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A61855 The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys Through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Muscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts, and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and, III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships. To which are added 2 narrativs sent from Capt. D. Butler, relating to the taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacs. Illustrated with divers curious plates, first designed and taken from the life by the author himself. Rendered out of Nether-dutch by John MorrisonĀ·; Reysen door Moscovien, Tartarijen, Oost-Indien. English Struys, Jan Janszoon, d. 1694.; Morrison, John, 17th cent.; Butler, David, Captain. 1684 (1684) Wing S6019; ESTC R216963 334,708 398

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very good and of a low Price From hence we loosed and sailed by many pleasant Islands Towns and an Excellent prospect from Land which was stored with Cattel fruitful Dales Woods Meadows Currents and whatsoever natural Delights that may content the heart of Man On the 29 dito we came to VVasili-gorod a litle Town on the West side of the Wolga and because it was here a level Countrey we tooke the heighth of the Arctic Pole which we found 55 degr and 50 min. above the Horizon This said Town was then without Gates or Walls and is built mostly of wood save only Public Edifices and Religious Houses which are there but few since it has not been long in possession and subject to the Czar or great Duke of Moscovy On the South-side of VVasiligorod is a litle River called the Soura which here gushes out with a violent rushing and buzzing into the VVolga Above VVasiligorod begins the Land of the Ceremish Tartars which extends it self out as far as Casan Those again are divided into two sorts of People The one sort is called Nagorni which are those that inhabit the hilly Countrey and the other Lugowy who dwell mostly in the Valleys The former follow altogether Pasturage the latter Agriculture for which they have a happy Land blessed with a fertile Soil The Inhabitants are a rude and barbarous People utter strangers to good Manners and Learning They speak for the most part the Russian Language but some places there are where they speak Tartarian and in other places they have a peculiar Tongue of their own They are the most stupid Heathens that I have yet seen in all my 3 Voyages have neither Sence nor light of a Divine Power Houses of Worship and Priests Resurrection Heaven and Hell are things they never heard of nor nor will ever learn to know what they are However I may not be so general but that I may except some who have some light and knowledge of an immortal God and such an one as has the direction of all but only rules them as a King upon Earth does his Subjects They are further of Opinion that there are Devils or evil Spirits whose power is limited and circumscribed and that they cannot do any mischief save only in this Life for these doubt much about the Resurrection and for this end they do Sacrifices to them as do the Madagascars that they should do them no harm They tell you of a strange Water by the means whereof the Prince of the Devils comes in horrible and most ugly shapes for which they dread as Children do Bugbears they never saw To that Immortal Deity and divine Essence they offer up all manner of Beasts as Oxen Horses and Sheep which when they do they take the Hide and stretch it out upon a Rack made on purpose making thereby a Fire over which they hang the Flesh to boil When it has seethed long enough they take out a Bowl of the Pottage in the one hand and a Bowl of Metheglin in the other and throw them both upon the Hide upon which it falls into the Fire saying Accept O God this Offering at my Hands and be pleased to hear my Praiers which Praiers do commonly import their own Health or the increase of their Cattel So that their main Opinion about that God is only that he is a good-natur'd and benevolent-Lord and the Devil malevolent which is all that may be gathered from them Others I have seen who worship the Sun Fire and Water Ceremonies about the Dead I could never perceive any save only that when any eminent Man among them comes to dy they make a Feast of Horse-flesh at which all the nearest Relations are present and the Corps given to a ravenous Beast called Briggachol which I have not elsewhere seen That done they hang up his Vestments upon a Tree in memory of him as we do Escutcheons and this was all I could learn of my self or from the Observations of others that had been longer and further within Land Their Habit is as course as their Breeding mostly of Skins or a kind of Canvas Their Upper-coat comes down only to the Thighs and their Breeches and Stockings all one Those that are married shave their Heads but whilst single they let their hair grow but all in one Tuft which they commonly ty up in a ball above their head or plate it as our Jockies do their Horse-tails The Women wear also course Garments having their faces muffled up to the eies but more quaint is the Habit of a Young-woman ready to marry who besides other od accoutrements wears a piece of Wood shaped like a horn directly upon her Fore-head about an Ell in length and at the small end a litle Bell. Circumcision they have not yet learn'd from the Turks or Iews nor yet Baptism from the Christians but have some few Ceremonies about the naming of their Children which is done when they are about half a year old Polygamy is in use among them and that without any order or regard to nearness in Blood for it has been well known that the Father takes the Daughter and so procreates Issue and the Son the Mother after the manner of the Cingaleezes in Ceylon where the Father about marrying his daughter out bereaves her of her Virginity saying Should I plant a Tree and not enjoy the First-fruits my self CHAP. X. The Ship set fast upon a Foord The great Vtility of the Linden-tree Some of the Company drowned Fertility and excellent Soil of the Banks of the Wolga Arrival at Casan Casan taken in by the Russes The Casan-Tartars fight the Russes The Russian Army flee Moscou taken in The Czar becomes Tributary to the Tartars The good Conduct and valour of the Governour of Resan who restores the Czar and the Empire to it 's former Freedom ON the 30 dito we set out again and suddenly were run aground upon a Shallow place where we were very hardly put to it to get off and besides our great Labour we lost an Anchor and a Dragg We were no sooner got clear but we ran immediately upon another Bank and so from one to another that we were almost out of hopes of ever coming through for we saw danger on every side and our Pilot very unskilfull of the River which detarded our Voyage very much The next day we gain'd the Deeps and came before Cusmademianski where we cast anchor and provided our selves with Victualling and Refreshment This City is founded upon a rising ground having on the one side high and steep Mountains and on the other side a level Countrey The Land round about as well the montanous as the flat affoard many Woods and Groves of Linden on Teile-tree The Bark of this tree is good for many uses and therefore pilled and sold by the Inhabitants the Body they hollow and make Tubs Troughs Pales and other Vessels thereof which is the only Traffic and Work I know of in use
