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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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time of the Danes the Land was plagued with warres pestilence and murren of beasts the King alwaies thanked God what troubles soeuer hapned vnto him and after hee had raigned 29. yeares and sixe moneths he died and is buried at Winchester He euer bestowed eight houres in the day in studie there was none in England more quicke in vnderstanding nor more elegant in interpreting then he was He sent for many learned men out of other Countries to instruct his people He was the first that ordained certaine Schooles of diuerse Arts at Oxford and Franchised them with great Liberties he translated many bookes into the Saxon tongue all that he could by faire meanes and threats he endeuoured to stirre vp his subiects to learning he preferred none to any great place except he were learned since his time learning was neuer extinguished in this Realme Edward his sonne succeeded him in his kingdoms After Stephen the fist was nine Popes of Rome in nine yeare Formosus being Bishop of Porti●ax had offended Pope ●one the 8. which was a woman as before and being afraid fled and because he would not returne he was excommunicated and after disgraded and made to sweare he would neuer claime his Bishopricke againe but remaine a seculer man but Pope Martine released him of his Oath and restored him to his Bishopricke and shortly after he obtained the Pap●ci● whereupon was a great controuersie some held because of his degradation and Oath he could not be Pope others held the contrary because he was absolued by Pope Martin from that his periury and Degradation He sent to Arnulphus for ayde who marching to Rome they would not suffer him to enter and a Hare comming néere the Citie the Host of Arnulphus followed after with such a maine cry that the valiant Romaines for very feare cast themselues downe from the wals so that Arnulphus with a little labour scaled the wals and gate the Citie thus he obtained the citie of Rome and rescued the Pope and beheaded his aduersaries whom the Pope to gratifie blessed him and crowned him for Emperour After Formosus succéeded Bonifacius the sixt after him Stephen the sixt which so enuied Formosus that he abrogated all his Decrées and tooke vp his body and cut off two fingers from his right hand and threwe them into Tyber and buried the body in a Laymans Sepulcre Romanus succéeded him and repealed the Acts of Stephen against Formosus Theodorus the second succéeded him Iohn the tenth succéeded him who repugned the Romaines and held a Sinode at Rauenna of 74. Bishops the French King Eudo with his Archbishops being present where he ratified all the Decrées of Formosus and the contrary Acts of Stephen the sixt were burned After him Benedictus the 4. after him Leo the 5. who was with strong hand taken and cast into prison by one Christopher his owne Houshold Chaplin which Christopher being Pope 7. moneths was likewise hoysted from his Papall throne by one Sergius he thrust him into a Monastery and shore him a Munke thus in nine yeares were nine Popes This Sergius was rude vnlearned proud and cruell he before was put backe from the Popedome by Formosus wherefore he caused the body of Formosus to be taken vp againe disgraded him beheaded him and cut off the other thrée fingers which were left and threw his bodie into Iyber and deposed all such as by Formosus had beene consecrated By this Pope Sergius came vp the vse to beare about Candles on Candlemasse day for the purifying of the blessed Uirgin as though the sacred conception of the Son of God were vnpure and to be purified by Candlelight Pope Anastatius succeeded him after him Pope Laudo succéeded which was father of Pope Iohn the 11. Pope Iohn is said to be the Paramour of Theodora a famous Harlot of Rome by whom he had a daughter called Marozia and the aforesaid Pop● Sergius had a sonne by her which after was Pope Iohn the 12. After she maried Guido Marquis of Tuscia by the meanes of whom and his friends at Rome she caused Iohn the 11. to be smothered with a pillow and Iohn the 12. her sonne to be made Pope but the Clergy and people did not agrée to his election therefor● Pope Leo the 6. was set vp in his place after him Pope Stephen succéeded who being poysoned the said Iohn the 12. was set vp againe in the Papacie where he raigned about 5. years This strumpet Marozia maried two brothers one after another she gouerned all Rome and the Church at that time After him succeeded Stephen the 7. After him Leo the 7. After him Stephen the 8. After him Pope Martine the 3. After him Pope Agapetus the 2. about whose time began first the Order of Monks called Ordo Cluniensis After king Alfride as before his sonne Edward succéeded surnamed the Elder there were thrée Edwards before the Conquest the first Edward the Elder the second Edward the Martyre the third Edward the Confessor This Edward began his raigne in the yeare 901. The Princedome of Wales and the Kingdome of Scotland with Constantine king thereof w●re subdued vnto him also he recouered Northfolke Suffolke Essex and Northumberland from the Danes In all hi● warres he had the victorie his men were so inured with continuall practises of Feates of Warre that when they heard of any enemies comming they would neuer tarry for the King or any of his Dukes but incountred with them the assaults of enemies were to the Souldiers but a trifle and vnto the King a ridicle Then the King builded Chester twise as big as it was and builded a Castle at Herford in the edge of Wales and another Castle at the mouth of the water of Auon and another Castle at Buckingham and another vpon the riuer of Ouse He re-edified the townes of Tocester and Wigmore vpon the riuer of Trent He builded a newe towne ouer against Nottingham and made a Bridge ouer the Riuer betwixt the two townes By the Riuer of Merce he builded a new Citie called Thilwall and repaired the City of Manchester and diuerse others His Daughter Edgitha was ●aried vnto Otho the first Emperour of the Almaines when hée had raigned 24. yeares hee dyed Adelstan his Sonne raigned after him and was Crowned at Kingstone hée was nothing inferiour to his Father in renowne of Ciuile Gouernment and in prosperous successe in reducing this Realme into subiection of a Monarchie He expelled the Danes subdued the Scots and quieted the Welchmen One Elfredus with seditious persons conspired against the said King at Winchester presently after the death of his Father went about to put his eyes but by the helpe of God he escaped Elfred being accused thereof fled to Rome to purge himselfe by his Oath before the Pope and swearing or rather forswearing himselfe in Saint Peters Church suddenly vpon his Oath fell downe and within thrée dayes died The Pope sent to the King to know whether he would haue
That all Church seruice should be in Latine except with the Sclauonians and Polonians Sequences in Masse were by him first allowed by him Priests began to be ●●strained from Mariage wherof Hulderick Bishop of Aus●rough sent a Letter to the Pope that his Decrees concerning single life of the Clergie were farre discrepant from al discretion I feare how the Members of the Body wil do when the Head is so greatly out of frame Is not this a violence tyranny when a man is compelled by your Decrees to doe that which is against the Institution of the Gospell and the old Law as appeareth by many examples there be many vnder a false pretence of Continencie going about to please men more then God some lye with their fathers wiues some are Sodomits and play the beasts with brute beasts wherefore as Saint Paul saith Because of Fornication let euery one haue his owne wife When the Counsell of Nice went about to establish this Decrée one Paphnutius withstood them confessing Mariage to be honorable and called the bed of Matrimonie Chastitie and perswaded the Counsell from making that Law some take Saint Gregory for their defence in this matter being ignorantly deceiued how dangerous this Decree was and how Saint Gregory after re●●ked the same with con●igne fruit of repentance for as he sent to his Fish pond to haue Fish hée sée more then 6000. Infants heads which were taken out of the same Mote then he confessed his Decrée to be the cause of that so lamentable a murder so he altered his Decrée commending the counsell of the Apostle which saith It is better to marry then to burne What can be more foolish then when any Bishop or Archdeacon runne themselues headlong into all lust and Adultery and Incest and So●omitrie yet shame not to say that chaste Mariage of Priests stinkes and they adde this filthy and foolish suggestion that it is more honest priuily to haue to doe with many women then openly to be bound to one wife After this Nicholas succéeded Pope Adrianus the 2. Ioannes the 9. Martinus the 20 Adrian the 3. and Stephen the 1. By this Adrian it was decreed that no Emperour after that time should haue any thing ●o doe in the election of the Pope and thus began the Emperours first decay and the P●pacie to swell and rise alo●t About the latter end of the raigne of Ethelwolfe the Danes with 33. ships arriued about Hampshire through whose barbarous tyranny much bl●ut shed and murder hapne● heere amongst English men They first ouercame Ethelwolfe and after he and his Sonne Ethelbaldus warring against them in Sou●her● at Okley ●raue them to the Sea where they houering a space burst in againe with horrible crueltie Besids the iust Iudgement of God for their manifold sinnes which at this time most plentifully abounded there was two outward causes of the Danes comming into England the first was the death of Lothbroke which was falsly imputed to King Edmond as is ●●●ore recited The other was giuen by the meanes of Osbright raigning vnder the King of West Saxons in the North parts who rauished the wife of Bruer one of his Nobles wherefore the said Bruer tooke shipping and sayled into Denmark● where hee was brought vp and had great friends and making his mone to Codrinus the King who being glad of some iust quarrell leuied a great Army and sent them with ●ugnar and H●bba his chiefe Captaines into England who first arriued at Holdernesse and burned vp the Contry and killed without mercie men women and children and entring towards Yorke entred battell with Osbright where he with the most part of his Army was slaine so they tooke possession of Yorke Ethelbald eldest sonne of Ethelwolfe succeeded his Father in Westsex and Ethelbright ●is second sonne in K●nt they raigned both together 5. yeares Ethelbald maried Iudith his Stepmother his Fathers wife After these two succeeded Ethelred his third sonne he was so incumbred with the Danes that he and his brother Alured fought nine battels with them in one yeare and they spoyled and burned the citie of Yorke The Northumberlands likewise rebelled thinking to recouer their Kingdome againe whereby the strength of England was weakened and the Danes the more preuailed after he had raigned 5. yeares in much trouble he died Alured otherwise called Alfride his brother succeeded him in the second Mon●t● that he was made King he gaue the Danes a battell besides Wilton but he was put to the worst yet the Danes did agree with him to depart out of Westsax and re●●ned from Re●ding to London and abode there all that winter the number of the Danes were so increased as it is written of th●m that in one day 3000. of them were slaine sho●ty after they increased double as many The Danes hauing the Rule of the North part of England from the Thames wi●h M●rcian London and Essex they disda●●ed that Alfride should beare any rule on the other side of the Thames whereupon three Kings of the Danes with all their strength made warre with him that King Alfride being ouerset with his e●emi●s and forsaken of his people he withdrew himselfe into a wood Country in Summersetshire called Etheling standing in a Marsh that there is no comming to it without bo●e where he had nothing to liue by but what he got by hunting and fishing there was a Cottage of a poore Swineheard called Dunwolfus by whom the King was cheered with such poore fare as he and his wife could make him for which the king after set the Swineheard to learning and made him Bishop of Winchester Notwithstanding the king in time was comforted by the prouidence of God First 1300. Danes were slaine as they landed by an ambushment of King Alfrids men who lay in Garison for their owne safetie then the King shewed himselfe more at large and men out of Wiltshire Somersetshire and Hampshire came to him vntill hee had a strong company Then the king apparelled himselfe in the habit of a Minstrell as he was very skilfull in Musicke and entred into the Tents of the Danes lying at Eddingdon and there espied their Idlenesse and heard much of their Counsell and sodainly in the nigh he fell vpon the Danes and slew a great multitude of them his Subiects bearing of his manly Uictories drew to him daily so he wonne Winchester from the Danes and diuers other townes and forced them to sêeke peace the which was concluded vpon condition that Gutrum their King should be Christned and that such as would not be Christned should depart the Country King Alfride was king Gutrums Godfather at his Baptisme and named him Athelstan then he gaue Norfolke Suffolke and part of Cambridgeshire and Northumberland to them that were Christned those that would not be Christned though they departed the Realme they did diuerse times returne againe and did much spoile in many parts of the Realme but King Alfride ouercame them euer During the whole
Spirituall Liuings but these Bishops being demaunded of him could not deny but hee tooke nothing of them they being preferred by him well said hée you requi●e mée well and admonishing them of their Oath and alegiance as hee sate in his Throne they pl●cke away all his Cu●periall Ornaments The good Emperour being destitute said Videat Deus Iudicat Thus leauing him they confirmed the Kingdome to his Sonne and caused him to driue his Father out who with nine persons did ●●y to the Dukedome of Li●burg the Duke bearing of it made after him the Emperour hauing before put him from his Kingdome being afraid of death cra●ed pardon of him and not reuengement the Duke pittying his estate remitted his displeasure and receiued him to his Castle and collecting men of Warre brought him to Colin His Sonne hearing thereof besieged the City but hee escaped by night to Leodium thither all they that had compassion and consiant hearts resorted to him so hee was able to pitch a Field against his enemies and so did hee desired his friendes if they that had the victory they would spare his sonne in that sight the Father had the victory and the Sonne was chased but in another battell the Sonne had the victory and the Father was taken who being vtterly dispossessed was faine to craue of the Bishop of Spire whom he had done much for to haue a Pr●bendry in the Church to serue in our Ladies quire who swore by our Lady hee should haue none Thus hee came to Leodium and there for sorro ● dyed after he had raigned 50. ●eares Pope Pascalis caused his body to be taken our of the graue and to remaine at Spite 's fiue yeares without buriall About this time Anselmus Bishop of Canterbury which brought in the Conception of our ●ady to bee hal●wed accused King Henry the first of England to Pascal●s for making certaine Bishops by his owne election the Kings Proctor in his behalfe signif●●d to the people that the King for the value of his Kingdome would not forgoe his right in setting in Bishop and Pr●lates The Pope answered Before ●od I for the price of my head will not permit it vnto him The Archbishop returning home being the Popes Legate was turned out of his Bishopricke and goods Henry the 5. Emperour after his fathers death raigned twentie yeares being at Rome could not be crowned except he would relinquish his clayme of making Popes or any other Bishops there was such a stirre made by the Pope that if the Emperour had not defended himselfe with his owne handes hée had béene slaine But the Emperour hauing the victory tooke Pope Pascalis led him out of the city made him agree to cr●wne him and to allow him his prerogatiue of election of Popes and other Bishops and being crowned returned with the Pope to Rome But as soone as the Emperour returned to Germany the Pope called a Syno●e ●euoking his agréement and exc●mmunicated the Emperour as he had done his Father The Emperour 〈◊〉 a● it marched to Rome and put the Pope to flight and placed another in his 〈◊〉 The Germaine Bishops with all they might stirred the Saxons against the●r Caesar it gr●we at length to a pitched Field The Emperour seeing no end of his conflicts was faine to forgoe his priu●ledge of the Popes election and other things belonging to the Church and Churchmen In the time of Pascalis li●ed Barnardus of whom sprung the Barnardine Monkes The Emperour had no issue his wife was Mathildas daughter of King Henry the fi●st of England which was Gods iust Iudgement for deposing his Father Pascalis being dead Pope Gelasius was chosen by the Cardinals without the Emperour and the Emperour made another Pope Gregorius the 8. which made Pope Gelasius 〈◊〉 into France and there dyed The Cardinales choose Calixus the 2. Pope without the Emperour who before hee came to his Seat in R●me sent his Legate to excommunicate the Emperour and droue Gregorius the Emperours Pope out of Rome The Emperour fearing the vaine thunderbolts of the Popes curse perswad●d by his Princes and f●iends resigned his ●y●le pertaining to the 〈◊〉 of the Pope and the inuestiture of Bishops This being set vy in writing in the Church of Lateran in tryumph of the Emperour thus sub●ued Then the Pope made out and tooke his fellow Pope Gregorius set him on a Camell his face backward holding the tayle for a bridle brought him thro●gh the streetes of Rome and sho●● him and thrust him into a Monastery ●ée established the Decrée of the Papall Sea against the Emperour and brought in the foure Ember-fasts called ember ●aies He ordained the order of Monkes called Praemonstratenses It was 〈◊〉 by him to be iudged adultery for any person to put away his Liuing or Bishoprick●●uring his life according to Saint Paul The wife is bound vnto the husband as long as he liueth By a generall Councell at Rhemes he decréed all Clergy men should put away their wiues or be depriued of their Liuings wherupon an English writer made these verse● O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruisti post quam tu Papa fuisti Pope Honorius the ● succeeded him he sent one Iohn Cremensis Cardinall Legat into England and Scotland in colour of redresse but to fsill his purse as all other did after him in those dayes afte● he had well refreshed himselfe in Bishops and Abbots houses he assembled the whole Clergy inquired of Priests wiues and made a Sta●tute they should haue no women in their houses vnlesse i●●h kindred as were not to be ●usp●cted and the offend●r of this Act to forfaite all his Spirituall promotion and that no kindred should mary vntill the seauenth generation and r●fling within houres at night was taken in the same vice he was so strict against to no little shame of the Clergie At this time the Emperour Henry the 5. dyed without issue the Emperiall crowne came to Lotharius Duke of Saxon. Not long after deceased Henry the first King of England In this Honorius his time came a Priest to Rome called Arnulphus who preached vehemently against the pride auarice and incontinencie of the Clergie and exhorted them to follow Christ. He was well respected of the Citizens but the Cardinals and Clergy hated him and made him away in the night by drowing him Sabelicus and Platina say they hanged him His Martyrdom he said was reuealed to him by an Angel in the Desert and said vnto them I know you will kill me priuily and no maruell for if Saint Peter were héere and rebuked your vices that exceed you would serue him so and said with a loud voice I am not afraid to suffer for the truth but God will be reuenged you play the blinde guides and leade the people to Hell In the second Booke of Councels printed at Colen either this Arnulphus or about his time one complaineth of the
