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A95926 The spirit of prayer, or, A discourse wherein the nature of prayer is opened, the kinds of prayer are handled, and the right manner of praying discover'd, several cases about this duty are resolved from Eph. 6, l8 ... : unto which is added a direction for the attaining the gift of prayer, that family-duty may not be omitted, nor secret duty discouraged through inability of utterance and expression / by Nathanael Vincent. Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1674 (1674) Wing V421; ESTC R26350 87,998 210

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eye of dependance for all their expectation of Grace and Peace and Life is through Him alone 3. They that have the Spirit of Prayer are earnest for the fruits and graces of the Spirit that Love ●oy Peace Long suffering Gentlenesse Goodness Faith Meck●●sse Temperance All which the Apostle enumerates Gal. 5. 22. 23. may be in them and abound and they are restless in prayer for the mortification of the deeds of the flesh for they consider what is said Rom. 8. 13. If ye live after the flesh ye shall dye but if ye through the Spirit mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live 4. They that have the Spirit of prayer are enabled to go unto God as unto a Father Gal. 4. 6. And because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Not but that doubts and fears may be in those that have the Spirit witnesse the Psalmist who cryed out will the Lord cast off for ever and will he be favourable no more is his mercy clear gon for ever And doth his promise fail for evermore hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he in anger shut up his tender mercyes Psal 77. 7. 8. 9. But at length and truly it may be long first ●aith gets the better of unbelief Many that are the Children of God cannot always call him Father yet even then they go to him and are no●quite beat off from him and there is a Secret Trust that he has some gracious respect to them and by this they are encouraged still to persist in prayer Use 3 of Exhortation Prize and value the Spirit of Prayer as without his help you cannot pray to any purpose so he can make prayer mightily pravailing The Spirit will create an holy boldness in your accesse to the throne of grace he will enlarge your hearts in this duty which enlargements are not without sweetness and great satisfaction The Spirit will draw up and indite such petitions for you as will not be denyed and give some encouraging intimation of your being accepted and answered in the beloved Now if you would have the Spirit of Prayer follow these directions 1. Rest not in the bare gift of Prayer let it not satisfy you that you have a praying tongue and no more all your Supplications are but a flattering the Lord with your lips and a lying unto him with your tongues while your hearts are not right with him Psal 78. 36 37. 2. Be sensible of your need of the Spirit light and liberty life and liveliness are the effects of the Spirit good motions holy affections are his off-spring without him you will be like Pharaohs Chariots when the wheels were taken off and drive on heavily but he can make your Souls like the Chari●ts of Amminadib Cant. 6. 12. 3. Part with every thing that grieves the Spirit foster not any lust or inordinate affection that may render your hearts an unpleasant habitation to him 4. Frequently beg for the Spirit and Especially in secret this will be a sign that you indeed desire him Plead the promises which you find Luk. 11. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit unto them that ask him And what God has promised Christ died that he might purchase nay Christ has prayed that the Spirit might be bestowed Joh. 14. 16. And therefore you may pray with the greater encouragement and assurance Thus concerning that third doctrine that Prayer when rightly performed is Supplication in the Spirit D. 4. In Prayer Watching is a necessary ingredient Watching is a duty which the great Prophet Christ himself frequently pressed and the injunction is general What I say unto you I say unto all Watch Mar. 13. 37 He knew that a Spiritual Lethargie is a disease most incident But if at any time surely in holy duties this heedlesness and sleepyness does discover it self we had need therefore to rouse up our Spirits that are so sluggish naturally Deborah speaks to her self four times Awake awake Deborah Awake awake utter a Song Judg. 5. 12. We have need thus again and again to call upon our Souls to Awake and be Watchful when about to utter a prayer Watching and praying are joyned in Scripture and not only so but Watching is required in Prayer Col. 4. 2. Continue in Prayer and Watch in the same with Thanksgiving so 1 Pet. 4. 7. But the end of all things is at hand be ye therefore Sober and Watch unto Prayer In the handling of this doctrine I shall first shew what we are to Watch against in Prayer Secondly What we are to Watch over Thirdly What we are to Watch for Fourthly What manner of Watching is required in Prayer Fifthly Give the reasons why Watching is so necessary Lastly make Application In the first place I am to tell you What we are to Watch against in Prayer 1. We must watch against indwelling corruption There is a Law in our Members that wars against the Law of our minds and this Law in our members commands quite contrary to the Law of God This Law says pray not at all but especially forbids seriousness and fervency in Prayer and if not watchful this Law will sway and over-rule us and bring us into captivity to the Law of sin VVe had need look to our selves for when we have thoughts of doing good evil will be present with us Rom. 7. 21. and if care be not taken the evil will hinder our doing of the good Oh how deep is the corruption of our Nature How desperat●ly wicked is the heart of man How great are the remainders of sin in those that are most renewed And since the remaining Flesh still does lust against the Spirit this Flesh is to be narrowly eyed that it may be weakned checked else 't will spoil all our services 2. When praying we must watch against the evil One. Satan likes not to see us at the Throne of Grace because he knows has felt the sufficiency of that grace that believers obtain there I besought the Lord says the Apostle when buffeted by the messenger of Satan 2 Cor. 12. 8. and the power of Christ so rested upon him that Satan had no power unless it were full sore against his will to keep him humble and to hinder his being exalted above measure The Devil therefore might and main withstands us in Prayer and how many are his wiles that he may keep us off from this most advantagious Duty Sometimes he objects the difficulty of Prayer somtimes he says 't is needless to spend so much time therein sometimes 't is fruitless and that little comes of all our Cryes and Tears sometimes he proposes other business to be don that we may be diverted sometimes he threatens to appear to us that he may affright us from the Mercy Seat How busy is our adversary the Devil we should be acquainted
