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A01011 The totall summe. Or No danger of damnation vnto Roman Catholiques for any errour in faith nor any hope of saluation for any sectary vvhatsoeuer that doth knovvingly oppose the doctrine of the Roman Church. This is proued by the confessions, and sayings of M. William Chillingvvorth his booke. Floyd, John, 1572-1649. 1639 (1639) STC 11117; ESTC S118026 62,206 105

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all men are bound vpon their saluation to know and belieue them in particular and yet obstinatly refuse to giue them an exact account which in particular they be 13. Besides what an intricate and infinite obligation do you charge vpon Protestantes in saying that there is as thinges now stand at great necessity of belieuing those truths of Scripture which are not fundamentall as those that are so For the necessity of belieuing fundamentals deliuered in holy Scripture is vnder paine of damnation to know them in particular and distinctly which obligation is so strict that you say it implies contradiction that Saluation be had without the least of them Now if the necessity of belieuing not fundamentals be as great as this yea the same with this no Protestant can be saued that doth not belieue such passages of Scripture as be not fundamentall distinctly in particular euen as he is bound to belieue fundamentals You often as pa. 169. lin 12. eagerly and bitterly declame against vs for requiring harder and heauier conditions of Saluation then God requires or then were required in the dayes of the Apostles Who more guilty of this crime then your selfe For this your necessity of belieuing the not fundamentall truthes of Scripture as much as the fundamental was not euer in Gods Church seeing your selfe onely say it is so as matters now stand Wherby you insinuate that as matters stood anciently this great necessity and obligation had no place in Gods Church Nor can you say that it is required of God for then it would be deliuered in Scripture and consequētly perpetuall in the Church euer since the Ghospell was written wheras your wordes vrging this obligation onely as now matters stand imply the contrary It is therefore manifest that this necessity so heauy and direfull is layd vpon Protestants not by Apostolicall commaund not by diuine Precept but by your selfe and other proud ignorant Ministers who neither know which be Fundamentals nor can agree vpon any short rule within the compasse of which they are all comprized Hence they are forced to send euery Protestant to fish for Fundamentals in the vast and deepe Ocean of holy Scripture not giuing them any direction any rule any assurance of finding them all except they can comprehend cleerly and distinctly all the innumerable truthes plainely reuealed therein 14. Finally what you say pag. 134. lin 24. That may be sufficiently declared to one which is not sufficiently declared to another and consequently that may be fundamentall to one which to another is not And pag. 281. lin 4. The same errour may be not Capitall to men that want meanes of finding the truth and Capitall to others who haue meanes and neglect to vse them This doctrine by you often repeated driueth Protestants into a Thicket of Thornes and briers into new insuperable difficulties vncertainties of their Saluation For though a Protestant were sure which in Protestācy he can neuer be that he distinctly belieues all capital essential truthes which are to be belieued of all how shall he be sure that he belieues all truthes which to him in particular in regard of his greater knowledge and capacity are you say Capitall and Fundamentall How can he be certaine that there are not some capitall and substantiall truths which he hath not found in Scripture though he had meanes of finding them And if he want beliefe of these Fundamentall and Capitall truths how can he possibly be saued For though you should say that these are the least of thinges fundamentally necessary to saluation yet this will not possibilitate their saluation it being contradiction to say that Saluation may be had without any the LEAST thing necessary to Saluation as you affirme Pag. 382 lin 1. The fourth Conuiction YOu could find no Way to make good the Saluation of English Protestants against the demonstrations of Charity maintayned but onely such a Way wherein the vildest Heretiques that now liue or euer liued vnder the cope of Heauen may be saued as well as they yea euen Iewes and Turkes these two consequences frō your principles I will demonstrate in two Sections of this Conuiction That in your VVay English Protestants cannot be saued more then Socinians with fixproofes that you are of this impious Sect. §. 