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A19495 Heauen opened VVherein the counsaile of God concerning mans saluation is yet more cleerely manifested, so that they that haue eyes may come and se the Christian possessed and crowned in his heauenly kingdome: which is the greatest and last benefit we haue by Christ Iesus our Lord. Come and see. First, written, and now newly amended and enlarged, by Mr. William Cowper, minister of Gods word. Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1611 (1611) STC 5920; ESTC S121914 411,827 530

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soules within the vaile vpon that Rocke which is higher then we Iesus Christ To them that are in Christ The Apostle you see changes the manner of his speech when he spake of the power The Apostle excludes not himselfe from that naturall miserie wherevnto others are subiect of sinne remaining in our nature hee spake of it in his owne person but when hee speakes of our deliuerance by Iesus Christ hee speakes of it in the person of others Thus the Apostle by an holy wisedome doth order his speech for the comfort of the children of GOD for least that other weake Christians might be discouraged by reason of their sinnes hee speakes of remanent sinfull corruption in his owne person to declare that none no not the holy Apostles are exempted from it Of deliuerance againe he speaks in the person of others least any should thinke that the Neither excludes hee others from that mercy which hee himselfe hath receiued grace of Christ were restrayned onely to such singular persons as holy Apostles and were not also extended to others Commonly these who are of such a tender Conscience makes exception of themselues as if the comfort of other Christians belonged not to them the Apostle therfore includes within the communion of this benefit all whosoeuer Pastors people learned vnlearned poore rich weake and strong prouiding that they be in Iesus Christ Men who are truely godly in the matter of miserie chiefly condemne themselues therefore the Apostle calles himselfe the chiefe of all sinners but they neuer exclude others 1. Tim. 2. 15. from the same communion of mercie I know sayes the Apostle that there is layd vp for mee a crowne of glory and 2. Tim. 4. 8. not onely for me but for all them who loue the second appearing of the Lord Iesus It is farre otherwise with naturall men blinded with Naturalists blinded with presumption doe far othervvise presumption they extoll their owne righteousnesse aboue others in their conceit with the proud Pharisee condemneth euery other man as a greater sinner than himself they carrie in their bagge two measures by the one they take to themselues making much of the smallest good which is in them by the other they giue setting that by for light which is most excellent in another Our Sauiour properly expresses their corrupt iudgement when hee compares it to the light of the eye which can see any other thing better than it selfe and can espie a moat sooner in another than a beam in it selfe After this manner hipocrites looke out curiosi ad Aug. confes lib. 10. cognoscendum vitam alienam desidiosi ad corrigendum suam curious searchers of the life of others carelesse correcters of their owne Mens peracute perspiciens alienos errores tarda Basil hexam hom 9. est ad proprios cognoscendos defectus the minde that sharply lookes to the faults of others doth but slowly consider her owne defects but let vs learne by the precept of our blessed Sauiour and practise of this holy Apostle rather to looke to our selues searching out our owne sins then neglecting our selues to p●attle vainely of the sinnes of other men That are in Christ But now to come to the matter The Our vnion with Christ expressed by fiue similitudes in holy Scripture spirit of God in holy Scripture expresses our vnion with Christ by fiue sundry similitudes first by a marriage wherin Christ is the husband and we the spouse Secondly by a body whereof Christ is the head and wee the members Thirdly by a building or house wherein Christ is the foundation or ground stone and wee the vpper building vpon him Fourthly by the similitude of ingrafting wherein Christ is compared to the Vine and wee to the branches grafted into him Lastly by the similitude of feeding wherein Christ is compared to the foode and wee to the bodie which is nourished As for the similitude of Marriage the strongest bands of As Eue was to Adam his vvife his sister and his daughter so are vve vnto Christ coniunction that euer was betweene two creatures was betweene Adam and Eue for Eue was his Wife his Sister and his Daughter his Wife being ioyned with him in marriage by God she became one flesh with him she was his Sister made immediately by the hand of that same Father who made Adam and that without Adams helpe shee was also his Daughter for of him shee was made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh All these wayes are wee alyed vnto Iesus Christ wee are his spouse in respect of that mutuall contract and couenant which is betweene vs he hath married vs to himselfe in righteousnesse iudgement mercie and compassion We are his Sonnes and Daughters in respect of regeneration which is our new creation we are also his brethren and sisters in respect of the spirit of adoption by whom we acknowledge God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ to be our father also in him and his sonne Iesus to be our elder brother Yet is our allyance with Christ so neere that all these Yet this expresseth not our allyance with Christ therfore other similitudes are vsed whereof we haue spoken cannot expresse it and therefore ye shall sinde that there is not a way by which in nature two things are made one but from it the spirit of God borrowes similitudes to declare how Christ and we are one in him as the branch in the tree we are of him as Eue was of Adam we are of him as the house is built on the foundation we are one with him and that many manner of wayes one with him as brother with brother as husband and wife as the body and the head as meat and that which is nourished what meruaile then considering all these that the Apostle with boldnes breakes out in this glorious triumph there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ seeing we are in him as branches in the tree it is not possible that we can wither or decay for want of the sap of Grace so long as he doth retaine it and that shall be for euer seeing we are built on him like an house vpon a sure foundation what storme can ouer blow vs let the winde rise and the raine fall we shall not be ouerthrowne because wee are the building of God standing vpon a sure foundation seeing we are his spouse who can haue action against vs our debts fall to be payd by our husband he liueth to make answere for vs seeing we are his conquered inheritance who will take vs out of his hand My sheepe can no man take out of my hand saith our blessed Sauiour Most happy then and Iohn 10. 28. sure is the estate of all those who are in Christ Iesus But leauing other similitudes let vs consider that this In the similitude of ingrafting foure things considered phrase to be in Christ is borrowed from planting or ingrafting Our Sauiour
with the Apostle in whatsoeuer state we are to be content remembring that euery mans portion of vvorldly things is measured vnto him from the Lord. We see that a steward in a family ministers not alike vnto all that are in it the aged and the young the seruant and the Lord receiues not a like portion yet no man gainsayes it and shall we not reuerence the Lords dispensation who is the greatest steward of his family in heauen and earth shall we murmure against him if he giue Beniamin a double portion and bestow vpon some of his children these worldly things in greater aboundance than he doth vpon others farre be it from vs for he dispenses these perishing things in great wisedome and loue toward vs as he seeth may be best for vs. Certainely we ought so to Hee hath no cause to complaine to whō the father hath giuen his Son for an irreuocable gift reioyce in that great gift the Lord Iesus whom the Father hath giuen vs and in whom he hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings that we take no thought for any other thing whatsoeuer which he hath thought expedient to hold from vs. Oh that wee could giue vnto the Lord this glory as to say without grudging O Lord Iesus I can want nothing seeing I haue thee to be my portion And further seeing all these things are dispensed and Our care and labour is but vaine without his blessing giuen by GOD let vs as I said in our callings aboue all things seeke his blessing Adam may make himselfe a garment but it shall not couer his nakednesse Ionas may build himselfe a booth but it shall not defend him from the heat of the Sunne Peter fished all night and hee profited nothing till Iesus spake the word Though we rise early and lye Psal 127. 2. downe late and eate the bread of sorrow yet shall wee labour in vaine vnlesse the Lord giue the blessing Let vs therefore so vse the meanes that with them we ioyne prayer moderating our care let vs commit the successe to the Lord. It is true that Religion allowes not carelesnesse yea by the contrary it commaunds vs to be carefull for those whom God hath committed vnto vs If any man care not for his houshold he is 1 Tim. 5. 8. worse than an infidell This is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a moderate foreseeing of things which are needfull but there is an vnlawfull care Two sorts of cares the daughter of distrust whereby men are carried either beyond lawfull meanes or else if the meanes be lawfull beyond the measure of a temperate affection as though a man had not a Father ● heauen to care for him or were able to compasse things by his owne wit This care is not vnprofitable onely but full of many perturbations for vvhich our Sauiour compares it to thornes which are most easily gouerned when they are most lightly touched whereas hee vvho gripes them hardly inuolues them and makes them more perplex and hurts himselfe also Our Sauiour correcting Martha for too much care of the vvorldly part Luke 10. 41. ioynes these two thou art carefull about many things and ar● troubled telling vs that which we finde in experience that many worldly cares breeds many troubles Let vs walk therefore in the right way vsing the meanes in sobernesse let vs cast our care on the Lord. Last of all it is to be marked here that the Apostle saith Christ is the chiefe gift all other gifts are but pendicles giuen with him that God with Christ giues all things vnto vs so then Iesus Christ is the maine and great gift and all other things are but pendicles annexed vnto it Other gifts without Christ haue a shew of comfort but renders no solide comfort in the end they shall be deceiued at length who glories in other things were they neuer so excellent while as they are strangers from Christ When God said to Abraham feare not I am thy buckler and thy exceeding great reward not considering Ge● 15. 1. what the Lord offered to him hee answered in his weakenesse O Lord what canst thou giue me seeing I goe childlesse Verse 2. Euen he who was the Father of the faithfull could not conceiue how great good God promised to him when hee promised himselfe to be his reward And therefore let vs suspecting our weakenesse that it carry vs not into the like errour watch ouer our owne hearts that they be not set vpon Gods secondary gifts more than vpon himselfe Albeit the Lord should giue vs pleasant Canaan for an inheritance and multiply our posteritie as the starres of heauen yet will we say O Lord all these shall not content vs vnlesse thou dost giue vs thy selfe It doth more reioyce vs that thou hast giuen vs thy Sonne Iesus to be our Sauiour than that thou hast subdued all the vvorks of thine hands vnder vs. Verse 33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is God that iustifies THe Apostle in his generall triumph contained The Apostles particular triumph first against sinne secondly against the crosse in the last two Verses hauing proclaimed a defiance to all the enemies of a Christian doth now begin to challenge them particularly triumphing first against sinne Verse 33. 34. thereafter against all sort of afflictions that come vpon vs by vvhatsoeuer instruments visible or inuisible Wee ●egun first at his triumph against sinne who saith he shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen he excepts no person neyther is any eyther in heauen in earth or in hell able to doe it hee reserues no sort of sinne seeke what they will there is nothing to be found in the Christian to accuse him and condemne him his interrogation is plaine his answere is supprest his reason is subioyned It is God that iustifies vvhere the supreame Iudge absolues can any inferiour Iudge whatsoeuer condemne Where first vve haue to consider vvho is hee that this A man relieued of the burden of sinne is filled with ioy 1 Tim. 1. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 9. manner of vvay triumphs Is it not Paul vvho before his conuersion vvas a persecuter a blasphemer and an oppresser vvho confesseth himselfe to be the chiefe of all sinners and the least of all Saints yea indeed the same is hee but marke such a one hee was indeed but hath gotten mercy and therefore now like a man relieued of a heauie burthen vvhich before oppressed him hee reioyces and triumphes Certainely no greater comfort can come to man than to feele his sins forgiuen him this onely causeth true reioycing See this in Dauid as long as the burden of sinne lay vpon his conscience it prest out the very naturall moysture of his body he had no rest night nor day but from the time that once Nathan proclaimed to him remission and that in his owne conscience he felt his sinne forgiuen him then he cryed ●ut O blessed is
and holinesse the reason why the Israelites bound 2. Sam. 19. 9. themselues to giue subiection and obedience to Dauid was that he had deliuered them from the hand of the Philistins the same reason Ezra vsed to the Iewes returned from captiuitie to make them obedient to the Lord Seeing thou O Ezra 9. 13. Lord hath giuen vs such deliuerances shall we returne any more to breake thy Commaundements but much more should it binde vs to doe seruice to our Lord Iesus seeing hee hath made vs free by his blood shall we againe make our selues the seruants of sinne The Lord neuer shewed a greater Professors conuinced that serue him not mercie on man then this that he gaue his sonne Iesus Christ vnto the death for vs and there can be no higher contempt done to God by man then if after so great a loue shewed vs wee shall still refuse to be his seruants much will be required of him to whom much is giuen those Gentiles to whom the Lord reuealed himselfe in goodnesse onely as their Creator because they did not glorifie him the Apostle saith that the wrath of God was reuealed from heauen vpon them and what wrath then maist thou looke for to whom the Lord hath manifested himselfe in mercy also as thy Redeemer in Christ and yet thou will not glorifie him thou receiuest not him whom thy Father hath sent vnto thee neyther wilt thou liue vnto him that gaue himselfe to dye for thee but by thy wicked life thou crucifiest againe the Sonne of God and treadest vnder thy feet the blood of the new couenant certainely Sodome and Gomorrha shall be in an easier estate in the day of iudgement then the wicked of this generation For in this last age the Lord hath spoken to vs by his Son he hath none greater to send after him those labourers of the vineyard that slew the Seruants of the great King were not for that instantly punished but when the Sonne came and they had murthered him also then was their iudgement no longer delayed It was not written for the Iewes onely in whom it was first accomplished but for vs also to whom the Father in this last age hath sent his owne Sonne and by whom hee hath spoken vnto vs from himselfe if we despise him there remaines no more but a violent looking for of iudgement The third dutie is that for Christs sake we loue vnfainedly Loue to those whom he hath bidden loue for his sake those whom hee hath recommended vnto vs our goodnesse cannot extend vnto the Lord neither haue wee him walking with vs vpon earth that we may minister vnto him may wash his feete and annoint his blessed bodie with precious oyntments therefore should our delight be vpon those his excellent ones that are vpon earth When Ionathan was dead Dauid for Ionathans sake shewed kindnesse to Mephibosheth our Ionathan is not dead hee liues and raignes in heauen yet can we not declare our kindnesse to himselfe let vs seeke some Mephibosheth some of Christs little weake and impotent children of whom he hath said what ye doe to one of these little ones for my sake is done to me and let vs shew kindnesse vnto them for the great loue which the Lord Iesus hath shewed vnto vs. And that for sinne These words containe the end of Christ came to destroy sin cursed are they who nourish it Christs manifestation in the flesh which is that in our nature he might beare the punishment of our sinnes satisfie the iustice of God and so abolish sinne Sanit Iohn makes this cleare when he saith that he appeared to destroy the workes of the diuell that is sinne for sinne being remooued there is nothing in man but the workmanship of God By this it is euident how highly they offend God who abuse the death of Christ to nourish themselues in their sinne being the bolder to commit sinne because Christ dyed for them surely this is to turne the grace of God into wantonnesse The Lord came to abolish sinne not to nourish it 1. Pet. 3. 18. Christ once suffered the iust for the vniust not that we should still abide vniust but that he might bring vs to God Thou therefore who continuest vniust mayst say as thou hast heard that there is a Sauiour come into the world but can not say in truth that there is a Sauiour come to thee For where Christ comes he worketh that worke for which hee came namely he destroyes the worke of the diuell that is he enfeebles and abolishes at the last the power of sinne Condemned sinne Sin by a metaphor is said to be condemned How Christ hath condemned sinne for as thy who are condemned are depriued of all the liberty power and priuiledges they had before and haue no more any place to appeare in iudgement so hath the Lord Iesus disanulled sinne that it hath now no power to commaund and condemne vs hee hath spoyled principalities and powers and triumphed ouer them in the Crosse Colos 2. 24. and hath nayled vnto it the obligation of ordinances which was against vs and so sustulit illam quasi authoritatem peccati Ambrose in hunc locum qua homines detinebat in inferno hath taken away that power and authoritie of sinne whereby it detained men vnder damnation This hath he done most lawfully and in iudgement as we shall heare bearing our sinnes in his blessed bodie on the Crosse he hath suffered that punishment which the law required to be inflicted on man for sinne and that in the flesh that is in the same nature of man which had offended For this word of Condemnation imports a iust and lawful Two head or chiefe iustice Courts holden by God proceeding of a Iudge in iudgement which that we may the better vnderstand let vs consider that there are two generall and head iustice Courts which the Lord hath set vnto men the one is holden already the other is to be holden 1 In the first the sinnes of all Gods elect are condemned in the first the sinnes of all the elect are lawfully condemned that themselues may be absolued in the second the persons of all the reprobate shall be iustly condemned In the first by the ordinance of God the Father our sinnes were laid vpon the backe of Iesus Christ and a law imposed to him which was neuer giuen to any other neither Angell or man to wit the law of a Mediator that he should make vp peace betweene God and man loue God in such sort that he should by suffering preserue the glory of his Fathers iustice and yet make manifest the glory of his mercy that he should loue his brethren in such sort that hee should take the burden of their transgressions vpon him which as by the Father it was enioyned vnto him so did he willingly vndertake it And therefore hauing our sinnes imputed vnto him he presented himselfe for vs vpon the Crosse as vpon a