Worship and Sacrifice Besides their Opinion that there is a God and an evil Spirit they have a third Power which they call Dian Manans or Lord of Wealth at whose disposing will they think that they are made rich and prosper in their affairs They seem also to have some light of invisible Angels and of the first peopling of the World after the Creation by Adam Eve and the repeopling thereof after the great Deluge by Noah as also some glance of a Saviour who was made a Piaculum for some great offence committed by all mankind in general They have also their Fasts and Holy-days Circumcision is also a rite in use with them which they do at one certain time of the year with great solemnity The day before all the Friends and Acquaintance meet together and drink Metheglin till they grow raging mad and then draw up upon the beating of a Drum exercising with their Darts and Assagays the Youngmen and Women all the time dancing in Masquerado and in the Evening conclude with a luxurious Banquet and open table for all that please to come At night the mother takes the child to bed with her in a little House made for that purpose about a moneth before the day of Circumcision by the Father and Uncles of the Child The next morning by break of day the Woman riseth and baths her self afterwards her child which done she dresses it with Corral and Precious stones and thereupon they fall a drumming again after which a great silence is made and all the Guests which are there must withdraw as also all such as have any thing about their body that is red thinking that if such were present the blood would not stench Assoon as all are withdrawn except these that are nominated to assist the Priest takes his knife and ties a white towel about his left legg that done the Father and Uncles of the Child take each of them a Child under the Arm enter in at the West-door and out again at the East and so sitting down the Priest performs the work If it be the Son of a Slave or Bondwoman the Prepuce is thrown away but if otherwise it is preserved by the Uncle of the child who lays it up in the Yelk of an Egg for some Inchantment or other these people being reputed very active Exorcists and much inclined to Necromancy and lastly the● apply a mixture of Cocks-blood and the juyce of some Herbs t● the wound which done they march home with great Exultatio● and joy and so ends the Ceremony This Island is divided into many Kingdoms and Dominions which are the Occasion of perpetual discord and warrs among the● Their Arms are Bows and Arrows Javelins and Targets which they can use expertly well They are for matter of courage an● valour second to none but fight without any Discipline or Order breaking in with the main Battalion upon the Enemy till the● grow so confused that they cannot distinguish their own fro● the contrary Party During the time of War They run out ● small Companies to plunder and pillage the Towns and Cottage of their Enemies and afterward set them on fire When the Ma● is in Battel or under March the Wife continually dances an● sings and will not sleep or eat in her own House nor admit of the Use of any other Man unless she be desirous to be rid o● her own for they entertain this Opinion among them That if they suffer themselves to be overcome with an intestin VVar at home their Husbands must suffer for it being ingaged in a forreign Expedition but on the contrary if they behave themselves chastly and dance lustily that then their Husbands by some certain Sympathetical operation will be able to vanquish all their Con-combatants During the time of our aboad there we saw the King Diembr● several times ingaged with his Enemy who had a more powerful● Army than he his own not exceeding 7000 men So soon as th● Enemy gave battel Diembro with his Battalion ran upon him after they had done with the Javelins in a promiscuous order every one pitching upon his man and after a short Ingagement gave over with the loss of some of the best on each side although Diembro considering the great imparity of men had the better Success and honour of the Camp When the Battel was done our party returned with great Joy for the Day and every one that could bring the Heads of the Champions with whom they were particularly ingaged laid them at the feet of the King who either gave them a noble recompence or honoured them with some Dignity They have a very quaint manner of making Peace The Parties inclined to adjoust their Quarrels send first a Herald with Presents who desire to have communication with the Hostility which when it is granted them they nominate Time and Place where they may have conference in order to bring their Discord to some amicable composure The Messenger having performed his charge returns to the King his Master who gives the General order to put himself in a Posture of marching the General in obedience thereto musters up all his Forces and sits down before some River where the Enemy faces him on the Bank on the other side When both parties have made their appearance they kill each of them a Bullock take out the Liver and roast it and send each other a piece which is interchangeably received and eaten in presence of the Heralds or Legates which are sent on purpose to see that the Ceremony be effectually performed binding themselves with a solemn Oath and under a Curse never to break the Truce which is agreed upon between them and at the same time repeat some mutual Articles as Not to kill one anothers Men. Not to steal one anothers Cattel Not to burn Villages Not to poyson one anothers Rivers and Fountains c. And afterwards utter many bitter Execrations as That the Liver they eat may be their poyson if they do not faithfully hold all the Articles specified both sacred and inviolable CHAP. III. The Author's departure from Madagascar Arrival at Sumatra Four Prizes belonging to Atchin taken The beastly Sensuality of some of the Ships-company upon a Woman The Ship whereon the Author was taken as Prize and brought up to Batavia The men plundered and their Chests broken up The Author admitts himself into the Service of the East India Company his Voyage to Siam An accurate description of that Kingdom HAving stay'd fully 5 moneths at Madagascar we set sail for Sumatra on the 16 of March 1649 where we arrived on the 12 of Iune then following We came to anchor in the Bay of Sillaba where we exchanged some Commodities for Pepper and othe● Spices On this Coast we took two Iunks belonging to Atchin but all the people jump'd over board and sav'd themselves except one Woman whom the Italians ravished the Officers not able to restrain them The Woman