1. 1. YOu say in your Preface n. 39. that you haue not vndertaken the particular defence of the Church of England but the common Cause and Religion of all Protestants And pag. 375. n. 56. you professe that by the Religion of Protestants which you mayntaine to be a safeway to saluation you do not vnderstand the doctrine of Luther or Caluin or Melancton nor the Confession of Augusta or Geneua nor the Catechisme of Hiedelberge nor the articles of the Church of England no nor the Harmonie of Protestants Confessions but that wherin they all agree as a perfect rule of their fayth and actions the BIBLE the BIBLE I say the BIBLE onely is the Religion of Protestants This is the onely Religion the onely way you could find to saue English Protestants wherin they can no more be saued then any other that belieue the Bible and only the Bible as a perfect rule of their life and actions Now in the number of Protestants Ghospelers and Biblists the new Ebionites or Samosatenians whon we terme Socinians are comprehended the most blasphemous Heretiques against the Fundamentall articles of Christianity that euer breathed worse then Arians For Arians acknowledged the Eternity of our Lord Christ Iesus that he had an Eternall most perfect diuine Essence only they would not confesse him to be coequall and consubstantiall to his Father But Socinians deny him to be the eternall Sonne of God affirme him to be meere man and tearmed the sonne of God as other Iust and holy men and Prophets are 2. Now that Socinians are by your account in the number of them that goe the safe way to Saluation as well as English Protestants is manifest not only because they professe the Bible and onely the Bible but also because they are that sort of Christians whose Religion you follow as these six arguments euince 3. First because being so much suspected and accused euen in publique writing to be of that impious Sect and if you were not prouoked to make a cleere profession of the Christian fayth against them you haue not done it you say sometimes that Christ is the Sonne of God but neuer his Eternall Sonne which omission of the word Eternall in a man so suspected of Socinianisme as you are is in the iudgement of our late Soueraigne King Iames a signe of guiltines maketh your Booke worthy of the fagot 4. Secondly because you dislike words about matters of Fayth not found in the Scripture which Christians vse for the better declaration of the Creed This you tearme a vayne conceit that we can speake of the things of God better then in the word of God You declame also bitterly
against persecuting cursing damning of such as will not subscribe vnto the words of men as the words of God No reader of vnderstanding in Ecclesiasticall affayres can doubt but you gird at the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 consubstantiall decreed by the first Councels of Nice to declare the substantiall Equality betwixt the three diuine Persons and at the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deipara Gods Mother commanded by the Councel of Ephesus to be giuen to the Blessed Virgin to signifie that she was mother to him that was personally not onely true man but also the eternall God These Canons of the first generall Councels these sacred formes of Ecclesiasticall speach you cannot indure because they thunder against Socinians they proclaime them to be Heretiques and strike their Impieties dead 5. Thirdly because you reprehend them who by firme resolution of their will vphold themselues in the beliefe of their Religion though their reason and vnderstanding fayle them Which is as much as if you had sayd We are not through pious affection and reuerence of Gods word to belieue things aboue the reach of reason things in the apprehension of which our naturall vnderstanding faileth as are the mysteries of the Trinity of the Eternall Generation of the Sonne of God 6. Fourthly because you say that they who captiuate their vnderstanding to the beleefe of those things which seeme irreconcileable contradictions may aswell belieue reall contradictions which no wiseman will do But he that belieues the mystery of the B. Trinity the Sonne of God his Eternall Generation must of necessity captiuate his vnderstanding to the beliefe of impossibilities implicancies contradictions seeming to be such in human reason as euery true Christian by experience findeth Therefore in your opinion no wise man doth or will belieue them 7. Fiftly because you ioyne with the auncient enemyes of Christ Iesus his God head to disparage the Gospell of S. Iohn wherein the eternall Generaation of the Word