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A10218 De pace Regis et regni viz. A treatise declaring vvhich be the great and generall offences of the realme, and the chiefe impediments of the peace of the King and kingdome, as menaces, assaults, batteries, treasons, homicides, and felonies ... and by whome, and what meanes the sayd offences, and the offendors therein are to bee restrained, repressed, or punished. ... Collected out of the reports of the common lawes of this realme, and of the statutes in force, and out of the painfull workes of the reuerend iudges Sir Anthonie Fitzharbert, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir William Stanford, Sir Iames Dyer, Sir Edward Coke, Knights, and other learned writers of our lawes, by Ferdinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. Pulton, Ferdinando, 1536-1618.; Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538.; England and Wales. Public General Acts. Selections. 1609 (1609) STC 20495; ESTC S116053 719,079 571

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same in a writ of Maintenance brought against him but he cannot retaine or intreat a man learned in the law to be of counsell with the principall partie nor meddle further in that cause than to sée the mainprise performed and himselfe discharged Maintenance in respect of his interest in the land 24 Euerie person that hath any interest in land may meddle and maintain him who is impleaded for the same land and not bee punished therefore in a writ of Maintenance As if tenant for terme of life or in taile of land bée impleaded for the same land or any part thereof Bro. Maint 53. he in the reuersion or remainder thereof may at his owne charges maintaine him in that suit for the safegard of his owne estate for it is in a sort his owne case and the defence of it is to his owne benefit and the euiction to his owne disheritance But this maintenance must be after tenant for terme of life hath atturned vnto him in the reuersion for i● he maintaine the suit before it is punishable in him 9. H. 6. 64. And so it is if a man being seised of land hath issue a daughter who is maried to another if the father in law be impleaded of that land in a reall action the sonne in law may maintaine him at his owne charges for that by possibilitie that land may after the decease of his father in law descend to his wife and so come to him in her right But if the daughter dye without issue of her bodie begotten by the said husband before the said suit commenced 14. H. 7. 2. 6. E. 4. 5. 19. E. 4. 3. then the sonne in law cannot maintaine the father in law in that suit Neither can hee maintaine him during the life of his wife if an action of Debt couenant account or any other personall action be brought against him for he is neither to take benefit or losse by any of those suits 6. E. 4. 2. 39. H. 6. 20. And if a man seised of land make a lease for certaine yeares of the same and after a suit is commenced betwéene the said lessée for yeares and a stranger touching the same land or any part thereof the lessor may giue euidence for the lessée vpon the triall of the cause in question or otherwise may maintaine him in that suit at his owne charges for it tendeth to his owne priuat benefit or losse And in some case a man may maintaine a suit lawfully though he be neither heire to the land nor in possession reuersion Maintenance in respect of his possibilitie or remainder thereof As if a man being seised of land 9. H. 6. 64. doe make a lease thereof to another for the terme of the life of the lessee and after doth grant to a straunger that if the said tenant for terme of life doe dye during the same lessors life that then the same stranger shall haue and enioy the same land for the terme of xx yeares after the death of the same tenant for life if in this case the tenant for life be impleaded for this land the same stranger may maintaine him for the sauing of his owne estate for yeares and yet he hath no certaintie but a possibilitie of a terme for yeares which peraduenture will neuer chance And likewise in some other case a man may maintaine a suit lawfully though he be neither in possession reuersion remainder or possibilitie of the thing in question Maintenance in respect of his warranty As if a man be seised of a rent going out of another persons land 11. H. 6. 49. to him and to his heires and by his déed doth graunt the same to another and to his heirs with clause of warrantie and the tenant of the land out of the which this rent is issuing doth atturne to the grauntée of this rent if after the grauntée be impleaded of this rent vpon tryall of the issue the grantor may come into the Court and shew to the Iurors such euidence as he hath to prooue the title of this rent and it is lawfull maintenance and not punishable in him though he was neither called into the Court by voucher to warrantie or by Warrantia Chartae And so might he haue done if he had beene called to warrantie by any of the meanes aforesaid vpon a warrantie made of land or rent for it is to preserue himselfe out of daunger and from recompencing in value of that whereof before he had made warrantie 25 As it is in lands and leases so is it in rents goods and debts Maintenance in respect of his rent for euerie person that hath interest in them may meddle and maintaine and defend him who is impleaded or prosecuted by suit or doth implead or prosecute by suit any other for any matter or cause concerning him or whereupon hee doth depend so that the same suit doth tend to impeach preiudice or trouble his estate therein or may redound to his benefit or profit or may be a meane thereof 9. H. 6. 64. As if a man haue a rent charge in fée out of certaine lands and another man hath in custodie a boxe of writings concerning the same rent and after hée that hath the rent doth graunt it to a stranger and his heires to the which graunt the tenant of the land charged doth atturne and moreouer the grantor of that rent charge doth graunt to the assignee of the same that if he can recouer the same boxe of writings that then the same assignee shall haue them If after this graunt the grauntor doth pursue a writ of Detinue against him that hath the custodie of this boxe of writings he to whom the same rēt charge was graunted may lawfully maintaine him in that suit for that by promise he is to haue the same boxe of writings if it be recouered for the preseruation of his estate in the said rent charge 11. H. 6. 47. And a Lord may maintaine his tenant if he be impleaded for his freehold A Lord may maintaine his tenant in respect of his rent and seruices that he is to receiue and haue of him And so it was before the Statute of Vses made anno 27. H. 8. if a man had made a feoffement of land to others to his owne vse the feoffor might maintaine the freehold tenant which held of his feoffees in respect of the vse which he hath in the rent and seruice of that tenant 15. H. 7. 2. 26 And the same law is touching debt As if A. do owe vnto B. xx l. and C. doe owe to A. xx l. due by Obligation Maintenance in respect of debt and A. will deliuer vnto B. the same Obligation in satisfaction of the xx l. which he doth owe him In this case B. may sue an Action of Debt vpon this Obligation against C. in the name of A. and retaine an Attourney and learned counsell and pursue and
partie most interessed or grieued by the same murder or felonie is to prosecute sute against the saide offendor by Appeale and thereby to séeke reuenge against him for the wrong done to himselfe or his auncestor or else the offendor is to be indited at the Kings sute whose peace hée hath broken and whose lawe he hath offended and who hath a speciall interest in all manner of treasons and felonies to punish them to wéede them out of his kingdomes and dominions and to defend his subiects from them And therefore I am to expresse in this Chapter and the next what an Appeale of felonie is and what an Indictment is by whom for whom and against whom and in what cases they are to be begunne prosecuted and maintained what defences or pleas are to be made or pleaded by the supposed offendors vnto them and what counterpleas may be obiected against the same plees Appeale of death An Appeale is a plaint of one person made against another with an intent to attaint him of felonie by a course of Lawe prouided therefore which appeale may be brought against a woman couert without her husband against an infant and all others that can commit felonie and a woman may haue an appeale for the death of her husband Appeale by a woman of the death of her husband because the husband and wife be one flesh but of the death of none other by force of the Statute of Magna Charta which hath ordained That none shall be taken St. 9. H. 3.34 or imprisoned by the appeale of any woman for the death of any other than of her husband And therefore if a woman doe bring an appeale of the death of her father and the Defendant would admit it yet the Court will abate it 10. Ed. 4.7 Plow Com. fol. 85. because it is contrary to the said Statute Appellāt conueieth his title by a woman 2 As a woman shall haue no Appeale of the death of any other but of her husband No more shall any cosin of him that was slaine who maketh his conueiance in kinred by a woman haue any appeale of the death of him that is killed notwithstanding he be issue male and not female Appellant conueyeth his title by a woman and notwithstanding that the woman by whom he maketh his conueiance died in the life time of him 20. H. 6.46 Fi. Cor. 385 17. Ed. 4.1 of whose death the appeale is commenced As if a man haue issue one onely daughter who marrieth a husband hath issue a sonne and dieth and after the father of that woman is slaine In this case the sonne of the woman shall not haue an appeale of the death of his saide grandfather though hee be his next heire at the common lawe and inheritable to his land because his mother was foreclosed of it by the foresaid statute of Magna Charta and so likewise he which hath none other title thereunto but that which he deriueth from his saide mother Fi. Cor. 384 17. Ed. 4.1 But if he that was slaine haue none heire on the fathers side then the vncle or next of kinne on the mothers side shall haue the appeale yea though he doe conuey his title thereunto by a woman 3 By the auntient lawe of this Realme a woman could not haue an appeale of the death of her husband vnlesse her said husband were slaine betwéene her armes within the yéere and day before Neither could shée or any other haue an appeale vnlesse she or he were present at the death of the partie slaine and sée it But that Lawe was altered by the Statute of Gloucester St. 6. Ed. 1.9 whereby it was ordained That no Appeale shall be abated so soone as they haue béene heeretofore But if the appellant in an appeale doe declare the déede the yeare the day the houre The declaration in appeale of murder the time of the King and the Towne where the déede was done and with what weapon hée was slaine the appeale shall stand in effect And the appeale shall not be abated for default of fresh sute where a man doth sue within the yeare and the day after the déede done 50. Ed. 3.15 28. Ed. 3.91 27. Ass p. 3. 4 If a woman will haue an appeale of the death of her husband The woman must be the deads lawfull wife it is requisite that shée be not onely his wife indéede viz. de facto but also lawfully and in right viz. de iure for neuer accoupled in lawfull marriage is a good plea to barre her of her appeale And it shall be tried by the Bishop whether she be his lawfull wife or not 20. H. 6.46 12. El. Dyer 296. 5 It is requisite that a woman who will maintaine an appeale of the death of her husband shall liue sole and vnmarried The woman must liue vnmarried for by her second marriage her appeale is extinct though her second husband doe die within a yeare and day after the death of her first husband And if a woman doe bring an appeale of the death of her husband and hanging the Writ shée doth marry another husband her appeale shall abate for euer 11. H. 4.46 6 If a woman doe bring an appeale of the death of her husband A woman marrieth betweene iudgemēt executiō and doe pursue the Defendant vntill Iudgement And then after iudgement and before execution shée marrieth an other husband In this case shée shall not obtaine execution viz. the Defendant shall not be hanged at her sute for shée hath willingly lost the name of her first husband before shée hath obtained the effect of her sute and the reuenge which shée brought her appeale for Where appeale lieth but no dower 7 There be some Cases where a woman shall haue an appeale of the death of her husband though she be not endowable of the possession of the same husband As where her husband is attainted of treason 27. As p. 41 35. H. 6.58 and after one doth kill him his wife shall haue an appeale and yet she shall haue no dower And in like sort if a woman doe elope from her husband and after one doth kill him she may maintaine an appeale against the offendour but no writ of dower against his heire And many other Cases there be where a man was so seised of his lands that his wife is not thereof endowable by the Lawe And yet if hee be slaine she may maintaine an appeale against the manqueller Where the wife may haue appeale none other shall 8 Where a woman may haue an appeale of the death of her husband 20. H. 6.47 Kel fol. 120 none other shall haue it during her life nor after her death though the wife doe die within the yeare and day after the death of her husband and before the appeale commenced for that the appeale was once out of the blood it shall not be restored to his
