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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12393 Certaine godly and verie comfortable letters, full of christian consolation. Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends. And nowe published, for the proffite of the Church of God Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1590 (1590) STC 6682.5; ESTC S116582 40,526 65

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vnto you but as other things are farre contrarie to my desire so is it in my comming vnto you J am constrayned rather to write then to come but God appointes our wayes whether J come and be with you or else be other where and heare from you J trust and am perswaded that both I shall heare from you and you shall haue the same constancie in the loue of trueth and still increase in the knowledge of it till the good grace of God haue made the worke perfect that it hath begunne and you with all your harte and all your soule doe feare the Lorde and delight in all obedience of his holy will Wherevnto though we be sufficientlie perswaded by the nature of godlines it selfe which all men doe prayse and the righteous doe loue yet a greater prouocation is in you because God hath giuen you a good estate in whiche your example shall doe good to many and because good hath filled you with a hartie affection to testifie his Religion that you may accordingly in all weldoing surmount the praise of your profession and especially because he that hath called you is holy that you may expresse his similitude and likenes in all your wayes and this good course through euill dayes when God of his mercy shall make streight vnto vs wee shall see then what is the latter end Our hartes shal be satisfied with it and our tonge shal speake not as the world doth blessed are the riche mē or blessed are the mighty for all these haue winges to flie away and highe estates to sit downe in the dust when man must goe make his bed in the darke and say to coruption thou art my father and to the worme thou art my mother and sister but our songe shal be in better hermonie and wee shall say with the Prophet Dauid blessed is the man that feareth the Lorde and delights greatly in his commaundemēts For when all hatred shall growe against this and all aduersity shall stryue to come vppon it yet all is nothing and shall not moue it For when our hart is strenghtened with this grace wee see our portions in all estates and tymes in discredit we see praise in pouerty riches in anger fauour in darknes light in bondage libertie and in death life yea whatsoeuer in weaknes of bodie in enuie of tyme in vncertainty of estate in danger of life or in any thinge els because nothinge can seperat vs from the loue of God nothinge can turne vnto our harme for wee haue his promise that is able to performe it that to those that loue God all things happen for the best This purpose of life is soone had and this course is easly begon but the frute of it doth not vade nor the gladnes of it shall neuer bee loste so that wee shall not nor by the grace of God we will not for so litle labour lose so great a reward nor for a litle pleasure which vainlie wee thinke is in other thinges receaue the reward of our foolishnes which assuredlie wee knowe hath euerlastinge griefe wee haue not so vnfruictfullie learned Christ nor so vnhappelie geuen witnesse of his trueth But better thinges belonge vnto vs in better wayes wee wll run our course in a better hope lay downe our bodies The children of the worlde shall make the worlde their portion wee looke for another citty of which the Lord is the workeman and wee will not buylde vp our vnhappines in the vayne desires and concupiscence of this world neither yet seinge God is good to vs to fill our dayes with peace will wee deny any comfort that is offered vs in this present pilgrimage but seeinge the earth is the Lordes and all that therin is wee haue perfect pleasure in frendes riches authoritie honnor if all bee his All are pure if all bee of him Jn all is pleasures for where his kingdome is there is righteousnes and peace and ioye of the holy Ghost and sorrowe and sinne is cast out only let vs care as all thinges are good so we vse them and as they are corrupt so to let them alone St. Paule teacheth that to the pure all thinges are pure but to the impure all thinges are impure And the thinges of this worlde are made accordinge to the conscience of man Houlde this to remember it at noone dayes and lett our reynes instruct vs in it in the night season that wee feell our hartes inflamed with the loue of God and that it may bee acceptable vnto vs as our owne life to sett forth his praise That wee acknowledge his glorie whiche shineth in all his his workes and then the Lorde hath set vs in a large rome of libertie where we walke with boldnes in good delight of his creatures and in deed and in trueth this it is when this affliction hath taken roote within mee and I feele the worke of it perpetually within my minde whether J be following my Hauke or my bowle J make a more acceptable sacrifice to God then the harte barren of this loue of God can doe though the knee bowe or the tongue say praysed be the Lorde for euery one that sayeth Lorde Lorde shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen but in whom so euer the loue of God doeth reigne and hath driuen out the lewde desires of a dissolute minde him God hath chosen and the spirit of his sonne Christ cryeth within him Our Father yet I meane not here to iustifie these worldly minded men to whom the day is to short for their vaine playes except they reach it out till midnight at Cardes and Dice such people as they commonly fill all their delightes with blasphemie so lett them knowe that the loue of the liuing God they neuer felt but the god of this worlde hath blinded their vnbeleeuing heartes and in their vncleannes there I leaue them till the sinnes of their youth bee rotten in their bones that they may sinke deepe in their owne shame My meaning is that the man of God whose soule doeth thirste to see his glorie and hath the ioye of his life in immortalitie in respect of the which hee accounteth all the worlde to be but dunge I saye that man may haue true delight in the dayes of his vanitie the smelling of the dogge the flying of the birde the qualities of all creatures they were made for him and he is iniurious to the blood of Christ that thinkes he may not vse them but all these things are good for our recreation to comfort the frailtie of weake bodyes and to bring refreshing to a wearie spirite which end if we forget and make it our pastime and so call it then we turne our pastime into sinne For what is our tyme that we are wearie of it or what is our life that seemeth so slowe to passe are we grieued with the light which the Lorde hath set in the Heauens or is the feeling of our body burdenous vnto vs or our
