nothing to say against it Sed durum est nobis traditionem Parentum relinquere but it seemeth a hard thing vnto vs to forsake the faith and tradition of our Fathers For consider it well in your hearts why should your Fathers examples mislead you into errour O vvhat a senselesse part is this in you Your Fathers faults and errors to allovv And not much rather to reforme your ovvne By shunning the defect vvhich they haue shovven Shall the vaine conceit of your Fathers worth weigh downe Gods holy Word Will you conferre nay preferre man to God If the Fathers of your bodies lead you one way and Father of Spirits bid you go another haue you not learn'd to obey God rather then men Will you not grant that which reason hath alwayes held for certaine and grounded truth Viuendum est legibus non exemplis Goe to then thinke not to shrowd your doings with your Fathers exemplarie dealings For as it is well vttered by the Heathen Oratour Impudens est Oratio dicere sic sactum est But let the bright and cleare Law of God shine in your hearts let it dwell in you plentifully in all wisedome heare the Word of God from others read it by your selues pray to God for a right vnderstanding of it marke it well ponder it in your heart and examine all your tenents and courses by it and then the Lord opening your eyes to see your own mis-doings and your Fathers mis-leadings you will confesse your Fathers follies wherein you haue liued and professe to leaue them with all speedie reformation in new obedience vnto God holy Will and Commandements And this I pray God that of his infinite goodnesse hee will grant vnto you that so by the conuersion of your soules his holy Name may be glorified his Angels gladded his faithfull confirmed your hearts comforted and the borders of Christs Church enlarged and that for the merits of Christ Iesus his onely true naturall Sonne our alone all-sufficient Sauiour and Redeemer Amen An Apologetique to the Christian Reader for the work in and about the Translation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hinc omne principium huc refer exitum Of all thy studies and intentions see That God the Alpha and Omega be DAveniam Scriptis remembring that of the Apostle 1. Cor. 12.7 The manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euery man to profit vvithall The Spirit that is the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God are bestovved vpon vs not to be wrapt vp in a Napkin and hid in the earth but for manifestation Whereupon the ancient Greekes well expressed man and light by one common name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Plutarch shewes in the confutation of that common Mott. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and what our Sauiour spake with a primarie direction to his Apostles Vos estis lux mundi Yee are the lights of the world may in a secondary application be affirmed of euery Christian or else Saint Paul would not say Among whom ye shine as lights in the world Now least any one should exempt himselfe therefore euery one is put in the Text. For as there are none furnish'd with all gifts so there are none but they haue some gift and the doner will looke for his owne with aduantage As euery man therefore hath receiued the gi●t so let him minister thereof to others for the good of others Looke not euery one on your owne things but euery one on the things of other A good lesson for this incroaching and monopolizing world wherein euery man is for himselfe as the prouerb saith and as the Apostle complaineth Euery man seeketh his owne things and none the things of Christ Iesus But what saith the Scripture Non prohibet Euangelium nisi cupiditatem non precipit nisi charitatem The Gospell saith Austin doth not prohibite any thing more then incroaching couetousnesse it inioynes nothing so much as dilating charitie It is a poore center of a mans action Himselfe It is right earth as a great Scholler speaketh Wherfore let vs attend then to the Apostles rule who wills that euery one should seeke anothers vvealth and hee prescribes vs no other rule then that he himselfe walked in Non quaero quid mihi vtile sed quid multis I seeke not mine owne profit but the profit of many that they may be saued By him that desires thy profit and proficiency in knowledge and godlines T.V. The Attestation of a friend touching this Booke inserted in a Letter to the Translatour In your Translation you haue laboured that they that will read may haue delight and that they that are desirous to commit to memory might haue ease that all into whose hands it commeth might haue profit 2. Mac. 2.25 Adam Airay S. S. Theol. Bac. M. D. Esquire To his good Friend T. V. WHat Thou do'st teach by others heretofore Hath likewise bin But yet by no man more To the true life That by thy godly care Thou and thine Authour equally doe share Thou praisest him