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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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yeelded vp the spirit After this man was dead they elected an other by the commandement of the Pope namely Herman of Saxonie Count or Earle of Lucenbourg who not without the Lords will was slaine by a woman who let fall a great stone vpon his head as he assailed a Castle in Almaine And the malice of this cruel tirant could not be repressed but it stirred vp a third Competitor to this good Prince namely one Egbert Earle of Misue his parent but being surprised by the Emperors people he was miserably put to death What man would not bee mooued by such iudgements of God to obey his Magistrate and abhorre all rebellion and sedition yet this Romane seate was neuer stirred therewith but finally wrought the Emperours sonne Henry to rebell against his father The writings of Henry the 4. sent to the King of France by which he complaineth of his sonnes iniuries and of such as drew him on to do them do at large declare this tragedie and at this day are to be seene Matilde Countesse kept ordinarie company with the Pope and neuer departed from him as his harlot despising Aron her husband Marquesse of Est. In so much that shee was commonly called S. Peter his daughter Shee was diuorced by the Romane seate for some affinitie that was pretended to be betwixt them From thence came it as Lambert Hirsueldensis hath left in writing that all people accused them that there was a villainous and dishonest loue betwixt them and euerie one said she lay with the Pope and had vnlawfull company of him which had taken frō Priests holy honest marriage The Abbot of Vrsperge called Conrade de Lihtenaw addeth this in his Chronicle Certaine it is that Hildebrand was not chosen of God but brought in of himselfe by fraud and force of siluer who ouerthrew the Ecclesiasticall order troubled the Kingdome of the Christian Empire procured the death of a peaceable King maintained periuries entertained noyses and dissentions sowed disorders stirred scandalles made diuorces and shooke and ouerthrewe all which seemed well ordained amongst them which liued holily c. First he was a great hypocrite who with force of excommunications depriued Ministers of the Church of their wiues and filled the world with an infinit number of buggeries In such sort that that great Citie which is spiritually called Sodome and Egipt that is to say the Romane Church was made after this time a true Sodome and Egipt his buggeries and Idolatries In the meane time he mooued maruellous tragedies in Italie France Almaine and England which would be too long to rehearse in this place and such dealing displeased many persons and wise men which were in that time For to speake neither of England nor Italie as well in Almaine as in France there was 24. Bishops and more which together with their Cleargie were married and defended and constantly maintained their marriage He commaunded Clarkes to vow singlenes that is to say not to marry briefly the most tiranically that could be he forbad Priests marriages commanding them to leaue theyr wiues or otherwise to be depriued of their offices prebēds He willed that from henceforth none be admitted to Ecclesiasticall orders vnlesse he first promise and vowe chastitie Also he ordained that none should heare Masse of a Priest that had a concubine He forbad Monkes to eate flesh at any time De consec dist 5. c. Carinum He commanded that no Christian should eat flesh on the Saterday De consec dist 5. Carinum 36. Why doo not Monkes obserue that commaundement as well as they pretend to obserue their vow of chastitie For they are for like power He ordained the offering of the Masse He Canonized one named Liberius an Arrian and commaunded his Feast should be celebrated as Benno witnesseth He commanded tenthes should be paid to Priests And tooke from the King of Poloigne his Crowne interdicting his Kingdome Hee condemned the opinion of Berengarius touching the Sacrament was the first they say that preached Transubstantiation He condemned as sacriledge a Lay-man possessing Tithes Him that gaue Inuestures of Benefices as an heretike and he that receiued them of a Lay-man as an Idolater So by this meanes made he the Popes leaden dagger so strong as her power was able to driue backe the Iron force of the Empire The Emperour Henry opposed himselfe against the force and enterprises of the said Hildebrand and the yeare of our Lord 1083. in a Sinode that he caused to assemble at Bresse after all crimes were laid against him before the assēbly by good right he was deposed from his Papall seate and so appointed in his place an other Pope which they named Clement the third He sent straight his Army to Rome driue out Gregorie and to bring in Clement The towne was by him brought vnto such pouertie that the Inhabitants were constrained to purchase peace But Hildebrand not thinking to be in presence of the Emperor being abandoned reiected of the Romanes fled vnto Salerne the yeare of the Lord 1086. where hee finished his life in exile which had caused so many to die by the sworde by famine by poysons and other sorts of deaths Yet the Papists made a brute runne that after his death he wrought many miracles yea euen after a Priest of Saxony as Sigebert witnesseth as he died had seene him tormented in hell Antonine and Vincent rehearse that this Hildebrand being at the article and point of death readie to yeeld vp his soule called to him a Cardinall his familiar vnto whom hee confessed both to God and S. Peter and to all the Church that he had greeuously sinned and had not done his office and dutie in the Apostolicke state and that by the perswasion of the diuel he stirred hatreds enmities and warres amongst many through the world Hee commaunded the said Cardinall to transport him towards the Emperour Henry the fourth and to crie him mercy for the faults he had committed against him and that he should deliuer him from the excommunication and likewise all his as well aliue as dead Anto. and R. Barnes Multiplication of the orders of Munkerie In this time the order of the Templers beganne and the order of Regular Chanons in a difference from secular Chanons Volateran The order of the Monkes of Grandmont of the rule of S. Benet tooke his beginning of one named Stephen of Fraunce which carried haire vpon his flesh Volaterane The order of Charterux began Bruno borne at Coloigne a Schoolemaister and after a Chanon of Rheimes hauing heard the voyce of a Doctor renowmed in his life when he made his obsequies saying I am cōdemned by a iust iudgement of God was afraid and for suertie entered into an Hermitage with certaine Disciples and founded the Charter house in the Country of Dalphine in the Diocesse of Grenople by the meanes help of Hugues Bishop of Grenople who also receiued the habite of Chartreux And so beganne
of Constantine Of the writings of Damasus see Suidas and Hierome in his Epistle ad Eustochium Tome 4. makes mention of Damasus Of Virginitie saith hee read the bookes of that Pope Damasus composed in verse and prose He reuerenced the Sinode of Nice and condemned Auxentius Bishop of Millan an Arrian Theodor. lib. 4. chap. 30. saith that with S. Ambrose hee fought strongly against the Arrian heretikes expresly condemning Sabellius Arrius Eunomius the Macedonians Photin Marcellius and the heresie of Apollinaris Hierome writeth vnto him often and in his Apologie against Iouinian he calleth Damasus a singular man well instructed in the scriptures and Doctor of the Virgin Church Athanasius in his Epistle to the Bishops of Affrike calleth Damasus his deare companion praysing his diligence that hee assembled a Sinode at Rome against the Arrians He was charged to haue committed whoordome whereof beeing accused by two of his Deacons namely Concordius and Calitxtus hee defended his cause in a full assembly of Bishoppes and was absolued and his accusers proscripted Sabelli Enu 7. Lib. 9. There were many vertuous Monkes in this time as Paulus Pior Isidorus Apsius Pierius Enagrius Ammonius c. Hist Trip. lib. 8. chap. 10. One of the Monkes said that the Monke which laboured with his hands was like a theefe Some were cruelly slaine by Valens because they would not goe to warre Anthonie of the age of an hundreth and fiue yeares died at this time Hee sawe in a Dreame as it were swine which destroyed and plucked downe Aultars with their feete and when he awaked hee said that the Church should bee once dissipated and wasted by whoremongers adulterers and men disguised P. Melancton noteth this Prophesie against the whoordome and voluptuos life of Priests and Monkes Amongst other heretickes at this time there was Photinus Hebionite Ennomius an Arrian and Priscilian a Bishop in Spaine who cōfounded the persons in the Trinitie They which they called Donatists said that Christ is lesse then the Father and the holy Ghost lesse then the Sonne and rebaptized the Catholiques The Luciferians and Apollinaries said that Christ receiued an humane body without a reasonable soule The diuinity supplying the place thereof Athalarike King of the Gothes persecuted greatly the Catholiques against his owne people The Burgonions gathered themselues together in number 80000. towards Rhene which afterward receiued the faith Paul Diac. In the Towne of Arras in the Countie of Artois the 4. yeare of Valentinian fell wooll from Heauen with the rayne Hierome in his Chronicle Paul Diac. and Orosius Lib. 7. Herman Gigas saith that it was in the third yeare of Valentinian For Lana some Historiographers haue set downe Manna wherefore yet at this day they of Arras vnluckily do worship it for the Manna of Heauen The Hungarians cast themselues vpon the West Countrie in great numbers The Arrians made burne and drowne many faithfull and Catholique people Hist Trip. lib. 8. chap. 2. The Huns cast themselues vpon the westerne parts and draue away the Gothes which were cōstrained to giue place and passe beyond Danubia and came into Thrace and from thence into Pannonie Vulphilas a Bishop of the Gothes in Sarmathia translated the Bible into the Gothike tongue for the vse of his people As Ierome did into the Dalmatike for his people And in Creatia which is in the lower Pannonie the Churches there and the Bishops vsed the scriptures translated into their vulgar tongue Auxentius an Arrian Bishop deceasing at Milan there fell a great sedition betwixt the Arrians the Catholiques for the electiō of their Bishop The Proconsul his deputie then was Ambrose a Citizen of Rome who hearing such a noise by reason of his office went hastily to the Church where the people were assembled and after he had made many reasons to reduce the people to concord suddenly rose there vp a common and an agreeing voyce that Ambrose must needs be baptized who was yet a Catechumene and after be consecrated Bishop whervnto he would not consent but by the commaundement of the Emperour Valentinian who incited him therevnto hee accepted the office And then the Emperour gaue thankes to God that hee had called this person from the gouernment of the body to the gouernment of soules Councells held at this time 1. In Aquilege where S. Ambrose assisted against Palladius and Secondianus Arrians 2. In Valentia in Dalphine wherein it was ordained that Bigami might not be consecrated 3. In Laodicea whereof is before spoken c. 4. At Rome against Apollinaris Hist Trip. lib. 9 chap. 16. Valentinian of the age of 55. yeares died of a flux of bloud of a veyne breaking He raigned 17. yeares 6. with Gratian and 11. after his body was carried to be buried at Constantinople S. Aurel. Vict. and Pomp. Before his death he againe declared his sonne Graiian Emperour Procopius the Tyrant vanquished by Valens was taken and hauing his two feete bound vnto two trees and let goe they tore him in peeces Naucle Valens gaue a blowe vnto the Gouernour of the Towne of Edesse in Mesapotamia because hee had not chased away the Christians which daily assembled in ths Temple of S. Thomas It grieued him to put the Emperours commaundement in execution and to cause such a multitude to die wherefore he secretly sent thē word that they would assemble no more there But leauing his counsell and searing nothing the Emperours Edict the next morning all assembled in the said place as they accustomed to doo So then as the Prouost of the Towne with a great company of souldiers went to the said Temple to put in execution Valens his commaund hee encountred a woman who ranne with a litle childe of hers to the assembly of the faithfull to whom he said Whether runnest thou Thither said she whether all others haste to goe How said hee hast thou not heard that the Prouost goeth thither to sley all he findes there I vnderstand it said she and therfore do I make so much haste to be with them And whither leadest thou that litle childe That he may also receiue the Crowne of Martyrdome quoth she When the said Prouost vnderstood these things and the courage of the Christians which ran thither he returned towards the Emperor Valens shewed him this storie how they were ready to endure death for their faith that he thought it very vnreasonable to sley so great a multitude of people Vpon these words Valens moderated his anger Socrat lib. 1. cap. 18. Theo. lib. 4. cap. 17. Sozom. lib. 7. cap. 18. Affrates a very olde Monke departed from Antioch being sent into exile Valens seeing him from his Pallace said to him whither goest thou I goe said he to pray for thine Empire Thou shouldest haue done that in thy house said Valens Yea answered Affrates if thou wouldest permit it and so did I when Christs sheepe were in peace Valens in the end fought vnluckily against
of the number of such excellent persons as the Lord giueth to repaire and restore things throwne vnder feete He I say redressed the Romane Empire and pacified Europe By his succours Italie and Germanie were guarded and warranted hauing tamed the Hungarians and French Briefly during his life the Empire tooke again a brightnesse and face of maiestie He founded the siluer Mines in Misua and exercised great munificence towards many Bishoppes which held the chiefe place in the Religion which then was Many Ciuile Lawes were made by him Amongst which that of the succession of Nephues in hereditarie goods in the place of their Fathers is greatly commended After then in this sort hee had delated the Empire being made stoope with great age finally he was surprised with a suddaine maladie and dyed the yeare 973. and of his raigne thirtie seuen of his Empire thirteene and was buried at Magdeberge in Saint Martins Church which he had caused to be builded Otho 2. of that name sonne of Otho the great and of Adetheide Queene of Burgogne during the life of his Father was declared at Aix le chappelle King of the Romanes he appeased the mutinies which were in Lorraine and gaue the Duchy of Lorraine to Charles brother of Lotharie King of France and made him vassall of the Empire but the limits were cut off For one good part was adiudged on the one side to the Church of Colongne and the other to the Church of Liege Hee espowsed the sister of the Emperour of Constantinople Donus Pope second of that name a Romane ruled at Rome a yeare and fiue moneths It was said of him that he was of great modestie and integritie and that no iniurie was done him Supp Chron. Many holy bodies as of Patroclus Priauatus and Gregorie With S. Peters Staffe were transported from Rome to Colongne by Bruno Bishop of the said place and by the Bishop of Canterburie called Odo Fasci temp Aldebert of Bohemia Bishop of Prague went into Pannonia to preach the faith and baptised the King of Hungaria From thence hee came into Brusse where hee was Martyred Boniface Pope 7. of that name gouerned at Rome 7. moneths by vnlawfull meanes he entred the Popedome and by the same meanes fell out thereof The greatest of Rome conspired against him But seeing himselfe in daunger he secretly pilled the most precious treasures of the Church of S. Peter and so fled vnto Constantinople where when he had remained 8. monethes he solde and turned all into siluer and after returned vnto Rome In his absence they lifted vp one of Pauie called Iohn the 15. He ruled 8. moneths Boniface then being returned drew the Citizens vnto him and with siluer corrupted the vilest and wickedest persons of Rome This done hee tooke the Pope Iohn and hauing put out his eies made him die with hunger in the Castle of S. Angelo Againe then he occupied and vsurped the seate but incontinently after he dyed of a sudden death his corpes was drawne with a corde by his feete through the streetes and pierced with pikes by the Romanes but finally the Clarkes buried him Naucler Robert Barns Cor. Abb. Benet Pope 7. of that name gouerned 8. yeares and sixe moneths Suppl Chron. or 10. yeares and 6. monethes after Fasci temp This Pope at the Emperours desire imprisoned many seditious Romanes The Sea of Hist. Otho the 2. enterprised a war against the Greekes which held Calabria and Pouille but he sought to reduce them to the Romane Empire pretending a right by reason of a dowrie for Theophaine his wife who was the Greeke Empresse but his enterprise was vnluckie For he was taken by Pirates and brought vnto Sicilia vnknowne Afterward being ordeined by a Slauonian Marchant which knew him he gathered together the rest of his Armie and returned against the Grecians and Sarrasins and pursued them very vndiscreetly In so much that hee was strooken with an inuenomed arrow so returning vnto Rome he dyed a litle after the tenth yeare of his Empire leauing Otho the third and other his children and amongst them Frederic and Valderic Dukes of Saxonie of whom after discended the Countesse and Princes of Sauoy Otho third of that name after the death of his Father was very young when he was designed the Emperour but of such quicknesse and moderation of spirite that for his excellent gifts he was named The Maruell of the world Lotharie King of France dyed at Rheimes being impoysoned as some say by his adulterous wife leauing his sonne Lewis fift of that name King of France last of the line of Charlemaigne who raigned a yeare and litle more and dyed also of poyson and was buried at Campaigne leauing onely the memorie of his name A third sort of Kings beganne to raigne in France From Pharamond a Painim vnto Hughe Capet are accounted 587. yeares From Clouis the first Christian 487. From Pippin the Father of Charlemaigne 237. yeares Hughe Capet 35. in number and the first King of France raigned nine yeares and began the third sort of Kings which yet endureth in the kingdome of France Dante 's a Florentine Poet in his Purgatorie saith that Hughe Capets Grandfather was a Butcher Of a Counte of Paris by the fauour of souldiers he was first saluted king in the Towne of Noion Raigning then newly in France he caused a Councel of Prelates of the French Church to be assembled at Rheimes in Campaigne And because he feared the posteritie of Charlemaigne vpon which hee had vsurped the kingdome he caused in the said Councell to be deposed the Arch-bishop of Rheimes called Arnulphe or Arnoul bastard brother of the king Lotharie set in his place a Monk a Philosopher and Magician called Gilbert or Gerbert vnto this deposition consented all the Prelates of France except Sergius Arch-bishop of Sens who was sent prisoner vnto Orleans with Arnulphe but three yeares after they were deliuered See Iohn le Maire in the 2. part and others Against the said Councell Pope Benet made an other be held in the same Cittie of Rheimes wherein the said Arnulphe was restored and Sergius or Serinus and Gerbert or Gilbert was deposed who notwithstanding was after Archbishop of Rauenna at last Pope of Rome by diuellish meanes whose end was miserable Iohn le Maire Many holy bodies S. Landoul S. Adrian S. Amand of Hasban were transported into the Towne of Gaunt Chron. Sigeb The Abbey of S. Magloire at Paris was founded by y e king Iohn Pope 16. of that name ruled at Rome 4. moneths his Father was called Leo a Priest He distributed the goods of the Church to his parents friends and Allies Therefore he was hated of all the Cleargie and people and was enclosed in the Castle S. Angelo where he dyed of hunger Supp Chron. and R. Barns This custome was afterward much vsed in the Romane Church Iohn Pope 17. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 9.
Ierusalem raigned sixe yeares Chron. Euseb Berthold Duke Zeringen sonne of Conrade the Emperour founded two Freburgs that is to say free Bourgages or Francborgs the one in Brisgoy and the other in little Bourgogne commonly called Vchland against Sauoye And 12. yeares after he founded the Towne of Berne which he surnamed because of a Beare which he encountred in the place where the said Towne was builded For that word in their tongue signifieth Beare Naucl. The scituation thereof is almost an Iland which the Riuer of Arre maketh Phillip dieu done 2. of that name 41. king of France sonne of Lewis le ienne constituted the Escheuins of Paris and enuironed with walles a great part of the towne and walled the wood of Vincennes nigh Paris Naucler At this time was a great multitude of Iewes in France of which there went a report that euerie yeare they stole a Christian childe and ledde him vnto a place vnder the earth and after they had tormented him crucified him and that day they call great or good Friday King Phillip hearing this caused the Iewes to be taken and tormented in diuers sorts Hee burned 80. in one fire and after the yeare 1186. he draue them all out of his kingdome except such as were conuerted to the Faith After the King being scarce of mony through warres demanded of the Iewes a great summe thereof and hauing it graunted he was content they should again come into his kingdome As also his successour Lewis opened them all the kingdome of France Lucius Pope third of that name of Luke ruled at Rome foure yeares two moneths and 18. dayes He was before called Hinebaldus or Vbaldus Cardinall of Ostia This Pope would needs banish the Consuls Patricij at Rome wherefore he was cast out of Rome and withdrew himselfe to Verona Such as tooke his part some had their eyes put out others were set vpon Asses their faces towards the hinder part and were ignominiously handled After some In this time was the fourth expedition made beyond the Sea and there were crossed vnto it the King of France Philip Augustus and Henry King of England And there was a tenth laide vpon all Benefices and reuenews of Church goods to help the charges of the warre And this Subsidie was called Saladins tenth Iohn le Maire Vrbane Pope third of that name borne at Millane of the people of Cribelles ruled a yeare and sixe moneths or as it were eleuen Suppl Chron. Before he was called Imbert Suppl Chron. Sigeb Baudwin King of Ierusalem left the kingdome Guyon of Lusignan his sisters husband and the saide Guyon was the last King of Ierusalem Saladin by auarice ambition and discord of Christians occupied Ierusalem which the Christians had held from Godfrey de Bouillion 88. yeares He tooke also Aca Beritus Biblon and all the rest euen to Ascalon inclusiuely Naucler Gregorie Pope 8. of that name borne in Beneuent ruled at Rome 57. dayes Hee sent messages vnto the Christian Princes and their people to goe against the enemies of the Faith promising Indulgences and pardons vnto all but he dyed vpon that enterprise as he went vnto Pise to sollicite that they of that Towne with the Geneuois together might send into Asia for the defence of Religion Cor. Abb. Lynonia or Lyfland a Northerne Land was conuerted to the Faith Clement Pope third of that name the sonne of a Romane Citizen ruled at Rome 3. yeares and 6. moneths and made a Decretall against such Priests as celebrated Masse in wodden vessels and with common bread The Emperour Frederic Philip King of France Richard King of England and the Pope Clement agreed together to send mony vnto the Christians they sent also many ships and after went themselues in person with many Princes and Prelates of Ierusalem but they could not accord therefore soone after they returned Supp Chron. The yeare of Christ 1190. Frederic being at Nice a Citie of Bithinia it being also very hotte he descended into a floud to wash but the force of the water carried him away so that he was drowned in the presence of his people the 37. yeare of his Empire leauing fiue children which hee had of his wife Beatrix daughter of Regnand Count of Besanson The King of England was taken by a Duke of Austriche called Leopold as he returned passing through Almaigne and was deliuered vnto the Emperour Henry the sixt For his raunsome were solde the treasures of the Church the Chalices of Gold and Siluer c. and so returned into England During this time the King of France but a litle before also returned into France and occupied certaine Townes appertaining vnto the King of England The treasures of England solde for the Kings raunsome came 200000 markes of siluer Celestine 3. of that name a Romane before called Iacinthus very aged his Father was called Bubonis was chosen Pope by the Cardinalls vpon Easter day The next morning he Crowned Henry Emperour 6. of that name sonne of Fredericke and at the exhortation of this Pope he made an expedition to goe vnto Ierusalem William king of Sicile dying without heires it was thought that therefore the kingdome should devolue vnto the Romane seate but the greatest of the kingdome elected Tancredus the bastard sonne of the said William The Pope stirred heereat drew Constance the daughter of Roger and sister of William king of Sicilie out of an Abbey of Nunnes in the Towne of Palerme and dispensed with her marriage Wherefore Henry sonne of the Emperour Fredericke espoused her and so came vnto the kingdome of Sicilie and occupied it And Tancredus was slaine in battaile so Henry abode in place The said Constance of the age of 55. yeares conceaued and brought forth a sonne called Fredericke the second who after was Emperour Supp Chron. The order of the Friars of the Hospitall of the Almaines beganne at this time Also the order of the Trinitie The yeare 1191. the Towne of Aca was taken by the Christians Naucler saith here that Saladine seeing the force of the Christians determined to haue yeelded them the towne of Ierusalem but the discord happening betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of England was cause of verie great troubles In matter of diuorce Celestine permitted the Catholike partie to remarry if the other partie fell into heresie But contrary the Pope Innocent forbad it Poll. Ver de diuor cap. 5. Arthois was erected into an Earledome the yeare 1195. and the first Count or Earle therof was Lewis sonne of king Philip. The kingdome of Cyprus came into the hands of the Christians and remained there 275. yeares The Archbishop of Magunce with a multitude of Almains the King of Hungarie the Queene went into Palestine against the Sarasins Sigeb They tooke Berinthus and Ioppe Naucl. Innocent Pope third of that name borne in Campania his father was Trasimondus of Anagnia a man of base estate Suppl Chron. ruled at
