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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16684 A catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onely of childre[n], but also of al suche deuout lerners as are not seen in the Latine toungue. Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1548 (1548) STC 359; ESTC S104375 47,037 202

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harte in all maner of temptacions affliccions or necessyties and euen in the very panges of deth cry boldely and merily vnto the and saye I beleue in God the father allmyghtie maker of heauen and earthe And in his onely sonne Iesus Christe our lorde c. But o Lorde God heauenly father to comforte my selfe in affliccion and temptacion wyth these articles of the christē faith It is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and for as muche as thou wylt be prayed vnto and called vpon for it I cumme vnto thee to praye and beseche the bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne our sauiour Christe Iesus hath hymselfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my harte I crye and saye O our father whiche arte in heauen c. This doen I adde this prayer for the mornyng O Mercifull lorde God heauenly father I rēder most high laudes prayse and thākes vnto the that thou hast preserued me both this nyght and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hitherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntyll this presente houre And I beseche the hartily thou wylt vouchesafe to receyue me this daye and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefurthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holy spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbelefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions maye be vtterlye chaced and driuen out of my harte and that I maye be iustified saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lighte of thy mooste godlye truthe to thy glory and prayse and to the profit and furtheraunce of my neybour thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauioure Amen Or thus more brieflye O Mercyfull lorde God heuenly father I laude and prayse the that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from all perill daunger and euyll And I beseche the of thy mercye to kepe preserue me from hencefoorth likewise And driue all maner of darkenesse oute of my hart that the light of thy truthe may shyne before me gyde me in all my wayes And thou wil vouchesalue also to kepe preserue our most noble kyng with all our rulers magistrates teachers parentes and all our frendes thorow Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed at nyght goyng to bedde O Mercifull Lord God heauenly father whether we slepe or wake lyue or dye we are alwayes thyne Wherefore I beseche the hartilye that thou wilte vouchsalue to take care and charge of me and not to suffre me to peryshe in the workes of darkenesse but to kindle the lyght of thy countetenaunce in my harte that thy godlye knowlege maye daylye increase in me thorowe a ryght and a pure faith and that I may alwayes be founde to walke lyue after thy wyll pleasure thorow Iesus Christ our lorde and sauiour Amen Or thus more briefly O Mercifull lorde God our heauenly father I laude thanke the moste hartily for that thou hast so graciously kepte preserued me this daye besechyng the to forgeue me all my synnes whiche I haue committed againste the I beseche the to preserue me and all men this night from all snares and wyles of the wicked fiende And graunte that although our corporal iyes shal slepe yet that our hertes myndes may continually watche wake in the thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed before meat O Mercifull father thou fedest and nourishest all maner of creatures vouchesalue to nouryshe and to refreshe vs nowe with thy gyftes so that we do not misuse them but that we beyng strengthned thorowe them maye bee more hable to serue thee in our callyng and cōdicion of lyfe and to walke and lyue before the in all vertue and honestie through Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen After meate O Mercifull Lord God our heauenly father we laude prayse and thanke thee for thy moste holy and excellent giftes wherwith thou hast so graciouslye nouryshed and refreshed vs And we beseche the heartily graūt that we may neuer forget thy mercyfull goodnes toward vs but that we may cast al our care and sorowe vpon the only and may alway seke receyue with a perfite trust and confidence all maner of sustenaunce both of bodye and soule at thy handes which art the fountaine and welspryng of all goodnes through Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauior Amen Certaine godly lessons for al faythfull people young and olde HArken Israel the Lorde our God is one God Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God feruētly with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy strength All these woordes whiche I commaunde the this daye shall remayne continually in thy hearte Thou shalt beate them diligentlye into thy chyldren and thrust them sharplye into theyr heartes And lette all thy communicacion talkyng bee of them whether thou beest in thy house or goest abrode whether thou goest to bedde or rysest vppe Thou shalt bynde them for a token vpon thy hād And let them euermore glister before thy iyes Thou shalt wryte them vpon thy doores and vpon thy gates Micheas vi I will tell the O man what is good and what God requireth of the. Namely nothyng els but that thou kepest iudgement and doest ryghteousnes and that thou applye thy selfe vnto all godlynesse and walke humbly before thy Lord God Iaco. i. This is the pure and vndefiled religion before God our father to visite and coumforte the wedowes the fatherlesse in theyr sorowe affliccion and misery and for a manne to kepe hymselfe without spotte before the worlde i. Timo. i. The ende and fulfyllyng of all the lawe is this namely loue out of a pure hearte a good conscience and a perfite vnfayned fayth Iohn xiii By this shall all men knowe that ye are my scholars yf ye loue one an other lyke as I haue loued you i. Iohn iii.iiii.v God is loue and he that remayneth in loue remayneth in God and God in hym He that hath loue is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not he knoweth not God for God is loue If we loue one another than remayneth God within vs his loue is perfite in vs. And hereby doe we know that we are the childrē of God and that we haue loue yf we loue God and kepe his commaundementes And this is his commaundemente namely that we beleue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christe and loue one an other M. The God of all grace and mercye strengthen thee and all menne in the knowlege of his sonne our sauior Iesus and in the power of his heauenlye and godly spirite To hym be all laude prayse thankes glory power rule honor world without ende Amen Imprinted at Londō in Flete-strete at the signe of the Sunne ouer against the conduyte by Edwarde Whitchurche The .xix. daye of October the yere of our Lorde M. D.XLVIII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
