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A02947 Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, co[n]tayned in the late declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London. wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence, notwythsta[n]dynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. An alphabetycall dyrectorye or table also in the ende thereof ... Compyled by Iohan Harryson. Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Seton, Alexander, d. 1542. Declaracion made at Poules Crosse in the cytye of London. 1543 (1543) STC 1309; ESTC S100631 110,140 234

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he shryned Is he Martyr or a Cōfessour a Virgine or a Matrone I wolde fayne knowe the certen●e He ys non of all those ser It ys the graue that Christes bodye was layed in after yt was taken from the crosse Naye that ys a false tale for that was beaten out of the harde rocke and coude neuer be remoued from the place yt ys in as all the writers and Luke also doth wytuesse And what yf yt were the same Yet coude yt be made no saynt The pope vseth to canonyse no soche thynges for sayntes though he suffreth them to be worshypped But now I perseyue yt ys made by some caruer and garnyshed with colours by some paynter And than ys yt sum what worse ▪ than an Idoll for yt ys but his s●addowe or simylitude and parauēture nothynge like yt The scripture sayth that vnhappye are they whych haue a ▪ vayne stone to ther patron● And they that sense Images are gone quyte frō god But be there neuer so moche abhominacion in soche thynges neuer schall ye se them at Paules crosse condemned by the bysshopp Manye testamentes of crist hath there bene brent but neuer Idolls openlye rebuked sauynge the gapynge rode of Boxlaye ād the duckes blood of Hayles My lorde can suffre both saynt Sepulchre and saynt Antonyne and allowe them here ● hys boke for sayntes notwithstandinge all the myschefe they haue done in castinge awaye so mayne thousāde sowles through Idolatrye ād yet neuer cēpell thē to recant at Paules nor yet his selfe for the sufferaunce of them No this ys non heresye thys It ys euen the holye father of Romes relligyon and therfor yt maye not be hyndred Oh most abhomynable workers whan wyll ye forsake yowr vngodlinesse whā wyll ye be ashamed of synne No where cāne ther dwell anye peple but they make them captyue slaues vnto soche Idols Eyther must they be vnder the tittle of saint Thomas of acres sait Do●stone saynt Botolp●e saynt Bryde saint Magnꝰ saint Foster saint Gyles sait Benett saint Crowche saint Sprite or of soche other like And all thei are made but of paynters ●●d caruers More godlynesse were in it to sett vp ther makers than thē for they are yet the creaturs of god A godlye acte was yt to seclude the bysshopp of Rome But a moche more godlie acte were yt to putt a syde hys fylthinesse For that remaineth yet still vnder the tyttle of lawdable rytes and ceremonyes and ●ewe menne are greued therwith A farre other waye went Asa Iosaphat Iehu ād Iosias the godlye kinges of Iuda and Israel to worke in destroynge the wyckednesse of Idolatrye Speciallie good Ezechi as whych brake the brasen serpent in peces that Moyses had made at the lordes cōmaūdement whan he se yt ones becomē an abhominacyō He wolde in no case at the counsell of false prestes suffre the thynge to remayne the onlye supersticyons taken awaye But he toke awaye the occasiō with the supersticyōs least they schuld ryse ageine Neuer come thinges ryghtlye to passe be owr pretenses neuer so godlye so longe as we myngle with the eternall wysdome of god ower owne carnall wysdom 3 Vvhat ys ment here by the olde baylye I can not wele tell vnlesse yt be a strete where as they sūtyme dwelt whych sawe the best rewle obserued If a newe or dre were takē in thys matter God wolde be moche better pleased 4 Now cōsequentlye cometh Rycharde Lant and he also setteth hys name to thys notable worke not as the maker but as the putter forth of yt by hys prynt He ys wele contented to be vnder that venge aūce whych hangeth ouer Babylō to gett a lyttle moneye My lorde ys hys diocesane ordinarye and bysshopp and therfor he dare be the bolder to sett hys fote where my lorde setteth hys though yt be in a fylthie soyle A sayenge there ys that as yll ys the thefe as he which setteth him a worke If Rychard lant had bene a true tenaūt of the eternall lyuige god as he ys to saynt Sepulchre hys fore syght wolde haue bene moche better If he had dwelt in the newe baylie as he dwelleth in the olde he wolde haue done no soche thynge But yf both the hande and the tole of bym that maketh an Image be accursed as the lorde saith they are I thynke Richarde Lant ys not farre frō the same 5 And wher as he hath Ioyued hys prynces auctoryte vnto yt Ad imprimendum solum to bringe hym also vnder the same curse of God for I knowe God ys true of hys worde he hath played no honest mānys part nomore than hath some other more of his ●ellawes ▪ Besydes that he hath done here ageynst the glorye of god he hath dyshonoured hys kinge and dyshonested his cuntre in offerynge vnto the peple vnder his tyttle of preuylege to drynke ageine ther owne fylthie vomete of abhominable papistrye to the vtter destruccyon of ther sowles more thā afore Lete menne of godlie knowlege iudge but accordynge to cōscyēce what lernynge this ys ād lament with heuynesse the seduccyon of Christes dere herytage Herin are they cōpelled bi cruell ēforcemētes to sine the synne vnto deathe to the blasphemye of Gods name for whō remayneth neither sacrifyce nor yet prayer but a fearfull expectacyon of iudgement without mercye The eternall father with hys sonne Iesus Christ and the holye ghost thre persones in one euerlastinge godhede redresse ones thys matter with soche other more ▪ to hys owne glorye ād the peples helthe ¶ Amē ¶ The conclusion or Epyloge AL thys haue I done Good Christē reader brotherlie to admonishe the to be ware of thys cruell enemye and soche other which seketh by ther dailye craftes to robbe the of that life which thu hast in Christ Iesu Parauenture thu wilt be moued not bycause the māne of synne ys thus sett forth in hys right colours but for that yt ys done here with soch extremyte Consydre for that the ernest veyne in the scripturs ageynst thys wycked generacyō frō the begynnynge Both ded the holye prophetes and Apostles euermore fercely reprehēde the blasphemie of the lordes name ād veryte Full are all ther prophecyes ād writynges of terryble rebukes ād thret tenynges Yea Christ owr most gētyll ād pacyēt redemer spared not to call thē straungers hyrelynges theues wolues murtherers dogges swyne adders lyars deuyls hypocrytes serpētes oppressers destroyers tiraūtes abhominaciō ā whores brode ād manye other names of great indignaciō Moche better ys yt to the Christē beleuer that Sathā apere Sathan ād the deuill be knowne for the deuil thā still to lurke vnder a faire similitude of the āgell of lyght For whā he ys ones knowne he maye sone be auoyded where as vnder a glitterynge couert he maye leade to destrucciō yea the verye elect vessels were not the lorde to thē more
penaunce nor yet shamefullye to slaunder them selues a fore the multytude Magdalene Zacheus the aduowteroose womā and the thefe on hys ryght hande had fauorable wordes of hym with manye swete commendacyons blesssynges and promyses The spyghtfull traytour whych betrayed hys bodye vnto deathe refused not he to kysse The dyscyples whych forsoke both hym ād hys doctrine to the great slaunder therof ded not he cōstrayne to recant openlye Lerne of me sayth he for I am gentyll and meke harted My yoke ys easye and my burthē lyght But perchaūce my lorde wyll saye here in hys owne behalf as he ys a man of great lernynge and lesse godlye wytte that he hath done in thys as ded Peter whā he strake of Malchus ryght eare Thā must my lorde cōsydre what thāke Peter had of hys master for so doynge ād how lyttle pleasure that enterpryse ded hym He was by and by commaunded lyke a braynelesse fole to put vpp hys weapon ageyne with soche an ernest checke that he neuer durst drawe yt sens Vve must remembre also that Malchus was a bysshops seruaunt whych dyschargeth my lorde of Peters felyshypp For non agrement can Christ haue wyth Belial nor yet lyght with darkenesse A true christiane ought by hys Christen professyon in the sprete of lenyte and gentylnesse to examyne all doctrines and to proue all spretes whether they be of God or nay ād not rashelye to condempne hys poore Christen brother whom Christ hath so derelye redemed 2 But thys newe professyon of my lorde in Tolwyn ys of an other veyne and af a farre dyuerse sort from that For yt must vtterlye detest abhorre and auoyde all But what all I can not tell yow vnlesse yt be all godlynesse and veryte or all that Englande hath done ageynst the pope for yt ys not here expressed It ys soche an all as standeth here in mysterye cōprehendynge my lordes whole mynde in holye churches behalfe with out vtteraunce 3 Seynge therfor that thys all beynge vnder a secrete trope or fygure maye not be dysclosed tyll my lorde seeth a better tyme we wyl lett hym alone and passe forth to the all that foloweth whych car ryeth hys contentes with hym That ys to say all maner of heresyes errours and noughtye opynyons vnnamed least they schuld shewe my lorde in hys ryght colours Not vnlyke ys my lordes honorable lordshypp here in thys condempnacy on to the great bellyed braggers or sorbonycall masters in Parys whych commynge with rede faces from the cherefull bankett of Bacchus called prandium theologicum condempned Martyne Luther in the reare of owr lorde M. D. ād XXIIII hys artycles not examyned It must nedes be an heresye an erroure and a noughtye opynyō yf my lorde so iudgeth yt though yt be Christes owne worde It ys ynough for my lorde but to speake yt for a Christen mā nys beleue For hys reuerende lordeshypp ys a great pyllar of the popes holye churche whych maye condempne the gospell by quodcunque ligaueris 4 Yea he that schall professe thys newe rewle of olde papystrye must vtterlye deteste and abhorre all these I wote not what with the fauorers of them the maynteyners defēders or obiecters what so euer they be kynge or coūsell for both they haue depelye entred soche matters 5 For whye yt foloweth in the text here or anye of them Vvhych ys an anagogycall trope or hygh speakynge of my lorde aboue hys compasse I had almost haue seyd beyonde hys wytte And thys must be for euer and euer durynge hys lyfe For so hath Tolwyn promysed for example Thys vowe of relygyon maye neuer be broken though godes commaundementes and Christes aduertysementes schuld go all to the deuyll of hell For the breakynge therof myght brynge in both fagottes and fyre And all thys must be do ne for the auauncement of holye churche as ys a fore spoken Butt