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A77300 The riches of grace displayed: the second part. In the great instances thereof. In giving the son. Sending the spirit. Effectual calling. God's covenanting with man. By W. Bagshaw, minister of the gospel Bagshawe, William, 1628-1702. 1685 (1685) Wing B433BA; ESTC R230488 68,148 214

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the Wrath to come and he onely delivers those that are in him The last advice as to the unregenerate is cry they pray they get they all their Friends to cry and pray for a change of their state and frame that they may on good grounds say that Jesus Christ is a Propitiation for their sins and that the Father that sent him to be so hath accepted him as such O that the Lord who imploys one so weak as I am would Honour me in making me an Instrument of their Conversion 1. Study they to good purpose that they do as really need an Interest in this Blessed Propitiation as any in the World can do 1. Have they not many great sins to be removed off from their Souls and out of God's sight Did they not fall as far and foully as any in Adam Did they not derive as guilty Persons Rom. 5.12 7.24 so filthy Natures from him Is there not in every one of 'em a Root of bitterness Hath not this Root been fruitful in the unfruitful works of Darkness If all their sins particularly those of Omission were set in order before 'em If onely those that have been more directly against the Love of the Father and the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ were presented to 'em would they not be as a vast and terrible Army And if the heightning Circumstances of 'em were shewed together with 'em would they not render 'em still more frightful 2. Be they fully persuaded that no Righteousness which they can call their own will avail or signifie any thing as to the atoning of God and rendring him Propitious and Gracious to ' em The Bed is too short they cannot stretch themselves thereon The Covering is too narrow they cannot wrap themselves therein The injur'd Justice of God being infinite John 7.20 cannot be righted by any finite payments made to it Thousands of Rams Micah 6.5 6 7. and ten thousands of Rivers of Oyl are insignificant 3. Make they a just Account that to their Salvation a renewing of their Natures is needful As they are indebted so they are diseased as they need Pardons so they need Cares if God save 'em he 'l heal ' em 4. Doubt they not of the All-sufficiency of Christ's Propitiation John 6.37 7.37 or of the freeness of his Father to make over to 'em the benefit thereof upon their coming in and yielding themselves to him Assuredly if they can once get a sight of the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 they may with comfort behold the Glory of God in it All the Divine Attributes will appear then amiable all the ways of God will be rendred easie and all the Providences of God will become profitable even chastising ones or Rods will have Honey on the end of 'em which they shall taste 5. That they may be brought nigh to the Father and the Son and share in their Loves wait they in the use of a plain clear practical Ministry that the Holy Spirit may descend on 'em and they may experience the sweetness and powerfulness of his drawings God not seldom speaks to mens Hearts by his Ministers as his Mouth and Oh that Persons longed to find the Holy Spirit 1. Eph. 1.17 A revealing Spirit shewing 'em the King in his excellent enamouring Beauty 2. An inclining Spirit bowing their wills Psal 110.3 and bringing 'em over to embrace him whom they apprehend 3. An enabling Spirit empowring 'em to come to him that is able to save 'em to the uttermost from sins reigning Power here as well as from its ruining power hereafter O for a Spirit of Faith Is it not much more precious than Gold or Pearls Though it do not at all make the Propitiation for our sins it makes it ours Lest all I have said be as if it was unsaid to those who most need it I shall before I come to direct my Speech to the Regenerate set before the Unregenerate and such as continue to slight the Rich Grace of God in Christ some moving Motives One is Death is on its way towards 'em and every step they take they are a step nearer to it Their Glass is continually running and how few Sands remain in it it is not for them to know What if it should lay hold on them before they have laid hold on this Propitiation Job 18.14 Would it not be as it hath been accounted of terrible things the most terrible For 2. if they come not to Christ he will in Judgment come against them and as he is the sweetest Friend so he is the sorest Foe Rev. 6. last The wrath of the Lamb is to Grandees that are to fall under it full of Terror They that will not have him as their Saviour cannot flye from him as their Judge And to their shame and sorrow it will appear 1. This Judge is All-knowing No sin hath been committed so secretly as to scape his Cognisance He will bring to light the most hidden works of Darkness 2. He is also most Just and cannot be Bribed nor will any make offers of that sort to him 3. He is Powerful and they that fall into his Revenging hands can make no escape out of 'em Isaiah 33.13 14. His displeasure which cannot well be endured cannot at all be avoided Thirdly Will not the Torments which they shall be adjudged to have sundry of the sharpest stings in ' em 1. Will they not have the speculative knowledge of the great Love which God made offers of that so their sin may appear exceeding sinful John 3.19 and their Sufferings most righteous Knowledge shall be increased that Sorrow may be so Even where there is utter darkness there will be light that is terrifying The thoughts of Mercy that were most sweet in Life will be more bitter than many Deaths because it was rejected 2. Will they not have a sin to answer and suffer for which is not chargeable on Devils who never had Christ and Grace in him held forth to ' em Heb. 2.3 The Blood of Christ must needs lye heavy on those on whom the guilt of it lyes because the Merit of it was made light of 4. Yet the day of Grace lasteth and the Door of Hope continues open Isa 55.7 If the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and turn to the Lord making the Son of God his Advocate he shall in no wise be cast out There is in Christ vertue to take away sins against Christ and the Fathers Bowels will yearn over a Penitent that hath been a Prodigal Luke 15.20 The Lord turn sinners that they may be turned The Fourth Rule of Duty hath a particular eye upon those that are Interested in the Son of God as a Propitiation and consequently in the Love of his Father They should be found attending to and in the Services that are proper to and for ' em The first Service is Musing
THE RICHES OF GRACE DISPLAYED The SECOND PART In the great Instances thereof In giving the Son Sending the Spirit Effectual Calling God's Covenanting with Man By W. Bagshaw Minister of the Gospel LONDON Printed for Ralph Shelmardine in Manchester 1685. ADVERTISEMENT Reader THou maist take notice That the Reverend Author of this Book did begin to Publish something on this Excellent Subject in a Book Entituled The Riches of Grace Displayed c. in the Year 1674. To which this is a Second Part proceeding on several great Instances to the fifth in number which are mentioned in the Title page To which will be added a Third Part of five Instances more of the same Rich Grace to wit of God the Father's Justifying Adopting Sanctifying Comforting and Glorifying Persons The Subject is of the highest concern and this may be said of the handling of it That it is fully and yet briefly done And the Reader may be assured that as the price cannot be great so he shall not pay for scarce a superfluous word in the whole May God Bless it to the eternal Advantage of every careful peruser of it Amen ERRATA PAge 3. line 1. read manner p. 4. l. 21. dele which is p. 5. in the Marg. r. Commendabilem ib. Polus p. 14. l. 7. r. at Ibid. l. 23. dele say p 17. l. 16. r. O that p. 25. l. 12. dele he came so p. 30. l. 13. r. inflicted p. 31. l. 19. r. O that p. Ib. l. 22. r. pledge p. 48. l. 10. r. know p. 55. l. 10. r. cures p. 63. l. 14. r. yet p. 64. in the Marg. r. rependere p. 70. l. 11. r. desires p. 72. l. 14. r. her p. 76. l. 18. add is p. 81. Marg. r. against ' em p. 87. l. 5. r. and. p. 103. l. 13. r. do p. 110. l. 22. add is p. 122. l. 6. r. living water p. 133. Marg. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 143. l. 16. r. chearing p. 147. l. 4. r. of us all p. 154. l. 20. r. and design p. 164. Marg. r. malè colorata p. 180. l. 15. r. Context p. 182. l. 25. r. this p. 184. l. 2. r. removed p. 187. l. 1. add as well p. 193. l. 12. r. crys p. 203. Marg. r. Date THE RICHES OF GRACE The SECOND PART 1 John 4.10 Herein is Love not that we Loved God but that He Loved us and sent His Son to be a Propitiation for our Sins DId not Divine John carry Grace and Love in his Heart as well as in his Name BP Brownwrigg It was well observed by one of great eminency and is worthy of the observation of others that as he shared above others in the Love of his Saviour he above others shewed as well as bare Love to his Saviour Jo. 13.23 As he was the Disciple that Jesus Loved He was a compound of Love and sweetness he was the Disciple by whom Jesus was beloved and in the exercise of Love his fellowship was with the Father See Doctor Roberts as well as with the Son Jesus Christ Witness this Epistle 1 Ja. 1.3 and that part of it wherein my Text stands And he who felt such pure flames in his own breast was desirous to kindle the like in the breasts of others thence doth he display the Love of God before 'em His heart would not easily off from that Subject and it kept his Pen to and on it On that sweet string he struck in the Verse before this and on it he strikes again in this Verse wherein 1. The Matter treated of is Love Love in its height 2. The Matter of his treating thereon is as was usual with him 1. Negatively the excellency of Love lay not in Mens Love to God 2. Positively it lyes in Gods Love to Men. Of whose Love there is an eminent instance to wit sending His Son to be a Propitiation for our Sins The Text hath in it fair footing for sundry points or observations but it falls for my present design to touch only on this Doctrine 1. The sending of His Son to be a Propitiation for Mens Sins was an eminent evidence of the Rich Grace and free Love of God the Father Of this person's Love doth the Text and Context much treat That we are to take the word God therein personally for the Father is argued from his being distinguished from the Son and having that action which is especially appropiated to the Father Differentia est per propria appropriata Bp. Prid. manuduct p. 34. ascribed to him that is sending the Son Though there be no inequality among the Divine Persons or Subsistents there is an order and the Scripture speaks of the first Person Isai 53.10 as the first propounder and mover as to the work of Mans redemption And when the Text saith herein is Love or in this is Love it speaks as much as I have put into my Doctrine See the Eng. Annot I find it thus glossed on The very nature of Love doth herein appear One I remember expressed himself thus This is Love worth pointing at Mr. S. E. what if I say this is Love worth wondring at it is much on this score especially that God the Father is stiled Love 1. Jo. 4.8.16 which is full of Love Love it self And in the foregoing Verse it is said expresly In this was the Love of God manifested in this mainly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 though not in this only in this above and not only among other things that he gave his only Begotten Son 1 Jo. 3.16 So God Loved the World so wonderfully so as cannot be to the full expressed or conceived Here is a Sic without a Sicut So that good Men and Angels are fill'd with admiration This Love had no president Rom. 5.8 and shall have no parallel Commendabile reddit salus ad locum This commendeth or rendreth commendable the Love of God the Father particularly That we may take a fairer view of this his Love we will offer at the resolution of certain Questions 1. Who is it that thus declares his Love Is it not God the Father Did not the Son come and was he not sent out of His Bosome Vide Amyraldi Thes de peccato in Spirit Sanctum Now did not Mans Sin in violating the Law and first Covenant strike very fully at this Person from whom if we regard the order of the Persons in the Godhead that Law and Covenant had the first rise Had not He been what He is if Man had never been And could not He have Glorified Himself in Mans Damnation Rom. 5 8. Now that He against whom Man had Sinn'd should for Man provide a Saviour that he who was provoked by the World should send his Son for as well as into the World that he that is All-blessed should bestow on provokers this prime Blessing that he who could have honoured His justice should thus declare
