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A00901 The fall of Babylon in vsurping ecclesiastical power and offices And the miserable estate of them that pertake of her fornications. 1634 (1634) STC 1101; ESTC S101521 80,856 100

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beeing suffered among the Isralites were a snare vnto them Iudg. 2.2 so must it needes be with these popish offices altars and ceremonies left among protestants The parliaments therefore should have struck at the rootes and stocks of the trees wh ch bring out such fruits in matters both of the church and common wealth and better they never did nor never can bringe foorth in any nation It is a just plague God hath sent on the Clergie because like the Angels they kept not theire first estate of presbyters nor receive the love of that ordinance For now since the death of the Apostles prophets and Evangelists by the Testament of God all degrees of Clergie men that since crope in are not branches of Christ the vine he gave some to be pastors Teachers and Elders but never any to be diocessan Bishops Such as are not content with the callings and offices that he hath given for his church but aspire to others that make them Lords of Gods heritage they abide not in him Ioh. 15. ● 5 6.7 1. and as he saith As the branch cannot beare fruite of it selfe except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me Euen as he is the word he is the vine and his ministers are the branches by which his fulnesse is spread abroade wherfore he saith If a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered He saith abide in me and I in you and sheweth what that is If ye abide in me and my words abide in you and that as well in matter of office and ceremonies according to his ordinances as in other things Herein is my father glorified that ye beare much fruite soe shall ye be my Disciples as if he saide otherwise not Bishops therefore that have not theire callings of him of his Testament are branches of some other trees not of Christ Iesus the vine and that makes them bring out such fruite as they doe It will be saide if kings may not give Clergie men such honour and power as Constantin Iustinian and other Emperours gave them where is theire prerogative And if councels may not give them such authority as the councell of Nice and other Synods of those times gave them where is Christs promise of the Spirit To the first I answer wee are willed to give vnto Cesar the things that are Cesars Math. 12.21 but vnto God the things that are Gods This as wee have shewed is a thing that is Gods And who then would thinke that Christians if they may be so called would ever teach that Kings or Synods may g●ve a power to Prelates that shall make any of the ordinances of God of none effect most of those prelates Antichrists and one of them the grand Antichrist Kings indeede are nursing fathers to the church but that is then to see that theire people be fed with the sincere milke of the word of God and not with the traditions of men or leaven of the Pharises Isa 52.2 which beeing not the bread of heaven satisfieth not Yet Prelates are ever buzzing Princes in the eares with theire prerogative in what they have established They may as well reason thus 2. Chro. 12.11 Iehoram made high places and so caused men to commit fornication He compelled Iudah thereto therfore Kings may s t vp diocessan Bishops and Sees which are high places never ordained of God and so cause fornications and compell men to theire obedience 2. King 16 ●0 Ahaz saw an Altar at Damascus sent the fashion of it to V●●ah the Priest made him make such a one and offer on it therfore Kings may set vp Altars cause such things and divers others taken from the heathen Iewes or Papists to be vsed in theire churches Ieroboam set vp golden calves Nebuchadnezar a golden Image and caused all to worship it ergo Kings may set vp these golden Images the B shops and cause them in all theire power traditions and ceremonies to be obeied that is worshipped Christs Bishops would rather say Kings are commaunded to write them a booke of the law not to depart from it as God willeth Iosha but to mediate therein day and night that they may observe to doe according to all that is written therein Ios 1.2 therfore they may not make theire subjects worship the Beast and take his marke not though he pretend that they are the things of the Spirit either invented or confirmed in councels If Christ by whome Kings raigne be the King only wise the best and noblest King as he is the word and wisdom that ruleth his then it is the greatest and best prerogative to be renued into his image and seeke his kingdom seeing the father saith Psa 2. J have set my King vpon my holy hil of Sion to rule all nations in all matters of religion be wise now therfore o ye Kings c. Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 Now his Image is renewed in knowledge righteosnesse and holinesse of the truth Marke not holinesse of mens inventions and traditions but holinesse of the truth The rudiments of the world as Paul sheweth bring men into bondage and ignorance Gal. 4. Ioh. 8. Chap. 17. Chap. 14. but the knowledge and obedience of the truth and continuance therein as Christ also saith maketh men free and Sonnes of God which is the greatest honour that can be He saith Thy word is Truth I am the Truth His name is called the word of God Such as yeeld to Gods word yeeld to this truth they truly bow at the name of Iesus and doe him homage as the King of Kings Princes are rightly called Gods Deputies and truly honourable when they labour to bring men to this true holinesse For there is no true holines but the holines of the Truth No man can serve two Maisters not God and Mammon much lesse Christ and Antichrist who commaund and teach contrarie things But Christ is the Truth And every one saith he that is of the Truth heareth my voice Ioh. 18.37 Chap. 10. To be of the Truth then is to be a true Christian My sheepe heare my voice and they follow me and a stranger they will not follow This stranger is one that bringeth false doctrines or for doctrines the traditions and inventions of men His servants ye are to whome ye obey He saith not to whome ye pray but to whome ye obey Rom. 6.16 Him ye serve worship whether Christ or Antichrist God or any other potentate The Papists and all that teach or observe for doctrines commaundements of men will say wee worship and follow Christ Indeede his is the kingdom the power and the glorie But as he is the eternal word and wisdom of God Ioh. 12.26 he saith If a man serve me let him follow me that is to heare beleeve and obey me and me only as I am God with the father and the holy Ghost or as I only am the
as is manifested now a daies nor give theire false doctrines and interpretations for lawes as they have donne in these later ages and since the councell of Trent which is the thing that makes them and theire followers so abhominable Therfore after one Angel haveing an everlasting Gospel to preach had cried feare God Rev. 14.6 7.8.9 and worship him and that the second had denounced the fall of Babylon by which two seeming to be wicklife Luther and theire followers came greate light of doctrine The third Angel followed them and denounced eternall damnation to every one that should after this time worship the Beast and his Image and receive his marke And because some would rather suffer martyrdom then doe it that is added Here is the patience and the faith of the saincts vers 12.13 Here are they that keepe the commandements of God and the faith of Jesus Blessed are the dead which henceforth die in the Lord or as others reade for the Lords cause Here then wee may see theire impietie and danger who continue not in the word but either more or lesse receive and professe the Doctrine and superstion of the Pope and Church of Rome which is not taught in the holy Scriptures they receive the marke of the Beast and worship him and his Image To receive and haue which marke is to receive or have an impression of the Popish Doctrine and Religion in part or in whole either in profession which is to haue the marke in the forhead or by defending or helping the same by som meanes which is to haue the marke in the right hand as will appeare by shewing how men haue the Seale or marke of God The eternall word and Wisdom of the Father is his expresse Image with which the elect are sealed in theire forheads by saueing knowledge and profession thereof with faith and full assurance Which is when they receive the Doctrine of the holy Scripture and it leaues such an impression in them that they professe they will receive it and no other vnder any pretence of the Spirit vnlesse it follow from the same Testament of Christ who to shew that the Holy Ghost brings no other Doctrine he the truth calleth him the Spirit of truth and saith He shall not speake of himselfe Ioh. 16.13 But he shall receive of mine and shall shew it vnto you He shall bring all things to your remembrance whatsoeuer J haue saide vnto you So he leadeth into all truth And he shall shew you the things to come that is touching the generall Apostacie vnder Antichrist and such other things in the Revelation Councels therefore doe vainly pretend the Spirit if they speake not according to the Testament of Christ The word was made flesh Ioh. 1. the Disciples saw the glorie thereof in his Doctrine and miracles full of grace and Truth This cannot be saide of the canons and inventions of men Of his fulnesse saith Iohn haue all wee receiued Grace and Truth came by Iesus Christ Whosoeuer brings not this word 1. Ioh. 2.24 this truth of God is a deceiver But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him abideth in you and ye neede not that any man teach you but as the same annointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie Idaicus taketh Christ to be the anointing here meant and Lorinus on the place giues good reasons why the word is saide to be the Anointing Indeede the Spouse saith to him Thy Name is an ointment powred forth Cant. 1.3 Now wee know his Name is called the word of God And indeede this eternall word seemeth to be the anointing meant because he saith it is Truth and is no lie And Christ that word because he addeth and euen as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him or it in the anointing And now litle children abide in him that when he shall appeare wee may haue confidence and not be ashamed before him at his comming v. 12. to iudgment for the word shall iudge vs at the last day Ioh. 12.48 and Christ is that word as Augustin proueth on that and many other places of Iohns Gospel As many as receiued this word this eternall Truth to them he gaue power to become the Sonnes of God euē to them that beleoue in his Name whose name is called the word of God Therefore he saith to them that beleeued on him Ioh. 8.31.36 If ye continue in my word thē are ye my Disciples indeede and ye shall know the truth the