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A01629 The true tryall and examination of a mans owne selfe wherein euery faithfull Christian, by looking into his conscience, may most plainely behold his spirituall deformity by nature, described, his actuall rebellion by disobedience detected, his promise breach at baptisme, by ordinary transgression apparantly proued, his lamentable estate through sinne discouered, his wilfull obstinacie by dayly disorder displayed, and lastly howe by earnest repentaunce, and faith in Christ Iesu, he is from all the same clearely pardoned, forgiuen, released and reconciled / done in Englishe by Tho. Newton. Hyperius, Andreas, 1511-1564.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1587 (1587) STC 11761.5; ESTC S4316 74,045 216

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vp againe out of the water betokened thy resurrection and rysing againe to newnes and amendment of life And it did represent vnto thee that like as Christ died was buried and raised vp from the dead for thee so shouldest thou continually walke in righteousnes and true holinesse Call further to remembrance what great benefites thou hast receiued in Baptisme asivel in being thereby assured of the good promises of God there and then made vnto thee as also in being therby the more encouraged stirred vp to performe such thinges as thou for thy part there diddest promise and vndertake First thy sinnes all some both originall actuall and accessarie were there freely remitted and forgiuen thee Sinne ceased there to be imputed vnto thee and a newe righteousnes euē the righteousnes of Iesus Christ was bestowed vpon thee The force and strength of that sinne which naturally dwelt in thee is broken vanquished that nowe it should not be able as afore to raigne any more in thy mortal bodie neither that thou shouldest obey the lusts thereof Our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might bee destroyed that henceforth we should not serue sinne For indeed sinne is in Baptisme remitted done away but not so as that we should for euer after be cleare and voide of it but that it should not be any more laide to our charge or imputed vnto vs and that it shoulde not raigne in vs or beare soueraigne rule and domination ouer vs. As Augustine doth very well note in his Epistle to Julian and in his exposition of the 102. Psalme but most excellently and plainely is it sette out and explaned by the blessed Apostle Paule in his Epistle to the Romaines I delight in the lawe of God concerning the inner man but I see an other Law in my members rebelling against the Law of my mind leading me captiue vnto the Lawe of sinne which is in my members c. There is also the holy Ghost giuen vnto thee in Baptisme and that partly to bee as it were an earnest-peny of vndoubted assuraunce to thy conscience for all those good and speciall benefites which thou art to receiue specially after this life and partly to bee as it were a cooperator in their sanctification to assist vs in resisting all the euill suggestions of the wicked spirite of sin naturally bredde in vs. The spirite faith Paule helpeth our infirmities For it cannot otherwise be but that whosoeuer receiueth the Holy Ghost receiueth also many other most singular gifts and excellent blessings For as he is a gift himself so is he likewise a bountifull bestower a liberall disposer of gifts heauenly spirituall He strengthneth our faith he enkindleth in vs loue hee fostereth hope hee stirreth vs vp to shew forth the fruites of good works and to be short he sanctifieth and directeth the whole man These sixe most notable and excellent thinges were at the time when thou diddest receiue Baptisme fully concluded effectually professed and autentically sealed partly in thee and partly through and by thee and ought therefore of thee to bee borne in memory neuer to slide out of thy daily and hourely remembrance Now doth it stand thee vpon yea it is thy bounden duty and an especiall part of thy chiefest care diligently to consider in what case thou standest thou must I say now enter into thine owne Conscience and there make a true suruey of all thy dealinges howe thou art howe thou hast beene in life and actions answerable vnto the same and after what sort thou hast perfourmed thy promise and obserued these thy sealed couenants God for his part doth doubtlesse stand to his promise for hee is true and faithfull and neuer starteth from his worde nor changeth his purpose And therefore gaue he to thee then and from that time foorth his holy spirit as a pledge of his faithfull promise and assured good will towardes thee Now if thou on the other side wilt for thy part exactly sift out and search thy self how thou hast discharged thy vowed couenants performed these thy faithfull and solemne promises thou shalt without all doubt finde thy selfe many and sundrie waies guiltie Confesse the truth I pray thee and speake vnfainedly whether thou hast not since that time fallen into thine olde byas and turned backe to thine old crooked nature and corrupt manners Whether the lawe of thy members and the reliques of sinne naturally still cleauing vnto thee haue not manie times prouoked allured mooued yea enforced thee to attempt practise some thing against the lawe of God Whether thou haue not sometimes listened giuen eare and place vnto Sathā who alwaies lieth in waite to catch theee and hearkened to his wicked temptations allurementes counsells and suggestions Whether thou haue so intirely continued dead vnto sinne that thou hast hitherto liued onely vnto righteousnesse Alas it is too plaine and true that thine owne Conscience heerein accuseth thee and within thee with open crie testifieth against thee that thou hast most hainouslie manie times reuolted from thy bargaine falsified thy promise and careleslie run headlong into manifest iniquitie If this then bee true as alas it is most true there is no shift but thou needs must acknowledge cōfesse thy selfe to be a creature most vile wicked miserable For first thou must needs yeeld that thou art a leaguebreaker a falsifier of promise a despiser open violatour of thy couenant made vnto God the father then which what can bee more horrible Thou hast frustrated the wholsome effects of the death resurrection of Iesus Christ wherein thou hast with no lesse contumelie reproched Christ then they which nailed him on the Crosse Thou hast greeued the holy Ghost displaced him who had made a choise of thee as of an house to dwell in The Angells of God whom afore by thy repentance mortification thou causedst to reioyce ouer t●ee now by thy new fall lewdnesse thou hast brought to sorrowe for thee The whole Church which reioiced and was glad when shee receiued thee for one of her dear new Citizens conceiued good hope of thy Christian towardnes thou hast now shamefully deceiued drawen into sorowful lamentation To be short thou hast despoiled and bereft thy selfe of those giftes which with the holy Ghost and by the holy Ghost were bountifully liberally bestowed vpon thee What shift or meane therefore remaineth if the Lorde being a iust and righteous iudge shoulde strictly deale with thee for thy misdeedes and narrowly looke into thy transgressions but that before his Tribunall seate in the heauenly consistorye God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost accompanied with infinite legions of blessed Angels in the sight of the whole Church beho●ding approuing it should pronounce thee for one that hast worthely deserued eternall death euerlasting punishment as a periured
