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A60307 The History of the Turks describing the rise and ruin of their first empire in Persia, the original of their second : containing the lives and reigns of their several kings and emperors from Ottoman its first first founder to this present year, 1683, being a succinct series of history, of all their wars (forreign and domestick) policies, customs, religion and manners, with what else is worthy of note in that great empire. I. S. 1683 (1683) Wing S39; ESTC R31795 386,077 658

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would have Petitioned for his Life when on the contrary without a Word speaking Cobelits drawing forth a Dagger stabbed him into the Belly for which he was presently hewn in pieces nor did Amurath long survive him but within three days after dyed of his Wound and was buryed in Prusia Anno 1390. of his Age 68 years and of his Reign 31 years To whom succeeded Bajazet his eldest Son who was no sooner Crowned but he caused his Brother Jacup to be strangled in his Presence with a Bow-string which wicked Precedent has ever since been put in Practice by the Othoman Kings and Emperors CHAP. X. The Life of Bajazet the first of that Name and Fourth King of the Turks his Wars and Captivity BAjazet a man of a Proud and haughty temper having taken upon him the Regency of his Father's Kingdoms fell heavily upon Servia not so much as vouchsafing to hear the Embassadors sent on their behalf which made the Princes of the West begin to consider their own estate and especially Vincelaus the German Emperor and Sigismond King of Hungary and not contented with the spiols of Servia he made several inroads into Bosan spoiling the Country and carrying away great booties when in the mean while the King of Caramania hearing of his Fathers death began anew to waste his Countries in Asia which caused Bajazet to send a great power who overthrew him and recovered all that was lost taking from him likewise his own Country which obliged him in humble wise to beg their restauration which Bajazet upon condition that he should from that time forward become his vassal restored About this time Philadelphia the only City the Christians had in Asia was besieged by Bajazets Power and after a straight Siege and no hopes of any succours delivered by the Citizens as a ransom for their Lives and Persons Having subdued Servia and the greatest part of Bosan he invaded Thessalia wasting it as he passed with fire and Sword even to the Walls of Thessalonica taking Neopolis in Greece and Joannia in Aetolia and afterward returning into Asia he there spent the Winter but Spring being come with all his Power he repassed the Hellespont and lay'd close Siege to Constantinople the seat of the Greek Emperor Emanuel Paleologus then Reigning who after he had been brought to great extremity went to the German Emperors Court to crave aid who together with many other Christian Princes sent an Army of 250000 under the leading of young Sigismond King of Hungary to oppose whom Bajazet raised his Siege and found them besieging Neocopolis from whence they drew into the great Plain and joyned Battle but by reason of the confusion that was in the Christian Army their Van being overcharged the Rear fled without striking a stroak so that the Turks getting the Victory with a far less number pursued so hard upon the Christians that the greater part of the Army was slain taken prisoners and drowned in passing the River Danubius After this great and unexpected Victory over the Christians occasioned by the emulation that arose amongst their great Commanders Bajazet returned to the Siege of Constantinople now out of all hope to be relieved where whilst he lay casting his eyes upon Despina the slain Despot of Servia's fair Daughter offered by her Mother his former Wife being dead he Married her and for her sake restored to her Brother Stephen all his fathers Principalities Aladin the Carramanian King being dead and his Son of the same name Reigning in his stead desirous to revenge the wrong Bajazet had done his Fathers Subjects coming to Aucyra surprised Temurtasses Bajazet's great Lievtenant but upon the approach of Bajazet with his Army he richly arraying begged his pardon and set him at liberty sending Embassadors to excuse them but Bajazet would not suffer them to come into his sight whereupon the young King gathering all the Power of his Country fought with him a great Battle but being far too weak for such an Enemy was overthrown he taken Prisoner by the Command of Bajazet delivered to Temurtases his Capital Enemy who for the disgrace he had put upon him caused him to be strangled which rash deed much grieved Bajazet the young Prince being his Sisters Son yet he seized upon the greatest part of his Kingdom though he had several Sons living and so inraged was he that he expulsed all the Mahometan Princes in Lesser Asia and seized upon their Territories whereupon they fled to Tamerlane the Great who having Married the daughter of the Cham or Emperor of Tartary and now returned from the Conquest of China he took them into his protection and being at the same time Solicited for aid by Emanuel the Greek Emperor he sent to Bajazet his Embassadors with many rich presents requesting him to cease from molesting his Allies but he in a proud manner not only rejected his presents but with many opprobrious words cast foul reproaches on him telling his Embassadors that he desired nothing more then to meet him in the field and with many taunting expressions dismissed them The report of which so throughly netled the Tartar that he resolved with a puissant Army to go against him being hightened thereto by Axalla his great favourite a Genoway by birth and friend to the Greek Emperor whose cause he daily solicited And Tamerlane who was a well-wisher to the Christians in his opinion differing little from them so well approved of all he said and having taken his leave of his Father-in-Law and his Wife with a powerful Army he passed the Mountains Marching through many Countries none daring oppose his passage till at length coming to Bachichich he mustered his Army and found it to consist of 800000 Horse and Foot of divers Nations to whom he gave general pay not having suffered the least wrong to be done in any Country through which he had passed Bajazet lying at the Siege of Constantinople and hearing the Tartar approached with a Power that covered the Countries as he passed he raised his Siege and contrary to Tamerlains Expectation but even as he wished came over with such forces as he could raise into Asia where he joyned with his Livetenant whilst the Tartars still came on having by this time passed Euphrates and taken all the Cities in their way that appertained to Bajazet and amongst the rest the great City of Sabastia once the chief Seat of the Turkish Sultan utterly rasing it putting all the Citizens to the Sword or as some Buryed them alive in deep Pits he caused to be digged for that purpose unless the Governour whom he set at Liberty to carry the News to Bajazet who was advancing 500000 Strong who upon the Governours coming into his presence demanded which was the greater Army he having seen both to which after having craved pardon he replyed that the Tartars Army must needs be the greatest by Reason he was Lord of far greater Countries whereupon Bajazet Laughing said out of doubt the sight of the
Bassa Charging furiously with fresh Troops of Horse entering too far amongst the Squadrons of his Enemies was slain which so discouraged his men then at the point to have prevailed that they first fainted and afterwards betook themselves to plain flight so that in passing the Mountains many of them were slain and more taken Prisoners Bajazet hearing of the Success of the Rebels sent Jonuses Bassa against them with 40000 Horse and Foot upon whose approach they retired into the Mountains but being driven thence they fled into Armenia Whereupon the Bassa fretting that he had not beset the ways caused all that he found to imbrace the new Religion or to have born Arms against Bajazet on the behalf of Techellis either to be put to Death Burnt in the Forehead with a hot Iron or Transported into Europe to prevent any future Insurrection and upon his return to Constantinople had Notice that Techellis and his scattered Forces in their flight lighting upon a Caravan of Silks and other Rich Merchandize took the spoil thereof for which outrage coming to Tauris the Captains were all by the Command of Hysmael hanged upon Gibbits and Techellis for a Terror to others burnt alive The Astan Rebellion suppressed by the means aforesaid the year following viz. Anno 1509. a dreadful Earthquake happened in Constantinople and the Countries adjacent which lasted with very little Intermission for the space of eighteen days or as the Turks affirm a Month in which time ●● t●ew to the ground many stately Buildings in Constantinople Hadrianople and other Cities of Greece and in their Ruins overwhelmed 13000 People after which a great Mortality happened which dispeopled many Cities in the Turks Dominions but both being past Bajazet set 80000 to repair the mischief Constantinople had sustained by the Earthquake which they performed in four Months Beautifying the City more then ever Bajazet had by his many Wives eight Sons and six Daughters who lived to be Men and Women grown and the Sons all Governours in divers Provinces of his large Empire whom the Turkish History after this manner reckons up viz. Abdullah Zelebi Alem Scach Tzihan Scach Achmet Machmut Corcut Selim and Mahomet yet as Antonius Vtrius Genois who long time lived in Bajazet's Court accounts they were only six whose Names he recites thus Scieniscia Alemscia Achometes Mahometes Selymus and Corcutus and that the two former dyed long before their Father and were by him greatly lamented now as for Tizhan and Abdula Zelebi the Turks report they were put to Death by their Fathers Command upon Suspition that they aspired too high in Conceit of Empire Of all these Sons Mahometes was of greatest hope who was by his Father made Governour of Magnesia but being by reason of his Youth somewhat Frolicksome he often went disguised to take a view of his Brothers Courts how therein they behaved themselves c. And at last came with two others in the habit o● Sea-faring men to the Court of Bajazet where not at first finding Admittance to the Emperors Presence they went and bought a fair Christian Captive and then pretending they had a Present to deliver were by the Warders permitted to enter and having delivered the Present found means to depart being first rewarded with three rich Garments but e'r they were gotten on Ship-board they were met by a Courtier that knew Mahometes who allighting would have done him Reverence but he forbad it as not being willing to be discovered yet it was not kept so close but it came to Bajazet's Ear who jealous as always Tyrants are that under such like Intreagues might be hid some secret Conspiracy against his Life or Empire he wrote to one Asmehemides a Courtier highly in Favour with Mahometes to poison him sending withal a poisonous Powder to effect it which