Slaues He married his Cosens Neeces and kinswomen I will not say his Daughters vnto the best Barons and Earles yet his Grand-father was a poore plowman and his Father a Cow-heard and hauing thus tyrannously abused his office fearing examination fled with a few of his trusty seruants to Douer Castle to haue stolne beyond Sea and comming in a womans apparell with a pe●ce of cloth vnder his arme and a mete rod in his hand being taken vpon susp●tion his Kercheefe plucked off his Balaams marke or shauen Crowne appeared the people wondred rai●ed and spit on him and drew him some by the armes some by the legges ouer the Sea sands vntill they brought him to a darke Seller with shame enough to be kept till the Councell ●ent for him to the Tower of London where he was ●xamined depriued and banished the Realme after restored by King Richard and sent to Rome but died by the way As King Richard returned from the Holy Land driuen by di●●resse of weather about the parts of Austria he was taken in Synaca by Hubald Duke of the same countrey and sold to the Emperour for 60000. marke the Emperour writ of the matter to the King of France that hee might reioyce with 〈◊〉 at len●th King Richard was ransomed for 140000. Crownes and as he was comming into England besieging a Castle in Pictauia tooke his deadly wound and being sick amongst others Fulco Archbishop of Roane came to him who said to the King O mighty King thou hast thrée Daughters very vicious prouide good Husbands for them least thou incurre great damage and th● vtter ruine the King called him lying and mocking hypocrite saying all the world knoweth I haue no daughters he answerd yes if it p●ease your Grace I meane greedy couetousn●sse mischieuous pride filthy ●uxury againe I say O King beware of them and get them marriages Wherevpon the King calling his Lords and Barrons ●●●laring the matter to them and said wherefore heere before you all I giue my Daughter swelling pride vnto the proud Templers to Wife and my Daughter gréedie Auaric● vnto the couetous and Cistertian Monkes and last of all t●y filthy Daughter Luxury to the ryotous Prelates of the Church whom I thinke v●ry meete for them The King not long after departed without issue and Iohn his Brother raigned after him the Arch-bishop putting his crowne vpon his head swearing him to de●end the Church and his good lawes and destroy the euill and except he thought in his minde to doe this he charged him not to presume to take vpon him this dignitie On Iohn Baptist day next after he went to Normandy where he was royal●y receiued and a truce made betwixt him and the French King and the Earle of Flanders and all the Lords of France that were in league with King Richard cam● to him and were sworne vnto him Not long after the French King made Arthur Knight and tooke homage of him for Normandy Brittaine and all his possessions beyond the Sea and promised him help against King Iohn after the French King and King Iohn with their Nobles spake together an houre the French King asked him much land for himselfe and King Arthur wh●ch he would not g●ant but departed in w●ath The same yeere a Legate came into France and commanded the King vpon paine of interdiction to deliuer one Peter out of prison which was elected to a Bishoprick who was deliuered the same Legate came into England and commanded King Iohn vpon paine of interdiction to deliuer the Arch-bishop whom hee had kept in prison two yeares which the King denied vntill he had payed him six thousand markes because hee had tooke him in harnesse in a field against him and he swore him hee should neuer beare harnesse against a Christian man This time King Iohn his wife were diuorced because they were in the third degrée of kindred and after by the Councell of the French King was married vnto the Daughter of the Earle of Anguilla and then Arthur of Brittan did homage for Brittaine and other his possessions to King Iohn This time was strife betwixt the King and the Archbishop of Yorke because he would not suffer the Sheriffe to do such affaires as he had to d ee in his Dioces for the King and excommunicated the Sheriffe and would not go with the King into Normandy to make the marriage betwixt the French Kinges Sonne and his Néece The King of France required King Iohn to depart with all his Landes in Normandy and Pictauia c. vnto Arthur his Nephew else hee would warre against him which he denying the next day the French King with Arthur set vpon certaine of his Towns and Castles in Normandy but he was so repulsed of the English who followed so néere and so inforced vpon them that they took Arthur and many other Prisoners and left none to beare tydings home This Arthur was the Sonne of Geffery the elder Brother of King Iohn Geffery was the third Son of Henry the second and Iohn was his fift Son Arthur being taken was brought to the King home he exhorted him with many gentle words to leaue th● King of France and incline to his Uncl● hee stoutly required the kingdome of England with all things thereunto belonging to bee restored to him as lawfull heire of the Crowne Whereupon he was committed to the Tower of Roane wher● he finished his life No Story agréeth certainly how whether by leaping into the Ditch or no. The next yeare King Iohn lost all his possessions in Normandy by the force of the French King This yeare grew great dissention about chusing the Archbishop of Canterbury the younger sort of the Monkes there at midnight and before the old Arch-bishop was buried and without the Kings assent elected one Renald sending h●m to the Pope charging him vpon his oath to be secret but he reuealed the matter whereby the rest of the Monkes sent priuily to Rome and sent to the King for h●s ass●nt to chuse an Archbishop the King granted their petition desiring them to shew ●auour to Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich which they did and elected him and the King sent to Rome at his owne charge to haue this election ratified ●he Suffragans of Canterbury sent likewise to Rome to haue both those elections frustrated because their assents were not to them The next yeare the Pope d●cided the matter betwi●t the Monkes and Suffrigans pronouncing with the Monks charging the Suffragans and Bishop to meddle no more with that election The next yeare the Pope decided the controuersie betwixt the younger Monkes and the elder Monkes and condemned both their elections comma●nding them to chuse Steuen Langton Cardinall of Saint Chrisogone for their Arch-bishop they said they durst not for feare of the King and that it was preiudiciall to their liberties He in a fury said We will you to know that we haue full power ouer the Church of Canterbury and
were like to perish a Legion of the Christian Soldiers withdrew themselues and prayed whereby they obtained raine for them selues lightenings and ha●le to discomfort and put to flight their enemies wherevppon the Emperour wrote to the Gouernours to giue thankes to the Christians and giue them peace of whom came the victory Anthonius Comodus sonne to Verus succeeded and raigned 13. yeares some thinke the persecution slaked in his time by the fauour of Martia the Emperors Concubine who fauored the Christians by reason whereof many Nobles in Rome receiued the Gospell amongst whem one Apollonius being accused by Seuerus his seruant but this accuser was sound false and therefore had his legges broken yet hee was driuen to confesse his faith and for the same beheaded by an ancient law that no Christian should be released without recantation The Emperour and the cittizens of Rome on his birth day assembled to offer sacrifices to Hercules and Iupiter proclaiming that Hercules was Patron o● the Citty but Vincentius Eusebius Perigrinus Potentianus instructers of the people hearing thereof preached against the same and conuerted Iulius a Senator with others to the faith whereof the Emperor hearing caused them to be tormented and then prest to death sauing that Iulius was beaten to death with Cudgels at the commandement of Vitellus maister of the soldiers Perigrinus was sent of Xistus Bishop of Rome to teach in France where the persecution had made wast who established the Churches and returned to Rome was Martired this Xistus was the 6. Bishop of Rome after Peter and gouerned the ministry there 10. yeares Telesphorus succeeded him and was Bishop 11. yeares and was martired after him succeeded Hyginus and died a martyr after him succeeded Pius after them Anicetus Soter Elutherius about the yeare 180. In the time of Comodus amongst others were martired Serapion Bishop of Antioch Egesippus a writer of Ecclesiasticall histories from Christ to his time also Miltiades who wrote his Apology for Christian Religion About this time wrote Hiraclitus who first writ Anotations vppon the new Testament also Theophilus Bishop of Cesaria Dionisius Bishop of Corinth a famous learned man who wrote diuers Epistles to diuers Churches and exhorteth Penitus a Bishop that he would lay no yoke of chastity vpon any necessity vpon his Brethren also Clemens Alexandrinus a famous learned man liued in that time and Gautenus who was the first that read in open schoole in Alexandria of whom is thought first to rise the order of Uniuersities in Christendome he was sent to preach to the Indians by Demetrius Bishop of Alexandria In this tranquility of the Church grew contention for Easter day which had beene stirred before of Policarpus and Anicetus forthey of the west Church pretending the tradition of Paul and Peter but indeed it was of Hermes and Pius kept Easter the 14. day of the first month the Church of Asia followed the example of Iohn the Apostle and obserued another day The fifth Persecution AFter Comodus raigned Pertinax after whom succeeded Seuerus vnder whom was raised the fift Persecution hee raigned 18. yeares in the first ten hee was very fauorable after through false accusations hee proclaimed that no Christian should be suffered wherevppon an infinite number were slaine in the yeare 205. The crimes obiected was rebellion to the Emperour Sacriledge and murdering of Infants incestuous pollutions eating raw flesh libidinous commixture worshipping the head of an asse which wa● raised by the Iewes also for worshipping of the Sunne in rising because they vsed daily to sing vnto the Lord or because they vsed to pray towards the East but the speciall matter was because they would not worship Idols these Persecutions raged in Affrica Alexandria Cappadocia and Carthage the number that were slaine was infinite The first that suffered was Leonides father of Origen who but 17. yeares old desired to haue suffred with his father but that his mother in the night stole away his garments and his shirt yet he wrote to his father take heed you alter not your purpose for our sakes hee was so toward in knowledge of Scripture and vertue that his father would often in his sleepe kisse his breast thanking God that he had made him so happy a father of so happy a sonne his father being dead and his goods confiscate to the Emperour hee sustained himselfe his mother and sixe brethren by keeping schoole at length hee applied himselfe wholly to Scripture and profited in the Hebrew and Greeke tongues which hee conferred with other translations as that of the 70. and found out other translations of Aquila of Symachus and Theodocian with which he also ioyned 4. others he wrote 7000. Bookes the Copies whereof hee vsed to sell for three-pence a peece to sustaine his liuing hee had diuers Schollers as Plutarchus Serenus his brother who was burned and Heraclitus and Heron which were beheaded another Serenus which was beheaded and Rahis and Potamiena shee was tormented with pitch poured on her and martired with her mother Marcella she was executed by one Basilides who shewed her some kindnes in repressing the rage of the multitude shee thanked him and promised to pray for him hee being required after to giue an oth touching the Idols and Emperour as the manner was refused it confessing himselfe to be a Christian and therefore was beheaded There was one Alexander who after great torments escaped and was Bishop of Ierusalem Narcissus who was 61. yeares old he was vnwildy to gouerne alone he was 40. yeares Bishop of Ierusalem vntill the Persecution of Decius he erected a famous Library where Eusebius had his cheefe helpe in directing his Ecclesiasticall History hee wrote many Epistles he licensed Origen to teach openly in his Church after vnder Decius in Cesaria for his constant confession dyed in prison Policarpus sent Andoclus into France Seuerus apprehending him and first being beaten with bats he was after beheaded in that time Asclepiades suffred much for his confession and was made Bishop of Antioch and continued there seauen yeares About this time Ireneus with a great multitude beside were martired hee was Scholler to Policarpus and Bishop of Lyons 23. yeares in his time the question of keeping Easter was renewed betwixt Victor Bishop of Rome and the Churches of Asia and when Victor would haue excommunicated them Ireneus with others wrote to him to stay his purpose and not to excommunicate them for such a matter Not long after followed Tertullian who writ learned Apologies for the Christians and confuted all that the slanderours obiected hee wrote many bookes whereof part yet remaine Victor Bishop of Rome died a Martyr after he had sitten there 10. or 12. yeares he was earnest in the matter of Easter and would haue excommunicated them that were contrary but for Ireneus and others who agreed to haue Easter vppon the Sunday because they would differ from the 〈◊〉 and because Christ rose on that day On the other
themselues to be Christians whereat the Iudges and their Assistants were greatly amased and the Christians imboldened and they departed glad for the testimony they had giuen Ischrion often moued of his Master to doe Sacrifice and refusing he runne him through with a speare In this time many wandred in wildernesse suffered hunger colde danger of wilde beasts Clerimon Bishop of Nilus an olde man with his wife flying to the mountaine of Arabia could neuer be found againe Dionisius Alexandrinus suffered much a●fl●ction and had strange deliuerances First the messenger was struck●n blinde could not finde his house after which three daies God had him flye after comming to Ierusalem he was taken the Keeper was from home when he was brought to Prison and the Keeper returning home and finding diuerse runne away he ranne away himselfe and tolde the matter to one he met going to a Mariage who tolde it to them at the wedding who in the night rushed towards the pri●oners with great shouting they that kept the prisoners were afraid and left them then the company willed them to depart and they t●●ke Dionisius set him vpon an Asse and conueyed him away In this time suffered one Christopherus a Cananite 12. cubits high also Meneates a Florentine and Agatha a holy virgine in Sicily who suffered imprisonment was be●ten racked famished rayled on tormented with sharpe shels and 〈◊〉 co●es and her breasts were cut from her body Amongst others also suffered 40. virgines by diuerse k●nds of deathes Triphon a very holy and constant man of Nice after much torments suffered death by the sword Decius erected a Temple at Ephesus and compelled all the citie to dee Sacrifice 7. of his Souldiers refused and they hi● themselues in Mount Celius in caues the Emperour caused them to be rammed vp with stones and so they w●re Martired Hieronimus writeth of a godly Souldier which could not be brought from his Faith was brought into a pleasant Garden laid vpon a soft bed and an Harlot sent to allure him she offering to kisse him he bit off her tongue and ●pit it in her face Theodora a virgine was commanded to the Stewes a young man a Christian caused her to change garments with him and conuey herselfe away and offering himselfe to their violence being found a man he confessed himselfe a Christian and was condemned to suffer Theodora offered herselfe to the Iudge and desired that the other might be discharged he commanded them both to be beheaded and cast into the fire Agathon was condemned to lose his head for rebuking them that derived the dead bodies of Christians One Paulus and one Andreas were scourged drawne through the citie and aftrer troden to death vnder the féete of people also Iustinus a Priest of Rome and Nicostratus a Deacon and Portius a Priest of Rome which is reported to haue conuerted the Emperour Phillip were all Martyred Secundarius as he was led to the Iaile Verianus Marcellinus asked whether they led the innocent whereupon they were taken and after torments and beatings with waisters were hanged with fire put to their sides but the Tormentors some fell sodainly dead others were possessed with euill Spirits Beza registers these to suffer in this Tyrants time