Iohn they proceeded also against Pope Gregorie the 12. who was cyted to appeare in person but he would not come there yet either by faire meanes or force hee sent Malateste Lord of Armenia with an ample procuration and power to resigne the said right hee had in the the Papall dignitie into the hands of the said Councell The which was done and the said Gregorie 12. was created Legate in the Marquesdome of Ancone where he died soone after with mourning in the Towne of Racany which is a Port of the Adriatike Sea Iohn le Maeire There remaineth yet the third Antipope Peter de la Lune Of him it was that Gerson often said We must needs take away this man of the Moone called Benet the 13. who would not obey the Councell but died obstinately in the Kingdome of Arragon and commaunded his Cardinalls on his death-bed that as soone ar he was dead they should elect an other which they did and elected Clement the 8. borne at Barselone wherein they profited litle For the Pope Martin as shall bee saide had the Popedome whole and had the obedience of all the Princes in Christendome yet the saide Clement the eight was after made Bishop of Maiorque See Iohn le Maire That Pope Benet troubled much the Emperour Sigismond For seeing hee would not consent to any agreement the said Emperour was constrained in person first to goe into France vnto the King then to the King of England to make an attonement betwixt those two Kings Item towards the King of Arragon in Spaine with certaine Embassadors deputies of the saide Councell to exhort them to hold the hand to the vnion of the Church and to perswade the said Pope to doo as others did which hee would neuer be brought vnto Then the Princes of Spaine the Arragonians the Cathelains Armignaes and the Kings of Fraunce and England seeing his obstinacie followed the opinion of the Councell and withdrew themselues from the obedience of Pope Benet the thirteenth which Sigismond signified to the said Councell Naucler Sigismond returned after to Constance about Candlemas and the Councell with burning Candles excommunicated and depriued the said Benet of his Popedome after declared him an heretike a schismatike the 18. day of March 1417. Naucl. This Pope Iohn whilest he was placed in the Romane seate amongst other Ieasts of a Pope he did that which followeth in diuers Authors He had stirred maruellous warres against the king Ladislaus and assembled a Councell at Rome to find means to driue him from his kingdome He also commanded to make a procession with the head of S. Iohn Baptist for that subtilly and cautelously he had determined to sell it to the Florentins He approoued the Sect of such as named themselues De la Chemise or Frisonniers which lifted themselues vp in the territorie of Luques and admitted the congregation of that new reformation in the Monasterie of S. Iustine commenced at Padoue by Lewis Barbe As Pope Martin the fift was at Florence this Pope beeing deliuered from prison contrarie to the opinion of all so that all that were present maruelled thereat came thither towards him and after he had kissed his feete acknowledged him as his Pope the successor of S. Peter saluted him as if he had bin some earthly God Martin mooued with affection certain daies after receiued him into the number of Cardinals and hee made him Bishop of Tusculū but after certain moneths he finished his life sad and grieuous the yeare of the Lord 1419. in the same Towne of Florence where he was honourably buried with great pompe in the Temple of S. Iohn Baptist by Cosme de Medicis who euer bore him great loue In the said Councell the Counts of Cleues and Sauoy were erected to Duchez by the Emperour Sigismond Things being effected as is said the Emperours will was that there should now be an handling to correct the maners of Ecclesiasticall persons and to reforme the Church but it was said that this could not well bee done during the vacation of the Apostolike seate wherefore it was concluded to proceed to a new election of a Pope Naucler Martin Pope fift of that name called Otho a Romane Cardinal Deacon of the house of Colonnois of one same accord and will by the consent of all was chosen of 33. Cardinalls at the Councell of Constance and was called Martin because hee was consecrated on S. Martins day hee gouerned fourteene yeares The Emperour Sigismond very ioyfull that the Cardinalls had chosen such a Pope and so necessarie to the Christian common-wealth entred into the Conclaue where without regarding his dignitie falling on his knees before the Pope in great reuerence hee kissed his feete On the other part the Emperour receiued him beningly and heartily thanked him for the diligence and paines which he had taken to establish the vnion of the Church Naucler After that the Emperour had long time trauelled to assemble this Councell of Constance desiring to see the particular reformation of the Church excused it that Rome had bene long without an head and the time would not permit to begin a reformation for the Councell had long endured Wherefore an other Councell should bee assigned at Basil where that should be done and so the Emperour was frustrate of his purpose and hope for seeing a reformation in the Church-people In the said Councell was dispatched Letters and Bulls to Lewis Duke d' Aniou to goe take possession of the kingdome of Pouille for him and his Naucler Martin Pope returning from Constance to Rome remained two yeares at Florence and for recompence of his entertainement he ordained that the Bishop of that place should bee a Metropolitane and subiected there vnto the Church of Volaterre Pistorie and Fesides The Hussites came vp at this time which reiected all humane traditions more purely preaching the doctrine of Iesus Christ which engendred many contentions betwixt Lay-men and Clarkes A pestilence was at Florence where died more then 16. thousand men Chron. Euseb Mahomet Emperour of the Turkes died after he had raigned 14. yeares Wencelaus died taken with feare because of a tumult raised at Prage hee fell into an Apoplexie and from that euill into a palsie which within 18. daies tooke away his life the yeare of his raigne 20. Charles 7. of that name king of France the onely sonne of Charles the 6. succeeded his father Hee was assailed by the English and Bourgonions and hauing lost as it were all the Countrey of the Frontiers tooke his recourse into Bourges and there remained a certaine time and therefore the enemies in mockerie called him king of Bourges Henry sonne of Charles his sister called himself in his titles king of England of France and at Paris was crowned king of France A pucell or maide plaide the part of a man at Armes and gaue succours to Orleance which was besieged constrained the enemies to leaue the siege conducted the king
died when he had raigned 10. yeares Him followed in this way of all flesh Mahomet the seruant of God King of Persia who all his raigne held warre with the Turke with equall fortunes And in Saxonie Fredericke Duke of Saxonie The 20. of October Iames the King of Scots was besieged by his subiects and taken in the Castle of Saint Damian Those Dukedomes and Seignories which many yeares before Iohn Basilides Prince of Moschouites had taken from the Polanders the aforesaid Stephen recouered again and annexed them to the crowne he shewed himselfe of a dauntlesse spirit against the Turke for when according to the auncient custome he demaunded certain Forces to maintaine his warres against the Sophy of Persia hee denied him saying that the white Eagle of Poland which before was vnfeathered and of no force was now become young againe full fledged and had whet and sharpened her bill and talents Anch. Cicar This yeare Maister Thomas Cauendish began his voyage about the world vpon the twentie one of Iuly entering in at the straight of Magellan and returning by the Cape bona Speranza Which voyage hee finished to the space of two yeares and lesse then two moneths arriuing at Plimmouth the ninth of September 1588. Maister Richard Haklnit In the beginning of this yeare Syr William Standley traitorously yeelded vp those Townes of the which he was made Gouernour by the Earle of Leicester After the death of Stephen King of Poland the Polanders were carefull for the election of a new Some thought it best to offer it to the Emperour who had succeeded without any other election his Father Maximilian the chosen King of Poland If hee had come to the possession thereof Some proposed the Duke of Parma because hee was a wise and valiant souldier and for that he was the Nephew of Cardinal Farnese who when he was Protector of this Realme was verie kinde and liberall to the people Many had liking to the Prince of Transiluania and to Cardinall Bathoraeus and the Duke of Ferrrara Nobles likewise were desirous of it amongst whom Samoscius the high Chauncellour whom Stephen had preferred to such height of honor that nothing was thought wanting in him for the perfection thereof but the title of a King was thought most fit But all these were excluded and there were yet two other competitors Sigismond Prince of Suecia and Maximilian Archduke of Austria and brother to the Emperour Maximilian is chosen of the one part Others proclaimed med Sigismond a young Prince of twentie yeares of age or there-about These two were both called to the possession of a kingdome who hearing thereof made speedie haste thereto Maximilian first came with his Armie consisting of sixteen thousand horse and foote and pitched his Tents in a field neare the Citie of Craconia and sent to the Citizens that he might be crowned The Cracouians would by no meanes admit him but sent Letters to the Prince of Suetia that hee would come who with great ioy was receiued and crowned Now the Polanders thought themselues strong enough for the Muschouites whose Duke they called the Dragon of the North and against whom they beare an innated hatred Chytraeus And. Cicarell Gen. The Duke of Guise perceiuing the Army of Rutters to be a body dispearced hauing nothing but the legs and Armes executed vpon them that which he had determined from the first day of their entrie which was vpon the Generalls lodging and so by striking the shepheard diuided the flocke as Caesar did at the battaile of Pharsalia The Pope the King of Spaine and the Duke of Sauoy made fiers of ioy and pronounced the praises of the Duke of Guise The Pope sent him a sword engrauen with burning flames The Duke of Parma had sent him his Armes saying that among all the Princes of Europe it belonged only to Henry of Lorraine to beare Armes and to be a commaunder in the warres After many broiles betweene these two elected Kings of Poland Max was constrained to leaue Poland but hee was pursued by Samoscius the Chauncelor and at Pitscha he besieged him and tooke him prisoner In this yeare 1588. Maria de la Visitatione Prioresse of the Monasterie de Annūciada in Lisbone was held for wonderful holy whose hypocrisie and false myracles were discouered and publikely condemned Her the fond people called the holy Nunne Another Franciscan I should haue said a Dominican a feawe yeares since rose vp in Lisbone who they said had the fiue wounds of Christ as had S. Francess and many other things they say of her One Stephen de Lusignan a Dominican Friar who collecting all he could get to extoll her compiled a booke in French and dedicated the same to the Queene of Fraunce Imprinted at Paris by Iohn Bessant 1586. In the beginning of the booke shee is pictured like a Dominican Nunne with a blacke mantle and a white rolle a coate and white loose habit vpon the Mantle and on her head a crowne of thornes the Crucifix on high set ouer her and falling towards her with rayes from the wounds which reach to the feet and hands of the Nunne that out of the same commeth a heart which she holdeth betwixt the fingers of her right hand a Dragon she hath vnder her feete a Dominican Friar before her kneeling and a secular man and woman and at her left side a paire of Beads hanging The title of the booke is this The great miracles and the most holy wounds which this present yeare haue happened to the right reuerend mother now Prioresse of the Monasterie de la Anunciada in the Citie of Lisbon in the Kingdome of Portugall of the order of preaching Friars approoued by the reuerend Father Friar Lewis de Granada and by other persons of credit M. Cyp. Val. So famous was the holinesse of this Nunne that Cardinall Albertus of Austria sent information to Pope Sixtus the fift To whom the Pope wrote this Letter With great ioy haue wee read that thou hast procured to bee written the vertues of the Prioresse of the Monasterie Anunciada of the most holy Virgin And of the great benefites which God hath shewed her we pray thy diuine goodnesse from day to day to make her more worthy of his grace and to inrich her with his heauenly gifts for the glory of his name and ioy of his faithfull Giuen in S. Maries at Rome with the litle Ring of the fish Fredericke the second king of Denmarke the 30. yeare of his raigne and 54. of his age departed this life at Arderfoa in Zeland whom Christian the fourth of eleuen yeares of age succeeded In the moneth of Aprill 1588. Phillip the second of that name King of Spaine pretending to send his inuincible Fleete for the conquest of England made choyce by the aduice of the Prioresse of the Monasterie of the Anunciada whose name was Mary of the visitation as most worthy for her holinesse to blesse his Standard royall the
were now exposed to the spoiles slaughter of all Sigismond Prince of Transiluania repented him of his change of life and that he had giuen vp his gouernment wherfore he came out of Silesia through Poland into Transiluania and desired of his subiects that their oath of alleageance to him might be renewed and perswaded Maximilian Arch-duke whom the Emperour had made Gouernour of Transiluania that hee would lead his forces against the Turkes towards the recouerie of Agnia then against Transiluania Vpon the fourth of August Syr William Cecill knight of the Order Lord Burghley Maister of the Wards and Liueries high Treasurer of England a famous Counsellor to y e Queenes Maiestie all her raigne and likewise had bene to Edward the sixt who for his singular wisedome was renowned throughout all Europe departed this mortall life at his house by the Strand his body was conueyed to Westminster with solemne Funerall and from thence secretly to Stamford in Lincolnshyre and there buried I. Stowe The second of October George Earle of Comberland returned from the Seas hauing made spoile of the strong Towne and Castle of S. Iohn de Portanoico in Spaine This yeare died Phillip the 2. king of Spaine being of the age of 72. yeares Pope Clement the 8. created 13. Cardinals amongst whom was Robert Bellarmine Iesuite Phillip the 3. the sonne of Phillip the 2. succeeded his father in the kingdome of Spaine Hee tooke to wife Margarite of Austria And Albert Arch-duke of Austria married the Infant of Spaine the kings sister Both these marrriages were celebrated by the Pope Clement the 8. at Ferrara The 7. of February the right honourable Charles Blunt Lord Mountioy hauing taken his leaue at the Court departed towards Ireland as Lieftenant there Souldiers out of diuers Shyres were sent before him and also after him in this moneth of February This yeare Richard Lord Bishow of London with two other Commissioners to wit Doctor Perkins Doctor Swale were sent in Embassage to Emden there to treat with the Commissaries from the King of Denmarke and returned the eight of Iuly following On Tuesday the 5. of August Charles Iames king of Scots in Scotland escaped a straunge and strong conspiracie practised by the Earle Gowrye and his brother About the 8. of August arriued at Doner certaine Embassadors and assistants 16. in number sent from the king of Marocco in Barbaria I. Stowe The 18. of September certaine Embassadors came from Moschouie or Russia and the 14. of October the said Embassadors rode to the Court and had audience before her Maiestie FINIS A briefe Discourse of the Churches estate from the death of Iesus Christ vntill this present ALl which hath bene succinctly said in this booke touching the estate of the Church should remember the Reader of three diuers times in the consideration of the gouernment of the house of God the better to marke things as they came and to haue thereof a certaine abridgement in his memorie We take the first time of the Christian Church from the beginning of the Apostles preaching vntil the Empire of Phocas which is ordinarily distinguished into three periodes 1. The first of about 70. yeares from the Lords Ascention vntill the death of the Apostles and of their first Disciples 2. The second began at the Empire of Traian and stretched by the space of 200. yeares vntill Constantine which time also was honoured with the presence of certain of the Apostles Disciples other excellent Pastors of the Church and faithfull Martyrs of Iesus Christ 3. The third frō Cōstantine vntil Phocas which is the last periode of the first time of the Church about 300. years during which the Church had many great Doctors Greeks Latins As for the first periode of the first time it is very certaine that neuer Christian Church was more happie thē during that time whether we consider the doctrine taught by the Apostles and their first successors or wee contemplate all the parts of the Ministerie and of the Ecclesiasticall discipline Now for the doctrine we haue by a singular grace of God the Apostles Epistles whereby it is easie to gather a body and summary of all that which euery Christiā ought to know touching his saluation And that which is more if they which came after the Apostles had continued to build vpon the foundation which they had laid the Church had remained in his first spirituall splendor and brightnesse the simplicitie then being such and so great in doctrine in the maner of teaching and in ceremonies that the sheepheards and sheepe were altogether eliuated vnto the heauenly Father through Iesus Christ liuing moreouer in such charitie concord as truly this world might be well called the golden world For although that in the Apostles time and their next successors there rose vp certaine mutinous persons to trouble the happie rest of the Church this hurt not much the maiestie of the spirit of God discouering it selfe in such sort in the preaching of the Gospell that all the world was constrained to acknowledge in this infirmitie of the seruants of God an admirable efficacie to biing all wisedome and humane power captiue vnder the obedience of Iesus Christ True it is that alreadie Sathan thought vpō his affaires and brought forth his practises with greater force then euer before building his Sinagogue nigh vnto the Church For euen when the Apostles themselues liued certaine Iewes and Gentiles making the same profession of Christianisme fought against Iesus Christ in diuers maners as S. Paul his Epistles doo witnesse And what diligence soeuer the seruants of God vsed to eradicate and root out the tares which the enemie did sowe yet remained there the seedes thereof in the bosome of the Church during the periodes following God meaning to humble his and to shewe them that truly they had and would alwaies haue cause to fight in this life but that the triumph therof was reserued for the other world For as for the strength of the persecutors since the Apostles time it hath alwaies shewed it true that the bloud of the Martyrs is the seede of the Church But let this be said in a word onely to awake the Reader and to prepare him to a diligent meditation of the Ecclesiasticall historie Now something is to be said of the second periode of the first time The Apostolike men armed with the vertue and power of y e Lord maintained constantly the truth amongst all the tempests and stormes of persecution and in despite of Gentilisme of diuers heresies which boldly began to left vp their heads In so much that great maruel it was that so soone after so great light men should see the East in many places couered with so deep darknes many goodly Churches ruinated and the doctrine of saluatiō transported otherwhere Yet the greatest euil was in the bowels of the Church it selfe many Pastors wherof not being so attentiue as of reason they shuld
Tiberius 23.   The 18. yeare of his Empire was Christ crucified Caligula 3. 10. Claudius 13.   Nero 14. 7. Galba 14 7 Otto   3 Vitellius   8 Vespasian 9. or 10.   Titus 2   Domitian 15   Nerua 1   Traian 19 6 Adrian 22 or 20   Antonius Pius 23   Marc Antonin 18   Commodus 13 or 12   Pertinax   6 Iulian   4 or 3 Seuerus 18   Antonius Caracalla 6   Macrin 1   Heliogabalus 4   Alexander 13   Maximin his son 3   Gordian 6   Phillip 6. or 5.   During the raigne of this Emperour one 1000. yeares is accounted since the building of Rome Decius 2   Gallus his son 2   Eucilian of some is not accounted Valerian 6   Gallien 9   Egnatius saith he raigned 15 yeares namely 8. alone and 7. with his father Valerian Claudius 2   Aurelian 5. and a halfe   Tacitus 6   Florian   2 Probus 6 4 Carus with his two sonnes Carin and Numeran Diocletian and Maximini or Maximinian 15   These two freely resigned the Empire Constans Maximin 2   Maxencius 2. alone and with Licinius and Constantin 16.   Constantine the great alone 13. yeares   Constantine Constant and Constans his 3. sonnes diuided the Empire The first raigned 3   The second 13   The third 24   Iulian the Apostate 1 7 Iouinian or Iouian   7 Valentinian 11 with Valence his brother 3   Gratian with his father Valentinian 8 with Valens his vncle 3   Theodosius 4 or 6   Theodosius alone 11   Arcadus and Honorus his brother Theodosius 2 26   Valentinian 5   Martian 7   Leo 1 18   Leo the yong 1   Zeno 17   Anastatius 27   Iustin 9   Iustinian 38   Iustin 2 11   Tiberius 2 7   Mauricius 20   Phocas 8   Heraclius 29. or 31 after some Constantine   4 Heraclenas 2   Constans 28   Constantine the bearded     Iustinian after some 10.   Leoncius 3   Absimarus or Tiberius 7.   Phillippicus 1 5 Anastasius 3. after some one yeare and 3. moneths Theodosius 1   Leo Isaurian 24   Constantine Coproninius 35.   Leo 4. 5. after some one yeare Constantine 10   His mother Himene alone 3. yeares   Charlemaigne made Emperour Wee account from Augustus till Charlemaigne was crowned Emperour about 843. yeares From the building of Rome 1550. or as some say 1530. The names of the Emperours of Constantinople after Charlamaigne NIcephorus and Stauracius his sonne 9 yeares Michael Curopleus 11 yeares Leo Armenian 7 yeares Michael le Begne 8 yeares Theophilus 12 yeares Michael his sonne 14 yeares Basile 20 yeares Leo the Philosopher 25 yeares Alexander 1 yeares Constantine 39 yeares Romaine Lecapen 26 yeares Romain Leon 13 yeares Nicephorus 6 yeares Iohn Zimiscus 6 yeares Basile and Constantine 53 yeares Romain Argiropilus 5 yeares Michael de Paphlagonia 7 yeares Constantine Monomache 12 yeares Theodora the sister of Zoe 2 yeares Michael 1 yeares Isaac 2 yeares Constantine Ducas 7 yeares Romain Diogeues Michael Constantius sonne 6 yeares Nicephorus Botoniate 3 yeares Alexius Commene 27 yeares Calcian 25 yeares Manuel 38 yeares Alexie 3 yeares Andronice 2 yeares Isacie Angel Alexie Alexie the yonger Baldwin Earle of Flanders 6 yeares Henry 11 yeares Peter of Auxerre Robert his sonne Balwin Michael Paleologus 11 yeares Andronicus Andronicus the yonger Iohn Paleologus Manuel Iohn Constantine The rest of the Romaine Emperours after Charlamaigne LEwis the gentle his sonne raigned 26. yeares Lotharie 15 yeares Lewis 2 19 yeares Charles the bald 2 yeares Lewis the stutter 2 yeares Charles the grosse 10 yeares Arnulphe 12 yeares Lewis 3 12 yeares Conrade 7 yeares Henry 1 17 yeares Otthon 1 37 yeares Otthon 2 10 yeares Othon 3 18 yeares Henry 2 24 yeares Conrade 2 15 yeares Henry 3 10 yeares Henry 4 1 yeares Henry 5 20 yeares Lothaire or Luder 13 yeares Conrade 3 16 yeares Frederic Barberosse 37 yeares Henry 6 8 yeares Phillip 8 yeares Othon 4 4 yeares Frederic 2 44 yeares Some say 33. yeares others 37. yeares A Schisme in the Empire 23. yeares as some say others say 28. yeares William of Holland 2 yeares Rodolph 1 18 yeares Adolphe 1 6 yeares Albert 1 10 or thereabouts yeares Henry 7 5 yeares Lewis 6 33 as some say yeares Charles 4 33 yeares Wencelaus 22 yeares We passe ouer Iosse and Robert because of the schisme in the Empire Sigismond 29 yeares Albert 2 2 yeares Frederic 3 53 yeares Maximilian 1 25 yeares Charles 5 29 yeares Ferdenand 1 yeares Maximilian 2 14 yeares Rodolphe 2. at this present raigning yeares FINIS THE ESTATE OF THE Church with the discourse of times since the Natiuitie of our Lord Iesus Christ vntill this present yeare 1601. IT was foretolde by Daniell that the Messias should bee borne vnder the fourth Monarchie which Iulius Caesar constituted about 47. yeares before the Natiuitie of our Lord after he had brought the Romane Empire vnder his subiection Pompey before tooke by force and pilled the Towne of Ierusalem and then the Scepter and politicke gouernment of the Iewes began to stoupe See Iosephus in the 14. booke of Antiq. Chap. 2. This came in the yeare of the world 3903. and threescore yeares before Christ Augustus the sonne of Iulius Caesars Sister succeeded his Vncle beeing adopted of him Vnder whose Empire the eternall sonne of God was borne taking flesh of the Virgin Mary in Bethelem a Towne of Iury the yeare of the worlds creation 3963. This is the seede which burst the Serpents head and deliuered vs from the mortall sting thereof This is the soueraigne head of the Church without which the body thereof can haue no forme He takes a particular care thereof and causeth his presence to be there felt with efficacie And in the middest thereof will be inuocated serued honoured and glorified The state whereof is to be deducted in this discourse So soone as Christ the true annointed of God was borne and manifested in the world Herod stirred great persecution The occasion thereof was by the wise men which came from the East which brought newes of the Messias to them of Ierusalem He caused all the children in the coasts of Bethelem to be slaine which were two yeares old and vnder This Herod who obtained of Augustus the title and dignitie of King in Iudea was the sonne of Antipater the Idumeen sonne of an other Herod which was a Secretary in the Temple of Apollo in the Towne of Ascalon Philo the Iewe rehearseth that in the 13. yeare of his kingdome he killed the ordinarie Iudges of the house of Dauid and substituted others in their places Hee was brought into such a rage that hee made sley his owne sonne which he had of a wife of the line of Iuda Macrobius reciteth that when Augustus heard it rehearsed hee said It were better to be Herods Swine then his Sonne His execrable
Wherefore preachest thou my Iustifications And wherefore takest thou my Testament in thy mouth c. And incōtinently shut the booke then sat he downe sheading teares and lamenting with great cry being not able to speake and all that were present wept with him Suidas addeth that hee was buried in the Towne of Tyre Euse Lib. 7. cap. 1. saith it was vnder the Emperour Gallus 255. or thereabouts and then was it betwixt the yeare 50. of his age or 69. after Nicephorus And as it may be thought he dyed in great pouertie and miserie if not in dispaire S. Ierome although he sometimes handled him rudely yet he admireth him and praiseth him because of his great knowledge in the Epistle to Pammathus and Ocean He praiseth his spirit but not his faith This should make vs walke in feare and care in our vocation Stephen borne at Rome was Bishop of Rome and the successor of Lucius The greatest paine that he had in his gouernmēt was that he opposed himselfe forcibly against S. Cyprian and all the Councell of Affricke touching the difference that then was moued to rebaptise heretikes as it is recited by Eusebius Lib. 7. ca. 2. 3. The contents of the two Decretall Epistles attributed vnto him deserue no credite The one to Hilarie Bishop and the other to all the Bishops of the Prouinces touching accusations made against Priests For it seemes not that the Romane Church was in such prosperitie then that Stephen Bishoppe thereof had no other thing to do and ordaine but with what reuerence a man must handle the Chalice and holy garments or as Isidore and Polydore witnesse of him that he was the first Inuentor of the Couerings of the Aultar Damasus attributes vnto him two ordinances in which sixe Priests fiue Deacons and sixe Bishops were ordeined and saith that after he had gouerned seuen yeares and fiue moneths he was martyred But Euseb Lib. 7. cap. 5. sheweth that hee was but two yeares in his office S. Cyprian writ vnto him certaine Epistles which are in his workes Denis Bishop of Alexandria excellent in doctrine although he suffered not martyrdome but watched in the midst of the Church therfore God preserued him from Martyrdom as Niceph. speaketh Li. 15. ca. 28. Notwithstanding he endured terrible afflictions diuers banishments in two violent persecutions vnder Decius and after vnder Valerian He died very olde and it hapned at what time the two Councells were held against Paul Samosaten An. 12. of Gallien and of Christ 288. hauing gouerned the state of Alexandria 16. yeares and the Church 17. About this time many Nations cast themselues vpon the marches of the Romanes The Countrey of Denmarke was taken out of their hands Likewise the Almaines came euē to Rauenna putting all to fire and blood This was the first waining and decreasing of the Romaine Empire For the Countrey was neuer after recouered Egipt reuolted France was lost Macedonia Pontus Asia wasted by the Gothes Pannonia by the Sarmates Zenobia Queene of the Persians ruled in the East To vnderstand all this diminution and fall of this Empire See Trebellio Pollia a Romane Historiographer Phillip Bishop of Alexandria martyred and his daughter Eugenia at Rome The great Temple of Diana in Ephesus was pilled and burnt by the Gothes A second Cerinthus hereticke promised in the kingdome to come great store of meates and women and that after a thousand yeares should bee the resurrection and the kingdome of Christ should be on earth Xistus or Sixtus the second of that name succeeded Stephen he was of Athens He was ordeined Bishop of Rome by the election of the Cleargie comming from Spaine where he was preaching There are attributed vnto him two Decretals the one to Gayus Bishop the other to the brothers of Spaine the which containe nothing but the forme of the common gouernment which they make vs beleeue was thē Item touching the vowes of Priests But we may easily see that all is forged at pleasure Damasus after his maner reciteth that hee made orders twise ordeining Priests Deacons and Bishops Bergomensis Sabellicus recite that Xistus trauelled much to take away the heresies of the Sabellians Cerinthians and Nepotians Finally that he was accused by them before Gallien and vpon his commaundement beheaded and with him 6. Deacons S. Ambrose in his Offices li. 1. cap. 41. reciteth that as he wēt to death it is said that one Laurence a Deacon spoke to him in this sort Father wilt thou goe without thy sonne And Xistus answered him My sonne I shall not leaue thee There are greacombattes for the Faith prepared for thee thou shalt follow me three dayes after In the meane while if thou hast any thing in thy treasure distribute it to the poore This Laurence was the chiefe of the seuen Deacons of the Church of Rome which had the handling of the goods deputed for almes The Gouernour of Rome being hungry of siluer and perswaded that the Church had gold siluer moueables as Candlesticks Chalices and such like things would needs haue forced Laurence to haue tolde him where those treasures were Laurence to do this hauing taken the terme of three dayes distributed it all to the poore whatsoeuer he had Then hauing gathered together on an heape all the poore lame and diseased which were maintained of almes At the day assigned hee prayed the Gouernour to goe with him to that place and shewing him al those poore and diseased people he said Behold the vessels of siluer yea the Talents in order receiue them and thou shalt adorne the Citie of Rome and enrich the Reuenewe of the Emperour and thine owne The Gouernour seeing himselfe mocked commaunded hee should be stretched on an Iron grate red hotte and soone after the tormentors laid him on it who with great courage endured that cruell and long torment and finally prayed and inuocated the Lord and so yeelded his happie soule Prudencius a Christian Poet in his booke of Crownes describeth this martirdome Denis succeeded Xistus and as Damasus saith of a Monke was made Bishop But it appeareth rather by that which Eusebius Lib. 7. Ca. 7. and S. Hierome say that he was a Priest of the Church of Rome the yeare of our Lord 266. and the 10. yeare of Gallien Two Decretall Epistles are attributed vnto him In the first he exhorteth Vrbain to follow the true Religion The second distributeth and makes partitions of Churches into Parishes and Diocesses Item that two seuerall times he held orders But Eusebius saith Lib. 7. Cap. 30. that Denis died without martyrdome hauing gouerned 9. yeares Others say sixe yeares and sixe moneths The Councell of Antioche against Paul Samosetaine was celebrated in his time wherein the said Paul was condemned and cast out of the communion of the vniuersall Church and Donus a man accomplished with vertues was ordeined in his place He was the sonne of Demetrian who had ruled in that Church without