memory of thy guilt and transgression and that therefore it necessarilie standeth thee vppon to fall to most earnest repentance to consider and thinke with thy selfe that this whole life which we here liue ought to bee a continuall meditation of repentance and that in the meane while we ought patiently to suffer all miseries and calamities sith we our selues were the cause thereof and by our owne fault haue deserued the same Last of all seeing we cannot by any meanes shewe forth worthy repentance and pacifie God his anger iustly conceiued againg vs yea with the sway of sin preuailing in vs wee rather exasperate his furder wrath it remaineth for vs therefore to take this sure course euen to lift vp the eies of our mind vnto our Mediator lesus Christ and to beseech the Father to respect the righteousnesse and obedience of him alone not to call into accompt the vnrighteousnes and disobedience either of our first parent or of vs our selues but to impute the righteousnes of Christ vnto vs as though it were our owne And hereunto let the words of the Apostle by al meanes moue and stirre thee As by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the instifieng of one the benefite abounded towarde all men to the iustification of life c. These and the like reasons drawing thee to the acknowledgement of thy sinne to repentaunce to true inuocation of the name of God and humble imploring of his fatherly mercie thou maiest well thinke thou hast laide a good foundation and made a good entraunce into the tryal and examination of thy selfe CHAP. 3. He that wil profitablie and rightlie trie and examine himselfe must diligently consider his promise made at Baptisme and how well m euery point he answereth the same BVT it may bee thou comfortest thy selfe and waxest bolde for that long ago thou wast baptized and thereupon makest thy reckoning that all thy sins aswell originall as actuall before committed were then remitted and forgiuen thee and that therefore there is no cause to charge thee or laie before thee any thing touching originall sin and that thou canst not for that sinne be any more called into question and drawen into iudgement Heere loe is there offered vnto thee an occasion of a newe and altogether a more seuere and precise examination For certainely if thou purpose earnestly effectually to try thy selfe it is thy part and dutie exactly diligently to searche as hath beene sayde afore euery corner of thy Conscience whether in euery degree and respect thou haue vsed thy selfe and dealt according to that solemne vowe and profession which thou madest and vnder-tookest at thy Baptisme Whereby it shall most plainely appeare whether there be any of those remnaunts of originall sinne and olde Adam yet remaining within thee or no. That thou maiest the sooner the readier and the reuerentlyer bringe this to passe it shall bee good for thee first diligently to weigh and consider such speciall things materiall points as are commonly vsed and solemnized at the very time that Baptisme is ministred namely what each seuerall action meaneth togeather with each circumstance and necessarie braunch thereunto belonging And this being done orderlie to proceede to the thorough search of each corner of thy inward conscience Marke well therefore what was done at the time that thou wast Baptized and solemnely receiued into the Church in the sight of God and his Angels and of godlie beleeuing brethren FIrst there acknowledging thy selfe by nature to be the child of wrath ouerwhelmed drowned in sins and so long as thou so liuedst to be vnder the power of the Prince of darkenes thou camest penitently to the Church deepely and solemnely there protesting that thou wouldest forsake the Diuel and all his workes and that thou wouldest liue a newe and better life from thenceforth that thou wouldest become a new man cleane contrary to that thou wast afore and that thou wouldest serue God alone in all synceritie and godlinesse of life Thou diddest thē also presently make professiō of thy faith beliefe in God the father in Iesus Christ his sonne in the holy Ghost making there thy humble praier beleeuing that thou shouldest be receiued into fauour and grace not for any works of righteousnesse in the selfe which were none at all but thorough the meere mercie of God by the bloude of Christ and by the lauer of regeneration After thou haddest thus bewailed the wofull state of thy miserable vnworthines and publiquely protested thine earnest repentance and withall thereunto added a sounde confession of thy faith then was there likewise set foorth vnto thee the promise of God made vnto all that truely repent and turne vnto him by a liuely faith and are baptized Hee that shall beleeue and bee baptized shall bee saued Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sinnes These contestations and promises beeing thus solemnely made on both parts thou wast bapt sed that is to say thou wast dipped or sprinckled with water therewithall the Word of God was pronounced forth hauing vertue after a maruelous sort to wash take away thy sinnes by the bloudsheads of Christ The Word was added to the Element so was it made in thee a Sacrament eue● a Sacrament and Seale of the righteousnes of faith Of that faith I saye which thou euen a little while afore diddest professe and of that righteousnesse which God promised vnto thee And it is as it were an Indenture of Couenants or mutuall hand-writing obligatory between God and thee For in this action of thy baptisme there passeth a certaine mutuall bond or obligatō between you euen much like as betweene Barterers Bargainers but most aptly properly and specially betweene the husband and the wife For the couenaunt promise and bonde here made is not for any short while but euen for the whole space of thy life and so long as thou continuest in this world the memorie of this promise couenant by thee made ought surely to bee imprinted in thy minde yea still euē so long as thy life lasteth it behooueth thee all that euer thou canst to endeuor thy selfe to accomplishe and performe thy promised couenants Thou art now in this sort engraffed into Christ and incorporated into his holy congregation being the Church thou art receiued into the number fellowship of the faithfull Moreouer the very fourme manner customable rite of Baptisme it selfe is a perpetuall witnesse of thy vowed promise and admonisheth thee of thy duetie all the daies of thy life Namely first when thou wast put down into the Font dipped into the water or sprinckled therewith there was signified vnto thee the mortification of thy selfe and all thy members in that thou diddest there openly and solemnely professe that thou wouldest die vnto sinne Againe thy raising and lifting