for an assault made to the wife 22. Ass p. 60 the husband the wife shal haue an action of Trespas against him that made the assault 46. Ed. 3. 6. the declaration shal be ad damnū ipsorum though the husband only shall recouer the damages 12 But as he that is assaulted or beaten Iustifying of beating in his owne defence shal haue his remedie by action of Trespas against him that did assault or beat him also the K. shall haue a fine therefore if he that made the assault or battery did it without cause offered therein iniurie to the party assaulted 16. Ed. 4. 11. 19. H. 6. 47. 6. H. 7. 1. 34. H. 6. 15. 43. Ed. 3. 23. because the kings peace is broken one member of the cōmon weale hath abused done wrong to an other So on the other side if he that was so assaulted or beaten did first make an assault vpon him that after did beat him would haue beaten wounded or c. and in his said assault did receiue from the other some stripes or blowes the def may iustifie his said assault batterie as a thing done in defence of his owne person from imminent present perill wherin the Law will protect defend him And therfore in that case the def doth answer the pl declaration pledeth in bar that the pl did assault him would haue beaten him he defended himself the hurt which the pl receiued was by his own assault And the pl in his replication doth plead that the defendant did with force armes of his owne wrong make assault vpon him beate him euill intreate him contrary to the Kings peace without any such cause as the defendant hath alledged And so the issue is ioined whether the assault was begun and made by the plaintife vpon the defendant or by the defendant vpon the plaintife for if the assault batterie 38. Ed. 3. 6. or assault only was first made and begun by the defendant vpon the plaintife Then the defendant did it with force armes and against the kings peace is to answere damages to the plaintife according to the hurt which he receiued to pay a fine to the K. for vsing force violence breaking his peace for at all times in an action of Trespas vi armis brought against any person 19. H. 6. 8. if the defendant be conuict he shall pay a fine to the King 8. Ed. 4. 15. But if the plaintife made the first assault and the defendant in his own defence rather then he would be beaten or wounded did beate strike or wound the plaintife Then the plaintife shall recouer no dammages against the defendant but shal be amerced to the King for his false suit Neither shall the defendant be charged to pay to the king any fine And if one man wil assault offer to beate two thrée 12. Ed. 4. 6. or more persons they in their own defence doe beate or wound him he shall haue no action of Trespas or other remedie against them one of them may defend helpe the other But it is to be obserued in this case that if one man doe assault an other if he which is assaulted may escape with his life 2 H. 4. 8. 33. H. 6. 18. or without being wounded or maihemed it is not lawfull for him to beate or wound the other who made the assault 13 As the law doth accompt it no breach of the peace for one man to beate an other in the defence of his own person from killing Iustifying of beating in defence of others wounding or beating but a thing iustifiable So doth she impute it no fault punishable for the husband to beate him that doth assault would beate wound 19. H. 6. 31. 66. Lib. intur 553. or euil intreate his wife being both one flesh or for the wife to beate him that doth assault and would beate wound or euil intreate her husband Or for the sonne or daughter to beate him that doth assault would beate wound or euil intreate his or her father or mother Or for the father or mother to beat him that doth assault Lib. intur 554 would beate wound or euil intreat his or her sonne or daughter being then within age not able to defend him or her selfe Or for the Lord to beate him that doth assault would beate wound or euil intreat his villaine Or for the seruant to beate him that doth assault would beate wound 35. H. 6. 51. 11. H. 6. 19. 12. Ed. 4. 6. or euill intreate his master or mistris or to take any weapons wherewith the assailant would beate wound or euil intreat his master to kéepe them vntil his rage be swaged for the seruant is bound to performe vnto his master mistris protection dutie he may kill a man in defence of his master if his said master cannot otherwise escape But the seruant cannot iustifie the beating of him 21. H. 8. 39. that doth assault attempteth to beate wound or euil intreate the father mother brother sister son 9. Ed. 4. 48. or daughter of his master or mistris for he oweth no obedience or duty to any of them Neither can the master iustify the beating of him that doth assault would beat wound or euill intreat his seruant Fitz. Iustification 3. 19. H. 6. 30. 66. But though the master cannot assault beat an other that doth assault would beate wound or otherwise euill intreat his seruant Yet he may with a sword staffe or other weapon aide defend his seruant assaulted from being beaten that in respect of the losse of his seruice And also after his seruāt is beaten 22. H. 6. 43. 21. H. 6. 9. Fitz. Trespas 46. 20. H. 7. 5. Cook lib. 5. 108. he may haue an actiō of Trespas against him that did beat wound or euil intreat his said seruāt vnles it were vpon the same seruants own assault recouer so much in damages against the offēdor The masters remedy for the bea●ing of his seruant as he receiued preiudice or hinderance by the losse of his said seruants seruice for if the seruant be but so beaten that he is able to do his seruice as well as he was before the master shall recouer no damages for that beating And as the master may haue an action of trespas against the offendor recouer so much in damages as he doth loose by the want of his said seruants seruice so likewise the same seruāt may haue another action of trespas against the offendor recouer so much in damages as he shall receiue hurt on his bodie Fitz Trespas 210. 21. H. 6. 8. 3. H. 6. 54. 34. H. 6. 28. 43. by the said assault beating In an action of trespas brought by the master for beating of his seruant wherby he
orphans within the City of London or any other City Borough or Towne where Orphans Orphans are commonly vsed to be prouided for either by grant or by custome But the Lord Maior of the city of London and the Aldermen of the same and euery other head Officer of any other Citie c. where such Orphans be prouided for shall and may haue take like rule order kéeping and charge of such Orphans and of all their lands tenements goods cattels as heretofore they vsed or lawfully might haue had vsed if this act had not bin made There was grandmother a widdow mother a widdow ij daughters Co li. 3. 37. the grandmother being seised of certain land in sée holden in socage did by her last wil in writing bequeath the same to the said ij daughters to the heirs of their ij bodies begotten by euen portions equally to be diuided the remainder to the mother being her sole daughter and heire apparant her heires and after the mother maried a second husband and then the grandmother dyed after whose death both the said daughters entred into the said lands so deuised vnto them and then the yonger daughter being betwéene the age of xiiij and xvj yeares and liuing in house with her father in law and mother of her owne will and forwardnesse and with the consent and agréement of her father in law departed foorth of his house in a morning and the same day in another place maried a husband In this case it was adiudged that the said yonger daughter had forfeited her moitie or halfe part of the said lands so deuised vnto her The daughters forfeiture for mariage without her mothers consent by her contracting of Matrimonie and that her said mother should take the benefit of the said forfeiture for the mother had the custodie and gouernement of the said daughter at the time of the said contract by the special words and prouision of the said statute which gouernment was annexed to the person of the mother Iure naturae and was not transferred to her second husband by her mariage as her lands and goods were and so her husbands consent was not materiall nor that consent which the meaning of the makers of that statute did respect and prouide for And though the daughter was forth of her mothers house at the time of the contract of mariage yet in the iudgement of law the mother had then the custodie of her which was inseperable from her person And seeing the foresaid stat of 4. St. 4. 5. P. M. 8. 5. P. M. doth giue the forf to the next of the kin to whom the inheritance should discend or come after her decease during the life of such person that so shall contract matrimonie therfore the partie must be of the blood next of the blood to whom the inheritance vpō such forf shal discend or come which is the mother not the eldest sister for administration may be grāted of the goods of the son or of the daughter dying intestat to the father or mother as to the next of the blood of the party deceased according to the stat of an 21. H. 8. 5. And further though the elder sister be of kin to the yonger yet in this case if the yonger haue any issue her land should discend to her issue and if she haue no issue it should remaine to her mother for that the elder and yonger sisters were tenants in common in taile though they neuer made partitiō indeed the remainder therof to their mother in sée by force of the said deuise of their grandmother who by her will meant and ordained that the land should bee diuided and that one of them should not enioy the whole as suruiuor to the other 41 Hauing written of deceits and frauds practised or performed by some particular persons to others as by the tenant to his Lord Seuerall deceits prohibited by seuerall Statutes the debtor to the creditor the seller to the purchaser the lessor to the lessée c. I am now to expresse and discouer some other guiles frauds and falshoods which the offendors therin do endeuor to put in vse or practise not onely against any one two or more speciall persons as in the cases aforesaid but against euery person that shall put them in trust or otherwise shall haue occasion to vse them or theirs which our stat lawes haue accused and condemned to be offences and haue inflicted vpon the transgressors thereof seuerall punishments As by the stat of Anno 9. St. 9. H. 5. 8. H. 5. falsifiers and counterfeiters of deceitfull and vntrue weights Counterfeiting of weights deceitfull being attainted thereof shal be taken by Iust of peace Sherifes Eschetors other cōmissioners kept in prison without mainprise vntil they haue made fine and ransome according to the Iust discretion St. 23. H. 8. 4 By the stat of An. 23. H. 8. If any diminish a barrell a kilderkin or firkin to the deceit or hurt of another Deceit by diminishing of a vessell by taking out the head or any staffe he shal forf iij. iiij d. and be punished by the discretion of the chiefe officer Deceitfull things vpon fustian before whom the offence shall be presented and the vessell shall be burned By the stat of An. 11. H. 7. Sat. 11. H. 7. 27. If any denizen or forreiner shall vse yrons or other deceitfull thing vpon fustians vnshorne to breake off the nap and cotton of the same but onely the broad shéeres he shall forfeit for euerie offence twentie shillings to the king and him that will sue By the statute of Anno 18. Deceit in goldsmithes work● El. If any Goldsmith doe make any Goldsmithes worke Sta. 18. El. 14 or plate which shall be touched marked or allowed for good by the Wardens or Masters of that Mysterie and that in the same there shall be found any falshood or deceit then the sayd Wardens and Corporation shall forfeit the value of the thing exchanged or sold to the king and the partie grieued By the Statute of Anno 1. Deceitfull vsing of linnen cloth Eliz. If any do cast or cause to be cast St. 1. El. 12. any péece of linnen cloth ouer a péece of timber and doth by any deuice racke draw and stretch the same of length and bredth and then doth beat it and cast deceitfull liquors mingled with chalke or other things vpon it or doth vse any other deceitfull thing wherby it shal be the worse for the vse thereof then he shal forf the same to the K. and him that will sue for it be one moneth imprisoned at the least and pay such fine as shall be assessed by the Iustices before whom he is condemned By the Statute of Anno 19. Deceits in weights or beames for pewter or brasse H. 7. St. 19. H. 7. 6 4. H. 8. 7. If any
another manner of Treason when a seruant killeth his Master c. although there be therein no mention made of the Mistresse yet if a man or woman seruant do kill his or her Mistresse or Dame A seruant killeth his Master or Mistresse it is Petit treason 19. H. 6. 47. 12. Ass p. 30 and within the puruiew and meaning of the said stat though it be not within the letter thereof and it was Petit Treason by the common law for the seruant is retained to serue as well the one as the other and to be obedient as well to the one as to the other and one of them hath affiance in the seruant as wel as the other And if a seruant kill his Master after he is out of seruice 33. Ass p. 7 Co. li. 1. 99. if it be vpon a premeditat malice conceiued against him during the time that he was in seruice it is petit Treason for the execution of the fact doth respect and looke backe to the originall cause which was the malice the seruant conceiued against his Master when he was his seruant If a seruant do procure one to kill his Master 40. Ass p. 25 who doth kill him in the seruants presence this is petit Treason in the seruant but if he do kill him in the seruants absence then is it not petit Treason in the seruant but he is accessory to murder 2. 3. P. M. Dy. 128 A woman seruant conspired with a stranger to rob her Mistresse and at a time appointed in the night she did let him into the house and led him to the bed with a candle where her Mistresse lay sléeping the same stranger killed her Mistresse in her bed the seruant saying or doing nothing but holding the candle in this case the seruant committed petit Treason and was adiudged a principall therein though the partie who did the bloudy fact The wife cōspireth with another to kill her husband was but a murderer P. 16. Eliz. Dyer 332. If a wife and a seruant do conspire to kill the husband and appoint a time and place for it and the seruant killeth the husbād in the wiues absence this is petit Treason in them both though the wife bée absent and yet the law is otherwise if he be not a seruant but a stranger for if a woman procure a strāger to kil her husband which he doth in her absence she shal be hanged and not burned for that the principall offendor was a murderer and not a Traitor as the seruant was in the former case 4. Ass p. 25. And so abettors and procurers Abettors and procurers in petit Treason be within this part of the stat touching petit Treason although they are not expresly named within the letter of the statute The son killeth father or mother 8 Some do affirme it to be petit Treason in the sonne or daughter 21. Ed. 3. 17. to kill the father or mother and some others doe not thinke it to bée so vnlesse the father or mother doe at the same time giue meat and drinke to that sonne or daughter which doth kill him or her as to a seruant and so that the Treason should be in respect of the duetie of seruice broken and not of duetie of nature violated Breaking of prison 9 It is Petit Treason if a man outlawed of felonie 1. H. 6. 5. and imprisoned in the K. Bench be attainted for breaking of prison and letting at libertie such persons as were there imprisoned for Treason and the offendor shalb● drawn and hanged An Indictor doth discouer counsell And it hath béene adiudged petit Treason in some age 27. Ass p. 6● and felony in another age S. Felonie c. 15. for one of the indictors to discouer the K. counsell and his fellowes but sithence it hath béene taken onely as finable to the King Treasons by Statutes 10 Besides the before mentioned offences which be explained to be Treasons by the common lawes of this realme and besides all the offences aforesaid which were made Treason by the seuerall stat before rehearsed and after repealed by the foresaid stat of An. 1. M. there haue béen sithence that time seuerall other offences made high Treason by seueral stat which I wil set down in order as they were made and as néere as I can gather expresse the causes why they were made For as much as by the lawes of this Realme small and no due and condigne punishment was before prouided for such euill disposed persons as shold counterfeit or forge such kind of gold or siluer of other realms as is not the proper coine of this realm and yet permitted by the Quéens consent and heretofore suffered by her progenitors to be currant in paiment within this realme nor for such persons as shold counterfeit the Quéens signe manuall St. 1. M. 6. her priuie signet or her priuie seale therfore by a stat made An. 1. M. 6. it was enacted Forging the coins of other realms currāt in this realme That if any person or persons shall hereafter falsly forge or counterfeit any such kind of gold or siluer as is not the proper coine of this realme and is or shal be currant within this realme by the consent of the Q. her heires or successors or if any person or persons at any time hereafter doe falsly forge or counterfeit the Qu. signe manuall priuie signet or priuie seale Forging the Kings signet Manuall c. that then euery such offence shal be déemed adiudged high treason the offendors therein their counsellors procurers aiders and abettors being conuict according to the lawes of this realme of any the said offences shall be likewise déemed and adiudged Traitors against the Qu. her heires and successors and the realme and shall suffer and haue such paines of death forf of lands goods and cattels and lose the priuiledge of all Sanctuarie as in case of high Treason is vsed and ordained 11 Where sundrie coynes of gold and siluer of other realms not being the proper coine of this realme of England and by the sufferance of the K. and Q. be currant in paiment within this realm many euil disposed persons for their owne corrupt lucre did bring into this realme from the parts beyond the sea great quantitie of forged and counterfeit money like to the said coine of other forreine realmes and did vtter the same by marchandises and otherwise to diuers subiects of this realme to their great damage for that there was not any sufficient law then prouided for the condigne punishment of the offendors in that behalfe St. 1. 2. P. M. 11. therfore by a stat made An. 1. 2. P. M. it was established That if any person or persons shal bring from the parts beyōd the sea into this realme or into any of the dominions of the same Bringing in of