deserved sore sicknesses and of long continuance and to fall by the Arrow of the deadly Pestilence Thou mightest make the Heaven as Iron and the Earth as brass and curse the Land that it shall not yeeld her increase and break the staff of bread whereby our lives are sustained Thou mightest bring the Sword that should avenge the quarrel of thy broken Covenant and cause them that hate us to rule over us We have deserved spiritual Judgments that the golden Candle stick should be removed out of its place that the light of the Gospel should be put out in obscurity and that the Sun of Righteousness should go down at Noon-day Thou mightest curse such barren Trees as we have been and say Never fruit grow on you more Thou mightest give us up to our own hearts lusts and say because I would have purged thee and thou wast not purged therefore thou shalt not be purged any more until I cause my fury to rest upon thee The very Vengeance of eternal fire is no more than our due We have deserved Hell and one of the hottest places there For Tyre and Sidon Sodom and Gomorrah had they heard what we have heard had they enjoyed what we have enjoyed would have repented long ago in sackcloath and ashes 3. A third part of prayer is Deprecation of punishment It highly concerns us to pray against the evils that we fear and have merited by our sins Lord enter not into Judgment with thy Servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified If thou Lord shouldst mark Iniquity O Lord who should stand but there is forgiveness with thee and plenteous redemption that thou mayst be feared Let not thy anger wax hot let not thy jealousy smoak against us We lye at thy foot and lay down our weapons and cry out for mercy The returning Prodigal was embraced by his Father he rejoyced saying This my Son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found O let the arms of thy Love O Lord be open to embrace us though we are not worthy to be called thy Children We pray against outward Calamities and if these are brought upon us let them be sanctified and then they may be reckoned among our choycest mercies But especially we deprecate spiritual judgments Do not punish sin with sin do not say let him that is filthy be filthy still let him that is unjust be unjust still Ephraim is joyned to Idols let him alone Do not give us up to blindness of mind to hardness of heart to a reprobate sence to strong delusions to vile affections Do not swear in thy wrath that we shall never enter into thy rest O Lord leave us not for woe unto us when thou shalt depart from us Do not abhor us O God for as thy loving kindness is better than life so thy displeasure is more bitter than death it self Oh deliver from future wrath which is most of all intollerable How shall we dwell with devouring fire how shall we be able to inhabit everlasting burnings How shall we be able to stand before the Lord when he shall be revealed with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking Vengeance on them that know not God and disobey the Gospel who shall be punished with overlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Oh Lord grant that we may find mercy of thee in that great approaching when the wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the Nations that forget God Thou that hast the keyes of Hell and of Death Oh unsting death and suffer me not to fall down into that lake which burns with fire and brimstone Let me never feel the gnawings of that Worm that dyes not nor be tormented in that flame that never shall be quenched Oh be not angry if I am importunate to have thy anger removed an eternity of misery is astonishing Oh save me from everlasting Damnation 4. A fourth part of prayer is Petition for Grace and Mercy Remember O Lord thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses for they have been ever of old Have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving kindness and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Wash me thorowly from my Iniquities and cleanse me from my sins Take away all our Iniquities and receive us graciously heal our back-slidings and love us freely and let thy anger be turned away from us Though we have made thee to serve with our sins and wearied thee with our Iniquities yet according to the Word that thou hast spoken blot out our Transgressions for thy own sake and remember our sins no more For thy name sake O Lord pardon my iniquity for it is great O Lord behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world All we like Sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way but thou hast laid on him the iniquities of us all He was wounded for our Transgressions he was bruised for our Iniquities the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him Oh that by his stripes we may be healed He poured out his Soul unto the death and made intercession for the Transgressors Oh let transgressors be received into favour Justify us freely by thy grace through the Redemption of Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood Our sin has abounded let thy grace much more abound Beg for Adoption Oh that thou wouldst become a God in Covenant with us and a Reconciled Father to us and let us be the Sons and Daughters of the Lord Almighty Let us be no more Strangers and Forraigners but fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God Send forth the spirit of thy Son into our hearts crying Abba Father Deliver us from fear and bondage and seal us up unto the day of Redemption Say unto us Souls I am your Salvation There be many that say who will shew us any good Lord lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon us Make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce Satisfy us early with thy mercy Let thy spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are the Children and not only Children but Heirs Heirs of God joynt-Heirs with Christ unto the Inheritance that is undefiled and will never fade away reserved in Heaven for us Intreat that Repentance unto life may be granted Oh take away the heart of stone and give an heart of flesh Let thy goodness lead us to Repentance Let us not only have space but also grace to repent of the evils of our ways and doing● Cause us to remember them so as to loath our selves and turn to thee Turn thou us unto thee O Lord and so shall we be turned draw us and we shall run after thee Renew us in the spirit of our minds and help us to put on that new man
performance of it 3. The Spirit encourages unto prayer he lets Believers understand that now is the accepted time that now is the day of Salva●ion 2 Cor. 6. 2. Wherefore he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted in a day of Salvation have I succoured thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of Salvation Though the Lord should have been sought much sooner yet 't is not too late to seek him now he will be found by the hearty seeker such seeking shall not be in vain Deut. 4. 29. But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul 4. The Spirit enables Believers to act those graces that are required in prayer There are four graces especially that should be exercised in our supplications Humility Faith Love Patience 1. Humility The Lord has a special regard to the Humble whereas the Proud he knows afar of and has threatned to resist the Proud The humble soul has high and awfull apprehensions of God in prayer and mean very mean thoughts of it self Abraham was humble when he said Behold I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord who am but dust and ashes Jer. 18. 27. Job was humble when he said Mine eye seeth thee wherefore I abhor my self The good Angels themselves are humble though never in the least offenders the Cherubins cover their faces with their wings and cry out holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts the whole Earth is filled with his glory How vile then should we be in our own eyes who by our guilt are so obnoxious who have so many soul spots and stains upon our souls which are the effects of sin nay whose very Righteousnesses are but as filthy raggs Isa 64. 6. 2. Faith is to be acted in prayer and truly we may come with confidence to the Throne of Grace if we consider the power of God which is not only most Mighty but Almighty I am God Almighty saith the Lord to Abraham the Father of the Faithful He can do more for us than we can desire should be done for us Nothing is too hard for him and although all other helps fail he needs them not his Arm when alone can bring Salvation Isa 59. 16. This power of God may safely be relyed on for he is also full of mercy Psal 62. ult God hath spoken once twice have I heard this that power belongeth unto God also unto thee belongeth mercy David was encouraged by this in his supplications Psal 25. 6. Remember O Lord thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses for they have been ever of old And we have not only an intimation of Gods merciful nature but in his Covenant he has promised to shew mercy for this he delights in and Christ is the Mediatour of this Covenant so that 't is most sure Hark to the Apostle Heb. 8. 10. 