Hipolitus Concordia Hierenius Abundus Victoria a virgin being Nobles or Antioch Belias Bishop of Apollinia Leacus Tyrsus and Galmetus Naza●zo Triphon Phillas Bishop of Philocomus Philocronius Bishop of Babilon Thesiphon Bishop of Pamphilia Nestor Bishop of Corduba Parmeuius Priest Circensis Marianus and Iacobus Nemesianus Felix Rogatianus Priest Felicissimus Iouinius Basilius Ruffina and Secunda virgins Tertullianus Valerianus Nemesius Sempronianus Olimpiadus Teragone Zeno Bishop of Cesaria Marinus Archinius Priuatus Bishop Theodorus Bishop of Pontus Pergentius and Laurencius children suffered Persecution in Tuscia Many reuolted as Serapion Nichomachus in the middest of his torments Euaristus Bishop of Africa Nicoftratus a Deacon diuerse of them were punished by Gods hand some with euill spirits some with strange diseases At this time rose the heresie of Nouatus he disturbed Cyprian Bishop of Carthage and Cornelius Bishop of Rome he was assisted with Maximus Vrbanus Sidonius and Celerius but they forsooke him after he allured three simple Bishops in ●taly to lay their hands on him to make him Bishop of Rome with Coruelius whom by all meanes he sought to defeate and made the people that came to receiue the Eucharist swea●e they would stand with him Two young men Aurelius which was twise tormented and Mapalicus in the middest of his torments told the Proconsull to morrow you shall see the running for a wager meaning his Ma●tyrdome Decius the Emperour raigned but two yeares and with his sonne was slaine of the Barbarians presently God sent a ple●ue 10 yeares together which made diuerse p●aces desolate especially where the Persecution most raigned the Christians comforted and ministred vnto their sicke brethren the Infidels forsooke their neighbours and friends and left them destitute of succour vpon this Plague Ciprian wrote his Booke De mortalitate Vibias Gallus and Volusian his sonne by treason succeeded Decius Gallus at the first was quiet anone after published Edicts against Christians Cyprian Bishop of Carthage was banished others were condemned to the Mines as Nemisianus Fex Lucius with their Bishops Priests and Deacons to whom and to Seagrius and Rogatianus Cyprian wrote consolatory Epistles Lucius Bishop of Rome was banished whom Cornelius succeeded but a while after hee returned againe to his Church and Stephanus succéeded him and sate 7. yeares 5. monethe and died a Martyre betwixt him end Cyprian fell a contention about rebaptizing of Hereticks Emilianus slew the former Emperours and succéeded himselfe after 3. moneths he was slaine and Valerius and Galienus his sonne succeeded him Valerius 3. or 4. yeares was so cut●eous to Christians as no Emperour before him that his Court was full of Christians but he was seduced by an Egyptian Magitian finding himselfe hindred by them from the practising of his charmes hée brought the Emperour to Idols he Sacrificed Infants and reised the eight Persecution ¶ The eight Persecution CIprian was an African borne in Carthage an Idolater and giuen to Magicke he was conuerted to the Faith by Ceci●a Priest by hearing the Prophet Ionas as sOOne as he was conuerted he gaue his goods to the poore not long after he was Priest he was bishop of Carthage he had the gouernment of the whole East Church and Church of Spaine he was called the Bishop of Christian men he loued to read Tertullian and called him his Master In the time of Decius and Gallus he was banished in the time of Valerianus he returned againe but after he was found in a Carden and his head stricken off At this time Zistus Bishop of Rome with sixe of his Deacons more beheaded one Laurence a Deacon seeing the bishop goe to execution cryed to him Deare Father whether goest thou without thy deare sonne He answered within three daies thou shalt suffer in
of Images was condemned there he aduanced the veneration of Images commanding them most Ethnically to be incenced In this time Charles the great raigned by whom the Pope caused D●siderius the Lumbard King to be deposed Pope Adrianus the 1. succéeded him he added more then all the other to the veneration of Images writing a Booke for the adoration and vtilitie of them commanding them to be taken for Lay-mens Calenders As Pope Paul before him made much of Petronel Peters daughter so this Adrian clothed the body of Peter all in siluer and couered the Altar of S. Paul with a pall of golde He confirmed by reuelation the Order of S. Gregories Masse before the order of S. Ambrose his Masse in this manner both the Masse bookes were said vpon the Altar of S. Peter and the Church doore shut and sealed by many Bishops who continued in praiers all night that the Lord would shew by some euident signe which of these Seruices he would haue vsed and in the morning they found Gregories Masse booke plucked in pieces and scattered about the Church and Ambrose his booke lay open in the same place where it was layde Pop● Adrian expounded it that as the leaues of Gregories booke were sattered all ouer the Church so should Gregories booke be vsed throughout the world and that Ambrose his Seruice should onely be vsed in his owne Church where he was Bishop so Gregories Masse had onely the place and hath to this day Charles the sonne of the aforesaid Pipinus confirmed the gift of his Father vnto the Pope and added thereunto the citie and Dominion of Uenice Histria the Dukedomes of Foroinliense Spoletanum Be●e●entanum and other more possessions to the patrimony of Peter making him the Prince of Rome and Italy wherefore the Pope intituled him most Christian King and ordained him onely to be taken for Emperour and made him Patricium Romanum and Caroloman Carolus his eldest brother being ●ead Bertha his wife with her two children came to Pope Adrian to haue them confirmed into his fathers Kingdome the Pope to shew a pleasure to Carolus would not agrée but gaue her and her two children and Desiderius the Lumbard king with his whole Kingdome wife and Children into the hands of Carolus who led them into France and kept them in seruitude during their liues By this Adrian and Pope Leo his successor was Carolus Magnus proclamed Emperour and the Empire translated from the Grecians to the Frenchmen in the year 801. where it continued about 102. yeares vntil the comming of Conradus and his Nephew Otho which were Germaines and so hath continued amongst the Almains vntill this time This Charles builded as many Monasteries as there be letters in the A. B. C. he was beneficiall to the poore but cheefly to Churchmen he held a Councell at Frankford where was cōdemned the Councel of Nice●e Irene for setting vp worshiping Images Egbert succeeded Ceolulphus and when he had raigned 20. years in Northumberland was likewise shorne Monk about the time of the death of Ceolulphus in his monastery In the year 754. the cities of Weire London York Doncaster with others were burnt In the yeare 780. it rained blood it the citie of Yorke it fell from the top of S. Peters Church the Element being cléere out of the North part of the Temple some expounded it to be a token of the comming of the Danes which entred thi● land about 7. years after In the yeare 784. Irene Empresse of the Greekes by the meanes of Pope Adrian tooke vp the body of Constantinus Emperour of Constantinople her husbands father and burned it and caused the ashes to be cast into the sea because he disanulled Images as afore is said afterwards raigning with her son Constantine the sixt being at disscen●ion with him she caused him to be cast into prison and his eyes to be put out so cruelly that within short time he dyed after she held a Councell at Nice● where it was decréed that Images should againe be restored to the Church which Councell also was repealed by another Councell holden at Frankeford by Charles the great wherin he did greatly lament that no● so few as 300. Bishops of the East did decree that Images should be worshipped which the Church of God hath alwaies abhorred at length she was deposed by Nicephorus who raigned after her and after according to the iust Iudgement of God ended her life in much penury and misery The first Crosse and Altar that was set vp in this Realme was in Heuenfield in the North vpon the occasion of Oswald king of Northumberland fighting against Cadwalla where he in the same place set vp the signe of the Erosse kneeling and praying there for victory The Church of Winchester was founded by Kingilsus king of the Mercians and finished by his sonne Anno 636. The Church of Lincolne founded by Paulinus Bishop 629. The Abbey of Westminster begun by a citizen of London by the instigation of Ethelbert King of ●ent 614. The Schooles of Cambridge erected by Sigebert king of East Angles 636. The Monastery of Malmesbury by Meldulphus a Scot 640. after inlarged by Agilbet Bishop of Winchester The Monastery of Gloster builded by Opricus king of Mercia 679. The Monastery of Maybrose by Aydanus the Scottish Bishop The Nunnery of He●renton by He●y which was the first Nun in Northumberland The Monastery of Hetesey by Osway king of Northumberland who with his Daughter Elfred gaue possessions for twelue Monasteries 657. The Monastery of S. Martine in Douer builded by Whitred king of Kent The Abbey of Lestingie by Cedda whom we call Saint Ced 651. The Monastery of Whithy by Hilda daughter to the Nephew of king Edwine 657. she builded also another Monastery called Hacanus not farre ●hence The Abbey of Abbington builded by Sissa king of Southsaxons 666. Saint Botulph builded an Abbey on the East side of Lincolne called Ioann● 654. The monastery in Ely foūded by Etheldred daughter of Anna K. of east Angles 674. The Monastery of Chertsey in Southery founded by Erkinwald Bishoy of London 674. he founded also the Nunnery of Barkin The Abbey of Peterborough founded by King Ethelwald 675. Bardnere Abbey by King Etheldredus 700. Glastenbury by Iue King of West Saxons 701. Ramsey by one Aylewinus a Nobleman 973. King Edgar builded in his time forty Monasteries he raigned Anno 678. The Monastery of Wincombe builded by king Kenulphus 737. Saint Albons builded by Offa king of Mercians 755. The Abbey of Eusham by Egwinus Bishop 691. The Abbey of Ripon in the North by Wilfridus Bishop 709. The Abby of Echlingheie by king Aluredus 891. The Nunnery of Shaftsbury by the said Aluredus the same yeare so you see that Monasteries began to be founded by the Saxon kings within 200. yeares after they were conuerted these had a zeale but they lacked the true Doctrine of Christ especially that Article of free Iustification by Faith of Iesus Christ for lacke whereof as
the Priests and Canons of the Cathedrall Church of Yorke become Monkes within the Churchyard he erected another Church of our Lady replenishing it with Monkes and there he kept his seat and was euer conuersant whereby the other Church was desolate and all the people gathered where the Bishop was so they were faine for shame and contempt either to relinquish the house or become Monkes so did Ethelwolfe driue out the Canons and Priests out of the Monasterie of Hide in Winchester and placed his Monkes so in Oxford and Mildune and diuerse places more seculer Priests and their wiues were expelled ●o giue place to Monkes The Monkes of the primitiue time did differ from the Monkes of the middle time and from our Monkes of the latter age The name and order of Monkes began 300. yeares after Christ Basilius Magnus was one of the first institutors and commenders of that Superstition Cassianus maketh mention of a certaine Monastery in Thebaid wherein were 5000. Monkes vnder the gouernment of one Abbot and héere also in England mention is made before of Bangor wherein were 2200. Monkes vnder one mans ruling in the yeare 596. but these were such as either by tyranny of persecution were driuen into desart places or else of their owne de●●tion ioyned with Superstition for the loue they had to Spirituall contemplation and hatred of the wicked world withdrew themselues from all company hauing all things common these were Lay-men leading a stricter kinde of life then others as Saint Augustine Lerome and others testifie one thing pertaineth to the Monkes and another thing to the Clergie the Clergie fed the flocke and the monkes are fed It appeareth also by the forth Canon of the Councell of Calcedon that Monkes should not meddle with matters of the Church And Leo in his 62. Epistle doth forbid Monkes and lay-men to bée admitted to preach They differed from the Monkes of the middle age in thrée points First they were bound to no strict apparell or dyet or any thing else Secondly they were but Lay-men onely being of a stricter life then the rest and had nothing to doe in Ecclesiasticall matters vntill Pope Boniface the 4. gaue them authoritie Thirdly though many of the Monkes of the first age liued single from wiues yet some of them were maried and none of them were forbidden from mariage Athanasius in his Epistle ad Pracontium saith hee knew Monkes and Bishops maried men and fathers of children Yet though the former Monkes were better then the latter yet amongst them superstition beganne to créepe into the Church by the subtiltie of Satan and all for the ignorance of frée iustification by Faith in Christ as for example One Abbot Moses testifieth of himselfe that hee so afflicted himselfe with fasting and watching that hee felt no appetite to meate and could not sleepe that hee prayed to God to giue him a little sléepe some péece of the night This Cassianus doth testifie Cap. 7. Cola. ● Hée saith also of an olde Hermite that made a vowe hée would neuer eate without some guest sometimes fasted thrée or foure dayes for lacke of guestes One Mucius to declare his obedience to the Abbot did not sticke at the commaundement of the Abbot to cast his sonne into the water not knowing whetherany were there to saue him from drowning preferring the Abbots commaundement before the commaundement of God And Basilius Magnus and Nazeanzenus with immoderate austeritie did so plucke downe themselues that when they were called to bee Bishoppes they were not able to sustaine the laboure thereof After these Monks followed Monkes of the middle Age who increased both in number and Superstition from their dennes in Wildernesses the approched to great townes where they had solemn● Monasteries founded by Kings Queenes Kings Daughters and rich Consuls for the remedie of their Soules remission and the redemption of their sinnes the good of their Fathers pos●erities of their Country and the Honour of our Lady and lightly it was for some murder or great sinne In which monasteries they abounded in wealth and riches and did swim●e in Superstition and Pharisaicall hypocrisie being yoaked in all their doings to certaine obseruations in watching in sleeping in rising in praying in walking in talking in looking in tasting in touching in gestures and in their Uestures and the number of their Sects were diuerse some after Basilius rule went in w●ite● some after Benicts rule went in blacke some after Hieromes rule their white cloth girt with leather girdles some Gregorians copper coloured some Gray monkes some ware a coate of male vpon their hare bodies with a blacke cloke thereupon some had white rochets vpon a blacke cote some cloke coule and cap all blewe some Charter monkes wearing heire-cloth next their body some Flagillants went in long linnen shirts with an open place in the backe where they beate themselues with scourges on the bare shinne euery day before the people till the bloud ranne downe saying it was reuealed by an Angell that in scourging themselues so within thirtie daies and twelue houres they should be made so pure from sinne as they were when they first receiued bap●isme some Iesuits with a white girdle and a russet coule with enumerable more Orders they were so subiect to seruile rules that no part of Christian libertie remained amongst them and so drowned in Superstition that they lost Christs religion and the sence of m●n King Edgar reduced England into a full and perfect Monarchie hee would suffer no man of what degree soeuer he were to da●ly out his lawes without punishment in all his time there was neither priuie picker nor open theefe for if any were a ●heefe he was sure to leese his life He coused Ludwallus Prince of Wales to pay him yearely for tribute 300. wolues whereby within foure yeares a wolfe could scarce be found in England and Wales He had in readinesse 3600. ships of warre and in the Sommer 1200. kept the East Seas so many the West Seas and so many the South Seas in the winter he 〈…〉 Progresse ouer the Land to sée how his Lawes were kept that the poore should not be opprest by the mightie In the 13. yeare of his raigne eight Kings that were vnder him of which the King of Scots was one came to him to Chester and did him Homage next day in a royaltie he caused the eight kings euery one rowing with an Oare to cary him in a bo●e vp and downe the riuer to the Church of Saint Iohn and vnto his Palace againe in token that he was Lord of so many Prouinces He sent one Ethelwold an Earle of his priuie Counsell to sée Elfrida daughter of the Duke of Somerset whose beautie was commended vnto him who tolde the King all things contrary and after maried her the King came to see her her husband had prayed her to put on her worst apparell and disgrace her selfe as much as shee could but she set her selfe forth as gloriously as she
