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A02294 A chronicle, conteyning the liues of tenne emperours of Rome Wherin are discouered, their beginnings, procéedings, and endings, worthie to be read, marked, and remembred. Wherein are also conteyned lawes of speciall profite and policie. ... Compiled by the most famous Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counsellour to the Emperour Charles the fift: and translated out of Spanish into English, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of her Maiesties Leashe. Hereunto is also annexed a table, recapitulating such particularities, as are in this booke mentioned.; Decada de los diez Cesares y emperadores Romanos. English Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?; Hellowes, Edward. 1577 (1577) STC 12426; ESTC S103534 315,538 500

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experience whiche thou hast in this case for as thou haste no brothers either hast béene married to haue any children no more knowest thou what difference of loue is beetwixte the one and the other For I giue to vnderstande that without all comparison wee fathers doe more loue the thwartes of oure children then the seruice of oure brethren The elder brother whiche was named Bassianus changed his name and commaunded all men to call him Antoninus Aurelius in the memorie of Antoninus Pius and of Marcus Aurelius because these Princes were verye glorious in their liues and in their Common wealthes no lesse beloued When Seuerus returned from the warres of Parthia his sonnes Bassianus and Geta were then men and for that hee vnderstoode that the Romanes were thereof then very doubtfull hée requested his sonnes that notwithstandinge the variaunce betwixte themselues they woulde bée in peace wyth the people but héerewith mighte hee not tame the condition of the young men either persuade them to be in friendshippe with the Romanes for as much as he soldered with his good woords so much did they escādalize with their lewd woorkes Seuerus finding himselfe infected with infirmities compassed with enimies and his sonnes so euill inclined was alwayes sad pensiue melancholie and in a manner in despaire not onely doubting they would diminish the estate wherein he left them but also lose the honour which they did inherite Seuerus considering the daily complaints made of his sonnes in the Senate and the continual displeasures which they gaue him aduised to banishe them the vices and pleasures of Rome the one hee sent into Germanie the other into Panonia but if they were euil in his presence they were much worse in his absence for that aforetime by their subiection they absceined from some vices but afterwards with libertie they committed all mischiefe The parents that with their owne hands and in their owne houses may not frame vertue in their children will hardly atteine it at the hands of others for that vertue is not obteyned in seeking straunge countries but in the amendment of old errours CHAP. XV. ¶ Of a fauoured seruaunt of Seuerus named Plautianus JN the dayes of the Empire of the good Marcus Aurelius there came from Africa vnto Rome a gentlemā named Plautianus poore blind in sight craftie and subtile in condition and being as hee was mutinous and quarelling and wheresoeuer he went mouing some debate Marcus Aurelius commaunded him to be banished Rome for he was a prince of such patience that he suffered not in his common wealth a man that was vitious or any young mā that was quarellous Plautianus being banished Rome departed vnto the garrisons of Illyria and from thence also being caste as a seditious person repaired at last into the company of Seuerus of whome he was very well handled and also honoured and in all thinges placed aboue all men some said that it was done of Seuerus for that hée was of his countrie some for kindred and some durst say that hée serued not onely for martiall affayres but also to do him seruice in the chamber After that Seuerus came to be Emperour he gaue so great credite vnto Plautianus and so strictly did follow his counsell that he neither read letter but hée did sée it or signed commission that hée liked not either gaue any reward that he craued not In the Senate he was placed in the most honourable seate when he came forth into Rome all the Gentlemen did accompanie him when he came out of his house all Embassadours did attend on him in time of warre all captaines sued vnto him if there were playes and pastimes they were alwayes represented before his palace if they had to giue or receiue any money all did passe through his hands in such wise that it was neuer séene in Rome that any man without the title of an Emperour enioyed so great portion of the Empire Plautianus naturally was proud ambitious couetous and cruell and the more to shewe his fiercenesse crueltie magnificence he alwayes had a drawne sword borne before him and when he passed through the streats hee would that none should dare to behold him in the face but cast downe their eyes to the ground and when hée trauelled vpon the way he had alwayes one that went before to giue warning to all persons to giue way where he should passe in such wise that hee neither would behold straungers either be séene of the countrie natiues Seuerus gaue in reward vnto Plautianus the goods of al persons that were condemned and confiscate in the Empire and as hée was of a gréedie and couetous nature so they were infinite that he caused to be slaine in the Empire not because they had so deserued but for their goods which they possessed The elder sonne of Seuerus named Bassianꝰ being come to ripe vnderstāding and perceiuing how al things went was greatly gréeued to se Plautianus haue so great power in the gouernement of the common wealth and Plautianus presently finding the hatred of Bassianus practised with Seuerus that Bassianus should marrie with his only daughter and incōtinently the elder sonne of Seuerus was married vnto the daughter of Plautianus Plautianus beholding himselfe not onely the alone fauoured but also father in lawe with Seuerus it séemed vnto him but a trifle to be Lord of the whole world and most truly Plautianus in heaping honour vpon honour and estate vpon estate bredd his owne destruction for that men neuer surfet to eate that which is necessarie but in eating and drinking more then the stomache will beare Though Plautianus daughter was very faire of good condition and brought with her a most rich dowrie yet did her husband Bassianus most cruelly hate her which he discouered both in woord and déede affirming her to be the daughter of a base and vile person and that hée would one day kill both her and her father and yet not therewithall satisfied they did neither sléepe in one chamber or dine at one table Bassianus aunsweared certaine Romanes that requested him to bee friend with his wife and to honour his father in law I giue you Romanes to vnderstand that I did not marrie but my father did marrie mée which I would not haue done if he had cōmaunded me but to defloure the daughter and enioy the treasure of her father and since it is done let her séeke an husband for I will séeke a wife Plautianus vnderstanding what his sonne Bassianus had said and that his daughter was not married but dishonoured that Seuerus was old sicke and that Bassianus held him not as a father in lawe but as an enimie determined to reuenge that iniurie either els to loose both life and honour in the enterprise Bassianus informed his father Seuerus of many tyrannies which Plautianus committed in the common wealth and Plautianus also complained howe euill hée vsed his daughter and thus they went on cōfirming their enimitie and giuing euery day new passions
also manie and rich iuels and writinge with his owne hande a letter after this manner Bassianus Antoninus onely Emperour of the Romanes to Arthabanus the greate king of Parthians health and good fortune ⸫ The famous auncient Romanes and many of the principall of my predecessours came from the West into Asia onely to make warre vppon this thy kingdome but I come not to make thee warre but to seek peace and to this peace both thou I haue to search a meane that it may be perpetuall for otherwise a iust warre were more safe for princes then a fayned peace As wee read in bookes and heare of our forefathers there is not a more briefe and sounde waye for greate enimies to growe to bee faithfull friendes then by recouering newe aliance by the waye of marriage for in true and faithfull marriages as the married be ioyned in bodies so be they lincked and confederate in heartes and mindes Although some Princes haue married with the daughters of Consuls and Senatours and admitting they haue so done I will not so doe for that I was borne a prince and am a prince and will dye a prince wherefore I will not marrie but with the daughter of a Prince When congruently or aptly it may be done it agreeth not with the maiestie of the Empire that the Prince this day should holde him for his father in lawe whome he helde yesterday for his vassall Although the wiues of Princes vse not to commaunde and gouerne yet we must graunt that when Princesses be the daughters of high Princes and desscended of royall bloud the people and subiectes are more honoured satisfied and pleased and such bring foorth children more noble and generous The Empire of the Romanes and the Empire of the Parthians are two the moste renoumed Princes throughout the whole worlde for notwithstanding the one at times hath subdued the other yet neuer intirely had the one lordship of the other I am prince of the Romanes and thou art Prince of the Parthians if thou wilt marrie thy daughter with mee with greate good will I would matche with her and after this manner of two diuided Empires wee shall make one in concorde These two Empires beeing ioyned may there be any kingdome that will disobey them or any king that shall dare to saye against them I demaunde not thy daughter for her beautie for there are others muche fairer in mine Empire neither doe I request her for thy richesse for I haue sufficient neither doe I craue her to recouer more vassals for I haue kingdomes ynough subiecte vnto mee But I do it because of auncient enimies wee might frame our selues immortall friendes in such wise that as hitherto we haue had you in contempt as barbarians from hencefoorth wee shall behaue our selues as brethren Thincke not that I write thus vnto thee by thy fauour to be reuenged of mine enimies or for that my kingdomes haue rebelled against mee as thou shalte vnderstande by these mine Ambassadours which my father lefte vnto mee so plaine and their Princes so dedicated to obedience that they doe not onely accomplishe what I commaunde them but also request mee to inioyne them more If in this which I write to thee thou thinkest there be deceipte thou oughtest also to conceiue that I shal bee most deceiued partely for that beeing as I am a Romane Prince and partely because I am the person whiche sueth for that in this marriage thou aduenturest not more then thy daughter but I committe vnto Fortune mine honour goods and person Herein I will saye no more but I praye thee to receiue these iewelles which I sende thee in good parte and to that which mine Ambassadours shall saye giue credite The king of the Parthians after he had read this letter and hearde the Ambassadours what they had to saye in the behalfe of Bassianus did aunswer him after this manner CHAP. XI ¶ Of another solemne letter wherein the king of the Parthians aunswered Bassianus Arthabanus king of the auncient kingdome of the Parthians to Antoninus Bassianus the onely Romane Emperour health prosperitie Before all thinges I giue thankes vnto the immortall Gods because they haue put into thy heart that which thou hast written and that which thou with thy Ambassadours hast sent to saye vnto vs By that which I haue read in thy letters and hearde of thy Ambassadours I knowe that thou beleeuest in the Gods and hast not taken counsell of men for men alwayes giue counsell vnto Princes to make warre but the Gods alwayes persuade them to keepe peace Thou sayest that the Romane Princes thy predecessours alwayes passed into Asia with a minde determined to make warre with the Parthians ▪ but ioyntly herewith I would thou shouldest consider that as the warre which ye tooke in hand against vs was vniust so fortune was vnto them alwayos vnfortunate for it is not the will of the Gods that by an vniust warre an entire victorie should be obteined Ye Romanes tooke the enterprise to be Lordes of the whole worlde and to prosecute the same ye rigged foorth many nauies and fleetes ye ioyned greate armies conquered straunge prouinces destroyed many kingdomes killed much people robbed infinite treasures and aduentured your selues into great and immeasurable daungers and in the ende that which they had obteyned they lost yea the conquerours also lost them selues because whatsoeuer is gotten to the preiudice of another man is lost to the greate hurte offence of him that obteined the same That which thou promisest in thy letter and in thy name thy Ambassadours offer mee I am not onely bound to accepte but also deserued greate displeasure if I durst denie the same beecause it is a thinge moste iuste that the Goddes make warre vppon that prince which refuseth the request of men in peace Thou sayest that the chiefest meane to cōfirme peace is for princes to practise marriage betwixt thēselues I denie not but that in some persons it is moste true but it is no generall rule for all men for we daily see betwixte moste neare kinred and alies moste greate quarelles and scandals to arise My greate graundfather was father in lawe vnto kinge Arsacidas and afterwardes the one slewe the other in the fielde and the verie same we heare reported to haue chaunced amongst you Pompey married with the daughter of Iulius and afterwardes Iulius ouercame and destroyed Pompey his sonne in lawe in suche wise that the marriages which they made to conserue peace did awake and inflame them to more cruell warre The Prince that hath feare of the Goddes and is naturallie giuen to peace may not finde a better meane to obtaine the same thē to be quiet in his owne realme for speakinge the verie trueth the prince that is satisfied with his owne proper estate needeth not to seeke affinitie in straunge kingdomes Vnto my father were offered greate noble and mightie mariages frō straunge kingdomes whereunto he woulde neuer consente either hardely indure to
tedious complaintes vnto Seuerus but in the end hée gaue eare vnto the complaints of Plautianus as vnto a seruaunt but vnto Bassiaaus as vnto a sonne Seuerus considering the continuall displeasure giuen him by Plautianus the tyrannies hee executed in the Empire the enimitie betwixt him and Bassianus and that also with his great fauour he estaéemed him litle conceiued that some day he might rise with the Empire wherefore from thenceforth hée neither shewed him good countenaunce either gaue him so great authoritie in the common wealth Plautianus did well perceiue that he had not onely Bassianus vnto his enimie but also stoode in disgrace of Seuerus and thought with himselfe that to escape best cheape either they would take away his life or cast him out of fauour and to deliuer himselfe of so great an infamie he determined to kill them to quite himselfe CHAP. XVI ¶ Of a certaine treason that Plautianus had ordeined against Seuerus and how it was discouered THe order that Plautianus vsed or to say better the disorder that he practised to kill Seuerus and Bassianus procéeded as from a passioned tyraunt and not as a man aduised and so it afterwards redounded to his losse and destruction The case was thus there was in Rome a Tribune named Saturninus natiue of Assyria who was the greatest friend that Plautianus had with whome hée did most communicate to whom he did most commend his secretes and also for whom he did most pleasure Plautianus sending for this Saturninus an houre within night and inclosing themselues within a chamber said in great secrecie these wordes following Plautianus his Oration to Saturninus Saturninus thou knowest how great loue I haue borne thee and how many good deedes I haue done to thee thy house wherof there needeth no other token but the beholding of thee so highly aduaunced in the Court so accepted in my seruice many with me be offended at thee al men haue enuie Friends parents acquaintance recommended and seruaunts I had for whome to haue done vnto some of whom I was much beholding of others I was to haue cōsidered for seruice all these notwithstanding on thee onely I fixed mine eyes to magnifie thee and in thee I imployed my hart to loue thee I sent now for thee to recompt vnto thee my trauels and sorrowes to the end thou shouldest helpe to deliuer mee from them and herein thou shalt perceiue the affectionate loue which I beare thee in that I repose my confidence in thee wherein I would not trust mine owne proper sonne for sonnes thincke not but howe to inherite their fathers goods but verie friendes haue care to deliuer their friendes from griefe and sorrowe Thou well knowest Saturninus what great seruice I haue done to Seuerus and since my youth haue followed him in the warres I say I serued him so young that I alone am his most auncient seruaunt although I bee now the most forgotten and abhorred Setting a part all seruices which I haue done for him and all great daungers that I haue passed to deliuer him from perill I haue borne so tender affection vnto my Lord Seuerus that I left to like him as a man and did adore him as a God and that this is true it appeareth most cleare in that I gaue my daughter vnto his sonne Bassianus and my selfe to be his perpetuall slaue After I spent my youth in his seruice followed the father throughout the world his sonne Bassianus nourished in my armes from his infancie I did yeeld him my goods I gaue him my onely daughter I gouerned his common wealth in peace of his euill life I framed in al men an opinion of great vertue his cruelties and tyrannie I made all men beleeue to be zeale of iustice in such wise that they neuer committed vile deede that I soldered not either at any time commaunded any difficult matter that I accomplished not The matter is thus come to passe the Gods permitting or my sorrowfull destinies procuring I am fallen into so great hatred of Seuerus and in so cruel contempt and enimitie with Bassianus that in recompence of al my seruice which I haue done them all the dayes of my life they are nowe determined to take away my life Thou seest now Saturninꝰ whether it be reason that I endure the same whereunto if I should giue place I should perish my house should be lost the gods vnserued the whole Empire escandalized and therefore it is cōuenient that I execute on them that which they would execute vppon mee for that it is more consonant vnto reason that the euil be corrected of the good then that the vertuous should come vnder the power of the wicked Behold Saturninus what affection I beare thee that haue layd vp in thy breast so great a secrete this terrible deede I will put into thy handes therefore presently thou must depart vnto the Court and go into his chamber where Seuerus sleepeth and cut off his head from Bassianus his sonne also thou shalt take away his life Thou shalt say vnto the guard at Court that euen nowe there came vnto mee a post out of Asia and art sent by mee to giue Seuerus intelligence thereof and goest at such an houre for that daunger dependeth thereon And since thou hast not beene abashed to heare it be not terrified to performe it for that I sweare vnto thee by the immortal gods that after Seuerus is dead and I in the possession of the Empire conformable vnto the great perill wherein nowe thou doest aduenture thy selfe shall be thy rewards that then thou shalt receiue These and such other thinges Plautianus said vnto Saturninus who aunsweared that hée was readie to do his commaundement vppon condition that hée would giue him in writing in what manner he would haue him to kill Seuerus and Bassianus his sonne which he desired to this end that if in time he should forget the recompence of so great a seruice he might shewe him that writing both to remēber the seruice past as also the reward vnperformed Plautianus doubted not to giue Saturninus a writing signed with his owne hand wherein hee commaunded to kill Seuerus and Bassianus his eldest sonne the contents of the writing was thus J Plautianus do request as a friend and commaund as a Censor that thou Saturninus Tribune do kill the Emperour Seuerus and Bassianus his elder sonne and for the same I promise thee and by the immortall Gods sweare vnto thee that as thou art onely in perill so to make thee singular in the Empire Saturninus as a man skilfull and subtile for more assuraunce vnto Plautianus vppon his knées kist his hand as though alreadie he had béene sure of the Empire and then being in the déepe of the night he departeth vnto the Court the guard presently giuing place and the chāberlaines in like maner who placing himselfe directly before Seuerus as he lay in his bed said these words O Seuerus how carelesse art thou of