he writ to many But finally being tormented by the filthinesse and stench of the place in the end he yeelded his spirit to God the yeare 308. Eusebius a Gretian by Nation a Phisitians sonne after Damasus succeeded in the gouernment of the Romane Church in the great persecutions in the time of Maxentius the horrible Tyrant The Authours of the Ecclesiasticall history make no mention of this Eusebius The booke of Councells attribute to him three Decretall Epistles The first to the Bishoppes of Gaul The second to the Egiptians The third to the Bishoppes of Tuscane and Campania His ordinances contained in those Epistles are these in effect That sheepe shall not draw their Shepheard or Bishop into Lawe vnlesse he denie the Faith That a mayd which shall be espowsed only by words of the present time may enter into Religion That the Sacrifice of the Aultar be consecrated not in cloath of silke but in linnen cloth and such like bables which the infamous fauourers of the seate of Popes haue not beene ashamed to assigne to those good and faithfull Ministers of the Lorde to disfigure and defile with their orders this honest face of the primitiue Church which follow his head Iesus Christ in continuall persecutions to establish their seate of perdition and to pollute the bloud of those holy Martyrs But contrary Eusebius trauailed much in the haruest of the Lords word as well at Rome as other where in the time of persecutions vnder Maxentius vntill that as Christianus Mattoens saith hee finished his life by martyrdome the yeare of the Lord 309. But amongst Histogoriographers there is great diuersitie for the number of yeares Licinius born in Dare was made Augustus companiō of the Empire with Maximin Galari after the death of Seuerus the yeare of our Lord 308. He was a warlike man and Slauonia was first giuen him to gouerne after the East he was noble although he came of a pesant he shewed himselfe cruel towards the children of Galerius his ally He was an enemy vnto letters as hauing no knowledge no not to write his owne name And he called the liberall Arts a publike poyson and pestilence Euseb lib. 4. ca. 13. He deserued praise in that he repressed abuses the boldnesse insolencies of the brauest of his Court which he called the Moathes and Rattes of his Pallace He raigned 14 yeares liued 60. See Pomp. Laet. Constantine the great sonne of the Emperour Constantius and Helena S. Ambrose in his funerall Oration of Theodosius saith that hee was a seruant in a stable and was borne in England Hee was instructed in the Militarie Art vnder Galerius He tamed the Sermates a fearce Nation barbarous brought their Duke captiue to Galerius who cōceiued enuy at the glory of this yong Prince whereof being aduertised he retired from Rome towards his Father into England who dyed soone after By the fauour of Princes he was declared Emperour the yeare 309. The Senate writ vnto him Letters to aduertise him of the euil gouernment Maxentius for the great cruelties hee exercised at Rome wherevpon he marched towards Rome and pursued Maxentius who retiring into the Towne made couer Tyber with Boats nye the bridge Miluius which by subtil deceit as hee thought he made ioyne together to deceiue Constantine and to haue drown'd him whē he followed him But he himself as furious first comming out to flie not remembring his owne stratageme that hee practised for an other entred on horsebacke with a fewe people vpon the bridge where he was drowned in Tyber the 6. yeare of his Empire For this happie deliuerance honors were giuen to Constantius so he acquited Italie and Affrike For his Father had only left him the Gaulois and Spaine and would so haue contented himselfe had it not bene for the warre that Licinius raised making himselfe Cesar and was established in the East Maximian as we haue said with his great griefe had forsakē the Empire being greeued so long to lead a priuate life did his best by the meanes of Maxentius his sonne chosen Emperour to returne to the Empire but because hee succeeded therein not well he retired towards his sonne in lawe Constantine vnto whom he had giuen his daughter Fausta and sought by ambushes to cast him out of the Empire Which Fausta perceiuing well reuealed to her husband preferring him before her father Wherefore the sonne in lawe besieged him at Marcellis tooke him aliue and bad him choose whatsoeuer kind of death he would He strangled himselfe with a cord or girdle And so this wicked and bloudie man which had shead so much Christian bloud vnluckily finished his life of his age sixtie Licinius at the first had some great familiaritie with Constantine and to please him made a shew to loue the Christians in so much that he married Constance the sister of Constantine and by a mutuall consent together caused to publish lawes for the Christians but afterward comming againe to his nature and forgetting the honour that Constantine had done him began to conspire against him because Constantine so fauoured Christians whose enemie he declared himselfe alleadging this cause that in their assemblies they prayed for Constantine and not for him Licinius then beganne the persecution by his owne house after he stretched it farre by Lawes and Edicts into the Prouinces of the East forbidding especially Bishoppes to make assemblies and Sinodes Secondly that men and women to auoyd scandalles and offence not to assemble at prayers Thirdly that such as were appointed prisoners as transgressors of Edicts should not be visited nor succoured in paine to incurre the like condemnation c. He then set himselfe against the Bishops not openly for feare of Constantine but made them die secretly by his Committees Euseb Lib. 10. Chap. 8. In the Towne of Sebasta Losias killed in a poole fortie souldiers whose Martirdome Basile the great described and other Martirs which were cruelly murdered Licinius increased more and more his crueltie but the Lord sent Constantine to represse him who experimented against him the Forces of the Gaules and Italie hauing ouerthrowne him in Hungarie and pursued him into Macedonia where he repaired his forces He was chased into Asia and in the end yeelded himselfe seeing he was vanquished by sea and by land and was sent into Thessalonica to liue priuately yet could he not so escape the true vengeance of his boldnesse crueltie and infidelitie For hee was slaine by Constantines souldiers about the yeare of our Lord three hundred twentie and foure after some writers Melchiades the thirtith Bishop succeeded in the Church of Rome and was of Affrike after Damasus A man of great pietie and a true seruant in the holy Ministerie of the Gospell and in the affaires of the truth of God vntill hee was put to death vnder Maximin Galerius the yeare of the Lord 314. Read herevpon the Ecclesiasticall History of Eusebius where he reciteth diuers cruell kindes of death wherewith the
of the poore he caused the vessells vailes and other precious things of the Temple to be solde Sozomene lib. 4. cap. 25. And Hierome ad Rusticum accuseth Bishops which vsurpe and make proper that which is common If the liberalitie of Emperours failed the Churches defrayed the charges of Bishops and all others that went to Sinodes Theodoret. lib. 2 cap. 16. Libraries The bookes of the holy scripture which for the most part were lost during the persecutions at this time by the benificence of the Emperour Constantine were written in great dilidence and with magnificence worthy of such an Emperour By the witnes of Athanasius it is plain inough that in the Chrians Temples there were Libraries and therein he accuseth the impietie of the Arrians which tooke out these bookes burnt them Hierome against Rufin makes mention of the Librarie at Cesaria It appeares by the Acts of a Romane Sinode held vnder Siluister that the Romane Church mainteined certaine Notaries to write the acts of the Martirs Schooles There were also Schooles of two sorts Ethnicks or Philosophicall and Ecclesiasticall Nazianzenus in the death of his brother Cesarius makes mention of the Schooles of Palestine wherein he learned Rhethoricke Lactantius held that of Nicomedia Ephiphanius a Sophister kept that of Laodicea That of Cesaria in Cappadocia was renowned bicause Constantius caused Gallus and Iulian his children to be taught there But aboue al that of Alexandria was most famous for blind Didimus who ruled there Rufin Lib. 2. Cap. 7. And Basilius calleth it a goodly shape of all doctrine In Europe that of Athens because of letters was of most acount wherin Iulian had for condisciples Basile and Gregorie Nazianzenus as the said Gregorie witnesseth in his Inuectiue against Iulian. Victorinus Affrican taught at Rome Rhethorike See Hierome in his Treatife of Illustrious men The Salarie or reward was to professors payde after the lawe of Constantine conteined in the title de profess med in the Code At this time there was a man called Arrius a professor in the schoole of Alexandria in Egipt whose Heresie did miserably torment and distract the vnion of the Church He was a man swelled with ambition and presumption One day hauing heard in the congregation of the faithfull Alexander Bishop of Alexandria subtilly and learnedly disputing of the diuine essence after he had shewed that the vnitie thereof was in a priuitie Arrius Logician rather then a Theologian began to dispute and vomit out the p●ison he had long time gathered Epip Lib. 2. Tome 2. Necesie 69. rehearseth that Arrius was now found in an errour that Melitius a Bishop in Thebaide accused before Alexander his Bishop who after that looked to him more narrowly and tooke heed to his subtilties Such a care had Bishops at this time one of an other that no euill should goe forward Arrius maintained the Sonne of God to be a creature and the holy Ghost created of him But with what arguments and babble of words he vsed to confirme his error it should be superfluous to rehearse There are long Epistles of Arrius to Alexander and of Alexander to all Churches by which one may more at large know the spring of all this infection Alexander at the beginning sought to stop this euill by silence But seeing that Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia tooke vpon him the cause of Arrius in hatred of the Church of Alexandria Alexander not onely published the Apostasie of Arrius but also excommunicated him and his adherents as Heretickes and Schismatickes which would maintaine that God was sometimes without being Father and that the Sonne was a creature and made who knew not perfectly and exactly the Father It is straunge how so cursed an errour should in so litle time subuert so many Bishops yea the most learned not onely of the East Church but of the West also Epiph. saith that Arrius being chased away went into Palestine But Alexander hasted Letters euery where to the number of seuentie to aduertise the Bishops of Arrius his doings who was receiued of his Protector Eusebius Arrius in the meane time sent Letters to Alexandria naming him Pope and his Bishop The great Councell of Nice Anno domini 320. These debates and contentions brought great dolour and care vnto the good Emperour Constantine and incontinent to giue order therefore seeing this euill from day to day got the vpper hand sent Hosius Bishop of Corduba in Spaine to Alexander a man of great pietie and authoritie with his Letters Patents to the Church to finde meanes to extinguish this fire whose flames were blowne all ouer Eusebius reciteth the Tenure of Constantines Letters full of all pietie in the life of the said Emperour Lib. 2. Hosius furnished with these Letters came into Egipt and did all that he could to agree Alexander Arrius but in vaine Whereof the Emperour being aduertised was more grieued then before at the request of the Bishops and instance of Alexander as witnesseth Rufin lib. 1. cap. 1. ordained at his owne charge an vniuersal Sinode at Nice a town of Bithinia the yeare of Christ 320. after some and the yeare of his Empire 17. At which Sinode from all the parts of the earth came Bishops and the number was 250. after Socrates li. 1. ca. 8. besides Priests Deacons A colites other multitudes Theodoret. li. 1. ca. 7. saith 318. Bishops and this is about the number wherof the most part of the Elders agree that haue written thereof Some say that the Emperour before he assembled this generall Sinode had caused Arrius to come vnto him and in the presence of some Bishops hauing enquired of his heresie Arrius with an oath answered that he bred no heresies then straight the Emperour in the presence of all said If thou hast sworne with a good conscience that thy oath be made with a full faith then departest thou an Innocent But if falsly thou callest God to witnesse let him whom thou hast offended take vengeance So many spake for him which he before had gained Notwithstanding the Emperour writ large Letters that men should take heede of Arrius that they builded not their Faithes vpon his heresies These letters beganne with these words Constantine the great Augustus c. The place for the Sinode was in the Emperours Pallace wherein hee had placed seates couenable and conuenient for each state and degree The Emperours seate was in the first ranke and it was couered with Golde as Eusebius saieth in his life Liber 3. Hee himselfe made the first exhortation to enter into the matter wherevnto by consent of all Eustachius Bishop of Antioche had charge to answere The Emperour the better to agree with them proposed the great crueltie and tirannie of the persecutions passed that now peace was open vnto them and that it should be a straunge thing the outward enemies being vanquished to stirre vp warres within Theodoret. Lib. 1. Cap. 7. Amongst the Bishops which were there assembled
against Arrius was Macarius Bishop of Hierusalem Eustachius Bishop of Antioche Hosius Bishop of Corduba in Spaine Pathuntius of Egipt and Maximus these two had their eyes put out for the Faith and many other persons which had suffered persecution vnder the aforesaid Titants There was also Spiridian Bishop of Tremythe in Cyprus and Nicholas Bishop of Mirme in Licia a very graue man Also Athanasius then a Deacon of the Church of Alexandria Theophilus Bishop of the Gothes and Alexander Bishop of Alexandria c. Spiridian was he that in Lent presented flesh to a Pilgrim as he passed by and did eate himselfe and caused him also to eate saying that to pure Christians all things are pure Hist tripart lib. 1. Chap. 10. After that license was graunted to the two parties Eusebius Bishop of Nichomedia the Patrone of Arrius presented a Libell full of blasphemies conteining briefly that which hath bene before said That God who is for euer was not alwaies the Father And seeing all things were created of God the sonne also must be a worke made and many other blaspemies This Libell was recited and read with great sorrowe of most part of them which were there because of the blasphemies conteined therein and was torne in peeces to the great confusion of the Author There followed a very sharpe contention of both parts which the Emperour harkened vnto with great patience But finally Eusebius and his consorts fearing to be banished made a countenance to renounce their errours and to subscribe to the determination of the Fathers except Secundus and Theon as Athanasius reciteth in the decrees of the Sinode of Nice But the Bishops after they knew their fraude and how they disguised the truth with words began to vse the word Essence and Homousios that is to say of one same substance Then the Eusebians abhorred these words Homousios and Essentiall as straunge vnvsed in the holy scripture The Fathers declared that necessarily they were constrained to vse these words to signifie that the Sonne was engendered of the substance of the Father according to which bee was consubstantiall to the Father that is to say of one same substance and essence A Philosopher who by no Arguments could be surmounted was finally conuerted by a simple Bishop who said vnto him Harken Philosopher there is one God which made all things in the power of his word and by the sanctification of his holy spirite confirmed them This word which we call the Sonne of God hath redeemed mankinde which was in the bottomelesse pit of hell by his death and resurrection Torment nor trouble thy selfe too much with thine owne arguments and demonstrations in this matter which must be apprehended by faith and that Iesus Christ himselfe and his Apostles hath taught vs. Answere mee doost thou beleeue it is so The Philosopher astonished said vnto him I beleeue and confesse to be vanquished after exhorted others of his profession with him to beleeue the doctrine At the said Councell Constantine hauing receiued diffamatorie Libels accusations debates and particular quarells of Bishops one against an other caused them all to be cast into the fire that none might vnderstand their debates or errours God hath ordeined you Bishops saith he and hath giuen you power to iudge of your selues by meanes whereof we yeelde our selues to your iudgement Men may not iudge you but God alone vnto whom we referre the deciding and determination of your controuersies This humilitie of Constantine afterward brought great damage to his Successors The said Councell would haue forbidden Priests and Deacons to dwell with their wiues but Pathuntius whome Constantine had in such reuerence that hee often caused him to come into his Pallace and imbraced yea kissed the place frō whence his eye was plucked out rising vp confessed that marriage was honourable amongst all men and the bed vndefiled and said that the company of the husband with the wife was chastitie and perswaded the Councell not to set out such Lawes which might giue occasion of fornicatiō both to them their wiues The Councell approued his opinion and so dealt nothing vpō that matter but left to euery one liberty to marry or not according as to euery one should seeme expedient wherefore as before so now also was it lawful for Priests to retain their wiues and to marry But after Siritius Gregorie the seuenth forbad such marriage and commaunded continency which notwithstanding the Easterne Priests neuer receiued It is not then true which some write that Calixus who was before this Councell commanded continencie For then there would haue bene some mention of him in the said Councell and of his decree Eusebius Extract out of the Acts of the Councell of Nice We beleeue in God the Father Almightie Creator of all things as well visible as inuisible and in our Lord Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God borne engendered of him that is to say of his proper substance and therefore God of God borne and not made of the same substance of the Father by which sonne all things were made as well in heauen as in earth who also for the loue of vs men and for our saluatiō discended from heauen tooke our humaine flesh was made man He suffered death passion and after rose again the third day then he ascended into heauen and finally must come to iudge the quicke and the dead We also beleeue in the holy Ghost All such as say that there was a time that the sonne was not and that before be was borne in the earth he was not and that he was created of nothing or of other substance then of the father or that he is the sonne of God but cōuertible mutable the holy Catholicke and Apostolicke Church excommunicateth and anematizeth them It was also amongst other things ordeined in this Councell that no Bishop ought to receiue any of them which an other Bishop hath excommunicated or thrust frō his Church were he Clarke or Laie man But if we vniustly for hatred or anger were excommunicated or chased away It was ordained that in each Prouince the Prelates there should assemble euery yeare twise to holde their prouinciall Councell to knowe and iudge of such matters to the end that if any man had done any thing vniustly it might be retracted by others and that if he had done well it might be approued That in Alexandria and Rome the auncient custome should be kept namely that the Bishoppe of Alexandria should haue care of the Churches of Egipt and that of Rome of such Churches as are about Rome That if two or three Bishops striue or do not agree to consecrate one elected for some dissention In this case they must hold themselues to the determinatiō of others of the prouince and especially of the Metropolitane That the prerogatiue which before times hath bene giuen to the Bishop of Ierusalem shal be kept for him without preiudice notwithstanding of
the Metropolitans dignitie That the Cathares heretikes called Nouatians if they would repent themselues come again to the Church confesse the faith according to the beliefe of the church should be receiued into the order thereof And if their Bishop come with ours let thē sit with our Priests And let the name of a Bishop remaine only to thē which haue alwaies held the catholike faith to no others That in one Citie there be but one Bishop That if any of them which indiscreetly haue bene ordained Bishops being accused of crime do confesse it or be by others conuicted let them be deposed and likewise such as haue erred in the faith and by errour haue bin promoted if after they be knowne That such as in time of persecution haue receiued the faith and with a good hart repent themselues do 5. yeares make their penance with the Catechumenes that is to say such as learn the faith to cōmunicate with thē in praiers only after which terme they may be receiued to y e Sacraments of y e Church That such as for the Faith haue renounced the Campe and after returne thither againe doo there penance 13. yeare and after to be receiued to the Sacraments if a true repentance might be seene in them And notwithstanding that it should be in the faculty power of the Bishop to abridge the terme if he see their penance to be fruitfull and hartie That if that foresaid penitents come to peril of death before their penance be ended that then the Sacraments should be administred vnto them yet if they escaped they should be bound to ende their penance That the Catechumenes which had likewise erred should be three yeares seperated from others and do their penance apart and after be receiued with them That no Bishop nor Clarke presume to clime vp from a little Church to a greater That the Clarke which shall leaue his Church without lawfull cause going vagarant and running heere and there be not receiued to other Churches to the Communion That no Bishop ordaine any who is not of his owne Dioces without leaue of his Diocesan That none take any vsury nor gaine or aduantage vpon Wine or Corne as customably men do giuing new for old or taking the sixt part of the gaine or the tenth halfe and if hee doo it let him be driuen away as one that taketh vnlawfull gaine That Deacons be not preferred before Priests nor sit in their ranke nor in their presence do distribute the Sacraments but only minister vnto them and assist whē they do distribute but when there are no Priests there in that case they may depart them That the Diaconesses because they are not consecrated be accounted amongst Laie-people There were many Canons made and discerned in that Councell and formes of confessions of Faith touching the diuine essence really distinguished truly and eternally into three persons the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost which are one onely God alone eternall infinite and all perfect in himselfe Which persons are coessentiall and coeternall without confusion of properties and relation and without any inequalitie c. But heere it should be too long to recite the said confessions which many good Bishops presented in this Councel And for the most part they are found in the bookes they haue left vnto their posteritie The Fathers then vnited in the true doctrine touching the person of the sonne of God concluded this Article as is aboue said The Emperour Constantine also gaue out a decree and ordinance thereof And euen as Porphirius an enemie to Christian religion in times past receiued the salarie and reward of confusion for his impietie So Arrius and his complices true Porphirians were to all an horrour and abhomination He added further and denounced the paine of death to all such as hid the writings of Arrius without discrying them and burning them in the fire As for the other occasion and cause for which this Sinode was assembled namely touching the celebration of Easter the Emperour being grieued that the inequalitie of the obseruation thereof troubled so many Churches proposed to the Fathers that the decision thereof was made that all men should celebrate it on one same day It seemed vnto him vnfit that so sacred a feast as that should be celebrated after the immitation of the Iewish nation the enemies of Iesus Christ So hauing made these remōstrāces vnto the Councell he asked of Acesius Bishop what he thought thereof but Acesius durst not say cōtrary to him This question then was decided after they had ordained of things Ecclesiasticall and it was agreed therevpon that the celebration of Easter should be obserued on one same day throughout all the world The difference also which was betwixt Miletius Bishop of Licia a Towne in Thebaide and Peter Bishop of Alexandria was agreed Epipha saith Lib. 2. Tom. 2. Heres 68. that the aforesaide Peter helde that they which in time of persecution were fallen into renouncement returning to the Church and confessing their fault if they demaunded pardon that they ought not to be suspended from the communion Miletius maintained that we may not receiue them vntil the persecutiō cease least others by too great facilitie of pardoning offenders should be offended or elfe thereby might be prouoked or induced to fall into like infirmitie Socrates saith that for many other causes Meletius had bin deposed by Peter of Alexandria and that for this ignominy he alwaies after bare euill will vnto Peter and his successors Achilles and Alexander which Theodorus also reciteth Lib. 1. Chap. 8. This is briefly that which may be said in this history of the Councell of Nice which although it was as a thunder-bolt to confound that wicked Arrian heresie yet was it not so destroyed but after it lifted vp the head againe And that more is it was neuer more pernitious to all the Church thē after the death of Constantine when especially it had gotten for the defence some of the Emperours which lifted vp her head notwithstanding that which Athanasius in his Epistle to Epictetus Bishop of Corinth saith is true The faith which the Fathers haue expounded by the holy scripture in that Sinode is sufficient to confound all impietie c. Eusebius in his chap. 27. lib. 3. reciteth that the machinations ambushes laid by the sectaries of Arrius and Eusebius against Athanasius gaue occasion to the Emperor to conuocate in his time many Councells and assemblies of Sinodes There was a Priest who got fauour of Constantia widow of the Tyrant Licinius and the sister of Constantine whom this Priest made beleeue that great wrong was done vnto Arrius at the Councell of Nice and that his faith was not repugnant from that of the said Councell A litle after the said Constantia taken with a mortall disease sent for her brother Constantine and gaue witnesse of the innocencie of Arrius whereby this Priest hauing gotten accesse to the Emperour by
