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A16122 The summe of the holye scripture and ordinarye of the Christen teachyng, the true Christen faithe, by the whiche we be all iustified. And of the vertue of baptesme, after the teaching of the Gospell and of the Apostles, with an informacyon howe all estates shulde lyve accordynge to the Gospell.; Summa der godliker Scrifturen. English Bomelius, Henricus, 1500?-1570.; Fish, Simon, d. 1531. 1529 (1529) STC 3036; ESTC S114463 99,848 250

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it behoveth that thou beleve him stedfastly without ony maner waveringe to thinten that thou knowe that it is all grace and not deserving and that the wordes and promyses of god be verey certein and true for god hath called vs his children as saint Paule saieth Because that ye are sonnes god hath sent the sprite of hys sonne into oure hertes crying Abba father Then arte thou nowe no servaunt but a sonne Gala. 4 and if thou be a sonne then art thou also heyre of god by christ ād so be we delyvered from oure sinnes and from the bondage of the devell and made heyres of the kingdome of heven by the benefit of Iesu christ He beleveth in god that putteth all his trust and hope in god and in the iustice of god living after his power accordinge to the rule of charite having no maner hope nor trust in the world in his good works or good life but alonly in the goodnesse of god and in the merites of Iesu christ beleving certeynly that god will hold to hym that he hath promysed remission of sinnes and certeynte of everlasting life He that doth so is a true christen and beleveth stedfastly that the wordes of god must nedes be true Notwithstanding that according to his workes he thinketh it a thing ympossible Neverthelesse he beleveth that he shal be saved without deservinge of any good workes rather then the wordes of god and all thinges that they do promyse shuld not come to passe As writeth saynt Paule of Abraham which beleved rather that his wife whiche was bareyne out of thage of generacyon shuld conceyve a childe rather thē the promyse of god shuld not be fulfilled And by this fayth was Abraham reputed iuste byfore God not by his good workes So behoveth it that euery christen do albeit that it seme to him ympossible to be saved bycause he hath done no good he shall neverthelesse stykke stedfastly vnto the goodnesse and mercy of God and vnto hys worde yn suche maner that he doubt not yn nothyng Lu. 2● For Christ sayeth in Saynt Luke Heven and erth shall passe but my worde shall never passe Of this sayth wryteth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 10. whosoever shall call on the name of the lord God shal be saved He therfore that calleth vppon hym on whome he beleveth not that he may helpe hym loseth but his laboure Therfore thou must first beleve in hym And then if thou call vppon hym with suche a fayth as we haue spoken of thou shalt be saved Of this fayth speaketh also the prophete Esaie as recy●eth Saynt Paule the apostle yn the forseyd Chaptre All they that beleue yn hymshall not be ashamed And ageyn saint Paule Ro. 10 If thou confesse with thy mouth that Iesus is the lord and that thou beleue with a perfaict herte that God hath reised christ frō deth thou shalt be saved And the word that Christ preched first as recyteth Saint Marke was The tyme is full come and the kingdome of god is evyn at honde repent and beleve the gospell Mar. 1 Of this faith writeth lyke wise saint Iohn and they be the wordes of Christ vnto Nicodemus as Moyses lift vp the serpent in wildernesse even so must the sonne of man be lift vp that no man that beleveth in him perisshe but haue eternall life Iohn 3 God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely sonne for the entent that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe but shuld haue everlasting life And a lytell after he that beleveth in him shall not be cōdempned and ageyn in the same chaptre He that beleveth on the sonne hath everlasting life and he that beleveth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrathe of god abideth vppon him By all these escriptures here maist thou see that we be all the children of God alonly thorowe faith and this had God lever promyse vnto vs bicause of oure faith then bicause of oure good workes to thintent that we shuld be so moche the more certeyn of oure helth And therfore saith saint Paule by faith is the enheritaunce gyven that it might come of grace that the Ro. 4. promyse be sure and stedfast to all the seade for if god had said whosoever will do suche or suche workes shal be saved we shuld ever haue byn īcerteyn whether we shuld haue byn saved or not for we shuld never haue knowen whether we had dogood ynough to haue deserved the lyfe eternall But nowe god hath promysed it vnto vs bicause of oure faith by hys favoure not by oure workes to thintent that we be the more sure therof For let vs beleve stedfastly and we may knowe for certeyn that we be the childrē of god Not that we haue deserved it but bycause he hath promysed it And it must nedes be that the word of god be true for this cause if we haue perfeit trust in god and beleve perfeitly in him we shal be sure that we shal be saved It