this perfidious Courtier in hopes to succeed him in his Government performed but long it was not e'r the Tyrant repenting him of his inhumane and unnatural Command cast the said Courtier in Prison where he miserably perished Bajazet having caused Mahometes to be poisoned whom he need not to have feared Selymus the Governour of Trepezond one whom he intirely Loved immediately Conspired against him and having Corrupted most of the great Bassas of the Court the better to strengthen himself married the Daughter of Mahometes the Tartarian King who Aiding him with 15000 Tartarian Horse he left his Government and passed over the Euxine into Europe under pretence of invading Hungary where haivng notice that his Father intended to declare Achometes his Successor leaving the Coast of Hungary he marched directly towards Hadrianople where Bajazet lay with his Army and incamping within sight of the City sent a feigned Message to excuse his coming in a Hostile manner the which was as he said only that he might gain Access to his Presence to shew him such Reasons as he doubted not but he would approve of why Achometes should not succeed him but Bajazet not trusting to his fawning sent him word that if he did not immediately return to his Government in Asia and disband his Army he would not fail to chastise him with the Scourge of War But this Speech did not at all dismay the Head-strong Youth nor could all the Presents and fair Words Bajazet could devise avert him but raising his Camp marched directly towards Constantinople which Bajazet perceiving drew his Army out of Hadrianople and marched to prevent his surprizing the Imperial City at whose Departure out of Hadrianople Selymus entered it and having there refreshed his Army followed hard upon his Father cutting off the straglers of his Army and part of his Rear which caused the Old man to Face about and bid him Battle though all the Bassas except Cherseogles disswaded him from it as secretly favouring Selymus which Selymus as willing to accept after both Armies were put into Order and Bajazet with a moving Oration had incouraged his Men a cruel Fight began which continued from Noon till the setting of the Sun at what time the Tartarian Horse sore Gauled with the shot of the Harquebusses and terrified with the Thundering noise disranked and fled in spite of their Rider after which the Foot being Charged by the Janizaries were most of them slain Selymus himself upon a swift Horse hardly scaping In this Battle fought Anno 1511. near Chiurlus 30000 of Selymus his Men were slain and taken Prisoners with the loss only of 7000 of Bajazet's Soldiers after which Bajazet kept on his way to Constantinople where he no sooner arrived but he bountifully rewarded his Men Achometes Bajazet's eldest Son being at Amasia and hearing what had passed raised an Army of 20000 Horse and Foot and by speedy marches came to Scutari Antiently called Christophorus situate upon the Straights of Bosphorus over against Constantinople where incamping he sent Messengers to his Father requesting him as he had frequently determined to declare him his Successor as by Seniority he ought and to resign him the Empire
the way himself had like to have been slain in his Tent by a Mountainier which had been effected had he not been discovered by the cracking of a bough to revenge which he sent his Janizaries and other his approved Soldiers who hunting the people inhabiting the high and rough Mountains of Chimera like wild Beasts killed many of them and returned with such spoil as they found after which he with a great Fleet landed on the Isle of Corcyra now called Corfu for fear of whom the Venetian Admiral ●●thdrew with his Galleys into the Adriatick Gulf 〈◊〉 to expect the other part of his Fleet yet 〈…〉 long while battered the chief City in vain 〈…〉 himself with the spoil of the Villages 〈…〉 Thousand Christian Prisoners departed 〈…〉 return landing on the Isle of Naxos 〈…〉 the City which not being furnished to 〈…〉 so powerful an Army consented to pay the T●●ant Five thousand Duckates a year Tribute and to hold the Seigniorie of him whereupon without doing further harm he departed to Constantinople at whose return Lutzis Bassa was accused by his Wife Solymans Sister of Sodomy and for that she having in private reproved him thereof he had struck her a box on the Ear and confined her as a Prisoner to her Chamber which complaint so incensed Solyman who for his Sisters sake had raised him from a low Degree to the highest Honour next himself that he banished him into Macedonia where he spent the remainder of his dayes in a poor and private life Though Solyman was returned to Constantinople yet his Wars with the Venetians ended not for he sent strict command to his Governours and Lieutenants bordering upon their frontiers to vex them them with all manner Hostilities who were not wanting to satisfie him therein nor the Venetians on their part to revenge the injuries but the fierceness of the Turks were somewhat restrained by a War undertaken by King Ferdinand against them to revenge former injuries who raising a great power of gallant Soldiers of divers Nations sent them under the leading of Cazzianer by whose Cowardize in leading them through Woods and by-wayes many of them perished for hunger others to avoid that calamity deserted him and in fine the General forsaking his Army for which he was afterward executed It was overthrown near Exek and all the Soldiers either slain or taken Prisoners The news of this great overthrow much troubled the Christian Princes to repair which disgrace the Emperor the Venetians and the Pope set out a great Fleet of Galleys which meeting at Corcyra the Admirals consulted what was best to be done when upon notice that Barbarussa lay with the Turkish Galleys in the Bay of Ambracia they resolved to sail thither where having a while braved him the bold Turk incited thereto by one of Solymans Eun●chs came forth to give them battle which Auria perceiving contrary to the minds of the Captains stood away to Corcyra in the rear of whom the Turks fall took several of the stragling Galleys This retreat or rather flight much eclipsed the fame of Auria who before was accounted a second Neptune but being still followed by Barbarussa he returned into Italy to the great dislike of the Venetians without effecting any thing worthy of memory which gave the proud Turk opportunity to make great spoil on the Sea Coast and on the Islands of the Sea yet held by the Venetians and to recover Castronovum a little before taken by the Christians though not without infinite slaughter on either side it being for a long time manfully defended by Sarmentus a Valiant Spanish Captain who amongst heaps of slain expired in the bed of Honour Things being at this pass the Emperor made a peace with the French King both which Potentates solicited the Venetians by their Embassadors to continue the War against Solyman but they weary thereof as lying most obnoxious to his fury could not be perswaded thereto but laboured to procure a peace which with much difficulty they obtained In consideration whereof they yield unto him Nauplium and Epidaurus two Cities of Peloponesus together with Nadium and Labrania two Castles of Dalmatia which happened by reason the secrets of their Embassey was beforehand discovered to Solyman by several treacherous Venetians bribed by him for that purpose some of which being afterward taken were worthily executed at the same time a secret consideration between John King of Hungary and Ferdinand King of Bohemia including that upon the decease of the former the latter should enjoy his Kingdom was discovered to Solyman which grievously incensed him against the Hungarian King whom by his Armes he had restored to his Kingdom to appease which he was content to marry Isabella Daughter to Sigismund King of Polonia by whom he had Issue a Son who after his Fathers Death was crowned King of Hungary and taken into Solymans protection by that means bereaving King Ferdinand of his hope of a peaceable possession whereupon after having requested it by his Embassadors of Solyman and despairing that way to obtain it he with a great Army entered the Kingdom and seized upon Vicegrade Pesth Vacia and Alba Regalis To oppose which sudden Tempest e're it had swept away all her Cities the Queen sent her Embassadors to Solyman to crave Aid against King Ferdinand whereupon he not only sent the young King her Son several Rich Presents but his Letters Mandatory to his Lieutenants on the Frontiers with all their Forces to assist her threatning that if by their neglect she received any dammage their heads should make satisfaction and withal caused Lascus King Ferdinands Embassador at that time residing at Constantinople to be imprisoned This news was joyful to the Queen whereupon she drawing together all her Forces joyned them with those Mahometes and Vstref two of Solymans Bassas had brought into the field and immediately layed siege to Vacia which they took and to prevent its again falling into the hands of the Bohemians set it on fire Vacia thus layed waste they removed to Pesth to which they layed straight siege but after many unsuccessful attempts to carry it by storm raised their Camp and returned over Danubius upon which King Ferdinand sent a great Army under the Leading of the Lord William Regendorff who entring the Kingdom layed siege to Buda and sent Messengers to summon the Queen to surrender the City to his Master and that in lieu thereof and of the other Cities she should have bestowed on her freely the Seignory of Sepusia to which George Bishop of Veradium who altogether governed the Queen answered that she should accept no such proffer and with many opprobrious words dismissed the Messengers whereupon Regendorff having mounted his Canon furiously battered the City making several wide breaches but they were so notably defended that the Germans nor Spaniards could not enter which they perceiving so dealt with one Bornemissa a great man in the City that he promised to deliver them a Gate in the night to enter by
