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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18645 The declaracyon and power of the Chrysten fayth 1545 (1545) STC 5160; ESTC S109151 9,457 30

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and more that thou mayest be fu●● shapen lyke vnto the ymage of Chryst in knowlege and loue for that is good and accepted in the sight of god our sauyour whiche wyll haue all men saued and to come vnto the knowledge of the truthe ¶ Nowe that all men shulde the better vnderstande all trewe chrysten the whiche must fyrste haue a stedfast fayth an trust in almyghty god to obtayne al the mercye that he hath promysed vs thorowe the deseruynge and merytes of Chrystes blode onely And secondarely must he for sake all euyll and tourne to God to kepe his wayes to fyght agaynst hym selfe and his corrupte nature ꝑpetually that he may do the wyl of god euery day better and better For fayth in God the father thorowe our lorde Iesus Chryst accordynge to the couenauntes appoyntement made betwene god and vs is our saluacyon Further ye maye se cōmynge from God vnto the beleuynge man dy●ers fruytes of the holy spyryte for you ●●st vnderstande that we are borne a new not of mortall sede but of immortall by the worde of god whiche is sent vs from heauen Iacobi .i. Euery good gyft and euery perfyt gyft is from aboue and cōmeth downe from the father of light with whome is no veryablenes neyther is he chaūged vnto darkenes And also Ro. v. sayinge the loue of god is shed abrode in oure hertes by the holy Ghoste for the fruytes of the spyryte is in all goodnes rightwysnesse trueth Ephe. v. Gal. v. and agaynst such there is no lawe for yf we mortyfye the dedes of our bodyes by the helpe of the spyryte we shall lyue and as many as are led by the spryte of God they are the sones of God For we haue not receyued the spryte of bondage to fere any more but we haue receyued the spyryte of adopcyon wherby we crye Abba father The same spyryte certyfyeth our sprite that we are the sones of god Ro. viij ANd aso as the holy scrypture sheweth that fayth hope pacyēce ry●● wylnes peace loue that be sygnes and tokens of the fruyte that spryngeth of those vertues as fayth a herte bycause the beleue of the herte iustyfyeth c. Ro. x. And God maketh the hert pure thorowe beleue Act. x. whiche beleue worketh alwayes the wyll of God for by grace are we made saufe thorowe fayth and that not of our selues for it is the gyfte of god and cōmeth not thorow workes lest a●● man shuld boste hym selfe for we are h●● workemanshyp created in Chryste Ies●● vnto good workes Ephe. ij For a good man out of the good treasure of his herte bryngeth forthe good thynges for it is not possyble to please God wtout fayth Hebre. xj ALso Hope hath heuen bycause that the chrystens hope is onely in heauen lokynge abydynge pacyently after that thynge that is promysed to ●ome onely thorowe the grace and mer●● of god as we hope after euerlastynge ioy whiche Chryste hath promysed vnto all that beleue and haue stedfast hope in hym sayinge feare not lytle flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to gyue you a kyngedome Luc. xij Therfore do we reioyce in hope Ro. xij whiche rychesse is Chryste in you the hope of glorye Col. j. For and we reioyce in the true hope whiche cōmeth of fayth and do fele the promysse of goddes mercy within our hertꝭ then althoughe the lawe wold vs straytely condempe and that hell also wolde vs deuoure and all synne withall our ennemyes wolde fall vpon vs yet shall they all haue no power ouer vs yf that oure perfyt hope trust be in god marke with strōge fayth what Christ onely thorowe his bytter death hath deserued for vs. ALso Pacyence hath a scourge bycause the chrysten hath alwayes in the worlde trybulacyons afflyccyons necessyte anguysshe strypes c. 〈◊〉 whiche he reioyseth greatly Ro. v. 〈◊〉 the father of mercy comforteth them in all theyr persecucyons for vnto you it is gyuen that not onely ye shulde beleue on chryst but also suffre for his sake Phi. j. Thus all that wyll lyue godly in Chryst Iesu must suffre persecucyons ij Ti. iij. for trybulacyon bryngeth pacyence pacyence bryngeth experyence Ro. v. let pacyence therfore haue her perfyt worke that ye maye be perfyt sounde for they that are Chrystes haue crucyfyed the flesshe with the appetytes and lustes Ga. v. bi● saynt Peter sayeth j.iiij se that none of you suffre as a murtherer or a these or an euyl doer but yf any man suffre as a christen man let hym not beshamed but lette hym gloryfye God on this behalfe Oure lorde sayeth in the worlde shall ye haue trybulacyon but be of good chere I haue ouercome the worlde Iohn̄ .xvj. Therfore can no man enter in to the fathers kyngedom but thorowe manyfolde temptacyons as our Lorde with his ●postles be that we folowynge theym nyght be founde vnto laude glory and honour at the aperynge of Iesu Chryst our Lorde .i. Pet. i. FVrther ryghtwysnes that is purchased by Chryst which also hath promysed it to all his elect thorowe perfyte fayth in his blode saying blessed ar they which suffre ꝑsecucyō for ryghtwysenes ●●●e for theyrs is the kyngdome of heuen ●●r chryste onely is our ryghtwysenesse ●nd the ende of the lawe to iustify all that ●eleue .i. Co. i. Ro. ix.x. You must marke ●hat there is two maner of ryghtwyse●es the which be workes faith Nowe ●he ryghtwysenes of workes is when a ●an without fayth thorowe Ipocresy ●yll fulfyll with his workes the lawe of ●od lyke vnto the Pharesies Luc. xviii ALso the Israelites had a feruēt mynde to godwarde but it was not ac●●rdynge to knowlege for they were ly●● as the most parte of vs nowe are v●ry ygnoraūt of the ryghtwysnes of god and therfore are not obedient therunto bycause we seke it not by fayth but as it were by our good workes lyke vnto the learned of the scripture the Pharisies Luc. v. To whome Chryste sayde I cam not to call the ryghtwyse but synners to repentaunce Therfore the holy Ghoste shal rebuke the worlde of ryghtwysnes Iohn̄ .xix. bycause the world wyll be made ryghtwyse by theyr good workes but except that your ryghtwysnes excede the ryghtwysnes of the learned of the scryptures Pharysies you can not enter in to the kyngdom of heuen And secondarely bycause that men be not vpryght in all theyr handelynge and lyuynge for all men do corrupte theyr wayes on the earthe lyke as dyd man before the floude of Noe for in what maner of byinge or sellynge is there nowe without deceyte lyinge and vnryghtwysnes yee what maner of people is there in the worlde ryche or pore spyrytuall or temporall that doth his offyce truely and vpryghtely do you thynke that the holy Ghoste wyll not rebuke you yes be ye sure for all vnryghtwysnes is synne .i. Iohn̄ .v. God cōmaūdeth sayinge ye shall not steale neytherlye neyther deale falsely one with another ye shall do no