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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06674 Meditations and deuout discourses vpon the B. Sacrament composed by Ch. M. Ch. M. 1639 (1639) STC 17128; ESTC S909 57,528 244

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Iewes were Ioseph the Patriarch as we reade in Genesis whoe was as the Paterfamilias of Pharao his house yea and of all Egipt Gen. 43. and who in a dearth of seauen yeares prouided them of corne aboundantlie when his brethren resorted allso vnto him for corn he inuited them to a feast and gaue to euerie one of them his portion but to Beniamin his yongest brother he gaue a portion fiue times bigger then was the portion which he gaue to his elder brethren Euen soe our Ioseph Christ Iesus who furnished not Egipt with corne as Ioseph did but the whole Church of God with the sacred Euchariste Io. 6. which the Prophet calleth Zach. 9. frumentum electorum the wheate of the elect and wine spinging virgins gaue thereby to the Christinns the younger brother in regarde of time a portion of the B. Sacrament which is greater more precious not by fiue times onlie but by fiue thousand times then was the portion of Manna or the Paschall lambe or all those Sacrifices and Sacraments which he gaue to the Iewe the elder brother O liberall magnificent house-keeper whoe hast made so great and so Roiall prouision for thy familie the Church VVhen I consider the aboundance of corn grasse hearbes fruits which God hath prouided for the sustenance of all liuing creatures euen the litle sparowes and yong rauens I stand as a man amazed Isaie vnto myself out of what granarie or store howse or Barne commeth all this prouision But when I behold the aboundance of the wheate of the Elect Zach. 9.10.6 of the bread of life of which whoesoeuer eateth liueth for euer VVhich our B. Sauiour God and man hath prouided for vs in this B. Sacrament I cease to admire there can neuer cease to admire heere and I saie vnto my selfe Out of what granarie commeth this wheate of the Elect Zaca 8.10.6 out of what pāterie cometh this bread of life which feedeth our soules and giueth them spirituall nourishment and life of grace of which we feede dailie and yet the bread is neuer consumed neuer diminished VVhen I consider the varietie of fountaines springes wells and riuers which our Blessed God hath prouided for men and beastes to drinke on I stande amazed and I saie to my selfe out of what brewhowse cometh all this drinke who is the Butler that continuallie draweth it 〈◊〉 but when I Behold the wine which springeth Virgins Zac. 9. which is drunk dailie by many thousands in this B. Sacrament I stand amazed heere and I cease to admire there and saie to my selfe out of what celler commeth this wine who draweth it who filleth it out And which maketh me more to admire I see many thousands doe drinke dailie of this wine and yet the Celler is neuer emptied the wine neuer diminished O bountifull and prouident howsekeeper sweete Iesus who prouidest such meate and drinke as neuer consumeth for I see that Sumit vnus sumunt mille Quantum isti tantum ille Nec sumptus consumitur One takes it and a thousand may As much as hee soe much doe they Nor is it consumed att all VVhen I call to minde ô Lord how once thow fedst in the desert the Israelits with Quailes and Manna from Heauen and ganest them water to drink out of a hard rock Excodi 16. 17. I ame astonished But when I consider with what an heauenlie Manna made not in the aire by the fingers of Angels as that Manna was but by the fingars of the Holy Ghost in the Heauen of the B. Virgins wombe thou feedest vs in the Blessed Sacrament during our aboade in the desert of this life wilt feed vs till we come to our land of promise I cease to wonder there and I onlie wonder heere VVhen I call to minde how thou Math. 14. o Blessed Sauiour the worker of all those former miracles didst feed with fiue barlie loaues two fishes fiue thousand men besides woemen and children ganest to euerie one his fille and yet after that all the guetsts had eaten asmuch as satisfied them the leauings and fragments filled twelue boskets and so was greater then the feast was at the beginning I wonder But when I consider how in this B. Sacrament thou ô Lord feedest with a farre lesser quantitie so many millious of Christians since thy last supper and shalt feede them to the ende of the world and yet the feast neuer diminisheth but is as great now as it was at the beginning I cease to wonder there and I stand alltogether amazed heere Behold my soule what a prouident and bountifull howsekeeper thy Lord Iesus is O the happines of Catholikes who haue such aboundance of bread and wine alwaies prepared for them and ô the miserie of the Hereticke who hauing I●ac 15. like the Prodigall sonne left the Church his heauenlie fathers howse is fed onlie with the husks and chaffe of