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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85492 A cal [sic] and a vvarning, to all priests, professors and people, vvho have and do profess the Scriptures, that they may try their doctrines and practises by it, and may own condemnation in their doctrines and practises, wherein they are contrary to the Scriptures. And a tender visitation to the whole vvorld, that they may own this their visitation, and may be healed and restored to the Lord; and this may serve for a looking glass, wherein people may see what visage they are of, and how they stand related as unto God. / By a sufferer in Hartford goale, for faithful witness-bearing, against this sinful generation; known by the name of John Gould. Gould, John, prisoner at Hertford. 1657 (1657) Wing G1416; Thomason E932_1; ESTC R202329 27,259 37

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a common and a special light a natural and a spiritual light in man distinguish them asunder that we may know them one from another seeing the Scriptures ye professe speaks but of one true light which lighteth every one that cometh into the World which is uncreated if by your natural light you mean the Sun Moon and Stars and other borrowed Lights and created we agree in that but are they in man but if there be two Lights in man separate them one from another that we may know them or else we may freely conclude according to the Scripture That the light which is in you is darkness and how great is that darkness which hath overspread the whole World since the Apostles dayes which is got so high even into the Seat of God exalting himself above God and boasts himself as if he were God by making two Lights in man when God made but one and the Scriptures witnesse to but one true light and yet he 'le have two but knows not how to separate them one from another but he who dwells in the light doth and knows his to be darknesse and to ascend out of the pit of darknesse and confusion unto which he must be sent again even by him who is the Father of Light even of our Lord Jesus Christ God blessed for ever the God of truth in whom there is no lye but bears witnesse against the Lye and the Frogs and the Locusts and the Caterpillars which are ascended out of the bottomlesse pit and have overspread the Nations of the whole earth even all Egypt but they must be all whipt away with the Rod of Moses and sent into the pit out of which they ascended never to infect the Nations any longer for he is come and coming whose Fan is in his hand who will throughlie purge his Flour and gather his Wheat into his Garner but the Chaff will he consume and burn up with fire unquenchable for his fire is kindled in the earth which shall consume and none shall be able to hinder it till he hath consumed the wicked from off the face of the whole Earth King and Peasant who will not that he should reign Tophet is prepared for them of old and the glory of all earthly Diadems shall enter into it for thus hath the Lord decreed and who shall be able to hinder him or say Why dost thou so Wherefore O all ye Kindreds of the Earth high and low rich or poor Kings Nobles Priests Professors and Peasants tremble at the Word of the Lord for it 's gone forth and shall not return empty but shall accomplish the end unto which he hath sent it a fire is gone before him and it shal be very tempestuous round about him which shall consume all his Enemies till they have left unto them neither root nor branch in the earth til the wicked be no more nor the place therof know them no more O ye Priests Professors of the Scriptures and People are you not glorying and boasting after the flesh in Names and things without in saying ye are Christians and to you is committed the Scriptures and the Ordinances the Baptism dipping and sprinkling and Sacraments which the Scriptures no where calls so and yet are naming your dayes and Months after the customs of the Heathens that knows not me saith the Lord Search the Scriptures and see Did ever any true Christians my Saints and Servants so do Did Paul or Peter or James or John or Matthew or Mark or Luke whose Words ye professe do so VVhat do ye excel the Pope of Rome in these things Doth not he think ye glory in the same and in many more Names and Saints daies and carnal things then ye profess And were not the Iews your forefathers glorying in such like things Are not we Abrahams Seed And to us is committed the Oracles of God and yet were Enemies to me and persecutors and despisers of my life in my Saints for all this And do not ye excel and outstrip them in this also Did they make Laws that I should not speak publikelie amongst them Or did they not fasten their eyes on the Saints and say Brethren if any one have a Word of Exhortation for the people let them speak on Do ye do so O ye Professors of these words Or do ye not exceed many of them in crueltie in this particular For if I send any unto you in my Name do ye not laie violent hands on them and thrust them forth and hale them before Magistrates and to Stocks and to Prison with them we have a Law though ye have and professe my Words which say He that receiveth you and heareth your words receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me And can ye think ever to receive me or my Father who wil not hear their testimonie who come in my Name but if any come to you or are sent to you by others in his own Name him ye are readie to hear and receive though he tell you Revelation is ceas'd and so neither knows me nor my Father which sent me as my Words in the Scripture testifie O ye professors and people And do ye not crie out An Orthodox man a learned man a great Schollar a man of excellent parts and gifts preaches sound Doctrine a gallant Gentleman Mr. such a one a man of great gifts certainly he prayes and preaches by the spirit yet says revelation is ceast What spirit is it think ye he preaches and prays by who knows not the Son For none knows the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him Do ye think its the spirit of my Father that prayes and preacheth in him that knows not the Son nor the Father but sayes Revelation is ceast it 's ceast to him indeed because he 's a hater of the light and loves the darknesse rather then the light because his deeds are evil And do ye think his works are not in the darknesse whom it 's even a torment to to hear of the light and he had rather see or speak with the Devil then to see or speak with one who owns the light and walks in the light and so hath fellowship with God but whom think ye his fellowship 's with who loves not the light but is a hater of the light Must not his fellowship needs be with the devil who is the Prince and Ruler of the Darknesse of this World even the spiritual VVickednesse got into high places sitting as God in the Temple of God exalting himself even above all that is called God and would be worshipped as God And think ye this spirit is no where to be found but at Rome O ye Priests Professors and People Is it not to be found amongst your selves To the Light in all your consciences I speak VVhat means the Fines and close imprisonments of such who dare not swear and so break my commands for conscience sake and who dare not bow