caytife as a treacherous recreant as a faithles promisebreaker as a false hearted wretch vnto God the father as a bloudy cutthrote haling drawing Christ vnto the Crosse anew as an enimy to the Holy Ghost as a mocker of the blessed Aungels as a Traytor to the whole Church as a shamefull runne-away from the holy congregation and finally as a cruell manqueller of thine owne selfe What canst thou now do What way wilt thou take What hope or trust cāst thou haue What land what ground can patiently beare the burthen and weight of thy wretched Carcasse What heauen what sunne what planets what starres can quietly looke on thee or willingly giue shine vnto thee Or what eies rather canst thou or darest thou lift vp vnto heauen The time was when thou wast in excellent good state and wast adorned and endued with right excellent giftes but now through thine owne fault and wilfulnesse thou hast altered thy case and caused those thinges which of themselues were good holsome and to thee most profitable to turne all to thy harme and confusion Truely it had beene better for thee neuer to haue heard of the will and promise of God neuer to haue beene washed and cleansed by the bloude of Christ then after all these to forsake the holy commandements and like a filthy swine to returne to thy wallowing in the mier and as a dogge to lap vp his old vomit Beholde nowe wretched creature that thou art vnto what a dangerous staie thou hast brought thy selfe ● and with what maner of gaping gulf thou art euen ready to be swallowed If the Lord God vouchsafe not in time with mercy to releeue and succour thee it will come to passe that thee by wicked vncleane spirit which was once banished and cast out of the washing of thy newe birth and by the holy ghost will come and take vp his lodging againe in thee and not hee alone but hauing with him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe whereby thy case will be farre worse in the ende then it was in the beginning O wofull case O wretched plight O moste miserable estate Looke well to thy selfe therefore I beseech thee cōsider what thou art acknowledge thy grieuous sinnes and manifolde offences remember the lamentable ende whereunto they will bring thee and therefore bethinke thy selfe night and day and in time seeke for remedy CAAP. 4. Th● 〈◊〉 not be any better way for the true triall and examining of our selues then the diligent and exact consideration of our dealings by the 2. tables of the laws of God commonly called the tenne Com●eundements IT is not ynough for thee to confesse thy self in a generality to haue grieuously offended to haue lewdly violated and broken the couenaunt and promise made with God to haue consented to the suggestions of the Deuill and thine own flesh but it is most expedient for thee if thy minde and purpose bee thoroughly and fully to trie and examine thy selfe to rip vp all thy actions and dealinges to the very quicke and precisely to examine and discusse all those sundry wayes and meanes whereby thou haste any way offended either God or thy neybour Heere be thou sure there will bee layd open before thee a large volume a big booke in the which thou shalt prefectly see all thy detestnble sinnes which bee infinite plainly set down clearely written and apparantly discoucred Heerein shalt thou see store of witnesses against thee and heereby beeing brought to thine aunswere and drawne to the barre of Triall thou shalt bee enforced and will thou nill thou driuen to yeelde accompts for euery seuerall fact in particularty And therefore so much as hytherto hitherto hath beene yet spoken may wel seeme small and of little account if wee well weigh and diligently compare the same to that which yet remaineth vntold and which now shal● be by Gods good grace particularly handled This tryall or examination cannot any way be so commodiouslie and orderly made as by exactly calling vnto our consideration the written lawe o● God with all and singular the members braunches and circumstaunce● thereof For the lawe of God otherwise called the Decalogue or tenne Commaundementes is as it were ● cleare and bright Glasse wherein we may by and by and at a blush perfectly beholde our spirituall deformitie And of this lawe the Scripture setteth downe vnto vs three speciall vses First as a most wise Guide of our life it teacheth vs what we are to do and what wee are to leaue vndone what wee are to desire and seeke and what we are to loath and forsake The lawe is giuen to the disobedient to the vngodly and sinners c. Teach mee O Lords the way of thy commaundements Secondly the lawe plainely setteth downe before our eies our manifolde sinnes and transgressions and worketh in vs a sorrowfull griefe and earnest repentaunce for the same By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And againe I knewe not sinne but by the lawe For I had not knowen lust except the lawe had saide Thou shalt not lust And a little after O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this sinne And in the same Chapter When the commaundement came sinne reuiued but I dyed Thirdly the lawe conuincing vs of most manifest guiltinesse and malediction and no way able to satisfie and pacify the wrath of god for the breach of the same biddeth vs for succour to flee vnto our Mediatour Christ who onely and alone deliuereth vs from malediction and damnation and taketh the curse due vnto vs vpon himselfe And againe The lawe is our schoolemaister to bring vs to Christ LET vs nowe therefore in order run ouer the whole preceptes and commaundements of the lawe of God and let vs pause a while at each falling thee to thine answere for euerie particular Commandement how carefull thou haste beene to keepe them and howe truely thou hast discharged thy bounden duety in obseruing and performing them that when thou haste thus sundry wayes founde thine infirmities and throughly considered thy manifolde transgressions thou mayest certainly knowe that vnlesse the Mediator Iesus Christ vouchsafe to cloth thee with his righteousnesse and to impute vnto thee his obedience and performaunce of the Lawe there is no remedy but that thou must needes bee eternallie damned The first Commaundement therefore is this I am the Lorde thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Gods before my face HEre first I wish thee well and throughly to consider what inward sinnes of minde and conscience lodging only within the secrete corners of thy heart be directly committed against this commaundement Then the outwarde sinnes such I mean as openly break out into action and engender many times great disorders and offences And last of al enter into diligent consideration of all such sinnes as seeme to proceede