day arrived safe at Yarmouth On the 15 of January we weighed anchor and left Yarmouth having taken in our intended Loading and directed our course for the Straits of Gibralter On the 2 of February we entred the Straits and on the 10 th got Leghorn When we lay at anchor here there happened a misunderstanding between Mr. Ketel and my self about a trifling business which brought us both without the bounds of Moderation for proceeding from Words to Blows we were at last soo deeply ingaged that we both tumbled over board Our Master was so kind as to let me climb up but when I came upon Deck put me in Irons that seeing our courage was not yet cooled in the Sea he had that one mean to keep us asunder In the mean while some had taken opportunity to pillage my chest and borrow 116 Ducatoons but I could never be so happy as to learn who was my Creditor so that I had but a small portion left me with which I purposed to go by land to Venice Leghorn is so well known of all Gentlemen and Marriners that have seen Italy that it may seem needless to describe it Nevertheless since it is a part of my Province to take notice of such Towns as are in any regard eminent and famous I shall not ommit to say something briefly of it This City which is one of the chief Havens in renowned Italy was by Francis and Ferdinand great Dukes of Tuscany upon consideration of it's commodious site raised from a mean village to a great Emporium The said Dukes fortified it with a stone wall since which time it was gradually advanced by the encouragement of Trade and is at present strengthned with 5 Bulwarks and 2 Cittadels or Forts the one whereof commands the Haven and the other secures the Town on the Land side towards Pisa which is furnished with 60 great Guns About 6 English miles from the City is a Beacon for direction of Marriners by night there being many Rocks toward the South that are often the occasion of Ship-wrack and is therefore called Malhora These Rocks do cause impetuous breakings of the Sea which yet render the entrance of the Haven more free and secure So that Ships and Galleys may ride safely at anchor in this Road. The City on the out-side appears more magnificent than it is indeed inwardly The Frontispieces as well of Privat as Public Buildings being plaistered upon which are painted Sea-fights Histories and Landschap In the midle of the Town is a stately Market place and an Exchange where as at other Places Merchants meet and negotiate their Affairs Corn Flesh Fish and other necessaries are here very good and cheap which occasions almost all that are bound farther up to put in there for Refreshment On a Corner Stand four statues in brass representing the Father and 3 Sons who attempted to row away a Galley belonging to the Duke of Tuscany and ply'd so strongly that the rest of the Galleys had enough to do to overtake them and were ready to yield it for lost These 4 men were Moors and for that notable Essay are recorded with their Images in mettal which are set one against another with their Hands behind their back Leaving Leghorn I set forward for Pisa but before I was got half way was assail'd with 4 Highway men who were well mounted and arm'd two whereof allighted and clapt their Pistols to my breast bidding me deliver my money In the mean while they fell a searching of my pockets and breeches but not finding my money which I had stitch'd up in the lining of my Coat they gave me 2 bunches of Grapes and rode away On the 22 of February I came into Pisa where I took up my lodging for that night and the next day went to take a view of the Town It is seated at the foot of a great Hill about 8 leagues from the Sea between two Rivers Ausere and Arno and seems to be of ancient Standing It was made an University as some write about the year 1339 but began to grow out of Esteem till restored by Cosmo di Medicis Duke of Florence and afterward by Laurence his Nephew to wh●m Vollaterran and Machiavel ascribe the Founding There are here several fair Churches that dedicate to Saint Iohn is a very stately building and renowned beyond any other Church in Italy for it 's costly Tower which is of admirable rare Workmanship The Church-yard otherwise called Campo Sancto is visited by many strangers which was made at that time when Frederic Barbarossa went to Warrs against the Infidels in the Holy Land to which Expedition those of Pisa assisted him with 50 Galleys But the said Frederic Barbarossa being casually drowned the Galleys returned back again all freighted with Earth of which they say the Church-yard is made On the 23 towards night I left Pisa and went to Florence Between which two Towns is the most delectable Fields and Valleys that ever I have seen either before or since insomuch that I thought my Journey neither long nor irksom though on foot On the 26 I entred Florence which is seated in a pleasant Valley ' and divided by the River Arno into two parts which is the same River that runs by Pisa On the West it hath the Champane land which is admirably delightfull on the East the Countrey is Hilly and stored with abundance of Fruit-trees and on some part it is fortified with the Appenin Hills This City is reckoned about 7 miles in compass and enjoys a subtile and wholsom Air which renders the Natives and Inhabitants more acute and of a sharper Genius than those that Inhabit or are born in places of a grosser The City which is divided by the River is again united by four stately Bridges which so beautify the Town that perhaps gave Charles the Arch-duke occasion to say that this was a City only to be seen on Holy-days The fertile Hills and rich Valleys wherewith it is environed affoard the Inhabitants plenty of all necessaries Here is the Court and Residence of the Duke The Palace being one of the most magnificent in all Italy yet far more spacious and splendid within than without but to recount the spacious Halls Pompous Antichambre Marble Statues and Pictures in the Galleries with all it's Appendencies were an endless labour Right over against the Pallace is a Lifeguard consisting of a hundred Germans Before the Palace is also a very stately Fountain adorned with huge Statues both of Marble and Brass out of which springs Water being all in emblematical representations Upon the Mercato Novo is a very sumptuous Building in which the Citizens meet and treat about the affairs of Merchandise The Palace of the Medici is a stupendious Fabric and for artificial carved works aswell in Wood as Stone and Pictures of the most eminent Italian Masters seems to aemulate the famous Vatican Besides these are many other inferior Palaces Bublic Puildings Churches Chappels