truth shall make you free and sheweth the same truth to be the Sonne that maketh Sonnes free saying If the Sonne therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeede This comes of the saueing knowledge of Gods word 1. Ioh. 3.2 Therefore Iohn saith Now wee are the Sonnes of God and it doth not yet appeare what wee shall be that is because wee know but in part But when he shall appeare we shall be like him for wee shall see him as he is And euery man that hath this hope purifieth himselfe euen as he is pure Thus as Paul saith men put on the new man Ioh. 17. which is renewed in knowledge after the Image of him that created him and that saueing knowledge is the cause of loueing and obeying him and of purifying of a mans selfe as he is pure Therefore it is that Christ saith M. Downam Guide to Godlinesse cha 5. Rom. 10. Psa this is eternall life to know thee and him whome thou hast sent Saueing knowledge as one saith beeing the ground of obedience and the roote of faith and all other graces For how shall they call vpon him in whome they haue not beleeued and how shall they beleeue on him of whome they haue not heard Or haue no knowledge Divinely therefore saith David Make me to vnderstand they way of the precepts so shall I talke of thy wondrous works Giue me vnderstanding and I shall keepe thy Law And therefore Augustin saith that wee may loue things vnseene but not vnknowne For to shew that the first conversion of a Christian is wrought by illumination knowledge and a liuely faith that followeth thereupon Christ saith to Paul Act. 26.18 J send thee to the Gentiles to open theire eyes and to turne them from darknes to light that is from the power of darknesse to the Sonne of light as he addeth from the power of Satan vnto God Ephes 2.2 chap. 4.18 Wherefore he sheweth that the Gentiles in times past walked after the Prince of the power of the aire and were aliened from the life of God because theire vnderstanding was darkened through the ignorance that was in them because of the blindnesse of theire heart that beeing aliens from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the couenants of promise they were at that time without Christ haveing no hope and without God in the world Hence it was that they beeing
word made flesh that reveale the father for thou shalt worship the Lord thy God Mat. 4. and him only shalt thou serve And above all in this in beleeving his word only who can not deceive nor be deceived Otherwise though thou pray vnto him and vse all externall devotions he will not account that service or following him but following a man knowes not who what or wherefore for how shall they call on him in whome they have not beleeved Rom. 10.14.15 And how shall they beleeve in him of whome they have not heard there can therefore be no true serving him without hearing and beleeving nor no hearing to salvation without hearing of him nor indeede without obeying or following for therfore it is added But they have not all obeied the Gospel Some obey it not at all as Iewes others would serve God and Mammon others Christ and Antichrist others Gods word and the precepts of men but this is not to obeie the Gospell to follow Christ to worship him aright for he saith In vaine they worship me who teach for doctrines the commandements of men Thus doe they who teach that diocessan Bishops should be received and obeied Mat. 15 9. which make Gods word of the presbiterie of none effect and this they also doe by other theire traditions and precepts which not only crosse the Gospel in other things See the crowne of a Christian Martyr but serve men for a religion and so make the word of God of none effect And while they hold that Gods will is that they should be obeied that is in effect to teach them for doctrines they are no longer things indifferent but necessarie or rather presumptions that turne from the truth Mar. 7.8 and make men lay aside the word of God for laying aside the commandements of God ye hold the tradition of men As if he saide ye cannot hold the tradition of men but ye lay aside the commandement of God as wee finde true in matter of the presbiterie and other things Againe No man hath seene God at any time Ioh. 1.18 the only begotten Sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him All things are delivered vnto me of my father and no man knoweth the father save the Sonne Mat. 11.27 Ioh. 15.15 and he to whome the Sonne will reveale him But he saith to his Apostles All things that I have heard of my father J have made knowne vnto you so he hath fullie declared him And the Apostles have declared vnto vs in the new Testament all the counsell of God If therfore the Sonne Act. 20.27 have not revealed these traditions and precepts of men in his Testament it is a greate presumtion to say they may be imposed or that Gods will is that they should be obeied For because Christ only is the word that revealeth the father therefore that only should be taught which he hath revealed by his Apostles Evangelists but he hath not revealed these precepts of men and therfore he saith In vaine they worship me who teach for doctrines commandements of men As if he saide rejecting God his word ye worship him whose traditions ye receive Ioh. 4. and that with the greatest and trewest worship The true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and truth Viz. in obeying the truth and yealding themselves to be wholly governed by it as by a perfect and necessarie rule which requireth