figures but hath not the solid corne to feede on Lett him returne to the Church his Fathers howse lett him returne againe crye with the Prodigall sonne How many of my Fathers hirelings haue aboundance of bread Luc. 15. and I heere perish for famin I will arise and goe to my Father and saie to him father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee I ame not worthie to be called thy sonne make me one of thy hirelings VVhich if the Hereticke doth God will admitte him to the heauenlie prouision in the B. Sacrament he will make him partaker Io 6. Zac. 9. of the bread of life and wine that springeth Virgins of which who eateth and drinketh shall neuer be hungrie or thirstie again This sacred bread which our Paterfamilias hath prepared for his howsehold was kned by the fingers of the Holy Ghost baked in the sacred ouen of the B. Virgins wombe not by the heate or fire of concupiscence but of the Holy Ghost drawne out of the ouen in Christ his natiuitie set at the table at Christes last supper and euerie daie vpon the Altar for the nourishement of our heauenlie fathers howsehold The wine which all of this howsehold do drinke is most pretious Psal 22. A chalice inebriating which inebriateth spirituallie and maketh vs sleepe to the world The vine from which this sacred wine originallie procedeth is Christe Iesus who called hīselfe a vine Io. 15. sayinst to his disciples I ame the vine you the branches which vine was planted in the vinyard of the B. Virgins wombe when God the sonne tooke flesh of her the grape of this vine was Christes bobie pressed on the crosse the wine was his sacred bloud giuen to the Apostles at the last supper before the pressing on the Crosse but is giuen in the B. Saerament to their successours aftet the pressing By the force which this bread of life giueth we walke with Helias 3. Reg. 19. not to the mount Horeb but to the mount of heauen and by
our Sauiour we should receaue this B. Sacrament VVHEN thou hast O my soule by the considerations alleadged in the former meditation stirred vp thy selfe to a filiall feare and reuerence thou must also endeauour to moue thy selfe to a feruent loue and charitie towards thy Sauiour whō thou art to receaue To this all thy former meditations will conduce for that by them is shewed what a good house keeper how liberall an Hoste what a Father what a Mother what a Friend Spouse Phisitian and Pastour all which are titles of loue Christ hath shewed himself vnto the in this B. Sacrament Saye then vnto him thou hast shewed they self in this B. Sacrament a noble house keeper giue me the loue belonging to one of thy familie thou hast shewed thy selfe a bountifull Hoste giue me the loue of a louing guest thou hast shewed thy selfe a Father and Mother make me a louing and obediēt childe Thou hast shewed thyselfe a louinge friend make me loue thee reciprocallie yea a Spouse make me a louing spouse yea a Phisitian make me a louing patient yea a Pastour inflame my heart with the loue of a louing sheepe Thou neuer shewedst more loue to mee then in this B. Sacrament by which out of a great loue thou giuest to me and after so admirable a manner as loue is ingenious thy bodie bloud soule and diuinitie By Incarnation thou impartedst thy self onlie to that nature which thou tookest of the B. Virgin But by this Sacrament thou bestowest thyself on all in particular who receaue it VVith what loue shall I paye this loue Thou giuest thy All vnto me and can I giue lesse then my All to thee and yet so shall I not rendre like for like because my All is nothing to thy All nothing somuch as if a begger should giue his raggs for the Kinges purple robe crowne scepter and kingdome I vse to take kindelie all which a freind giueth be it but a ring or Image because I imagine that he giueth his loue in his guift yea and himself also in his guift though not in person with what loue then should I answer to thy loue who giuest thy selfe vnto me not onelie in thy guifts and effects as thou giuest by creation iustification and glorification but also by this B. Sacrament in thine owne person Children loue their parents and nurces because they feed and nourish them brute beasts loue them who giue them meate be it but crustes and bones hay or strawe how then should I loue thee O Lord who feedest me with thy owne flesh bloud seasoned and sauced with the Diuinitie O my heart to shew thy self that thou art not made of flint marble or steele but of soft flesh resolue thy self into loue for thy Sauiours loue shewed in this B. Sacrament and being so resolued and transformed imploy thy selfe and all thou are for his loue and honour If thou thus prepare thy selfe by a great reuerence and loue to this B. Sacrament in which the Sonne of God resideth as in his cabinet not onely he but his Father also the first person in Trinitie and their holy Spirit the Holie Ghost the third person who procedeth from