12. This is the Covenant that I will make saith the Lord I will put my Laws in their minds and write them in their hearts I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people for I will be merciful to their Unrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities I will remember no more 3. Love is to be acted in prayer there must be a love to our Neighbour and they must from the heart be forgiven that have Tres-passed against us shall we think much of a few Pence when we are Debtors many thousand Talents But principally there must be love to the Lord expressed in prayer his favour and fellowship with him must be longed for the s●ul must thirst for God for the livi●g God as the chased Hart after the water-brooks 42. 1 2. And when he does manifest himself he must be rejoyced and delighted in and his grace admired whatever is received 4. Patience is also to be acted in prayer there must be a patient waiting in this duty a right understanding of Gods Wisdom and Faithfulness that he knows what and when to give and will do it in the best both time and measure will be a great means to cure our over-hastiness David is to be imitated who said I waited patiently for the Lord and he lost nothing by it for it follows He inclined his ear unto me and heard my cry Psal 40. 1. These are the graces which the Spirit enables Believers to act in prayer 5. The Spirit directs Believers unto Christ as the alone prevailing Advocate We are said to have access to the Father by the Spirit and through the Son Eph. 2. 18. The Spirit leads us to Christ as the Mediator who is the way unto God The Spirit shews that God having given Christ has opened through him the treasur●s of his grace and for his sake will give freely all things The Spirit still is turning the eye of the Believer towards the Lord Jesus and in prayer instructs us how to improve his relation to us who is bone of our bone flesh of our flesh and is become an Head and Husband to us How to improve his sufferings by which all that we need has been procured How to improve his Intercession which as 't is incessant so 't is never denyed and finally How to improve his Power and Authority for he can do what he will both in Heaven and in Earth He is the Prince of Peace and the Lord of Life and Glory he can give Peace and Life and Glory to whom he pleaseth 6. The Spirit makes Believers sincere in their aimes when they pray They design the Hallowing and Honouring of Gods Name as well as their own welfare They beg for pardon and grace not only because 't is good for themselves to have these but likewise because the Lord glorisies his grace and mercy and goodness in forgiving and healing and saving those that cry and fly to him Thus you see what 't is to pray in the Spirit and consequently it does not lye barely either in fluency of utterance or in variety of expressions or in multitude of words Now follow the Reasons of the Doctrine and they are of two sorts First Why our own spirits should engage in prayer 1. Because God is a spirit our Lord assigns this as a Reason why worship should be in spirit because God is a Spirit who is worshipped 2. He principally requires our spirits My Son give me thy heart Prov. 23. 26. And truly he does narrowly observe where our hearts are when we are at prayer and no wonder for our spirits are most capable of serving him To admire fear love trust in him these are the principal ways of worshipping him and this is done with the heart 3. Without our spirits prayer is but a mockery If when the Lord is honoured with the mouth the heart be far from him God says in vain do they worship me and I will not hold them guiltless And this you may observe that when our hearts are not engaged
THE SPIRIT of PRAYER OR A DISCOURSE WHEREIN The Nature of Prayer is Opened the Kinds of Prayer are Handled and the Right Manner of Praying Discover'd Several Cases about this Duty are Resolved From EPH. 6. 18. Praying Alwayes with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit and Watching thereunto with all Perseverance and Supplication for All Saints Unto which is Added A Direction for the Attaining the Gift of Prayer That Family-Duty may not be Omitted nor Secret Duty discouraged through Inability of Utterance and Expression BY Nathanael Vincent M. A. Minister of the Gospel London Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel and at the Bible on London-Bridge near the Gate 1674. To the Truly HONOURABLE LADY Hester LADY BLOVNT Mercy and Grace and Peace be Multiplyed Much Honoured Madam WHen I had the happiness to belong unto your Noble Family the Favours I received were Weighty ones and have left too deep an impression upon me ever to be worn off I never lived more free from Care Trouble then when I lived with your Ladyship Your Civility your Bounty your being so much concerned when I went away I must Remember while I have Memory 'T is very pleasing to me to reflect upon the Opportunities I had when I lived at Tittenhanger your Stately House not only of studying but of performing those Secret duties of Prayer and Meditation wherein Communion with God is so exceeding sweet that all sensual delights and pleasures are contemptible in comparison At that time the World was presented to me in the Gayest dress Your House Large and bravely Furnished your Gardens Delighful your Park and Walks hardly to be Matched your Table abundantly sumptuously Furnished Yet I must needs tell You That God was ten Thousand times more to me than all this When I sought him with my whole Heart and found him when I begg'd his Grace and had the Grace I begg'd for This This was it which made my life happy This made me Cheerful indeed onely I was sorry to see others take up and be so much transported with lower Pleasures Believe me Madam nay believe the Lord himself Religion and Joy are not inconsistent The wayes of Wisdom are wayes of Pleasantness and all the paths thereof are paths of Peace Though David had a Crown of pure Gold on his Head though he was Lord of such a Country which was then the glory of all Lands yet we find that God was his Joy and that was his Language Whom have I Heaven but Thee and there is none on Earth that I desire besides Thee Whereas Solomon his son indulging his Fl●sh and too much forgetting God did but hereby contribute to his own disquiet He made him great Works he built Houses and planted Vineyards he made Gardens and Orchards and planted Trees in them of all sorts of Fruit he made Pools of Water that the Trees might be the more Flourishing He had Servants Maidens Possessions of great and small Cattel above all that were before him in Jerusalem He gathered Silver and Gold and the peculiar Treasure of Kings and of the Provinces He had Men-singers and Women-singers and the Delights of the Sons of Men and Musical Instruments of all sorts Nay whatsoever his Eyes desired he kept not from them neither did he withold from his Heart any Joy How large an Inventory is here of what is gratifying to the Senses Yet in the midst of all he cryes out Behold all is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit and there is no Profit under the Sun Eccles 2. 