slaine his Lord Bassianus not by inducemente of any person but to reuenge his brothers death Many others were of this conspiracie besids Macrinus that ordeyned it and Martianus that sought the same that is to say Nemesianus his brother Apolinarius Renonuus Agrippa al which had sworn his death some for iniuries which they had receiued others for seruice vnrecompenced Presently vppon Bassianus his death Macrinus commaunded his body to be burnt and his ashes to be placed in a coffin of gold so with great gard and no lesse accompanied hee sente the same vnto Iulia his mother in law being then at Antioch who at the instante when she vnderstoode Bassianus to be dead dranke a litle poison wherewith she finished her life The case stāding in this estate newes arriued at the Romaine campe that Arthabanus king of Parthians pursued Antoninus Bassianus to execute vengeance for the iniurie which he had receiued and to the same end the king his knightes before they came to the field made a vowe vnto their Gods neuer more to returne with life before they had slaine the Emperour Bassianus The Romanes beheld themselues in great confusion on the one parte findeing themselues in so straunge a Countrie wythout hope of succour and also for the death of their prince and their enimie so néere at hand to repaire and remedie which mischiefe with great diligence they elected a prince named Audentius a man of honest life and of great experience in the warres which he refused alledging for himselfe age and sickenesse and that of his election hee might not gather but trauel offence vnto the common wealth Two dayes was the armie without an Emperour and in the end vppon Audentius his refusall they elected Macrinus for Emperour which election did rather procéed of necessitie then of will because their Parthian enimies were very néere the worthie persons of the Empire very farre Aboue wée made mention of Iulia the mother in law vnto Bassianus this Ladie being a widowe and resident in the Court in the summer time Bassianus beheld her at a feast as she was halfe naked and inflamed with her loue said vnto her these words If it were possible to renounce this name mother which I owe thee from henceforth I would call thee wife Iulia aunswered If thou wilt thou mayest because princes haue authoritie to make lawes but are not bound to obserue them And as in Bassianus loue did abound so finding in Iulia a readie minde presently he married with her in such wise that vnto patricide he added incest that is to say that hauing slaine his brother Geta also he married his fathers wife Bassianus naturally was euil inclined and if his father were cruell he was most cruell in eating disordinate in drincking vntemperate for many times in his excesse of drinke he would talke at large From his infancie he was hated of all persons no lesse of his owne then of strangers the Pretorian knights onely excepted which was not for the benefites that of him they had receiued but for the libertie which he gaue them to robb and steale Some notable buildinges hee erected in Rome especially certaine stately bathes which hee named after his owne name in cost and curiousnes excéeding all workes and buildinges in Rome He made also a gate in Rome called it Seueriana in the reuerence of the name of his father Seuerus wherin he caused to be grauen al the victories and triumphes that his father had obteined either after or before he was Emperour Hee was the first that brought vnto Rome the image of the Goddesse Isis vnto whome he edified a sumptuous temple and therein did constitute priestes He left no child either legitimate or not legitimate but Heliogabalus whom he had by a néece of his mother Iulia of whom we will speake in the historie following The life of the Emperour Heliogabalus compiled by sir Anthonie of Gueuara Bishop of Mondonnedo preacher chronicler and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte CHAP. I. ¶ Of the linage and nouriture of the Emperour Heliogabalus THE second wife of Seuerus was named Iulia which was mother vnto Geta and mother in lawe vnto Bassianus this Iulia when she was married vnto Seuerus brought vnto Court with her an elder sister named Mesia a woman of proportion sufficient faire and comely but of condition very wilie This Mesia had with her two daughters whereof the elder was named Semiamira and the yonger Manea both borne in the Emperour Seuerus his Courte and bred and nourished a long time after in the house of the Emperour Bassianus The writers of those times do not name who was the husband of Mesia and the father of Semiamira of Manea and therefore doubted to be conceiued in adulterie or that the father was of linage obscure Mesia remayning in the Court of Seuerus with her two daughters being young very faire Bassianus the sonne of Seuerus had accesse vnto Semiamira and begate of her a sonne named Antoninus Caracalla and for the loue of Iulia his aunt and also to the end the damosell should not bee despised in the sighte of Seuerus the graundmother vsed so great skill in this busines that no person of the Courte might perceiue the daughter to be with child or brought a bed or whether the child was put foorth to be noursed The auncient linage of this womā Mesia was of Phoenicia borne she was in a citie called Mesania néere vnto whiche place in times past a battell had béene fought betwéene the Rhodians and the Phoenicians Antoninus Caracalla on the fathers side was sonne vnto the Emperour Bassianus and on the mothers side sonne of Semiamira and conceiued in adulterie Whē the child was fiue yeares of age he was brought vnto the Courte and there bred nourished with the mother and graundmother but all the dayes that Bassianus liued they neuer durst say that it was his sonne because Iulia his aunt and mother in lawe to Bassianus had married with the selfe same Bassianus and if she had knowen the child to be such she would haue slaine it banished her Néece sent away her sister This woman Mesia was so wise prouident that in the reigne of Seuerus at Court all men did serue her after in the dayes of Bassianus shée commaunded and gouerned all thinges at her owne pleasure and this was in such extréeme wise that with her he did take counsel for the affaires of the cōmon wealth and shée did alwayes accompanie him whither soeuer he went out of Rome although it were vnto the warres This Mesia was frank of speach of no great reformation of life howbeit very skilful in al things which she aduentured to take in hand for notwithstanding al men had of her great suspiciō yet they were fewe that atteyned vnto her secrete drifts Although on the one part she was accused to be lewd loase of life yet on the other shée was praised because shée
wherein the Romane Princes alwayes vsed greate measure and consideration for that curtesie costeth little and profiteth much The money which Macrinus receiued of his rents or were presented him from the cities he consumed them all in vices and on the other parte he woulde neither paye what he owed or succour his men of warre in suche wise that the people stoode in despaire and the armies for want of paye no lesse despighted The Romanes were afflicted with no small griefe to beholde the tyraunt Macrinus in all his déedes and attempts and to sée howe the Asians despised him for they frankely saide that he did not inherite but they did electe him Emperour and their fact to be imputed with greater indignitie that had chosen a person of so great vnworthinesse In his apparell in his diet and in all his manners and fashions Macrinus would néedes imitate not the Romanes but the Asians which the Romanes receiued with great griefe and the Asians with no lesse ignominie for that so euil a person would néedes resemble thē For so muche as there were no warres in Asia or in all the East either by Sea or lande the Romane armies would haue returned to Rome but Macrinus would not consent doubting as they were discontented that they should ioyne with the Senate and determine to depose him from the Empire Macrinus was muche blamed for that he stayed to go to Rome and much more for want of pay vnto his men of warre for that many times more hurt redoundeth to Princes by holding their armies discontented then to encounter their armed enimies In very short space Macrinus had recouered mortall hatred of his armies of the one parte to be so absolute a tyraunt and on the other parte to be in vice so dissolute and also so much puffed vp with pride for that he séemed to extoll himselfe by commaunding and loathed and despighted with suites of his subiectes Macrinus was a man of a lowe stature quarellous ambitious and also couetous but ioyntly herewith he was valiant in the field and yet woulde séeke great meanes to liue in peace notwithstāding all these conditions both good and euil they woulde neuer haue taken away his life and Empire if he had not béene nummed with the vices of Asia CHAP. III. ¶ Howe the great matrone Mesia bought the Empire for her nephue Heliogabalus IN the time that Macrinus was resident in Antioche the Romane hosts were in defence of the prouince of Phoenicia because in that yere that coūtrie did abound in grain for bread and the people also were not fatigate or spent with warres Wée haue said how in that countrie there was a temple dedicated vnto the God Heliogabalus which in buildings was verie magnificent and of priests much populated Many Romane captaines went many times to visite that temple some to sée some to pray and some to offer sacrifices for that naturally the Romanes presumed to be great worshipers of their gods and to hold their tēples in singular reuerēce Ther was in those daies in those temples two young priestes first cousins one of whiche was named Heliogabalus and the other Alexius these yong men in their vestments which they did weare and in their life which they did leade were iudged to bée priestes one the other part they well séemed by their grauitie to bée the sonnes of princes The matrone Mesia was so discreet secret and aduised that the children being of the age of fiftéene yeres neither them selues or any other for them did either knowe or suspect who were their fathers either who their grandmother but that shée sayd vnto all men that those children were orphans and sonnes vnto her auncient seruaunts When Macrinus did tyrannize the empire amongst other errors which hee committed hée banished the famous matrone Mesia from the courte not for that hee did so much as suspect her of any euill but béeing therunto vrged by his vile inclination for that all princes his predecessors estéemed her as a mother and honored her as a ladie of great souereigntie In the courte of eight emperours by the space of 53. yeres the great matrone Mesia had béene resident with all which shée vttered of her selfe so great valure and yealded such estimation of her person and also of them recouered so great gaine that when Macrinus did reiect her from the court she had more riches in her exile thē Macrinus might finde in the whole empire The matrone Mesia departed vnto Phoenicia where her two nephues remained namely Heliogabalus and Alexius and as there remained manie Romane gentlemen euill payed and worse pleased so they ioyned with Mesia and Mesia with them to talke and murmur howe Macrinus had slaine by treason his lorde the Emperour Bassianus and made hauock of the Empire common wealth whiche matter was moued amongst persons that had desired to remoue this mischief and on the tyrante also to take vengeance The matrone Mesia receiued excéeding ioy to heare with her owne eares and see with her eyes howe all the armie was bente against the tyrant Macrinus and their greatest care was to finde a man sufficient and of merite meete for the Empire because the Romanes stoode with him in great and cruel hatred for want of pay and the matrone Mesia no lesse grieued with her exile The matrone Mesia beholding her selfe in so good apt assembly to make her nephue Heliogabalus Romane Emperour called in great secrecie sixe Romane captaines of the chiefest of the armie all which were of great authoritie and no lesse grauitie Vnto these sixe captaines Mesia sayd in secrete howe her nephue Heliogabalus was sonne vnto the Emperour Bassianus and Semiamira her daughter and that shée had helde him hidden in Asia for doubt of the Empresse Iulia who had she knowne it would haue slaine the childe and banished the mother Mesia was not only satisfied to say certifie these vi captaines that the Emperour Bassianus most truely was father vnto that younge man and nephue vnto her selfe but ioyntly therewith she brought them into her chamber and discouered vnto them an huge masse of golde siluer whiche she promised and sware vpon the altars of the temple to distribute totally vpon the armie if they woulde giue the Romaine Empire vnto her nephue Vnto these sixe captaines to whome the matrone Mesia had committed this secreate and discouered this treasure shee both promised and sware to bringe to passe with her nephue Heliogabalus that he shoulde giue them the moste honourable offices in all the Empire if in case they shoulde vse the meane to make him Emperour in so muche that if other men were payed and recompenced they shoulde remaine both remunerated and honoured Greate wisdome was vsed by the matrone Mesia in this matter of so greate importance especially in the choyce of so honourable captaines whose credite was sufficient to frame the whole armie to perfourme the same Of this example princes and greate potentates may collecte that in anie affaires there is
offer On the daye of his triumph the sonne of king Decebal was placed in the arche with Traiane for that he was a verie childe whome afterwardes he did intreate not as a prisoner but as his owne proper sonne In the conquest of the Datians and in visiting the Germaines Traiane was deteyned willingly two yeares and at his returne vnto Rome he found not the common wealth in such order as he left the same and thereof is no marueile for Princes making warre with their enimies presently the citizens make peace with vices That day in which Traiane entred triumphing into Rome he that by chaunce was moste noted in those playes and pageantes and of whome Traiane that day did take moste delight was a certeine maister of Enterludes named Pilas who for rewarde of his traueile did not craue of Traiane but licence to vse his facultie wherein Traiane did aunswere him Princes haue to consider that their commaundements be iust but after commaundement for no request or seruice they ought to reuoke the same That which I will do for thée shal be to paye thée yerely out of mine owne treasure as muche as thou maist gaine by playing in the stréetes of Rome Although Traiane went laden with armour compassed with affaires occupied in warres busied in buyldings importuned with friendes tyred with enimies and aboue all moste studious in amplifying his fame and to perpetuate his memorie he neuer grewe negligent in good gouernement of the common wealth He was no lesse attentiue in hearing either lesse diligent in dispatching base ciuil affaires then those cases of great weight in the common wealth Notwithstanding he were much busied in the affaires of warres he did neuer the more growe negligent in the administration of iustice All the time that he was remaining in Rome once or twice a wéeke he did sitt openly to dispatche matters of iustice For any motion that good Traiane had to be solitarie in his house or for any disease whereby he was withdrawne into his chamber either for any affaires that he ●ad for the warres neuer man came to craue iustice vnto whome he denied audience When any person came much troubled and furious in complaining of some friend or enimie presently he stopte his eare with one of his fingers saying that he reserued the same to heare the accused Traiane did neuer sitt to heare and determine matters of iustice but at the gate of the Emperour Titus and in the place of Augustus and being demaunded why more there then elsewhere aunswered I place my selfe where iust Princes were wont to sitt because in remembring them I may committ no want of iustice Traiane being on horsebacke and vpon the voyage of the seconde warres into Datia there came a woman and saide vnto him Emperour Traiane I am poore olde and a widowe and hauing but one daughter one of thy housholde seruaunts hath rauished her Traiane aunswered poore woman be not importune with mée for I sweare vnto thée by the immortall Gods that being returned from the warres I will do thée iustice to this the olde woman did replye and what suretie hast thou Traiane to returne from the warres hearing so byting an aunswere presently he lighted on foote and deferred his departure vntil he perfourmed iustice with the poore olde woman Traiane helde for custome when any person did complaine presently he commaunded it to be written in a booke which he had in his chamber this the good Prince did to the ende to aske accompt of the Iudge to whome he did remitt the same or else for his own better remembrance for dispatch thereof In some thinges some Princes were equall vnto Traiane and in some thinges did surmount him but in rectitude of iustice there was no prince like him in Rome for that he did neuer man wrong in iustice either at any time had affection or passion in giuing sentence Many times Traiane did vse to say that for Princes to be Iusticers it were right necessarie to be iust in their owne persons because subiectes and vassals be more easily persuaded to do that which they sée then to obey in that which they are commaunded Traiane was the first that placed patrones in the Senate that should defend the poore and the first also that gaue order that one daye in the wéeke their causes should be hearde The Censours or Iudges of Rome did sit but two houres in the morning and one at after noone to heare causes and Traiane did giue order that they should be resident thrée houres before noone and two houres at after noone whereof Traiane was much praised because it was occasion both to cut off suits and to dispatch suiters In the dayes of Traiane none that had charge of Iustice might augment his goods but in that estate of riches or pouertie wherein he began to gouerne in the same he had to conserue him selfe and in repaymēt of his trauaile besides the rewardes which the Prince did giue him his sonnes were married with the goods of the common wealth Being knowen vnto Traiane howe immortall suites were in the Senate he ordeined that all suites of Italie should continue but one yere and the suites of straunge countries but halfe a yere Traiane made diuers houses in Rome where the Censours and Iudges might assemble to heare and administer iustice and also made strong prisones in such wise that this good Prince prouided that the good should be succoured and the euil chastised CHAP. XII ¶ Of the seconde warres that Traiane had against the Datians TWentie monethes after that Traiane had ouercome the Datians the sonne of king Decebal died in Rome whoe remained there as pledge for that which his father had sworne and promised and Traiane was no lesse greued with the death of that childe then if it had béene his owne proper sonne and heire The day that king Decebals sonne was dead they saye that Traiane saide the death of this childe grieueth me not for that it is a sorrowe to the father but for breache of promise which he shal committ for if he haue béene quiet it was more for the recouering of his sonne then for obedience vnto the Senate Not long after this newes came to Traiane howe king Decebal was rebelled and to resist the Romaines he repaired the diches furnished the castels entred confederacie with his neighbours renued and recouered victuals and more and aboue the rest made warre with the friendes of Romaines The campe of Agius which was a greate and a populous countrie being restored by Traiane vnto him from whome it was taken king Decebal reentred did take and occupie the same in suche wise that all thinges which Traiane had set downe and determined was despised and in all that king Decebal had sworne he was forsworne Relation of these thinges béeing made vnto the Senate king Decebal was pronounced an enimie to publishe libertie vnto all persones to giue him and make him warre bycause it was a law amongest the Romaines
yere in the whole land there was great scarsitie of bread wherby Traiane was constrained to shorten his iourney and to hasten his imbarkage in such manner that the pestilence draue him out of Africa and hūger out of Spaine Traiane departed Spaine with determination not to stay vntill his arriuall in Asia and there to take the way vnto the greater Armenia would neuer take land in any porte of Italie but passing like pylgrimes made no stay but onely to renue their victuals All those whiche trauelled with Traiane were astonied to sée him passe the portes of his kingdomes as if it had bene the lande of enimies Traiane had a capteine named Valerius Gracchus vnto whom the Emperour did beare speciall affection and did estéeme him as a kinsman vnto this man they say that Traiane sayd in great secrecie If I had found warres in Sicyl Africa or Spaine as I found in Datia whereby I might haue obteined some victorie I woulde not haue passed without landing in Italie but since it is thus come to passe I sweare by the immortall Gods to set no foote a land in Italie vntil I deserue to enter triumphing into Rome High verie high were these wordes worthy and right worthy to be written in the hearts of Princes to beholde this Prince that banished him selfe from the delightes of his own proper kingdomes to séeke fame in straunge landes With great determination Traiane did enterprise the voyage into Armenia wherin he entered making cruell war taking occasion of the king of Armenians which refused to confesse to haue receiued his kingdome from the Romaines but of the king of Parthians Traiane not satisfied to make war vpon the Armenians but also entered the landes and territories of the Parthians bicause in the most principall Prouince of Trapa he deteined his armie more then thrée monethes Parthurus king of Parthians a man of great yeares beholding the warres offered him by the enimie determined to present peace vnto Traiane who being demanded of his Parthians why he discouered so great feare within his owne kingdome he made answere If the wars were but armie against armie the Parthians woulde not feare the Romaines but we fight with the Emperor Traiane vnto whome the Gods haue giuen so great fortune that it farre exceedeth our great power Without consuming of many dayes or imploying of many armies the Parthians made peace with Traiane and the Armenians did yeald them selues as ouercome From Parthimisires king of Armenians the kingdome was remoued and both crowne and kingdome Traiane gaue with his owne handes vnto his sonne and this he did bycause king Parthimisires had sayd that of the Parthians and not of the Romaines he was crowned king in suche wise that the good Traiane in remouing the kingdome frō the father did execute iustice and in giuing it to the sonne gaue a shewe of his clemencie Traiane was not satisfied that the Parthians shoulde haue peace and become tributaries vnto the Romaines but that king Parthurus by the handes of Traiane must be crowned and so it came to passe that knéeling vpon his knées he receiued his crowne kissed his hande and consented to pay tribute Traiane did marche through all those Prouinces and kingdomes and vnto the kinges that did yeald obedience benignly he did intreate them and in their kingdomes did confirme them and vnto suche as did vse resistaunce vnto others he gaue their kingdomes and sent them prisoners vnto Rome Traiane helde for custome that in all principall cities of kingdomes or Prouinces that he had taken by force of armes he did commaunde to erect a most strong castle wherevnto his armies did repayre and a right sumptuous temple wherein to worshippe the Goddes of Rome As Traiane did passe and trauell visite and conquere all the thrée partes of the world that is to say Asia Africa and Europa in all which countries he did trauell to leaue of him selfe immortall fame the testimonie wherof maketh it credible that all the Romaine princes ioyntly haue not erected so many buildings as Traiane onely did performe Traiane did leade his armies verie well furnished ordered corrected and also in great subiection this procéeded that alwaies in his own person he did accōpany the same and helde them both paide and rewarded for as he did vse to say The hoast that of his owne proper Prince is not visited and paide is sildome or neuer in subiection When Traiane was in the warres in his féeding and apparel he did rather séeme a companion then an emperour of Rome for that sildome he went vnarmed and many were the dayes wherein he did eate standing Hauing a bodie somewhat drie and of great sinowes he was moste patient in tedious trauaile of warres that is to say in suffering hunger colde thirste wette snowe heate perils whiche he refused not as a cowarde but sought thē out as one of a valiant mind for that in all hazardes perils he neuer saide vnto his captaines go but let vs go do but let vs do fight but let vs fight He gaue in charge vnto his armies not to attempt to burne houses set fire in corne ouerthrowe milles or cut downe orchardes affirming that these thinges are to be obteined but not destroyed Whē Traiane would take any citie he did not imploye his force in any thing more then to depriue the enimies of their waters In the campes of his enimies he did cause to be sowen false newes that is to wite that if he had victuals to saye that he wanted that if he had money to saye it was spent that if he had muche people that they were gone that if he would shortly giue an assault to saye that he would departe and by this meanes he brought his enimies into negligence while in meane time he did fortifie his armies Traiane was of greate liberalitie vnto such as discouered the enimies secretes and ioyntly therewith of no lesse prouidence for the entering of spies within his campes When he helde warre with any citie or countrye he did not permitt his souldiers to spoile the borders thereof for he helde opinion that smal profit might rise to spoile the poore villages and greate hurte and offence vnto the armies by want of victuals Vnto a captaine that tooke a ploughman kilde his two Oxen at the ploughe Traiane commaunded to be banished with great ignominie and to giue the ploughman his horse his armour and all his wages that was due For no fault Traiane commaunded any man to be slaine in the warres but onely him that slept being of the watche or the captaine that ranne awaye out of the battel or did rauishe any woman Traiane was so pitifull that vsually he did pardon all negligences especially in the warres except two faultes which he did neuer remitt that is to say such as blasphemed the Gods and rauished women Traiane was verie diligent and careful in visiting his camps and to kéepe a reckoning of all his armies and this he did to the ende