sisters c. euen as thou also somewhile must smart for others sinnes For thus doe we miserable and wretched men draw one an other into daunger and one of vs is guide and companion vnto another in running headlong to the place of torment damnation This doeth God himselfe affirme when as in the beginning of his decalogue he sayth I am the Lorde thy God a ielous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children vpon the third and vpon the fourth generation of them that hau● me So for one sinne of king Dauid there were slame many thousandes of his people and for his adulterie committed with Vrias wife the child which she bore him dyed And againe For the sinnes of the people the Lord setteth ouer them cruell tyrauntes and rauening hypocrites Hely the Priest and all his posteritie was punished for the sinnes of his children Ah what a sea of mischiefes doth euen one sinne bring with it 8 Eightly there is yet one thing behinde to be considered which is most dreadfull and formidable By reason of thy sinnes thou art made guiltie of eternall damnation and after greeuous punishmentes sustayned here in this worlde there remayne yet behinde other tormentes to be suffered in an other and the same much more terrible bitter and lasting For there both bodie and soule together are subiected and adiudged to eternall tormentes and fire that neuer shall bee quenched which God from afore the beginning of the world hath prepared for the Diuell and all the contemners of his precepts and commaundements Now how horrible a thing it is and what an vnspeakable punishment it is euerlastingly to be depriued of the presence face of Almightie God and to burne in hell with vnquenchable fire that shal neuer be consumed there is no man that can so much as conceiue in mind or cogitation Goe to nowe therefore whosoeuer thou art and by this that we haue alreadie spoken of the law of the Lord learne to examine thy conscience and to make perfect tryall and suruey of thy selfe Doubtlesse when thou hast a little while continued and gone forward in this way and course which wee haue heere shewed and attentiuely considered such things as haue beene declared I doubt not but that thou wilt by and by and without delay euen wi●● sighes and teares burst out into this confession O heauenly father J haue sinned against heauen and against thee I am not worthie to bee called thy Sonne I am not worthie to lifte vp mine eves towardes heauen Looke howe much I being once in Baptisme purged from my sinnes in the bloud of thy sonne and sanctified by receiuing the holy Ghost did in the same please thee somuch againe must I needes by reason of my manifolde sinnes since cōmitted displease thee Nowe the sinnes which I haue committed if I should go about to number them they are infinite For there is not one of thy holy precepts commaundements against which I haue not committed many offences sundry transgressions Many be they which I haue committed in acte and deede and such as I haue not actually brought to passe and done yet through my corrupt cogitations and vncleane will I am as deepely guiltie of as if I in act had committed them To be briefe my sinnes surmount the sands of the Sea if I make diligent search and inquirie of the greuousnesse of my sinnes I truely find them haynouser greater than I am able to vtter What say I vtter Nay than I can in mind conceiue or in inwarde cogitation comprehende Certes so often as I looke into and behold with the eyes of my minde my frowarde heart cankered stomack peruerse disposition euer enclined to euil which thou Lord most cleerely throughly seest togither with my desire and delight to performe the same the verie remembrance of my great and greeuous maliciousnesse driueth mee into such perplexitie that I no wayes know whither to turne me Whither Lorde shall I go from thy spirit and whither shal J flee from thy presence Yea this further doth merueilously disquiet torment greeue mee for by my sinnes I haue giuen offence that is occasion of fall and ruine to a great sort of others being harmlesse honest persons Wilt thou Lord as a iust and vpright iudge require the bloud of them also at my hands What shal I further do seeing I haue burdened and spotted my conscience by assenting also to other mens sinnes in not disswading reclaiming them before they did euil in not reprouing and rebuking them after they had done euil Ah how much better had it beene that being a man I had neuer beene so familiar among men What miserie is this I am the cause of an other mans offending an other man likewise to me and thus doe wee all encumber and loade one another with sinnes and dragg pull hale drawe one another into the break-necke fall and lamentable gulfe of eternall damnation If thou Lorde wilt strictly looke what is amisse narrowly enquire of our iniquities O Lorde who shal be able to abide it Moreouer when I do somewhat further consider my sinnes I see a great heape yet behind many mo than now come to memorie manye lewde prankes heretofore by me most wickedly haue been don which I then thought had not been wicked neither can I at this present houre sufficiētly so iudge deeme of them which ignorance blindnesse and infirmitie of mine in this behalf I must needs confesse wil I nill to be imputable vnto me for a most greeuous and haynous sinne And herein I perceiue that although I had committed none euil at all afore yet to haue herein again deserued euerlasting tormentes I had almost sayed why Lord wouldst thou that this naughtie and corrupt ignorance should thus originally be bred in vs and thus still to cleaue vnto vs Alas I haue no sacrifice to offer vnto thee to satisfie for mine ignorance Nowe what shall I say of my negligence in not doing those good works which thou in thy law hast commanded and appointed Or if I haue done any at all yet was it not sincerely done but many wayes infected with hipocrisie and other vices For to omitte a good worke and to doc an ill worke are with thee accompted alike All these things therefore I cōfesse do most vehemently good cause why disquiet and greeue inee For my sinnes are they for which O God thou iustly inflictest greeuous punishments and plagues aswell spirituall and internall as corporall and externall And whereas I dayly finde the same by experience true partly in my selfe partly in others yet such is my blindnesse hardnesse of heart that I am nothing at all as yet mooued thereby vnto any repentance or amendment To al these aforesaid euils there is to be added yet another heap of mischiefs vz that for these sinnes of mine a great many other innocents gyltles persons be ioyntly with me for