not a difference of meates or such triviall things but righteousnes and peace Rom. 14 16.18 ioy in the holy Ghost He that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God He is a true worshipper For so Paul saith After the way that they call heresie so worship I the God of my fathers beleeving all things that are written To beleeve the Testaments and no more Obejed is the true worship This must needes be the worship vsed by them who are saide to worship in the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimonie Rev. 11.1.19 because there was nothing seene in it but the Arke of his Testament they beleeved and obeied all things that were written therein and no more 1. Sam. 15.22 To beleeve and to obey is better then Sacrifice and to hearken then the fat of rammes It is the best service and worship as the very Iesuits prove from this place Ignati de obed virtute sect 5 and thereby condemne themselves who give this best service to theire superiour by beleeving and obeying him as one that can not be deceived though they cannot perceive but he commaunds things contrarie to God and so make him theire God Thus the Pope sits in the Temple of God as God or as men say most maister in things and thus papists worship the Beast and his image For his servants ye are to whome ye obey And yet this worship in matters of religion is only due vnto God whose word alone is the spirit that giveth life yea men have more or lesse the Spirit of prophec●e 〈◊〉 ●●●uld be obeied as they speake according to that word and th●●●fore the Angel saith worship God for the testimonie of Iesus is the Spirit of prophecie Rev. 19 His testimonie and no other For the church is subject to Christ not to the preceps of men This testimonie ye ought to beleeve and obey Ephes 5.24 as Paul did in beleewing all things that are written and so to worship God in Spirit and truth For the Father seeketh such to worship him The Papists then in receiving and teaching for Doctrines precepts and traditions of the Pope and Church of Rome so contrarie to the word do certainly giue them this true and greate worship which only belongs to God and so are like them who changed the truth of God into a lie Rom. 1.25 and worshipped and served the creature more then the creator who is blessed for ever Thus they are saide to worship the Beast and his Image Many thinke that some such thing is done by those in England that defend teach the authority of the Bishops theire hierarchie Canons decrees and ceremonies because many of them are popish and more pressed by many then some points of the Gospel And though divers doe not doe this with a purpose to set vp poperie vnlesse in a few things neither can be perswaded that the hierarchie is a limbe of the Beast yet the obedience to it in these things if they or it be not of God is a worship to it and a serving the creature more then the creator which indeede is much more donne by the Papists to the Beast and his Image And here by the way it is a thing worthy observation that if in the primative ages of the church vnder the first Christian Emperours some were touched with some of the popish opinions as very few were and those only in some things yet they did neither maintaine them against such light of doctrine
to be ordained of God and necessary when indeede it is theire owne office that is not necessary seeing it onely serveth for such things to persecute men for the Testimonie of Iesus and more to force vnnecessarie then necessarie ceremonies For kneeling in prayer good order and reverent gesture in the Church are vsed in the french Churches as commendable and necessarie and yet in men that in those other th●ngs are disobedient to the truth theire verie prayers are abhominable and but mockeries much more theire owne deuised cringes and gestures as in Papists who abound in such things and as if a man should with all order and reverence bow his body to the King his chaire of Estate Image or seale and yet despise or neglect many of his wholsom Lawes and commandements The orders and ceremonies which God ordained are indeede to religion as the barke or leaues to a tree that is a comely part of it but as for other ceremonies and inventions with theire pretended significations which beeing devised by man are more then are in the reformed Churches of France or were in the Apostles time they are not to the religion and truth of God as they say like the barke to the tree which if it be taken off the tree withereth but as the ivye to the oake which seemes to adorne and embrace it but indeede binds shadowes and by degrees wasts and destroyes it For these shewes serve many for a religion and a cloake of persecution and the power of Bishops serues for a tyranous terrour to keepe men from p●aching and writing the truth and setting theire names to theire bookes in the cases of the hierarchie traditions Altars images pelagianisme or the like and consequently to beget flatterie and lukewarmnesse in Clergie and people and eate out that loue and zeale of the truth in all things that they either doe now or may hereafter prohibit or maintaine Such was and such is the fruite of theire power and therfore certainly it is not of God but of men of the world of the coueteous lust of the eyes and of the pride of life and therfore what matters it who gaue it them whether councels or Kings they cannot make black white nor euill good nor that Lawfull which is so unlawfull and pernicious to the Kingdom of God Constantine no doubt