cap fall to the ground he is liable to a very severe penalty if I well remember to loose his hand which nevertheless happens frequently in the Cabac but to prevent the worst when a Lay-man is minded to beat one of those Mushrooms he first takes off his Cap and then trounces him off so long as he will which done he sets the Cap upon the right Block again The Clergy are not forbidden Marriage nor none that serve at the Altar but on the contrary are obliged to marry and that only once gathering that from the Saying of S. Paul A Bishop ought to be the Husband of one Wife Nor is it lawfull for him to marry a Widow If a Priests wife come to die before him he is not only injoyned by the Church to remain a Widdower but also to leave the Altar yet not wholly to lay down the Priestly Function for he may sit in the Chore or Chauntry and assist at Mattins and Vespers as also at Administration of the Sacraments as far as it is done without the Verge of the Altar For this reason the Priests are best matched as usually making much of their Wives and treating them more gently than the Laïty generally do lest by hard usage they should drive them into melancholy and consequently send them too early out of the World which sends them as suddenly from the Altar Baptism they hold forth as a Sacrament very necessary for which reason they make as litle delay as may be between the Womb and the Font. If they fear the Child be weak they have it Baptized at home but never in the same Room where it is born for that they hold unclean The Consponsors or God-fathers being come to the Church Porch the Priest meets them and repeats the Benediction The Godfathers deliver 9 Wax-candles to the Priest which he places round about the Font afterwards turning about toward the East mutters out a Versicle or two then taking the Incens-pan goes round about the Font which done he sings a Psalm or Hymn making a brief Oraizon and after that demands the name of the Infant which is delivered him in writing So soon as he has read the Billet askes whether the Child beleeves in the Sacred Trinity and Whether he utterly Forsake the Devil c. To which they confidently reply in the Affirmative Then the Priest pronounces this Adjuration Get thee hence than unclean Spirit and make way for the Holy Ghost Then he takes the child into his Arms blowing three times in his Face and making a cross upon his Head dips it three times in Water Saying I baptize thee in the Name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY GHOST Having thus plunged the Infant he puts some Salt into it's mouth anointing the Fore head Breast and Hands with consecrated Oil and then draws a clean white shirt over it's Body which done he saith Now thou art cleansed from thy Sins Last of all he hangs a Cross about it's neck of Gold Silver Tin or Ivory with the Image of some Saint to whose Patronage he is specially committed and commended and so the Sum of this Sacrament is performed The Water is thrown away into a Cave of the Earth because it is impure If any Person be so far besotted as to become a Proselyte and embrace their Religion he must renounce his former Baptism and be rebaptized after their manner first spitting 3 times over his shoulder in token of Abhorrency of his former Errors The Sacrament which we call Coena Domini or the L. Supper they hold forth likewise as necessary to Salvation receiving it in both kinds yet not as is usual among those of the Reformation for they break the Bread into the Wine which the Communicant takes with a spoon This Sacrament is also administred to Children and all under the Notion of Transubstantiation altho not in so full a Sence as the Romanists The Sick do likewise partake of this Sacrament which is given them upon their Death-bed as the Host in the Church of Rome Confession is also a Sacrament held forth by them and is much after the manner of the Church of Rome and are injoyned to Penance according to the Nature and Degree of the Sin which they obey wondrous well and if the Crime be very Hainous they wash themselves at the Epiphany They have also their weekly and annual Fasts Four times in the year happens the latter in which they show themselves outwardly zealous agreeable to the literal Injunction of the Church but are at no time so loose and wanton as then passing away the time in Drinking Dancing Gaming Whoreing and what not No time nay all the time in the year round affoards not more news of Murther and since the Main Fast happens in the Winter there are many so far besotted that they are not able to find the way home but dropping asleep by the way are so frozen to death whence if they escape the Wolf and Bear they are carried to the Zemski Precaus and from thence to the Bogzi Dome of which we have already made mention CHAP. VIII The Jurisdiction of the Czaar his Titles Revenues and strict Justice ALl Russia together with the several Kingdoms and Principalities is subject to one Sovereign Monarch whom they call Czaar The name of the Emperour when I was there was Alexie Michailowitz Romanou that is Alexius Son of Michael Roman for so they use that Patronymic Roman from Ivan Basilowitz or Joannes Basilides who was a Roman by descent and of Imperial Lineage The Arms of the Emperour are as follows Sol an Eagle displayed with 2 necks Saturn in chief a Mitre Imperial Mars On the Nombril on an Escutcheon Jupiter the Chevalier Saint George armed proper and mounted on a Horse Luna under his feet a Dragon Venus The Czaar is absolute Sovereign and Lord conferring Dignities and Honours Subordaining Ministers of State and Officers whether Civil or Military Coining Money raising and lessening the Value of the same Making Peace and Proclaiming War at his own discretion and in short whatsoever any King in the World can claim as Praeroguative His Title is as follows ALEXIUS Michaïlowitz Romanow by the grace of GOD Emperour of the Greater Less and White Russia Lord of Moscou Kief Wolodimera and Novogorod Czaar of Casan Czar of Astrachan Czar of Syberia Lord of Pletskow Great Duke of Smolensko Tweer Jugoria Permia Weatka Bulgaria c. Lord and Great Duke of Novagarada within the Low-Countreys of Zernigou Rhesan Rostof Jerislaw Belooseria Udoria Obdoria Condinia and absolute Sovereign of the Northern parts as also of Iveria Cartalinia Grasinia Carbadinia Kirkassia and Georgia and of many other Provinces and Dominions in the East West and North Haereditary Lord and Soveraign As the Titles of the Prince are great so his Revenues are conformable The Kabacks or Taverns are altogether farmed through the Empire of the Emperour himself whereof