clear conscience toward God and toward men we will endeuour the best we can according to that proportion and measure of skill wherewith the Lord hath endued vs plainely and familiarly to declare beseeching the eternall and blessed Spirite of God who was sent downe from heauen from the Father and the Sonne to teach vs all trueth so to direct our vnderstandinges and to further our endeuours that we may set downe nothing but that which shall be meete wholsome and profitable to instruct Christian consciences withall and moreouer so to moue and enflame the heartes and mindes of all such as shall reade these our dooings that as we simplie and with a desire to profite them haue taken this trauaile in hand so they with the like singlenes and meaning may reade the same and apply all thinges herein comprised to their godly furtheraunce and edification CHAP. 2 The examination and tryall of our owne selues must first beginne at the consideration of our owne corrupt nature WHosoeuer thou be that art inwardly touched with any care of thine owne saluation and doest inwardly groane with earnest desire to stande in the fauour of God and to bee at one with him first of all and before all other thinges I pray thee enter into thy selfe descende into thine owne conscience and make a true surueye of thine inwarde man and thou shalt quickly finde I warrant thee what a suttle craftie Foxe euer hauing recourse to his peeuish nature thou fosterest and keepest within that same fulsome stinking breast of thine The first step to get helpe and the chiefest way to recouer health is for a man to know himselfe In vaine is the medicin ministred where the disease is dissemblingly couered and kept vnknowen Wilt thou therfore that I shall plainly tell thee what maner of person thou art and what disease thou hast I saye thou art nothing else but sinne thou art euery whitte of thee a wretched sinner and guiltie of euerlasting damnation Neuer goe about to denie it seeke no shifts or euasions to gainesay it neither take any exception against it The very woorde of God himselfe doth conuince thee the prickes of thine owne conscience doe ouerthrow thee and daily experience doth detect thee For first the worde of God sayeth thus of thy nature being altogether corrupted and stained thorough the fall and transgression of our first Parentes and of thy sinne which by propagation thou hast from them By one man sinne entered into the world By the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation Againe Beholde in iniquitie was I borne and in sin hath my mother conceiued me Againe The imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Againe Euerie man is a lyer Againe I knowe that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing And By nature we are the children of wrath And feelest thou not within thee manifest effectes of sinne to wit the lustes and affections of the flesh leading thee away from God and making thee both vnwilling and vnable to liue vnder his lawe Feelest thou not another lawe in thy members still rebelling against the lawe of thy minde Thou feelest thou feelest no doubt the cumbersome suggestions of sin dwelling in thee continually drawing thee away from doing good and still egging thee forwarde to commit euill Thou feelest I say the wofull effectes of originall sinne euen a minde voide of the feare of God Thou feelest thy selfe not to loue God with all thy hart with all thy soule with all thy strength as thou oughtest to doe and as thou art bound to doe Thou findest in thy selfe and proouest by experience that thou art besieged and besette with sorrowe griefe heauinesse and infinite other like vexations of thy soule Moreouer thou canst not but see these our bodies are subiect to innumerable miseries thou seest the number of diseases assaulting vs the extremitie of famine pinching vs the ramping rage of hunger afflicting vs the miserable plague of thirst distressing vs thou seest death with his gryping pawe daylie catching haling and making hauocke of vs. And all these are punishmentes appointed of God for sinne originall Through sinne death entred into the world To be short thou feelest and findest a iust punishment deserued plague euen in these outwarde thinges The earth bringeth forth thornes brambles thystles noisome weeds many hurtfull thinges besides It bringeth forth no good thing vnlesse it bee tilled manured with great labour Finallie what thinges soeuer for the maintenance and sustentation of this our fraile transitorie life are requisite and needefull the same are we of necessitie driuen to seeke procure with continual cares and troublesome toile All these discommodities and all other miseries whatsoeuer wee must knowe and wee ought to knowe to be sent vnto vs and inflicted vpon vs as a penaltie or amercement for originall sinne Cursed saith God to the first transgressour Adam he the earth for thy sake in sorrowe shalt thou eat of it all the daies of thy life thornes and thistles shall is bring forth to thee and thou shalt eate the herbe of the fielde in the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bread Now therefore aswell by the authority of the word of God as by the sense and feeling of such calamities and miseries as euery man euidently seeth findeth in his mind in his body and in the outwarde thinges of the worlde I thinke thou art sufficiently perswaded yea too too plainely conuicted that thou canst not but wil thou nil thou thou must needes confesse thy selfe to be a sinner born that thou art guilty of euerlasting damnation euen in this respect for that thou art a mā issued descended from that first man Adam yea although thou thy self in al thy life haddest actually cōmitted none euill When all these thinges are well imprinted in thy mind and that thou art throughly resolued and perswaded that all this afore spoken is true the best and next way for thee to take that desirest and meanest to examine thy selfe is diligently to consider these pointes following First to bow the knees of thine hart before the tribunal seat of God to cōfesse thy faultes sins to submit cōmit thy selfe wholly vnder the mighty hand of God ready to abide his diuine pleasure if in the seuerity of his iustice rather than in his mercy he will deale with thee according to the tenour of that sentence of incurring eternall death which hee pronounced vnto man before his fall Whensoeuer sayth he you shall eate thereof ye shall die Then as often as thou feelest the effects of sinne and the punishments thereof such as wee haue alreadie saide continually to bee perceiued seene and felt in our mindes in our bodies and in all our thinges subiect to our outwarde senses so often call to remembrance that the same ought to serue thee as tokens and to put thee in