4 11. Madam I earnestly desire your Eternal welfare and also your present Joy And truly there must be Godliness not in the Form only but in the Power also or else you will be a Stranger to the pleasure of Christianity God is the Souls centre Rest is elsewhere in vain expected The more you acquaint your self with Him the more perfect your peace will be thereby good will come unto you These ensuing Sermons concerning Prayer I hope through the blessing of God may be a means to make Devotion much more servent And 't is not in vain to seek Him that is so willing to be sound and whose Sufficiency is such that he can satisfie your desires when they are most Enlarged That the Lord of Heaven would bless You and all the Branches of your Illust●ious Family and make all eminent for Piety and Holiness which will be your truest Honour and greatest Dignity is the Prayer of Madam Your Ladiships most humble and most obliged Servant Nathanael Vincent To the Readers especially them that were Hearers of these Following Sermons Beloved Brethren BEing about to Read a Book concerning Prayer how convenient is it you should begin with Prayer that you may read with profit Lift up therefore your hearts unto God and desire Grace to do what is made known to be your duty Gods Precepts are for your profit He is not capable of being advantaged for he is infinitely and eternally self-sufficient but you your selves will be benefited by your Obedience He requires you to come to the throne of Grace that he may impart his Grace and Mercy unto you that so much stand in need of it 'T is the property of Good to be communicative of it self And the Lord who is the Summum Bonum highest and chiefest Good does give most of all liberally Prayer is an Ordinance that He has appointed and 't is a great priviledge we are allowed to pour out our Souls before him His Hand is not shortned His Ear is not heavy we shall not be straitned in Him if we are not straitned in our own Bowels You that never have pray'd with any seriousness of Spirit should cry now with the greater fervency You have not one Sin pardoned not one Corruption mortified not one saving Grace wrought in your Hearts you have not the least part of your main work don no provision at all made for Eternity and another World It concerns you therefore to begg as for your Lives that God would recon●cile you to himself in Christ and make you new Creatures and become a Father and a Portion to you Now is the accepted time Now the Father of Mercies is upon the mercy Seat Now the Lord Jesus is willing to be your Advocate and to intercede for you Now the spirit of Grace is ready to help our infirmities Now forgiveness of sin and life and Immortality are freely offer'd nay you are intreated to accept them But it will not be thus alwayes shortly God will be inexorable the Advocate will be a judg to condemn and the spirit will withdraw for ever and the day of grace will be ended Oh therefore pray now for then 't will be to late to pray And for you that make conscience of this duty wrestle still with greater Vigour Those are the strongest Christians that are mightiest in praier He that prayes well will do all wel besides for by
Father but by him Joh. 14. 6. Christ must be by faith received as the Gospel offers him that is as a Prince and Saviour and by this Faith being united to him God looks upon believers as the Brethren of Christ as the Spouse of Christ nay which is nearer as Christs Members and will deny them nothing Those that belong to Christ God is a God to them and a Father to them as he is to Christ himself and loves them as he loved Christ Joh. 20. 17. Joh. 17. 23. surely he will then grant them their requests 3. They that pray must by Faith rely upon the Promises that God has made of Hearing He has said that they that ask shall receive that they which seek shall find and to them that knock it shall be opened Mat. 7. 7. And for further encouragement because the Spirit teaches what to ask and how to ask Christ assures us that God will more readily give his Spirit to those that ask him than earthly Parents Bread unto their hungry Children Luk. 11. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the holy Spirit unto them that ask him How comprehensive a promise is the promise of the Spirit His work is to apply that Salvation which Christ has purchased and is sent on purpose that he may endite such Petitions for the Saints as will find audience How plainly has the Lord said that his Eye is upon the Righteous and his Ear open to their Prayers Psal 34. 15. such words should be rested on when we engage in this Duty 4. The more confidently they that pray conclude the performance of Gods Promises the more certainly they will be accomplished Therefore we are commanded to ask in Faith nothing wavering Jam. 1. 6. and we are encouraged to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of Faith Heb. 10. 22. and hearken to our Lord himself Mar. 11. 24. Therefore I say unto you what ever things ye desire when ye Pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them If we did but more firmly believe that God according to his Covenant for his Sons sake has pardoned sin and will heal our Souls of their distempers and will give grace sufficient and make us to grow and increase with the increases of God verily his promises would appear to be real and according to our Faith it would be to us Thus you see how those that pray must be Believers 5. In Prayer things must be asked for according to the will of God 1 Joh. 5. 14. And this is the con●idence that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his Will he heareth us Christ tells his Disciples Joh. 15. 7. If ye abide in me and my Words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be don to you the Word abiding in us declares the will of God and regulates our wills and then what we will we shall have Luther said Fiat voluntas mea Let my will be don because my will O Lord is the same with thine I do not wonder that many of the Heathens reasoned against Prayer they being unacquainted with the mind of God knew not what to ask for But in the Scripture God has declared his mind to us and that in our Directory Dissertat 30. Maximus Tyrius tells us that if you take away Phylosophy out of the world you take away 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that which alone knows how to pray For says he the Philosophers pray'd for Vertue for tranquility of Conscience for an unblamable Life And a Death full of good Hope But how much more truly may this be said concerning Christianity 'T is the Christian Religion that informs many degrees beyound Philosophy concerning the Will of God and what he is willing to bestow on us There is a threefold Will of God which we are to regard in Prayer his Will of Purpose of Precept and of Promise 1. His Will of Purpose Gods Purpose concerning his People is Wise and Gracious therefore 't is called the good pleasure of his Goodness by the Apostle 2 Thes 1 ●1 and 't is but reason that this Purpose should be submitted to We may ask sometimes for that which it may not be fit for us to receive In Temporals especially we are at a loss and are not able to determine what measure of such kind of Mercys is most meet for us When therefore we beg for the continuance of Life the prolonging or restoring of Health the enjoyment of outward Comforts All must be done with this Proviso that the Will and Purpose of God may stand and be accomplished for we may conclude that when the Lord denies outward Mercys which we with submission begg for he intends kindness in that very denyal 2. In Prayer Gods Will of Precept is to be regarded whatever he commands us to do we may with boldness go to him for strength which may enable us for the performance The Lord calls and commands Israel to turn Turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will ye die O House of Israel Ephraim turns this into Prayer Jer. 31. 18 Turn thou me and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God God commanded David to keep his Precepts diligently David takes hold of this and cries out Oh that my ways were directed that I might keep thy Statutes Psal 119. 4 5. He requires that we should love and fear him vve may without presumption beg that he would circumcise our Hearts to love Him and put his fear into our hearts that we may not depart from him 3. In Prayer Gods Will of Promise is also to be eyed And though the Promises of the life that now is belong to believers yet especially they prize and plead the promises of spiritual and everlasting Blessings These we are to look upon as exceeding great and precious and sure promises and to beg that by them we may be made partakers of the Divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world through Lust 2 Pet. 1. 4. What can the Lord promise more than he does Psal 84. 11. The Lord God is a Sun and Shield the Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly When we intreat him to make good his promises we do in effect but intreat him to glorifie his power and love his truth and faithfulness 6. Prayer must be in the name of Christ what name more prevalent Job 16. 23. Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he will give it you When we make use of the Mediation of Christ we go the way to speed The Papists make use of the Mediation of Angels and Saints departed But the Apostle tells us as of one God so of one Mediator between God and Men the man Christ Jesus Saints indeed on Earth may