the name and authoritie of our sauior Iesus Christ also in the name of the whole congregacion M. After what maner and fourme S. with all godlye feruentnes and earnest praier vnto God For the which cause also it must be done in the open congregacion beeyng assembled together with theyr consente M. Proue me this by the woorde of God S. The Lorde sayeth in the chapiter before rehersed whansoeuer two or thre among you do consente together whatsoeuer they shall praye for that shall be doen vnto them of my father in heauen For whersoeuer two or thre are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest amōg them M. Here the lorde maketh mencion of two or three onely S. That he doeth to confirme the greater nūbre by the smaller M. But shewe me some scripture that maketh expresse mencion of the whole congregacion S. The holye Paul wryteth thus .i. Corin. v. J as one that am absent from you in bodye but yet present with you in spirite haue already as presente determined and concluded against him that hath committed that dede in the name of our lorde Iesus Christe and in your congregacion with my spirite and with the power or authoritie of our lorde Jesus Christe to geue him euer vnto the deuill to the confusion and perishyng of his fleshe that his spirite may be safe at the daye or cummyng of the lorde Jesus M. And what is the ministers or pastors duetie to doe in all this S. He ought in no wise to admit vnto the communion of the sacramentes suche as bee excluded by the churche or by the appoynted elders vntill suche time as they be reconciled therunto agayne And besides that he ought to bee as it were the mouth of the cōgregacion to open and to declare vnto the transgressours the heauinesse of theyr synnes to moue them vnto heartie repentaunce that they maye come out of the deuils snares M. But nowe cōcerning these that be sicke howe shall the minister ordre them S. If he perceyue that they be sorye and repentaunte for theyr sinnes and are desirous of the fauoure of God of remission than ought he to comfort them with some promyse of grace to preache vnto them free remission and absolucion in the presence of suche as are there by assistente leste peraduenture their conscience being vexed and their sickenes increased the wicked enemie preuent and ensnare them and so seduce and conueigh them into desperacion M. Where hast thou any example of scripture for that S. Our sauiour Christe as soone as he sawe the bedredde before hym doubtlesse in feare of hys synnes he sayed vnto him My sonne bee of good comforte thy synnes are forgeuen thee And agayne to the woman that had synned he sayed Goe thy way in peace thy fayth hath saued thee M. Hast thou no further commaundemente of the visitacion comfort of the sick to be doen by the ministers of the churche S. Yes the holye Apostle S. Iames teacheth that the praier of faythe whiche the seniors or elders of the churche doe make for the sicke shall help them and the lorde shall comforte them yf they be in synne it shall be forgeuen them M. Nowe what fruite and profite ought all this to worke in thee S. Fyrste I ought to learne hereby to receyue of any manne thankefully all maner of christian and brotherly correccion warning and informacion And also by the verye duetie and bonde of loue truely and faythfully to admonishe reproue my neyghboure whiche is euery christian man if I shal see him offēde M. why what hast thou to do with thy neighbour S. Forsouth forasmuche as we are all the mēbres of one body If I cā finde in my heart to see any to loyter and perishe in his synne not so much as to admonish him therof than it may appere that there is no christian loue in me M. Well what other fruit may thys doctryne worke in thee S. This also i. Corin. v. ii Thes ii that I contemne not in any wyse the disciplyne of binding loocyng of the churche but esteme drede it reuerently eschewyng and auoydynge all felowshippe and familiaritie of suche as wyll not conforme themselues vnto thesame M. what scripture haste thou for that S Euen the woordes of oure sauiour Christ wher he saieth Jf he heare not the church or congregacion than take or repute hym as an heathen and an vnchristian that is to say as an infidele that is sundered and seperate from al christian ordre and felowship But yet we ought not vtterly to reiecte and to hate him in our heartes but to praye hartily vnto God for hym that he may be conuerted from his wickednes againe and than with all ioyfulnes to receyue hym into all christen felowship agayne M. Well this is sufficient of this article also Now tell me what is thy dayly exercise in the seruice of God S. Morning and euening whan I arise or goe to bed lykewise before after meate I vse these prayers folowing or suche like Fyrste at my vprisyng I falle doune on my knees and lyftyng vp my handes and iyes vnto heauen I cōfesse my synnes vnto God my heauenly father after this maner A generall confession of synnes to be sayed euery morning O Almyghtie God our heauenlye father I confesse knowlege that I am a miserable a wretched synner haue manifolde wayes moste greuouslye transgressed thy moste godly cōmaūdementes thorow wicked thoughtes vngodlye lustes sinfull woordes dedes and in my whole lyfe In synne am I borne and conceyued and there is no goodnesse in me in asmuche as yf thou shouldest entre into thy narowe iudgemente with me iudgyng me accordyng vnto the same I were neuer hable to suffer or abyde it but must nedes peryshe and be damned for euer So lyttle help comfort or succour is there either in me or in any other creature Onely this is my comfort o heauenly father that thou diddest not spare thy only dere-beloued sonne but diddest geue him vp vnto the moste bittur moste vile slaūderous death of the crosse for me that he myght so pay the raūsom for my sinnes satisfie thy iudgement still and pacifie thy wrathe reconcyle me agayne vnto the and pourchace me thy grace and fauour and euerlastyng lyfe Wherefore thorowe the merite of hys moste bitter death and passion and thorow his innocent bloud sheadyng I beseche thee o heauēly father that thou wylt vouchsafe to bee gracious and mercyfull vnto me to forgeue and to pardon me all my synnes to lyghten my harte with thy holy spirite to renewe confirme and strengthen me with a right and a perfite fayth and to inflame me in loue towarde thee my neybour that I may hēceforth with a willing and a glad harte walk as it becūmeth me in thy moste godly commaūdementes and so glorifie prayse thee euerlastingly And also that I maye with a free conscience and a quiet