tell me thys Vvhat godlye wyse manne can thynke that churche holye or good whych seeth not in so manye years a traytoure from a saynt but auaunceth hym with so manye false myracles as ther churche hath done beckett and styll doth more of the same generacyon She schall be of a moche better syght and of a more godlye iudgemēt ere I crust eyther her or yet her anoynted chyldren as spirituall as they be Vvele I wote that the churche whych ys the immaculate spouse of the lambe Iesus christ had neuer soche a spotte in her garment The eternall father be ones mercyfull to hys peple and delyuer them from thys dampnable plage of darkenesse yf yt be hys pleasure ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Hys fordeshypp ys content to respyte the rest of my penaunce 3 and vpon my good deseruynge 4 and doynge accordynge to my seyd promyse 5 to forgeue all togyther Hys dysclosynge I 1 Vvyst yt wolde at the last apere frō whens all thys Pharaonycall tyrannye spryngeth thys cruell persecutynge thys murtherynge of innocentes It cometh frō a lordshypp by ther owne confessyon For hys honorable lordshypp ys contented here vpon couenauntes made betwixt them to respyte the resydue of Tol wyns penaunce But from whens aryseth thys spyrituall lordshyp or worldye monarchye rather Not from Christes doctrine for they taught euermore the cōtrarye My kyngedome sayth he ys not of thys worlde The rewlers of nacyons haue the vnyuersall domynyon and are called gra cyouse lordes but yow schall not so Peter Iohā lames and Paule with the other apostles and dyscyples were onlye preachers of the gospell mynysters dysposers and geuers Forth of the secretes of god They neuer became anye lordes but perse cuted abiectes as manye are uow adayes Thys gloriouse lordshypp came in wham phocas the false emproure made Rome the head churche of the worlde for moneye And yt was spred abrode after a thousan de years from Christes natyuyte whan Sa than was losed out of hys preson and per mytted to go at large to deceyue the vngodlye multytude for ther vnbeleues sake So that thys lordshypp ys non other but the power auctoryte and seate of the dragon geuen vnto the great antichrist which ys the beastlye bodye of Sathan of whom my good lorde here ys a member and so are all they that worke lyke feates in the same generacyon 2 Vvhat my lorde schuld meane here byr espytynge of the rest of Tolwyns penaunce I can not well tell vnlesse he tarryeth a tyme or wayeht a layser to haue hym in relapse and so to burne hym vp for an heretyque all together lyke as hys holye predecessours hath done euer sens Iohan wycleues tyme and sumwhat a fore As I purpose shortlye the lorde lēdyn ge me lyfe to declare in a farre more larger treatyse Yet plucketh my lorde backe thys respyte ageyne full lyke a mercyfull father of holye churche to apere charytable yf yt maye be 3 Tolwyn vpon hys good deseruynge maye chaunce to haue a full
years and more as all the cronycles wytnesseth That made captayne cobler and master aske full notable captaynes ād raysed them vp a valeaunt armye in ther late pylgrymage of grace 6 More ouer these bokes sayth my lorde are ageynst the vowe of chastyte yea so ys my lorde also wyth hys whole generacyon yf we speke of that chastyte that saynt Paule commendeth in the coryntheanes besydes ther fornycacyon whoredome sodometrye sacrylege and all other fylthynesse els I wolde fayne but knowe how they coude be chast hauynge an execrable whore to ther mother ād they brought vp in whory shnesse all the dayes of ther lyfe Canne hys clothes be vnbrent that hath fyre in hys bosome Is yt possyble that he hath whole fete whych euermore goeth vpō hote cooles Naye who so toucheth pytche wyth the same schall be defyled what haue yow els to kepe your chastyte wyth but Idle vanitees All the worlde knoweth ye abhorre the scrypturs and all godlye verytees els whych schulde make ye chast If menne want probacyons of thys lete them come hyther and proue thys doctryne of yours and they schall fynde yt so true as ys possyble Fewe exāples haue we of your honest lyuynge but innumerable of your fylthynesse Iohan the. 10. pope of that name was begote in aduouterye by pope Sergius of an whore called Marozia in the tyme of hys holye papacye Pope Iohan the. 13. by Iohā the. 12. also after soche an other contynēt sort Betwixt an holye nōne and a prest were borne at one tyme Petrus lōbardus the master of yowr sentences or scole dyuynyte Petrus commestor the master of your hystoryes and Gratianus monachus the compyler of yowr canon Iawes And wyth the doctrine of these 3. frutes of one fornycacyon hath both the churche and the scripturs bene corrupted these 4. hondreth years yet are they not brought to yowr satchel Phylypp the holye abbott of vallisolett and archebysshopp of hispalis in spayne kept hys owne brother Alphonsus wyfe called Christyane the kynge of denmarkes dowter he beynge a lyue Petrus mendosa the cardynall of valence in the same regyon occupied helysabeth the wyfe of kynge Ferdinandns and had by her 2. bastardes he beynge also alyue besydes other wōders whych are not to be named Ower last cardynall Thomas wolsaye was not all behynde wyth hys part as apereth by master wynter and other more abrode what busynesse popeIulius made wyth the cardynall of Nātes to haue had the occupyēge of 2. yonge laddes whych the frenche quene Anne had commytted unto hym to be brought vp in vertu yt wolde abhorre anye māne to heare and therfor I wryte yt not Soche noble stewes ded pope Sixtus buylde at Rome in hys tyme as yet bryngeth in yearlye more than 20. thousande duckates to the augmentacyon of saynt peters patrimonye Iohā stokyslaye yowr predecessour a myghtye mayntener of that vowe dyed not wythout yssue as hys frutes declareth not farre out of london Neyther yet wyllyam warham the olde archebysshopp of caunterburye whose increase ys wele knowne in kēt besydes hys dallyaunce wyth the holye mayde there Manye prodygyouse wonders are yet tolde in sothfolke by serten worshypfull gentylwomen of Rychard nyxe the blynde bysshopp of norwych whych putt master bylneye the true martyr of god to most cruell death by the coūsell of P●lles and Godsalue besydes hys contynuall occupyenge wyth the balyes wyfe of hoxton Dyuerse fyne tryckes of good relygyouse bawdrye wrought by bysshopp Brygett kyte and vnderwode all thre holye p̄lates are not yet all forgote amonge the peple Not manye years ago a bysshopp remoued a nonne from ycklyngton in cambryge shere vnto dat forth in kent whych hath had in her tyme a good honest increase I coude name them both yf I lyst wylye wynchester also hath not wrought so warelyein the wanton workes of venus sens hys 21. years but he hath bene smelled out of some partyes besydes the store that he is steward of for the common welthe of the cyte The peple of Israel were longe without whores lyke as God had commaunded them But owr Nycolaytanes condempnynge the scripturs and all godlye ordre wyll haue no common welthe without them hycause they wyll haue afore God ther porcion with theues and aduouterers There is yet alyue an other bysshop in Englande which schall be namelesse at thys tyme that kept a mannys wyfe and my cosyne 20. years ago before he was bysshopp whom I chaunsed to fynde syttynge at hys table within these .iiij. years If I schuld recyte all the wholsom frutes of your chast vowe which I haue redde in cronycles and hystoryes ād knowne by your exāples besydes forth manye menne wolde maruele that ye synke not to hell with yowr prodygiouse chastyte For innumerable knaueries hath your holye abbottes priors doctors prestes persons curates and relygiouse as ye cal thē done Some one ghostlye father of yowrs hath for hys lyfe tyme corrupted an hondreth nonnes and maydes some 2. hondreth that we rede of some more some lesse and yet haue they bene chast geldynges and good wyuellesse virgyns So longe as they haue not marryed all hath bene wele For some of ther doctours hath not bene ashamed to write yt that monkes and prestes hath not vtterlye for sworne whoredome but marriage only It is no small sōe of moneye that some of yow in the worlde and yowr notaries taketh of prestes for whore kepinge and al is I knowe well for the abatemēt of that vowe which ye call your seconde baptym Henricus agrippa doth testyfye that a sertē bysshopp boasted at hys table that he had in hys dyocese a .xi. thousande prestes which paeyd yearlye a frenche crowne a pece for whore kepynge besydes the pryce of occupyenge with other mennys wyues And therfor it is no maruele though it styll be maynteyned and matri monye put backe for the profyghtes ther of are swete ☞ 7 Now commeth in the sorest matter of all and that doth most ernestlye moue yow And that is the marryage of prestes Afore were these bokes ageynst frewyll fastinge prayer ād so forth which in the kynde ye vse them are your owne propre wares Now are they with marriage which is nō of yours Ye vtterlye for sake it as a thynge hurtfull to your holye orders whych whoredō ād buggerye cānot defyle Though God the father hath instytute yt God the sonne consecrate it and God the holye ghost moche commended it in the scripturs yet is it not wholsō for yow Though it were in Abraham Isaac ād Iacob i Moyses Aaron and Samuel in Gedeō Iob ād Tobias a waye of rightousnesse in the lordes sight Though it were in Zacharye the prest and Helysabeth hys wyfe a walkynge before hym without rebuke Yea though Iesus christ were borne vnder it and his blessed mother lyued longe in it and the apostles embraced it
Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe ☞ A dysclosynge ☞ or openynge of the Manne of synne Cōtayned in the late Declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence notwythstādynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye ¶ An alphabetycall dyrectorye or Table also in the ende therof to the spedye fyndynge out of the pryncypall matters therin contayned Compyled by Iohan Harryson 2. Thes 2. Before the lordes commynge schall the manne of synne be opened Esa 11. wyth the breathe of hys mouthe schall the lorde slee that wycked one ¶ A preface to the Christen Reader SEns the worldes begynnynge dere frynde in the lorde hath inyquyte had hys frowarde course and schall so haue styll to the latter ende therof In the verye angels or spretes of heauē ded god fynde an vntowarde stubbernesse and an obstynate crokednesse what he hath had in the vngodlye chyldren of mēne sens the dayes of Cain tyll thys present age it were moche to wryte Of that was sumtyme the churche of Christ hath yt made the Synagoge of sathan euer sens that aduersarye was sett at large after the thousande years and sumwhat afore whose malygnaunt mēbers vndre tytle of a spirytualte are alwayes fylthye who remongers murtherers theues raueners Idolatours lyars dogges swyne wolues abhomynable workers aduersaryes to god and verye deuyls incarnate Of whose cursed cruell nōbre one ys Edmonde Boner now bysshopp of London a verye fearce furyouse angell of the bottōlesse pytt as his dayly frutes declareth him Specyally this declaration of hys here folowynge whō he malycyouslye enforced wyllyam Tolwyn the person of saynt antonynes openlye to proclame before the audiēce at paules crosse the yeare afore thys to the terrour of ther tymerouse conscyences and confusyon of ther sowles Marke the doctryne therin cōtayned and proue the sprete ād veyne therof by the scripturs and ye schall fyn de it no lesse than the fylthye fomynge smoke of the insacyable chaos or pytt without bottom Neyther ys god therin sought nor yet anye godlynesse For in the whole processe ys not he ones named but to condempnacion I thynke sens cristes ascencyon was not soche a monstruouse thynge seane as yt ys thus offred to the peple for a necessarye doctryne of faythe No not vndre the most wycked tyrauntes In the most pestylēt tyme of papystrye was not soche a peruerse professyon made vnto Antichristes ragged rewles as thys ys here yf yt be throughly wayed I haue redde dyuerse recantacyons made in Iohan wycleues tyme of phylyp repyngdon Iohā puruaye Rycharde with Nycolas herforde harrye crompe wyllyam swynderbye Robert rigge walter dashe Iohan hūteman Thomas britwell and other but nō soche as thys ys neyther so folyshe nor yet so deuylyshe Saynt Paule holdeth hym accursed of god that techeth any other doct●●ne thā the gospell or the sacred scripturs of the Byble though he were an angell frō heauen Moche more must he be accursed thā which mynystreth nothynge but wickednesse Nothynge ys here taught but the doctrynes of menne the beggerlye tradycyons and dyrtye dregges of the pope as holye water makynge processyon goynge sensynge of Images and latyne wawlynge in the temple wyth other lyke fylthye fantasyes which are soche vayne worshyppynges as God doth abhorre And with tyrannye are they here extorted by open rebukes and shames of the worlde Of so many traytours as the bysshoppes and prestes haue knowne of the ues manquellers Idolatours whoremō gers swearers and sodomytes neuer brought they one yet to Paules crosse there to do open penaunce But for sekyn ge to haue the verite syncerelye preached accordynge to the wholsom commaundemēt of Christ and the kynge was thys poore māne pōnisshed before all the cyte and enforced for the same to proclame him selfe an heretyque Euē soche an other part hath my lorde of Londō played here with Tolwin as Dioclecianus played wyth Marcellinus the bysshopp For lyke as he compelled hym openlye to renounce Christ and to do sacrifyce to the Idols after the heythē maner So doth my lorde here constrayne Tolwyn to forsake hys verite ād swe are to the obseruatiō of papistrye which ys of the same stynkynge leuen To denye Christ which ys all one with hys worde before menne hath he most cruel lye enforced thys poore innocent manne so puttinge him in daunger of his denyal againe before his eternal father which is euerlastinge dāpnaciō be he not the more mercyfull vnto hym For If he beleueth that denyēge the verite with mouthe on lye he ys out of that parell of sowle so lō ge as he styll retayneth yt in hys hart he is sore deceyued as were the helchesaytes Ageynst whom wrote both origene and Epiphanius the bysshopp of salamyne in cypres confutinge that opynyon oft hers as a most detestable heresye Ther couenaūt with God sayth saynt Austyn do not they obserue but be cometh therin vnfaythfull which for auoy dynge persecution goeth backe from hys true testymonyes Moche after thys sort recanted Theodocyon the ephesiane con fessynge with the hebyonites and Iewes christ alone to be māne after that he had ▪ godlye interpreted the scripturs And in thus doynge he thought himselfe also discharged in conscyence for that he ded it of feare and bycause he therin named not god Manye are now in englande which walke vndre these subtile shaddowes but yf they thynke so to auoyde the daūger of gods indygnaciō they sore deceyue themselues Sebastianus the holy martyr perseuinge Marcellus ād Marcus two bretherne at that parelouse poynt of ther sowles destruction offred himselfe vnto the deathe to holde them still stede fast in the true christen beleue least they schuld so haue peryshed for euer Whā Iames the lesse was settvp at hieru salem in the cōmon preachynge place by the Pharysees and scribes to reuoke agayne that doctrine of saluacyon which he had taught he ded not onlye afferme yt a freshe but also with a moche larger circumstaūce more yt without feare of deathe And therfor hath yt bene an honour vnto him euer sens besydes hys euerlastynge rewarde with God where as it is to them that renounce yt perpetuall shame and confusion In the primatiue churche were they putt to penaunce amonge the vnbaptysed beleuers that had in persecutiō forsaken the truthe and were not receyued agayne vnto the christen communion but after great repentaunce and prayer Nolesse plage limyteth the scripture vnto thē that so cowardlye recāteth thā the racinge of ther names out of the boke of life He that is ashamed of me sayth Christ and of my worde in this aduouterouse generacion before mēne of him wyll I be ashamed before the mageste seate of my eternall father what schuld ye feare them that
But those menne shote at a verie wronge marke Full barelye haue they serched the scripturs therof that loke for yt that waye Cursed ys he sayth the Prophete which trusteth in māne and appoynteh hys strēgth vnto fleshe Onlye schall the lorde with the breathe of hys mouthe or sprete of 〈…〉 destroye that myghtye leuia than as he by hys aposteles and prophetes hath specyfyed a fore Lyke dust in the wynde schall he scattre from the earthe that deceytfull generacyon of hypocrites I denye yt not but those godlye gouuernours of the earthe whych schall in these dayes brynge ther glorye and honour ryghtlye to the newe cyte of God as some hath done all redie shall shewe themselues faythfull mynysters and seke hys glorie in that behalfe But they schall not performe thys For yt maye be non acte of manne by hys promes Onlye ys that wonderfull conquest ouer the enemyes of God reserued to hys worde and so ougth yt only therat to be loked for The lorde commaunded Iohan hys elect apostle in measurynge the temple to seclude from yt as no porcyon therof the chast cell of charmers Vvych ys by the iudgemēt of hys worde to separate from hys true congregacyon those spirituall sorcerers of Sodome and Egypt Vvythout sayth he are dogges and inchaunters fylthye wurkers and manquellers Idolatours and lyars Than was thys in mystery spoken now schall yt be actuallye fulfylled as I haue in more ample wyse vpon the Apocalyps declared yt whom I haue called the Image of both churches For non other cause haue I named thys boke here of Boner The māne of synne and the glose ther vpon made hys dysclosynge or openynge but for that yt contayneth nothynge els but a spirituall wyckednesse ād ys therfor so called also of saynt Paule and for that the other by manye clere manyfestatyons declareth the same In manye places of the scripture ys manne a name of contumelye and reprofe of vanyte and falshede All menne sayth Dauid are lyars The chyldren of menne are deceytfull All ys but vanyte sayth Salomon all ys but a fyckle vanyte A vnyuersall vanyte ys euery lyuynge manne Are ye not carnall sayth Paule are ye not beastlye walkynge after mānys wayes Nothynge was māne but a myserye tyll the lorde loked mercyfullye downe vpō him frō heauen and made hym hys chylde of adopcyon through faythe A fore was he nothynge but a fleshlye generacyon all of the fylthye earthe By cause that I therfor tryenge thys boke by the scripturs haue founde therin nō other frutes thā hath rysen of the corrupt fantasyes of mēne I haue here with Paule intytled yt the man of synne as a thynge offeryng not els of it selfe but synne ▪ who se abhomynacyōs I haue here partlye opened to the intent that peple shuld be ware of thē And that they whych haue receyued thē in faythe schuld vomete thē out ageyne least in the lordes cōmynge they peryshe with them Non other fashyoned churche loketh Christ to receyue ageine of the worlde for hys eternall spouse than that he left here in persecucyon for hys worde No thāke are they lyke to haue of hym whych hath brought into hys clere buyldynge stubble haye or tymber or yet anye other corruptible thynges These myters typpetes furred amyses and shauen crownes These crosses copes sensers and candel styckes These mattenses masses ceremonyes and sorceryes schall not he knowe for hys For he cōmaunded no soche thynges to be done He tolde them he wolde requyre mercye at ther handes and no sacrifice and therof haue they now nothynge at all I moche rather desyre mercye sayth the lorde thā offerynge the knowlege of God than burnt sacrifyce Thys text of Oseas and Mathew was very farre of from my lorde Boner whan he sett vp a commaundement in Paules a geynst Byble readinge for the tyme of ther Romyshe rablementes Marke the last rekenynge of the indge in the. 25 of Mathew and ye schall se no soche thynges demaūded as they loke to haue obserued Herin ys not Chrystes instytucyon denyed in anie case but the popes fylthye tradycyons and customes So farre is hys holye ordynaunce aboue the popes rustye rewles as is the pure golde aboue the vyle dyrt of the dongehyll or the imperiall heauē aboue earthe I knowe certenlye I schall for thys be called a thousande tymes heretique but I waye it nothynge at all for it is the olde name of true christianes I thinke some of owr feble faynt bretherne which are now neyther whote nor colde wil dyuerslye saye ther mindes ād haue sentēces moche lyke thēselues I knowe I schal be burned yf I maye be caught but I care no thynge for it For I doubt not my porciō to be with Christ which wyll not suffre one heare to peryshe but will restore it me ageyne at the latter daye Yea yf I lose for hym here I knowe I schall be a winner ageyne there Rather I had to die manye deathes thā to obeye soche myscheues to my sowles condempnatiō Neuer schall the lyfe of my synnefull carkas be so dere vnto me I hope as is the glorye of my eternall father and redemer Iesus Christ Vvhat is the religion of yowr churche in englande at thys daye but the popes dyrtye leauynges the fylthye dregges of hys rotten vessels and the cancred rust of hys olde worne pytchers Surelye he that schall cōpare yowr churche to the churche that Christ left schall fynde them so vnlyke as chaffe to wheate and claye to syluer As in a myrrour is that to be seane in thys most deuylyshe declaration of Boner to the wonderynge of all christen dome Is not englāde thynke you most dolorouslye to be lamented thys beynge an open spectacle of ther christen lernynge profession and faythe and the wyndynge vp of ther newe gospell after ther churches reformatiō I trowe mēne maye saye abrode they haue frutefullye sytten vpon the causes of christen relygion so many years bringinge it to soche a good ende If it be thus in London the head cyte of the realme and so nygh the kynges presence it must nedes be moche worse farder of Oh most vnshamefast boldenesse of a verye shamelesse Antichrist Ryghtlye hath Daniel descrybed the great master of hys geuynge hym an vnshamefast face Thys is a matter not done in sylence but openlye at Paules crosse the more menne doth wōdre of it and thynke that an other thynge hath bene sought there by the gospell preachynge thā Christes kyngdome Vvell I cā not tell the lorde amende all but I knowe thys is abhominable If it schuld cost me a score of lyues had I so manye I wolde not spare to vtter it to hys dyshonour seynge the lorde thus blasphemed and hys redemed heritage so abused In thys pestylent professy on is the great Idoll of Rome admytted ageyne vnto hys olde seate By all crastie meanes seketh Boner here