Translating but if he Vnderstood English he would more praise thee Thou to our Nation ha'st his Doctrine showne Which to our vulgar else had not beene knowne As much by this thou get'st as ere he wanne England praise Vicars Dantsk her Keckerman Mich. Drayton Errata In the Preface reade Rob. Grosth Page 45. in the margin for Syst T● reade Syst. Log. p. 50. offices r. p. 60. in the margin r. afflictiones p. 72. in the margin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 80. for not certainly r. no certainty p. 85. r. doctrine p. 86. r. other are bare proprieties p. 87. r. accident p. 95. for hearts r. sects p. 96. for Matthias Iohn r. Matth. Illyric p 121. in the last line r. as before p. 123. for Christ r. Chrysostome p. 126. for Heb. 7. r. Heb. 12. p. 142. in the margin r. 139. p. 153. r. peruersly There are also other mistakings in figures vvhich you may bee pleased to mend of your selues A GODLY AND DEuout Treatise teaching with what due preparation wee ought to come to the holy Communion which is indeed an Abbridgement of the
humane nature But vnto Christ many things are so attributed Ergo. The minor is proued by that Iohn 8. v. 19. Verely Verely I say vnto you Before Abraham was I am This can by no meanes be vnderstood of the humane nature because Christs Natiuity was two thousand yeares after Abraham That trifling exposition which the Samosateuian Heretikes giue of this place before Abraham was to wit the father of the faithfull I am is altogether vnsound and not sounding with the text neither with the scope and intention of Christ in this place For he was to answer to the obiection of the Iewes who had said in the verse going before Thou art not yet fiftie yeares old and hast thou seene Abraham Now what an answer should this haue beene if he had said Before Abraham was the father of the faithfull I am for that should haue beene as ridiculous an answer as if when one should say to me thou art not yet forty yeares old and hast thou seene Sigismund king of Polonia and I should answer Before my sonne shall get a sonne and be a father I am would not all laugh at such an answer giuen to that question and that Christ is Man it needes no prouing because all grant it Why is not the sole humane nature of Christ called a Person as well as euery one of vs be called persons Although the humane nature of Christ consisteth of a soule and a body euen as we doe notwithstanding it can not subsist a part by it selfe without adioyning it to the diuine nature whereas we can subsist euery one by himselfe seuerally otherwise he is like vnto vs in other things sinne only excepted as the Scripture witnesseth Heb. 2. v. 14. Because therefore the children are partakers of flesh and blood euen Christ also was made partakers of them And v. 16. He tooke not the Angels but the seede of Abraham whereupon hee ought to bee made like vnto all his brethren in substance namely according to his soule and body Which may be obserued against the Vbiquitaries who conceit there was another kind of humane substance in Christ then such as we haue namely such a one as can be in one and the selfe-same instant of time euery where in all places both in heauen and earth and so they confound the diuine and humane nature one with the other I haue heard what be the parts of Christs Person now shew me what is the vnion of those two parts in Christs Person It is that indissoluble knot wherby the humane nature is so surely tied vnto the diuine and the diuine nature so linked to the humane that of them two is made but one Person and that those natures for euer cannot be dis-ioyned the one from the other What are we to consider in this vnion Two things to wit The cause of the vnion of the two natures in Christ and then the proprieties of this vnion What is the cause of the vnion of these two natures in Christ The conception of the humane nature in the Virgin Maries wombe wrought by the Holy Ghost and then the Natiuitie and Incarnation whereby after that most straite coniunction of the humane nature with the diuine in the Virgin Maries wombe the man Christ was borne and brought forth into this light See Syst. Theolog pag. 323. How many proprieties hath this vnion Three First that it is exceeding fast and sure Secondly that it can not possible be dissolued Thirdly that by reason thereof those things that agree only to the one nature are notwithstanding attributed to the whole Person because of either of those two natures See Syst. Theolog pag. 320. I haue heard as touching the Person of Christ now it remaines that I be instructed in the office of Christ and first of all that you tell mee how the office of Christ is called generally It is in generall termed the office of a Mediatour What is a Mediatour Generally a Mediatour importeth such an one as doth reconcile the party offending to the party offended which