gate of Canossus where fasting from morning to night humbly he desired to be absolued and to come in and speake with the Pope Thus he continued and could not be let in in thrée daies the fourth day being brought to the Pope he surrendred his Crowne and princely ornaments vnto him desiring he might be forgiuen and he would neuer doe against him againe He told him he would not absolue him but vpon condition he should doe such penance as hee should enioyne him and appeare at the Councell when he should send for him and answere there all obiections laid against him and stand to his pleasure whether hee should haue his Kingdome restored or loose it and should doe nothing as a King vntill the cause were tryed and vpon his Oath for performance hereof he was absolued For all this the Pope sent to France for their consents that Rodulphus should be Emperor Then there was sent to Rodulphus b●ing Duke or Sw●●ia a crowne from the pope with this verie Petra dedit Petro Petrus Diadema Rodulpho Then he gaue in commaundement to the Archbishop of Ments and of Cullen to elect Rodulphus emperour and annoint him King and defend him with all their strength Whilst this conspiracie was in hand the Emperour was absent and the Popes Ambassadors with him and vnknowne to him Rodulphus was elected Emperour the Bishop of Stasbrough 〈◊〉 Henry the emperour thereof who seeing the Saxons so bent against him marched forward with his Souldiers to defend his right but first sent to Rome requiring the Pope to excommunicate Rodulphus But he minding nothing lesse sent word that he would not condemne any person without hearing the cause so vnder colour of Lawe disapp●inted Henry who being forsaken on euery side with his men attempted battell with Rodulphus there was great slaughter on both sides but no victory so yet both chal●nged the Empire Then they both sent to Rome for the Popes determination to whether of them the Empire appertained the Pope willed them to breake vp their A●mies promising shortly to call a Councell where this matter should be disputed but before the messengers returned they had another conflict but no victory So both being wearied in warre the Romish beast being the cause therof and the Pope perceiuing these warres would be to the great calamitie not onely of Germany but to other Nations deuised another way to helpe Rodulphus sent a Commission to the Archbishop of Treuers and others giuing them in charge to call a Councell to sit at Almany to determine ●he right promising what they determined he by the au●horitie of God omnipotent and of Saint Peter and of Sant Paul would ratifie the same but Henry the Emperour would not permit a Councell to be had in Germany except they would first depriue Rodulphus The Legat● perceiuing that was against the Popes drift returned The Pope hearing his purpose disappointed drue another excommunication against Henry the Emperour hereauing him of his Kingdome sending them through all places thinking thereby to further Rodulphus part biginning his excommunication with these words Blessed Saint Peter Prince of the Apostles and thou Paul also teacher of the Gentiles giue eare vnto me a little I beseech you and gently heare me c. I take this matter in hand that my brethren whose saluation I seeke may the more obey me and knowe that I trust vpon your defence next to Christ and his mother and thereby resist the wicked and am ready to helpe the faithfull I entred this Seat against my will with teares thinking my selfe vnworthy to occupy so high a Throne I chose not you but you chose me and ●ayd this great burden vpon Our shoulders Then reciting the whole matter of the Story before concludeth therefore ● trusting in the Iudgement and mercie of God and in the supportation of the blessed Uirgin and bold vpon your authoritie meaning S. Peter S. Paul do lay the sentence of Curse vpon Henry his adherents And againe I take his regall Gouernment from him discharging all Christian men of their Oathes to him and forbidding them hereafter to obey him in any thing but to take Rodulphus for their King c. Therefore O blessed Princes of the Apostles confirme this your authoritie that all may know as you haue power to binde and loose in Heauen you haue also power on earth to giue and take away Empires Kingdomes Principa●ities and whatsoeuer belongeth to mortall men on earth For if you haue power to Iudg● of matters of God how much more of prophane things and if you can Iudge the Angels which rule proud Princes how much more the princes Let all Kings and princes by this example know your power that they may feare to contemne the commaundement of the holy Church Exercis● quickly this Iudgement vpon Henry that all may see him fall from his Kingdom not by chance but by your onely worke notwithstanding this I would craue of you that he being brought to repentance through your intercession yet in the day of Iudgement may finde grace with the Lord. Pope Hildebrand further deposed the Archbishop of Rauenna for taking his part commaunding all priests not to obey him and sent another with full authoritie thither Upon this Henry and Rodulphus tryed the matter with sword with much bloud whereas Henry with Gods fauour against the Iudgement of Hildebrand had the victory Rodulphus greatly wounded was carried to Herbipolis where he commanding the Bishops and doers of this conspiracie to be brought to him and lifting vp his right hand which was deadly wounded said This hand gaue the Oath to Henry my prince and hath so often fought against him by your in●●igation but in vaine goe and performe you Oath and alegiance to him your King for I must go to my Fathers and so dyed Henry after his enemy subdued and warres ceased in Germany remembring the iniuries of Hildebrand by whom he was twise excommunicated expulsed from his Kingdome and making sute thrée daies in sharpe winter and could finde no fauour and by him his enemy was incited and ayded against him assembled a Councell of 1083. Bishops at Brixienc● where hee purged himselfe and accused Hildebrand of diuerse c●imes to be an vsurper periured a Nigroma●cer a Sorcerer a sower of discord and that his Father had set in diuerse Popes in Rome by his assignement without other election and now this Bishop contrary to his Oath thrust in himselfe without the will and knowledge of him being their King and Magistrate For in the time of Henry the third his Father this Hildebrand and others had tooke a corporall Oath that during the life of him and this Henry his sonne now king they should no● presume themselues norsuffer any other to aspire to the Papall Seat without the approbation of the said Emperours Wherefore the aforesaid Councell with one agréement condemned this Gregory that he should be deposed ¶ The Sentence of the Councell of Brixia against Hildebrand BEcause it
the fight of Beckets Church he lighted went barefoote to his toombe whose steps were found bloudy by the roughn●sse of the stones and receiued a whip with a rod of euery Monke of the Cloister whereby thou maist see the lamentable superstition and ignorance of those dayes and the slauery that Kings and Princes were brought too vnder the Popes Clergy the same yeere almost the whole Citie of Canturbury was consumed with fire and the said Minster church cleane burnt The next yeare in a conuocation of Bishops Abbots and other of the Clergie at Westminster there was great discention betwixt the two Arch-bishops whether Yorke must beare his Crosse in the Dioces of Canterbury and whether the Bishopricks of Lincoln Chichester Worcester and Hereford were of the sea of York Wherefore the one appealed the other vnto the presence of the Pope How much better had it beene if the Supremacie had remained in the King whereby much trauell and great wastfull expences had bin saued and there cause mor● indifferently and more spéedily decided Diuers of Glocester in the Dioces of York were excommunicated by the Archb. of Canterbury because being summoned they refused to appeare a Cardinall by the Kings procurement was sent from Rome to make peace by the meanes of the King it was agreed that Canterbury should release his claime to Glocester and absolue the Clarks thereof the bearing the crosse and other matters was referred to the other Bishops and a league of truce for fiue yeares betwixt them The next yeare Henry the second denided the Realme into six parts ordained thrée Iustices of assise on euery part to the first Norfolk Suffolk Cambridge shire Huntingdon-shire Buckingham-shire Essex Hereford-shire to the second Lincoln-shire Nottingham-shire Derby-shire Stamford-shire Warwick-shire Northampton-shire Leicester-shire Thirdly Kent Surry South-hampton-shire Sussex Berk-shire Oxford-shire Fourthly Heriford-shire Glocester-shire Worcester-shire Salop-shire Fiftly Wilt-shire Dorcester-shire Sommerset-shire De●●n-shire Cornwall Euerwick-shire Richmond-shire Lancaster Copland Westm●r-land Northumberland Cumberland In this yéere the Archbishop of Canterbury made thrée Arch-deacons where there was but one and the K. granted the pope that no Clarke should be called before a temporall Iudge except for his offence in the Forrest or his lay-fée that he holdeth and that no Bishopricke or Abbey should remaine but one yeere in the Kings hands without great cause This yeare there was great controuersie betwixt the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Abbot of S. Austen he being Elect whether the Bishop should come to his house to consecrate him or he to come to the Metropolitan church of Canterbury to be consecrated The ●bbot appealed to the audience of the Pope and went thither with a fat purse procured letters to the Bishop of Worcester to command the Arch-bishop to consecrat him in his Monastery because it did properly belong to the Iurisdiction of Rome should do so likewise to his successors without exception of obedience if the ●rchb refuse to doe it then he should doe it the Archb. vnderstanding it loth to yéeld vsed policy he watched a time when the Abbot was frō home came to the Monastery with all things appointed for the busines called for the Abbat to be consecrated the Abbot not being at home he fained himself not a little grée●ed wherevpon the Abbot was disappointed faine to fill his purse a new make a new course to Rome to the Pope of whom he receiued his consecration This yéere a Cardinal was sent into England as few yéeres there was not one sent to get m●ny he was to make peace betwixt the Archbishops of York Canterbury who kept a Councel at Westminster to which all the chiefe of the Clergy resorted with great confluence Yorke thinking to preuent Canterbury came first and placed himselfe on the right hand of the Cardinall Canterbury seeing the first place taken refused to take the second Yorke alledged the old Decree of Gregory by whom this order was taken betwixt these two Metropolitans that he that should be first in election should haue the preheminence in dignity and goe before the other From words they went to blowes Canterbury hauing more seruants was to strong for Yorke plucked him from the right hand of the Cardinall treading on him with their feet that it was well hee escaped aliue his Robes were all rent from his back this Noble Romane Cardinall which should haue ended the strife committed himselfe to flight the next day Yorke shewed his Rochet to the Cardinall to testifie his wrong and appealed and cited the Archbishop of Canterbury and certaine of his men to the Pope The kingdome of England in the Henry this second his time extended so farre as hath not béen seene The King of Scots with all the Lords spirituall and temporal did him homage for them and their successors Ireland England Normandie Aquitane Gaunt c. Unto the mountaine of Pireni in the vtmost parts of the Ocean in the Brittish sea protector of France and offered to bée King of Ierusalem by the Patriarke and Master of the Hospitall there which he refused alledging his great charge at home and it might be his sonnes would rebell in his absence The fame of his wisedome manhood riches was so renowned through all quarters that messengers came from the Emperor of Rome and from the Emperour of Constantinople and from many great Kings Dukes and other great men to determine questions of strife and aske councell of him he raigned thirty fiue yéeres and hauing great warres yet neuer set tribute or taxe vpon his subiects nor first fruits nor appropriations of benefits vpon the Clergy yet his treasure beeing weighed by King Richard his Sonne after his death weighed 900000. pounds besides Iewels and Houshold-stuffe of which 11000. pounds came by the death of Robert Arch-bishop of Yorke for hee had procured a Bull of the Pope that if any Priest dyed without Testament he should haue all his goods His Sonne Henry whom he ioyned with him in his Kingdome and at his Coronation serued him as a Steward and set the first dish at the Table renouncing the name of King the Archbishop of Yorke sitting at the right hand of the young King he told him he might greatly reioyce being no King had such an Officer as he had the young King disdaining his words said My Father is not dishonored for I am a King and a Quéenes Sonne and so is not he He tooke Armes with the French King against his Father and persecuted him but after hee had raigned a few yeares died in his youth by the iust iudgement of God After his death his Sonne Richard called Cor-de-Lyon rebelled against his Father and Iohn his youngest Sonne did not degenerate from his Brothers steps the said Richard brought his Father to such distresse of body and minde that for thought he fell into an Ague and within fou●e daies dyed Richard méeting his Corps beginning to wéepe the bloud burst out of the
worldly goods profit not the Getters but others that comes after as Owles see better by night then by day so the couetous are blinde in heauenly matters and quicke-eyed in earthly matters The Lead is obstinacy the Woman is called Impietie because Piety is lost by Auarice the Pot is couered with Lead which stoppeth in Impiety to shew that Couetousnesse hardeneth the heart that Impiety cannot goe out by repentance the two Woemen that bare the Pot are Pride and Lust of the Flesh which in Scripture are called the two Daughters of the Water each crying bring bring The first Winge is Pride of Spirituall guifts The second Wing Pride of Temporall guifts The Winges of the second Woman be Gluttony and Sloth Doctor Gregorie speaking of Gluttony when the belly is filled the prickes of Lecherie are stirred And of Sloath Doctor Augustine saith Lot was a good man whilst he was in businesse in Sodome when hee was idle in drunkennesse he lay with his Daughters Saint Augustine saith rauening Fishes when they are full be satisfied but onely couetous men cannot bee satisfied he is not affraid of GOD nor ashamed of Men he spareth not Father nor Mother Brother or Friend oppresseth the Widdow and motherlesse Children hee maketh frée men bond hee bringeth forth false Witnesse and occupyeth dead mens goods What madnesse is this to looselife and grace to win damnation and to loose Heauen to win Go●d And Innocentius saith how many hath Couetousnesse deceiued for Balacks rewards Balaam would haue cursed Gods people notwithstanding his Asse reproued him Couetousnes made Achan steale the accursed things to the destruction of him and his house Gehesie was stricken with Leprosie for selling a mans health that came by the grace of God Iudas for couetousnes sold Christ and after hanged himselfe Couetousne● was the cause of the lying and sudden death of Ananias and Saphira If a rich man haue a whole streete or a great field and a poore man haue an Acre of Land or but one House neere eyther by intreaty or pursuing hee neuer ceas●th vntill he hath gotten the poore mans House and Land as Achab and Iezabell s●●w Naball for his Uineyard Saint Ambrose saith to the rich how long will you scratch out your couetousnes will you dwell alone and haue no poore dwell with you why put you out your kinde and challenge the earth which Nature hath made common to poore and rich Nature bringeth forth all men poore naked and needy of meate and drinke without riches or gay clothes and the earth taketh vs naked againe and closeth none of our riches he that maketh difference betwixt poore and rich when they haue lien a little in the graue looke vpon them who was poore and who was rich and thou shalt se● no difference in their bones except there be more clothes rotten with the rich then the poore which is a hurt to the liuing and no good to the dead of such extortioners it is written they reape other mens fields and they pluck away the Grapes of the vine of the oppressed they pluck away their clothes and leaue them naked and in that the aforesaid pot was lift vp betwixt heauen and earth sheweth that couetousnesse hath no Charitie to God or Man and they carry the pot to the Land of Synear that is the land of stench or Hell Héere wee should aske how thou hast gouerned thy Wife thy Children and seruants whether thou hast brought them vp in Gods Lawes and continued them therin according to thy power otherwise thou shalt giue an account and to auoide these hard accounts I councell euery one to trust in the mercy of God through Christs demerites with a liuely Faith and repenting heart of thine iniquities and Amend else who shall graunt thee pardon and release of thy accounts Now we will consider who shall call vs to this reckoning before whom and what punishment to the wicked and what reward to the faithfull there bee two Iudgements one at separation of body and soule which is the particular doome and the second at the generall resurrection that is vniuersall to the first we shall be called one after another to the second we shal come altogether in the twinckling of an eye we are called to the first by thrée summons sicknes age death the first warneth the second threatneth the third taketh some are slayne without sicknes or age and the most part without age and there is a sicknes that makes the body fe●ble and a sicknes of the soule which is generall to all men and the continuance therof is cause of corruption if a man cast all worldly things out of his minde yet can he scantly thinke onely of God a Pater-noster while O God what a sicknes is this to the sonnes of Adam of this sicknes spake S. Paul I see another Law of my members rebelling against the Law of my Spirit as a man looking on the Sunne cannot long indure yet the fault is not in the Sunne for it is most cleere but in the féeblenes of mans eyes so since Adam was put out of Paradice all his off-spring haue been thus sick● the second sicknes is of the body as hunger thirst cold heat sorrow wearinesse and many others as Iob saith A man borne of a woman is full of many miseries and is but for a little time there be other sicknesses that happen to some as Feuers Dropsie Blindnes and such like as it is said of the Israelites if thou keep not the comman dements of God I shall increase the sorrows and sicknesses of thy seed but God sendeth such sicknesses sometimes to good men and tribulations for two causes First to know that it is of God and to increase in méekenes of this saith Saint Paul least my great reuelations should extoll me in pride to mee is giuen the pricke of the flesh I three times prayed God it should goe from me he answered my grace is sufficient for my power is manifested in weaknes the Diuell asking Iob to be tempted was heard and not the Apostle asking his temptation to be remooued he heard the damned and heard not him that should bee saued also God sendeth sometime his Saints to giue vs sinners example of patience being we haue deserued much more as Toby came from the Charitable worke of burying the dead Swallowes were suffered to dung in his eyes being asleepe and make him blind it is written that it was for an example of patience to them that should come after and though he euer feared God he was not agreeued with God but feared him still and thanked him alwaies and the sicknesses of wicked men be for two causes first that they should leaue their sinnes and loue God we see often men in sicknesses know God that neuer would turne to him whilst they were whole Also God sendeth sicknes and troubles often to the wicked to make others afraid to folow their sinnes as Antiochus wormes crauled out of his body whilst he