pray one for another because God has commanded it it maintains love among them and the Strongest need the prayers of the Weaker How earnestly does the Apostle Paul beseech the believing Romans that they would strive together with him in their prayers to God for him Rom. 15. 30. But not a word of prayer directed to any departed Saint in Scripture And when Jacob was in distress and the Angels of God met him and he said this is God's Host but he begg'd nothing of them but wrestles with God himself and as a Prince prevailed 'T is a silly Objection that we use the mediation of great men when we have to do with Princes and therefore the Mediation of Angels and Saints is to be used when we have to do with God for the Lord grants free access unto all if they use Christ as a Mediatour and therefore the Mediation of Angels and Saints is needless We must pray you see in the Name of Christ and there are four things which we are to have an eye to 1. The satisfaction of Christ he has been wounded for Transgression he bare the Curse so that we may beg with confidence to be delivered from it He has made Peace by the blood of his Cross we have encouragement to beseech the Lord to be reconciled and that he would no longer be a Foe but a Father to us 2. We are to eye the purchase of Christ He has purchased all the blessings of the new Covenant Heaven it self is called a purchased Possession Eph 1. 14. Christ payd a price for it that it might be ours 'T is not only an act of Grace but an act of Righteousness in God considering what Christ has paid for to forgive Sin and to give Salvation 3. We are to eye the intercession of Christ Heb. 7. 25. He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them Our great high Priest is passed into the Heavens and his work is there to pray for Believers and his Father hears him always How can prayers miscarry that are backt with the intercession of such a one 4. We are to eye the strength of Christ and his assistance Rightly to pray is a matter of difficulty Christ by his Spirit is ready to help the infirmities of Believers so that notwithstanding all discouragement and opposition from within and from beneath they shall make something of this duty of prayer and obtain the blessing 7. In prayer there must be Thanksgiving for what has been already received Praise is the sublimest part of prayer Praise is a debt and how vast is the debt if we consider the multitude greatness freeness and continuance of mercies Praise sweetens prayer nothing more pleasing to God nothing more pleasant to our selves And to give thanks for benefits received is as effectual a way to prevail for more mercy as the most vehement and strongest cryes Oh therefore that all who pray would also praise the Lord for his ●oodness and for his wonderful works to the Children of men Psal 107. 8. Thus have I explained the definition and opened the nature of prayer to you In the second place I am to inform you what 't is to pray always this I have touched upon already but shall more fully speak to in these particulars 1. To pray always implies being always in a disposition and frame to pray when God requires it The heart must be reconciled to this duty and fall in love with it go to the Throne of Grace with alacrity much may be gotten at the mercy seat the unsearchable riches of Christ are unlocked and we may take as much as the hand of faith can grasp without being checked or upbraided The God whom we have to do with gives liberally and like himself Jam. 1. 5. The heart should be forward to pray and be weary of and through grace subdue move and more that evil which alas is present when good is about to be performed Rom. 7. 21. 2. To pray always implys laying hold of all opportunities to pray that are graciously vouchsafed to us Whenever there is a meet season and a motion to pray we should catch such an occasion by the fore-lock for when once 't is past 't is past recalling Stated times of prayer ordinarily should in no wise be neglected and when there are extraordinary calls to this duty they should by all means be heeded But here you must take heed of being imposed upon by Satan He is clearly for wearying you by spiritual extortion and pressing you to more of the external part of duty then God requires 'T will not be amiss to shew you the difference between Satans motions to pray and the Lords calling you thereunto 1. Satans motions are unseasonable when God calls to other duty When we in obedience to the Divine command are diligent in our calling of a sudden Satan will move to pray but by the unseasonableness of the motion we may discern whence it comes but the Spirits motions are regular 2. Satans motions to pray are unmerciful he would fain have Sinners not pray at all but if they will needs fall upon the duty he urges them to over doing and exacts so much as is apparently to the wasting and expending and destruction of nature and his design is to render prayer burthensome and at last to make it totally neglected But the Lord is merciful in his motions he requires that which is infinitely beneficial to the Soul and destructive austerities towards the body he no where requires 3. Satans motions to pray are commonly followed with some direful injections if they are not obeyed and what he injects has no Scripture-foundation He tells souls that they are Reprobate and will be damned if they do not what he unreasonably perswades whereas the word of God speaks no such matter Well then Satans motions are not to be minded 3. To pray always implies praying in every state and condition in Sickness in Health in Prosperity in Adversity prayer is to be used without prayer Sickness will be unsanctified and an uncomfortable load and if it be taken off 't will be in anger without prayer Health will be a judgment and only serve to encourage a neglect of the soul and another world Without prayer Adversity will be intolerable and Prosperity will be a snare and occasion forgetfulness of God and a daring to rebel against him No condition should cause a cessation of prayer for the Apostle says Pray without ceasing 1 Thes 5. 17. 4. To pray always implies Not to let fall any holy suite till it be granted We must not faint in prayer nor give over though we do not presently speed Luk. 18. 1. He spake a parable to them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint Impor tunity prevailed with an unrighteous Judge surely then 't will be prevalent with the Father of mercies God does not presently grant
Heaven they should be begun ended followed after with Prayer And if you that are hearers would but help us herein by prayer 't would be in effect to help your selves If there were but more praying before you come to the Sanctuary that you might be taught to profit so many sermons would not be lost so much seed would not be sown in vain Prayer sets an edge upon the Word and makes it quick and powerful to kill Sin and keep off Satan Prayer works the Word into the Heart and being hid there 't is a mighty preservative against iniquity There is a Spiritual instinct in Believers to joyn Prayer with every Ordinance of God Because they know that Ordinances cannot secure or benefit them except the Lord concur and work along with them I have proved that a Christians security lies in Prayer In the fourth place I am to give you some Reasons why we ought to pray always 1. We should pray always because God is always ready to hear The Lords Ear is not heavy that it cannot hear Esa 59. 1. He hearkens after Prayer and looks down from Heaven upon the Children of Men to see if there be any that understand and seek God Psal 14. 2. The Father is said to seek for right worshippers namely those that worship him in Spirit and in Truth Joh 4. 23. we have therefore encouragement as at all times to trust in him so at all times to poure out our Souls before him God is a Refuge for us Selah Psal 62. 