Infidels thus foiled though the City still held out Corradi●e Sultan of Damasco and Jerusalem sent his Ambassador to the Christian Princes to sue for Peace for himself and his Brother the Sultan of Egypt In lieu whereof he promised to restore the Holy-Cross and all the Towns his Father Saladine had taken from the Christians which large offer was thought reasonable by most of the Princes none opposing it but Pelagius the Popes 〈◊〉 John the late made King of Jerusalem the 〈◊〉 of the Knights Templers and Hospitallers and the Duke of A●siria they alledging that the War was undertaken generally against the Infidels and that they ought not to desist till they had brought them under Whereupon the S●●●●n supposing they would speedily come to Jerusalem caused it to be rased all exce●● 〈◊〉 Tower of David and the holy Sepulcher 〈…〉 instance of the Christians there dwelling 〈…〉 with all his people departed to Da●●● 〈◊〉 but 〈…〉 Christians though too late repented their 〈…〉 advantageous an offer for 〈…〉 of the raw 〈◊〉 and Vapors that ascended from Ni●●s a mortal Contagion raged in the ●●mp and much weakened it so that the Sultan taking the advantage indeavoured to put succors into the Town with such speed that many entered ere the Christians could take the Alarum but they falling in the Rear cut off a great number that were shut out lest the Christians should have entered Pell-mel with them into the City and heightened with this success they marched to the Sultans Camp and dared him to battel but he not willing to hazard his Kingdom upon a cast refusing they assaulted him in his Lodging In which daring Attempt the French General was lost with many more of note so that without success they again returned to the Siege Famine beginning to rage extreamly in the City and soon after its attendant the Plague of which such a number died that there were none left to defend it So that the Christians entering found all the Streets paved with the dead 70000 of the Infidels having perished therein through obstinacy who upon surrender might have had their Lives and Liberties Thus this great City after a years Siege was taken the Third of November 1221. After which the Popes Legate laying Claim to it in the behalf of his Master though at the beginning of the War the Princes had concluded that all the Cities and Tow●● 〈◊〉 should be put into the Possession of the King of Jerusalem a Contest arose between them insomuch that the King retired to 〈◊〉 and was hardly intreated to return upon whose return and the Arrival of the Duke of Bavaria with fresh Forces at the Legates intreaty a great part of the Army was drawn forth in order to the 〈◊〉 the City of C●● which they effected not without hopes of w●●●ing it but being unacquainted with the Country they i● camping in low Ground the 〈…〉 and overflowed their 〈…〉 Waters of a prodigious depth●●● that many perished therein and at last were obliged to re-deliver Damiata for their Ransom and so the Sultan relieving them with such necessaries as they wanted caused them to be Conducted out of Egypt Whereupon most of them returned into their own Country having first concluded a Peace for eight years with Coradine the Sultan of Damasco which Peace was by the Infidel inviolably observed King John upon his return at the instance of H●●or●us gave his Daughter Yoland in Marriage to Er●drick King of Sicilia and with her the Title of Jerusalem from whence the succeedings derived their Titles instiling themselves Kings of Jerusalem And now Henry the second Emperor of Constantinople being dead having Reigned eleven years and some odd days Peter Count of Ausseres was made Emperor in his stead who in revenge to Injuries done to the Ve●etians by Theodorus Angelius Prince of Epirus besieged him in D●●rachium but upon his feigned Submission a Peace was concluded when the Emperor too much crediting the perjured Wretch going into the City slenderly attended to an Entertainment to which the Epir●● had invited him was by his Commandment slain Upon the News of this sad disaster the Constantinop●li●●ns elected his Son Robert to succeed him but he lived nor long for having married a beautiful Lady before Contracted to a noble man of Burgundia he in revenge in the Emperors absence with a resolute Company broke into the Pallace and there seizing upon the 〈◊〉 cut off her Nose and Ears and afterward 〈◊〉 her Mother who had been the cause of the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 Contract threw her into 〈…〉 into the 〈…〉 Mountains living 〈…〉 of his Companions which 〈…〉 the Emperor that going to Rome in his return the died After him succeeded his Son by the name of Baldwin the Second being the fifth and last Emperor of the Lattins in Constantinople For Las●ares of whom I have before spoken after the overthrow he gave the Sultan mightily increasing his Power rigged a great many Ships and Siezed upon all the Islands in the Iconium and Egean Seas Lesbos Chios Sa●os Rhodes c. And by that means rendered himself so formidable that most Cities before in the possession of the Lattins revolted to him insomuch that without any great resistance he brought his Army to the Gates of Constantinople and then dying lefe his Son John Ducas Batazes to succeed him who prosecuting the War against the Latrius became more terrible then his Father strengthening himself by a Marriage between H●lena daughter to Assan King of Bulgaria and his Son Theodore And after that renewed the League with the Sultain of Iconium who was then 〈◊〉 in Warring against the Tartars During these p●ss●●es 〈◊〉 the German Emperor with great forces passed 〈◊〉 Syria but by Reason he did not humble himself to Greogry the ninth the proud Pre●●●● 〈◊〉 thereto by his Strumpet Fulminated against 〈◊〉 with Excommunications sending his Le●ters to the Christians not to aid nor receive him upon his 〈◊〉 but they did not regard the 〈◊〉 Pope 〈…〉 his Landing with his forces 〈…〉 joyfully and honourably received 〈…〉 to Sultan 〈◊〉 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 but 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 to his 〈…〉 desire 〈…〉 himself 〈…〉 that after 〈…〉 that the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 was at hardly gladly 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 up the City of Jerusalem with all the Land of Palestine together with the Respective Cities taken by the Sultan Saladine and all the Christian Prisoners in lieu of a ten years Peace which was accorded and the Emperor with his Army coming to the desolate City of Jerusalem and there with great Solemnity on Easter Day Anno 1229 was Crowned King and so having fortifyed the City by repairing the Wall and Garrisoned Nazereth Joppa and other strong Cities and appointed Reynold Duke of Bavaria his Lieutenant in Syria he returned home where the Pope had put his Subjects in an uproar and Seized upon his Kingdom of Naples working him greater troubles then are convenient to be here related as not pertinent to this History only note that this was
was quickly forced to retire with 10000 less then he brought but this Siege continuing long a mortal Pestilence happen'd in the Army the Kings youngest Son dyed and in the end himself with many of his prime Nobility which greatly incouraged the Moors but their joy lasted not long for soon after came thither Prince Edward Hemy the Third King of Englands eldest Son with sixteen Ships fraught with Valiant English Soldiers as also the King of Ci●ilia Navar and Arragon with great Forces upon which the Morish King making many large o●●ers for Peace it was granted in the Name of all the Princes on Condition that he should pay a yearly Trib●●e of 40000 Crowns to the King of Scicily and to suffer the Christian Religion freely to be Exercised throughout his Dominions in all its particulars which Articles being concluded on and ratified though contrary to the mind of Prince Edward they weighed Anchor and stood for the Isle of Scicily intending there to Winter and the next Spring to pass into Syria But coming into the Bay the Princes were no sooner got on shoar but a terrible Storm arose that most of the Fleet were broken to pieces only of Prince Edward's Fleet not one Ship perished in this wrack a great part of the Mariners and Soldiers were drowned and the Plague still raging amongst them in such sort that the French Queen the King of Navar and divers others of great Rank dyed which so discourag'd Philip the French King that he returned into France without Attempting any thing further and with him all the rest Prince Edward his English excepted returned into their Respective Countries but the Prince kept on his way till he arrived at Ptolomais and was received by the Christians with great joy where having rested himself for a while and inquired into the nature of the Country he with 6 or 7000 of his English took Nazareth and upon his return overthrew a great Army of Sarazens that supposed to have intrapped him and at another time overthrew them with great Slaughter near Cakhow a Village about 40 Miles from P●olomais And so succesfull was he in all his undertakings that the Infidels extreamly dreaded him Insomuch that the Admiral of Joppa feigned himself to be converted to the Christian Religion sent one of his Servants to commune with the Prince about diverse Matters who being admitted in Private and seeming as if he would draw a letter out of his Bosom with an Impoisoned knife supposed to have Stabbed the Prince into the Belly but he being aware received the Wound on his Arm and with his foot Struck the Villain down and then wresting from him the knife Stabbed him during which buffle the Guards entered and cut him in Pieces as he lay on the Ground This Villain the Sultan sent to excuse Swearing by Mahomet it was not done with his privity nor consent but however such was the nature of the poison that it was not cured without great difficulty The Prince having a long time in vain expected the coming of the other Christian Princes thought good to return which accordingly he did having first concluded a Peace with the Sultan and shortly after his return his Father Henry dying he was Crowned King of England c. Anno 1273 〈◊〉 having been advanc'd by the Pope to the 〈…〉 upon promise to pass into the 〈…〉 himself for so tedious a Voyage sent his Son Henry Prince of M●●●l●burg who a●●●●ing at 〈◊〉 with a great Power wasted the Territories of Damasco with fire and Sword taking many Towns but at length being intercepted by the Mamalu●●s he was taken Prisoner and a great part of his Army slain in which state he with one Servant remained 26 years no Ransom being accepted for his deliverance at which time a Runagado German coming to the Sultan set him at Liberty and sent him who upon his return was not known to his nearest Relations who supposed him long before silent in his Grave and indeed he lived not long after his return The Princes of the West growing weary of these tedious expeditions the Infidels thereby encouraged under the leading of Alphix or Elpis their Sultan rased Tripolis Sidon and Berythus putting most of the Inhabitants to the Sword the Christians having now nothing left but the strong City Ptolomais and yet they were at variance amongst themselves some for the Government of the City and some for the title of King of Jerusalem During the contest Sultan Araphius sent his Son to besiege Ptolomais who in vain assaulting it many times made large offers if he might have it delivered but they as little prevailed whereupon his Father being dead and himself chosen Sultan he drew down before it 15000 Horse and Foot assaulting it on every side filling up the ditches with his Multitude but the Christians from the Wall and by sallying killed so many of the Infidels that they were forced to retire to their trenches yet in the Skirmish Peter Grand Master of the Templars being Shot with a Poison Arrow died within three days and with him all the courage of the besieged for from that time such as could make their escape by Sea departed so that the City being in the end left destitute of Defendants was by the Sultan taken and rased all such as were found therein being put to the Sword so that the Christians were utterly rooted out of Syria this being the last City which had remained in the hands of the Christians for upwards of 100 years and was lost Anno 1291 just 192 years after the winning of Jerusalem by Duke Godfry And now the Christian Princes despairing to recover what they had lost Cassanes the Tartarian Prince moved thereto by his Wife and her Father the King of Armenia undertook the Enterprize and with a powerfull Army entered Syria wasting all before him when not far from the Mountain Amanus he met with Melsenoser the Sultan of Egypt's Lievtenant and put him to flight with the loss of 40000 of his Souldiers and drave him quite out of Syria sending Molais one of his Captains to pursue him over the desart Sands to the Confines of Egypt then taking in all the Cities as he passed and in the City of Hama lighting upon the Sultans treasure he divided it amongst his Souldiers and having fortified Jerusalem and Damasco he purposed in the Spring to have passed into Egypt and to have destroyed the Country but in the mean time receiving news that great tumults were risen in Persia his new acquired Empire he with part of his Army departed to allay them leaving Capcapus Governour of Damasco and his great Captain Molais of Jerusalem with order to send Embassadors to the Princes of the West but they being Imbroyled amongst themselves nothing could be obtained so that no aids coming from the Tartar nor King of Armenia the Towns were as easily recovered by the Egyptian Sultan as they had been taken from him by the Tartarian Cham. And thus taking my leave