been indowed with many Priviledges as to have their own Princes Judges and Laws as also a General of their Armie whom they themselves Elect. As also this Immunity that when a Moscovian Slave runs away from his Lord and betakes himself within their Territories they are not obliged to deliver him up unless themselvs list Of this People last mentioned was Stenko Radzin the famous Rebell born who as we have said so stoutly opposed the Emperour Alexius Michailowitz The first occasion of this Revolt as himself confessed was to revenge his Brothers death who was killed by an Eminent Personage whose name was Iurie Alexowitz Dolgeroeky in the year 1665. The Brother of Radzin was at that time in the service of the great Duke in the Polish Warrs under the command of the before mentioned Bojar Iurie Alexowitz Dolgeroeky who commanded in chief and when the Camp broke up to go into their Garrisons the young Radzin desired to be discharged with his Men having done the Emperour very good service in that last Expedition and that then there was no more occasion for their Aid but the General refused to let them go as not having any certain Intelligence that the Hostility were sent to their Winter-quarters The Cosaks were hereat greatly discontented being Volunteers and had deserved yet greater Civilities than their Request or than ever they had received from the Russians they therefore marched off silently led by their Collonel brother to this said Stenko Radzin which was so badly resented by the General that he took the Collonel and hanged him This was the sum and ground of his revolting which prompted him not only to imploy his Weapons against the Russians but aswell against the Persians In the year 1667 he began to commit many Insolencies and himself and all his crew betaking themselves to the VVolga where they took all the small Shipping they met with and plundered them killed and threw over board all the Men unless they would admitt themselves into their Companie They entred also all the Towns seated near the River where they pillaged the Churches and Monasteries From hence he took his way directly for Iaik which he took in and set a strong Garrison From hence he marched toward the Caspian Sea gathering vast multitudes of discontented Persons who came upon the noise of Rebellion from all parts From the Caspian Sea he went for the VVolga by the way committing many Insolencies plundering and sinking all the small Shipping wasting and depopulating of Cities and Villages and using the People very inhumanly if they would not resolve to joyn in that Rebellion From hence he went to the City Terku and so onwards to the Bounds of Persia where he also sadly molested the Subjects of that King as well as those of the Czar The Inhabitants of a small Persian City hearing of his approaching deserted the Town and betook themselves to the Hills and Mountains without the Town where they though themselves secure from his violent and tyrannical Actions Stenko Radzin perceiving that sent out Emmissaries to see where they kept themselves with Instructions to tell them that his End was not to do any harm to their Persons or Estates but only to buy Provision for his Money and therefore willed them to return into the City The Persons who were sent did their message and the credulous Citizens came down entred their Houses and set open their shops of whom Radzin and his followers bought several Commodities and Necessaries paying them to the utmost farthing but had given a token to his Men by setting of his Cap after an unusual Manner upon which they were all on a sudden to fall upon the Towns-men and massacre them which after a most barbarous Manner they did sparing neither Man Woman nor Child The Waywode of Astrachan whose name was Ivan Simonowitz Prosorofski hearing how many places they had despoliated in the Countrey of the Medes and upon the Borders of Persia thought it high time to put himself in a Posture of Defence and suppress the growing Army of the Malecontents he in order thereto caused all the Shipping as well Merchant-men as others to be put into an equippage and dispatches Simeum Ivanowits Geboof who had then the third suffrage of Astrachan to find out the Cosacks-Rebells and give them battail This Navy consisted of 36 Stroegs and about 40000 Men. The Rebells had already 22 Stroegs with a proportionable number of Men keeping themselves about the Island Satyry Boggere which lies about the Entrance of the Wolga into the Caspian Sea where they had set up a Watch-House upon the Top of a high Hill from whence they could view the whole Countrey round about as also the Caspian Sea and the VVolga This Island lay very commodiously for their Ends being all along the Coast of a high solid Rock and had only one way to enter it So soon as the Cosacks saw the Astrachan Fleet approach they put off their Shipping and betook themselves to flight so that that Expedition was in vain Seeing now that the Cosaks kept themselves together and would not come to open batttel their were new Measures deliberated upon either by fair or foul means to suppress the Rebells It was not long before the VVaywod Prosorofski received Letters from the Czaar with a Pardon for Stenko Radzin on condition he would submit to the Emperour and for the future demean himself as a loyal subject The subtle Cosack not expecting so gracious a tender accepted of the Emperours Grace being already by Hunger and other extremities brought to such a state that he would of his own accord have requested it for they were then put to a short allowance and had taken a Persian Boes having some Horses aboard that were sent to the Czaar from the King of Persia for a present these they took killed and used very sparingly whence it may be gathered in what a mean condition they were Having thus obtained an assurance of Pardon from the Emperour they marched forward for Astrachan where they were very kindly received and congratulated by those of the Townsmen every one of them appearing in the most splendid manner he could for they had rifled many Gentlemens Houses where they found always Apparrel Jewels and other Plunder for habit and Ornament Stenko Radzi the Ringleader of that Rout could not be distinguished from the rest but by the Honour which was done him being saluted by the name of Batske Father and certainly he was a father of many impious Sons I have seen him several times upon the Stroegs and in the City he is a brave man as to his person and well proportioned in his limbs tall and streight of Body pock-pitted but only so as did rather become than disfigure him of a good conduct but withall severe and cruel as has been already instanced The Cosacks who were his Followers came dayly into Astrachan where they sold their Booty which was very rich and costly The Silk they sold for
