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A87179 Good news to all people. Glad tydings for all men. God good unto all, and Christ the saviour of the world: or, The general point faithfully handled by way of exercise: or A sermon preached at Buckingham upon the 25 of March, being (as so called) Easter-day. By William Hartley. Hartley, William, of Stony-Stratford. 1650 (1650) Wing H974; Thomason E594_11; ESTC R206917 25,853 32

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knowledg so God gave them over to a reprobate sence c. And touching Pharaoh the Scripture readeth thus And when Pharaoh saw there was respite He Hardened his Own heart Exod 8.15 and hearkened not unto them c. Unto which you may add the argument that the Priests of the Philistines used to their Princes about sending away the Ark of God to its own place Iudg. 6 6. Wherefore then do you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts and would not let the people go c. By the harmony of these Scriptures you plainly see That the evil qualification viz. hardness in Pharaohs heart did arise from the aversness of his own will and as the Wrath of man shall turn to the praise of God so the Lord got him a name upon Pharaoh and his Host and rewarded their stubbornness in the Red Sea and so I hope my Doctrine will appear firm viz. It is the good Will and c. If God gave Christ to All and Christ dyed for All 6 Object then All of necessity must be saved for GOD or CHRIST did nothing in vain I reply That although God gave Christ to All Answ and Christ dyed for all yet the benefit of this act in Gods Love and Christs indefinite Tender of Salvation is appropriated only to Believers such persons as through faith apprehend the same God so loved the World that Whosoever Believeth Iohn 3.12 c. By these words you may perceive that although the act in God was free and Tender in Christ Universal yet the benefit is conditional through believing As for instance * Simile God hath placed the Sun in the Firmament to be a light to all the World and there is sufficiency of light distilled from the Sun for the whole Universe doth it therefore follow that men closing their eyes or walking under ground in dark places receive the benefit of this light And thus I hope you see the vanity of this Objection 7 Object Well suppose it be granted That Gods Love or Christs Tender be proposed indefinitely to All yet when you say the benefit thereof is conditional on believing doth not this Doctrine establish Free-Will Answ I humbly conceive there cannot be imagined to be in any creature such a thing as Free-Will being God alone is Independent acting from a principle of his own Mind For Who hath been his Counsellor but man mediately from a power of God Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you Phil. 1. c. Here the creature is concerned in action and God in power A Tree is concerned in fruit-bearing and the planter in manuring of the same Take a similitude of the Vineyard spoken in reference to the children of Israel in Isai 6. which after God had planted hedged and manured putting it into a capacity of bringing forth good grapes complaint is made of the Vineyard that it brought forth wilde grapes By this allusion you may gather That God giveth man a capacity to act and man according to this capacity is to make improvement Mark it well you never read of any condemned for want but mis-use of power as you may observe from the Parable of the Talents in the Gospel 8 Object If GOD be good unto All why then doth He condemn some Answ The condemnation of ungodly persons is no diminution of his goodness no more then the just expulsion of a prophane person in a godly family doth prejudice the reputation of the religious governor thereof The wickedness of the creature cannot prevaricate the goodness of God as the Apostle hath it in another sence Vnbelief cannot make the promise of none effect * Simile A General is good to his Army though he sentenceth death to the Mutineers thereof In all humility I leave my Answer to these Objections to be seriously ruminated according to the strength of your understandings in the things of God and crave favour to be patiently heard in what shall be offered in the applicatory part of this Discourse Thus far we have gone viz. Text. And the times of this ignorance God winked at Sum of all but now he commandeth all men every where to repent Doctr. It is the good will and pleasure of Almighty God that every Creature should come to the attainment of Life and Salvation 1 Reason grounded upon Gods Propriety in all Creatures 2 Reason grounded upon the several Invitations of God to Mankinde 3 Reason grounded upon the sorrow God is said to take up upon the Creatures ruine The Objections with their Answers you have heard now I come toVses As Observation is the life of Understanding so Application is the very Marrow of all preaching As every line points at the Centre so all Sermons centre in Application Now if it be an undeniable truth That it is the good will and pleasure of Almighty God that every Creature should come to the attainment of Life and Salvation what Use then may you and I gather out of this First This may be an Application of Comfort to every Soul here present when he considereth the extent of the goodness of God 1 Vse Is God good and good unto All Did Christ suffer and suffer for All Oh what comfort may the consideration of this be to our Spirits How should we be ravished with admiration as Paul was of his thoughts of these words viz. That God had concluded all under sin that he might have mercy upon All Oh the heighth and the depth of the goodness of God! How unsearchable is his wisdom and his ways past finding out Now we may say with Peter God is no Respecter of persons for he is not the God of the Jews only but of the Gentiles also What say you to this ye fleshly Abrahamites Cease your boasting The partition wall is broken down She that was desolate hath more children then she that hath an husband which children cry Abba Father the Spirit witnessing with their spirit that they are the sons of God if sons th●n heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus Hallelujah 2 Vse In the second place May not this reprove the generality of the Clergy so called whose teachings are That God is good indeed but it is but to some Christ dyed indeed for the whole world but it is to be understood for some of the world which had a prerogative before they were born If the Apostle Paul or Peter when they went forth to preach the Gospel should have told their hearers My Masters We are sent to preach the Gospel of Salvation unto you but there is not one amongst ten that is permitted to receive the benefit thereof we are commanded to declare Jesus Christ unto you to be the Saviour of the world but you must understand he dyed only for a few persons that were elected from all eternity I marvel what entertainment or comfort such a
