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father_n cry_v son_n spirit_n 14,758 5 6.2887 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14466 A notable collection of diuers and so[n]dry places of the sacred scriptures which make to the declaratyon of the Lordes prayer, comenly called the Pater noster. Gathered by the famous clerke Master Peter viret, Frenchman. And translated oute of Frenche into Inglysh, by Anthony Scoloker. The .viii. daye of Iune. Anno. 1548.; Bible. English. Selections. Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 24781; ESTC S119202 12,472 40

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❧ A Notable collection of diuers and sōdry places of the sacred scriptures / which make to the declaratyon of the Lordes prayer / Comenly called the Pater noster Gathered by the famous Clerke Master Peter viret / Frenchman And translated oute of Frenche into Inglysh / by Anthony Scoloker The .viij. Daye of Iune Anno. 1548. IMPRINTED at London / by Anthony Scoloker Dwelling wythout Aldersgate And Wyllyā Seres Dwellyng In the Elye tentes in holborne ¶ Cum Gratia et priuilegio ad Imprintum solum / Per Septennium The Places Of Holye Scripture / whyche make for the declaracion of the Lordes Prayer / Comunely called the Pater noster Of the Prayer Axe / and it shal be geuen you Seke / and ye shal fynd Knocke / and it shal be opened vnto you For who soeuer asketh receueth and he that seketh / fyndeth / and to hym that knocketh / it shal be opened Mathew vij b Ieremi .xxix. c. Iohn .xvi. c. And when thou prayest / thou shalt not be as the ypocrites are For they loue to stande and praye in the Sinagoges / in the corners of the streates / to be sene of men Verely I saye vnto you / they haue theyr rewarde But when thou prayest / entre into thy Chambre / and shut thy doore to the / and pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father whiche seeth in secret / shall rewarde thy openly And when ye praye / bable not moche / as the heathē do for they thynke that they shal be heard for theyr moche bablynges sake Be not ye lyke them therfore For your father knoweth wherof ye haue nede / before ye aske of hym After thys maner therfore shall ye praye Oure father which art c Mathew vi b. Lykewyse the spirite also helpeth our weakenes For we knowe not what we shuld desire as we ought nevertheles the spirit it self maketh intercession mightlye for vs wyth vnoutspekeable groninges Howe be it he that sercheth the hart knoweth what the minde of the spyryt is for he maketh intercession for the sayntes / according to the pleasure of God Romanorum .viij. d. Beleue me the tyme cōmeth that ye shal neyther vppon this montein nor at Ierusalem worshyp the father The time commeth and is nowe alreadye / that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spiryt and in trueth For the father wil haue such to worship hym God is a spiryt / and they that worship him / must worship in spiryte and trueth Iohn .iiij. c. For we are the circumcysyon / euen we that serue God in the spirite Phil .iij. a. Also I shall praye wyth voyce / but I shal pray wyth vnderstādīg Yet had I lever in the cōgregacion to speake five wordes with my vnderstādīg / that I maye enforme other also / rather thē tēne thousand wordes with tōge i. Cor .xiiij. c. I wyl therfore the men pray in al places / lyftīg vp pure hāds wtout wrath or strife i. Timoth .ij. b. Watch therfore at all tymes and pray Luke .xxi. g. Pray alwaies with al maner of prayer supplycacion in the spyrite Ephes .vi. c. I will always prayse the everlastīg / his praise shal be alwaies in my mouth Psal .xxxiiij. a. We reioyce before God of you / we pray excedīgly day and night .i. Thess .iij. b. Men ought alwaies to pray ād not to leaue of Luke .xviii. a. Pray without ceasing .i. Tess .v. d. Verely / Verely I saye vnto you what soeuer ye do aske my Father in my name / he shal gyue it you Iohn .xvi. e. The two cōdicions whych are chefely required in prayer Marc .xi. c. Whatsoeuer ye desyre in your prayer / beleue that ye shall receyue it / and ye shal have it And whā ye stand and pray / forgyue yf ye haue ought against anye man / that your father also in heauen / maye forgyue you your trespaces Our father We haue but one God / even the father of whome are all thīgs we in hī .i. Cor .viii. I am the father of Israell Ierem .xxxi. I wyl be your father ye shal be my sōs doughters / saith the almighty lorde ij Cor .vi. d. Shuld not a sonne honour his father / and a seruaunt his master if I be nowe a father / where is my honour if I be the lord where am I feared Malach .i. b. Is ther any man among you which if his sōne asked hym bread / wold offer him a stone Or if he asked fysh / wold he proffer him a serpent If ye then with are evell / can gyue your children good giftes howe moche more shall your father which is in heauen / gyue good thynges to them that aske him Mat .vij. a. Thou lord arte our father and Redemer and thy name is everlasting / Esay .xliij. c. I prayse the / o father and lord of heauen and earth / that thou hast hyd these things from the wyse and prudent / opened thē vnto Babes Euen so Father / for so it pleased the. All thinges are geuen over vnto me of my father / and no man knoweth the sōne but the father neyther knoweth any man the father saue the sonne / and he to whome the sonne wyll open it Mathe xi e. Mathew .xxviij. c. Luc .x. c. Iohn .iij. e .vij. c .viij. b .x. b. Behold what loue the father hath shewed on vs / that we shulde be called the chyldren of God .i. Iohn .iij. a. For so much then as ye are childeren / God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into your hartes / which crieth Abba that is father Wherfore nowe thou art not a seruaunte / but a sonne If thou be a sonne then arte thou the heyre of God / thorowe Christ Gal .iiij. a Roma .viij. b. For who soever are led by the spirite of God / are Gods Children for ye haue not receiued the spyryte of / bondage to feare any more / but ye haue receiued the spyryte of adopcion / wherby we cry Abba that is to saye father The same spirite certifieth our spirite that we are the chyldren of God If we be childrē / then are we heyres also / namely the heyres of God / and heyres annexed with Christ Roma .viij. b. Haue we not all one father Hath not one God made vs Why doth every one of vs then despyse his owne brother / and so breake the Couenaunt of our Father Malach .ij. b. Is not he thy father and thy Lorde Hath not he made the and Prepared the Deut .xxxij. a. Which arte in Heauen And cal no man father vppō aerth / for one is your father which is in heauē And ye shall not suffer your selues to be called masters / for one is your master / namely / Christ and all ye are brethern Mathew .xxiij. a. Vnto the / lyft I vp mine eyes / thou the dwellest in the heauens Psal ciij. a. ij Paralyp .vi. d. Esay lxvi a. The lorde hath prepared hys seate