was suche a feith that saint Paule had when he seid 2. Ti. ● I knowe and am sure that he to whome I haue cōmitted and gyven my gage to kepe ys mighty ynough to kepe it for me tyll that day And ageyn I haue fought a good batayl 2. Ti. 4. I haue fulfilled my course and haue kept the faith from hensforth is leyd vp for me a crowne of rightuousnesse whiche the lord that is a rightuous iudge shall give me at that day Not vnto me onely but vnto all theym whiche love hys coming 1. Ioh. 3 And saint Iohn saieth Derely beloved nowe are we the sonnes of God And yet it hath not appered whate we shal be we knew that whē he shal appere we shal be like hī for we shal see hī as he is This faith had also saynt Martine at the houre of his deth when he saide vnto the devell whye art thou here thou bloudy beest thou hast nought in me the seed of Abraham shall receyve me This suertye had likewise saint Imbrose when one axed hym if he feared not the deth he answered whye shuld I feare seyng that we haue one so good a lord● For this cause must we love the deth and more desyre to dye ād to be with god as dyd saint Paule then to feare the deth Phi. 1 for Iesu christ is deede for vs to thintent that we shuld not feare to dye And he hath flayne the deth and hath destroyed the streynght of deth as writeth saint Paule saying 1. Cor. 15 O deth where is thy victory It is swalowed and brought to nought by victory Phi. 1 And vnto the Philippyans Christ is my life and deth is to me advauntage ¶ Howe that feith bryngeth Charyte and Charyte good workes Chaptre .viij. NOwe might one axe when I beleve certeynly that I am the childe of god that Iesu christ hath satisfied for me vnto hys hevenly father
is he that shall separate vs from the love of god shall tribulacion or anguisshe or persecucion or hunger or nakydnesse● other parell orswerd we be sure that neither deth nor life nether aungell nether rule nor thīges present nor thinges to come nether height nor depnesse nether eny other creature shal be abyll to separat vs from goddis love which is in Iesu christ our lord But I axe you nowe wherby ys it that thou knowest that thou are the childe of god by the service that thou hast done hi Nay Wherby then by the faith wher by thou belevest the worde of god whiche sayth that thou art the childe of god before thou begynnest to serve hym as wryteth saint Paule in all his epistles Thy service and thy workes haue not gyvē the the faith and trust wherby thou belevest that thou art the childe of god and his heyre for thou haddest that or thou dydest hī any service but bicause that thou belevest stedfastly that god hath made the so grete by this faith beginnest thou to loue hym And when thou lovest him so thou doest him all the service that thou knowest ys agreable vnto hī Thou ●beyst his cōmaundementes alweyes humbly knoweleging thyne ymperfection ascribing all that thou doest vnto God for els as sayeth saint Paule Ro. 4 If oure heretage came of the lawe the feith were but in vayne and the promyse of none effect Behold nowe seest thou that we do not deserve the euerlasting life by oure good workes for God hath promysed it vnto vs all surely bifore that we began to do good wherfore thou must knowe and beleve that good workes make none sure that he shal be the childe of God and hys heyre But contrary wise the feith trust that thou hast in god wherby thou belevest stedfastly that he ha●h made the hys sonne maketh the to serve god and to kepe his commaundementes by love ▪ wherfore all they are abused Theologyans and doctours that sey that certeynte or hope procedeth out frō good workes ▪ For contraryly out from the certeynte from the feith wherby thou belevest the goodnesse that god hath done vnto the comith the good works That is to sey whē thou belevest thou begynnest to love and when thou lovest thou doest that God wold haue done ¶ Howe that we shall not serve God for hyres or wages Chaptre ix THe workes done in suche fayth and charyte be allonely plesaūt vnto god and worthy to be called good workes for they be the workes of the holy gost that dwelleth in vs by this faith But they that are done by tediousnesse evill will for fere of hell or for desire of paradise be none other thīg but shadowes of workes makīg ypochrytes The ende of oure good workes may sēke nought but to please god knowlegīg that if we do never so moche we cā neuer do our duety for they that for feare of hell or for the ioyes of hevē do serve god do a cōstreined service which god will not Suche people do not serve God bicause he is theire god theire father but bicause he is riche for to haue part of his richesse they not god but his wayes and richesse that is to sey they serue for none other purpose but to haue they re rewardes and for to avoide his punissions And suche people be as it were hyred men and waged servauntes and are not children for the service they do is but for wages and hyres But the children of god serve they re father for loue for they knowe the goodnesse that god hath done to theym alredy in that they beleue that god hath made theym hys children and heyres Gala. 3 For saint Paule seith ye are all the children of god by the feith which is in Iesu Christ And ageyn forasmoche as ye be childrē god hath sent