the meanes of Constantia hee himselfe then perswaded touching Arrius namely that hee thought no otherwise then the Councell did Constantine then sent Letters to call againe Arrius who came to Constantinople with Euzoius a Deacon who also had bene deposed by Alexander They by the Emperours commaundement gaue in a disguised and couert confession the beginning whereof was We beleeue in God the Father almightie and in our Lord Iesus Christe his sonne begotten of the Father before all worlds God and Word by which all things were created as wel in heauen as in earth who came downe and tooke humane flesh and suffered death was raised againe and ascended into heauen should come againe to iudge the quick the dead c. The rest is in Sozomen lib. 2. chap. 27. After Constantine had seene this confession he asked them if with a good hart they thought as they spake Arrius affirmed yea Constantine mistrusting his owne iudgement sent Arrius with his adherents to an assembly of Bishops which then was at Ierusalem commanding them diligently to examine the cōfession of Arrius that is if he had reuoked his error if Alexander did him wrong or no. The Sinode of Ierusalem aduertised of the Emperors will sent Letters to the Bishops of Egypt Thebaid and Libia exhorting them that according to the witnesse of the Emperour Arrius might be receiued into the Communion The Arrians strengthened with these witnesses came againe into Alexandria and thrusting themselues into company Athanasius who then hadde the charge of Alexandria would not admit them Arrius returned to Constantinople to make his complaints against Athanasius there likewise hee sought to bring himselfe by force into that Church but Alexander who had the gouernment thereof opposed himself against him saying that the author of such an heresie and a perturber of so many Churches ought not to bee receiued This came to a great contention the Eusebians threatning they would cause Alexander to bee banished Certaine dayes following the Arrians concluded to introduce Arrius by force into the Church But Alexander placing his force in the Armour of pietie entred ouer night into the Temple accompanied with two of his household and with teares passed all the night in Orisons and prayers to the Lord that hee would not suffer that rauishing wolfe lately couered with a Lambes skinne to thrust into his flocke Some say that he added these words in his prayer O Lord if it be thy will and that by thy iust iudgement which is inuestigable this wolfe be admitted into thy Church deliuer mee thy poore seruant from this present life The next morning of this determination Arrius enuironed with a great multitude of Eusebians was ledde to be brought into the Temple as in a triumph but when they were come to the place called the Market place of Constantinople Arrius was suddenly taken with a feare and an astonishment within him which caused a paine in his belly so that leauing the company he was constrained to goe into a secret place to purge his belly the company which should accompany him to the Temple attended him in the meane while but seeing him tarry long some went to the easing place and found Arrius dead vpon the siege his entrails being come out at his fundament This was the end of Arrius which greatly feared his companions who to couer so foule and infamous a death said he was suddenly suffocated and choked with a disease of the stomacke Others that he was poisoned Some said that too great ioy had stifled him yet none could say but this was a iust iudgment of God vpon him Athanasius Lib. I. against the Arrians and the Epist to Serapion Sedulius a Christian Poet reciteth it in his Verses Siluester called the dayes otherwise then before for the day of the Sunne le Dimanche the other dayes Feries and Samedi for the day of Saturne Antonie being in Egypt in the wildernesse Constantine writ vnto him to pray to God for him and for his children Victorinus of Affrike an Orator was also of this time and Donatus of whom came the Donatist heretickes against which S. Augustine writeth The constitutions attributed to Siluester touching the consecrattion and vse of creame to marke such as were baptized and annoynt such as were nigh death and such other inuentions are in the booke of Councels whereof Luitprandus Platina and Sabellicus make mention in their bookes and speak of them after their owne iudgement Councells in diuers places After the Councell of Nice Siluester at the commaundement of Constantine made assemble a Sinode at Rome of 277. Bishops wherin there was condemned Arrius Photinus Sabellius with one Calixtus as the booke of Councels shewes And againe by a Sinode following the decrees of the Councell of Nice were confirmed and the solemnitie of Easter established to be obserued on the Sunday from the 14. of the Moone vntill the 21. The multitude of Councels and Sinodes multiplied traditions vpon traditions and brought in great errours and the good and holy constitutions of Nice were soone after by such meanes contradicted 1. At Neocesaria in Pontus Polemoniake betwixt Paphlagonia and Armenia was instituted that none should be a priest before the age of 30. yeares 2. At Elebert in Spaine Bishops Priests Deacons and Subdeacons were commaunded to abstaine from theyr wiues and not to haue children otherwise that they should bee deposed That there should be no Images in the Temples of Christians If any broke an Image and were murdered because it is not written in the Gospell neither is there read that it hath bene done by any of the Apostles it pleased the Councell that such a one be not admitted nor receiued into the number of Martyrs 3. At Rome it was ordained for Churchmen that none should accuse them nor draw them into lawe 4. At Arles the first counsell was giuen to young people by no meanes to marry againe if by chance for adulterie they bee seperated from their wiues 5. At Gangia in Paphalagonia they excommunicated and anathematized such as condemned them that eate flesh so that it were not offered vnto Idols c. Item they excommunicated such as iudged a married Priest ought not to excercise his ministerie because of his marriage and likewise such as abstained from their ministerie At this time vnder the shadowe of chastitie and virginitie men began to despise marriage as appeareth by the first ninth tenth fourteenth and fifteenth Chapter of the said Councell where all such as blame marriage and leaue their children or the wife her husband or the husband his wife to liue in continencie are excommunicated 6. At Arles the second was ordained the contrary that none should be admitted into the Ecclesiasticall estate vnlesse he promised to renounce the bonds of marriage The Iberians were conuerted to the faith they are of Asia vnder the climate of Pontus namely the King the Queene the Nobilitie and al the people by the preaching of
saith that the Towne was dedicated by him the yeare of his Empire 28. and as he had taken the Empire diuided and vnited it in his person so he diuided it againe as a paternall heritage and made a partition thereof amongst his children whom whilest he liued he created Cesars one after an other that is to say Constantine his eldest sonne Anno. 10. Constantius the second Anno. 20. and Constans the youngger Anno. 30. Whose Empires were very turbulent and endured but 24. yeares 5. moneths 12. dayes according to the Chronicle of Hierome Constantine the Father died at Nicomicha after he had liued 66. yeares and raigned 31. yeares Pompon Laet. Licinius the sonne of Constantia sister of Constantine the great and Crispus sonne of the said Constantine the great with his said son Constantine the eldest were created Caesars the yeare of the Lord 316. But the wickednes of Fausta the wife of Constantine the great caused the death of Licinius and Crispus and many other noble personages See Aure. Victor and Pompo Laet. Crispus was instructed by Lactantius Constantine the eldest sonne of Constantine the great was Emperour with his two brethren after the father the yeare of our Lord 338. The Empire was thus parted namely that Constantine should enioy Gaul Spaine and England Constance should haue Italie with Slauonia and Greece And Constantius should holde Constantinople with the East This partition contented not Consantine hee raised warre against his brother Constance being proud of his Army of Gaul but warring more couetously then warily was ouerthrowne by an ambush nigh to Aquilea and being wounded in diuers places dyed there hauing raigned but three whole yeares and liued 25. See Bapt. Egnat and Pomp. Laet. Constance after he had vanquished his elder brother passing the Alpes came to make warre in Gaul and in two yeares with great difficultie conquered the Countrey which his brother had in partition He at the beginning gouerned well but after gaue himselfe to pleasures and at last became odious to all men So that in the end they conspired against him as he was at hunting and was slaine by the deuice and treason of Magnentius who vsurped his Empire yet he had saued this Magnentius his life Constance liued thirtie yeares and raigned fourteene See Pomp. Laet. Constantius had for his part the Empire of Constantinople with the East Hee vanquished Vetranio who made himselfe Emperour in Hungarie after the death of Cōstance Moreouer to reuenge the death of his said brother Constance hee made great warre against Magnentius In the first battaile there were slaine of one part and the other 53000. fighting men Magnentius had the worst And againe making head was ouercome nigh Lions Constantius was suspected vpon enuie and ambition to haue made away Dalmatius his Cousin-germain a vertuous man who better resembled Constantine the great then his owne father and who was appointed for a copartner with the said Constantius when he had his partition But Constantius liued not long after For as he was going the second time against the Persians vnderstanding that Iulian had made himselfe Augustus he tooke a Feuer and dyed the yeare of his age 40. and of his Kingdome 24. See Eutrop. Aurel. Vict. Pompon Laet. and Bapt. Egn. The Sinode of Sardis in her Sinodall Letters calleth Iulius their friend and companion Theodoret. lib. 2. chap. 8. It followeth that the Bishop or Archbishop of Rome had not the pretended superioritie It seemeth that Iulius was dead when Constantius hauing tamed the tyrannie of Magnentius and Syluanus hee was in Italie to appease the discordes of Athanasius his cause Liberius borne in Rome his father being called Augustus succeeded Iulius the yeare of Christ after S. Hierome 352. about the 12. yeare of Constance Empire his confession was agreeing vnto the Catholique faith and writ to Athanasius very Christianly of God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost as may be seene in his Epistle which is affixed to the workes of Athanasius Athanasius in the Epistle to them which leade solitary liues rehearseth how Liberius was subuerted The Emperour Constans sent to Rome one named Eusebius an Eunuke with Letters wherby he threatned him exile and on the other side tempted him with presents to induce him to cōsent with Arrius and to subscribe to the condemnation of Athanasius Liberius despised both his menaces and gifts as a sacrifice of blasphemie Whereat the Emperour being exceedingly grieued found meanes to get him out of Rome and being come to him threatned him with death But Liberius manfully answered I am ready to endure all rather then of Christians we should be accounted Arrians Why what art thou said the Emperour that with one wicked man troublest all the world The word of Faith said Liberius dependeth not vpon multitude He was then banished by this Emperour Constans into Berrea which is a Towne in Thrace Where after hee had bene two yeares he was called home as saith Theodoret his restitution after some was accorded by the Emperour at the request of many Romanes and of the Westerne Bishops The same saith Athanasius in the before alleadged Epistle Also that Liberius after his two yeares exile feared with threatnings and apprehension of death sealed to the condemnation of Athanasius Ruffin saith the same and Hierome as Baleus saith writeth that by ambition Liberius fell into the heresie of Arrius being once fallen from the integritie of faith We finde some constitutions of Liberius namely not to make noises in fasting time that times of fasting and Lent bee not polluted by the act of marriage that in time of famine and pestilence men should appease the Lords anger by fasting almes and prayers An aduertisement The principall felicitie and ornament of the Church of this time was the multitude of excellent Doctors which by their doctrine sought so farre as in them lay to conserue multiply the puritie of doctrine But this felicitie was greatly obscured partly by the multitude of heretickes and partly by the rage of seditious people and schismatickes In so much that since the time of the Apostles there was no Church that hath endured more dissentions combats and diuisions within it then that of this world Wherevpon by good right Basile the great in a certaine poeme writing of the iudgement of God complaineth saying I haue liued the age of a man and I haue seene great concord amongst the Arts and Sciences But in the Church of God alone for which Iesus Christ dyed I haue obserued so many dissentions that it is altogether dissipated and wasted And comming to the cause As I searched saith he the cause I remembred the place of the booke of Iudges where it is written That then euery one did whatsoeuer hee thought good in his owne eyes Great persecutions were vnder Constantius after the death of Constans against the Catholike Doctors and Bishops by the Arrians Many were put to death euen within the Temples others
were exiled others put in prison virgins imprisoned and the houses of Christians pilled and sacked S. Hilarie was sent into exile At this time for the great persecutions without and heresies within many retired into the Desarts They write of two which were called Amon. The one was the Father and chiefe of three thousand Monkes The other Amon with two hundreth and fiftie Clarkes and Monkes was slaine by the Arrians Eusebius Sarmatha and Amathas Disciples of S. Anthonie were slaine by the Painimes Macarus the Aegyptian an other Macarus of Alexandria Hylarion the Disciple of S. Paul the Hermit Theodorus Entichian Pachomius Moyses Beniamin Helias Serapiō was the father of 2000. Monkes whom hee made worke for the necessitie of their liues and to helpe the needes of other poore Paemen other infinit Martin renounced his military estate Hist trip lib. 8. chap. 1. Iohn Cassian in the Collat of Fathers Naucl A coniuration was made by the Arrians after the Councel of Sardis against two Catholike Bishops Eufrates and Vincentius They caused an whoore in the night time to come into their chamber and by Apostate people which suddenly went after the said strumpet and so profered to accuse them to haue bene surprised in whoordome But the harlot disclosed the coniuration A Councell was held at Millaine in fauour of the Arrians against Athanasius the which resisted Paulinus Bishop of Treners Denis Bishop of Millaine Eusebius Bishop of Verceil and Rhodamus wherevpon they were cast out of the Church and with them Liberius Lucifer Metropolitane of the Iles of Sardine and Osius of Spaine sent into exile Anno Christi 361. The said Osius in his age by many torments beatings and wounds was forced to cōsent to the exposition of the Arrians and thervnto to subscribe in the first volume of Councels Tritenius saith that Osius being rich fearing either banishment or losse of his goods consented to the Arrians and being about to depose a Catholique Bishop called Gregory he fell downe out of his Chaire and so died Hereby are we aduertized that it is nothing to begin wel vnlesse we perseuer vnto the end Vnder Constantius many Councels were held namely in Tyre Sardis and Millaine as is said in Arimine in Syrmion of Pannonie in Nicea which is in Tharse in Seleucia which is in Isauria wherein the faith of the Fathers of Nice was condemned Felix borne at Rome sonne of one named Anastasis hauing bene the Deacon of Liberius was thrust into his place by the Arrians hoping he would consent with them in doctrine but hee became a true Catholique in the confession of the Councell of Nice and gaue no place either to the heretickes or to Constance himselfe declaring him an hereticke and was rebaptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia We finde in the booke of Councels an Epistle of the Bishoppes of Aegypt to Felix and Felix his answere to them with certaine constitutions namely that none might accuse a Bishoppe before a ciuill Magistrate Item to restore a Bishoppe who is cast out by force Item not to admit witnesse of prophane people against religious persons Item that Bishoppes should frequent Sinodes or send thither if they could not goe Som say that Felix gouerned with Liberius a certaine time But Theodoret saith that Felix withdrew himselfe into an other Towne Socrat. lib. 2. chap. 37. saith that Felix was driuen away by the Romane people in a sedition and that the Emperour thereby was constrained to send for Liberius thither Others say that Felix was beheaded with many others for that hee prooued the Emperour Hilary Bishop of Poiters was reuoked from exile and Paul Bishop of Treuers died in exile in the Countrey of Phrygia Anno Christi 363. Lucius Bishop of Adrianople dyed in prison Paulus Bishop of Constantinople sent into exile was strangled by the way Nicomedia by an earthquake was wholly subuerted and the Townes nigh were also afflicted After the death of Constance Constantius againe pursued Athanasius and then was the great persecution against the faithfull Liberius returned from exile the yeare of Christ 363. About this time three Sectes of Arrians rose vp That is to say Macedonians Eunomians and newe Arrians 1. The Arrians held the Sonne to be like vnto the Father but by grace not by nature 2. The Macedonians that the Sonne is altogether like the Father but not the holy Ghost 3. The Eunomians that the Sonne is altogether vnlike the Father Eusebius Bishop of Verceil endured great torments of the Arrians because in councell at Millaine he tore in peeces a scedule wherevnto the westerne Bishops had subscribed to the Arrians in the Councell of Arimine Some say hee was seuen dayes without bread and water in a Caue and afterward was kept in a very straight place But after the death of Constantius he was deliuered and returned to Verceil into his Bishopricke vnder Iouinian Finally after the death of the said Iouinian vnder Valens who was an Arrian he was stoned by the Arrians the yeare of Christ 388. Note Reader that at this time in each Towne there were both Catholike Dostors and Arrians Temples for the one and Temples for the other so the Church was diuided Achatius Bishop of Cesaria in Palestine an Arrian was in great reputation with Constantius Iulian borne at Constantinople the sonne of Constantius brother of Constantine the great he was faire of face subtill and of good spirit giuen both to Letters and Armes he set Fraunce at libertie which the Almaines had wasted hee tooke the King an the first cōflict beyond the hope of all Colleine was taken of him when he was very young of which prize hee got great renowne and reioyced the hearts of the souldiers In so much that they named him Emperour in Paris Whereof his Cousin Constantius being aduertised died in dispite about the age of 45. yeares as he prepared to make warre vpon him Yet when he died he made him his heire Anno Domini 363. Athanasius returned into Alexandria George who ruled in his absence was slaine and his body burnt A Sinode was in Alexandria of good Catholique Bishops wherein they that fel into heresie were permitted not onely to returne into the vnion and communion of the Church but euen into their offices and Bishoppricks There was also concluded and declared that the holy Ghost is of one same substance with the Father and the Sonne and that in the Trinitie there was nothing created or lesse or after an other Item that God hath but one essentiall substance but reall subsistence of three persons This word Substance differeth from the word Subsistence when we speake of the persons of the Trinitie For substance cōcerneth the essentiall nature of a thing after which the three persons of the Trinitie are but one alone substance and nature But this word Subsistence sheweth in one same diuine substance three persons and different proprieties not onely in name as the Sabellians say
thing worthy of remembrance the great constancie of a woman called Denise and the exhortation she made to her sonne called Maioricus Remember said she my sonne that we were baptised in the name of the Trinitie wherefore let vs not loose the garments of our saluation Also an other called Victoria who neither by the solicitation of her husband nor the teares of her children could be perswaded c. Naucler Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a very graue man brought into peace and concord the people of Liguria and brought from Burgonie many Captiues as well by his Siluer as his holie life whereby he entreated the redemption of 6000. Captiues Paul Diaconus and Naucler after him Seuerin an Abbot in Noric was now of great renowne Odoacer King of the Gothes as he passed by Noric into Italie went vnto him for his blessing Odoacer occupied Italie and was made King thereof and the Gothes raigned there by the space of 70. yeares The West Empire takes here an end after Augustulus had deposed himselfe the yeare of Christ 472. Sidonius Bishop of Auuerne a famous Poet in this time Clouis the fift King of France and the first Christian King raigned 30 yeares That is fifteene a Painim and fifteene a Christian Hee reuenged himselfe of them which cast out his Father Childerike out of his kingdome Going to Soisons hee tooke it by force and draue away Siagre the sonne of Giles the Romaine who occupied the kingdome against Childeric as hath bene said And at his returne tooke Melum and chased away the Romanes He amplified the kingdome of France hauing subiected to it all the Cities and Townes which the Romanes held betwixt the Riuers Rhene and Seine also all such as were betwixt Seine and Loire The histories of France say that in a certaine battel against the Almaines being at a strait he remembred the admonitions which Clotilde his wife had often giuen him to imbrace the Christian faith and religion In such sort that being pressed he lifted vp his eies to heauen and said Lord God deliuer me from this perill wherein I am thus enuironed with mine enemies and I will beleeue in thy name I all my people It came to passe not only that he was deliuered from perill but also that he had victorie vpon his enemies wherefore he was baptized by Remy Bishop of Rhemes his two sisters and more then 3000. of the noblest of his people besides women and children The inuention and fable of the holy Ampoule as they call it wherwith the kings of France are annointed is reported of this time Clouis for recompence gaue to the Church of Rhemes many great gifts lands signories and rents S. Remy afterward had great authoritie and was principall Councellour of king Clouis Some say he builded the Church of Laon and that hauing erected it a Bishops place gaue vnto it the land of Laon. Patricius the brother of S. Remy Earle of Soissons was after Bishop of Soissons and also gaue to the said Church the Earledome which the Bishop there holds at this day For you must vnderstand that S. Remy and his brother were children of the Duke of Laon and of Soissons of a noble and auncient race The Annales of France make mention that Alaric King of Visigots then occupied a great part of Gaul namely all the country along the Riuer of Loire from Orleans euen to mount Pirenes which do seperate France and Spaine Item the countries of Berry Auuerne Limosin Quercy Perignex Angolmois Agenois Languedoc Prouence and other nigh places against which Clouis willing to make warre as he passed nie Tours he sent to make his offerings to S. Martin to haue his succours against the said Visegoths and that after the victory he himselfe came to Tours and offered great gifts to the Temple of S. Martin If this be so for a first Christian king he was partly instructed in the Christian faith and felt yet his Paganisme because in the place of his old Gods he reclaimed called now vpon Saints The fault may be imputed to the Bishops Pastors which then were more superstitious then religious and more foolishly deuout then well and diuinely instructed in the word of God As S. Brice Patrice Fourcy Medard Gildard Vaast Remy Severin Germanie Loupe Nicaisius Aguien and other Saints of like branne were canonized after their deaths Vnder Zenon there happened such a fire in Constantinople that the greatest part of the Towne was brought into ashes and more then sixe score thousand volumes were lost and consumed Clouis had in marriage Clotilde the daughter of Chilperic King of Burgonie who was slaine by his owne brother called Gondobaldus and his wife mother of the said Clotilde was drowned Felix the third of that name borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome 8. or 9. yeares his Father was a Priest called Felix The consecrations of Temples and their dedications yearly are attributed vnto him Germain Bishop of Capua in this time Vaast Bishop of Arras Vedastus in Latin Fulgence Bishop of Rupe in Affrike Auitus Bishop Vienne Solemus Bishop of Chartres preached Christ and Fourcy that came new from Ireland The Councell of Orleans the third at this time after Iohn le Maire In the first Melanius was President In the saide Councell which was vnder Clouis it was agreed that the goods of the Cleargie should be imployed for the mainteining of Priests for the reliefe of the poore for the deliuerance of prisoners and for the repairing of Churches In the Councell of Tarrascon in Spaine Church-men were enioyned not to buye good cheape with intent to sell the same thing dearer for then they should be deposed Meane cares occupied the assemblies of Bishoppes Anastatius the Emperour called Dicorus for the chaunge of colours which appeared in his eye-browes succeeded Zeno and raigned 27. yeares he commaunded straightly to worship a quaternitie that is to say foure persons in the Diuinitie which pernitious heresie was by him maintained Gelatius of Affricke gouerned the Romaine Church fiue yeares his Father was a Bishop named Valericus Naucler The distinction of Autentike and Apocrypha bookes of the scripture are attributed vnto him Hee declared many bookes Apocryphaes as the booke called the Assumption of the Virgine Mary Item the Canons of the Apostles such like In the 1 volume of the Councels The Manicheans againe are condemned and exiled and their bookes burnt He shewed how Anastatius the Emperor might be excommunicated Hee is numbred amongst them which chiefly ordained the Canon Te igitur clementissime c. Some attribute to him the ordinance of Bigamies that is of such as haue bin twise married that they should not be promoted to orders vnles it were by ordinance of the Apostolike sea That orders should be made foure times a yeare and on the Saterday only He made Hymnes Collects Responds Graduels Prefaces of the Masse and brought all into order He
name borne of the Countrey of Marses in the Citie of Talleric a Phisitians sonne gouerned the Romane Church the space of seuen yeares At the request of this Pope the Emperour Phocas commaunded that the old Temple of Pantheon wherin were all the Goddes and Goddesses of the Painims should be consecrated and dedicated to the honor of the virgin Mary and of al Saints And then was insttiuted the Feast of All-Saints in the Moneth of May which after was brought to the first of Nouember See how those Fathers rather chaunged then chased away superstitions Leontius Bishop of Naples in the I le of Cyprus made a booke of the life of S. Iohn the Almes giuer Bishop of Alexandria Abb. Tris. After the death of Boniface the fourth the seate was vacant 7. moneths and 25. dayes for the great discentions which were at Rome The yeare of Christ 612. Phocas was miserably slaine by the souldiers of his guard Abb. Vrsperg Others say that Heraclius and Priscus slew him cutting off his hands feete Others adde that his priuie member was cut off Finally after his head was cut off his body was burnt See the ende of this wicked Tyrant who caused so many good people to die All his brethren and parents had like ende and his race was vtterly extinct The Romane seate is worthie to haue had such a monster to authorise his primatie aboue all Churches Heraclius the sonne of Heraclien succeeded Phocas When his Father a Captaine in Affrica marched from Affricke into Egipt and Asia with a great Army the Persians being out of feare of him assailed Affricke and brought it into their subiection Corfrees King of the Persians would neuer receiue any conditions of peace vnlesse they renounced Christian Religion The Bishop Didier of Vienna was stoned at the commaund of Theodorus King of Soissons Deus of dedit or Dorothea a Romane Pope ruled three or foure yeares His Father was a Subdeacon after some He ordeined that no Christian should take in mariage his Gossip Item that the sonne of a Gossip or Suertie should not take in marriage the daughter that his Father had held at the Font And ordeined this so straitly that if the Father or Mother carried their childe to Baptisme that they should be seperated notwithstanding that the wise might receiue her dowry and that after a yeare she might marry again in any other place There happened a great Earthquake at this time in the moneth of August and after a great mortalitie The Councell of Auxerre in this time wherein it was decreed that it was a thing vnlawfull that the Estrenes should be giuen the first day of the yeare calling them diuellish ceremonies because of the obseruation of the day In the 12. Chapter there was forbidden to giue vnto dead bodies the Eucharist or the Paxe to kisse In the 21. Chapter it is not lawfull for a Priest to lye with his wife nor for Subdeacon nor Deacon In the 24. and 25. Chapter it is not lawfull for Abbots nor Monkes to goe to marriages nor to haue commothers nor to present children to Baptisme In the 31. Chap. it was forbidden to take his cousin Germaine or the issue of cousin Germaine in marriage In this time were Loup Arch-bishop of Sens Amand and Bauon in Flaunders And Priscian after Abb. Trit and Eloy Bishop of Noyon after the Sea of Histories Cosroes King of the Persians was vanquished by Heraclius And Anastatius a Persian Monke was martyred for the faith with 70. others He was hanged three houres by one hand and after be headed Abb. Vrsp Boniface Pope 5. of that name borne at Naples gouerned the Church fiue yeares This was hee who first ordeined that offenders which saued themselues in Churches should haue Immunities and priuiledges and that from thence they should not be deliuered by force but that such as committed Sacriledge in all places should be excommunicated The waine and decaie of the Romane Empire The Romane Empire began to fall For whilest Christians were at warres one with an other the Sarrasins occupied Egipt and Affrike and do yet holde them And in the space of an 120. yeares all Asia was lost from the Christians Also the best part of Europe was occupied because of the couetousnesse discention and carelesnesse of the Emperours and Popes which mused and studied vpon lesse matters namely to forge naughtie inuentions and ordinances vpon ordinances Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria seeing the Sarrasins came into Egipt and that there was no succours on the part of the Emperour Heraclius a carelesse man yeelded himselfe tributarie to the said Sarrasins at a certaine annuall summe vpon which condition they returned back He was after accused before the Emperour as he who transported the riches of Egipt to straungers Wherefore he was deposed and Manuell of Armenia ordeined in his place who would not pay the said tribute whervpon the Sarrasins came againe into Egipt and occupied it Which the Emperour vnderstanding repented himselfe and sent Cyrus in Embassage towards the Sarrasins to cause them to goe out of Egipt and they should haue their said annuall tribute But one of them answered in these words Canst thou Cyrus saide he plucke downe this piller He answered no. As impossible said he it is that we should leaue Egipt By like pride many Countries haue bene lost Many common-wealths by tributes haue bene maintained in peace Faith promised euen to enemies must be kept The encrease of the kingdome of France From the yeare of saluation 514. hitherto the kingdome of France was diuided into certaine kingdomes because the kings of France had many heires One kingdome was called Austrasia comprehended Lorraine and Brabant and that which is betweene Rhene and Mense from Culloine to the Countrie of Alsasia The other called Neutria which comprehends the Regions which are betwixt Mense and Loire and Paris was the chiefe Towne thereof The third was called the kingdome of the Soisons In this diuision of Gaul the kingdome of Arles tooke also his beginning which had vnder it Sauoy the Countrey of the Switzes Zepingen Haspurge and Dauphine but at this time those particular kingdomes returned into a Monarchie Car. Dagobert the 11. King of France possessed first Austrasia after he ioyned vnto it the kingdome of Burgoine and finally was made Lord almost of all France and the name of France was then vniuersall for all those kingdomes When Dagobert dwelt in Austrasia his Pallace was in Alsatze And he builded a Castle at Rufach called Eisenburge he also builded many Monasteries of S. Benet wherevnto he gaue great reuenewes and chiefly to that of Wittenburge within 8. leagues of Strasbourge on the side of Rhene An other at Surbourge two leagues from Wittenburge Item an other at Haselach hard by Strasburge in the West mountain He also brought the church of Strasburge to a Bishoppricke and enriched it with great reuenewes Heereby note that France was then
