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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57454 An account of Sueden together with an extract of the history of that kingdom. Robinson, John, 1650-1723. 1694 (1694) Wing R1690; ESTC R12230 47,457 212

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are frequently found in Sueden and in greater variety than in England which seem to have been the Dane Gilt or Tribute that the Nation then paid The Normans also who about that time settled in France were in part Natives of this Country so that England together with the Miseries that accompanied those Conquests owes a great part of its Extraction to these People But to pass on to Times of more certainty it was about the Year 830 that the Emperor Ludovicus Pius sent Ansgarius afterwards Arch-bishop of Hamburgh to attempt the Conversion of the Suedes and Goths who at first had little or no Success but in his second Journey some Years after he was better received and baptized the King Olaus who was afterwards martyred by his Heathen Subjects and offered in Sacrifice to their Gods nor did Christianity become the general Religion of Sueden till about a Hundred Years after when it was planted by the English Bishops formerly mentioned sent for thither by another Olaus in whose time the Kingdom of Sueden and that of Gothia were united but became afterwards to be separated again and continued so near Two Hundred Years when they were again joyn'd on Condition that the Two Royal Families should succeed each other by turns as they did for the space of One Hundred Years but not without great Disorders and much Blood shed This occasion of Quarrel which ended in the Extirpation of the Gothick Family was succeeded by another for Waldemer Son of Berger Ierle or Earl who was descended from the Royal Family of Sueden being at that time chosen King by his Father's Advice he created his Three Brothers Dukes of Finland Sudermanland and Smaland with such a degree of Sovereignty in their respective Dukedoms as enabled them to disturb their Brother's Government who was at last forced to resign the Kingdom to his Brother Magnus which he left to his Son Berger who lived in continual Dissention with his Two Brethren Erick and Waldemar till he took them Prisoners and famish'd them to Death upon which he was driven on t of the Kingdom and succeeded by Duke Erick's Son Magnus who was perswaded to suffer his Son Erick to be chosen King of Sueden joyntly with himself as his other Son Haquinus was of Norway Both these Brothers made War upon their Father who thereupon caused the Eldest to be poysoned the other Haquinus being reconciled to his Father married Margaret the Daughter Waldemar King of Denmark in whose Person the Three Northern Kingdoms were afterwards United This Magnus being deposed for his ill Government made place for his Sister's Son Albert Duke of Mechlenburgh of whom the Suedes were soon weary and offered the Kingdom to Margaret whose Husband Haquinus had left her Norway and her Father Denmark King Albert therefore being beaten in a pitch'd Battle was taken Prisoner by this Margaret who succeeded him and enacted the Vnion of the Three Crowns into a Law which was ratified by the States of those Kingdoms but proved much to the Prejudice of Sueden and to the Advantage of Denmark which People had always the Art or Luck to get their King's Favour and render the Suedes and Norwegians suspected conformable to Queen Margaret's Advice to her Successor Sueden shall feed you Norway shall cloath you and Denmark shall defend you At her request the Three Nations chose her young Nephew Erick of Pomerania reserving to her self the Government during his Minority which she out-lived and had time to repent at last she died of the Plague in the Year 1412. This Erick married Phillippa the Daughter of Henry the 4th of England of her their Histories relate that Copenhagen being besieged and King Erick in despair retreating to a Monastery she took the Command of the City and beat the Besiegers but afterwards having in the King's absence fitted out a Fleet that was unsuccessful at his return he so beat and abused her that she thereby miscarried and retiring into a Cloyster died soon after The Oppression the Suedes lay under from Strangers and to whom the King committed the Government of Provinces and the Custody of all Castles contrary to the Articles of the Vnion made them at last throw off the Yoke and renounce their Allegiance to King Erick in whose place they substituted the General of the Kingdom Carl Knuteson with the Title of Protector which he held about Four Years till they were perswaded