him to liue within the kingdome Adrian would not or else durst not make warres with the Parthians but gaue vnto Parsnapate the Seigniorie of certaine countries and Prouinces of Syria being vacant at that time as Lorde to inioy the fruites thereof and as Romaine Pretour to gouerne the people When Adrian had obteined the Empire presently he published and sayd vnto all men that he wold become a pitifull Prince and truly in some pitifull causes he did shew him selfe to be the sonne of Traiane but in some rigorous matters he séemed to be the brother of Nero. A certaine man named Bebius was Prefect in Rome who was contrarie vnto Adrian in all thinges that eyther touched his honour or profite and being counselled to kill Bebius for that he ceased not to be his aduersarie made answere I will not onely permit Bebius to liue but also the office of Pretour which hee helde but for a yeare I will confirme vnto him during his life Laberius and Frugius two Romaine Senatours were banished vnto the Isle of Pontus whom he commaunded to returne to their houses and their goodes to be restored them but the Consul Frugius being mutinous mouing commotion betwixt Adrian and the Senate he commaunded to be throwne aliue into Tyber and obteined no lesse honour in the executing of the one then in pardoning the other Vnto certaine Gentlemen of the armie that sayde vnto Adrian in times past that he should be Emperour he gaue double rewardes affirming that he gaue them not for their aduertisement but for their good will. CHAP. VII Of his entrie into Rome NOwe when Summer was come Adrian parted from Antioche to come to Rome and lefte for Preposite of Syria Catalius Seuerus and tooke his way throughe Illyria and determined to make warre with the Sarmatians which would not receiue the Ambassadours of peace Lucius Turbon that had béene Pretour tenne yeares in Mauritania came foorth to méete him vpon the waye with whome Adrian had great friendship being a young man and in house with his Lorde Traiane presently he made him Pretour of the Prouince of Datia and Panonia At that time Lucius Turbon was in Africa maister of the horsse men of whome Adrian was aduertised that he was verie riche and in greate power throughout the kingdome and that he had not obteined all that riches in the time of warre but by briberie in time of peace Adrian was not a little grieued of that which was sayde by Lucius Turbone bycause he was his friende and also seruaunt vnto Traiane but all this notwithstanding he applyed all that he had vnto the common treasure and disarmed him of his knighthoode As muche as Adrian did increase in potencie so much did his enimies increase in enuie in suche manner that they coulde neyther incline their harts to loue him eyther yeald their strēgth to serue him The case was thus that Palma Celsus Sobaius and Lucius Adrian going on hunting were determined in the middest of the chace to rid him of his life wherevpon they were agréed that in his swiftest pursuit of any wild beast they would attend him in the most thickest pace or track there vnder the colour to misse their leuell at the beast would shoote and kill the Emperour All these foure were men of noble bloud and rich in goods and were called Cōsulares bycause at other times they had bene Consuls but as their treason was discouered first by iustice they were beheaded before Adrian went on hunting Great was the murmuring and mutinie throughout all Rome when they vnderstoode howe Adrian had executed so cruell iustice vpon these foure Consulares or noble men partly for that they helde opinion that Adrian had raised that quarell againste them and partly for custome and manner for that fewe were the chastisements whiche the good Traiane did execute but great was the number that receiued pardon Adrian being aduertised that for the death of the foure Consulares all Rome was escandalized and that for a man reuenging and cruell his person was defamed determined with all spéede to come to Rome to excuse him selfe of that fault The affaires of Adrian stood not in so euill estate as vpon the way they gaue him aduertisement which did well appeare in that the Senate did offer him the triumph due vnto Traiane being cut off by death to inioy the same but Adrian refusing gaue order that the Image of Traiane shoulde be placed in the triumphant chariote to the ende that good Traiane shoulde not want a triumphe although but after his death Presently when Adrian came to Rome he went to visite the Sepulchre of his Lorde Traiane where his eyes did shed many teares and for him did offer vnto the Gods most sumptuous sacrifices All the Senate being ioyned and also all the most principal of the people vnto whome Adrian made a long oration wherin he gaue them to vnderstand of the state of the Empire and did excuse him selfe of the death of the aforesaide foure Consulares because the officers of the Senate had made searche and inquisition of the cause and the Pretors of the armies did execute the sentence The Senate did offer Adrian the title of Pater patriae but he would not receiue it affirming it to be one of the titles of his lord Traiane and since he had been a good father it were great reason he should proue a good sonne It was a custome in Rome and throughout all Italie that when their Princes came newely to gouerne the Empire that all cities and other people should furnishe him with a certeine summe of golde and siluer with the golde to make a crowne and the siluer for the seruice of his house and sometimes they did present so much golde to make the crowne that the remnant was sufficient to mainteine the warres Adrian refused not onely this seruice to be demaunded but also returned that which was brought him saying that his crowne should be riche when his subiectes should be in wealth The officers of the treasurie that is to saye suche as had the collection and kéeping of the masse of Rome had raised greate rentes daily inuenting newe manner of tributes in the common wealth which being knowen vnto Adrian he commaunded all newe impositions to be remoued from the common wealth and the inuentors thereof to be displaced from their offices Generally the Romains complained vnto Adrian of the dearth of victuals foorthwith he prouided for prouision of wheat from Sicyl wines from Candie and oyle from Spaine and further gaue such prices vnto the same and all other victuals that the poore might féede with the riche He did promise and sweare in the Senate to put no Senatour vnto death although he were culpable without the accused should first be heard and his cause considered by all the Senate and truely this othe did excuse Adrian of many executions and was no lesse occasion that the Senatours committed many faultes Princes haue to consider what they sweare
order how tribunes shoulde gouerne the armies to conformitie whereof he made many excellent lawes which for long time were obserued of the Romaine Princes In this case of order prouision and correction of the men of warre they were onely thrée Princes that attained vnto the chiefe perfection thereof that is to saye Augustus Traiane and Adrian because all other Princes helde men of warre not to defend but to dissipate the common wealth CHAP. X. ¶ Of the actes that Adrian did in Englande Fraunce and Spaine ALl the time that Adrian was in Almaine he did moste occupie him selfe in reforming his men of warre into good customes and order which he did not without greate prudence after the manner of a good mariner whiche in time when the Sea is calme doeth dresse and mende his failes order his anchors against the storme and soudein chaunces that may followe in time to come From Almaine Adrian came vnto greate Britaine whiche is nowe called England and there founde peace as in Fraunce which was then holden for a greate maruaile because from the time of Iulius Caesar whiche did first conquer the same vnto the dayes of Adrian they were neuer without warres with the Frenche men or rebelling against the Romaines Presently vppon his entrie into Britaine he sought curiously to be informed of the lawes they helde and of the customes they vsed which being perused and examined some he did allowe and some he did remoue and make frustrate especially he did adnihilate that lawe whereby the man should holde ii wiues and the woman .vii. husbandes When Iulius Caesar did conquer the Ilande of England he brought many people out of Italie to inhabite that countrie and although the natiue with the straunger helde no warre yet liued they not in perfect peace for the Britans did terme the Romaines newe come men and the Romaines did call them Barbarians Adrian finding that no friendship might be framed by prayer or amendment by correction deuised to diuide the kingdome in the middest and the case was thus that in the middes of the kingdome he made a wall from Sea to Sea a worke most straunge wherein this Prince did imploy great treasure Adrian being resident in Britaine was aduertised from Rome of the want of good gouernement that was vsed in his wiues house by the occasion of certeine Romaines which aduentured to accompany the Empresse whose conuersation was more to the preiudice of his fame then to the profite of his seruice Septicius Prefectus and Sortonius Tranquillus which at that time were Secretaries vnto the Senate these others grewe very familiar with the Empresse Sabina whome Adrian sent commaundement to be depriued of their offices and to be banished Rome Sabina Adrians wife was holden to be franke of speache and of life somewhat licentious Adrian did greatly abhorre to haue Sabina vnto his wife and would saye not in secrete but openly that if he were a common person he would haue béene diuorced for that in her conuersation shée was presumptuous in life loose dissolute Adrian was much inclined to vnderstand not onely the conditions inclinations of his frinds but also of the manner which they vsed to liue in their houses for the vnderstanding wherof he woulde inquire of the seruaunts slaues and labourers that brought them victuals what they did eate and what they did drinke what their maisters spent in their houses Sabina wife vnto Adrian did write a certeine letter vnto a Romaine gentleman complaining that he would not come to visite her through the pleasures of Britaine newe loues in that countrey that he had taken in hand which letter happening by chaunce into the handes of Adrian the knight vnderstanding therof neither went to Rome or abode in Britan. All things set in order in greate Britan Adrian had intelligence that in Gallia Transalpina which nowe is named swéete Fraunce a popular sedition was raised in such euil maner that if it were not presently cut off it might break out into a long cruel warre All the contention was raised vpon certein boūds pastures in a place called Apim Presently Adrian passed into Gallia personally went to sée the marks bounds therof the one the other heard he did diuide those bounds limits equally betwixt them When as a Romaine saide vnto Adrian that it was the office of a poore Iudge not of a mightie Emperour he answered I had rather diuide boundes in peace then conquer countries with warre Now when Adrian would departe from Fraunce he receiued newes from Rome howe Plotina wife vnto Traiane was dead and as shée had béen his onely mistresse his special friend he felt her death so sensibly that besides sighing wéeping he grewe so extremly sorrowful that he did not eate in long time He staide in the place where he receiued these newes many moneths and presently did write vnto the Senate that Plotina should be adored amongst the Goddessses and on the other parte he cōmaunded costly generous sacrifices to be offered for her he did edifie vnto her honour perpetual memorie a temple neare vnto Mansin which he erected vppon pillers of marueilous marble did endue with great riches The affaires of Fraunce being dispatched he came by the Pyrineā hilles into Spaine staied a whole Winter in the citie of Taragon which in those auncient times was the moste strong riche also most estéemed in all Spaine When the Emperour Octauius did conquer Cantabria he did builde in Taragon a most noble house which by the antiquitie therof was much decayed the emperour Adrian at his own cost cōmaūding to be reedified in such wise that by repairing the decayed edificies he renued there the name of Romanes The imperiall house being made Adrian kept court there with all the mightie and noble men of Spaine where and with whome he made manye and good lawes and in especiall he commaunded that the father whiche had but one sonne should commit the same vnto the warres if he had twaine the second should be committed vnto science and the thirde shoulde learne some occupation in the common wealth The Spaniardes complained that the shippes of Italie did transport many thinges out of Spaine that is to saye golde siluer silke oyle yarne wheate and wine and out of Italie they brought nothing into Spane whereupon Adrian commaunded that no straunge ship shoulde lade any thing out of Spaine Adrian gaue greate rewardes vnto many and some for company he caused to goe with him and others some he gaue offices bothe by Sea and land of great honour and generally he gaue money vnto all cities to repaire their decaied walles in suche wise that all Spaine of him helde them selues right well contented There in Taragon Adrian walking alone in a garden by chaunce a young man being madde brake forth vppon him with swoorde drawne Adrian although without armour did take away his swoord without commaundement of correction either to
being moste true according to sensualitie he shoulde haue procured and not haue giuen any impediment to haue finished his life since vnto him bothe house goods and estate shoulde succéede The Senatours many other magistrates of Rome did attempt to adnihilate the lawes and monumentes of Adrian whiche Antoninus did most stiffely denye withstand and repulse and in the ende not onely did cause all his actes to be ratified confirmed and allowed but also did frame and bring to passe with the Senate that Adrian should be accompted amongest the Gods. He built in the honour of Adrian a moste solemne temple in a certeine place named Pusoll and did furnishe the same with Priestes to serue him and endued them with rents to find them and were commonly named Adrians priests In the honour of Adrian he did institute certeine playes intituled Lustra to be played euery fifth yere for the maintenaunce whereof he gaue great rentes Before Adrian died he had made for him selfe a sumptuous sepulchre neare vnto the riuer Tiber whether Antoninus brought him to be buried and brought to passe with the Senatours and the people of Rome to receiue him with no lesse honour then if he had béene a liue No Prince had reigned in the Empire that had not béene noted either cruell or of small pietie Antoninus Pius excepted whoe with his tounge neuer commaunded man to be slaine either woulde euer firme sentence of death or euer woulde beholde any man executed because so greate was his clemencie that he might not beholde the sheading of bloud CHAP. IIII. ¶ Of the woordes that Adrian saide vnto the Senate when he did adopt Antoninus Pius AFter that the Emperour Adrian was recouered of a certeine great surfet it hapned afterwards as he sate at his dinner he was taken with an incessant cough whereof followed a bléeding at the nose in suche abundance and with such continuance that both him selfe and others thought first to haue seene him dead yer the bloud woulde haue ceassed to runne Adrian perceiuing the greater that his fluxe of bloud did increase so muche the more his life did shorten desiring like a good Prince to prouide for the weale of his subiectes comaunded all the Senatours Consuls and all other the notable officers of Rome to come before him vnto whome he briefely saide certeine woordes right worthie to be committed vnto memorie as followeth His Oration to the assemblie Fathers conscript you see with greate certeintie howe soudeinly and vnawares death hath assailed mee and by howe small occasion I lose my life Let mee be an example vnto you and all men and holde it for most certeine that that parte of life is most times in peril where of certeintie of life we had setled most affiance Nature hath not graunted me to haue children of mine owne but therefore I giue great thankes vnto the immortall Gods because in deliuering mee from children they haue discharged mee of greate and many cares There goeth muche difference betwixt the ingendering or the electing of a sonne for the one proceedeth of necessitie the other is elect at large will and libertie The sonnes that nature giueth vs are many times lame filthie and also foolishe but such as wee adopt wee elect them able sound and discrete for that no man is so imprudent which at the time of election chooseth not the best In time past I elected Lucius sufficiently knowen vnto you but the destinies were so contrary vnto him that before he had power to commaunde in the state of Rome he was buried in his sepulture but now we haue elected Antoninus for your emperour whoe wee promise you shall proue milde benigne quiet and mercifull for that clemencie is as naturall vnto him as it is vnto the Sunne to giue light by daye He receiueth the Empire in a competent age to the ende ye feare not by his too muche youth to committ some rashe deede either by too muche olde age negligently to gouerne the common wealth He hath beene bred and nourished in our own countrie and therefore will obserue the customes thereof Also his life hath been trained vnder our own lawes a sufficient occasion to auoide all searche of vnnecessarie lawes of straunge countries and this you haue to regarde not as a matter of small importance because there is not any thing that more doeth offende the common wealth then to infecte the same with straunge and vnused customes He knoweth what thing it is to go on warrefare to gouerne armies to suffer both passions and motions of people to vse clemencie with some and to correct others in suche wise that in him is conteined greate sufficience for the gouernement of the common wealth since in all thinges he hath experience Ye knowe him and he knoweth you ye haue dealt with him and he hath dealt with you I hold of him such opinion that he will neither despise you either forget you in such manner that his obedience shal be vnto mee as vnto a father and shal deale with you in loue like a brother And I woulde that all you which be here present as also all other persons in Rome that vpon such condition I transferre the Empire that after his dayes he leaue the same vnto Marcus Aurelius his sonne in lawe and my seruaunt and from henceforth I sweare and protest that these two elections shal be acceptable vnto the Gods and profitable vnto men In credite life and science Marcus Aurelius doth exceede Antoninus but that hitherto Antoninus hath had more experience for which cause vnto him the rather we haue commended the Empire because for the generall gouernement of any estate or common wealth one yeare of experience is more worth then ten yeres of science I haue beene weake carelesse and negligent in many thinges of the common wealth partely inforced therunto by the greatnesse of mine enimies but for the recompence thereof I do leaue two suche Princes one after the other to gouerne the Empire which for their singularitie in science and vertue shall excell all that be past and I doubt in equalitie not to be matched with any their successours These wordes being saide by Adrian he drewe a ring from his finger and put the same vppon the fingar of Antoninus Pius and after that houre he was holden serued and obeyed as Romaine Emperour notwithstandinge that Adrian liued some time after Perfect was the election of the Emperour Nerua in the good Traiane and no lesse of Traiane in the adoption of Adrian and moste iust of Adrian in the election of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius which fiue Emperours were such and so good one after the other which séemed a Prognostication that the felicitie of Romaine Emperours should in them take an ende CHAP. V. ¶ Of the offices that Antoninus helde before he was Emperour BEfore Antoninus Pius came vnto the height of the Empire he did oft put foorth his money to vsurie but all the gaines of that trade he spent in succouring
and consent vnto the obedience of Rome Rometalce king of the Pindaroes was accused in the Senate of disloyaltie vnto the Romaines in the warres they helde against the Rhodes who cōming vnto Rome to quite him selfe the good Antoninus did not onely confirme him in his kingdome but also did not permit that for any thing past any motion should be made affirming that his offence might not be so great but that his submissiue apparance did reforme the same The Olbiopolites a people in Asia held warre with the Taurocistes alies of Rome vnto whom Antoninus sente succour by sea and with assistance of the Romanes subdued the Olbiopolites who not only paid all charges of the warres but also gaue hostages to maintaine peace Antoninus neuer raised warre but that first he sought to conserue peace and praised not a little that saying of Scipio that is to say Hee rather wished the life of one citizen of Rome thē the death of a thousand enimies When hée married his daughter Faustina vnto Marcus Aurelius he made a sūptuous feast and gaue great rewards vnto his men of warre He held his sonne Marcus Aurelius in great reuerence and would haue made ●im Consul which hee refused holding it for more happie to turne bookes then to appease nations After he had sent vnto Calcedonie for the great Philosopher Apollonius and had giuen him an house to dwell in solitarilie neare vnto the riuer Tiber Antoninus sent for him who refusing to come sent answeare That schollers do vse to come to their maisters and not maisters vnto their scholers whereat Antoninus laughing said A trim ieste that Apollonius hath paste so many seas from Calcedonie vnto Rome and now refuseth from his house to come to mine Although Apollonius were learned in Philosophie yet was hée in his life very couetous whereat when certaine in presence of the Emperour did murmur hée aunsweared for very deare that Philosophers sell vs their Philosophie alwayes their science is more worthe which they teach vs then the goodes which wée giue them CHAP. XII ¶ Of the succession of the Empire and the occasion of his death AS the Emperour Antoninus in his youth was alwayes a frend vnto the vertuous euen so in his age carefully hée did séeke the conuersation of the wise and therewith had no lesse care of publique matters then of his owne priuate affaires Generally hée was so liked and loued of al nations that in all temples in all walles gates and buildings these foure letters were placed namely V.A.C.R. whiche is to saye Vita Antonini Conseruatur Respublica which is to saye On the life of Antoninus the whole weale of the Romane Empire dependeth Leauing a part many good lawes which he made for the Common wealth for which purpose hee had alwayes attendant about him men in the lawes singularly learned who among the chiefe was Vindemius Verus Siluius Valente Abolusius Metianus Vlpius Marcellus and Iabolinus before whome hée set the lawes of all kingdomes and of the most necessarie and approued to take the choice to be established in his kingdomes When he did institute any lawe either ordeine any proclamation he alwayes expressed therein so great reason that his commaundements were neuer disobeyed either his lawes reuoked The cause of his death they say was after this maner from Gallia Transalpina that is to say swéete Fraunce they did present him certaine chéeses whereof he eating at his supper more then was conuenient they ministred vnto him a perillous vomit whereby they discharged his stomache not onely of meate superfluous but also of bloud righte necessarie which bredd in him a furious feuer and finding himselfe in great weaknesse without disposition to sléepe either appetite to eate he commaunded al the Senatours and chief gouernours to be called vnto his presence and before thē all did commende the common wealth vnto Marcus Aurelius his sonne and Faustine his daughter And making his testament in verie good order wherin he gaue vnto his seruants great gifts which being finished and perfourmed he gaue vnto his daughter Faustine the inheritaunce of all his lands which he possessed before he came vnto the Empire His feauer increasing and his strength and life wasting the fourth day of his sicknesse about noone beholding and viewing all the circumstants and shutting his eyes as if he would sléepe gaue vp the ghost who was no lesse bewailed at his death then he was beloued in time of life and presently by conformitie of the whole Senate was intituled Holie and all the people at the newes of his death a vie in euery streate did grite skrich and cry aduauncing and magnifying his bountie clemencie benignitie liberalitie iustice patience prudence and prouidence Al the honours were done vnto him and all the famous titles were giuen him that vpon any noble Prince had bene imployed And deserued that in the temple of Iupiter a priest of his owne name should be institute Also they built him a temple and dedicated vnto his honour the Circene playes and a fraternitie where they were all called Antonines This Prince onely amongest all Princes liued and dyed without sheading of bloude and for likelinesse compared vnto Numa Pompilius not onely in good gouernement of the common wealth but also for sinceritie of life The life of the Emperour Commodus the sonne of good Marcus Aurelius compiled by Syr Anthonie of Gueuara byshop of Mondonnedo preacher Chronicler and Coūseler vnto the Emperour Charles the fift CHAP. I. ¶ Of the byrth of the Emperour Commodus THe Emperour Commodus had to his grandfather Annius Verus and his father was the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius and his mother was the right faire and renouned Faustine on whose side he was nephewe vnto the Emperour Antoninus Pius a man of a refourmed life and very beneficiall vnto the common wealth of Rome He was borne in a certaine place named Lodie on the eight day of September at the time that his father and Drusius his vnckle were Consuls the one gouerning matters of warre in Datia and the other in refourmation of causes in the common wealth The Empresse Faustine being great with childe and neare vnto the time of her childe byrth dreamed that she was deliuered of certaine serpents but especially of one more fierce then the rest of which dreame when his father Marcus Aurelius was infourmed they say that he sayde I feare me Faustine that the sonne of this birth shall proue so fierce a Serpent that shall be of power to commit a murther of our fame and to poyson the whole common wealth of Rome The Astronomers and Nekromantiques which in those dayes were resident in Rome they sayde and prognosticated many things of the byrth of the Emperour Commodus and as it appeared afterwardes they sayde very little in respect of that which followed bycause this miserable and vnfortunate Prince in his manners did rather resemble the infernall furies then reasonable creatures From his infancie his father Marcus Aurelius carefully did trauell in the