said Councell it is ordeined that the Apocalips should be accounted Canonicall In the said Councell Priests were reprehended because after the Lordes praier they communicated and blessed the people wherefore in the 17. Chap. they are forbidden to communicate alone but with all the assembly after the ordinance of Iesus Christ It was also ordeined that after the Lords praier the blessing should follow And then only they should receiue the Sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ in this order that is the Priests and the Deacons should make the Communion before the Aultar the Clarkes in the hearts and the people out of the heart The Masse yet was not as is at this day wherein Priests communicate alone In the Councell of Bracare 1. and 2. held in Spaine it was ordeined that if any did not confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons to be one same substance vertue and power as the Apostolike Catholike Church teacheth should be excommunicated and accursed In the 19. chap. If any beleeue soules and bodies to be subiect to the Starres as the Painims say and the Priscillianists maintaine let them be excommunicated and accursed In the 36. chap. that they should bury no dead bodies in Churches but without The Councell of Bracare 2. in the 14. chap. All they are anathematized which abstaine from eating flesh vpon superstition The same was ordeined in the Councell of Toledo 13. Note by this which is said that the Spaniards more then any other resisted the forbidding of meates and of single life Dagobert King of France raigned 14. yeares and during his raigne he gaue great reuenewes to Churches and caused to be builded the Abbey of S. Denis in France and placed there the three aforesaid bodies of S. Denis Eleutherius and Rusticus in Tombes couered with fine gold and enriched with precious stones And it wold hardly be beleeued the great riches of gold siluer and precious stones the Townes and other goods which he gaue to the said Church and Abbey of S. Denis which they yet possesse at this day He founded also the Abbey of S. Amande nigh Tournay and endowed it with great reuenewes All his study was to gather and wheresoeuer hee went to take Relickes to enrich the Abbey of S. Denis In so much that for that cause hee was called the Theefe of Relikes And as Clouis the first of that name had his trust in S. Martine of Tours so this had in the bodie of S. Hilarie of Poitiers In so much that hauing taken and rased the said Towne destroyed the Temples yea that of S. Hilarie he caused to carry the Coffin with other Relickes to S. Denis in France The cause of this sacking spoile was because the Poitiers had giuen succours of people and siluer to the Gascoignes which rebelled against him Moreouer Dagobert was a man so giuen to women that he Instituted a Colledge whither hee caused to resort the fairest women and apparelled them like Queenes for which thing being reprehended of S. Amand he sent him to exile But Gaguin saith he was after reuoked Seuerin Pope ruled at Rome two yeares His study was to repaire Churches to endowe them with many ornaments and encrease the reuenewes therof Supp Chron. Fasc Temp. His election was ratified by Isacheus exarche For thē the election of Popes was nothing vnlesse it were authorised by the Emperour or his Lieftenant Naucler The treasures of the Church of S. Iohn de Lateran were pilled by Maurice Gouernor of Rome Isacheus exarche of Italie one part of the bootie was sent to Constantinople to Heraclius This was the yeare that the said Heraclius endured that great wound of the Sarrasins Naucler In the time of this Pope dyed Mahumet the yeare 637. and after began to be worshipped of his followers Mahumet signifieth Fury or Indignation Aman Bishop of Traict baptized Sigebert the sonne of Dagobert King of France Chron. Iohn Pope 4. of that name borne in Dalmatia ruled at Rome about two yeares He ordeined that whosoeuer should take away any Church goods should be bound to restore fourfold Naucler The yeare 640. Lent began to be kept in England Chro. Sigeb Rotharis King of Lombards was an Arrian and all his people after his example In so much that there was almost no Citie nor Towne which had not two Bishops the one a Catholicke and the other an Arrian Suppl Chron. Theodorus a Grecian the sonne of Theodorus Bishop of Ierusalem gouerned the Romane Church 6. yeares 5. months and 18. dayes Supp Chron. Dagobert gaue to the Abbey of S. Denis a Faire and Market called Le Lendy betwixt Paris and S. Denis The Emperour Heraclius being aged gaue trust to Diuinations and Enchauntments of diuels This is the first Emperour that ruled in the East since the Empire was transferred thither who hath hadde that infamie to haue lost the Empire of Asia and to haue bene of the heresie of the Monothelites and Eutechians After he had thus polluted himselfe by these arts heresies and incest of his niece he died of a newe and straunge disease namely that the purses of his testicles turned vpside downe with the priuie member alwaies stiffe Insomuch that whensoeuer he vttered his vrine it sprinkled his face if a table had not beene placed about his nauell to driue it backe Egnatius and others recite the same Constantine his sonne of his first wife Eudoxia succeeded in the Empire but his mother in lawe Martine caused him to be poisoned before he had raigned a yeare and so she raigned with her sonne Heracleonas about two yeares Nauclerus rehearseth that the said Martine committed that fact by the Councell of Pirrhus Bishop of Constantinople an heretike who returned from his exile of Affrike after the death of the said Heraclius The Senate of Constantinople made the tongue of the said Empresse to be cut out and the nose of the said Heraclionas and cast them both into exile They also caused Pyrrhus to bee most shamefully put to death whom Paul succeeded as wicked an heretike as his former predecessor The Pope Theodorus in the Church of S. Peter the Cleargie and the Church being present excommunicated and declared the aboue named Paul Patriarke of Constantinople an heretike and his adherents and hauing mingled wine with Inke in a Challice he writ with his owne hand the excommunication to signifie that it was inuiolable as if Iesus Christ had writ it with his owne bloud Consider here how much the Church then although it was wholly giuen to superstitions did abhorre such as confounded the two natures in Christ. This Theodorus instituted the blessing of the Sierge on Easter Saterday Constance Emperour sonne of the said Constantine and of Gregorie his wife called otherwise by some Constantine the 3. raigned 28. yeares He was a tyrant and an heretike and persecuted the Catholiques He fauoured the heresie of Paul
Bishop of Constantinople tirannized ouer the faithful by imprisonment exile and other torments Naucl. Chron. Abb. Vrsp and Fascic temp At this time were Vincent Bishop of Beanuais and Foursy the King of Ireland his sonne who came into France with two of his brethren Aubert Bishop of Cambray Gertrude others all which after their deathes were called Saints Clouis the 12. King of France raigned 17. yeares This King in a time of famine tooke all the gold and siluer wherwith his father Dagobert had adorned the Chappels of Martyrs yea and one of the Armes of S. Denis to giue to the poore to relieue them For that cause the Monkes deuised that he became a foole and out of his wittes in the ende of his dayes Chron. de Regib Fr. Martin Pope first of that name an Italian ruled at Rome sixe yeares and more At the beginning of his Popedome he sent Messengers to Constantinople to Paul the Patriarke to reduce him from his heresie but so much wanted therein his amendment that euen abusing the authority of the Emperor an heretike like himselfe hee caused the saide messengers to bee throwne out whereat the Pope Martin being mooued assembled a Councell at Rome of 150. Bishops and condemned Paul the heretike agreeing with the condemnation of Pyrrhus Cyrus Sergius and others Then the Emperour Constance sent Olimpus Exarke into Italie and commaunded him to make haste either to sley Pope Martin or to take him and bring him Againe Constance sent to Rome Theodorus Calliopa who by subtiltie tooke the Pope and hauing bound him in chaines brought him to Constantinople and from thence was hee banished and sent into a Citie of Pontus where he finished his daies after many and great miseries and the seat was vacant three moneths Supp Chron. In this time were held the Councell of Toledo 8.9 and 10. In the 10. there was an ordinance against Bishops which gaue Monasteries and benefices Ecclesiastical to their parents which was now made of no valewe In the 4. Chap. it was ordained that Nunnes should make a profession and vow of chastitie and that they should be apparelled in an other sort from others to be knowne Ierusalem was taken by the Mahometists Some as Nauclerus say that it was in the time of Agathon Pope and of the Emperour Constantine the sonne of this Constance Rhodes taken by the Sarrasins The Iles Ciclades were wasted by them and Sicile forraged Naucl. At Rome there appeared great signes fire fel from heauen and great thunder lightnings and invndations of waters whereof great pestilence followed Fasci Temp. and Nauclerus Eugenius Pope the first of that name a Romane ruled at Rome about three yeares He ordained that Bishops should haue prisons to punish crimes and faults of Clarkes That Priests houses should be scituate and builded nigh Churches Supp Chron. That none bee kept in Monasteries against their wills One named Peter succeeded Paul the heretike at Constantinople and was of the same heresie His Letters were recited at Rome and the Pope was hindered by the people from celebrating vntil he had cast them away because they denied two natures in Christ Naucler Claudus Arch-bishop of Besancon afterward Abbot of the Abbey of S. Eugenius was renowmed about this time through Burgoine Fasci temp And after his death they made that abhominable Idoll which is at S. Claud. in the Countie of Burgoine The children of Arikert King of the Lombards whilest they stroue one with an other the one was slain and the other a fugitiue first into Bauiere after into France Naucl. At the Councell of Calibone in the Prouince of Narbone held in this time Theodoric Bishop of Arles was accused to haue done somewhat against the Ecclesiasticall statutes and Canons and because he appeared not hee was suspended out of his Bishoppricke vntill the next Councell Vitalian Pope an Italian ruled at Rome 14. yeares and more It was he who first ordained singing in the Romane Church and agreed it with Organes by the consent of Rodoaldus King of the Lombards who beeing taken in adulterie with a wife of Lombardie was slaine by her husband It is not found that hitherto the Romane Church had full domination in the Towne of Rome other goodly things it pretendeth since the death of Constantine the great vnlesse it were vnder certaine too soft Emperours and yet then not much But to this Vitalian the Emperour by singular grace confirmed the priuiledges of the Church which notwithstanding he after brake and made them of no force Fasci temp and Naucler Constant the Emperor caused to be assembled a Sinode and abiured his heresie and after came to Rome with a great company with Cierges in their hands and so entred into the Temple but he shewed well it was not vpon deuotion but to see where the Treasures were to take and carrie them away Hee was there to visit it fiue dayes Afterward hee tooke away all that was delicate in his eyes He tooke away more ornaments and riches he alone in 7. dayes then the Barbarians had done in 258. yeares Naucl. and Supp Chron. He was greatly hated at Constantinople for his cruelties and for causing to die in exile Pope Martin in such miserie and for cutting the tongue and hand from Maximin Wherefore he sought againe to bring the Emperiall seate to Rome and kept his Court sixe yeares in Sicilie Abb. Vrsperg where hee did many great euills as is recited by Paulus Diaconus He was slaine in Sicilie being in the Bathes this yeare 669. and of his Empire 27. Mizizius otherwise called Mitius or Missessius was constituted Emperour and raigned about sixe moneths Constantine the fourth sonne of Constant commonly called Le Barbu the bearded came against him and caused him to die and all such as had bene of the conspiracie against his father After these things were done he raigned from the beginning with his brethren Tiberius and Heraclius Abb. Vrsp. But after according to Naucler alleadging Blundus and Pius his abbreuiator he caused their noses to be cut off least they should after come to the Empire so that his sonne Iustinian might raigne The Councell of Toledo 11. in this time Dado Bishop of Ruoan writ three bookes of the life of S. Eloy Bishop of Noyon Abb. Trit Clotaire the third of that name and the 13 king of France raigned foure yeares Note Reader touching the Kings of France which follow that from this Clotaire vntill Pipin and Charlemaine they did nothing worthy of any great memorie but became vnprofitable and full of cowardise so that they had not like authoritie as either their predecessors or successors They had as it were nothing but the bare names and titles of Kings For the Maiors or Prouostes of the Pallace which then were as it were the Constables or great Maisters had the administration of all matters of the Kingdome as well those of warre as of peace and all was
all madnesse that whilest they of the Cleargie be compelled to relinquish the company of their owne lawfull wiues they become afterward fornicators and adulterers with other women and wicked ministers of other sinfull filthinesse These be they which bring vnto the Church of God this Heresie as blinde guides leading the blinde that it might be fulfilled which the Psalmist speaketh of as foreseeing the errours of such men and accursing them after this manner Let their eyes be blinded that they see not and bowe downe alwaies their back For as much then ô Apostolicall Sir as no man which knoweth you is ignorant that if you through the light of your discretion had vnderstood and seene what poysoned pestilence might haue come vnto the Church through the sentence of your decrees they would neuer haue consented to the suggestions of certaine wicked persons Wherefore we counsell you by the fidelitie of our due subiection that with all diligence you would put away so great slaunder from the Church of God and through your discreet discipline you would remooue the Pharasicall doctrine from the Flocke of God So that this only Sunamite of the Lordes vsing no more adulterous husbands doo not seperate the holie people and the kingly Priesthood from her Spowse Christ Iesus through an irreconciliable diuorcement seeing that no man without chastitie not only in the virgins state but also in the state of Matrimonie shall see our Lorde Iesu who with the Father and the holy Ghost liueth and raigneth for euer Amen This Epistle sheweth vs as it were with a finger that in all times the truth of the Lord hath found a passage through the middest of the Furies of this world raising vp faithfull Ministers to oppose themselues against the horrible discipations of the aduersaries The Sarrasins came from Affricke into Italie vnto the Territorie of Beneuent before whome went the Emperour Lewis the second being ayded by his brother Lotharie who dyed in the way at Plaisans Pal. Floren. The King of Bulgaria receiued the Faith made himselfe a Monke and left the kingdome to his sonne who reiected the Faith In so much as his Father came out of the Monasterie and went against him in battaile and hauing obtained victorie put out his sonnes eyes and held him in prison giuing his kingdome to his younger sonne and after returned to his Monastery Naucler and Sigeb The body of Saint Innocent Pope was transported from Rome into Saxonie by the Duke of Saxe Chron. Sigeb Michael Emperour of Constantinople made a fellowe and companion of his Empire one called Basile a Macedonian a puissant man by whom afterward hee was slaine Nauclerus Lewis sonne of Lewis de Bonaire king of Germanie Vncle of Lewis 2. Emperour obtained a victorie against the Cleuois and caused their Dukes eies called Rastrix to be put out because he had falsified his faith Naucler After the death of Nicholas Pope the seate was emptie eight yeares seuen moneths and nine or ten daies as some say Abb. Vrsp. The Britons were vanquished of the French vnder Charles le Chauue king of France Naucler The Normains being ouercome receiued the faith Naucl. The Countrey of Holland was erected into an Earledome or Countie and Flaunders likewise whereof Baudwin was the first Count. Adrian Pope second of that name the sonne of Talarus Bishop ruled at Rome fiue yeares The Emperour hauing sent his Embassadors for the Popes election the Cleargie and Romane people attended not their comming but vsurping the authoritie of choosing proceeded to the election The Embassadors mal-contented the subtil Romanists laid the fault vpon the common people as hard to represse and appease being stirred They satisfied with this excuse saluted Adrian with the name of Pope Platina R. Barns Soone after came Letters from the Emperour signifying that the election pleased him and because strangers could not know the qualitie of him which should be elected he graunted the election to the Citizens Naucler and Cor. Abb. Adrian then ordained that no Lay-man should thrust himselfe into the election of the Pope Naucler 63. Dict. Cap. Nullus He sent three Legates to the Bulgarians who were newly conuerted namely Siluester Leopard and Dominic to ordaine the affaires of that Church after the Romane fashion but after perswaded of the Grecians they cast off the Latine Priests and receiued the Greekes which afterward engendred great hatred betwixt the Latine and Greeke Church and all the diuision of the aforesaid Churches came onely for the Primacie and for the diuersitie of Ceremonies Robert Barns and Nauclerus Edmond the last King of the East Angles was slaine by the Painims of Denmarke Anno. 871. and was Canonized a Martyr Alfredus or Aluredus the 7. English king was crowned by the Pope Adrian Polydore Lib. 5. The Greciās vsed bels by the benefit of the Venetiās Sabell About this time a Councel was held at Constantinople which was called the eight generall Councell Adrian sent thither his Legates Donatus Bishop of Ostia Stephen Nephesin and Marinus a Deacon of the Romane Church R. Barns Ignatius who vniustly was depriued of his Patriarchall dignitie was restored and Photin some call him Phocas was reiected and excommunicated Sabellicus in his 9. booke 1. cap. It was there ordained that they of Bulgaria should be subiect to the Romane church the Emperour Basilius contradicting it Here it was also ordained that no Lay-man should be admitted to the election of a Pope an Archbishop a Patriarke or Bishop but that the Bishop should be chosen by the Cleargie of the Chapter R. Barns Adrian excommunicated Lotharius King of Lorraine brother vnto the Emperour Lewis for his adulterie but comming to Rome as he returned from the warre against the Sarrasins as some say Nauclerus alleadgeth to excuse himselfe receiued the Communion with his Princes but they all died within the yeare And the King Lotharius himselfe died in the way in the Towne of Plaisance Fascic Temp. Chron. Vrsperg and Sigeb In Lombardie nigh Brize it raigned bloud three dayes and three nights after Nauclerus and the Chron. Sigeb And in Fraunce there was a great multitude of Graffe-hoppers with sixe winges fiue feete and two teeth which destroyed all grasse hearbes and Trees They were driuen into the English Seas by the force of exceeding great windes and againe by an other winde they were returned vpon the Sea sandes vpon the putrifaction wherof came such a pestilence that great multitudes of men dyed saith Sigeb Naucler saith that the third part of men died Iohn Scotus a learned man was called from France into to England by Alfredus King there who founded the Schoole at Oxenford where the said Scotus gouerned but after making himselfe a Monke he was slaine by the Monkes of that couent as he was teaching he was cunning in the Greeke tongue and translated into Latin the Hierarchie of S. Denis Naucler Iohn Pope 9. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome ten yeares Suppl Chron. being a
was inuented by him Hugues raigned in Italie tenne yeares whom Lotharie his sonne succeeded King Charles the Simple was by treason taken of Hubert Earle of Vermandois and poysoned in the Castle of Peronne where he died and was buried in the Church of S. Foursi See the Sea of Histories Rodolphe Bourgongne 31. King of France raigned two yeares Before this time there were not so many degrees amongst Gentlemen and Noblemen nor so great diuersitie as there are at this Dukes Marquesses Counts or Clarkes simple Counts and Knights were rather names of offices then hereditarie Seigniories For Dukes Marquesses Earles or Counts were Gouernours of Countries and Lands wherevpon they were committed by Emperours and Kings Duke was a soueraigne chiefe or head of souldiers as may be seene by auncient Letters Count or Earle was a Iudge and Goueruernour ordained in a certaine Towne or Region and so Germanie was full of Countes amongst which some were called Lantgraues that is to say Countes of Regions or Countries Some Maruegraues or Marquis that is Countes of certaine Marshes or Countries Some Countes de Palatin which were Gouernors of some Kingdome subiugated or conquered This may bee seene in the second booke of the Lawes of the Lombards Some were gouernors of Bourgages and so were named Bourgraues The most auncientest name of dignitie after Kings and Princes is the name of Baron which signifieth Lord whose sonnes were called young Lords And this say some was the estate of the Nobilitie before the Othons raigned After their time all things chaunged For then Counts were made hereditarie and were lifted vp aboue Barons Marquesses Lantgraues and Palatins and that more is Bishops haue bene made Princes yea many Counts Abbots Abbesses haue obtained the title of Prince Lewis 4. of that name surnamed Vltramarin 32. King of France the sonne of Charles le Simple after his fathers imprisonment got with his mother Ogine towards his Vncle King of England but as soone as he retutned he was in strife for the Kingdome with Rodulphe of Burgongne who died about eight yeares after at Auxerre Anno. 937. and so Lewis raigned alone Leo Pope sixt of that name ruled at Rome 7. moneths and 15. dayes The Danes at this time were conuerted to the faith Stephen Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 2. yeares and 12. dayes Supp Chron. The Duke of Bohemia Spireneus receiued the Christian faith at the perswasion of the Emperour Henry Suppl Chron. Iohn Pope 12. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares 10. moneths and 15. dayes Supp Chron. He did nothing worthy of memorie a coward and is not numbred in the Catalogue of Popes after some Historiographers Lotharie the sonne of Hugues raigned in Italie two yeares The Sarrasins in Italie tooke the towne of Geans and spoiled it Naucler Berenger third the Nephewe of Berenger the first raigned in Italie 11. yeares with his sonne Adelbert In this place Histories are very confused The Emperour Henry the first dyed of the Palsey the yeare of his age 60. and of his Empire seuenteene hauing ordained Otho the great his sonne successor of the Empire by the consent of all the great and Noble men who after was consecrated by the Arch-bishop of Magunce Hildebert Hee had three Competitors which would needs hinder him to bee Emperour that is to say Henry his elder brother Giselbert Duke of Lorraine his brother in lawe and Eberhard Earle of Franconia but he droue them all away and reduced all vnder his obedience Wencelaus Prince of Bohemia was slaine by his brother Boislans vppon ambition to raigne But Otho reuenged the death of the said Wencelaus making warre vpon Boislans which endured fourteene yeares and finally hauing vanquished him he brought the Countrey into his obedience Chron. Sigeb and Supp Chron. Leo Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares 6. monethes and 10. dayes Supp Chron. The heresie of Anthropomorphites which say that God hath a corporall forme was at this time renued Rotherius Bishop of Verone writ against them Stephen Pope eight of that name an Almaine or a Romane after some ruled at Rome three yeares foure moneths and 12. dayes R. Barns Some say he was murthered by certaine Romanes in a sedition In so much as he was neuer publikely seene Chron. Abb. France was afflicted by an horrible pestilence and by inward contentions The faction and puissance of Hugues of Paris troubled King Lewis exceedingly Martin Pope 3. of that name a Romane ruled 3. yeares 6. moneths and 14. dayes He was peaceable and gaue himself to repaire Temples and nourish the poore saith Supp Chron. Agapetus Pope second of that name a Romane a magnanimous man ruled at Rome 9. yeares 7. moneths and 10. daies Supp Chron. He called againe the Emperour Otho to Rome against Berenger Berenger 4. the 7. Emperour of the Lombards raigned 13. yeares The Sea of Histories The Hungarians againe in Italie Chron. Abb. Vrsp Iohn Pope 13. of that name a Romane ruled 9. yeares and three monethes His father called Alberic seeing himselfe one of the greatest power at Rome caused all the noblest and principallest rulers of the Citie of Rome to promise and sweare that after the death of Pope Agapetus they should elect his sonne Octauian Which promise was kept and he was called Iohn This Pope was so excessiuely giuen to lecherie that he maintained a publike stewes for the shame wherof some Cardinals writ to the Emperour Otho that he would remedie the publike scandall and infamie which the Church then suffered and that it was needfull he should in haste come to Rome As soone as the Pope heard of this newes he caused the nose of a Cardinall a Deacon called Iohn to be cut off beeing the principall councellor herein hee commaunded also that the hand of an other Cardinall a Subdeacon called also Iohn to be cut off because hee writ the Letters When the Emperour vnderstood that for no admonition the Pope would amend he caused him to be deposed with note of infamie Otho was crowned by him after he hauing sworne that hee would exalt the Romane Church and the Pope and that in nothing hee would hurt him as more at large is contained Dist 63.100 Tibi domino Otho remained a certain time at Rome after his coronation and admonished this Pope to change and amend his wicked life whereof hee was blamed Otho departing came against Berenger his enemie Albert the sonne of Berenger who with his father retired at Otho his comming seeing Otho departed came to Rome and with the Pope complotted against the Emperour Two Cardinalls aduertised Otho of this conspiracie and of the Popes wickednesse Otho then returned to Rome and the Pope fled after he had reuenged himselfe of the two Cardinalls Otho beeing at Rome caused the Pope to be thrice called commanding him to returne and feare