Nostro loco instead of us and for Sin when He had none of His own to dy for yea for our sins that is to expiate 'em 1 Tim. 2.6 and take off the guilt of 'em so that He is stiled a Ransome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mr. Polhill one that put His Soul into the stead of ours yet they assign other ends of His Dying and exclude that great end of His being a Propitiatory Sacrifice at which my Text points 2. And do they not make way to their denying that Christ made satisfaction to infinite Justice when they deny Him to be an infinite Person They what in 'em lies degrade Him and deprive Him of the Honour of His Deity Officio non Naturâ when they say He is only God by Office and not by Nature Had He not been very God could He have made payment for the debts owing to God And whilst they thus detract from the dignity and death of the Son do they not draw a Cloud betwixt their Followers and the Love of the Father Had He not been His Fathers own proper Son and so of one and the same Nature with Himself Isai 53.10 or had not His Death been an Offering for sin His Father's Love had not broken out in such great Lustre But if you will believe 'em one great Motive which moves 'em to deny the satisfaction made by Jesus Christ is that the asserting of this doth directly thwart with the Grace of His Father How say they can Redemption be of Free-grace if it be through and for a full purchase But doth not this set one part of my Text against another and represents that as inconsistent with the Fathers Love that is rightly represented as the great proof thereof According to the sentiments of our choicest Writers I write what followeth 1. It was wondrous Love in God the Father that He would accept satisfaction at the hand of a Surety when He might have exacted it at the hand of every sinner See Mr. Bunsby on the Mediator Mr. True-man Though the payment made by Christ is valuable yet it was Rich Grace that it was not refused 2. It was wondrous Love in God the Father that this Surety His blessed Son was so far of His own providing that He is said to set Him forth Rom. 3.25 to lay help on Him The Scripture speaks of Him as the first Motioner of this matter Isai 53.10 as having the first hand at and in the Covenant of Suretiship and Redemption 3. The management of redeeming work by the hand of God the Son had the heart of His Father going along with every passage of it It s called the pleasure of the Lord His pleasure in the Abstract that wherewith He is exceedingly pleased He was pleased with putting His Son to pain as it had a reference to the freeing of Sinners from it 4. It is a wondrous Love in God the Father that He that gave His Son to obtain Redemption for Sinners sends His Spirit to apply it to ' em In a word Salvation is not a whit less a Donative or Gift to us because it was a purchase to Christ The Third Inference is It is no wonder that the Lord Jesus Christ is so precious to and prized by true Believers well may they count Him their Honour Do not the best of 'em most mourn 1 Pet. 2.7 that they do not Love and value Him more 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 His Grace is spoken of as transcendent and it bespeaks such a character 1. He came so He came freely according as in the Volume or head of the Book Heb. 10.7 8 9. it is Written of Him He was under no obligation to us and His Father that sent Him did nothing like forcing Him 2. He knew well how costly the work of Redemption would be and was foreseen coming Cant. 2.8 leaping on the Mountains of difficulty that were before Him 3. He also understood that not a few would make light of Him and His Sons Sufferings and the best would be far from walking up to and worthy of His Love And had not His Grace been so great to us yet His own excellencies had called for the best of our affections But at present we will present His amiableness in the Glass that is nearest us Jo. 4.10 This Doctrine teacheth us to set the highest esteem on Him See Mr. N. Heawood on this Is He not the gift of God the Father the chief comprehensive and conveighing gift the gift of His Heart as well as His hand the Messiah the sent and Commissioned one to make peace between Heaven and Earth and that by His being made a Burnt Offering and Sacrifice on the behalf of Sinners Should not the Son of God's Love be highly beloved The Fourth Inference is Sin may well be called what it is the Evil. Rom. 7. Surely the Apostle hath not wrong'd it in saying that it shews it self exceeding sinfull and intimating that it cannot be called by a worse Name than its own The evil of sin is seen in other Glasses but in none more clearly than in that of the Gospel That God the Father sent and set forth His Son to be a Propitiation for Sins doth speak and set forth the extream evil that is in Sin The Drowning of the old World See Doctor Arrowsmith the Burning of Sodom are not such full Proofs thereof as Christs being made a Propitiatory Sacrifice for the taking it away is It was more that He who was the God of Nature should suffer for it than if the whole Course of Nature had suffered I look not on my self as one competent for the determining of that great suit that hath depended among great Divines whether it was absolutely necessary that Divine Justice should receive Satisfaction that so sinfull Men might receive Pardon or in other words Whether Gods punishing sinners flow meerly from His Will or from His Nature also Vel uno verbo See Nortons Orth. Evan. from Cal. Whether He might as some have said have taken it away with a word or that in order to the removal of it blood even the blood of one that as to His Person was infinite was to go These things I with some confidence Write 1. The Holy Scriptures speak expressly Exod. 34.6 that God will by no means clear and acquit the Guilty Heb. 9.22 that without shedding of Blood there is no Remission and as Sin let in Death there must be the Death of one able to make a Compensation to God in order to the taking away sin See Mr. Burgess on Justif part 2. and some think it less meet to dispute what God might have done seeing He hath told us what He will do and not do 2. There are not a few Phrases found in Scripture Hebbak 1.13 that ascribe the punishment of sin to His Nature and not to His Will only and all are agreed that God
Moralists or Formalists And as to the former sort With what face or colour can they say they have received Jesus into their Hearts and have the Fathers Love shed abroad in them who are overmuch wicked Eccles 7.17 I remember with what seriousness a worthy Brother Mr. H. Newcome Preached thereon as the Preachers Phrase is 1. Wallow in the mire of Uncleanness or run into excess in Drink or over reach those they Trade with or inure their tongues to vain Swearing Cursing or Reviling 2. Add one of those Enormities to another having on them sundry black and broad spots at once And 3. Add Rebellion to sin hating to be Reformed rising up against the Reproofs under which they should fall down Is Christ an Head Tit. 2.11 12. to which such Corrupt Members are joyned Is such ungodliness consistent with Graces Teaching And so I fall on posing those who go no further than the form of Godliness Who 1. In abstaining from Evil are onely sollicitous about abstaining from more open Evils The filthiness that is in the Spirit to wit Contrary to 2 Cor. 7.1 Pride Malice Luke-warmness and Worldliness they indulge 2. Their abstinence from evil is separated from diligence in good they think it enough not to bear bad Fruit though they be Barren as to what is good as if not flying out into Rebellion was enough to make a good Subject Mat. 3.10 3. In doing Duties they are partial picking and choosing and onely taking the cheaper serving the Lord with what costs them least not communing with their own Hearts in self-examination not labouring to work truths upon and into their Hearts by Meditation not keeping up a Watch and Guard over their Senses and Souls 4. They are not for exercising their Spirits in the exercises they are engag'd in James 5.17 they are not for Praying earnestly or in Prayer nor for Praising God with their whole Hearts nor for hearing Psal 9.1 that they may Live 5. They when exercising some of the strength of their Spirits are not for exercising the Graces of Gods Spirit They cannot call forth Faith Love and Zeal who are void of them 6. Phil. 3.3 They are not for exalting Christ above and in the close of Duties nor glorying in him as the Lord their Righteousness covering their sins and presenting their Souls acceptable to God Let these know that as yet the Free grace of God in Christ hath not a special influence on them nor are they peculiarly interested therein The second Advice is Be they persuaded to weigh well that their present state is not a state to be rested in Be it known that the slighting of Christ argues 1. An Understanding dangerously dark that hath not discover'd 1. The indispensible want of him that he is more needed than daily Bread John 4.10 God can preserve mens Bodies without that but will not save their Souls without him Nor yet 2. The incomparable worth of him Did Men kow the gift of God and how this Sun out-shines all lesser Stars so that they disappear at and on his appearance they could not but fall in Love with him and follow hard after him 2. It is also an Argument of an Heart desperately hard hardened through divers Lusts particularly through 1. Pride The Heart thinks too highly of it self to go unto Christ Rom. 10.3 4. John 1.11 to be its Righteousness and too meanly of his Service to submit to him as its Ruler 2. Sensuality It prefers filthy Puddles before the River of God and had rather have its Residence in Styes than in his pure presence And it is a great Truth but no great Wonder that this sin doth immediately shut Persons out of Heaven and under Wrath what Remedy is there for those with whom the great Gospel-remedy is at an undervalue Will not all the Curses of the Law and with them an Anathema 1 Cor. 16.22 Maranatha fall on such as Love not the Lord Jesus Christ nor have recourse to him and to his Fathers Love in him that they may do so Whither will they Appeal that are cast at the Mercy-seat I will next apply my self to the notoriously Vicious and oh that God would say to them Micah 2.10 Get ye from these Tents Haste out of this Sodom Know they their Crimes are exceedingly aggravated from the tenders of the great Propitiation out of the Fathers Rich Grace made to ' em 1. Are they not against clear Light In this Glass may be seen 1. How deep the stain and pollution of sin is which onely his Blood who is God can fetch out so that it shall not be seen with an avenging Eye 2. How greatly the Nature as well as the Will of God is against sin yea how all his Attributes oppose sin Rom. 8.32 He spared not his own Son but gave him up to a Cursed Death when he undertook to answer for it 3. How willing as well as able both the Father and the Son are to receive Penitents