of War into the Turks Dominions and so with a great Army he Commanded Vsbeg to pass into Cilicia where not far from Tarsus he found the Turks incamped under the command of Chersogles Vice-Roy of Greece a most Valiant Captain whereupon a mortal Battle begun and many thousands Slain for the Sultans Army consisting mostly of Mamalukes such an obstinate Fight was fiercly maintained between them and the Turkish Jannizaries that Victory stood doubtful for the space of 2 days at the end of which the Turkish General having lost 60000 of his men in the Night left his Camp and fled nor was the loss in the Sultans Army much inferiour but the Turks loss still proved greater for Flying through Aladules Country that King had so beset the way that most of the remaining part were Slain and the General taken prisoner nor fared Bajazet's Fleet at Sea better for Anchoring in the mouth of Orentes within sight of Antioch it was by a Tempest beaten to pieces all which losses coming one upon the Neck of another caused Bajazet to send his Ambassadors to the Sultan to require peace which was accorded to and all the Prisoners set at liberty when shortly after the Sultan who of a Circassian Slave by the favour of the Mamaluke's his Fellows become a mighty Monarch dyed Peace being concluded in Asia the Christian Princes stirred up thereto by Pope Alexander the Sixth that Firebrand of discord all Christendom was in a Flame at what time Charles the French King seized upon the Kingdom of Naples taken from his Father by Ferdinand the first whereupon the Pope and Alphonsus the exiled King of Naples solicited Bajazet to send them 6000 Horse and as many Foot for the recovery of the same laying before him like special Christians what danger the Mahometan Religion would be in if the French prevailed the Pope promising him also to Poyson Zemes his Brother if he would pay him well for so doing these Admonitions and large overtures so prevailed with the Infidel that he had great store of treasure but as it was designed for evil purposes it prospered accordingly for the Vessell in the Adriatick Sea being boarded by John Roverius a Venetian he seized the cash before it came to the Popes fingering yet his Holyness loath to break his Word nevertheless contrary to his Oath made to the Ambassadors from the great Master of Rhodes Poisoned Zemes by putting Poison amongst the Sugar which he was wont to mix with his Water to the great Scandal of the Christian Religion and reproach of St. Peter's pretended Successors nor was God slow in revenging the dishonor done to his name for Alexander having a Bastard Son named Caesar Borgia a Profligate Wretch who after many Outrages and Murthers committed being about to Poison several of the Cardinals at a Supper in the Vattican by a lucky mistake of the waiter in taking up the wrong flaggon poisoned his Father who notwithstanding his infallibility was not Poison proof nor did this ungracious Son long escape for fighting under the standard of the King of Navar he was slain with a hargubus shot Notwithstanding the death of Pope Alexander yet he left Christendom in such a blaze that the flame of discord was not in a long while after quenched for whilst the Emperor of Germany and Princes of Italy were Bandising against the French King and shedding Christian Blood the Turks invaded Podolia and Rassia spoiling the Country and sacking several walled Towns but by reason of the Excessiveness of the Winter through Hunger and Cold most of the Army Perished yet not dismayed by the Loss sustained he the next year sent Cadumes Bassa into Illyria who spoiling the Country was incountred by 9000 Croats and Hungarians near the River Morava under the leading of Count Bernard Francopain where after a cruel and Bloody fight the Christians were put to the worst and 7000 of them slain and drowned in passing the River the noses of which being cut off and hung upon strings were sent to Bajazet as a Barbarous present Charles the French King being dead Lewis the 12 Succeeded him in the Kingdom of France who laying claim to the Dukedom of Millain made a league with the Venetians whereupon Sfortia the Duke in possession sent to crave aid of Bajazet laying before him the danger his Empire was in daily to be invaded if the French grew strong in Italy preferring Ambition and revenge before the advancement of the Christian Religion Bajazet by this means stirred up resolved to render the Venetians unserviceable to the French by keeping them busie nearer home whereupon he commanded Scander Bassa his Lievetenant in Illyria to break in upon the Fruitful Country of Friuli part of the Venetians Territories on the borders of Italy the which he did with 12000 Horse destroying all before him as far as Liquentia driving before him a great number of Captives the which when he came to the Banks of Tiliaventum and understanding that the French and Venetians had driven the Duke of Millan out of his Territories he barbarously caused to be put to the Sword After the Seisure of Millan the Venetians set out a great Fleet under the charge of Anthony Grimani who set upon the Turks Fleet far Superior in number as it was coming out of the Bay or Haven of Sapientia in the Island of Sphraga but through the Cowardice of the Admiral in not permitting half his Fleet to come up those that were ingaged retired after a sharp dispute and the Turks kept their course to Naupactum now called Lepanto where they found Bajazet already arrived with his Land Army so that after a few days Siege the Citizens dispairing of Succour Surrendred the City wherefore the Venetian Admiral upon his return was Banished by a decree of the Senate to one of the Absytidies Islands upon the Coast of Liburnia Bajazet by this means having got firm footing in the Venetian Territories the year following viz. 1500 entered the straights of Corinth with an Army of 150000 and passing through Peloponnesus lay'd Siege to the strong City of Menthon now called Modon and took it by surprize putting all the Inhabitants to the Sword upon which several other Cities belonging to the Venetians yielded by composition but after the taking of many Cities on either side with great Blood-shed both by Sea and Land A peace between Bajazet and the Senate of Venice was treated and finally accorded upon consideration first that the Venetians should deliver up the Islands of Neritos and Lucadia the which during these Wars they had taken from the Turks reserving to themselves only the Island of Cephalenia And that in consideration thereof Bajazet should restore all such goods as had been taken from the Venetian Merchants in the late Wars and that it should be lawful for them as they were wonted safely to trade and traffique into the Euxine Sea and to Constantinople and there to have their Conful or Governour as they had in former time and lastly
that the Venetian Territories should be certainly known and seperated from the Turks by certain Bounds or Limits These conditions were Solemnly concluded on and confirmed both by Bajazet and the Senate of Venice and so affirmed Peace concluded in Anno 1503 after the Wars had continued between them for the space of 5 years Peace concluded with the Venetians Bajazet raised a great Army intending to invade Hungary but having been often foiled by that warlike Nation he changed his mind and Marched to suppress the insurrection in Albania a part of his Territory which done as he was returning a Derviller which is a Phantastical kind of a beggarly Turkish Monk using no other apparel but two Sheep Skins the one hanging before and the other behind who coming up to him as if he would have asked an Almes with a short Cimiter strock at him and beat him from his Horse and being about to redouble his blow had certainly dispatched him had not Ishender Bassa come in and with his Horsemans Mace struck the Varlet dead who afterwards by the Soldiers was hewn in pieces this treacherous and desperate act so moved Bajazet that he proscribed all them of that Superstitious order and banished them out of his Empire Bajazet after the incessant toiles of War resolving to repose himself committed the Management of his great Affairs to his 3 Bassa's viz. Alis Achmetes Kinsman to him that was slain and Jachia who having got the Reins of Empire in their hands for the space of 5 years suffered things to run into such disorder by regarding their private profit more then the publick good that a great part of the Lesser Asia was in an uproar by the means of Chasan Chelife and Schach Culi or Techellis two Persian Imposters who set the Multitude a madding by spreading a new fangled Doctrine more wicked then that of Mahomet their pretended Prophet To quench this Flame that began dreadfully to blaze into a Rebellion Bajazet was forced to rouse from his Lair yet the Doctrine could not nor is it to this day extirprated for being persecuted by Bajazet they fled into Persia and there pretending themselves to be the true Successor of Mahomet the Imposter and that none but they knew his Will and that those that believed not in their Doctrine should never Injoy any happiness after this Life with a deal of such ridiculous Cant they so besotted Asymbeiu●Vsun Cassanes the Persian King that he had to the first Author of this Doctrine viz. one Haider who was Master of these Disciples given his Daughter Martha in Marriage but he dying and his Son Jacup succeeding him in the Kingdom began to have his Brother-in-Law in suspition by reason of the multitude that followed him upon the account of his pretended Sanctity Insomuch that he caused him secretly to be murthered and raised a great Persecution against those that imbraced his Doctrine yet this Haider left a Son which he had by Martha his Wife named Hysmael who afterward became