notes on this The Iesuites collect here that the Law is fulfilled in this life Verse collects a note which the word here rendreth not vnto them We see say they that the Law which is Gods commandements may be kept that the keeping thereof is iustice and that in Christian men that is fulfilled by Christs grace which by the force of the Law could neuer be fulfilled that the law may be fulfilled and also shall be fulfilled by the grace of Christ who hath deliuered vs from the Law of sin is euident This place proueth no such thing out of the Apostles words we confesse it and are comforted in it this is an end which Christ hath proposed vnto himselfe that he may make vs perfectly answerable to that holinesse which the Law requireth and in his owne good time he shall bring it to passe but that the Law is fulfilled of men in this life cannot be proued neither out of this place nor any other place of holy Scripture Damnatum est peccatum non extinctum Sinne is condemned saith Caietane Caietane one of their owne but not extinguished And hereunto beside infinite testimonies of holy Scripture That the law is not fulfilled in vs nor by vs in this life is proued Amb. de paeniten lib. 1. cap. 6. agreeth also the suffrages of pure antiquitie Non dicit familia tua sana sum medicum non requiro sed sana me Domine sanabor It is not saith Ambrose the voyce of thy family I am whole and needes not a Phisition but heale me O Lord and I shall be healed Tu audes Nouatiane mundum te dicere qui etsi operibus mundus esses hoc solo verbo i●mundus fieres Ambrose spake it to the Nouatian Heretiques of his time and it may be sitly turned ouer to the Iesuites of our time Darest thou O Iesuit call thy selfe Ierem. 17. cleane and holy Albeit thou wert cleane in regard of thy works this one word were enough to make thee vncleane With him also agrees Augustine Sunt quidam inflati vtres Aug. de verb. Apost ser 29. spiritu elationis pleni non magnitudine ingentes sed superbiae morbo tumentes vt audeant dicere inueniri homines absque p●ccato There are some saith hee like vnto vessels blowne vp with winde filled with a hautie spirit not solidly great but swelled with the sicknesse of pride who dare be bolde to say that men are found in earth without sinne Of such as these hee demaunds in that same place Interrogo te O Ibidem homo sancte iuste sine macula oratio ista dimitte nobis debita nostra fidelium est an catechumenorum certe regeneratorum est immo filiorum nam si non est filiorum qua fronte dicitur Pater noster quies in coelis vbi ergo estis O iusti sancti in quibus peccata non sunt I demand of thee O man thou who A question for Papist● art iust and holy this prayer Forgiue vs our sinnes whether is it a prayer to be said by Catechists onely or to be said also of such as are beleeuers and conuerted Christians surely it is the prayer of men regenerated yea it is the prayer of the Sonnes of God for they call God their Father in heauen where then are ye O ye iust and holy ones in whom are no sinnes If the regenerate and sonnes of God haue need to craue remission of sinnes what are ye who say ye haue no sinne If we say we haue no sinne we lie and the truth is not 1. Ioh. 1. 9. in vs and our blessed Sauiour to let vs see how farre we are from doing that which we should doe saith When yee haue Luke 17. 10. done all that yee can doe yet say yee are vnprofitable Seruants Where because they haue a silly subterfuge that albeit wee were neuer so righteous yet for humilities sake we should say we are vnprofitable I answere them as Augustine answered the same obiection in his time propter humilitatem Aug. de verb. Apost ser 29. ergo mentiris then for humilities sake thou lyest but it is certaine Christ neuer taught man to lye for humility this is but a forged falshood of their owne And to ioyne the third witnesse with the former two Bernard who liued in a very corrupt time yet retained this truth Quis melior Propheta de quo dixit Deus inueni virum Ber. in annū Mariae secundum cor meum tamen ipse necesse habuit dicere Deo Ne intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo who is better then the Prophet Dauid of whom the Lord said I haue found a man after mine owne heart yet had he neede to say Lord enter not into iudgement with thy Seruant And againe Sufficit Ber. in Cant. Serm. 23. mihi ad omnem iustitiam solum habere propitium cui soli peccaui non peccare Dei iustitia est hominis iustitia indulgentia Dei It sufficeth me for all righteousnes to haue him onely mercifull to me whom I haue only offended to be without sinne is the righteousnesse of God mans righteousnesse is Gods indulgence pardoning his sinne we conclude therefore with him Vaegenerationi huic miserae cui sufficere videtur Ber. ser cont vitiū ingrati sua insufficientia immo inopia tanta quis enim ad perfectionem illam quam Scripturae tradunt vel aspirare videtur woe to this miserable generation to whom their owne insufficiencie seems sufficient for who is it that hath so much as aspired to that perfection which the holy Scripture commaunds vs But to maintaine their errour they enforce these places Places of scripture wherein godly men are called Saints and righteous makes not for their errour of perfect obseruance of the Law of holy Scripture wherein mention is made of innocencie iustice and perfection in the Godly whereupon they simply inferre that the Law is fulfilled Their paralogismes shall easily be discouered if we keepe Augustines rule when the perfection of any man is mentioned we must consider wherein for a man may be righteous in comparison of others so Noah was a righteous man in comparison of that generation wherein hee liued yet was hee not without sinne A man may be also so called in comparison of himselfe the Lord iudging a man according to that where vnto the greater part of his disposition is inclined for the Lord doth repute and account his Children not after the remanents of the old man but according to the new workmanship of his grace in them whereof it commeth to passe that albeit in a great part they be sinfull yet the Lord giueth vnto them the names of Saints and righteous men Againe in handling of the Apostles words Philippians 3. In what sense Godly men are called perfect in holy Scripture let vs as many as are perfect be thus minded hee moues the question seeing the Apostle
Tertul. de resur carn●● Lord Iesus hath carryed our flesh into heauen as an earnest and p●edge of the vvhole summe vvhich afterward is to be brought thither he hath not thought it inough to giue his spirit vnto vs here on earth as the earnest of our inheritance but to put vs out of all doubt he hath carried vp our flesh into heauen and possest it in the kingdome in the name of all his members Who raysed vp Iesus from the dead Then vve see that our Seeing our Lord was among the dead let vs not feare when God cals vs to lye down among them also Lord was once among the dead but now is risen from them let vs not then be afraid vvhen God shall call vs to lye down among the dead also shall the seruant be ashamed of his Masters condition or vvill the patient refuse to drink that potion vvhich the Phisition hath tasted before him No we must follow our Lord through the miseries of this life through the dolours of death through the horrours of the graue if vve looke to follow him in his resurrection in his ascension to be amongst those hundred fortie and foure thousand in mount Sion vvho hauing his fathers name vvritten in their foreheads follow the Lambe whersoeuer he go●th Reuel 7 singing that new song vvhich none can sing but they whom he hath bought from the earth When those women came to seeke the Lord Iesus in the What comfort Christs resurrection giues vs against death Sepulchre all the feare they had conceiued concerning Christs death the Angels remoues it by sending them to meditate on the resurrection why seeke yee him that liueth among the dead hee is not here but hee is risen Wee are not Mat. 28. 5. 6 yet laid downe among the dead but or euer we goe to the graue we haue this comfort that the Lord by his power shall raise vs out of it where the head growes through the members will follow Per angustum passionis foram●n transiuit Christus vt latum praeberet ingr●ssum sequentibus membris Our Lord is gone through the narrow passage of death that hee might make it the wider and easier to all his members who are to follow him We see by experience the body of a man drownes not though it be vnder the water as long as the head is borne aboue many of the members of Christ are here in this valley of death tost too fro in this sea of tribulation with continuall tentations yet our comfort is we cannot perish for our head is aboue and a great part of the body liuing and raigning with him in glory there is life in him to draw forth out of these miseries all his members and hee shall doe it by that same power by which he raised himselfe from the dead For we are taught here that our resurrection is a worke not to be done by man not the power of nature but by Resurrection is a work of God and n●● of man the power of God we are not therefore to hearken to the deceitfull motions of our infidelitie which calles in doubt this article of our Faith we must not consider the imbecillitie and weaknesse of nature neither measure heauenly and supernaturall things with the narrow span of naturall reason but as it is Abrahams praise the father of the faithfull Rom. 4. 19. that when God promised him a sonne in his old age hee was not weake in faith hee considered not his owne body which was dead neither the deadnesse of Saraahs wombe but was strengthned in the faith and gaue glory to God being fully assured that hee who had promised was also able to doe it so should we sanctifie the Lord God in our harts looking to the word and promise of the euerliuing God to Cyr. cate 18. whom those things are possible which are impossible vnto vs for the Lord saith the Prophet hath the whole earth in Isay 40. 12. his fist and it is more easie to him to discerne one pickle of dust from another then it is to any man hauing his hand full of sundry seedes to open his hand and gather euery kind thereof into one by themselues seperate and distinct from the rest When thou hearest sayth Augustine that the dead shall be raised suppose it be a great thing yet count it no incredible thing but consider who it is that takes in hand to doe it ille suscitabit te qui creauit te the Lord who created Aug. ser 64 thee he it is that shall raise thee And for our further confirmation let vs consider how Resurrection confirmed by Scripture by types by practises of God in nature the spirit of God hath taught this article of our resurrection in sundry places of holy scripture hath shadowed it by types and figures hath cleared it by examples and last of all by the practise and working of God in nature As for Scripture both Prophets and Apostles as it were with one 1 Our resurrection is confirmed by Scripture Dan. 12. 13. Hos 13. 14. 15. mouths breathes out this veritie They that sleepe in the dust saith Daniel shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to euerlasting shame and perpetuall contempt I will redeeme thee saith the Lord by Hosea from the power of the graue I wil deliuer thee from death O death I will be thy death O graue I will be thy destrustiom Patient Iob in his greatest extremitie Iob. 19. 25. gaue out this notable confession of his faith I am sure that my redeemer liueth and he shall stand the last on the earth and though after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet shall I see God in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see mine eyes shall behold and none other for mee though my reynes are consumed within me And if we come to the new Testament most cleare is that testimonie of the Lord Iesus The houre shall Iohn 5 28. come in the which all that are in the graue shall heare his voyce and they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation The Apostles in like manner beare witnesse to their Master If in this life onely wee had hope in Christ of all men we were most miserable but now is Iesus 1 Cor. 15. 19. 20. 21. 22. risen from the dead and was m●●● the first fruits of them that slept For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead For as in Adam all lye so in Christ all are made aliue And againe Behold I shew you a secret we shal Ibid. 51. 52. 53. not all sleepe but we shall al● be changed In a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shal blow and the dead shall be raised vp incorruptible and we shal be changed For this corruptible must
vnto himselfe but here the more wee pay the richer we are the doing of one good worke of seruice vnto the Lord makes vs both more willing and able to doe an other the talents of spirituall Graces being of that nature that the more they are vsed the more they are encreased and these should work in vs a delight to pay that debt which wee owe vnto the Lord. Last of all we marke vpon this word that the good wee Good works are debts therfore not merits doe is debt and not merit When one of your seruants saith Iesus hath done that which he is commanded will one of you giue him thanks because he hath done that which was Luke 17. 7. 8. 9. 10. commanded him I beleeue not hee applyeth the Parable to his Disciples and in them to vs all so likewise when you haue done all those thing● which are commanded you say that yee are vnp●●fitable Seruants Our Sauiour commaunds vs plainely to doe well but as plainely forbids all presumptuous conceit of our merit when wee haue done well To speake against good workes is impiety and to presume of the merits of our best workes is Antichristian pride No man No penman of the holy Ghost did euer vse the word of merit led by the Spirit of Iesus did euer vse this word of merit it is the proud speech of the spirit of Antichrist search the Scripture and ye shall see that none of all those who spake by diuine inspiration did euer vse it yea the Godly Fathers who haue liued in darke and corrupt times haue alway abhorred it If a man could liue saith Macarius from the dayes of The Fathers thought it smelled of presumption Mac. hom 15 Adam to the end of the world and fight neuer so strongly against Sathan yet were hee not able to deserue so great a glory as is prepared for vs how much lesse then are we able to promerit it that is his owne word who so short a space are mil●tant here vpon earth Praetendat alter meritum sustinere Ber. in Psal qui habitat Ser. 1. se dicat ●stus diei ieiunare bis in Sabbatho mihi adhaerere Deo bonum est let another man saith Bernard pretend merit let him boast that he suffers the heat of the day and that he fasts twise in the Sabboth it is good for me to draw neere the Lord and put my hope in him Meritum enim In Cant. ser 61. meum miseratio Domini non sum plane meriti inops quamdiu ille miserationum non fuerit for my merit is Gods mercy I shall not altogether want merits as long as he wants not compassion And againe suffi●it ad m●ritam s●ire quod non Serm. 66. sufficiant merita this is sufficient merit to know that merits are not sufficient this he makes more cleare in that Sermon of his de quad●uplici debito wherein hee declares how man is so many wayes debter to the Lord that hee cannot doe that which hee ought why then shall any man say that hee hath done enough cum nec m●llissim● imo nec minimae parti debitorum suorum valeat respondere seeing he is not able to De quadrupli●● debito answer the thousand part no not the least part of that debt which hee oweth vnto God To liue Wee haue heard that wee are debters now haue Our life should declare whose Seruants and debters we are Philem. vers 19 wee to see wherein wee are debt-bound Wee owe to the Lord not onely those things which are ours but as sayeth Paul to Philem●n we owe him our selues also Euery mans life must declare who it is whom hee acknowledgeth for a Superiour and vnto whom hee submitteth himselfe a debter Shew me saith Saint Iames thy Faith by thy workes Iam. 2. 19. Mal. 1. 6. shew mee saith Malachie thy Father by thy Sonnely reuerence toward him let me know thy master by thy obedience and the attendance thou giuest him As C●sar mony is discerned by his image and superscription so the Christian is knowne by his conuersation hee walkes after the Spirit and by his deedes more then by his words hee disclaimeth the gouernement of the flesh But surely as Ch●is●stom● complained of bastard professors in his time so may wee in our time of many to vvhom wee are ambassadours An accusation of the carelesse Christians of our time in Christs name wee haue more then cause to feare we haue bestowed labour vpon you in vaine for I pray you what part of your liues giues sentence for you and proues that ye are Christians shall wee iudge by the place which ye delight Chrisost in Math. most to frequent are there not many among you oftner in the Tauerne then in the Temple silling your belly intemperately at that same time wherein the Sonnes and Daughters of the liuing God are gathered together into their fathers house to be refreshed with his heuenly Manna Shall we iudge you by your garments doe they not in many of you declare the vanity of your minds if we estimate you according to your companions what shall wee thinke but that ye are such as those are with whom ye delight to resort ye sit in the seat of scorners if thou seest a theefe thou runst Psal 50. with him and art partaker with the adulterers If wee try you by your language yee shal be found vncircumcised Philistims and not holy Israelites for yee haue learned to speak the language of Ashdo● ye speake as Micah complayned of Nihe 13. 26. Micah 7. 3. the wicked in his time out of the corruption of your soule making your throat an open sepulchre yee send out the stinking breath of your inward abhominations by your euill and vncleane speeches ye corrupt the minds of the hearers And thus seeing euery part of your life giues sentence against you as a cloud of many witnesses testifying that yee are vncleane what haue yee to speake for you to proue that yee are Christians shall your naked word be sufficient to do it no certainly for against it the Lord Iesus hath made exception before hand Not euery one that saith Lord Lord shal Math. 7. 21. enter into m● kingdome your works must be your witnesses and your deeds must declare who it is to whom ye acknowledge your selues seruants and debters Not to the flesh Sometime the flesh signifies the body It is a difficult thing so to nourish the body that we nourish not sinne in the body and in that sense we are debters vnto it for the couenant saith Bernard which the Lord hath bound vp betweene the soule and the body is not to be broke at our will but at the Lords will and in the meane time we are bound to nourish it but the flesh here is put for the sinfull lusts of the flesh and so we are not debters vnto it Take no thought Rom. 13. 14. for the flesh to fulfill