If the sacramentall words be vttered there remaineth no bread but it is the onely bodie of Christ. Then he said to one Master Whithead you said once to me that the sacred Host was not Chrsts bodie I proued there was his bodie though Seculars and Friers could not therein agree but held one against another in that opinion Then said many together with great noise We say all it is Gods bodie ●nd diuers with great anger asked him if it were bread after the consecration Then he looking earnestly vpon the Archbishop he said Sir I beleeue surely that it is Christs bodie in forme of bread Do not you do so Archb. Yes marrie doe I. And the Doctors asked him if it were only Christs bodie after consecration and no bread Cob. It is both Christs bodie and bread as Christ on earth was both God and man and the inuisible Godhead was hidden in the manhood as one of your owne Doctors Eutiches saith As the selfe same Sacraments doe passe by the operation of the holy Ghost into a diuine nature and notwithstanding keepe the propertie still of their former nature so that principall mysterie declareth to remaine one true and perfit Christ. Then they smiled one vpon another that the people might iudge him taken in an heresie and diuers said with a great bragge it is a foule heresie Archb. What bread is it And the Doctors inquired of him whether it were materiall or not Cob. The Scripture maketh no mention of materiall bread therefore my faith hath nothing to doe therewith but I say and beleeue that it is Christs bodie and bread Christ saith in the sixt of Iohn I am the liuing bread and not the dead bread Then all with one voyce said it is an heresie And one of the Bishops said it is an error manifest to say it is bread after the Sacramentall wordes once spoken but Christs bodie onely He said I am sure S. Paul was as wise and more learned then you be and in 1. Cor. 10. calleth it bread and not Christs bodie but a meanes whereby we receiue Christs bodie They said Paul must bee otherwise expounded for it is an heresie to say it is bread after the consecration Hee asked how they could make that good They answered it is against the determination of holy Church Archb. Wee sent you a writing concerning the faith of this blessed Sacrament cleerely determined by the Church of Rome our mother and by the holy Doctors Cobh. I know none holier then Christ and his Apostles and that determination is none of theirs for it standeth not with the Scriptures but is cleane contrary It hath beene the Churches but since shee receiued the great poyson of worldly possessions and not before Then they asked him if hee beleeued not the determination of the Church Hee answered no for it is no God In is but thrice ment●oned in the Creed in God the Father and in God the Sonne and in God the holy Ghost the birth death buriall resurrection and ascension hath none In for beleefe but in him Neither hath the Church the Sacraments the forgiuenesse of sinnes or resurrection or eternall life any other In then in the holy Ghost Then one of the Lawyers said But what is your beleefe concerning holy Church I beleeue the Scriptures bee true all that is grounded vpon them I beleeue and I know it is Gods pleasure I should so doe but your Lordly lawes and idle determinations I doe not beleeue for you are none of Christs Church as your déeds shew but very Antichrists obstinately set against his law and will your lawes are nothing for Christs glorie but for your owne vaine-glorie and abhominable couetousnesse They said in great ●ume this was an exceeding heres●e not to beleeue the determination of holy Church Archb. Then he asked him what he thought holy Church Cobh. Holy Church is the number of them which shall be saued of whom Christ is head Archb. Can you tell who is of this Church Cobh. Yea truely can I. Then a Prior said it is doubt to you who is thereof for Christ said noli iudicare if you must not iudge your neighbors much lesse your superiors He answered Christ saith in the same Chapter As the ill tree is knowne by his ill fruits so a false Prophet by his workes And he saith in Iohn Beleeue the outward doings And againe in Iohn Iustum Iudicium iudicate When wee know the thing is true we may iudge And Dauid saith Recte iudicate filii hominum As for your superioritie were you of Christ you would be meeke Ministers and not proud superiours Then Doctor Walden said You make no differences of iudgements so swift Iudges alwaies are the learned Schollars of Wickliffe He answered your iudgements are preposterous as the Prophet Esay saith yee iudge ill good and good ill therefore your wayes are not Gods wayes nor Gods wayes your wayes Afore that vertuous man Wickliffe whom you disdaine I will say before God and man before I knew the despised doctrine of his I neuer abstained f●om sinne but since I trust I haue done otherwise so much grace could I neuer finde in all your glorious instructions Doctor Walden answered It were not well with mee if so many learned and vertuous men teaching the Scriptures and the examples of the Fathers so plenteous if I had no grace to amend vntill I heard the Diuell preach Hierome saith hee which séeketh such suspected masters shall not finde the mid-day but the mid-day Diuell He answered the Pharises your fathers ascribed Christs miracles to Belzebub and his doctrine to the Diuell and you their naturall children haue still the same iudgement of his faithfull followers they that reproue your vicious liuing must needs be hereticks and when you cannot proue it by Scriptures then your Doctors must proue it Then said he to them all to iudge you we néede goe no further then your acts Where finde you in Gods law that you should thus sit in iudgement and sentence euery man to death as you doe here daily You haue no ground in Scripture but in Annas and Cayphas which sat thus vpon Christ and vppon his Apostles after his ascention you learned it not of Peter and Iohn A Lawyer said yes sir Christ iudged Iudas Hee answered no Christ iudged him not hee iudged himselfe Christ said indéed vnto him woe vnto him for that couetous act of his as he doth yet still to many of you for since the venom was shed in the Church you neuer followed Christ neither were perfit in his law Archb. What meane you by that venom Cobh. Your possessions and Lordships for there cried an Angell in the ayre as your owne Chronicles mention Wo wo wo this day is venome shed into the Church Before that time almost all the Bishops were Martyrs and few since but since that time one hath put down another one hath poysoned another one hath cursed another and one hath slaine another and done much more mischiefes as
cast into the riuer of Ar●e This man foreshewed of the destruction of Florence Rome and the reuenues of the Church and that the Turks and Moores in the latter day should be conuerted to Christ and that one like vnto Cyrus should passe the Alpes into Italy and vtterly destroy it Philip Norice an Irishman professor at Oxford though he was not burned yet he was long time troubled with the religious rout Thomas Norice for the profession of the Gospell was by the Bishop condemned and burned in Norwich Elizabeth Sampson was conuented in the Consistorie of London for saying our Lady of Wildesdon was a burnt arst else and stock and if she could helpe men and women which goe to her on pilgrimage she would not haue suffered her tayle to be burnt and why would she or the Lady Crome that puppet be worshipped It were better to giue almes to the poore then to goe on pilgrimage and that she called the Image of S. Sauiour Sin Sauiour with Kite lips and that she said she could make as good bread as that which the Priest occupied and that it was not the body of Christ for that Christ could not be both in heauen and earth at one time wherefore she was compelled to abiure One Thomas a Priest of Norwich was burned in the village of Eckels When he was in prison by perswasions he was led away from his former opinions wherfore for pennance he went to be burned vpon sharp hurdles made of Thornes Ioane Baker of S. Margets in new Fish-stréete in London for saying to the Parish Priest of Bow that the Crucifixe was not to be worshipped and that she was sorry she had gone so many times on pilgrimage to S. Sauiour and others being they were but Mammots and false Gods and that she could heare a better Sermon at home then at Pauls Crosse and that she said the Lady Yong died a Martire and that Sampsons Wife was punished for saying the truth and that the Pope hath no power to forgiue sinnes she was constrained to abiure One Thomas Bingy an old reuerend man was burned at Norwich because hee had not receiued the Sacrament in 14. yeares and abhorred the Popish kind of administration thereof One Pope a Weauer in Eye an old man about the quarrell of the Sacrament was martired About the same time one Peake was burned at Ipswich because he gaue one of the Sacrament Cakes vnto a Dog the Dog was burned in the fire with him wherat he laughed saying they did the Dog great wrong because he was not abiured for it was the manner that those which they called Heretickes might bee saued if they would recant Complaints of the Germaines to Maximillian the Emperour against the Popes oppression FIrst the Popes think themselues not bound to obserue the Buls and priuiledges granted by their Predecessors but will dispence with and rebuke the same at the instance of euery vile person That the election of Prelats is oft put backe and the election of Presidentship of mony-places obtained with great cost as the church of Spire and Hasels whose Bull for the election of their President is made frustrate in the life of him that granted it That the greatest Ecclesiasticall Dignities are reserued for Cardinals and Notaries That expectatiue Aduousons are graunted without number so that much Money is laid out for such Aduousons and in going to Law for them whereupon is this prouerbe He that will haue an Aduouson at Rome must haue 100. or 200. péeces of Gold for the obtaining thereof that he need no● to prosecute Law That yearely Reuenues are exacted without mercy for new Offices and new Seruants That the rule of Churches are giuen at Rome to them that are more fit to féeds Mules That new indulgences are graunted with reuocation of the old to scrape Mony together That tenths are exacted by pretence of making warre against the Turke and no expedition followeth thereon and that the causes which might bee determined in Germany are carried vnto the Court of Rome That it is intollerable to the Germaines to pay so great A●mats for the confirmation of the Byshops and Arch-bishops where the Arch-bishop of Ments was wont to pay but 10000. Florens for his confirmation It was after augmented to 20000. Florens then to 25000. Florens and at last to 27000. Florens And in one Popes time this was seauen times paid out of the Arch-bishopprick of Ments that the Arch-bishop hath beene faine to borrow it of Marchants and to pay them againe forced to exact a Subsidy vpon his poore Husbandmen so that our people are brought to extreame pouerty and mooued to rebellion to seeke their libertie greeuously murmuring against the Cleargy Iames Arch-byshop of Ments said at his death he was sorry for nothing as for that his poore Subiects should after his death be forced againe to pay a greeuous exaction for the Pall therefore let the Pope as a godly Father deale more fauourably with his Children the Germaines least men follow the example of the Bohemians and swarue from him especially let him be more fauorable vnto the Bishops that die so soone one after another whereof there be fiftie Bishoppricks besides many Abbots in Germany that are confirmed at Rome otherwise Germany will want treasure and Munition of warre against their enemies and to preserue peace and minister Iustice to euerie man and banish away murderers and theeues and repaire Churches and Monasteries and Hospitals and other necessaries There were besides these 100. grieuances complained vpon to the Popes Legats in the raign of the Emperor Charles the fift out of which we haue but touched certaine which we thought to be most effectuall First that many things are commaunded and forbidden by mens Constitutions contrary to the commandement of God as innumerable lets of Matrimony and the vse of meats forbidden which are created for mans vse are indifferently to be receiued with thanks-giuing by which Constitutions men are brought into bondage vntill by Money they obtaine dispensations so that Money maketh that lawfull to the rich which is prohibited to the poore by which snares of mens Lawes great summes of Money are gathered out of Germany and it bréeds priuate offences of the poore when they see themselues intangled in these snares onely because they haue not the thornes of the Gospell for so Christ often calleth riches That those that haue receiued Ecclesiasticall orders being free from the punishment of Secular Magistrates doe presume in sinning and are maintained therein by the principall estates of the Cleargy They attempt the chastity of Matrons and Uirgins and by gifts and flattering they bring to passe and by their secret confessions that many which otherwise would liue honest haue beene ouercome and moued to sinne and often they keepe wiues from their husbands and daughters from their Fathers threatning them with fire and sword that require them They offend liuewise daily in robbery murders accusing of Innocents burning
it is easie to know the tree by the fruit not by the blossomes often repeating in his Oration that this admonition was giuen of singular good will and great clem●ncie in the shutting vp of his Oration he added menasings that if he would abide in his purposed intent the Emperour would exterminate him his Empire Luther answered to this effect That the Councell of Constance had erred in condemning this Article of Iohn Hus That the Church of Christ is the communion of the predestinat and that we ought rather to obey God then man There is an offence of faith and an offence of charitie the slander of charity consisteth in manners and life the offence of faith and doctrine consisteth in the word of God and they commit this offence which make not Christ the corner stone And if Christs sheepe were fed with the pure pasture of the Gospell and the faith of Christ sincerely preached and if there were good Eclesiasticall Magistrates who duely executed their office wee should not néede to charge the Church with mens traditions And that hee knew and taught that wee ought to obay the higher powers how peru●rsly soeuer they liued so that they inforce vs not to deny the word of God Then they admonished him to submit himselfe to the Emperour and the Empires Iudgment hee answered hee was well content so that this were done with authority of the word of God and that he would not giue place except they taught sound Doctrine by the word of God and that St. Augustine writeth hee had learned to giue honor onely to the Canonicall bookes of the Scripture and touching other Doctors though they excell in holin●sse and learning hee would not credit them vnlesse they pronouced truth and St. Paule saith proue all things follow that which is good and againe if an Angell teach otherwise let him bee accursed finally hee meekely besought them not to vrge his conscience captiued in the bands of the word of God to deny that excellent word After the Arch-bishop sent for Luther to his Chamber and tould him for the most part that at all times holy Scriptures haue ingendred errors and went about to ouerthrow this proposition that the Catholike Church is the communion of Saints presuming of cockle to make wheate and of bodily excrements to compact members Martin Luther and one Ierome Schu●ffe his companion reproued their follies Hee was oftentimes assayled to reforme the censure of his bookes vnto the Emperour and Empire or to the Generall Councell which he was content to doe so they would iudge them according to the word of God otherwise not aleaging the words of the Prophet trust you not in Princes nor in the children of men wherein is no health also cursed be hee that trusteth in men and when newes came hee should returne home hee sayd euen as it hath pleased God so it is come to passe the name of the Lord be blessed and sayd hee thanked the Emperour and Princes that they had giuen him gracious audience and graunted him safe conduct to come and returne and said hee desired in his heart they were reformed according to the sacred word of God and sayd hee was content to suffer any thing in himselfe for the Emperour but only the word of God he would constantly confesse vnto the latter end About a yeare after this Luther dyed when hee had liued almost thrée score and thrée yeares and had béene Doctor thrée and thirty yeares hee sayd at his death O heauenly eternall and mercifull Father thou hast manifested in mee thy deare Sonne Christ I haue taught and knowne him I loue him as my life health and redemption whom the wicked persecuted maligned and iniured drawe my soule to thée and sa●d thrise I commend my spirit into thy hands thou hast redéemed me God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely Sonne that all that beleeue in him should haue eternall life and so he dyed whose death was much lamented In the yeare 1516. the aforesaid French King receaued from Pope Leo a Iubile and pardons to be sould and so in England vnder the pretence of warre against the Turke they perswaded the people that whosoeuer would giue tenne shillings should deliuer his soule from the paine of Purgatory but if it lacked any thing of tenne shillings it would profit them nothing at that time Martin Luther was in Germany who vehemently inueyed against these indulgences aga●nst whom Iohn Eckius put forth himselfe they disputed before the people at last eyther of their arguments were sent to Paris to bee iudged by the Sorbonists the iudgment was long protracted In the meane time Pope Leo condemned Luther for Heresie and excommunicated him he appealed to the next Councell Pope Leo commanded Luthers bookes to bee burned openly Luther also burned the Popes decrees and Decretalls in the Uniuersity of Wittenberge In the yeere 1517. the Pope hauing crea●ed one and thirty Cardinalls thunder and lightening so strake the Church where the Cardinalls were created that it stroke the little child Iesus out of the lappe of his mother and the keyes out of St. Peters hands being Images in the Church of Rome In the yeare 1519. newes was brought to Pope Leo at supper that the Frenchmen were driuen out of Italy hee reioycing said God hath giuen me thrée things I returned from banishment with glory to Florence I haue deserued to bee called Apostolike and thereby I haue driuen the Frenchmen out of Italy as soone as he had spoken hee was stricken with a suddaine feuer and dyed shortly after What Godly man hath there euer beene for this fiue hundred yeares either vertuously disposed or excellently learned which hath not disproued the misordered and corrupt examples of the Sea and Bishop of Rome from time to time vntill the comming of Luther yet none euer could preuaile before the comming of this man the cause to bee supposed is this other men spake but against the pompe pride whoredome and auarice of the Pope Luther went further with him charged him with his Doctrine not picking at the rine but plucking vp the roote charging him with plaine Heresie as resisting against the blood of Christ for whereas the Gospell leadeth vs to bee iustified onely by the worthinesse of Christ and his bloud the Pope teacheth vs to séeke our saluation by mans merits and deseruings by workes whereupon rose all the Religious sects some professing one thing some another euery man seeking his owne righteousnes but Luther opened the eyes of many which before were drowned in darkenesse to behold that glorious benefit of the great liberty frée iustification set vp in Christ Iesus but the more glorious this benefit appeared to the world the greater persecution followed the same and where the Elect tooke most comfort of saluation the aduersaries tooke most vexation according as Christ sayd I came not to send peace but a sword therefore so great persecutions in all the world followed after Luther but in no