them both consubstantiall and coequall vnto them will all three come vnto thee not onely to visit thee but also to dwell with thee for this God the Sōne promiseth saying If any loue me he will keepe my word Ioa. 14. and my Father will loue him and we will come to him and will make abode with him And because thou art notable of thyself to furnish thy howse so as it may be fitt for the entertainement of so great personages they will bring with thē their tapistrie and ornaments of grace and vertues by which thou shalt be adorned to their liking And because thou canst not prepare a feast worthie such guests though thou shouldest seeke sea and Land for it they will bring their feast with them to witt this Blessed Sacrament the Manna which conteineth all that can delight thy spirit and with it they will bring aboundāce of all grace by which they will feast thee and will be feasted of thee THE 13. MEDITATION To be made immediatlie after Communion How than●kefull the Receauer should bee VVHen thou hast receaued this B. Sacrament pause awhile and think what thou hast receaued Thou hast receaued more then the worth of Heauen and earth the Sonne of God in whom be all the treasures of wisedom and knowledge hidden Coloss 2. in whom dwelle the fulnesse of the God head corporallie who is the head of all principalitie and power thou hast receaued him who is worth so much that he is inestimable no price cā be sett on him Antonius and Cleopatra did on a time vainlie striue who should make the greatest feast And Antonius prepared all that Sea and Land could affoard Cleopatra not sollicitous for any such fare tooke an vnion which hung at her eare and resoluing it drank it at a draft and putting her finger to the other eare to take another vnion he who was elected arbiter and Iudge betwixt them bad Cleopatra hold her hand for that she had alreadie surpassed Antonius his feast hauing drunk alreadie the price of all Egypt But thou O my soule by receauing this B. Sacrament eatest and drinkest at once the bodie and bloud of Christ for with his bodie his bloud alwayes is by concomitance and inseparable vniō which is more then the price of Egypt yea thē a thousand worlds And therefore if thou shouldest resolue thy heart into gratitude and thankes giuing thou coulds not shew sufficient gratitude for this so great benefit Say then to thy bountifull Iesus with gratefull Dauid Psa 115. Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quae retribuit mihi what shall I render to our Lord for all things that he hath rendred to me nay what shall I render to my Lord for this onlie thing which he hath bestowed on mee thou hast ô Lord not onlie bestowed on mee great benefites and this the greatiest of all● but thou hast also rendred good for euill mercie and grace for my sinnes what can I render thee for this Psa 115. I will follow King Dauids counsell I will take the chalice of saluation and I will inuocate the name of our Lord I will take the chalice of thy Passion which thou didst drink on the Crosse I will offer that sacrifice for this and both for all thy benefites and by them I will inuocate and praise thy name for euer If I could speake at once with all the tongues of men and Angels I could not ô Lord giue thee sufficient thanks for this so great a benefit which conteineth thy sacred self and thy holie flesh and blood Deifyed by thy Diuinitie VVherefore in an astonishment at this great benefit and thy great liberalitie I will be silent and by my silence I will testifie and confesse that thou hast bestowed on me in this B. Sacrament more then
mariaage betwixt man and wife because carnall mariage is dissolued by death of both or one of the parties but the mariage of Incarnation betwixt God man is absolulie indissoluble insomuch that death which separated Christ his soule from his bodie could separate neither soule nor bodie from the diuinitie to which they were vnited and so so long as God shall be God he shall be man and man shall be God and the mariage shall be eternall and whereas by mariage all things are common betwixt man and wife by Incarnation God imparted to our humaine nature all his Goods and diuine attributes for that after Incarnation man became God and consequentlie eternall omnipotent immense c. by a certain communication which diuines call communicatio idiomatum and man gaue to God all his riches or rather pouerties for that after Incarnation God became man and consequentlie was borne in tyme of a Virgin-mother who was borne of a Virgin Father before all worlds and so became hungrie and thirstie hoat and cold passible and mortall as other men are and as by carnall mariage man and wife are vna caro one flesh Ephes 5. so by this mariage God and man is one flesh yea one person The Church in which this mariage was made was the sacred wombe of the Virgin the Brides God and man the Priest that maried them the Holy Ghost the words