ordered as was the life of We ought to follow our guide as Israel did the Lord in the wildernes Israel in the wildernesse the Lord vvent before them by day in a cloud by night in a pillar of fire when the cloud remoued they remoued what way so euer it vvent they followed vvhere the cloud stood they camped thus the Lord led them by two and fortie stations fortie yeeres in the wildernesse though Canaan vvas not farre from them yet they entred not into it till the Lord directed them The Lord hath in like manner praysed be his name for it brought vs out of the land of our bondage he might if he had pleased long ere now haue entred vs into our Canaan but it pleaseth him for a time to exercise vs and to haue vs vvalking vp and downe this Wildernesse Let vs possesse our hearts with patience and reuerence the Lords dispensation in the meane time take heed that the Lord goe before vs that his word shine vnto vs as a lanthorne to our feet and that his holy spirit be our guide to lead vs in this righteousnesse then shall we be sure of a happy end of our iourney when we liue not as vve list but vnder the gouernment of the holy Spirit vvhen our rising and lying downe our resting and remouing and all the actions of our liues are gouerned by his direction As many as are led by the spirit If all were led with the All that professe Christ are not led by his spirit spirit of God the Apostle would not vse this distinction so many and no more are the sonnes of God as are led by the spirit of God The name and dignitie of the sonnes of God doth not belong to all men who are the Lords by creation nay not to all those who are his by profession As in the Arke of Noah there was a cursed Cham and a blessed Sem as in the schoole of Christ a traiterous Iudas and a beloued Iohn so are there many in this mixed fellowship of the visible Church who by outward profession pretends the stiles and priuiledges of the sonnes of God but are not of the Israel of God belongs not to the adoption Thinke it not therefore sufficient that yee are gathered to the fellowship of the visible Church but consider what place yee doe possesse in it I wish from my heart that none among vs all vvere in this barne-floore of Christ like vnto chaffe for it will be cast out and burnt with vnquenchable fire but that wee may all be found to be that good Wheat vvhich shall Math. 3. 12. b● gathered into the Lords garner it is indeede a great benefit that vvee are brought to the fellowship of the visible church which is so to cal it the out●ermost chamber of the house of God but onely blessed are they who are led by the spirit farther in to that secret chamber where God shewes his familiar presence and vnto which none are admitted but they who are of the communion of Saints And as for them who are not led by this spirit of grace What spirit leads the wicked Esay 29. 10. Hos 4. 10. it is certaine they are miscarried by another Spirit Concerning their minde the spirit of slumber couers their eyes that they cannot see and concerning their hart it is misruled by the spirit of fornication which causes them to erre and goe a whooring from God thus are they led not as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 brought to the Lord in a peaceable manner whereof I haue spoken but as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 driuen violently and carried away from the Lord ouerhaled with the furie of their affections snared of the Diuell and taken of him at his will Acts 7. 51. Esay 63. Ezech. 13. 3. resisting the holy Ghost yea vexing the holy spirit of the Lord. O miserable and vnhappy condition fearefull is the vvoe that lyes vpon those who follow their owne spirit let vs therefore take heed to our selues our wayes vvill declare vvhat spirit is our gouernour What made Caleb and Ioshua trust in the Lord and rest on his word vvhen all Israel murmured against him prouoked him to anger and compelled him to sweare that they should neuer enter into his rest what made them constant in so great a desertion the Lord declares it himselfe but there was another spirit in Numb 14. 24. my seruant Caleb saith the Lord. Certainely they who are led by the spirit of the Lord will wait vpon him and follow him albeit all the vvorld should forsake him but as for those who wanders from the Lord in the way of iniquitie their deeds makes it manifest they are led by the spirit of errour Last of all we learne here that all the sonnes of God are All the sonnes of God are partakers of his spirit pertakers of his spirit there is but one song among all those thousands triumphant in heauen that followes the Lambe and there is but one spirit in all these militant vpon earth that followes the Lord. Earthly fathers were they neuer so wise and holy doe not alway beget wise and holy children regenerate Adam hath wicked Caine for his eldest sonne faithfull Abraham hath faithlesse Ismael godly Isaac brings out prophane Esau religious Ezekiah begets idolatrous Manasses but the Lord our God whom so euer he begets he communicates vnto them his owne spirit and transformes them into his owne Image and therefore they are conuinced to be shamelesse lyers who in their deedes shew forth the image of Sathan and yet glories in vvord that they are the Children of God they are bastards and not the sonnes of God for it cannot be that the Lord should beget children to any other image but vnto his owne Verse 15. For yee haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage to feare againe but the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father THe Apostle to strengthen this former argument A three-fold operation of the Spirit in the Sons of God sets downe a short description in this and the subsequent verse of a threefold operation which the spirit maketh in them whom he leadeth for first he is vnto them a spirit of bondage working feare secondly hee is a Spirit of Adoption working loue through the sense of Gods mercie for he not onely makes them whom he leades the Sonnes of God but intimates vnto their spirits Gods loue towards them which otherwise was vnknowne vnto them and thirdly hee is a Spirit of intercession making vs to goe with boldnes to the throne of grace and call vpon God as vpon our Father Of the which the first part of his argument is made cleare that they vvho are led by the spirit of GOD are the Sonnes of God yea by the testimonie of the Spirit they themselues know that it is so and therefore in most homely and humble manner acknowledge him for their Father This the Apostle propones in such a manner that he
Fiue sorts of feare consider that there are fiue sorts of feare mentioned in the booke of God The first is a naturall feare the second a carnall feare the third ● seruile feare the fourth a filiall feare the fist a D●abolicall feare The naturall feare is one of the affections of the soule 1 A natural feare created by God Adam was endewed with it in the state of innocencie and our blessed Sauiour wanted it not of whom it is written that when hee entred into the garden he began to be afraid As for carnall feare the obiect whereof is flesh 2 A carnall feare or at least that which flesh may doe it is a great enemie to godlinesse and therefore our Sauiour forbids it feare not Mat. 10. 28. them who are able to kill the body but feare him who is able to cast both soule and body into hell fire yet are the dearest of Gods children subiect vnto it This feare made Abraham deny that Sarah was his Wife made Peter denie that Christ was his Lord this feare made I●nas refuse to goe to N●niuie and made that worthy Prophet ●amu●● vnwilling to annoint Dauid for he feared least Saul should slay him yet are they so subiect vnto it that the feare of God at length ouercomes in them The third so●t is seruile feare the obiect whereof 3 A seruile feare is the iudgements of God onely and this is proper to the wicked they feare the plagues of God but so that they loue their sinnes and hates and abhorres euery one that doth snibbe or restraine them in the course of their sinnes The 4 A filiall feare fourth is filiall so called because it is proper to the sonnes of God they doe not onely feare him for his iudgements but loue him and feare him for his mercy mercy to with thee Psal 130. 4. O Lord that thou mayst be feared As for the D●abolicall feare 5 A D●abolicall feare Saint Iames sa●th the Diuels know there is a God therefore they feare and tremble th●y haue receiued within themselues Iames. 2. 19. the sentence of damnation they know it shall neuer be recalled they seeke no mercy nor shall they obtaine it and the seruile feare of the wicked shall at the last end in this desperate feare of the damned finding themselues condemned without all further hope of mercy they shall tremble and feare continually Of this it is euident that the feare whereof here he speaks From what sort of feare we are exempted is the first part of filiall feare namely a feare of that punishment which is due to sinne and to the godly is an introduction to worke in them feare of God for his mercies conioyned with loue so then his meaning is cleare albeit in the time of your first conuersion you were striken with a feare of that wrath which is the recompense of sinne yet now the spirit of adoption hath not onely released you of that feare of damnation which you conceiued at the first through the knowledge of your sinnes but hath also made you certaine of saluation and assured that God is become your Father in Christ Iesus In the wicked the feare of Gods vvrath once begunne encreases daily till it proceede as I spake to that desperate feare of the damned but in the godly the feare of Gods In the godly feare prepare● a place for the perfect loue of God and then departs it selfe iudgements is but a preparation to the loue of GOD feare shall not alwayes abide in their hearts for when God shall crowne them with his mercies and his loue in them shall be perfect then perfect loue casts out feare therefore Augustine compares the feare of Gods iudgements in the godly to a Needle that goes through the ●eame and prepares in it a place for the thread which is to rema●●e so doth the feare of Gods iudgements goe through the secret seames of the heart and prepares a place for the loue of God which shall abide and continue for euer in the godly when feare shall be away The Lord at the first deales hardly vvith Mat. 15. his children as our Sauiour delt with the woman of C●naan whom he comforted at the last and as Ioseph entreated his brethren roughly whom at the last for tender compassion hee embraced with many teares but all these terrours and feares wherewith GOD humbles his owne are but preparatiues to his consolations at the length hee shall make it knowne to them that he is their louing father as for the wicked though they haue not suffered from their youth the terrours of God it is because they are reserued for them Neither are they euen now exempted from their owne But in the wicked feare of wrath once begun encreases till it proceede to desperate feare feares for albeit there were none to reproue them their owne consciences sends out accusing thoughts to terrifie them and if at any time they shall heare the word of God faithfully and with power deliuered vnto them then doe they much more tremble feare for the word strengthens the conscience to accuse and terrifie them but feare is both the first and last effect it workes in them and therefore is it that being so oft disquieted with hearing of the word as Foelix was with the preaching of Paul they are no more desirous to heare it but rather hates it and abhors it because it testifies no good vnto them more then Micaiah did to Achab and so they neuer attaine to this other operation of the spirit they are not transchanged by hearing into the similitude of the sonnes of GOD neither receiues that comfort which comes by feeling the loue of God in Iesus Christ The spirit of Ad●ption Adoption is eyther naturall or Adoption is eyther naturall or spirituall spirituall the spirituall Adoption is eyther of a whole Nation and so the Apostle saith that the Adoption pertained to the Israelites because the Lord chose them to be a peculiar people to ●i●selfe or then it is of particular men and so it is a benefit belonging to the children of GOD onely What naturall Adoption is and of it speakes the Apostle in this place Naturall Adoption the Lawyers define it to be ●ctum leg●●imum ●●itantem naturam repertum ad corum s●latium qui liberos non habent A lawfull act imitating nature sound out for the comfort of them who haue no children of their owne but spirituall adoption differs farre from it for it is a lawful act not How the spirituall Adoption excels aboue the naturall imitating but transcending nature found out by the Lord our God not for the comfort of a Father that wants children but for the comfort of children that wants a Father We being by nature miserable orphanes hauing no Father to prouide for vs it pleased the Lord our God to become our Father in Christ and to make vs by Adoption his sons and daughters not for any
benefite hee receiues of vs for nothing can accresse by the meanes of any creature to that most high and al-sufficient maiestie S●d vt haberit in quem sua benefi●ia coll●caret but that hee might haue some vpon whom to bestow his benefits for the declaration of the glorie of his rich mercie Yet both the Adoptions agrees in this that they flow The naturall giues to the Adopted the priuiledges of a sonne from the pleasure and good will of him vvho is the adoptant and that they giue to him who is adopted the priuiledges of a Sonne which by nature he hath not but where the naturall adoptant cannot change the nature of that man whom hee hath adopted to be his Sonne no more then Moses qui Aethiopissam duxit sed non potuit Aethiopissae mutare colorem who married an Aethiopian vvoman but could not change the Aethiopians colour but the Lord our God were wee neuer so blacke if hee marry vs hee shall make vs beautifull if by the grace of Adoption he make But the spirituall giues also the new nature and conditions of a Sonne vs his sonnes by the grace of Regeneration hee shall also make vs new creatures all the sonnes of GOD are made partakers of the Diuine nature Take heede therefore vnto your liues and conuersations for if ye goe on to spend the remanent of your dayes after the inordinate lusts of the flesh and walke on in gluttonie and drunkennesse in chambering and wantonnes in adulterie in strife and enuy in couctousnesse and such other workes of vncleannesse wherein many among you doe yet continue wee must say vnto you that ye haue not God for your Father but ye are of your father the Diuell because ye doe his workes except wee see in you the Image and superscription of God and that ye haue engrauen in your conuersation as Aaron Exod. 28. 36. had vpon his frontlet Holinesse to the Lord we cannot blesse you in the name of the Lord nor acknowledge you for such as are his by Adoption And of this againe wee marke that the sonnes of God The Sonnes of God after their receiuing the Spirit of Adoption know that God is their Father know most certainely that God is become their heauenly Father for in this they are taught of God by his owne spirit to acknowledge him and call vpon him with boldnesse as vpon their Father It is therefore a vile errour which that most comfortlesse religion of the Papists renders to them who seeke comfort in it that no man in this life can know whether he be beloued or hated of God nor can haue any certaine knowledge of his owne saluation except it be by extraordinarie reuelation we improued it at length in the ninth verse It is true naturall children may be ignorant of their earthly Father and puft vp with a vaine conceit that they are descended of a more noble parentage then indeed they are as the ●latterers of Alexander would haue him to thinke that hee was the Sonne of Iupiter and not of Phillip but being wounded in a battell hee was taught by experience that hee was the mortall Sonne of a mortall Father and therefore smyling vpon his ●latterers hee said vnto them this bloud seemeth to mee not to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is not like the strong bloud of GOD but the bloud of man But as for the Children of God they can not be deceiued of their generation they know that God is their Father and with greater homelinesse and more freedome of spirit yea and surer knowledge they call God their Father then any son in the world is able to call on his earthly Father Whereby we cry The Apostle here doth teach vs that it No prayer to God without the spirit of God is by the spirit of Adoption wee pray vnto God without that Spirit men may speake of God but without him they cannot speake vnto God Prayer is a proper action of the sons of God The Apostle describing them who are Saints by calling saith they are sanctified by Christ and call vpon the name of the Lord Iesus hee ioynes these two together to tell vs that they who are not called by God and sanctified in Christ cannot call vpon him as for prophane men it is certain they cannot pray though they repeat that prayer Our father which art in heauen what else doe they but multiply lyes as they multiply words Onely the spirit of Adoption teacheth the Children of How the godly sometime are transported in Prayer 2 King 2. God to pray Prayer is vnto them like that firie Chariot in the which Eliah was caried from earth to heauen by it they are transported to haue their conuersation with God and speake to him in so familiar a manner that they know not those things which are beside them neyther see they those things which are before them being in the body they are caried out of the body they present to the Lord sighs which cannot be expressed and vtters to the Lord such words as they themselues are not able to repeat againe and that all this proceedes from the operation of the Spirit who bends vp their affections and teacheth them to pray is euident by this that when this holy Spirit intermits or relents his working in them they become senselesse and heauy harted more readie to sleepe with Peter Iames and Iohn than to watch Mat. 26. 38. and pray with Iesus yea suppose it were in the very houre of tentation Wee cry c. The Apostle you see reckons himselfe among The godly should cry together not one against an other others who cryes by this Spirit of Adoption though the children of God be many yet seeing they all are led by one spirit they should all cry for one thing vnto God the assemblies of the Church militant on earth should resemble as neere as they can the glorious assemblies of the Church triumphant in heauen many are they who followes the Lambe their voyce is like vnto the voyce of many waters yet they all sing but one song so should there be among vs that are Christians but one voyce specially when we meete in the publike assemblies of the Church though wee were Vnion of desires in prayer commended neuer so many yet our affections and desires should concur in one and all of vs send vp one voyce to the Lord. Wee see that in nature coniunction of things which are of one kinde makes them much stronger many flames of fire vnited in one are not easily quenched many springs of water if they meet together in one make the stronger riuer but being deuided are the more easily ouercome Saint Iames Iames 5. 16. saith the prayer of one righteous man auailes much if it be powred out in faith what then shall we thinke of the prayers of many Oh what a blessing might wee looke for if vvee could ioyne in