the sprit of his sonne in to your hartes crying Ga. 4 father father Thou art then nowe no servaunt but a sonne And if thou be the sonne thou art also heyre of god by christ as saieth saint Paule ye are all the children of ●ight and children of god Tessa 5 Then the children of god that is the true christen do not desyre to get the heretage by theire service for they knowe by the sure promyses of god whiche they do beleve that God of hym self hath purely and liberally gyuē it vnto theym alredy Is when a burgoys hath a servaunt and a sonne The servaunt serueth his master and dare not offend hym for feare of losing of his wages whiche he attendeth for for he serveth for wages and after that he hath receyved theym he levith his master axeth no more of him for he demaunded nothing els but his money which he hath receyved alredy The sonne of the house serveth hys father and kepeth his commaundementes not to haue wages but for loue that he hath vnto hys father For he knoweth the goodnesse that his father hath done to him and that he is heyre of the goodes of hys father And knoweth that he shall ever dwelle in his fathers house as saieth saint Iohn Iohn And therfore doth he liberally the will of his father by cause he will not anger him So must euery christen serve god and kepe hys commaundementes by true loue and not by hope to get for his service everlasting life or the heritage of his hevēly father but knowleging alonly that god hath gyven him that alredy and that he hath made him hys heyre ●yfore he requyred him So shall he serve him by love declaring that god is all good and to shewe that ageynst his goodnesse he wyll not be vnkynd ¶ Howe that we disheret oursilves by oure disobedience Chaptre x. NOwe must euery mā know that alonly they that by suche love serue God be the children of god his heyres and shal be saved For he that gyveth not thankes to God and loveth hym not of this facyon for the goodnesse that god of hym silf hath willingly done vnto him is cause that he is not the child of god and maketh him silf vnworthye of all the promyses of God Lyke as though there were a ma● that had gotten some grete rychesse by his laboure that he had .ij. sonnes The. ij sonnes be here egally like nighe vnto the goodes of they re father the herytage of they re father belōgeth egal●i● vnto thē for thei be both sonnes But if the one be rebell disobedient vnto his father do to him dishonour after that he come to thage of discretion by suche meanes may h● be cause of dishereting of him silf ● he is naturelly son●nd heyre to the goodes as well as his other brother but he disheriteth him silf by his evill life So are all parsones the childrē of god bought ageyn by Iesu Christ but they that rebell ageinst god and obey not vnto his commaundementes disheryt theym silves ād theym silves because of they re dāpnacyon God wold
they corde reade well For alas ye shall fynde thousandes of auncyent persones that can not sey the pater noster and Crede in they re mother tongue and of theym that say it in latyn are many that wote not whate they sey nor knowe not of never an article of the faith Wherfore I say that it is expedient for the christen to set all they re children to skole till they can reade a●d vnderstonde the holy scriptures namely when they be wrytē in they re mother tongue And then they that had not wyt and vnderstondinge worthy to be contynued at scole shulde be caused to lerne an occupacion If they did thus they shulde bring into the worlde double prou●fit First we shulde not haue suche a great nombre of prestes and monkes vnlettered and knowing nothing in the christen churche For nowe there are made many prestes monkes and freres that for lacke of litterature are nothing cōveniēt for that office By the vnlettered prestes is this grete erroure comen into the worlde that ys that in the stede of the pure scriptures whiche is the lyvely worde of God whiche they knowe not they preche narracions fables lyes and tradicions of the invenciō of the yppochrites that alas the faythfull trust honoure which belongeth to gods worde they cause the people to gyve to they re fables and lyes Secōdly it wolde proufit for if euery body wēt so long to skole they shuld vnderstōd more lightly the prechers if thei thē silves had redde the storyes or the Gospell after the letre then they might reherce to they re childrē servaūtes ī doing of their busines some thing of the gospell of the stories or of the scripture īstede of vaine fables ydell wordes vncouenabill maters which they speake the one to the other As we se sūtyme nowe a dayes that felowes of one crast whiche haue bin at scole syng many tymes the song in doing they re bussynesse whiche they haue learned to sing at the scole or at the churche and the other vileyn songes for they haue lerned none other thing ¶ Whate thing is the Christen faith and whate thing one ought to beleve to haue helth Chaptre iiij I Haue seyd at the beginning that the foundacion of Christendome is the faith whyche so fewe people haue and vnderstond not whate the faith is we thīke that when we beleve that god is god and can oure crede that we haue the faith that a Christen is bounde to haue The devell beleveth also that there is a God and one life