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father_n daughter_n marry_v son_n 25,961 5 6.0384 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06224 Orders taken & enacted, for orphans and their portions. Anno M D. LXXX.; Acts and orders. 1580 City of London (England). Court of Common Council. 1580 (1580) STC 16708; ESTC S105583 4,873 18

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of euerye pound to go or to be to the vse of the chamber of the sayd citie in such māner forme as is aforesaid And the other tj s. so forfeited of euery pound to go to the vse of such other Orphane or Orphanes as thē shal remain vnmaried Or els for default of such Orphanes or Orphane to remain to the next of the kinred of the Orphane so offending Also be it further ordeined enacted established by authoritie aforesayd for in eschewing of diuers variēces contentions sutes that dayly héeretofore haue héereafter may ensue that if any frée mans childe man or woman fortune to be maried héereafter in the life time of his or their father by his consent not fully aduaunced off to his or hir full part or porciō of his or hir sayd Fathers goods as he shal be worth at the time of his disease according to the auncient lawes and customes of this sayd Citie that then euery such frée mans childe so béeing maryed in the life time of his or hir Father shal be to all intents and purposes disabled to demaunde any fur●●er part or porcion of his or hir fa●hers goods after the disease of his or ●ir father but shal be adiudged repu●ed and takē to be fully aduanced ac●ording as the lawe and custome of ●his citie hath bene long time out of minde except his or hir sayd father do mencion certainly in his last will or ●estament or by other writing signed with his own proper name or marke ●he certeintie of the sum or sums of money goods and cattells the value of them that the Father gaue payed ●r departed withall or otherwise ●ssured or héereafter shall giue paye ●epart withall or otherwise make as●urance off vnto him or hir before at ●r after the mariage of him or hir or ●therwise in his lyfe time for and towardes their aduauncements in the name of his or hir part or portion And thē euery such Orphane or childe which after the decease of his or hir sayd Father can bring foorth the sayd Testamēt or other writing signed or marked with the fathers hand or mark wherein the certeintie of such mone● goodes or Cattells as they haue o● shall haue receiued of their sayd Father or by the same father assured b● especialtie or otherwise shal haue a● much of the ready money goods cattells and debtes of the sayd Father as with that which he or they shal● haue receiued towards their aduaūcements in the life of their said father shall make vp a full childes part o● his goods and Cattells as he shall b● worth at the time of his decease Th● same to be demaunded asked claymed or sued for against the executor or executors administratour or administratours of the goods and Cattells of the sayd Father by bill Originall to be commenced to our souereigne Lord the kings court holden in the vtter chamber of the guild-hal● of the sayd citie before the sayd Lord Mayre and Aldermen of the same citie for the time béeing any law or custome héeretofore made or vsed to th● contrary notwithstanding In which action no wager of Lawe or Essoine shal be admitted or allowed Prouided alway and it is further ●nacted that if anye frée mans sonne ●éeing of full age which shall heereafter be maried with the consent of his father or any other pertē being of ful age which shall héereafter mary any frée mans daughter doe at the time of the espousalls or anye time after confesse themselues by writing fully satisfied of his or their portion or doo otherwise acquite and discharge the Father of such frée mans sounes or daughters of all their part and portion due or to be due by the Lawe and custome of the Citie that then euery such person so confessing acquiting or otherwise discharging shal be reputed and taken as fully aduaunced of his or theyr whole part or portion shal not be enabled to demaūd any further or greater part of the substaunce goods cattells of his or hir Father this law or any other law or custome héeretofore had made or vsed to the contrary notwithstanding And further for as much as it is thought very preiudicial hurtful the fatherlesse children Orphane when the mother or mother in law being executrix of the last wil test●ment of hir late husband by whom after whose death the Orphanes a● intituled to an Orphanage acco●ding to the sayd laudable customes 〈◊〉 this citie doe diuers times marry 〈◊〉 contract matrimony some with for●●…ners persons vnknowne some 〈◊〉 Free men or euer a iust Inuentory 〈◊〉 the goods cattels plate Iuells re●dy money of the Testatours be by t●●● brought in By reason wheroff man● times they either for feare or affect●on of their husbāds or for some othe● sinister cause doe bring in very susp●tious Inuentories omittinge there●● either ready money Plate Iuells o● debts or some other thing or things whereby some benefit should redoun● to the fatherlesse children to the grea● losse and hinderance of the Orphane● and sometime slaunder to the Lord Mayre and Aldermen of the Citie notwithstanding their great care an● trauaile that they take for the good ordering and true aunswering of the sayd Orphanes It is therefore by lyke authoritie ordeined established and enacted that if after the first day of Nouember next ensuing any widow which is or shall be made executrix of the Testament and last will of hir late husband being a frée man or shall take vpon hir the administration of the goods cattells of hir late husbande béeing a free man doe not vpon hir othe bring in and exhibit or cause to be brought in exhibited before the Lord Mayre and Aldermen of this sayd Citie for the time being at and in a court of Aldermen a iust and perfect Inuentory to their knowledge of all the goods cattells plate and Iuells ready money and debts as were hir sayd husbands at the time of his death appraysed according to the law of the said citie before she do ensure hir self in mariage or contract mariage or els according to the lawes of the Realme doe perfectly solemnize or consūmate mariage with any person before such time as aforesaid that thē euery person so offending shall forfait and loose viij s. of euery pound of hir portion of the goods of hir late husband due to hir by the laudable custome of this sayd Citie the same to go to the vse of such Orphane or Orphanes as then shal be entituled to haue or demaund any Orphanage or portion after the death of his or hir late Father the same to be demaūded asked claimed or sued for against suche executrix or administratrix by bil original of debt to be commenced in our Souereigne Lord the kinges Court holden in the vtter chamber of the Guild-hall of the said citie before the Lord Mayre and Aldermen of the same Citie for the time béeing any law c. In which Action no wager c. ¶ Imprinted at London by Thomas East for Gabriel Cawood