better be understood he called for some Russian Slaves who assured him that we were no Cosaks but real Dutch for that we had nothing of the Cosac-Dialect Upon this the Prince turned about and told us our Life was granted us This news was very welcom to us but had been more welcom if we had with one been set at liberty for we were chained severally and sent away to Mahemet Sultan the Princes Son whose Residing place was near mount Ararath CHAP. XVIII The Captives take their leavs of each other The great Orchard near Tzurbag Their Arrival at Urwan Situation of Mount Ararat An accidental meeting with some Carmelito Friars The Author insisted upon to undertake a Cure of a Rupture which with much perswasion he promises to do His ascent up the Mountain Ararat to the Hermites Cell who was his Patient which he performs in 5 days time He undertakes and Cures the Rupture The Copy of an Attestation given him by the said Hermite in barbarous Latin His return down ON the 21 dito my Companion and I took our leaves of each other but not without great sadness for so soon as we were brought out and understood that we were to go two several ways I observed Tears run down his cheeks which also moved me to weep for that we were out of hopes ever to see one anothers face again in this World neither that our Wives or Friends should ever hear from us or that we ever were like to be redeemed by our Friends or Countrey men being in a remote Land Having thus taken our last Farewell of each other I was set upon a Mule and committed to the Charge of some Slaves and Renegados who were to bring me to the Court of Prince Mahomet being about 3 Dutch miles from Urwan About Evening we came to a Village called Tzurbag seated upon a high Mountain where we took up our lodging for that night While we stayed here there came abundance of Women to see me who wondred that I wore such long hair for the Inhabitants of these Countreys being Mahometans always shave their Heads bare On the 22 betimes in the morning we set forward and went through a great Grove of Fruit-trees where we saw abundance of wild Swine masting of the shaken Fruit. These Fruit trees do not grow naturally of themselves here for they have an Ordinance among them in that Countrey That none of whether Sex it be shall marry till they can prove that they have planted a Hundred Trees with their own Hands so that they begin when they are Children to plant which having been observed for some Ages is the reason that this Wood is grown so wide There are divers sorts of Fruits as Apples Pears Cherries Figgs Almonds Wallnuts and others and that in such abundance that the hundreth part is not consumed or us'd for none are prohibited to pluck and carry away There is also very fair Medow and Arable Ground the Fields full of Corn affoarding many delicate and rich Plants both for Kitchin use and Medicinal Cattel is there both good and plentifull far surpassing ours in Europe for fatness especially Kine Sheep Goats and Swine both wild and tame run together in innumerable Flocks but incredible is the Plenty of Hens and Pidgeons which are brought in and sold for trifles On the 30th we arrived at Urwan or Ervan a City situated under Mount Ararat in the Countrey of the Medes about 65 Leagues from the Caspian Sea The Town is not very wide but sufficiently munited with strong walls of stone being about the greatness of Alcmaar in North-Holland There are in it some Persian Mosquees and Churches as also a Cloyster of Carmelite Friars They use no kind of Commerce or Merchandise save that of Slaves which the Dagestan Tartars come to buy there and are there so cheap that a lusty well-bodied youngman is ordinarily sold for ten Crowns as some of our Company were sold for the same price The City Urwan is mostly inhabited by the poorer sort of Armenians but Mount Ararat by those of the Romish Faith and other Christians Mount Ararat is seated just in the parting of Armenia from Media and is reckoned under the rank of the Dagestan and Caspian Mountains The Armenians call it Messina and the Persians Agri It is much higher than either Caucasus or the famous Taurus or any other Mountain in all Media Armenia or Persia so far as one can view It is a blew and dark-coloured Rock I have found there a kind of a dark yellow Mineral very ponderous and sparkling but could never learn what mettal it would have produced if melted nor that of a sparkling Sand and Dust which I also found here although I brought a proof of each which I lost when we were taken at Sea by the English and plundered as herafter shall be said at large This Mountain is for the most part barren and without Earth and what may be further said by way of Description the Reader will find in the Relation of my Ascent towards the Top of it Going into the Hermites Cell I took a view of the Rupture which I saw was shut forth about the bulk of a henns-egg and with one asked him How long he had had it he answered A Moneth which gave me good encouragement since I was sure that the Fissure was fresh and therefore the Cure with greater facility to be effected Thus I undertook the work and taking 200 fresh Hen-eggs I boyled them hard and made thereof an Unguent I made also a Truss and anointed him 4 times a day with the Oyntment causing him to ly still for a fortnight together which done I let him rise up to see how he was and found that it was sufficiently bettered for the Rupture which he with his own hands had indeavoured to stop by thrusting it in and as often broke out was now stay'd and he told me that he could every day perceiv that it grew better I gave him advice to keep himself a whole year in the Truss and continue anoynting himself after the manner I did myself which he also promised to observ When I took my leav of him he gave me a piece of hard wood of a dark-red colour with a Cross and a silver Chain which he wore about his neck as also a Stone which he told me he had taken from under the Ark These Relicts he adjured me to be very carefull of saying the real value and esteem thereof would be such that if ever I came to Rome and bestowed them on St. Peters Church that they would reward me with a Gift which should serve me for a maintenance so long as I lived The Wood and the Cross I brought with me but the stone with some sparkling Oar were taken from me when the English took our Ship The Hermite was born at Rome and of very good Parentage his Father being one of the most eminent Citizens there who upon his Death-bed charged his Son To retire