a Sophy of Persia as will appear in his Wars with Selymus Bajazet's Son and Successor but upon the Persecution raised by Jacup Son to Vsun Cassanes the two aforesaid Disciples of Haider fled to Armenia and there dwelling in Rocks began to tell Fortunes and other strange things which made the Rusticks suppose them men more then ordinarily inspired Insomuch that they gathered about them in great numbers insomuch that they came out of their Iurking Holes into walled Towns and taught boldly During the spreading of this Doctrine Hysmael the Son of Haider being grown to mans Estate and his Uncle Jacup dead he by the Aid of such as favoured his Fathers Doctrine won the Kingdom of Armenia and after that overthrowing Eluan the Persian King Son to his Uncle Jacup in a pitched Battle wherein the said King was slain he took Possession of all his Grand-fathers Dominions and from that time was called the great Sophy of Persia being afterward exceedingly beloved of his Subjects This Hysmale was no sooner Established in his Kingdom but he Established to his Power his Fathers Doctrine which Chusan Chelife and Techellis perceiving and understanding the unlooked for success of their Masters Son they resolved not to be Idle but to try their Fortune likewise Whereupon gathering a great number of their Proselytes in Arms they wasted again the Countries in the lesser Asia and being incouraged thereto by Hysmale with Promise of great Succours they set down before the City of Iconium sending out their Proclamations strictly to injoyn all the People thereabout to imbrace their Doctrine threatning them otherwise with Death and Confiscation of Goods which wrought such Terror in the Peasants that they had many of them joyned with them so that within a while their number was increased from 10 to 50000. Whereupon Orchanes and Mahomites two of Bajazets Nephews gathering what Forces they could Sallyed out of the City against them but were put to flight with the loss of most of their Men Corcutus also one of Bajazets Sons and then Governour of Thyatria Sypilus Magnesia and Phocia having leavyed a great Army durst not nevertheless to give them Battle but waited the coming of Caragoses Bassa who was raising great Forces in Cappadocia and Pontus having sent his Command to Achmetes one of Bajazets Sons to do the like but e'r he had gathered a sufficient Power the pretended Prophets came upon him put such Forces as he had to the Rout and forced Caragoses then Vice-Roy of Asia for his safety to fly into the City of Cutaie near unto the Mountain Horminius situate in the middle of the lesser Asia which City they besieged took by force and in it the Vice-Roy his Wife and Children putting most of the Citizens to the Sword and from thence marched to besiege the great City of Prusa but in their way hearing that Alis Bassa was come out of Europe with great Power and followed hard upon them they retreated and passed another way to avoid joyning with the Turks in the plain Ground of which the Bassa having Notice and dispairing to overtake them with his Footmen chose out 8000 of his swiftest Horse leaving Achmetes with the rest of the Army after a tedious March he fell in with their Rear Whereupon Techellis who was chosen General of the Rebels put his men in Battle Array when taking the most advantagious Ground he stayed the coming of the Turkish Horse who charged him in the Front with great Fury but wanting Foot to second them in so Hilly a Country were driven back which the Bassa perceiving drew forth 1000 Harquebusiers who served as Foot to oppose the Front whilst the Horse Charged on the right and left Wings of the Enemies Army which was performed with such Bravery that Techellis's Men gave Ground and in the Rear broke and disordered their own Ranks when Chelife one of the Impostors fighting desperately was slain But Techellis coming with fresh supplies restored the Battle to break which Alis
all which Bajazet intended to do and proposed such his Intentions to his Captains but they bribed by Selymus opposed him therein saying they would acknowledge no other Emperor but himself and as the Captains said so said the Soldiers Whereupon he sent to Achometes to inform him of the Obstinacy of the Soldiers and desired him to return to his Government of Amasa till he could mold them into a better Temper by his Bounty but he impatient of delay not only abused the Messenger but greatly reproached his Father rose with his Army and marching through the Country spoiled Bythinia and growing daily more and more inflamed from being barred of his Expectation purposed to have seized upon Asia the less upon which calling to him his two Sons Amurath and Aladine young Princes of great hope he admonished them to take up Arms against their Grand-father who prone enough thereto of themselves and now incited by their Father in a short time raised a great Army and joyning with the standing Forces Achometes had before in pay over-run a great part of Asia Achometes causing himself every where to be proclaimed King These proceedings greatly troubled Bajazet insomuch that to prevent Blood-shed he sent to him his Ambassadors to reprove him for his Disloyalty and to command him forthwith to set at Liberty his Nephews Mahometes and his Brother whom he had taken Prisoners for refusing to aid him against their Grand-Father Bajazet but instead of performing what his Father Commanded he caused the chief Ambassador to be Slain in his presence and strictly enjoyned the other on Pain of their Lives to depart his Camp ' ere Sun set of which strange and Heinous Fact when Bajazet had knowledge he was greatly inraged and caused him to be proclaimed a Traytor against his Person and Empire commanding that the European Horse-men should immediately march against him But the Bassas that favoured Selymus thinking it now a fit time to procure his being called home and entring again into Favour insinuated into the old Emperor that if he designed to destroy both his Rebellious Sons he could do it by no better means then by calling home Selymus and making him General of the Army designed to march against Achometes and that by such means one of them was sure to Perish and then getting the other into his power he might destroy him at his pleasure to this motion of the Bassas Bajazet hearkened adn commanded that Selymus should be fetched to Court whither now Corcutus was come to claim his Fathers promise as having heard that contrary thereto he meant to give the Empire from him to whom Bajazet again made many promises only willing him to be content whilst this new Rebellion was suppressed when in the mean while Selymus arrived and prostrating himself at his Fathers Feet was received into favour and preferred to the leading of the Army who no sooner he d●d it but as it was before contrived by the Bassas he by the General Voice was saluted Emperor and Mustapha Bassa sent to Bajazet peremptorily to demand him to surrender the Empire to his Son Selymus whom as he said the Soldiers had saluted Emperor and that if he refused so to do they were resolved to spoil the Pallace if not commit an out-rage upon his Person upon which Bajazet finding himself betrayed by those he most relyed on after having expressed Indignation and Grief finding that would or would he not all was one with many curses and Execrations upon his unnatural Son and the rest of the Traytors he delivered the Insigns of Majesty of which unexpected news Corcutus having notice fled for his Life to Magnesia Selymus having by the means aforesaid Grasped the Empire could not suppose himself safe whilst his Father lived and therefore with great rewards tempted Hamon a Jew and Bajazet's chief Physitian to make him away by Poyson who in order to his Hellish purpose went to Hadrianople whither Bajazet was retired and there through Melancholy and infirmities incident to Age he found him indisposed he offered him Physick the which the old man not doubting to be of fatal Consequence when delivered by the Hand of his old approved Physitian at the time appointed took which he had not long done ' ere he felt a grievous pain in his Stomack and plain Symptoms of his being Poysoned appeared so that amidst Groans and Torturing Pangs within 24 Hours he gave up the Ghost Anno 1512 and his Reign the thirtieth Bajazet thus Poysoned the Jew hasted to Constantinople to receive his reward which he had accordingly for not long after his Arrival his Head was stricken off by the Commandment of Selymus who afterward Buryed his Father in a most stately Tomb near to the Great Mahometan Temple that himself had built and by Reason two of his Pages mourned for him he caused them to be put to Death but Heavens Vengeance was not long delayed as will appear in the next Chapter in his woful and unusual Death CHAP. XIV The Life of Selymus the first of that Name the third Emperor of the Turks his Bloody Reign and woful Death SElymus Aspiring to the Empire by Blood and Treason could not think himself safe whilst any of the Othoman Royal Blood remained in the Veins of his Relations therefore gathering all his forces he marched into Asia to oppress Achometes but missing of him at that time he thirsty of Blood caused 5 of his Nephews all Princes of great hope to be straugled in his presence causing their dead Bodies to be Buryed in Prusa and afterward sought to surprise Amurath and Aladin Mahometes 2 Sons but they having notice of his wicked intent one of them fled into Persia and the other into Egypt and Vsegi Bassa who was sent to apprehend them at Amasa upon notice beforehand sent by Mustapha Bassa who now was alienated from Selymus was intrapped by an Ambush lay'd by Mahometes himself taken Prisoner and most of his men Slain but it coming to Selymus his Ear that Mustapha held Correspondence with Achometes notwithstanding he had helped him to the Empire he caused him to be Slain so little Assurance has any man in the favour of a Tyrant who has the power of Life and Death in his Hand in revenge of which Achometes put Vsegi Bassa whom he held Prisoner to Death Selymus still thirsty of Blood with all speed marched to Magnesia in hopes to have surprized his Brother Corcutus in his Castle but he having timely notice was fled before his coming yet he took the Spoil of all his Treasure and so leaving a Captain with a 1000 Horse to secure the City and commanding Bostanges his Son In-Law with a Fleet to watch the Sea-Coast that he should not escape he went to Prusia supposing to have found him there but on the contary he poor Prince was fain to hide himself in a Cave by the Sea-side and there for many Days feeding upon Crabs in hopes the Ships would have departed that he might have wafted