Harley Bishop of Herford after they saw the masse begin not abiding the sight thereof withdrew themselues from the company wherefore Taylor was commanded to attend but shortly after died and Harley because he was married was ex●●nded from the Parlament and his Bishoprick Then all statuts in K. Hen. the eight and K. Edwards time which were against papistrie were repealed Sir Iames Hales Iustice of the Common pleas notwithstanding he had ventured his life for Quéen Mary in not subscribing to King Edwards Will as before for giuing charge vpon the Statuts against Papistrie at the Assises he was committed to diuers prisons and so terrified that he wounded himselfe and meant to haue killed himselfe with a knife and after was contented to say as they willed him whereupon he was discharged but he neuer rested vntill he had drowned himselfe Then according to the Quéens commandement there begun a disputation in the Conuocation house about the Sacrament which continued six dayes wherein Doctor Weston was the chiefe on the Popes side who behaued himselfe outragiously in checking and ●aunting the matter of the disputation was onely of the Sacrament and the reasons no other then shall and haue beene set forth in this book wherefore for breuitie I omit them In conclusion the Quéen to take vp the matter sent her commandement to Bonner to dissolue the Conuocation and such as disputed on the contrary part were driuen some to flie some to denie and some to die though in most mens iudgements that heard the disputation they had the vpper hand In which Parliament also communication was moued of the Quéens marriage which was very euill taken of the people and of many of the Nobilitie who for this and for religion conspiring amongst themselues made a rebellion wherof Sir Thomas Wyat was chiefe News comming to London of this stirre in Kent the Quéen caused Wyat and the Duke of Suffolke who was fled to Warwickshire and Leister-shire there to gather a power and the two Carewes of Deuonshire to be proclaymed Traytors and Thomas Duke of Northfolke was sent into Kent against Wyat but about Rochester Bridge the Duke was forsaken of all his men and returned to London The Earle of Huntington was sent post to apprehend the Duke of Suffolke who entring the Citie of Couentrie before the Duke disappointed him and one Vnderwood his man betrayed and bewrayed him so that he was brought to the Tower of London In time Sir Peter Carew hearing what was done fled into France but the other were taken and the Quéen hearing of Wyats comming towards London she came into the Citie to Guild-hall where she made a vehement Oration against Wyat and to incourage them to stand with her Two dayes after the Lord Cobham was committed vnto the Tower and Wyat comming to Southwark being he could not enter that way into London he went with his Armie by Kingstone and came through the stréets to Ludgate but returning he was resisted at Temple-barre and there yeelded himselfe to Sir Clement Parson and was brought to the Court the residue of his armie were taken and a hundred killed for Sir George Harper and almost halfe his men ranne away from him at Kingstone Bridge and they which were taken were had to prison and many of them hanged and he himselfe executed at Tower-hill and quartered his head was set vpon Hay hill and after stolne away but there was great search made for the same Then the Lady Iane was beheaded two dayes before whose death Fecknam was sent to her by the Quéen to reduce her to papistrie The communication betwixt the Lady Iane and Fecknam Feck MAdam I lament your heauie case but I doubt not but you beare it constantly Iane. I litle lament my owne case but rather account it a token of Gods fauor vnto me more then euer he shewed to me before being a thing profitable for my soules health Feck I am com from the Quéen and Councel to instruct you in the faith though I trust I need not trauell ouer much in the performance thereof Iane. I heartily thanke the Queene that she is not vnmindfull of her humble subiect and I hope you will doe your dutie according to the message that you were sent on Feck What is then required of a Christian Iane. That he should beleeue in God the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost three persons and one God Feck What is there nothing else to bee required of a Christian but to beleeue Iane. Yes we must also loue him with all our heart soule and mined and our neighbour as our selfe Feck Why then Faith instifieth not Iane. Yes verily Faith as Saint Paul saith onely iustifyeth Feck Why Saint Paul saith if I haue all Faith without loue it is nothing Iane. True it is for how can I loue him whom I trust not or how can I trust him whom I loue not Faith and Loue goeth both together yet loue is comprehended in Faith Feck How shall we loue our neighbour Iane. To feede the hungry cloth the naked and giue drinke to the thirsty and to doe to him as we would doe to our selues Feck Why then it is necessary to saluation to doe good workes and not sufficient onely to beleeue Iane I deny that and affirme Faith onely saueth but it is meet for a Christian to follow Christ in good workes yet we may not say that they profit to saluation for when we haue done all that we can we are vnprofitable seruants and faith onely in Christ● bloud saueth vs. Feck How many Sacraments are there Iane. Two the one of Baptisme the other of the Lords Supper Feck No there are seauen but what are signified by your two Sacraments Iane. By Baptisme I am washed with Water and regenerated by the Spi●t and the washing is a token I am Gods Childe The Lords Supper offered vnto me is a sure seale that by the blood of Christ I am made partaker of the euerlasting Kingdome Feck Do you not receiue the very body and blood of Christ Iane. I neither receiued flesh nor blood but Bread and wine which putteth me in remembrance that for my sins his body was broken and his blood shed and with it I receiue the benefit of his Passion Feck Doth not Christ say plainly This is my body Iane. So he saith I am the Vine and the doore and Saint Paul saith Hee calleth things that are not as though they were God forbid I should say I eate the body and blood of Christ for then I should pluck away my Redemption else there were two Christs for if his Disciples eate his body it was not broken vpon the Crosse and if it were broken vpon the Cr●sse his Disciples did not eate it except he had two bodies Feck Could not Christ as possibley make his body to be eaten and broken as to bee borne of a Woman without Man and as to walke on the Sea and doe other miracles Iane. If God would haue done a miracle at
and not the flesh and bloud of Christ naturally and that there is no sacrifice nor saluation to a Christian in the Masse except it were said and vsed in the mother tongue and likewise also that the ceremonies of the Church are not profitable for a Christian. And as touching Auricular confession he said it was necessary to goe to a good Priest for counsaile but the absolution and laying handes on a mans head by the Priest as it is now vsed is not profitable and that the faith and doctrine now taught is not agreeable to GODS word and that Hooper Cardmaker and others of their opinion which were late burned were good Christians and did preach the doctrine of Christ. Iohn Launder was coudemned by the said Bonner for affirming that whosoeuer doth teach or vse any other Sacraments then the Lords Supper and Baptisme or any other ceremonies he beleeueth that they were not of the Catholique Church but abhorreth them and that he himselfe is a member of the true Catholique Church he denied the reall presence in the Sacrament but he beleeueth that when he receiueth the materiall Bread and Wine it is in remembrance of Christs death and that he eates Christs body and bloud by faith and no otherwise and that the Masse is naught and abominable and directeth against Gods word and that the gloria in excelsis the Creed Sanctum Pater noster Agnus and other parts of the masse be of themselues good yet being vsed amongst other things are naught also and that auricular confession is not necessary to be made to a Priest but to God and that none but Christ hath authoritie to absolue sinnes Derick being asked whether he would recant your doctrine quoth he is poyson and sorcerie if Christ were here you would put him to a worse death then he was put to before You say you can make a God you can make a Pudding as well your ceremonies in the Church are beggerie and poyson and auricular confession is poyson and against Gods word so they were condemned and burned Derick was rich but the ra●eners made such hauocke thereof that his poore wife and children had little or none thereof he was olde and past learning yet when he was put into prison being ignorant of any letter in his booke he could before his death reade perfectly When he was burned they threw his booke into a barrell that he was burned in to be burned with him but he threw it amongst the people and the Sherife commanded vpon paine of death in the King and Quéenes name to throw it into the fire againe then he said Deare brethren and sisters as many as beleeue in the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost vnto euerlasting life see you doe thereafter and you that beleeue in the Pope or any of his lawes you beleeue to your vtter destruction for except the great mercy of God you shall burne in hell continually The Sherife said if thou dost not beleeue in the Pope thou art damned therefore speake to thy God that he may deliuer thee now or else to strike me downe to the example of this people but he said vnto him The Lord forgiue you that which you haue said THOMAS IVESON THis Iueson was condemned by the said Bonner for saying the Sacrament of the Altar is a very Idoll and detestable before GOD as it is now-a-dayes ministred and that the Masse is naught and that auricular confession is not necessary for that a Priest cannot forgiue sinnes that baptisme is a token of Christ as circumcision he beléeueth his sinnes are not washed away therby but only his body washed and his sinnes washed only in Christs bloud and that there is but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper which now are not rightly vsed in England that all the ceremonies now vsed in the Church are superfluous and superstitio●s and being earnestly labored withall to recant said he would not forsake his beléefe for all the goods in London I doe appeale to Gods mercie and will be none of your Church and if there came an Angell from heauen to teach me other doctrine then that which I haue now I would not beleeue him whereupon he was burned IOHN ALEWORTH HEe died in prison at Reading for the testimonie of the truth whom the Catholike Prelats as their vse is did exclude out of Catholike buriall IAMES ABBES THis Abbes be●ng examined by the Bishop of Norwich he relented at their naughty perswasions now when he was dismissed and should go from the Bishop he gaue him some money but after he was pittiously vexed in conscience he went againe to the Bishop and threw him his said money which he had receiued and said it repented him that euer he had consented to their wicked perswasions then the Bishop and his Chaplains laboured a fresh to win him againe but in vaine and so he was burned at Berry Iohn Denley Gentleman Iohn Newman Patricke Pachington AS Edmund Tyrell a Iustice of Peace in Essex came from the burning of certaine godly Martyrs he me● with Iohn Denley and Iohn Newman both of Maidstone in Kent and vpon the sight of them as he bragged he suspected and searched them and finding the confessions of their faith written about them hee sent them to the Quéens Commissioners who sent them to Bonner the effect of the writing followeth In the Sacrament Christs bodie is figuratiuely in the Bread and Wine spiritually he is in them that worthily eate and drinke the Bread and Wine but really carnally and corporally he is in heauen from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Then Bonner ministred articles vnto them and vnto Patrick Pachington who all answered alike to this effect following The Catholike Church is built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone it is the Congregation of the faithfull dispersed through the whole world and two or three gathered together in Christs name are the members thereof This Church doeth preach GODS holy word and minister the blessed Sacraments truely the Church of England vsing the Faith and Religion which now is vsed is no member thereof but is the Church of A●tichrist the Bishop of Rome being the head thereof for they haue altered the Testament of GOD and set vp a Testament of their own deuising ful of blasphemy and lies Christs Testament being that we should haue all things done for the edifying of the Church The Masse now vsed is most abominable idolatrie and intollerable blasphemie Christ ordained his Sacraments to be eaten together in remembrance of his death vntill he● come and not to bee worshipped and to make an Idoll of them for GOD will not be worshipped in his creatures but we must remember to praise him for his creatures what is kneeling holding vp your handes knocking of the breast putting off the cap and making curtsie with other superstition to the bread but Idolatrie You obiect you worship not the Bread and Wine
Therefore much more where there is so great a multitude but in generall Councels Masse hath been approued and vsed therefore it is good Ridley It is true that where so many be gathered together in Christs name it is not credible but two or three be gathered together in his name but if there be an hundreth good two h●ndreth bad being the Decrees Ordinances goe according to most voices what can the lesse number of voices preuaile It is a common prouerbe often the greater part ouercommeth the better but it is impossible that any such Councell of good men allowed such a Masse as ours was of late in a strange tongue and stuffed with so many absurdities errors and superstitions for as there is no agreement betwixt light and darknes Christ and Beliall so superstition and sincere religion will-worship and pure worship in spirit and truth can neuer agree together Latimer Touching generall Councels I refer you to your owne experience in our Parliaments and Conuocations the most part in my time did bring forth the six Articles because then the King would so haue it After the most part did repeale the same because our good Iosias would so haue it The same Articles now again the most part hath restored because the Queene will haue it after this sort most commonly are mens proceedings Anto. If in generall Councels men should not folow most vo●ces then should the church haue no certaine rule to determin waighty matters but it is not to be beléeued that Christ would leaue the Church destitute of so necessary a help Rid. Christ the most louing spouse of his espouse the Church did giue vnto it abundantly all things necessary to saluation but so that the Church should kéep her selfe within the obedience of his commandements and not to séek any thing as necessary to saluation which he teacheth not and for determination of all controuersies in Religion Christ hath left vnto the Church Moses and the Prophets which he willeth the church to aske councell of and all the New Testament that which is hard in Moses and the Prophets is reuealed in them so that wee haue no need to say who shall clime vp to heauen or who shall goe downe into the deepe to tell vs what is needfull to be done Christ hath done both and commanded 〈…〉 〈◊〉 the word of Faith and if we walke diligently therein by his spirit we shall 〈…〉 out the truth and obtaine euerlasting life As in Esay 8. Shall men-aske 〈…〉 of the dead for the liuing Let them goe vnto the Law the Testament 〈…〉 Christ Ioh. 5. biddeth vs Search the Scriptures And Hierom saith Ignorance 〈…〉 scriptures is mother of errors vpon the 25. of Mathew and in another place he saith the knowledge of the scriptures is the food of euerlasting life and we read not that Christ in any place hath ●aid so great a burden vpon the members of his Church that he hath commanded them to go vnto the vniuersal Church it is true that Christ gaue vnto his Church some Apostles and some Prophets some