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A13983 A continuation of The collection of the history of England beginning where Samuel Daniell Esquire ended, with the raigne of Edvvard the third, and ending where the honourable Vicount Saint Albones began, with the life of Henry the seventh, being a compleat history of the begining and end of the dissention betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster. With the matches and issue of all the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and vicounts of this nation, deceased, during those times. By I.T. Trussel, John, fl. 1620-1642.; Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. Collection of the historie of England. 1636 (1636) STC 24297; ESTC S107345 327,329 268

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engratiated he not only supplanted him from the place but procured it for himselfe to the no little hart-burning of the Duke of Yorke and his friends but hee had wit in his anger and rested silent The towne of Mauns according to the agreement is not given up The King of France prepares to besiege it but upon the motion of the Marquesse order is given for the present surrender thereof now no man in grace with the King but hee none can have any favour from the Queene but by him the extent of his power over-reacheth all the Councell hee gets of the King the Wardship of the body and lands of the Countesse of Warwicke and of the Lady Margaret sole Daughter and heire of Iohn Duke of Somerset afterward Mother to King Henry the seventh The Kings facile nature and flexible condition was the occasion that many enormities encreased and many things made worse that might have beene better if observed and stopt in the beginning The Duke of Glocester for his moderation and provident care in all things stiled good and for his paines in delivery of his mind honest is an eye-sore to an ambitious minion and an imperious woman shee will no longer admit any curbe to her vast desires of empery shee is as well able to advise the King as all his Councell to what purpose then needeth a Protector The Duke of Glocester must therefore bee removed and excluded not only from command but Councell and to adde to affliction shee permitted if not procured divers sinisterly affected to informe against him whereof the new Marquesse and the Duke of Buckingham were not the most backward and the Cardinall Bishop of Winchester and Archbishop of Yorke would not bee much behind one objection was made against him that he had caused divers persons to be executed contrary to the judgement of the Court denounced and against the law of the land in these cases provided his too much zeale of execution of justice if zeale in that point may be justly termed a crime made him subject to be censured to have perpetrated a criminall offence But to avoid tumultuary partakings for he was generally well esteemed howsoever by purblind observers deemed worthy taxe it was concluded by those that maligned his sincere and just proceedings that hee should without any publicke denuntiation of his offence bee privately convicted and condemned to which end a Parliament by the procurement of his enemies unwitting to the King is called at Bury to which the Duke of Glocester resorting is on the second day of the Session by the Lord Beamond then high Constable abetted by the Duke of Buckingham arrested and put to Ward all his followers without exception sequestred from him whereof thirty two are committed to severall prisons the next day after his commitment hee is found in his bed murthered yet shewed the same day being the foure and twentieth day of February publickly making show as though hee had dyed of an impostume but all indifferent persons that saw his corps could not but deeme he dyed of an unnaturall cause his corpes were the same day conveyed to Saint Albones and there buried five of his meniriall servants Sir ROGER CHAMBERLAIN Knight MIDDLETON HERBERT ARTZIS Esquire and IOHN NEEDHAM Gentlemen were condemned to bee drawne hanged and quartered But the Marquesse of SVFFOLKE to make a show to the world of his having no finger in the businesse brought their pardon and delivered it at their proposed place of execution some criticall observers have affirmed the stile of Gloucester as ominous and make instance of Hugh Spencer Thomas of Woodstock and this Duke Humphry but it may be well collected that this Dukes death gave a prodigious presage of the ensewing Calamitie of the Common-wealth sometimes in quenching of smoke men burne their fingers in the fire so the Queene casting to preserue her husbands honor and her owne regalitie in making away this honest Duke affected that which discretion should have most labored to prevent which was the decay of the house of Lancaster which was vnlikely to have chanced if this Duke had lived For his primogeniture would haue kept backe the Duke of Yorkes claime to the Crowne this Richards father being but the fift sonne of Edward the third Humphry Plantagenet was the fourth sonne of Edward the third Duke of Gloucester Earle of Hennault Holland Zeland and Pembroke Lord of Frisia great Chamberlaine of England he married two wives Iaquet from whom he was divorced and Elianor daughter of Reginald Lord Cobham by whom before marrage he had a daughter called Antigona married to Henry Gray Lord of Tanckervile but no issue legitimate The new Marquesse of Suffolk by the great fauour of the King But more desire of the Queene is created Duke of Suffolk which brought him within the compasse of Contempt of the Kings surviving Vncle The Duke of Yorke who now beginning to sucke the venome of his kinswoman the Lady Cobhams sorcery and awakened with his brothers losse her disgrace and his owne disrepute having by consanguinitie and affinity a faire meanes to draw a partie observing that they onely sat at the stearne that were vnable yea vnworthy to use the oare of the common-wealth and that all affares of state were meerly managed by the Queene and her fauourite the Duke of Suffolk the King being as a Cipher but at their pleasure to make a number did amongst his familiars privily whisper his title and right to the Crowne and afarre off as in a landskip to make a show of desire to see the flourishing encrease of the white Rose And so politikly carried his intent that all things were provided to further his proiect ere his purpose was published during this plotting Henry Bewford the rich Cardinall Bishop of Winchester takes his leave of this world and leaves more riches behind him then either good deeds or glorious name he was more noble in blood then notable in learning of high looke and haughty stomacke constant in nothing more then malice and mischiefe and that chiefly employed against good Duke Humphry his desires were insatiable for mony still coveting more but misimploying nothing in expence for he only horded to make others rich and himselfe poore what his ends were except he was perswaded never to dye no living man did know and had he desired to have measured his greatnesse by his goodnesse he had never been administrator to his owne good name for that dyed long before him without which we leave him to be seconded in the Bishopricke of Winchester by a more deserving Prelate which was William Wanfleet so stiled of the place he was borne in but his name was Pattern of the worshipfull family whereof he was descended The fifth of August following dieth Iohn Holland Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington and Iuory in Normandy Lord of Sparr Leivetenant generall of the Dutchy of Aquitaine Admirall of England and Constable of the Tower of London he married
the point of beliefe for the most of the Councell suggested his innocencie first by his voluntary submission when he had power sufficient either to have kept the field or to have assured his retraite then by his request made not for himselfe but for the ease of the poore Commons next his carefull and honourable endevours both in France and Ireland where if he had had any such traiterous intent he had the pan by the stale and might have kept it But while the Councell are debating this at the very instant the Earle of Kendall and the Lord Lespar crave present admission to the Borde and audience as Embassadours from Burdeux for businesse of great import and speedy dispatch they being admitted declare to the Kings Councell how readily and really the inhabitants of Burdeux are to submit their obedience to the Crowne of England if they might but bee assured to bee defended by it they therefore offer upon the appearance of an Armie in Gascoygne if come before the plot bee discovered to yeeld all up unto them To second this commeth a constant urged report that Edward Earle of March Sonne and heire to the Duke of Yorke with a great power of March-men made a speedy march towards London These newes troubled the Queene those the Councell it is therefore resolved on That the Duke of YORKE lest private dissention should hinder publicke designes of such consequence as the reduction of GASCOIGNE should in the presence of the KING and his Nobilitie and all the Congregation at the high Altar at Pauls take his oath of submission and allegiance to the King of England which he accordingly did and so had liberty to depart to his Castle of Wigmore After his departure the Earle of Shrewsbury with about three thousand men was sent to Gascoyne who arriving in the I le of Madre passed forth with his power and tooke Fronsacke and other pieces But having received in the nightinstructions from Burdeux hee makes all speed thither and was entred therein before the French had notice of his comming so that many of them were slaine by the Lord Espar in their beds shortly after the destruction of Burdeux there arrived at Blay the Earle of Shrowsburies Sonne Sir Iohn Talbot with the Bastard of Somerset with divers others with two and twenty hundred men furnished and victualed by whose meanes Burdeux is well mand with English and provided for at full whilst the Earle was not idle but went from place to place to receive the offred submission of all places whither hee came and having taken Chattillon he strongly and sufficiently fortifieth and furnisheth the same The French King rayseth an Army and forthwith besiegeth by his Commanders Chattillon to the reskue wherof the Earle maketh all possible speed with eight hundred Horse appointing the Earle of Kendall and the Lord Lespar to follow with the foot In his way hee surprised a Tower the French had taken and put all within it to the sword and meeting five hundred French-men that had beene forraging hee slew a great number of them and chased the rest to the Campe upon whose approach the French understanding which way the enemy came they left the siege and retired to a place which they had formerly trenched and fortified whither the Earle followeth them and resolutely chargeth them so home that he got the entry of the Campe where being shot thorow the thigh with a Harquebush and his horse slaine under him his sonne desirous to relieve his Father lost his owne life and therein was accompanied with his Bastard brother Henry Talbot and Sir Edward Hall and thirty other Gentlemen of name the Lord Molynes with threescore others were taken prisoners the rest fled to Burdeux but in the way a thousand of them were slaine Thus on the last day of Iuly at Chattillon the thrice honourable Earle of Shrowsbury the first of that name gave the last testimony of his true service to his King after hee had employed the same to his never-dying Honour in the parts beyond the Seas by the space of foure and twenty yeares hee had married two wives The first was Matild daughter and sole heire of Thomas Nevill Lord Furnivall by whom he had issue Iohn that succeeded him in the Earledome Sir Christopher Talbot and Sir Humphry Talbot Knights His second wife was Margaret elder Daughter and Coheire of Richard Beuchamp Earle of Warwicke by whom hee had issue Iohn Talbot in right of his Wife Vicount Lisle slaine with his Father Sir Humphry Talbot slaine at Mount Sinay Elizabeth married to Iohn Mowbray Earle of Norfolke and Elianor Wife to Thomas Boteleer Lord of Sudley Castle And a naturall sonne slaine as afore with his Father his body was buried in a tombe at Roan in Normandy with this inscriptioa Here lyeth the right noble Knight Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrowsbury Weshford Waterford and Valence Lord Talbot of Goodritch and Orchenfield Lord Srange of Blackmere L. Verdon of Acton L. Cromwell of Wingfield L. Lovetoft of Worsop L. Furnivall of Sheffield L. Fauconbridge knight of the noble orders of St. George St. Michael and the golden Fleece great Marshall to K. Henry the sixt of his Realme of France The Earle of Kendall the Lords Mountferrat Rosayne and Dangladas entred into the Castle of Chattillon which they made good against the French by the space of ten dayes and then without hope of succour delivered it upon composition to have liberty to depart to Burdeux Now the tyde turned againe the Gascoynes levitie being as ready to open the gates to the French as they were but little before to the English by meanes whereof in short time the French recovered againe all Gascoyne except Burdeux which the French King in person layeth siege unto and at length hath it surrendered upon condition that both garrisons and inhabitants with all their substance might safely depart for England or Callice and that the Lords Lespar and Durant with thirty others whose names were expressed upon paine of death should never after be found in the territories of France the neglect of which oath within few yeares after caused Lespar to leave his head behind him there whilst the rest in safetie came to England this losse of Aquitane was palliated by the happy delivery of the Queene of a Sonne who was Christened The King and the Dukes beginning to bandy one against the other gave a beginning to that faction whose end was not procured without the deplorable losse of so many thousand Englishmen and now as a praeludium to that tragedy upon Saint Bartholmewes day an antient custome being that the Maior of London and the Sheriffs should be present in giving prizes to the best Wrastlers at the wrastling place neere More-fields The Prior of Saint Iohns being there to see the sport a servant of his not brooking the disgrace to bee foyled before his Master against the custome of the place would have wrastled againe and with foule
language provoked the Victor but one bad word begat another and from foule words they fell to fouler blowes The Maior observing the mover to be the Pryors servant not only commanded the Kings peace in generall to be observed but perceiving by the Priors countenance that he did abet his servants insolency he commanded Richard Ally one of the Sheriffs to lay hold upon the Priors servant who did so and delivered him to one of his officers from whom by the Priors servants and others their partakers the prisoner was in danger to be reskued so as the Sheriffe craved assistance of the Maior who with his brethren and officers and servants valiantly assisted the Sheriffe in the execution of his office whilst the Prior hasted to Saint Iohns from whence and Clerkenwell he under the guide of one Callice a desperate swaggerer sent a number of Bowmen to resist the Maior upon whose approach great bloodshed and some slaughter was committed the Maiors cap was shot thorow with an arrow hee neverthelesse couragiously did his devoire in encouraging the Citizens and apprehending some of the mutiners whom he sent to Newgate and put the rest to flight which being done he commeth to his Pavilion would have had the sports goe on but the Wrastlers were out of breath or hurt so that none came neverthelesse Sir Iohn Norman the Maior told his Brethren that he would stay a while to make triall of the Citizens respect towards him for if they came to his reskue though it needed not yet they would expresse their love or their neglect if otherwise he had no sooner said so when the Citizens with Banners displayed came in great numbers to him and fetcht him home in great triumph This was that Maior which first began to goe by water to Westm. to take his oath in that manner as is at this day used wheras before that time they used to go by land This Maior againe was troubled by the Sanctuary men of S. Martins which not without some bloodshed a great deale of industry on his part was with the publick punishmēt of some of the ringleaders appeased But upon the neck of that began the quarrel in Holborne betwixt the Gentlemen of the Innes of Chauncery and some Citizens in appeasing of which the Queenes Attourney and three more were slaine But these were but Peccadelloes to the deformities made in civill societies by civill dissentions the yeare following For now began the sparke that fell into the bundell of flaxe at Somersets going Regent into France to flame out For first Yorke by all meanes laboureth to stirre up the hatred of the Commons against Somerset inculcating in their eares who are apt enough upon losses in warres to accuse the Leaders of some crime of neglect or other what dishonour England sustained by Somersets dishonourable giving over by composition the strong townes of Normandy to these hee addeth favour with the King and Queene which hee imployeth saith hee to his owne gaine and the Commons griefe and so having anticipated with his speeches their apprehensions hee addresseth himselfe to those of the Nobilitie that could not well brooke the too much commanding power of Somerset over the King and Queenes affections for what hee told the Queene was beleeved and what she told the King must bee true amongst others the Duke of Yorke fasteneth upon the two Nevills both Richards the Father and the sonne the one Earle of Salisbury the other Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Salisbury was second sonne of Ralph Nevill Earle of Westmerland whose Daughter the Duke of Yorke had married And this Richard was married to Alice Daughter and only heire of Thomas Mountacute Earle of Salisbury slaine in France with these hee deales so effectually that an undissoluble knot of friendship is knit betwixt them by whose assistance the King lying dangerously sicke at Claringdon the Duke of Somerset is arrested in the Queenes great Chamber of treason and sent to keepe his Christmasse in the Tower and a Session of Parliament at Westminster now convoked Somerset is appeached of treason and many heynous crimes objected but the King though weake is brought to London to dissolve the Parliament After which the Duke of Somerset is againe set at libertie which more incenseth the Duke of Yorkes choler and inciteth others more to be cholericke and the rather for that Somerset in-stead of receiving of punishment for the losse of Normandy is entrusted with the sole remainder of our interest in France and preferred to be Captaine thereof to lose that too say his enemies of the whole Common-wealth they assemble a great power and therewith march towards London The King being assured it was no good policie to suffer the Duke to approach London wherein he had by his long practises got no small party resolves to stop him on the way and accompanied with the Duke of Somerset and attended by the Duke of Buckingham and his Sonne both named Humphry Henry Earle of Northumberland Iames Earle of Wiltes Iasper Earle of Penbrooke and two thousand fighting men march forward both Armies meet at Saint Albones The Duke and the Lords encampe without the Towne in a place called Keyfield the King pitched his Standard in a place called Goseslow the Lord Clifford kept the end of the towne which hee barrcadoed The Duke in the morning sent a Letter unto the King stuft with many protestations of fidelitie and sinceritie offering to give testimony thereof in any thing so please his Majestie to give due punishment to those that have abused his favour and dishonoured the Realme and that so be witched him especially the Duke of Somerset that nothing his loyall subject can either say or doe can make him give credence to their true relations against Somerset the delivery of him into their hands to stand or fall by the judgement of his Peeres is all they desire that they will have or die in the pursuit The King for answer commands them to disband and submit to his mercy and not expect any in his Army to be delivered to their wills for he will rather lose his life then any should bee wronged for their loves that were with him Here with the Duke acquaints his friends who afore resolved and now prepared fell every one to his quarter the Earle of Warwicke with his March-men fell upon the Lord Cliffords quarter driving downe all afore them for that wanting roome to use their weapons the Kings partie was much disadvantaged the Duke of Somerset hasting to the reskues was slaine and with him the Earle of Northumberland Humphry Earle of Stafford the Lord Clifford and about five thousand The Kings army being encreased after his comming forth to eight thousand but now they are all dispersed and slaine and the King unguarded left in a poore thatched house whither to bee freed from the arrowes flying hee had withdrawne himselfe The Duke of Yorke having notice where the King was comes with