nothing and he should be in suretie but hee would not returne Wherefore he caused a Councell to be held wherein the Pope was condemned and deposed for his euill life And there was substituted in his place Leo a Romane 8 of that name but soone after the Emperours departure the seditious and inconstant Romanes droue away Leo and recalled the aforesaid Iohn receiuing him in great pompe Leo got him to the Emperour who fearing to molest the Church with a greater schisme permitted the said Iohn to hold his seate But finally beeing surprised in adulterie hee was slaine by the womans husband Robert Barns Chron. Sigeb Nauclerus and Iohn Maire Conferre good Reader these Popes with the first and see the difference The yeare of Christ 958. there hapned at Venice a memorable thing The Duke of Venice Peter of Candie was besieged in his Ducall Pallace and the Venetians angrie against him set fire on the Pallace in so much that not onely the Pallace burnt but also the Church of S. Marke nigh vnto it and more then three hundreth houses about it And as the Duke thus pressed retired into a secret place of the Pallace which was not yet touched with fire the people altogether enraged hauing found him holding yet his onely sonne a young Infant betwixt his armes and requiring vpon both his knees and in great pittie the mercie of the people they were not content most cruelly to murther him with his innocent sonne and wife but after their deathes the bodies of the father and sonne were carried vnto the butcherie and hewen in peeces and after cast vnto dogges Iohn le Maire and Sup. Chron. The cause of this massacre was because he had constrained his first wife to make her selfe a Nunne to the ende hee might with colour espouse the sister of Hugo Marquis of Hetruria of whom he had alreadie had one sonne Wherefore hauing married her the Allies and kinsfolkes of his said wife stirred the people vnto sedition and so they perished vnhappily Supp Chron. About this time flourished Windichinne a Monke of Corney in Saxonie Smaragdus Abbot of S. Michael of the order of S. Benet wrote the booke called Diadema monachorum a right Monkish booke Item vpon the rule of S. Benet and vpon the Psalter another two vpon the Euangelists and Epistles Item one of diuers Sermons Trit Abb. Spauher Benet Pope fift of that name a Romane ruled after Nauclerus 6. monethes and 5. dayes or 2. moneths and 5. dayes after Supp Chron. hee was chosen by the Romanes against the Emperours will after Iohn was slaine in adulterie The Emperour vnderstanding these newes returned to Rome besieged the Towne and so afflicted it that they were cōstrained to present Benet vnto him at his pleasure The Emperour restored Leo to the seate and Benet was depriued not onely of the papall dignitie but disgraced also of his Sacerdotall and after banished and sent into Almaine where hee died in the Towne of Mamburge others say he was put in prison and there strangled Leo then eight of that name a Romane was restored into the Popedome and raigned a yeare and foure moneths This Pope minding to shunne the fury of the Romanes which proceeded to the Popes election by corruptions menaces and subtill deuices ordained in a full Sinode that none should be made Pope without the consent of the Emperour vnto whom aboue belonged the right of election from Charlemaine and others Naucler and 63. dist cap. in Sinodo He restored also to Otho all the donations made to the Romane Church And this was it which they say Constantine Iustinian Pippin Charlemaigne Lewis le Debonaire and Arit part had giuen to the Church All this he reuoked and accorded to Otho the first of that name and to his successors to the end to keepe Italie from oppressors R. Barns The Abbey of S. Quintin in Vermandois was in this time founded Chron. Sigeb Richard Duke of Normandie founded and restored many Churches and Abbeys amongst others the Abbey of Fesanan of S. Ouan at Roan and the Abbey of S. Michael nigh the Sea An Aduertisement Note heere Christian by the passed and subsequent Histories how in this time Christian Religion was so annihilated that it was altogether set to gather dead bones to build Churches and Monasteries to reare vp and transport dead bodyes to honour reliques to dreame miracles to make themselues Monkes and Nunnes to dedicate and consecrate Churches to compose Hymnes and praises of Saints to sing and pray for the dead and such like ceremonies About this time also began the fourth pestilence of the Church that is to say the Schoole Diuinitie mingled with Aristotles Philosophie which after engendred Transubstantiation and other new doctrines by the Questionaries as thou shalt vnderstand by this discourse Iohn Pope 14. of that name an Italian a Bishops sonne called Iohn gouerned Rome sixe yeares eleuen monethes and tenne dayes Supp Chron. Hee beeing apprehended by Peter Prouost of Rome was put in prison in the Castle of S. Angelo where he remained a 11. monethes but when they heard say the Emperour Otho came against them with a strong hand they tooke him out and established him Some say he was sent into exile banished into Campania frō whence he came again after 2. monethes For the Emperor tooke vngeance on thē that persecuted him causing many of them to die by diuers kindes of death such as were found culpable of the fact and banished some into Saxe As for Peter Prouost he was deliuered to the Pope to doo with him at his pleasure Who gaue him into the tormenrers hands so hee was vnapparelled and his beard being cut off he was set vpon an Asse his face towards the taile and his hands bound vnder the taile of the said Asse and so was ledde through the Towne and beaten with Roddes After this he was againe brought to prison and finally sent into exile in Almaine Naucler Iohn Pope in recompence of the benefite receiued of Otho called and declared Otho the second sonne of Otho the first Augustus Palin In the time of this Pope Theodorike or Deodorike Bishop of Mets caused infinit holy bodies to be transported from Italy into France with a peece of S. Stephens Chaine and a part of S. Lawrence Grate which the Pope Iohn gaue him Chron. Sigeb These bee the Iewels of this darke time The King of Denmarke and all his Countrey were conuerted to the faith by Popon Clarke Chron. Sigeb Benet Pope sixt of that name a Romane ruled a yeare and sixe moneths He was put in the prison S. Angelo wherein he was strangled by one called Cinthius or Cincius Others say he dyed of hunger for which iniurie he neuer did Iustice nor vengeance Naucler Roger Bishop of Liege founded the Abbey of S. Iohn the Euangelist in the I le of Flaunders Chron. Sigeb The heroicall acts of this Emperour Otho the first do sufficiently shewe him to bee one
France He commanded to assemble an vniuersal Councel of all the church in the Citie of Cleremont in Anuegue and made an Oration of great efficacie For straight there crossed themselues to the combat at least three hundreth thousand men all readie to goe vnto Ierusalem of the number of which there were many valiant Princes who to make mony solde their owne landes and signeories as Hughe the great the King of Fraunce his brother Robert brother of the Duke of Normandie Robert or Rambert Count of Flaunders Raimond Count of S. Giles Stephen Count of Blois Brunamon or Bayamond Prince of Pouille and Godphrey de Bullon who was the chiefe with his two brethren Eustace and Baudwin Also Ansele of Ribemont and many others He excommunicated the King of Galatia because he had put a Bishop in prison and exacted this oath of such as he would promote to orders So God helpe me and these holy Euangelists of God Hee made also certaine their statutes namely Clarkes should euery day say the houres of the Virgine Mary a verie Idolatrous thing and vnto her to dedicate the Saterday with a Masse He ordeined that no person should come into Popish orders vnles he were a virgin that is to say vnmarried whoremonger or buggerer as their acts shewed As for Priests they must needs be without wiues althogh they passed not for whordomes He forbad that Bishops should be ordeined without titles that faith shuld be kept vnto such as Popes had excommunicated He held himselfe close for the space of two yeares in the house of one Peter Leon for the feare he had of one Iohn Paien a Romane Citizen where also he died the yeare of the Lord 1099. and his body was buried secretly beyond Tiber for feare of enemies The same yeare died also Guibert which was called Clement the 3. after he had seene three Popes dead in his time Theodorus Bibliander writeth in this sort of that Hildebrand aforesaid and this Vrbane speaking to the Princes of al estates Hildebrand saith he in inciting the Emperour of Greece against the Turks sowed the seed of the war of Gog and Magog against which crieth the bloud of the Church shead with a miserable ruine and losse by the sword of his tongue O how much blood hath beene shead at the sollicitation of Vrbane the second to the end that vnder the colour of making warre to amplifie the Christian religion and recouer the sepulchre of the Lord he might be put againe in the Romane seate after hauing oppressed such as were of the faction of Guibert Fredericke Barbarossa did so the yeare of the Lord 1188. Frederic 1228. The King of France Lewis 9. who was a Saint after his death did as much the yeare 1288. Sigismond did it twise Anno. 1409. Vladislaus King of Hungarie Anno. 1420. who dyed nigh Varne And at this day what shall we iudge of such as bring the Turke into Christendome to auenge their particular iniuries This Pope Vrbane by excommunications constrained Philip King of France to take againe Berthe his first wife which he caused to be detained prisoner in the Castle of Monstrell vpon the sea and to leaue his second Bertrande who was wife of the Count de Angiou Nice in Bithinie is taken and after the Towne of Ierusalem by the Christians whereof Godfrey of Bulloine was constituted King Naucler Antioche was taken by Boemondus a Norman sonne of Robert Duke of Pouille Supp Chron. The reward that those noble Combatants and fighters for Christendome got was the carrying away of Relickes The Speare which pearced the side of Iesus Christ was found in the said Towne in the Church of Saint Andrewe Supp Chron. Robert Count of Flaunders brought away the Arme of Saint George which he sent into the Abbey of Anchin Sigeb Godfrey was the first King of Ierusalem Baudwin his brother is called the second Naucler Paschall second of that name borne of Italie called before Rainer a Monke and lately created Cardinall of the title of S. Clement by Hildebrand his maister succeeded Vrbane the second in the Papacie When this proud Squire knew hee was chosen he would not mount into the Papall seate vntill first the people had cryed thrice Saint Peter hath chosen Rainer After this beeing apparrelled in a Scarlet Roabe and a Theatre or Crowne vppon his head mounted vpon a white steed hee was ledde to the place of Laterane where the Papall Scepter was giuen him and he was girt with a Baudrier or large Girdle at which hung seuen kayes and as many seales as Ensignes or tokens of the Papall power so much did this great Antichrist and aduersary of God magnifie himselfe by which things signified that according to the graces of the holy Ghost which they distinguished into seuen he had the power to open and shut Churches By this meanes this harlot mounted on horsbacke being come vnto a perfect age in such sort encreased that she got vpō the Beast with ten hornes which she had gouerned vntil our time in great pride arrogancie as had bin foretold Apo. 13.17 This soueraigne Vicar of Sathan on earth imployed all his time in warres and seditions whilest Godfrey de Bulloine and other Christian Princes fought against the Sarrasins in Siria And to the end he might not be esteemed lesse thē Hildebrand he sought all the meanes that might serue to the greatnes of his Romane seate Hee furiously deposed from their dignities all the Bishops and Abbots which had bene ordeined by the Emperour He sent into exile one Albert Theodoricke and Maginulphe who aspired vnto the Papacie He assembled at Rome a Councell of the Bishops of Italie and France Anno. 1101. because of an opinion of a Bishop of Fluence touching Antichrist alreadie borne as Sabellicus rehearseth For seeing so many mischiefes committed in the Church he said Antichrist was alreadie manifested but he was repressed by many iniuries done vnto him He againe prohibited Ministers to marry as all his Prelate predecessors had done and called that marriage the heresie of the Nicholaits He pronounced that they were great heresies to make no account of yeelding obedience to the Roman church and to despise censures and also to receiue Inuesture of Benefices at the hand of a prophane man He renewed the statute of paying tenths to Priests that said Masse and would needes it should be a sinne against the holy Ghost to sell tenths In this Sinode he renewed the excommunication of Gregorie the seuenth and of Vrbane the second against the Emperour Henry the fourth and published it againe And which is more the rage of this cruell tyrant was so inflamed against him that he stirred the sonne of the said Emperour called Henry the fift to take armes against his Father an horrible thing to speak There was neuer inhumanitie nor cruell act if this were not The Sonne yea that onely Sonne not angred or stirred vp by any publike or particular iniurie despised not onely his Parent
neither only abandoned and destituted him of his succours and helpe but vnder colour of the Church and the publike good assaulted him by armes besieged him by circumvention tooke him traiterously despoyled him of his Imperiall dignitie and made him die a poore miserable man in great captiuitie and heauinesse And all this he did saith Rodolphe Galterus not by the commaundement of any barbarous tyrant not at the instigation of some Phalaris but by the Councell of the holy Father of Rome Reioyce saith he you Caligula Nero and you all which haue bene renowned for crueltie for you haue now found one that shall take away the memorie of your name so cruell because he goes much before you that is to say the Pope of Rome who commaunds the sonne to drawe his sword against the Father Henry then the fourth was dispoyled of his Imperiall dignitie and finally his sonne Henry the fift by treason tooke him prisoner the fiftie yeare of his Empire as hee went vnto an assembly held at Magunce he died after he had bene miserably handled in the Citie of Liege Anno. 1108. after the Chron. of Euseb or 1116. after others But the enmitie of this Papall Monster was not yet appeased by this death for in an inraged manner hee did exercise his crueltie against him after his death commaunding by Letters that his body shuld be vnburied cast out of the church and transported from Liege to Spire and to be depriued by the space of fiue yeares of Sepulchre Behold how this proud Antichrist obeyeth Magistrates ordeined of God! But see what God did in the meane time At Spire blood ranne out of Loaues of bread as Vrspergensis faith in his Cronographie The yeare of the Lorde 1106. hee made an assembly of many Princes and Bishops at Guardascall in Lombardie with whom he handled matters appertaining to the Faith that is to say cōcerning the Popes kitchin as of homages of fealties of oaths that Bishops had before made vnto Laie persons He despoiled also the Arch-bishop of Rauenna of his lands applying them vnto his owne profit And this Pope not content with such crueltie caused the body of Guibert Archbishop of the said place of Rauenna to be taken vp who had bin chosen Pope by the Emperour Henry the 4. in the time of Gregore 7. sixe yeares after he was laide in the Sepulchre Now as for Henry the 4. he was an excellent Emperor meete for an Empire of a noble race and an incomparable spirit O that other Princes had possessed such hearts and had not attributed so much vnto that Romane harlot He was affable and benigne towards all liberall to wards the poore It is said that during his life hee fought with Ensigne displaied threescore and two times After many Histories Henry the fift of that name sonne of Henry the fourth and of Berthe Marquesse of Italie was chosen at Magunce by the Gouernours and chiefe of the Empire and raigned twentie yeares Chron. Palm Lewis le Gros otherwise called the good Lewis 39. King of Fraunce raigned 28. yeares and was crowned at Orleance and annointed by the Archbishop of Sens. It is said of him that he often disguised himselfe in the habit of a poore man or of a woman or seruant the better to knowe the truth of some secret matters of his kingdome He was founder of the Abbey of S. Victor in Paris The yeare of Christ one thousand one hundreth and eleuen Henry the fift went to Rome to appease seditions stirred since Gregorie the seuenth and continued in Victor Vrbane and Paschal the second The Emperour and other Princes would vse the authoritie right priuiledges of auncient Emperours For Charlemaigne and others which had obteined the Empire since three hundreth yeares and more vnder threescore and three Popes bestowed Bishopprickes Abbaies and other Benefices Against this authoritie and custome the Pope following by Sinodall decrees mainteined that Ecclesiasticall Benefices ought not to be giuen by Laie-persons and excommunicated as Simoniackes as well such as receiued them as them that gaue them This Emperour then being at Rome after he had kissed the feete of the holy Father prayed him to confirme and to like of such as had ordeined Bishops But as he refused to confirme them he was taken by the Emperour and imprisoned and came not out vntill hee had confirmed them all and yeelded him the right of Inuesture giuen vnto Charlemaigne and therevpon making Letters and Seales and also confirmed the said Emperour Yet after the Pope had said Masse was in his Chaire saith Masseus behold the souldiers came suddenly in crying Yeeld vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and assailed as well him as all the Cleargie carrying them all out from thence and spoyled them without leauing them any thing then put they them in prison in the Mountaine of Soracte Finally after debates and discentions were appeased and the Emperour Henry crowned Paschal renewed the priuiledge of Inuesture of Bishops and pronounced before all the assembly that whosoeuer made of no force the saide priuiledge was excommunicated There was also sung Gloria in exelsis because the peace was made betwixt the Emperour and the Pope But so soone as the Emperour was returned into Almaigne this periured Traitor reuoked all hee had promised with solemne oathes affirming that he accorded with the Emperour not of his good wil but by force and constraint After this hee condemned that priuiledge and excommunicated the Emperour and stirred maruellous Tragedies which incontinently were published throughout all the wide world Hee assembled a Councell at Troyes in Champaigne in Fraunce wherein againe hee forbadde marriage vnto the Priestes of Fraunce as Hildebrand had before forbidden the Priests of Almaigne euen to the chasing of some Prelates out of their Seates because they were marryed Desiring to encrease the Papall authoritie hee renewed the quarrell of giuing Bishopprickes which had caused great calamities throughout the Regions of Europe Ancelme an Arch-bishop of Englande and a Monke augmented the Impudencies of this Pope by such Sophisticke perswasions as he had before done them of Vrbaine For he was their Councellor at Rome and their Vicar in England This Ancelme tirannously depriued Henry the first of that name King of England of the right that Kings haue to prouide officers vsed by the Kings of Israel Dauid Salomon Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias others likewise against the saying of Iesus Christ The Kings of Nations haue rule ouer them c. But so it is not with you He also perpetually condemned the lawfull marriage of Priests in England as hath bene said against the holy lawes as well of the olde as of the new Testament and the manifest examples of the Primitiue Church to the and by the suggestion of Sathan the Cleargie might serue there in all Sodomie to the Dragon called the diuell and to Antichrist his Vicar Bertol Duke of Zeringuen and of Souabe founded the Citie of
had slaine his naturall Lord in battaile And the said Boniface holding a Crowne vpon his head and a Sworde at his side answered I am Caesar The yeare 1298. Boniface published the sixt booke of Decretalls and sent them to the Students of Bolongne and to other Vniuersities commanding them to vse them in all iudgements and schooles This proud and arrogant Pope ordained that all king of the earth which would not hold their Kingdomes of his sanctetie or rather tirannie should bee excommunicated and deposed He excommunicated Phillip king of France because he would not suffer his money to be carried out of his kingdome and cursed both him and all his euen to the fourth generation yea with his reliques and crosses He would not confirme the Emperour Albert whom hee had alreadie reiected twise or thrise but vpon this condition that he would occupie the kingdome of France and depose Phillip He declared Alphonsus king of Arragon absolued and gaue him the kingdome of Sardeigne vnder certaine conditions Iohn Duns surnamed the Scot a Frier called the subtil Doctor was in this time He died of an Apoplexie Some say hee was buried aliue Supp Chron. Dinus the Legist Petrus de bella pertica Iacobus de arena Iohannes de sancto Geminiano Iacobin Ihones Andrea and Dante 's Aliger Florentin were in this time The yeare of Christ 1300. this Pope instituted a Iubile giuing full remission of all sinnes to such as from an hundreth to an hundreth yeares would visit by vow of Pilgrimage the Churches of S. Peter and S. Paul in the Citie of Rome He then celebrated the first Iubile and opened the Faire for indulgences and made them serue euen for such as were in purgatorie Agrip. de vanita scien Such as they called in Italie Fratricelli are condemned and persecuted Historiographers say that they vsed carnall pleasure contrarie to the honestie of marriage and this they did in the night time after they had celebrated their misteries Supp Chron. One called Aerman chiefe amongst them was vnburied 20. yeares after his death at Ferrare although before hee was accounted as a Saint and his bones were burnt A woman called Guillaume which was very renowned and her husband Andre were also vnburied and their bones burnt The Chroniclers rehearse how those of this Sect were disclosed namely by a Marchant of Millain called Conrad whose wife in the night time haunted these assemblies and that the candles being put out they abused one an other brutally and such or like which haue rather an appearance of affable then of a true narration This Pope nourished discords the dissentions which were amongst the factions of Italie and sought alwaies to maintaine them He prohibited that the Cleargie should pay no tribute to Princes without his leaue licence He gloried in his pride to be the key-keeper of heauen and published that hee ought not to be iudged of any person no not though he led an infinit number of soules into hell with him because it is lawfull for him to do all things O Infernall Decree and execrable blasphemie He eleuated his parents into dignities two of his Nephewes very young he made Cardinalls also his Vncle Hee made some Counts or Earles and left them great treasures by meanes of which after they would auenge his death Naucler He depriued two Cardinalls Colonnois Peter and Iames of their Benefices yea and of their fathers goods because that during Celestins life they had written that he was no lawful Pope but that Celestine was he He imputed also vnto them that they had pilled the treasure of the former Popes In a full Councell he excommunicated Sarra the said Cardinalls Vncle and honourable Prince with all the Collonois Supp Chron. He exercised such enmitie against the Gibellins that vnderstanding that some of them were retired to Genes he himself went thither also to the end to ouerthrowe them altogether And as one day vpon an Ashwednesday hee gaue Ashes vnto the people according to the custome Porchat Archbishop of the town presented himselfe before him but he vnderstood of many that he was of the faction of the Gibellins falling on his knees with his head vncouered which when Boniface marked without hauing any regard to the day or to the place or to the people present or to religion became angry against the Archbishop casting a great sort of Ashes in his eies said Remember that thou art a Gibellin and that with the Gibellins thou shalt bee brought to ashes and straight depriued the Archbishop of his dignitie although afterwards he remitted him into his former estate Plat. Cor. Abb. But being ingratefull for the good saith Iohn Marie that his predecessors had receiued of France he rose vp in such pride against the King Phillip that it were an hard thing to beleeue He sent to signifie vnto the king in maner of a commaundement by the Bishop of Appaine his Legate that incontinently and without delay he should prepare himselfe to go beyond the sea Vnto which thing then the King could not well harken for the great warres hee had against the Flemmings The Legate seeing that he could not obtaine an answere according to his appetite he began to vse great menaces saying that if he did not obey the Pope he would depriue him of his kingdome by which two rigorous words the King beeing much grieued caused the said Legate to be detained a prisoner But when these things came to the notice of the proud Pope hee dispatched the Archdeacon of Narbone with Letters of commaund forbidding the King that in no case he should entermeddle to take any subsidie vpon the lands and reuenewes of the Church which thing King Phillip le bel had bene constrained to doo because of great warres that he sustained for the good and defence of the Kingdome and moreouer that for the Kings contumacie and for that he had detained prisoner his Embassador against the common right of all Nations the kingdome of France was deuolued fallen to the Romane church And if he did not obey the commaundements and defences of the Pope he should bee held in the number of heretikes with all his fauourers and adherents This Archdeacon cyted many Bishops Abbots Theologians and Decretists at a certaine day named to be before the Pope at Rome and annihilated all the indulgences and priuiledges giuen to the French men by the Pope of Rome his predecessors This rigour perceiued the king in the presence of his Barons and of all his Councell commaunded vpon good deliberation of the Assembly that the first Legate who had outraged the King should bee deliuered and that they both without delay should voyd his kingdome Soone after he caused to assemble a Councell of all the Prelates and Barrons of France in the Citie of Paris In the saide Councell the King did sit and reciting the outrages and iniuries which he had receiued of the Pope Boniface he vttered how
