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B08096 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons, vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. ver. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Canticles, verse 6.7. / [By] Samuel Smith, minister of the work of God at Prittlewell in Essex.. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1617 (1617) STC 22847.7; ESTC S95246 88,613 364

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and by certaine markes and testimonies in our owne hearts to prooue that we are in the number of Gods Elect. For as Salomon saith Pro. 27.19 As water sheweth face to face Euen so the heart sheweth man to man Euen as a glasse sheweth what a mans face is so will a mans heart and conscience shew what man is in the sight of God Then if you would now know whether your names be written in the Booke of Life that is whether you bee the elect of God and heires of eternall Life you must now enter into your owne soules 2 Cor. 13 proue your selues and you shal certainly know whether you shall bee saued or damned For if thou finde in thee the true marks and notes of Gods childrē thou needest not feare but that thy name is in this Booke and thou shalt certainely be saued But as for wicked and prophane men and women that make no conscience of sinne they shall in spite of their teeth vpon this examination sing the dolefull tune I am a damned sinner I know not what will become of my poore soule at the day of Iudgement And therefore that we might in some measure trie our selues and iudge whether we be in this booke and so shall be saued let vs search out of the holie word of God some certaine marks of Gods children The first marke whereby we may know whether we be elect or not is the inward testimony and witnesse of Gods spirit Rom. 8.15 Yee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue c. Whereby Saint Paul tells vs that wicked and vngodly sinners which haue not the spirit of God to guide them but liue in sinne they haue onelie the spirit of Bondage they haue no tru peace in their souls but they that be the children of God haue the Spirit of Adoption who seales vnto our harts the assurance of our adoption and election and doth make it knowne vnto vs that we are the Sonnes of God For his Spirit doth witnesse to our spirits that we are the Sonnes of God Romans 8.16 And that no man might deceiue himselfe and thinke hee hath the testimonie of GODS Spirit when hee hath it not Saint Paul giueth vs two most excellent notes to know whether wee haue the testimonie of GODS Spirit yea or not It maketh vs crie Abba Father Where the Spirit of God doth witnesse to any mans soule that hee is the childe of God It will make him cry to God and euen fill heauen and earth with crying and teares with sobbes and sighes for the pardon of his sins And hee which hath not this in him that hee cannot crie vnto GOD for pardon of his sinnes this man can not truely assure himselfe that hee is the Childe of God And though men say they hope to be saued yet alas they seldome or neuer pray vnto God for the pardon of their sinnes Secondly if wee finde the testimony of GODS Spirit that wee are the children of God It will make vs not onely to bee earnest with God for pardon of our sinnes but it will make vs cry Abba Father that is it will make vs beare the tender affection of a duetifull childe so as we shall be afraide to offend so louing a Father And therefore all those which delight in sinne and are not afrayde to offend GOD Surely they can find no assurance that they be the children of God And therefore if you desire to be assured that the names be in this Booke labour to finde this testimony of Gods Spirit to witnesse vnto your Soules that you belong vnto God and labour to be earnest in prayer vnto God for that is a speciall worke of Gods Spirit 1. Cor. 2.12 The second means whereby we may know whether our names be written in the Booke of Life is by the word of GOD. For the word of God tells vs whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Iesu shall be saued But the childe of God hearing this promise opened and applied by the Ministerie of Gods word is able to say I beleeue and am able to apply this promise to my selfe For no man hath faith but hee knoweth that hee hath it and therefore can say seeing I beleeue with all my heart surely I know I shall be saued Thirdly besides the blessed testimony of Gods Spirit which cannot deceiue and the witnes of the word of GOD wee may know our election by the fruits and effects thereof As wee say a man is aliue so long as we see him breathe and can iudge of the Tree by the fruits Euen so by the effects of Election wee may know whether our names be in the Booke of Life or not Now the fruites of Election bee set downe by the Holie-Ghost that al men might be able to examine and try themselues and know whether they bee ordayned to Life or not Whom GOD predestinated Rom. 8.30 them also hee Called and whom he Called them also he Iustified and whom hee Iustified them also he Glorified Where we may beholde the markes of our Election For all that be elected to Life Eternall and bee written in this Booke they are first called secondly iustified and thirdly sanctified So then if you would know whether you bee elected to life looke