to whom that place was assigned Fauconbridge and Blunt continue the leading of the vantguard And on Palme-Sunday by breake of day they came to Saxton from whence they made a full survay of King Henryes army and certified the Earle of March that the enemie was threescore thousand strong whereupon a second Proclamation was made through the Campe That no quarter should be kept nor prisoner taken a Course more savoring of policie then Religion yet by so much the more excusable by how much his number was so far short of his adversarie The armies being both in sight The Lord Fauconbridge gave direction to the bowmen upon a signall by him to be given to shoot every man a flight arrow for that purpose provided and then to fall backe three strides and stand which they accordingly did The Notherne men hereupon plied their bowes untill their sheaves were empty But all their arrowes fell short of the marke and turned to their owne disadvantage For their arrowes being spent hasting to ioyne to come to hand-blowes Their owne arrowes did themselves much hurt that had done the adversary no harme at all The works of those sticking galling their shinnes and the splinters of those broken piercing their feete whilst the Southerne men shot at their bodyes as if they had beene shooting at butts policy prevailing beyond strength Ten houres in doubtfull termes of victory The battaile continued when the Earle of Northumberland being slaine with the Lords Beamond Gray Dacres The Earles of Exceter and Somerset fled left the conquest to the Earle of March but the bloodiest that ever England felt for on that day fell there thirty six thousand seven hundred threescore and sixteene persons besides those that dyed of the hurts then received all of one nation no prisoners being taken but the Earle of Devon This Henry Earle of Northumberland now slaine was the third Earle of the familie of Peircyes he married Elianor Daughter and heire of Richard Lord Poyning by whom he had issue Henry that succeeded him in the Earldome and three daughters Elizabeth married to Henry Lord Scroope 2 Elianor married to West Lord Laware 3 Margaret married to Sir William Gascoyne The victor hasts to Yorke where he is readily admitted entrance when presently he causeth The heads of his father and his friends to be taken downe and buried with their bodyes setting in their places the heads of the Earle of Devon and three others there then executed This Earle of Devon was Thomas the xvi Earle and Lord of Ockhampton he married Margaret daughter of Iohn Beawford Earle of Somerset by whom he had issue three sonnes and two daughters Thomas who was taken with his father and presently by reason of the Proclamation slaine Henry the second sonne who was after beheaded at Salisbury and Iohn who was after slaine at Tewkesbury The father and the three sonnes with the losse of their best bloods witnessing their true affection to the house of Lancaster Iohan his eldest daughter was married to Sir Roger Clifford Knight and Elizabeth was married to Sir Hugh Courtney Knight The Earle of Somerset being the messenger of the late overthrow perswades and prevailes with King Henry his Queene and sonne from Yorke to flye to Barwicke where leaving the Earle of Somerset they slye further for succour to the King of Scots who comforteth them with promise of reliefe but maketh a sure bargaine and receiveth in liewe of a pension to be assigned to King Henry during his aboad there from him upon Saint Markes day the Towne and Castle of Barwick to such poore shifts was this potent King driven to pawne his best fortresse for bare food Queene Margaret and her sonne are sent to France to labour there whilst those that stayed with the King himselfe being onely intentive to devotion fayled not to solicite friends and make preparation for a second encounter The Queene upon her arrivall obtayned of Lewis the eleventh her Cousin that those of the house of Yorkes favorites were prohibted trafficke or stay in the French Kings dominions But all such as loved the Lancastrian line were permitted freely In triumphant manner the Earle of March commeth to London where he is by the Maior and Citizens gloriously entertained being by them upon the xxvi day of Iune from Lambeth attended to the Tower of London who upon his first entrance therein invested foure and twentie with order of Knighthood and upon the next day he did the like to foure more Vpon the xxviii day of Iune he rode through London from the Tower to Westminster where he was Crowned in the Abby there A Parliament is summoned which began at VVestminster upon the fourth of November in which all acts of Henry the sixt formerly made which might see me any way preiudiciall to Edw. title or profit were repealed And therein Iohn Earle of Oxford a learned valiant wise man he who in a former Parliament disputed the question concerning the precedency betweene the temporall and spirituall Barones a bold attempt in those dayes and by force of whose arguments iudgment was given for the Lords temporall with his sonne Aubry de Vere Sir Thomas Tiddenham Kinght William Terrill and VValter Mongomery Esquires were without answer convict of Treason and beheaded This Iohn Earle of Oxford married Elizabeth the daughter and heire of Sir Iohn Howard and had issue five sonnes and three daughters 1 Aubry de Vere beheaded with his father 2 Iohn de Vere that succeeded in the Earledome 3 George Vere Knight that died living his father 4 Richard Vere and 5 Thomas Vere Knights 1 Mary a profest Nunne at Barking in Essex 2 Ioan married to Sir VVilliam Norris and 3 Elizabeth married to VVilliam Bourcheir sonne and heire of Henry Bourcheir Earle of Essex King Edward to encourage others to obtaine like favour by well deserving at his hands after that he had created his two younger brethren George and Richard the one Duke of Clarence the other Duke of Glocester he maketh Iohn Lord Nevill first Vicount then Marquesse Mountacute Henry Bourcheir whose brother was Archbishop of Canterbury Earle of Essex and VVilliam Lord Fauconbridg Earle of Kent enobling many others with dignities and honorable titles To hansell their new Honors Essex and Kent with the Lord Audley and divers other of the nobility with ten thousand souldiers are sent to skowre the narrow Seas these land in Britaine and by force enter the Towne of Conquet and the Isle of Ree which having pillaged and the Coasts cleered they returne Henry Duke of Somerset Sir Ralph Peircy with some others come in and submit themselues to King Edwards mercy who gratiously receiveth and entertaineth them protesting his propension of free pardoning them and as many others as would follow their example of submission The distressed Queene with five hundred French a small stake to play an aftergame of Reputation with came to the Coasts of Scotland and from thence sailes to Timmothe where
newes of these proceedings set wide open the gates of the rebellion gave courage to the Northamptonshire men who prepared before to that purpose tooke this opportunity to make a commotion under the conduct of one Robert Hiliard by them stiled Robert of Risdate came to Grafton and there tooke the Queenes father Earle Rivers and his Son Sir Iohn VVoodvile and at Northampton without trial or judgement courses out of use amongst unruly rebells caused them to be beheaded Richard Woddevile Baron of Wymington married Iaquiet daughter of the Earle S. Pauls the widdow of Iohn Duke of Bedford for which not having the kings license he was fined to K. Henry the sixt in one thousand pounds he was installed knight of the Garter 30. Octob. Anno. H. 6. 28. And 4. of K. Ed. 4. he was created Earle Rivers made high Constable of England he had issue by the said Iaquet 7. sons and 6. daughters 1 Anthony that succeeded his father 2. Lewis dyed young 3 Iames dyed young 4 Iohn with his father taken at Edgcote and with him beheaded at Northampton as afore 5 Lionell Bishop of Salisbury that begat upon his Concubine Stephen Gardner afterwards Bishop of VVinton 6 Edward who died without issue 7. Richard that succeeded his brother Anthony in the Earldome but dying without issue left it to his sisters all living 1 Elizabeth at first married to Sir Iohn Gray of Groby and afterward to Edward the fourth 2 Margaret married to Thomas Fitzallan Earle of Arundel 3 Anne married to William Burcher sonne of Henry Earle of Essex first and after to George Gray Earle of Kent then to Sir Edw. Wingfield knight 4 Iaquet was married to Iohn Lord Strange of Knocking 5 Mary was married to William Harbert Earle of Huntington and 6 Katherine first married to Henry Stafford second Duke of Buckingham and then to Iasper of Hatfield Duke of Bedford The Lord Stafford having long lurked without discouery about Devonshire is apprehended for his base departure from the Earle of Pembrook beheaded at Bridgwater The Northerne men haue opportunitie to joyne with the Earle of Warwicke The whole body of the common-wealth thus fearefully groning under the fearefull expectation of unchristian cruelty The effects whereof divers of the nobility Clergy endevored by all means possible to prevent to that end on both sides mediated for some pacification But whilst it is in agitation both parts having drawne their forces together a generall preparation is made for an unauoydable banquet for death whilst King Edward the lesse circumspect by reason of some overtures of submission Cautelously tendred gave advantage to the Earle of Warwick who had secret intelligence of the order in the Kings camp in the dead of the night to fall upon it where with some small slaughter having slaine the sentinells they tooke the king prisoner in his bedwho was presently conveied to Midleham Castle in Yorkeshire to be kept safely by the Archbishop of Yorke The Earle of Warwicke relying vpon his brothers care of his charge considering that he was the Key of their worke And being perswaded that the brunt of the warres was past dismist most of his army but as one that reckoned without his host must make a new account so to that exigent he was driven For whilst he made search and diligent enquiry after King Henry whose place of imprisonment was not knowne King Edward escaped but whether by over-great promises seduced or through guilt of Conscience induced thereunto it is questionable But howsoever The Archbishop permitted him to have so much liberty by way of recreation on hunting that by the contrivement and assistance of Sir William Stanly and Sir Thomas Burgh he was both rescued from his keepers and in safty conducted to Yorke such is the instabilitie of occurrences in this world That therein is certaintie of nothing but incertaintie the secrets of Gods providence being inscrutable King Edward that in the morning was a prisoner at the Earle of VVarwicks devotion is now at liberty to provide how to question his mitred keeper and his late triumphant committer for their undutifull presumption From Yorke he posteth to Lancaster where his Chamberlaine the Lord Hastings had raised some forces with those he marcheth to London the love of whose Citizens he mainly relied upon and thereof found himselfe not deceived for they with willing readinesse receive him The Earle of VVarwick having information of what was past makes a vertue of necessitie and dispatches letters and Messengers to all his friends and confederates to draw to an head which they accordingly did But by the earnest solicitation and industry of those good patriots which before had laboured to have the sword of civill dissention sheathed Now an interview Vpon interchange of oathes for safety and faire returne on both sides is had betwixt the king the Duke of Clarence and the Earle of VVarwicke in VVestminster-Hall But the Earle like one endevoring to infect the ayre takes poyson into his mouth and spits it into the wind makes repetition of former courtesies done to Edward and for requitall thereof indignities returned which with such peremptory phrase he urged that they savoured so much of exprobration that the King unable to endure such harsh ill-becomming language from a subject in a scornefull fury departed the Hall and went to Canterbury And the Duke and Earle to Lincolne whither they had preappointed their powers to repayre under the conduct of Sir Robert VVells sonne and heire of the Lord VVells a valiant Gentleman and of approved sufficiency The King with intent to take off Sir Robert from VVarwicks part sends for Richard Lord VVells who with his brother in Law Sir Thomas Dymock comming to attend the kings pleasure received information from some of their friends in Court that the King was much incensed against them whereupon they take Sanctuary at VVestminster From whence upon the kings promise of generall pardon they came to his presence who gave command to the Lord VVells effectually by letter to solicite his son Sir Robert VVells to leave the Earle of VVarwick come to the kings service which was accordingly done but because it procured not desired effect the king not without blemish to his Honor in his rage caused both their heads to be strooke off The report wherof so enraged the young knight that no perswasion could prevaile with him to abide the Earle of VVarwicks cōming which was every day expected but passion having blinded his judgement led on by fury the inevitablenes of his fate he with his forces charged the kings army And whilest he laboured to go beyond man in doing his valour not checkt by discretion he proves lesse then a sucking child and for sinking under an oppressing multitude he was taken prisoner which so discouraged his men that they fled and the lighter to runne away they cast of their coates And thereby gave a name unto the place from whence
all places provide such as had Castles or Piles of strength furnish them with men and amunition And others use their best meanes that money and men may bee got in readinesse against the Earles arrivall Bishop Morton who had gained opportunitie against the Duke of Buckinghams will to convey himselfe into the Lowe-Countryes is not slacke by Letters and private messages to conjure all such as hee knew either to hate or envy King Richard or to have loved King Edward to lay to their helping hands with all their might in this conjuration Now whether amongst so many through some false brothers treachery or out of his watchfull jelousie over Buckingham it is uncertaine But King Richard hath intelligence of the designe and politickly dissembleth it but secretly giveth order as it were but to take a muster to draw his forces together amongst whom hee suddenly comes and having appointed his carriages to follow him hee marcheth away without acquainting any of the Commanders with any particular place whither hee lead these forces In the meane time first by proffer of friendship by faire termes the King did solicite the Dukes presence at London where the King kept his standing house But receiving from him but delatory put offs The King then sent a peremptory message by the tye of his alleageance to come away which was returned with this resolute answer That hee would not if hee could avoid it have any conversation with an ungratefull per jured inhumane butcher of his owne flesh and blood so that now preparation to offend and defend by the sword is made on both parts The King holds on his march whereupon all the conjurators in every quarter are in overt commotion Thomas Marquesse Dorset preserved from slaughter by the only favour of Sir Thomas Lovell against the Kings will forsaketh Sanctuarie and in York-shire laboureth to raise forces The two Courtneys in Devon and Cornwall take the same course and they are seconded in Kent by Guilford and Rame so that civill combustion is in every quarter of the Realme King Richard notwithstanding severs not his forces but keepes on his march towards Buckingham who having notice thereof both readily and willingly setteth forward bending his course thorow the Forrest of Deane intending at Glocester to have passed Severne and so to have joyned forces with the two Courtneys and the Westerne Confederates but by the long continuance of wet weather the waters thereabouts were risen so high that Severne was broken out and had overflowne all the Countries so that it was a thing impossible for the Dukes forces to bee transported which the Welch-men drawne thither more for feare then love tooke advantage of saying it was a prodigious token of their ill successe in the enterprise and secretly by night slipt away from him whose example the residue followed so that the Duke upon this disbanding was left to shift by himselfe whereupon hee dismist all his followers and without or Page or Foot-man repayred to the house of one Humphry Bannister who dwelt neere Shrowsbury presuming there he might safely lodge in obscurity untill better fortune should smile the rather for that the many extraordinary favours formerly done to the said Bannister and his father before him might justly challenge willing entertainment during his secret stay there if not more The newes of this disaster added wings to the other conjurators to disperse their powers and flye some to Sanctuary others to unknowne places all of them making the best shift they could to escape but they sped best which conveyed themselves into Britanny Amongst whom the Marquesse Dorset John Lord Wells the Bishop of Exceter and his brother Sir John Bourchier Sir Edward Woodvile brother to Queene Elizabeth Sir Robert Willoughby Sir Giles Daubeney Sir Thomas Arundell Sir John Cheney and his two brethren Sir William Barckley Sir William Brandon and his Brother Thomas Sir Richard Egmond Hollowell and Poynings Captaines were chiefe King Richard having intelligence that the enemy was fled sent order presently to lay all the Ports with strict charge that none should goe on borde or come on shore without especiall warrant Hee likewise made publick Proclamation that if any one could bring tydings of the Duke of Buckingham who was now proclaimed Traitour and all his lands and goods seized into the Kings hands so that the Duke might bee apprehended if the person were a bondman hee should bee manumitted if a freeman hee should have a generall pardon and a thousand pound currant English coyne Whilst these things are thus in agitation King Richard hath information from Hutton his Leiger Embassadour in Britaine That the Duke thereof not only refused to keepe the Earle of Richmond in restraint of libertie Bu was seeming forward to give him his assistance to prosecute his intendmentt which was to worke some exploit in England Wherefore the King tooke especiall order for the present rigging and preparing his Navy to stop if possible the Earles landing in any Port of England In the interim whether feare to offend the law or greedy Covetousnesse to gaine the thousand pounds it is yet disputable but Bannister like an ungratefull servant perfidiously discovered his Master the Duke of Buckingham to Iohn Mitton then high Sheriffe of Shropshire who thereupon apprehended him in a little Grove neere Bannisters dwelling house and conveyed him to Shrowsbury where King Richard lay from whence upon All-Soules day hee was conveyed to Salisbury and then and there without arraignment or legall proceedings in the Market-place beheaded Whether Bannister received his proclaimed reward is uncertaine but that Gods judgements appeared afterwards against him and his is very remarkable for hee was afterwards hanged for man-slaughter his eldest daughter is debauncht by one of his Carters and his sonne and heire in a desperate lunacy became his owne butcher and was so found by the Coruors inquest This Henry Duke of Buckingham was Earle of Stafford Hereford Northampton Lord of Brecknocke Kimbolton and Tunbridge and high Constable of England Hee married Katherine Daughter of Richard Woodvile Earle Rivers by whom he had issue three Sons and two Daughters 1. Edward who by Henry the seventh was restored to blood and succeeded in his Fathers honours 2. Henry the said King Created Earle of Wilts 3. And Humphry that dyed young 1. Elizabeth married to Robert Radcliffe Lord Fitz-Waters 2. Anna married first to Sir Walter Harbert and afterwards George Lord Hastings Earle of Huntington Vpon the twelfth day of October the Earle of Richmond with fourtie ships and five thousand waged Britons tooke the Seas But that evening by the rage of an impetuous tempest the whole Navy was dispersed The ship wherein the Earle was with one only little Barke after they had endured the rage of the tempest eight and fourty houres was driven upon the coast of Cornwall where hee giveth expresse commandement that none should dare to take land untill the fleet were drawne together But after hee had huld up and downe the shore
it so home that the adverse part not able or at lest not willing to endure the shock for the cause of quarrell in a Souldier encreaseth the courage or abateth the edge of resolution gave grownd which moved King Richard to bring on the maine battaile And with a desperat resolution entred so farre into the enemies battaile that with his own hands hee slew Sir William Brandon Richmonds chiefe standard bearer and unhorst Sir Iohn Cheney a strong and stout man at armes And at length encountring with the Earle of Richmond enterchanged some buffets But Henry ayded by the divine helpe and favoured with the uprightnesse of his cause with stood Richards forceable assault But whilst the armies on both sides stood striving in a doubtfull hazard who should win the price Sir William Stanley with three thousand fresh men crying S. George a Richmond joyned with his brothers Souldiers brake into King Richards battayle who thereupon fled incontinently leaving their King behind to make a bloody catastrophe of his slaughterly raigne who throughly enraged furiously fighting without discretion or ability to prevaile he fell under the sword of his enemies The rumor of his death and the rowting of the battaile gave occasion to the reregard Commanded by Henry Earle of Northumberland who rather wished then expected what did befall to submit without striking stroke whereby the victory fell to the Earle Richmonds part who upon certainty thereof instantly in most religious divotion gave order for publicke thanks giving to God for their happy preservation and he himselfe that gave the precept made himselfe the patterne therein alighting from his horse and kneeling upon his knees first privatly to himselfe and then publickly with the rest gave glory to his maker There were not above one thousand slaine on both sides the cheife of whom was Iohn Duke of Norfolke who was often warned and much laboured that day to forbeare the field in regard there was found written upon his tent-dore Iack of Norfolke be not to boold For Dickon thy Master is bought and sold. But what God had before appointed could not be prevented This Iohn Howard was the sonne of Sir Robert Howard knight and Margaret eldest daughter and coheire of Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk in whose right he was created Duke of Norfolk the five and twentieth day of Iune in the yeare of our Lord 1483. He married two wives the first was Katherine daughter of William Lord Mullyns by whom he had issue one sonne and foure daughters Thomas that succeeded him and was created Earle of Surry in the first yeare of King Richard the third and was restored to grace and made Lord Treasurer in the sixteenth yeare of Henry the seventh and 1 Anne married to Sir Edmond Gorge knight 2 Isabell married to Robert Mortymer of Essex knight 3 Iane married to Thomas Tymperley Esquire and Margaret married to Iohn Windham of Cowtherck in Norfolk knight This Dukes second wife was Margaret daughter of Sir Iohn Chadworth knight by whom he had issue Katherine married to Iohn Bourcheir Lord Berners and no more Walter Lord Ferrers Sir Richard Ratcliff and Sir Robert Brackenbury knights with William Catesby an utterbarrister with some others were taken flying And shortly after executed at Leicester Francis Vicount Lovell and the two Staffords escaped and tooke Sanctuary in S. Iohns at Glocester Henry Earle of Northumberland submitting himselfe was not onely pardoned but received into favour whilst Thomas Howard Earle of Surry eldest sonne of Iohn