which a fierce fight was begun and Atadeules fighting Courragiously at the head of his men forced the Turkish Horsemen to give ground which Selymus perceiving and that his Army was sorely Annoy'd by the Archers from the Mountains drawing out 2000 Harquibusiers out of his own Squadorn he sent them to reinforce his Horse and at the same time commanded the Janizaries to Mount the Hills which they doing charged the Foot with such Fury that they being sore distressed with the Harquibus shot not being used to such engins scattered and fled so that a great number of them were killed e're they could clamber up the steep Mountains and the Horse at that time being discomfited fled by well known ways into the fastnesses of the steep Rocks after whom Selymus followed burning all before him but finding he could not overtake the King who retiring before him had fortified himself amongst the Impregnible Rocks and there stored up much provision in hopes to weary the Turks with tedious delay Selymus having perfect notice of all that had passed by several Prisoners that he had taken thought it more fit to prevent his falling into necessity in so barren a Country to use Stratagems where force could not prevail whereupon understanding that there was no good meaning between Aladeules and Alis Beg his General by reason that the King had formerly commanded his Father to be slain upon suspicion he designed to seize his Kingdom he releasing the Prisoners sent them to Alis Beg with great rewards to incite him to deliver Aladeules into his hands and that in Lieu thereof he of his bounty would give him the Kingdom which so wrought with the treacherous General that not finding means to kill the King as he had purposed he caused all his Army to revolt to Sinan Bassa whom Selymus had sent to pursue him so that being left alone flying through many desolate places at length hid himself in a Cave where being discovered by a Country Peasant he betrayed him into the Hands of those that sought after him who presenting him to Selymus he caused his Head to be stricken off and carried all over Asia the less in manner of Triumph and afterward sent it to the Senate of Venice in token of his Victory Selymus having subdued the Kingdom of Aladeules as aforesaid and reduced it into the form of a Province making the Traitor chief Governour thereof returned to Constantinople having at the same time he was Waring against Aladeules by his Bassas invaded Hungaria and now having notice from his Correspondents in Christendom that Maximillian the Emperor Vladislaus King of Hungaria Sigismond King of Poland together with the Princes of Germany were entering into a League against him it caused him to make great Preparations for the defence of his Territories but in the end those Princes seperated without doing any thing worthy of their meeting So that being freed from that Fear he left a strong Guard upon the Fronteers of his Empire bordering upon Hungaria and departed to Iconium in Order to prosecute his War against the Persian but during his stay at that City he had certain notice that Campson Gaurus Sultan of Egypt with a great Army levied in Egypt and Judea was coming to Aid the Persian King his Confederate as hating Selymus for his Cruelty towards his Father Brethren and Nephews as likewise being jealous of his aspiring Greatness this News was Confirmed on all Hands Selymus greatly feared that if he should pass over the River Euphrates the Sultan might enter Asia and spoil his Dominions wherefore he thought it safe if possible to make him his Friend in order to which he sent the Cadelescher or great Doctor of the Mahomitan Law A man much reverenced amongst the Turks and Jachis one of his great Captains as his Ambassadors to desire the renewing the League sometime made between the Sultan and his Father Bajazet but the Sultan moved by the pittious Complaints of the Princes Aladine Son to Mahomet and the Son of Aladeules who as exiled Princes remained in his Court and incouraged by his great Captains to restore them to their rightful Possessions would have no Peace unless Selymus would leave off to invade the Persian and restore the Mountainous Kingdom to the young Aladeules which upon the Report thereof so inraged Sebymus that he resolved to lay aside his intended War against Hysmale and turn all his Forces upon the Sultan and therefore with words of incouragement having animated his Soldiers he passed with his Army over the Mountains in three places and so appointing a great Company of the Common Soldiers and Country people for the opening of the straight Passages he Commanded the rough and uneven ways to be made smooth and plain so that in five Days all his Ordnance and Carriages were come into the Plains of Comagena where he received News of Campson's Army from Alis Beg Governour of the Mountain Kingom which caused him to march towards him with all speed By this time Campson having notice of the approach whom he could not at first believe to have passed the huge Mountain of Amanus stood long in doubt what was best to be done whether to give the Tyrant Battle or to retire to Damasco and protract the War whilst fresh Forces could come to his Assistance In the latter Opinion Gazelles his great Counsellor and Governour of Apamia Concurred with him labouring earnestly to confirm him in that Opinion but Destiny so ordering it he refused the good and wholsome Perswasions of Gazelles and imbraced that of Cayerbeius which was presently to give the Turks Battle which Council he gave though he knew it to be Destructive that by such means he might be revenged on the Sultan who some years before had caused his Brother to be poisoned for designing to deprive him of his Empire Battle being resolved on and the Turks Army coming on Campson divided his Army into four Battles the first whereof he committed to Cayerbeius the Traitor the second to Sybeius the Governour of Damasco a man of singular Faith and Valour these two were appointed at once to Charge both Wings of the Turkish Army the third was lead by Gazelles and the last by Campson himself who stayed with it for the defence of the Camp Nor was Selymus Idle for he had placed the Asian Horsemen in the right Wing and the European in the left and in the middle the Janizaries and Artillery before whom between the two Wings he had placed his Pentioners all most expert and valiant Soldiers and in this Order the Turks always fight if the Ground will admit so to Marshall the Army Both Armies being thus set in Order the Charge was sounded whereupon Cayerbeius with his Squadron Charged the European Horsemen with great Fury but resolving to betray his trust by and by Wheeling off fell upon the Sullians and such other Slaves as kept the Baggage making some small slaughter that as a Valiant and cunning Traitor he might
likewise did Mustapha Gazeles and Cayrebeius Selymus being desirous of nothing more then that Tomombeius might fall into his Hands which at length fell out according to his wish for the next Day he was overtaken when making head with his slender Train he Fought right valiantly but at length overcome he again fled yet so strict was Selymus his command that the great Captains still pursued him denouncing all manner of Torture to the poor Villagers if they did not so watch the passages of the great Marsh whereinto he was entered that he should by no means escape whereupon on the third day finding himself hard beset on everyside he willingly gave his followers leave to forsake him and laying aside his Insigns of Royalty hid himself amongst the Flags and Bushes standing up to the Neck in Water where being found by the Country Peasants he was drawn thence and delivered to the Bassa Mustapha who brought him together with several of his Captains to Cair where Selymus resolving before hand to put him to Death thereby to appease the Ghosts of his slain Ambassadors would not admit him to his presence but commanded him to be delivered to the Tormentors that with exquisite torments they might make him reveal the Treasure of Campson Gourus supposed by him to have been hid all which he indured with a manly courage and stern Countenance uttering nothing unbeseeming his Character after which he in tattered Garments with his Hands bound behind him being set upon a lean Ill-favoured Camel was in division carryed through all the Publick places of the City to be Gazed at as a Spectacle of Misery by those who not a Month before had honoured with profound Reverence as their great mighty King now by the hand of Fortune thrown from the top fo all worldly honour into the Abyss of extreamest Misery and in this manner the insulting Turks having brought him to the chief Gate of the City extended their cruelty yet farther by strangling him with a Rope and that he might be the better seen of all that passed by Hanged him upon a hook under the Gate nor did any of the Princes of the Mamalukes who fell into the Turks Hands fare otherwise The Terror of Selymus his man Victories now spreading wide all the Cities of Egypt submitted to the Conquerour no place between the River Nilus and the Borders of India and Arabia that were either Tributaries or Confederates to or with the Sultan but sent their Ambassadors with Presents to Selymus promising to continue the same with him as they have done with the Sultans only the wild Arabians stood at defiance till such time as with large Gifts he had won many of their great Captains to bring their People over to his obedience at what time Amyrases submitted himself and delivered into his possession the Egyptian Fleet built to oppose the Portugise Trade in the Indias and so Swimming in the currant of Fortunes favour he extended his Dominions as far as the confines of the Great King of Aethiopia called Prester-John and thus having reduced all to his obedience he came down the River Nilus in his Gally to Alexandria and having well reviewed it returned again to Cair from whence he commanded 500 Families of the Wealthier sort of the Egyptians to be removed to Constantinople for the Transportation of which Vessels were purposely prepared as also a great number of Women and Children of the Race of the Mamalukes thereby to prevent future troubles and then staying a while to observe the overflowing of Nilus from which the Egyptians Prognosticate a happy or unhappy Season as it rises little or much he resolved to depart for Syria having made Cayrebius the Traytor Governour of Cair and his great Lieutenant of Egypt which he had reduced into a Province whereat Jonuses the Great Bassa greatly envying as supposing himself greatly wronged by Selymus whom he had faithfuly served in all his Wars in heaping upon a Traytor the honour which he greedily expected by opening his mind therein and refusing to deliver the Largesses appointed for the Soldiers thereby to render his Competior odious he fell so far into the Emperors displeasure that notwithstanding all the excuse he made in defence of himself he caused him to be Strangled even in his presence thereby to deter others from daring to prescribe him what he should Act or on whom he should bestow his favours yet was the fall of this great Bassa worthily Lamented of the Souldiers who spared not to tell the Tyrant to his Face of his many Barbarous Cruelties repeating all the Inhumane Murthers he had caused to be committed but others again remembring how this Bassa had during his being in favour with Selymus causelesly Stabed his Fair and Virtuous Wife Manto upon a jealous tho false and Groundless Suspicion of her Inconstancy said it was a Judgement of God upon him for that Barbarous and unnatural Crime Selymus having left Egypt and arrived in Syria received Letters from