into favour Doth not Christ's death set out this to the Life and with their Love is that of the Spirit presented in the Gospel witness the moving Lamentations over sinners Isa 55.1 2 3. John 5.40 the pressing Exhortations on 'em and winning Invitations to 'em And so 2. Are not their ill courses against dear Love yea against expressions of the highest Love as to the spring Evidences and Effects of it Do they not strike at the Heart of every Person in the Godhead And will not these blows redound and fall on their Heads that give ' em Mat. 1.21 Will not this be the Condemnation of thousands they with the resistance of Light and Love expected that God should save 'em in their sins who would have have sav'd 'em from ' em The Application is now to fall on those that rest on this side Christ the true Rest though in those cleaner ways to Hell as some speak Civility and Formality This is not their Rest nor should be made so one hour Till such Persons have Union to and Communion with Jesus Christ and his Father 1. Eph. 2.12 They are in the World without God in the World They have a better Air than Heathens but have not better Hearts at least not a better inward state than they They have more Light but not more Spiritual sight They have more Church-Priviledges but no more saving Grace 2. Their Services how specious soever and taking with Men are unacceptable to God if we speak of full and absolute and not of comparative acceptance their Fruit is not to Perfection 1 Pet. 2.5 and will not be to Salvation not growing on or from the Tree of Life 3. They have no Title to Heaven John 3. last but are Children and Heirs of Wrath. Their Righteousness doth not exceed probably it doth not equallize the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees 1 Thes 1. last It is Christ alone that delivers from
of Fathers inflicteth His Rods being in the hand of Love are to be kissed Lev. 26.41 and the Punishment of his Childrens Iniquity is to be accepted They should learn of their elder Brother readily to drink of the Cup which he puts into their Hand John 18.11 though it be a bitter one 3. In a chearful active forwardness in doing the work which this Father cuts out for 'em proving themselves Obedient Children 1 Pet. 1.13 14. 2 Cor. 5.14 15. This great Stream and Torrent of Love should carry to an abounding in Obedience What should they think too dear for him who thought not his Son too dear to give to ' em 4. 1 Thes 1.4 Col. 1.13 In an ultimate resolving of their Thankfulness to this Father the Father of Mercies from whom if we regard the Order in the Trinity they first arise to whom according to Scripture Order thanks are first and last to be returned 5. In a prizing other favours from this highest Father according to and on account of this prime favour the sending and Sacrificing his Son Rom. 8.32 Other things are choicer Gifts because related to and given with this Person From this Sun other Stars derive their Light Christ is the Figure before the numbers of other Gifts that puts the great value on ' em And so I come to shew That the Regenerate should in an eminent manner shew their love to Jesus Christ 1. His Person should be as the Object so in a sort the Center of their Affections Cant. 5.16 He is altogether lovely and to be loved accordingly 1. They should move towards him by degrees Psal 101.2 so far as the enjoyment of him is yet wanted The Husbands absence goes to the good Wives heart Cant. 2. last The Spouse desires Christ would be as a Roe for his swiftness in coming to her Have not some because they could not be so near as they desired to Christ and live been willing to dye that they might be nearer him Are not Duties is not Heaven most to be prized on account of * Phil. 1.23 enjoying Christ 2. They should rest in him by delight so far as he is pleased to communicate himself to ' em The rising of the Sun of Righteousness on and in their Souls should make a day there Doth not the Spouse speak in a triumphing way when she saith I am my Beloved's Cant. and my Beloved is mine Doth she not sit under his shadow with great Solace and find his Fruit sweet to her taste Is not his love to her better than Wine And doth not his Sin-slaying and Soul-quickning Presence tend to satisfie her Soul as with marrow and fatness Again Christ's Practice should be the Copy of their Conversations 1 John 2.6 He that was a Propitiation for is to be a Patern to ' em Particularly 1. In his exercising Compassion to self-opposing sinners His Eye affected his Heart Mark 6.34 when he saw the multitude that wanted Spiritual Food and Hearts to desire it His Heart set his Eye on weeping over Jerusalem Luke 19.41 when he saw what her sinful Inhabitants would reduce her and themselves to 2. In his resisting the Tempter and his Temptations with the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God Mat. 4. When the Prince of this World came he could not overcome nor stand before these Weapons which were not Carnal but mighty through God 3. In laying Zion's sorrows near his Heart Isa 63.8 Acts 9.4 10.38 In all his Churches Afflictions he was Afflicted was not the Head most sensible of Wounds to him 4. In conforming his will to that of his Father 5. Phil. 2.5 In going about doing good O that the same mind that was in his were in our hearts The last Rule of Duty is for those that have the Grace to take and follow the good Advices that have been given They may take my Doctrine as a Cordial May they may find its chearing Vertue 1. Under all kinds of Discouragement and Distress Whether 1. They be from what they find without ' em Do they meet with many and those heavy Crosses Yet the Curse shall not come to ' em Gal. 3.12 13. He that was a Propitiation was also made a Curse for 'em that they might be freed from the Curse due to ' em The Love of God the Father shall not be lessened or less manifested because they are in Suffering Parents Hearts use to be most open to their sick Children Or 2. If they have inward sorrows and be acquainted with those troubles that follow the hiding of God's face Psal 30 6 7. they may write on it They have not lost their Fathers Affection though they miss some desirable expressions of it Shall not the Sun break through present Clouds Will not the Son on account of his being a Propitiation 1 John 2.1 2. be an Advocate for 'em that they may at last be comforted and in the mean time supported Again From this Doctrine an Use of Consolation is rightly drawn as to those I am treating with In all Duties whether ordinary or extraordinary whether Prayer wherein they speak to God or Self-examination wherein they speak with themselves or Hearing wherein God speaks to them Though none of these Duties have Perfection Col. 2.10 the Propitiation which God the Father hath received from the Son hath So. I will give a further touch on one Ordinance wherein the comfort of this Doctrine to prepared Receivers useth to flow freely and that is the Holy Supper of the Lord which is not to be perverted as by the Papists it is into a Propitiatory Sacrifice but it is a Commemoration yea and withall a Communication of such a Sacrifice Yea See Doctor Cudworth and is well called a Feast upon him that was Offered as a Propitiation and so is to be Celebrated with joy and thankfulness which the word Eucharist which hath long been one of its names implyeth Both the Elements and all the actions about 'em tend to fill their Hearts with gladness who use that Communion 1. Penitentially Zech. 12.10 looking with pierced Souls on their pierced Saviour 2. Applicatorily putting the finger of Faith into his Wounds 3. Charitably pitying their Enemies as he pityed them 4. Longingly Psal 81.10 that the Blessing of the Ordinance may accompany it Is not Christ therein given to 'em who was given for ' em Doth not God the Father shew that he is satisfied And shall not this satisfie and solace ' em And as in the Consecration they may see the Heart of God the Father See Mr. Baxter in several pieces and in the Commemoration the fulness of the Son So in the Communication it is made out that the Spirit the Comforter is free to come from both with Comfort to ' em O that mine own Heart had been more inflamed with God the Fathers Love and my Faith more
exercised on his Son as Sacrificed when I was writing thereof O that my Readers Hearts may feel that force in these things which mine hath not May the Lord in whose hand all Hearts are awaken those that have slighted Rich Grace May Honest Hearts find that Grace as sufficient for so effectual in ' em Amen and Amen A Third Instance OF THE RICHES OF GRACE TO WIT God the Father pouring out his SPIRIT Zech. 12.10 And I will pour upon the House of David and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem of the Spirit of Grace AS there are outbreakings of Light before the appearance of the body of the Sun Ortus Solit luminis so there were outbreakings of the Gospel long before the Sun of Righteousness his appearing in the Humane Nature Though my Text was delivered in the time of the Law the Truth delivered in it had a special respect to Gospel-times and accordingly I find that day found mentioned in the Verse before it Interpreted Synops Critic from Drusius To strike all through as to that point we read under the hand of the Evangelist S. John that the latter part of the Verse before us was fulfilled John 17.37 when our dear Lords sides were pierced One Junius whose Praise is in the Church is for observing the Parallels and Agreements between places in the Old and New Testament hath told us that the Jews themselves have not dared to deny that this Text hath its Eye on the Kingdom of Christ I deny not that the words have first their face on the Jews See Diodati c. and some Divines conceive they look as far as to that National Conversion of 'em which not a few look for Yet I affirm that as the believing Gentiles are grafted into the same Olive the Jews were once in Rom. 11.17 so the Fruit of this Promise may be expected and shall be reaped by ' em One that excelled hath said Mr. J.C. that by the House of David we are to understand the Church of Christ Acts 2.1 2 3. And was not this Promise as well as that in Joel in part fulfilled when there was a plentiful effusion of the Spirit If the shower fall on the Jews sprinklings may be on other Nations On this Promise I have all reason to write Precious In which we have 1. The Donor or Giver God the Father not excluding the Son He is the first Person in the Godhead Acts 1.4 and the Promise of the Spirit is called the Promise of or by the Father 2. The gift as is hinted is the Holy Spirit 3. The manner of the Fathers communicating the Spirit which is expressed by pouring out and denoteth freeness and fulness 4. The Adjunct or Epithet of this Spirit He is styled The Spirit of Grace not onely as working Grace but as given out of pure Grace 5. The Subjects recipient of the Spirit the House of David c. Even such as had their Hands in the Blood of Christ And now we have fair way and room for This Doctrine The pouring out of the Holy Spirit is an eminent Evidence of the Grace of God the Father As the Son so the Spirit is his Gift The first Quaere to be resolved is What is here meant by the Spirit And the first Answer is I am not nor are my betters satisfied to go in their narrow Path that some take who allow the Lord to make no further Promise of the Spirit save of that general Grace and Aid of his which leaves the refusers thereof without excuse See Mr. Trueman in all his Pieces as if none could expect such special efficacious over-powering Influences as do infallibly bring over Persons to God Is not this to make the effusion of the Spirit rather an effect of Justice than an issue of purely Free Mercy * See Reverond Bishop Reynolds Is it not well accounted hard in those that dispute for their own Liberty as to receiving Grace to deny the Lord his liberty as to giving it Shall we say or think that he onely gives * Posse velle non velle See