Duke of Norfolk that then and there rendred himselfe as the other did to the conquerors mercy was committed close prisoner in Leicester and from thence sent to the Tower of London There were not on the Earle of Richmonds part above one hundred slaine the principall whereof was William Brandon This battaile was fought at Rodner neere Bosworth the two and twentieth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God 1486. After publicke thanks giving was as before prescribed orderly and religiously performed Earle Henry gave order to search amongst the slaine for such as were but wounded commanding those carefully to be drest and the other to be with decency on both sides buried The body of King Richard being amongst the slaughtered carkases found the whole armie gave a generall shoute and with loud acclamations of long live King Henry made the field ecchoe againe The Lord Stanly having in his custody King Richard the usurpers Crowne which amongst the spoyles his souldiers had found and brought to him placed the same on Earle Henryes head wherewith the souldiers reiterated their joyfull acclamations making the fields resound with long live King Henry of that name the seventh as if by their onely suffrages he had bin elected and confirmed King of England Here with the tent-keepers of the usurper came and submitted themselves to the Lord Stanly and brought with them young George Strange whom the usurper upon the Lord Stanlyes refusall presently to draw downe his forces to joyne with him had sworne before he went to dinner by the life of S. Paul to have had beheaded But was perswaded by his councell to forbeare the execution untill the battaile should be determined now being brought to the presence of his father The young Gentleman being thereto by his keepers instructed before craved the help of his mediation to the king for their pardon which was willingly undertaken and as easily procured From thence the camp presently removed and King Henry marched to the Towne of Leicester where for the more refreshing of his men and the better accommodation of himselfe for his journey towards the City of London he remained two dayes In the meane time the body of the usurper starke naked all mangled and besmeared with blood and dust without so much as the lest ragge to cover his privities was trussed behind Blanch Senigleer his owne Pursevant of armes like butchers ware his heads and his armes hanging on the one side of the horse his legs on the other and so was brought to Leicester where for a spectacle of hate and scorne by the space of two dayes he lay bare and uninterred At last by the Charitie of the Gray Fryers there without solemne funerall pompe scarce with ordinary solemnitie he was inhumed in their Monastery there he reigned two yeares two moneths and one day This Richard married Anne second daughter of Richard Nevill commonly stiled great Earle of Warwicke by whom he had issue Edward whom at twelue moneths old he created Prince of Wales but happily dyed before his father This Richard was borne at Fodringhay Castle in Northamptonshire the third sonne of Richard Duke of Yorke younger brother of George Duke of Clarence by him murdred in the Tower After the death of his brother King Edward the fourth he procured himselfe to be made Protector and guardian of his two Nephewes of whom he made himselfe the execrable murtherer For a fuller expression of his Character he was borne a monster in nature with all
his teeth with haire on his head and nayles on his fingers and toes with a viperous strength enforcing as it were his passage through his mothers wombe whom afterwards he shamed not to accuse of adultery but as one that then wrought journy-worke with the Divell his manners and qualities seconded the feature and lineaments of his body and members which were much deformed being hooke shouldred splay footed and goggle eyd his countenance sower the composure of his face little and round his complexion swarfie his left arme from his birth drye and and withered Nature supplied these deformities of the body with a strong brayne a quicke apprehension a good memory and a most fluent tongue which he seldome exercised but to the abuse of credulitie And with the sweetnesse of his delivery hee could so prevaile with such whom he ment to worke upon that he would ofentimes as it were infatuate them and enforce their beliefe of his oathes and protestations which were by Saint Paul and wishing God to damne him if hee did not performe his word which at the time of the speaking was no part of his thought sometimes against the hearers knowledge and conscience hee was neither morally honest nor religiously good He usd to make authority the stawking horse to his will and his will the sole commander of his conscience the largenesse whereof could without any scruple swallow murther of brother Nephewes wife and neerest friends nay attempt rape and incest with his owne brothers daughter yet did with artificiall dissimulation so cover his dishonest and abhominable intentions that not many could discover them Who or whatsoever opposed his aspiring pride or profitable pleasure was by his plotting cunningly and covertly taken away or removed Hee was so throughly perfect in the Hypocriticall art of simulation and dissimulation that hee would use most complement and shew greatest signes of love and courtesie to him in the morning whose throat he had taken order to be cut that evening He held it for a maxime in policy that halfe doing in any thing was worse then no doing And therefore whatsoever he once attempted hee went through with it howsoever it seemed to others unnaturall and unchristian He used the instruments of his bloudy plottes as men doe their Candles burne the first out to a snuffe and then having lighted another tread that under foote yet howsoever his birth were proaigious and life monstrous yet his death was not dishonorable For though his cause were bad he fought bravely and dyed fighting leaving behind an ample testimony of his great valour and little grace with the end of his raigne by the sword which he had used for the moving of civill dissention betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster which had beene so long drawne and so often bathed in the blood of Christians was happily sheathed And the passage to concord prepared whilst this poore Island that had beene imbroyled with warre and her companions had leasure to call to minde the many murthers stratagemes slaughters overthrowes and calamities which through their unnaturall division of the two Roses she had sustained and thereby she found that from the time that Richard Duke of Yorke who was slaine in the battaile at Wakefield seeking to anticipate the time allotted unto him by authoritie of the Parliament whereby the Crowne was entayled to him and his issue to gaine the possession thereof and from whence all those praerecited miseries did proceed untill the death of the usurper there were slaine fourescore Princes of the blood royall and twice as many natives of England as were lost in the two conquests of France The dissension that fell was betwixt the house of Yorke descended from Lionel borne at Antwerpe Duke of Clarence second sonne of Edward the third and the house of Lancaster issued from Iohn of Gaunt the third surviving but otherwise fourth sonne of the same King the first giving for his cognizance the white Rose the other the Red. Lionell Duke of Clarence married to his first wife Elizabeth daughter heire of William Burgh Earle of Vlster and to his second wife Violenta of Galens Viscount of Mislaine by his first wife he had issue Philip sole only childe which Philip was married to Edmond Mortimer Earle of March and Vlster who had issue by her 1 Roger March the fourth Earle of March 2 Sir Edmond Mortymer that married the daughter of Owen Glendore 3 Sir Iohn Mortymer beheaded 3. H. 6. 1 Elizabeth married to the Lord Percy stiled Hotspur Philip first married to Iohn Hastings Earle of Pembrook and afterward to Richard Earle of Arundel and lastly to Iohn Lord Saint-Iohn dyed without issue Roger the fourth Earle of March 1387. nominated by King Richard the second successor to the Kingdome of England who married Elianor daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent by whom he had issue two sonnes and two daughters 1 Edmond his eldest sonne who succeeded him in the Earldome 2 Roger died leaving his father 1 Anne who was married to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne of Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorke 2 Elianor married to Edward Courtney Earle of Devonshire Richard of Conisborough married Anne sister and heire of Edmond Mortymer and had issue Richard Duke of Yorke This Richard was the first mover of the faction against the the house of Lancaster the bearer of the red rose He married Ciceley the daughter of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and had issue 1 Henry that dyed before his Father 2 Edward of that name the fourth King of England 3 Edmond Earle of Rutland slaine at Wakefield by the Lord Clifford 4 Iohn that all dyed young 5 William and 6 Thomas 7 George Duke of Clarence murdered as afore 1 Anne the eldest daughter was first married to Henry Holland Duke of Exceter and after to Sir Thomas Sayntleoger 2 Elizabeth married to Iohn de la poole Duke of Suffolke 3 Margaret married to Charles Duke of Burgundy 4 Vrsula never married and thus was the title of Yorke derived Iohn of Gaunt so named of the place where he was borne fourth sonne of King Edward the third married three wives the first 1 Blaunch daughter and coheire of Henry first Duke of Lancaster by whom he had issue 1 Henry Plantagenet borne at Bullingbrooke 1 Philip married to Iohn King of Portingall and 2 Elizabeth married to Iohn Duke of Exceter 2 The second wife was Constance daughter and one of the Coheires of Peter king of Castile by whom he had issue Katherine afterward married to Henry sonne of Iohn the King of Spaine 3 His third wife was Katherine daughter of Payne Ruet aliàs Guyen King of armes and the relict of Sir Otes Swinford knight by whom hee had issue but before marriage 1 Iohn surnamed Beauford Earle of Somerset 2 Henry Bishop of Winchester 3 Thomas Branford Earle of Dorset 1 Iohan Branford first married to Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and then to Robert Ferrers Lord of Ousley This
King Henries armes and plucked away his Cognizance from those that as his servants attended upon her and having there with somewhat eased her swolne heart shee with the Lords departed to Wallingford and from thence to Abington stirring up by the way the people to take armes in ayde of King Richard At length they came to Cicester and there tooke up their lodgings The Duke of Surry the Earle of Salisbury in one Inne the Duke of Exceter and the Earle of Glocester in another Inne the Army encamped in the fields The Bayliffe of the Towne suspecting what was true that these guests were no good subjects besets the house where the Duke of Surry lay who with his retinue growne desperately bold made strong defence against the assaylants The Duke of Exceter and his Company had not force enough to rescue their Companions Whereupon a Priest of their consort supposing thereby to divert the Townsmen from the assault set divers houses on fire but the fire more inflamed the townsmens furie and made them insist more obstinately in the attempt swearing not to rescue their losses but revenge them and quench the flames with the Traytors blood The Earle of Exceter and they that were with him perceiving the force of the assaylants to increase and that it was impossible for a few so to sustaine the fury of so many obstinately bent they fled out of the backside towards the Campe intending to bring the Army to the reskue But the souldiers having heard the alarum and seeing the fire within the Towne supposing the King was entred with his forces were strucke with a sudden and causlesse feare and wanting Commanders of courage to confirme them they disbanded and fled and whilst every one sought to save one they brought themselves all to confusion The Duke of Surry and his company manfully maintained the fight with great bloodshed on all sides from midnight untill three of the clocke the next after-noone and then being inferiour in number and fortune the Duke and the Earle of Salisbury were both wounded to death and taken and that evening dying their heads were strooke off and sent to the King to London There were then taken prisoners Sir Bennet Sherley Sir Bernard Brockas Sir Thomas Blount and twenty eight Lords and men of note who were afterwards upon King Henryes comming to Oxford sent thither unto him and there executed The Duke of Exceter with Sir Iohn Sherley fled into Essex from whence many times they attempted to have escaped to France but by contrary windes were driven backe againe and then lurking in secret places the Duke was taken and lead to Plashey and there beheaded There wanted not some in those times that made conjectures that now the Duke of Glocesters death was brought to bee reckoned for who by Exceters counsell and contrivance in the same place had beene wrongfully apprehended An example for those which square out their actions by the crooked line of their pleasure or power to other mens disprofit or disparagement but punishment of such impietie though it bee prolonged doth never faile but commeth at length and then surely though perhaps slowly This Duke of Exceter was a man of high Parentage great power and honourable Alliance Created Earle of Huntington in the eleventh yeare of King Richard now deposed in the one and twentieth hee was Created Duke of Exceter and upon the resignation of the place and release of the right thereto by Aubery de Vere Earle of Oxford was made that yeare Lord Chamberlaine of England and married Elizabeth the Daughter of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Blaunch his wife by whom hee had issue Richard that dyed young Iohn afterwards Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington Edward that dyed without issue and a Daughter named Constance first married to Thomas Mowbray sonne and heire of Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke and after to Iohn Lord Gray of Ruthyn hee was popular and openly praise-worthy but his secret actions were hardly censured hee was partaker of all his brothers vices and of counsell to many of them yet somewhat more circumspect and close and not so much partaker of his prosperitie as violently carried with the torrent of his misery Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester fled toward Wales but in the way was taken and beheaded at Bristoll hee married Constance Daughter of Edmond of Langly Duke of Yorke and had issue Richard that dyed young Elizabeth dyed young and Isabell who was borne seven moneths after her Fathers death and was first married to Richard Beauchamp Earle of Worcester by whom shee had issue Elizabeth her second husband was Richard Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke cosin german to her first husband by whom she had issue Henry afterwards Earle of Warwicke The counterfeit of King Richard flying into Scotland was apprehended committed to the Tower and from thence drawne and hanged and quartered and one Ferby and an other of K. Rich. Chaplaines with him divers others of all sorts Lords and Gentlemen with a great number of common souldiers were in other places put to death insomuch that the King though otherwise of a moderate and peaceable disposition seemed in this too too vindicative of his owne injurie or rather in maintaining the injury that hee had done The heads of the chiefe Conspirators were pitched upon poles and set over London bridge lamentable spectacles of heads and quarters of unfortunate dismembred wretches were visible in many parts of this Realme putrifying above ground not all for desert but many to satisfie either the malice or want of King Henryes friends Insomuch that some of those of deepest apprehension openly gave forth That in short time there would be just cause to wish King Richard againe as being more tolerable to indure the crueltie of one then of many and to live where nothing then where any thing might bee permitted was most safe The Abbot of Westminster in whose house and head this Conspiracy tooke life and light hearing of these disasters going from his Monastery Grange neere Westminster was taken with a dead Palsie and suddenly dyed speechlesse And although in this enterprise accident gave policie the checke and by a strange fortune which wisdome could not prevent overturned the project yet it is apparant that this Abbot first moved the stone that rowling along was likely toturne King Henry out of his Chaire The Bishop of Carlile was condemned for his treason but the extremity of his passion closed up his dayes and prevented the violence and shame of publicke execution King Richard as afore having abdicated his Regalitie did but a short time injoy that sweet securitie wherewith hee so flattered himselfe For first his goods which hee had given in satisfaction of the wrongs by him done were shared amongst his enemies and hee removed first to the Tower of London and then from thence to the Castle of Leeds in Kent and from thence to Pomfret where being kept in straight Prison innocent and ignorant of this offence
and love of thy Subjects who whilst they have wealth so long shalt thou have obedience but being made poore by oppression will be ever ready to stirre and make insurrections And so turning about said God blesse thee and have mercy on mee and so hee gave up the ghost in a Chamber of the Abbot of Westminster which the servants there called Ierusalem the twentieth of March 1412. in the fortieth sixe yeare of his age when hee had raigned thirteene yeares sixe moneths lacking ten dayes His body with all Funerall pomp was conveyed to Canterbury and there solemnly buried Hee had beene twice married his first wife was Mary Daughter and coheire of Humphry de Bohan Earle of Hereford Essex and Northampton and Constable of England shee died anno 1394. and was buryed at Canterbury hee had issue by her Henry his eldest Sonne who succeeded him Thomas Plantagenet his second sonne who was Created Duke of Clarence in the eleventh yeare of his Fathers raigne hee was slaine at Bongy bridge in France by the Duke of Orleance this Thomas tooke to Wife Margaret Daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent and Widow of Iohn Beuford Earle of Pomfret who dyed without issue Iohn Plantagenet his third Sonne was made Duke of Bedford the eleventh yeare of his Fathers raigne and Earle of Richmond and Lord of Kendall hee married to his first Wife Anne Daughter of Iohn Duke of Burgondy who dyed without issue his second Wife was Ioquellyne Daughter of Peter Earle of Saint Paul and by her had no issue shee was after married to Richard Woodvile Earle Rivers and had issue Elizabeth Wife to King Edward the fourth This Iohn as Constable of England determined the Controversie betwixt Reignold Lord Gray of Ruthen and Sir Edward Hastings for the bearing of the armes of Hastings and at Vernoyle together with the same Towne tooke the Duke of Alanson prisoner and with the losse of two thousand one hundred private souldiers slew of the advers part five Earles two Vicounts one and twenty Barons seven thousand French and two thousand five hundred Scots and dyed at Paris and the fourteenth of September 1435. was buried at Roan under a sumptuous Monument which when Lewis the eleventh King of France being advised by some of his Nobles to deface Hee said What honour will it bee to us or you to demolish the Monument a●…d pull out thereof the bones of him whom in his life-time neither my Father nor your Progenitors were of abilitie to make budge one foote backward wherefore let his body now rest in quiet which if hee were alive would have disquieted the proudest of us all such respect to well-got honour hee obtained in the mindes of his enemies Humphry Plantagenet fourth Sonne who was stiled Humphry by the grace of God Sonne Brother and Vncle to Kings hee was Duke of Glocester Hennalt Holland Zealand and Earle of Penbrocke Lord of Freezland great Chamberlaine of England Protector of the Realme and Defender of the Church of England Hee had two Wives the first was Iaquet Daughter and heire of William Duke of Bavaria who being before betrothed to Iohn Duke of Brabant was divorced from this Humphry before issue His second Wife was Elianor Daughter of Reignold Lord Cobham of Sterburghe in Surry who for Sorcery and poysoning was much defamed hee was found murthered in hss bed at Bury in Suffolke and was buried at Saint Albones in Hartfordshire Blaunch King Henryes eldest Daughter was married as afore at Collen to William Duke of Bavaria after his death shee was married to the King of Arragon and afterwards to the Duke of Barre but dyed without issue Philip second Daughter of King Henry was married to Iohn King of Denmarke but dyed without issue King Henry was of a middle stature well proportioned and formally compact of a quicke conceit and active spirit of great resolution and courage In his later dayes with courtesie and affable cariage hee purchased a great deale more love and respect amongst the Nobilitie then hee had in all the beginning of his raigne with his austeritie and rigorous courses and redeemed from the common people a great portion of good opinion which he by his impositions and taxes had formerly lost among them But if their payments had beene more and his exactions greater in my opinion they were not undeserved that were so ready to alter the due course of succession to joyne hands with him in the deposing of the rightfull and naturall Leige-Lord whose only fault that could bee truly objected was this that hee had beene too bountifull to his friend too mercifull to his foes but most unrespective of himselfe THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FIFT HENRY the Fift surnamed of the place of his birth which was a Towne in Wales upon the River of Wye Monmouth tooke upon him the Regality over England the twentieth day of March and the next day was proclaimed King and the ninth day of Aprill hee was Crowned King at Westminster by Thomas of Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury with all usuall rites and Ceremonies After the solemnitie past the next day hee caused all his wonted Companions to come into his presence to whom hee used these words It is sufficient that for many yeares together I have fashioned my selfe to your unruly dispositions and have not without some reluctation in the very action followed you in your debosht and swaggering courses I have to my sorrow and shame I may say to thinke of it irregularly wandered in all rude and unseemely manner in the vast wildernesse of ryot and unthriftinesse whereby I was made almost an alian to the hearts of my Father and Allyes and in their opinions violently carried away by your meanes from grace by keeping you company therein I have so vilified my selfe that in the eyes of men my presence was vulgar and stale and like the Cuckow in Iune heard but not regarded One of you being convented before the Lord chiefe Iustice for misusing a sober-minded Citizen I went to the publike Sessions house and stroke him on the face and being by him deservedly committed to the Fleet for which act of justice I shall ever hold him worthy the place and my favour and wish all my Iudges to have the like undaunted courage to punish offendors of what ranke soever it occasioned my Father to put mee from my place in Councell appointing it to bee supplyed by my younger Brother how often have I by your animation committed thefts even on my Fathers and my owne Receivers and robd them of the mony provided for publicke appointments to maintaine your midnight revellings and noone beselings But it is time now to give a period to these exorbitant and unbefitting courses and to salve the wounds my intemperance hath made in my reputation and to turne over a new leafe and not only to decline the company of such misleaders of yours but desert their conditions of all