thought he had offered a greate sacrifice to God in giueing them so much as he did other Emperours Kings therfore haue augmented it But he that forbiddeth to adde to his word or take from it saith to obey is better then sacrifice 1. Sam. 15. Therfore Asa to doe that which was right in the eyes of God did not vrge his owne or other mens inventions 2. Chro. 14.3.4 but tooke away the Altars of the strange Gods and the high places and Images other Kings had erected and commaunded Judah to seeke the Lord God of theire Fathers and to doe the Law marke and the commaundement Chr st beeing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords though Kinges as his deputies haue greate power in matters of Religion yet that is so as in theese things not so seeke theire owne but Gods will donne in ear●h as it is in heauen I saith he Ioh. 8.26 chap. 6.34 Tract 40.41.54 speake to the world those things which I haue heard of him J came not to doe mine owne will but the will of him that sent me He sai●e this that was the eternall word and Wisdom of God yea verie God and eternall l fe For indeede he was not his owne wisdom word but the Fathers as August n doth m●n●fest on theese the like places of the Gosspell And shall not Kings then who are but his Deputies much more say it yea doe it either by causing the word of God to be faithfully taught in theire cities as David and Iehoshaphat or by rooting out all monuments and stumbling blocks of superstition and idollatrie and by suffering theire subjects to preach freely against them and to worship the Lord in the beautie of holinesse as Hezechiah and Iosiah did that is in a word by causing theire subjects to worship God aright and take his marke in the puritie of his ordinances and not to worship the Beast and take his mark in receiving professing and defending his corrupt traditions and ceremonies For to serve God and make others serve him in the beautie of holinesse Psa 110.3 is to make men serve him in the holinesse of the truth according to all that is written in his Testament Ios 1.8 and not with cathedrall service and musick after the pompous traditions and inventions of Prelates and theire Canons as some infer For the Image of God is renewed in all righteousnesse and holines of the truth Ephes 4.24 and if God would not that wee should be again in bondage to the rudiments which himselfe ordained in the ceremoniall law Christ haveing nailed them to his crosse much lesse to those which the pope and church of Rome or other men have invented or established It were good that Princes and theire chaplains would think of that Ezra 7.21 whatsoever is commaunded by the God of heaven that is in matters of religion let it be diligently donne where mark he saith not commaunded by Kings for why should there be wrath against the Realme of the King and his Sonnes That is either for neglecting Gods commaund or vrging inventions of men for therfore wee are willed not to thinke of men and theire power above that is written 1 Cor. 4.6 It is the necessity of conformitie imposed upon Ministers that furnisheth them as it did the Papists with arguments to defend traditions humane precepts and Canons against this truth and so to make a fearfull war against God Which I observe not so much of them who haveing subscribed follow theire ministrie preach the word and never speake of English traditions hopeing God will reforme them as of those that defend and preach them Isa 1. never thinking that God may say vnto them who required these things at your hands What Gospell is this How doth it helpe the Kingdom of God What knowledge what fai h what holinesse of the truth doth it worke They yet strive to justifie these ordinances and all the power of the prelates 1. Cor. 14.40 saying the Apostle sai●h Let all things be donne decently and in order therfore Synods may ordaine diocessan Bishops and all such Canons as are in England and doubtlesse the will of God is that they should be obeied I nswer the Apostle by this decencie and order can not meane any thing that shall overthrow any of the ordinances of God or make his word of none effect in any particular He speakes it of things before mencioned in his Epistle Chap. 11.21 Chap. 12. There were divers who did eate theire suppers when they came to the Sacrament one is hungrie and another is drunken this was not decently and in order If any
past feeling gaue themselves ouer to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse Which ignorance and blindnesse is so greate a sinne and so greate a cause of sinne that the Psalmist saith Psa 79.6 powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee and vpon the Kingdoms that haue not called vpon thy name And the Apostle saith that the Lord Iesus shall come from heauen with his mightie Angels 2. Thes 1.7 8. in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God That is because they care not for this greate favour he vouchsafeth to reueale himselfe in revealing his word in theese and other things vnto sinfull men that by receiving the loue and knowledge of his eternall word and truth they may be made Sonnes and friends of God to obey him better then they haue donne For as Ioseph by the favours his maister shewed him was taught to denie to sinne with his mistresse So this greate grace of God Tit. 1.11 bringing salvation hath appeared to all men Teaching vs that denying vngodlinesse and worldly lusts wee should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world So that the