learning and instruction of his sonne Commodus for whiche purpose he made inquisition throughout the whole Empire for men learned in science and of life and manners refourmed His first scholemaisters were Onesicrates to teach him Gréeke Capilus to instruct him in the Latine Teyus to instruct him in the Art of Oratorie Pulion to infourme him in Musike Calphurnius to giue him order for behauiour on horsbacke and Marcius to giue him rules for good manners for that his father hauing no more sonnes did not a little trauell to frame in him suche perfection as was due vnto a most noble and perfect Prince But alas for pitie that so many and so excellent men neyther could persuade him to followe or imbrace vertue eyther seperate him from his detestable vices Right happie may we call those fathers whose hap is to haue children inclined to vertue for if they naturally be euill inclined neyther doth it profite that whiche their maisters teach them eyther wherefore their parents do correct them After Faustine was conceiued with Commodus she neuer ceassed to say howe painefull he was in bréeding and howe daungerous in his birth and his nourses for his byting when he did sucke alwayes complained in suche wise that from the time of his first conception he was painefull and tedious in conuersation After Commodus was weined and began to féede him self and learne to talke presently it appeared that he was harde of condition intollerable to serue ingrateful of benefites a glutton in féeding malicious in countenaunce cruell in reuengement impatient in iniuries proude in commaundements and aboue all filthy double and vncertaine in his talke At the sixte yeare of his age it was maruellous to sée howe in so tender yeares he was giuen to all manner of vice that none whatsoeuer in times past had vsed such industrie to proue eyther valiant or learned as the vnfortunate Commodus did trauell to be vicious He was sharpe and of a delicate wit and of excellent memorie he was also quarelling valiaunt and doughtie most apparant in him from his infancie for he was neuer séene to feare eyther water or fire sworde or wilde beastes Nature also had indued him with naturall abilities whiche valiauntnesse if he had imployed in warres eyther his memorie vnto learning or his wit vnto vertues he might haue proued an other Alexander in prowesse or Plato in science eyther Traiane in iustice but by euill conuersation he rightly resembled Brute the traytour Nero the cruell and Catiline the tyrant CHAP. II. Of the honourable titles giuen vnto the Emperour Commodus in time of his youth NOtwithstanding that Commodus was as yet but young he was ouerthwart quarellous hatefull and generally of the people not well liked At the age of fourtene yeares the Senate gaue him the title of Caesar not for the merite of the sonne but to yealde to the vertue of the father The Emperour Marcus Aurelius séeing his sonne increase in age and decrease in vertue aduised to place him in a college of priestes with whom many sonnes of noble men were bred but in the end he as little profited by the companie of priestes as by the doctrine of his scholemaisters for he helde alwayes enimitie with other mens counsell and great friendship with his owne will. When his father came from the Parthike warres in token of gratefulnesse the Senate gaue vnto Commodus the title of Prince which name vnto that day was neuer giuen vnto the sonne of any Emperour The Romaine Princes held a custome yearely to giue vnto the people for their sustentation wheate wine and oyle and other thinges on which day alwayes in Rome they made great feastes Commodus being then of fiftene yeares of age and also placed in the temple of Traiane gaue and diuided vnto the people their accustomed shares of wheate oyle and wine on that day Commodus was so feasted of all the Senate as his father was the day he entered triumphing into Rome When the Emperour Marcus Aurelius came from the warres of the Argonautes he was receiued into Rome with great triumphe and the more to honour and to do him pleasure the Senate did ordeine that his sonne Commodus should with him be placed in the chariot triumphant further beside this they did inuest him with the garment imperiall that is to say they did abilitate and elect him that after the death of his father his sonne Commodus should be Emperour Marcus Aurelius went into Aegypt and also into Assyria to visite those countries and lead with him his sonne Commodus The Senate vnderstanding the noble works and déedes which he performed in al those countries and prouinces sent him a dispensatiō of the law Annuaria which did prohibite that no young man might be admitted to be Consul to the end that fréely he might establish his sonne Commodus Romaine Consul Commodus was but xvij yeares of age when he sawe him selfe clad with the imperiall garment when he diuided shares of reliefe vnto the common people when he was elected a Romaine Consul and was placed with his father in the chariot triumphant which foure titles and honours were not giuen to honour the sonne but to please the father His proportiō was after this manner his body long and slender his face faire and well bearded his eyes great and blacke his handes white and long fingred his haire yellow thicke finally he was so faire and so gratious that in his person there was no blemish either in his life any thing to be praysed It was monstrous and also lamentable to sée howe this Prince was naturally endued with so high a witt and of such perfect singularitie of proportion and further being named Commodus howe to all purposes he was incommodious that according to the iudgement of al mē he was not onely vnworthie of so great and singular graces but possessed his life with great indignitie Commodus had his lockes so perfect yelow that when they were moued in the sunne with the ayre they séemed not hayres but thredes of golde and many helde opinion considering the incomparable beautie finenesse of his person and the liuely freshenesse of his face that he had not béene ingendred by mankinde but that the Gods had made him with their owne handes At all times when he did ride through Rome a vie both men womē left their businesse placing them selues at windowes vppon houses and all stréetes to beholde him as though they had neuer séene him but as much as they praised him for his beautie so muche did they dispraise and abhorre him for his wicked life Commodus was farre out of fauour with his father Marcus Aurelius and too muche cherished of his mother Faustine wherein bothe the one and the other had great reason for doubtlesse he gathered too small profite of his fathers counsell and folowed too much the libertie of his mother Commodus had another brother named Verissimus vnto whome if he had not dyed young the father had left the Empire but
so the destinies did ordeine that he died which deserued to liue and that he liued which deserued to dye When in the presence of Marcus Aurelius talke was moued of Princes that had béene honourable and happye some praising Alexander that ouercame Darius others Scipio that subdued Haniball others Iulius Caesar that conquered Pōpeius others Augustus that defeated Marcus Antonius Marcus Aurelius made this aunswer I holde the Emperour Nerua more happie then all the rest and for no other cause but for that he adopted Traiane for his sonne in such wise that he elected whome he liked and not as I moste sorrowful that must take such as they haue giuen mee CHAP. III. ¶ Howe Commodus did inherite the Empire of his father Marcus Aurelius and of a certeine speech which he vsed vnto the Senate JN the xvi yere of the reigne of Marcus Aurelius and in the 63. yere of his age warre was raised in Panonia which at these dayes is otherwise named Hungarie in which warres the good Emperour woulde goe in his owne person leading also with him his sonne Commodus according vnto his accustomed manner that by the taste of trauels in the warres he should bende and yelde him selfe to conserue peace The Emperour in the greatest heate and furie of those martiall affaires was soudeinly striken with a deadly sicknesse and in fewe dayes depriued of his life Commodus being then in so tender yeares that he neither felt what he lost either the daunger wherin he stoode At the death of Marcus Aurelius his sonne Commodus was elected Prince and confirmed Caesar whereof procéeded but chiefely for affection they bare vnto his father that presently he was obeyed of all the armies as true Emperour notwithstanding they all suspected he should be the losse of their common wealth and procure to his person some euil conclusion Before the emperour Aurelius died he left his sonne Commodus commended vnto certeine tutours as well fortunately to finishe those warres begonne as also to assist and counsell him in the gouernement of the common wealth because the father comprehending the sonne did feare that leauing the enimies he would abandon him selfe vnto vices and although the common wealth were forgotten would dedicate him selfe vnto the pleasures of his person The exequies for the good Prince Marcus Aurelius being celebrated and sumptuous sacrifices also offered for him vnto the Gods Commodus was aduised by his coūsell to vse some speache vnto all his Senatours and captaines attendant in those warres who being aduaunced vppon an high skaffolde began after this manner to make his Oration The Oration of Commodus made to the Senate The vniuersall calamitie and the particular sorrowe which for the death of my father this sorrowfull day doth represent is no lesse common vnto you then to mee for if I haue lost a pittifull father you haue lost a righteous and a iust Prince My losse is not small that haue lost such a father but much more haue you lost that haue lost such a Prince because the hurte of one is tollerable but that which redoundeth to the offence of many for euer is to be lamented Experience teacheth vs that of an hundred fathers there be not twaine that are euill vnto their children and by the contrarie of an hundreth princes ye shall hardly finde twaine that exquisitely shal proue good for their subiectes If this be true as it is moste true that I haue saide it is iust and verie iust that if sonnes lament the death of their parentes with teares of their eyes that subiectes bewaile the death of their good Princes with drops from their heartes Howe humble my father hath beene vnto the Gods how seuere with the wicked howe affable with good men how patient in iniuries how grateful for seruice howe bountifull in his house and howe zealous for the common wealth although you haue seene you haue not throughly comprehended for that good Princes be not exactly knowen vntil they be lost My father was so fortunate and venturous in the warres so singular in science so sincere and cleane of life and so perfecte a louer of the common wealth that the dead had enuie at the liuing not of the life which they possessed but of the Prince which they inioyed It may not be denied but that the Romaine Empire is in debt and beholding vnto many Princes past but I saye and affirme that Rome is more in debt vnto my father aboue all other for others made the common wealth riche but my father made it vertuous others repaired walles but he reformed manners and that which is more others brought to passe that Rome was feared of all strange nations but my father framed that Rome of all in generall was both serued and beloued You all well vnderstande what difference there goeth betwixt voluntarie and forceable seruice for as my father did vse to saye it is more tollerable to be commaunded of suche as loue vs then to be serued of such as abhorre vs My father hath now finished his iourney and certeinly moste perfectly hath runne out his race herein ye may conceiue his inestimable loue towardes you in that he commended mee his onely sonne into your handes and if I followe and perfourme his will he gaue mee not the Empire to commaund you but to the ende I should serue you for he expressely gaue in charge that my Empire should tende more to your vtilitie then to mine owne profite humbly beseeching the immortal Gods to make mee such as my father at his death commaunded as you Romaines do wishe and desire because there is no man in this worlde so euil that desireth not to be gouerned by a Prince that is good You with me and I with you in the manner of our gouernement after his death he did verie well expresse in the time of his life directing me by commaundement to call you fellowes and forbidding you to call me Lord for his desire was that you should fauour and counsell me as a sonne and that I should deale with you as with brethren and trust beleeue you as fathers The loue which the gods do beare vs the same my father alwayes vsed with you that is to say he did so tenderly loue you all as if ye all had beene but one man whereof it foloweth that you are not so much in his debt for that which he did for you as for the hee woulde haue done and coulde not I remember me that many times being a childe my father delighted that ye should take imbrace kisse and cherish me to the end that imbracing of me in your armes ye shuld place me in your hartes and also that I finding your armes open shoulde not vniustely close my bowels from you My Empire is not as the Empire of others that is I neither bought it with money either obteined it by voices or wonne it by armes or toke it by guile no doubtles it is not so for as others obteine by aduēture naturally I
inherite You haue great reason in minde to be satisfied and in harte contented since ye haue a prince not deliuered by the hands of strangers but borne in your owne houses I confesse that to proue good it auaileth muche to desire and also procure to be good but ioyntly herewith I saye that to be a prince it necessarily requireth to haue the fauour of his kingdome for otherwise if straungers do repugne and subiects do not succour it may be in his owne handes to be a good man but not in his power to be a good Prince My father was olde and I am yong wherof it foloweth that more glorie redoundeth vnto you by yealding obedience vnto me then vnto my father bicause obedience done vnto him proceeded of the merit of his authoritie but that which yee shall yealde vnto mee proceedeth of your owne pure vertue All the rewardes honours and offices that my father gaue in time of his life from henceforth I confirme them vnto such as hold them for that being as he was both holy and vertuous the Gods aproouing all his actes it were not iust they should be disalowed of men Neither in the dignities of the Senate the captainshippes of the armies the offices of my house there is nothing to be sayd much lesse to be altered only one thing remaineth betwixt my father and mee which is that I confirme his good works change my vnreformed maners Let vs ioyntly put on noble minds to giue good end vnto the warres whiche my father hath so happily begunne which being finished wee will all goe to our ease and solace and inioy the pleasures of Rome whiche warres if wee should leaue vndone although the hurte should redound to mee the faulte should proceede and be imputed vnto you I will not saye more vnto you my friendes companions but that I request and desire you alwayes to commend vnto your memorie the great loue that my father hath borne you and the good dealing he alwayes vsed with you that from his antiquitie my tender yeres and your greate vertue ye maye frame a Prince good for your selues and profitable for the common wealth Finally I saye that if ye haue my father in remēbraunce ye will neuer forget or disobey mee his sonne for comparing his vertue with my libertie doubtlesse and without comparison ye shal be much more persuaded by his noblenesse then altered by my youthfulnesse This talke being finished much money was throwen out amongest the armyes because on such dayes it was amongest the Romaines muche vsed The Romaine Princes did not muche varie from reason to giue and promise muche money in the beginninge of their Empires for as muche as the malice of man is greedie and couetous they are more persuaded withe a little money which is giuen then with many wordes that are spoken vnto them CHAP. IIII. ¶ Of a certeine famous and notable speeche vsed by one of his tutours for that he would leaue the warre of Panonia vnfinished ALl the officers of the Senate and all the captaines of the armie did marueilously mitigate their sorrowe for the death of their moste louing Lorde Marcus Aurelius when they hearde his sonne Commodus talke with so greate singularitie not onely for that he confirmed whatsoeuer his father had done but also because he promised by imitation most naturally to resemble him But what and howe great difference was betwixt the wordes of this Prince at that instant the workes which after he perfourmed in his life was muche too muche for nothing was more aparant then that al his good words and woorkes vppon that day did finishe and take an ende because from that day he did not onely speake euil and do euill but that which is woorst of all it was neuer séene that euer he had any motion or desire to do good Many be wicked and desire to amende but this person so vnhappie and solde to sinne was not to day so euil that he desired and procured not to morrowe to be woorse Certeine dayes after he had vsed this talke vnto the army he permitted to be gouerned by the aduise of his tutours but euen shortly after he both forgate the commaūdement of his father and his promise made vnto his men of warre for that he lost not onely the feare of his tutors but also the loue and shame vnto his friendes Commodus when he did inherite the Empire was weake delicate and of tender yeares but notwithstanding did vse such licence and libertie of life that decayed his person and damnified his inclination and manners His tutors and gouernours finding the offence that insued therof aduised to remoue the mischiefe by information and counsel in secrete but so peruerse was his condition that for their gentle admonition he did presently abhorre them Nowe when Commodus had publiquely lost his feare vnto tutors his obedience vnto gouernours and reuerence vnto his friendes he woulde neither beholde the one or speake with the other but that all his communication and conuersation was with persons light young and vicious vnto whome he committed all his secretes who began to persuade him to leaue the warres to go to Rome renuing his memorie with the opulencie of Italie and the beautie of Rome and ioyntly did murmur at the land of Panonia saying it was barren drye colde poore and contagious and that to drinke a pitcher of water they were first constrained to breake the Ice With these and suche like woordes Commodus was easily persuaded to leaue the warres of Panonia and take his waye into Italie and to bring the same to effect calling his tutours and gouernours into his presence fained to haue greate suspicion that while he remained in the warrs some others should cōspire rebel in Rome in respect whereof to avoyde the woorste he was determined first to assure him selfe of his owne countries before hée conquered straung kingdoms So greate sorrowe entred the harts of the gouerners and capteines that were present at that assemblye that heauily castinge their countenaunces on the grounde they were not able to aunswere one woord A Senatour named Pōpeyanus being present at that counsell who had married Lucilla daughter vnto Marcus Aurelius and elder sister vnto Commodus besids his aliance in marriage he was a man both rich wise valiaunte and aunciente and therewithall had greate boldnesse in that which he did and no lesse credit in that which he saide This Consul Pompeyanus beholding all the assembly in great silence thought good to take in hand to aunswere the Emperour Commodus after this manner The Oration of Pompeyanus to Commodus Oh my sonne and my Lord for thee to haue desire to see Rome to go into Italie is no meruel for the same which thou desirest all we haue longe wished but folowing and imbracing reason we endure not to be ouercome or carried away with sensualitie I call thee sonne because I haue bred and nourished thee from thy youth and I call thee Lord because thou