two wives Anne daughter of Edmond Earle of Stafford by whom he had issue Henry that succeede in the Dukedome his second wife was Anne daughter to Iohn Mountacute Earle of Salisbury by her he had issue a daughter Anne married to the heire of Westermerland Iohn Nevill by whom she had no issue Then she was married to Thomas Nevill brother of Ralph the father of her first husband by whom she had issue Ralph the third house of Westmerland and her third husband was Iames Earle Dowglasse by whom she had no issue Before the time of truce was expired the divell cast a bone by meanes of an overforward Curre that set all on snarling For Sir Francis Suryens and Araganois thought worthy to be admitted into the honourable societie of the Garter taking advantage of the securitie the French Garrisons did sleepe in sodainely upon our Lady day eve in Lent at night surprised a Frontier Towne belonging to the Duke of Brittaine called Fougeirs ransaking it killing the inhabitants and caried away all the spoyle the Duke advertiseth the French King lying at R●…unes thereof who by his Embassadors complaine both to the King of England and the regent Somerset the fault is all layd upon the Aroganoys who did it without warrant or wit the King or Councell nether advising or approving what was done neverthelesse for restitution or satisfaction a meeting is appointed at Lanveirs where the Commissioners treat of the businesse But whilst they talke of this newes are brought to the regent That the French by a stratagem of a Carter that with a load of hay comming over the draw-bridge caused the axeltree to breake and whilst the porter was ready to helpe the Carter the Porters braines were beaten out and the Towne of Ardes surprised and the Lord Fauconbridge Captaine thereof taken prisoner restitution is demanded by the English they are answered with their owne language what was done was neither by the privitie or porcurement of the French King or any of his Councell so they hold fast on both sides their ill gotten bargaines and from thence forward the truce on both side is broken all things grow worse and worse The French King assembleth a mightie army and dividing it into three parts imployeth every one in a severall quarter who according to direction get possession of Louviers Gerbury and Vernuele all which by composition attended twenty dayes to be reskued but none came This warre is begun before the terme of truce expired the English gave the first occasion and are payed with their owne coyne whilst the new Regent which like the sonnes of Zebede presumed of more abilities then he had knowes not where to begin nor what to say or doe makes ready to recken the Townes lost but newes is brought of a conspiracie against him in the same Towne he goes about to suppresse that whilst the enemie is at another towne ready to carry it without speedy succor whereupon he giues Command to such troopes to march as he thinks fit but they in steed of putting his Command in execution expostulate the reason of such directions then calls he to Councell but there is more time spent in chiding and finding fault then in debating for the amending of what is out of square whereby his proceedings as it were make a parenthesis to a discourse betweene the good government of the Duke of Yorke and the bad event of the murthered Duke of Gloucester Thus perplexed the regent in a desperate case complaines of want of Councellors talkes much to no purpose does many things to as little proofe or profit so having tir'd himselfe to no end retires himselfe to his Chamber and there with more deliberation then discretion debates with himselfe what is best to be done The Cocks now begin to ctow upon their dunghill which but a while before were cowed by the English if staying or Cravend by themselves if they fell a running Constance Guisard Gahard Pontean sa meare S. Loe Festampo Newcastle Tongue Moleor Argenton Lisseux and some other peices in Normandy are reduced to the Crowne of France Maulisson in Guyen upon notice of their defections arme against their Garrison and set open the gates to the Earle of Foys who enters and taketh it This is seconded by the Citizens of Roan who vexed the regent and the Earle of Shrousbury more within then the French army abroad and enforced them to make composition to have liberty with bag and baggage to march to Cane and to procure by a certaine day divers adiacent strong peices to be surrendred unto the French and untill the same were delivered the Earle of Shrousbury and the Lord Butler the heire to the Earle of Ormond to remaine pledges who were sent to be safely kept in the Castle of Eureux Succors are sent for into England but an unexpected occasion diverted the passage of them for the necessitie of present meanes to suppresse an insurrection made by rebells in Ireland for the effecting whereof the Duke of Yorke is with an army sent thither where he so behaved himselfe that he not only suppressed the insurrection but purchased the good will and affection of the Irish nation firme to him and his for ever after The Frenchmen now throughly flesht assault Harflew but are by Sir Robert Curson for along time valiantly repelled but in the end fearing to be forced he makes composition to depart with body and goods Fougers and Sir Iames de Benron are likewise received by the Duke of Britaine A fresh supply of fifteene hundred men under the conduct of Sir Thomas Kiryell are sent over who did as much as with so small an handfull could be expected taking in some Townes but marching with the rest of the army towards Bauguenx at a place called Formigney he was encountred by the Earle of Cleremont and seven thousand French and Scots at first the French were driven to recoyle and lost two peeces of their ordnance but the Constable of France with foure hundred men at armes and eight hundred archers came to the reskew and being fresh so beat upon the tyred English that they with the losse of three thousand seven hundred threescore and thirteene besides divers prisoners gave proofe that it was not altogether unpossible but that the English might be overcome which hitherto in France for many yeares they never had been Sir Thomas Vere and Captaine Goughe escaped to Roven The French King with an army royall besiegeth Cane which is bravely defended till the Dutches importuneth her husband to take pitie of her and his children to give over the Towne her entreaties his childrens teares so far prevaile that he moves the surrender to Sir David Hall whowas there in right of his Master the Duke of Yorke owner of Cane who knowing that there was no great Correspondency betwixt the Duke of Somerset and his Colonel boldly told the Duke that he had the charge of that Citie delivered to
succeeded in the Earledome 2. Iohn the second was Created Marquesse Mountague 3. Thomas married the Widow of the Lord Willoughby 4. George was Archbishop of Yorke and Lord Chancellor 1. Ioane the eldest Daughter was married to William Fisz-Allen Earle of Arundell 2. Cecily was married to Henry Beuchamp Duke of Warwicke 3. Alice was married to Henry Lord Fitz-Hugh 4. Elianor to Thomas Stanley Earle of Darby 5. Katherine to William Bonvile Lord Harrington and 6. Margaret to Iohn Vere Earle of Oxford Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke tooke to wife Cecily Daughter of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and had issue eight Sonnes and foure Daughters 1. His eldest Sonne Henry dyed young 2. Edward afterwards King of England 3. Edmond Earle of Rutland slaine with his Father 4. Iohn dyed young 5. William 6. Thomas 7. George after Duke of Clarence 8. Richard surnamed Croutchbacke after King of England 1. Anne his eldest Daughter was married to Henry Holland Duke of Exceter 2. Elizabeth married to Iohn de la Poole Earle of Suffolke 3. Margaret married to Charles Duke of Burgundie 4. And Vrsula The Earle of March having tidings of his Fathers death encreaseth his Army and borne up with two wings desire of revenge and expectation to raigne hee tooke his leaue at Shrowsbury of the Inhabitants intimating to them at his departure the murther of his Father and Brother the destruction intended of himselfe and Familie and downfall of all that wisht well to his part if not heedfully prevented hee craved therefore their utmost assistance and their neighbours which they accordingly performed and then with some good strength presently tooke the field and having advertisement that Iasper Earle of Penbrooke with the Earles of Ormond and Wiltshire with a great power of Welch and Irish did follow after him hee suddenly marcheth backe againe and in a plaine neere Mortimers Crosse on Candlemasse day in the morning hee gave them battaile and with the slaughter of three thousand and eight hundred put the Earles to flight Owen Teuther who had married Queene Katherine Mother to Henry the sixt and divers Welch Gentlemen were taken and at Hereford beheaded The Queene encouraged by the death of the Duke of Yorke with a power of Northerne people with an intent to undoe what was done in the last Parliament marcheth towards London but when her souldiers were once South of Trent as if that River had beene the utmost limits of their good behaviour they did most licentiously forrage the Country harrowing burning and spoyling the same as if they had beene in the most barbarous land of heathens Approaching Saint Albones they were advertised that the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of VVarwicke were ready to give them battaile The Queenes Voward hasteth to passe thorow Saint Albones but were saluted from the Market place with such a showre of arrowes that they were for safeguard glad to retire and sought to passe by another way which but not without some blowes they did and encountred with their enemies in the field who perceiving the maine battaile to stand and not to move by the trechery of Lonelace who with the Kentish men led the Van. the Southerne men turned afide and fled and by the Northerne prickers were slaughtered untill night saved their backes When night was come the residue despairing of each others well-meaning shifted away The Nobles about the King perceiving how the game went withdrew themselves The Lord Bonvile comming in a complementall manner to the King saying It grieved him to leave his Majestie but necessitie for safeguard of his life enforced it was importuned and Sir Thomas Kiryell like wise by the King to stay hee passing his royall word that their stay should not endanger their bodyes upon which promise they stayed but to their cost for such was the inplacable fury of the Queen that hearing Baron Thorpe was by the Commons beheaded at Highgate she the day after the battell being Ashwednesday caused both their heads to bee smitten off at Saint Albones whose death reckoned with the rest maketh up of the slaughtered the number of three and twentie hundred The King was advised to send one Thomas Hoe that had beene a Barrester to the Victors to thanke them for their paines and to tell them that hee would gladly come to them if with convenience it might be done The Earle of Northumberland appointed divers Lords to attend him to the Lord Cliffords Tent where the Queene and young Prince met to their great joy it was now observed that victory alwayes fled from where the King was present At the Queenes request he honored with the order of Knighthood thirty that the day before fought against the part where hee was the Prince likewise was by him dubbed Knight Then they went to the Abby where they were entertained with Anthems and withall an humble Petition to be taken into the Kings protection thereby to bee freed from the tiranny of the loose souldiers which was promised and Proclamation accordingly made but to small purpose for the Northerne men said it was made in their bargaine to haveall the spoyle in every place after they had passed the River of Trent and so they robbed and spoyled all they could come at which gave just cause of dislike to the indifferent-minded which only wisht the quiet and peace of the Country not respecting which Rose the red or white prevailed for now began that distinction by those Badges for the factions of Yorke and Lancaster to bee worne The Londoners hearing of this disorder were warned to looke to themselves and they were resolved since there was no more assurance in the Kings promise to keepe the Northerne men out of their gates The gentlenesse and tendernesse of a King not accompanied with courage and severitie is both hurtfull to himselfe and his estate In the Kings name the Londoners are sent to to send over to the Campe certaine Cart-loades of Lenton provision The Maior accordingly provides and makes all things ready but the Commons rose about Cripplegate and by strong hand say or doe what the Maior or his officers can they kept the Carts from going forth of the Citie The Maior sends the Recorder to the Kings Councell and knowing the predominancy of the Queenes passion if never so little troubled they entreat the Dutchesse of Bedford and the Lady Scales with all the Fathers of the Church resiant about London to intercede for him and excuse his not using force considering how apt the multitude was to take fire upon the least flash and how dangerous it might bee in these doubtfull times to raise their fury that would not easily bee allayed it was well advised to send women to entreat women for they so prevailed That some of the Lords of the Councell with a guard of foure hundred good souldiers were appointed to goe for London to enquire and certifie the truth of these things But before they set forth divers
upon the Bridge somewhat slaked Alderman Iosselyne with a Companie of Citizens drawne from Leaden-hall where the Corps de●…guard was kept valiantly the great Ordnance being first from the Bridge-foot discharged fell upon the Bastards troopes and so plyed them with his shotte that they turned backe and fledde whom the Alderman followed to ●…tcliffe slaughtering all he overtooke in their flight and kept them from going on borde their shippes Fauconbridge commanded his shippes to fall downe to the Downes whilst hee with much labour drew together his scattered troopes and entrenched himselfe at Blacke-heath comforting his company of the assurance of accession of the Welch whom hee affirmed to bee upon march to come to their assistance with whose ayde hee promised them to worke wonders But having expected their comming three dayes victualls growing scarce and hearing of the Kings approach hee dismist his souldiers taking as many with him as would adventure to Sea hee left the rest to trie their fortunes on shore King Edward upon the one and twentieth of May with a great power came to London where hee was Triumphantly received which hee as thankfully required giving the Order of Knighthood to the Maior Recorder and two Aldermen Basset and Josceline giving them respective commendations both for their loyaltie and valours promising upon the Word of a King to requite the meanest of his good Citizens loves with ample satisfaction as soone as the Common-wealth had recovered her quiet which hee was confident now would be shortly The clowdes that had so long covered it being almost cleane dispersed In the meane time the Duke of Gloucester tooke an occasion to visit King Henry in the Tower where observing his unmoved behaviour either out of pittie of his unbounded injury or envy at his so settled patience That though hee had lost his Crowne his only Sonne and all his assured friends and was hopelesse ever after to see his Wife the least of which was a losse unvaluable and now had nothing left him but a little breath yet hee seemed as though hee had lost nothing or out of piety which may bee doubted to send him thither where hee might repaire all his losses with a much overplus of happinesse Glocester with his Ponyard made a passage for the soule to goe out of the prison of the body and the body to bee layed to sleepe amongst his fore-fathers and as it were to give the world a taste of that blood-thirsty inclination and Canniball condition whereof his ensuing Tragicall murthers should give a more ample Testimonie and to guild his Dagger with Royall blood having there with first stabd the Sonne a hopefull young Prince now hee kill'd the Father performing to him a mercifull act of an unmercifull actor The three and twentieth day of May being Ascension day the Corpes were conveyed by direction from the Councell with some little show of solemnitie of Funerall rites to Pauls Church where hee lay all that day with his face vncovered But that in sight of all the people there or at the Blacke-Fryers whither the body was that night conveyed or in any other place it bled in that quantitie or in that manner which the report of many gave out it did I will not affirme only say that true it is the day following hee was from Black-Fryers conveyed in a Boate to Chertseu Abbey without Priest or Clerke Torch or Taper saying or singing and there buried But afterwards at the appointment of King EDVVARD was removed to Windsor an●… there interred and a faire Monument made over him Thus was hee freed from this thraldome after hee had groned under the burden of a Crowne thirty eight yeares sixe moneths and odde dayes hee married as afore Margaret Daughter of Rayner Duke of Anion by Proxie in Lorayne at the Citie of Tours in Saint Martins Church in the presence of the French King and Queene The King was Vncle to the Brides Father and the Queene Aunt to her Mother King Henry by her had issue only Edward butchered as afore This Margaret remained Prisoner in London untill shee was ransomed by Duke Rayner her Father and then departed into France where shee lived and dyed King Henryes true Widow that had beene his trustfull Wife This King Henry in his life-time had beene so truly a participant of both prosperitie and adversitie That few can goe beyond him in both if any his Predecessours could paralell him in either being nine moneths old hee began his raigne over England being wisely warily and watchfully guided guarded reguarded by his three wise valiant and respective Vncles the Dukes of Gloucester Exceter and Bedford as long as their triple twisted triumvirate authority subsisted In the eighth yeare of his Raigne hee was Crowned at Westminster And in the eleventh yeare of his Raigne hee was Crowned King of France in our Lady Church at Paris Thirtie yeares hee enjoyed all the benefits of peace within England without any manifest interruption And what content a bucksome and debonaire Queene could enrich him with But in the three and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne hee was enforced to fight after a great defeat given him at Saint Albones And in the eight and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne his Armie was defeated at Northampton by great Warwicke and there by him taken Prisoner The yeare following hee is by Queen Margaret his Wife set at libertie but in the same yeare after the overthrow given him at Mortimers Crosse both hee and his Queene were compelled to flye out of the Realme the one to Scotland the other into France Hee is afterwards taken Prisoner at Selby in Lancashire and brought Prisoner to the Tower from whence hee shortly delivered and restored by him that first tooke him Prisoner and last left him there great Warwicke for his sake Edward the fourth is compelled to fly for ayde into Holland and is Proclaimed Traytour whilst Henry againe is Vested in royaltie But the yeare following hee is againe taken Prisoner in the Bishops Pallace at London and sent Prisoner to the Tower for whose releasement whilst Warwicke strives both himselfe and Brother lose their lives at the field fought at Barnet and young Prince Edward upon the same occasion is murdered after the overthrowe given to his Mother at Tewksbury besides many of the royall blood and his Noble friends massacred and butchered in other places yet hee in both estates so demeaned himselfe that hee modestly carried the one and moderately underwent the other Passion at no time drowning his judgement nor will at any time domineering over his Reason yea such was his deportment that the inconstancie of his state could not alter the constancy of his minde Insomuch that one of his Successours King Henry the Seventh laboured for that only vertue to have Canonized to be a Saint and had obtained to have had it done had not the charges thereof so farre exceeded mediocrity for the fees or expences to make a King a Saint are much more then the expences to