his wife such a woman and had issue betwéene them B. their eldest sonne and hee which was slaine their second sonne and the appellant their youngest sonne and that he which was slaine died liuing B. their eldest sonne The appellāt in appeale of death may sue by atturney 21 For that by the common Lawe hée that will sue an appeale must sue it in proper person which sute is long and costly and maketh the partie appellant wearie to sue For the reformation whereof it was ordained by the Statute of Anno 3. H. 7. St. 3. H. 7. 1 That the Appellant in any appeale of murder or death of a man where battaile by the course of the common Lawe lieth not may make his atturney and appeare by the same in the saide appeale after it is commenced to the end and Execution of the same Who shall maintaine an appeale of robberie 22 As concerning an appeale of Robberie who shall maintaine it Fi. Cor. 100 and for what causes it is to bée obserued That hée from whom the goods be taken may haue the same appeale As the Seruant shall haue an Appeale of Robberie if the goods of his Masters bée taken out of his custodie and possession and yet hée had onely the possession but no propertie in the goods robbed A Carrier And so it is if a Stranger bee commaunded to carrie another mans goods and as hée is in carrying of them 2. Ed. 4. 15. hée is robbed of them and they taken from him In this case the same Stranger may haue an Appeale of Robberie against those Robbers because hee standeth charged to him who commaunded him to carry the same goods Fi. Cor. 357 23 A woman A woman may haue an appeale of robberie and so may an infant An Infant Likewise Executors Executors may haue an appeale of Robberie of a Robberie of the Testators goods done to themselues but not done to their Testator for if a man be robbed and after maketh his Executors and die the Executors shall not haue an appeale of Robberie for an appeale being a personall action dieth with the partie and shall not accrew to his Executors Fit Cor. 17. 24 A Villaine Villaine shall not haue an appeale of robberie against his Lord Lord. for any goods robbed or taken from him by his said Lord Because all the goods of the Villaine be the Lords at his pleasure 17. Ed. 3. 13 25 One may haue an appeale of robberie for the King or the Quéene Appeale for the King or Queene Stealing the goods of a mā attainted of treason as of any iewelles plate or other goodes of the Kings or Quéenes robbed or taken from him 11. H. 4. 40. And a man may be indicted of felonie for the stealing of goods of another that was attainted of Treason which goods by the said attainder were forfeited to the King 26 There be some Cases where one may haue an appeale of robberie An appeale of robbery done to an other though the robberie was not done to him but to another as if there be two marchants Fi. Cor. 392 or other tradesmen that doe merchandize or occupie their goods in common and one of them is robbed and slaine In this case the other merchant or tradesman may haue an appeale of robberie against the Robbers And in like sort if one doe steale my goods from me and another doth steale them from him In this case I may haue an appeale against the second felon because by the first taking the propertie was not out of me for a felon doth not claime any propertie in the thing stolen in such sort as hée doth 4. H. 7. 5. 13. Ed. 4. 3. who taketh a thing as a trespassor 27 Touching an appeale of rape Appeale of rape and who by the Lawe shall maintaine the same it is to be noted That if a woman sole be rauished she may haue an appeale of rape 8. H. 4. 21. But if a woman married be rauished she cannot haue an appeale without her husband 28 If a woman couert be rauished An appeale where a woman rauished consenteth and after she doth consent to the rauisher her husband onely shall haue an appeale of rape by the Statute of Anno 6. Ric. 2. St. 6. R. 2. 6 the words whereof be these It is ordained that wheresoeuer and whensoeuer any Ladies Noblemens daughters or other women be rauished and after the same rape committed doe consent to the rauishers as well the rauishers as they that be rauished and euerie of them shal be disabled and be disabled ipso facto to haue or challenge all manner of inheritance dower or ioint feoffment after the death of their husbands and auncestors And the husbands of such women if they haue husbands or if they haue no husbandes liuing then their Fathers or other their next knismen in blood shall haue the sute to prosecute and may pursue against the same offendours and rauishers in this behalfe and to conuict them of felonie though the same woman after the Rape doe consent to the Rauishers And in this case the Defendant shall not wage battell but the truth of the matter shal be tried by the Countrie S. Felonies by Statute 4. A lawfull husband 29 The wordes of this Statute be That the husbands of such women c. which is to be intended of her lawfull husband That is to say that her husband in right and possession shall haue the Appeale 11. H. 4. 14. for neuer accoupled in lawfull marriage is a good plea in barre against him And in like sort it is if the appeale be brought by the husband and wife because the appeale is in the right and so hée must be her lawfull and rightfull husband that must maintaine the appeale alone or iointly with his wife Where the father or kinsman shal haue an appeale of rape 30 This Statute of 6. Ric. 2. doth giue the appeale for default of the husband to the father or to some other their next kinsman in blood and so by the expresse words of this Statute an appeale of rape is giuen to the father and yet hée shall not haue an appeale of the death of his sonne or daughter And where the said statute doth giue the appeale for default of the husband to the father or c. That is to be intended where the woman doth consent to the rauisher St. 13. E. 1. 34 for otherwise the woman shall haue an appeale vpon the statute of Westminster 2. 31 If a Lord doe rauish his Niefe A Lord rauisheth his niefe Fit Cor. 17 she shall not haue an appeale of Rape against him But the King shall punish him by indictment Pledges in rape 32 It appeareth by the statute intituled Officium Coronatoris St. 3. Ed. 1. That if any be appealed of rape hée shall be attached by foure or sixe pledges if
the land be seuerall yet their possession touching the profit thereof is ioynt And this Action is founded vpon the possession And whereas both the Statute of 1. H. 5. and 5. Eliz. doe ordaine that the partie and parties grieued shall and may at his and their pleasure haue and sue this Action of forger of false déedes in this case both the Ioyntenants and tenants in common be the parties grieued for that their land is molested troubled recouered or charged by this forged déed Fitzh Forger 5. But if there be two Ioyntenants or tenants in common of certaine land and one of them doth forge a false Release or other Déede whereby the whole land is intended to be conueied to himselfe in this case the other Ioyntenant or c. may haue an Action of forger of false déeds against his said ioyntenant or c. for that forged and false déede was made to the intent that the right or title of the forgers companion in estate should be molested troubled defeated or recouered And in this case he is the partie grieued to whose onely disherison the said forgery doth trench 21. H. 6. 4. 21 In an Action of forger of false déedes One sealeth a déed by an others commandement the Defendant pleaded that the Plaintife being seised of certaine land did couenant with a stranger to enfeoffe him of the same land whereupon the same stranger came to the defendant being a Clerk and requested him to make a déed of feoffment of the same land which he did and after by the plaintifes commaundement he sealed the same déede and after did reade the déede at the time of the liuerie and seisin which is the same forgerie and proclamation and that was adiudged a good Plea for when the defendant sealed the feoffement by the plaintifes commaundement and in his presence it was the plaintifes owne act and déede and his owne sealing and not the defendants for the plaintife did vse the defendants hand but as his instrument therein as men vnlearned doe vse an other mans hand to helpe or direct them to subscribe their names to a Deede 9. H. 6. 26. 7. H. 6. 34. 22 If the father do forge a déede and after dieth One forgeth and another doth publish and then his sonne doth find the same déede and doth pronounce publish or shew forth in euidence the same déede knowing the same to be false and forged to the intent the estate of fréehold or inheritance of any person of in or to any lands c. should be molested troubled defeated or recouered this is forgerie in the sonne and he shall be punished according to the foresaid Stat. of 5. El. And the same law is if one man do forge a déed or c. and an other man knowing thereof shall publish it to any of the intents aforesaid this is forgerie prohibited by the same statute for the same stat of 5. Eliz. is in the disiunctiue viz. if any person shall forge or publish Forgerie by antedating of a deed 23 If a man doe make a feoffement to one person of certaine land 27. H. 6. 3. and doth deliuer possession therof accordingly and after he doth make a feoffement to another person of the same land bearing date before the first feoffement but doth not deliuer it this last feoffement is not the feoffors déed But yet if hée do publish it to be his déed the first feoffée may haue an action of forger of false déeds against him for when he had made the first feoffement of the land hée then had nothing left in him of the same land And therefore when hée made the second antedated déed of that land it was a false and forged déed and then after publishing pronouncing or shewing it forth to be his déed it was with intent to molest trouble defeat recouer or charge the land of the first and lawfull feoffée and so he is punishable according to the foresaid stat of 5. El. as hée was before by the stat of 1. H. 5. 24 Though the foresaid two statutes of 1. H. 5. and 5. Eliz. were ordained to punish those who should forge any false déed or c. to the intent to molest trouble charge or recouer the right or title of any person in his lands tenements or hereditaments or to the intent that any person should claime any lease for yeares or annuitie or should forge any Obligation Bill obligatorie Release Acquitance or other discharge of any debt account action suit demaund or other thing personall yet was there no prouision in either of them to punish those who should get into their hands any money goods cattels iewels or things of any other persons by colour of a false token or forged or counterfeit letter for the redresse whereof by a statute made anno 33. H. 8. St. 33. H. 8. 1 it was enacted That if any person or persons of what estate or degrée soeuer hee or they be Getting of other mens goods by counterfeit tokens or letters shall falsely and deceitfully obtaine or get into his or their hands or possession any money goods cattels iewels or other things of any other person or persons by colour or means of any false tokē or counterfeit letter made in another mans name that then euerie such person persons so offending being thereof lawfully conuict by witnesses taken before the L. Chauncelor of England for the time being or by examination of witnesses or confession taken in the Star chamber before the K. honorable Counsel or before the Iust of Assise in their circuits for the time being or before the Iust of peace within any part of the K. dominions in their generall Sessions or by action in any of the K. courts of record shal haue suffer such correction punishment by imprisonment of his body setting vpō the pillorie or otherwise by any corporal pain except pain of death as shal be vnto him or them limited adiudged or appointed by the person and persons before whom he shal be so conuicted of the said offences or any of them Suspected persons called before the Iustices 25 As wel the Iust of Assise for the time being as also ij St. 33. H. 8. 1 Iust of peace in euerie countie whereof one to be of the Quorū shal haue power authoritie to call and conuent by proces otherwise to the said Assises or generall sessions any person or persons being suspected of any of the aforesaid offences to cōmit him or thē toward or to let him or thē to baile vntil the next Assises or general sessiōs there to be examined and further to be ordered by their discretions as is abouesayd Prouided alwayes that the Iustices of peace within euerie Citie Borough Towne and Franchise within this Realme or other the kings dominions shall haue like iurisdiction power and authoritie at their generall Sessions and otherwise to do and execute all and euerie
right to another and if any doe and bée attainted thereof the taker shall forfeit to the King so much of his lands and goods as doth amount to the value of the part that he hath purchased for such Maintenance and to obtaine that any person that will shall be receiued to sue for the king before those Iustices before whom the suit doth depend and the iudgement shal be giuen by them But it may not be vnderstood in this case Pleaders may giue counsell for their fées that a man may not haue counsell of pleaders and learned men for his fée nor of his next friends And after to the intent to impose a sharper punishment vpō such as should be offendors in Maintenance Champerty or the like by a statute made Ann̄ 33. E. 1. it was enacted St. 33. Ed. 1. That if any person do take vpō him for Maintenance Champerty or the like bargaine any manner of suit or plea against another The punishment of champertors is attainted of such assumption suit or bargaine or of consent thereunto he shal be thrée yeares imprisoned and further punished at the kings pleasure 8 And so it appeareth by the foresaid statutes that it is Champerty Fit Nat. Br. 171. 7. Ed. 3. 9. Fit champ 6. where a man by couenant or agréement made by writing or word What is chāperty what not doth bargaine to haue parcell of the land debt or other thing which is in suit if it be recouered to aid and maintain the party to that suit and in this case he that is the other party to that suit oppressed or grieued by this Maintenance may prosecute a writ of Champerty against the same offendor 9. H. 6. 64. or a writ of Maintenance at his choice for euery Champerty is Maintenance but euery Maintenance is not Champerty And in this case of Champerty he that selleth his land or demiseth his land for life or yeares or any part thereof during the time that the same land is in suit shall be punished according to the foresaid statute of 28. Ed. 1. as well as he that purchaseth the same land Fit champ 5. 30. Ass p. 5. 8. Ed. 4. 13. And the writ of Champerty may be brought against the buyer alone or against the seller alone And it is all one penalty where he selleth his land for mony or other consideration and where hée fréely doth giue his land for if it be giuen during the time that the land is in suit it is Champertie for the Law doth prohibite euery man to obtaine land when it is in suit But if a man purchase land after iudgement it is no Champertie for then there is no suit depending touching that land and if a man that is learned in the Law and doth giue counsell therein 13. H. 4. 19. doe take part of the land that was in variance of his client for his fées after the same is recorded this is no Champerty So that the bargaine be made after the recouery of the land and not depending the suit 47. E. 3. 9. 7. E. 4. 