8. Verily seeking of God in sincerity never was yet in vain and never will be God has heard sinners then when they perhaps have little thought he minded them When Ephraim bemoaned himself was as a Bullock unaccustomed to the Yoak was ashamed and confounded because of his evil ways and cry'd Turn thou me and I shall be turned says God I have heard him I have surely heard Ephraim Jer. 31. 18 19. ● and gives him to understand that he was a dear Son a pleasant Child and that he would surely have Mercy on him There is not a Tear but God has a Bottle to put it in nor a sigh but God observes it nor a true desire but he is ready to satisfy 2. We should pray always because Christ always intercedes Heb. 7. 25. He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them The prayers of Believers will be vvell seconded This Angel of the Covenant has incense sufficient to perfume and to make the Prayers of all the Saints at all times acceptable Christ in Heaven is alvvays presenting to his Father his Sufferings and by his Sufferings all that we pray for has been purchased His Blood therefore is said to speak in Scripture and it speaks better things than that of Abel Heb. 12. 24. The Blood of Christ cryes in Gods Ears on the behalf of those that pray which the Curse that Christ has born may be removed from them that the Sins for which Christ was wounded may be forgiven them and that out of the fulness of Christ they may receive and Grace for Grace 3. We should pray always because the Spirit is always ready to help our infirmities This Spirit Christ promised and according to his promise sent him and this Spirit is styled the Spirit of Grace and of Supplications Zach. 12. 10. for he gives grace and ability to make supplications acceptably And this Spirit abides with Believers alwaies Joh. 14. 16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter which shall abide with you for ever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you The Spirit is ready to instruct us what to pray for to remove the load of indisposition to this Duty to quicken our deadness therein to enlarge our hearts in desires after the God of all Grace to strengthen us to wrestle for a Blessing And truly God is not to be prevailed with but by the mediation of his Son and by the strength of his own Spirit 4. We should pray always because Satan is always forward to assault us Satan is compared to a Lyon in Scripture And Elian observes concerning the Lyon that if at any time he is beaten back he retires 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with his face towards you as being readyupon the least encouragement to make another attempt In like manner Satan watches has his Eye always upon us and is ever forward to tempt and should not we be ever forward to pray Our whole Life is a time of Temptation Wicked Spirits are continually engaged against us We wrestle sayes the Apostle with Principalities and Powers with the Ruters of the darkness of this World with spiritual wickednesse in high places These Enemies are invisible so 't is more dificult to withstand them they are too subtile and too strong for us We had need therefore to pray without ceasing since they cease not endeavoring to bring us both to sin and ruine 5. We should pray always because corruption will quickly recruit and recover strength upon the least neglect of prayer Had David been praying when he was sleeping so long in the day time or after his nap had been ended had he gon to the throne of grace instead of idlely walking upon the roof of his palace nay when first he cast his eyes upon Bathsheba if he had then immediately lookt up to Heaven and cryed that that spark of concupiscence might have been extinguish'd before it set him in a flame his foul fall and the dolefull consequents of it might have been prevented But duty was neglected and lust took the advantage of that neglect and he was hurried into two as heinous Sins almost as can possibly be committed 2 Sam. 11. Experience shews us that if we omit or are slight in Prayer that day our passions are more easily stirred and our lusts get ground Thus Amaleck prevail'd when Moses hands began to hang down but when they were held up towards Heaven Israel had the better In the fifth place I am to Answer the Objections that are made against this duty of Prayer Obj. 1. The first Objection is this God knows our wants and dangers without our telling him What need is there then that we should make them known by Prayer Ans I Answer God may be said to know our Wants and Dangers two wayes 1. By the eye of his Omniscience and with this eye he sees all things and whether we pray or no he perfectly understands us and all the circumstances we are in He 〈◊〉 our path knows our thoughts after off and is acquainted with all our wayes Ps●l 139 2 3. 2. God may be said to look upon our wants so as to have compassion upon us and without intreating this compassion how can it be expected Heark unto David
delivered from the wrath of his Brother Esau Jonah by prayer out of the Whales belly and the three Children out of the seaven-times heated Babylonish Furnace By prayer David stayed the Plague so that it seized not on Jerusalem and caused the Sword of the destroying Angel to be put up into the Sheath again By prayer Elias stayed the Rain for three years and six moneths and by the same means opened the Bottles of Heaven that the Earth brought forth her Fruit By prayer he brought down fire which consumed the two Captains and their fifties that came to take him By prayer Joshua commanded the Sun and it stood still in Gibeon and the Moon in the Valley of Aijalon for the Lord hearkened to the voyce of a man and fought for Israel By prayer Daniel stopped the mouths of Lyons and came untouched out of the Den and by prayer Peter and Paul and Silas were delivered out of Prison Shackles Iron gates being but weak things to the power of supplications And what shall I more say for time would fail me as the Apostle speaks if I should tell of Samuel of Sampson of Jehoshaphat of the Prophets also and of the Apostles who by prayer procured thunder to destroy their Enemies out of weakness were made strong turned to ●●ight the mighty Hosts of Adversaries the Dead they raised to life again made the Lame from the Womb to walk and leap healed Discases beyond the skill of art of Cure Behold prayers efficacy though performed by men of like passions with our selves this should perswade us to the love and practice of the duty 3. Who is it that would hinder you from prayer Who stands at your right hand to resist you certainly 't is an Enemy who is unwilling you should draw nigh to God because he knows 't is so good for you Psal 73. ult Your own hearts also are ready to draw back but this argues their egregious folly and desperate wickedness 4. What has followed upon the omission of prayer Has not this Omission ushered in sins of Commission have you not when you have neglected to cry for strength in your souls found your selves like Reuben unstable as water have you not easily been induced to do that which has fill'd the face of God with frowns and the mouth of Conscience with Reproaches On the other side has not prayer been with success sometimes have you not found encouragement grace at the mercy seat Oh do that which both bitter and sweet experience prompts you to 5. Prayer is an honourable employment in this duty you have admittance to the ear of the King of Heaven how high is your Company your fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ 1 Joh. 1. 2. Though the Lord be high yet he hath respect unto the lowly he will regard the prayer of the most destitute and not despise it he allows you a freedom to pour out your complaints and to make known before him your troubles And what honour is this to have to do immediatly with God to have him so nigh to you in all that you call upon him for Deut. 4. 7. 6. Frequency and fervency in prayer will be a great evidence of your Regeneration and Adoption The Child when born crys and the Sinner when born again prays Of Paul 't was said as soon as he was Converted behold he prayeth Act. 9. 11. 