for revolting from Nabuchadnezzar after homage done unto him did not Saul put all the Priests to death because one of them did relieve holy and harmlesse David did hee not prosecute his faithfull servant and dutifull son-in-law yet was not hee spared nay protected by him And was not David much grieved for but taking away the lap of his garment and afterwards caused the messenger to bee slaine that upon request and for pitie did lend his hand as himselfe reported to hasten the voluntary death of that sacred King As for the contrary examples of Iehu They were done by expresse Oracle and revelation from God and are no more set downe for our imitation then the robbing the Egyptians or any other particular or priviledged commandement but in the generall precept which all men must ordinarily follow not only our actions but our speeches also and our very thoughts are strictly charged with dutie and obedience to Princes whether they bee good or evill The law of God ordaineth That hee that doth presumptuously against the Ruler of the people shall die And the Prophet David forbiddeth both by precept and practise to touch the Lords annointed Thou shalt not saith the Lord rayle upon the Iudges neither sbeake evill of the Ruler of the people And the Apostles doe demand further that even our thoughts and soules bee obedient to higher powers And lest any should imagine that they ment of good Princes only they speake generally of all And further to take away all doubt they make expresse mention of the evill For the power and authoritie of wicked Princes is the ordinance of God And therefore Christ told Pilat That the power which hee had was given him from above And the Prophet Esay called Cyrus being a prophane and heathen Prince the Lords annointed For God turneth the hearts even of wicked Princes to doe his will And as Iehosaphat said to his Rulers they execute not the judgement of man but of the Lord In regard whereof David calleth them gods because they have the rule and authoritie even from God which if they doe abuse they are not to bee adjudged by their subjects for no power within their Dominion is superiour to theirs But God reserveth them to their sorest triall horribly and suddenly saith the Wise man will the Lord appeare to them and a hard judgement shall they have The law of God commandeth that the childe should not bee put to death for any contumelie done unto the Parents but what if the father be a robber if a murtherer if for excesse of villanies odious and execrable both to God and man surely hee deserveth the greatest degree of punishment and yet must not the sonne lift up his hand against him for no offence can bee so great to bee punished by parricide But our Country is or ought to bee more deere to us then our Parents And the Prince is the father of the country and therefore more sacred and deare to us then our Parents by nature and must not bee violated how imperious how impious soever hee bee doth hee command or demand our purses or persons we must not shun from the one nor shrinke from the other for as Nehemiah saith Kings have dominion over the cattell of their subjects at their pleasure Doth hee injoyne those actions which are contrary to the lawes of God wee must neither wholly obey nor violently resist but with a constant courage submit our selves to all manner of punishment and show our subjection by suffering and not performing yea the Church hath declared it to bee an heresie to hold that a Prince may be slaine or deposed by his Subjects for any default or disorder of life or default in government There will bee faults so long as there bee men and as wee endure with patience a barren yeare if it happen and unseasonable weather so must wee tolerate the imperfections of Rulers and quietly expect either reformation or alteration But alas what such cruelty what such impietie hath King Richard committed examine the imputations objected with the false circumstance of aggravation and you shall finde but little of truth or of great moment it may be many oversights have escaped as who lives without offending yet none so grievous to bee termed tyrannie as proceeding rather from unexperienced ignorance or corrupt counsell then from any naturall or wilfull malice Oh! how should the world bee pestered with tyrants if Subjects might be permitted to rebell upon pretence of tyrannie how many good Princes should often bee suppressed by those by whom they ought to be supported if they but levie a Subsidie or any other taxation it shall bee judged oppression if they put any to death for traiterous attempts against their persons it shall bee exclaimed at for crueltie if they shall doe any thing against the good liking of their people it shall bee proclaimed tiranny But let it bee that without desert in him or authoritie in us King Richard must bee deposed yet what right hath the duke of Lancaster to the Crown or what reason have wee without right to give it him If hee make Title as heire to King Richard then must hee stay King Richards death for no man can succeed as heire to the living But it s well knowne to all men who are not wilfully blinde or grosly ignorant that there are some yet alive lineally descended from Lionel Duke of Clarence whose issue by the judgement of the high Court of Parliament in the eighth yeare of King Richards raigne was declared heire apparant to the Crowne in case of Richard should die without issue The claime from Edmond Crouchbacke I passe over the authors thereof themselves being ashamed of so absurd an abuse And therefore all the pretence now on foot is by right of conquest and the Kings resignation and grant and the consent of the many it is bad stuffe that will take no colour what conquest can a subject make against a Soveraigne where the warre is insurrection and the victory high treason King Richards resignation being in prison is an act of exaction by force and therefore of no force to bind him And by the lawes of this realme the King by himselfe cannot alienate the antient jewells and ornaments of the Crowne much lesse give away his Crowne and Kingdome And custome wee have none for the vulgar to elect their King but they are alwayes tyde to accept of him whom the right of succession enables to the Crowne much lesse can they make good that Title which is by violence usurped For nothing can bee said to bee freely done when libertie is restrained by feare As for the deposing of Edward the Second it is no more to bee urged then the poisoning of King Iohn or the murdering of a lawfull Prince wee must live according to lawes not examples yet the kingdome then was not taken from lawfull successors But if wee looke backe to times past wee shall finde that these Titles were
visit his Father the Duke of Yorke As they sate at dinner his Father espied a labell of one of the sextipartite Indentures hanging out of his bosome and demanded what it was the Sonne humbly craved pardon and said it was nothing that any way concerned him the young Dukes change of countenance argued some guilt which bred some suspition in Yorke and thereupon swore and said By saint George but I will see it and then whether upon precedent jealousie or some present cause to doubt of some strange stratagem it is uncertaine but hee tooke it away from him by force The contents whereof when hee had perceived with a fierce countenance and speech hee said I see Traitour that idlenesse hath made thee so mutinous that thou playest with thy faith as children with sticks Thou hast already once beene faithlesse to King Richard and turnst thou false againe now to King Henrie Thou knowest in open Parliament I became bound body and goods for thy allegiance and can neither thy owne duty nor my desert restraine thee from seeking both our destructions in faith but I will rather help forward thine And calling to make ready his horse hee prepared to post to the King It was no time now for the Duke to consult with his friends or to consider with himselfe what was best to bee done but takes horse and posts towards Windsor another way and was gotten thither before his Father and pretending some strange and sudden occasion causeth the gates of the Castle to be lockt and alleaging some cause so to doe taketh the keyes thereof with him to the King in whose presence when he came hee prostrates upon the ground beseecheth the King of mercy and forgivenesse The King no sooner demanded the offence when hee with disturbed countenance and speech discovered to the King all the plot and the names of the Conspirators The King neither seemed rashly to beleeve nor negligently to distrust the Dukes relation and with pollicie it stood not to entertaine the discovery with harsh and violent termes Therefore with gratious speeches hee comforted the Duke And if this bee true said hee wee pardon you if feined bee it at your perill By this time the Duke of Yorke is arrived and admitted into the Kings presence to whom hee delivereth the Counterpane of the confederacy which when the King had read hee complained of the unconstant disposition of those men whom neither cruelty could make firme to King Richard nor clemency to him but upon mislike of every present government were desirous of any change Whereupon hee deferred his journey and determined to attend at Windsor what course the Conspirators would take knowing right well that in civill tumults an advised patience and opportunitie well taken are the only weapons of advantage and that it is an especiall point of pollicie to make use of an adversaries oversight in the meane time hee directs his Letters to the Earle of Northumberland his high Constable and the Earle of Cumberland his high Marshall and to other his friends of these sudden and unexpected accidents All this time the Confederates hearing nothing of Aumerle and seeing no preparation for the Kings comming were resolved that their conspiracie was discovered and calling to minde that once before they had beene pardoned the guilt of this their rebellion excluded all hope of further mercy whereupon they desperately resolved to prosecute that by open armes wherein their privie practises had fayled first they apparelled Magdalen in princely attire and gave forth that he was King Richard who by favour or negligence of his Keepers was escaped out of Prison and now implored the faith and aide of his loving subjects Then they dispatched messengers to Charles King of France desiring his assistance in behalfe of his Son-in-law The common people commonly changeable as prone to pitie as afore they were too forward in crueltie earnestly wished the inlargement of King Richard and wishing it were easily drawne to beleeve it in which imaginary conceit the presence of Magdalen did strongly confirme them And so either upon ignorance of truth or delight in trouble they joyned themselves in great troopes to the Lords desiring nothing more then to bee a meanes by which Richard might bee restored Then the Conspirators with great force but with greater fame as the manner is of matters unknowne advanced forward in battaile array towards Windsor against King Henry as against an enemy to the State they being forty thousand strong upon notice of their approach the King secretly with a small traine the next Sunday night after New-yeares-day departed from Windsor Castle to the Tower of London and the same night before day the Conspirators came to the Castle where missing their expected prey they were divided in opinions which way to take some advised speedily to follow to London and not to permit him liberty to unite his forces That Winter could not properly bee called a lette but in idle and peaceable times that in civill dissentions nothing is so safe as speed and advantage increaseth more by dispatching then deferring that whilst some were in feare some in doubt and others suspitiously ignorant the Citie nay the whole Realme might bee possessed and that many armies whose fury at first rush could not be resisted by delayes did dissipate and wast to nothing others that would seeme to bee but were not out of a dastardly disposition perswaded rather first to set King Richard at libertie for if their counterfeiting should bee discovered before they had really his person in possession the people would fall from them which would bee to their utter confusion by their perswasion they gave over the pursuit and retired to Colbrooke and there delayed the time of action in deliberation neither being couragiously quicke nor considerately stayed but subject to vacillation and thereby began every day more then other to bee vilipended decreasing both in opinion power and hope The Maior of London is commanded by the King to levie power in armes for his assistance who presently furnished him with three thousand Archers besides a sufficient guard left for and in the Citie Thus assisted the King with twenty thousand able souldiers from London came to Hounslow Heath there staying braved his enemies and contemning their disorderly multitude but the enemies either for feare of their Kings power or distrust of their owne or lingring untill their expected ayde was come out of France refused to joyne And it is questionable whether they showed greater courage in setting up the danger or cowardise in declyning it when it was presented unto them from thence they went to Sunning neere Reading where Queen Isabel lay to whom upon the plaine song aforesaid fame had descanted that King Richard was at Pomfret with an hundred thousand men well appointed and that for feare of him King Henry with his was fled to the Tower of London All which was as lightly beleeved as it was idly told Whereupon shee defaced
Saint Albones and Waltham without presence of the Nobilitie or confluence of the Commons and without the expence of a dinner after the celebrating of the Funerall But Henrie the fift caused his body to bee taken up and removed to Westminster and there interred amongst the Ancestors with Queene Anne his first wife in expiation of his Fathers violent and unfaithfull dealing it was not amisse in regard of the Common-wealth that hee was dead yet they who were actors in his death had small reason to reckon it among their good deeds These accidents attend such Princes as being absolute in power will bee too resolute in will and dissolute in life Humphry the Sonne and heire of the Duke of Glocester in his returne out of Ireland where King Richard had left him prisoner dyed of the plague at Chester the newes whereof kild the Dutchesse his Mother about this time dyed Thomas Mowbray the exiled Duke of Norfolke who had outlived his honour hee married two wives both named Elizabeth the first the Daughter of the Lord Strange who dyed without issue the second Sister and coheire of Thomas Fitz●…llayne Earle of Arundel by whom hee had issue Thomas and Iohn Margaret and Isabell. In this yeare also deceased Iohn Duke of Britaine who had taken a Wife Mary Daughter to King Edward the third but by her hee had no issue Also this yeare dyed Edmond Duke of Yorke surnamed of Langley the first sonne of Edward the third his reputation hee kept unblemished and honour untainted hee was not carelesse of good fame nor greedy of greatnesse wary and circumspect in his behaviour not desirous of other mens wealth nor too parcimonious of his owne hee did not by obstinate opposing himselfe against the torr●… of the time rashly hazard his fame or fall but by moderation attained safely that degree of praise which others aspiring unto by desperate courses wonne an ambitious death without further profit Hee married two Wives the first was Isabell second Daughter and coheire of Peter King of Castile by whom hee had issue Edward Duke of Albemarle Richard Earle of Cambridge and Constance first married to Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester and afterwards to Thomas Holland Earle of Kent his second Wife was Ioane Daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent and Sister and coheire of Edmond Earle of Kent but by her had no issue King Charles though Lucidus per intervalla yet sensible of dishonour moved with his Daughters disgrace made preparation to invade England and brought downe his Army into Piccardy but upon the certaine relation of King Richards death hee gave over the enterprise and sent over Embassadours into England to treate or rather intreate that his Daughter with her Dowry might bee restored to him againe King Henry gave them audience and answer that hee would speed Commissioners to Callice to commune and conclude with them both of this and other waighty affaires concerning both the Realmes whither hee sent Edward Duke of Yorke and Henry Earle of Northumberland The French King sent the Duke of Burbon and certaine others to Bulloigne These Commissioners often met sometimes at one place some-times at the other The Frenchmen instantly required their Kings Daughter to bee restored without the doing whereof they had no order to treat of any thing The Englishmen made a proffer to have a match betwixt Prince Henry and the Lady alleaging that there was no disparagement of birth nor disparitie of yeares betwixt them but thereto they would give no consent neither would they agree to the proposition of a perpetuall amitie But in the end it was concluded that Queene Isabell should bee redelivered to her Father but sauns Dowry because the marriage betwixt her and King Richard was never consummate by reason whereof she was not Dowable upon the Treatie of the marriage the surcease from Armes was agreed upon in King Richards dayes for thirtie yeares which was now mutually confirmed for the terme of these yeares unexpected Shortly after King Henry sent the Lady Isabella under the conduct of Thomas Lord Piercy Earle of Worcester in royall estate to Callice being accompanied with a brave troope of honourable Personages of both sexes shee carried with her all the Iewells and Plate which she brought into England with a great surplusage of rich gifts bestowed upon her by the King At Callice shee was received by Valerian Earle of Saint Paul Lieutenant in Picardy and by him conducted to her Father who afterwards gave her in marriage to Charles sonne to Lewis Duke of Orleans and so was rest or rather respite of warre in France procured But the fire and fury of the late sedition was hardly quenched when the Welchmen upon advantage of the doubtfull and unsettled estate of King Henry brake forth into a defection before the King could either lay the groundworke of his Authority or the people frame themselves to a new obedience and having beene taught that common causes must bee maintained by concord they sought by assemblies to establish an association and to set up their owne principalitie againe They Created for their Prince Owen Glendor a fellow of a turbulent spirit and factious disposition and apt to stirre up sedition and strife and though hee was of no great estate by birth he was stout in stomacke of an aspiring spirit and wit somewhat above the ordinary ranke of those untrained people bold crafty agile and as hee li●…t to bend his minde mischievous or industrious in equall degree in desires immoderate and rashly adventurous more desirous to doe then circumspect what to doe in his younger yeares hee was a student at the Innes of Court at London and being incensed by a verdict given against him for tithe of land betwixt him and the Lord Gray of Ruthin and by nature being a man not of the mildest disposition by this provocation hee was made savage and rough and determined either to repaire or revenge his losse by setting the whole State on fire Also his expences had beene too excessive for a great man to continue which brought him to barenesse too base for a meane man to endure and therefore hee was necessitated to doe or dare something more then ordinary And more danger hee thought there was in orderly dealing then in hazarding rashly and now opportunitie is presented for troublesome times are most fit for such attempts And some likelihood there was whilst the King and his Nobles were at variance that harme might bee easily wrought to them both upon these causes his desires were founded and upon these troubles his hopes But that his ambitious humour might beare some pretext of honest meaning hee pretended to his Countrymen the recovery of their freedome the desire whereof is so naturally pleasing That birds will rather live hardly abroad in the cold fields then bee daintily dieted in a warme cage and that now occasion was fitly offered or else never to bee expected to ridde them of their servilitie falsly entituled peace whilst the Kings