15. And if a man doe bring an action against another and do recouer the thing in question against the defendant yet the plaintife may haue an action of Maintenance against euery person that shall maintaine the defendant in that suit though he hath lost nothing by that Maintenance for that the same Statute of 28. Edw. 1. is a prohibition of Champertie And if a man doe bargaine for land before any suit is commenced for the same and after a suit is prosecuted against the tenant of the land for the same Fit champ 15. if the same tenant doe make a feoffement or other assurance to the purchasor according to his bargaine of the same land during the time of the same suit yet this is no Champertie For in this case the seller did not assure this land to the purchasor vpon couenant to haue Maintenance but to performe his former bargaine and the sale was before the suit though the performance thereof was after And if a man doe make a feoffement of land to others to his owne vse 8. E. 4. 13 during the time that a suit is depending for the same land this is no Champertie for the feoffement was not made to haue Maintenance in that suit but to haue the possession of the land to bée transferred to others and yet to the same vse it was before And a man may giue land to his sonne in Franke-marriage 6 E. 3. 33. or for the terme of his life during the time that a suit is depending against him of the same land and it is no Champertie for that the words of the statute of Anno 28. Edw. 1. be But it is not intended that a man shall not haue counsell of pleaders and of learned for his fée nor of his next friends and the father is bound to relieue and helpe his sonne as much as he may and it is no Maintenance nor Champertie in him to assure the land to his sonne nor in the sonne to take it 21. Ed. 3. 52. And in a writ of Champertie it is a good plea for the defendant to plead That he purchased the land of him who recouered it for his money and not for Champertie to maintaine the suit And if a man doe make a lease for the terme of life of land Fit champ 14. and after the tenant for life is impleaded for the same land and depending that plea the tenant for life doth surrender his estate for life to him in Reuersion this is no Champertie 6 Maintenance may also bée committed in other sorts then be aforesaid Maintenance by Embracery viz. by Embraceors St. 33. Ed. 1. and by Iuries By the Statute of Anno 33. Edw. 1. an Embraceor is described to be one that commeth to the barre with the party and speaketh in the matter and is there to suruey the Iurie And he is accounted an Embraceor Fit Nat. Br. 171. who will threaten the Iurie or any of them if they doe not giue their verdict by his direction and he also who is a procuror of a Iurie to appeare 13. H. 4. 19. that is commonly called a leader of Enquests And the punishment of Maintenance both in Embraceors and Iurors is assigned by the Statutes of Anno 34. Edw. 3. Anno 38. Edw. 3. whereby it is ordained St. 34. E. 3. 8. 38. Ed. 3. 12. That if any Iuror sworne in Assises Maintenance by Iurors or other Enquests to be taken betwéene the King and the party or betwéene party and party doe by himselfe or any other take any thing of the plaintife or defendant to giue his verdict and thereof is attainted at the suit of the party which will sue for himselfe or for the king or of any other person entring his plaint by Bill immediatly before the Iustices before whom the Iurie was sworne the
officers requisit to be had for the spéed of the said suits which shall do their dueties without any rewards for their counsels helpe and businesse in the same And the same law and order shal be obserued in all such suits to be made before the K. Iustices of his Common pleas Barons of his Exchequer and all other Iust in Courts of Record where any such suits shal be 30 As Maintenance in the cases aforesaid is lawfull and iustifiable Maintenance in respect of kindred or alliance in respect of the parties priuat profit or interest in the thing in question or when it is done without malice or hope of profit vpon a charitable disposition so is it in diuers cases allowable in regard of the linke or bond of nature whereby one person is by loue or dutie tied to another 34. H. 6. 26. 6. Ed. 3. 33. as the father may maintaine his son and heire and giue money of his owne in defence of him or his title or suit for he is bound to find him but so he may not doe for another kinsman And the sonne may maintaine the father and mother and one brother another and one néere kinsman another 21. H. 6. 16. 14. H. 7. 2. 20. H. 6. 1. 19. Ed. 4. 3. 21. H. 6. 16. and one ally another in some cases and in some sort as if a man be impleaded another that is his brother or kinsmā or of his alliance may go to the bar with him stand by him comfort him or he may ride to his counsell with him or he may request a man that is learned in the law to bée of counsell with him in that cause 9. Ed. 4. 32. but he must not retaine that learned man nor giue him any mony of his own to be of counsel neither must he giue or promise money to the Iurors or any of them to giue their verdict for him for then it is vnlawfull maintenance in him so it is in a stranger who hath nothing to do in that cause if he doe goe to the barre with him that is impleaded or do stand by him of purpose for to countenance the cause in question or doe request a learned man in the law to bée of counsell with him or doe giue money to any of the Iurors for their verdict this is vnlawfull Maintenance in him And in the cases aforesayd and all other cases of Maintenance Vnlawfull maintenance is continuall this vnlawfull Maintenance is a continuall Maintenance during that suit vnlesse the partie grieued doe in the meane time release the same But if the same Maintenance bee in respect of alliance and that hee who is supposed to bee the maintainor hath maried the daughter sister néece or other kinswoman of one of the parties to the first suit wherein the maintenance was supposed be he must pleade 6. Ed. 4. that his wife was liuing at the time of the maintenance supposed to be for if she were then dead the alliance betwéene them is dissolued and then he had no cause to maintaine that suit but shal be punished as a stranger And yet in that case 14. H. 7. 2. if the same woman hath any issue of her bodie begotten who may inherit the land of him whose suit that husband of the deceased woman and the father of that issue did maintaine then is the maintenance lawfull in any action brought against the same partie in respect of the kindred and also of the benefit that may come to his owne issue And in a writ of maintenance it is a good plea for the defendant to plead Maintenance in respect of gossiprie that hee was gossip to him whose cause he was supposed to maintaine 6. Ed. 4. 5. for that gossiprie is in law adiudged a kind of affinitie Maintenance in respect the partie could not speake English 31 A. brought a writ of Maintenance against B. and supposed 34. H. 6. 26. 15. H. 7. 2. that the same B. did maintaine L. in an action which he brought against the said L. on the part of the said L. Whereunto the sayd B. pleaded that the same L. was a Dutchman borne out of the Kings obedience and could not speake the English or Latine tongue and therefore being acquainted with B. the defendant who could speake the Dutch tongue he desired him to bring him to some man learned in the law to be of his counsell in that suit and to informe that learned man of the truth of his cause in question whereupon hee brought him to one M. a man learned in the law and opened the truth of his case vnto the said M. as he receiued it from the said L. in Dutch which is the same maintenance And this was adiudged a good plea in barre and a lawfull maintenance for it is a déed of charitie to aid and helpe him who could not helpe himselfe And the Dutchman had no meanes to helpe himselfe being a straunger borne and not vnderstanding the English nor Latine tongue but by the assistance and information of some English man Maintenance in a professor of the Law 32 If a Serieant at law an Apprentice or other Councellor 6. Ed. 4. 5. being retained for his fee doe giue vnto his Client the best counsell that he can for the recouerie or defence of the suit which he vndertaketh according to the ordinarie course of the law or doth enforce the euidence at the barre so much as he can at the tryall of his clients cause this is lawfull maintenance and iustifiable But if he doe pay or promise money to any of the Iurie to giue his verdict for his client or do threaten any of them to be killed beaten 22. H. 6. 6. or otherwise euill intreated if they do giue their verdit against his client or if he do spēd 11. H. 6. 13. or do offer to spend his own mony in defence of his clients cause this is vnlawful mainnance and punishable according to the before rehearsed stat of ann 1. R. 2. for those things he doth not as a lawyer or according to the course of the law nor by the warrant of law but by iniustice and vpon his owne corruption and wrong But in the first specified case if a man that is not learned in the law 22. H. 6. 5 hauing himselfe no interest in the cause in question will declare to the Iurie or to the partie or to his counsell the cause in question and the circumstances thereof as a man learned in the law this is vnlawfull Maintenance in him though hee doe it as well as a man learned in the law for hee doeth it vpon Maintenance where the learned man doeth it for his fee. And so it is if a man that hath land in suit or question will bring and shew his euidences and writings to a Nobleman Fitz. Maint 21. Gentleman or other man of countenance that is not learned in the law and
As the law doth both condemne reiect fines and recoueries Warranties deuised by fraud which bée practised or put in execution by fraud or deceit so doth she renounce and make frustrate all sorts of warranties that be deuised or contriued vpon collusion or couin to defeat or defraud others of their iust lawfull titles for though warranties be much fauored in the law for that they be meanes to establish the title of those who be tenants of land in possession but yet if any of thē be vndertaken performed or mixed with fraud then it doth not only loose his fauor but also his force in law Co. lib. 5. 79 50. Ed. 3. 12. 43. E. 3. 7. As if land be giuen to the father for the terme of his life the remainder to his sonne heire apparant in taile and the father by couin agréement betwéene him and another to barre his sonne by a collaterall warranty of his remainder will make a lease of the same land to that other person who will make a feoffement in fée to a third person of the same land to whom the father will release with warranty and thē the father dieth the warranty doth discend vpon his sonne being of full age yet this warranty wil not barre the sonne of this land for the feoffement of the lessée for yéeres was a disseisin and the father was partaker of the offence an actor agréeing thereunto and though the release with warranty was made after the disseisin yet séeing the disseisin was made to that end the law doth adiudge the whole fact frō the beginning to be fraudulent the warranty to begin by disseisin so all that assurance to be void against the heire in taile And in like sort other warranties that do commence by disseisin be contriued to deceiue defeat the right heirs of their iust and lawfull titles 20. H. 6. 10. Regist f. 113 44. Ed. 3. 4. 12 If one do bring a Praecipe quod reddat against two other men Deceit by getting of a Protection and they do purchase a protectiō for one of thē suggesting that he is to go beyond the sea in the kings seruice whereas he doth not so but remaineth still in England and so hath done euer sithence his protection purchased by which meanes the demaundant is delayed of his suit in this case the same demaundant may haue a writ of Deceit against the said tenants for this deceit and delay and shall recouer his dammages Deceit by purchasing a writ to charge another 13 Whereas according to the course of the Chauncery Fit Nat. Br. 96. the king is to haue of euery person who doth bring against another an action of Debt of the summe of fortie pounds or more vj. s̄ viij d. for a fine and for an hundred markes vj. s̄ viij d. and so for euery hundred markes vj. s̄ viij d. and for euery Praecipe quod reddat brought of land to the yearely value of fiue markes vj. s. viij d. and so according to that rate vnlesse it be a writ of right patent If any other person doe purchase a writ in the Chauncerie in my name without my priuitie whereby I shall be charged to pay to the king for a fine any of the summes aforesaid I may haue an action of Deceit against him and recouer my dammages for this writ was obtained to put me to charges and thereby to deceiue me of so much Deceit for purchasing a writ in anothers name 14 If A. being patron of a Benefice Fitz. Na. Br. 96. Regist f. 112. 7. H. 6. 45. when the Church is void do present his Clerke to the Ordinary and B. doth disturbe him whereupon C. doth purchase a Quare impedit against B. in the name of A. returnable in the common pleas A. not knowing thereof and after doth cause the writ to be abated or A. to be nonsuit in that writ in this case A. may haue a writ of Deceit against the same C. and recouer his dammages Deceit for procuring of a suit And if B. doe procure C. to sue an action against A. whereby A. is vexed Fitz. Na. Br. 98. A. may haue a writ of Deceit against B. Deceit by acknowledging of a statute 15 If A. and B. doe come before the Mayor of the Staple Fitz. Na. Br. 105 100. Regist f. 115 or before any other Mayor of any Citie Borough or Towne hauing authority to take acknowledgement of debts and there A. doth acknowledge a statute to B. of an hundred pounds or c. in the name of C. and doth report himselfe to be C. where he is not so whereupon C. is troubled and this statute extended against him then the same C. may haue a writ of Deceit against the said A. and B. and shall recouer his dammages And so it is if another man will leuie a fine of my land in my name Deceit by doing of a iudiciall act in anothers name or confesse an action brought against me in my name or will enter into a voucher in my name 19. H. 6. 44. Regist f. 113 and confesse the demaundants action or will acknowledge a Recognizance or statute Marchant or other matter of Record in my name I haue no other remedie but by an action of Deceit But it is otherwise if he seale and deliuer an obligation in my name for I may plead that it is not my déed which I cannot doe against a Record Deceit by forging of a resignation 16 If a Notarie Fitz. Na. Br. 99. Regist f. 114 and other persons doe by agréement counterfeit the seale of any Parson or Vicar and forge letters of resignation of his Parsonage or Vicarage in the name of the same Parson or Vicar by which meanes he is remoued from the possession of the same Parsonage or Vicarage he may haue a writ of Deceit against the same forgers 20. H. 6. 36. 21. H. 7. 41. 16. Ed. 4. 9. 17 If a man doe bargaine with another to enfeoffe him of certaine lands within twenty daies Deceit by assuring of land to one man which was bargained to another or c. and after he doth enfeoffe a stranger of the same land the he with whom the bargaine was made and was deceiued therein may haue a writ of Deceit against him that so bargained and defeated him thereof And so it is if a man doe compound with another to purchase a mannor or certaine land for him and hée doth buy it for himselfe the partie may haue an action of Deceit against the same purchasor And in all cases where a man doth promise to doe a thing and he doth it falsely a writ of Deceit is maintainable against him Deceit by charging of land after sale as if a man doe promise to assure land to another and after he doth graunt a Rent charge or a common out of it or doth make a Lease for life