to these three effects of Election Art thou Called art thou Iustified art thou sanctified Then sure thou art Elected But if thou hast not these three then canst thou not assure thy selfe of thy saluation So then the first fruite of our Election is our effectuall Calling when as God doth by the Preaching of the Gospell call vs out of the world from our olde sinnes to be of the number of his people to liue as his children Againe when a man cometh to the preaching of the Word to see his sinnes and Gods anger for them dislikes them is grieued for them bewailes them and begs the pardon for them and beginnes to become a new man to beleeue in Christ Iesu to seeke after Gods Kingdome Hee which findeth this effectuall calling in him he may assure his Soule that hee is Predestinated to Eternall Life But wee must take heed that wee deceiue not our selues with an outward calling for our Sauiour saith Mat. 22. Many are called but few are chosen Many doe heare the word of God with the eare but wee must labour to finde the Spirit of God to preach vnto our Soules to applie the Word to our conscience to beleeue it and to obey it And therefore they which liue in their old sinnes as blind ignorant and prophane as euer before alas how can they thinke to be saued seeing God chooses none or saues not any but whom he calles effectually by the Gospel 2 Thess 2.13 and seuers from the rest of the world Secondly the fruit of Election is Iustification For whom he predestinated them hee called So then heere is an other token and marke to know whether we be Elected namely or Iustified Now this is
fauour he is with-holden sometimes bribes blind his eies and peruert the right sentence But it shall not be so with this Iudge of the whole world His sentence is a righteous sentence he will iudge according to trueth he is able to finde out any cause and will examine it to the bottome hee feareth no mans person he will not be moued with fauor to conceale the truth And as for rewards hee contemnes them all therefore no doubt hee will proceede according to iustice This serueth for the comfort Vse 1 of Gods people in this world we see oftentimes the righteous cause is troden vnder foot mens lands and liuings are detained and taken from them by vnrighteous Iudges and that vnder colour of Law Well let men haue patience and know this that there wil come a day wherin there shal be Iustice and true Iudgement doone vnto them Here thy cause shall be heard it shal be righted for Christ Iesus will bee a righteous Iudge for the poore the fatherlesse and the widow Againe we see how the members of CHRIST which make conscience of sinne and care of their liues to heare the word and to walke accordingly they be disgraced and despised of the world Well let vs learn here to possesse our soules with patience for there will come a day of reckoning when as our righteous cause will bee heard and we shall haue iustice and all the contemners of Christ Iesus and persecutors of his poore members shall feele the smart of it Vse 2 Secondly seeing Christ Iesus the Iudge commeth thus with might and Maiestie not as a Sauiour or Mediator but as a Iudge It must admonish all men and women now to repent and turne vnto God in the time of mercy Esay 55.6 to seeke the Lorde while he may be found and to call vpon him while hee is neere Now while we liue Iesus Christ commeth vnto vs by his Ministers as a Sauiour to saue our Soules in mercie to bring vs to Repentance But after this life hee will no more come as a Sauiour or a Mediator but as a mightie Iudge full of Maiestie full of Might Power and Glory And therefore looke how men die so shall the Iudge finde them If thou die in thy sinnes and doest not repent and seeke for pardon at the hand of the Iudge whilest thou liuest heere There is no hope of mercy after death For how death leaueth thee so shall iudgement finde thee Cain died many thousand yeares agoe and Iudas in their sins so shall the last day find them For after death there is no mercy but iustice and iudgement And one fitting thereon NOw who this is which sate vppon this Great White Throne The Person of the Iudge described Reu. 14.14 you may see in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn the foureteenth chapter and the foureteenth verse I sawe a White Cloud and one sitting on it like the Sonne of man hauing on his head a golden Crowne and in his hand a sharpe Sickle So that wee see that it is the Sonne of man euen CHRIST IESVS GOD and man that shal be the iudge And so doth Saint Mathew call him Mat. 25.31 When the Sonne of man cometh in his glorie and all his holie Angells with him then shall hee sit vpon the Throne of his glorie And againe he titles him by the name of a King Verse 24. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. This is taught by the Apostle Wee must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ .1 Cor. 5.10 True it is that our Sauiour Christ is King Priest and Prophet a true Prophet in whom vvas contayned all the secrets and whole counsell of God A true high Priest whose Sacrifice alone was able to put avvay the sinnes of the vvhole world But when he comes in the Throne of his Maiestie to iudge the quicke and the dead he shall not come as Priest or Prophet for these Offices of Christ are finished For his Propheticall Office he hath sufficiently reuealed the whole counsell of God his Father to his Church and People First by his holy Prophets then by himselfe after by his Apostles and Minsters And therefore seeing that his Prophetical Office is finished he calles not himselfe a Prophet but a King Againe CHRIST IESVS our Priest hauing once for all offered vp that Propiciatory Sacrifice for the sinnes of all the Elect now this Office of a Priest is likewise finished and this Sacrifice must be no more iterated and repeated But now hee commeth as a King in all Maiestie and Glorie For though his Propheticall and Priestlie Office be accomplished yet his Princely Office is not finished But now CHRIST IESVS the Iudge of quicke and dead shall beginne to manifest himselfe to be a King to all Nations to men and Angells Novv shall hee shevv himselfe to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords full of all Diuine and Heauenly power and glory For that now at the name of CHRIST euery knee shall bow When our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST liued on earth he came in misery very base and lowly euery childe durst look him in the face Then euery base fellow euery sinfull wretch durst mock him and spit in his face Herod and Pontius Pilate and the rabble of the Iews durst then vse him at their pleasure But now Hee shall come as a King full of maiestie and glorie guarded and attended vpon with many thousands of heauenly Souldiours euen all his holie Angells and then he will make Herod and Pontius Pilate yea the greatest Kings and Monarchs to stoope Nay then all his enemies shall tremble and quake Zach. chap. 12 ver 10. and not dare to open their mouthes against him Oh then what a terrour may this bee to all vvicked and vngodlie sinners that liue in sinne to see him come in that wonderfull Maiestie to be their Iudge whom they haue contemned vvhose members they haue persecuted and whose word and glorious Gospel they haue not regarded but troden vnder foot for he shall come with a sharpe two-edged Sword to cut them in peeces and a consuming fire to burne vp all vngodlie sinners And as hee is a King to the vvicked so is hee a King to the godlie Hee alone hath the Scepter of Dauid to the endlesse comfort of those that bee the children of his Kingdome For who is it that curbs Leuiathan snaffles the Diuell brideleth his force and malice Surely this our King Who is it that cuts the throate of sinne in his members and taketh away the strength of sinne Surelie this King of Kings Who breaketh the brasse barres of Death and pulleth out the sting of Death Our sinnes that they sting not our soules to the eternall death None can doe that but this our King CHRIST IESVS Who opens the gate of heauen who puts his spirit into the hearts of his children making them to crie Abba Father to lift vp their soules and with ioy to long
after this Kingdome of Heauen Surely it is none other in Heauen or earth but this our gracious King who being the onely immortall and wise GOD hauing the Key of Heauen and of the bottomlesse Pitte he alone can kill and make aliue hee alone can lift vp to Heauen and send to Hell hee alone and none but hee can saue and destroy O vvhat a comfort is this vnto all the poore Members of CHRIST IESNS For vvhat greater ioy and comfort can there bee to anie poore soule then this to know that he that is their Iudge is their Sauiour a sweet Redeemer a mercifull Iudge vnto them he will neuer condemne his owne members Nay he will crowne them with his ovvne Selfe and vvith his owne Glorie Vse What must this teach vs Surely seeing our Iudge is a King and that he alone is able to saue and to destroy this must teach vs euery man and woman in the feare of God to yeelde to this King that true loyaltie that sincere obedience and seruice which this our King requireth of vs in his blessed word Malac. 1.6 If I he a Father where is mine honour If I be a Lord where is my feare saith the Lord. So vvill Christ say If I be a King where is that loyaltie seruice and obedience that is due vnto mee Now Christ Iesus is a Spirituall King and therefore he will be serued in Spirit and Trueth O then let vs all with a godly purpose of heart yeeld and resigne our selues bodies and soules to honour this King and to performe vnto him true and spirituall obedience for euermore Alas it is not externall and outward seruice which hee expects he is not like an earthly king but he regards the heart and the soule that is a speciall thing in his seruice And if wee shall thus performe this spirituall seruice and obedience then wee shall shew our selues to bee his loyall and dutifull Subiects and then will he acknowledge vs for his Seruants But if wee denie to him this seruice of the heart and giue it to anie other he will then cast vs off for euermore Seueritie of the Iudge described Thus much of the Maiestie of the Iudge and of his sinceritie and vprightnesse in iudgement Now in the description of the Iudge it is further added that from the face of this Iudge both The Heauen and the Earth flee away And this doth shevv the wonderfull seueritie of this great Iudge of Heauen and Earth We know that men flie those things that they feare and dread So here the Heauen and Earth do feare the glorious presence of IESVS CHRIST the great iudge of the whole