to challenge and recover his Inheritance and his wives and not to intermeddle with the King nor with his Crowne by reason of which oath divers loyall and good Subjects to King Richard resorted unto him not having any treasonable intent But after when hee saw his power so much increased that hee might doe what hee pleased hee wickedly brake his oath and without any right or colour-like right procured himselfe to bee made and Crowned King 2. Item That not only as an arch-Traytor hee had imprisoned his owne Liege Lord and undoubted Master King Richard but had caused him to bee barbarously murthered that so with the grearer securitie hee might enjoy his Masters Crowne and Kingdome 3. Item that eversince the death of King Richard hee had unjustly kept the Kingdome and the Crowne from his Kinsman Edmond Mortymer Earle of March who was the Sonne and heire apparant of Philip the Daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence elder brother to Iohn of Gaunt Father of the new usurping King 4. Item That when neither present occasion or need compelled him hee had imposed divers Taxes and Subsidies upon the people to their great griefe and impoverishing whereof they willingly would but durst not complaine 5. Item That no justice could bee expected at his hand because that contrary to the oath which hee had taken when hee was Crowned hee had by Letters sent into sundry Shires and thereby procured certaine Burgesses of the Parliament and Knights of the Shire to bee chosen whom hee knew would not faile to serve his turne as occasion should bee offered 6. And lastly That where in honour and for affinities sake hee ought to have ransomed or redeemed his said Cousin the Earle of March from his lothesome imprisonment being by some of his Privie Councell thereto often solicited hee not only denyed the said request but falsly and untruly published and declared that the Earle himselfe was of his owne accord become a voluntary Prisoner to the end that Traitors and Rebells joyning with him might have somewhat wherewith to colour such Treasons as they would conspire or plot against him For which causes and many other as bad they defied him as an usurping Traytor and as an utter enemy they vowed his destruction and the restoring of the said Earle to his right The King perceiving that nothing but strength of blowes could end this strife and being perswaded that if hee could victoriously suppresse this rebellion hee should bereave his enemies from future hope to prevaile in the like attempts with a great and well-composed Army hee marched towards the Lords forecasting in his March how to prevent the English from joyning with the Welch which with a provident care hee prevented and about Shrowsburie on Saturday Saint Marie Magdalens eve hee encountred the Piercies the Scots gave a brave onset on the King but hee so welcommed them that scarce one was left unhurt but most of them slaine yet the Conspirators stoutly maintained the fight and pursued it with that courage and resolution that they were confident of good successe untill the King with the young Prince Henrie and some young branches of honourable stockes in their company bravely resolving rather to die honourably then to live disgracefully put to their strengths to joyne with Valor and with a noble emulation to give faire example each to other They so shooke the enemies vauntguard that Hotspur and some other chiefe Commanders on his side and many thousands more were slaine The Earle of Worcester was taken Prisoner in the field together with Sir Richard Vernon Sir Theobald Trussell and the Baron of Kindarton and the rest fled On the Kings part besides the Earle of Stafford who had but that morning revolted from the other side were slaine Sir Hugh Sherley Sir Iohn Clifton Sir Iohn Cockayne Sir Nicholas Gansell Sir Walter Blunt Sir Iohn Calverley Sir Iohn Massey of Puddington Sir Hugh Mortymer and Sir Robert Gausell all which had beene but that morning before Dubbed Knights with Sir Thomas Wendesley who afterwards died of the wounds there received This Edmond Stafford was third Sonne of Earle Hugh and after the death of Thomas and William who dyed without issue was Earle of Stafford and Lord of Tunbridge hee married Anne the Daughter of Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester by whom hee had issue Humphry afterward Duke of Buckingham and Philip that dyed young and Anne first married to Edmond Mortymer Earle of March but had no issue by him and after was married to Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington by whom shee had issue Henry Duke of Exceter of common souldiers the King lost about sixteene hundred but had made slaughter of above sixe thousand of the Conspirators whereof thirty sixe fell by his owne sword neverthelesse Dowglasse once unhorsed him and in his presence slew Sir Walter Blunt who with divers others that day were in all things habited alike to the King for which so brave exploit after Dowglasse by the unfortunate fall of his horse having broken two of his ribbes being taken Prisoner was by the Kings speciall command carefully dressed and attended and ransomelesse with great commendation set at liberty so farre can vertue prevaile with a grievous foe The day following the King with the whole Army with great show of zeale gave God thankes for this victory by his assistance so happily atchieved and then caused the Earle of Worcester to be beheaded many of the Ring-leaders of that rebellion to bee drawne hanged and quartered and their heads placed on London bridge This Thomas Piercie Earle of Worcester and Lord high Admirall of England married Elizabeth eldest Sister and coheire of David Earle of Athol by whom hee had issue Henrie Earle of Atholl After this the King sent Henry Prince of Wales with the whole Army into that Countrey But before his comming Owen Glendor was abandoned by all his Company and lurking in the Woods was there famished many of his associates were taken and there put to death and the Prince joyfully returned to the King Whilst the Prince was in Wales Henry Piercy the Earle of Northumberland of his owne accord came and submitted himselfe to the King with many oathes and protestations of his innocency as not being once acquainted with any intent of Treason and rebellion And though the King conceived not the least thought that might excuse him yet for that time hee gave him a seeming show of faire entertainment and for that time with gentle language and kind countenance as it was thought for that hee had the possession of Barwicke Castle and other places of strength in his power permitted to goe free and come at his pleasure The Britons under the leading of the Lord of Castiles spoyled and burnt the Towne of Rlimmoth and returned unfought with his speed was the more and his fortune the better but lest hee should boast too much of his conquest the Westerne men under the command of William Wilford Esquire by order from the
betwixt him and his Father laying before them the unsufferable wrongs done unto him that had devised to discredit him in those misreports And lastly upon the nine and twentieth day of Iune with a trayne of all his friends and servants the number whereof was very great in a garment of blew Sattin wrought all with eyletholes of blacke silke at every hole the needle hanging by which it was sowed and about his arme a thing in fashion of an hounds coller stooded with S. S. of gold and the tyrots of the same hee came to the Kings Court at Westminster where being entred into the Hall according as hee had formerly given direction not one of his company advanced himselfe though often by the Kings servants requested above the fire place hee himselfe attended by the Kings owne servants only was brought into the presence the King though afflicted with sicknesse caused himselfe in a Chaire to bee brought into his privy Chamber where in presence of but three or foure of his Privie Councell hee demanded of the Prince the cause of his so unwonted habite and comming to whom the Prince with a most humble and filiall reverence upon his knees said Dread Soveraigne and deare Father thus prostrate upon my knees as a loyall subject and dutifull sonne with all befitting humiliation and requirable reverence I render my selfe in all things lyable to your command having of late received information by the relation of some neerest about your Majestie that my forgetfull cariage hath given unto your Grace cause of suspition that my heart should not bee right nor my affections towards your highnesse so placed as duty and obedience on my part doe require and expect and being assured that if I knew any one within your kingdome of whom your highnesse should justly have cause to stand in feare that I hold my selfe bound by the law of God and nature to punish that person and quantum in me est to remove the cause of doubt from your heart now much more then is that requirable by the lawes of filiall respect and naturall proximitie of blood and duty That I your sonne and servant in my owne particular am tide to prevent the least suspition of unthankfulnesse in mee and danger thereby to you should for the better securing your quiet tender my life as a forfeit to your Highnesse for giving cause of question of loyaltie to you that that being taken away and the ground of your jealousie being removed you might with more securitie enjoy the quiet of an undisturbed minde To this end having this morning with a Christian preparation of humble Confession and receiving the blessed Sacrament of the blood and passion of my Lord and Saviour Christ Iesus fitted my selfe to bee made a sacrifice to exterminate your jealousie I have presumed to approach your seat of Majestie And therefore I humbly beseech you to ease your heart and hereby to take assurance of your future quiet by giving a period to my griefe and your feare and to give this ponyard a passage thorow my heart and therewithall reached his dagger holding it by the point to his Father for I desire not to live longer then to bee justly thought to bee what I am and shall ever bee your faithfull and obedient vassall which if you shall vouchsafe to doe here in the presence of your Nobilitie I doe cleerely forgive the fact in this world and before God and his holy Angels at the day of Iudgement will acquite you thereof These words had that penetrating propertie and the King therewith was so moved that casting the dagger away he rose out of his Chaire but for weaknesse not able to stand fell upon his sonnes necke and with many teares embracing him confessed that his eares had beene too open to receive reports against him and promising by the love of a Father and the faith of a King from thenceforth that misreport should not cause his disaffection hee assured him that at the next Parliament those whisperers against him should undergoe the censure of their Peeres and stand at his mercy for the scandalls by them against him raised to whom the Prince replyed God forgive them I doe And so with generall content they departed And from that time forth untill his departure out of this life the King enjoyed a calme from all hostilitie either at home or abroad And to expresse his great thankfulnesse to God for this his greater goodnesse to him hee tooke upon him the Crusado and complaining of the inconsiderate courses of the Princes of Christendome that were more intentive to waste and weary one another with intestine and uncivill broyles rather then to joyne hand in hand to oppose themselves against the common enemy of their faith the Turke whereto hee was perswaded that in conscience they were bound To animate them therefore by his Example to doe the like hee made great preparations both of men money and amunition for that service with intention the next Spring to set forward to recover Ierusalem To this purpose he called a Councell in the White Fryers where order was taken for the provision of all things ready for the voyage by Sea to the Holyland and convoked a Parliament to begin on Candlemasse day following And now all things being ready for the expedition against the Turkes The enemy of mankind seized upon him with an Apoplexie the fits whereof divers times would show him dead to those about him but ever upon his recovery againe of sense hee would demaund for his Crowne which hee appointed all the time of his sicknesse to bee placed upon a cushion in his sight At length the extremitie of the disease increasing hee lay as though all his vitall spirits had forsaken him insomuch that those that were about him deemed him dead and covered his face The Prince having notice thereof came and tooke away the Crowne and departed the Father reviving demaunded for the Crown and hearing that the Prince had taken it hee sends for him and angerly demandeth his reason of his so doing to whom the Prince with a confident brow made answer That in his and all mens judgement there present hee was dead and then I being next heire apparant to the same tooke it as my indubitat right not as yours but mine well said the King and sighed faire Son what right I had to it God knoweth But saith the Prince if you dye King I doubt not to hold the garland as you have done with my sword against all opposers Then saith the King I referre all to God but charge thee on my blessing and as thou wilt answer it before the Tribunall of God That thou minister the Lawes indifferently that thou ease the oppressed that thou avoid Flatterers that thou doe not deferre Iustice nor bee sparing of mercy but punish the oppressours of thy people and suffer not officers to make their places the staulking horses to their will so shalt thou obtaine favour of God
end of August following In which time the truce began to be forgotten for the French awaiting all occasions of advantage by secret plots and devises had cunningly possessed themselves of divers Castles places of strength justifying their actions and affirming that what was politickly obtained without blows was no infringement of the Truce And afterwards they perfidiously conveyed 200. men at armes into the Castle of Roan presuming to have surprized it but being discouered they were all taken and either executed as traytours or ransomed The Regent knowing these coles would quickly kindle speeds him to his charge and preparation on both sides is made for war wherein he found the Duke of Burgoine lesse forward then he had used to be whereby the Regent found his affection did slacke but would not seeme to take notice thereof The Lord Talbot having payed his ransome commeth to the Regent bringeth with him 700. tryed souldiers They take the field on both sides in warlike manner making shews of encounter but twice together being provoked by the Regent to fight the French slunke away in the darke as not daring to abide the hazard of a battell The Peasants of Normandy pretending to shake off the English yoke which never had beene made insupportable rudely armed themselves and in outragious manner drew towards Cane but having neither power to command nor honesty to obey they were by the Earle of Arundel and the Lord Willoughby encountred and easily overthrowne with the slaughter of 1000. of them the rest were all taken whereof the chiefe Leaders were executed as traytors and the baser sort upon submission and acknowledgement of their errours permitted to depart to their severall homes But the Earle and the Lord Willoughby being now in the field and having intelligence that le Hire had besieged the Castle of Gorbury drew thither with intent to have succoured it but finding themselves too weak they made account to have retired to Beavoys but being descried they were pursued by le Hire who having advantage charged the Earle perceiving no safetie but not to hope of help resolved to win or dye fought valiantly but the Earle is dangerously wounded by the shot of a Culvering which caused the Lord Willoughby to retyre and convey the wounded Earle to Beavoys where within three dayes hee dyed say the Historians but the Harrolds say he dyed and was buried at Lewis in Sussex he married Mawd the Daughter of Sir Robert Lovell and had issue Humphry that succeeded him and Avitie married to Iames Butler Earle of Ormon and Wiltshire After the death of Arundel the Lord Willoughby dispierced his forces to their former garrisons but stayed himselfe there The Duke of Burbon taken at the battell of Agincourt after eighteene yeares imprisonment paying 18000 pounds for his ransome the same day hee was enlarged dyed at London Charles his Son who had married the Sister of the Duke of Burgoyn succeeded his Father Betwixt the two brother-in-lawes an unnaturall jarre was raysed but by the mediation of Mary Dutchesse of Berry they are reconciled by whose labour and industry with the helpe of the Duke of Burbon a reconciliation is likewise wrought betweene the French King and Burgoyne The jealousie between the Regent and the Duke of Burgoyne now was publickly discerned Whereby those that cald to mind the great charge that Henry the Fift gave on his death-bed carefully to retaine that Dukes amity laboured an enterview betwixt them to remove all scruples on either part which was obtained and Saint Omers was the place agreed upon where both Dukes being arrived they both standing too punctually on points of Honour who should give prioritie of visitation the Duke of Bedford as the Sonne Brother and Vncle of a King and Regent of France pretended it dishonourable for him to begin and the other challenging the same as of right belonging to him to have the first place the same being within his own Dominions The wisest in some points are foolish they both departed more discontented then before the haughtinesse of the spirit of the one and the great stomacke of the other being unable to give way to their unruly passions And hereupon the Duke of Burgoyne made choice rather to enter league with him that had murthered his Father then to keepe his oath with the King of England or the bond of love so often plighted with the Regent his friend and Brother-in-law And upon the receipt of a blancke Charter under the French Kings Seale to insert what Conditions of peace hee would hee proved renegado and falsified his faith to England lost his reputation to the world and sold himselfe slave to perpetuall ignomy The Towne of Saint Dennis by the perfidiousnesse of Mathew Gougley was betrayed to the Bastard of Orleance but the Lord Talbot presently beguirt the same with a siege to raise which the bastard Orleance drew great forces together but before their approach the Towne was given up and beatento the ground The inhabitants of Pontoys neverthelesse rebell and thrust out the English garrison whose examples did set the Parisians mindes on worke to tread the same steps but the Regents vigilancie over them hindred their intentions But now began the bright light of Englands glory to be ecclipsed those glorious beames of victory which they formerly had obtained every day more and more to decline The triple twine being cleane untwisted for the thrice renowned wise and circumspect Iohn Regent of France Duke of Bedford Aniou and Alanson Earle of Mayne Harecourt Dreux Richmond and Carlile and Vicount Beamond the Atlas whose shoulders kept the realme of France from sliding from their allegiance sworne to King Henries Father and Sonne upon the fourteenth of September 1435. at Paris exchanged all his glory here for the fruition of a more sempiternall felicitie in another place he was buried at Roan in our Ladies Church Whereat the Nobilitie of Normandy much repined as seeming desirous to have had some place of their owne territories to have been honoured by giving sepulture to so nobly deserving a Patriot unto them Yet such was their levitie that within few yeares after in the Raigne of Lewis the Sonne of Charles they instantly desired to have the Monument erected over him to bee demolished alleaging it was dishonourable to have so arch an enemy to France interred in the Metropolitan Citie of that Province But Lewis answered God forbid I should give way to so dishonourable an act as to molest the quiet of his dead bones that living would if offended have molested all here and it savours of too much basenesse to insult upon a dead Lyon Hee had two wives the first was Anne Sister of the Duke of Burgoyne the second Iaqueline daughter of Peter Earle of Saint Paul but had issue by neither No sooner was his death divulged but infinite alterations followed aswell in England as France Edmond Duke of Somerset as much affecting Soveraigne command underhand laboured to
to the reskue thereof on the other side the Townes of Neux in Bry and Susan were sold and delivered to the French by the trecherous Burgers All manner of graine in England in respect of the scarcity thereof was at exceeding high prices and had not the care and industry of the then Maior Stephen Browne beene such that hee had caused provision of corne especially Rye to bee bought and brought from farre Countries thither the famine would have raged as much in London as the fearefull Pestilence did in Paris where those that dyed in the streets lay unburied untill the ravenous Wolves made their mawes the sepulture of their flesh but God in his mercy ceased the plague in Paris and replenished London with graine in abundance to the great reliefe of remoter parts of the kingdome which before that time were driven to make their sustenance of Fearne rootes and Ivy berryes In Iune the Earle of Huntington with two thousand Archers and foure thousand Speares was sent into Gascoyne whither the Earle of Danoyes was lately come throughly instructed and provided to buy the best penny-worths of Townes ●…nd Castles hee could compasse but the Earle of Huntington upon his comming thither changed all the Captaines and Officers and put others in their roomes whereby hee warily prevented the Bastards chafferours This strumpet Bribery and whore covetousnesse began to spread their wings so farre that in Normandy the English Captaines had small confidence in the Natives and not too much in some of their owne Nation Whereupon Sir Richard Woodvile Sir William Chamberlaine Sir William Peto with a thousand men were sent thither to stoppe the current of French crownes from corrupting the yet faithfull souldiers with them They according to their directions narrowly sifted all and where they found fault or cause of suspition they punished or removed and having settled all things in good order returned A gap began this yeare to bee opened whereby the English might have entred to have made a reduction of those pieces the French had bought or conquered but the wisdome of the Councell of France stopped it by reconciling the King and his sonne the Dolphin betweene whom by the sinister perswasions of base Sycophants on both sides there were discurtesies taken before given and discontent without any ground the sonne deeming his Fathers grave deportment too too much austerity and the Father the Dolphins youthfull countenance to a kind of contempt beyond filiall dutie neither having just cause of jealousie yet both suspitious of each others countenance But the knot of seditious faction tyde betweene the Dukes of Burgoyne Alanson and the Dolphin is dissolved and the King and his Sonne in show reconciled Some small peeces were in this time regayned but Paris for which provision was making for the reduction thereof was left off upon the notice of the reconcilement In a great bend of Frost with a deepe snow the English under the conduct of Iohn Lord Clifford having covered their armour with white shirts and their heads with white Alman skulls come to Ponthoys by night and undiscovered past the ditches skaled the walls slew the guards and tooke the Towne with many good prisoners and a great spoile presently upon the regaining of which Towne the Earle of Warwicke died in the Castle of Roan and was from thence conveyed to England and buried in his Colledge at Warwicke hee was the sixteenth Earle of Warwicke and Lord Lisle in the right of his Wife hee married two wives the first Elizabeth Daughter and heire of Thomas Lord Barckley and Margery his Wife Daughter and heire of Warren Lord Lisley and Tyes by whom hee had issue three Daughters Margaret the eldest married to Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury who had issue Iohn Talbot Vicount Lisley Elianor married with Thomas Lord Rosse of Hamlocke and after to Edward Bewford Duke of Somerset Elizabeth maried to George Nevill Lord Latimer Earle Richard Beauchampes second Wife was Isabell Daughter of Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester by whom hee had issue Henry Duke of Warwicke and Anne married to Richard Nevill Earle of Salisbury who in her right was after Earle of Warwicke To reduce Ponthoys the French King in person layeth siege thereunto and useth all possible meanes hee can to enforce it but the defendants but flowt him for his paines and many times send his assaulting souldiers haulting home with fleaes in their eares Richard Duke of Yorke being the second time made Regent being arrived with the Earle of Oxford and the Earle of Ewe levies a power to raise the siege and arriving there giveth notice to the King that the next morning hee would bid him battell But the King not liking the breath of Talbot leaves his Ordnance and best provision in the Bastile of Saint Martins and in the midst of the night stole to Poysy The English possesse his tents furnish the Towne with the provision therein left and thereof make Sir Gervoys Clifton Captaine with a thousand souldiers for the defence thereof and then marched to Poysy where he braved the French King and thought with taunts and revilings to have put valour in him but hee was too patient to bee provoked to fight wherefore hee left him there and returned to Roan A motion of parlie is moved the place appointed Callice by the mediation and solicitation of the Dutchesse of Burgoyne shee being a Portugall by birth very solicitous of the safetie of her husband and the quiet of France a woman of no ordinary capacitie but of an extraordinary understanding by her meanes the King of France sendeth the Archbishop of Reimes and Narbon and the Earle of Dunoys For the King of England the Cardinall of Yorke and the Duke of Exceter with whom came Charles Duke of Orleance who having beene long kept Prisoner was in good hope of enlargement but the successe of the meeting not answering the expectation nothing was done for his enlargement for in such treatises such as have the possession of strong holds doe commonly use policie and delayings the stronger giving lawes to the weaker so that the English would not bate an ace of what they had gotten to keepe and would have for the ransome of the Duke their first asking which was more then his meanes could any way compasse and the French King not very forward to give him any assurance so that the disconsolate Duke patiently returnes but his misery so moved the heart of the Dutchesse of Burgoyne that shee prevailed so farre with her husband that hee passeth his credit for the payment of three hundred thousand Crownes for his ransome at Callice at a day prefixt at which time and place the Duke of Orleance in person and the Duke of Burgoynes money meet where the one being received the other after five and twenty yeares imprisonment is released and by his sonne that had slaine his Father and sought the ruine of his house but now a firme league of