female Here is no limitation or restriction either of Nations or persons but according as Christ maketh it out Joh. 3.14 As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so shall the Son of man be lifted up that Whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God so loved the World c. In this similitude Christ brings to our understanding a Mystery In the History * Numb 21 9. we read of bodies bitten by Serpents and cured by a miraculous Ordinance of God We find also in the Mystery of the Gospel that all have sinned and are venomed by the poyson of that fiery Serpent the Devil and Jesus Christ is constituted and set forth as an Antidote to that poyson and Remedy against that sting 1 Cor. 15. So the Apostle hath it The sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the Law but thanks be to God which hath given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ This incomprehensible mercy was occasioned through Gods love to the World God so loved the World that Whosoever believeth c. Under consideration of the word World you may understand Gods indefinite Love to all mankind and by Whosoever no man as a person by any intention of Almighty God is debarred from the benefit of his Love * 2 Cor. 4 4. If Christ or the Gospel be hid it is unto those that perish whom Satan the god of this world hath blinded c. Jesus Christ being sent on purpose that Whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Object But this World that God so loved is to be understood the world of Elect and not all mankind Answ I answer That where ever you find the word World mentioned in Scripture it doth either imply the whole Creation as God made the World The World passeth away c. or the major part of men in the World The World lieth in wickedness We cannot understand the Apostle included himself and the Saints but the generality of people then living in the World Moreover observe it the world World is so far from admitting any construction in relation to Saints Elect or Believers as that it is generally quoted in direct opposition to them The World shall hate you Iohn 17. Ye shall weep but the World shall rejoyce The World hath not known thee They are not of the World c. So then it is evident That the World is no where rendered for Elect or Saints and the World here spoken of doth comprehend all mankind The better to rectifie this misprision see 1 Joh. 2.2 He is the propitiation for our sins and not for our sins only but for the sins of the whole World This the Apostle inferreth to declare the large extent of Christs Mediatorship from the benefit whereof the whole World hath no ejectment for saith * 2 Pet. 3.9 Peter He is not willing that any should perish which Negative produceth this Affirmative but that all should be Saved and come to the knowledg of the truth This Scripture with others afore cited may invite your credence to the Observation we are dwelling upon viz. It is the good will and c. Although the Scripture in its self be a sufficient testimony to confirm every truth therein comprized yet we find many Arguments by way of Illustration used as Grounds and Reasons for further conviction as we may instance in our Saviour when he refuted the Sadduces doctrine of non-resurrection God saith he as you grant is the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob Now God is not a God of the dead but of the living if so then of necessity there is a Being after death And likewise to his Disciples for prevention of immoderate care A Sparrow saith he doth not fall to the ground without the will of your heavenly Father and it is he that clothes the Lillies in their royalty Now consider Doth the providence of your heavenly Father extend to Sparrows and doth he so beautifie the grass in the fields and do you think he will be unmindful of you O ye of little faith I suppose my beloved friends the Scriptures quoted may evidently manifest the truth of the Doctrine yet I crave leave to offer to your consideration some Arguments for your further confirmation The first Argument that gives me to apprehend 1 Argument grounded from Gods propriety That it is the good Will and Pleasure of Almighty God that every Creature should come to the attainment of Life and Salvation is grounded upon the propriety or interest that God is said to have in all Creatures Luke the Evangelist recording ab origine the descent of Christ from Joseph to Adam shutteth up the genealogy in these words Which was the son of Adam which was the son of God Luke 3.38 That the Creature had a Being in God was acknowledged by those heathenish Poets and asserted by Paul Acts 17.29 Forasmuch as we are all of his Off-spring c. We shall only add that expression of Moses in his prayer O God thou art the God of the Spirits of all flesh Numb 16.22 The scope and purport of these Scriptures is to declare God to be the Creator and Father of all Spirits Abraham is said to beget Isaac Isaac Jacob c. that is the formative vertue which did create hands feet and limbs did proceed from the persons mentioned but the Spirit which gives Essence and Being to the Creature cometh from God * Simile A Window is said to light the house when it is the Sun for if the Sun withdraw his light as in dark nights may be observed the window lighteth the house no more then the wall In this sence God is said to open the womb of Rebecca when he gave life to the formative vertue so then men are said to beget men when it 's God that is the Father of all Spirits If a man have never so many children he wisheth the welfare of all as may be instanced in Abraham who provided not only for Isaac and Ishmael but for those children also that he had by Keturah Gen. 25.5 unto whom he gave gifts and sent them into the Wilderness How did David lament over Absalom an undutiful son Now if we that are wicked desire the welfare and happiness of our own children can we have such hard thoughts of God as to create a Soul on purpose to destroy it Behold saith the Lord All Souls are mine the Soul of the father and the Soul of the son I have no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth 2 Argument grounded upon Gods Invitation The second Argument is grounded upon the several Invitations of God to the Creature we read Prov. 1.10 these expressions Wisdom cryeth without she uttereth her voyce in the street How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity and scorners delight in scorning and fools hate knowledg Turn ye