by the which the mariage was contracted were Ecce Ancilla Domini siat mihi secundum verbum tuum Luc. 1. Behold the handmaid of our Lorde be it done to me according to thy word the paranimphe was S. Iohn Baptiste But this mariage was made immediatlie onlie betwixt the second person in Trinitie God the Sonne and that humain nature which he tooke of the B. Virgins wombe yet this mariage is the ground of the two ensuing mariages The second mariage betwixt God and man is contracted by grace charitie Of which speaketh the Prophet Osee Osee cap. 2. in the name of God I will despouse thee to me for euer and I will despouse thee to me in Iustice c. and of this th' Apostle also speaking saith I haue despoused you to one man 1. Cor. 11. to present you a chast Virgin vnto Christ. By this mariage we are so despoused and linked to God that as man and wife are one flesh so wee and God are one spirit because as S. 1. Cor. 6. Paul saith Qui adhaeret Domino vnus spiritus est he that cleaneth to our Lord by charitie is one spirit with him Man and wife by their bond of mariage are to liue and vse to liue in one howse but by this mariage God dwelleth in vs and we in him according to those our sauiours wordes Io. 14 If any loue me he will keepe my word and my Father will loue him and we will come to him and will make abode with him and that this dwelling and abiding is not onlie with vs but in vs it appeareth by other his words Io. 14. In that day you shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you and his disciple S. Iohn saith 1. Io. 4. God is charitie and he that abideth in charitie abideth in God and God in him So that by this mariage God dwell●th in vs as in his Temple and mansion place we in him yea by this mariage we are as S. S●pra 1. Cor. 6.10.17 Paule saith one spirit with God And Christ himself prayeth that his Apostles and they that beleeued their preaching may be one in spirit of Charitie as he and his Father are one in substance VVhereupon the deuout S. Bern. ser 17. in cant Beanard saith Quid ergo dicit Fi lius c. VVhat doth the Sonne of God say I am in the Father and the Father in me and we are one Man saith I ame in God and God is in me and we are one spirit And in the same place none but a mad man will vsurpe that voice of the onlie begotten I and the Father are one Bern. ibid. yet I though I be but duste will not be afraid to say this I am one spirit with God He addeth that man was in God from all eternitie because God loued man from al eternitie but God began in time to be in man when man began to loue him O how should we loue this Spouse of our soules who is by Charitie so wedded vnto vs as he is not onlie with vs but also in vs because as man and wife are vna caro one flesh so is he one Spirit with vs. who would forsake the loue of such a Spouse as God is who is our Creatour and Sauiour for the loue of any creature though neuer so deare The thirde mariage betwixt Christ and vs is by meanes of the B. Sacrament by which Christ to vs and we to him are vnited not onlie in mutual loue but also in substance because by this B. Sacrament we receaue his body bloud soule yea and diuinitie our substance is vnited to his in that his is vnited to ours And as in carnall mariage all goods are common euen bodies because as S. 1. Cor. 7. Paule saith the woman hath not power of her own body but her husbād and the man also hath not power of his bodie but the woman So by this Sacrament Christ communicateth more aboundantlie his grace● then by any other his substance that is his bodie and bloud soule diuinitie are ours by communiō he as it were taketh possession of our bodie soule when by communion he dwelleth in vs. And as by carnall mariage the man and wife are vna caro one flesh Hom. 61 Cyrill Alex li. 4. in Ioa. c. 17. so doth he in a manner by our receiuing of him mingle his substance as S. Chrisostome saith with ours and of two maketh one and as S. Cyrill saith our substance is made one with his as waxe vnited to waxe And so as carnal marriage betwixt man and wife is contracted by mutual consent expressed by their words but is consummated by vnion of their bodies so a spiritual mariage is contracted betwixt vs Christ by charitie but is not consummated but by vnion of our substance with his by meanes of this B. Sacr. O my soule what an honour is it to bee married to such a spouse more certes thē for a poore maid to be married to ā Emperour because there is a greater distance disparitie betwixt Christ thee then betwixt the poorest begget and the richest Emperour ô how didst thou loue me sweete Sauiour who vouchsafest to take me thy poore creature for thy spouse And if I consider what thou suffredst to pourchase me for thy Spouse thy loue will more appeare If an Emperour should hazard his life to winne the loue of a poore maide how amorous should he be thought to be of her Thou ô Lord sheddest thy bloud to winne