not at the first as in the very time of Prayer Daniel receiued his answere yea at the beginning of his supplication Dau. 9. 22. 23. as the Angell Gabriel informed him the commandement came forth to answere him yet shall not the Lord faile in his owne good time to fulfill the desires of them who feare him Manifold examples of holy Scripture lets vs see that Efficacie of Prayer euery petition returns with profit Gen. 18. Prayer this way powred out vnto God is most effectuall At fiue sundry petitions did not Abraham bring the Lord from fiftie to ten euery petition returnes to Abraham some vantage faine would Abraham had Sodome preserued for Lots cause at his first request hee got this answere that the Lord would spare it for fiftie righteous mens sake if they might be found in it but at the last from fiftie hee brings him to ten as long as Abraham prayed the Lord answered and for euery petition hee yeelded something to Abraham and most comfortable it is that the Lord ceases not from answering till Abraham ceased from asking any more Acts 10. When Peter prayed vpon the house top he fel into a trance and saw a heauenly vision when Iesus prayed vpon Mount Mat. 17. Tabor he was transfigured and if at any time the children of GOD be transformed from an earthly disposition to a heauenly they finde in their owne experience that it is in the time of prayer Sathan for this cause is a most troublesome enemy to the Sathan an enemie to the Word and Prayer exercises of the word and of prayer because the one is the mother the other is the nurse of all the graces of God in vs eyther he makes them lightly to esteeme the exercise of prayer or then doth what hee can to interrupt them in it as that Pithonisse interrupted Paul while hee was going to Acts 16. 16. pray so hath that aduersarie a thousand wiles whereby eyther before prayer he seekes to diuert them to some other businesse or in the action to trouble them and diuide the powers of the soule by vncomely and prophane motions If Iehoshua stand before the Lord Sathan shall stand at his Zach. 3. 1. Gen. 15. right hand to resist him Vnlesse therefore with Abraham we driue away the rauening birds from our sacrifice vnles with the Israelites wee stand on Ierusalems wall with a weapon ready in our hand to repell the aduersarie as oft as he comes to stay the worke of God it is impossible that our hearts can continue in feruent prayer to God Yet the restlesse opposition of the aduersarie should not make vs to breake off this exercise of prayer but the more we finde Sathan angry at our prayers the more should wee be prouoked to pray if he felt not himselfe hurt and his kingdome weakened by our prayers he would not so busily trouble vs in prayer yee see hee troubles vs not in such exercises as troubles not him speake as long as you will of vvorldly affaires refresh the body with eating and drinking exercise the body in playing in these and such like hee interrupts vs not because they offend him not but if vvee goe by prayer to vvound the head of the serpent then vvill he doe vvhat he can to sting vs. And herewithall let vs remember that any other practise Other exercises of religion may at a time be omitted with an excuse but the neglect of Prayer is vnexcusable of religion men may omit it and be excusable but the neglect of prayer cannot be excused It may be at a time thou hast not giuen almes to the needy because thou hadst it not it may be thou hast not come to heare the vvord because thou hast beene diseased but as for the neglect of prayer wherewith wilt thou excuse it labouring with thy hands in thy vocation needs not to hinder the lifting vp of thy hart vnto God if thine heart be good euery time euery place is conuenient for prayer with Ieremy thou maist pray in the Ieremi● 36. Daniel 6. Gen. 24. Luke 6. 14. prison with Daniel in the denne vvith Ionas in the Whales belly vvith Dauid in the bed vvith Isaac in the fields with Iesus on the mountaine for thou thy selfe art the temple of the liuing God the sanctuarie vvherein hee will be worshipped and shouldst alway carry about vvith thee and within thee that golden Alter whereupon incense should be euery morning and euening sacrificed vnto the Lord thy God so that if thou doe not pray it is because thou vvilt not Abba Father c. But vvhat is this that the spirit teacheth It is a strong Prayer if by the Spirit thou canst call God thy father vs to cry the Apostle saith that he teacheth vs to cry vpon God as vpon our Father Is this inough in prayer to call vpon GOD thy Father yea if thou canst so call him from this spirit of Adoption for all Gods children are not indued with a like grace of prayer it is effectuall inough to draw downe vpon thee all those blessings vvhich the Lord communicates to his sonnes his name shall be sanctified in thee his kingdome shall be aduanced in thee he shal teach thee to doe his vvill thou shalt not want thy daily bread he shall forgiue thee thy sinnes and preserue thee that thou fall not into tentations all comfort rests vnder this name of a father if thou canst so call him in saith the riches of his mercies are thine As the heauens are aboue the earth so are his thoughts What comfort we haue in this that we may call God our father aboue ours if then earthly fathers carrie so kindely an affection toward their children vvhat louing affection may vvee thinke is there in our heauenly Father toward vs Shall I cause others to beare saith the Lord and remaine barren my selfe shall the Lord communicate to men the name and heart of a Father and fill them with compassion toward their children and shall hee himselfe to vvhom the name of a Father most properly belongs vvant the heart and compassion of a Father toward his children let it be farre from vs so to thinke Seeing the Lord will haue such tender mercy in vs that are mortal creatures that not onely seauen times but seauentie times seauen times vvee forgiue our brother in the day vvhat readinesse to forgiue the sins of his children must there be in himselfe and seeing our Sauiour in the Gospell points out so great a commiseration Luke 15. in that earthly Father toward his prodigall Sonne that when he saw him a farre off comming homeward hee ranne and met him and sell vpon his face and kissed him vvhat louing kindnes may vve looke for at the hands of our heauenly father if we doe repent of our wandrings and resolue w●th our selues to returne vnto him Againe wee see here that the holy Spirit teacheth vs to Prayer to creatures
their desertion which is their spirituall disease are euill Iudges of themselues for they perceiue not that which they possesse there may be an muincible hope of mercie in that soule wherein for the present there is no sense of mercy and this all the Children of God may marke in their owne experience for whereof I pray thee hath it come that thou a weak man hast foughten so long against principalities powers hast endured so many yeares the fearefull assaults of Sathan thou hast beene troubled with doubting but hast not dispaired thou hast beene cast downe and hast not perished thou hast fallen and yet risen againe thy enemie hath thrust sore at thee yet hath hee not preuailed against thee No power no pollicie of Sathan hath euer beene able to quench in thee that spark of life which the Lord hath breathed into thee Out of all doubt thy standing hath beene from this spirit of Adoption who hath wrought in thine heart a deeper sense of mercy then that any contrary power is able to root out yea or thou thy selfe art able to perceiue hereof hath come thy standing both in tentations which are from thine aduersaries and in these desertions whereby the Lord hath exercised thee Thus haue we comfort not onely in the The standing of a Christian in his apparant desertions proues that hee was not deserted indeede glorious effects of Gods mercie wrought in vs when wee feele his presence but also by our standing and perseuerance in desertions wherein it seemes to vs that the Lord hath absented himselfe from vs two excellent comforts for the Christian for thy standing in desertions proues that thou wert not deserted apparent desertions are not desertions indeede surely the Lord will not faile his people nor forsake Psal 94. 14 his inheritance Againe thy standing against so many assaults of the Diuell proues that the least sparke of Christs liuely grace in a Christian is stronger than that the gates of hell are able to preuaile against it Be therefore comforted O thou man of God for if it had beene in Sathans power to haue quenched thy life hee would haue put it out long or now be assured thou shalt preuaile and obtaine the victorie in the strength and might of that mighty Lord the Lord Iesus Christ Verse 17. If wee be Children wee are also Heyres euen the Heyres of God and Heyres annexed with Christ. THe priuiledges of a Christian albeit they be commonly spoken of yet because they are not considered are commonly contemned men not deepely pondering with themselues what a high preferment this is that a vessell of clay should be made the Temple of the liuing God and the Heyre of vvrath should become the Heyre of grace and glory therefore the Apostle in this Chapter describing the excellent state How glorious the priuiledges of a Christian are of a man iustified by faith in Christ Iesus from the time that once he began to make mention of the benefits he hath by Christ can hardly make an end but from one proceeding to another hee ascends by a continuall gradation till at length he come to such an height that hee is compelled to breake off the course of his speech and to conclude with an examination what shall wee then say to those things Hitherto hee hath letten vs see how by Christ wee are deliuered from condemnation how we are made the free-men of God freed from sinne and death how wee are also made the Temples of God wherein hee dwelleth by his Spirit and that yet more also wee are made the Sonnes of GOD. And now hee goes vp a degree further to tell vs that wee are the Heyres of God and Heyres annexed with Christ Iesus What shall wee then say but as the Psalmist saith of the Citie of God Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou Citie Psal 87. 3. of God so will we speake of euery Citizen thereof Glorious Psal 144. 15. things are spoken of thee O thou man of God Blessed are those people whose God is the Lord and are called to this happie fellowship wherein they are made subiect vnto him who is King of Saints Let vs be glad and reioyce in the Lord let our hearts and our mouths be filled with his prayse except the Lord had reserued mercy for vs wee should be made like vnto Sodome o● Gomorrha but now the lots are fallen to Isai 1. 9. vs in pleasant places and wee haue a faire heritage Blessed be the GOD of our saluation from henceforth and for euer If wee be Children As for the Apostles order in these The Sonnes of God cannot but l●ue because they are the heires of God words wee are to remember that the Apostle here insists in the confirmation of that part of his reason that they who are the Sonnes of God shall liue Now he lets vs see the necessity thereof the S 〈…〉 s of God are the Heyres of God and the heritage whereunto they are borne is eternall life therefore of necessitie they must liue Wee haue here first to consider that high preserment Gods goodnes is shewed to all his creatures ●ut his inheritance is reserued to his Sonnes Gen. 25. whereunto wee are called in Christ not onely to be the Sonnes of God but declared also to be the Heyres of God The heyre in a family hath this prerogatiue that albeit the hand of his Father be not closed from giuing good things vnto others yet the inheritance is reserued for him As Abraham gaue gifts to the Sonnes of K●turah but kept his best things for Isaac so the Lord our God shewes his great bountifulnesse in that hee makes his Sunne to shine and Math. 5. 45. his raine to fall downe vpon the vniust no lesse than the iust yet herein stands the comfort of his children that hee reserues his best and most excellent things for them Neyther is it his creatures that hee giues to them but hee giues himselfe vnto them in a portion as he promised to Abraham so he performes it to all the seed of Abraham I am thy exceeding great reward and therefore doe the godly so craue him that without him nothing can content them O Lord thou art my portion said Dauid My Soule saith to Psal 119. 57. Lam. 3. 24. the Lord thou art my portion said Ieremie But as for them who can content themselues with the gifts of God suppose they neuer enioy himselfe they declare they are but Seruants who are not to bide in the house for euer and not the Sonnes of God Againe wee haue to marke here that albeit the Lord All the Sonnes of God are his heyres and yet the inheritance is not diminished haue innumerable sonnes yet are they all his Heyres No Monarch in the world can beautifie his children with this priuiledge as to make them all his heyres and not diminish his Empire but the Lord herein declares the riches of hi● glorious inheritance that all
his sonnes are his Heyres and yet the inheritance enioyed of many is not the lesse Neither are we to thinke this impossible for seeing the Lord hath endued the Sunne in the firmament with this propertie that albeit the light thereof be communicated vnto many yet is it not the lesse in it selfe plurium oculos pascit Aug. de verb. dom in Euan. Ioan. ser 64. tamen tanta est quanta erat illi pascuntur illa non minuitur it feedes the eyes of many they are nourished and it is not diminished may wee not much more thinke that the heauenly light communicated to many shall for all that not be impared In earthly inheritances it is so the moe be partakers of them the lesse they are but it is not so in the heauenly there needes no strife among the brethren for diuision of the inheritance for the rich portion of one shall be no preiudice to another Neyther shall vvee that are called to be the sonnes of They who were borne in the first age of the world shall not be perfected without vs. Heb. 11. 40. God in this last age of the world suffer any preiudice that many hundred yeares before vs some haue bin entred heires of that kingdome God prouiding a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be perfected Adam the first that euer was made the sonne of God by creation and afterward the first sonne of God also by regeneration together with the rest of those faithfull Patriarches that followed him hath in regard of yeares long before vs inherited the promises yet shall it not preiudge them who in the last age of the world are called to the fellowship of the faith of Christ yea hee that shall be the last borne sonne of GOD in the earth by regeneration shall also be partaker of this priuiledge of the inheritance And this should greatly encourage vs to serue our God considering that how euer many of our brethren be entred before vs whose example should confirme vs yet the portion prepared for vs shall not be the lesser There is also another difference for in the earthly inheritances In earthly inheritances the Father dyes or the sonne inherit but here the sonne must dye or else he cannot inherit Psal 102. 26. the Father must first die before the sonne come to the full possession thereof but in the heauenly we our selues must die that we may possesse the inheritance For our Father is the auncient of dayes the heauens are the works of his hands they shall perish but hee doth remaine they shall waxe olde as doth a garment but he is the same and his yeares shall not faile He is the Father of eternity in whom there cannot fall so much as a shadow of change farre lesse is he subiect to death but as for vs by suffering death we must enter into our kingdome we cannot see him so long as we liue nor be satisfied with his image till we awake therefore should the day of death be a ioyfull day vnto vs because it is the Psal 17. 15. day of our entrance to our inheritance Vnnaturall worldlings reioyce at the death of their Parents because by it they come to the heritage they carry merriest hearts within them when they put on their blackest garments but as for vs we should reioyce at the day of our owne death it is not the day of our sorrow as naturall men accounts it but the day of our delight in the which we enter into the fruition of our heauenly inheritance He cals vs not onely the heyres of God but annexed heyres Theophilact with Iesus Christ that so he may shew Nos grandes futuros haeredes that we are to be great heyres The Lord Iesus hath Christs twofold right to the inheritance and how in the second onely we are annexed with him a two-fold right to his Fathers inheritance one by his eternall generation and so he is the heyre of God in a manner proper and peculiar to himselfe onely the other hee hath by conquest for by the merit of his death he hath conquered eternall life for all his brethren and this right he communicates vnto vs whereby we also become heyres annexed with him in the first he admits no companion in the second he cals vs to be partakers with him And this serues vnto vs not onely for a speciall comfort How all these great mercies should prouoke vs to walke worthy of our heauenly vocation in the houre of tentation and day of death as wee marked before but should also prouoke vs to answere the heauenly vocation by a holy disposition seeing wee are the sonnes of God shall wee not resemble his image seeing wee are called to be heyres of an heauenly inheritance shall we any more minde earthly things Farre be it from vs that wee should be prophane like Esau who sould his birth-right Gen. 25. 2 Tim. 4. Phil. 3. 8. 9. for a mease of pottage or like Demas wee should forsake the fellowship of our brethren and imbrace this present world but let vs rather with the holy Apostle account all things to be but dung in respect of the excellent knowledge and fellowship of our Lord Iesus Seeing Christ must be our comfort in death when all other comforts will forsake vs let vs make him our ioy and pleasure in life that so both in life and death he may bean aduantage vnto vs for these things for which miserable worldlings forsake their God shall in the end forsake them Let a couetous man see in the houre of his death those treasures of gold and siluer which he sought in his life more than God and they shall be no more pleasure to him than was those thirty peeces of siluer to Iuda● vvhich hee tooke in exchange of Iesus Christ Present a spoonefull of Wine to the drunkard whose belly was his God in his life time and hee shall not be able to receiue it Let the harlot stand at that time in the sight of the whoremonger she may encrease his sorrow and terrifie his conscience but shall not render him comfort Yet these are the strange Gods after which most part of the world goes a whooring but let vs not cast in our portion among them we are partakers of the heauenly vocation called to be the sonnes and daughters of the liuing God blessed shall we be if we walke worthy of our calling For Sathans silly offers are not to be compared to these high mercies wherunto God hath called vs in Christ Ioh. 14. 15. Heb. 2. 11. Math. 17. 5. For we see here whereunto we are called by adoption we are made the sonnes of God and brethren of Christ of rebels we are made the seruants of God yea more than that the friends of God hence forth call I not you seruants but friends yea more than friends he hath made vs brethren he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all