art Lorde of my mother Rome by the one I am bounde as a faithfull vassall to followe and obeye thee and by the other thou art bound as vnto a good father to beleeue me and may it please the immortall gods that thou haue as ready an harte to beleeue my counsels as I haue redilie to obeye thy commaundements Many yeares I did folowe and serue thy father and also am fully persuaded that my seruice was gratefull vnto his harte and did not onely tenderly loue me but also frankely gaue and recompenced me for which reason vnto him and his house I will neuer become ingratefull and am determined one for one to counsell thee in that which thou oughtest to doe and afterwardes employ my life where in thou shalt cōmaund me In that which I shal now say if I haue not that reuerence that from a vassall is due vnto the Lorde at the leaste I shall haue that loue that a father doth owe vnto his sonne and if nowe thou shalt be displeased with my words and shalt take them to other ende then they be spoken the time shall come wherein thou shalt repente thee for not beleeuing the old Pompeyanus and that thou hast followed thine owne will and iudgment But comming to the purpose thou seest moste souereigne prince that all which be present neither do beholde or answer thee which may not proceede but that either they knowe not to speake or dare not answere or els they thinke thou wilte not beleeue them any of which is too muche hurtefull and daungerous because it is a faulte in a prince to demaunde counsell of him that knoweth not to giue it but it is muche woorsse when they dare not speake that whiche is meete to be saide but that whiche is woorste of all is when a prince knoweth not to take the benefite of good counsell If thou hadst in remembraunce what thy father commaunded it were superfluous at this present to aduaunce my selfe to giue thee counsell and I dread that as thou haste made no accompt of his commaundement in muche lesse estimation thou wilt holde my request but in the ende I will say my opinion and after wardes make choyce of what shall or may please thee My sonne call to remembrance whose sonne thou wert that is to say of my Lorde Marcus Aurelius for if thou doest consider that thou hadst to father so good a father thou art muche bounde being his sonne to proue a very good sonne Thou didest inherite of thy father his house his goodes his estate and his memorie all which doubtlesse is verie little if thou didst not inherite his noblenesse because for thy onely vertue thou art to be honoured obeyed as touching the rest as thou didst inherite in one day thou maist lose in one houre The glorie which thou receiuest to haue so good a father so neare and in companie with the Gods the same shoulde hee haue there to haue so good a sonne here amongst men for other wise as muche pleasure as thou takest of his glorie so much griefe shall he receiue of thy infamie Thou wilte my sonne leaue this warre whiche thy father hath begonne and wilt go to enioy the delights of Rome I sweare by the immortall Gods I may not immagine the vnworthinesse of him that put the same into thy heade because suche and so greate an enterprise as this ought not to be lefte vnfinished either if it were not begonne vnperfourmed Thou mayest not denie but that thy father was wise aduised patient valiante which being so in my iudgmente it shoulde be right iuste that thou shouldest aduenture thy goods where in he aduentured and also lost his life The affaires of Italie are in peace in Rome ther is no mutinous person in Asia Africa there is no common wealth out of quiet the cause therof procedeth of the great affectiō which they did beare vnto thy father and of the greate power that here they vnderstand his sonne doth possesse which if thou forsake lose therewithall so great reputation thou shalt leaue the Barbarians in peace and make warre against thy self If thou my sonne wilt obteine rest and a good life susteine and conserue that which thy father did winne and gette in time of his life and thou shalte finde that he conquered all wonne all recouered all and made all plaine and it is not vniustly saide that he had all for if he conquered walles with armour he wonne hartes with good woorkes and noble deedes My sonne what wilte thou seeke out of Panonia that thou mayest not find in Panonia if thou desire to see Rome I giue thee vnderstanding that true Rome is where the Emperour of Rome is resident because Rome is not holden for Rome for the stately walles where with it is compassed but for the heroicall men wher with it is gouerned If thou wilt haue riches behold here is the treasure and the collectors thereof If thou wilt haue men of counsell here is the whole sacred Senate If thou wilte haue men of noble mindes there are none in the worlde as those of thine armie If thou wilte haue lustie younge men of thine age here are the sonnes of all the noble Romaines If thou wilt fishe behold here the great riuer Danubic if thou wilt hunte and chace the wilde beaste here are sharpe mountaines if thou wilte haue faire women behold here women both of Rome and Germanie moste beautifull If this be true as it is most true wherefore my sonne wilt thou departe from Rome to go and seeke Rome If vpon the soudaine thou leaue this warre thou shalt staine thy fame with a greate blemish and also put thy common wealth in great daunger because the barbarous shal thinke that thy power is not sufficiēt to ouercome them and also that thou darest not attempt to assaile them Thy father lefte thee with greate power and greate reputation in the Empire and thou my sonne shouldest rather bend and fixe thine eyes to conserue thy reputation then thy potencie because thy power only profiteth against thine enimies but thy reputation profiteth to conquer enimies to conserue friends And thou oughtest not to conceiue or think that the power of the Romaine princes is so great that it lieth in their handes at their owne likinge to make warre or peace with the barbarous nations bycause there is nothing wherin fortune is lesse correspondent then Martial affaires The good princes ought to do muche trauell muche and also aduenture muche to avoyde warre and to obteine peace but after they are determined to attempt and prosecute the same they ought to respecte nothing more then the finishing thereof because many euiles are cutte off by a good warre which may not be finished or brought to passe with a suspicious or a doubtfull peace It is greate folly for any man to endaunger him selfe onely vppon the hope of a remedie but much more is it when a man hath allredie thruste him selfe into
daunger not to seeke to escape the perill thereof CHAP. V. How Commodus left the warres of Panonia to go to Rome After that Pompeyanus had ended his Oration Commodus did shew him selfe offended for the opening thereof in so common assembly and pleased for the integritie of his woordes giuing for an answere that for the present he woulde deferre his departing vntill ripe counsell should determine some other matter Not withstanding his small age he was of suche dissimulation in matters he woulde bringe to passe and so double in his words which he did speake that the aunswere which he made was not to the intente to stay his departing but to confirme them in negligence and want of prouidence It was published in the whole armie what Pompeyanus had sayd vnto Commodus and that the departing into Italie was deferred vntill the warres were finished of which newes some were pleased and some displeased because the auncient and vertuous wished all thinges to be done to the honour of the common wealth but the younger persons and suche as were vitious had desire to go the vices of Rome Some remaining quiet and others negligent Commodus determined to procéede with his purpose and wrote certeine letters vnto Rome wherin he commaunded they shoulde order his house and prepare for his comminge and he did also write that they shoulde relieue him with some monye for that with the warres he was much consumed His letters being dispatched vnto Rome Commodus commaunded all the valiant capteins to come vnto his presence with whome he did communicate the manner and fashion which he woulde vse with those barbarous people to frame them to yeald to some honest truce if a better cōclusion might not be obteined to finish the same with a peace dearly bought After that messengers had passed betwixt Commodus and the Barbarians diuersly to and fro in the ende it was resolued that hee rendered many countries that had bene taken from the enimies and also gaue thē a great summe of money and they promised to continue friendes but not vassals vnto the Romaines This conclusion being knowne and published was not a little grieuous vnto all noble minds of the armie because most truely the capitulation thereof was too too infamous that in respect of the state of those warrs it was not onely not to be done either as much as to be talked of Of these infamous conclusions and the paimente of so greate summes of money he gaue no parte therof vnto the Senate or gouernours to vnderstande but vnto such men of warre as he vnderstoode had desire to be gone and such as he thought durst not repugne The fame beinge published that Commodus would depart towards Rome the whole armie was so altered that none would remaine in the frontiers but that euery man without order prepared with greate hast to returne into Italie in such wise that Commodus not onely ceased to continue hostilitie against the Barbarians but also left no garrisons to guard the Romaine people The Emperour Commodus parted from Panonia to go to Rome the tenth day of the moneth of Februarie and so greate was his desire to come to Rome that in many cities which were in his way where they came foorth to receiue him he would not onely stay to heare what they would say either receiue that which they would present but also alone and disguised in poste woulde passe theire stréets Incredible was the pleasure which they receiued in Rome when Commodus did write of his partinge from Panonia but muche greater was their ioye when they vnderstoode that he was at hande for remembringe that he was borne amongest them and that they had bred and nourished him and that he was the sonne of so good a father they helde it for certeine that in his time Rome more then euer it did should flourish and that euery man in particular should augment his estate In respect of the greate loue and reuerence they did beare vnto the father Marcus Aurelius and the reporte blowne amongst the Romaines of the singular beautie of his sonne Commodus they did so extremly desire to sée him that he held him selfe most happy that came furthest off to receiue him Marche was halfe past when Commodus came to Rome at which time trées do yealde foorth their flowers and fields their fragrant smelles against the day that he shoulde enter Rome the Romains had made all wayes euen and cleane and banqueting houses deckte with boughes to eate and drincke in the Senatours came forth in great order the women of Rome in sumptuous apparel the townesmen all with boughes and greene braunches in such manner they receiued him that day with as greate pleasure and ioy as if he had entered in his chariote triumphant triumphinge of all Asia After he entred the citie that whiche he firste did was in visitinge all the temples within the same chieflye he stayed in the temple of Iupiter where he offered sumptuous sacrifices all the noble men of Rome being present Also he did visite certaine auncient sepulchers especially the sepulchre of Adrian of Traiane of Antoninus Pius his grandfather of Faustina his grand mother Faustina also his mother and some thinges that were in them euill handled or decayed he cōmaunded to be repaired and made better Ioyning vnto the sepulchre of Adrian he commaunded another sepulchre to be made riche and sumptuous wherein the bones of his father Marcus Aurelius shoulde be translated which sepulchre being finished and hauing in remembraunce howe greate loue Marcus Aurelius did beare them and the good sincere dealing he vsed with them the Romaines did visite honour and helde his sepulchre in as greate reuerence as their chiefest temples This done Commodus on a day went vnto the Senate saying and giuinge them warning that in all and for all thinges they shoulde followe the ordinaunce of his father and performe and execute all that he had commaunded them because after this manner the imperial state should be conserued as concerning straunge nations and the common wealth wel gouerned amongst them selues Also hee commaunded all Iudges of Rome to come before him charginge and commaundinge them that without all exception of persons equally to giue sentence accordinge to iustice with a warninge that if any of them shoulde presume to attempt the contrarie to haue his sentence reuoked and his person chasticed The Romaines receiued greate delight to sée how Commodus was obedient vnto the Gods a louer of temples grateful vnto his friendes and zelous of the cōmon welth but alas for sorrowe so fewe were the monethes and also the dayes that this gratious heate endured that it semed rather they had dreamed it then that he had done or performed it CHAP. VI. Howe Commodus was cruell and of the cruelties which he vsed IN the nintéenth yeare of his age and the thirde yeare of his Empire he aduertised the Senate that he would visite all the cities in Italie at his departinge from Rome he went vnto the
mountaines to hunte on whiche chace many were the dayes that he imployed much mony hee spente but muche and many more were the vices which he there committed Thrée monethes and odde dayes he went a fishing at riuers passinge the fieldes and huntinge in mountaines in all whiche time he neuer entered citie towne or village either slepte in anye house and then sent his commaundement vnto the Senate to prepare a triumph for that he woulde enter triumphinge into Rome affirminge that he better deserued triumph for killing beasts that did eate corne then other Emperours for killinge of men that liued in townes The Senate neither might or durst but to receiue him with great triumph the abhominable Commodus most odiously in the chariot triumphant placed a younge man named Anterus and opēly after the manner of man and wife did imbrace eche other In his progresse and pastimes whiche hee vsed in those mountaines he lost no parte of his euill customes but rather added euill vpon euill that is to say the fiercenesse which he recouered in slaying of wilde beastes after his comming to Rome he imploied in murdering of many honourable personages As touchinge the first it is to wéete he banished xxiiii Consuls possest their goods and made a rewarde therof vnto his strumpets other infamous persons whereof fiue by importunate suite of his gratious fauour were restored to their houses and shortly after he cutt off their heads There was in Rome a Senatour named Birrius a man in the days of Marcus Aurelius much estéemed who deserued to marry with a sister of Commodus who for that he warned and informed Commodus of his euill and foule life he commaunded him and all his friends to be slaine and also al the alies and seruants vnto his sister From the time of Commodus father there was remaining a certaine prefect named Ebutianus a man moste truely auncient in yeares and no yonglinge in vertues Commodus being aduertised that Ebutianus had much lamented the death of the Consul Birrius vnto whom Commodus sent a messenger to say vnto him that he woulde vnderstand of him if he woulde wéepe for the death whiche he sente him as he had wéept with the life which he possessed whiche being saide by the commaundement of Commodus he cutte off his head Another Senatour named Apolaustus who also sorowed the death of Ebutianus Commodus commaunded to be slaine The daye that Apolaustus was executed certeine young gentlemen of Commodus his chamber when they vnderstoode of execution done vnto suche as mourned for Ebutianus they deuised to make a shewe of great ioye for the death of Apolaustus to escape the like daunger whereof Commodus being aduertised he commaunded their throtes to be cutte saying that for any acte done of the prince they ought neither to laugh or weepe but heare and see and holde their peace Also he slewe Seruilius and Dulius with all their parentage which were descended of the linage of Silla and he slewe Antius Lupus Petronius and Mamertus with all their bande which were of the linage of Marius affirminge that he executed the Sillans to reuenge the Marians and executed the Marians to reuenge the Sillans There was in Rome a younge gentleman a cousen to Commodus both very faire and valiant and one saying by chaunce vnto Commodus that Mamertus Antonianus his cousen did resemble him in fauour and imitate him in valiantnesse he commaunded them both presently to be slaine affirming that he shoulde be an Emperour that did so resemble and compare with him Amongst other anciente Romaines there were sixe olde Consuls whose names were Alius Fuscus Celius Felices Lucius Torquatus Alatius Ropianus Valerius Bassianus and Patulius Magnus who for their impotencie were not able to come vnto the Senate he commaunded them all to be slaine saying that he was bounde to do in Rome as the good gardener in his orchard that is to say that the drie olde tree must be cutte or puld vp by the roote and cast into the fire In the gouernement of Asia the Senate had placed Sulpitius Crassus Iulius Proculus and Claudius Lucanus as Proconsuls to gouerne those prouinces whome withe their families Commodus gaue order to be murthered with poyson because in his presence they were praised for their déedes done in Asia and also for communication which they had of his euils committed in Rome Marcus Aurelius visitinge the kingdome of Achaia had borne vnto him a Néece and daughter of his sister named Annia Faustina whome also Commodus commaunded to be slayne but the quarell that he had to take away her life was for that shée had married without his licence On a certaine day vpon the bridge of Tiber were fourtéene noble Romaines talking and passinge the time and Commodus at that instant passinge that way saide vnto one that he should demaunde as of him selfe whereof they talked vnto whome they answeared that they were recountinge the vertues of Marcus Aurelius and that they had great sorrowe of his death Commodus hearing this answere presently and out of hande commaunded all the xiiii gentlemen to be hurled headlong ouer the bridge into the riuer affirming that they coulde not speake well of his father but that they must speake euil of him which was his sonne He woulde many times play with the sworde players and betwixte ieste and earnest he killed a thousand of them He was so cruell of nature and so doughtie in his déedes that he had no scruple to kill either feare to be slaine Commodus perceiuinge that al the Romaines fledd either to sée heare speake or to be conuersant with him to no other ende but to auoyde occasion to be slaine at his handes he remembred to inuente a conspiracie which is to wéete to say and publishe that many had conspired against him to his destruction all which he commaunded to be strangled and cutt in péeces notwithstandinge that any suche conspiracie was neuer thought of or intended CHAP. VII Of a certaine conspiracie attempted against Cōmodus and of Perennius his most fauoured counsellour Amongst other sisters Commodus had one named Lucilla who in the life of her father Marcus Aurelius maried with a Consul whose name was Lucius Verus whōe he admitted with him selfe to be cōpanion in the Empire by such meane as Lucilla was intituled Empresse her husbande Emperour But a yeare and three monethes Lucius Verus liued as companion in the Empire with Marcus Aurelius his father in lawe in suche wise that euen then when he was very younge he loste his life and Lucilla as younge became a widowe Lucius Verus being dead Marcus Aurelius married his daughter Lucilla vnto a noble Romaine named Pompeyanus a man verie wise in letters experte in armes and aunciente in yeares After the death of Marcus Aurelius Commodus succeding in the Empire and not then married did allwayes intreate his sister Lucilla as Empresse for as muche as shée had beene wife vnto an Emperour and also being an auncient custome continued in the malice of
manifested the whole matter which were not onely pardoned but also largely rewarded The treason being detected which the traitour and tyrant Perennius had deuised it séemed good vnto the friendes of Commodus and the enimies of Perennius to the ende to deliuer him from all suspicion first and immediately to cut off his head for that Perennius being guilefull and in great power might haue preuented his owne execution with the slaughter of others A great parte of the night being past and Perennius reposing in his owne house Commodus commaunded him to be called in great haste aduertising him at the instant of letters out of Asia who entring the Emperours chamber founde not Commodus but yet wanted not that presently cut off his head At the instant that Perennius was put to death a post with greate spéede was sent into Illyria by whome Commodus did write vnto the sonnes of Perennius that all thinges set aparte they should repaire to Rome to visite their father being sicke in his bedde to the ende that if the destinies shoulde permit his death to succéede in his place The sonnes of Perennius did well thinke that all had béene truthe which was written vnto them and nothing doubting the detection of their treason presently departed towards Come but at their entrie of the first citie of Italie they were made shorter by bothe their heades This in conclusion was the ende of the tyrant Perennius which lost his sonnes his goods his honour and his life not rather for any mischiefe then for his presumption and pride Of this example let all Princes take warning howe they magnifie their seruauntes with too greate wealth and power and this is saide because potencie ingendreth enuie and ouermuch riches doth breede and bring forth pride CHAP. IX ¶ Of the tyrant Maternus and of his treason against Commodus EXcéeding ioy did the Romaines receiue of the death of Perennius and his sonnes because his auarice and pride was more sharpe and intollerable then the folly of Commodus The offices of Perennius were diuided amongest many because it séemed that so greate authoritie and power to be placed and committed in one person were to put his life in perill and his Empire to commission Incredible and innumerable were the richesse iewels and money that were confiscate by the death of Perennius and his sonnes but they were so wilfully and wickedly diuided and spent that whatsoeuer Perennius gathered by extortion and briberie Commodus spent imployed in vices There was in those dayes in Italie a certeine man named Maternus who from his childhood was bred in the armies of Illyria of nature bolde and valiant subtile painefull sharpe or quicke proude seditious and stammering in such wise that as he was filthie of his toung so was he soudeine of his handes In all debates seditions and mutinies which happened in the campes or cities this Maternus was euer founde one either the chiefe authour thereof or else to be noted aboue the rest because they saye this was his common speache that on that daye wherein he shed no bloude wine had no good relishe The captaines of the armies did partly beare with him for his valiantnesse but on the other side they might not endure his continuall quarelinges and in the ende his lewdnesse being growen intollerable they did not onely dispatche him from the warres but also did banishe him the confines of Italie This Maternus being a ringleader of all wicked and desperate persons that were in the armies many did accompanie and also followe him in that exile not to remaine as bounde to leade a better life but to haue libertie to committ muche euil With those companions that Maternus had recouered from the armies and with others that dayly ioyned with him he obteined vnder his Standarde twentie thousande footemen and two thousand horssemen within the space of foure monethes with which people Maternus committed so many robberies burnings and slaughters in the cities and territories of Italie as if an Hanibal had béene raised from the dead to conquere Rome Italie being robbed and sacked Maternus departed into Lombardie and from thence into Fraunce and after into Spaine in which kingdomes he continued in that courtesie whiche he vsed in Italie and that whiche was moste to be marueiled was that his armie daily increased and no man attempted to resist him in suche wise wise that with them which were present he did yeld occasion to be busied and with them that were absent he ministred matter of communication This tyrant Maternus and his people helde no other trade but to rob temples to sacke townes to scowre the fieldes to spoyle corne to burne houses to force women to defile virgins and that whiche was woorste that not contented for them selues to liue at libertie they brake prisons and set at large all malefactours It is amongest euils the supreme euil and in tyrantes the greatest tyrannie that they of them selues will not liue according to reason and iustice but that also they wil not consent that malefactours be committed to iustice Maternus and his armie remaining in Spaine Cōmodus wrote vnto all the Pretors of those countries to raise an armie of great power to destroy the tyrant Maternus and to make greate promises by publique proclamations that vnto him whiche should cutt off the heade or take the bodie or person of Maternus shoulde haue in rewarde all his goodes and his picture aduaunced and set vp in Rome The first proclamations were published in Saragosa at which time Maternus was resident in Taragon who being aduertised that they of Spaine prepared an armie against him and that amongest the captaines great wagers were laide who shoulde first ridde him of his life he determined to returne into Italie with determination to kill Commodus in Rome Where vpon Maternus moste secreatly conferred with his chief and special friends arrantest théeues and most doughtie personages to forsake the armye seuerally diuidinge them selues by sundrye wayes vpon one certaine and appointed day without faile to make their méeting in Rome Presently after Maternus was gonne out of sight al the remnant of his army was dismaide and fel in péeces wherof there were infinite taken strangled drowned drawne hāged in such wise that in so great a number of theues none had better aduenture then to be slaine or put to death except he had friendly fauour of fortune to be made a bondman Maternus his cōpanions the day houre place on which they had agréed in Spaine ioyntly did encounter at Rome whiche for a time wente dispersed disguised by day but ioyned by night to committ their theftes being furnished for their prouision but onely with suche prouision as they might pick by day and steale by night wherein they vsed so greate shiftes guile and skill that although they accompanied but by couples yet if the warde or watche by daye or night did attempt to arrest or offende any one at an instant they were all ready for