more saveing knowledge there is in a man there will be the more faith pietie righteousnesse and holinesse of the truth The Angels in heaven doe Gods will better then we because they know him better rhen we and wee shall doe it better when wee know him better when wee shall see him as he is Therefore Peter saith Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you through the knowledge of God 2. Pet. 1.2.3 Chap. 3.18 Exod. 34.6 and of Iesus our Lord. Therefore when Moses desired to see and know God he shewed himselfe in theese words The Lord Jehouah strong mercifull gracious long suffering abundant in kindnesse and truth reserving mercie for thousands forgiveing iniquitie c. This beeing a summe of the Gospell And therefore also Paul prayeth for this as one of the greatest blessings that can be that the Father of glorie may giue vnto you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him Ephes 1.17 the eyes of your vnderstanding beeing inlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the exceeding greatnesse of his power to vs ward that beleeve That wee may be filled with the knowledge of Gods will Col. 1.9 in all Wisdom and spirituall vnderstanding Knowing as was shewed that this worketh sanctification that the Image of God is renewed in knowledge Ephes 4.24 and thereby in righteousnesse and holinesse of the truth Not holinesse of mens inventions and traditions but in holinesse of the truth Which is when they are confident that they neede not that any man teach them but as the same Truth teacheth them of all things and is truth and is no lie That while Prelates teach other things it is more then needeth That wee should all speake the same thing to avoide divisions but that must be the Testimonie of God 1. Cor. 2.1 which the Apostles declared vnto vs otherwise divisions cannot be avoided For men must contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints holding i● fast and when they professe as much that is to haue the Seale name or marke of God in theire forheads For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Character or marke comes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to make a deepe impression Letters are therefore called Characters because those elements wee first learne leave a stronge seale in our memories So doth the Doctrine of God in the heart and Soule where he promised to write it Ier. 31.33 I will put my Law in theire inward parts and write it in theire hearts So doth he his promises whereby wee are made to beleeve obey and consequently sealed with the marke or Image of God Ephes 1.13 In whome also ye trusted after that ye heard the word of truth in whome also after that ye beleeved ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise Thus the Lord sealeth men by the ministrie or his word and cooperation of the Holy Ghost God saith Paul 2. Cor. 3.3 6 17.18 hath made vs able ministers of the new Testament not of the letter but of the Spirit which giveth life and consequently sealeth Now the Lord that is Christ the word is that Spirit Namely which wee administer to the Soule and vnderstanding and which sealeth Wherefore he addeth That is the word of the Lord. wee all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glorie of the Lord are changed into the same Image and consequently sealed therewith And that seale is in theire forheads when they professe it and that they will receive it and no other So it is saide Hurt not the earth nor the Sea nor the trees till wee haue sealed the Servants of our God in theire forheads Theese are such as receive the Testimonie of Christ and no other Doctrine vnlesse it follow from the same Such behoulding Romish superstition prophesied in Sackcloth yet could not be hurt by the locusts the Monkes and Friars all theire tales of purgaterie affright not them They haue the Fathers name written in theire forheads because the word is called his name and expresseth him as an Image on a Seale doth him whose Image it is I haue manifested thy name vnto the men which thou gavest me Ioh. that is thy word as it followeth I haue giuen them the words which thou gauest me they haue received them Keepe through thine owne name those which thou hast giuen me That is through thy word 1. Pet. 1.5 Heb. 1.2 who are kept by the povver of God that is by the word of God by which all things were made and are vpheld Now then this eternall and divine word by which the world was made and is vpheld is called the Fathers Name as beeing his word the brightnesse of his glorie and Character of his substance that is his expresse Character which expresseth him and wherewith wee are sealed which Character or word the Sonne is therefore they are also saide to haue the Sonnes name on theire forheads Reu. 19. Now on his head were many crownes and a name written v. 12. which shewed what he was and his name is called the word of God Of which therefore and for which all Kings should hold theire crownes and not of the Pope nor for his traditions and service Thus Iohn saith He that continueth in the Doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne 2. Ioh. the Father and his word Therefore it must needes be the marke of God Reu. 19. Chap. 15.6 chap. 11. Reu. 21.17 Chap. 22. which he had who saith J am thy fellow Servant and of thy brethren which haue the Testimonie of Iesus And that is also proved by this that he is one of the seaven Angels that commeth out of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimonie that is