'T is the Spirit of Adoption that makes us cry Abba Father If we cannot be satisfied unless we approach unto God and value his favour and fellowship above all Earthly things and are chiefly desirous of those blessings which he never gives in wrath and having given never takes away again we may conclude from our spiritual breathing our spiritual life Now a good evidence of Regeneration what will it be worth in a day of trouble in a dying hour The last Use shall be of Encouragement to Believers 1. Their prayers are Gods delight Prov. 15. 8. The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the upright is his delight so Cant. 2. 14. O my Dove that art in the clefts of the Rock in the secret place of the stairs let me see thy Countenance let me hear thy Voyce for sweet is thy Voyce and thy Countenance is comely We are pleased with the talk and requests of our Children though their language be lisp'd and broken And God is infinitely more indulgent then earthly Parents are or can be and much more willing to give good things than they Mat. 7. 11. 2. There are many reasons why the God whom Believers pray to should secure them 1. They are his chosen ones God pitch'd his love on them before the foundation of the world was laid 2. They are his Sons purchase he has bought them with a price shed his Blood for the Remission of their sins gave his Life for their Ransom 3. They are in Covenant with God he has engaged to be their God and surely he will be their Guard also 4. They are Vessels of mercy in whom he does design to glorifie his grace and love for ever Surely then he will heed these when they pray he will give them the good they need and save them from the evil which makes them flye to him for shelter I have done with the first Doctrine That a Christians security lyes very much in Praying Always D. 2. All prayer is of concernment to be used praying always with all prayer says the Text. Prayer is a duty of very great extent and the parts of it are admirably suited unto the present State and condition of a Christian and the divers kinds of prayer very well agree with the various circumstances wherein we are All the ways of seeking God shall be to purpose if he be but sought diligently and according as he himself has appointed for he tells us plainly that he sayes Not to the seed of Jacob seek ye me in vain Esa 45. 10. Two things I shall here insist on First I shall speak concerning the parts of prayer and shew you how all these parts are to be used Secondly I shall give you the several kinds of prayer and so perswade and direct you unto each kind that this duty may be performed in its utmost latitude I begin with the parts of Prayer and they are these 1. One part of Prayer is an humble compellation or naming of God Those titles that are given him in Scripture we must be acquainted with and such should be used as are most suitable unto the matter of our prayers and which have the greatest tendency to excite those gracious and spiritual affections which are required in our Supplications If we consult the prayers of Saints which are recorded in the Bible we shall find that God is called sometimes Lord sometimes Father sometimes the great and mighty and terrible God sometimes the King of Glory sometimes the high and lofty one that inhabits eternity whose Name is
Holy sometimes the God and Father of Christ and likewise the Father of Mercys and God of all Comfort 'T is not amiss to add unto Gods Title those Attributes the consideration whereof may help towards such a frame of Spirit as becomes Prayer Would we have our heart in an holy awe and fill'd with reverence and Godly fear mention then his omnipresence greatnesse his holyness and his jealousy Would we have our hearts broken for sin Mention his anger and hatred of Iniquity and withall his goodness and forbearance and readiness to be reconciled for the riches of his goodness and long-suffering strongly lead unto repentance Rom. 2. 4. finally would we in our requests have our desires enlarged and our faith encouraged and be also forward to praise Mention then the freeness of Gods love the Superabundance of his grace as he is the Father of Jesus Christ As of old he was stiled The Lord that brought Israel out of Egypt and afterwards the Lord that delivered Judah from the north Country namely out of the Babylonish Captivity so likewise in the new testament he is called the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 3. Christ is the only prevailing advocate in Prayer and his relation to God the ground of our hope and expectations 2. A Second part of Prayer is acknowledgment and confession of sin This confession God requires Jer. 3. 13. Only acknowledge thy Iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God To confesse sin has been the practice of the Penitent God has been honoured when offending of him has been acknowledged most unreasonable and heinous and confession has had a great influence unto the making of Sinners humble and ashamed and upon it how quickly has forgiveness followed Psal 32. 3 4 5. While I kept Silence i. e. while I excused and extenuated my sin and refused ingenuously to acknowledg it my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long for day and night thy hand was heavy upon me my moisture was turned into the drought of Summer Selah I acknowledged my sin unto thee my iniquity have I not hid I said I will confess my Transgressions unto the Lord and thou for gavest the iniquity of my Sin Selah This confession of sin in Prayer should be Particular generall acknowledgments move but little The very root of sin must be dug unto and bewailed Paul crys out he was a Blasphemer and Persecutor and Injurious 1 Tim. 1. 13. and laments the law in his members the body of death that made him so forward unto evil Rom. 7. David particularizes his uncleannesse and blood-guiltiness and traces these abominable streams unto the fountain whence they issued forth the Corruption of his Nature Psal 51. 5. Behold I was shapen in Iniquity and in Sin did my Mother conceive me Our despising the remedy which Christ offers in the Gospel should also be confessed with Special Sorrow for herein we go beyond the very Devils who never had one offer of pardon and grace made to them And finally as there is abundant cause we should fall to Judging and Condemning of our selves One that is truly penitent is as Guiliel Pariciensis says Fidelis Dei orator contra Seipsum a faithful pleader for God against himself We must unclasp the Book of Conscience and Spread it before the Lord we must hold up our hands and cry Guilty guilty and say we can lay claim to nothing as our due but severity and Punishments 3. A third part of prayer is Deprecation or praying against what we have deserv'd and are afraid of We ought with great solicitousnesse to pray against the anger and hatred of God He even he is to be feared who can stand in his sight when once he is angry Psal 76. 7. The anger of God expresse it self Several ways the lightest expression of it namely in temporal and outward calamities are sometimes very terrible Pestilences Famines the sword of War which devours flesh and drinks blood how intolerable are they lookt upon but spiritual judgments are worse than these and argue hotter displeasure when the Lord gives sinners up to blindness of mind searedness of conscience strong delusions vile affections hardness of heart this shewes he is exstreamly angry The other may but these judgments especially should be deprecated But the worst of all is to come in the other World and that 's the vengeance of Eternal Fire Oh how importunate should we be to be delivered from Wrath to come That we may not be sentenced to depart with a Curse at the great Day that Hell may not be our Eternal home How importunate should we be that we may not in utter Darkness be gnawed by the Worm that never dyes that we may not dwell with devouring Fire nor inhabit Everlasting Burnings 4. A fourth part of Prayer is Petition here God gives us leave to be bold and large and when we have asked never so much he is ready to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or has entred into the heart of Man to conceive Pardon we should petition for for we highly need it And the Lord has said though we have made him to serve with our sins and wearied him with our iniquities yet he will blot out transgressions for his own sake and remember our sins no more Esa 43. 