or yeares of it and then doth assure it to the bargainée this is deceit and a writ of Deceit is maintenable against him for it for though he hath assured the land he hath not assured it clére and discharged according to his bargaine but hath deceiued the purchasor therein 11. E. 4. 6. 18 If a man doe sell a piece of cloth to another Deceit vpon a warranty and warrant it to be fortie elles long and it is not so long the buyer may haue a writ of Deceit against the seller of the same cloth by force of his warranty although the warranty be by word onely 6. Ed. 6. Dyer 76. without writing so that it be at the time of the bargaine made But if the warranty be at another time after the bargaine made then the buyer must haue some writing to testifie this warranty or otherwise hée shall not haue a writ of Deceit against the seller 9. Ed. 4. 13. Fit Nat. Br. 98. 19 If an action of Debt bee brought against two as executors Deceit by confession of an action brought against executors whereas one of them was neuer executor nor administrator and if he which is executor do make default he who was not executor doe appeare confesse the action he that was named executor may haue against the other an action of Deceit for he hath vndertaken to plead a plea to the action of debt which he could not doe and that also to the deceit and hurt of another 26. H. 8. 7. 20 If a man doe marry a wife possessed of goods Couin by aliening of his wiues goods those be the husbands to giue and dispose at his pleasure during the mariage betwéene them But if after they be diuorced the wife shall haue her goods againe vnlesse the husband hath giuen or sold them before the Diuorce for in that case the wife is without remedie And yet if the husband doe alien those goods by couin to the intent to defraud and defeat his wife of them and after they be diuorced then shee may auerre the couin and recouer the goods from the alienée 35. H. 6. 5. Co. lib. 3. 78 83. li. 5. 83. 21 Though buying of goods in an open marketh doth worke an alteration of the property of the same goods Sale of goods in opē market by couin and doth bind the Title as well of all strangers as of the owner if the goods be sold in such a shop or place as is commonly vsed for the selling of goods of the same kind or nature yet if one man do steale purloine or iniuriously take away another mans goods and then by couin betwéene him and a third person doth sell the same goods in an open vsual place of sale 7. H. 7. 12 in an open market or faire to the third person who at the time of buying of the same goods did know that the seller came not lawfully by them or that they were not his goods this is a void sale And in respect of this Couin the first and right owner of these goods may lawfully take and carrie them away notwithstanding the said sale in open market Fraudulent assurances to defeat the discontinuée in tayle 22 If the father being tenant in tayle of certaine lands M. 34. E. 1. Fitz. Garrantie 88 will make a feoffement thereof to another with warrantie and so discontinue the estate taile hauing assets of other lands in fée simple to leaue to discend to his son and heire and then within few dayes before his death will alien the same fée simple land to his sonne and heire and to his heires vpon couin and to the intent that the same fee simple land should not be pleaded to come by discent from the sayd father to his sonne nor adiudged as Assets by discent in his hands yet this couin being found by verdict in a writ of Formedon brought against him by the heire of the land entailed shall giue the discontinuée aduantage to plead that the same heire had assets by discent in fee simple left him by his said father for that the law doth adiudge this alienation made by the father to the sonne a little before his death by couin to defraud the discontinuée of his lawfull plea to be as no alienatiō but that the father dyed seised of the same fée simple land and that it came to his sonne and heire by discent 23 Because Lords of Mannors lands and tenements haue as great right to enioy the wardship of the bodies and lands of their wards Fraudulent conueyance to defeat a Lord of his wardship as they haue to their other inheritances lands and goods and it is as great an iniury to deceiue them thereof by couin and collusion as to defeat and defraud them of their other lawfull titles therefore by a statute made at Marlebridge anno 52. H. 3. it was enacted That if any man do enfeoffe his eldest sonne or heire St. 52. H. 3. 6 being within age of his inheritance that therby the Lord might loose his wardship yet notwithstanding such feoffement the chiefe Lord shall haue his wardship And by the said statute it was further ordained That if any persons meaning to demise their lands for terme of certaine yeares that they might thereby defeat the Lords of the fee of their wardships will faine false feoffements containing that they are satisfied of the whole seruice due vnto them vntill a certaine terme and that such feoffées are bound to pay at the said term a great summe to the value of the same lands or much aboue so that after the said terme the land shall reuert to them or their heires for that no man wil desire to hold the same of so great a price yet by such fraud no chiefe Lord shall loose his wardship And if the chiefe Lords do by iudgement of the Court recouer their wardships yet the feoffees shall haue their action reserued to recouer their terme or fée when the heires shall come to their lawfull age And for the further preuention of couin in auoiding of wardships by one other stat made anno 34. H. 8. it was ordained St. 34. H. 8. 5 That if any person or persons hauing estate of inheritance of or in any Mannors lands tenements or hereditaments holdē of the king by Knights seruice in chief or otherwise of the king by Knights seruice or of any other person or persons by Knights seruice haue giuen at any time since the 20. day of Iuly anno 32. H. 8. anno Dom. 1540 or hereafter shall giue will deuise or assigne by will or other act executed in his life his mannors lands tenements or hereditaments or any of them by fraud or couin to any other person or persons for terme of yeares life or liues with one remainder ouer in fee or with diuers remainders ouer for terme of yeares life or liues with one Remainder ouer in fée simple to
any person or persons or to his or their right heires Or at any time since the said 20. day of Iuly hath conueyed or hereafter shall conuey or make by couin contrarie to the true intent of the Act prouided 34. H. 8. for the making of Wils any estates conditions mesnalties tenures or conueyāces to the intent to defraud or deceiue the King of his Prerogatiue primer seisin liuerie reliefe wardships mariages or rights or any other Lords of their wardships reliefes heriots or other profits which should or ought to accrue growe or come vnto them or any of them by or after the death of his or their tenant by force and according to the Statutes made 32. H. 8. 1. 34. H. 8. 5. and the same estates and other conueyances béeing found by office to be so made by couin fraud or deceit contrary to the true intent of the said Acts Then the king shal haue as wel the wardship of the bodie and custodie of the lands c. as liuery primer seision reliefe and other profits which should or ought to appertaine to him according to the true meaning of the said acts as though no such estates or conueyances by couin had neuer béene had or made vntill the said office be lawfully vndone by trauerse or otherwise And the other Lord and Lords of whom any such lands c. shal be holden by Knights seruice as is aforesaid shall haue their remedy in such cases for his or their wardships of bodies and lands by writ of right of ward and shall distraine and make auowrie or cognisance by themselues or their bailifes for their reliefes heriots and other profits which should haue béene to them due by or after the death of their tenant as if no such estate or conueyance had béene had or made Sauing the right and title of the donees feoffées leasées and deuisées thereof against the said deuisor and his heyres after the interest and title of the King or other Lord therein ended 24 If the father doe make a feoffment of his lands holden by Knights seruice Fitz. Collusion 29. 33. H. 6. 14. Co. li. 1. 122. to his eldest sonne He that is not partie to a fraud shall sustaine no losse then by the foresaid Statute of Marlebridge the Lord of whom the same lands be holden is inpossibilitie to haue the wardship of the said sonne if the father die his said sonne being within age But if the same sonne doe after make a feoffment of the same land to an other bona fide and after the father doth die leauing his sonne within age there this possibilitie is destroyed for that the stranger who had no notice of this fraud hath purchased the land bona fide and therefore shall sustaine no preiudice by it And yet in that case if the sonne had made the Feoffment after the fathers death Co. li. 2. 94. this alienation had not depriued the Lord of his wardship which was once lawfully deuolued vnto him 25 And it is a deceit collusion and defrauding of the lawe and a great disheritance and preiudice to the Lords of the Fee of whome any lands bee holden to giue the same lands in Mortmaine or to doe any Act or procure any thing to be done whereby they may come into Mortmaine contrarie to the statutes of Magna Charta 7. Ed. 2. 13. Ed. 1. 15. R. 2. and 23. H. 8. for the Lordes doe loose the wardships mariages reliefes and other seruices of their Tenants by that meanes And therefore by the Statute of West 2. it was enacted That if any religious or Ecclesiasticall person doe impleade an other St. 13. E. 1. 31. by a Reall action of land and the Tenant will make default after default whereby hee ought to loose the land Then hee which doth recouer shall not haue Execution of the same Land recouered vntill he hath sued forth the kings writ of Quale ius directed to the Escheator of the same countie to make enquirie by a Iurie what right hee that recouered the land hath to the same And if he hath right Deceit and Collusion to bring land into mortmaine iudgement shal be giuen for him he shall haue execution of the same land And if it be found that he hath no right to recouer by his said action but that the lands were lost by collusion betwéen him and the tenant of the land then the land shall accrue to the next Lord of the fee if hée demaund it within a yéere next after the Enquest taken And if he doth not demaund it within a yeare it shall accrue to the next Lord aboue if he demaund it within halfe a yeare after the same And so euery Lord after the next Lord immediat shall haue halfe a yeare to demaund it successiuely vntill it come to the King to whom through the default of other Lords the land shall accrue For this recouerie of land by default by a compact and couin before agreed vpon betwéene the demaundant being a religious or Ecclesiasticall person and the tenant is to defraud the intent and meaning of the Statutes of Magna Charta and an 7. Ed. 1. whereby it was ordained St. 9. H. 3. 37 St. 7. Ed. 1. That if any religious person or other whatsoeuer will buy or sel any lands or tenements or wil receiue the same by colour of any gift or lease or by reason of any other title whatsoeuer or will by other practise or deuise procure the same to himselfe whereby such lands or tenements may come into mortmayne he shall forfeite the same lands And by the equitie of the foresaid Statute of Westminster 2. if any Ecclesiastical person doe recouer land against another by reddition 3. Ed. 4. 14. confession or action tried yet the collusion shal be inquired of for that the same recouerie may be by collusion before had betweene the demaundant and the tenant And because that by feoffments fines recoueries and other assurances made of trust of lands to the vse of parish Churches Lands assured in Mortmaine to churches chappels Guilds c. Chappels Guildes Fraternities c. there groweth to the King and other Lords and subiects of the Realme the like losses inconueniences and is as much preiudiciall to them as doth and is where lands be aliened in mortmaine Therefore for the eschuing and auoydance of them by a Statute made an 23. H. 8. it was enacted St. 23. H. 8. 10. That all feoffments fines recoueries wills and other estates deuised or in any wise made of trust of any mannors lands tenements or hereditaments to the vse of any parish churches chappels churchwardēs Guildes fraternities or brotherhoods erected or made of deuotion or by common assent of the people without any corporation Or that the Feoffees Conisees Recouerées or other persons and their heires thereof seised shall take leuie or perceiue or cause to be taken c. the issues and profites thereof and the same to
contrary héereof notwithstanding St. 27. El. 4. If any person or persons haue heretofore sithence the beginning of the Q. raigne that now is made or hereafter shall make any conueiance gift grant Conueiances with condition of reuocation or alteration demise charge limitation of vse or vses or assurance of in or out of any lands tenements or hereditaments with any clause prouision article or condition of reuocation determination or alteration at his or their will or pleasure of such conueiance assurance grants limitations of vses or estates of in or out of the said lands tenements or hereditaments or of in or out of any part of parcell of them contained or mentioned in any writing déede or indenture of such assurance conueiance grant or gift and after such conueiance grant gift demise charge limitation of vses or assurance so made or had shal or doe bargaine sell demise grant conuey or charge the same lands tenements or hereditaments or any parcel thereof to any person or persons bodies politike or corporate for money or other good consideration paid or giuen the said first conueiance assurance gift grant demise charge or limitation not by him or them reuoked made voyde or altered according to the power and authoritie reserued or expressed vnto him or them in and by the said secret conueiance assurance gift or grant Then the said former conueiance assurance gift demise and grant as touching the said lands tenements and hereditaments so after bargained sold conueied demised or charged against the said bargainées vendées lessées grauntées and euery of them their heirs successors executors administrators and assignes and against all and euery person and persons which haue shall or may lawfully claime any thing by from vnder them or any of them shall be déemed taken and adiudged to be voide frustrate and of none effect by vertue and force of this present Act. St. 27. El. 4. Prouided neuerthelesse that no lawfull morgage made or to be made Bona fide and without fraud or couin vpon good consideration Morgages shall be impeached or impaired by force of this Act but shall stand in the like force and effect as the same should haue done if this act had neuer béene had or made Anie thing c. This Act nor any thing therin contained St. 27. Eli. 4. shall extend or be construed to make good any purchase Assurances of lands defeated before the Statute grant lease charge or profit of in or out of any lāds tenements or hereditaments héeretofore made void defeated or vndone by reason or any former conueiance graunt or assurance so as the partie or parties or their heirs or assignes which haue so defeated or made void the same were in actuall possession the first day of this present Parliament of or in the said lands The authority of the court of Starre-chamber tenements or hereditaments whereof or out of which any such purchase graunt lease charge or profite was made Neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend in any sort to restraine or impaire the iurisdiction power or authoritie of the Court of Starrechamber A purchasor doth know before of a fraudulent déede 32 If a man seised of land in fée Co. li. 5. 