Euangelists some Shepheards and Teachers to the edifying of the Saints vntill we all come vnto the vnity of Faith But that all out of all parts of the world should méet together in Councell to define the Articles of faith it is not commanded of Christ. Lat. There is diuersitie betwixt things pertaining to God or Faith and politick and ciuill matters for in the first we must stand only to the scriptures which are able to make vs perfect vnto saluation if by study and prayer we vnderstand them and the most prudent men of the world are least apt to vnderstand them but in ciuill matters being wee know not otherwise how to maintaine common peace and quiet they doe ordaine that the most part shall take place Anto. It is perilous to attempt any new thing in the Church vnto which the example of the Prophets of Christ and of the Apostles are contrarie for in their time all things were most corrupt the people were miserably giuen to superstition the Priests despised the law of God yet we neuer read that the Prophets made any schismes and Christ haunted the Temples and taught in them daily Peter and Iohn went into the Temple at the ninth houre of prayer Paule after the reading of the law desired to say some thing vnto the people neyther Christ nor his Apostles did refuse to pray with others to sacrifice or be partaker of Moses law Ridley The Prophets Christ nor the Apostles did not communicate with the people in any kind of worshipping forbidden by the law or repugmant to the word Saint Aug●stine in his Epistle Ad Ianuarium speaking of the ceremonies of the Iewes he saith They were burdens of the law which were deliuered by the word of God and not by the presumptions of men but now the ceremonies are of men and contrary to the word of God and therefore not to be borne In the story of Tobias when all other went to the golden calues of Ieroboam to worship hee alone went to the Temple of the Lord to worship In the third of Kings the man of God threatned terrible plagues to the Priest of Bethell and to the Altar which Ieroboam had made which came to passe by King Iosias The Prophets vehemently rebuked the people still for going a whoreing with their Hill-Altars and this was the chiefe cause wherefore the false Prophets ceased not to maligne the true Prophets therefore they beate them and banished them How otherwise can you vnderstand the saying of S. Paul What concord hath Christ with Beliall the beleeuer with the Infidel the temple of God with Idols for we are said to be Gods temple because God dwelleth in vs wherfore we are bidden to come out seperat our selues from them and to touch no vncleane thing and God will receiue vs and be our Father and we shall be his Sonnes and Daughters In the 12. of Iudith she would not defile her selfe with the meats of the wicked The Machabees died manfully in the defence of the Law S. Augustine saith If we praise the Machabees for their stoutnesse for the Law of Moses how much more ought we to suffer all things for our baptisme and the Lords supper which the Masse vtterly abolisheth and corrupteth Anto. I perceiue you are so obstinatly wedded vnto your owne opinion that no wholsome counsels can draw you to a better mind therefore you must be handled by the lawes and be either compelled thereto or suffer the punishment of the Law he that refuseth to obey the lawes of the realme is an enemy to his Country This is the readiest way to stir vp ciuill wars it is better you should beare your owne ●●nne then the common quiet to bee disturbed how can you say you will bee the Quéenes subiects when you openly professe you will not kéepe her lawes Ridl It is true he that will not obey the Gospell must be
bread and that which you call heresie I trust to serue my Lord God in And touching the Romish Sea she said I forsake all his abominations and from them all good Lord deliuer vs they died more ioyfully in the fire then some that burned them did in their beds Iohn Harpole and Ioane Beach widdow THese two were burned at Rochester for their constant perseuering in Christs truth about the first of Aprill A blinde boy and another suffered martyrdome at Glocester one of them was the blinde boy which came vnto Bishop Hooper whom the said vertuous Bishop confirmed in the Lord and the doctrine of his word as is before mentioned whose examinations are not come vnto our hands Thomas Spicer Iohn Deny and William Pole THese were bro●ght before Dunnings Chancellor of Norwich and Minges his Register the Chancellor perswaded what he could to bring them from the truth and being he could not preuaile he burst out in teares intreating them to turne againe vnto the holy mother Church As he was thus labouring them and seemed vnwilling to giue iudgement the Register said in what doe you make such ados they be at that point they will be therefore reade sentence and dispatch the knaues whereupon he condemned them with teares and the next day being the one and twentieth of May they were burned at Beckles by Sir Iohn Silliard high Sherife without any writ from my Lord Chancellor As the fire burned about them they praised God with such an audible voyce that it was wonderfull to all those that stood by One Robert Bacon and enemie to the truth willed the tormentors to throw on ●aggots to stop the knaues breaths but they confessed the truth and gaue their liues for the testimony thereof very gloriously and ioyfully Thomas Spicer was a labourer dwelling at Wenson in Su●●olke The persecution of the townes of VVenson and Mendleson in Suffolke AT the commandement of Sir Iohn Silliard High Sherife and Sir Iohn Tyrrill Knights these whose names follow were persecuted out of the said towns From Wenson Alice Twayts two of her seruants Humfrey Smith and his wife William Kachpoole and his wife Iohn Mauling and his wife Nicholas Burlingham and his wife and one Rought and his wife From Mendleson Simon Harlstone and Katharine his wife with fiue children William Whiting and Katharine his wife Thomas Dobson and his wife Thomas Hubbard and his wife Iohn Poncon Thomas Woodward the elder one Rennolds wife and a poore widdow and one mother Semons maide besides those that were constrained against their consciences by the help of Iohn Brodish the Parish priest the points of religion that they held for which they were persecuted were these 1 They held the word of God to be sufficient doctrine vnto saluation 2 They denied the Popes authority said their Church was Antichrist and Christs aduersary they refused the abused Sacraments defied the masse and all Popish seruice and ceremonies saying they robbed God of his honour and Christ of his death and glorie and would not come to Church except it were to the defacing of that they did there 3 That Ministers of Gods Church might lawfully marry 4 That the Quéene was chiefe head and wicked Rulers were a great plagus of God sent for sinne 5 They denied mans frée-will and the Popes Church did erre and many other in that point with them rebuking their false confidence to be iustified by works and mans righteousnesse when they were rebuked for talking so freely they would answere they acknowledge confesse and beleeue and therefore they must speake they acknowledged that tribulations were Gods prouidences and that his iudgements were right to punish them and others for their sinnes and that their troubles were of his faithfulnesse and mercy and that one haire of their heads should not perish before the time but all things should worke to the best to them that loue God and that Christ was their only life and righteousnesse and that only by faith in him and for his sake all good things were freely giuen them as also forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting Many of these persecuted were of great substance and had possessions of their owne William Slech died the thirtieth of May 1556. being imprisoned for the doctrine of the Gospell and the profession of the truth in the Kings bench and was buried in the back-side of the same prison because the Papists thought him not worthy to be laide in their Pope-holy Churchyards Thomas Harland MillWright Iohn Osward Thomas Reed and Thomas Auington T They were long prisoners in the Kings Bench for the confession of the truth and were burned together at one fire the sixt of Iune in Lewes in South-sex Thomas Wood Minister and Thomas Miles were burned likewise at Lewes in South-sex the twentieth of Iune for resisting the erroneous and hereticall doctrine of the papisticall and fal●●y pretended Catholiks William Adherall Minister and Iohn Clement-Wheele-wright THese died in the Kings Bench the three and twentieth of Iune and were buried in the backside being imprisoned for the profession of the truth A Merchants seruant the next day was burned at Leicester for the like godlines by the cruell persecution of the Papists About this time there were thirtéene burned in one fire at Stratford the Bow by London eleuen of them being men and two of them women whose dwellings were in sundry places in 〈◊〉 and whose names f●llow Henry Adlington Lawrence Parman Henry Wye William Hallywell Thomas Bowier George Searle Edmond Hurst Lion Cawch Ralph Iackson Iohn Perifall Iohn Roth Elizabeth Peper and Agnes George Their points of Religion doth better appeare by a Certificate vnder all their hands which I haue here inserted then by their examination which followeth Be it knowne vnto all to whom this our Certificate shall be feene that whereas vpon Saturday the thirteenth of Iune sixteene of vs were condemned to dye by the Bishop of London for the sincere truth of Christs verity which truth hath bin continually defaced from the beginning by the wicked aduersaries as it is slandered now by the Diuell and his Imps which constraineth vs to manifest our beleefe and the articles wherefore we were condemned for auoyding the slanders that might happen by occasion of the flanderous Sermon lately preached at Pauls Crosse by Doctor Fecknam Deane of Paules where he defamed vs to be of sixteene sundry opinions 1 We beleeue by Baptisme we were made members of Christs Church and although wee erred for a time yet the roote of Faith was preserued in vs by the Holy Ghost which maketh vs certaine of the same and we doe and will persist by Gods assistance vnto the end And though the Minister were of the malignant Church yet he did not hurt vs because he baptized vs in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost there was the word and the element Godfathers and Godmothers renouncing for vs the Diuell and all his workes and confessing the Articles of the
burned and she said ● would sée you my Lord instruct mee with some part of Gods word and not to giue me instructions of holy Bread and holy Water for it is no part of Scripture Agnes Stanly answered I am no ●ereticke no man that is wise will beléeue as you doe I beleeue those that you haue burned bee true Martyrs I will not goe from my faith as long as I liue Thomas Thirtle said I will not beleeue your Idolatrous waies your Masse in Idolatry I wil stick to my faith as long as I liue Henry Ramsey said Your doctrine is naught and not agreeable to Gods word and I will stand to my Faith as long as I liue So they were condemned and burned as before In May William Norant Stephen Gratwicke and one King were burned in S. Georges field in Southwarke Iohn Bradbridge of Stapleherst Walter Apleby of Maydstone and Petronell his wife Edmund Allen of Fritendid and Katherine his wife Ioane Mannings of Maydstone Elizabeth a blind Maid THe 18. of Iune these seauen faithfull Martyrs of Christ were burned at Maidstone their answers were like in effect to the fiue that were famished to death in Canterbury Castle The 19. of Iune Iohn Fishcock Nicholas White Nicholas Pardue Barbara Finall Widdow Bradbregs Widdow Bendens Wife and Wilsons Wife were burned at Canterbury their Articles were as the others they ioyfully vndressed themselues vnto the fire and all of them like the Communion of Saints knéeled down and prayed with such zeale as the enemies of the Crosse of Christ could not but like it Ten they arose and went to the stake where they yéelded their soules gloriously vnto the Lord. Richard Woodman George Stephens William Maynard Alexander Hosman his Man Tomasine Awood his Maid Margery Moris Iames Moris hir Sonne Denis Burges Ashdownes wife Groues wife THese tenne blessed Martyrs were burned at Lewes in Sussex the 22. of Iune without a writ from the Lord Chancelor The first examination of RICHARD WOODMAN before the Bishop of Chichester Chichester I Am sory for you and so are all the Worshipfull of our Country you haue béene of good estimation amongst the poore and rich wherefore looke well to your selfe your Wife and Children and bee ruled thinke not your selfe wiser then all the Realme Woodman I will be willing to learne of euery man the truth and I know I haue giuen no iust offence to rich nor poore and God knoweth how deare I loue my Wife and Children in him but my life my wife and Children are all in Gods hands and I haue them all as I had them not but regard the pleasing of God more then al other things I thought good to appeale to you mine Ordinary for som goe about to shed my blood wrongfully that if you can finde I hold any thing contrary to Gods word I will be reformed and if my blood bee shed vnrighteouslie that it may be required at your hands because you haue taken vpon you to bee the Phisition of soules of our Country Story Thou art a peruerse fellow thinkest thou that thou shalt be put to death vniustly that thy blood shall be required No if he should condemne a hundred such Hereticks I haue helped to rid a good many of you and will doe the best I can to rid thee Chich. I am your spirituall Pastor you must heare me and I will giue spirituall Councell Wood. You say you will giue mee spirituall Councell are you sure you haue the Spirit of God Chichest No by Saint Mary I dare not bee so bold to say so I doubt of that Wood. Then you be like the waues of the Sea tossed with the winde and vnstable in all your wayes as Saint Iames saith and can looke for no good thing at the Lords hands You are neither hote nor cold Therefore God will spue you out Story Hee hath the Diuell in him hee is worse then the Diuel thus all heretickes boast themselues Wood. The Iewes said to Christ he had a Diuell and was mad as you haue said to me but the Seruant is not aboue his Master God forbid I should learne of him that confesseth he hath not the Spirit of God Chich. Doe you beleeue you haue the Spirit of God it is more then Paul or any of the Apostles durst doe which is great presumption Wood. I beleeue I haue the Spirit and boast not my selfe but of the gift of GOD as Paul did in 1. Cor. 7. He said he beleeued verily that hee had the Spirit of GOD no man can beleeue that Iesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost I beleeue Christ is my Redeemer therefore I haue the Holy Ghost and hee that hath not the Spirit of Christ is a cast-away and none of his and wee haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage to feare but we haue receiued the Spirit of Adoption which cryeth Abba Father The same Shirit testifieth with our Spirits that we are the sonnes of God Héere are proofes enough that Paul was sure he had the Spirit of God And Iohn saith He that beleeueth in God dwelleth in God and God in him So it is impossible to beleeue in God except God dwell in vs Chich. He bade me dine with him and at dinner he asked me whether Priests may marry and whether Paul had a Wife Wood. Paul and Barnabas were not married but all the Apostles else-were For in the 1. Cor. 9. Paul saith am I not an Apostle am I not free haue I not seene Christ Mine answere to them that aske me this Haue wee not power to eat and to drinke or to leade about a Sister to Wife as well as the other Apostles and the Brethren of the Lord or haue not Barnabas and I power thus to do So this Text proueth that Paul and Barnabas were not married but Paul declareth that the rest had wiues and they had power likewise to haue wiues but they found no neede thereof But Paul in the seuenth to the Corinthians said that hee that hath not power ouer his flesh may marry for it is better to marry then to burne wherefore to auoid fornication let euery one haue his VVife and euery woman her Husband Therefore Bishoppes and Priests may haue Wiues because they are men rather then burne and commit Fornication Paul declareth to Timothy the first and niuth that Bishops and Deacons should haue wiues The second Examination before the Bishop of Winchester and others Wine LAst time you were with vs you were in an heresie in saying Iudas receiued bread vnlesse you will tell what more then bread Wood. I say he receiued more then bread for he receiued the Diuell because hee presumed to eate the Sacrament without Faith as Christ saith after he eat the sop the Diuell entred into him Hereby appeareth that the Sacrament is not the body of Christ before it be receiued in Faith Winc. What is thy Faith in the Sacrament Wood. I beleeue when I receiue the body and bloud of Christ if it