shoppe or set his wares to sale Stage-player Whether by his Enterludes Stage-playes he haue drawn the people away from spirituall exerercises and godly meditations ¶ Musicion Mynstrel Whether hee haue bene the author and occasioner of wanton dancing or other vnseemly pastimes ¶ Craftes-men of any trade whatsoeuer Whether they haue wrought on the Sabboth and holy dayes when no necessitie enforced them but onely for lucre sake or whether they haue caused their apprentises and seruants the same dayes to worke without eyther going to church or giuing themselues to godly meditations as the Taylor or Botcher to sow a garment the husbandman to hedge ditch plowe garden cleanse his Stable c. whereas at these times these thinges and so of others might ought to be forborne Whether any person whosoeuer hee be haue enticed and procured others to any vaine games vnlawfull sports or other light and lewde exercises as dice-playing and such like House-holder Whether as specially on the Sabboths and festiuall dayes so also sometimes on the worke dayes he haue propounded or caused to be propounded and taught to his children and family the cheefe heads of Christian religiō namely such as be taught and contayned in the Catechisme Finally whether any person by cōmitting any of these aforesayd faults haue therby giuen occasion to others to commit the like and whether hee haue beene a stumbling blocke and cause of fall vnto others eyther in worde or deede And again whether in seeing others to do ill thou haue not let them vnderstande thy great mislike thereof For thine assenting to others sinnes loadeth thee a newe with mo sinnes and maketh thee a partaker thereof The fift Commandement Honour thy Father thy Mother that thy dayes may be prolonged vpon the Land which the Lorde thy God giueth thee Sinnes inward For the trade of life SOnne Daughter Orphan and Warde Whether thou hast at all times reuerently thought and had a good opinion of thy parents gouernors wishing well vnto them and praying for them and in all thinges to their good liking shewing thy dutifull obedience Whether by reason of their base degree and condition pouerty afflictiō misery or any such like respect thou haue had them in contempt or made the lesse account of them Whether because they haue at somtime somewhat sharply chastised thee or because of some wrong which they haue done vnto thee or because thou thinkest they haue not had that care of thee which they ought thou haste therfore withdrawne thy duty alienated thy mind any waies from them ¶ Parents Gardians Whether they haue borne a right fatherly mind and affection toward their childrē wishing their welfare and wel-doing prouiding the best for them that they possibly could in all things ¶ Lay people Whether of the spirituall fathers Parentes that feede thy soule that is to say the Ministers of Gods holy word and sacraments and of their office function and calling thou haste reuerently and religiously thought Whether thou hast willingly receiued and heard their doctrine exhortations reprehensions and ecclesiasticall discipline by them deseruedly inflicted vpon thee either publikely or priuatelie and that without murmuring resistance or gainsaying ¶ Minister of the Church Whether as much as in thee lay thou hast earnestly heartilie laboured to bring vnto God to the knowlege of their saluation in Christ those that were cōmitted to thy charge ouersight euer remēbring that God would one day require an account of them at thy hand ¶ Scholler Whether thou haste caried the same good mind and affection towards thy Masters which tooke paines to trayne thee vp in vertue learning as thou oughtest to bear toward thy parents ¶ Schoole-master Whether thou haue caried a Fatherly minde affection towardes thy Schollers carefully deuising and seeking all wayes means to profit them ¶ Subiectes and Inferiors Whether thou haste esteemed the Magistrates which be the common parents of the country defending vs our wiues children and goodes from iniurie and oppression and procuring vnto vs peace quietnes and tranquility as the lawfull Ministers of God vnto whome thou owest honour feare tribute custome and all thinges else euen for conscience sake knowing that thou art bounde to obey them yea though they were wicked ¶ Magistrates Whether they considering remembring that they must make an account and giue a reckoning of their gouernment and that they beeing Deputies heere on earth vnder God ought to minister Iustice and to iudge in all thinges according to right haue accordingly endeuored them-selues at all times to seeke the quietnesse tranquility of their subiectes and carefully in singlenesse of heart to prouide for their commodity and welfare ¶ Seruauntes and Hand-maydes Whether they haue beene obedient and submitted them-selues to their Maisters and Mistresses with feare and trembling seruing them heartily in singlenesse and simplicity of minde euery where and at all times rather wishing their furtherance and profit then their losse and hindraunce ¶ Masters and Mistresses Whether they knowing them-selues to haue a Master in Heauen with whome there is no respect of persons haue dealt iustly and equally with their seruants shewing mildnesse vnto them and curtesy not rigor and threatning Sinnes externall and outward SOnnes Daughters Orphans Wards Whether they haue shewed toward their Parents in euery place all tokens of honour reuerence and good-will Whether they haue willingly obeied their commaundementes and euerie way taken heed least they should prouoke them to anger Whether they haue spoken or done any thing wherby to bring them into heauinesse and griefe as either by wishing euil vnto them by threatning them by complaining on them to others neglecting the studies and businesse whereunto by them they haue beene enioyned vnthriftily spending their time shamefully and wastfully consuming their money excessiuelie royoting away the wealth charges which their carefull Parents to help them withall were willing to bestowe on them or else by anie other way or meane whatsoeuer Whether they haue dutifully holpen succoured and relieued them when they haue beene sicke driuen into pouertie or throwen into daunger ¶ Parent Guardian Whether thou thy selfe with al diligence hast trained vp and instructed thy children in godlines in the feare of the Lorde and in holines of life also caused them by others to be instructed and trained Whether thou haue beene an example of vertue and godlinesse vnto thy children committing nothing before them vnseemely filthy or vnciuile either in word or deede Whether thou haue fondly dandlingly cockered them not chastising correcting them but letting thē haue their owne wanton willes winking at their faultes and so with too smooth countenance and familiar gesture vtterlie marring them Whether thou hast frō time to time fedde thy children with money and other things or suffred thē to haue the same to