one wherfore he is not ashamed to call them brethren O wonderfull comfort the Father cryes from heauen this is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him the Sonne againe speaking to vs on earth saith I goe vp to your Father and my Father Iob. 20. 17. hee that is my Father is also your Father therefore goe yee vnto him and call vpon him as your Father O qualis ille dominus qui omnes s●ruos suos facit amicos suos quod multo maius est fratres suos O what a sweet Lord is he who makes all his seruants his friends and which is much more his brethren Surely the yoake of Christ is easie and Math. 11. 30. his burthen is light we are called to be annexed partakers with him of all the good that is in him The Lord therefore more and more confirme vs that despising all the subtill offers of Sathan whereby hee would steale vs away from the loue of Christ and delighting in that high dignity whereunto we are called our hearts may cleaue to the Lord for euer without seperation HEAVEN OPENED WHEREIN THE COVNSAILE OF GOD CONCERNING MANS SALVATION IS FVRTHER MANIfested so that the Christian effectually called may heare himselfe after the Crosse ordayned to the Crowne and read his owne Name written in the booke of Life Being the second benefit we haue by our Lord Iesus Christ Come and see Written by Mr. William Cowper Minister of Gods word at Perth LONDON Printed by Thomas Snodham for Iohn Budge and are to be sould at the great South dore of Paules 1611. TO THE MOST Gracious Excellent and mightie Princesse Anne Queene of great Britaine France and Ireland c. MADAME As God in the first creation of one made two so in the first institution of marriage did he againe vnite those same two into one that the woman ioyned in marriage with her husband might not onely reuerence him as the rocke from whence she was taken but much more loue and honour him as her head vnder whom she liues If they had not agreed in one to diuide themselues from God no diuision had euer fallen out among themselues But that which God made very good Sathan working vpon the mutability of their will turned into euill so that the woman in stead of an helper became a tempter of the man to sinne and the man in stead of a defender became a dilater of the woman to God for sinne But the Lord Iesus who came into the world to destroy the workes of the Diuell as he hath reconciled man and woman with God so hath he reunited them among themselues adding this to all the former bands of their vnion that now they should liue together as heires of the grace of life In this most happy vnion of both your Maiesties with God and among your selues consists your mutuall strength and comfort the welfare of your Highnesse royall children the terrour of your enemies and common benefit of all your Maiesties well affected subiects A good so much the more carefully to be kept because Sathan out of all doubt spitefully doth enuie it as being the very fountaine out of which doth flow that great and common good both of your royall posterity and loyall people the aspect of your Highnesse fauourable countenances looking in loue one of you to another and both of your maiesties in coniunct compassion to your people sweeter than the influence of the vndiuided Pleiades bringing to Church common-wealth vnder your happy raigne a flourishing spring of innumerable blessings We doe therefore blesse the Lord who hath confirmed your royall hearts and set it in the for most of your godly cares how to keepe and encrease this holy and happy band of loue which keepeth you both For the continuance whereof as after my weake measure I stand vp a daily supplicant vnto the Lord among others your Highnesse loyall subiects so doe I humbly craue that your Highnesse impute it not to me for presumption that I haue conioyned your maiesties in the participation of this small propine of the first fruits of my labours whom I doe wish for euer to be conioyned in the communion of all good present and to come but that rather according to your Highnesse wonted fauour and clemencie toward me your maiestie would graciously accept it as a testimonie of my earnest and vnsained affection toward your Highnesse name and honour in this life and euerlasting welfare in the life to come Your Maiesties most humble Subiect and daily Oratour WILLIAM COVVPER Minister at Perth HEAVEN OPENED THE SECOND PART OF THE CHAPTER CONTAYNING Comforts against the CROSSE Verse 17. If so be wee suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him THE mortification of a Christian The mortification of a Christian consists in two things whereunto the spirit of GOD so frequently exhorts vs consists in these two first in a subduing by a holy Discipline our inordinate lustes vvhich naturally rebell against the law of God secondly in a patient bearing of the Crosse of Iesus In the first part of the Chapter the Apostle hath exhorted vs vnto the one and now in the second by many arguments hee strengthens vs against the other vnlesse wee make some profit in the first point of mortification it is certaine we shall neuer proceed to the second For the life of one affection is farre lesse than the life of the whole man if for Christs sake we will not Hee will not quit his life that will not quit his affection for Iesus Christ Ezech. 22. 14. put out the life of one sinfull affection what hope is there that for his sake we will lay downe our owne life beside that a dissolute life weakneth the strength of the soule makes it ●eeble in the day of affliction so that the heart cannot endure nor the hands be strong in that day wherein the Lord shall haue to doe with thee It is a customable policie of Sathan first to corrupt men and make them dissolute in prosperity that afterward hee may the more easily breake them by aduersity When Iustin Martyr beh●ld the patient suffering of the Christians notwithstanding that hee was not as yet conuerted himselfe he gathered thereof that they could not be men giuen to pleasures for it is most certaine that men ouer-ruled by their affections are either in trouble feeble and effeminate or wickedly delperate hauing in them no spirituall strength to sustaine it And for the connexion of these words with the former The connexion of these words with the former the Apostle slides in here cunningly from the first part of his Treatise into the second and that by way of answering an obiection for it might haue beene said vnto him ye haue called vs the Sonnes of God and the heires of God but how can that be our present estate and condition being so hard and our life so full of troubles To this he answeres it is very
confidence on GOD and here the creature is brought in teaching vs to become weary of our present seruitude of sinne and to long for our promised deliuerance This is that miserable estate whereunto man is brought How farre man by apostacie hath degenerated from his originall glory by his apostacie from God In the beginning man was made Lord and gouernour of all the creatures in one day he called them all before him and gaue them names according to their kindes as one who knew them better in their nature and vertue then they did themselues and they all by comming at his call to his Court acknowledged him vnder God their superiour and Lord this was a part of mans glory in the beginning but now falling away from God hee hath also so farre degenerated from his owne kind that he is become inferiour to the beasts as Balaam Asse was wiser then his maister so the creatures in their kind reprooue the foolishnes of man who was their Lord. Waiteth The word import a continuall act of expectation The waiting of the creature may make man ashamed that waites not for that glorie their expectation expecteth this earnest vvaiting of the creature may make vs ashamed of our blockish dulnes that haue not our mindes and hearts set continually vpon that day of our redemption notwithstanding that exhortation belongs vnto vs that wee should looke for that day and hast vnto it As the creatures were not made for themselues 1 Pet. 3. but for vs so they shal not be restored for themselues but for vs for the greater augmentation of our Glory and if they who shall haue but the second roome long for that day how should we long for it for whom that glory chiefly is prepared When the sonnes of God shall be reuealed The sonnes of The sonnes of God now are not reuealed God are now said not to be reuealed in two respects first because their persons are not reuealed secondly because the glory and dignity is not yet reuealed As for the persons In regard of their persons which now are not knowne of elect men it is true the Lord knoweth who are his and makes themselues also after their effectuall calling to know that they are his his Spirit bearing testimonie vnto their spirits that they are the sonnes of God he giues vnto them that new Name vvhich none knowes but they vvho haue it but now they are not so reuealed that they are knowne of the world For this cause the world knowes you not because Ioh. 15. 20. 22. it knowes not him The good wheate of the Lord is now so couered with chaffe and his excellent pearles are locked vp in earthen vessels the vessel is seene and contemned for the basenesse thereof the pearle is not seene and therefore not esteemed according to the excellencie thereof beside this there are many of the sonnes of God not yet come into the world and many already gone out of it whom vvee know not but in that generall assembly all the Saints of GOD shall be gathered together into one at the right hand of the Lord Iesus and shall be clearely manifested that the wicked their enemies shall know them and be confounded to behold them And of this ariseth a warning to vs all that none of vs This learnes vs not to despise other men because we know not what they are in Gods election despise another but that euen those who for the present are euill and contrary minded wee waite vpon them patiently proouing if at any time God vvill giue them repentance that they may come out of the snare of the Diuell The sons of God are not yet reuealed he that presently is an enemie in regard of his rebellious conuersation what knowest thou whether in the counsell of GOD hee be one of Gods chosen children or not and if hee be so thou maist be sure that ere hee dye the Lord shall conuert him if not of a persecuter to make him a Preacher as hee did Paul yet at least a Professour of that same truth which thou hast embraced Secondly not onely are the persons of Gods sonnes vnknowne but their glory also now is obscured and their life In regard of their glorie which now is obscured Col 3. 3. is hid with Christ they are accounted the off-scowrings of the earth and intreated in the world as if they were the onely men to whom shame and ignominie did appertaine yea their glory is not knowne vnto themselues euen those who haue receiued the new Name and the testimonie of the Spirit recording to them that they are the Sonnes of God when they looke to their contemptible bodies and abundant corruption in their soules they seeme vnto themselues to be nothing lesse than the sonnes of God I marke it that wee The sonnes of God shold not iudge of themselues by their present state may learne to beware of Sathans pollicie whereby he carrieth vs to iudge of our selues by our present estate which cannot but breed in vs horrible feare and doubtings To this craft let vs oppone that comfort of the Apostle dearely beloued 1 Iohn 3. now are we the Sonnes of God yet doth it not appeare what we shall be it is but the beginnings and not the perfection of grace and glory which we haue in this life by the beginnings let vs know that we are the sonnes of God and where we finde no perfection let vs not be discouraged remembring this is the time wherein the glory of the sonnes of God is not yet reuealed We are here againe further to consider that vvhere the Comfortable that where the Lord cals the rest of his works his creatures he calleth vs his sonnes Lord giues vnto the rest of his workes the name of a creature hee vouchsafes vpon vs the names of sonnes shewing vs that albeit in regard of creation we are his creatures and come vnder that same name with the rest of his works yet now in regard of his grace communicated vnto vs wee are much more than that which wee were by creation and in that respect more esteemed of by him then all the rest of his workes beside As a Father counteth much more of his sonne whom hee hath begotten than he doth of all other things he hath whatsoeuer so the Lord our God esteemes more pretious vnto him one of these his excellent ones whom he hath begotten in his beloued Sonne the Lord Iesus than he doth of all others besides For their sakes hee reprooues Kings hee alters the course of nature and turneth vp-side downe the state of things in the world yea he shall declare at length that they are his onely treasure from the time that once he gets them all gathered vnto him the administration of this world as now it is shall cease and take an end Oh that we could stirre vp our hearts to a thankfulnesse Our duty againe craues that in our heart wee
should prefer the Lord aboue all his creatures toward our God shall wee not honour him as our Father who hath called vs his Sonnes shall wee any more set any of his creatures in our affection before him who hath set vs in his heart aboue all his creatures Alas how pittifull is the folly of man who being ignorant of God goeth doting after the creature as though the workes of his hands were more to be loued than himselfe or as if there were more beautie or vertue in the creature than in him who made it true indeede they haue their owne beautie Pulchrum coelum pulchra terra sed pulchrior quifecit illa the heauen is beautifull the earth is beautifull but more beautifull is he that made them the greatest goodnesse of the creature is but the smallest sparke of that goodnesse which is in the Creator Verse 20. Because the Creature is subiect vnto vanitie not of it owne will but by reason of him who hath subdued it vnder hope THe Apostle hauing set downe in the former The first reason of the feruent desire of the creature is taken from their present hard and euill estate Verse a proposition of that feruent desire whereby the creature waites for reuelation of the sonnes of God assigneth now two reasons of their desire the first contained in this verse is taken from the present euill estate of the creature which now is subiect to vanitie This vanitie as we take it is opponed to that originall integritie wherewith the creature was indued in the beginning and it consists in these two first that the curse of God is laid on the creature for the sinne of man secondly that the creature is abused contrary to the owne will which is also a consequent of the curse As for the first the curse of God inflicted vpon the creature The creature is subiect to a two-fold vanitie for a punishment of man hath spoiled the creature of original beauty original vertue the heauens now are beautifull but nothing so beautifull as they were by the first creation the earth also is spotted like the face of a woman once By the curse they are spoiled of originall beauty and vertue beautifull but now deformed with scabs of leprosie with thistles thornes much barren wildernesse which are the sensible effects of Gods curse vpon it They haue in like manner lost much of their originall vertue though the creature in the owne kind intend it selfe to produce those effects which it might haue done by the first creation yet it is restrained subdued by a superiour power The neerer the Sun drawes to the end of his daily course the lesse is his strength for wee see the Sun in the euening decayes in heat so it is the longer by reuolution he turnes about in his spheere he waxes alway the weaker and to vse the similitude of the holy Spirit as a garment the older it groweth becomes the lesse beautifull the lesse able to warme him who weares it so the creatures by continuance of yeares decreaseth in beauty and vertue The sinne of man hath brought this curse vpon the And as sin encreases so the curse increases creature and the daily encrease of mans sinne makes a daily encrease of the curse The first man that sinned was Adam and for his sake God cursed the earth the second notorious sinner we read of was Cain and for his sake God cursed the earth the second time and albeit the Lord doth not alway tell in expresse words how euery abhominable sinner that hath succeeded Cain hath in like manner drawne on a new curse vpon the creature yet that one serueth for all to teach vs that as sinne growes so growes the curse and the multiplication of the curse brings with it a daily diminution of that originall vertue and beautie which the creature had in the beginning The other part of this vanitie is the abuse of the creature which is threefold first concerning God secondly concerning The other part of the vanitie is a threefold abuse of the creature the godly and thirdly concerning the wicked Concerning God this is a fearefull abuse that the creature which God made for his glory is abused to his dishonour as when the Iewes tooke the gold and siluer which God gaue them and made vp of it Baal to themselues or when the Persians Concerning God worshipped the Sunne and the Egiptians beasts insteade of God for this vanitie and bondage the creatures in their owne kinde they sigh and grone complayning they should be abused to another end then that whereunto the Lord did make them and whereat by their naturall inclination they would be also themselues Secondly the creature is abused as concerning the godly vvhen they are compelled to doe euill to those to whom Concerning the godly they vvould doe good for euery creature in the owne kinde is naturally bent to be a comfortable instrument and a seruant to the seruant of GOD but otherwise vvhere the fire is forced to burne them or the vvater to choke them or that they are in any such sort abused by the wicked to trouble the seruants of GOD it is against their will a vanitie and seruitude vvhereof they faine would be deliuered And thirdly the creatures are abused when they are compelled to serue the wicked rebels and enemies of God sore Concerning the wicked whom against their will they serue against their will The Sunne is weary of shining to the wicked who hauing their eyes open to see the workes of God had neuer their hearts nor mouthes open to glorifie him the Earth in like manner is wearied with the heauie burthen of sinne which daily encreases vpon her shee cryes vnto God and desires to be releeued of this bondage yea if the Lord did not restraine her she would open her mouth and swallow the wicked as she did Corah Dathan and Abiram and in very deed when once the creature shall be set at libertie and no superiour power shall hold them vnder this seruitude then shall the creatures declare that they serued the wicked sore against their will for no creature shall render any more seruice vnto them the Sunne shall shine no more vpon them the Earth shall beare them no longer and the water shall not giue so much as one drop out of her treasures to refresh them To cleare this out of that one temporall iudgement inflicted The creatures being restored to the libertie shall all concur to plague the wicked vpon the stiffe-necked Egiptians we may take some notice how fearefull that last and vniuersall wrath shall be that shall be powred out vpon all the wicked being assembled into one Out of the third heauen came his Angell to fight against them and slew their first borne In the second heauen the Sunne withdrew his countenance from them as from a people of darknesse not worthie of his light In the third heauen the elements by course