reconciliation consisteth in these three things 1 The Mediatour must take intercession for him that hath grieued the partie offended 2. He must satisfie the partie offended for the iniurie and wrong done 3. He must promise and likewise prouide that the offender shall not offend any more And therefore when we say Christ is a Mediatour it is as if we say that Christ is that Person that hath appeased God whom Mankinde by their sinnes had most grieuously offended and who hath giuen satisfaction to the iustice of God by his Passion and Death who prayeth for sinners and applyeth his merit vnto them by faith who regenerateth them by his holy Spirit that they may begin in this life to hate sinne and to be warie that they offend God no more Of how many sorts is the office of Christ our Mediatour Of three sorts Propheticall Sacerdotall and Regall in regard wherof our Sauiour is called Christ i. e. anointed and appointed vnto this triple office because in the Old Testament by Gods own command there were anointed Prophets Priests and Kings Which is the Propheticall office of Christ and in what doth it consist It consists in two things 1. In the Office of teaching And 2. in the Efficacie of his teaching for Christ is called a Prophet 1. Because hee hath reuealed God and Gods will vnto Angels and vnto men For God could no otherwise be knowne then by the Sonne according vnto that The Sonne who is in the bosome of the Father he hath reuealed him vnto vs. 2. Because hee hath appointed and preserued in his Church the Ministery of the Gospel and bestoweth on his Church able Teachers and Ministers fitting and furnishing them with gifts necessarie for teaching Ephes. 4. v. 3. Christ hath giuen some to be Prophets other to be Apostles and Teachers 3. Because he is powerfull by the Ministerie of the Word and inclineth the hearts of such men as are elect to beleeue and obey the Gospell Luk. 24. v. 25. Then he opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures Act. 16. v 14. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia to attend vnto those things which were spoken by Paul Which is the Priestly Office of Christ and wherein doth it consist It consists in three things 1. In the purging of our sinnes 2 In the vertue and applying of that purgation 3. In his Intercession for vs for as the Priest in the Old Testament had two Officers the one to make attonement for sinne and the other to pray for the people So likewise the Priestly Office of Christ heerein consisteth 1. That he should offer himselfe as a Sacrifice to his eternall Father for our sinnes 2. That he should make intercession for vs vnto his eternall Father What are there to be considered in the first part of Christs Priestly Office to wit in the satisfaction for our sinnes There be two namely the causes
requisite that hee who should satisfie the Iustice of God for our sinnes should be truly God and truly man Man he was to be because man had sinned and therefore Gods Iustice so requiring he that should pay and smart he must be man as it is said Heb. 9.22 Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sinnes wherefore that Christ might shedde blood it was meete he should be man And he was to be God too First that by the power of his diuinitie he might vndergoe the infinite anger of God against the sinne of mankinde with which anger Christ should certainly haue beene ouerwhelmed if he had beene but bare man Because God is a consuming fire Deut. 4. v. 24. and therefore as man he desireth the cup of his Passion might be taken away frō him as being that which he could not beare as he was man And as man he cryeth out vpon the Crosse Oh God why hast thou forsaken me Secondly It was needfull that hee should be truly God who would satisfie for our sinnes that his suffering and punishment might be of infinite worth and so equiualent to eternall damnation For because we by our sinnes had deserued not only Temporall put Eternal punishment it was necessary that he who would take in hand our deliuerance should vndergoe not the temporall punishment alone but the eternall too the eternall not by reason of the extent and continuance of it but in value and equiualence that is his punishment was to be equiualent to eternall punishment or to haue an equall proportion with eternall punishment But no mans punishment can equiualize eternall punishment but only of him who is himselfe eternall who is truly God whereupon the Fathers said very right and deuoutly For God to suffer it is more then for all men to be damned eternally 3. Because the satisfaction must needes haue beene of infinite worth and valour to the end it might sufficiently serue for the purging and ransoming of all mens sins But none there is that can work such a satisfaction of infinite valour vnlesse he himself be infinite that is God What is the 2. propriety of Christs passion