contrition For seeing that it is wholly resident in the heart and there onely consisteth it is brought to passe and perfourmed in verie short space of time yea in a verie moment and further euen with the onely affections of the minde Moreouer which will make thee more to marueile that which thou once in this sort faithfully humbly atchiuest remaineth firme acceptable and ratified of God for euer after so that thou haue a stedfast an hartie purpose neuer againe to returne to thy former wickednesse For in contrition thou must wholly and altogether die vnto thy sinnes that is thou must so renounce them as though thou neuer intedest any more to haue any dealing therwith And such doutlesse was the Contrition of the Publicane whose wordes were verie briefe and fewe God bee mercifull vnto me a sinner Such Contrition was also in the Theefe which was crucified with Christe saying Lorde remember mee when thou commest into thy kingdome He therefore that will earnestly repent and come into the fauour of God againe must bee touched with such an incomparable grief for his sinnes committed that he must resolutely and directly confesse himselfe to haue thereby iustly deserued al those plagues which God by Moses and the Prophetes hath threatned and thundered out vpon all the despisers of his worde and contemners of his Maiestie and that if God being by nature most mercifull should not vouchsafe to haue mercie and compassion on him he must needes and that presently incurre the greeuous daunger and feele intollerable smart thereof Wee were purposed hereunto to haue annexed some briefe and compendious fourme of confession and therein to haue made a plaine discouerie and and anatomie of all the affections of a corrupt heart and also to haue brought in the sorrowfull sinner confessing himselfe to haue iustly deserued all plagues and punishmentes aswell of this life present as of the life to come and aswell corporall as spirituall and further also to haue described him vtterly denying and renouncing himselfe and so humbly standing before the tribunall of the Lorde his God and iudge submitting himselfe wholly vnto his diuine pleasure and blessed will wayting for that sentence and doome which shall best please him But because partly in the Chapter last afore we haue alreadie in some sort deliuered such a confession and partly for that in the sacred scriptures many good godly praiers are to be found set forth by the auncient fathers and holy men of God euery godly zealous and well disposed man may therin vertuously exercise himselfe and thence take out for his godly comfort plentifull examples of Christian meditation Of this sort there bee prayers for sinnes in Exodus in the booke of Nūbers in Deuteronomie Bookes of Salomon Daniel Ezra Ieremie c. In the Psalmes also there are many fitly agreeing to this present purpose namely these the 32. 36. 30. 50. 51. 56. 58. 62. 71. 73. 88. 92. 102. Of Faith and how sinners are againe iustified through faith in Iesus Christ CHAP. VI. AFter thou hast thus some space like a giltie suppliant suter prostrated thy selfe at the feet of thy iust and righteous iudge and art driuen vnto such a straite and narrowe issue that thou canst not any manner of wayes denie but that thou hast deserued and art most woorthie of all terrible and eternall punishmentes and with the feare of this iudgement art verie sore a mazed terrified and perplexed yea altogether mortified brought to deathes brinke the next waye and remedie for thee nowe is by fayth in the mercies of God to rayse vppe thy selfe againe meekely and humbly crauing pardon of thy sinnes and misdeedes Vnto this humble prostrating of thy selfe thou wast both profitably and necessarily driuen through humble confession of thy sinnes and meeke contrition of thy heart But nowe thou must take heede and beware that by consideration of the seueritie of Gods iudgements thou bee not vtterly discouraged dashed out of countenance and thereby enter into any dispaire diffidence or distrust of the goodnesse of God It shall be very requisite therefore for thy comfor and as a soueraigne salue and cordiall medicine against this inconuenience to lay downe before thee some holesome and health some doctrine howe thou shalt haue ful remission and foregiuenesse of al thy sins through faith in Iesus Christ Cain acknowledged confessed his sinne and being therefore in minde marueilously troubled graunted it to be most greeuous and haynous Iudas likewise openly condemneth himselfe for his great guilt and treacherous crime in betraying his maister publiquely testifying and pronouncing Christ to bee iust and innocent and further restoreth backe the money which hee had receiued What will ye saye lacked in him here to be done more And yet neyther of them both obtayned pardon of their sinnes why forsooth because this free franke confession of their sinnes was not accompanied with a liuely fayth and vndoubted trust in the mercies of God for pardon and forgiuenes thereof Contrariwise Peter bewayled and wept bitterly for his sinne but yet so that in the meane while he shrūke not frō his firme faith And therefore within a while after he receiued a singular comfort and speciall consolation from the mouth of Christe himselfe after his resurrection Therefore it is out of all doubt that faith is altogether and necessarily behoouefull to all true penitent sinners wherewith they may raise vp thē selues againe being throwen downe with the burden of their offences And nowe howe truely sorrowfull and repentant sinners may by fayth againe be raysed vp we will plainely and euidently declare Faith is a sure and stedfast trust whereby we assure our selues that god will performe vnto vs all those things that he hath promised chiefely and specially spirituall benefites and in them remission of our sinnes and righteousnesse in Christ for Christ Which is confirmed by the authour of the Epist to the Heb in these wordes Faith is the grounde of thinges which are hoped for and the euidence of thinges which are not scene The interpretation and exposition of which description so farre as concerneth the vse and practise thereof who so is desirous to know may see set down in the 4. chap. of the Epist to the Rom. Wherein after the Apostle had sayde that Abraham was iustified by faith and that the inheritaunce of the worlde was giuen to him through fayth he afterwarde addeth that this reuerend and blessed Patriarch had respect vnto the goodnesse and power of God whereby hee quickeneth the dead calleth those things which bee not as though they were And therefore that aboue hope that he should be the father of many Nations according to that which was spoken to him So shall thy seede be And be not weake in this fayth considered not his owne bodie which was now dead being almost an hundreth yeares old neither the deadnesse of