Phil. 2.12 13. and Doctor Ward on it the power to will but the act of willing what is spiritually good is without any peculiar causing of his Doth not my Text clear this that when God pours out his Spirit he will attain an end and effect of the best kind Persons shall look on Christ Believingly and Repentingly mourn for him The Second Answer is I no way doubt we are here by the Spirit to understand the Graces and Sanctifying Operations of the Spirit Do not these most pure and blessed Streams partake of the Nature and so of the Name of the Fountain The Child is called after the Father and so is the effect after the cause by a Figure much used in Holy Writ Gal. 5.17 Mr. Norton Orthod Evan. One who was Famous in both Englands by the Spirit understands the universal Created frame of inherent saving Grace Of receiving this Spirit we are most capable as it is also of inhering and increasing in us The Third Answer I see no cause to decline the Company of those great men who hold that where the Grace of the Spirit is given and received there is a peculiar presence of the Spirit of Grace the Rivulets are not cut off from the River and I find excellent ones willing to Interpret my Text of the Spirit himself as joyn'd with the Graces given by him To prevent mistakes and misunderstandings I add 1. I am far from going so far as some have done who have asserted not onely a presence of the Spirit but such a Personal Presence of the Spirit with the Sanctified as that they become one Personally with him Is not this Tenent rightly charged By Mr. Barret as affirming an Incarnation of the Third as well as the Second Person in the Trinity and the dwelling of the fulness of the Godhead in the Members as well as the Head of the Church Can this be freed from the charge * By Mr. Hollingsworth of dividing the Spirit and limiting him or seeming so to do whilst it affirms that he is Personally here or there in this and the other Saint and is not in other places and persons All care is to be had lest we debase the Spirit or Deifie the Spiritual It is not to be thought that the Spirit is so in any Persons Troughton on Psal 45. as that he should be the immediate and formal exerter of their Acts. It is not he but they that Repent and Believe though he worketh these works in and for ' em Agens liberrimum Nor doth he work in any as a necessary and natural Agent but in all he doth is a Voluntier and most free Agent Yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 13. last I have long been satisfied that the Communion or Communication of the Holy Ghost himself as well as the Grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ and Love of God the Father is with Gracious Persons He himself is the Author Upholder and Perfecter of Grace By him persons are quickned strengthned sealed and comforted They who had no touch of Enthusiasm or Phanaticism have made this Observation that the Spirits inhabitation is spoken of as joyned to the love of God as shed abroad in the Heart as distinguished from the New Man Rom. 5.5 8 9. See Pool against Biddle from being in the Spirit A late Famous * Doctor Tuckney Professor professeth his full belief that the Holy Ghost himself is given to and dwelleth in Believers and from their being styled the Temples of the Holy Ghost it is genuinely inferred Vide Baxteri methodum part 2. pag. 216. ut foederatus operator that they stand nearly related to his Person as on other accounts it is concluded that he is nearer than we can think to his own Grace and works in a Covenant-way on and in the Gracious Some Proofs that the pouring out of the Spirit argues the Free Rich Grace of the Father are now next us The First whereof is drawn from the consideration of the Dignity and Office of the Spirit As it is said of the Son Phil. 2. that he thought it no Robbery to be equal with God that is the Father the same is applicable to the Spirit And as he is a Person in the Godhead he is that Person that applyes the love of both the other Persons to us Dr. Sibbs Conc. ad lerum From the sweet dropper see words that bear this sense All things proceed from the Divine Essence by the Mediation of the Persons therein and amongst the Persons in the following Order from the Father through the Son by the Spirit Is he not the Spirit of Grace The Second Proof is fetch'd from our considering the meanness yea vileness of the persons on whom the Spirit is poured before he is so Are they not such on whom the Father might justly pour out his wrath Are they not Naturally in their Blood under guilt and filth Was it not thus with those Inhabitants of Jerusalem Zech. 12.10 who were Crucifiers of Christ The Spirit finds though he leaves not persons in a woful yea wilful state at frame The Third Proof is founded on a due viewing and weighing in what manner and measure the Spirit is communicated Is he not poured out most largely and plenteously Is not he in those that are spiritual as a Well and Spring of Living Water Is there not respect had to him John 4.14 7.38 39 when it is said Out of their Bellies flow Rivers of living water Is not every drop from the Spirit most sweet and gracious What Grace is there then in Floods from him The Fourth Proof ariseth from the Blessed Consequents and Effects that follow the pouring out of the Spirit some of which are pointed at in the Context 1. Is he not in those that are his a spirit of Prayer And are not Grace and Supplication joyn'd together Zech. 12.10 I know the Spirit of Prayer is far and far before the gift of Prayer but what gracious Christian should not value both Hath not he hath hath the Spirit of Prayer a Key to Heaven and its Treasure See Mr. Dod. Was ever Man quite undone that was in a Praying frame 2. Is he not also the Spirit of Faith Doth he not open the Souls Eye as well as unbare that Object its Saviour Is he not the Spirit of Revelation 2 Cor. 4.13 Doth he not help such as are stung with and for sin to look on Christ as satisfying Divine Justice Eph. 4.17 that he may satisfie Humane desire And is not the look Healing 3. Is he not withall a Spirit of Repentance Causing that mourning for sin that is of a Godly sort or according to God and savouring sweetly of his Grace being Spiritual 1. As to the rise of it being from him as working Conviction which implyes a clear abiding applicatory discovery of sin and compunction which carries in it griefs and fears 2. As to the grounds of it being 1. For sin as crossing the Divine Law and not onely as procuring Divine wrath and so is for the evil of sin and for all sorts of sins 2. For sin as piercing Christ and so hath love to him at the bottom of it and will be as a Spring still flowing 3. In the Fruits of it which are such as these 1. Weaning the Heart in some good measure from the World and moderating 1. It s Joy in the enjoyment of it 2. It s sorrow for losses in it 3. Tending to break the Heart from sin And 3. Rendring it more soft and flexible to God and Goodness Now who that gives what I have written the weight that belongs to it that takes a true measure Who the Holy Spirit is and how and on whom he is poured being as Floods on dry and bad ground and producing such an alteration thereof and Fruits therein can refrain from saying Here 's Grace to a Wonder May this Holy Spirit concerning whom I am writing and others are to read teach us to make a right Application which shall be first by way of Information Sincere Christians are under the greatest Bonds and Obligations possible to God particularly to God the Father Who can by searching find out how vastly they are indebted to his Grace Have they not all of 'em received a measure of the same Spirit 1 Cor. 2.12 though all of 'em have not received the same measure of the Spirit Of his great Love in giving his Son we have touched In that he who gave his Son to obtain should also give his Spirit to apply Salvation to ' em They whom this Spirit animateth and acteth are the Subjects and should be the Trumpets of exceeding Rich Grace Lest some that I have in mine Eye and on mine Heart should to and in their own wrong put away this word and the comfort of it from 'em and conclude that they have not received the Spirit I will take on me to pose ' em If you had no measure or work of the Sanctifying Spirit 1. How is it that you daily groan being burdened under the weight of sin even the body of sin which you bear about and that with respect to the dishonour that thereby redounds to God Rom. 7.24 Dare you deny that it is thus with you Gravia haud gravitant suo loco Or however your great desire is that it may be so and can you affirm that sin is so heavy in its own Element an unsanctified Soul 2. Whence is it that you see such a surpassing ravishing Excellency in Christ Jesus That when you are not able to say Your Beloved is yours and you are his yet you can say You had rather have an Interest in him than a thousand Worlds Is he not a Pearl in your Eyes A very None-such
1 Pet. 2.7 Not onely as making Peace for you but withall as bringing Power for subduing sin and carrying on Gods Service to you 3. Could you as you feel you do in some degree pant after Holiness and Pureness in your Spirits Do you not Watch as well as Pray against Spiritual defilements Phil. 3.3 Are not your Souls for Spiritualness in Worship Would you not have Faith and Love to influence the Duties you engage in Tell me if you can where those Hypocrites dwell in whom the three qualifications last named meet As for Profane Persons Procul hinc procul ite I may say to 'em stand off stand off From this word which I have applyed to these to whom it is proper and hearken to me that God may hearken to you The next word is very much for you For the Second branch of the first Use is as followeth They that are at a want of the Holy Spirit may hence learn to whom or whither they should go for him Should they not bow their knees and with 'em their Hearts to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and cry Pour O pour of this Holy Water thy Spirit upon us I should have more hope that this Use would be more useful to you if once you well understand your own case and state I may deal with you further about it ere long at present I propound these Questions to you 1. How can you think having the Spirit consistent with such diligent service as the Flesh or the World have from you 2. How can you pretend to be inspired with the Spirit that have not a great care to demean your selves well towards the Spirit and a fear to resist yea to quench or grieve him And O that you would give this a serious thought Can you with confidence look God in the face or hope to escape his dreadful wrath if his Spirit be not in you Could I see or hear of right relentings in your Hearts for your miscarriages with reference to the Spirit and breathings in 'em that he may breath in you yea and be a Guide and Governour to you how joyfully and seriously would I commend you to and commend to you the Grace of God the Father encouraging you to expect this great gift 1. Do not earthly Fathers even evil ones know how to give good gifts to their Children Luke 11.13 Will not the best of Fathers the Heavenly one give the Spirit to humble askers 2. Grace though long slighted Luke 15. per totum hath long Arms and hath 'em open to receive poor Praying Penitents 3. Qui dedit gratiam desiderii da hit gratiam desideratam Will not he that causeth Persons to desire his Spirit if they follow on desiring answer their desire Seeing upon the Fathers giving the Spirit to Persons both he and his Son will be Honoured by 'em and for his Sons sake he doth with his Honour give him The second Use for Reproof The first branch of the Reproof falls full upon them to whom the Holy Spirit and the effusion or pouring out of his Grace is matter of Drollery and scorn It is known that the men of Rome call Protestants in scorn Spiritists See Mr. Brownsword against Popery for their speaking much and honourably of the Aids of the Spirit May this Spirit reprove and convince 'em of this sinful sin May they feel his humbling work that so they may not fall under his destroying Hand Mat. 12.31 32. Are not all the Persons in the Godhead wronged when the Spirit is so Will not Arrows shot at Heaven fall down on their Heads that shoot ' em It is a Lamentation that any are so daring The second Branch is for or if you will against those that make vain pretensions to the Holy Spirit and his differencing workings when indeed they are too much strangers both to him and them O that they who cast off all or at least most of the Institutions of Christ did not cry up themselves as men who have most of the Spirit 1. John 4.23 24. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Doth Worshipping God in the Spirit exclude external Worship pointed at in the Greek word 2. Doth the Spirit speaking in the Heart contradict his speech in the Scripture 3. Doth Baptism by the Holy Ghost shut out Baptism by Water Doth drinking of or into the spirit 1 Cor. 12.13 make against drinking the Sacramental Cup that is set out by that very Phrase Should not Spiritual Persons use and prize Spiritual Ordinances The Third Branch of the Reproof falls to their share with whom the Spirit of God and his Gracious Influences are at an undervalue They neither have nor desire to have him Alas Alas is not this evidently their case 1. Who are sensual Jude 19. living in Carnal Pleasures being given up to ' em 2. Who are inspired with the spirit of the World 1 Cor. 2.12 Earth Earth Earth may be written on their Minds and Affections 3. Heb. 6.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Who are utter strangers and that out of choice to those first works of the Spirit which accompany Salvation or have it following ' em 1. Are they enlightned Have they a sight of sin in its sinfulness Of Christ in his Beauty and Glory And of Holyness in its Excellency and Extent Is their knowledge near so much as a spiritual one Is it any more than a meer literal one Hath it in it clearness of Light See Doctor Arrow-smith's Armella which enables Persons to discern things that differ or sweetness of taste for relishing what excels 2. Are they enlivened Doth this appear 1. By their crying or breathing in Prayer after spiritual things Acts 9.11 and Christ with whom they are given 2. Natura principium motus By their motion in other Holy Duties and by the vigour and constancy as well as freeness of it 3. By their sense of what tends to prejudice Spiritual Life Hath not a little living Child a feeling of a small prick of a pin 4. 1 Pet. 2.2 3. By their desire of proper Food and Nourishment particularly of the sincere and unmixed Milk of Gods Word that they may grow thereby Have they an inward concern about these things O that there were such an Heart in ' em May the Lord set this use of Reproof home upon those to whom it of right belongs 1. Shall slighters of or meer pretenders to the Holy Spirit be able to stand in Judgment surely they will not What then will be the end of those that take the scorners Chair and play not onely with sacred things but also with this most sacred Person except Repentance reach their Hearts 2. Will not this to those that hearken to him sweet Friend be found by those that abuse and undervalue him a most severe Foe Can Persons during this state endure the terrors he strikes into their Consciences How then will they be able to
Son may pray down and the Father together with him may pour down the Spirit on ' em Do they this 1. Humbly and self-judgingly Gen. 32.10 in that they are as far as any can be from Meriting one blessed sprinkling or drop thereof Are they not below the lowest Mercy 2. Earnestly and thirstingly May they who have been as the dry be as the opening Ground May they be taught to Plead as well as Pray O that the Teacher of Hearts may be their Teacher May he put into their Mouths such Arguments as follow 1. Lord the Promise of the Spirit is the grand Promise of the New Testament we are cast under that dispensation let us reap the Fruit of that Promise 2. Lord As thy Spirit is a free Spirit so the Promise thereof is a free Promise It is made to the unworthy and to needers Now into that count we fall 3. Lord if we have the Communion and Communication of the Spirit thou wilt have much Glory thereby we shall then Crucifie sin carry on thy service and exercise Grace for thy Names sake give thy Spirit to us 4. Lord though we do not deserve thy Spirit we are sure we desire him and we hope we do so that we may be fitter for the work thou assignest us We have this desire from thy Grace from it let us have our desire accomplished 5. Lord Thy Providence did order that we should come under the Baptism which is by Water when we had not a value for that Priviledge we were on the score and presenting of our Parents received into thy Church will not thy Grace confer on us the Baptism of the Spirit when we are brought to value it And with our Persons to present our Petitions for it to thee But methinks I hear some convinced drooping souls say You would have us Pray and Plead for the Spirit how can we do this without the Spirit Answ By a more common and general assistance of the Spirit you may Pray for his special Influence It may by such be further Objected Though there be a Promise of the pouring out of the Spirit we dare make no claim to it The Promises are made in Christ and made good to those that are in him but we fear we are out of him To such I say 1. Mr. Shepherd Mr. Calamy c. There have been and are choice Divines who have held forth that there are ablolute as well as conditional Promises To be sure there are Promises of Grace as well as Promises to Grace and troubled Persons that dare not claim a Title to the latter Ezek. 36.26 may desire an Interest in the former 2. Mr. How of Blessedness So Rich is Divine Grace that as an acute Writer writes Unpromised Mercies flow on every side us and Hope built on rational Probabilities is well called the great Engine that moves the World and should move the Objectors to pray for the spirit 3. They that dare not apply to themselves the Promise of God Psal 65.2 Soles audire Pool ad locum considering the goodness of his Nature and withall the Evidences thereof in his dispensations to Praying ones have great encouragement to pray for his spirit 4. Can it be thought that any have strong breakings and use earnest crys for the spirit in whom there is not some special working of his It may be some will still Object against themselves they have grieved quenched and resisted the spirit is there any hope they should be made partakers of him Answ Their case if truly represented calls for deep Humiliation yet on their being humbled desperation must be watch'd against Yet this free spirit is free to visit those that have carryed untowardly towards him May such Persons spread before the Lord their great Necessity and his great Bounty And when they most labour under a sense of their own unworthiness make they mention of the All-worthiness of Jesus Christ On this fair and broad bottom they may stand O that they were loath to be driven away from the beautiful Gate of Mercy or to be said Nay what hope would their case have in it The Third branch of the Exhortation hath a special respect to those who have a special Interest in the Holy Spirit and know what it is to have him poured out on ' em Be they excited to wait for further and fuller effusions thereof on their own souls Have they felt blessed drops they should desire to experience what floods and showers are Motives thereunto 1. Hath not God the Father the residue yea the fulness of the Spirits Graces and Influences to Communicate Is there not enough and enough under his Hand 2. Is he not as free as can be wished to fill those that are sensible of their defects Psal 81.10 Hath he not bidden them open their mouths wide 3. Did not the Spouse of Christ joyn'd to him by the Spirit desire that the North-wind might awake Cant. 4. last See Durham on the place Rev. 22.17 and the South-wind blow on her Garden Which expressions are expressive of the various Influences of the Holy Spirit Would not the Bride have Christ to come with further displays of his Spirit to her 4. Do not all the knowing know that larger measures of the Spirit are necessary Have they not Corruptions to subdue Temptations to resist Duties to perform and Graces to exercise None of which can be done further than the Spirit helps their Rom. 8 26. infirmities or * See Mr. Hollingsworth from the Word lifts up over against ' em 5. Is it not clear that a large portion of the Spirit is as excellent as necessary Is it not compared to Rivers of living yea to the best Wine 6. Will not this difference 'em from Hypocrites Are any of that number willing the hand of the Spirit should be on their special sin Or do they desire the Spirit may work in 'em Graces of all sorts To wit 1. Rooting Graces Humility and Self-denyal 2. Raising Graces Faith Hope Love and Joy 3. Spreading Graces Charity to all and loving-kindness to Saints Means for 'em now come 1. Wait they for further Communications of the Spirit in the low way of self-searching and self-abasing Psal 10.17 having a particular sense of their wants and weaknesses Are not the low Valleys usually Richest and best laden with Corn 2. Get they into the clean way of watchfulness Be they duly afraid of obstructing and stopping the Passages through which God the Father useth to convey the Grace of the Spirit which may be done 1. Through the thick clay of Earth by letting their Hearts lye too near it 2. Through the foul Mud of any base Lusts or inordinate appetite by suffering it to enter into Isa 50.1 and stay in their Hearts 3. Keep they in the High-way of Praises for that communication of the spirit that is made to ' em Psal 67. latter end Are not their Hearts most meet
His mercy Is not this wondrous mercy The Second question is Whom did God the Father send Was it not His Son and as is elsewere expressed Rom. 8.32 His own Son as the verse before the Text hath it 1. Jo. 4.9 His only Begotten Son Had He sent a Servant there had been Grace in the business there had still been more had He sent one of those Men that are his Sons by the Grace of Adoption or one of those chief Sons by Creation the Angels But His sending His proper Son His Son begotten in a way beyond our expression Modo ineffabili or conception not one Begotten Son of many and yet we find those that have many loth to part with one but an only Begotten Son a Son of the same individual Essence with himself Prov. 8.30 a Son that from Eternity was with Him and was His delight His dear Son Coloss 1.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Son of His Love this is Grace to a wonder and they that are made partakers of the saving benefit thereof cannot but wonder at it The Third question is What is implyed in Gods act of sending Ans 1. This Phrase must not have a force put on it Philip. 