life and wee all shall beholde our mother Rome set at libertie These and suche other woordes being spoken shée sent for Letus and Electus to whome in greate secrecie shée shewed this writing and when they considered that on the next daye they shoulde all be slaine they forgate not to determine to kill Commodus that night but hardely might agree vppon the deuice and manner of his death It was the euen of the feast of Ianus and also a great parte of the daye alreadie past and not as yet determined with what manner of death they shoulde finishe Commodus his life for that if they shoulde kill him on the soudeine he might defende him selfe and the case discouered and if their affaires were deferred on the next daye they were iudged to dye but finally they concluded to dispatche him with poison offered by the hands of Martia The manner was thus Martia persuaded Commodus that night to bathe him selfe and comming from the bathe Martia bare him in hande that he was pale and colourlesse and prayed him to drinke and to eate a morsell and in that same whiche shée gaue him in a colation to eate in the same shée ministred poison for him to dye Not long after this surfeting dyet his head began to ake and being counselled by Martia to take his bedde shée prouided to sende foorth all persones that might seeme either to hinder his rest or her determined purpose He had reposed little more then an houre when the poison began to come to his heart and taking occasion with his fingers to cast Martia Letus Electus doubting that by vomite he might throwe foorth the poison and so they by matter committed might iustly be put to death beganne to féare and dismaye in their enterprise But Martia more like a man then a woman perceiuing her complaintes to be daunted with feare brought in Narcissus a beardlesse and shamelesse young man fleshed in murthers to whome shée promised a greate summe of money who entring the chamber finished the murther This was the ende of the vnchast and filthie life of Commodus whose life and death may yealde vnto all Princes bothe example and terrour for notwithstanding the wicked are forborne for a time yet Gods iustice doth not permitte them to escape vnpunished ⸫ The life of the Emperour Pertinax compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara Bishop of Mondonnedo preacher chronicler counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifth CHAP. I. ¶ Of the linage and countrie of the Emperour Pertinax THE emperour Publius Pertinax was borne in the prouince of Apennia in a certeine place named Martos in the second yere of the Empire of Traiane and his father was named Lineotinus a man that liued by his owne proper sweate and trauaile Pertinax beeing a stripling serued his father with the carriage of wood vpō an asse to be solde at the towne who vsed to sell so déere contentious and pinching that if they gaue him not his first demaunde he did rather leaue his wood vnsolde then abate one blanke of his price And being noted of all men and but for a packeman it procéeded thereof to be named Pertinax that is to say contentious for that before time he was named Publius Pertinax perceiuing that he was now called not Publius but Pertinax contentious and packman he parted from his countrie in a greate chafe and shamed giuing him selfe to write and read whiche when he had learned he traueiled to atteine the Gréeke Latine tounges which also he obteined in such wise that he became more handsome in science then in selling of wood Nowe when Pertinax perceiued him selfe to be instructed bothe in the Gréeke and Latine tounges he gaue him selfe vnto the warres to learne the arte of warrefare perceiuing that from his studie there procéeded much traueile and no profit and that his life diminished and his goods nothing increased In those dayes the Romaines helde warres with the Assyrians against whome the Consul Lolianus was capteine where Pertinax being repaired made couenant with a capteine of Rome to serue him for his prouision in the condition of a cater who vsing his seruice in that office verie faithfully and in skirmishe and encounter with the enimie no lesse valiantly his maister remoued from his saide office and aduaunced him to the state of a Souldiour Not long after that Pertinax had serued in the condition of a souldiour but he was raised to an office of more honour and credite which in these dayes is termed Sergeant of the hande that is to wéete to giue order vnto the souldiours to sette in arraye Pertinax euery daye recouered fame in the warres and his valiantnesse and noble minde was notorious vnto all men in the campe It chaunced at the furious encounter of the enimie the capteine of his hande to be slaine whereof the Consul Lolianus commaunded him to take the charge wherein he did so behaue him self that not long after he did not onely with bloud reuenge the bloud of his capteine but also brought to passe to be loued of the Romaines and feared of the enimies The warres of Assyria being finished Pertinax remained as pretor thereof and as he was feared of the Assyrians in the time of warre so was he afterwardes beloued in time of peace for if in times past he had béene rigorous as vnto enimies so was he in processe without all comparison more pittifull vnto offenders In the seconde yeare of the Empire of the good Marcus Aurelius the king of Parthians rebelled against the Romanes amongst other Capteines that were called vnto that conquest was Pertinax the Pretor of Assyria in which warres so straight and sound frindship was planted betwixt Marcus Aurelius and Pertinax that from thenceforth they dealte not as maister and seruaunt but as father and sonne because no matter were it of moste greate importance whiche Marcus Aurelius commaunded that Pertinax perfourmed not and exactly did not accomplishe either any counsell ministred by Pertinax vnto Marcus Aurelius vnto whiche he yealded not In those Parthian warres Pertinax proued so prouident in perils so doughtie in hazardes so wise in counsell so venturous in sallies and so valiant in battaile that by reporte of the enimies and iudgement of the armies he onely deserued more glorie then all the rest The warres of Asia being finished the Emperour Marcus Aurelius sente him as Pretor vnto the prouince of great Britaine which nowe is called Englande Two yeares after he arriued into Britaine warre was raised against the Germaines vnto which warres Pertinax was also called and there had the charge of the Eagle which was to be bearer of the royall standarde and was called the Eagle because the Romanes had alwayes in that speciall standard an Eagle brauely painted Pertinax being resident in the warres of Germanie his owne mother from Rome came to visite him for that tenne yeres had passed in whiche shée had not séene him and not tenne dayes after shée had inioyed the sight of her desired
woulde buy it but that they shoulde electe him but the Pretorians although they sawe that he was a noble Romane and not vnworthy but verie conuenient for the Empire they durste not put them selues into his handes doubting that he afterwardes remembring the death of his sonne Pertinax would execute on them some rigorous reuengement Sulpitius was a man wise and sapient reposed and auncient with the good wil of the Senate and request of the people to him and no other woulde they haue giuen the Empire and doubtlesse had it not béene for the aliaunce which he had with Pertinax who was his sonne in lawe they woulde rather haue giuen it him franckely for nothinge then haue solde it vnto the other for money The Pretorians being muche despited that they might not receiue money for the Empire since foure dayes they had proclamed the sale thereof and nowe finding Iulianus at the foote of the wall who had offered money for the Empire they put downe a ladder and toke him vp vnto them Nowe when Iulianus sawe him selfe in grace with the Pretorians and the Pretorians hauing him in their handes they demaunded more then he possessed and hee did offer more then hee had The case was thus that they with him and he with them did capitulate iiii thinges whereof none was to the honour of Rome much lesse to the profite of the common wealth Their firste capitulation was that he should giue them presently 300000. sextercies the second was that he shoulde neither reuenge the death or sustaine the fame of the Emperour Pertinax the third was that he should erect the picture renewe the memorie of Commodus the fourth was that freelie they might do vnder his Empire as they had done in the dayes of Commodus in such wise that Iulianus did not onelie buy the Empire for money but also gaue them licence to liue wickedlie This donne and concluded the euent of the Empire was stopt in Iulianus the Pretorians receiuing him in the mids and attending him throughout all the citie publishinge with loude voices Long life be euer vnto the Emperour Iulianus Commodus alwayes Augustus Iulianus would take that ouername of Commodus to do thē pleasure that had sould him the Empire who in their nourture were bred vp with Commodus in their manners and vices as his owne naturall children CHAP. III. Of the great and mortall hatred which the Romaines did beare vnto Iulianus for buying the Empire Iulianus being created Emperour his first act was to offer vnto the gods sūptuous sacrifices being as it was the custome of all newe Romane Emperours presentlye he sent vnto his treasurie for money to pay them of whom he had bought the Empire It was a monstruous matter to sée the iuels that he brought forth the diuersitie of money which he had the cause therof was that he had bene a gouernour in diuerse kingdomes and from them al brought no small sūmes of their coyne Incontinēt after Iulianus obtained the Empire he brought his wife and daughter vnto the court whoe toke vpon them the names of Augustaes began to be serued not as Empresses but as Goddesses because in their statelinesse presumption they sought rather to be adored then serued The Consul Sulpitius at the houre in which he vnderstode that Iulianus had bought the Empire departed vnto a certeine house that he had in the countrie giuing his office vnto Cornelius Repentinus his sonne in lawe who as they say did much resemble Commodus namely in disposition of person and corruption of manners Iulianus gaue vnto the army most great thanks not only for that they had giuen him the Empire but also because they had intituled his wife daughter Augustaes and without his request also had giuen him the name of Pater Patriae father of the coūtrie which title was the most famous that the Romans gaue vnto their Emperours On the other day after he was intituled Pater patriae early in the morning they founde these Latine letters written vpō his gates P.V.E.P. soūding in this sense Proditor Venditor Emptor Patriae and thus meant in english thou art the traytor the seller buyer of thy country Vnquenchable was the fury hatred that the whole people conceiued against Iulianus only for that he had bought the Empire which rancor and hatred they coulde not so couer within their breastes but that they published it with their tounges and shewed it with their handes for on the first day that he came forth into Rome they not onely blasphemed him in the stretes but also from their windowes threwe stones at him neither did they dine suppe or walke in Rome or in all Italie but alwayes their talke was of the treason which the Pretorians had committed in selling the Empire the greate mischiefe that Iulianus had done in buying the same The Senate going to the highe Capitol to visite the newe Emperour resistance was made against them which was not done with armed people but by boyes in the stréetes hurling stones at them and the women from their windowes did curse them which being constoered by the Senate they aduised for that time to returne to their houses no lesse offended then séared Al men bewayled the case with manie teares and offered vnto their Gods many sacrifices humbly praying that it might please them shortlie to take away the life of Iulianus to execute cruel vengeance on that murderers of Pertinax On a certaine time the Circen playes beeing prepared and the seate emperiall placed aloft vpon the Theater when the Emperour Iulianus shoulde haue set certaine of the people rashly not only did remoue it but also did breake it in péeces and he as he was wise and aduised did féele it as a man and did dissemble it as one that was discrete Besides that whiche they sayd in his absence they despised him in his presence and he happened manie times to heare with his owne eares wordes not a little ouerthwarte and iniurious but he was so subtile in that whiche he saide and no lesse dissembling in that whiche he hearde that all the iniuries whiche they saide or did either he toke them in leste or did counterfete not to heare them Naturally Iulianus was a prince of greate vrbanitie that is to say courteous affable gratious and pleasaunt and did honoure reuerence euery man according to the merit of his person the estate which he held yet notwithstanding he could neither get frinds either apease enimies Neither Catiline with his tyrannies either Silla with his seditiōs either Nero with his cruelties either Commodus with his vices were not vniuersallie so muche hated in the Romane Empire as Didius Iulianus and their hatred was so extreme that they shut their eyes because they woulde not beholde him and did abstaine to murmur at him because they woulde not name him When they sawe his horsse passe the stréetes where on hee did vse to ride generally they would praye vnto the Gods that he
wherein he had no office in the cōmon wealth In those dayes Letus the Captaine of the guard was greatly in fauour with the Emperour Commodus by whose intercession they cōmended the garrisons of Germanie vnto Seuerus who so skilfully behaued himselfe in that iourney that he returned 2. yeares after vnto Rome with great honour no smal riches At his returne vnto Rome Seuerus bought a certaine compasse of land wherein to till for corne and to féede and bréede cattell and alongest the riuer Tiber hée bought certaine stately and fertill gardens where hee builte houses of great pride which long time after were called Seuerians At a certaine time supping in those gardens vppon the grasse where the freshnesse of the greene was verye great and vigualls very small the case was thus His owne sonne of the age of fiue yeares did giue and diuide vnto all persons of all thinges that were there vnto whome the father said temper thy hand sonne in reparting because thou hast no reall riches to giue The childe made aunswere if I haue them not nowe when I am a child I shall haue them when I am a man All men present wondered considering the age of the child that so graue an aunsweare should procéede from so tender youth CHAP. III. ¶ How the Pretorians did electe him Emperour IN the 10. yeare of the Empire of Commodus Seuerus was sent in message vnto the prouince of Germanie in which Ambassage he obteyned much honour and no small wealth for naturally he was of great dispatch in affaires and skilfull to gather monie Hée was resident in Germanie the space of thrée yeares that is to say vntill in Rome they had slaine the Emperour Commodus of whole death he had great pleasure and of the election of Pertinax no lesse ioy because the liuing was his most special friend and the dead his mortall enimie Not many monethes after he receiued newes how the Emperour Pertinax was slaine by the Pretorians and that hée for very monie had bought the Empire he was much gréeued with the death of the one and the election of the other Seuerus was aduertised how Iulianus was in great hatred of the people for merchandizing of the Empire presently at the instant the men of warre that he had with him declared him Emperour whiche was done in a citie named Carunto on the xii day of the moneth of August That day whereon the armies did aduaunce him as Emperour he gaue and diuided amongst them so great summes of monie as neuer any Emperour had done afore time for he gaue not onely all his owne but also the treasure of his friends With great speede Seuerus sent vnto the armies of Illyria in Pannonia in Spaine Fraunce and Britaine and gaue them to vnderstand how Pertinax was dead that Iulianus had bought the Empire and that the armies of Germanie had elected him Emperour but that hée would not accept the same vnlesse they as true defenders of the Empire would consent vnto their election wherein all with one conformitie did alowe that election which the Germaines had made of Seuerus and vtterly did adnihilate all consents and elections that had or might be to the aduauncement of the Empire of Iulianus and vppon condition that Seuerus should first be sworne to reuenge the death of the good Emperour Pertinax and to giue his fauour vnto the men of warre Presently when the Seuerus sawe his Empire confirmed by the men of warre spéedily he toke his way towards Rome vpon which way not onely he had no resistance but in all places was receiued with great ioy Two Consuls 100. Senatours 30. Questors 22. Iudges 14. Tribunes 10. Pretours 400. priestes and 50. vestal virgins came forth to receiue Seuerus vnto whom he sent to giue vnderstanding that if they would behold his face milde that all persons of al armour either open or secret should disarme themselues for that it was sufficient that he was of the warres and they to receiue him in peace They being persons of so great honour riches and auncient that came foorth to receiue him were not a litle despited that Seuerus should commaund them to be disarmed but in the end they accomplished that which was commaunded them and from thence foorth conceiued against Seuerus mortall hatred because if they disarmed their persons of armour they did arme their hartes with malice And as Seuerus was proud with his Empire and the Consuls and Senatours wise and aduised neither did he perceiue them to be offēded either did they discouer themselues to be gréeued or despited for that if they had patience to suffer the iniurie they wāted not wisedome to dissemble the same As Seuerus was subtile and skilful he did two thinges before he entered Rome wherewith hée greatly wanthe fauour of the common people wherof the first was that he publikely changed his ouer name which is to wit that as he afore time was named Septimius Seuerus after he was named Seuerus Pertinax this he did to the end al men should perceiue the taking the name of the good Emperour Pertinax he would likewise folow the steps of his good life and profite himselfe by his good doctrine for Pertinax was not only loued as a man but also adored as a god And the second thing which he did was to cōmaund al the bands of Pretorians which were the men at armes which guarded Rome that leauing all armour they shuld come do him reuerence which were the men that had slaine th'emperour Pertinax not for his owne deseruing but for that he consented not to their wickednes Seuerus secretly had agréed with his armie that they should haue regard to compasse them round in such wise that finding them vnarmed they should stop al meanes to recouer the same for their defence either place of safetie to flie vnto And now when they stood all vnarmed compassed Seuerus commaunded a general silence thoroughout his armieꝭ and directed his words vnto those homicides or mansiears speaking after this maner CHAP. IIII. ¶ How he reuenged the death of the good Emperour Pertinax ALthough al humaine things be subiect vnto vanitie mutabilitie yet this preeminēce haue the gods aboue men that al things being subiect to changing and variablenes they remaine immutable al things perishing finishing they for euer do continue because there is nothing perpetual but such things vnto whiche the gods do giue perpetuitie The great Romaine Empire much resēbleth the immortal gods of heauen because all the kingdomes of the earth be finishing haue their ends but she is perpetual all are weake and she strong all be subiect she at libertie all vanquished and she inuincible finally she is she that neuer suffered her better or endured another that was her equal And as it is most true that the gods neuer giue reward without a preceding merit so do they not giue punishment without some fault in him whom they chastise wher of it followeth that since the gods haue