France to peruent the groweth of so rancke a mischiefe sendeth the Dolphine with a puissaunt army who tooke the Earle with his youngest sonne and both his daughters and gained the Countries of Arminack Louergne Rouergue Moulessenoys with the Cities of Seuerac and Cadeack chasing the bastard of Arminack out of the Country by meanes whereof the marriage was then deferd and afterward disanuld The Christian Princes casting their contemplatiue lookes upon the misery of France for the present groning under the three arrowes of Gods vengeance Fire Sword Famine and the danger of England to be embroyled hereafter in the like wherof there were already discerned to many sumeptomes like themselues did by their severall Embassadors labour a peace betweene these two powerfull Kings and prevaile so farre That at a dyet at Tours in Touraine there appeared for the King of England William de-la-poole Earle of Suffolke Doctor Adam Milyes Keeper of the privy seale Sir Robert Rose and others for the King of France Charles Duke of Orleance Lewes Earle of Vendosme Perce de Bresse stuard of Poyton and Bartram Beavar Lord president of Presignry there came Embassadors likewise from the Emperor the Kings of Spaine Denmarke and Hungary to be mediators The assemblies was great and the expences greater every day then other each one striving to exceed the other in entertainment for the honor of their Masters many meetings were had many motions made but as one waue brings on another one quere encreased many doubs no full conclusion is made onely a truce for eighteene moneths is agreed vpon In the meane time the Earle of Suffolk stretching a point of his Commission beyond his direction withoutthe knowledge of his fellow Commissioners plotted a marriage with thekins woman of the French King the King of England in which businesse the Earle of Suffolke was so intentive and made such large vnnecessary proffers that he did not escape the aspertion of being bribed by the King of France to that businesse an enteruiew betwixt the two Kings of England and France is agreed upon without warant of King Heneryes part to be betweene Charters and Roane The Commissioners returne where nothing is forgotten by Suffolke that might illustrate the beauty and lovelinesse of the proposed Bride or the great vtilitie that might redound to both Kingdomes by the consummation of this marriage the King was easily induced to give credence to the relations but diuerse of the Kings Councels especially the Duke of Gloucestor opposed and give reasons against the proceeding first that her discent was not royall not her dignities but barely titular and all her fathers titles but disputable alleaging that Duke Rayner Father of Margarite the much commended Lady was but by himselfe stiled King of Scisill Naples and Ierusalem without any penny profit or foot of possession of any those places Next that his Pouerty was such that he could not subsist without continuall reliefe from his friends wherof his sonne in law must be euer a furtherer then the Duke obtruded the dishonor that would redound to the King if he should forsake the Duke of Arminacks daughter to whom he had in that ceremonious manner beene publirkly affiranced and the dangerous consequence of breach of faith and neglect of the friendship of so potent a neighbour and lastly the vnsufferable losse by the surendring and releasing his Title to the Dutchy of Anions so unadvisedly proffered by the capitulation of the Duke of Suffolke but all this while hee but laboured against prejudice for though it could not bee denyed but that his reasons were undeniable and better then could bee given to the contrary yet they must not have place of beliefe because Suffolkes affirmation and negotiation must not bee undervalued Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington is Created Duke of Exceter Humphry Earle of Stafford Duke of Buchkingham Henry Earle of Warwicke Duke of Warwicke and the Earle of Suffolke Marquesse of Suffolke The new Marquesse honourably accompanied fetcheth the Lady Margaret from FRANCE and shortly afterward she is Married at Southwicke in Hampshire and Crowned Queene of England at Westminster on the thirtieth day of May How advantagious this match was for the Crowne of England may bee gathered when shee brought not a penny portion the charge of comming being defrayd by the Marquesse who had towards the discharge thereof the full Fifteene granted to the King in the late Parliament and in exchange of her Person the Dutchie of Anion the City of Mauns with the whole Countie Mayne and so the best Props of the Dutchy of Normandy are surrendred into the hands of the French but affection is blind and what shall- be shall-bee youth rides in post to be married but in the end findes the Inne of repentance to bee lodged in The Duke of Arminiack in requitall of the King of Englands kind usage of his Daughter is a meanes to expell the English out of the whole Dutchy of Aquitan And it is to bee feared that God was displeased with the match for after the consummation thereof there was a quotidian consumption of the Kings Friends both in his owne Land and Forraine parts intestine warres are kindled at home and rebellion is rise in all parts abroad and which is most grievous of all after the slaughter of many thousands of his Christian subjects the confusion of his Vncles and their Posteritie almost the Deposition of himselfe the inhumane butchery of his Son the Queene must be sent home againe in as much misery and contempt as shee was now received with pompe and acclamations During the time of the truce as well to bee partakers of the jollitie of the Court at this time as to visit their familiars and friends the Regent and chiefe Commanders resort to England and there put the King and Councell in mind to provide a cloake ready though Sunne shone bright lest it should raine Whereupon a Parliament is assembled wherein is especiall provision made for the furnishing of all the Frontier townes but principally the places of Normandy To which end levies of men and money are made and all things usefully-necessary are prepared But a sparcke of fire is fallen amongst the flaxe which though little and unseene at first grew to an unquenchable flame for the Duke of Yorke being at first chosen Regent for five yeares and at the expiration thereof returning was received nec merito with great love and commendation After the death of the Earle of Warwicke who succeeded him in the Regency hee againe as a man well-deserving the place is sent over with the like Authority and instructions for other five yeares but Somerset which envied the Duke of Yorkes first advancement and still was full of peccant humours against his continuance of that place so undermined Yorke that by the meanes of the new Marquesse whose favour from the King and Queene now was beyond mediocrity and into whose more inward familiaritie Somerset was now
slaine and buried at Saint Albones And that those their slaine should be reputed and taken in an equall degree of loyall subiects with those that survived of the adverse part That the Duke of Yorke should give to Elianor Dowager of Somerset and Henry Duke of Somerset her sonne an assignement of five thousand marks due to him from the King at his being in Ireland to be distributed amongst her Children That the Earle of Warwick should likewise assigne a thonsand Markes due to him from the King to be distributed amongst the children of the late Duke of Somerset That whereas Thomas Percy Lord Egremond Richard Percy sonnes of the Countesse of Northumberland were at a Sessions in Yorkeshire fined at divers great summes of mony to the Earle of Salisbury his wife and children And that the said Lord Egremond was for the payment thereof committed to the prison from whence he escaped for whose escape Verney and Steward Sheriffs of London were sued That the sayd Earle should acquite all those fines to the sayd Lord Egremond and his brother and release all actions to the said late Sheriffs That the said Lord Egremond should enter into recognizance of ten thousand pounds in the Chancery to keepe the peace against the Earle of Salisbury his Lady children servants and tenants That Generall releases on all parts should be made of all Appeales and personall actions whatsoever That the two Lords chiefe Iustices should heare and determine any debates and controversies that might casually arise for any thing formerly done amongst the tenants or servants of either partie without further proceedings That the recognizances to be entred into of all hands for the performance of this award should stand of force without pardoning or parcelling the summes This award order and agreement was ratified under the great seale of England the foure and twentieth day of March in the sixe and thirtith yeere of the Raigne of King Henry the sixt Vpon the publication whereof at the Feast of the Anuntiation of our Lady Saint Mary the Virgin a solemn procession was made in the Cathedrall of Powles At which the King was present in royall habit wearing his Crowne imperiall before him hand in hand went the Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Salisbury the Duke of Exceter and the Earle of Warwicke and so one of one and another of the other part till they were all Marshalled behind the King came the Queene the Duke of Yorke leading her by the hand who in going made shew of favorable countenance towards him service ended they returne as afore to the Court in all outward apparance truly reconciled But the apparance of the blazing Starre the strange apparitions in the elements The more strange sight of a seeming monstrous Cock to come out of the Sea and in the presence of a multitude of people at Portland to make a hideous Crowing three times each time turning about clapping his wings and beckning towards the North the South and the West with many prodigious births did but presage the admirable occurrences of things this yeare following In which as if with a generall deluge of civil dissention the whole Christian world should be overthrowne beside the rent in the Church by the schisme of any Popes No Country being free rebellions factions subjects against their King the brother against the brother the sonne against the Father the wife against the husbands sonne For example desire of rule saith the Spanish Historian being an affection of a greater magnanimous nature did so farre possesse Prince Charles sonne of Henry the fourth King of Castile that he opposed his father against whom his mother in Law tooke armes in defence of King Henry her husband from which pernicious quarrell which proved successes to the same did spring the two factions of Beamont and Gramont which for many yeeres together infested Navare and Leon and was the cause of effusion of much Christian blood The Gauntoys rebell against the Duke of Burgoyne who being succored by the Hollanders rowtes their forces and makes a great slaughter amongst them and Charles the seventh sends the Earle of Dampmurtyn in a miserable imployment sayth the French Historian against the Dolphine who was in armes against his father whom they enforce to flye to the Duke of Burgoyne who about that time to make his bastard Bishop of Vtrich had committed much slaughter amongst the Brabanters and raised his sonne a stayer of slaughtered carcasses to mount into the Bishops Chaire More Popes then one bred disorder to the great scandall in religion and preiudice of Christians The Emperor not being able to cure the infirmitie of the mind by force hath recourse to the authoritie of the Church he intimateth to all the Kings and Potentates of Christendome his desire to have a generall Councell at Constance to which all consent and the Emperors of Constantinople and Trapisond with the Churches of Greece send their Embassadors In this Councell Iohn 23. is convented condemned deposed and imprisoned Gregory the 12. and Benedict the 13. are deprived and Otho Colom by the name of Martin the 15. is chosen Pope by the Councell somewhat before this time in England Iohn Wickliff and Iohn Husse in Bohemia had so perswaded that divers were ready to disclaime the Popes authoritie teaching them not only to leave the abuse of manners but the doctrine it selfe affirming that it was lawfull for subjects to reforme religion when Princes refuse to doe it but their dangerous opinions were condemned for heresies the Councell ended but the schisme continued and during these confusions in the Westerne Church the Christians in the Easterne parts are utterly ruinated the Emperor smothered to death in a presse of people and Constantinople made the seat of the Mahometan Emperor An affray unfortunately falleth out betwixt a servant of the Earle of Warwicke and a Courtier who in the encounter is dangerously wounded The Earles man flyeth The Kings servants seeing their fellow hurt and the offender escaped watch the Earles comming from the Councell table and assaile him many are hurt the Earle getteth a wherry and so escapeth to London The Queene incontinently commands him to be commited to the Tower but he seeing where it began to raine in at posts to Yorkeshire where he acquaints the Duke of Yorke and his father of all the occurences with the palpable discovery of the Queenes cankred disposition advising them to stand upon their guard and to provide to keepe out the approching storme And so speeds to Callice And being then Lord Admirall to prevent revocation of that office he speeds himselfe to sea with all the Kings ships that were in readinesse and skowreth the Seas meetes with five great Carricks three of Genoa and two of Spaine and after two dayes fight takes three of them with which he returned to Callice where he discharged their fraight and found it worth ten thousand pounds in staple Commodities besides the ships and prisoners
Queen with the Duke of Somerset some few others taking with them the young Prince fled to the Bishoprick of Durham The King was taken and as a prisoner conveyed to London At their comming thither the Tower of London is yeelded unto the Earle of Warwicke by his souldiers the Lord Scales in disguised apparell endevoured to escape is taken by the Watermen and by them without due course of Law or orderly proceeding beheaded and his corps carelesly left upon the sands Tho Thorpe one of the Barons of the Exchequer upon whose advise the Lancastrians much relyed in the habit of a Monke his or owne shorne purposely to fly to the Queen is taken and committed prisoner to the Tower The Duke of York at this time being neither idle nor asleepe being advertised of this good successe leaveth Ireland and posts to London where by the advise and consent of the York faction he thought fit to discover the head of that ambitious serpent that hitherto had bin covered in the grasse of reformation and so that in the Kings name he summoneth a Parliament which being assembled in the presence of the Lords in the upper House he placeth himselfe in the Imperiall seate and with great courage and a confident brow hee layeth open his rightfull claime and Title to the Crowne of England as being the Sonne and heire of Anne Daughter and heire of Roger Mortimer Earle of March Son and heire of Philip the sole Daughter and heire of Lionell Duke of Clarence the third Son of Edward the third and elder Brother of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Father of the usurper Henry the fourth grand Father to Henry the fift who was Father to him that untruly stileth himselfe King Henry the sixt He further related that God had not blessed this unlawfull usurpation for by meanes thereof the Common-wealth had suffered so many and so grievous calamities that had not God been the more mercifull the same had bin overwhelmed by the multitude and grievousnesse thereof that though Henry the fift had made many conquests in France and Normandy yet as of ill-gotten possessions his heire could not take any benefit by them And how much heaven is at this time offended with his government wee may well feare if wee but call to mind the cruell butchering of so many honourable great Lords in defence of his title abroad the slaughter of so many thousand of his loyall subjects in maintenance of his quarrell the inutterable exhaust of the treasure unnecessarily consumed in France Normandy and else-where The civil broiles at home the losse of all formerly got in France and those parts the losse occasioned by the excursion and depredations of the Scots and French And lastly the oppressions extortions and violence daily unsufferably practised by the tiranny of an insolently ambitious woman upon the meaner sort of people And then concluded that he craved no favour from them except that justice did warrant his claime nor would expect or desire the possession of the Crowne except his descent were undisputable and his Title without just exception and for his owne particular he presumed that since vertue might be as bold to challenge its due as vice is apt to borrow of insinuation he might without offence put in his claime and demand allowance thereof This being a businesse of import required deliberation and mature consideration but in conclusion the Duke having before hand by his agents prepared the Lords Spirituall and few of the Nobilitie present that were not on his part the Burgesses were easily perswaded and that was generally resolved and enacted accordingly That King Henry during his life should retaine the name and honour of a King That the Duke of Yorke should be proclaimed Heire apparant to the Crowne and the Protector of the Kings person his Land Dominions and Country That at any time any King Henryes Friends Allies or Favourites in his behalfe should attempt the disanulling of this act that then the Duke should have present possession of the Crowne No sooner was the Parliament dissolved when the Duke dispatcheth Letters into Scotland requiring in the Kings name the Queene the Dukes of Somerset and Exceter and all other of the Nobilitie that remained in that kingdome with all speed to repaire to his Presence to London But they were otherwise resolved And having gotten together of English and Scots to the number of eighteene thousand men they marched into England The Duke of Yorke with his younger Sonne the Earle of Rutland with the Earle of Salisbury leaving the King in the custodie of the Duke of Norfolk and the Earle of Warwicke marched towards the Queene and approaching neere her Army at Wakefield the Dukes Scow●…s being returned certified him that the enemy farre exceeded their power in number and all warlike preparation Whereupon the Earle of Salisbury advised the Duke to retire and attend the comming of the Earle of March who was gone into Wales to raise the Marchmen But it being appointed that here his ambitious desires should come to a period The pride of his former victory and overweening of his souldiers valours made him deafe to all counsell of forbearing the field and hastened on by his destiny from Sandall Castle hee marched to Wakefield greene where the Lord Clifford on the one side and the Earle of Wilts on the other were placed in ambuscado The Duke of Yorke supposing that the Duke of Somerset who had the battell had no more forces but what were with him valianly and in good order marcheth towards him but being entred within their danger the Ambushes on both sides broke out upon him and slew him and three thousand of his side the rest with number and confusion overborne fled the Earle of Salisbury is taken prisoner and harmelesse Rutland that came thither but to see fashions is made a sacrifice for his Fathers transgression and kneeling upon his knees instructed by his infant feares with teares begging life is unmercifully stabbed to the heart by the Lord Clifford in part of revenge as he sware of his Fathers death The Queene unwilling to bee behind hand in crueltie as unlike a mercifull woman as he an honourable gentleman in cold blood without due forme of tryall causeth the Earle of Salisbury and as many as were taken prisoners to bee beheaded at Pomfret Castle and to have their heads as it were in scorne to be placed on poles about the walls of the Citie of Yorke an incitement as it were to make all interessed in the shame to adde spurres to the speedy course of vindicative desires and to draw on revenge to the uttermost This Richard Nevill Earle of Salisbury was third Sonne of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland by Ioane his second wife Daughter of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster hee married Elianor Daughter and heire of Tho Montague Earle of Salisbury had issue foure Sons six daughters 1. Richard the eldest was restored and