hath it Hope againe lookes for a future possession of Christ which shall be much more excellent than that which presently we enioy for the possession of Christ which now I haue by Faith is 1 Cor. 13. 9. 10. imperfect and mediate by Faith I know Christ but in part by Faith I apprehend him but in part also and this possession I haue it mediately to wit by the meanes of the Word and Sacraments but my hope directs mee to looke for a more excellent possession of Christ within a short while in whom I shall enioy much more than now by the knowledge of my Faith I can see in him or yet by apprehension of my Faith I can comprehend of him And this is that perfect and immediate possession of Christ which by Hope we looke for Now as for their mutuall relation among themselues Faith and hope compared in their mutuall relation betweene themselues Faith is of things past present and to come Hope is onely of things to come Faith is more largely extended than Hope we hope for nothing vvhich vve beleeue not but something vvee beleeue for vvhich vve hope not vve beleeue that the paines of hell abide the wicked but we hope them not for hope is an expectation of good to come they may fall vnder feare but come not vnder hope Againe Faith is the mother of Hope for of that imperfect knowledge and apprehension of Christ which I haue by Faith there ariseth in mee an hope and expectation of a better Hope againe is not onely the daughter of Faith but the conseruer and nourisher of Faith the piller that vnderprops it when it faints for in this life wee are beset vvith so manifold tentations the worke of God seeming oftentimes contrary to his word and things appearing to fall out otherwise than the Lord hath promised that our Faith thereby is wonderfully daunted and therefore hath need to be supported by Hope vvhich teacheth alwayes with patience to depend vpon Gods truth and to looke for a better As for example the Lord saith Call vpon me in the day of thy trouble Psal 50. 15. I will heare thee and deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me according to this promise the Christian calling vpon God and yet not finding deliuerance his Faith begins to faint but then Hope comes in and succoureth Faith and her counsell is the vision is for an appointed time at last it shall Habak 2. 3. speake and not lye though it tarry waite for it shall surely come and not stay and this Faith being strengthened by Hope continues her prayers to God vntill she obtaine her promised and desired deliuerance And of this it is euident in what sense it is that the Apostle The right place assigned to euery one of these three Faith Hope Loue in the worke of saluation saith wee are saued by Hope to vvit because by it vvee are vpholden in trouble for he is not here disputing of the manner of our Iustification which he hath done before but discoursing of those comforts vvhich we haue to sustaine vs in affliction If ye aske by which of these three Faith Hope and Loue we are iustified that is by which of them we apprehend Christs righteousnes offered to vs in the Gospell the Apostle hath aunswered already wee are iustified by Faith If ye demand which of these three chiefely sustaines vs in affliction the Apostle here telleth you that vvhen Faith is weake Hope saues vs that vve despaire not and if yee demand which of these three declares vs to be men iustified by Faith in Christ the Apostle telleth you vvee must declare our Faith by good workes for Faith vvorketh by Loue these are the right places which these three excellent graces of the Spirit hath in the worke of our saluation and they goe so ioyntly together that they cannot be sundred When we say that a man is iustified by Faith onely vve doe not therefore make the iustified man to be vvithout Hope and Loue. For albeit in the action of the apprehending The doctrine of Iustification by faith onely takes not away Hope Loue. and applying of Christs righteousnesse Faith onely workes for which we say truely wee are iustified by Faith onely yet Hope and Loue haue other actions pertaining to saluation necessarily requisite in the iustified man And this doth cleare vs of that false calumnie wherewith the aduersaries doe charge vs as if we did teach that Faith might Calumnie of the aduersarie concerning this confuted be without Hope or Loue. because we affirme that vve are iustified by Faith onely I say most truely vvhen I say that among all the members of the body the eye onely sees but if any man collect of my speech that the eye is onely in the body without eare or hand he concludes wrong For albeit in the facultie of seeing I say the eye onely sees yet doe I not for that seperate it from the communion of the rest of the members of the body In the Sunne heat and light goe inseparably together of these two it is the heat onely that warmes vs doe I therefore say that the heat is without the light Among all the graces of the Spirit when I say that Faith onely iustifies I doe but point out the proper action of Faith but doe not therefore seperate it from Hope and Loue. So farre iniurious are the aduersaries of the truth vnto vs when they accuse vs for maintaining a Faith which is without Hope and doth not worke by Loue which we neuer affirmed Of this now it is euident that the Hope of a Christian Hope of a Christian is a strong thing depending on sure warrants must be very strong seeing it sustaines him in trouble it is a pillar that sustaines the whole building and a most sure anchor which being fastned vpon the rocke Christ Iesus holds vs so fast that we who are weake vessels tost too and fro vvith restles tribulations cannot be ouercome it leanes vpon most certaine vvarrants vvhereof now we will onely consider a few The first vvarrant of our hope is the vvord of GOD The first warrant of our Hope is the word of God 1 Pet 7. 4. whereof novv onely vve vvill touch these two comfortable places The Apostle saith there is reserued for vs in heauen an immortall inheritance vnto the which wee also are kept by the power of God through faith A word certainely full of all comfort that inheritance which the Lord keepes for me in heauen who can disappoint me of it and seeing I am kept by his power on earth for that same inheritance vvho can take me out of his hand he reserues my portion in heauen for me he keepes me on earth for it what then is there that is able to disappoint me of this hope Againe compare me these two together that the Father speaking from heauen saith of Christ this is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well
Mark 9. 7. please● heare him the Sonne againe to vvhom the Father hath sent you he saith feare not little flocke it is my Fathers Luke 12. 32. will to giue you a kingdome not for your worthinesse but for the good pleasure of his owne will O what a strong consolation and fortresse of our Hope haue wee heere the Father commands vs to heare his Sonne the sonne assures vs that it is his Fathers vvill to giue vs a kingdome therefore will vve casting away faithlesse feare possesse our soules in patience looking by a constant hope for performance of that kingdome vvhich he hath promised vs. The second warrant of our hope is the Oath of God The second warrant of our hope is the oath of God surely the vvord of GOD in it selfe is as true when it is spoken as when it is sworne but for the strengthening of our vveake faith it hath pleased the Lord to ioyne his oath with his word being willing to shew vnto the heyres of promise Heb. 6. 18. more aboundantly the stabilitie of his counsell hath bound himselfe by an oath that by two immutable things wherein it is impossible that God should lye wee might haue strong consolation vvho haue our refuge to hold fast the hope vvhich is set before vs. The third vvarrant of our hope is the legac●e and testament The third warrant of our hope is the legacy of Christ of Christ in the vvhich he doth not onely by prayer recommend vs to Gods eternal mercy but more particularly he assures vs that he is gone to prepare a place for vs and that he will come againe to receiue vs vnto himselfe that where he is there also we may be And further speaking vnto his Father he saith Father I will that those whom thou hast giuen mee be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me Shall we thinke that the Father will disannul the testament of his Sonne O how comfortable is it to compare these two the Father saith vnto the Sonne Aske of me what thou wilt and I will giue it thee the Sonne againe asketh of the Father that they who are his may be where he is shall wee not then rest in hope assured to be glorified vvith him The fourth pillar of our hope is the bloud of Iesus The fourth is the bloud of the Lord Iesus Christ shed for vs by vvhich he hath subscribed and sealed all the promises of GOD to be yea and Amen A testament saith the Apostle is ratified by the death of a testator and the Lord Iesus by his death hath confirmed the testament that bloud vvhich hee hath poured out as the price of our redemption cryes continually vnto God for vs vntill the redemption of our soules and bodies be perfected The fift warrant of our hope is the pledge of the Spirit The fift is the pledge of the Spirit giuen vs on earth vvhich the Lord Iesus according to his promise hath sent downe into our hearts By him saith the Apostle wee are sealed against the day of redemption hee is an earnest giuen vs from him who is faithfull and true and therefore may vve assuredly looke to receiue the principal summe Praesentia gratiae attestatur foelicitatem promissae gloriae sine dubio sequuturam the presence of grace now testifyeth vnto vs that the felicitie of the promised Glory shall certainely follow And the last warrant is the pledge of our nature which The sixt is the pledge of our nature taken vp into heauen the Lord Iesus hath carryed from earth vnto heauen and hath placed at the right hand of his Father and therein hath taken possession for vs and in our name therefore the Apostle saith that hee hath entred into heauen as our fore-runner calling him so in regard of vs who through him are also to enter in after him these are the sixe pillars and strong confirmations of our hope vvhich in all troubles sustaine it vnder a certaine expectation of that redemption of the possession which is to come But hope that is seene is not hope The Apostle to confirme A short description of the Nature of Hope his reason subioynes a short description of the nature of hope that it is of things vvhich are to come and not yet seene for that which is present and a man seeth he cannot be said to hope for it yea then shall hope cease vvhen wee shall enioy that which we hope for Spes tunc non erit quando August erit res In the first of these words Hope is put for the thing Hoped in the second for the vertue of Hope it selfe and thus much of Hope Verse 25. But if wee hope for that which we see not wee doe with patience abide for it THe Apostle here concludes not onely this his The conclusion of his first principall argument of comfort against the crosse last purpose vvherein he hath taught vs that the very nature of hope leades vs to looke for some better thing which is to come but also he concludes his first principall argument of comfort making this to be the end of all that it becomes vs with patience to abide our promised deliuerance And albeit for memories sake wee haue reduced all that hee hath spoken into one principall argument yet may wee see how vnder this one many particular reasons are heaped vp together tending all to this one conclusion that we should abide it with patience First wee haue heard that the nature of Sixe seuerall reasons of comfort lurking vnder this one our sufferings are so changed that they are now made sufferings with Christ Secondly that the end of them is to be glorified with Christ Thirdly that the glory to come doth farre exceede in waight and eternitie our present sufferings Fourthly that the creatures haue a feruent desire of the reuelation of that glory Fiftly that they also vvho haue receiued the first fruites of the Spirit are wearie of their present misery and wait for the redemption to come And last that in all our troubles we are saued and sustained with the hope of that vvhich is to come and not vvith a present possession of that which we would haue In all these respects it becomes vs not onely to be of good comfort for the present but also patiently to looke for a better The Apostle brings in his conclusion vpon his last argument but we are to consider that it hath an eye vnto all that goes before and that euery one of those reasons aforesaid serueth to strengthen this conclusion that if wee hope for that which is to come then will we with patience abide for it We haue first to marke a difference betweene the Christian The worldlings comfort is in things that are seene the Christians not so and the Worldling the Worldling hath his affection on things which are seene hee cannot mount aboue them hee hath receiued his consolation
glory to be like vnto our head and husband the Lord Iesus Thirdly necessitie so craueth seeing wee cannot be saued 3 We cannot be saued except we be conformed to him without conformitie with him It is not Caesars money which hath not vpon it Caesars image and superscription he is not the Sonne of God who carryeth not the image of his Father for whom the Lord begets in the regeneration he communicateth to them his owne spirit which transformes them into the similitude of his owne Image No vncleane thing shall enter into heauenly Ierusalem neither shall any man see him in his glory who by grace is not made like vnto him That he may be the first borne among many brethren The Apostle insists here in the explication of his former purpose adding that it is necessary vve should conforme our selues vnto him for ratifying that superioritie and priuiledge of the first borne which God the Father hath established vnto his Sonne the Lord Iesus Christ and hee maketh it very properly to serue his purpose for seeing it is so that Iesus our elder brother and Prince of our saluation hath beene consecrated by affliction and by suffering hath entred into his kingdome shall vvee refuse to follow him in his tentations if so be wee desire to sit vvith him in his glory The name of the first borne is ascribed vnto Iesus Christ The name of the first borne three wayes ascribed to Christ 1. as God 2. as man 3. as a mediator Col. 1. 15. three manner of wayes first as he is God secondly as he is man thirdly as he is both God and man our mediator and the head of his misticall body which is his Church As hee is God hee is called by the Apostle Primogenitus omnis creatur● the first begotten of euery creature and that by such a generation as none saith Esay are able to expresse Now before the creature was what could there be surely nothing but the Creator Secondly as hee is man S. Luke calleth him the first borne that opened the wombe Luke 2. 7. of the Virgin Thirdly as Mediator and head of his mysticall body as Prince of that kingdome which is the communion of Saints he is here called the first borne among many brethren and in another place the first fruits of them who 1 Cor. 15. 20. rise from the dead The priuiledges of the first borne were two first excellencie Priuiledges of the first borne are two 1. excellencie of strength 2 excellencie of dignitie of strength for hee had a double portion secondly excellency of dignitie for he was the Prince and priest of the rest of his brethren now both these most properly appertaines to our eldest brother Christ Iesus Excellencie of strength is his he hath receiued the double portion for hee receiued not the Spirit in measure as wee doe but the plenitude and fulnesse therof was communicated vnto him and the comfort thereof redounds vnto vs for he receiued it not for himselfe but for vs that of his fulnesse we might all receiue grace for grace Excellencie also of dignitie is his for beside that glory which hee had with his Father from the beginning he is also as our head crowned with glory Mat. 28. 18. and dignitie all power in heauen and earth is giuen him and he is set ouer his brethren as the onely high Priest of the liuing God who makes attonement for the sinnes of his brethren as the onely Prophet and teacher of the whole familie of God for so hath the Father authorized him This Mat. 3. 17. is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him Let vs therefore submit our selues vnto him seeing God Miserable are they in this age who doe not acknowledge Christs prerogatiue the Father hath set him ouer vs let vs not be disobedient to that heauenly proclamation heare him Woe be to them that subscribes not vnto the excellencie of his dignitie But alas if the world proclaime such pleasures as shee hath to giue by any sport or play or such profits as she can yeeld at her fairest fayres and marke●s O what a frequent concourse of people is made vnto her but if the Priests of the Lord stand as they did of olde in the west part of Ierusalems temple or in their seuerall turrets to blow their two siluer Trumpets and warne the people to resort vnto the house of the Lord or if now any other manner of way signification be made vnto them to enter into the courts of the Lord with praise how few shall hee finde flocking into the house of God in respect of them vvho abides without and followes the world and which is yet more to be lamented there are many of those who heare the word of Christ and yet doth not change the manner of their conuersation for any commandement hee can giue them speake what he vvill they doe what they like they come to the holy assemblies of his Saints but are like those vncleane beasts which entred into the Arke of Noah they came in vncleane and went out vncleane Neither of these vnlesse they amend shall be pertakers of our saluation which Iesus the first borne hath purchased to the rest of his brethren But to let them alone and to returne to the instruction of Gods children though apostate Israel fall from him as a Whatsoeuer excellencie our elder brother hath it is for our benefit people that haue no portion in Ishai nor inheritance in the sonne of Dauid yet let Iuda cleaue to their King let vs acknowledge his supereminent excellencie and reuerence him for our first borne elder brother Among other brethren the more the elder hath the lesse remaines to the younger whereof it falles out that many a time there is strife among them for diuision of the inheritance but here the more our elder brother hath the greater is our good seeing whatsoeuer he hath receiued as mediator he hath receiued it to be communicated vnto vs hee hath receiued strength not to subdue vs or ouergoe vs but to protect vs from our enemies which he hath also done for he hath broken the gates of hell and carried them away more triumphantly vpon his shoulders than Sampson did the gates of Azzah Wee who are poore in our selues are made rich in him we who are weake are in him more than conquerours and therfore let vs resolue for euer to abide in him Among many brethren This brotherhood of ours with Brethren in Christ are many wayes knit together Christ consists not in the communion of the same flesh and bloud for so euery man were Christs brother but it stands in our spirituall vnion with him by regeneration those are the sonnes of God and consequently the brethren of Christ who are borne not of blood nor of the will of flesh nor of the will of man but of God by the operation of his spirit and immortall Ioh. 1. 13. seede of