and that this Tobias did take vp the said childe for that purpose called Simon and hauing offered him in the full assemblie of the Iewes in the house of the saide Samuel they clasped his necke with pinsons to keepe him from crying then stretched his armes on a Crosse cut off his priuities after his right eye-lid then each one pricked him with sharpe Instruments euen to death and lastly cast him into the floud After information made of this execrable murder all they were executed which were attainted about this deed doing in the said Towne of Trent The Common-wealth of Florence Although in the time of the Emperor Henry the seuenth the Florentines receiued Robert King of Naples to bee their Protector to resist the Gibellins or Imperialistes so much hated they the Emperours of Almaine yet about this time Cosme by surname Medices flourished in that Towne in great preheminence prudence and authoritie and was held as a Prince and chiefe of the Towne He led the Senate at his pleasure inriched the poore Citizens builded many places for more and more to maintaine his authoritie But after that Cosme was dead in the yeare 1464. hee left a sonne called Peter who also was mightie in the Towne Vnto whom succeeded in the administration of the Common-wealth Lawrence de Medices his son who with his brother Iulian augmented the Seignorie of Florence And because this greatly displeased certaine Bishops Cardinalls and other Lords they made a conspiracie together and came to Florence the yeare 1478. which with one of the noblest of the Towne called Francisquinus de pactis dissembling their hatred entred into the Tmple and as they lifted vp the Host they slewe Iulian and wounded Lawrence who escaped their hands But the Malefactors thought they had done an act greatly pleasing to the Citizens to recouer libertie but they were deceiued for they were all taken and neither Priest nor Bishop pardoned Frodesque Saluiat Archbishop of Pise who said the Masse was giuen to the slaughter-man and hanged at an high window in his habit for hee had sung Masse in his coate of Male. The Pope being grieued at these dooings excommunicated Lawrence de Medices and stird vp Ferdinand king of Sicilie Alphonsus Duke of Calabria and Frederic Duke of Vrbin against the Florentines to be reuenged of them But Lawrence seeing he was not puissant enough to sustaine such enemies by the consent of the Citizens got him to a shippe and secretly came into Sicilie to the King Ferdinand himselfe and promised him tribute if he and his would leaue that enterprise begunne at the Popes instance Which was done the towne with all the countrie by that meanes was deliuered from the destruction of the enemies The Pope heereat was more inflamed then before but the Venetians gaue aide vnto the Florentines against the Pope after they had made peace with the Turke who during these stirres besieged Rhodes and got it the yeare 5488. In this time began the superstition to toll a Bell at noone as a pardon called the Aue Maria pacis which the King had entreated of the Pope The yeare of Christ 1475. the great Iubile alreadie ordained and commaunded by Paul the second was confirmed by Sixtus and obserued at Rome this yeare Charles the sonne of Phillip Duke of Bourgongne agrreed with King Lewis the 11. Frederic the Emperour refused to erect Bourgongne for a Kingdome whereat Charles was mooued therefore he besieged Nisse which is a Towne placed in the territories of Colongne and held it during a yeare besieged Hee did it to gaine vpon the Empire the Diocesse of Colongne but the Emperour prepared a great power to meete him and to leuie the siege In the ende they accorded so that Maximilian the sonne of Frederic should take in marriage Marie the onely daughter of the saide Duke of Bourgongne After these things the said Charles fought twise against the Swisses vnluckily enough for this cause About the years 1460. Sigismond Duke of Austrich engaged to Charles Duke of Bourgongne his lands which he had as well on this side as beyond Rhene namely Sungaw Brisgaw the blacke Forrest and the Townes scituate vpon Rhene for 7000. Florents Great mischiefes came herevpon For the Duke of Bourgongne appointed ouer those Lands as Gouernor general Peter de Hagenbach who exceedingly tormented them of Mulhuse and Swisses About this time Charles Duke of Lorraine died of the pestilence at Nancy which gaue occasion to Charles Duke of Bourgogne to see if hee could conquer Lorraine by force taking the cause against Rhene the successor of Lorraine that Charles his predecessor was bound vnto him in a certaine sum of money and by the same meanes though also to vsurpe the royall title of Sicilie and Ierusalem Peter de Hagenbach Count of Thiersteine greatly molested the subiects of Sigismond Duke of Austrich who had lately after long warres made peace with the Swisses Wherevnto they of Strasbourge Sicistad Colmar and Basill had sealed And the money due vnto the Duke of Bourgongne was committed into the hands of a Changer or Banquer of Basill and the paiment signified to the Duke of Bourgongne by an Herauld After they proceeded against Peter de Hagembach who being taken prisoner was solemnly disgraded of his order of knighthood and publikely beheaded after he had gouerned the said lands engaged three yeares and an halfe The Duke of Bourgongne hearing hereof determined to reuenge the death of his Gouernour and assembled an Armie being also aided of the Duke of Millaine and the Duchesse of Sauoy and tooke Lansanua a confederate of the Swisses From thence hee besieged the Towne and Castle of Granson solliciting them to yeeld when they had yeelded the Duke caused to hang 80. and to drowne in a lake nigh the Towne 200. Such an act greatly stirred the Swisses and not only them but also whole high Germanie which with the Armie of the Duke of Austrich of which the conducter was Herman d' Extingen chased from Granson the Duke and slew one part of his Armie lost his Artillerie and his furniture for warre which was very magnificall After they tooke downe their companions which the Duke had hung vp and hanged in their places as many Bourguignons Gelatius Maria Duke of Millaine on S. Stephens day in the Church of S. Stephen being at Masse was slaine by a Citizen of Millaine called Andrew de Lupagnano who making a shewe to speake vnto him stabbed him in the stomacke He said the cause was for that the Duke deteined from him vniustly certaine possessions that he kept his wife and further hindred that iustice could not be done him touching an Abbey for which he had paid at Rome during vacation and the Duke would haue had an other to haue had it Sixtus cast the Manfrois Lords of the Towne of Imola namely the father and the sonne out of the Seignorie and gaue it to one of his houshold Likewise he deiected the Gouernours of Forliue and
where he desired he subiugated almost them all by the meanes of his bastard called Valentin which of a Cardinall he made a Duke and surnamed him Besides this hee exterminated all the mightiest houses that were in the Towne so that after he feared them no more In which combat as Valerius reciteth being munited and strengthened with the succours of the French and Swisses he shead much humane bloud The Emperour Frederic the third died at Vienna the 26. of August vpon the eating as is said a great quantitie of Pompions as hee meant to refresh himselfe and was buried in the Church of S. Stephen The malladie of Naples called the French disease or the poxe began about this time Maximilian the Emperour Fredericks sonne third of that name held the Empire alone after his father and was a fautor and louer of learned people The Almaines made a great discomfiture against the French men nigh Salnis in Bourgongne The Religion and Couent of the obseruation of Lyons vpon Rosne was founded in the suburbes of the said Towne in the place of two Louers The founder was king Charles the eight and Anne of Britaine Queene of France and the said Couent was named Nostre dame des Anges That is our Lady of Angells If they had said of Asses they had said better The last day of December the King of France Charles the eight arriued at Rome and made a magnificke entry thereinto The kingdome of Granado was recouered by Ferdinand King of Spaine which had about 80. yeares before beene taken from the Christians Batazetes came into Hungarie where were slaine 7000. of them that met him Alphonsus King of Portugall fell from his horse and died and in his place succeeded Emanuel his brother The order and Religion des filles Repenties began at Paris by Friar Iohn Trisseran Religions of the obseruation of Lyons borne at Bourge in Bresse Maximilian by an Embassage affianced the Duchesse of Britaine which thing greatly displeased Charles the 8. king of France Wherefore he made warre against the Britaines and had a great victorie vpon them and incontinently after hauing repudiated Margarite of Flanders whom he had affianced as is said during his fathers life tooke Anne the eldest daughter of Francis Duke of Britaine so was the peace made with the Britaines She had by him many children all which died before their father Maximilian afterward that is the 16. of March espowsed in the Towne of Insprulz Blache Marie an honourable virgin daughter of Galeatius Duke of Millaine Alexander celebrated a Iubile Anno 1500. whereat he deliuered this grace and fauour by his Bulles to such as had made no account to come thither or such as could not come that they might gaine and obtaine the Iubile by sending thither He sought by all meanes to heape vp siluer as much as he could to satisfie his lusts Wherefore hee set vs a new Colledge of Abbreuiators to the number of 80. of which each place was folde at 750. Ducates He inuited all Princes vnto his Iubile by his Bulls and ordained that in euery Towne men might haue Stations He created in his time 36. Cardinalls amongst which were 18. Spaniards and of his kinsmen three that is to say Iohn Borgia Valentin Borgia and Francis Borgia Hee receiued the oath of fidelitie of Alphonsus king of Naples which he tooke betwixt the hands of the said Iohn Borgia touching the keeping of loyaltie to the seate of Rome and to pay him his annuall tribute He fortified at his great charge the Castle S. Angels repaired and beautified the Temple of S. Mary Maior That which followeth is extracted by Iohn Functius out of the workes of Volateranus The Cardinalls which elected him he speaketh of Pope Alexander were the first that felt his ingratitude For he oppressed them all by diuers calamities banishing some and imprisoning others He made warre vpon the Vrsins which he vanquished and tooke prisoners by the meanes of his sonnes After this hee desired nothing so much as to life vp vnto honours his bastards as Innocent had done yea this farre more For now this began to be held a thing much honourable and worthy of great praise amongst the venerable Fathers He made the youngest of his sonnes a Prince in Sicilie The second called Caesar Valentin he made Cardinall And the eldest he made a Duke in Spaine who not long after was slaine at Rome cast into Tiber. As for the Cardinall Caesar reiecting the order of Priesthood after his brothers death came into the kingdome of France with a great summe of siluer where he espowsed one of king Lewis his kinswomen of the house of Albert and there was giuen him the Duchie of Valentinois in Daulphine After this by the kings helpe and the alliance which was made with him he acquired many Seignories in Italie vnto whom also his father gaue the hand who desired nothing so much in the world as to see his sonne so great a Lord. His daughter Lucrece whose carnall company himselfe had which was an horrible and detestable thing was married vnto three Princes successiuely First vnto Iohn Sforza Duke of Pisance After being repudiated by him to Lewis the bastard sonne of Alphonsus king of Arragon Finally after hee was slaine shee espowsed Alphonsus d'Est Duke of Ferrara Men may easily knowe by her Epitaphe made by Iohn Iouian Poutanus in very elegant Latin Verses what was the chastitie sanctitie and religion as well of the father as of the daughter and sonne For shee was renowmed to haue companie of them both This also which followeth is drawne out of the booke of Hierome Marius in his booke called Eusebius Captiue What need we to recite the infamous and dishonest deeds of Alexander the sixt seeing hee made alliance with diuells gaue himselfe altogether vnto them and subiected himselfe vnto them Hermolaus Barbarus a very learned man died of griefe in exile at Rome depriued of his Church and Patriarkship of Aquilea by the ingratitude of the Venetians whom he had serued as an Orator and Embassador vnto diuers Princes of Christendome The cause wherefore he was thus handled of the Venetians was because hee had receiued the Patriarkship of the Pope without theyr priuitie Therefore not content they banished also his parents and confiscated their goods See Iohn le Maire Iohn Picus Prince de Randole a mirrour of true Nobilitie in the flower of his youth died at Florence Wee finde many things written of this Pope by notable Authors of his time as certaine excellent Latin Verses well worthy to be noted which recite the praises of this holy Father Whereof this is the sence following Alexander sells Crosses and Aultars yea Iesus Christ himself He first bought them and may well sell them Rome passeth from vice to vice and from flame to fire vnder the gouernment of this Spaniard Tarquinus was the sixt king of Rome Nero the sixt Emperour and this Pope
that the Princes marched right to the Alpes to gaine the straights incontinently left all and tooke them to their feete Take counsell and it shall be dissipated speake the word and it shall not be established saith the Lord. Esay 8. Martin de Rossem conductor of the Emperours Armie in the lowe Countries pilleth and burneth Picardie Campagne and tooke Astenay The King Henry of France published in writing the causes of the said voyage and of the warre that he enterprised in Almaine namely to withdraw the Princes out of prison to bridle the Emperours ambition and to remit that Countrey into his first libertie He sendeth to them of Mets in Lorraine to prouide victualls for his armie which if they did he promised them fauour amitie but after he had takē Toul Verdun Townes of the Empire hee drew right into Lorraine and the third of May came to Sauernes Strasbourge sent him victualls The Prince of Salerne about some dissention betweene him and the Viceroy of Naples withdrewe himselfe from the Emperours seruice and turned directly vnto the King of France King Henry his Armie entred Lorraine they conducted into France the Prince of the Country The 10 of Aprill the Constable entred Metz vnder the colour of amitie and so laid hold of the Towne The King arriued there certaine time after and constrained that people to take of him an oath The King comming againe into France in May burnt the Country of Luxembourge tooke againe Astenay got also Iouy and Danuil●iers The Sennois chased away the Garrison of the Spaniards and by the helpe of the King of France destroyed the Castle which the Emperour built there and set themselues at libertie Metz besieged by the Emperour the 2. of October Albert not agreeing with the king of France for his estate nor for his companies pay turned on the Emperours side The Duke d' Aumaile beeing come into Lorraine with a great company of people assayling the Marquesse Albert was vanquished wounded and taken prisoner by the said Marquesse In December the Emperor was constrained by euill weather to remoue his Campe from Metz and to withdraw himselfe into the lowe Country where the third part of his Armie dyed In this time the great Turke Sultan Solyman committed a cruell act on the person of Soltan Mustapha his eldest sonne which he had of a Slaue This man hauing bene sent with his mother from his first youth into the Prouince of Amasia which had bene giuen him was so well and carefully nourished that he acquired and got with his yeares great estimation not only in the said Countrey but through all other his Fathers Regions This his mother beeing absent Solyman called to him an other Slaue named Roze which was endowed with admirable beautie accompanied with all delicacies and entisements possibly to be in a woman He had of her foure other sonnes Mahomet Baiazeth Solim Grangier with the Wenne and one daughter which was married vnto Bassa Rostan The said Roze could so well play her part with Soliman that hee was exceedingly rauished with her that with helpe of Muchly that is the high Priest of Mahomets lawe and vnder shadowe of Religion shee was not onely made of free condition but the legitimate and espowsed wife of Soliman vnto which no other euer came Beeing lifted vp into such honour and seeing herselfe entierly beloued and fauoured shee had no greater care then to drawe the Empire vnto one of her children after their Fathers decease For shee knowing that the singular vertues of Mustapha were so contrary vnto her and that as long as hee liued shee should neuer haue rest for that hee had obtained the loue of the people of warre and that all mens eyes were vppon him for the great hope they had of his excellent courage and singular dexteritie therefore sought shee to make him odious vnto Soliman Wherevnto her sonne in lawe greatly aided her because he gouerned all affaires Her reason was that Mustapha trusted so much in the loue and fauour which he had obtained of all men by a great liberalitie hardinesse and valiancie that he burnt with such lust and desire to raigne that euery one feared that in affecting the Empire hee would aduance the dayes of Soliman as Selim had before done to his Father Therefore shee incited Soliman and besought him with teares and lamentations to take order and prouide for his safetie And although that from the beginning she had profited little and that Mustapha had discouered her impoisonments and ambushes which she laid for him ordinarily yet left she not to continue it with the helpe of a Iew a renowmed Enchantresse who hauing giuen her certaine drugges shee caused the loue of Soliman towards Roze to redouble Insomuch that she assured her selfe to end her purposes though it were long first Finally after many practises she found meanes to suborne Mustapha his gouernor and caused him to write though falsly vnto Soliman that his said sonne would marry the daughter of the King of Persia This old man stirred yea tyred with the continuall complaints of Roze and Rostan easily beleeued these newes and aduertisements Wherfore in the yeare 1552. after hee had spred a brute fame of the dissent and comming downe of the Persians into Siria he sent thither Rostan with a puissant Armie for vnder the shadow to goe meet his enemies to seaze vpon Mustapha and to bring him prisoner to Constantinople with expresse commaundement to sley him if hee could not take him otherwise But Mustapha who was aduertised of all and knewe also that the Persians were not at all in the fielde met him with seuen thousand of his most experienced Souldiers which made Rostan returne without dooing any thing Soliman being more angred the yeare following made such an other brute of the Persians and hauing leuied a great Army as if he would haue gone against thē beeing arriued in Siria he sent to his son to will him come to his Camp Mustapha knowing certainly that it was he alone they would haue although he was praied and sollicited to withdrawe some other where and to shunne the furie of his Father yet hee trusting in his innocencie and thinking it a thing more commendable and worthie of his greatnesse to dye in obeying his Father then liuing to incurre the note of infamie and Treason yea though hee might haue had the Empire of the whole worlde thinking also that without hauing made any refusall by his presence hee might haue appeased his Fathers wrath he aduentured to goe thither to him and beeing arriued in Solimans Campe hee was suddenly taken and strangled in his presence And at the same instant the head of Bassa of the Prouince of Amasia was taken from his bodie This crueltie assoone as it came to the eares of Grangier one of the foure brethren hee manfully reiected the gift and spoyle that his Father gaue him and greatly lamented the death of his brother saying A cruell Traytor
be a body wounded to death sent their Embassadors to the K. desiring him to open his eyes to the teares his eares to the complaints of his poore subiects to heare the requests of his neighbours for his owne good the quietnes and honor of his faith his name and reputation The K. answered that he knew what was necessary for himselfe and his subiects that according to the cause and for their good and tranquillitie he had made and changed his ordinances as all Princes in Christendome vse to do and that for his part hauing the feare of God the loue of his subiects liuely ingrauen in his heart hee would do nothing against the honour of his conscience nor the fatherly care he had of his people With which answere they returned not well pleased This yeare Augustus Duke of Saxonie one of the Princes Electors new come from hunting suddenly died being of the age of 60. yeares and was buried at Friberge Genebrardus There died likewise at the same time Margarite of Austria the base daughter of Charles the fift and mother of Alexander Duke of Parma and Gouernour of Belgia Charles Count Palatine married Dorithie the daughter of William Duke of Brunswick at Cella D. Chytraeus On the fourth day of Iune L. Edward Earle of Rutland went Embassador into Scotland for a ratificatiō of a firme bond of peace betweene Elizabeth Queene of England Iames the sixt K. of Scots vpon certain causes necessary and important which was confirmed at Barwicke the 19. of Iune where the Embassadors of Scotland were likewise present I. Vowell The 16. of Iuly not farre from Barwick the borderers of both the Nations of England and Scotland assembled to determine for recompence of all such iniuries as each people offered to other at what time the Lord of Fernhurst Warden of the Scottish borders Iames Steward Earle of Arrane then Chauncelor and Syr 〈◊〉 Russell Knight Lord Russell and Syr I. Forster Knight Warden of their middle Marshes came with their company When the Wardens were set vpon the bench there did suddenly arise amongst the people a contention whereby followed at the first some small fray which beeing perceiued by the Lord Russell hee arose from the bench and called for his horse who meaning to appease the matter went amongst the prease at what time a certaine number of shot comming on him he was suddenly but most vniustly slaine with a peece amongst the rest discharged against him by a Scot borne about that place suspected by the most to be the Lord of Fernhursts brother The losse of which noble Gentleman being of so great a hope was much lamented and that especially for his vntimely death so iniuriously by the Earle of Arrane as the common report went procured and so suddenly performed hee in the 35. yeare of his age did bereaue the Realme of England of a goodly young person well stayed in gouernment bountiful wise and vertuous whose death happened the day before that his honourable father the Earle of Bedford departed this world I. Hooker Fourteene thousand Heluetians who were Catholickes and commaunded to appeare by the King of Nauarre went to the aide of the holy League but before they tooke their iourney they all receiued the Sacrament and swore that they did beare Armes onely for the defence of the Catholicke faith but if the king shuld be found to do any fauour to the Heluetians they promised to lay downe their weapons and returne Anth. Cicarella A Parliament was held in Nouember both for the continuing of the defence of the lowe Countries against the King of Spaine and as for the determining of the treacherous practises of the Queene of Scot shee was forthwith conueyed to Foderinghay Castle in Northampton Shire which sometimes belonged to the Dukes of Lancaster where being tried by the Nobles of the Realme shee was found guiltie and afterward beheaded She was crowned Queene of Scots when she was but 18. moneths old and after in the sixt yeare of her raigne called into France where at 15. yeares she was married to Frances the second then the Dolphin of France being 14. yeares of age with whom she liued three yeares After whose decease she returned into Scotland and was married to Henry Arlye at the age of 22. by whom she had one onely sonne Ieames the sixt now king This husband dead she was married the third time to the Earle of Bothuell who died in prison after this she liued 18. yeares in England Genebrardus Gulielmus Gonzaga Duke of Mantua departed this life whom his onely sonne Vincentius succeeded being of the age of 25. yeares Idem Syr F. Drake returned out of America came into Zeland the other fleete went towards India who tooke two ships out of S. Thomas I le and the Gouernour thereof The one of them perished the other was brought home a rich prize This yeare at Zutphen in Gilderland S. Phillip Sidney Englands Mars and Muse was shot in the thigh with a Musket whereof he died His body was conueyed into England and honourably buried in Powles I. Vowell Frederick king of Denmarke sollicited by the king of Nauarre for aide against Guise sent his Embassadors to Henry king of France who should entreate that the peace of the reformed Religion graunted before by the king and confirmed by oath might bee kept with the king of Nauarre and his followers D. Chytraeus At Augusta after the superintendent was cast out the estate of the Ministers of the Church waxed euery day worse For after that the Gregorian Calendar was receiued of them the pontificall Magistrate assured to himselfe authoritie and right of choosing and calling the Ministers of the Church which priuiledge the Elders and Gouernours of the Church had before with the Ministery held it by the authority of the Emperor who sent Commissioners to that end into the Citie But when the Ministers of the Church would not agree to them they were all commanded to depart the Citie before Sunne set and others of the same confession were called from Noriberga and other places and substituted in their places Whom when the people could not heare nor vse their seruice the pontificall Magistrate besides the garrison that was alreadie in the towne brought more souldiers thereby to terrifie them and bring them to obedience D. Chytraeus Iulius Bishop of Wurtzeburg began to vse great crueltie towards them of the confession of Augusta in his Diocesses banishing many of them and constraining them to sell their goods in so short a space that they left the third part to him William Lantsgraue of Hesse his neighbour disswaded him from this crueltie but following the example of Balthasar Abbot of Fulden who greatly persecuted his subiects vnder the praetext of Religion hee not only incurred the hatred of all men but was depriued of all titles and dignities Idem This yeare vpon the 27. of September Stephen Bathorus King of Poland Prince of Transiluania
maiestie And euen as he was receiuing them for his farwell a yong stripling named Iohn Castil of 18. yeares of age a Drapers sonne of Paris who was got into the Chamber amongst the preace drew neare vnto the King before he was almost perceiued of any bodie and suddenly would haue stabd him into the bodie with a knife but by reason that his maiestie was very readie to take vp the Lordes which were on theyr knees before him in his stooping hee strooke him on the face on the vpper iaw on the right side therewithall cutting out one of his teeth Wherevpon hee was apprehended by the Captaine of the Garde to whom the King commanded after hee had throwne his knife to the ground to let him goe saying that he freely forgaue him But afterwards vnderstanding that he was a Scholler to the Iesuites hee sayd and must it needs be that the Iesuites should be confounded by my mouth This villaine being brought vnto the Bishops prison freely declared the circumstance of his trayterous intent and that he was perswaded thereto by his maister a Iesuite who said that it was lawfull to kill him that hee was excommunicate of the Church that hee was not to be obeyed nor to be taken for the King vntill such time as he was allowed by the Pope For this he was executed and the Iesuites of Claremount with whom this fellow was brought vp and all other throughout the whole Realme of France were commaunded within three dayes to depart their Colledges and after 15. dayes to leaue the realme D. Chytraeus In the beginning of this yeare Amurathes the third Emperour of the Turkes the sonne of Selim in the 48. yeare of his age ended his life and Empire with much blasphemie and impatience Whom Mahomet the third beeing thirtie yeares of age succeeded who before hee performed his Father Funeralls hee caused eighteene of his brethren borne of diuers Concubines to bee strangeled and most honourably to be buried with his father in the same monument He suffered his 27. sisters to liue in Teragliuun And that no more might bee borne hee comaunded tenne of his fathers wiues to be throwne into the Sea and hauing richly furnished his owne mother he sent her to dwell in a farre Countrie Genebrardus This Mahomet is the thirteenth Emperour from Othoman Ferdinand Arch-duke of Austria the sonne of Ferdinand the Emperor and brother of Maximilian the second departed this life The one and twentieth of February likewise dyed Ernestus his brothers sonne Archduke of Austria Gouernor of the Prouinces in the lowe Countries being 42. yeares of age Idem Some of the Deputies of the Court which were sent to search Cleremount Colledge which belonged to the Iesuites hauing seized vpon many papers found among them certain written bookes made by a Iesuite Priest named Iohn Guiguard since the generall pardon giuen by the king at Paris there was written in these bookes many vile matters as well against H. the 3. as against H. the 4. now liuing containing nothing but traitorous practises for the which the Iesuite being sent for auouched by meanes whereof he was found guiltie and therefore executed The K. of France proclaimed open warres against Spaine and the Spanish Army is ouerthrowne by the Marshall of Bouillon in the Duchie of Luxembourge The King after two yeares suppliant intreaties to the Pope at the length was absolued by the Pope at Rome and receiued into the lappe of the mother Church and declared the most Christian king of France The conditions propounded were these That the king should receiue the Councell of Trent and giue commaundement that it should be kept throughout all his Realme but and if in some of his Prouinces he could not do it without danger of new seditions he should aske leaue of the Pope That hee should within the compasse of one yeare remooue the young Prince of Conde being 9. yeares of age from the company of heretikes and to bring him vp in the Catholicke Apostolicke Romane religion That he should restore all the reuenewes and goods which he had taken from his Bishops and Abbies Lastly that he should by his Letters certifie all Catholicke Princes of his conuersion and detestation of all heresies After this the Church of S. Peter which before was shut was now opened Then the Pope said to the Orators of France that as hee now opened againe to their King the doore of the Church Militant vppon earth so should his Maiestie endeuour likewise by a liuely faith and good workes to make his way into the triumphant Church of heauen D. Chytraeus Vpon the Church doore were placed the armes of the K. of France with this inscription Henricus 4. Galliae Nauarrae Rex Christianissimus Whilst Camerac is besieged by the Spaniards Phillip king of Spaine created Albertus Arch-duke of Austria and Cardinall of Toledo Generall of all his Forces in Belgia Hee was the sonne of Max. 2. Emperour and Mary the sister of Phillip King of Spaine the fift in order after Rodolphus the Emperour that now is borne in Nouember the yeare 1559. Genebrardus The D. de Maine seeing the Spaniards take other course then was accustomed his Forces slaine his credit crackt his destruction at the doore though late yet at last he sought by mediators the kings fauour which he obtained vpon this receiued grace the D. wrought the yeelding vp of Soisson Pierfont and other places to the King The Duke of Aumale who onely remained among all the chiefe Leaguers lawe being prosecuted against him in the Parliament of Paris he was found guiltie of treason in the highest degree so that his Image of likenes being made it was drawne in peeces with foure horses and his goods and lands confiscate to the King The most famous Poet and Orator of all Italy Torguatus Tassus died this yeare at Rome The Garrisons of Peronne Amiens and other places that he held for the king began againe in Ianuary their former courses against the enemies Countrie still killing and sleying certaine Spaniards and Wallons Marseill is brought to the kings subiection George Lantgraue of Hesse the sonne of Phillip a vertuous wise and religious Prince departed out of this world leauing his sonne Lodowicke to succeed him Albert Arch-duke of Austria and Gouernour of the lowe Countries entered Bruxelles with great pompe accompanied with the Dukes of Fere and Aumale and Philippus Wilihelmus the Prince of Orange his sonne Before his comming there was great hope of peace but after his arriuall he made no mention of peace for that he foresawe there would be none graunted D. Chytreus In the beginning of March the Cardinal gaue such order that the besieged within the Towne of Fere were succoured with some munition and for his first exployt against France in the beginning of Aprill did so dispose of his Armie at that time most mightie so pollitikely and secretly that in fewe dayes hee besieged assailed and