world and seeke to hide themselues that they may not appeare before him This flying of the Earth and the Heauens and hiding themselues that they dare not appeare in the presence of CHRIST this shews the wonderfull maiestie and the great seueritie and terror of CHRIST IESVS the Iudge from whence we obserue a three-fold instruction The Heauens and the Earth Vse 1 are voyde of sense they are great and mightie Creatures Agayne they be verie goodly and beautifull Creatures Besides all this they neuer committed anie sinne Hovv commeth it to passe then that they shal flie hide themselues from the glorious presence of the Son of God Ans They neuer sinned indeed but yet the sinne of man is of that force that it hath infected both the earth we treade on and the heauens ouer our heads many thousand miles aboue vs. Oh then see how monstrous a thing sinne is in the sight of Almightie God what a vile thing that the contagion and infection thereof should hurt infect the whole Heauens and make them that they dare not abide the glorious presence of God their Creator O should we not abhorre sinne as the vilest thing in the world Wee are afraide of the plague because it infecteth and killeth mens bodies But the plague of Sinne is a thousand times and more to be abhorred and fledde from seeing it poysons and infects both bodie and soule is so contagious that the creature is afraid to behold the face of the Sonne of God Seeing both Heauen and Vse 2 Earth shall flie and perish from before the glorious presence of Christ Iesus Nay they shall burne with fire as Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.10.11 All these goodlie houses all thy golde and siluer and costly apparell shal be burnt with fire this may teach vs moderation and sobriety in the vse of Gods creatures What folly is it to spend al that a man hath to build a stately house and yet in the end it must be consumed with fire and become nothing else but fevvell for the fire That seeing the heauens and Vse 3 the earth these great and mightie Creatures these beautifull and excellent works of almightie Gods power which haue no sense nor feeling nor neuer sinned if these shall flie before the Sonne of GOD as being not able to indure his presence Alas what shall wicked and hard-hearted sinners doe what shall become of the vile wretches of the world which liue and delight in sinne where shall the vngodlie and sinner appeare what will become of all ignorant soules what will become of the Blasphemer and Adulterer If the Heauens and the Earth these great and glorious creatures which sinne not shall not be able to stand in his presence Then what I say will become of all prophane and vngodly sinners Alas they shall be euen at their wittes end not knovving in the world which way to turne them nor where to flie for succour vvhere shall they seeke for refuge when as the Iudge himselfe is their enemy who dares pleade for them dare any Saint or Angell No no no Saint or Angell dares open their mouth to speake one word in their behalfe neyther can any creature deliuer them from the dreadfull vengeance of this terrible Iudge Verse 12. And I saw the dead both great and small THvs haue you seene the person of the Iudge described by his wonderfull maiestie and povver The persons that shall appeare before this Iudge described wherevvith he will come to iudgement and also by the great severitie and terrour that shal astonish both the heauen and the earth and make them to flie from before his presence Now in this Verse and that which follovveth is declared who be they that shall appeare before this great Iudge Namely I saw the dead both great and small c. Secondly the euidences that shall bee brought in and vvhat witnesses shall be produced either to excuse or accuse in these words And the Books were opened Obiect And I saw the dead both great and small c. Before we come to speake of the wordes heere may a question arise Namely How this can be true that Saint Iohn saith He saw the dead both great and small For we beleeue that Christ Iesus shall iudge both quicke and dead not onely the dead but the liuing and Paul
Dauid behaued himself in all his extremities flying vnto God as a sure refuge Psa 91.2.3 I will say to the Lord O my hope my fortresse He is my God in him will I trust Hee will deliuer mee from the snare of the Hunter and from the noysome pestilence His eares are alwaies open to the cries of his children hee putteth their teares into his bottle So long therefore as we haue a voyce to call vpon GOD or a heart to sigh and groane vnto him wee haue comfort and assurance to be deliuered and that hee will not leaue vs nor forsake vs in danger Vse 2 Heere is matter of endlesse comfort vnto the Church and children of God that we know that the Lord Iesus Christ promiseth that hee will prouide a Lair for vs a place of comfort and refreshing a shadow euen at Noone day in the heate of bloudy persecutions Many indeed are our infirmities feares cares sorrowes and troubles yet in middest of them all the childe of God may say with the Prophet Why art thou cast downe O my soule and why art thou so disquieted within me O waite on God for I wil yet giue him thanks He is my present help and my God Psal 42.5 O then let vs be constant let vs comfort our selues in Christ Iesus let vs not for