maketh forē peple to report moche shame which is not here to be spoken to the great heuynesse of trewe faythfull hartes 5 If the decrees and inhybycyons of my lorde ordynarye of London and of other soche holye ordynaryes of englande as they be here named were dilygentlye sowght out and well wayed I feare me they schuld apere verye scant honest men well the lorde seeth all and schall surelye iudge it at a daye ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 And more ouer that I haue not accustomed to obserue and kepe the. 2. laudable ceremonyes rytes and customes of thys catholyck churche of englande cōmonlye obserued and kepte by other that is to saye 3. neyther in goynge procession vpon satudaye● at euensonge 4. nor in the vsage and maner of makynge of holye vvater and holye brede 5. nor in makynge my confessyon 6. or saynge of masse 7. mattens or euensonge as I schuld or ought to haue Hys dysclosynge GIR euous burdens and intollerable yokes laye they styll vpon the shoulders of menne syttynge in Moyses chaire Nothynge esteme they the cōmaūdements of God in comparyson of ther owne tradi●yons No fawte ys the brekynge of them here noted Idolatrye sy monye sacrilege whoredome hatred se dycyon glottonye couetousnesse cruelte rape and mourther ys neyther here blamed nor yet spoken yll of Onlye ys Gods verite here condēpned vnder the blacke tyttle of heresye the poore member of Christ made a lawghige stocke to all the worlde for yt blasphemed dysdayned and abhorred Soch is yet the ab homynacyon of thys sixt age of the churche Vvhan sathan tempted Christ in the desart in hys fyrst .ij. suggestions he named the sonne of God But in thys declaracyon yea rather temptacyon of hys peple schalt thu not fynde one syllabe mēcyoned neyther of hym nor yet of hys he auenlye father Reade yt ouer hardelye with iudgement and marke yt with we pynge eyes lamētynge that the dere flocke of the lorde ys thus myserablye ledde For there is no plage vnder heauen to it If thys be not the defec●yon from Christ mencyoned by Paule to the Thessalonianes I thynke ther ys non I feare yt that my lorde of london hath taken vpp the third suggestyon of sathan with hys couetours and ambycyous kyngedome and as a fearefull tempter seduceth the peple to ther dampnacyon For what a doctrine is thys● wherin neyther God nor hys sonne is mencyoned Vvele may it be called errour in hypocresye and doctrine of deuyls yea ād worse yf worse maye be Se how the deuyll resembleth here the angell of lyght Sens Christes ascenciō hath not soche a declaracyon bene after thys sort spredde amonge the peple by Christyane nor Antichristiane Iewe nor pagane angell nor deuyll a poore manne compelled so openlye to professe the same and no mencyon made of god nor of christ If this be not a misterie of iniquire and a workynge of Sathan vnder a de ceytfull powre neuer was there anye 2 A grett matter is made here of a thīge of nowght and it must be proclamed at Paules crosse Tolwin must stāde forth ther for an heretyke And whye For he hath not obserued the laudable ceremonies rytes ād custōes of this catholyck churche of englande Vvherin I praye yow 3 He hath not gone processyon vpon saturdayes at euensonge A verye haynous offence and worthye to be iudged no lesse thān hygh treason ageynst yowr holye father agapitus popett of Rome whych fyrst dreamed it out and enacted it for a lawdable ceremonye of yowr whoryshe churche for christ knoweth it not But I maruele sore that ye obserue yt vpon saturdayes at nyght at euensonge he cōmaundynge yt to be obserued vpon the sondayes in the mornynge betwixt holie water makynge and hygh masse Parauēture ye wyll saye ye do both and so doble yt as we perseyue ye do in dede least the holie obseruacyon of your father schuld droppe awaye and yow be founde neglygent in your obedyēce For soth ye shewe yourself a verye naturall childe to your holye mother in so holdinge her vpp for fallynge now in her latter age ād wurthye ye are to haue her blessynge If ye wolde wytsaue to put● the. 7. staciōs of Rome unto it in the worshyp of the ▪ vii deadlye synnes after the olde wonte your ceremonye myght ape ●e more solempne Moch is Sa●urnus beholden vnto yow whych ys one of the olde goddes to garnyshe the goynge out of hys daye with so holye an obseruacyon Ioye yt ys of your lyfe so to remēber your olde fryndes Doubtlesse yt ys a fyne myrye pagent and yow worthye to be called a Saturnyane for yt Vvher of thys and other proper pagētes of yours be called lawdable we can not tell for we can neyther fynde worde nor commaundement of god for them and therfor we referre it vnto yow 4 An other lawdable ceremonye of yowrs Tolw in hath not well handled nor as a workemāne of that occupacyon schuld do He hath not made hys holye water ād his holy brede after the olde vsage and maner nor as it is customablye yet vsed of other conynge artyfycers of your lyuerie ād marke Though he hath made thē ād well seasoned thē with salte after the rew les of pope alexander yet hath he left out the holy exorcysmes and cōiuracyōs supposynge the good creaturs of Gods creacyon to haue no deuyls within thē remēbringe also hys prynces pleasure which hath wylled all supersty cyousnesse to be taken awaye frō the ceremonyes Notwithstādinge yow se an other thynge in it The lawdable institucyon of your holy fathers popes of rome schuld perishe if it were not so vsed Yea we schuld haue nothīge to dryue away spretes with nor yet to take away vēge able synnes For neyther hath christ nor yet a Christen mannys faythe the powre that holy water hath Therfor set hāde to it harde lye and regarde neyther god nor yowr kynge but lett the heretyke knaue do opē penaūce in spight of thē bothe to putt other in feare least the feate of holy water makynge be forgottē amonge thē 5 Confessyon is also a laudable ceremonye of yowrs and was fyrst admitted by pope innocent in the most pestylēt counsell of laterane for a mayntenaunce of yowr markett Se now that it decaye not for wante of lokynge to Consyder fyrst of all that for yowr commodite it hath deposed and dysherited more th● ij hondreth lawfull kynges and shorne them into monasteryes of monkerye some of ther eyes putt out It made fredericus barbarossa the Popes fote stole at venys and subdewed manye other noble emprowrs For soche a treasure it is as euer helpeth whan yowr matters are in daunger By the vertu of confessyon was the plesaunt kyngdome of Italye destroyed and became saynt peters patrimonye the kynge therof called desyderius with hys wyfe and children exyled into lyons and endynge hys lyfe in
deuylyshnesse lyke vnto thers In euery poynt do they shewe them selues the verye aduersaryes of God and the rebellynge sede of the serpent Christ at hys departure from thys worlde commaunded onlye preachynge and baptyme to hys apostles and neyther syngynge nor sensynge holye watte rynge nor massynge Thys do they with all threttenynges inhybytt as ys here specyfyed For Tolwyn ys here commaunded from hence forth neyther to preache nor to teache vpon soche peynes and penaltees as are due to heretyques whych ys no lesse thā burnynge in smythfeld or hangynge in the lollars tower at mydnyght whan menne be a slepe Vvo ys vnto me sayth saynt Paule or dampnacyon to my sowle yf I preache not the gospell Christ hath not sent me to baptyse but to publyshe the glad tydynges of helthe moche lesse than to go processyon or to saye a popysshe masse Thys necessarye mynystracyon in the worde whych Christ hath ordayned do they lyke antichristes condempne The wholsome offyce of preachynge that he hath commaunded do they most streyghtlye inhybitt Ryghtlye therfor ded Christ declare thē contempners of hys fathers heauenlye ordynaunces for ther owne fylthye tradycyons and customes whych are most abhomynable blasphemyes 2 But here parauenture my lorde wyl allege for hymselfe that hys present inhy bycyon concerneth the onlye preachynge of heresyes ād errours whych he wyll in no wyse haue taught in hys dyoces If my lorde had so well assertayned vs what an heresye ys as he hath here sett out Tolwyn for an heretyque we schuld moche better haue vnderstande hym But surelye yf heresye be a contrarye doctrine to the wholsome doctrine of Chryst my lorde ys here the most rāke herety qne and wyt lesse antychryst that cuer I harde of And as for Christ here ys no maner of mencyon of hym He ys not so moche as ones named in all thys frantyke declaracyon He re ys not one thynge that the scrypture of God can iustlye maynteyne so Babylonyshe heythr●ysse ād hellyshe ys yt And therfor yt ys no doctryne of hys but all ageynst hym My lord thynketh that there are nō other heresyes but those whych rebuke the superstycyons of hys popyshe churche Non other errours but that speaketh ageynst ther ambycyouse pryde and vayne glorye Non other noughtye opynyōs but soche as towcheth ther couetouse cloynynge and insacyable auaryce Thē thynketh he onlye heretyques with Thomas Bonauenture Dons Bachonthorpe and other sentencyoners whych dysobeyeth the Rome churhe He remembreth not that accordynge to Christes promyse the holye gost at hys commynge schuld reproue the worlde of synne ryghtousnesse and iudgement whych betokeneth infydelyte hypocryse and mannys wysdome For he fyndeth yt not in hys portifolium nor yet in owr ladyes mattens And therfor whan soche straunge voyces soūdeth in hys eare for lacke of a through acquayntaūce with them he taketh thē for heresyes errours and noughtye opynyōs Thus maye he also iudge Esaie Hieremie Ezechiel and Daniel with the other prophetes Christ Iohan Baptyst Paule and Peter with the other apostles to be heretyques for all ther prophecyes and wrytynges are full of soche heresyes 3 Euerye where are they contrarye to the catholyke faythe of your churche whych ys the worshyppynge