That it was truly expiatory and satisfactory that is our sins by vertue of Christs expiation were forgiuen vs which must be noted 1. against the Samosatenians who blasphemously say that the Passion of Christ was only exemplary that is that Christ by his Passion would giue vs onely an example to obey God in all things and to beare the Crosse which God shall lay vpon vs patiently as Christ before vs patiently did beare his Crosse. This dangerous doctrine that throweth our consciences headlong into the pit of despaire arose from no other spring then the deniall of the Godhead of the Sonne of God For because there was none could satisfie for our sinnes except hee were God as wee haue also a little before prooued and the Samosatenians deny Christ to bee truely God therefore no farly was it if they thought that the Passion of Christ was not satisfactory but only exemplarie But to their blasphemies we oppose First the Diuinity of the Son of God proued and euicted already by euident testimonies to wit when we necessarily inforced that Christ who suffered for vs was the Sonne of God and hence it will follow that his suffering was of infinite valour and consequently that it was satisfactory Secondly most apparent testimonies of holy writ Esay 53. v. 4. He himselfe carried and bare our infirmities truly and v. 5. He was tormented for our sinnes and hee was broken for our iniquities Rom. 5. v. 9. Now then being iustified by his blood we shall be saued 2. Cor. 5. v. 18. All these things are of God who hath reconciled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and vers 21. He made him who knew no sinne to be sinne for vs. 1. Tim. 2. v. 5 6. There is one God one Mediatour of God and men euen the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a price of our Redemption An example is one thing and a price or ransome is another thing Galat. 2. v. 20. The Sonne of God hath giuen himselfe for me for if righteousnesse be by the Law then Christ died with out a cause as if he had said Christ dyed to that end that by his death he might bestow on vs righteousnesse in satisfying Gods iustice thereby for our offences but there is a very plaine place Gal. 3. v 13. Christ redeemed vs from the curse of the Law when he was made a curse for vs for it is written cursed is he that hangeth on the tree 1. Iohn 1. v. 7. The blood of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God purgeth vs from all our sinnes 1. Iohn 2. v. 2. He is the propitiation for our sinnes These are the most pregnant places of Scripture for this point whereunto wee may adde this argument If the Passion of Christ was but exemplary surely he would neuer haue cryed out with a loud voice My God my God why hast thou forsaken me for those words are not set down as an example for vs to follow nay rather we ought to do quite contrary to them euen to haue alwaies sure cōfidence in God neuer to thinke or cry out that we are forsaken of him as it is said Rom. 8. v. 15. wee must Cry Abba Father in thee doe I settle my soule Againe if the Passion of Christ was but exemplary how were then the Fathers saued which were before Christ and so had not his example and how was the thiefe saued that could not imitate Christ in his example whereas he was now hanged on the Crosse as well as Christ and that before his conuersion Secondly this same propriety of Christs Passion must be noted against all such as attribute the purging of their sinnes and the merit of the forgiuenes of them to almes-deeds or other workes of their owne for if so bee that there is no remission of sinnes but by shedding of bloud as wee haue showne before and almes-deeds or other workes euen the best of them shed no bloud certainely then by no workes of ours whatsoeuer can there be wrought expiation or remission of sinne What is the third proprietie of Christs Passion That it was most sufficient neither need wee any more expiation which is proued by that Heb. 9. Verse 26 Now was hee in the ende of the World made manifest by that that offering vp of himselfe once to take away sinne And Vers. 28. Christ was once offered vp that he might take away the sinnes of many And yet more euidently Heb. 10.12 This Man after the offering of his sacrifice sitteth for euer at the right hand of the Father And vers 14. By his one oblation that is by that his oblation which onely is most perfect and sufficient Now that is said Col. 1.24 I fulfill the remainders of Christs suffering or passion in the flesh It must not bee so vnderstood as if the passion