perills and so made vnto trauels that if they them selues had not warred destroyed them selues al the world had not bene sufficient to haue defeated thē Aboue it is said how Seuerus came to Rome to take the Empire and howe Pessenius was ouercome in Asia there resteth nowe to speake of Albinius who was in Britaine a man in his life righte venturous and in his deathe no lesse vnfortunate Albinius was natiue of Rome and as soone as he was of age sufficient he was made a Senatour being of most auncient linage and did inherite of his predecessours greate wealth whiche he wanted no skill to conserue as also to increase and excellently to inioy for notwithstanding his degree was but a Senatour yet in seruice of his house and behauiour of his person he was after the manner of an Emperour In the dayes of the empire of Pertinax Albinius was sente as captaine and gouernour vnto greate Britaine in whiche gouernement hee was very well loued and no lesse feared for by his greate iustice he was feared and with his greate liberalitie he was beloued When Seuerus departed vnto Asia to warre with Pessenius vnderstandinge how renouned the name of Albinius was throughout all the worlde and howe well liked of the Romaine Empire hee greatly doubted to aduaunce him selfe with the Romane Empire and the rather for that he perceiued the principall Romanes to fixe their eyes vpon Albinius Seuerus aduised him selfe to vse a certaine cautele with Albinius which was before he departed frō Rome to write vnto him into Britaine aduertising him that he would haue his felowship in the Empire from thence forth intituling him Augustus since his departing to the warrs of Asia requesting him to take the charge of the gouernement of the common wealth With these and suche like wordes whiche hee sente him and with a letter written vnto him and certaine iuells whiche hee gaue him Albinius did endure to be deceiued though voide of all misstrust to be deceiued Albinius had with him an auncient knight named Cypro Albo who as it is reported saide vnto Albinius thou art not so neare a kinseman either so deare a friende vnto Seuerus that without thy request hee will with thee diuide the Empire for that truely euen betwixt the father and the sonne it were verie muche but that I thinke hee will nowe be assured of thee to the ende when hee returneth from the warres to destroy thee because from a man so noble as Seuerus is so amorous letters and iuells so precious may not proceede but wrapt in malice Albinius woulde giue no credit vnto Cypro Albo but openly did reade his letters and shewed his iuells whiche when Seuerus vnderstoode hee receiued greate pleasure thereof and the better to finishe his guile hee made money in both their names placing Albinius his picture in the Senate The minde of Albinius being wonne and obtained to the ende to holde safe and sure the kingdomes of Europa hee departed into Asia and sundry times did write vnto Albinius and not vnto the Senate giuing accompt of that whiche hee had donne and demaundinge counsell in that whiche hee mente to do Fifteene monethes Seuerus stayed in the warres with Pessenius whome after hee had ouercome and slaine he determined to destroy Albinius and because hee had no occasion either greate or small to make him publike warre hee aduised to kill him by guile Many Senatours and noble Romanes did write him letters and also persuaded Albinius in woordes that hee shoulde aduaunce him selfe with the Empire and to the same ende they did sweare and affirme vnto him that although Seuerus were farre from his countrie yet without comparison hee was muche more distante from their willes The case was thus the warres of Asia béeing finished Seuerus in greate secrecie conferred with certaine Purseuantes by whome hee was accustomed to write letters whome he commaunded to departe vnto greate Britaine and to presente their letters openlye vnto Albinius and further to giue him to vnderstande howe they had secretly to say vnto him and that if with them hee shoulde seperate him selfe presently to kill him promising them that if they perfourmed that enterprise hee should make them the greatest men of Rome Hee gaue them also a boxe of fine poyson therew t this instruction that if they might not by chaūce dispatch kil Albinius by such meane they shoulde trauell in some meate to giue him of that poyson Albinius was gro 〈…〉 ●●mewhat suspicious of Seuerus partely for that so rarely hee did write vnto him and also because hee was aduertised that in secrete hee vsed euill speach of him wherefore he liued more warely not onely with suche as hee had talke but also of his meate whiche hee shoulde eate These Purseuaunts béeing arriued in greate Britaine deliuered their letters openly vnto Albinius saying that they had to tell him in secret and being nowe in doubt and suspicion of Seuerus his matters he commaunded these Purseuauntes to be taken and grieuously tormented which presently confessed that Seuerus sente them for none other purpose but either with yron or with poyson to take away the life of Albinius Presently Seuerus was aduertised that Albinius had taken tormented and put to death his Purseuantes where vppon followed that the one did publishe the other open enimies and for suche they exclaymed them selues in woordes defied in letters and also vttered in workes Seuerus had greate sorrowe for that Albinius had manifested him selfe his enimie and the greater was his griefe for that his enimies made common reporte that he would haue slaine Albinius as a cowarde and not deale with him openly as a man of a valiant minde Seuerus also had greate griefe of the generall reporte of Albinius boaste before all men that woulde heare the same of the greate numbers of people and armies of men that did obey him in greate Britaine and muche more that did loue and wish him in Rome Seuerus not able to endure with patience the reports that ranne of Albinius aduised to assemble his armies vnto whome hee did speake after this manner CHAP. X. Of a famous speach that Seuerus vttered vnto his armies to bringe them in hatred with his 〈◊〉 Albinius IT were not iuste that any prince shoulde be noted vnstable if by chaunce they be seene to abhorre at one time that which they did loue at an other time for that subiects changing their custōes it is not much that Lordes alter their opinions As much as a friend shal be vertuous so muche and no more he shall be loued of his friendes for if it be a thing commendable to loue the good it is no lesse vituperable to loue the euill Admitting that princes deale hardly with some and fauour others neither for the one are they to be praised either blamed for the other because rewarde or punishmente is neither giuen or ought to be giuen conformable vnto princes wills but agreeable vnto the subiects merite Ye all vnderstand how
Albinius and I beeing young men were bred in the house of the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius and truly vnto this day I haue intreated him not as a companion but as a brother which seemeth no lesse true for that I parted with him the Empire which sildome is diuided betwixt the father and the sonne I did not onely deale with him as with a brother and with him did parte the Empire but also at my iourney vnto the warres of Asia vnto him onely I recōmended the gouernement of the common wealth respecting the possession which I had of him and the confidence which I committed vnto him when I did trust him with the cōmō wealth I would haue parted my soule with him if it had benepartible Being as I was wounded in the warres of Asia and he placed in the gouernement of great Britaine notwithstanding the distance that was betwixt them there passed fewe monethes wherein I did not write vnto him giuing large accōpt of that which was done and hideing nothinge of all that I determined to do In suche wise that in him was registred al my triumphs and he was the hoorde of al my profound secreats Betwixt me Albinius there was neuer any thing that was not common in my house there was neuer doore shut against him the letters which he wrote I did with greate ioy reade that which he requested me I alwayes perfourmed whereof he warned me I euer corrected finally he neuer desired any thing of me that he obtayned not and neuer had trauell but I was present and prest to succour him After all these things his sorrowfull destinies woulde and no lesse hath my fortune without al felicitie perfourmed that our friendship is turned to enimitie our felicitie vnto treason our benefits to ingratitude our loue vnto hatred our communion to diuorce our confidence to suspicion in such wise that at this day there is nothing spoken more commonly throughout the Romane Empire but of the greate friendship whiche wee haue had and the cruell enimitie whiche nowe we haue That Albinius desireth to be Lorde and procureth to be Emperour I neither wonder either is it to be marueled but that which maketh me amased is that I placeing him with confidence in gouernement of the common wealth he shuld procure to rise or rebell with Rome that speaking according to the lawe of a good man that if Albinius had thought to attempte so foule a dede if I had requested him to take the charge he ought not to haue cōsented for there is not the like traitour in this world as he to whom I cōmitted my house to robbe me of mine honour and spoile mee of my goods A greater faulte in lesse magistrates hath Albinius committed thē Pessenius Niger for that Pessenius from the time that I was elected Emperour presently manifested him selfe mine enimie more that I neuer helde him as my friende either did he accepte me as his Lord and to say that which I had thought neuer to haue saide Pessenius Niger did write vnto vs that if wee would perpetuate the principalitie of Asia vnto him he woulde vtterly yealde vnto vs all obedience and for that we would not graunt it him speaking without passion although he had no reason to rebell he had occasion to be offended The matter hath not so passed betwixt Albinius and me but that without his owne sute or any other mannes for him besides the gouernement of Britaine I gaue him the principalitie of al Europe sent him the ensigne of the Empire commaunded him by proclamation to be intituled Augustus that which is not smally to be estemed I caused with his image mine money to be grauen and with mine owne proper handes I placed his statuie or picture in the Senate In repaimente of these so notable benefites he hath committed an hundreth thousand insolences namely hee hath mutined the armies altered and offended the people robbed our treasures taken our castels escandalized me with the Romanes and nowe of late hath slaine my Purseuaunts and that whiche grieueth me moste is that he made them say in their tormentes that which neuer was in my thought I hauing slaine the prince Pessenius and beeing as I was triumphant of the fielde no man hath to beleeue that I haue so small estimation of my honour that he beeing my detected enimie shoulde be slaine in secrete at my commaundemente In what heart may it be conceiued that I hauinge as I haue armies of so greate power and dexteritie here in my presence shoulde procure to kill him with poyson For to haue slaine Albinius by treason it had beene blame to me and shame vnto you but to him glory for as his name is renowned and his fame spread throughout the Empire his person to haue beene so inuincible that wee durst not giue him battell as an enimie but murther him as traytours The Godds neuer consent neither my venturous destinies permit that the slaunderous renowne of a traytour whiche hee hath recouered with his euill life shoulde cleaue vnto mee by his secreate deathe for that to conclude I had rather holde him as an enimie all the dayes of my life then to fixe any scruple in my fame Albinius did sweare by the simulachre of Diana not once but thrice not with one hande but with both handes not in one temple but in many for euer more to holde the gods in greate veneration the people in iustice the temples in reuerence and to me obedience all which the periured Albinius hath broken and neither hath feare or shame for that which he hath done but I hope in the Gods it shal not come to passe as he thinketh that is to die with poyson but the time shall come that hee shall pay in the fielde that which he hath sworne in the temple If this infamous deede had bene done against any particular person they should both heare and see throughout the world the amends that I would take thereof but in as muche as it toucheth none but my selfe who at this present am had in suspicion Albinius being held as innocente it sufficeth that it is not in me but to aduertise you thereof and to you it appertaineth to reuenge the same In the warres against Pessenius Niger ye folowed me in this against Albinius I will folow you and I hope in the immortall Gods that they wil giue you the victorie and in my behalfe on Albinius wil take vengeance CHAP. XI Howe Seuerus departed from Asia to Fraunce and fought with Albinius and slewe him AT the instante that Seuerus had finished his speach all the army exclaming with lowde voyces againe confirming Seuerus in the Empire manifested Albinius an enimie vnto the Romaine Empire And for as much as none that was present vnderstoode the treason that Seuerus had attempted against Albinius they gaue him credite in all that he saide so in generall they conceiued as greate hatred against the one as loue vnto the other proceeding no
the ambassage that thy greatly fauoured Plautianus doth send thée whose messenger I am not to giue thée warning as I do aduise thée but to kill thée and thy sonne Bassianus for that as thou hast trusted him with thine honour and giuen him of thy goodes it séemeth vnto him also that thou shouldest serue him with thy life Great was the admiration of Seuerus when hee heard what Saturninus said and yet most true that presently hee mighte not beléeue the same or could thincke that so vile treason might be conteyned in Plautianus but rather that his sonne Bassianus had béene the inuenter thereof to lead him into disdaine and hatred against Plautianus Bassianus being lodged within his father at his voyce did awake and came foorth whome his father Seuerus reproued blamed with words very sharpe for the inuention of so great euill and sware by the immortal Gods to receiue him from thenceforth into his further grace and fauour in the way of reuenge for so great an impietie for Plautianus was not a man to haue any such thought in his heart And as Bassianus had not heard the beginning of Saturninus speach so was hee abashed to sée his father so gréeuously offended wheruppon Saturninus seeing the incredulitie of the Emperour Seuerus how entirely he loued Plautianus puld foorth his writing wherein hee was commaunded to kill both him his sonne and further did humbly craue that Plautianus might be sent for with aduertisement that Seuerus and his sonne were slaine and then it should be séene that he would come apparelled not in silk but in yron One was sent as from Saturninus vnto Plautianus to come to Court where at his arriuall finding all in silence Saturninus met him at the chamber doore receiuing him as new Emperour vppon his knées did kisse his hands and taking him by the hand in the darke said he would direct him where Seuerus was strangled and his sonne Bassianus slaine Plautianus thinking all safe sure that Saturninus saide entered the chāber alone where Seuerus Bassianus with certaine assistants were readie to receiue them whome when hée beheld liuing that hée had thought to be dead he chaunged countenaunce and lost his speach A long time was Seuerus reprehending Plautianus putting him in remembraunce of all thinges which he had done for him and in especiall so many great displeasures which he had passed for his sake and had aduaunced him aboue all persons in the Empire and aboue all the rest had reuenged him of all his enimies After Plautianus had a little recouered himself he bowed his knées before his lord Seuerus and with teares began to craue pardon for his offence promising amendment in time to come saying that for his owne cause hee ought to pardon him although hee wanted all deseruing for any mercie but to take away all occasion of reporte in the Empire that euer he had fauoured so wicked a person Beholding Plautianus teares the promises which he made the hoarie head beard that he so tare and the great loue that he had borne him Seuerus was in a maner determined to pardon him but in the end being found to be clad in a shirt of male wheron Bassianus laying his hand said Tell mee Plautianus into princes chambers at such an houre as this do seruauntes enter apparelled in silke or armed with yron I sweare vnto thee by the immortall Gods since thou bringest yron to kill vs thou shalt here die with yron And hardly had ended these woords when he began to stab him with his dagger whoe presently fell downe dead and was beheaded whose head was fixed vppon a launce ouer the port of Hostia the body deliuered vnto boyes to trayle alongest the streates of Rome This was the ende and conclusion of the fauoured and priuate Plautianus whome Fortune s●●st aduaunced and follie afterwards cast away CHAP. XVII ¶ Of the particular vices and vertues of Seuerus THe newes being spread throughout Rome that Plautianus was dead al the people tooke great pleasure and no lesse would haue ioyed if Plautianus had slaine Seuerus and his sonne Bassianus for that all thrée were so euil wished in the common wealth that the least euill which they would them in the common wealth was but death The offices that Plautianus held in the common wealth Seuerus diuided amongest the Tribunes simple and plaine mē and not giuen to trouble but the loue and fauour which he had vnto Plautianus he neuer after committed vnto any person for as afterwardes he said he knew not whome to trust since his priuate and fauoured seruaunt Plautianus would murther him Plautianus being dead there was none that might suffer or indure the cruelties of the prince Bassianus or follerate his tyrannies for Bassianus stoode in awe of Plautianus partly for that he was his father in lawe as also for that he had bred him from his infancie Seuerus considering his sonnes Bassianus Geta to increase in age decrease in wit caused wilde beasts to be brought for them to kill horses to runne inuenting new playes to practise therein to occupie their persons diuerting their mindes to those games to reinoue them from vices Finding no profite to lead his sonnes to vertue by those warlike exercises he would cal them in secrete and tel them of many old examples how such and such princes were cast away by discord and that the same mischance must happen vnto them if they did not behaue themselues as friends fauour eche other as brothers for that with concord smal things increase by discord great things came to nought Besids that the two brethren were ouerthwart in maners and peruerse of conditions as before hath beene said their tutours did them much hurt that is to say in dissembling their vices inciting them to greater enimities whereof Seuerus being aduertised some of them he banished some he dispatched some he drowned in welles affirming that they deserued more punishment that kindled enimities then the persons that did execute them Plautianus left a daughter that was wife vnto Bassianus and her sonne nephue vnto Seuerus and sonne vnto Bassianus as well the mother that was young as the sonne which was a child they banished into Sicyl giuing them of al that which they had no more but to serue them wherw t to eate which Seuerus did not for enuie that he bare to his nephue daughter in law but not to offēd his sonne Bassianus Seuerus did vaunt himself that his predecessours had bin of a citie in Africa named Tripol which he did nobilitate not only in buildings but also in rents priuileges and plāted there and orchard of Oliue trées which did yéeld so great quantitie of oyle that it was sufficient for a great part of Africa and Italie Seuerus was a friend of wisemē fauoured studious delt very well with such as were learned but ioyntly with this hee did most abhorre them if they were either ouerthwart or troublesome
commaunded two Fortunes of gold to be made for either of his sonnes one because it was the ensigne of the Empire to take away all occasion after his death for any of them by him selfe or for him selfe to be aduaunced with the Empire but equally to remaine in power and estate This was the ende of Seuerus whome his enimies might not kill with armes and yet with griefe and sorrowe was slaine by his sonnes Seuerus liued thrée score and fiftéene yeres and reigned two and twentie yeres his bones were burnt and the ashes carried to Rome Of this Emperour Seuerus the Senate determined that which of no other prince was determined namely Illum aut nasci non debuisse aut mori whiche is to saye It had beene good in respect of his cruelties which he did he had not beene borne and since that he was borne in consideration of the profite which he did in the common wealth it had beene good he had not died The life of the Emperour Bassianus sonne vnto Seuerus compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara Bishop of Mondonnedo preacher chronicler and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte CHAP. I. ¶ Howe Bassianus and his brother Geta did inherite the Empire of their father Seuerus PResently after the death of the Emperour Seuerus in great Britaine his two sonnes Bassianus and Geta did succéed him in the Empire betwixt whome there was extreme discorde and cruell hatred for notwithstanding in bloude they were brothers yet in wil works they dealt as enimies As Bassianꝰ was elder brother and also more cauillous troublesome so he began secretely to practise and subborne the capteines of the armie to him onely to giue the Empire and to exclude Geta his younger brother from the inheritaunce and to drawe them vnto his purpose he spake swéete wordes blinded them with faire promises of greate hope and also gaue them riche Iewels Nothing might Bassianus attaine with the capteines of his armie for that euery one in particular and all in generall made him aunswer that since they were sonnes vnto their lord Seuerus and bothe brethren and ioyntly had sworne vnto them as their Lordes and Princes it were not iust they should be traytours in their promise vnto their father or shoulde make a breache of their othe that in the temples they had sworn vnto the Gods. After that Bassianus might not corrupt the armie with woordes déedes or giftes he tooke peace with the Britans to the ende presently to departe towardes Rome and his brother Geta being aduertised that Bassianus sought the Empire vnto him selfe which the father Seuerus had lefte vnto them both grewe into great hatred disdaine with his brother in such wise that from thenceforth the two brethren behaued them selues not only as vtter enimies but also the courte was diuided into bandes Bassianus Geta were brethren by the father but not by the mother for that Bassianus was his sonne by his first wife and Geta by Iulia whiche was the second wife Geta his mother and the auncient and honourable Romanes that were remaining after the death of Seuerus did not a little trauaile to confederate and set them at agréement but in the ende they were neither conuinced with the infinite beares of the mother either might be persuaded by the great requestes and instant intreatance of their friendes The affaires of Britaine being set in order the two brethren much without order departed towardes Rome carrying with them the reliques of their father Seuerus that is to say his bones made ashes which in all cities as they passed were receiued with as great reuerence as if Seuerus had béene aliue From the time that Bassianus Geta departed from Britaine vntil they entred Rome they neuer lodged in one lodging or fedde at one table or had conference vppon the waye but had of eache other great suspicion yea in meat and drinke to haue receiued poyson To go in so greate doubt and suspicion was cause of small staye vppon the waye although it were very long and before their comming vnto Rome either of them had sent their secreate messengers not onely to take vp the best lodginges in Rome but also to solicite and to winne the willes of the common wealth because they conceiued that they might not ioyntly be conserued in their seigniorie but that one must remaine with the Empire That day on which Bassianus and Geta his brother shoulde enter Rome all Rome came foorth to receiue them which was mixed with ioye and sorrowe sorrowe for the death and buriall of Seuerus and ioye for that his children were come aliue to reigne in his steade Entring into the citie the two brethren and newe Emperours went before appareled in purple on horssebacke after them came the Senatours all on foote who bare on their shoulders a chest of Unicorne wherein was placed the ashes of Seuerus such persons as attended the dead went wéeping and those that accompanied Bassianus Geta went singing Being entred into the citie and the day farre spent they went vnto the temple of the greate Emperour Marcus Aurelius where the two newe Princes fell on their knées to adore his sepulchre as a moste holie man and there bestowed the ashes of their father Seuerus Before Seuerus departed vnto the second warres of Britaine he had begon a most sumptuous sepulchre in the fielde of Mars amongest other ornaments that it had were seuen pillers polished verie high and stately wherein was grauen all his actes and victories but his life first was finished before his sepulture was ended CHAP. II. ¶ Howe in Rome they burie their Emperours and of greate ceremonies which there they vsed After that Bassianus and Geta his brother had reposed the body of their father Seuerus in the temple of the Emperour Marcus Aurelius presently they beganne to consecrate his body and to place his soule with the Gods accordinge to the custome of the Romans whiche ceremony was not done but vnto dead Emperours and the order thereof was thus Presently vpon the death of an Emperour the Senate did assemble to determine if hee deserued to be buried with the Godes either els after his burial to leaue him to obliuion as other men and if he had beene euill the Senate woulde be absent at his buriall and if he had bene good all clad in blacke woulde attend to consecrate his body And to do the same their firste attempt was to bury the body of the deade prince without any ceremonie and then made him an image of woode after the manner of a sicke and colourlesse man which they placed alofte vpon a scaffolde ouer the Courte gate and that image although it were of a sicke man yet did they clad it with garmentes of silcke and golde as though the counterfeite were aliue In the hight of that scaffolde or throne the Senate were set on the lefte hande and on the right hand all the matrones of Rome of whome none might he apareled richly either deckt with