eyelyddes payned with being open or are our eares wounded with the sounde of the ayre or what griefe what care what sorrowe is it why we wishe our time forgotten past Surely Iob knewe not this when hee saide His time passed faster thē a poste nor Dauid knewe it not whē he thought his life but a spanne longe and surely he hath but a wretched lyfe let him not loue it who is fayne to runne to the birdes of the ayre and the beastes of the fielde to seeke some comfort against it And therefore good Maistres B. let pastime alone and be not wearied with your good dayes your tymes are passed meetely well and you haue seene 40. yeares filled and gone the residue behinde will passe with them You shall not holde them if you would but pastyme and they will dwell togither till our appointed time shall come and one ende shal be vnto all But then you shall see another state and this enimitie betweene vs and it shal be taken away we shall not be wearie of it to wishe it gone and it will not bee wearie of vs to weare vs away but Tyme and we shall dwell togither and the glorie of God shal be eternally before vs and we before his Maiestie in Jmmortalitie A blessed state a hope of lyfe a glorious body a heauēly minde and woe be to all these tyme passers of that know how to delight in this but haue more pleasure in all vncleannes when the end of their labour shall come vppon them they shall feele more griefe in one day then after shal be eased world without ende And in one sentence of an angrie Judge goe you cursed into eternall fire they shal be wounded with that miserie whiche worlde without end shall rest vpon them and their olde pastime shall neuer more be founde but this is the portion of them that knowe not God But you good Maistres B. haue alreadie passed the dayes of your ignorance and the kingdome of heauen is come vnto you with power you loue the trueth of the Lorde Jesus and all false wayes you doe abhorre you doe feele the hope of the Elect of God and it hath quenched the desires of vngodlie Pray still that you may haue increase and read the Scriptures in whiche you shall haue comfort these will leade you in a perfect way and neyther Paule nor Peter haue a more blessed end then is for vs in a like pretious faith and J as J am bounde will beseeche the God of mercie and father of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will looke vpon you to fill you with his grace and holy spirite that it may guyde you and all your children before you and your houshold committed to your charge that you may dwell in the newe and blessed Testament of the forgiuenes of sinnes through faith in Christ Iesus who hath destroyed the workes of the Diuell and is able to keepe you for euer more And to his gracious defence J hartely leaue you and all yours Yours in the Lord Ed. Dering To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you euer Amen Good Maistres Baret howe fayne J would be with you God knoweth and howe I am indebted to doe good in your house if J should not confesse I must needes accuse my selfe of much vnthankefulnes but God alone disposeth all our wayes to be so as pleaseth him whom hartily I beseeche for his sonnes sake blesse vs with that blessing whiche hee gaue his Apostle that in all places wee may bee vnto him in Iesus Christ a sweete sauour of life vnto life to all his saints with whom wee are So shall I more gladlie walke all the wayes of his appointment and you more willinglie beare with myne absence the will of God bee done in all thinges When you are at Braye if the Lorde will I shal be more quiet with you In the meane time good Maistres so beleeue as you haue seene and hearde and praye for me that I may liue to his glorie who hath shewed me such mercie that I may say with the Prophet Dauid What shall I giue againe for all that he hath giuen mee And so doe you reioyce in the blessing that GOD hath giuen you that more and more your estate here may be a sure testimonie of a more blessed hope that shall one day bee reuealed when honor and glorie shall succeed in the place of labour and sorrowe that nowe aboundeth The Lord blesse you and all yours keepe you and giue you a plentifull blessing in his newe Testament and in his kingdome which is righteousnes and peace and ioye in the holy Ghost the glorie whereof shall not bee darkened when the Sunne and Moone shall lose their light and faine men with desire of it that shall fill vs once with the countenance of the Lorde A glorious hope in an earthly tabernacle but a more glorious performance in a heauenly creature when we shal be free from sinne and death and be made like vnto him that sitteth at the right hande of maiestie and power Which tyme the Lorde God fulfill in the goodnes of his pleasure for our soules hope in whom we haue setled our hope Commendations c. Yours Ed. Deringe To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bee with you euer Amen J am sorie that hitherto I could not come vnto you I would be more sorie if you should thinke I had leuer be any where then in your house I had thought shortly to haue come and I felte my selfe somewhat stronge and able to trauell but nowe on friday last the eleuēth of this moneth I had a feauer and fiue or sixe dayes after I felte it and my stomacke is very ill euer since and my cough much increaseth This is my health that God giueth me But let him do his will he is the God of life and one day will abolishe these troublesome thinges and make vs feele health in immortalitie and I beseeche him for his Christes sake to remember vs in his goodnes that wee may knowe all his mercies and then J am well assured both you and I and all weake bodyes shall so little care for the frayeltie of these tabernacles that we will reioyce in the remembrance of putting them of to thinke that wee shall see and take holde of him that liueth euer and will one day make these mortall bodyes like vnto the glorious body of his beloued sonne This we knowe in this we are comforted and holde it fast good Mistresse B. euen as you will holde your happie dayes for the hope of it shall not be confounded but when all our enimies haue spentt their euill willes and can doe no more hurt vnto vs he shal be on our right hande whom we haue looked for and he shall call vs with that blessed voyce Come ye blessed of my Father Let vs praye to vnderstande this for it hath pleasure effectuall gladnes more then all the faire