of Christ were not of it selfe sufficient but needed some additament to fil it vp but there by a Synecdoche the passions of Christ he calleth all such as the members of Christ were to suffer as if he said I must also endure those afflictions which Christ shall feele in his members as he expresly annexeth I fulfill the remnant of Christs passion in the flesh for the body of Christ which is his Church that he might plainely shew that hee spake not of that passion which Christ suffered for our sinnes but of the crosses and afflictions which the Church must sustaine in this world which church by a metaphorical kind of speaking is the body of Christ. And this which wee haue spoken about the sufficiency of the passion of Christ wee must note againe against the Papists who teach and say that expiation and purging of sin is partly by good workes which shall be confuted in the doctrine of iustification partly by the Masse which shal likewise be confuted in the point of and concerning the Lords Supper and partly by Purgatory which they say is a fire in which the soules of men after this life are tormented with temporall paines and are purged from sinnes and from which the soules of such as are aliue by fauour and by prayers may be deliuered as the Councell of Trent saith in the fifth Session Against which obserue these reasons First in the sacred Volume there is no one testimony of Purgatory no not so much as one example of any one that was in that Purgatorie fire Ergo it is a nice inuention of their own braine They vrge a place 1. Co. 8. vers 13. where it is said that by the fire shall be made manifest and proued euery mans worke of what sort it is But they apply this to Purgatory very foolishly for the Apostle speaketh as touching the edification of the Church and saith that the time shall come when it shal be tried and examined how much euery one hath profited in edifying the Church by the word of God and the holy Spirit which two he calleth fire by a metaphor He addeth further Vers. 15. He shall be saued but euen as it were by the fire where abiding still in the metaphor and similitude hee saith that not all those who haue not edified aright shall straightway bee damned for euer but that they shall suffer a tryall in their own conscience because they haue not so faithfully discharged their office as they should Secondly obserue two manifest sayings of the holy Writ wherein you shall find but two places only that must bee in the next world pointed out vnto you the one for the blessed the other for those who are eternally damned Mark the last Ioh 5. Verely verely I say vnto you who so heareth my word and belieueth in him that sent mee shall not come into iudgement and by consequence not into Purgatorie which is a part of Iudgement but shall passe from death to life Reuel 4 vers 14. Blessed are they henceforth which die in the Lord. Henceforth that is frō the very moment wherein they die There is also a plaine place Luke 23.43 where Christ saith to the thiefe To day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradice whereas he if any needed this Purgatorie fire I haue heard sufficiently as concerning the first part of Christs Priestly office namely the purging away of our sinnes tell me what is the second part of the Priestly Office of Christ It is that effectuall application whereby Christ doth all sufficiently and powerfully apply that his purging performed by him vnto the faithfull so that by it they may obtaine remission of sinnes reconciliation and peace What is the third part of this Office of Christ. It is his intercession for vs. What doe you meane by intercession I doe not meane any prayer or sute whereby Christ would get vnto vs againe the fauour of God as one man is said to interceed for an other that he may procure him somwhat but I vnderstād first that perpetuall value force of the Sacrifice of Christ namely in that Christ presenteth his passion which he suffered for vs vnto the eternall Father Secondly the Fathers consent resting in this Passion of Christ contented and agreeing that this Passion of Christ shall bee of force for vs for euer Which is the third office of Christ His Regall office for Christ is not only a Prophet and a Priest vnto vs but he is also a King In what points consisteth the Regall Office of Christ In foure First in that he gouerneth the Church by his Spirit and by his Word and doth not onely shew vnto vs by his Word what we ought to doe but by the worke of the Spirit in vs enableth vs to doe them Secondly in that hee defendeth vs against our enemies Satan sinne and death that they haue no power to hinder our saluation Thirdly in that hee beautifieth his Church with excellent gifts and appointeth the Ministerie of his Word making men obedient vnto this his owne ordinance Fourthly In that at the end of the world hee shall appeare to be iudge of all men and shall condemne the wicked to eternall punishments but shal make the godly to shine with eternal glorie I doe already conceiue the Office of Christ what it is and of how diuers sorts it is now I would haue you tell me what the obiect is about which Christ exercises this his Office It is the Church How many