2.6.7 It doth not imply that the Son as God is at all inferiour to His Father Missio non tollit aequalitatem Among Men one may be imployed by and from others that are His equals Nor doth it intimate that the Son was at all averse to the work he undertook His heart was in 't 2. But it denoteth a decree and purpose of the Father thus to imploy His Son which was from Eternity and withall that the Son as Mediator was by the Father Commission'd to His work and we find the Scripture laying no little stress as on the work of the Son Heb. 10.10 so on the Will of His Father We may not well suppose that the Son would come and become a Sufferer without the consent of His Father If He could have done so would it have been of avail to Mans Salvation He that came freely was authorized fully Now that He should give him such a Commission as it were under Seal the Scripture speaks of Sealing him Je. 6.27 If also we consider that it is said elsewhere and just before my Text Dedit non vendidit dedit haud concessit that He gave him freely for what 's freer than gift He gave Him and sold Him not he gave Him and granted him not when Men were so far from deserving that they could not desire Him we have all reason to cry Grace Grace It 's next enquired Whither did God the Father send His Son Was it not into the World Jo. 1.14 the poliuted World 1 Jo. 5.19 the World that lay in evil as a Carcase lyes in its filth Sub potestate mali a World where he was to meet with the grossest abuses to be dealt with as if he had not been worthy of it Jo. 15.18 A Prince's coming from a Palace to a Dunghill was as nothing to this Condescension and Grace The fifth Question is For whom did God the Father send His Son into the World Was it not for us for the sake of such as we are 1. It was for us Heb. 2. and not for fallen Angels Christ took not on Him the nature of Angels He took not them by the hand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor was sent so to do The Angels that fell Sinn'd without a Tempter and they perish without the tender of a Saviour I am aware that besides what is hinted in the last sentence there are by some of the Learned some reasons or congruities produc'd why God should rather pass by fallen Angels than fallen Man but I fall fully in with such as would have Man to attribute this chiefly to His Will So Mr. Hopkins and good Will towards him He may think that if Angels had been Redeemed they would have been larger Vessels of Honour and did not Man Sin upon a small and for ought we know the first Temptation Again If we be from our hearts devoted to the Lord it was for us more than for other Men that the Son of God was sent Though there be in Him and in His Death a sufficiency for all the World Revel 5.8.9 yea for a Thousand Worlds yet the efficacy of His suffering and so of His Fathers sending is peculiar to the Faithfull Can we refrain speaking of God's Grace as exceeding Rich when we see him preferring us above Angels and many Men that are round about us Gen. 32.10 especially when having considered our selves comparatively we consider Eph. 2.2.3 that absolutely we are 1. Undeserving less than the least mercy and yet the objects of this greatest mercy and 2. Ill-deserving that he should send His Son to redeem us that might have sent His Wrath to consume us we are delivered that might have been destroyed The last question which will call for the largest Answer is For what end or on what Errand was Christ sent into the World Ans One main End and Errand is laid down in the Text which whosoever well weighs will cry out Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed on us He was sent to be a Propitiation for our sins We 'll first consider the importance of the word Propitiation And it is not doubted but in it is a respect and allusion to such Propitiatory Sacrifices as were used and appointed in the time of the Law See Dr. Stillingfleet against Crellius As there were gratulatory Offerings wherein the Offerers testified their Love to God with their thankfullness for his favours So there were Expiatory Offerings which tended to appease God and apply the pardon of Sin to Men and those were all of them Bloody ones without shedding of Blood there is no Remission said the Apostle Accordingly Heb 9.22 Christ's being a Propitiation 1. Implyes His being a sufferer and that unto Death 2. His being substituted in the room Idem and so suffering not only for the good but withall in the stead of Sinners as the Sacrifices were slain to prevent their being so that brought ' em 3. His so far answering and satisfying God His Father and making a Compensation for the wrong done to His Law and justice that on the score thereof He is attoned and Propitious and Gracious to believing Penitents He is their Peace Eph. 2.14 the procurer and effecter thereof what the Jewish Sacrifices were in type He is in truth I will not conceal that such as are eminently judicious do judg See Mr. Truemans great Propitiation that in the word Propitiation there is an eye to the Mercy-Seat or cover of the Ark that Holy of Holy's and questionless Christ is in substance what that was in signification and it s said He is called by the Name of His own Type 1. That
as to the matter of it was of pure Gold He is much more excellent and lasting than that 2. That in its use served to interpose betwixt Mens sight and the Law of God which was in the Ark Christ interposeth betwixt Christians and the Law as condemning and procures that His Father doth not look on and judg them according to it I add Scultetus on the Romans As the Ark or between the Cherubims that were at the ends thereof God did commune and meet with His people Exod. 25. In and through Christ it is that they and He meet and maintain Communion together And now we will make a little search how Christ is said to be a Propitiation for our Sins It is noted Psal 32.1.2 that the Hebrew word Translated Propitiation denoteth covering and no doubt Christ doth cover our Sins from the avenging eye of God But we will in our answer most regard the Propitiaton Offerings Say 1. They are not to be hear kened to nor patiently heard who say Non merita sed peccata duxerunt See Bish Brownwrigg Sermons pag. mibi 177. Ro. 6. last that some did procure so as to deserve this Propitiation all having Sinn'd deserve punishment even that that is everlasting 2. Our Sins made such a Propitiatory Sacrifice as Christ offered and was needful Had not He been Sacrificed we must have been Sacrifices to Divine wrath 3. The Lord who laid our Sins in respect of the punishment due for 'em upon Christ Isai 53.6 upon His account taketh off the guilt of our Sins and deals with us as to our Eternal state as if we had not Sinn'd It may be ask'd Is not Christ a Propitiation for our Souls I answer He is so This observation appears weighty the Physician healeth both his Patient and his Disease the latter by removing it See S. R. on the Covenant the former by recovering him Christ is a Propitiation both as to our Souls and as to our Sins our Sins He removes out of the sight of God our Souls He restoreth to the favour of God What if before I make a more formal Application of this point I lead others in the way of this Meditation Blessed Lord thou Father of our Lord Jesus Christ How is it that I who hear so much of Thy Son and of His being made a Propitiation and sent by Thee for that end so little see thine exceeding Grace therein And in my meer impure naturalls am far from having the Bowels of a Child but what other Father ever had such Bowelmercy's as those which thou shewest me through thy Sacrificed Son Had He not been a Sacrifice He had not been a Propitiation I have read and do believe that though every Reconciliation doth not a Propitiation doth imply a satisfaction made on behalf of Offenders Undoubtedly the Sufferings of Thy Son were in an Ancient Church well stiled unknown ones I cannot Fathom or take a full Measure of the depths into which He Descended when His Soul was made an Offering for Sin But sure I am the lower he stoops the better thy Love may by every right Eye be seen Thou wast pleased with His bruising as it had a reference to my binding up Was ever Love save that of Thy Son and Spirit one with Thee like Thine and that this heavy heart of mine was lifted up to Admiringsat and Praises for it Through Thy dear Son in whom mercy flows to me let my Soul ascend and present her Acknowledgments to Thee May Thy Love be shed abroad in mine heart The first ase of this Point shall be of and for Caution The first Branch is Take we heed lest we take occasion from this Doctrine to think of the Love of God the Son or Holy Spirit in a way of Diminution because it presents the Love of the Father in a way of Exaltation The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 13. v. last Rom. 15.30 and the Love of the Spirit are spoken of as eminent and indeed as infinite As there isno Division in the Divine Persons so there is no Division in their Love to Men but a distinction there is which is to be observed The second Branch is Beware we lest by our looking at this very great instance of God the Fathers Love our eyes and minds be taken off from other Evidences thereof His Love is Written and should be read in the Provision He makes for us Psal 68.19.20 and the direction he gives to us daily Though the Sun far out-shines the Stars the Stars are Lights and though God's sending His Son excell other expressions of His Grace yet His Grace is shewed and to be seen in the lower tokens of it Psal 23. David saw Divine goodness spreading his Table and filling his Cup. The further Application of the Point shall be reduced under Inferences of Truth and Rules of Duly The First inference is The Love of God particularly of God the Father is of an elder Date then the actual sending of Jesus Christ into the World this doth flow from that Gal. 4.4 this was in the fullness of time that was from Eternity Though some who place the very nature of Love in delight are less willing to grant that any are beloved till they are Converted yet my Text joyns with sundry others that countenance this distinction See Doctor Roberts Believers Evidences p. 6. There is a Love of benevolence which leads to that of complacence of well-wishing that brings on that of good-liking Love intended makes way for Love applyed I the rather insist on this because 1. This much tends to quicken Persons to Duty especially the grand Duty Love to God Should not their Love to Him be without end whose Love to them was before times beginning Love is no little valued for its Antiquity 1 Jo. 4.19 and no Love of Creatures is in that point to be compared with the Love of God 2. This conduceth greatly to the Comfort of Persons The best on Earth are aptest to complain of their unworthiness to have the Love of God continued to 'em Now this is cheering to such as are in their main desire and design for the Lord. He that Love 'em when they could have no worthiness will not cease to Love 'em though now they have none Weaknesses in time shall not make void Love that was from Eternity The Second Inference is The Doctrine of the Socinians is greatly to be disliked yea to be detested Is it not a body of Heresie A. Bishop Usher Dr Arrowsmith c. Have not Divines of the first Rank ranked it with Mahometanism Here I will only point at its contrariety to the great point I am on 1. Do they not deny Christ's being sent to be a Propitiation for Sin when they affirm that He neither made Satisfaction to His Father by His Death nor intended any such thing Though the Scripture speak of His Dying for us that is