60. do make a fraudulent conueiance thereof to the intent to deceiue and defraud purchasors contrary to the said Statute of Anno 27. Eliz. and doth continue in possession of it and taketh the profite of it and doth after enter into communication with a stranger for the sale of it to him and by chaunce the same stranger hath knowledge of the same fraudulent assurance and notwithstanding he doth bargaine with the same party for his land doth conclude with him and taketh his assurance from him in this case the same purchaser shal auoide this former fraudulent cōueiance made by the seller of this land though hée had notice thereof before for the said Act of Anno 27. Elizab. by expresse words doth make the fraudulent conueiance voide touching the purchasor and séeing it is within the expresse puruiew of the same Statute it is to be so taken and construed in repressing of fraud and it is not the purchasors knowledge thereof that doth make the fraudulent conueiance good which the said statute hath made voide The father maketh a fraudulent lease and the sonne selleth the land 33 If the father doe make a lease for yeares of his land by couin Co. li. 6. 72. to defraud others to whom he will demise or sell the same land as all fraudulent leases shall be intended to be made to that end and before he doth sell or demise the same land he dieth and his sonne and next heire knowing or not knowing of the said lease doth sell the same land for good consideration Then the purchasor shall auoide this lease by force of the foresaide Statute of Anno 27. Elizab. for séeing the Lawe doth presume that euery fraudulent lease is made generally to defeate purchasors lessées c. within this generality euerie particular purchasor farmor lessée c. is included And it is not materiall though he who sold the land did not make the former fraudulent lease estate or incombrance but if the estate be fraudulent the purchasor shall auoide it whosoeuer selleth the land A womans iointure made by fraud 34 And the same Lawe is if a man doe conuey land to the vse of his wife Co. li. 6. 73 for her iointure by deceit and couin to defraud a purchasor to whom he intendeth to sell the same land in this case if the same fraud be prooued by euidence or confessed by pleading the purchasor shall auoide the said wiues estate Fraudulent déeds to defeat successors of disapidations 35 Because diuers Ecclesiasticall persons being possessed of mansion houses and other buildings belonging to their Ecclesiasticall Benefices or liuings did suffer the same for want of due reparations partly to decay and partly to fall downe conuerting the timber lead and stone to their owne vses and also made déedes of gift and colourable alienations and other conueiances of like effect of their good and cattels in their life time of purpose after their deaths to defraud their successours of such iust Actions and remedies as otherwise they might and should haue had against the executours or administratours of their goodes by the Lawes Ecclesiasticall of this Realme for the redresse whereof by a Statute made Anno 13. Elizab. it was enacted St. 13. El. 10 St. 1. Iac. 25 That if any Archbishop Bishop Deane Archdeacon Fraudulent déedes to defeate successors of dilapidations Prouost Treasurer Chancellor Chaunter Prebendarie or any other hauing any dignitie or office in any Cathedrall or Collegiat Church within this Realme or any Parson Vicar or other Incumbent of any Ecclesiasticall liuing whereunto doe belong any houses or buildings which by lawe or custome hée is bound to maintaine in reparation doe suffer any
who was accessarie before the birth of the childe and the murder done was adiudged to continue accessarie after the murder done and to suffer death without the benefit of his Clergie Fitz. Cor. 383 30 If a man intending the death of another Meaning without act is not homicide doth beate him so gréeuously that he doth leaue him by all the beholders iudgement thought to be dead and then doth flie away and after the other doth reuiue and liue this is not felony in him that did that violence though it doth plainely appeare that hée had a meaning to kill him for it is not felony except the partie stricken be indéede killed and die within a yéere and a day after the stripes giuen But on the other side if one man doe strike another with intent onely to beate him yet if hée die of this battery within a yeare and a day after it is felonie in him that did strike him For though as Bracton affirmeth Act without meaning is homicide the old Lawe of this Realme did hold Quod in maleficijs spectatur voluntas non exitus nihil interest vtrùm quis occidat an causam mortis praebeat But now we say Lex antiqua mutatur and doe affirme Quod exitus in maleficijs spectatur non voluntas duntaxat Co. l. 4. 40. 31 A man brought drinke to another that was mingled with poison Homicide by giuing poisoned drinke to another and aduised him to drinke it telling him that it would be a meane to procure him to get a childe of his wife by reason of which perswasion he to whom that poisoned drinke was brought did receiue it after drunke it in the absence of him who brought it vnto him and shortly after died In this case hee that brought the drinke was adiudged a principall murderer though he was not present at the time of the receipt of the drinke or otherwise he shoulde haue beene guiltie of that horrible offence and yet haue escaped vnpunished for there was none in this case to whom hee could be accessarie And so note this for a speciall case where a felonie is committed and neither principall nor accessarie be present at it Many doe attempt an vnlawfull acte and one of them committeth homicide 32 If seuerall persons assemble together to doe a disseisin Fitz. Cor. 350. 11. H. 4. 13. to breake a house or commit any vnlawfull act and of them killeth a man he and all the other shal be adiudged principall fellons because they all came to doe an euill acte though not that act As if they all had come to haue killed or robbed one man and after they killed or robbed an other Homicide by carying abroad 33 A man was indicted that he did feloniously carry his owne father being sicke against his will in a frostie and colde time from one towne to an other whereof he died and this was adiudged felony in him 2. Ed. 3. 18 for in this case the sonne had a meaning that his fathers life should be shortened and he brought to his death A man dieth in the hands of a Phisition or Surgion 34 If a phisition ar surgion hath a man in his cure Fit cor 163 who dieth being in his cure or at any time after this is not felony in the same phisition or surgion bicause he did not any thing to his patient with a felonious intent but against his will And moreouer it is not to be discerned whether the man came to his death by any willfull default in the said Phisition or Surgion or by his former infirmitie or other cause Homicide vpon the euill wordes of an other 35 Anno. 3. Ed. 3. Itin. North Fit cor 331 it was presented that through the euill wordes of a woman two men did fall out and fought and one of them killed an other and this was adiudged felony in the woman But it must be intended that the woman by her words did perswade councell or aduise them or one of them to fight with the other and so was accessarie before the felonie committed Homicide by a franticke man 36 A man that is franticke though he kill an other man M. 21. H. 7. 13. Fitz. forf 33 Fi. Dower 183. Fitz. N. b. 202. d Fitz. cor 193 351. Co. l. 4. 42 26. Ass p. 27 Plow com 19. Co. l. 4. 125 cannot commit murder for he hath not a felonious intent nor doth carrie within him malice prepenced to any neyther doth know what he doth And therefore he is not to be arraigned for the killing of a man in his Lunacie though after hee doth recouer his memorie neither shall he be inforced to sue for his pardon And the same law is of a man that is deafe and dumbe who can not commit murder for he hath not a felonious intent neither doth he know what hee doth And therefore if he kill a man he shall not be arraigned thereof nor driuen to sue for his pardon But if a man that is drunke doe in his drunkennes kill an other man it is felony and he shal be hanged therefore for it is voluntarie ignorance in him to be drunke Homicide by an Infant 37 An Infant of the age of twelue yeares 3. H. 7. 2. 12. 12. Aff. p. 30 or aboue may commit murder and so may an Infant of the age of eight or nine yeares if it may appeare by hiding of the person slaine or by any other act that the aboundance of his malice doth excéede the tendernes of his yéeres But if an enfant of tender and yonger yéeres doe kill a man this is no felonie because he wanteth discretion and vnderstanding Pl. com 19. and the Lawe will impute it to the ignorance which commeth to him by nature Fit cor 311. 38 If a man hath a beast that is accustomed to doe hurt Homicide by a beast and the owner knowing thereof doth not tie him or otherwise kéepe him fast shut vp but suffer him to goe at libertie and after that beast killeth a man this is felony in the owner for by his sufferance of the beast to goe at libertie the owner doth seeme to haue a will to kill or that hée vsed this beast as an instrument wherewith to kill And this was a Lawe ordained by Alured Alured king of the West Saxons Fit cor 263 22. Ass p. 94 39 To make it Homicide it is requisite that the partie killed be in Esse In homicide the party killed must be in Esse viz. in rerum natura for if a man kill an infant in his mothers wombe this is no felonie neither shall he forfeit any thing for it and that for two causes the one because the thing had no name of Baptisme the other for that it is hard to iudge if the infant died of that batterie or not or vpon some other cause Wherefore a man being indicted in
blood againe If the husband be killed by his wife The husband killed by his wife his sonne shall haue an appeale 33. H 8. Dyer 50 18. Ed. 4.1 And yet if in that case the King doe pardon the wife all treasons the sonne shall be barred of his appeale Appeale of death by the heire 9 If he that was slaine had no wife liuing at the time he was killed then his next heire by the common Lawe if he be male shall haue the appeale But if hée which bringeth the appeale be the next heire male to him that was slaine yet if there be another liuing which is his heire by the common Lawe though not his heire male his appeale shall abate As if he that was slaine had issue a daughter and no sonne 27. As p. 25. Fi. Cor. 384 his brother cannot maintaine an appeale against the offendor though hée be his next heire male because he is not next heire by the common Lawe to him that was slaine but his daughter is And by the same reason a Bastard nor the youngest sonne which doth inherite lands in Borough English A Bastard Heire in Borough English shall not maintaine an appeale because neither of them is heire by the common Lawe It was a custome in olde time if one were found guiltie in an appeale of murder that his wife The maner of a murderers death and all the nearest of his kinne which was murdered 11. H. 4.11 Plo. com 306 should drawe the felon who committed the murder by a long rope to the place of execution An appeale dieth with the Appellant or by his non-suite c. 10 This appeale of the death of the auncester is so tied and affixed to the next heire male at the Common Lawe of him that was slaine that if it be once attached by him although that hée die hanging the suite or be non-suite therein or doe discontinue the suite and that within the yéere 38. H. 6.13 9. H. 7.5 16. H. 7.15 yet the appeale is extinct for euer because it is but a personall action and not auncestrell for he that was slaine could not haue maintained it and therefore being but personall it doth die with the person of the appellant But it is otherwise if the appeale were not attached by the heire during his life 11. H. 4.11 ●0 H. 6.46 but that hée died before hée brought his appeale or died in the life of his auncester that was killed In that case hée which is next heire male liuing shall haue the appeale 9. H. 7.5 Stamf. fo 59 11 If the eldest sonne before the appeale commenced and within the the yeare doth release the appeale and then dieth The heire doth release and die the second sonne and euery other which claimeth as heire to the partie slaine shall bée barred thereby 16. H. 7.15 38. H. 6.13 12 If the eldest sonne doe bring an appeale and hath iudgement Recouery and death before execution and before execution of the offendor dieth his heire shall not haue execution for if he should he is to haue it as heire to him that recouered and not as heire to the partie slaine which cannot be for hée that demaundeth reuenge of his auncestors death must make himselfe immediate heire to the same auncestor which was slaine or otherwise his sute shall not be allowed which the heire of the eldest sonne in this case cannot doe 13 If the eldest sonne after the title of appeale accrued vnto him The eldest sonne disabling himselfe or during the life of his auncester that was slaine doe disable himselfe by attainder of felonie or by being a Monke a Priest or mayhemed by the Defendant Fitz. Cor. 235.322 or by any other cause So that by such disabilitie hee cannot haue an appeale yet the second sonne shall not haue it 14 If the eldest sonne doth kill his father or his mother Killing father mother brother or wife the second sonne shall haue an appeale against him Fi. Cor. 459. And if there be thrée brethren and the middlemost killeth the elder brother the youngest brother shall haue an appeale against him And yet in the foresaide cases hée that bringeth the appeale 18. Ed. 4.1 33. H. 8. Dyer 50. is not heire to him that is slaine And if the husband doe kill his wife his sonne shall haue an appeale against him 1. H. 4.6 Littl. vill 15 If the Lord doe kill his Villaine the heire of him that was slaine The Lord killeth his villaine may haue an appeale against his Lord notwithstanding that the Plaintifs in the appeale is villaine to the Defendant for the villaines heire doth not sue for the recouerie of lands goods or liberty from the Lord but onely for a lawfull reuenge of his auncesters death And if the villaines heire should not haue an appeale in this case the said offence should remaine vnpunished by appeale for none other may pursue it 41. As p. 14. 45. Ed. 3.25 27. Ed. 3.83 Kel fol. 120 32. As p. 8. 16 An Infant An Infant within the age of twenty and one yeares may haue an appeale of the death of his auncester and in like sort hée may haue any maner of appeale But notwithstanding the plea shall remaine to be tried vntill he come to his full age of one and twentie yeares for that in this case the Defendant cannot wage battell against him Attamen quaere A man of 70. yeares of age 17 A man of the age of thrée score and tenne yeares may haue an appeale of the death of his auncestour Fi. Cor. 385 and in like sort may haue any manner of appeale and yet being of that age hée shall put the Defendant from waging of battell with him Disabilities to bring an appeale 18 If the Plaintife which ought to sue the Appeale be attainted of treason or felonie or a Monke or a Priest or mayhemed by the Defendant Fi. Cor. 32● he shall not haue an appeale Disabilities in the appellant 19 A man that is not of perfect memorie or that is deafe and dumbe Britton or a Lazar or a foole naturall shall not haue an appeale of death nor any other appeale For battell cannot be waged against any of them euery of them being vnperfect to performe the same Pleading that the appellant hath an elder brother 20 If one brother doe bring an appeale of the death of his auncestor 7. Ed. 4. 15 it is no plea for the appellée to say that the said auncestor at the time of his death and after the Writ purchased had an elder brother named B. to whom the appeale is giuen and not to him that is plaintife for it may be that the same B. was his brother of the halfe bloud And therefore the surest way is to begin his plea with the father of him that was slaine as to say that such a man tooke to