of Idols the callynge vpon menne that are departed and the gasynge vpon goddes that are seane with the eye Euerye where are they ageynst that holye mother of yours in opynyon faythey and doctryne No Christen beleue fatcheth ther dyscyples and scolers frō your laye mēnys calēder your dead boke of Images nor yet from iour latyne seruyce whō they vnderstāde not but frō the lyuynge worde of the lorde Ther faythe ys a substaūce of thynges vnseane and not of gaudes and fables aperynge to the eye In sprete and verite do they worshyp ther eternall father ād not in outwarde shaddowes and toyes Vnholie do they iudge that mother whych bryngeth forth daylye so manye proude porkelynges so manye couetouse charmers so manye Idell hypocrytes oyled Idyotes shorne bellye goddes wedlock breakers defylers of maydēhe de open persecuters of the truthe sleers of innocentes sodomytes and beastes of ferynge thēselues vp for astynkige sacryfyce vnto belphegor in the fylthye fyre of concupyscence burnynge heates of ther lustes ād vnsacyable desyres of ther lueshe with a desperate conscyence contempnynge the iust ordynaunce of God to obserue ther papystycall vowe 4 The catholyke faythe of thys malygnaunt madame the churche of anti 〈…〉 st the mother of myschefe whych ys abhomynable whoryshnesse hath Tolwyn promysed to hys symple power to maynteyne with holye water makynge to defende with errours and lyes in hypo crysye and to auaunce with the holye docrysye of deuyls accordynge to hys newe made othe and professyon in my lordes preuye closett for the scripturs wyll not therto serue hym They knowlege nō other churche of christ but the kynges doughter whych ys from wythin as Dauid doth largelye descrybe her in hys 44 psalme and ys therfor called the kyn gedome of heauen whych neyther hath myter nor cope mattens nor masse shauen crowne nor anoyntynge 5 To thys newe professyon and solempne othe of Tolwyn that he schall durynge hys lyfe maynteyne defende and auaunce the popes olde relygyon or ātychristes whether ye wyll for yt ys nō of christes the worshypfull cyte of London my lorde mayer the shryues and the whole commynnalte must beare recorde that they maye also obeye the same though they haue both godes lawes and ther kynges actes to the contrarye Is not thys thynke yow a bolde enterpry fe and a wonderfull spectacle vnto menne soche a thynge to be done in the face of the peple the pope so latelye putt downe the gospell so clerelye dyuulgate and the kynge makynge soche constytucyons for the scrypturs mayntenaunce Are not the peple of thys realme wonderfullye abused by soche masterye workers as my lorde ys Vvhat yow thynke of yt in En glande I can not tell but I wote all christendome besydes wondereth of yt the kynge thus doynge one thynge and the bysshoppes an other If they dare be so bolde openlye and vnder the kynges nose I doubt not butt hey are bold ynow a brode and farder of and ther prestes lacketh no good counsell ther vnto in ther conuocacyons and seanes In dede thys farre passeth the calkynge of doctor Crōke horne with hys secrete reuelacyons and also the pratye practyses of doctor Bockynge and the holye mayde of kente yf all thynges be consydered Now foloweth the text in hys course The manne of synne ¶ 1 And Vtterlye to detest abhorre 2 and auoyde all 3 and all maner of heresyes errours and nough tye opynyons 4 VVith the fauourers mainteyners defenders or anye of them durynge my lyfe Hys dysclosynge O● F a farre other sort was Christ in takynge of synners to repētaunce than ys my good lorde of London for he compelled non of them to do soche open
for geuenesle of my lorde But what call ye a good deseruynge I praye yow Marke that foloweth here after and ye schall se how honorablye my lorde hath dyffyned yt he re vnto Tolwyn with a lumpe of good lernynge 4 It ys to do accordynge to hys seyd promyse That ys to saye to become from hence forth a good processyon goer vpon saturdayes at euēsonge a good holye water maker a good mattenser masser and so forth but no true gospell preacher More ouer yt ys to become a catholyke manne otherwyse called a popyshe rebellion but saye neuer a worde I cha ge yow Yt ys also to auaunce the popes holye churche and to detest and abhorre the noughtye heretyques otherwyse called good faythfull Christen mēne Loo ser all thys ys called here a good deseruynge 5 If Tolwyn perfourme all thys accordynge to hys seyd promyse my lorde ys contented to forgeue all togyther lyke a good gentyll vertuouse prelate If not the lorde of heauen haue mercye vpon hym for he goth surelye to the fyre For that ys the olde rewarde of bysshoppes whan menne wyll not be rewled and obeye the good lawes of holye churche That holye mother of thers can not abyde an enemye to blowe ones vpō her but she consumeth them with burnynge cooles not all vnlyke to Proserpina and the olde god Vulcanus so full of sober pacyence ys she Her nature ys now not to ouercome the worlde with faythe as she was wont to do but with flame so feruent ys she waxen sens she became a gloryouse madame of the earthe Fyre can she make to come downe from heauen in the syght of mē causynge them to beleue that yt ys godes wyll to haue the heretyques consumed Thus prouoke she that good creature of God vnwyllyngly as saynt Paule speaketh yt to serue her vanyte cleane contrarye vnto hys gracyouse ordynaunce As where yt ought to be mannys cōfort to worke hys confusyon and where yt ought to serue hys nede vnsemynglye to deuoure hym and swallowe hym cleane vp Soche wōders can they do in the face of the worlde and yet be an holye consecrate ordre styll I doubt not but the lorde wyll ones make ther inyquyte full knowen to all menne whan they schall saye with horrible feare and anguyshe These are they whom we sumtyme had in derysyon Vve thought ther lyues verye madnesse and ther ●de without honoure But loo how they are counted amonge the chyldren of God and ther porcyon ys amonge the sayntes Therfor haue we erred from the waye of truthe the sonne of ryghtousnesse hath not shyned vnto vs nor the clerenesse of vnderstandynge ouer spredde vs with hys bryght beames Vve haue tyred owr selues in the rewles of wyckednesse and destruccyon Tedyouse wayes haue we gone but the iust waye of the lord haue we not knowen what good hath owr pryde done vnto vs Or what profyte hath the pōpe of rychesse brought vs. All those thynges are passed a waye lyke a sheaddowe and so forth as yt foloweth styll in the fift chapter of sapyence ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Besechynge therfor yovv that be my fryndes 2 to geue hym most hartye thākes for the same 3 ād to take exāple by me 4 to auoyde the lyke daunger Amen Hys dysclosynge O●H what a cōpas of deceyt ys thys to auoyde the suspycyon of tyrannye before the blynde worlde Thys poore manne ys shamed openlye He hath lost hys good name for euer Of a dere chylde of Christ he ys made a sworne chylde of the deuyll by thys newe professyon wherin neyther Christ ys named nor yet hys eternall father Yet must hys fryndes come with cappe ādknee to geue hartye thākes to thys terryble termagaunt thys Nēroth thys Pharao thys Hieroboam thys Olopherne thys antyochus thys Herode yea thys mytred mahounde and verye deuyll incarnate I haue in my tyme seane letters and wrytynges dyuerse whych hath comen from the great Turke and Souldane But neuer sawe I anye of them with out the name of god as thys lordlye declaracyon ys Vvo ys that realme that hath manye soche ghostlye gydes It had bene great pyte except yt had bene declared at Paules crosse and that Tolwyns fryndes sehuld geue hartye thankes for yt there ys in yt so moche goodnesse 2 But vnto what purpose schuld these thankes be geuen That my lorde maye be iudged a prelate most charytable and that he hath done all thys but of gētylnesse and fauer where as he myghthaue burned the heretyque by the popes holye lawes of whom he ys a commensed canonyst Vvhye call ye that an acte of charyte to shewe soche vyolence for matters of so small wayght Yea for thiges whych are rather deuylyshe than godlye whose fulfyllynge ys sylthye abhomynacyon and blasphemye For non other cause was Peter called Sathan of Christ but for fauorynge thynges that were not of God but of menne Lete hym geue hym thākes ther for that hath sett hym a worke to kyll as manye as wyll not do ther homages to the beastlye bodye of the olde serpēt of hell And lete not honest godlye menne now worshypp that Image whych ys latelye raysed of the beastes wounded head of whom I haue written a large volume called the Image of both churches comprehēdynge an whole commentarye vpō the reuelacyon of Iohan whych I trust ye schall shortlye haue with other thynges els For a doctryne of saluacyon ys that Apocalyps and so necessarye to be vnderstande knowne as yt ys to be a member of Christes churche consyderynge yt ys non other but a manyfestacyon of the estate therof for all ages vnto the worldes ende Now to owr purpose ageyne My lorde wolde fayne by these farre fett colours hyde a wolfe but yt wyll not be Falshede wyll apere falshede ād axe hym no leaue Great peynes he taketh to weue the spyders webbe and to hatche the coccatryce egges but all wyll not helpe He vnder proppeth Babylon with vntempred claye for fallynge but hys buyldynge wyll not fashyō Her irrecuperable fall ys at hāde The calfe of Samaria must be take awaye Yet wyl they do myschefe as lōge as they maye so deuyllyshe ys ther nature 3 Vvhych ys here included in thys latter admonycyon of Tolwyn Vvherin he desyreth hys fryndes to take an example of warnynge by hym and therbye to auoyde lyke claunger And me thynketh thys counsell ys fryndlye yf yt be hys For indede they schuld not fynde yt easye to come in soche tyrannouse hādelynge But I thynke verelye that thys latter ende ys no lesse my lorde of Londons than ys all that went a fore Not for anye good loue or benyuolence that the wolfe beareth the flocke of Christes lambes But in purpose to scattre them and to fraye them awaye from the swete pasture and fatte fedynge of the gospell whych ys hys eternall testament A contynuall practyse hath thys bene amonge