waies is Church taken Two waies in a large or in a more strict signification What is the Church taken in the large acception It is the multitude or company of all such men as haue the word of God preached vnto them in which company there be many hypocrites which doe not belieue truly and therefore are damned for euer What is the Church as it is strictly taken It is that number and company of men which are elect of Christ by faith vnto eternall life And this company is wont to be parted into two rankes the one Militant the other Triumphant That company of the elect and godly is called the Militant Church which remaineth yet on earth but the Triumphant is that company of the faithfull that is already in Heauen And so the rule of the Fathers is to be vnderstood He shal neuer be a member of the Church Triumphant that hath not been a member of the Church Militant But whereas the Church is diuided into the visible and inuisible Church that is no true diuision to speake properly but onely a distinction of diuers respects in the church For the church is said to be visible in respect of the men themselues which are in the Church and may be seene and inuisible in respect of the internall graces to wit of faith and other gifts of the holy Spirit which are not so obuious to the senses Which must be noted against the Papists who would haue
the Monasteries how many sleights and inuentions doe the Monkes finde out to deceiue the common people and make them beleeue that they worke miracles I haue heard the causes of Iustification tell mee also what is the fruit of Iustification It is that peace of conscience by which a man is made sure of the grace and fauour of God and of eternall life which must especially bee noted against that detestable errour of the Papists who in their Trent Councell Session 6. boldly affirme that a man cannot heereof bee certaine in this life but ought alwaies to doubt of it and they adde that there can bee no greater sinne before God then that a miserable sinner should assure himselfe of Gods fauour yea and further they adde that whosoeuer shall hold that opinion ought to bee accursed To this their abominable errour wee oppose most plaine places of holy writ Rom. 8. vers 15. Yee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage but that spirit of adoption by which we cry Abba Father which spirit beareth witnesse to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God This is a very horrible impiety that we will not receiue the testimonie of the Spirit but doubt of the truth and certaintie thereof 1. Iohn 5. He that belieueth in the Sonne of God hath the Testimonie in himselfe And surely if God would haue had vs to haue doubted he would neuer haue sworne that hee would bee compassionate vnto vs. But now hee hath sworne thus much very euidently Ezech. 18. As I liue saith the Lord that is as truly as I am and liue I will not the death of a sinner but that he liue Also Iohn 5. Verely verely I say vnto you whosoeuer belieueth in the Sonne hath eternall life And Woe be to thee then saith Saint Austine if thou belieue not God when he sweares to thee But the Papists obiect They that are weak are subiect to falling and they cannot be sure of the grace of God Answ. Who so are weake they may easily fall I limit the proposition thus vnlesse there bee one that is mightier who vpholdeth them Now God it is that holds vs vp and that helpeth our infirmities And therefore certaine we may bee of the forgiuenes of sins of the grace of God not by our owne nature indeed which is weake but by the helpe and assistance of the holy Ghost making vs strong according to those sayings of holy Writ Psal. 37. vers 24. Though the righteous fall he shall not bee cast off because the Lord putteth vnder his hand Iohn 10.38 I giue vnto my sheepe eternall life neither shall they perish for euer neither shall any one take them out of my hand my Father which hath giuen mee them is greater then all that is he can supply their wants readily and vphold them mightily Rom. 8.38 I am perswaded that neither life nor death neither things present nor things to come shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ. Againe they obiect that place 1. Cor. 10. Hee that standeth let him take heed that hee fall not I answere That the Apostle there speaketh of hypocrites which doe perswade themselues falsly that they stand further he speakes also of the weakenesse of men touching which we cannot be enough admonished to the end that we may think saluation not to lye in our owne strength but in the grace of GOD onely They vrge also that place Eccles. 