A CAL AND A VVARNING TO ALL Priests Professors and People VVho have and do profess the Scriptures that they may try their Doctrines and Practises by it and may own condemnation in their Doctrines and Practises wherein they are contrary to the Scriptures AND A TENDER VISITATION TO The whole VVORLD That they may own this their Visitation and may be healed and restored to the Lord And this may serve for a LOOKING GLASS wherein People may see what visage they are of and how they stand related as unto GOD By a Sufferer in Hartford Goale for faithful witness-bearing against this sinful generation known by the name of JOHN GOULD London Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate 1657. THis following testimony was given forth chiefly as out of tender love to the Priests and Professors and inhabitants of Hartford and Ware and the countrey thereabout who lyes in darkness and ignorance under blinde guides and so are ever learning and cannot come to the knowledge of the truth and this is written onely for their information but may be serviceable in any part of the world among such who doth profess the Scriptures So let all the sober people of that countrey about Hartford consider and not wilfully contemn and despise the day of their visitation which now is upon them from the Lord that they may come to the knowledge of his wayes and let all other people weigh what herein is written for the very clear day of Gods tender visitation is upon the whole world Remember you are warned now in your life-time A CALL AND A VVARNING TO ALL Priests Professors and People c. O All ye people Professors and Priests of the world and to all others every where who have an eye to see and an ear to hear high and low rich or poor of what sort of profession soever whether Presbyterians Independents Baptists or by what other by-name known or distinguished who are seeking the Kingdome of heaven in outward observations Loe here and loe there in this duty and this daies observation or in the other performances as you call them Be it known unto you all from the Lord that you are out of the way it is not to be found there for the Kingdome of God comes not with outward observations neither shall they say any longer loe here or loe there for the Kingdome of heaven is within So said Christ Jesus to the Pharisees who were seeking the Kingdom without in outward observations so say I to you their children by the spirit of the same Christ Jesus whom your fathers slew and hung upon a tree for your new Moons and Sabbaths your calling of your Solemne and your appointed Fasts and Feasts my soul loaths they are even an abomination unto me saith the Lord for your hands are full of blood and cruelty even the blood of the innocent cryeth in mine ears whom ye like your fathers have shamefully entreated and crucified and hung upon a tree and yet are professing his words whom they slew and their words who witnessed him and preach'd him and your selves found in the same practise with them who crucified the just one and requir'd to let loose the murtherer yet ready many of you to say as they of old did if we had lived in those daies we would not have done so wickedly Oh what think ye will be in the end hereof when the just God shall come to call you to an accompt for all this do you think getting his words and their words to profess and talk of will save you from the wrath to come who are despisers and haters of their life both in your selves and others where he is made manifest and are scoffers and scorners at them who do witness it calling them in derision Quakers and yet make a profession of Moses writings and Davids words and Habakkuks Prophesie and Pauls Epistles who all witnessed Quaking ye Hypocrites search the Scriptures and see whether ye are not in their steps who despised Moses Law and made Songs of David and mock'd and slew the Prophets and persecuted Paul and ston'd Stephen which bare witness to and for the Lord and against your Idol Temples and yet make profession of their words to the light in all your consciences I speak which will let you see that you are out of their life who wrote and spake forth those words and are ye so foolish to think a profession of those words will save you who do not know nor witness the same life from which those words were spoken but are enemies to it and murtherers of it in your selves and persecutors of it in others witness some of my righteous servants in Hartford Goal whom ye have cast into prison some of you without the breach of any known Law of your own Nation and contrary to my righteous Law which I have plac'd in all your consciences unto which you must all be accountable in that day wherein God shall co●e to judg the secrets of all hearts by my Gospel which hath been declared even in your streets and Sinagogues if you had ears to hear O foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have written and all that Christ and the Apostles were witnesses of ought not Jesus thus to have suffered and to have entered into his glory is there another way for the salvation of your souls but him who is the way the truth and the life and can any come to the father but by him who is the light of the world and lighteth every one that cometh into the world Is there another Saviour save me saith the Lord or another Redeemer save the Holy One of Israel our King whom ye professors priests people with bloody hands have crucified and slain even him whom God hath raised up to be a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance unto Israel and remission of sins Have ye not evilly entreated his messengers and servants whom he hath called and chosen to be witnesses hereof in these your daies as your Forefathers of old did so do ye search the Scriptures which ye profess and see if they be not fulfilled by you and shall be fulfilled upon you as ever by them of old they shall hall you out of their Synagogues and before Rulers and Magistrates and some of you shall they cast into prison and shall do and speak all manner of evil falsly and despightfully against you for my name sake saith Christ yea they that killeth you shall think they do God service and this will they do unto you for my name sake because they have neither known me nor my father see if ye be not they and if this be not so O ye priests professors and people who deny the Revelation of Christ and say all Revelation is ceas'd and that none must expect Revelation now are ye not such as the Scriptures which in words ye profess but in life and power deny witnesseth against to know neither