owr spirituall Mahometes euer sens ther begynnynge And I thynke they lerned yt fyrst of the romanes as they haue done all other deuylyshnesse els Vvhose custome was whan so euer the flood of Tiber raged to throwe in a man ne or a woman therwith to pacyfye hys furye And in dede waters in dyuerse places of the scripture betokeneth the peple Those hastye voyces ageynst ther proude kyngedome they vse oft to apeyse with soche a fraye bugge as was Tolwyn at Paules crosse whom my lorde sett vp the re for a sygne of contradyccyon If Iohan Porter that gētyll and godlye yonge man ne and true dyscyple of Christ whom my lorde latelye quelled in preson for readynge the byble had submytted hymselfe to thys symple office and professyon of papystrye forswerynge Christ and hys veryte he had bene māne alyue and so had other more where as now he ys dead ād gone But be thu certayne and sure of yt thu terryble and cruell Cerberus that God hath not lost hym Full dere ys he vnto hys mercyfull redemer though thu hast wretchedly cast hym awaye Yea full precyouse in hys syght ys hys deathe though he dyed in the stynkynge dōgyon of new gate with the wydowes almes of no smal wayght vpon hym besydes the most sharpe hōger and greuouse famyshmēt whych dryed vpp hys bowels Or strangelynge vpp in the nyght as your commō feate ys for ye haue yowr hyred slaughter menne in soche hydden corners for soche busye byble readers Remember what ye sayd whan he came before yow that ye were glad he was come to your handes Ye thought than to dyspatche hym for anye more readynge in Paules as ye haue now done in dede though he were a manne of ryght stronge nature and stomake But blessed be our lorde God though ye haue slayne hys bodye ye can do no harme to hys sowle He that loseth hys lyfe for Christ schall fynde yt ageyn to auauntage The corne that dyeth in the grounde bryngeth forth moche frute He that loseth hys sowle here schall fynde yt in the lyfe euerlastynge whan tyrauntes schall haue rewarde with the deuyll and hys angels 4 Tolwyn hath not done all amys therfor in admonyshynge hys fryndes afore hande to take example by hym for the auoydaunce of lyke daunger or els worse For yf they lyst not to beware by hym they maye take warnynge by that hath be done vnto Rycharde mekyns Robert warde and now last of all Iohan porter whose blood axeth daylye vengeaunce ouer thys cruell tyraunt as ded the innocent blood of Abel ouer that spyghtfull murtherer Cain By thys and soche other as by most enydent tokens maye christen mēne se that yt ys christes doctrine whych hath bene taught now of late by gods appoyntment and the kynges permyssyon For yf yt were of the worlde the fleshe or the deuyll yt schuld haue the clergye to frynde lyke as hath Idolatrye whoredome and all other fylthynesse with the stynkynge stewes whom they neuer persecute Our eternall God ād mercyfull father delyuer ones hys peple frō these cruell enemyes whom he hath redemed with the precyouse blood of hys sonne Iesus Christ Amen ❧ THE SECONDE FYTT OR BOKE of my lorde of Londons declaracyō cōcernynge the popes olde faythe wyth the dysclosynge of the same The manne of synne ¶ 1 Here after folovveth the names of 2 the bokes 3 vvhych the seyd person of saynt Antonynes 4 vva● detected and presented vvith Hys dysclosynge 1 IN case lyke was Tolwy● whā my lorde of Londo● examyned hym as wa● Christ whan he came b●fore Annas the hygh pre● of the Iewes as yt ys here manyfest O● hys dyscyples and doctrine ded Annas e●amyne hym so ded my good lorde of L●●don poore Tolwyn for the ordre of hy● cure and what lernynge he taught them ▪ For the fyrst was the afore seyd declarac●on and for the other ys thys processe 〈…〉 folowynge of the names of serten boke● perteynynge also to the same Dyuerse are ther tytles partlye for the dyuersyte of the matters and partlye for the more solēpne settynge forthe of thys notable worke to the vpholdynge of holye churche ageynst heretyques The first matters respecteth hys dyscyples or parryshners vnder the tyttle of declaracyon whom he hath not fedde with the pharysees leuen nor yet pampred vp with the popes swylle and dregges accordynge to hys first professyō but now of late with the pure worde of god as he coude conuenyentlye procure yt Thys present processe concerneth hys doctryne vnder the tyttle of the names of bokes wher wyth he was both detected and presented of them that neyther vnderstode them nor knewe them the cō●entes therof not declared att all 2 Vvhat haynouse heresyes and daungerouse doctryne the seyd bokes contayneth wyll here after apere as ther names come to hande in ther course But I maruele moche that the bagge ys not so wele expressed in thys tytle as are the bokes consyderynge they came to Paules crosse togyther So wele ys he worthye to be condemned of heresye by the popes lawe as 〈…〉 y for hys couerynge carryenge and conueyenge of them as he ded And as manye heresyes hath he whan he ys emptye as they haue for ought wese here yet sauynge ōlye the names Vvhat we schall se here after I can not tell 3 Vvolde Tolwyn haue bene a good Idoll mayntener with holye water and sensynge latyne Iabberynge and wawlynge accordynge to the offyce of saynt Antonynes personage he had not bene thus brought forth for ā heretyque Vvolde he haue shewed hymself the popes good swyneherde and haue fedde hys porkelynges apace with sosse and syllybubbes coddes and swaddes with other lyke purueaunce the great swyne had not so gredelye deuoured hym 4 Neyther had they detected hym for a loller nor yet presented hym for an heretyque In no wyse can they awaye with the clenlye prouysyon of Christ nor yet broke the seruyce of hys apostles The swete brede of the gospell hath in ther mouthes no sauer nor yet the dulcett gust of the other scripturs The wholsom delycates that the holye ghost hath prepared cā they not awaye wyth Geue them the dra●fe they were wont to haue with the swyllynges of the popes olde vessels for they are soche worne bottels as wyll rather burst than holde newe wyne Better ys a fylthye puddell vnto them to wallowe in than a fayre clere ryuer to make them cleane Ye can haue a swyne no better thā he ys of hys owne vngentyll nature Therfor Iete swyne be fylthye swyne and vyle gootes be gootes styll As the meke lambes of Christ folowe yow hys voyce whych ys the hygh shepeherde of yowr sowles and late swyne be swyne styll Now foloweth the seconde processe of thys declaracyon The manne of synne ¶ 1 Good peple 2 these bokes contayned here in thys baggez or sachell are 4 erronrouse heretycall and noughtye bokes and vvere
yt was made by Martyn Luther the capytall enemye of antichristes bysshoppes and partlye for that my lorde ys therin so lyuelye sett out in hys pontyfycall colours Yet wondre I ageyne that he schuld condempne that pycture whych he beareth out so lyuelye in the syght of the worlde Parauenture he ys well contented to playe the proude pagent but he wolde not haue the scripturs to busye to tell hym therof Nothynge taketh thys treatyse from a ryght christen bysshopp though yt toucheth the tyrauntes of Sodome and the gloryouse glottons of Babylon Therfor lett thē wexe furyouse frātyk and madde at ther spirytuall pleasure full lyttle careth Martyn for that thonderynge or earthquake of thers 3 The godlye confessyon of faythe whych the noble princes of germanye mekelye offred to the emproure for the churches reformacyon whom my lorde calleth here the confessyon in Englyshe full wyselye with the lerned Apologye of Phylypp Melāchton hath he also blotted with the blacke tyttle of heresye Ryghtlye compareth Christ soche shamelesle hypocrytes to rauenynge dogges and swyne cruellye tearynge hys truthe and treadynge vnder ther fylthye fete the precyouse pearle therof Full lyttle knoweth thys blynde bysye busharde what he doth condempne in these godlye bokes here rehersed He dāpneth dyuerse verytees of God as our iustyfycacyō i Christ the puttynge downe of the pope the confutynge of the anabaptystes the true obedyence to princes the abolyshynge of superstycyōs with manye godlye thynges that our kynge hath done ageynst the false kyngedome of antychrist Vvhat godlye wyse manne cā iudge otherwyse of hym whan he condēpneth all that ys in them contayned with out respect Certayne I ā that these are the pryncypall poyntes therin decysed 4 Vvhat the postylles are vpō the epysteles and gospels whych foloweth cōsequentlye vnder the same condempnacyō I can not tell vnlesse they be Rychard tauerners Vvhom he compyled together of a good godlye mynde that yowr asseheaded prestes whych can do no soche thynges schuld not be all Idell but shewe some godlye instruccyons to the peple By thys furyouse acte therfor maye all mēne se that ye mynde no maner of godlynesse to the dere flocke of Christ but all destruccyon and myschefe In the chamber of thys poore manne whom ye thus proclame for an heretyque founde ye dyuerse bokes of papystrye and treason to your price were they so narrowlye loked vpō as these are But them left ye there behynde vntouched as matters necessarye to the vpholdynge of your holye churche Lett Tol wyn haue so manye of them as he wyll and he schall neuer be blamed but be your owne whyght sōne Ye passe not a whytt how moche treasō be a brode for by that alwayes hath your ruffelynge relygyon had mayntenaunce Onlye ys yt heresye as ye call yt that moueth your spretes For by that ys decayed yowr vayne glorye Ye force not though a hondred thousande of those bokes were abrode that myght teache menne to be dysobedyent to God in the matters of faythe and vnto your prynce in the causes of ther true allegeaunce The enchyridion of Eckius that impudent proctour of antichrist offendeth yow nothynge at all Yet cōtayneth yt all doctryne of deuylyshnesse as the popes auctoryte power and prymacye hys coūsels cōstytucyons and customes hys confirmacyons orders and vnccyons hys worshyppynge of Images rodes and rellyques hys excommunycacyons interdyccyons and cursynges hys purgatorye pardons and pylgrimages hys immunytees pluralitees and tot quo●●es with the deuyll ād all of soche fylthynesse Euerye where ys thys boke sought and enquyred for ī cyte markett and feyer Euerye ser Iohan must haue yt that can rede to make hym therwith a Christen curate a good ghostlye father and a catholyck member of holye churche Verye fewe popyshe prestes with in my lordes dyocese are at thyssame houre with out yt eyther in ther chambers sleues or bosoms For yt ys a most precyouse treasure to hym that wyll heare confessyons and kepe a cure well to antychristes behoue That embrase the gentyll menne of the popes lyuerye and marke that culle they that kysse they that drawe they to them as a worke of most holye wholsom catholyck doctryne No lesse myght harrye pep well in Paules churche yearde haue out of Michael Hillenius howse in Anwerpe at one tyme than ā whole complete prynte at the holye request of stokyslaye In a short space were they dyspached and a newe prynte in hāde soche tyme as he also commaunded Barlowes dyaloges to be preached of the curates through out all hys dyocese I knowe yt the better for that he at the same tyme suspended me from preachynge in estsexe bycause I wold not leaue the gospell and be sworne to the obseruacyon of hys iniunccyons I haue knowne in my tyme more than vi dyuerse pryntes of thys erronyouse and deuylyshe boke whych ys a manyfest token that the vtteraunce therof hath not bene small Dyuerse of them hath besydes thys hys dronken dysputacyons ageynst heretyques hys apostolyck crede hys crysopassus of dyuyne predestynacyon hys