Commissioners had Order from the King to complete the number of 500 of the best featured complexioned and shaped Virgins that were to be found in all the whole Muster The manner of it is thus Some time before the King issues a Mandate which is published thrô every Province of his Realm and Dominions That all the young Maids from 2 to 17 years if there be any of that age shall be drawn up to their respectiv Metropolitans or Chief Towns as these in Media were brought to Scamachy where the Kings Commissioners shall make choice on the Kings behalf This Mandate is duly and with all reverence obey'd by the Parents of such Children who if they have but one Child are obliged upon pain of Death to bring her to the Place appointed where the said Commissioners are to view and censure them if they be worthy to be culled out for the Kings use Deplorable it was to see the dejected Countenance of the Parents who brought their Children where they must take their last leavs of them never thinking to see them again and as remarkable it was to consider the various tempers and differing humors of the People whereas som who having a great love and esteem for their Children would attire them in the ougliest Garb and use what Arts they could to make them seem deformed and mishapen whilst on the contrary others thinking it a Honour and being either overburthened with their Children or void of that tenderness which by nature all are injoyned to have over their Issue would use every mean they could conceiv to render them hand●m and spend their utmost mite for Ornaments to add a Grace to their corporal qualifications that so they might be rendered as an Emphasis among the rest When this Muster was certified and published which is but a short warning I knew a very rich Merchant whose greatest solace and imaginary happiness was in one onely Daughter who was already marriageable and courted by a young Gentleman of no slender Fortune but the Father whether he thought her a Match in regard of her Dowry Beauty Wit and other Accomplishments fitter for a greater Personage or that the youth had som Property which he the said Merchant took dislike at I cannot determine yet certainly he courted her long before he could gain the will and consent of the old Man which till these Summons came he quite despaired of But no sooner did the old Gentleman hear of the Mandate but he sent for the Youth and not only gave him his Daughter for his Bride but made him in Post-hast to bed with her that so he might juramentally declare she was no Virgin The Youngman did not desire many Moneths to deliberate the business but suddenly accepted of his Offer and so anticipated the King Yet this did not altogether excuse them for it was not so universally known but that som Pick-thank Neighbour thinking that the Gentleman concealed his Daughter to escape the Censure went and informed the Commissioners that such a Virgin was not brought to the Test being a great Beauty and well bodied The Commissioners immediatly send out a Privat Summons to the Old Gentleman to bring his Daughter into the Chans Antichambre where they held the Rendez-vous the Old Gentleman makes his Appearance with his Son in Law and Daughter together with som Persons of Quality to make use of in case Evidence were required where being come he presents his Daughter and pray'd them to take his Son too for he was the Person that had her Maiden-head which was the only thing the King desired In fine he declared the matter so circumstantially that she was dismissd All this while I saw little hopes of ever enjoying my Freedom so that I began to despair of Redemption After I had consulted all means I concluded it my best way to dispatch Letters to som of my own Nation and accordingly sent one to the Dutch Consul at Smyrna and another to the Sieur Molives at Leghorn humbly entreating them to send them forward for Holland with one acquainting them that I was in Slavery at Scamachy and could not send any Letter with safety and conveniency thrô Moscovia which was the reason of my being so importunate as to direct them that way On the 9 th we had very tempestuous Weather high and impetuous Winds mixed with Thunder and Lightning so that all shaked again On this day went all the Woman to the Sepulchers of their deceased Friends to perform the customary Rites The next day was a great Festival or Holy day among them which was solemnized with Beating of Kettle-drums sound of Trumpets and Playing on all sorts of loud Wind-Music On the 11 th was one of Radzins chief Officers brought into Scamachy being with 3 more of the Cosac Commanders sent upon an Ambassage to Boulat a Prince of the Circas-Tartars to desire his Assistance of som Auxiliaries promising not only to spare his Subjects but also to give him a considerable Reward The Prince having understood the sum of their Instructions caused immediatly Three of those to be beheaded and their Bodies to be thrown to the Eagles and Ravens The Heads he caused to be embalmed and put in a Bag which he compelled the Fourth to carry to Ispahan and present the King His one Hand and his Neck was nailed to a Wooden Collar made like a Y with 2 Branches between which his Head was supported so that he continually looked upwards This Cosac or rathér Renegado for he was a Russ born I knew very well at Astrachan He was mounted on a bay Horse and attired in a Garment of yellow Silk and notwithstanding the unexpected severe Usage he met with did not seem by his Countenance to be at all concerned When he was brought into Ispahan was put into close Prison and loaden with massy Fetters and Manicles but shortly after got his enlargement promising to impart som weighty and important affair to the King I have already made mention how that about 2 years before Radzin had dispatched 7 Ambassadors to the Court at Ispahan desiring a Supply of Men and Ammunition as also to enter into a League with the King but by reason the Cosacs had plundered Astrabath Ferrebath and Lenkeran and committed many insolent Outrages within his Majesties Territories and that Radzin was not by any acknowledged as a Soveraign Prince his Ambassadors found a very unkind Reception at Court and meeting with some menacing Sentences in their Instructions the King caused their Heads to be severed from their Bodies reserving only one to bring back the Tidings who was upon his delivery of the Message ordered by Radzin himself to be chop'd into Gobbets as may be read more at large in Pag. 192 193. So that I held it strange that Stephen Radzin would assume the freedom to send any more Legates without other Ground of Hope that they should have better success than the former had On the 25 was a