feare or danger deny CHRIST and his Gospell for CHRIST will be a shelter vnto vs to refresh vs and deliuer vs. This sheweth the most wofull Vse 3 and desperate estate of all wicked and vngodly men who being out of Gods fauour not beleeuing in Christ nor repenting of their sinnes in time of persecution when the Sunne waxeth hote Alas they shall not know where to hide their heads for they shall finde no shelter nor comfort nor no place of refuge For Christ is a shelter onely to them that beleeue in him and obey him And therefore thou which art a wicked man an impenitent sinner a prophane person Alas what wilt thou doe and which way wilt thou turne thee in the time of trouble and calamitie when the Sunne waxeth hote in the heate of persecution and scorching triall Whither then wilt thou runne for shelter Alas thou shalt then be as a mad beast which in the heate of the day runnes vp and downe and findeth no couert So shall all wicked and impenitent sinners haue no place of succour but lie open to all GODS iudgements be scorched Ezec. 9.4 yea euen consumed with the fire of Gods displeasure when the righteous those which are in Christ Iesus shall finde shelter Now followeth the Reason which shee vseth to moue the Lord Iesus Christ to graunt her request The churches reason of her request taken from the great perill and danger shee was like to fall into Namely lest being left without his direction and comfort shee be constrayned to Turne aside to the Flocks of the companions that is to say to leaue the true church and worship of God and ioine with the false church to commit idolatrie called heere the Flockes of the companions Not for that they are eyther Christ his companions or the companions of his church and people but because they account themselues so yea they thinke and call themselues CHRISTS companions And if this thing should come to passe through want of Christs assistance to direct her and to comfort her in persecution then it shall not bee for his honour not her good This is the summe and substance of her Reason Doctr. 5 Hence we are taught that it is altogether impossible for men and women It is altogether impossible for men to hold out in time of triall that are not assisted by God euer to stand out in the brunt of persecution vnlesse they be taught of God and comforted by his Spirite And hence it is that the Prophet Dauid a man after Gods owne Heart and indued with a singular portion of GODS Spirit doth earnestly begge and craue at Gods hand the enlightning of Gods Spirit and desireth to be taught of him Open mine eyes that I may see the wondrous things of thy Law Psal 119.8 And againe 27.34.73 Teach me thy Statutes And againe Make mee to vnderstand the way of thy Precepts c. Yea CHRIST tells the Iewes which murmured against him because he said that no man could come to him vnlesse his Father drew him that all the Elect are taught of God Ioh. 6.45 And this made Paul to pray for the Ephesians ch 1.17 that God would giue them the Spirit of Wisedome and to enlighten their mindes that they might know what is the hope of their calling and what the riches are of his glorious inheritance A notable direction vnto all sorts of men how to behaue themselues when they shall come into the house of God namely not to rest on any naturall gift whatsoeuer it be wisedome learning wit memory c. For the wisedome of the flesh is enmitie with God Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 1.21 But to goe out of our selues and to seek the Lord in humility and denial of them selues and then the Lord will giue vs a discerning spirit that we shall not be deceiued If any man saith Christ will doe my Fathers will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of GOD Iohn 7.17 And againe Christ promiseth his Disciples being now to leaue them and to go to his Father that the Spirit of Trueth should leade them into all truth Reasons And the reasons are First wee are all blinde and by nature can hardly see into the truth vnlesse Christ direct vs by his Spirit for so saith Salomon Prou. 14.12 The waies that seeme right vnto vs the issues thereof are the wayes of death It is a part of our misery that we are turned euery one vnto his own way Esay 53.6 Secondly when we know it Alas wee are of our selues so weake and flesh and bloud will bee so vnwilling to suffer for Christ his sake that vnlesse the Lord do assist vs we shal not be able to vndergo the least temptation that shal be laid vpon vs. And lastly the enemies of Gods truth are in their generation so wise and so subtile coming vnto vs in Sheeps clothing to deceiue vs that of our selues we shall easily be drawne away to beleeue lies In all these respects we may safely conclude the former Doctrine that it is impossible for vs to holde out in the day of triall vnlesse wee be assisted by the LORDS holie spirit Vse 1 This sheweth that if tryall do come and persecution shall arise for CHRISTS sake and the Gospells sake Alas most men would yeeld to any Religion to Popery Idolatry Superstition to the flockes of the companions to the church of Rome to flatte Idolatry For alas they know not the trueth They are not taught of GOD They bee blinde and ignorant and will easily beleeue and embrace any Religion Vse 2 This must stirre vp euery true christian man and woman to