everlasting and one hell but he is never the better for it Ye and he trembleth alway for this feith as faith saint Iames Iam. 2. The devels beleve and they tremble Som● man might axe whate shall I thē beleve Thou shalt beleve then first plainly and vndoutedly that the father the sonne and the holy gost is one onely god● And this thou shalt not desyre to vnderstond howe nor busy thy silfe moche therin for this is not the principall that we must beleve Oure faith lyeth not principally therin For this likewise beleve the wicked sprites as is saide before and are nothing the better therfore There is yet an other feith whiche Christ so moche requyreth of vs in the gospell and wher unto also saint Paule almost in all his epistles so strongly exhorteth vs. That is that we must first beleve the gospell when oure lorde began first to preache he said as reherseth saint Marke haue repentaunce ād beleve in the gospell Mar. 1. Thou mayst axe me whate thing ys the gospell Hit is a good and ioyfull message or glad tydinges For it is newes of the favour grace mercy and goodnesse of god towarde vs. It is I sey tydinges that god hath taken vs to mercy and therfore songe the aungels when Christ was borne as reherseth saint Luke Lu. ● I shewe vnto you greate ioy for this day is borne youre savioure whiche is Christ the lorde In this gospell that is to sey in this message we beleve certainly that god the father hath sent hither his sonne for to bye vs agayn to enfraunchise vs and to delyuer vs frō the devel to whome we were made subiectes and servauntes by the sinne of oure fore father we coude not helpe ou● silves bicause we were servauntes and b●nde None of vs was abill to satisfie for vs For we were all like wise subiected as sayth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 3. They haue all sinned ād haue nede to the grace of god It was nedefull then that he that shuld satisfie for vs shulde be without sinne without subiection or obligacion And no suche patron or mediatour was there founde in the worlde Thē this one thing was of necessite that other we must abide lost for euer or it behoved that god shulde be made mā So hath oure god almighty had pitye and compassion on vs by the greate love that he had toward vs and hath sent his onely sonne Iesu christ Hiere 31 As writeth the prophete Hieremye saing I haue loved them a-perpetuell charyte therfore I haue drawen the having mercy He hath sent him to thintent that b● his deth whiche he had not deserved he myght appayse God and satisfie hym for vs. Co● 5 As wryteth saynt Paule All is of God whiche hath reconcilyed vs vnto him by christ Then is Christ made a mediator bytwene god and man and hath offered him silfe an oblacion for vs to his father wherby he hath reconsiled vs agayn and made oure peace And for bicause the devell did set his honde vppon Christ to whome he had no right he hath so lost all his right whiche he had over vs. And so are we delyuered from the servitude and subiection of the devell and belong vnto Christ. And by that that the sonne of god is nowe made man he is also made oure brother And if we be his bretheren we be also enheriters wyth hym of the glory of his father Ro. 8. As writeth saint Paule vnto the Romayne saying If we be children we be also heyres with Christ. And we haue as moche and as greate right to heven as Iesu Christ hym silfe For christe is a sonne of God so be we reserved that he is a sonne naturall and was for euer without beginning the sonne of God But we be the children of God allonly by the goodnesse and grace of God whyche he hath done to vs as sayeth Saynt Paule Ephe. 1. He hath predestinate vs into an election of the children of God Then ys it this comen to passe that we must beleve surely that we be the children of god and that god is oure father Secondly thou shalt stedfastly beleve the wordes of god that is to sey that all that god hath seyde shall come to passe and be done without ony f●lse ●ene 17 and. 2● As did the faithfull Abraham whiche when god had promysed to him a thing impossible
wilt for god hath lent theym vnto the for to vse theym in all reason for to socoure the poore with theym As teacheth saint Paule Thou shalt clothe the eate and drinke after the most resonabill custume of the cuntrey where thou dwellest and after the maner of thinhabitaūtes the it For this mayst thou do after the Gospell Thou maist never lye swere nor do nothing that god hath defended for to get temporall goodes Thou shalt not count at evenyng howe moche money thou hast gained but howe moche thou hast prou●ised in goodnesse and vertue and howe moche goodnesse thou hast lost in that dayes iourney Thou shalt not vexe or greve by iustice or otherwise the pore that owe vnto the for thou maist not do it without sinne As Christ saieth in the gospell Mat. 5 Resist not saieth he vnto the evill But whosoever streke the on the right cheke tourne to him the other And he that will drawe the parforce into right and take awey from the thy cote give hīthy gowne also And he that constreyneth the to go a myle with him go with him twayne Give to hym that axeth the. And f●e not from hī that desireth to borowe of the. Also it is sayde more in the same chapter Love your enemyes do good to theym that hate you for if ye love thē saieth he that loue you whate grete thinge do you do not the nethen even the same Moreover Saint Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 12 Blisse theym that persecute you Blisse theym but curse theym not And ageyn Yeld not evill for evil circumspectly brynging forth that ys honest in the sight of all men And if it be possible as moche as is in you to lyve yn peace with all men not revenging youre silf my welbeloved but give place vnto wrath Hebre. 