Christ save the Name of Christ others have no more of him but the Notion of him and a third sort have no more of him but the Vizor or appearance of him 4. Without diligence in this work of Tryal there is little hope that there should be a true decision and determination of the point Where that Faith is that doth apprehend Christ it may be but as a grain of Mustard-seed very small and so lye less open to sight 2. There is a feigned and counterfeit Faith that is so like the unfeigned and sincere one that it must be a work of time and care and there is need of help from above to distinguish them 5. It is of great use and advantage to Persons to know how things stand with them 1. If they find they have not an Interest in this Propitiation this may prove a good step towards the attainment of it by putting on a Mournful Prayerful seeking after it 2. If they find that they are Persons of so good an Interest how may their Hearts leap for joy 1 John 5.12 He that through his Son is rendred Propitious and Gracious to to them will at last confer Glory and Blessedness on them The Marks or Signs which I shall lay down for Persons to proceed by in their Trying will be couched under the four following Questions wherewith I will adventure to pose every one that takes me for an Adviser 1. Hast thou felt as well as seen the need thou standest in of Christs being a Propitiation and thereupon an Advocate for thee Hast thou seen thy sins as moats in the Sun abounding Hast thou felt them as an intolerable burthen on thee Hath Divine wrath as due for them been frightful to thee Dost thou own thy best done Duties as insufficient for the appeasing of Wrath and satisfying of Justice how good soever they are in their own place Art thou afraid of setting them in Christs place Some things like these may be in Hypocrites and those things may not at some times be so evident to and in true Believers as they desire But where is there an Hypocrite that is poor in Spirit Mat. 5.3 Or a true Believer that in his ordinary frame is not 2. Dost thou when alone and meditating on the Rich Grace of God in Christ Jesus cry out O the depth Are those thoughts in thee that on a Death-bed were uttered by one of the ablest and choicest of young men What me Rom 7.24 25. Lord why me Shall such a one as I am have the benefit of this Propitiation Would the Father give his Son or will the Son give himself to me Hypocrites are apt to admire themselves and not Free-Grace or Free-Grace in order to self-magnifying Sincere Christians when they dare not say they have embraced Christ are apt to wonder that he is offered them 3. Hath thine Heart known what it is to be supported from the consideration of the Love of God and his exceeding Rich Grace in his Son when it hath been near sinking upon a sight and sense of the numerousness and heinousness of sin that hath beset yea o'erturn'd thee Canst thou remember the word speaking of this Grace upon which God hath caused thee to hope Psal 119.49 When sin reviv'd in Paul's sense of it it was the discovery of abundant Grace that upheld him 1 Tim. 1.13 14 15. The unsound Professor knows less of Heart-failures and if he have apprehensions of Rich Grace he is for making it a Cloak for sin And the infirm Believer that is less acquainted with Triumphs is yet through the displays of Rich Grace kept from being swallow'd up of Troubles 4. Art thou desirous to have thine Heart raised and enlarged in love to God Dost thou rejoyce so far as any have reached Glorying Love Mr. Baxter And when thou canst feel little more than what one styles Lamenting Love are there some stirrings of desiring Love in thee Art thou studious to please God And best pleased with thine Heart when it is readiest to run in the way of Obedience to him If thou lovest God 1 John 4.19 it is from his loving thee first If this Fruit grow in and from thee thou art joyn'd to the Root of Jess When I have written all I can yea when able Writers have done so many will trust as they speak and not try they 'l take it for granted they have received Jesus Christ the Lord though they have nothing like a Proof of it Be it known when men dare not bring their Gold to the Test there is great cause to fear it is not pure and right John 3.20 21. Truth in the inward parts doth affect and not avoid the Light O that they who are willing to try were Humble did attend to the Rule of Tryal the Word of God and did wait for the Spirit 's shines on them The Third Rule of Duty hath a particular reference to those that upon Examination do or may find that as yet the Love of God the Father and his beloved Son as a Propitiation have not been believingly embrac'd by them They should attend to the Advices that are most proper for them whereof The first is Be they willing to entertain Convictions that the Fathers Love and the Sons Blood have hitherto been slighted by them In order to their Conviction in general I shall offer what follows 1. What mean those low thoughts they have of the everlasting Gospel wherein Christ and his Fathers Grace are revealed The Feet of them that bring glad tidings Rom. 10.14 15. should be beautiful in their Eyes but their Faces are not Light from Heaven should be welcomed on Earth but alas it is not so 2. How is it that when the Gospel finds some Entertainment in their Heads it hath no better room and reception in their Hearts Their Hearts do not burn within them when the joyful sound is in their Ears 2 Thes 2.10 The love of that great Truth is not receiv'd together with it nor indeed are such with whom I am dealing desirous it may be so 3. Are not those of them that have some Notions of the worth of Christ far from a due and practical valuation of him 1. Will they sell all that they may obtain the Pearl of great price Is not there some sin or other in the Heart Mat. 13.45 to which it cleaveth fast with which it will not part for Christs sake Flesh-pleasing or Worldliness or Pride bear sway in them 2. Are there not some pieces of Service which they will not touch with especially those of a secret and inward Nature Do they aright come to Christ Mat. 11.28 29. who reject his Yoke 3. Do they when their Duties have been largest and their gifts highest keep up a sharp Appetite to Christ and Free-Grace And now I will offer some passages for the Conviction both of the Profane and of those that are at best but Civilians mere
Prayer Isa 62.1 filling their mouths with Arguments giving God no rest till he give in Spirituals to 'em and look down on his Jerusalem with favour Hos 12.3 being of Jacob's genuine Seed that Wrestled till he prevailed Gen. 32.24 28. and would not part with God without a Blessing 6. The Spirit also shews that he is eminently with and in those who being beset with Crosses hold up and hold out gathering ground and strength and losing nothing in the fire save their dross Was it not thus with Joseph Gen. 49.23 24. whose Bow abode strong when the Archers shot at him 7. They also are above many acted by the Spirit Prov. 16.32 Tit. 3.2 who have a more than ordinary command over their Spirits and Passions and are for shewing all meekness to all men and that when not a few Numb 12.3 nor those small provocations are given ' em Was it not thus with Moses the Man of God who in his ordinary temper was to Temptations to Wrath as moist wet Wood is to sparks that quencheth and is not kindled by ' em 8. The Holy Spirit doth eminently reside in and influence them who can stand in as fast Friends at the Throne of Grace for those by whom their Earthly Glory hath been eclipsed and those by whom they have been opposed and deserted Thus was it with Samuel 1 Sam. 16.1 12.23 that interceded so earnestly for Saul and the Israelites 9. So have they who when they have acted yea and suffered above many for God do still set the Crown and Honour as did Laborious Patient Paul 1 Cor. 15.10 on the Head of Free Grace 10. So also is it with them who are desirous to serve God as they are capable on Earth yet love the coming of Christ and because they cannot get so near to him as they would whilst they live 2 Tim. 4.8 are desirous to dye that they may be nearer him 11. This is also the choice case and state of those who highly esteem God's Ordinances and yet if to their sorrow they be deprived of 'em they can live upon the Lord as a little or great Sanctuary 2 Sam. 15.25 26. May those good Persons who cannot reach those greater measures mentioned be reaching after ' em And may none Bless themselves in their Hearts or state till they have on and in 'em those marks or signs of their having the Spirit which go under the name of adequate and even which all the Sanctified and none but they have 1. One whereof being led by the Spirit out of the love and allowance of sin and out of confidence in self-righteousness and self-strength unto the Lord Jesus for himself and for Righteousness and strength from him John 15.5 There is no Hypocrite that is for abiding in Christ and there is no weak Christian that dare abide out of him 2. Another is longing to find the workings of the Spirit more full and powerful They who have known the gift of God John 4.10 are for asking larger draughts of the Water of Life Hypocrites set stints and limits to themselves as to things of the Spirit A little serves their turn and usually they study * Minimum quod sic what is the very least and lowest degree in Grace as resolving to sit down there whereas weak Christians though they may attain less breath after more and have a real Spiritual Thirst on ' em 3. A Third is Spiritus es tres delicatissima Having a tender respect to the most tender Spirit of God and an Holy care and fear lest injury be offered him and he be as much as by men he can be grieved by inward and not onely outward miscarriages Hypocrites are daring and provoking not trembling lest the Spirits motions be quenched and his Graces lye unexercised and weak Christians accounting the Spirit their Friend are in their ordinary course loath to displease him The Second Branch of the Exhortation hath a particular respect to those who upon tryal do or may find that they have not the Spirit as to any special Interest in and influence from him Be they exhorted to wait in God's way that he would pour out of the Spirit on ' em Under this Head will fitly fall several Directions the Lord direct 'em to their Hearts to whom they belong The First is Be they willing to see that the Spirit of Grace is not in ' em Till their wants appear a supply will not be sought Mat. 9 12. The whole feel not their need of a Physician and so will not make out to and for him Besides what I have offered for their Conviction before I desire they would thus pose themselves 1. Do they study to shew forth the Vertues of Christ Who received not the Spirit by measure 1 Pet. 2.9 from whom all his receive a measure of the Spirit John 1.14 16. Is it in their Aims to be Humble Meek Pure Compassionate Active and Heavenly as he was 2. Have they warm Hearts for such as are and appear Spiritual Do they Love their Society in Spiritual Exercises Do they not rather seek occasions against 'em 1 John 5.1 and take up evil reports of 'em and interpret their real weaknesses to be manifest Wickedness 3. Is Spiritual Worship and Spiritualness in Worship prized and panted after by ' em Phil. 3.3 Do they any thing like Worshipping God in the Spirit O that they that have not the Spirit had their Eyes opened and that state discover'd to ' em The Second Direction is When once they feel their want of the Spirit they should see what a miserable case that is and tremble lest they live and die in it Whilst they live 1. Can they carry on the death of any one sin Rom. 8.13 Will sin dye of it self Or by any Wounds save those which the Holy Spirit makes and gives 2. Can they expect that any Service in which he breaths not will be sweet and acceptable to God Joh. 4.23 24. Doth he not seek such to Worship him as do it in Spirit When they dye if they dye as now they live 1. Have they either Title to or meetness for Heaven 1 Pet. 4.14 Doth not the Spirit fill all the Vessels of Mercy and Glory Could they desire to stay in Heaven if they had admittance into it who want the Spirit of Glory 2. Is not wrath their Portion Will not the Spirit for ever fill those with Confusion that made void all his strivings with 'em in order to their Conversion Will he not be a terrifying Spirit where he hath not been a Sanctifying Spirit Heb. 10.29 And will not wrath lye heaviest on those that have made the greatest resistance to him The Third Direction is When a due sense and fear as to their present state is on 'em cry they in the name of Christ unto God the Father John 14.16 that the