our so humble entreaty accept of this so presently proffered prefermēt But if as we shall be most unhappy and disconsolate to heare it your grace will refuse us we must then seeke and hope not to faile to find one that shall and not unworthily with halfe these entreaties undertake to undergoe the danger or hazard which you may be pleased sinilterly to suppose is in the acceptance These words in the apprehension of the auditory from Buckingham were so emphaticall and patheticall that they wrought so feelingly upon his passions That the Protector could not but be contented to expatiate his desire yet with some change of countenance and not without seeming reluctation he did say Since it is manifestly demonstrated unto men that the whole realme is so resolved That they will by no meanes admit my to me in my particular conceite most deerely respected Nephewes my intirely beloved new deceased brothers children and your late Kings sonnes being now infants to reigne over you whom no earthly creature without your good approbation can well governe And since the right of inheritance of the Crowne justly appertaineth to me as to the truly legitimate and indubitate heire of Richard Plantagenee Duke of York my illustrious father To which title your free and faire election is conjoynd which we chie●…ly embrace as effectuall and operative we are contented to condescend to your importunities and to accept of the royall government of this kingdome And will to the uttermost of our poore abilities endeuor the good and orderly managing thereof And therewith all descended from the upper Gallery where all the while before he had stayed and came downe and formally saluted them all where-with the gyddy headed multitude made the streets ecchoe with their loude acclamation of long live King Richard our dread Soveraigne Lord. And so the Duke of Buckingham tooke his solemn leave and every man departed to make a descant at home of the playne song abroad as every ones severall fancies did minister occasion All this time the two innocent infants are entertained with sports and pastimes but unacquainted with any thing that had passed as afore to their prejudice THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING RICHARD THE THIRD THe next day the late Protector with a great traine rode to Westminster Hall and seating himselfe in the Kings bench where the Iudges of that Court in the terme time usually sit he sayd that it was the principall duty of a good King carefully to looke to the due administration of the municipall lawes of the kingdom in which part he would not be defective And then proceeding with a well compact oration in Commendations of peace and discovery of the discommodities of dissention He caused a generall Proclamation to be made for abolition and pardon of all injury wronges and enmity past And to give it the better colour He caused one Fogge which had formerly given him occasion of just exception for abusing him with a tale of truth to be sent for out of sanctuary at Westminster whither to prevent the Protectors anger he was fled and set presently at liberty and caused him in publicke to kisse his hand In his returne from Westminster his affable complement in the streets was so free and frequent That by the discreeter sort it seemed to savour more like fawning servility then courtly courtesie rather base then welbehaved After his returne home by the faire helpe of a fowle but close covered plot he had wonne an unconstant woman and procured the consent I dare not thinke good will or affection of the Lady Anne the youngest daughter of great Warwicke the relict of Prince Edward to be his wife howsoever she could not be ignorant that her sutor had bin the instrument if not the author of the tragicall murthers of both her husband and father But the reason of most womens actions are as indiscoverable as Reason in most of them is undiscernable To prevent had I wist and to secure his coronation five thousand men are sent for out of the Northern parts The guilt of a biting conscience like an atturny generall ever informing against the soule alwayes suggesting unto him feares and causes of suspition where no need was These souldiers ill clad and worse armed being come and all things prepared for the Coronation at least wise those put in use or action that were intended for the investiture of Edward the fifth in the regalitie the but late Protector now King Richard upon the fourth day of Iuly together with his new bride came from Baynards Castle to the Tower by water where he created Thomas Lord Howard Duke of Norfolke his sonne Sir Thomas Howard Earle of Surry William Lord Barckley Earle of Nottingham Francis Lord Lovell Vicount Lovell and Chamberlaine to the King and the Lord Stanley who had beene committed prisoner to the Tower in regard that his son was reported to have levied forces in Lancashire was not onely that day released out of prison but made Lord Steward of the kings houshold The Archbishop of York was likewise then delivered but the Bishop of Eley was committed to the custody of the Duke of Buckingham who tooke order to have him sent to his Castle of Brecknock in Wales The same night were made seventeene Knights of the Bath Edmond the Duke of Suffolks sonne George Gray the Earle of Kents sonne William sonne to the Lord Zouche Henry Aburgaveney Christopher Willougby Henry Babington Thomas Arundle Thomas Boloigne Gervois of Clifton William Say Edmond Beding field William Enderby Thomas Lewkener Thomas of Vrmon Iohn Browne and William Berckley Vpon the fift day of Iuly the King in great state rode thorough the City of London from the Tower to Westminster and on the morrow following the K. the Queene came from the Pallace to the great hall from thence barefooted upon cloth of raye they went to S. Peters Abby at Westminster every one of the nobles officers of state attending according to their several ranckes places The Cardinall sang Masse after Pax the king Queene descended from before S. Edwards shrine to the high altar before which they were both howseled having but one host divided betwixt them Then returned they both and offred at the shryne where the king left the Crowne of S. E. and tooke his own Crown And then in order as they came they returned All ceremonies of solemnitie finished the King gave licence to all the nobility and others that were thereof desirous to depart to their severall habitations except the Lord Stanley respectively giving unto them strict commandement at their departure from him To be carefull to maintaine the truth of Religion to preserve the peace and quiet of the kingdome and to prevent extortion and wrong that otherwise through their negligence might happen unto his subjects setting them forth a lesson himselfe never meant to learne at least wise practise For like Sylla he commanded others under great penalties to be vertuous and modest when
Duke of Yorke Then he begins to solicite me and sometimes by entreaties he endevoreth to perswade and then againe with minatory words to enforce me and the Lords present by constraint as it were to permit him to take upon him the execution of the Regall state and government of this Kingdome untill the young King were ripe and able to undergoe the burden thereof and beare the loade upon his own shoulders at least wise untill he should attaine to the age of foure and twentie yeeres which project of his in regard the example was without president And that would be as strange if not more to have an ambitious mind to disinantell himselfe of a place of that eminent power of Command one obtained as for him at that instant to effect it I seemed not well to relish it and the rather for that I found by the countenance of all there present he was as then unprovided of seconds at the table to backe his proposition He thereupon not altogether unprovided of his baytes to fish with to give some colourable pretext of reason for what he had moved he produced many seeming authenticke instruments and resolutions upon depositions of credible witnesses subscribed by the Civilians and Canonists the most famous in these times for judgement and learning by whom it was resolved and so adjudged that the children of Edward the fourth were to be reputed illegitimate and no way capable of the inheritance of the Crowne which overture then unfeinedly I speake it I thought as reall and true as now I know the deponents names were counterfeited and the whole businesse forged These depositions and resolutions thus by him produced were read and thoroughly by us at the Councell table debated and long discussed upon untill the Protector himselfe stood up and sayd My Lords as on the one part I and your Lordships are most willing that King Edwards children should receive no injury so on the other side I beseech you doe not you bethe occasion that I suffer apparant wrong For this point being thus cleered that my brothers sonnes are not inheritable behold me the unquestionable and undoubted heire of Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke my deceased but deere father who was by authoritie of the Parliament adjudged and so proclaimed lawfull heire of the Crowne of England whereupon we silly seduced men thinking all had beene Gospell that had beene delivered gave consent that in regard the Duke of Clarence his son by reason of the former attainder of the father besides the obtruded illegitimation of him too was likewise disabled too carry the inheritance to accept of the bramble for our King and Soveraigne Lord the which I was rather induced to doe by how much he had often with solemne protestations both publike and private given me his faithfull promise that the two young infants should no way be abused but that they should have sufficient assurance for maintenance such as I and the rest of the nobility should well like and approve of which how well he hath perfomed judge you when he was no sooner by my procurement from a private person made Protector and from a subject sole Soveraigne but he cast the ladder by by which he had climed to this preferment changing his manners with his honours And not onely denied me to enjoy the liberty of my undoubted right as touching the Earldome of Hertford unjustly detained from me by his predecessor King Edward And which at our first conference about these proceedings this Richard with many execrable oaths and promises had assured me but kept touch in nothing with me of what was formerly concluded betwixt us But in liewe thereof I was entertained with flowtes and uncurteous language giving out as though I had never furthered but rather hindred his most waighty designes yet this foule Ingratitude and his undeserved unkindnesse I patiently for a seasonunder-went But when I had received certaine notice of the unnaturall murther of his two naturall Nephewes I was so transported with scorne and indignation that I had very much to doe to temper my passion from publicke revenge of their death and my owne disgrace in his owne Court untill weighing the doubtfulnesse of the event I deemed it the safest way with patience to waite a fitter opportunity and in the meane time to take out a coppy of his dissimulation and that I might with the more safty worke upon his owne scene I framed my cariage and countenance at all times towards him in that manner as though I knew no pipe to dance after but his never crossing him in any point nor seeming to dislike or distast though much against my nature any thing he moved or did And by this meanes I obtained libertie to retire my selfe to this place But in my journey homewards by the way I had many strong conflicts in my mind which way to begin to worke that I might make this usurper to acknowledge his error and to pull of the lyons skin from his hoglike backe First I thought with my selfe that there was a faire path beaten for me he being now by the murther of his tender Nephewes growne despicable to God all good men to lay hold of the Garland in regard there was not one whom I could then call to remembrance either of power or pretence sufficient to debar me from enioying it being no way unprovided of meanes men or mony for imployment And in this Conceit I continued a while untill that afterwards that came into my mind that to come in by way of conquest would prove both hard and hazardfull In regard that most of the Nobilitie and Gentlemen would oppose me therein if for no other end or reason but onely for the preservation of their tenures and titles which in a conquerors hands are liable to his disposall And then and there that embrions conceit of Conquering continued so formles Then my fancy suggested to me that the Lord Edmond Duke of Somerset my grandfather was within degrees lineally descended from Iohn of Gaunt for Edmond Beuford Earle Moryton was sonne of Iohn surnamed Beauford of Beauford in France which came to the house of Lancaster by Blaunch of Arthoyes wife to Edmond first Earle of Lancaster sonne of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster That my mother being his eldest daughter I was next heire to Henry the 6. And hereupon I set up my rest thereon to lay a foundation whereupon to erect my building But as God would have it whilst my braines were busie and as I rode debating with my selfe how to the best advantage I might set my engines going betwixt Worcester and Bridgnorth I accidentally encountred Margaret Countesse of Richmond the true and only heire of my Grandfathers elder brother Iohn Duke of Somerset who married Margaret daughter and heire of Sir Iohn Beauchamp of Bletsoe kinght By whom he had issue one onely daughter Margaret who married Edmond of Haddam sonne of Owen Tewder by Queene Katherine and halfe brother by the mother
besieged 1422. A Parliament in the Kings absence called The birth of Henry the sixt The Dolphin besieged Cosney An. 1422. R. 9. King Henry dieth The Duke of Bedford made Generall of Normandy The Duke of Glocester Protector Ann. 1422 R. 1. The Dolphin proclaimed King Pont Melon surprized by the French An. 1422. R. 3. Reduced by the Earle of Salisbury The league renewed with Burgoine A conspiracy at Paris Preventtd and punished The French defeated Ann. 1422 R. 2. The King of Scots marieth the Duke of Somersets Daughter Crotoy lost and recovered The English are victorious at Vernoyle 1424. The reduction of Vernoyle An. 14. 24. R. 3. The French frighted with the name of Salisbury A jarre betwixt the brothers in England drawes the Regent into Ergland The young King knighted The Regent returnes to France Burgoyne by letter disswades Glocester from his new wife The name of Salisbury a bugbeare to the French 1426. Ponterson taken by the English Mounts retaken 1427. An. 1427. R. 6. The pollicy of the French The death of Salisbury the downfall of the English good fortune Both wind Sun against the English The French every where revolt The Regent defies the French King The Armies on both sides in array An. 1428. R. 7. 1429. Henry the sixt Crowned The constancy of the Lord Barbason Ann. 1429 Reg. 8. Charles attempts Paris But disappointed retreats The Regent desirous to cope with King Charles An. 1430. R. 9. The Earle of Britaine defeated 1430. The Pusil Ioane taken Proceeded against Burned King Henry in person goeth into France King Henry returnes for England after a Truce concluded The Regent having buried the sister of Burgoyne marrieth a second wife An. 1432. R. 11. The Peasants in Normandy rebell The Duke of Burbon receiveth liberty of body out of prison and losse of life all in one day At St. Omers the Dukes of Bedford and Burgoyne meet and depart without conference 1435. The death of the Regent Emulation betwixt the Vncle and Nephew thwart the businesse in France Ann. 1435 R. 12. Callice besieged by the Duke of Burgoyne The Duke of Burgoyne retreats from Callice An. 1437. R. 13. 1437. The death of three great Ladyes The King of Scots murthered Ann. 1439 R. 14. A Parliament at Westminster Roan attempted but with losse to the French An. 1437. R. 16. Ann. 1437 Reg. 15. The Lord Talbot harroweth Piccardy 1438. Famine in England Pestilence in Paris 1439. An. 1439. R. 18. Ponthoys taken by the English Ponthoys succoured The French King braved by the Regent but is patient Treaty for a peace Ann. 1441 Reg. 20. The Duke of Orleance released The Earle of Saint Paul forsaketh the English An. 1442. R. 20. The Castle of Cornhill surprized by a stratagem Vnnaturall dissention betwixt brothers An. 1442. R. 21. Ann. 1442 Reg. 21. King Henry betrothed to the Earle of Arminacks Daughter An. R. 22. A truce agreed upon The Earle of Suffolk transends his Commission An. 1444. R. 22. 23. King Henry marrieth Duke Rayners Daughter 1444. The Regent comes for England An. 1416. R. 24. Glocesiers destruction plotted 1448. The Cardinal of Winchester dies William Wanfleet consecrated Bishop of Winchester An. 1430. R. 26. The truce broken by the English Ardes surprised An. 1449. R. 27. The Duke of Yorke sent into Ireland The English overthrowne An overbold but true language An. 1450. R. 27. Suffolke traduced The Parliament adjourned from Black-fryers to Lecester and then to Westminster Suffolke committed to the Tower A Parliament summoned Mortymer incites the many to insurrection The grievances of the Commons tendred to the Parliament Captaine Mend-all his private petition The two Staffords defeated and slaine The forme of Iacke Cades Warrant The captaine of the rebells slaine The Bishop of Salisbury murthered An. 1452. R. 29. A Parliament The Duke of Yorkes policy to cloake his intention Yorke raiseth forces in Wales The King sends to the Duke of Yorke Yorks answer Yorke dismisseth his army Yorke takes the oath of allegiance Burdeux is reduced Shrowsbury with his fourth sonne and his naturall brother slain at Chattillon 1453. Ann. 1453 R. 30. The Queene delivered of a Sonne Norman the first Lord Maior that went by water to Westminster to take his oath The Queenes Attourney with others slaine in a fray The Duke of Yorke writeth to the King Ann. 1454 R. 33. First battell at St. Albones The Duke of Somerset slaine 1455. Ann. 1455 Reg. 33. The Duke of Yorke conveyeth the K. to London Yorke made Protector of the King The Merchant strangers rifled An invasion attempted by the French Sandwich plundered The Scots make an inroad The Sheriffs of London in trouble for the escape of the Lord Egrimond Ann. 1455 Reg. 33. The Duke of Yorke with the Earles of Salisbury and Warwick betake themselves to their severall strengths The General agreement amongst the Nobilitie by the mediation of the King An. 1449 Strange apparitions An. 1459. R. 34. Sonne against father 1459. Subjects against Soveraigns Father against Sonne A fray An. 1458. R. 34. Three great Carricks taken worth 10000. 2. Battailes fought The Lord Audley slaine The Duke of Yorke flyeth An. 1428. R. 38. A Parliament The Earle of Warwicke with 25000. men taketh the field 3. Battell at Northampton Warwicke possest of the Tower An. 1459. R. 39. The Duke of Yorke puts in claime The Duke of Yorke to be proclaimed heire to the Crowne and Protector 4. Battell at Wakefield Young Rutland butchered The Earle of Salisbury beheaded Ann. 1458 R. 34. 1461. Fift battell at Mortimers crosse Sixt battel second at Saint Albones The Lord Bonvile and Thomas Kiryell beheaded by the Queene contrary to the Kings promise 30. Knights made Prince Edward dubbed Knight The Families of Yorke and Lancaster distinguished by the red Rose and white The Archbishop of Canterbury animated the Duke of Yorke to take upon him the Crowne Ann. 1460 Reg. 1. The Dukes title to the Crowne double An. 1460. R. 2. Edward leaveth London Lord Fitzwalter slaine at Ferry-brig 1461. The Lord Clifford slaine Ann. 1461 Reg. 2. The Earle of Northumberland with 36776. English slaine at Caxton field Edward the 4. Crowned An. 1461. R. 24. An. 1462 R. 2. An. 1642. R. 2. Conquet and Ree taken and pillaged by the Earles of Essex and Kent Sir Ralph Piercy slaine The Earle of Somerset taken prisoner An. 1464 R. 3. King Henry brought prisoner to the Tower The Earle of Warwick sent into France An. 1466 R. 6. Of Thomas Lord Scales of Nucells An. 1466 R. 9. The Lord Stafford forsakes Pembrooke Sir Hen Nevil slaine Ann. 1469 R. 9. King Edward taken prisoner King Edward escapes An. 1470 R. 10. The Lord Wells and Sir Thomas Dymock beheaded Ann. 1470 R. 10. Loose Coatefield Warwick entertained by the French King Visited by Queene Margaret Ioyne inconfederacy against King Edward Prince Edward married to his daughter The Burgonian Fleet dispersed Doctor Goddards Sermon at Pauls crosse King Edward enforced to forsake the land King Edward in danger of Pirates King Edward craveth succour of the Duke of Burgoyne Queene Elizabeth taketh Sanctuary at Westminster Rebells of Kent suppressed by Warwicke King Henry set at libertie A Parliament The Crowne entayled upon Clarence The Queene delivered of a Sonne An. 1471. R. 11. King Edward is admitted into Yorke An. 1471. R. 11. Warwicke entrencheth at Coventry King Edward entreth London An. 1471. R. 10. Warwicke slaine An. 1472 R. 11. Marquesse Mountacute Queene Margaret taken prisoner Prince Edw. slaughtered King Henry murdered Ann. 1472 R. 12. An. 1473. R. 13. A Kings kys to a rich widdow procured 40. where but 20. was expected An. 1474. R. 14. The Duke of Exceter found dead Ann. 1474 R. 4. King Edward writes to the French King * 300. crowns in gold and 30. yards of red velvet The duke of Burgoyn excuseth his breach of promise The Constable repromiseth ayd An. 1474 R. 14. Burgoyne departeth promising speedy returne The policy of the French King King Edward sends an Herald of armes to Lewis * S. Leoger Burgoyne retornes displeased The French Kingliberally rewardeth the good carriage of the English The manner of the internew of the 2 Kings King Edward could not be drawne from ayding the Duke of Brittayne A. 1475. R. 15. King Edward attempteth by a colourable pretence to procure Richmands person to be delivered to him Delivered to the Embassadors Escapeth into Sanctuary An. 1477. R. 17. Clarence drowned An. 1480. R. 22. An. 1483. R. 23. An. 1483. An. 1483. R. 1. An. 1484. R. 1. An. 1484. R. 2. Humphry Duke of Buckirgham slain at St. Albones 1455. Humphry slain at Northampton 38. H. 6. 1460. An. 1484 An. 1484 R. 1. An. 1484. Reg. 2. Richmonds ex hertation Battaile 1. Anno 1455. Dukes 1. Earles 3. Lords 1. Knights 11. Esquires 18. 5641. Battaile 2. Anno 1459. Lord 1. Knights 7. 2411. Knight 1. Battaile 3. Anno 1459. Duke 1. Earle 1. Lord 1. Viscount 1. Knight 1. Lord 1. Battaile 4. Anno 1469. Duke 1. Earles 2. Knights 8. Battaile 5. Anno 1491. Knight 1. Battaile 6. Lord 1. Knights 3. Battaile 7. Anno 1491. Earles 4. Lords 9. Knights 22. 37046. Battaile 7. Anno 1463. Knight 1. 107. Anno 1464. Duke 1. Lords 3. Knights 20. 2024. Battaile 8. Anno 1469. 5009. Earles 3. Lords 3. Knights 11. Battaile 9. Anno 1470. Knights 〈◊〉 10000. Battaile 10. Anno 1471. Earle 1. Marquesse 1. Lords 3. Knights 2. 10000. Battaile 11. Anno praedict A Prince Dukes 2. A Marquesse A Lord Prior An Earle A Baron Knights 20. Esquires 37. 1092. Battaile 12. Anno 1485. King 100. Duke 1. Lord 1. Knights 3. * Knights eldest Sonnes * Of coat-armour and Ancestry