10 For it is writen To me be the vengeaunce and I will rendre it sayeth the lord God And if thyne enemye be hongry gyve him to eate And if he be thursty gyve him drinke Be not overcome with evill but overcome the evill wyth good 1. Pe. Saint Petre saieth also None shall yelde evill for evill nor curse for curse These wordes and other lyke seme to meane ye they will that the good Christen shall not defende theym silfe by iustice in no maner for eny maner wrong that they suffer of the evill but shuld recomend all vnto the good will of God whyche shall defende theym and rule all thynges for the best and more holsomely and ryghtuously then all the iudges of the worlde But of this mater will we speke in the Chaptre of two maner governementes Thou shalt oftymes lift vp thy harte and thought to God as thou doest thy laboure and shalt sey to hym a short prayer doyng thy busynesse wyth a good wyll and wyth a ioyfull hart or god hath enioyned the that laboure yn paradise in Abam for a penaunce Gene. 3 Phi. 4 Be alweyes ioyfull in the lord and mery wyth thy wife servauntes and manye Herafter wil we tell how the housholder shall live with his servauntes and how he shall be obedient vnto hys prince in paying hys taxes fystenes subsidies or suche other semblable demaundes ¶ Howe the ryche people shuld lyve an informacyon and teaching after the Gospell Chaptre xxv HE that is riche and liveth of his rentes ought first to knowe that he may not vse nor spend his goodes as he will for he is but a kepar and a dispensatour therof For god hath not given the that richesse for to spende it ontragiously in mete and drinke or in costly bildinges and pompous clothiges for vaine glory or to hasard it at dyse and at other gamyng But thy goodes belong as well vnto the poore as vnto the For God hath sent the rychesse ynto the worlde as well for the poore as for the reche For they must lyve all aswell the one as the other The riche be none other thing but dispensatours and dystributers of the goodes of God as the lordes of this worlde have they re dispensatours And therfore when thou spendest thy goodes outragiously in etyng and drynking and other excesse thou shalt yelde accompt byfore god at the day of iudgement For the riche man of whome speketh Christ in the gospell was dampned for none other thyng but bicause that he was not mercyfull ād that he lyved evill of hys rychesse beyng an yll dispensatour Lu. 1● Wherfore it behoveth that every body be circumspect howe he spende For all that folke spende so without necessyte is robbed from the poore for saint Paule saieth when we haue oure fode and wherewith to cover vs let vs be contented Oure nature is content with litell And they that live so in pleasure taking all they re ease are not Christen for they devoure that which belongeth to the pore whiche are they re bretheren and mēbres of one body This let the paynyms do that vse suche voluptuousnesse plesaunce honoure and worldly vanite bicause they haue no hope of a beter life The christen shall not love his temporall goodes but shall vse theym to ministre vnto his necessitees and vnto his neyghboures ever giving thankes vnto God to whome all belongeth And the richer that thou art the more care shalt thou take for to the is given more to kepe then vnto many other The richesses be not evill for Abraham Isaac Iacob Iob and David were ryche but evill vsing of richesse is evill Of suche riche speketh Saint Iames yn this maner I● 5. Go to ye riche wepe ye wayling vppon your miseryes whiche shall come vppon you And Christ in the gospell wo be to you riche that haue here youre consolacion Lu. 6. And in another place Truely saieth he I tell you that the riche shal with difficultye entre into the kingdome of heven Hat .19 And I tell you ageyn It is more easy for a camell to passe thorowe the yie of a nedell then a ryche man into the kingdome of heven Therfore let the riche take hede theyr richesse be not there everlasting life that they haue not an other thīg after their deth As had the riche of whome speaketh oure saviour in the gospell saying A mā was Lu. 16 riche was cloted with purpure silke did eate drinke daily costly meates drīkes ād there was a certeyn begger called Lazarus lying at his gatefull of sores desiring to be fedde with the cromes that fill from the bourde of the ryche but the dogges came and likked his sores It happened that the begger dyed and was borne with angels into the bosom of Abraham the riche also dyed and was buryed in hell And lyfting vp his yies when he was in his tormentes he sawe Abraham a ferre of and Lazarus in his bosom and he cryed and sayed Father Abraham haue mercy on me ●nd send Lazarus that he may put the ende of his finger into the water to cole