Bosua who had forraged diuers of their frontiers and had spoiled and wasted Crotia and the fertile Region Tyropolia leading away many Christians captiues and that this Bassa beeing thereof explained to the Turke he was therefore bountifully rewarded and set in greater place and authoritie then he had before but at the siege of the Castle Zisekna he was driuen to flie and there receiued by death a iust reward for his trecherie This making the Turke more incensed hee made warre vpon the Christians and sent Beglerbegus of Creece who besieged the aforesaid Castle Ziseckna and forced them to yeeld it At this time also he sent diuers of his choisest Bassaes to inuade Hungarie and tooke there two Cities Vesprian and Palotta Besides hee imprisoned the Emperours Embassadour and Orator at Constantinople Caesars request therefore was that greater defence might be made against the Turkish powers and that all the Christian Princes of his Empire would conioyne to the resisting of this great enemie of Christ and Christendome Which forthwith was agreed vnto But in this Session a great dissention arose amongst the Protestant Princes the reason was for that the Elector Palatine did not so strictly and precisely keepe the confession of Augusta as the rest of them did that is to say Duke William Fredericke Administrator of the Electorship of Saxonie who in the administration of the charge of the Electors in their minoritie recalled and brought in the opinions of Flaccus Illiricus and Iacobus Andreas approoued of the aforesaid Electors and all those that withstood them or opposed themselues against either in Vniuersities Schooles or any place whatsoeuer hee cruelly persecuted and banished them as Caluinists and Zuinglians so that at Lipsia and other places vnder the pretext and colour of his execution against the Caluinists much spoile and hurt was done Many of these beeing let out of prison were receiued by the Elector Palatine and for this cause the Protestants of Saxonie would seperate themselues in this Session in the common petitions and propositions from them that held of the Count Palatine but the greater part of them desirous of peace did not consent thereto But when it was obiected to the Prince Palatine that hee was of a contrary religion to his father hee before them all made an orderly and modest confession of his faith and religion in this maner I haue not anyway digressed from the religion which my worthy father professed He whilest he liued beleeued not in S. Martin or S. Iames but in Christ The same beliefe the same grounds and principles of faith I do constantly hold and euer intend to do My father condemned the errours of Arrius Nestorius Eutychius and the Anabaptists and so do I his sonne not onely condemne them but with my soule detest and abhorre them The errours in the Sacraments which are two fold some of them who make Idolls of Sacraments and worship and reuerence the signes for the thing signed not obseruing nor considering the signification of the Sacraments other some that vnderstand them for naked and simple signes my father detested and so do I his sonne I come nearer My father reiected Caluanisme and Zuinglanisme and so do I his sonne If so be it be true that the Vbiquitaries and Flactians do faine that is to say if truth or omnipotencie or the whole presence of Christ should bee denied vpon the earth But in this errour I am happier then my father in that I know the true and right religion vnder the name of Caluine to bee defiled and scandalled by certaine seditious and ambitious persons in Germanie which my father had knowne if he had liued longer as now the two mightie Electors of Saxonie Augustus his sonne and Christian do vnderstand In this Session great consultation was had for composition for peace in the lowe Countries This yeare the Italians made great tumults in Brabant the reason was for that they were not so much esteemed of since the Duke of Parmaes death and that the Spaniards were preferred before them that they had pay daily and the Italians not regarded For this cause they left the Kings Campe and tooke the Towne of Sidien in Brabant and fortified it In this space no pay was sent wherfore they made great hauocke throughout all Brabant euen to the gates of Bruxelles Complaints were made hereof to the Gouernour the Arch-duke of Ernestus that hee was faine to send certaine companies of the Spaniards who had authoritie to bring them into order and make them obedient or driue them out of the Countrey This more incensed the Italians but the Spaniards draue them out of certaine of their holds And Graue Maurice fearing least they of enemies should become friends went to the Italians and politikely praised them and their dauntlesse spirits extolled their worthy acts and great victories that they got vnder their famous leader the Duke of Parma that the Spaniard had offered them such an iniurie and disgrace as the like was not to bee borne and therefore it behoued them to looke to their safetie and that there was no better way but to serue vnder the King of Fraunce as long as they might bee well payed The Italians mooued by his perswasion the last of Nouember wrote to the King of Fraunce humbly desiring him that he would receiue them into his charge and defence beeing in number 1023. footemen and 200. hosemen But the King commended the determining of these businesse to the States of Holland The Arch-duke Ernestus died at Bruxells as some say of a melancholy for that hee might not marrie the Infant of Spaine and that the names of his house of Austriche against the Turkes and his owne against the confederates had no better successe that he was not onely despised of the enemie but of the Spaniards and that hee had receiued no Letters a long time from the king amongst whose Councell hee had many enemies hee died of the age of 42. a very modest and sober Prince who was seldome seene to laugh This winter dyed Amurathe the 3. the 14. Emperour of the house of Othoman and the very best thereof beeing not so cruell as the other hee was much giuen to pleasure His eldest sonne succeeded him in the Empire beeing of the age of 29. yeares The Castle and Citie of Strigon by Ister after it had bene three and fiftie yeares vnder the tyrannie of the Turkish Emperour by the valour and industrie of Count Charles Mansfield was deliuered to the Christians which victorie hee sawe not for he died at the siege thereof of a lingring disease This Prince was from his childhood brought vp in martiall affaires and shewed himselfe a good subiect to the King of Spaine his maister The King of Fraunce hauing got absolution from the Pope sent by his Embassadors Letters and thankes to him and in them promised all obedience to the Apostolicke Sea of Rome Christopher Mountdragon a Spaniard Gouernour of the Castle of Antwerpe and Captaine of the
haue bin to conserue and keepe the puritie of the Euangelicall doctrine but suffering to take roote I know not how that which tasted of carnall wisedome in so much that in the place of the true end marke which the Gospell proposeth vnto vs men began to establish vnto vs all the perfection of Christianitie in sufferings and afflictions for the Gospell and in arresting abiding a litle too subtilly vpon the stay of certaine fantastike persons springing from the schoole of Philosophers so fell by litle and litle to that vnhappinesse as to transforme the holy scripture into allegorike interpretations a maruellous baite for the curiositie of humane vnderstanding and a fountaine of infinite mischiefes in the Church True it is that the first inuentors of such things thought nothing lesse then that which came after So much then did the Lord humble his people But about the end of this periode euil was seene to aduance and ceremonies encrease in such sort that men enclined vnto Indaisme and Paganisme the loue of solitude and Munkery the abstinence from marriage and from certaine viands and meates on particular dayes many Feasts and other seeds of superstition after succeeding tooke a maruellous roote So the commencement of praiers for the dead and of the sacrifice of the Masse did then discouer themselues not that the intent of such as made mention of the dead to encourage the liuing constantly to serue God and which brought of their goods into the company of the faithfull for the comfort of the poore after the celebration of the Supper was to bring in the execrable Idolatrie which long time after sprung vp There were also introducted and brought into Baptisme certaine ceremonies yet not such as the ridiculous superstitions which since haue bin forged Finally the good intent began to shewe it selfe and from thenceforth to lift vp the head vntill at the last vpon the ende of the second time of the Church it rose vp aboue the word of God As for the third periode of the first time heerein it was happie in that God during that time raised vp diuers learned persons Greekes and Latines to oppose themselues with liuely voyce at Sinodes as also by their bookes whereof wee haue some number at this day against the impietie of infinite heretikes Amongst other S. Augustine was an excellent Doctor of the Church who notwithstanding is not alwaies so cleare as is to be desired Amongst the Latines this time also brought forth other great persons yet men also which yet is more seene in the Greeke Doctors lesse pure then the Latines especially in the right knowledge of the merite of Iesus Christ and all was the want of a pure and natiue intelligence of the Lords language in the Prophetike and Apostolike bookes Their allegorike interpretations had as it were gotten the vpper hand ceremonies maruellously encreased Monkeries began to take footing the true meanes to diuide the Church and to forge a new seruice of God afterward the veneration of the Martyrs Sepulchres paintings and after Images glistered in Churches The pure doctrine of the Lords Supper began to bee falsified for want of right vnderstanding the manner of Sacramentall speeches and the vertue of the alone sacrifice of Iesus Christ Bishops especially that of Rome thrust into the world and the misterie of iniquitie formed it selfe as it afterward should come into the light For Arrianisme hauing serued for a seed to Mahumatisme and the dispising of the celestall veritie with corruption of manners maintaining the audacitie and boldnesse of the Bishops of Rome this periode finishing gaue entry vnto straunge euils wherewith the Church was ouerthrowne a litle space after Let vs now say something of the second time of the Church which we diuide into two periodes The first from Phocas about the yeare 600. vntill Charlamaine by the space of 300. yeares The second from Charlamaine vnto Charles the fift of that name Emperour about 700. yeares In the first periode of this second time of the Church as the Antichrist of the East thrust himselfe well forward that of the West established his Throne and then was the doore open to all errours which notwithstanding entred not at once but came by litle and litle into the Church Aboue all the opinion of purgatorie fire and of the sacrifice for the dead were the foundation of the Papaltie and of all that vermine of their Cleargie and infinite Sects of Monkes which like Grashoppers from the deepe pit came to spread themselues through Europe But it was in the second periode of the second time that Idolatrie and superstitions obtained the vpper hand Insomuch that the poore Church as it were buried had no more any spring neither appeared there any token wherevpon to cast her eye but onely the inuocation of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost in Baptisme And although from time to time the Lord made shine some flames and torches in the bowells of that darkenesse to redargue and weaken such as rotted in so heauie and palpable ignorance yet was their blindness so lamentable and their sleepe so deepe that for one which lifted vp the head and to whom Antichrist gaue no release nor leaue to approach witnesse all such as during this periode opposed themselues neuer so litle against his tyrannie an infinite remained liuelesse and altogether dead The Lord making himselfe admirable in the mercie which he shewed vpon some and renowned in horrible and iust punishment of their ingratitude which loued better lyes then truth Who can heere recyte the superstitions Idolatries of Antichrist his crafts and subtilties to establish his kingdome and tirannie vpon bodies and soule He had his seruants and instruments of all sorts to leane fasten encrease and multiply his Throne in the Temple of GOD carrying in his browe the name of miserie sitting in the Temple of God calling himselfe God yet vnknown of such as called themselues Christians which he put off vntill the end of the world and to I know not what fancie and dreame of an Antichrist which should be borne but a litle before the second comming of the sonne of God Briefly the great spiritual Babilon the murdresse of soules had her kingdome during this period tyrannizing the Israell of God hid and dispearced in a litle number and by her impostures blasphemies and impieties mocked the true God Father of Iesus Christ whose name auowed with the mouth shee trode vnder her feet by her abhominable errour But the Lord willing to make his worke admirable which was to ruinate Babilon to destroy the man of sin by the breath of his mouth and by the brightnesse of his comming presented himselfe in the third time and by the ministerie of people feeble and of small appearance yet driuen and drawne on with the zeale of his glory first brought in y e knowledge of tongues then the celestial truth maugre all the strengthes of the world and in
the nigh Prouinces therof of the Churches communion and societie and sent out Letters to declare them excommunicated whereof hee was greatly blamed and reprehended And especially of Ireneus Bishop of Lions by Letters which hee sent vnto him That there was great folly for the difference of a Ceremonie to breake the peace and vnion of Churches and to stirre vp Schisme therein Alleadging to his purpose that the diuersitie of Fastes neuer broke the vnion of Churches and so no more should they in this Eusebius in the Ecclesi Hist Lib. 5. Chap. 5. With this warre the tranquililtie of Churches are troubled and the doctrine of Christian libertie obscured The Romanes ceased not to molest them of Asia to subscribe to their opinion and they became so outragious therein that they which obserued the Feast of Easter the fourteenth of the Moone were called Quatorzian Heretickes condemned as Nicepho reciteth Lib. 4. Chap. 39. This Schisme gaue Montanus and other heretickes occasion and ouerture to lift vp themselues at this time in Phrygia They published certaine lawes touching Fasts Also to breake marriages Affirming that the holy Ghost had not taught all to the Apostles and that he had in himselfe the gift to conferre the graces of the holy Ghost And other such blasphemies whereby hee looked to come vnto some Primacie The Romaine Bishoppes now became more audacious to forge new Ceremonies yea and that to force them vpon other Churches The authoritie to excommunicate conuerted into abuse and so became despised because of not obseruing certaine humaine traditions The dissention touching the obseruation of Easter caused sixe principall Councells to be assembled Euseb Lib. 5. Chap. 23. Victor in his second Decretall calls himselfe Arch-bishop of the Romane and vniuersall Church Tertullian a Priest of Carthage who otherwise did well serue the Christian Church finally reuoulted and drewe him selfe vnto the enraged Prophecie of Montanus Saint Hierome alleadgeth this the occasion That Tertullian beeing ledde with enuie and hatred of the Church of Rome could not at the last endure the arrogancie thereof He held one errour touching the Kingdome of Christ and the voluptuous life of the faithfull in this world before the consummation of all things Hee maintained the superstitious and ridiculous Fastes of Montanus calling him in many places the Comforter He brought in extreame vnction after Baptisme the signe of the Crosse offering for the dead and for feasts of Natiuities and other the like dreames of the Montanists His writings witnesse that he was very desirous of Martyrdome and that a Christian man ought not only to beare it constantly but to purchase and seeke it also Ammonius the Phylosopher Origens Schoole-maister perswaded in the Christian faith euen vntill death Although Porphirius say of him that he reuolted Victor with good cause depriued of the communion of the Church an hereticke called Theodotus who was a blasphemer and prince of the heresie which afterward Antemon followed and Paule Samosathonus reuiued For hee was the first that durst say publikely at Rome that Iesus Christ was but pure man of mans seed procreated as well as others See Nice Lib. 4. chap. 21. An other Schisme or diuersitie of iudgements touching the heresie of Montanus and his companions and also of Prisca and Maximilla Prophitesses which Montanus had filled with his fury Some said they were taken with a Spirit of Prophecy and that that they said were Oracles Others maintained that contrary to the custome of true Prophets they were transported and carried away in their mindes and taken with furie and extasie they were also giuen to couetousnesse and ambition contrary to the scripture which forbids Prophets to take gold or siluer The faithfull of Asia assembled many times to examine those doctrines and so newly forged Prophecies The faithfull of Gaul writ their opinion touching the furious errors of Montanus and sent Ireneus into Asia with Letters See Euseb Lib. 5. Chap. 4. This Schisme as it was to the condemnation of Montanus and his complices so the true Church was aduertised more neerly to trie spirits whether they were of God or no. Whatsoeuer heauie chastisements the Iewes before had the Lord forgat not his mercy but gaue sufficient witnesse that he calleth his enemies to repentance He preserued Doctors and Pastors and a litle number of faithfuls in Ierusalem which honoured the true God From the sacking or destruction that Titus made vntill that of Adrian the Church of Ierusalem had successiuely 15. chiefe or high Bishops Euseb numbreth them Lib. 3. Chap. 5. After the destruction made by Adrian the Emperour there was no more any Church gathered of the Iewes at Ierusalem but onely of the Gentiles and of them were there Bishops ordeined Al the Iewes were driuen away as it is said by Adrian Marcus then issued of Gentiles was chosen the 16. Bishop the 10. yeare of the Emperour Antoninus after Cassianus the 17. Publius the 18. Maximus the 19. Iulian the 20. Gaian the 21. Symmachus the 22. Caius the 23. Iulian 2. the 24. Capita the 25. Thus dooth Eusebius rehearse it Lib. 5 Chap 12. And in this time wherein we now are that is vnder the Emperour Commodus Maximus the 2. was the 26. Antoninus 27. Valens 28. Dolichian 29. Narcissus 30. Elius 31. Garmanian 32. Gordius 33. Narcissus 2.34 or rather Narcissus the first returning from the Desart whither he withdrew himselfe for that his enemies had accused him to liue vnchastely of whom Eusebius saith that he had the gift to worke miracles and that his false accusers were punished according to the Imprecations which euerie one made As for the time of all these Bishops Euseb saith that he could not well discerne namely in what time euery one of them gouerned the Church Seeing then the Church of the Gentiles had already their habitation in this place the Lord would declare that the true Messias was come and so we need looke for no other This numeration here made of the Bishops of Ierusalem sheweth that other Churches may well number their Bishops as that of Rome glorifieth her selfe in the continuation of hers After the fift persecution raised by Seuerus against the Christians came ciuill warres amongst the Romanes Ireneus had liued long inough in the middest of so many persecutions The greatest renowne that he had was vnder the Emperour Commodus As for the contention concerning the feast of Easter the time in the which it was most lighted was the 4. yeare of the Empire of Seuerus He then bore the Office of a Minister 23. yeares The errour of the Chiliastes was attributed vnto him yet it is not expresly seene in his writings we haue at this day The manner of his death is vncertaine They which haue written of the Martyrs say that he and a great multitude of his sheepe were finally slaine for the confession of the name of Christ vnder Seuerus Leonides the father of Origenes martyred for the Faith
vnto whō Origenes his sonne being but of the age of eighteene yeares said O good father take heed that for vs you chaunge not your purpose This Origen after his fathers goods were confiscated for the Faith he nourished his mother and 6. brethren by being a Schoole maister Zephyrim a Romane the 14. Bishop of Rome ruled seuenteene yeares as Eusebius saith In the first Tome of Councells we finde two of his Decretall Epistles one vnto the Bishops of Cicilie the other to them of Egipt which represent vnto vs no other forme of gouernment then that we see described almost in all the Epistles attributed vnto the Bishoppes of Rome In the first hee makes mention of iudgements which ought to be constituted by 12. Iudges in causes of Patriarkes and Primates Not to admit indifferently all such as accuse Priests He sought to establish the Supremacie and that men should appeale vnto the Apostolicke seate of Rome And therefore he called himselfe Arch-bishop In the second hee establisheth certaine ceremonies in Priests orders to elect such as were wise and approued and in the presence of all Damasus attributed vnto him the decree to vse in the Eucharist Cuppes of Glasse or Tinne and not of wood Also to receiue the Eucharist once at the least in the yeare from the age of 12. and aboue It shall afterward be shewed what estimation men ought to make of those things and of the Epistles called Decretalls which are attributed vnto the Romane Bishops He excommunicated Natalius the Confessor for ioyning with Heretickes ouer whom he suffered himselfe to be made Bishop Zephyrim would not receiue him to his repentance vnlesse openly he shewed good tokens thereof Bassianus Antoninus surnamed Caracalla the 22. Emperour of Rome raigned sixe or seuen yeares after some Incestuous and cruell he tooke his mother in lawe to wife called Iulia and slew his brother Geta and his Vncle. Of his Cousin called Saeuis or Seua or Semyamira or Seulasyra he engendered Heliagabalus who was after Emperour He was slaine of the age of 43. yeares by the Ambush of Macrinus his successor as he discended from his horse and drew aside to make water Papinianus a Lawier was slaine by the Emperour because he allowed not the murder commited against his brother Geta. Macrin Optius the 23. Emperour borne at Marusia raigned a yeare and two monethes a man lasciuious shamelesse in words impudent sacralegious and bloudie hee was slaine with Diadumenus his sonne of the age of 50. yeares and more Heliogabalus called Varius Heliogabalus the 24. Emperour raigned foure yeares He was rather a Monster then a Prince as giuen to al vncleannesse filthinesse a contemner of all Religion except he reuerenced the Sunne whose high Priest hee had bene and therefore called himselfe Heliogabalus Hee died of a death worthy his life slaine by a military tumult with his mother and their bodies were drawne through the streets and after cast into Tiber. He raigned two yeares eight moneths and adopted Alexander Seuerus He builded a Citie called Oresta where he commaunded to sacrifice humane Hostes and reasonable creatures Calixtus or after Eusebius Calistus a Romaine the 15. Bishop of Rome ruled sixe or seuen yeares The Epistles attributed vnto him shewe the forme of his gouernment One vnto Benit the Bishop and the other vnto the Bishops of Gaul There is attributed vnto him an Edict common to all Bishops that no accusation should be receiued against Clarkes and commaunded that each one should take heed they made no conspiration against Bishops It is credible in the time wherein persecutions were continually kindled that such an Edict should be commaunded the faithfull which scant durst shewe themselues Item that none might communicate with such as were excommunicated And that marriages of Cousin-germaine should not bee admitted and if they were made to breake them In one of his Epistles there is an euill exposition that the wife of a Bishop is interpreted a Church or a Parish of which it is not lawfull during his life to dispose any thing without his will nor to enioy the company that is to say ordination of an other The first decretall instituteth the Fast of the foure times and seasons of the yeare Damasus saith that he ordeined a Fast of three times because of Corne Wine and Oyle And further That Calixtus made three times orders in December and ordeined sixteene Priests foure Deacons and eight Bishops in diuers places and finally that hee suffered Martirdome vnder Alexander the Emperour It is vncertaine whether it was this Calixt that made the ordinance for the single life of Priests For concerning this the two Decretalls attributed vnto him make no mention thereof neither is it found in the first volume of Councells Againe in the Councell of Nice there is nothing alleadged of the said ordinance yea and that more is there was made there a statute to the contrary at the exhortation of Pathuntius as shall be said after Alexander Seuerus the sonne of Mamea the 25. Emperour was excellent and vertuous he raigned 13. or 14. yeares a friend of the Christians his mother had beene instructed by Origen he was slaine with his mother of the age of 19. yeares by treason by Theeues which in the time of Heliogabalus hauing bene in honour had bene cast out from their dignities and offices He caused to be published this lawe to be inuiolably kept Doo to an other no other thing then thou wouldest should be done vnto thy selfe Porphirius of Cicile a Philosopher left the Faith and was an Apostate in despite of the Christians of whom he said hee had bene iniuried Vlpianus a Lawier in this time Vrban a Romane Bishop of Rome ruled eight or nine yeares Damasus saith he was of an holy life So that he drew certaine Gentlemen as Tiburcius and Valerian S. Cecile her husband to the Christian faith Some attribute vnto him a Decretall Epistle to all Bishops speaking of a common life such as was in the time of the Apostles but he speakes not as it was Some attributes vnto him Edicts to assure the Gods of the Church as they call them And he speakes a litle of the vowe of such as promise to possesse nothing of their owne He Instituted the confirmation after Baptisme by imposition of the Bishops hands to obtaine the holy Ghost and that they are made full Christians c. There is none but he may see herein not onely a Sacriledge but also an execrable blaspemie forged in the shop of this slauish Decretists Damasus attributeth vnto him the ordinance that the Communion Cuppes should be no more of Glasse but either of Siluer or at the least of Pewter Wherevpon Boniface Bishop of Magunce said In old time goldē Priests vsed wodden Chalices but now wodden Priests vse Golden Chalices That Confirmation ought to be with Creame That the foure times Fast ought to be obserued That Churches should haue lands