24 25. Till a Pardon be obtained nothing else can be expected but when once God in Christ is reconciled and become a Father nothing will be denied His Love therefore and the sence of it should be intreated with our whole heart And since the Lord has promised to give both Grace and Glory Psal 84. 11. we may be bold to be petitioners for both We should be earnest that grace and holiness may be wrought in truth in our hearts that Grace may be continually increased and that we may persevere and be faithful to the very Death and at length uttain that Glory Honour and Immortality which is promised unto patient continuance in well doing Temporal Blessings also we have leave to ask for the Lord considers our frame and every way is ready to encourage us unto our Duty 5. A fifth part of Prayer is Intercession for others Not only those should be remembred by us that stand in a near relation to us But we should be concerned for the whole City for the whole Nation nay for the whole Church of Christ militant upon Earth We should prefer Jerusalem before our chief joy we should not keep silence we should give the Lord no rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth Esa 62. 6 7. we should in no wise hold our peace till the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness And the Salvation thereof as a Lamp that burneth That is till the Church is both reformed and delivered from oppressing adversaries In Prayer we are to have regard to our selves to others nay to the Lord
because he hath heard my Voyce and my supplication because he hath inclined his ear to me therefore will I call upon him as long as I live I have shewed you what we are to watch for in prayer In the fourth place I am to shew what manner of watching is required 1. Our watch must be very strict and this strictness will be acknowledg'd reasonable if we consider that prayer is a business of weight Life or Death Blessing or Cursing will follow according as we speed well or ill in prayer VVhen we come to the Throne of Grace we entreat for no less then the forgiveness of millions of offences the least of which if unpardon'd is sufficient to expose us to eternal condemnation we entreat for no less then grace and glory we deprecate no less then the anger of the Almighty and everlasting torments Surely we should be watchfull and full of care by all means to speed in a duty of such vast concernment 2. Our watch must be continued it must be before and in and after Prayer and all little enough 1. We must watch before prayer that every thing may Dimidium facti qui coepit habit Hot at be avoided and removed that may hinder the heart from preparing to have to do with God 't is not easie to enter rightly upon this duty 2. We must Watch in prayer Prayer is expressed in Scripture by the Metaphor of wrestling If the Wrestler watch not he prevails not but is easily foyld If we are not very vigilant all the while we are praying God whom we wrestle with will withdraw and we shall miss of the blessing and Satan that wrestles against us will presently fling us 3. We must watch after prayer We must trace our hearts and mark how they have behaved themselves we must observe and bemoan our failings and be thankful for assisting grace we must be the same upon our Leggs that we were upon our Knees and live according to our prayers In the fifth place follow the reasons why Watching is so necessary in prayer 1. God watches how this duty is performed and has denounced a Curse on those that do the work of the Lord negligently He narrowly observes where the thoughts are and how much of the heart and affection is in every prayer Hark to the Apostle Heb. 4. 13. Neither is there any Creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things even the thoughts and intents of the heart where of he had spoken in the verse fore-going are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do 2. Satan Watches in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isider Pelus l 2. Epist 24. a time of War there is the stricter watch Now our life is a warfare therefore we should be ever vigilant 1 Pet. 5. 8. Our Adversary the Devil goes about endeavouring to do all the mischief and to hinder all the good he can possibly Satan is very busie about us in prayer and if our unwatchfulness gives him but the least encouragement and advantage he presently spyes and takes it 3. Vnless we watch our hearts will deal treacherously they will start aside from God like deceitful Bows and the Arrow of Prayer will be far from hitting the mark but our Supplications will degenerate into meer formality whereas if we are intent and serious and do hoc agere mind our business while we are at prayer we shall undoubtedly make something of it I come at last to the Application Use 1. is of Reproof Two sorts of persons deserve and highly need as well as deserve a reprehension 1. The careless Hypocrite is to be Reproved The Scripture which has this preheminence above all other Laws that it binds the very Heart and Conscience does speak very terribly against Hypocrisy which is the hearts dissimulation and going away from God even when the external part of devotion is yeilded to him The folly of the praying Hypocrite will appear in these things 1. His Conscience is fast asleep in prayer and lets him even do what he pleases but this sleeping Lyon will at length awake at farthest Hell will awaken his Conscience and then 't will bitterly reproach him and never cease reproaching 2. The Hypocrite regards not the God he is praying to he is not awed by the Lords Majesty nor affected with his Mercy neither is he afraid of provoking him to jealousy but presumes upon God as if he were altogether such an one as himself Psal 50. 21 22. These things hast thou done and I kept silence and thou thoughtest I was altogether such an one as thy self but I will reprove thee and set them in order before thine eyes Now consider this ye that forget God lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver 3. The Hypocrite regards not the things he is praying for nor himself that is concerned in prayer He is not Animus cujusque est quisque concerned for his soul which is most truly himself and though he prays for the favour of God for the Kingdom of God and deliverance from everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels yet he is so cold and heedless as if he were indifferent whether Heaven or Hell were his eternal abode 2. The drowsie and declining Saints are also to be reproved These having been once so thorowly awakened are more without Apology if they grow again unwatchful 1. The prayers of unwatchful Saints have very bad mixtures Oh the forgetfulness and fearlesness and weariness and mocking of the Lord that Believers under their declinings are to be charged with How neer do they come to the borders of unregeneracy how like are they to the unsound-hearted 2. The prayers of unwatchful Saints are very unprofitable Children they are but alas they improve not their Relation nor make serious application to their Father The Spirit is in them but they accept not of his strength and grace Prayer is not totally laid aside but little comes on 't because they do not vigorously engage in it 3. The prayers of unwatchful Saints are uncomfortable The Spirit is grieved by their carelesness and how can it be expected he should be a comforter to them Conscience is dis-satisfied and is continually grudging because they do not stir up themselves to lay hold on God when they call upon him Isa 64. 7. Much fear much bondage many secret gripes of spirit follow upon careless praying 4. The prayers of unwatchful Saints are so offensive that they may justly fear some stroke from God some smarting Rod to awaken the spirit of prayer in them Hos 5. 14. I will be unto Ephraim as a Lyon and as a young Lyon to the House of Judah I even I will tear and go away I will take away and none shall rescue him Now what was the reason of this severity it follows v. 15. In their affliction they will seek me early He thrust the Spur into their side and made them bleed to