aurycular confessyō hys boke offre wyll hys primacye of Peter to pope Leo the tent and hys postylles of papystrye Manye other dyrtye dyuynes haue they els of the same pharyseycall leuen to maynteyne the same selfe doctrine As Thomas of Aquyne Bonauenture Vvalden Prierias Catharinns Clychtoueus Radinus Empser Cocleus Lathomus Scatzger Herbron Hochstrate Natalis Beda Tregarius Pelargus Hofmester Alphonsus de Castro Iohan Fysher and Thomas More with canonystes and Romystes the deuyll and all But at these can my lorde wynke in hope of I saye no more Vvhether these wayes be ryght or naye lete menne of godlye and rype dyscressyon iudge The manne of synne ¶ 1 A boke of prayer made by Luther 2 The dore of holye scripture 3 The postylles of Coruinus 4 Tvvo olde vvritten bokes the one for scolers 5 and the other taken out of frythes bokes Hys dysclosynge NOt yet haue we done with these bokes but styll are they a foule blott in my lordes eyes Now cometh a boke of prayer made by Martyn Luther yet nothynge ys seane but the bagge Anon my lorde wyll saye that heretyques despyse good workes and write ageynst fastynge ād prayer But lete hym be ware least thys boke ꝓue hym a lowde lyar in the face of all the worlde In that small treatyse yf yt be hys ys nothynge els contayned but the lordes prayer the commaundementes and crede It ys moche maruele to me yf they are now become heresye and legenda aurea with sancta Maria ora pro nobis out of your ordynarye pye and portas becometh ageyne so wholsom lernynge But parauenture yt ys for Luthers names sake If the whole doctrine of the trynyte came in that name yt schuld sure into the sachell without lokynge on and be condempned for heresye Ye yf God came hymfelfe vnder hys tyttle he
schuld surelye stāde forth for an heretyque in my lordes great mode He hath alredye cōdempned hys cōmaundementes hys prayer and the artycles of hys faythe for Martyns sake ōlye And no maruele For he ys the father heretyque ād enemye of all holye churche If God wold ones take hym out of the waye doubtlesse he schuld hane great thankes of my lorde and of the ranke rable of Romyshe ruffelers 2 Next cometh forewarde in course the dore of holye scripture Vvhether thys be Christ or no I am in moche doubt For in dede he sayth vnto hys dyscyples in the x. chapter of Iohan. I am the dore into the shepe folde He that entreth in by me schal go in and out and fynde good fedynge But I fere me that my lorde ys one of those theues and robbers that Christ speaketh of there for stoppynge vp of thys dore For he in so doynge depryueth the peple of that lyfe whych ys in hym and so sleeth ther soules holdynge them styll captyue in synne Alwayes hath my lordes generacyon bene thus rebellyouse ageynst the lorde and hys worde As we haue for example ī the olde lawe the false prestes whych compassed Hieremye the prophete and in the newe lawe the spirituall prelates that sought Christes deathe If thys dore of holye scripture be a treatyse than had yt bene more wysdome for my lorde to haue christenlye reproued the errours therof in case ther be anye and not to condempne soche a clere perfyght tyttle as offreth nothynge but godlynesse I thynke eyther hys wyttes are not hys owne or els he ys dronke with excesse of the Babylonyshe cuppe of hys holye mother 3 The compendyouse postyls of Antonius Coruinus vpō the sondayes ond sayntes are iudged of menne that be syncerelye lerned to be faythfull and godlye And so moche the more necessarye to a preacher that ys but meanelye lerned that within a small compasse they contayne moche christen erudycyon But my lorde admitteth nothige that perteieth to that office He careth for nothynge but for holye water ād sensynge ꝓcessyō and massynge He thynketh that .iiij. tymes in the yeare or ones in a quarter ys ynough for preachynge and therin onlye to declare the kynges actes cōcernynge ceremonyes and tythes in stede of the popes sentence of cursynges whych now is worne out If they Iyst to preache anye other thynge els they haue yet ther olde festyuall mammotractus Gesta roma norum Sermones discipuli Sermones dormi secure Rationale diuinorum Manipulus curatorum postilla guilhermi ād dyuerse other more whych are auncyent workes allowed of holye churche They haue also a famouse newe worke called Ioh Eckāius postyll which battelleth for the holye fathers primacye harde These and soche other are bokes of catholyk lernynge and schall neuer be condempned for they make all togyther for holye churche 4. In the bottom of the bagge lyeth .ij. olde written bokes and they haue no names here to fulfyll my lordes promes wyth But thus moche hath my lorde gathered of them that the one of them is for scolers ād the other ys takē out of Io. frythes bokes But wonder yt ys to me what that boke schuld offende whych ys onlye for scolers and hath non other tyttle Vvyl my lorde styll destroye all godlynesse without excepcyon Non other ys yt to condempne a boke for scolers hauynge non other addycyon but to condempne for heretyques doctryne ther vertuouse bryngynge vpp in good letters and maners In thys doth my lorde declare hymselfe an enemye vnto nature whych delyteth in necessaryes besydes that he hath done vnto faythe That the other treatyse taken out of Iohan frythes bokes schuld be an olde boke yt ys a fowle lye though yt be newlye practysed of my lorde For he was not 27 years olde in the 8. yeare afore thys declaracyon whan my lordes generacyon Stokyslaye Gardyner and soche other whō Esaye calleth the tyrauntes of Sodoma putt hym to most cruell deathe in the yeare of owr lorde God M. D .xxxiij. for Christes congregacyon sleeth no manne for hys faythe And therfor it cā not now be olde and collected of hys bokes Not all vnlyke ys my lorde here vnto the olde tyrauntes in the condempnacyon of these bokes Ioachim the kynge of Iuda tare Hie remyes prophecye and consumed yt in the fyre for vtterynge the truthe Antiochus cōmaunded the bokes of the scripturs to be brent also and the readers of them to be putt vnto deathe Herodes the Ascalonyte or Idumyte destroyed the monymentes of the Iewes and cruellye slewe ther notaryes Besydes that hath be done by the consecrate prelates of Constantynople and Rome whych also destroyed manye workes of Chrysostome and Gregorye as the cronycles mencyoneth And Tōstall in owr tyme whych ys now bysshop of Durhā whan the testamentes came first into Englyshe bought vpp a greatt nombre of them and brent them in Paules churche yearde for the great deuocyon he had vnto them and bycause he wolde shewe hys kynde But what became of the asore named tyrauntes for workynge soche wyckednesse Trulye Ioachim was ledde captyue into Egypt and at the last dyed there myserablye hys name secluded frō Christes genealogye Antiochus departed in a straunge lande ouerwhelmed with dyspayre ād innumerable sorowes els Herode was vexed with manye sore disseases as ytche scall mange gowte feuers collyke and at the last consumed of wormes most wretchydlye ended hys lyfe what schall become here after of my lorde bonner and Tohstall for doynge lyke feates I wyll not nor can not dyffyne for yt ys in the handes of God But sure I am that yt wyll be remembred whan blasphemers schall receyue rewardes accordinge to ther dedes My lorde parauenture thynketh the menne be yll and therfor he maye iustlye condempne ther workes My lorde must consydre ageyne that though Balaam Saul and Cayphas were wycked persones yet doth not the scripturs condempne ther true prophecyes Vvhat these mēne are ther frutes schall declare For no manne can saye that Iesus ys the lorde whych my lorde hath not yet vttred in all hys processe but in the holye ghost And as for my lordes thynkynge we remembre in Esaye that they whych holde darkenesse lyght and lyght darkenesse haue thoughtes and iudgementes full vnlyke to the thoughtes and iudgementes of God They saye they do well sayth Micheas the prophete whan they labour to shede blood and hunte ther bretherne to deathe They slee the shepe sayth Zacharye and yet they take yt for no synne No they suppose they do God good seruyce in so doynge But lete them take hede of yt and they lyst for Esaye geueth them warnynge that hell gapeth full wyde and openeth her mouthe at large to rewarde that good seruyce of thers The manne of synne ¶ 1 In vvhiche bokes are cōtayned manye sundrie errours 2 and blasphe mouse detestable ād abhōynable he resyes 3 not onlye ageynst the
yet is it no honest state of lyuynge for yow for your office ye saye is aboue all thers Though saynt Paule doth saye that wedlock is honorable amonge all peple and the chambre therof vndefyled Though he sayth also that God wyll condempne aduouterers and whore kepers and that the forbyddynge therof is the verye doctryne of deuyls all that can not moue yow Though the primatyue churche had it in great pryce and so styll ded vse it tyll Syluester the 2. ded fatche the deuyll fron hell by his nicromancye where as he was a fore tyed vp for a thousande years to seale the obligacyon of his papacye yet do yow take it for carnall be astlinesse bycause master Eckius doth so report it which neuer the lesse had 3. bastardes the same selfe yeare that he disputed that matter at lipsia Oh verye sede of the serpent and cytezens of sodome Not without cause was it that Christ called yow a false and an aduouterouse generaciō Full wele knewe he what we schuld haue of yow the heauenlye father be mercyfull vnto vs. Vvith all abhominacions haue you fylled the worlde and yet to thys daye Imagyne ye non other thynge Is your doctrine in thys anye other than the dyrt of the pope and the fylthye shytynges of olde heretyques The Tacyanes taught that matrymonye was in no case lawfull The Marcianistes wolde admytt nō to baptim vnlesse they renoūced wed locke The Eustachyanes helde opynyon that non coude be saued in marryage Mōtanus with hys sect leadynge women abought with hym noted yt a lyght thynge and sayd it myght be broke wele ynough The priscyllyanystes separated the menne from ther wyues and the womē from ther husbandes ageynst ther willes The Abelynes allowed maryage but no carnall copulacyon therin The Adamytes improued it as an vncleane thynge for that Adam knewe not hys wyfe before he synned The Nicolaytaynes were of thys opynyon that wyues ought to be cōmon The Cataphrygeanes Catharystes and Tartulyanystes condempned for aduoutrye the marryage of widowes The Esseanes Nouacyanes Carpocracianes Apostolyckes Iouynyanistes and other more hath opinion of matrimonye in dyuerse other respectes Last of all commeth your holye father of Rome with hys rable of rutters myters hattes hoodes cappes crownes conyes skynnes cattes tayles in all maner of colours and proporcyons and he hath an ore with them all as an vpholder of al heretiques ageynst this holy estate Yea holy I say ageyn though it be vnreuerentlye vsed of manye