to accept Christopher of Bavaria whom the Danes and Norwegians had already chosen his short Reign gave the Suedes new Disgusts to the Vnion so that upon his Death they divided themselves and chose Carl Knuteson to be their King who had before been their Protector and remains a memorable Example of the Vicissitude of Fortune for after he had Reigned Ten Years he was driven out by a Danish Faction and retiring to Dantzick was reduced to great want Christian of Oldenburg King of Denmark and Norway succeeded him and renewed the Vnion which was soon dissolved Christian after a Reign of Five Years being turn'd out Carl Knuteson was restored to the Crown which he held only Three Years being over-power'd by a Faction of the Clergy and forced to forswear the Crown and retire into Finland where he again fell into want upon his Deposition his Daughter's Husband Erick Axelton was made Governour of the Kingdom which was miserably shattered by Factions of which the Bishops were the greatest Ring-leaders in Favour of Christian of Denmark whom they endeavoured to restore but their Party being worsted Carl Knuteson was the third time received King of Sueden and continued so till his Death upon which Steno Sture a Noble Man of ancient Family was made Protector of the Kingdom which he defended a long time against King Christian and his Successor to the Crowns of Denmark and Norway but was at last forced to give place to Iohn who again restored the Vnion of the Three Crowns but pursuing his Predecessors steps in oppressing the Nation and imploying of Strangers he was soon expell'd the Kingdom And Steno Sture was again made Protector and he dying Suanto Sture succeeded in the same Quality He had continual Wars with King Iohn all the time of his Government which at his Death was conferred on his Son Steno Sture the younger who withstood the Danish Faction which the Arch-bishop of Vpsall headed till dying of a Wound he received in a Skirmish against the Danes Christiern or Christian the II. King of Denmark and Norway was advanced to the Crown of Sueden but behaved himself so tyrannically and shed so much innocent Blood especially of the Nobility which he design'd utterly to root out that his Reign became intolerable and the whole Nation conspired against him under the Conduct of Gustavus the First descended from the ancient Kings of Sueden whose Father had being beheaded and his Mother had two Sisters imprison'd by Christiern He was
ordinary offices of their Sex put to Plow and Thrash to Row in Boats and bear Burthens at the Building of Houses and on other occasions Domestick Quarrels rarely happen and more seldom become Publick the Husbands being as apt to keep the Authority in their own hands as the Wives by Nature Custom or Necessity are inclin'd to be Obedient Divorces and other Separations between Man and Wife scarce ever happen but among the Inferior sort when the Innocent Party is allowed to marry again Cousin-Germans may not Marry without the King's Dispensation which is more frequently granted than refused In Wedding Entertainments they have ever affected Pomp and Superfluity beyond the proportion of their Abilities for by the Excess of one Day oft-times many of them involve themselves in such inconveniences as they feel many Years The same is observable in their Funeral Solemnities which are usually accompanied with more Jollity and Feasting than befits the Occasion and to gain time to make their Preparations they commonly Transport their Dead to Vaults within or adjoyning to their Churches where they remain unburied some Months and sometimes several Years but of late these and other unnecessary Expences begin by degrees to be laid aside as well in conformity to the Frugality of the Court as in compliance with their present Fortunes which are narrower now than they have formerly been CHAP. VIII Of the Royal Family and Court of Sueden CHARLES XI the present King of Sueden was born November the 25th 1655. Two years after his Father Charles Gustave X. of the House of Deux Ponts was advanced to the Crown up on the Abdication of Queen Christina whose Cousin-German he was being the Son of Iohn Casimir Prince Palatine of the Rhine and Catherine of Sueden Daughter to Charles IX and Sister to Gustavus Adolphus Queen Christina's Father This Kings Mother Princess Hediwing Eleonora of the House of Holstein and Sister to the present Duke had no other Child and upon the Decease of the King her Husband in the year 1660. was made Regent of the Kingdom together with the five Great Officers of the Crown and held that Post till the Year 1672. when the King her Son was declared Major and took the