Isa 62.1 2 3. Breathing much after the flourishing of Zion For her sake not being silent but praying that she may have Peace Peace freedom from Divisions within Psal 122.6 and not onely Persecutions from without that her Children may resemble their Heavenly Father and be full of Soul-prosperity The Ninth is Keeping up a Watch against all sin Mark 13. last and temptations thereunto Carrying in mind that the World is their great Adversary 1 John 2.16 Haec tria pro trino numine mundus habet and its Profits Pleasures and Honours are the great Baits it lays to ensnare ' em The last is Prizing Heaven as it is a place and seat of perfect Holiness and accordingly making preparations for it in exercising true and endeavouring for more through Purity I much fear many will trust and not try and too many will be slighty in their trying and not beg that God would search and try ' em Psal 26.2 If upon Tryal weaker Christians do find any one sure mark with a desire that the rest may be found on 'em it is a good sign More good Divines than one have said Dr. Sibbs Mr. Hollingsworth One right Grape cannot grow on a Thorn But let the unsound know their going about to divide between Graces and Duties is of ill signification The Fifth Inference is They who have not heard the voice of God nor known what his Calling is should not rest in their present condition but call on him whose Calls have Power in 'em to give 'em the Call they have heard and read of Know they 1. As far as any of 'em are off he can easily make 'em hear 2. As vile as any of 'em are John 5.25 1 Tim. 1.15 his Grace can fully forgive 'em and move him to call 'em Of this Paul had full Proof And in order to their being so Priviledged 1. May they be for seating themselves under a Ministry in which there is plainness 1 Cor. 1.21 clearness and seriousness thereby God usually calls 2. May they use all earnestness as those that would not be denyed Prov. 2.2 3 4. 3. Job 42.8 John 14.16 May they engage the Prayerful to engage in Prayer for ' em 4. May they when they dare not say they have an Interest in Christ Pray that he would take 'em into and bear 'em on his Heart and prevail with his Father to speak so to 'em by his Spirit that they cannot but hear O that there were such hearts and workings in sinners The Sixth and last Inference is They that are indeed and in truth the Lord 's Called ones 1 Pet. 2.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 should shew forth the Vertues and thereby the Praises of him that hath called'em 1. Psal 103.1 Should not their Hearts lead in their Praisings Should not all their Powers and Forces be called into this Service Are they not above others engaged and enabled thereunto 2. Psal 149.6 Should not the High Praises of God be in their mouths Should not the Calves of their Lips be offered to God 3. Eph. 4.1 Should not their Lives be referred to his Honour That they may be so May the Twenty Rules following be attended to O that they were more Answer'd by em 1. Psal 139.1 2 7. He is totius oculas Live they in and under a full and powerful apprehension of God's Omniscience Is he shut up or shut out any where And doth he not see their ways and Hearts with whom he is 2. Omne honum in summo bono Maintain they a constant dependence on God's All-sufficiency Is not all good bound up in the chief good Cannot he easily supply all wants Gen. 17.1 support under all pressures and fit for all Services 3. May there be on and in 'em abiding and influencing thoughts of the extream evil of sin See Dr. Goodwin c. Rom. 7.13 Is it not as truly as usually said A worse name than its own cannot be given it O that it more appear'd in its own ugly colours 4. Do they frequently review and reflect on the dishonour done to God by their sins past Psal 40.12 especially their heightened ones Can they fully number or weigh ' em And should not the sight of their black feet be very humbling to ' em 5. Take they into serious Consideration the shortness and insufficiency of their own Righteousness As to appeasing the wrath satisfying the Justice and procuring the favour of God Phil. 3.7 8. can Raggs cover ' em Can defiled Raggs cleanse ' em 6. Be they much in admiring the Riches of Grace which hath fully provided for 'em and the design thereof carried on by Christ for ' em Micah 7.19 Is not Gods Grace as the depths of the Sea which they cannot fathom And as the heights of Heaven which they cannot reach And doth not Grace that brought Christ down from Heaven to Earth intend to bring them up from Earth to Heaven 7. Keep they as near as near may be to the Blessed Jesus Gal. 2.20 Close they with his Person apply they his Righteousness and imitate they his Example May he lye Day and Night between their Breasts May they live on him as All and in All 8. Prize they the special Presence and wait they for the special Assistance of the Holy Spirit Gal. 5.16 May he more and more inspire their Souls and Services May he subdue their Corruptions and draw out their Graces 9. Keep they their Hearts under a deep and endearing sense of God's many great and choice Mercies to ' em How precious have his thoughts been to them-wards Rom. 12.1 Can they know the sum of ' em And hath not his hand of Grace in sundry Instances been lifted up high 10. Be they for out-shooting the Heathens in their own Bow and out-stripping 'em in the Vertues wherein they excell'd * See Reverend Mr. Porter This hath been styled borrowing the Jewels of the Egyptians and gathering the Flowers in Natures Garden to deck themselves with It 's a shame that they in and of the Church should be less sober chaste 1 Cor. 5.1 or just than some our of it 11. Study they to be extraordinary adorning the Doctrine of their Saviour in all things Tit. 2.10 May their Beds and Boards may their Shops and Fields may their employments and refreshments carry a mark of Holiness on ' em Zech. 14. last 12. Husband they their time and the seasons of Grace therein afforded to the best purpose and profit Eph. 5.15 May they not willingly trifle or squander away one Golden Hour but fill up every day with proper Duty 13. Be they for making a good use of the Word and Works of God Be they loath to be as leaking or broken Vessels Heb. 2.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See the late Reverend Dr. Owen thereon lest they take in Errors or let slip
2. Did not the Holy Spirit strive with you Mat. 11.28 and persuade you to do it 3. Were you not sometimes under convictions and good inclinations First Will you offer to say Covenanting with God is more than needeth I say 1. Let Scripture be judge of that Do not its Precepts enjoyn it Its Promises encourage it And its Paterns lead to it 2. Have you not done it Sacramentally Is it any more than Baptism binds to 3. Isa 45. latter end 56.5 6. Will not this at Death and Judgment appear one thing necessary 4. Will you not be undone for ever if this be not done What will it avail you that the Church is your Mother if God in a Covenant-way be not your Father Will not all your external performances Mr. S. Shaw yea and your pretensions to glory in Christ's Righteousness be construed as an Essay to bribe the Lord that he fall not on you whilst you resolve not to be his through and through Secondly Will you say you are not yet at leisure to attend this business I will say 1. What then have you leisure for Or for what end is further space given you Is it not in order to your Repentance In which Covenanting with God is included 2. Do those employments or enjoyments with which your time is taken up satisfie you Rev. 2.21 Have not the fairest Roses that grow in Natures Garden prickles about ' em 3. Jer. 2.27 Shall you not at Death be sent to those Comforts you so doted on in the time of Life that you neglect God Will they not then be burdens to you Thirdly Will you say It is a Summers day to Night hereafter you 'l Covenant with God I will say 1. In whose Hand is your time Is it not in his you stand off from Cannot he soon end it 2. If your time continue may not seasons and strivings of Grace cease This Tide may be the last 3. Psal 31.15 You speak as Persons unconcern'd in the Honour of God If you were sure he would accept your last fruits Mat. 6.33 should you not out of choice give him your first-fruits Is the best you have good enough for him Fourthly Do you plead you have otherwise disposed of your selves You are in Covenant with some sin and will not be so with God The Reply is ready 1. This is plain dealing but are you not ashamed on 't 2. Quo Warranto By what Right did you give away your Hearts Are they not by right the Lords Ezek. 18.4 3. Your disposal is illegal and so void * Ipso facto in and on your doing it 4. The Obligation to Covenanting with God is on you may you through grace answer it Fifthly Do you say you have Covenanted with God I Answer That is very good if very true Attend you well to what will be next offered you The Third Use is for Exhortation The first Branch is general Be we all excited to look and long that there may be on and in us such Characters as will be Proofs that our Covenanting with God is sincere 1. May we clearly apprehend and highly esteem the just and honourable terms required in and of those that do so Covenant to wit sin-disliking Jer. 24.7 self-disclaiming and Saviour-accepting May our Hearts say These terms we like 2. Rom. 7.24 11.28 May we inwardly and daily grieve for Original sin and for this branch of it averseness to close with Gospel-tenders and to glorifie Christ to which his Spirit leads 3. May we when in secret and seriousness much admire that Rich Grace that founded the Covenant and hath been set before it 4. John 6.44 May we feel a need of special Grace to bring into and keep in this Bond May we be sensible that the Fathers drawings brought us to and the Spirits Influences hold us in Christ 5. May we find this Bond forcible on us restraining us from sin when tempted to it and constraining us to Duty when prone to decline it Do we say to purpose we have made a Dedication of our selves to the Lord his Vows are on us how can we slight him 6. 1 Sam. 30.6 7. 2 Sam. 23.5 Do we from this Covenant fetch our supports under down-castings in distresses and upon the apprehensions of Death Holy was David that saw and went this good way O that all Readers Souls breathed after such Expereinces The Second branch is more particular They who have not engaged their Hearts to approach to God should be at unrest till it be done To them The First Direction is Get they a good Understanding of those great Points of Divinity that are related to the Covenant Jer. 24.7 Doth not God give those with whom he Covenants an Heart to know him Is not Covenanting an Act of the Intelligent O that all were clear as to these Heads 1. Man cannot have Communion with God except God greatly condescend 2. That God Covenants with him is a great condescension and honour to Man 3. That Man broke the first Covenant was very sinful unfaithfulness was with undutifulness 4. Every Child coming from Adam in the ordinary way by that breach is a Child of wrath 5. It 's no small part of the Curse on man that he seels not his state nor desires a change of it 6. Except the Covenant-state of Persons be chang'd they cannot stand in Judgment 7. It 's the wonder of Angels God will transact with men in a new way 8. The New Covenant is made in and through a Mediator 9. This Mediator Christ is a compleat one being God-man a Priest to God and a Prophet and King to men obtaining declaring and applying Salvation 10. To the Mediation of the Son the Ministration of the Spirit is graciously added 11. That Persons may have benefit by Christ they must be joyned and married to him 12. None will consent to Christ till convinced they absolutely need him 13. Grace that joyns to Christ doth still aid those that are in him 14. All that are in Christ are for dying to sin and living to Righteousness 15. They who partake of Covenant-grace shall partake of Covenant-glory and together with understanding these Points Persons should understand concerning the Action of Covenanting 1. That it is a free Action Being a Marriage-covenant choice is requisite 2. It is a deliberate Action grounded on the strongest Reasons 3. It is a Resolute Act A Covenanter is to be against revoking his Choice The Second Direction is Feel they as well as see a necessity of Covenanting both that of Precept Praecepti medii 2 Chron. 30 7. Data manus 1 John 5.12 and that of means as to attaining Heaven Yield they themselves give they their Hands and Hearts to him He that hath not the Son so as to Covenant with the Father through him hath not Life he hath neither right to nor fitness for it The Third Direction Be they for a