the Persians And do you not know what Dishonour it is to all the Musulmans and the whole Kingdom in general Or are you indeed becom a Christian c. This Innovation he meant was an Interdiction which the Chan or Governour had issued 3 days after the Procession That none should hew and cut as was their Custom with Swords in the Streets like as we have spoke more amply in the Feast of Aly. The Father som said durst not but make complaint lest it should have been imputed to himself as Misprision it being well known by others that it was his Son who sent the Libel But it may be observed that those who would put the affair in that Posture were either prejudic'd or byassed Persons But others who were indifferent looked upon it as an Example of Unmercifulness and Ambition where he only did it for Hopes of Favour from the Chan which be esteemed a Purchase aequivalent to his sons Life The next day was another Man beat to Death by 7 of the Chans Domestics before the Gates of the Palace but for what I could not learn Upon the 26 we got another Narrativ which confirmed the former News from Astrachan as also how that Radzin was carried to Moscou In the mean while Mr. van Termund makes preparation to go for Ispahan and with all diligence makes up a Company to the end that he might travel more secure there being then a great rumor of many Insolencies perpetrated by the Wood-rangers and on the 29 set forward taking with him Peter Arentsz of Schevelingen one of our Ships-Company and a Polish Jew who had been taken by the Scemkal-Tartars and made his Escape On the 30 arose a most hideous Tempest of Wind Thunder Hail and Lightning which continued for two days together after which all was very calm and still and the air very serene The Hail did much damage to the Fruit every Hailstone being of an unusual bigness som as large as the Egg of a Hen or Turky On the 6 of June I went with a Venetian who had bin a Slave in Turky and run away about 15 Miles w●thin Land where we found an Armenian Friary The Monastics received and treated us very kindly when they understood that we were Christians and in Slavery to the Mahometans They intreated us to tell them all the passages we had met with abroad which the Venetian first did and afterwards desiring me to do the like I related all in brief which they took great delight to hear especially about the taking in of Astrachan They desired us further to tarry with them for som time which we promised to do and accordingly stay'd there two nights All the time they caressed us with all kindness imaginable neither sparing for Victuals nor good Drink professing themselvs sorry that our condition would not allow them the happiness of a longer enjoyment of our Company Their manner of Life was very single without any Incumbrance of the Mahometans their Hous-holding regular and gentile and the Men among themselvs mutually loving one another and sociable with strangers very charitable to all that were in necessity of what Opinion or Faith soever they were Right loath we were to leav them but not daring to stay any longer we took our leavs of them thanking them for their kindness and civility they had shown us In taking our way to Scamachy we were fain to climb over some Hills and one great Mountain flat at Top upon which was a Lake according to our guessing 3 miles in Circuit Going along the shore to our great amazement we found four Bodies of Men that had but newly been murthered having their throats cut we supposed them to be Anglers seeing Fishing Canes and other Implements about them However we thinking it for two reasons unsafe for us to stay there any longer made all the hast we could to get out of the way This Lake as we afterwards understood was very plentifull of many kinds of delicate Fish which are sold very dear and highly esteemed of abroad throughout all that part of the Countrey and indeed it was once our thoughts to make a Trial if we could take any thing till meeting with these new murthered Persons we chused rather to let the Fish remain in their Element than by the probable consequence to pay too great a price for our sport It happened once that my Patron received a sudden Message from the Prince to com to Court upon which he gave me Order to saddle his best Horse now the Saddle which he ordered me to set on being richly set with Pearls and Precious stones he kept it alwaies in the Chamber where his Plate was so that I must pass through three Chambers to fetch it but opening the Door of the second Room I found my Patroness standing naked in the Bath upon which being in a great amazement and fearful that this rash Action might be represented to my Master who might make me pay for my Peeping in all hast I retreated and offered to run out again which she seeing cried out Ho! ho don 't run away go thrô and fullfil your Lords Commands This she said with a smiling Countenance which cured me of the Palsie that the sight of her had already struck me into On the 10 th the Ambassadors Brother departed for Ispahan to make complaint against the Chan about the Money that the Ambassadour had upon Interest and disbursed for him which he could not get in On the 11 th of Iuly is a great Fair at Scamachy upon which day above 500 Slaves were brought to Market that being their main Traff●ic Of these Slaves are of all sorts of People Men Women Children Christians and Pagans Polonians Russians Georgians and Circas-Tartars The Poles Russes are commonly stole by the Dagestan-Tartars as also the Circasses which are Heathens for according to the Voice of the Alchoran no Mahometan or Musulman may be made a Slave which mainly tends to the Propagation of Turcism On the contrary the Circas-Tartars in revenge do steal the Dagestans and sell them to the Russians And so the Tartars althô seemingly many Nations yet doubtless of old one People live in constant jarrs and private Hostility who if they had but Discretion and Conduct answerable to their Power were in a capacity to subdue both Russ and Persia But as for the Georgians they are generally such as are sold by their own inhuman Parents and in that out do both Turk and Pagan who will not make sale of such as are of their own Opinion or Nation much less their own Children which is a thing so besides Nature that the most savage Beasts do abhor it and will as soon part with their Life as with their Young This Fair which as I have said consists most in the Sale of stollen Booty is a great advantage to Derbent and Scamachy which of late years seem to flourish mainly and for this reason is frequented by many