the word In the carnall brotherhoode though the parents be one yet the inheritance is not one though the seede of the flesh be one yet the soule that quickneth the body in both is not one but in the spirituall brotherhood the parents are one the inheritance one the seede vvhereof they are begotten is one and the spirit which quickeneth them all is one It is not then Baptisme nor externall profession which proueth a man to be the kinsman and brother of Christ it is the spirit of Iesus which whosoeuer hath not the same is not his and whosoeuer hath him it is certaine they become new creatures Great is that dignitie certainely whereunto we are called The greatnes of Christs loue toward vs in making vs his brethren and matchlesse is that loue which the Lord Iesus hath carried toward vs who not content to make vs his seruants hath made vs his brethren If he had shewed vs no more kindnesse then Abraham did Lot his kinsman yet euen for that had hee beene worthy to be loued for euer but behold what a greater loue our Lord hath shewed vnto vs we forsooke him more vnkindly than Lot did Abraham yet did hee still retayne his kindly affection toward vs when we were carried away captiue by spirituall Chedarlaomer he did not onely hazard but laid downe his life for our Redemption Moses is greatly praised for that vvhen hee was honourable in Aegypt he left the Court of Pharaoh to visit his brethren esteeming the rebuke of Christ in his people greater riches than all the treasures of Aegypt and Ioseph is also commended that being second person vnder Pharaoh in the kingdome of Aegypt yet hee was not ashamed of his Father and brethren albeit they for their trade being sheepekeepers were abhomination to the Aegyptians But all these are not comparable to that loue which the Lord Iesus hath borne toward vs in that notwithstanding our base estate hee hath not beene ashamed to call vs his brethren The Lord make vs thankefull and shed abroad in our hearts the sense of that loue vvhich hee hath borne toward vs that wee neuer be ashamed of him for no Crosse that for his sake can be laid vpon vs. Verse 30. Moreouer whom he predestinated them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also he glorified THere is no part of holy Scripture vvhich is What a cleare sight of saluation is here discouered to the Christian not stored with the words of eternall life but as that part of earth which is rich of minerals of gold and siluer is more esteemed than other land vvere it neuer so fruitfull so ought this place of holy Scripture to be accounted of vs all as containing in it a most rich minerall not of gold siluer or precious stones but of a more precious saluation wherein the deeper thou art able to digge the stronger clearer and greater sight of saluation ariseth vnto thee there is not in all the booke of God a place of holy Scripture vvhich presents to the childe of God so cleare and certaine a sight of his election and glorification as this place doth wherein now we are trauailing for the holy Apostle in this golden chaine of Saluation doth in such sort knit our effectuall Calling with our Election and Glorification that the Christian vpon earth may euidently see what God in the heauens hath decreed toward him we haue spoken of the first two lincks of the Chaine Prescience and Predestination now we proceed to speake of the third to wit our Calling Where first of all for our greater comfort let vs stand The prerogatiues of a Christian are farre more honourable than any that worldlings can claime and consider how great and glorious are the benefits which God hath bestowed on the Christian before time the Lord hath chosen him after time the Lord will glorifie him in time the Lord doth can and iustifie him Worldlings also haue their owne prerogatiues wherin they place their glory those among them that haue most ample and ancient inheritances are counted most honourable but thou vvho art named a Christian if thou be so indeede looke to thine owne priuiledges and thou shalt see that the glorie of a Christian doth far exceed the glorie of the most honorable Worldling as the Psalmist spake of Ierusalem so may wee of the Christian Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou man Psal 87. 3. of God Election is the first and most auncient charter of the The most sure and auncient Charters of a Christian to his inheritance right of Gods Children to their Fathers inheritance Calling is the second by it we are knowne to be the Sonnes of God and our Election secret in it selfe is manifested to vs and others Iustification is the third by it wee are infest in Iesus Christ and made partakers of all that is his Glorification is the last by it wee are entred heyres to our Father and fully possessed in his inheritance No King vpon earth can produce so auncient a right to his Crowne though vvith the Egyptian thou shouldest reckon thy beginning so many yeares before the creation of the world yet canst thou not match the Christian hee hath the most auncient charter of the most ample inheritance neither can any man vpon earth be knowne his Fathers heyre vpon such sufficient warrand as the Christian for in the regeneration the Father communicateth to him his Image his Nature his Spirit whereby he beginneth from feeling to call God his Father and in life and manners to resemble him No freeholder so surely infest in his lands nor hath receiued so many confirmations thereupon as the Christian iustified who vpon his gift of righteousnesse and life hath also receiued the earnest the pledge the scale and the witnesse of the great King And last of all the Christian shall be entred to the full possession of his Fathers inheritance vvith such ioy and triumph in the glorious assembly of the Saints as the like was neuer seene in the world no not in Ierusalem that day wherein Salomon entred heyre to his Father Dauid then the earth rang for ioy but nothing comparable to that ioy wherewith the heauens shall ring when all the Sonnes of God shall be caught from the earth into the ayre to meet the Lord Iesus and to be inuested in the Kingdome of their Father But now wee are to speake of this Calling wherein consists all our comfort for it is the middle lincke of this indiuisible Calling is the first manifestation of our Election and forerunner of our Glorification Chaine he that hath it is sure of both the ends Our Calling is the first manifestation of our secret Election and it is a sure forerunner of our Glorification being in effect the voyce of GOD fore-telling vs that he will glorifie vs. As the best way in a maine land to finde the sea is to walke by a riuer
the proper subiect The righteousnesse of God because he onely in his meruailous wisedome found it out it is called the righteousnesse of Faith because Faith is the instrument by which wee apprehend it and it is called our righteousnesse because it is giuen vnto vs of God to be ours by imputation on Gods part by acceptation of it by Faith vpon our part for these two wayes that acquisite righteousnesse of Christ is made ours This wee haue to marke for our comfort against those The consideration that Christs righteousnes is ours stoppeth the mouth of all that impugnes our Faith obiections which eyther inwardly by Sathan or outwardly by men of a contrary opinion are obiected vnto vs. If they to trouble our peace and weaken our Faith aske how can yee be iustified by a righteousnesse which is not yours wee answere the righteousnesse of Christ is ours and ours by as great a right as any other thing that wee possesse is ours to wit by the free gift of God seeing it hath pleased God to giue vs a ga●ment who were naked and to giue vs who had none of our owne a righteousnesse answerable to his Iustice vvhat intrest can eyther man or Angell haue to resist it The euasions and obiections whereby the aduersarie Works not of the vnregenerate onely but of the regenerate also excluded from the act of Iustification impugnes this doctrine are chiefely these First the Apostle say they excludeth the works of nature not the works of Grace the workes of a man vnregenerate they confesse cannot iustifie him but the works of a man regenerate say they doe iustifie him but this is false as is proued first by examples for Abraham whose example the Apostle bringeth in to confirme the doctrine of Iustification was a regenerate man and effectually called yet as witnesseth both Moses and S. Paul his saith was counted to him for righteousnesse Proued by examples Dauid after hee had beene a regenerate man yet saith Lord enter not into iudgement with thy Seruant for in thy Psal sight shall no flesh be iustified The Apostle Paul protests of himselfe I haue in all good conscience serued God vnto this day neither know I any thing of my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified hee was more abundant in good workes than all the rest of the Apostles he did also beare in his bodie the markes of Iesus and was renowned through his manifold sufferings If euer any regenerate man could haue bin iustified by his good works it was this holy Apostle yet hee tels you himselfe for all that I haue done for all that I haue suffered yet am I not thereby iustified The same is proued by reason that which by order of The same proued by reason nature followes our Iustification before GOD cannot be said to iustifie vs in the presence of God but so it is good workes by order of nature followes our iustification before GOD Non praecedunt iustificandum sed sequuntur iustificatum Againe such vvorkes as are not Augustine perfectly agreeable to the rule of Legall iustice cannot iustifie vs but rather fall vnder that curse Cursed is hee who fulfilleth not euery iot of the Law but so it is that the workes euen of men regenerate are not able to answere the perfection of the Law There is no man saith Salomon iust Eccles 7. Iob. in the earth that doth good and sinneth not If I would dispute with God I could not saith Iob make answere vnto one of a thousand All our righteousnesse saith Ieremie is but like a Ierem. menstruous cloath and our Sauiour hath taught euen regenerate men to pray daily for the remission of their sinnes Quid ergo de peccatis nostris fiet quando ne ipsa quidem pro se Bern. in fest o 〈…〉 ū sanct serm ● respondere poterit iusti●●a nostra vvhat then shall become of our sinnes when our righteousnesse is not able to answere for it selfe Vae hominum iustitiae quantumuis laudabili si remota misericordia Dei iudicetur woe to the righteousnesse of man were it neuer so lowable if God setting aside mercy enter to iudge it But they insist the vvorkes of regenerate men are the How it is that workes of men regenerate doe not merit seeing they are workes done in vs by the spirit of Christ Heb. 1. 3. workes of Christ for it is he who by his spirit workes them in them therefore they are meritorious and iustifies I answere the works of Christ iustifies it is true if yee vnderstand his personall works done by himselfe in his owne person as the Apostle teacheth vs He hath purged our sinnes by himselfe But as for those works which he works in vs by his spirit of grace he works them not for our iustification that as I haue said he hath done already by himselfe and in his owne person but for our sanctification Secondly the good works of men regenerate are so wrought by Christ in vs that they are also wrought by vs and we haue our working in them and therefore by reason of our imperfection cannot be perfect for as the fountaines of the actions are so must the actions be themselues the fountaines are mixed being partly good and partly euill for our minde is not so illuminated that there is no darknesse in it neither is our heart so sanctified that there is no vncleannesse in it and therefore the actions flowing from thence cannot be perfect works of light and sanctification They insist yet further and obiects if the Apostle say Faith works are not simply opponed to other for they are inseperable but opponed onely in the act of Iustification they in his conclusion we are iustified by Faith without the workes of the Law did vnderstand the workes of Grace then it would follow that he oppones things which are not to be opponed for workes and Grace vvorkes and Faith workes and Christ are not opposite but agrees very wel together as the cause and effect as the tree and the branch To this wee answere that Faith and vvorkes agrees well together but there is nothing in the vvorld vvhich agree so well the one with the other but in some things they may be opponed as for example the tree and the branch agrees very vvell together but if the question be moued whether the tree beares the branch or the branch the tree in this they are opponed that vvhich is affirmed of the one must be denied of the other Againe there is a very sweet harmony betweene a naturall Father and the sonne the one of them cannot be without the other for hee is not a Father who neuer had a sonne neither is he a sonne who neuer had a Father but if this be the question which of them gaue beginning to another here wee must oppone them affirming that of the one which we denie of the other In like manner there is a very sweet harmony and
Sathans buffets and against whom hee vvas permitted to vse all the stratagems of the spirituall warfare that possibly he could hee crossed him not onely in his goods in his children and in his owne bodie but also in his minde by his wife he tempted him to blasphemie by his friends to diffidence yet by none of these could he ouercom him In his outward troubles his resolution was the Lord hath Iob 1. 21. giuen the Lord hath taken blessed be the name of the Lord for euer in his inward terrours his resolution was Albeit Ioh 13. 15. the Lord would slay mee yet would I trust in him so impossible it is for Sathan by any tentation whatsoeuer to separate from the loue of God his Children chosen called and iustified The Lord is present with present with his children to keepe them sometime from trouble sometime introuble To cleare this let vs yet know that God is many manner of wayes present vvith his children in trouble first hee is with them by preuenting the danger so that hee will not suffer the intended euill of the enemie to come neere them so he brought Senacherib to see Ierusalem without but suffered him not to shoot so much as a dart against it within Somtime againe the Lord enters his children into the trouble as Daniel into the Den Ioseph into the prison the three children into the fire but deliuers them in such sort that both his glory and their comfort is greater than if they had not beene in trouble at all Sometime he suffers his children to ende their mortall liues in trouble and yet is with them strengthning them by his glorious might to all patience and long suffering filling them with such a sense of his loue that in death they rest vnder the assurance of life This also is declared by example The practise of this see in the examples of Eliah and Paul when Iezabel vowed to haue the life of Eliah yee shall see that the Lord is with him sometime to hide him that albeit Achab and Iezabel seeke him they cannot finde him sometime God lets Achabs captaines see where hee is but consumes with fire them that came proudly to take him Sometime he presents him to Achab and Iezabel but bridleth the tyrants that they haue no power to stirre him The Apostle Paul in like manner being sent prisoner to Rome the Lord assisted him in such sort that hee deliuered 2 Tlm. 4. 17. him out of the mouth of the Lyon Vero and yet the second time suffered him to fall by the sword of the same tyrant shall wee thinke that the Lord was not with the Apostle to assist him the second time as well as the first let it be farre from vs. The Lord was with him indeed to make his death a seale and confirmation of that Gospel which he had preached in his life The comfort then remaines that howeuer GOD worke with his children in trouble no aduersarie is able to take from vs that for which we striue to wit grace and glory they may be vnto vs as sharpe rasers of God to cut away our superfluities but shall neuer be able to bereaue vs of the end of our Faith which is the euerlasting saluation of our soules Verse 32. Who spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all vnto death how shall he not with him giue vnto vs all things also NOw followeth the second part of the Apostles generall triumph wherein hee gloryeth The second part of his generall triumph the Christian can want nothing that is needfull for him that the Christian can vvant nothing needfull for him for seeing the Lord hath giuen vnto him the greatest and most excellent gift to wit his owne Sonne is it possible that hee will deny him any secondarie or inferior gifts needfull for him Sathan who is a lyer from the beginning accused the Lord of two things first of an vntruth albeit the Lord hath said it yet yee shall n●t dye secondly of Enuy. In the first Sathan is proued false and the Lord is found true for are they not dead to whom the Lord said yee shall dye In the second Sathan is found a calumniator for what good tree will the Lord refuse to his owne who hath giuen vnto them this excellent tree of life which brings with it vnto them all things needfull for them To amplifie this great loue of God the Apostle saith The great loue which GOD hath shewed in giuing his Son for vs. not simply that hee gaue his Sonne for vs but that he spared not to giue him O vvonderfull loue ● the Naturall and onely Sonne of God is not spared that the adoptiue sonnes may be spared for our sinnes being imputed to him by the ordinance of God his Father and voluntarily accepted by himselfe so the punishment of our sinnes and chastisement Esa 53. 5. of our peace was laid vpon him that by his stripes wee might be healed The bitter cuppe due to vs was propined to him for the which albeit hee prayed to his Father that if it were his will this cuppe might passe by him yet the Father Mat. 26. 39. spared him not but held it to his head till hee dranke out the vttermost dregs thereof So straite is the Iustice of God that sinne being imputed to the Sonne of God vvho had no sinne of his owne is pursued to the vttermost The greatest example of Iustice that euer the Lord declared in the world the drowning of the originall world the burning of Sodome the plaguing of Egypt were terrible proofes of the straitnesse of diuine Iustice but nothing comparable to this Which I marke partly for a comfort to the Godly and Comfort for the Godly that the iustice of God shall not ●ay cannot strike vpon them partly for a warning to the wicked it is our great comfort that the saluation which Iesus hath purchased vnto vs hee hath obtayned it vvith a full satisfaction of his Fathers Iustice so that now vve that are in him are not any more to feare it The great Iudge of all the vvorld will not doe vnrighteously to require that againe from vs vvhich our Christ vvhom he himselfe hath giuen vnto vs hath payed for vs. Miserable are the wicked who in their owne persons beare the punishment of their sinnes And as for the vvicked vvho are not in Christ how miserable will their state and condition be for they must beare the punishment of their owne sinnes in their owne persons If the burden of that vvrath due to our sinnes caused Iesus to sweat bloud and to say that his soule was heauie vnto Mat. 26. 38. the very death O how shall the burden of this wrath presse downe the vvicked it is euen a horrour to thinke of it their faces shall be confused vvithout and spirits oppressed vvithin vvith tribulation and anguish hee that spared not in his owne Sonne sinne imputed vnto him vvill hee