9. A man knoweth not whether he is worthy loue or hatred Whereto I answere First that this is a fallacie not being limmited wee ought then thus to limet it A man knoweth not of himselfe but hee may knowe it God reuealing it vnto him and the holy Spirit witnessing it Secondly a man knoweth not by those humane causes and by the euent of Fortune and the chances and changes of these outward things And therein the Text it selfe is a mouth to expound it selfe for there it is said that a man by externall changes such as are riches pouerty health sickenesse honour contempt that a man cannot by these things nor any other externall estate iudge and certainely know whether hee bee in the fauour of God or be hated by him And therefore that there argument is not sound which argue thus as many doe I am rich Ergo. I am the sonne of God or I am poore Ergo. God doth hate mee This iudgement then whether wee bee in the fauour of GOD or not we must take from Gods Word Sithence therefore it is certaine that a faithfull soule may bee assured of the fauour of God and the forgiuenesse of sinnes and may bee made partaker of the peace of Conscience as it said Romans 5. verse 1. Being iustified by Faith wee haue peace thence another thing doth necessarily follow to witt That a man when hee is once receiued into the fauour of GOD and hath obtaitained remission of his sinnes that hee I say cannot fall away from the grace of GOD nor loose his Faith nor bee obnoxious vnto eternall damnation For because wee ought not to doubt of the grace of GOD therefore neither can wee fall away from the Grace of God for if wee could fall away from it then wee might doubt of it but wee being once receiued into the grace and fauour of God that wee cannot altogether loose that grace of God the Scripture witnesseth Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to those which are in Christ Iesus if no condemnation then perpetuall fauour and if no condemnation then also no time is there wherein they may slide from the grace of God and fall into condemnation for by no condemnation is excluded both all the kinds thereof and all occasions of falling thereinto Hitherto appertaineth that place which before we haue cited Ioh. 10 My sheepe none shall take out of my hand which is all one as if hee had said My sheepe shall neuer be taken out of my hand which must bee diligently noted against the Papists who affirme that a man after that he is taken into the fauour of God may fall againe out of his fauour euen as if hee had neuer been in fauour but may haue of a mercifull God an vncompassionate and irreconciliable God euen as when one falles out of the fauour of the King in stead of a gentle and kind master hee hath now an angry and cruell King But here they obiect that place in the 51. Psalme where Dauid after that horrible sinne of his was committed prayeth Restore vnto me the ioy of my saluation therefore say they he had lost the fauour of God I answere that the Papists doe not halfe well enough looke into the text for it is not said Restore vnto me my spirit which I had lost but he saith restore my ioy my comfort againe to me Therefore that text makes against themselues for if Dauid had lost that grace and spirit of God then
had he lost that his saluation but he speakes otherwise he saith onely restore comfort vnto me for a true belieuer when that he falleth into sinnes the holy spirit for all that remaineth in him yet it doth not cherish his conscience but it groweth sad and heauy and so ceaseth to bee glad and merry before times he vsed to be he doth therfore desire of God that hee would take away this sadnesse and heauinesse of heart from him and that hee would restore vnto him a ioyfull and gladsome spirit I haue heard as touching the fruit of Iustification what is that you told me was necessarily conioyned and annexed thereunto Because the iust man falls seuen timeseuen in a day therefore to Iustification there must alwaies bee adioyned Repentance True repentance of what parts doth it consist Of two parts one of them as it were contrary vnto the the other to wit griefe or sorrow for sinnes committed and the offending or displeasing of God and then comfort and confidence of the forgiuenesse of sinnes which is to be had by and for the merits of Christ. See the 467. page of my Syst. of Diuinity and in the comment vpon Vrsins Catechisme page 640. Here note a double error of the Papists whereof the first is That vnto true repentance there is required Confession to a Priest To which error we oppose our iudgements First because such a Confession is no where commanded of God Secondly because there is no one example for it of any Saint throughout the whole booke of God no example I say but which teacheth vs to make confession of our sinnes only to God So doth Dauid Psalm 51. Against thee onely haue I sinned O Lord. And the Publicane Luke 18. Standing in th● Temple confessed his sinnes onely to God and thence went away iustified Whereupon saith Chryst. Confesse thy sinnes to God for to doe this to man it is not safe for thee for that men may either discouer them or vpbrayd