was well done but he rebuked it therefore you are deceiued Chich. Who shall iudge betwixt vs in the matter I said the word as it is in the 12. of Iohn And S. Peter saith the Scriptures haue no priuate interpretation but one scripture must be vnderstood by another then he said if you vnderstand it one way I another who shal be Iudge the true Church of God is able to discusse all doubts He said the Church of God doth allow the sacrament of the Altar VVood. What doe you offer now vpon the Altar Chich. We offer vp the body of Christ to pacific the wrath of God in the blessed Sacrament and there withall all put off their caps vnto the abhominable Idoll Wood. S. Paul saith in the tenth to the Hebrewes wee are sanctified by the offering of the body of Christ vpon the Crosse once for all and euery Priest is dayly ministring and offering one manner of sacrifice which can neuer take away sins and that it is the offering that you vse to offer as farre as I can see you be Priests after the order of Aaron that offer vp sacrifice for their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people Chich. Aarons sacrifice was with bloud which signified the death of Christ but we are Priests after the order of Melchisedech which offered bread to the King in remembrance and signified the giuing of Christs body in b●ead Wine at his last supper which Christ gaue vnto his Disciples and commanded to be vsed vnto the end of the world VVood. Me thinke you haue made the matter very plaine that as Christ was the end of the sacrifices so he was the beginning of the Sacraments willing them to be vsed in remembrance of him vnto the end of the world Chich. The word saith Take eate this is my body it is not the signe onely but the thing it selfe how say you it is not his body after the words be spoken by the Priest VVood. If you say the words ouer the water if there be no child is there true Baptisme He said there must be the Water the Word the Child Then I said if the Child be baptized in the name of ●he Father the Sonne Is it true Baptisme He said it must be baptized in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Then I said there may be nothing added or diminished Chich. How say you Take eate this is my body is not this Christs body as soone as it is said VVood. As the water the word and the Child altogether make Baptisme so the bread the wine the word make the sacrament the eater eating it in true faith maketh it his body so it is not Christs body but by the faithfull receiuer For hee said Take eat this is my body He calleth it not his body before before eating And S. Augustine saith crede manducasti beleeue and thou hast eaten And S. Iohn saith he that beleeueth in God dwelleth in God and God in him Wherefore it is impossible to please God and to eat his body without true Faith Priest If the Faith of the receiuer maketh it his body and not his word what did Iudas eat VVood. He eat the Sacrament of Christ and the Diuell with all Priest He eate the body of Christ vnworthily as S. Paul saith Wood. S. Paul speaketh not of eating his body vnworthily but of the sacrament vnworthily For he saith whosoeuer eateth of this bread and drinketh of this cup vnworthily eateth drinketh his own damnation because he maketh no difference of the Lords body and not because hee eateth the Lords body if Iudas had eaten Christs body he must needs be saued For Christ saith in the 6. of Iohn Whosoeuer eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternal life Chich. Do you not beleeue that after the words be spoken that there remaineth neither bread nor wine but the very body of Christ really Wood. I haue told you my mind without dissimulation more you get not of me except you wil talk by the scriptures then I wil proue it more plaine 3. or 4. waies Then they made a great laughing and said this is an heretick indeed it is time he were burned Then I said as you iudge me you shall be iudged your selues for I serue God truely with that which you call heresie as you shall well know when you are in hell and haue bloud to drinke and shall say in paine this was th● man we iested on and whose talk we thought foolishnes and his ●nd without honour now we may sée how he is counted amongst the Saints of God and wee are punished these words shall you say being in hell if you repent not with speed if you consent to the shedding of my bloud Pries●● You were at Baxell a tweluemonth agone and sent for the Parson and talked with him in the Church-yard and would not goe into the Church for you said it was the Idols temple Story came in pointing at me with his finger I can say nothing to him but an heretick I haue heard you talke this houre and a halfe and can heare no reasonablenes in him Wood. As you iudge me you shall be iudged your selfe Story What be you a preaching you shall preach at a stake shortly with your fellowes Kéeper carry him to the Marshalsey againe and let no body come to speake with him The fourth examination before Doctor LANGDAL LAngd Your childe was not Christned in a fortnight or in thrée wéekes after it was borne and then the chifest of the Parish were faine to fetch it out of your house against your will which declareth that you allow not Baptisme of Children and if the childe had died it had beene damned because it was not Christned and you should haue beene damned because you were the let thereof Wood. It was baptized as soone as it was borne by the Midwife and the cause I blamed my neighbour was because they fet my childe out of my house without my leaue and did more to it then need was the which was not well done And where you said if a childe die and be not baptized it is damned be all damned that receiue not the outward signe of Baptisme Lang. Yea that they be For Christ saith And baptise them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost And he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And he that beleeueth not shall be damned Wood. Then by your saying baptizing bringeth faith and all that be baptized in the water shall be saued Lang. Yea if they dye before they come to discretion they shall be saued euery one of them and all that be not baptized shall be damned Wood. You vnderstand not the Scriptures but as farre as naturall reason can comprehend the Scriptures are plaine that they which beleeue not shall be damned But it saith not in any place that they that are not baptized shall be damned And where you say Faith commeth by
had beene warned to beware of the foureteenth day yet making no account thereof hee went downe into the Court whereas a man of a meane condition detained him a quarter of an houre then hee went into his Caroch by the Duke of Espernon who sat● in the first place of the Boote vppon the Kinges right hand Montbazon the Marshall Lauardin La Force and Praulin being followed by two Foote-men and one of his Guard on horsebacke hauing commaunded Mounsier de Vitry and the rest of his Guard to stay behinde Being betwixt the draw-bridge and the poole this miserable wretch who watched his opportunity drew néere vnto the Caroch on the right side thinking his Maiesty had béene there but seeing he was on the left hand and hearing them commaund the Coachman to go on he went the néerest way by the narrow lanes and met with his Maiesty in the stréet called Ferroneire neere vnto S. Innocents Church wher staying to make way for a Cart to passe the King leaned downe on the one side towards Mounsier Esper●●on pressing him to reade a letter without spectacles The Duke of Montbazon turned towards them and one of the footmen was busie tying vp his garter on the other side so as this monster had opportunity to stab the King into the left pa● but the wound was not great whereupon crying out O my God I am wounded he gaue him m●anes to giue him a second blow which was mortal the knife entring betweene the fift and sixt rib it cut asunder the veine leading vnto the hart and the wound was so déepe as it entred into caua vena the which was pierc●d wherewith the King did presently spit blood losing all apprehension and knowledge for any thing they could perceiue They had great diff●culty to saue the murderer from killing presently yet in the end hee was conuaied to the house of Retz The King was carried backe vnto the Louure vpon the way they met with the Dolphin who went to take the ayre but they caused him to returne and be caried into the Quéenes Chamber The King was laid vppon a Couch in his Cabinet whereas presently after he gaue vp the Ghoast In that these Papisticall and trayterous attempts tooke effect vnto the murthering of these two French Kings when the Lord of his infinite goodnesse still preserued Quéene Elizabeth and our now dread Soueraigne King Iames from so many and from more dangerous practises It may certainly be concluded that if they had no worse feared the Papists then they did and put their trust in God as wel as they and had according to their example purely purged their Realmes from Papistry the sure prouidence of God would haue beene as sure their Castle strong hold and defence as it was to them and their Realmes at all times and in all occasions and needs NOw by the especiall Grace of God and the assistance of his blessed Spirit I haue sayled vnto my expected Port al laud and praise and thanks therefore be giuen vnto the Father the Son and Holy Ghost And I most hartily beseech him that this Booke may beget in the Readers a true dislike of all ceremonies superstitions and false Doctrines of Papistry and to make them truely zealous of Gods word and commandements O Lord conuert all Papists that belong vnto thee and hasten according to thy promises to gather all Kings together to destroy the Popedome in the meane time grant all Kings Princes and others Grace to beware of him that he corrupt not the soules of them nor their subieces nor hurt their persons or estates And lastly I beséech thee to gather together the number of thine elect and hasten thy comming to iudgement that thou ma●st take thy beloued Spouse from the miseries of this World vnto thy eternall glory prepared for her com Lord Iesus come quickly FINIS An Alphabeticall Table containing the principall matters and all the Martyrs that suffered for the truth from the Primitiue Church to the end of Queene Mary A AGrippa cast into prison by Tyberius page 2 Andrew Peters Brother crucified 3 Anthia martyred 5 Ant. Pius Edict in fauour of the Christians Ibid Attalus burned on an Iron chaire 6 Aurelius fauours the Christians 9 Affaires of the Church of England and Scotland beginning with King Lucius 19 Austin with aboue forty Preachers sent into England 22 He goes in procession to Canterbury Ibid. Consecrated Arch-bishoppe in France by the commandement of Gregory 23 He assembled the Bishoppes charging them to preach the word of God Ibid Hee baptiseth 10000. in the Riuer Swale on Christmas day 24 His death Ibid. Abbaies erected 29 Alfride opprest by the Danes his misery hee makes Dunwolphus a Swineheard Bi. of Winchester he is comforted by Gods prouidence and ouercomes the Danes causing them to be christned 33 Adelstane crowned King at Kingstone forceth the Brittaines to pay him tribute sends his Brother to Sea in an old Boate builds Monasteries for the release of his sins 35 Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury accuseth Henry the first King of England to the Pope he is turned out of his Bishopricke and goods 50 Anacletus Pope 51 Arnulphus a Priest put to death for preaching against the Auarice and incontinency of the Cleargy 51 Adrian the fourth an Englishman Pope 52 Choakt with a fly 54 Auarice of the Popish Prelats 80 Amadeus Duke of Sauoy chosen Pope 138 Abraham of Colchester burned for maintaining the truth 142 Alexander the sixt poysons the Turkes brother for 2000. Florins 151 Abiurations in Henry the eight his time referred to the Booke at large 126 Adulphus Clarbachus burned for maintaining the truth at Colen 170 Articles against Cardinall Wolsey 171 Andrew Hewit a Prentise burned for maintaining Fr●ths opinions 183 Anne of Bullen her charitable good works 184 Articles agreed vpon in Parliament 196 Abell hanged for the supremacy 200 Anthony Pierson burned at Windsor 201 Adam Damlip his persecution and martirdome at Callis 205 Anne Askew her confession condemnation persecution and martyrdome 207. 208. Adam Wallace martired in Scotland for holding the masse to be Idolatry 215 Altars in Churches puld downe 226 Anne Potten burned the next after Samuel for professing the truth 290 Anthony Burward of Callice for saying the Sacrament of the Altar was an Idoll burned at Canterbury 291 Alexander the Keeper of Newgate his crueltie to M. Philpot and his man 311 Agnis South about the Sacrament of Penance condemned and burned 314 Anne Albright for denying the realty in the Sacrament condemned and burned Ibid. Agnes Potten burned at Ipswich 320 Adam Foster Husbandman Martyr 326 Askin a constant Martyr 327 Alice Potkins starued to death 329 Agnes Stamley burned 331 Alexander Horsman Martyr 332 Ambrose died in Maidstone Goale 339 Agnes Siluerside alias Smith condemned 340 Agnes Banger martyred 348 Anne Try Martyr 349 Alexander Lane Martyr 362 Alexander Gouch martyred Ibid Alice Driuers a constant Martyr Ibid. Alice Snoth burned at Canterbury 365. B BArtholmew crucified and beheaded
Kings nose at the comming of his Sonne giuing a monstration that he was Author of his death His Children after his death worthily rewarded for their vnnaturalnesse lost all they had beyond the Sea which their Father had gotten Alexander Pope decréed that no Arch-bishop should receiue the Pall vnless● hée first sware obedience to the Pope These be the words in Engl●sh of the giuing of the Pall. To the honour of Almighty God and of blessed Mary the Uirgin and of blessed S. Peter and S. Paul and of our Lord Pope and of the holy Church of Rome and of the Church committed to your charge we giue you the Pall taken from the body of Saint Peter as a fulnesse of the Pontificall Office which you may weare within your own Church vpon certain daies expressed in the priuiledge● of the said Church granted by the Sea Apostolike This Pall ought to bee asked with great instance and within thrée moneths without which Pall he is not Arch-bishop but may be deposed The same Pall must be burned with him when hee dyeth and when it is giuen some priuiledge must be giuen with it or the old renewed the Arch bishops pay swéetly for it Euery Bishop must sweare to be obedient to Saint Peter the Apostolike Church of Rome and to the Pope to doe nothing whereby either of them or any member of them may be impaired nor helpe counsell or consent vnto any so doing not to vtter their councell any way sent to them to any body to their hurt to reta●ne and maintaine the Papacy and the Regalities of S. Peter against all men honorably to intreat the Popes Legats going and comming and helpe them in all necessities to be ready to come to a Sinod being called without any lawfull let to visite the Pallace of the Apostles euery third yeare by himselfe or a Messenger except otherwise licensed by the Pope not to sell giue or lease out any the possessions of his Church without the Popes license So God helpe him and the Holy Ghost By this Oath the Byshop could do nothing but what the Pope would in generall councels which was the corruption of them Besides this it was decreed in the said councell of Rome by 310. Byshops by Pope Alexander that none should haue spirituall promotion except he were of full age and borne in wedlocke that no Parish-Church should be voyd aboue sixe moneths that none within orders should meddle with temporal businesses that priests shall haue but one Benefice that Bishops be charged to find the Priest a liuing vntill he be promoted That open Usurers shall not communicate at Easter nor be buried within the Church yard That nothing shall be taken for ministring Sacraments or burying Item that euery Cathedrall Church should haue a Maister to teach Children fréely without taking any thing for the same In this Councell the vow of Chastity was laid vpon Priests Thomas Becket and Bernard were canonized for Saints In this yeare Richard the eldest Sonne of Henry the second succeeded his Father at which time Clement sat Pope succéeding Gregory who died a little before for sorrow for losse of the Holy Crosse by the Popes meanes He and Fredericke the Emperor and Phillip the French King went with their Armies to Palestina atchieuing the recouery of the Holy Land Richard in this iourney gat Cyprus Acon Ptolemayda Surrah For preparation for this iourney hee sold Lordships Castles Offices Liberties Priuiledges Byshopprickes c. He said he would sell London if he could finde one able to buy it Many Bishops purchased to their Bishopprickes diuers Lordships The Bishop of Winch●ster purchased Werregraue Meues The Bishop of Duresme Hadberge with all their appurtenances for 500. markes and purchased the whole Prouince of the King for his owne and himselfe to be made Earle of the same In this Kings daies there fell a great dissention in the Church of Yorke betwixt the Arch-bishop of Yorke and the Deane because euening Song was begunne before the Arch-bishoppe came his Grace comming into the Quire was angry because they tarryed not for him and commaunded the Quire to stay the Dean● and Treasurer willed them to fing on the Quire left and recanted and begun againe The Treasurer not to take the foyle caused the lights to be put out so the euening Song ceased for the Popish euening Song is blind without light though the Sunne shine neuer so bright His Grace suspended the whole Church from Diuine seruice vntill the parties had made him amends The next day being Ascention day the Deane and Treasurer would make no sar●sfaction the people would haue fallen vpon them if his Grace had not let them The Deane was faine to flye to his House and the Treasurour to Saint Williams Tombe for succour The Byshop excommunicated them and the Church was suspended from Seruice that day Thus much of the Heroicall c●mbat betwixt these Ecclesiasticall persons King Richard in his iourney aforesaid talked with Abbot Ioachim of his Uisions and Prophesies especially of Antichrist hee expounded vnto him the place in the Reu●lation There be seuen Kings fiue are fallen one is now another not yet com He said they were seuen Persecutors of the Church Herod Nero Domitianus Maxentius Mahomet Turka the last which is not yet come was Antichrist which is already borne at Rome and should bee there exalted into the Apostolike Sea as the Apostle faith He is an Aduersary and exhalteth himselfe aboue all that is called GOD then the wicked man shall bee reuealed and the Lord shall consume him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him with the brightnesse of his comming Why said the King I thought Antichrist should haue béene borne in Anti●ch or Babylon and of the Tribe of Dan and ruled in Ierusalem thrée yeares and a halfe and disputed against Enoch and Elias and put them to death and then died himselfe and that sixty daies of repentance should be giuen to them that were seduced by his preaching When King Richard went his iourney he committed the Custody of his Realme principally to the Byshop of Duresme and the Bishop of Ely and to two Lay men The two Byshops fell at variance for superiority at length this order was taken by the King that Duresme should haue v●der his custody from Humber is the Scottish Seas Ely was ordained Chancellor hauing vnder his gouernment from the said stood of Humber all the South parts besides but Ely beeing more ambitious so practised with the King and his Ambassadors sending his Letters to the Pope obtained the authority Legatiue vpon the whole Realm of England and became so ambitious and proud that all the Realme cryed out of him he beeing intollerable vnto the Cleargy and Layty He assembled a generall Councell at London in colour for Religion but it was for his owne pompe and oppression of the Clergy and Layty wonderfully oppressing the Commons Hee vsed ●o ride with thousand Horses Noble-mens Sonnes were glad to be his