Himbracor the Great Master of his Horse whom he had left upon the Frontiers to attend the motions of the Persians certifying him that Hismael's great preparations were dwindled into nothing by reason that most of his forces consisting of Voluntary Gentlemen who served at their own charges and they not bound to pass the Limits of their Country had refused to invade the Turkish Frontiers during the Wars with the Sultans of Egypt All the following Winter Selymus stay'd to settle his Affairs in Syria but early in the Spring having notice from his Lieutenant in Europe that Pope Leo the tenth had stirred up the Christian Princes to invade his Territories on that side leaving Gazeles his Lieutenant in Syria he hasted with his Army to Constantinople where he no sooner arrived but making great preparations he resolved to bend all his forces against the Christians but ' ere he could perform his design God who as he pleses restrains the power of Tyrants even in their greatest pride to make him sensible that he was but a mortal Man struck him with a grievous Canker in the Reins of his Back which deriding Art admitted of no cure but daily increasing with horrible pains he still Rotting above-Ground and well-nigh Poysoning such as were about him with the noisome Contagion in his way to Hadrianople in order to the Solemnizing the profane Feast called Bai●●m or as they Term it the Feast of their Prophet he Breathed out his dismal-Ghost Anno 1520 near to the City Chiurlia on the very spot where he had formerly lifted up his Impious Sword against his Father Bajazet with purpose to have bereaved him of his Life and Empire dying after he had Reigned eight Years and lived 46 filling the World with Murthers and prodigius Slaughters and was Buryed in a new Temple at Constantinople Erected for the purpose by his Son Solyman who succeeded him in the Ottoman Empire and in token of his restless Nature upon his Tomb is Ingraven in Greek Turkish and the
favours towards him then stood with her honour and at the same time Mahomet intending to match him to his Daughter thereby to procure the Friendship of the great Tartarian Cham it so far moved the Sultans or great men of the Court with envy that they slew him in the Palace and at the same time as many reported strangled the Queen whom they found over familiar with him in his Chamber but whether so or not certain it is she was never afterwards seen The Tartars Forces thus destroyed the Terror of the young Persian Prince was so great that what by Stratagem and plain Force he wrested out of the Turks hands most of the Cities they had before possessed Insomuch that the City of Derbent of which Osman Bassa was Governour with the title of Vizar of Sirnan excepted the Turks were driven out of all their strong places nor was it long ere the Persian Sophy practised with Shahamel Lord of the Mountain of Brus whose Daughter Osman had married to betray him and the City into his power for that he was the onely man amongst the Georgians whom Osman trusted who won by the great promises of the Sophy without any respect to the Turk as he was his Son-in-Law undertook to gratifie him in his desire but he carried not the matter so close but his Daughter understanding what that passed and more studious for the preservation of her Husband than furthering her Fathers purpose she still revealed all she knew which so inwardly perplexed Osman that he resolved to prevent the Treachery of his Father-in-law by taking him out of the way whereupon as his usual manner was inviting him to a solemn Feast with a chearful countenance he commanded 500 of his Soldiers to be in a readiness and that as soon as Sahamel was entered the Court off his Pallace to seize him and after having cut of his Head to put all his followers to the Sword which was accordingly put in execution and not so contented he sent out 2000 Horsemen to spoil his Countrey to the great astonishment of all the neighbouring Princes but to the exceeding grief of the Sophy who found his hopes frustrated by the death of Sahamel The year following viz. 1578. Amurath calling to him his Bassa's consulted what was further to be done in relation to the Persian War when after a long debate it was upon mature deliberation resolved that it was a matter of dangerous consequence to send an Army into the heart of Persia where they should not only have a fierce Enemy to deal with but likewise many other difficulties as hunger overflowing of Rivers passing craggy Mountains and the like But that it was therefore necessary that by degrees they should pass conquering on from the Borders still securing all at their backs the care of managing which being referred to Mustapha he sent into all the Heredatary Countries of the Empire commanding the respective Governours to send him store of Pioners and men skilled in Architect as likewise a great number of the most expert Souldiers but especially those that had been disbanded the year before upon notice of which great multitudes flocked to the service who early in the Spring met at Erzirum from whence they marched under the command of the Bassa to Chars a City on the Frontiers of Sirnan which in the late War had been demolished yet now again Rebuilt and Fortified within the space of 23 dayes notwithstanding the abundance of Snow that fell during their labouring therein the which was no sooner finished but news came that the strong Castle of Testis was besieged by the Persians who had reduced the Garrison to so great a straight that through Famine they would be obliged to yield up the place if they were not speedily relieved Upon which in great perplexity he sent Hassan Bassa Son to Mahomet Principal Vizar of the Court and Resuan Captain of the Adventurers with 20000 Horse and Foot furnished with Provisions and others Necessaries for the relief of the Besieged who passing the straits of Tomanis were set upon by 8000 Persians under the leading of Aliculi Cham and Simon two expert Captains who in those intricate mazes slew many of them and took considerable spoil which so hightened them that within a while after setting upon the Turks and thinking to have the like advantage fell into their Ambush so that most of the Persians fell by the Sword or were taken Prisoners and amongst the latter Aliculi Cham wwhich gave Hassan opportunity to march without further controul to Testis where through Famine he found half the Garrison lost yet encouraging them in the best wise and storing them with all manner of Provision and Warlike Munition he having at their request displaced Mahomet the Governour and constituted Amet Bassa in his stead he was about to return the same way he came but upon notice that Simon had strongly possessed himself of the aforesaid straights and barrocadoed them with his great Artillery he was wonderfully perplexed as dispairing of his safe return which Aliculi perceiving promised upon consideration that he would release him to shew him a way both plain and easie through which he might pass without any danger from the Persians whereupon the Bassa swore to perform what he requested but afterwards as is very usual amongst those Infidels revoked his Oath excusing himself by saying it was not in his power to release any Prisoner taken in War without the consent of his General of which perfidious dealing Sinan having notice who before in consideration of the delivery of Aliculi had winked at their passage he with his Light-Horsemen pursued hard after them when overtaking the Rear he charged them with such fury that in great confusion they fled In which flight a great number were slain and taken Prisoners with a great booty especially the Treasure of the Bassa and of Resuan Captain of the Adventurers which loss so sensibly afflicted Mustapha that upon notice thereof he broke up his Army not thinking it convenient to attempt any thing further that year and soon after he being discharged of his Generalship was called home where upon his arrival at Court he was accused by Sinan Bassa for neglecting the Emperours affairs wasting his Treasure in unnecessary buildings and rather giving the Enemy cause to contemn the Ottoman Forces then to fear their Prowess These and many other such like complaints being exhibited against him so incensed Amurath that he resolved he should be strangled in order to which he sent his chief Gentleman Porter attended on by fifteen others to the Bassas Pallace but the crafty old blade being forewarned of what was intended against him caused himself for a long time to be denyed but when the messengers impatient of delay urged that he must and should render obedience to the Emperors warrant which they then produced they were admitted to his presence but frustrated of their design by a Guard that inclosed the Bassa with weapons forbidding any access
the hazard of a Battle to revenge the indignity of whose approach Osman who then lay sick in his Pavilion haveing notice Command Sinan Bassa and Mahumet Bassa should with all the Greek Soldiers and others to the number of 74000 should go out and meet the Enemy who by the craft of the forerunners of his Army drawing the Turks within his strengths had with them there a mortal Battle wherein 10000 of their Souldiers were slain and the two Bassa's in great confusion obliged to fly to the Camp leaving most of their Insigns and all their baggage as a prey to the Persians who hightned with this success advanced within sight of the Turks Camp sending a Herauld to the sick General to demand of him Battle of which accepting though not able to be there present when as Battle being joyned after a long and doubtful fight victory inclined to the Persians who in the end slew 20000 of the Turks and amongst the rest the Bassa's of Caramite and Trepez●nd and Sanzack of Brusia with five other Sanzacks and among the Prisoners were taken Amurath Bassa of Caramania and divers other of note Upon news of this bad success the Genral fearing to have his Army wasted to nothing by continual skirmishes in a strange Countrey having Fortified Tauris and made Giaffer Bassa of Tripolis Governour he was about to decamp when on a suddain the neighing of Horses the noise of Drums and Trumpets were heard which putting the Army into a great consternation and soon caused them in great confusion to run all to that side where they supposed the noise was when in the mean while Emir the Persian Prince on the other side without any sound of Trumpet or beat of Drum with 28000 Souldiers entered their Camp took 18000 Camels laden whom he sent away by 6000 of his Souldiers and then charging furiously upon such as he found insomuch that after a hard Battle fought 20000 Turks lay scattered on the Plain many of which were slain by their own Artillery which by Osmans Command being furiously discharged at the Armies the murthering shot made lanes before them without discerning between Friend and Foe but night coming on and the Persians weary with slaughter retired and were for a while faintly pursued by the Turks Osman lying all this while sick in his Pavilion sore afflicted with the Bloody Flux and hearing what havock the Persians had made died the grief of so great a loss hastening his end Yet was his death