appealed in that hee did breake the prison and flie or would haue fled for the felonie and that hée did not relie vpon and trust to his innocencie and be iustified and tried by the law And the Appellée may reply to that counter-plea and trauerse the arrest for felonie or the breaking of the prison if he will or he may plead the Kings pardon for the breaking of the prison 1. As p. 3 Fi. Cor. 154 157. which trauerse or pardon being tried or allowed he shal be restored to his triall by battell 7 As there be impediments of the defendants part Le ts of trial by battell on the plaintifes part why he may not wage battell against the appellant so be there lets of the appellants part that the appellée cannot wage battell against him for as vehement presumptions of the defendants guiltinesse be causes to put him from waging of battell so be vehement presumptions of the appellants infirmities or weakenesse sufficient barres to exclude the appellée from triall by battell with him As if the appellant be within the age of fouretéene yéeres or aboue the age of thréescore and tenne yéeres Fi. Cor. 230 268. 22. E. 4. 20 or within orders or a woman or be maihemed whether he were maihemed by the appellée at the time that the saide appellée robbed him or at any other time or as some doe affirme whether he was maihemed by the appellée or by any other And some doe holde it for Lawe that if the appellant be aboue the age of thréescore yeares the appellée shall no more wage battell against him than against an infant within age or a woman But if the appellée will wage battell being of that age he may for though he may discharge himselfe of battell in respect of his saide age if hée will Bracton yet in that the Lawe hath giuen him his choice whether he will be tried by battell or by the Countrey hée may refuse the benefit of his age and wage battell Priuiledge of the Appellāts person 8 In some cases the priuiledge of the person of the appellant shall put the appellée from the triall by battel with him as the person of the King when the defendant is arraigned at his suit in an appeale for in an arraignment vpō an Indictment at his suit The King the partie indited shall not wage battell for the vehement presumption that the Inditement is true béeing found by the oathes of twelue lawfull men of the Countrey Plo. com 335. And as the person of the King shall be exempt from battell so shall all other to whom the King shal please to grant such an exemption As in former ages such a graunt hath béene made by some King of this Realme to the Citizens of London that battel shal not be waged against any of them in any appeale whatsoeuer brought by any of them Fi. Cor. 125 157. And if a citizen of London Citizens of London will bring an appeale against another and the defendant will offer to wage battell with him though the Appellant would refuse the benefit of this priuiledge and ioyne battell with him yet the battell shall not be performed for the Mayor and Comminaltie of London must sue a writ out of the Chauncerie directed to the Iudges where that triall should bée made rehearsing their libertie and pray allowance thereof to stay the trial by battell And though in the foresaid case and other cases Fi. Cor. 125 where counter-pleas to battell be pleaded the plaintife doth count that if the defendant will denie it he is ready to prooue it by his body yet the defendant in his plea cannot take aduantage thereof for those be but words of forme and not of substance and notwithstanding this conclusion he may make his trial by the countrie or otherwise as the law will 9 By the Statute of an̄ 6. R. 2. St. 6. R. 2. 6. it was enacted That if any Noble mans daughters Ladies or other women be rauished and after the same rape committed doe consent to the Rauishers the husbands of such women if they haue husbands or if they haue no husbands liuing then their fathers or other their next kinsmen in blood shall haue the suit to prosecute and may pursue against the same offendors and rauishers in this behalfe and to conuict them of felonie No wager of battell in appeale of Rape though the same woman after the rape doe consent to the rauishers And in this case the defendant shall not wage battell but the truth of the matter shall be tried by the countrey S. Felonies by Stat. 2. One fighting with seueral men 10 If one man doe appeale diuers men of one felonie 47. E 3 5. 19. H. 6. 35 and they all ioyne in battell with the Appellant he must fight with them all one after another if it doe not so chance that he is slaine by one of them before he can performe the battell with the residue which if it happen all the residue of the defendants shall be discharged of the appeale But if when the Appellant doth come into the field to fight with one of the Appellées Fi. Cor. 98 he will then confesse his appeale to be false towards him yet that shall not discharge the residue of the appeale but they shall procéed in their triall with the appellant And likewise if one man be appealed by three men of seuerall felonies and he doe plead not guiltie ready to trie it by his bodie in this case hee must fight with them all one after another and though he doe vanquish or kill one of them this will not discharge him against the other Bracton de cor ca. 19 But if thrée men doe appeale one man but of one felonie then if the Appellée doe vanquish one of them he shal be discharged against the other two And in that case if the said thrée Appellants be Approuers 7. Ed. 3. 12 then the other two shal be hanged 11 And all that is before written touching Triall by Battell may be applied as well to the appeale of an approuer An Appeale by approuer who confesseth himselfe to be a felon as to an appeale commenced by a true man Fi. Droit 57 12 If a man be appealed of felonie The Appellee wageth battell and then becommeth blinde and wageth battell with the appellant and after he doth become blinde by infirmitie and not by his owne procurement he shall be discharged of the battell and so it is in a writ of Right for in this case the appellée hath pleaded such a plea as the Lawe doth allowe him and his disabilitie to performe it commeth by the act of God But if after the Defendant hath waged battell with the appellant the same appellant shall become blinde by what meanes soeuer the appellée shall be arraigned at the Kings suite S. Appeales 96. Triall by Peeres WHen the Defendant hath pleaded Not guiltie to
enquest of twelue women before the Iustices 22. As p. 71 25. Ed. 3. 42. 12. As p. 11 23. As p. 2. Fitz. Cor. 240. 253. who being then sworne to examine and trie the trueth shall take that woman into a chamber and search and trie whether she be quicke with childe or not and if she be found to be quicke with childe then execution of her shall be staied vntill she shall be deliuered But if shée be not quicke with child she shal be hanged presently for it will not auaile her to be yong with childe And yet whether shée be with child or not Iudgement shall not be delayed but shal be presently giuen against her that she shal be hanged but only the execution of that iudgement shal be stayed If after she is repried and deliuered of her childe and before the next Gaole deliuerie she be with child againe though she be quicke with childe execution shall not be staied but she shal be put to execution presently And yet in that case the truth of the matter being inquired of and found the shirife marshall or gaoler which had the custodie of her shal be fined for kéeping her so slackly that shée had the company of a man 13 If a man attainted of felonie be adiudged to be hanged Fi. Cor. 335 and the sherife doth carrie him to the place of execution and doth hang him and he breaketh the Rope and falleth downe before he be dead A man hanged falleth downe before he be dead In this case the sherife must take him and hang him againe for his iudgement is that he shal be carried to the place of execution and there be hanged vntill he be dead And so vntill he be dead the iudgement is not fully executed ❧ Forfeiture AFter an offendor is attainted of treason or felonie A felon shal forfeit lands and goods and hath had iudgement of death hée shall presently thereby forfeit his goods and also his lands sauing in certaine cases hereafter expressed though it be not mentioned in the iudgement And notwithstanding there is a difference betwéene treason and felonie concerning the forfeiture of lands yet touching the forfeiture of goodes they be all one for they shall be forfeited to the King St. 17. Ed. 2 16 as it appeareth by the Statute intituled Prerogatiua Regis which hath ordained That the King shall haue all the goodes of felons which be condemned and which be fugitiue wheresoeuer they be found and if they haue any fréeholde it shall be forthwith seised into the Kings hands and the King shall haue the profites thereof by the space of a yéere and a day and the land shall be wasted and destroyed in the houses woodes and gardeins and in all things belonging to the same except men of certaine priuiledged places And after the King hath had the yeare day and waste the land shall be restored to the chiefe Lord of the same Fée vnlesse that before hée redéeme the same yéere day and waste of the King by payment of a fine But there is a custome in the countie of Gloucester that after a yeare and day the lands and tenements of felons in that Shire shall reuert and be restored to the next heire to whom they ought to haue descended if the felonie had not béene committed And in Kent in Gauelkinde the Father to the Bough the Sonne to the Plough there all the heires males shall diuide their inheritaunce and likewise women but women shall not make partition with men And a woman after the death of her husband shall be endowed of the moitie And if a woman doe committe fornication in her widdowhoode or take any husband she shall loose her Dower 22. As p. 96 Fit forfeiture 35. 2 A man being indicted before the Coroner of the death of an other man Forfeiture of goods and if it be further found by the same indictment that hée did flie for the said felonie although after he be acquitte of the same felonie 7. Eli. 35. Dy. 238. Co. l. 5. 109 and notwithstanding that the Enquest which did acquitte him doe say that he did not flie for the felonie yet his goodes shall be forfeited to the King For the King shal take holde of that Record which is most for his benefit and that is the Coroners Record And in like sort if one that is indicted of felonie Fitz. forf 32. Fi. Cor. 290 344. is acquitte thereof by verdict Flying for felonie if the Iury which did acquitte him will say that he did flie for the felonie he shall forfeit his goodes which he had at the time of the verdict giuen which being an auncient lawe of this Realme is grounded vpon this reason that notwithstanding his acquitall of the felonie yet he is to be suspected of the felonie for the vehement presumption which is risen of him as well in respect of his flying away as by the indictment And though the Enquest which did finde that he fled for the felonie be as touching that part of their verdict but an Enquest of office yet it is not trauersable because it is onely touching goodes for the which goodes no trauerse against the King is allowed by the Lawe for the Lawe doth accompt goodes inter minima de minimis non curat lex And though goods be in comparison of mans life or his lands in the eie of the Lawe called and accompted Minima yet they be not of so small value or so little to be regarded but the Iudge or the Coroner ought with all due circumspection foresée that the Iurie be not vpon ignoraunce or small euidence seduced to finde an vntrueth to the vtter vndooing of the partie indicted or accused Fi. Cor. 308 338. And in like sort if a man be indicted and arraigned of felonie and it is found by the Enquest or the Coroners Roll that hée fledde for the felonie he shall forfeit his goodes though hée hath the Kings pardon of the felonie for the charter of pardon doth containe the presumption of him that he is guiltie of the felonie An accessorie fled for the felonie 3 If a man be indited before the Coroner as accessorie to the death of an other man and it be found that he fled for the felonie 4. H. 7. 18 in this Case hée shall forfeit his goodes if hée were accessorie before the felonie committed But if it be found before the Coroner that hée was accessorie to the felonie after the offence committed and that he fled for the felonie hée shall not forfeit his goodes for the Coroner hath no authoritie to meddle with any that was accessorie after the homicide committed but onely with such by whose meanes the dead man was slaine or who were the causes of his death which the accessorie after the offence committed could not be And therefore when hée indicted one for receiuing of a murderer and that he fled this inditement of the receipt of the
condemned and which be fugitiue wheresoeuer they bée found And if they haue any freehold it shall bée forthwith seised into the Kings hands and the King shall haue the profits thereof by the space of a yeare and a day and the land shall bée wasted and destroyed in the houses woods and gardens and in all things belonging to the same except men of certaine places priuiledged And after the King hath had the yeare day and wast the land shall bée restored to the chiefe Lord of the same fee vnlesse that before he redéeme the same yeare day and wast of the King by the paiment of a fine But there is a custome in the Countie of Glocester that after a yeare and a day the lands and tenements of Felons in that Shire shall reuert and be restored to the next heire to whom they ought to haue discended if the felonie had not béene committed And in Kent in Gauelkind the father to the bough the sonne to the plough there all the heires males shall diuide their inheritance and likewise women but women shall not make partition with men 33 By force of which stat of Praerogatiua Regis The yere day and wast of lands of what title shal be forfeited euer sithence that time the King hath had all the thrée things aforesaid viz. the yeare the day and the wast of the lands of him which was attainted of felonie as one of the prerogatiues annexed to the Crowne in all cases where the felon had such an estate in his land Bracton de Corona cap. 13. that he might forfeit the same after his death and that hee himselfe might lawfully haue made wast in the same without being impeached therefore And therefore if the felon be but tenant for the terme of life or for the terme of yeares of lands the king shall not haue the yeare day and wast of them after the felons death for then he might wast another mans inheritance But if a man that is seised of lands in the right of his wife do commit felonie and is attainted thereof the king shall haue the profits of the land during the husbands life if the wife doe liue so long Fitz. Cor. 327. And some doe affirme that the king shall haue the yeare day and wast of the said wiues lands after the felons death because the felon during his life might haue committed wast therein and for that the felon had such an estate in his wiues lands that by the common law he might in his life haue made alienation of them and driuen his wife to her Cuiin vita to haue recouered them But that séemeth to be helped if any such law were before by the Statute of Anno 32. H. 8. where it is ordained That no fine feoffement or other act made suffered St. 32. H. 8. 28 or done by the husband onely of any lands tenements or other hereditaments being the inheritance or fréehold of his wife during the couerture betwéene them shall in any wise be or make any discontinuance thereof or be preiudiciall or hurtfull to the said wife or her heires or to such as shall haue title interest or right to the same by the death of such wife But the same wife or her heires and such other to whom such right shall appertaine after her decease shall and may then lawfully enter into such lands c. according to their rights and titles therein notwithstanding such fine feoffement or other act fines leuied by the husband and wife whereunto the said wife is partie and priuie only except By which Statute the wife after the death of her husband may enter into her owne land notwithstanding any attainder forfeiture or other act done by her husband No yere day and wast of lands holden by ioynt purchase 34 A man seised of land in fée simple holden of a common person did infeoffe thereof the husband and wife and their heires the husband committed felonie and was attainted thereof the King seised the land into his hands for his yere day and wast and after the Kings said terme expired 4. E. 3. 