the onely begotten Sonne of God is most fully and plainely deliuered as also the indispensable necessity of belieuing the same Ioan. 3.8 He that belieueth in him is not damned he that belieueth not is already damned because he belieues not in the Name of the onely begotten Sonne of God For though you dare not say plainely that S. Iohns Ghospell is of no authority yet in effect you say as much contending that in his Ghospell nothing is contayned of necessary beliefe which is not cleerely plainely set downe in S. Lukes Gospell Wherfore because Christ Iesus his being the Eternall Word and sonne of God is no where set downe so cleerly in the Gospell of S. Luke you Socinians will not be bound to belieue it through our Lord himselfe in S. Iohns Gospell pronoūce that he who belieues it not is already damned that is as sure to be damned as if he were already in Hell Now what is this but in fauour of Sociniansme to giue the lye to S. Iohn yea to our Sauiour himselfe 8. Sixtly you are proued to be not onely a Socinian but also impiously obstinate in the defence of that Sect by your changing the sacred text of Gods word that they may not seeme therin accursed S. Iohn in his first Epistle Cap. 4. v. 2. giueth this signe to know the spirit of true Prophets and Preachers Euery spirit which confesseth Iesus Christ to be come in flesh is of God and euery Spirit which confesseth not Iesus Christ to be come in flesh is not of God but of Antichrist And Ep. 2. v. 7. Many Deceyuers are come out into the world who do not confesse Iesus Christ to be come in flesh this is a Deceyuer an Antichrist In which places it is manifest that S. Iohn speakes of false Christians namely the Ebionites who deny Christ Iesus to be a Person come from the bosome of God vested with humane flesh who deny him to be the Word made flesh the Sonne of God incarnate Which being your Socinian Beliefe that the same might not seeme damned as Antichristian you make bold with Gods word and thrust in your owne wordes in place therof Preface num 12. The rule S. Iohn giues to make this trial of Spirits by is to consider whether they confesse Iesus to be the Christ that is the guide of their fayth and Lord of their actions And pag. 339. lin 4. you say S. Iohn Ep. 2. v. 7. speabes not of Heretiques but of no Christians of Antichrists of such as denied Iesus to be the Christ Thus still as often as S. Iohn sayth such as deny Iesus Christ to be come in flesh be false Prophets deceyuers Antichrists you change the text into such as deny Iesus to be the Christ as though S. Iohn had spoken in this place against Iewes who deny Iesus to be the Christ or the promised Messias Whereby you not only chauge the text but also foyst in a falshood into Gods Word For it is false that whosoeuer confesseth Iesus to be the Christ is therby knowne to be of God and a true Christian seing Turkes confesse Iesus to be the Christ that is the Messias promised to the Iewes and yet are not Christians And that S. Iohn speaketh against Heretiques who vnder the name of Christians went about preaching that Iesus Christ is not the eternal sonne of God is cleere by the wordes which immediatly follow He that departeth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God He that abideth in his doctrine hath the Father and the Sonne If any come to you and bringe not this Doctrine receiue him not into your house bid him not God speed For he that sayth to him God speed is partaker of his malignant workes 9. What then may we thinke of those English Protestants and of their state and Saluation who haue made you the Patron of their Religion and Pastour of their soules can they be excused from being partakers with you in your malignant workes tending to the peruersion and damnation of many I confesse you haue rewarded them as they deserue For you giue them no better assurance or hope of Saluation then to Socinians who deny Christ Iesus to be the Eternal only begotten Sonne of God whose damnation goeth before them vnto iudgment Miserable they are who be so desperately bent against Charity maintayned by Catholiques as rather then yield to be saued in the Catholique Roman Church will be defended by such a Socinian Patron and in a Way which giueth them no hope of saluation but together with Heretikes who deny the Incarnation of the eternal Sonne of God who are branded in Scripture with the note of Deceyuers and Antichrists and by the mouth of our Lord himselfe men already damned That in your VVay Iewes and Turkes may be saued aswelll as Protestants §. 2. 10. PRotestants of your stampe who pretend to belieue the Bible and only the Bible being deuided into innumerable sects agreeing in