heare thereof and woulde ofte say vnto me that manie kinges and kingdomes he had seene lost by mariage in straunge countries and therefore woulde not marrie me but within his owne kingdome and saide at the houre of his death that if I woulde liue manie yeares in peace I shoulde not abandon my children to straunge marriages I had three sonnes whiche nowe bee all deade and there remaineth vnto me but only one daughter in whome remaineth all my hope and if the Gods would and my destinies permitte I woulde giue her an husbande within mine owne naturall countrie whome I might esteeme as my sonne and he me as his father for my intent is not to giue her an husband that hath much goods but in his person greate worthinesse To that which thou sayest of the kingdoms of Parthians the Empire of Romanes would do verie wel to be ioyned in one thou hast great reason in that which thou sayest if it might be done with as great facilitie as it is spoken but how is it possible they may be made one being as they are so strange in nation so distant in situation so distinct in language so diuers in lawes and aboue all the reste so contrarie in conditions Since betwixt you and vs there are so manie landes countries nations hills and seas howe is it possible the bodies beeing so distante that the harts may be vnited Wee are much better knowne vnto the Godds then wee knowe our selues and since they haue created vs and separated vs the one from the other howe is it possible for vs to liue and enioy together for by greate diligence that men may vse either power that princes may practise it is impossible for them to scatter that whiche the Godds do gather together or to ioyne that whiche they do separate If thou wilte haue men for thy warres I wil sende them If thou wilt haue money to inrich thy treasure I will furnishe thee If thou wilt enter peace with mee I will graunte it If thou wilte that wee be brothers in armes by othe I will confirme it Finally I excepte nothing betwixte thee and mee but that thou do not craue my daughter to wife I am determined wil not for giuing my daughter a good marriage leaue my countrie tributarie vnto straunge people The precious iuells and greate riches which thou sentest me I haue receiued with greate good will and I sende thee others although not such either so riche neuerthelesse thou mayest alwayes cōceiue by them that the kinges of the Parthians haue greate treasures in their keeping and no lesse noblenesse of minde to spende them No more but the Goddes be thy defence and that thou of me and I of thee may see good fortune CHAP. XII Howe Bassianus committed a greate treason against the Parthians THis letter being receiued by Bassianus he made semblance of greate sorrowe that the kinge of Parthians would not giue him his daughter to wife howbeit he ceased not therefore eftsones to write sende more presents to bringe to passe by importunities that which of will he might not frame Arthabanus considering the importunities of Bassianus in writinge and his largesse in sending more riche iuells not doubting that anie guile might be concealed in that marriage did yealde him selfe vnto the iudgmente of his friendes who counselled him that hee shoulde not in anie wise but accept the Emperour of Romaines for his sonne in lawe for it might be that hee shoulde recouer him for an enimie that would not accept him for a sonne The fame beeing spread throughout all Asia that the kinges daughter shoulde marrie with the Emperour of Rome Bassianus aduised to repaire and prepare with all speede so that in all cities of the Parthians where he passed they did not only not resiste him but with greate ioy did receiue and feast him for they helde it for greate vaine glorie to sée their princesse demaunded for wife by the great Emperour of Rome In all places where Bassianus passed he offered riche sacrifices in their temples and gaue greate rewardes vnto suche as did attende and receiue him all whiche he dissembled to escape suspicion of the exceeding malice whiche he determined to execute Bassianus beeing arriued at the greate citie Parthinia where most times the greate kinge of Parthians was residente Arthabanus issued foorth to receiue his sonne Bassianus who most truly ranne foorth as cōformable vnto peace as Bassianus readie and determined for the warres There issued foorth with kinge Arthabanus not only the noble and valiaunt personages of his house and courte but also all the men of power and wealth of his kingdome which against that day were called and did attende in such wise that by his traine the kinge discouered his valure as also the noblenesse of his people Nowe when the Parthians beganne to ioyne with the Romaines and of both partes greate courtesies offered Bassianus gaue a signe vnto his armed knights to giue a charge vpon the Parthians vpon whome they executed as greate a slaughter as Hanibal at Canasse and Scipio at Carthage The kinge Arthabanus as he came in the troupe of all his royaltie tooke his seruaunts horse and gaue him selfe to flight and then as it was night his horse verie swift he had leasure to escape with his life although not able to defende his countrie This beeing donne he sackt the royall palace and al the citie and after commaunded fire to be giuen to all partes thereof whiche he perfourmed in all cities where he passed all the time that he remained in Parthia and freely gaue licence vnto his armie to take what they might to kill whome they would This was the manner that Bassianus vsed to subdue the Parthians whiche conquest with more reason may be termed the inuention of a traytour then the conquest of an Emperour for the innocente Parthians were rather solde then ouercome At the presente when these thinges passed Bassianus did write vnto the Senate aduertisinge them that hee had subdued all prouinces and kingdomes of the Easte vnto the Romaine Empire some by force and others by good will and that allthough the Romane princes his predecessours did excéede him in yeares and riches yet not to be comparable vnto him in victories The Senate béeing ignorante of the greate treason of Bassianus practised against the Parthians because they receiued his letters before anie other messenger had made reporte thereof were verie ioyfull and made greate feastes in Rome placeing his counterfeit vpon all the gates of the citie but after they vnderstoode the trueth of the treason committed they were so muche grieued with that so vile a deede that if the Parthians did suffer the Romanes did bewayle CHAP. XIIII How Bassianus was slaine by the commaundemente of his priuate captaine Macrinus THe Emperour Bassianus beeing departed from the territories of Parthia came vnto the prouince of Mesopotamia which was in the moneth of October and beeinge full of woodes wherin were
drinke water somtimes wine somtimes ale somtimes sider somtimes sodde water somtimes golden water some times stild water and at other times hee woulde not drinke but brothes and collesses In the manner of his feeding he neither vsed authoritie or obserued grauitie for at some times he woulde eate sittinge in a chaire sometimes on a bench and sometimes walking for he vsed to say that in such manner he did both eate and digest Naturally hee was giuen to sleepe verie litle through the weakenesse of his braine and slepte in all places without respect as well in the temple as in the Senate in the garden in the bath in the bedde and also in the market place in suche wise that hee wanted force to resiste the leaste motions and affections of his inclination Heliogabalus did inuent at Rome a certeine manner of feasting named Festum vindemiarum that is to saye the feast of grape gathering which feast was so dissolute vnshamefast vnto the viewe of the common people that afterwards in Rome they neuer cōsented to the celebratiō therof He was also greatly addicted to playe at tennis and whē he was offended with any olde Senatour either any auncient or honourable Romane he would sende for him to playe and accompany him with whome he would playe so much that in the end the sorrowfull gentleman should departe vnto his house both tyred beswett and drudged and also many times despoyled of his money He went verie seldome vnto the temples was vtterly voide and barren of all friendship or affection vnto wise men was neuer séene to read in bookes greatly abhorred suters affaires was negligent either to paye or refourme the armies made small accompt either of friendes or enimies finally he was addicted vnto his owne opinion and a mortall enimie vnto reason CHAP. X. ¶ Of a letter written by the great matrone Mesia vnto her nephue the Emperour Heliogabalus THE greate matrone Mesia being aduertised in Asia of her nephue Heliogabalus so farre inraged with vice in Rome did write him a letter after his manner My sonne Heliogabalus when thou departedst from Asia vnto Rome I hoped to haue heard such newes of thee as might be ioyfull to thy common wealth and haue giuen vnto mee greate renounce glorie but as I am aduertised here and also giuen to vnderstand from thence there thou doest minister matter for all men to murmur and here vnto mee sufficient cause to weepe Sixtie sixe yeares are past since I was borne into this worlde in which I haue buried and bewailed my father Torquatus my mother Aristina my sister Phillis and her husbande Tharsus Also I buried and bewailed my husband Aristippus my sonne Lucius Francus my daughter Dolobella and her husband Martianus Also I bewailed and buried the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius and the Empresse Faustina my good and gratious Ladie in whose house I was borne and in whose palace I was married I also buried and bewailed the Emperour Commodus the Emperour Pertinax Annius Pastor mine vnckle Mirtha mine aunte Camillus my nephue and Ioanna my neece Also I buried and bewailed the Emperour Seuerus my onely good Lorde and famous Emperour Also I bewailed and buried thine vnfortunate father my deare and moste desired sonne whose name I dare not either any other expresse in my presence because the sounde thereof constraineth mee to breake foorth in teares I thought it expedient my sonne to leade thee vnto remembrance of al these thy predecessours to the ende thou mayst see howe small reason it were that I should bewaile the liuing since I haue wept all the dayes of my life for so many persons that are dead When thou wast borne by stealth and I did both hide and couer thee when I did remoue thee from Rome and brought thee vnto Grecia when I caused thee to be instructed in Greeke letters and bred and nourished thee in companie of wise men when I did offer thee vnto the God Heliogabalus and made thee a priest in his sacred temple I thought my sonne that all these thinges should serue mee for ioye and peace in my reposed age and not to bewaile thy childishe youthfulnesse In this I acknowledge how free the iudgements of the Gods are from the thoughtes of men in that the gods determine one thing and men suppose another which hath chaunced both vnto thee and to mee O my sonne Heliogabalus because the childishnesse which thou doest vse and the vices thou possessest I did not onely thinke thou wouldst not committe but also that in thy minde they shoulde neuer haue had passage When I did place thee with the greate prieste Gorgias caused thee to be apparayled in the sacred vesture prayedst daily vnto the gods and also euery weeke diddest offer sacrifice in the temple I hoped thou shouldest haue proued a Paragon in vertue and not as thou arte a monster in all vice If thou wouldest consider many thinges do persuade and also binde thee to be good but nothinge prouoketh thee to be euill that is to weete ▪ to be a man reasonable to haue beene a priest to be borne in Rome to be nowe an Emperour to haue nourished thee in my house and to be descended of bloud so noble and generous for it much prouoketh men to perfourme that which they ought to do to remember from whence they be descended Beleeue mee my sonne that with lesse cost and more ease thou shalt be vertuous then vicious because vices content the fleshe when they are committed and torment the hearte after they be perfourmed but vertues yelde not so much griefe in their woorking as pleasure when we haue giuen repulse vnto vice I may not comprehende the froward fortune that foloweth thee or the sorrowfull destinies which haue pursued mee since I nourished thee in trueth and thou prouest and arte become a lyar I bred thee chaste and thou arte imbrued with impudicitie I brought thee vp in temperance thou hast stained thy selfe with excesse and gluttonie I trayned thee in shamefastnesse and thou rendrest a life moste dissolute and that which is woorst aboue the rest thou doest neither feare to offende the Gods or escandalize men Admitting thou wouldest not be good for any offence vnto the Gods that haue created thee or anye griefe or scandal vnto men with whome thou doest liue yet oughtest thou so to be to remoue all heauinesse and displeasure from mee thy olde and sorrowfull grandmother since thou knowest I bought for thee the Empire by the weight of money drawen out of my chestes and by force of teares issuing breaking from mine entrailes My sonne thou doest well knowe that to make thee a Romane Prince I gaue greate giftes vnto the temples offered vnto the Gods infinite sacrifices gaue vnto the Pretorians all my treasures made vnto the Priestes great offers sent vnto the Senatours moste riche iewels all which is nothing for if it had beene possible I would haue giuen my bloud vnto the immortall Gods that thou
were trauersed diuers daungerous skirmishes and no lesse perilous incounters by the consente of Alexander and Artaxerxes they committed both their fortunes vnto the merite of a battell the Persians being ouerthrowen and the Romains remaining conquerours wherein if Artaxerxes had staide his hardinesse and commended the matter vnto policie placeing his power in his fortes and moste stronge places if he had suffered the Romaines by tracte of time to consume thēselues according to the custome of greate armies in straunge countries he might haue preserued both his countrie and honour Great riches were recouered in that battell and infinite the captiues whiche then were taken and as the Persians holde it for a moste greate iniurie to serue any straunge nation so Artaxerxes notwithstandinge hee was poore and ouercome gathered together greate summes of money and redéemed all captiues in suche wise that in Persia there remained no money either anie captiues came vnto Rome Alexander recouered in those warres the renoume of valiant magnanime and not couetous and he was iustely intituled valiaunt for his doughtinesse in fighting magnanime for his magnificent liberalitie and not couetous for the small share that he reserued vnto him selfe The affaires of Persia beeing dispatched Alexander returned vnto Rome entering the same with greate triumph and glorie for that conformable vnto the people and nation which they had subdued was the riches that was brought vnto the treasurie And after being mounted vpon the Capitol he saide vnto the Senate after this manner A shorte Oration made to the Senate Fathers Conscript for that I come tyred with so long a iourney and you no lesse wearied in receiuing mee it were no reason to make long speache muche lesse to inuent newe eloquence because there is nothing so eloquently spoken but if it bee saide out of time or place seemeth tedious vnto the audience He that shall speake or persuade others hath not only to consider what he saith but also to obserue time and respect the assemblie for the Sea at one time doth permitt her selfe to be spurned and at another time not to bee touched By that which ye haue hearde as that which this day ye haue seene ye may vnderstand howe daungerous this warre hath beene and howe copious a victorie we haue obteined for as ye vnderstand Fathers conscript there is no great haruest without great tillage The case is thus that the Persians had in their fauour foure score thousand footemen sixe thousand horssemen seuen hundreth Elephants two thousand yron cartes and two thousand slaues that were young men the one halfe to beare victuals and the other halfe to mend high wayes On that day in which both the one the other came foorth into the fielde to fight no man woulde haue thought but that the whole world had bene come together and also the deade risen out of their graues Of foote men we slewe twentie thousande and did captiuate twentie thousande of horse men two thousande were killed and three thousande did yealde of Elephantes we bringe three hundred and three hundred we haue slaine the cartes the slaues and prisoners they haue redeemed by the weight of money in such wise that we haue taken their countries ouercome their persons and brought away their goods I returne safe sound the armie inriched king Artaxerxes defeated the name of Rome magnified and the confederates satisfied and with all these trauels though we come wearied yet are we not fatigated because victorie is so sweete a thing that it leadeth al trauells past into obliuion Alexander hauing saide these wordes the Senate exclaimed with loude voices The immortal Gods saue thee Alexander the Gods make thy fame immortall since this day thou haste honoured Rome with euerlastinge fame Thou hast ouercome the Persians visited the Parthians subdued kinges inriched the armies and placed vs in great honour for which cause not vnworthily we intitle thee Pater Patriae father of our countrie Tribune of the people most highe Bishoppe first Consul only Emperour of the worlde These such other exclamations manifested by the Senate at the issue of the Capitol gate Alexander saide vnto all persons that there did attend him Fathers sonnes brothers and companions vnto the fathers of the Senate we haue giuen accompt of all that we haue done and will giue you a reason as apperteineth of al that we haue saide For this day the triumph paste sufficeth to morowe we wil visite the temples the nexte daye we will offer greate sacrifices the fourth day wee will giue libertie vnto prisoners the fifte day we will diuide rewardes amongst the poore widowes and orphans the sixte day we wil begin the Persike Circen playes for cōsidering the greatnesse of our victorie we wil first accomplishe with the Gods by whom we haue obteined the same and then with men which gaue vs their assistance When Alexander came from the Capitol hee mounted on horse backe to ride vnto his palace whome at that instante certeine auncient gentlemen of Rome did take beare vpon their shoulders the people gathered together exclaminge with lowde voyces in this manner Blessed is Mamea thy mother blessed art thou Alexander her sonne blessed is Rome that bred thee blessed is the armie that elected thee and blessed is the Senate that did consecrate thee for in thee is conteyned the felicitie of Octauius the bountie of Traiane Thou hast lead with thee into the warres our husbands our sonnes and our friendes whome thou bringest backe with thee all sounde all riche and likewise all contēted wherfore we say vnto thee that if this day we place thee vpon our shoulders for euer more we will lay vp thy memorie in our entrayles In these exclamations the people continued before and behinde for the space of fower houres extremly pestering all passage vntill the chariote triumphant with foure Elephants made the wayes open All that which he saide vnto the people he commaunded presently to be accomplished At the ende of these feastes he did institute a temple of Virgines who were named Maneaes in reuerence of his mother Manea At the same time he receiued newes that at Tanger a citie of Africa Furius Celsus had obteined victorie and Iunius Palinatus likewise in Armenia triumphed ouer the enimies as also Varius Macrinus in Illyria had made a conquest of certeine countries and the currers which brought the newes presented him also with thrée tables of Lawrell The feastes and triumphes being finished he woulde be informed of the officers of the common wealth that is to say how in his absence they had vsed the people and howe they had administred iustice and suche as had not done well he remoued and those that had done well he rewarded giuinge vnto some more honourable offices and to others heritages and money Manie times Alexander woulde say that they deserued as greate glorie that in time of warre did well gouerne the common wealth as they whiche in the warres obteined victorie CHAP. XII Of
Pretorians did electe him Emperour 4 How he reuenged the deathe of the good Emperour Pertinax 5 Of thinges that he did in Rome presently after hee was Emperour 6 Howe the Emperour Seuerus passed into Asia against Capteine Pessenius that rebelled againste him 7 Of the warres that passed betwixte Pessenius and Seuerus in Asia 8 Of a cruell and furious battell betwixte Pessenius and Seuerus wherein Pessenius was slaine 9 Of the Consul Albinius and howe he rebelled against Seuerus in Englande 10 Of a famous speache that Seuerus vttered vnto his armies to bringe them in hatred with his enimie Albinius 11 Howe Seuerus departed from Asia to Fraunce and fought with Albinius and slewe him 12 Howe after the death of Albinius Seuerus returned to Rome and there slewe many 13 Howe Seuerus returned into Asia and conquered many prouinces 14 Of Seuerus his sonnes and of their euill inclination 15 Of a fauoured seruaunt of Seuerus named Plautianus 16 Of a certeine treason that Plautianus had ordeined againste Seuerus and howe it was discouered 17 Of the particular vices and vertues of Seuerus 18 Howe Seuerus passed into greate Britaine where he dyed The life of the Emperour Bassianus Pag. .230 Chap. 1 Howe Bassianus and his brother Geta did inherite the Empire of their father Seuerus 2 Howe in Rome they burie their Emperours and of greate ceremonies which there they vsed 3 Of the mortall hatred betwixte Bassianus and Geta his brother 4 Of an excellent speache vttered by the mother vnto her sonnes 5 Howe Bassianus to obteine the Empire vnto himselfe slewe his brother in his mothers armes 6 Of a certeine speache vsed of Bassianus vnto the Senate excusinge himselfe of the death of his brother Geta. 7 Of the greate crueltie of Bassianus and of suche as he commaunded to be slaine 8 Of the prouinces which Bassianus did trauell and the thinges which he did therein 9 Of an horrible crueltie that Bassianus committed in Alexandria 10 Of a letter which Bassianus did write vnto the kinge of Parthians to haue his daughter in marriage 11 Of another solemne letter wherein the kinge of the Parthians answered Bassianus 12 Howe Bassianus committed a greate treason against the Parthians 13 Howe Bassianus was slaine by the commaundement of his priuate capteine Macrinus 14 Howe Macrinus excusing him selfe of the death of Bassianus did aduaunce himselfe with the Empire The life of the Emperour Heliogabalus Pag. 374. Chap. 1 Of the lineage and nouriture of the Emperour Heliogabalus 2 Howe Capteine Macrinus did exalte him selfe with the Empire after the death of Bassianus 3 Howe the great matrone Mesia bought the Empire for her nephue Heliogabalus 4 Howe Macrinus did write a letter vnto the renowmed Mesia after he vnderstoode his depriuation of the Empire 5 Of a letter written by the great matrone Mesia vnto the Tyrant Macrinus 6 Howe the Tyrante Macrinus was slaine in Battell 7 Of a notable letter written by the matrone Mesia vnto the Senate of Rome crauing the confirmation of the Empire vnto Heliogabalus her nephue 8 Howe the Romane Senate did allowe the election of Heliogabalus and of the present apparance of his wickednesse 9 Of many vices that were conteined in the Emperour Heliogabalus 10 Of a letter written by the greate matrone Mesia vnto her nephue the Emperour Heliogabalus 11 Of certeine lawes which the Emperour Heliogabalus made in Rome 12 Howe Heliogabalus was thrice married and of his marrying of the Gods together 13 Howe Heliogabalus solde offices and practised many vices 14 Of the shamefull death of the Emperour Heliogabalus The life of the Emperour Alexander Seuerus Pag. 433. Chap. 1 Of the nouriture and naturall countrie of the Emperour Alexander Seuerus 2 Howe Alexander was aduaunced vnto the Empire and of his laudable manners 3 Howe Alexander being inuested with the Empire presently did visite and refourme his common wealth 4 Of the milde conditions of Alexander and of his gratefull conuersation 5 Of his zeale of iustice and other commendable actes as well touching his person as his common wealth 6 Howe warre was offered in Asia vnto Alexander and what was saide vnto his Ambassadours 7 Of a discrete speache vsed by Alexander vnto his men of warre 8 Howe the Romanes were ouercome of the Persians 9 Of other warres which he had in Germanie and as some do saye was there slaine 10 Of a solemne Oration made by Alexander vnto his men of warre 11 Of the victorie that Alexander obteined against the Persians and of his triumph as some writers doe report 12 Of thinges which he did in Rome and howe the tyrant Maximius did kill him in Britaine FINIS Jmprinted at London for Ralphe Newberrie dwelling in Fleetestreate a little aboue the Conduite ⸫