for a long space kept secret least thereby the Army should be discouraged which now was returning under the leading of Sinan or Cicala as some called him Bassa Osman in his Will having delivered to him the charge of the whole Army Yet the Persian Prince with 14000 Horse and Foot followed them at the heels still cutting of the straglers and had utterly destroyed them had not his design been discovered which obliged him to retreat with the loss of 3000 of his Men so that by long and tedious marches the Turks wasted Army arriving the Van after the publication of the Generals death were discharged all but a certain number retained who under the leading of D●ut Chan a Renegado Persian were sent to the relief of Teflis which without any loss they performed Now the Castle built in Tauris much grieved the Persians to take which they used their utmost endeavour but it being strong of it self and defended by a strong Garrison their attempts proved unsuccessful When at the same time great mischief arose in the Kingdom of Persia for 10000 Turcomans a people bordering upon the Georgians and resolving to revenge themselves for the death of Emir Chan offered their service to the Persian Sophy under the leading of their two Captains Mahomet Chan and Calife Chan to whom the Sophy as a pledge of his love and their safety delivered Tamas his young Son whom they had no sooner got into their power but they proclaimed him King of Persia and in all hast marched towards Casbiu the Regal City in hopes to surprize it and seat young Tamas on his Fathers Throne of which the Sophy and his eldest Son having notice pursued hard after them when overtaking them at a place called Calisteza a dayes journey on this side Casbiu the Prince gave them Battle and after a dangerous and doubtful conflict put them to flight In which they being swiftly pursued the two rebellious Captains were taken and by the Kings Command had their heads stricken off young Tamas being likewise taken was sent Prisoner to the Castle of Cabaca those that escaped the Battle fled to Solyman Bassa of Babylon which put an end to the Rebellion Giaffer Bassa Governour of Tauris after the departure of the Turkish Army understanding that the Persian Prince was Levying a great Army to Besiege the City sent an Express to Sinon or Siculi Bassa to send him Aid for the defence of the City and Castle the which by reason of the flight of some and death of othersome of his men must otherwise fall into the hands of the Enemy now notwithstanding great preparation for that purpose were made they could not be put into the City by reason of the near approach of the Persian Army without manifest hazard of exposing them to the mercy of their Enemies Yet it so fell out that the Governour without any recruits maintained the City and Castle the Persians not being so urgent for the recovery of the same as was expected Upon notice of Osmans death Amurath chose Ferat Bassa once more his General who departing from Constantinople in the month of April 1586 and passed over into Asia where having compleated his Army at Sinas upon notice that Tauris was in danger he marched thitherward though with great caution the enemy should charge him at unawares and by reason of the dissensions arisen amongst the Persian Captains sent to oppose him and the Treason of Aliculican now alienated from his Prince and holding secret correspondence with the Turkish General he without any loss relieved Tauris and having caused a strong Fort to be built at Churchine near unto the said City and two others at C●y and Carn and left therein sufficient Garrisons and store of provision he sent succours to Teflis in Georgia and so with little or no loss returned to Erzirum By this time the Persian Prince who and Mahomet his father now grown old ruled the Kingdom had notice of the Treason of Aliculi Chau and Emanguli Chan whom he had drawn into his confederacy he prepared his Forces to march against them whereupon the latter submitted and was received into favour but howsoever it happened whether with his knowledge or not the Prince the chief glory of Persia sleeping in his Pavilion was by an Eunuch run through the body supposed to be done at the instance of Abas Miriza his younger brother to advance whom to the Persian Diadem Aliculi Chan had revolted from the obedience of the Sophy and plotted with the
Troops of Hussars to Solvock when having put a strong Garrison into it and relieved such other places as he thought convenient and now the depth of Winter coming on he broke up his Army sending as a certain token of several successful exploits sixty four of the Turks Ensigns to the Arch Duke Matthias so that till the next Spring nothing of moment happened No sooner was the frozen Earth freed from the cold embraces of Winter but new stirs began in Transilvania as likewise in Moldavia where the Tartars in great number destroying the Countrey were overthrown and almost all of them slain at what time Zellali the chief of the Asian Rebels whom Mahomet by great rewards had allured to his interest entered the Kingdom of Bosna with a great power of his followers where having trained Zeffer Bassa the Governour thereof into his danger he set upon him and slew most of his men and seized upon the Kingdom upon notice of which Mahomet in a great rage sent his Letters to him commanding him forthwith to repair to Constantinople but he not thinking it convenient to trust the Tyrant with his head he returned for answer that he was already possessed of the Kingdom promised him for his service and that he as a Loyal Subject would keep it to his behoof with which answer Mahomet was forced to content himself as fearing that if he should go about to expulse him by force he would revolt to the Christian Emperour and so prove a more dangerous Enemy to him in Europe then he had done in Asia Wherefore to prevent the worst he resolved if he could obtain such conditions as might sute with his greatness to have Peace with the Emperour in order to which Commissioners met at Buda and many Presents were given and received on either side the Turks expressing great joy for the hopes they conceived that at length they should rest from the toils of War but after many proposals on either side the demands of the Turkish Sultan was so unreasonable that nothing was concluded so that after a short truce Hostilities began afresh when as the Turks seeking to wast Valachia were with great slaughter by the Vayvod overthrown at what time the Lord Nadasti the Valiant and Renowned Captain of the Christians died to the grief of all the Confederate Princes there not being a man left whose Council and Conduct in Martial affaires equalled his but this grief was somewhat alayed upon certain News that Mahomet the great Sultan was likewise departed this Life dying about the latter end of January Anno 1604. When he had lived 44 years and thereof Reigned 8 being altogether pusillanimous and given up to pleasure and lyes buried in a Chappel of white Marble at Constantinople near to the Church of St. Sophia in whose stead Achm●● his Third Son was saluted by reason of the death of his two Elder Brethren one of which was strangled by the Commandment of his unnatural Father and the other very young died a natural death CHAP. XVIII The Life of Achmat the Eighth Emperour of the Turks and first of that Name UPon the death of Mahomet the Third his Son Achmat then but fifteen years of Age was by the great Bassa's and men of War saluted Emperor having purchased the good will of the latter at two Millions and a half of Aspers upon which after he was solemnly Crowned he sent Ambassadors to the King of Persia as he likewise did to the Emperor but according to the proud humour of his Predecessors his demands were so unreasonable that they would not be accorded to neither in Europe nor Asia whereupon the Turks ere the Treaty was ended with the Emperour under pretence of Friendship indeavoured to surprize Pesth but by the vigilancy of the Garrison Souldiers were put by their purpose which Treacherous dealing made manifest the Treaty was utterly broken off whereupon great preparations were made for War on either side during which time the Persian King was not idle prosecuting his Wars had recovered almost all that the Turks had taken from his Predecessors Yet the Turks lessened his victory and the more to amuse the Christians spread a false report that near unto Babylon his Army was overthrown and himself taken Prisoner not forgeting to magnifie the Forces of their Emperour who indeed for his years was very active in the affairs of Government though cruel withal towards his own Subjects and farther they gave it out that at once he intended to invade with puissant Armies both Hungary and Persia purposing to annex them to the Ottoman Empire but these great words though in truth the Christians were more negligent in their preparations then the occasion required proved but Air. But leaving the Turks awhile I shall survey the miseries of the once fertile Countrey of Transylvania which now through civil discord amongst themselves and Rebellion against the Emperour was so spoiled that Famine coming fast on them for want of the Earths due increase it by long continuance reduced them to that extremity that the Peasants and poorer sort of people having eaten up for dainties all the Dogs Cats Mice Rats and live Horses fell to eating such starved Beasts as through want they found to have perished in the Woods and Fields and at length when nothing was left they fed upon human flesh men eating men and Women their Children yea Thieves and Malefactors hauged for their Villanies were by the miserable people cut down and eaten to remedy which the Emperour caused to be assembled the States of the Province wherein it was accorded that all Hostilities set apart the Gentlemen of Transilvania having by their Rebellion forfeited their Lives and Lands should be pardoned as to Life with three fourth parts of their Lands reserved unto them and that for ready money they might of the Emperour redeem the fourth part but concerning the moveables of such as were dead in the time of trouble and already confiscated to the Emperour they should so remain and that they should pay their tenths of their Wines and Fruits to the Emperour and that no other then the Romish Religion should be exercised in that Province and that Clausenburg and Cronstad should within three weeks after pay the one Twenty Thousand Dollars and the other Eight Thousand and that the Governours of those Towns should put their Keys into the hands of the Emperours Leiutenant And lastly That the Gentlemen who would not be accounted in the number of the Rebels should for the safety of their persons take Letters of Pardon from the said Lieutenant This pacification gave som● little hopes to the distressed Transylvanians but I lasted not long for the Nobility weary of the German yoke soon revolted from the Emperours o●●●●ence and again took up Arms which plunged them into their former miseries wherein for a while I must leave them and return again to the Turkish affaires The several Hostilities having banished all hopes of Peace several skirmishes passed between the