Government His Majesties Education in his Minority by his own Genius and the Indulgence of his Mother if not by the contrivance of the Principal Ministers was mostly in order to a Military Life in which Exercises such as Fencing and Riding the Great Horse he took more pleasure and made better proficiency than in such Studies as required more intention of the mind Besides the Suedish and High-Dutch Languages which his Majesty learned in his Infancy and speaks both equally well he was not perfected in any other having only a smattering of French to which he hath so great an Aversion that he will neither own nor be brought to speak so much of it as he understands which want concurring with if not causing in him a reserved Temper and backwardness to Conversation with Strangers makes it more difficult for Foreign Ministers to entertain his Majesty and himself uneasy upon their Addresses None ever better conquered this Difficulty than Mr. Warwick who having learned a little High-Dutch with which he entertain'd his Majesty in ordinary Discourse without much mixture of business he thereby became the Favourite Foreign Minister and had the Honour to be singled out by his Majesty on all occasions In the year 1674. his Majesty was Crowned and presently after engaged in a War that gain'd him an eminent degree both of Experience and Honour having never lost a Battle in which he was Personally present At the Conclusion of the War Anno 1680. he married the Princess Ulrica Eleonora Sister to the King of Denmark a Lady as Eminent for Piety Virtue Wisdom and all other Qualities truly Great and Noble as for her Birth and Extraction These with her great Charity to the Poor and Liberality to all have gain'd her the Hearts of the whole Nation and surmounted the Aversion they naturally have to those of her Country By her his Majesty hath already had Seven Children five Princes four of which are Dead and two Princesses and has fair hopes of a more numerous Issue The King is of a Middle Stature and well-set his Hair brown of a healthful and vigorous Constitution and Sanguine Complexion never attacqued with any Violent Sickness but what has been occasion'd by some outward Accidents of which two especially have endangered his Life one was in the War when his Majesty riding on the Ice it brake and he fell into the Water which brought him into a Fever that he narrowly escaped The other happened by the fall off his Horse when he broke his Leg and was so ill treated by his Surgeons that besides the danger of his Life then the effects of their miscarriage are still seen in his Majesties halting There have happened to him two Accidents more which have impaired his Strength and it 's fear'd may shorten his Days One was That at Hunting Monsieur Wachmaster being in danger to be kill'd by a Bear the King was so eager to rescue him that he broke a Vein and was then like to have bled to Death and since hath been subject to bleeding upon any motion The other was That his Majesty hath formerly accustomed himself to ride Post such long Stages and with so great speed that he hath often been near suffocated by the heat the expence of his Spirits and the Agitation of his Blood whereof the effects are still observed and feared by those about him He possesses many Excellent and Princely Qualities an Exemplary Piety and Religious Disposition that shews its self in all his Actions and invincible Courage that has oft exposed his Person to great dangers not only in his Wars but in his Divertisements His Chastity and Temperance are very regular at least if there be any Instances of his failing in the latter upon any extraordinary Occasion or Entertainment he hath never been known or scarce suspected to violate the former Frugality is practised by his Majesty in a high degree and his Parsimonious Temper appears on all Occasions that if his Subjects think him too pressing for Money they have the Satisfaction to see and believe that it is laid either out or up for their Good not expended in profuse Liberalities or vain Divertisements to which his Majesty is a perfect Stranger neither delighted with Plays Gaming or any other Recreations besides Riding Fencing and Hunting His peaceable Demeanour may perhaps more justly be ascribed to the State of his Affairs than his own Nature which more powerfully inclines him to the Fatigue of a Camp than the Ease of a Court and suits better with a Martial Familiarity than the shews of Grandeur and the Solemnities of State The Cholerick Temper that hath been incident to all his Ancestors hath sometimes carried him to low Expressions of his Anger as well towards the greater as meaner sort of his