spare in thee sinne committed by thy selfe no no vvhen hee beginneth to smite thee hee shall neuer lift vp his hand from thee but double his stripes vpon thee and there shall be no end of thy sorrow As the ioyes prepared for the godly so the paines prepared for the wicked are such as the eye neuer saw the tongue cannot vtter nor the heart conceiue That place of the damned is the great deepe the Ocean of all the iudgements of God all his temporall plagues are but like riuers and strands running into it If therefore the beauty of Sion doth not allure vs let How both Sions beauty and Sinaies ●error should moue vs ●o repent the terrour of Sinai afray vs. The Lord proclaimed his Law in a fearefull manner vpon mount Sinai but in a more terrible manner will he execute it if Moses who was so familiar with the Lord trembled when he heard it proclaimed what horrible feare shall ouer-take the wicked when they shall see it executed vpon themselues Let therfore the children of wisedome hearken in time to the ioyfull tydings of peace which are daily proclaymed on mount Sion let vs drinke of the still and peaceable waters of Siloh which flow from it let vs embrace that mercy which Iesus by the merit of his death hath conquered vnto vs that so we may be saued from the wrath which is to come His owne Sonne Iesus Christ is called Gods owne Sonne How Christ is Gods owne Sonne both in respect of his diuine and humane natures for as he is God he was begotten of the Father by so vnspeakable a generation that as Esay saith none are able to declare it Esay 53. 8. and as he is man he is the Sonne of God conceiued by the holy Ghost made man indeed but not after the manner of other men but of this see Verse 3. But gaue him for vs all This is very often alleadged in The price of our redemption tels how much the Lord hath esteemed of vs. 1 Pet. 1. 18. holy Scriptures as an argument of the great loue of God toward vs that he gaue his sonne to death for vs and so it is indeed for it is not by any corruptible thing as Gold and siluer that he hath redeemed vs but by the precious blood of his owne Sonne the Lambe vndefiled and without spot There is no man will giue much for that whereof he esteemes but little wee measure the price of a thing according to the worth of it in our iudgement euen so of the greatnesse of that gift which our God hath giuen for vs we may estimate the greatnesse of his affection toward vs. Precious indeed in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints vvho to redeeme vs from death spared not to giue his dearest sonne vnto the death It was the Lords reasoning to Abraham now I perceiue thou Gen. 22. 12. louest me because for my sake thou h●st not spared thine onely sonne and haue we not much more cause to turne ouer the same reasoning to the Lord now Lord we perceiue thou louest vs because for our sake thou hast not spared thine onely one sonne The Lord shed abroad in our hearts more aboundantly the sense of that inestimable loue that we may be carefull to requite the kindnesse of the Lord putting his holy will before all things in our affection and endeauouring in holy loue to serue him who hath saued vs. Shall he not with him giue vs all things also We are to vnderstand All things belong to the godly in regard of right albeit not in regard of possession all things that are needfull for vs And here it is necessary that wee put a difference betweene our right and our possession The children of God haue the right and property of all Gods good creatures for Christ their Lord is the heire of all and hath made them with himselfe fellow heires All things are yours saith the Apostle and yee are Christs 1 Cor. 3. 21. and Christ is Gods But as for the possession of them in this life the Lord giues it or with-holds it according as he sees may be for the good of his children We know our father Abraham had the right of Canaan when he had not the possession of it and are not therefore to thinke it strange that the Lord giues not alwayes possession of that to his children whereof they haue the right But as for the wicked they haue possession without a right and therefore shall be punished as theeues and robbers and violent vsurpers of Gods creatures vvhereunto Iesus Christ who is the heyre of all hath neuer giuen them a right Secondly we marke here that the giuing and dispensation Seeing all things are giuen by God let vs moderate our care and take nothing but out of his fatherly hand of earthly things is from God if we could remember this it would moderate our care and make vs in our callings first to seek the Lords blessing loath any maner of way to take the things of this world vnlesse we see they be giuen vs out of the hand of God For wee are to know that Sathan who is a counterfaiter of GOD doth also arrogate to himselfe though falsly to be the giuer of things hee that durst say to the sonne of God all the kingdomes of the earth are mine Mat. 4. 9. I will giue them to thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me will he stand in awe to speake it vnto sinfull man No indeed it is his daily tentation by vvhich he circumuents many intangling their hearts with the loue of vvorldly gaine that to obtaine it they care not to lye to steale to sweare to oppresse to deceiue one another vvhich in effect is to fall downe before Sathan and worship him Thus Sathan rules in the kingdome of Babell like a spirituall Sathan another Nabuchadnzer and a Balak offers also gifts to men Nabuchadnezar presenting to his subiects his great image of gold accompanied with all sorts of musicall instruments that is vvorldly pleasures vvealth and prosperitie which bewitch the simple and makes them fall downe and vvorship yeelding themselues seruants to Mammon But happy are those children who refuse so to do and can stand vp with their father Abraham lifting vp his hand to heauen and say I will not haue so much as the la●chet of a shooe from Gen. 14. 22. the king of Sodome I will haue nothing by any crooked or indirect meanes out of the hand of Sathan or any of his instruments the buds of Balak shall not hire me to doe euill neither the wages of iniquitie nor the reward of Sodome for doing good shall euer cleaue to my hands I will looke for my portion from the Lord. Againe seeing God is the giuer of all things let vs learne Seeing God is giuer of all let vs stand content and not murmure if others get a more portion than we
for hee speaketh this by way of supposition if there be yet any other creature than those vvhom I haue named I am sure be vvhat they will they cannot seperate vs from the loue of Christ Here in the last roome vvee doe obserue the suretie of a Christian aboue all other men in the world onely the Christian is sure his estate shall neuer be changed Worldlings may Esay 47. 7. Luke 12. 19. No worldling shall abide in the state wherin now hee stands Esay 22. 18. thinke with Babel in her prosperitie I shall neuer be moued and vvith the rich Glutton promise to themselues many yeeres to come but they shall be deceiued none of them shall continue in that state vvherein presently they stand the Lord shall driue them from their station as it vvere vvith vvheeles and shall roll them like a ball as hee threatned to Sh●bna Pharaoh his pompe shall perish in the Red Sea Nabuchadnezzar shall be changed from a Monarch of men vnto a companion of Beasts Manasses from the Pallace shall goe to the Prison and all the men of the vvorld shall goe from the house to the graue their beautie and royall pompe shall consume as a Moth onely the Christian shall stand for euer in that happy vnion and fellowship with God this is the state of the Christian this is his life this is his glory and from it nothing present nor to come shall euer be able to transchange him Euerlasting praise therefore be to the Lord our God through Iesus Christ. Amen FINIS A TABLE DIRECTING THE Reader how to finde out the principall points of Doctrine contained in these Treatises A ABraham and the rest of the Fathers shall not be perfected without vs pag. 213 Accusations of all sorts vsed against Christians 416. 417. Accusations of Sathan made against vs for sinne past should be preseruatiues against sinne to come 329 Accusation of the carelesse Christian 166 Adam had Euah for a wife a sister and a daughter 23 Admonition with a comfort for weak Christians 208 Adoption naturall and spirituall 194. how the Spiritual excels the Naturall 194. 195. by adoption the sons of God know that God is their Father 195. Adoption two-fold 276. Affections of the Christian and carnall man how different 85. except wee slay inordinate affections wee cannot suffer affliction 218. if we slay not them they will slay vs. See sinne Affliction abhorred by nature 219. It is Gods wine-presse 230. 431. Inward outward and their comforts 225. Good to looke to the end of affliction 226 Afflictions for sinne past are medicinall restoratiues 440. For sinnes to come are wholesome preseruatiues 441. Causes of affliction would be marked 440. What is required in afflictions for Gods sake 442. Not euer inflicted for sinne 441. How profitable 330. Afflictions of the godly and wicked how different 431. See Crosse See suffering Allegorie vsed by Christ Luke 11. exponed 285 Angels and men Apostates only false witnesses against God 38. the fall of Angels of man and of the creature compared 259. Angels and men Apostates how miserable 260. how reprobate Angels hath names of power giuen them 454. how they are Gods messengers and to what end 453. Anger of God toward his Children how to be thought of 327 Apparell of worldlings how it hides not but shewes their nakednes 435. Aquila and Priscilla how they were Martyrs for Christ 444 Assurance of saluation 449. it is no presumption in the Christian to be assured 451. that the christian may be and is assured is proued 119 comfort against the want of feeling of this assurance in the godly 449. It is an euill religion that learnes doubting 450. Papistry can make no man sure of saluation 451. B Battell Christian what it is and how Naturalists haue a battell betweene flesh and flesh not betweene flesh and the Spirit 40. Battell must goe before triumph 415. Difficultie of the christian Battell 41. Our best estate is to fight 42. And how we should help that partie in vs which we would haue victorious 42. Why Sathan sights against vs. 48. And what comfort we haue therein 483. The last battell is the greatest 454 Banishment secludes not the children of God from his familiaritie 432 Benefits of God are obligations 157. they encrease our debt and therefore should humble vs 158. but they are abused by the wicked against God 163 Bondage of sinne how intolerable 50 three things to be considered in it 51. 52. 53. a three-fold meditation to make vs weary of it 53. 54. Bodies are to be humbled in publique exercise 114. how some abuse this 115 Bookes of law and conscience how they shall be opened in the day of iudgement 12 Brotherhood Christian how strait it is 378 C Calling is the first manifestation of our election 382. what inward calling is 382. how it makes a difference betweene man and man 383. it is a new creation 385. wrought without man 385. Calling and conuersion are from Gods purpose 356. it diuides betweene vs and our old sinnes 339. it makes a wonderfull distinction betweene man and man 386. miserable are they who are not seperate by it 387. time of our calling 384. it is short 388. no calling after this life 388. If he cease to call it is one token of his anger 360. the calling of God findes euery man euill exercised 367 Care should be moderate 410. care without Gods blessing is vaine 411 Two sorts of care 412 Carnall professors how miserable 91. 294. they professe friendship to Christ but keepe couenant with Sathan 404. See Professors Carnall presence improued 122 Certaintie of saluation See assurance Communion three-fold betweene Christ the Christian 27. 28. 29. Comforts against the remanents of sinne 102. 105. against the fruit of sinne 121. against death 138. no comfort gotten without the annexed condition 140 Condemnation of the wicked threefold 10 Conscience her terrours 61. a wounded Conscience desires not death 275. The book of Conscience 12. errour thereof 420 Concupiscence euen without consent proued to be a sinne 33. 34. 35. Confidence in God 336 Conformitie with Christ wherein it stands 372. reasons mouing vs to a conformitie with him 375. Some workes wherein wee should not proser to conforme our selues to Christ 372. 373. Contentment of our estate and reasons mouing vs vnto it 411 Chaine of Saluation what sure comfort it renders 362 Christian and carnall men how different euen vnder one Crosse and in doing one worke 131. as different as men and beasts 82. wherefrom comes this difference 84. they are compared in their affections and vnderstanding 85. in speaking and hearing 86. 87. eyther of them counts others fooles 89. but not vpon like warrants 90 Christian how farre hee exceeds the Worldling 108. his glorious priuiledges 211. his prerogatiues 380. Worldlings can not match him in glory 108. his end is better then his beginning the Worldling is the contrarie 221. hee is sure neuer to change his state not so the worldling
456. How worthy to be honoured 108 Christian hath accesse to the chamber of the great King when he will 318. none but he knowes the misteries of the Gospel 320. he is sure of victorie 322. what is his best 337. when comes hee to it 338. 339. his vnion with Christ maruellous 24. Christian exempted from the threefold condemnation of the wicked 15. yet condemned by wicked men 9. sinne is in him but hee goes not after it See Sinne. Hee wants neuer enemies but they cannot hurt him 404. he is compared to a rock in the sea 448. hee wants not Canaanites to curse him 290. hee is subiect to perils 437 Christian his ingrafting in Christ see Ingrafting See Vnion Christian freed from wickednes not from weakenesse 296. why weakenes is left in him 299. A soueraigne rule whereby to try him 110. In the Christian are two men 315. God estimates him by the new man 316. the new man liues in the bodie like Lot in Sodome 317 Christian is not a single man standing by himselfe but a man incorporate in Christ 448 Church how deare to God 335 Creature how it waites sighes and groanes 250. threefold vse thereof to man ward 251. how punished for mans sinne 258. subiect to a two-fold vanity 255. three wayes abused 257. wee should blame our selues when wee are crossed by the creature 259. they shall concurre to plague the wicked 257. what creatures shall be restored 261. to what vse shal the creature serue in the last day 262. how will the creature be deliuered seeing the Psalmist sayes they shall perish 263. the creature complaines to God God complaines to the creature vpon man woe to man if hee complaine not on himselfe 264 Crosse how comfortable Worldlings can not know 330. small crosses are of Gods indulgence 430 Crosses which are not Christs are accursed 224 Crosses should not be sought by vs. 436 Courts of iustice holden by God on man are two in the first the sinnes of the elect was condemned in the second the persons of the wicked shall be condemned 72. 73 Couenant of grace the godly had it euen vnder the Law 190 Curse encreases as sin encreases 256. Christ hath a two-fold right to his fathers kingdom 21. 214. this deliuerance pertaines not to all and how miserable they are who are not in him 18. the prayse of our deliuerance belongs to him onely 55. how hee is Gods owne sonne 66. 408. his diuine generation a great mysterie 67. hee came like a sinfull man but not sinfull 68. he did his greatest workes when he was weakest 73. he is a powerfull Sauiour and our comfort therein 74 Christ is the first borne in three respects 376. miserable they who acknowledge not his prerogatiue 377. Christ and his Spirit are not sundred 117. his kingdome encreases by trouble whereby others are weakned 223. how the wicked giue him stil a scepter of reed● 353. Christ is the life and the way to the life 371. hee is the chiefe gift of God all other gifts are but pendicles 422. his exaltation 423. his sitting at the right hand of his Father 424. his intercession 425. how hee restores vs to a better estate then we lost in Adam 453. his loue to vs 379. onely Mediatour of intercession 425. his mediation should suffice vs 427. his resurrection most comfortable 422 D Day of death how it should be expected and waited for 274 Day of iudgement should be waited for as the yeare of Iubilie 275 Death first and second 61. Nature of the first death chaunged 62. to the Christian it is neither totall nor perpetuall 121. Second death hath three degrees 61 Death not presently destroyed for foure causes 136. Ethnickes comfort in death not like ours but their courage better 123. We are not only mortall but dead 124. bound already by the officers of death 124. yet haue wee in vs a life which is not subiect to death 138 Death not to be feared 144. It doth but breake the prison and let out the prisoner 138 Dead body of the Christian honoured by God 141. they haue a balme which preserues them to immortalitie 142 Death second why called a wrath to come 147. the place of it vniuersalitie and eternitie of it 175. Death to sinne restores life which death in sinne tooke away 179 Death comes to the wicked as Iehu to Iehoram 274. how it works good to the godly 331. compared to the red sea 332. 333. can not hurt the man of God 444 remembrance of it profitable 452. how in it we are conquerors 448. comfort in death 453 Death in the body should abate pride 125. Necessarie obseruations concerning it 363 Death of the wicked how miserable 138 Debt double lying vpon vs the one wee must pay the other we must seeke forgiuen 163. What helpes wee haue to pay the debt of obedience 164 Deliuerance from sinne begunne shall be perfected 60 Desertions spirituall no comfort in them 209. 210. Distinction of mankinde three fold 19. 20. Diseases and vncouth deaths come by vncouth sinnes 128 Dwelling of Gods Spirit in the christian 106. What it imports 108. how maruellous it is 107. the christian should be honoured for it 108. What benefits wee get by Claists dwelling in vs. 110. 111. 141. how carnall professors lodge him in a wrong place 114. E Election so sure that no creature can disannull it 370 Epistle to the Romanes why first placed 2. Enemies of the godly how they doe them good 332 F Faith and workes not simply opposit but in the act of iustification 339. See iustification Faith and hope compared 279 Faith compared by Christ to the fish 286. the right place of faith hope and loue in the worke of saluation 281. the fortresse of faith 391 Famine one of God his ordinarie plagues 433. miserable caterpillers are they who make gaine of famine 433. of a cursed rodde changed into a blessed crosse 434. how in famine God prouides for his children 434 First fruits of the Spirit tels what the fulnesse will be 397. 320. 270. First borne his priuiledges 376 Feare of fiue sorts 191. from what feares are the godly exempted 192. feare in the godly prepares a way to loue then it ceases but in the wicked it ●oes on to despayre 193. how wee should feare so long as we are in the body 124 Flesh vsed to expresse sinfull corruption for three causes 32. 33. M●●rable end thereof 46. 100. what it is to be in the flesh 101. falsely expounded by Syricius of the marryed 101 Foode should so be giuen to the body that sinne be not nourished in the body 168 G God how he is the father of mercie 66. not of iudgement 357. God both by word and deed declares that he craues not our death 169. What comfort haue we in that hee is our Father 203 God his goodnesse is extended to all his inheritance reserued onely to his children 212. His workes are not to be iudged by their beginnings but their ends 324.