Saraes wombe Neyther did he doubt of the promise of God through vnbeliefe but was strengthened in the fayth and gaue glorie to GOD being fully assured that hee which had promised was also able to doe it and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousnesse c. Hereby may euery one easily perceiue that faith vndoubtedly beleeueth that those thinges shall be perfourmed and through the goodnesse and power of God be brought to passe which otherwise seeme neuer possible to bee performed that faith doth alwayes looke into the promises and power of God and finally that faith is an assured certaine vndoubted and inuincible perswasion conceiued of the goodnesse and power of God whereby this glorie is ascribed attributed and entitled to God that hee both will and also can saue vs. All which are signified in that vsuall and accustomed fourme of confession which euerye one priuately vndertaketh and pronounceth for himselfe saying I beleeue in God For in these fewe wordes is set foorth and contayned the whole summe and signification of fayth Nowe heare and marke in fewe wordes howe thou art iustified by fayth Euen as the Apostle teacheth vs that Abraham was iustified by fayth without workes and that his fayth and sure perswasion of Gods goodnesse and power was imputed to him for righteousnesse so must thou make thy reckoning whosoeuer thou bee that acknowledgest thy selfe a greeuous sinner and that thou art guiltie of the manifolde breache of Gods law and that thou hast no good workes of thine owne to oppose and set against the seueritie of Gods iudgment that thou likewise and in the same sorte shalt bee iustified by faith without workes as the Apostle in that Chapter euidently and plainely testifieth He sayth there also further that it is not written for him onely that it was imputed to him for righteousnesse but also for vs to whom it shal be imputed for righteousnesse which beleeue in him that raysed vp Jesus our Lorde from the dead who was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen againe for our iustification This therefore is required at thy hand seein thou hast no manner of helpe in thy selfe whereby to obtayne thy saluation eyther by thine owne workes or any others that thou conceaue a sure and vndoubted fayth and a stedfast and firme perswasion of the goodnesse and power of God and that thou be fully perswaded and throughly assured in thy conscience that God the father will receiue thee againe into fauour that he will pardon forgiue thee thy sinnes and that he will iustifie and make thee righteous for his sonne Iesus Christ as he by his owne expresse words by his holy Prophets and last of all by the same his beloued sonne hath graciously promised For if from the bottome of thy heart thou vnfaynedly beleeue the promises of God touching this matter made vnto the holy fathers of olde be thou assured that thou art in the kings high way to iustification and saluation These promises haue euer from the beginning of the worlde hitherto beene euidently continued and shall to the worldes end be most faithfully and truely perfourmed Immediately after the transgression and fall of our first parentes Adam and Eue this promise of Christ was made vnto them when as the Lorde spake vnto the serpent I will put ●nmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seede and her seede he shall breake thine head Afterwarde he spake vnto Abraham saying In thy seede shall all Nations of the earth be blessed Which promise is excellently expounded by the Apostle to signifie and to be meant of Christ This promise was likewise made vnto Dauid that of his seede and posteritie Christ the Sauiour of the worlde should be borne Many others of the Prophetes besides did most clearely and manifestly prophesie and foretell of Christes comming and of righteousnesse by him onely to bee obtayned Isaiah in his 53. Chapter after manie notable speeches of Christs humiliation death hath lastly these wordes Hee shall see fruite of the trauayle of his soule and shall bee satisfied by his knowledge shall he iustifie manie for hee shall beare their iniquities To be shorte manie figures signes and types acertayned insinuated and represented vnto mens mindes those thinges which were to be done finished by Christe for our iustification the brasen serpent was set vpon a poale in the wildernesse and sundrie sacrifices by the Israelites vsed were figures of Christ and foreshewed both his comming in the fleshe his death which hee shoulde suffer for our instification Now that thou maiest knowe how for Christ and in Christ our sinnes are pardoned and forgiuen vs and righteousnes imputed vnto vs thou must looke into his death which hee suffered to pacifie and satisfie the wrath of God the father for our sinnes This singular benefite and vnspeakable act of Christe together with the most soueraigne vertue and efficacie of the same is in many places both of the olde Testament and of the new notably described For this his death and passion was figured and foreshewed by the types and sacrifices before expressed This death and passion of our Sauiour and redeemer Christe was most excellently pithily and cleerely set out and foretolde by the Prophet Isaiah in the Chapter afore recited And Christ sayth himselfe This is the bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for manie for the remission of sinnes By the death and bloudshed of Iesus Christ we are sayed in many places of scripture to be sanctified and clensed from our sinnes In an other place also the Apostle speaking of Christ sayth He gaue himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice c. In this sort therefore and after this manner doth our heauenly father being pacified and pleased with vs through the death of Christ forgiue and pardon our sinnes and imputeth vnto vs his righteousnesse But thou wilt saye howe knowe I whether this merite of Christe this remission of sinnes and this gift and imputation of righteousnesse for Christ be beneficiall profitable and applyable to mee or no For we must euer stande in feare and doubt least wee be excluded from the participation of those so vnestimable benefites as Christ brought and wrought But to answere thee in this case and because thou shalt not be vnfurnished of a stayed perswasion herein be thou thus assured that the worde of God doeth most plainly direct and point thee to sundry places and alledgeth vnto thee manifolde textes and reasons whereby thou mayst vndoubtedly knowe that thy sinnes are forgiuen thee for Christs sake if thou doest earnestly repent thee of thy wickednesse and withall beleeue that God the father for Christ his sonne will receiue thee into fauour and forgiue thee thy sinnes in this thy beleeuing be thou sure thou shalt obtaine pardon and remission of all thy sinnes and offences which the scripture