thee with them The other Popish error is that Repentance which they call Pennance is satisfactory as if wee by our repentance did satisfie for our sinnes vnto which detestable errour those places of the holy Bible are to be opposed by which we haue before made cleare that the passion of Christ doth sufficiently satisfie for all our sinnes You haue already sufficiently instructed me about Redemption now take the paines I pray you to instruct me about sanctification Sanctification Regenaration and new Obedience or conuersion vnto God are all one in signification And it is nothing els saue the changing of our depraued or corrupt nature into better and then a setled resolution to auoyd sinne hereafter and to frame our liues to some newe course which may bee pleasing vnto God and beseeming our profession of Faith and Religion which regeneration in this life certainely cannot bee perfect but onely inchoate and alwaies conioyned with a combating and a reluctance against sinne or of the flesh and the spirit As the Apostle very largely setts it downe Rom. 7. Galat. 5. The good saith he that I would I doe not But in that other life we shal perfectly be regenerated sanctified and reformed vnto the Image of God yet for all this Gods will it is our regeneration should bee begun in this life and that good workes bee done by vs as our Sauiour commandeth Math. 5. Let your light so shine before men c. 2. Peter 1.16 Labour to make your vocation and election sure by good workes that is Labour to giue vnto your selues a sure and to others an euident testimonie that you haue true Faith from whence doe spring and arise good workes for Faith without workes is dead and indeed is no Faith 1. Thess. 4. This is the will of God euen your Sanctification Rom. 6.12 Make your members hencefoorth weapons of righteousnesse And most dreadfull is that speach Heb. 13. Without holinesse none shall see God Wherefore if it be demanded whether good workes are necessary vnto Saluation I answer That if wee take Saluation for our first entry thereunto namely Remission of sinnes and iustification then good workes are not necessary because it is most necessarily required that first our sinnes be forgiuen vs before wee can doe any good works pleasing vnto God good workes therefore are of no force to procure remission of sinnes which we doe obtaine onely by Faith contrary to the Papists tenent but if the word be not taken for the remission of sins but for life eternall which hereafter we shal be possessed of there is neede then of good works as a meane and way but not as any meritorious cause of saluation for then indeede shall we bee cloathed vpon if we be not found naked that is in that other life we shall be fully renewed conformed if that we begin that reformation and sanctification in this life And this is that which the Apostle speaketh Heb. 7.14 Follow peace with all men and holinesse without which none shall see the Lord. How many parts are there of our Sanctification Two Good workes and Prayer For in these two standeth our whole Regeneration and conuersion namely to doe good workes and dayly to call vpon God by Prayer What are good Workes or what things are required vnto Works which are good or pleasing vnto God Three things be requisit to good workes First that they spring from a true Faith For Whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne Rom. 14.23 Heb. 11.6 Without Fath it is impossible to please God c. Secondly that they bee commanded by God for what works soeuer are enioyned by men and not by God those are not good works Ezech. 9.19 You must walke in my Commandements and not in the Commandements of your Fathers Matth. 18.9 They worship me in vaine teaching for doctrines mens precepts Thirdly that our good works bee alwaies referred to the glory of God and not vnto vaine glory hypocrisie 1. Cor. 11.31 Doe all vnto the glory of God Mat. 5.16 That men seeing your good workes may glorifie your Father which is in heauen Hereby may easily be discerned what is to bee thought of the most of the Papists workes wherewith they thinke that they worshippe GOD such as are their Watchings and Pilgrimages to holy places and adoring of Churches with Shrines and Images for such workes are no good workes First because they are not done out of Faith but out of a most pestilent opinion of meriting and satisfying for sinnes Secondly because they are not commanded by God but inuented and appointed by Popes and Bishops against the expresse commandement of God as that of Fasting and abstaining from Flesh on Friday which manner of Fasting and difference of meate is expressely against the Word of God Matt. 15. That which entreth into the mouth doth not defile the man but that which commeth out of the mouth that defileth the man 1. Tim. 4. The Apostle expressly and plainely nameth the Forbidding of certaine meates