For it maketh neyther whore keper not sodomyte as yowr chastyte doth daylye innumerable Vyhan now in thys latter age thys buyldinge of yowrs through the gospell preachynge suffred a great earthquake and was lyke to fall to the grounde without recouer commeth forth master Eckius a verye connynge artifycer in the se workes of yours and he vnderproppeth it with an olde broken sparre Marryage maye be graūted to no prest sayth he by no maner of dispensacion for the vowe that is ānexed to ther chastite And for the establyshment of thys doctrine he bryngeth in the inhibicion made by pope Calixtus bycause no scripturs wyl serue hym But where as he sayth with no small cyrcumstaūce to make hys matter good that the pope neuer yet dispensed with that vowe He lyeth of hys holye father Raphael volateranus sayth that a serten monke called Nicolas marryed Anne the duke of venys dowter by the popes consent Burghardus the prouost of tryere or vttereth in Germanye had to wyfe the prince of the ruzeanes syster by the dispēsacyon of pope Gregorye the. 7. otherwise called hyldebrande the same selfe yeare he inhybited the maryage of prestr̄es Pope pelagius ded create a bisshopp at syracusa in the lande of sycill and he had both wyfe and chyldren Henricus agrippa maketh mencion of a Cardinall in Rome whom the Pope permytted to take a wyfe in maryage and at hys pleasure to returne ageyn to hys cardinalshypp after he had chyldren without anye maner of irregularyte Colomannus the bysshopp of uaradyne left that spiritual office and was made kynge of hungarye by the Popes dyspensacyon of purpose to haue yssue about the yeare of owr lorde M. lxxvi and regned there .xix. years Daniel a prest was lyke wyse constytute kynge of fraunce by a lyke dyspensacion and was called after warde Chylpericus gouernynge that regyon the space of .iij. years Petrus Elsacius a prest and elect Byshopp of Cameryk was dubbed a knyght and marryed leonor the countesse of nyuerne which had bene called Sybyll Reme lius a monke beynge aged was taken out of hys monasterie by the popes lycēs and made kynge of Aragone after the disseace of hys father Sanccius about the yeare of owr lorde a thousande a C. and lx ād had by hys wife Mawde a dowter which was afterwarde marryed to Raymondus the erle of Barchinona Pope Ce lestyne the thirde lycensed Henrye the. 6 emprour to haue to wyfe Cōstaunce kynge Rogers dowter of sycyll for a yearlye pensyon whych was a professed nonne at panorme Fredericus dongianus was releaced of hys vowe to the Carmelytes order ād constytute kynge of Sycyll ▪ Sardo nye and Calabre for the syngular cōmodyte of those landes Mathew the erle of bulleyne marryed Marye kynge Steuens dowter of englande and had her out of ramsaye abbeye where as than she was ab basse ād had 2. dowters by her called Ida and Matilda Bochardus aueniensis a man ne of great byrthe and lernynge forsoke hys presthode and benefyces whych than he had manye ād Ioyned hymselfe in we diock to Margarete the emprour Baldewyne of constantynoples dowter and had manye fayr chydren by her pope Gre gorye the. 9. after moche sute and expēses iudgynge yt godlye Iohan the bastarde sonne of Fardynandus beynge a cysteane monke was constytute kynge of portyngale Iohan of gaunte thā beynge duke of lācastre ād kynge of castele geuynge hym hys dowter Phylypp to marrye after that he had in the yeare of owr lorde 1388. optayned a dyspensacyon of pope vrbanus the. 6. Iames the last kynge of cypres beynge bysshopp of Nycose not longe afore was permytted of pope paule the seconde to haue a Venecyane to wyfe to that intent that hys lande schuld become the Venecyanes as yt now ys in dede In lyke case Canutus whych had bene a professed monke 6. years at clunyake was dyspensed wyth for moneye to haue a wyfe Sowas a sertē abbott of Redynge here in Englande So was vrsynus a prest of nursia and a great nombre els as we fynde in dyuerse cronycles ād wrytynges Vvhye schuld soche a furyouse beast than so shamefullye lye to establyshe an errour of de uyllyshenesse But that he ys ignoraunt in the hystoryes and also that soche dyrtye doctrine standeth onlye by lyes Ioannes andreas whom they call the fountayne of
merciful Thow Iesꝰ Christ mekelie suffred the aduersarie to remayne vnrebuked ī hys owne cause yet with fercenesse ded he reuyle hī ī the ●̄rell of hys euerlastynge father and badde hym wyth no small dyspleasure auoyde Sathan All that thys Boner doth here and other lyke lecherouse locustes of Egipt y● to obscure the glorye of God ▪ and to demynyshe that peple whych daylye seketh yt to ther power But ther cruell enterpryse ys now all in vayne The more Pharao commaundeth the mydwyues to flee the menne chyldren of the hebrues the more they increase ād multyplye The more the peple of the lorde are oppressed the more they prospere and floryshe The more the poore blynde māne by the waye syde frō Hierico ys forbydden to speake the more he cryeth vpon Iesus the sonne of Dauid for mercye The small grayne of mustarde sede whych ys cast into the garden wyll growe into a great tree though all the deuyls of hell saye naye to yt The lorde whych commaunded Iohan in the begynnynge of hys reuelacyon to wryte that he sawe ād in the myddes therof to seale vp the voyces of the .vii. thonderynges charged hym ageyne in the ende to suffre them to passe at large In the prymatyue churche was the gospell gredylye receyued of the vnyuersall worlde In the myddes therof whan Sathan was at lyberte was yt in a maner contempned of all menne and hypocresye takē vp in the stede therof Now in the latter ende are menne ageyne verye desyerouse of yt and doubtlesse yt schall be receyued both of the Iewes and paganes withstande yt the aduersaryes neuer so sore If the Iewes tare ther outwarde vesturs whan they harde ther God blasphemed moche more ought we owr inwarde hartes ād to suffre owr fleshe to be torne of those terryble termagauntes of Babylon Rather ought we to dye than to leaue those Antichristes vnto wched that so depelye blasphemeth hys wholsome wayes and withstandeth hys godlye testymonyes Not by the power of prynces nor yet by the workynge of mēne but by the onlye breathe of hys mouthe whych ys hys worde by Christ alredye taught hath he ernestlye promysed to ouerthrowe in thys latter age that fylthye and false generacyon Sonner schall heauen and earthe passe than that promes passe by vnfulfylled trust vpon yt surelye The inyqytees of the Amorreanes are almost fulfylled ther vtter destruccyon at hande In non other mynde am I concernynge the reproche of thys enemye than was Helias whan he brought Baals prestes to the broke of Cyson sauynge onlye that I wolde not cutt of ther heade● nor yet anye other bodylye harme vnto them the lorde ys my iudge but as hys pleasure ys But in dede I wolde as manye menne more wolde rather Gods honour to regne than ther fylthye Idolatrye Hys glorye rather than ther spyrytuall vayne glorye Onlye couete I in thys ther amendement yf yt myght be ▪ referrynge all vengeaunce vnto God I wolde they ded ones cease from ouerloadynge the peples conscyences with ther wretched beggerye For doubtlesse as yet they haue done nothynge in all ther spirituall syttynges but renewed ageyne the decayed mysterye of inyquyte Loke yf thys written worke of thys holye bysshop sheweth anye other here The lerned menne of Germanye demaundeth manye tymes of ther merchaūtes as they be returned home ageyne from Englande the frutes of ther newe christyanyte or newlye preached gospell there And they delyuer vnto them with no small laughter the folyshe treatyse of Iohan Standyshe ageynst Barnes the frātyk Genealogye of heresye made by Iohan Hontyngton and the. ij ▪ draffyshe Declaracyōs of my lorde Boner with soche other dyrtye dryselynges of Antichrist By that meanes came I by thē first of all For fewe other haue they elsthe re no● vndre the kynges preuylege A● imprimendū solū but soche fylthye dregges of the deuyl the eternall father be mercy full to that peple and holde from them the promysed plage for soche vnthankefulnesse For neuer was the worde of the lorde yet sent to anye nacion ād so blasphemouslie ordred but wōderfull destruccyōs hath solowed thervpon Consydre for an example the great cyte of Niniue preached vnto by Ionas Nahū ād other holye prophetes Hierusalē also whō owr sauer Iesus Christ in his owne persone called vnto repentaūce And ye schall fynde ther afflyccions most terryble ād fearfull If soche warnynges had be geuē to Tyrus ād Sidō or to Sodom ād Gomor as hath of late dayes bene geuē vnto Englande they had receyued thē to the amēdemēt of lyfe and not bene so destroyed Praye ther for vnto God feruētlye that yt wyll ones please hym to putt yowr prince in minde as the hart of a kynge ys in the handes of God to take frō yow these dyrtie donge Hylles which neuer will geue other sauer than yssueth frō the bottomlesse pytte Alredye hath he takē from yow by the auctoryte of Gods worde Mōkes Chanons Nōnes ād Fryres but styll yet remayneth all ther doctrine of deuylishnesse ī ā other blospher●●use use brode Babilon ys there yet an habita 〈…〉 on of deuyls and a lodgynge of vncleane spretes Yet styll contynueth there a fylthye cage of hatefull and vene mouse byrdes with all superstycyōs lurkynge and waytynge ther tyme to hoppe ageyne at large wolde the worlde ones applye to ther myndes Do but marke the craftye cloynynge of wynchester whan he eyther preacheth or dysputeth how he clowteth the olde brokē hooles with patches of olde papystrye sowynge them to gyther with newe subtiltees and wyles Hys chatterynge charmers a brode doth folowe the same selfe trade also sauynge that they want moche of hys craftye conueyaūce as all mēne maye beholde in the aforeseyd boke of Standyshe a wyse lerned chaplaine of hys Hontyngtō an other of hys retynewe can not amonge all hys heretyques fynde one Pope of Rome nor one false Bysshopp nor one scysmatyk Prest fryre monke nor chanō of so manye as be in the cronycles He can not fynde out one traytour nor one sturdye Papyst as manye as hath bene of them ād are yet to thys daye Though he behelde Barnes that was brent in Smythfelde for beynge the popes enemye yet coude he se neyther Powell Abel nor Fetherston which were Gods enemyes and the kynges though they were at the next dore by No hys eye syght wolde not serue hym vpon that syde for hys holye fathers sake But I thynke hys popyshe poesyes ād scripturs most deuylyshlye peruerted are metelye wele tryed where as yt ys to the manyfestacyon of soche a shamelesse Antichrist and presumptuose Idyote The lorde gyde all faythfull hartes in the loue of hys he auenlye worde ād pacyēce of Iesus Christ amonge those deceytfull workemenne and shortlye remoue the cloudes of darkenesse with the clere lyght of hys commynge Amen ¶ Thus endeth the Manne of synne wyth hys Dysclosynge collected