47. the Lord of the fée of whom the same land was holden did sue in the Chauncerie to haue the same land restored to him to whom by warrant the Escheator did deliuer the same lend vpon whose possession the wife of the felon attainted did enter and the said Lord of the fée reentred vpon her whereupon the sayd woman brought an Assise against the sayd Lord and recouered the land Because the fée simple of the same land being in the wife by reason of the ioynt purchase with her husband the K. ought not to haue had the yeare and day after the felons death nor the Lord of the fée the land after by Escheat 35 If tenant in tayle Tenant in tayle generall or speciall or tenant in franke mariage of land do commit petit Treason or Felonie and is attainted thereof and executed the King after his death shall neither haue the yeare day or wast in the felons land nor the Lord of the fée shall haue the land by Escheat but after the felons death the same land shall discend reuert or remaine secundum formam doni to the next heire in tayle of the felon or to him in the reuersion or remainder thereof for in this case the felon was in effect but tenant for the terme of his owne life and thereby could not forfeit a greater estate in his land than that which he had And in in like sort if he that hath land by fresh disseisin or is tenant in fee farme of land A disseiser Tenant in fée farme A mortgagée vpon condition to pay the vttermost yearely value thereof or hath land in Mortgage to be redeemed by the Mortgager vpon condition of payment of money or other condition doth commit petit treason or felonie and is attainted thereof the King shall not haue the yeare day and wast for that would tend to the preiudice of others not partie to the offence who haue or may haue a better right and title to the same lands than the felon attainted Fi. Cor. 310 36 If a man that is owner of land in antient demesne Tenant in antient demesne which hee may sell without consent of the Lord doe commit petit Treason or Felonie and is attainted thereof the King shall haue the yeare day and wast notwithstanding that he hath vsed to surrender the land into the Lords hands by a rod in the Court vpon euerie alienation thereof But if he be owner of the land in auntient demesne of a base tenure it is otherwise Fitz. Cor. 290. 37 A man that tooke a Church for felonie escaped and the towne pursued The yere day wast without attainder and killed him because he would not yéeld himselfe and this matter was presented before the Iustices in Eyre and they adiudged that his goods and the profits of his lands
that all men may kill him without punishment and specially if he defend himselfe or flie away in such sort that he may be hardly apprehended But if he doe not flie or defend himselfe then he that killeth a man so taken shal answere for him as for any other man for that life and death be in the kings hands vnlesse there be a custome to the contrary as in the Counties of Hereford and Glocester And he shal forfeit the benefit of Law for he which being outlawed will be so bold as to returne without the kings licence shall die without law or further examination in iudgement And he cannot appeale others for he hath lost the benefit of law and carieth with him his iudgement vpon his head he can haue no defence so long as the Outlary standeth in force It is vpright iustice that he shal perish without law and iudgement who refuseth to liue according to the law And he shall forfeit his right and possession of all things that he hath gotten or may get And all bonds obligations homages fealties oathes and other contracts made with him be dissolued which can neuer be reuiued but vpon a new contract though he be restored And he shal forfeit all his tenements and hereditaments from him and his heires and euery action that was due to him before his Outlary though he be after restored by the kings pardon And Outlary of felony and euery other iudgement of felony doth dissolue all the gifts sales of land that he made sithence the time of the felony committed The outlawes goods shal be the kings for he cannot be outlawed in any other place but in the kings Court as in the Country Court or in the Hustings of London ❧ Corruption of Blood 1 BY attainder of Treason or Felony commeth corruption of Blood that is to say that the offendors children cannot be heires to him that is attainted nor to any other auncestor Corruption of blood salued by Parliament only And if the offendor were a Nobleman or a Gentleman before by this attainder he is become ignoble and not onely he himselfe but also all his children hauing respect to the Nobilitie which they had by their birth And this corruption of Blood is so grieuous that it cannot bee salued otherwise then by authoritie of Parliament But if the King will pardon the offendor it will cleanse the corruption of blood of those children which be borne after the pardon and they which be borne after the pardon may inherite the land which their auncestor purchased at the time of the pardon or after but so cannot they which were borne before the pardon And also he that is attainted of Treason or Felony shall not bee heire to his father but his disabilitie shall hinder others to be heire so that during his life the land shall rather escheat to the lord of the fée 27. Ed. 3. 77. Fi. Petit. 20 then discend to another But if he that is attainted doe die without issue of his body during the life of his auncestor then his younger brother sister or cousin shall inherite for if the eldest sonne be hanged Fi. Discēt 6. 26. As p. 2. or doth abiure the Realme for Felony during the fathers life it is no impediment but that the youngest sonne may inherite 29. As p. 11 13. H. 4. 8. Fit Discent 17. And if he which is attainted of Treason or Felony in the life time of his auncestor doe purchase the Kings pardon before the death of his auncestor yet he shall not be heire to his said auncestor but the land shall rather escheat to the lord of the fée But if the eldest sonne be a Clerke conuict in the life of his father and after his father dieth in this case he shall inherite his fathers land because he was not attainted of Felony for by the common Law hée should haue inherited after hée had made his purgation And now by the Statute of Anno 18. Eliz. hée shall bee forthwith enlarged after burning in the hand Fi. Cor. 382 St. 18. Eli. 6. and deliuered out of prison and not committed to the Ordinary to make his purgation and so he is in case as if he had made his purgation Where corruption of blood shall preiudice tenant by the courtesie 2 If a man that hath land in the right of his wife haue issue 13. H. 7. 17 and doth commit Felony for the which he is attainted and the king doth pardon him in this case if his wife doe die before him he shall not be tenant by the courtesie for the corruption of blood of that issue But it is otherwise if he hath issue after the pardon for then he shall be tenant by the courtesie although the issue which he had before the pardon be not inheritable The eldest sonne attainted of felony during his fathers life 3 If a man seised of lands hath issue two sonnes 32. H. 8. Dyer 48. and the eldest is attainted of Felony in the life of his father and is executed for the felony or otherwise dieth during the life of his father and after the father dieth seised of the land the land shal discend to the youngest sonne as heire to his father if the eldest sonne hath no issue then liuing But if the eldest sonne that was attainted hath any issue in life which should haue inherited but for the attainder the land shall escheat to the lord and not discend to the younger brother for that the blood of the eldest brother is corrupted Where an attainder but n● corruption of blood 4 S. Forfeiture 27 That the attainder of Treason or Felony in certaine cases shal not extend to make any corruption of blood the disinheritance of any heire forfeiture of any dower nor to preiudice the right or title of any person other then of the offendor or offendors during his or their naturall liues only ❧ Restitution of stolne goods 1 HAuing written of Robberies and other Felonies and declared how Felons are to be prosecuted by Arrest Appeale Indictment Arraignment Tryall and Iudgement and what they shall forfeit I meane now to shew how true men whose goods were robbed stoln or feloniously taken from them by such Felons shall be restored to their goods againe As it is necessary for the Commonwealth that Felons should be punished least the impunity of some should incourage them and also allure others to commit the like offences so is it fit that they chiefely whose goods were taken from them and therby haue tasted the smart and receiued the losse by the Felons and are more likely to know who they be and where they be then others are should doe their vttermost endeauor to procure those Felons to be apprehended brought to their answers and to haue them punished according to their demerits that is to say he that was robbed What is fresh suit or whose goods were stolne from him ought presently after the
Maintenance in respect of neighbourhood 35 In what cases the master may maintaine his seruant In what cases the seruant may maintaine his master Deceit Couin Collusion Fraud Fol. 67. 1 The multitude and enormities of deceits and frauds 2 The reward for paines and punishment for deceits of officers towards the Law A Iudge A Clerke A Serieant A Pleader A Philozer An Exigenter No office of Iustice shall be sold or bought No man shal be Iustice of Assise in his owne County 3 Who shal be Atturneyes Sollicitors The penalty for following a suit in anothers name What acts done by Atturneyes in seuerall cases shall bee adiudged deceit 4 The Law reiecteth deceitfull and fraudulent acts A fine leuied of land to defraud the right owner thereof shall bee void 5 A fine leuied of auncient demesne land to defraud the Lord of his Seigniorie is voidable 6 How a recouery of land by deceit shal be auoided 7 A Scire facias vpon a recouery by deceit auoided A recouery of debt by deceit auoided A iudgement to auoid the meaning of a Statute The executors shall haue remedy for a deceitfull recouery against the Testator 8 Deceit vpon a recouery in a Quare impedit Deceit vpon a recouery in wast 9 Deceit vpon a recouery in a Praecipe in capite 10 Where a good Title shal be impaired by a couenous recouery thereof 11 A Warranty deuised by deceit 12 Deceit by getting of a Protection 13 Deceit by purchasing of a writ to charge another 14 Deceit by purchasing of a writ in anothers name Deceit for procuring one to sue another 15 Deceit by acknowledging of a statute in anothers name Deceit by doing of a iudiciall act in anothers name 16 Deceit by forging of a resignation of a Benefice 17 Deceit by conueying of land to one man which before was bargained to another 18 Deceit by not performing of his Warranty 19 Deceit by confession of an action wherein hee hath no interest 20 Deceit by the aliening of the goods of his wife from whom hee meaneth to be diuorced 21 Sale of goods in open Market by deceit and couin 22 A fraudulent assurance to defeat the discontinuee in tayle of his plea of Assets per Discent 23 Fraudulēt assurance to defeat a Lord of his Ward Marriage c. 24 He that is not partie to a fraud shall sustaine no losse by it 25 Deceit collusion to bring land into mortmaine Lands assured in mortmaine to Churches Chappels c. Collaterall assurances to defraud c. Which be charitable and lawfull vses 26 Couin by a particular Tenant to deceiue him in the reuersion 27 Couin by him in the reuersion to deceiue the lessee for yeares Couin to auoid a Statute or Recognizance 28 Fraudulent deeds to auoid other mens duties c. The forfeiture of parties to fraudulent deeds who doe iustifie the same Common recoueries Voucher in Formedon Estates made vpon good consideration and bonafide 29 Fraudulent deedes to auoid forfeitures shal be void 30 A deed without fraud must be made vpon good consideration and bonafide Infallible marks of a fraudulent deed of gift How a deed of gift may be made without fraud 31 Fraudulent assurances to deceiue purchasors The forfeiture of parties to fraudulent conueyances which do iustifie the same Conueiances made vpon good considerations and bona fide Conueiances with condition of reuocation or alteration Morgages 32 A purchasor doth know before of a fraudulent deed 33 The father maketh a fraudulent lease and the sonne selleth the land 34 A womans iointure made by fraud 35 Fraudulent deeds to auoid successors of dilapidations 36 An action popular sued by collusion and fraud 37 Fraudulent possessing of Bankrupts Lands Goods or Debts 38 Fraudulent administration of intestate goods 39 Fraudulent conueyances of Abbey lands 40 Seuerall deceits and frauds in marchandizes and men of trade 41 Deceit by selling of vnholesome victuall Extortion Exaction Fol. 82. 1 What is Extortion What is Exaction 2 Exaction by taking of reward for a report 3 Extortion in the Shirife Coroner or other officers 4 Extortion in a Serieant Crier or Marshall of a Iudge 5 Extortion in a Coroner 6 Extortion in a Sherife vnder-Sherife or Baylife for making of arrests c. 7 Extortion in a Sherife for sparing to returne a Iuror 8 Extortion in a Sherife for the seruing of an Execution 9 Extortion in the Chirographer of the common place 10 Extortion in the kings auditors or their Clerkes 11 Extortion in the Kings Receiuers Extortion in them who do pay fees or pensions 12 Extortion in officers of the Exchequer 13 Extortion in a Clerke of the Signet or priuy Seale 14 Extortion by officers of the faculties 15 Extortion by Gouernours vpon such as be made prentices or freemen 16 Extortion by the officers of the Court of Wards 17 Extortion in taking of Obligations for the payment of first fruits 18 Extortion by Escheators 19 Exaction by the Admirall c. vpon them who trauaile for Fish 20 Extortion by the marshall of the kings house Extortion by a seruitor of bills in the marshals Court. 21 Exaction by Muster-masters to spare the taking of souldiers Exaction by captaines of their souldiers 22 Extortion by taking of Scauage of Marchants 23 Extortion by the Clerke of the Statutes or c. 24 A preuention of extortion by atturneyes in taking of excessiue fees An atturney delaying of a suit or demaunding more then is due 25 A preuention of Extortion in stewards of Courts 26 Extortion in gaugers searchers and packers of fish Extortion in Ordinaries and their Officers for probat of Testaments Administrations c. 28 Extortion in an Ordinarie for the seale of a Citation 29 Extortion in Parsons Vicars c. for Mortuaries 30 Exaction for presenting or collating to a benefice 31 Exaction for admitting to a benefice 32 Exaction for resigning or exchanging of a benefice 33 Exaction for making of ministers or giuing licence to preach 34 Exaction for a voice in electing of a fellow or scholler into a Colledge or c. 35 Exaction by taking money to resigne a place in a Colledge c. 36 Exaction by gathering money which should discharge the fifteene of a Towne 37 Extortion by taking of an amerciament in a Court Baron 38 It is no Extortion to take lawfull fees Taking of barre fees of a prisoner discharged Taking of gloues of an offendor pardoned 39 Extortion by taking of fees of him who doth appeare gratis Oppression Fol. 91. 1 What Oppression is Oppression by disseisins Of what things one may bee disseised 2 Oppression by approuement of common Oppression by surcharge of common 3 Oppression by distresses Powndage money Distraining out of his fee. Excessiue distresse Seuerall distresses for one thing Distresse for damage fesant 4 Oppression by trespasses 5 Oppression by Nusances 6 Oppression by Rescous 7 Oppression by encroachments 8 Oppression by excessiue amerciaments 9 Oppression by committing of wast Wast in land Wast