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father_n cry_v son_n spirit_n 14,758 5 6.2887 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04701 A present consolation for the sufferers of persecucion for ryghtwysenes Joye, George, d. 1553. 1544 (1544) STC 14828; ESTC S103802 45,372 104

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with his faith he shal neuer despeper For certain it is the some of our helthe to stād vpon fayth in Iesu Chryste vpon this growndsole is the dore of our saluacion turned and returned Let vs therfore apprehende with our faith this diuine promise whiche we nother may nor can deser ue and we haue all these celestiall benefitis euen remission of our sinnes the holy goste and eternall lyfe All these hath god promised vs in Christe and for Chrystis sake In this promise consisteth all our cōsolacion our hope our rightwysenes reconciliacion and helthe Beleue god to be trwe of his promise and caste not awaye the gospell of his sone preched vnto the but receyue it thankfully with all thy herte enbrace it with bothe thyne armes ād dout it not this gospell to be as well thyne as Pauls and Steuens as mightely to saue the as it saued them Doute not of the grace mercye powr trowth of God and thou art iustifyed and as salfe as is Abraham and all the sayntis in heuen To do good workes commanded of god studye and endeuour thy selfe ernestly with all diligence so that thou doiste nothinge els but well Studye to excell almen in innocencye of lyuinge in al●ose dedis doing be merciful counfortable piteouse and helping all men yea and euen thyne enemyes But vse these deadis continually as thy dewtye seruice dewe vnto god as testimonyes of thy faithe and obedience vnto his lawes Euermore aknowledginge them to be farre inferiour vnpurer weaker and vnperfitter then that thou maist of them reioyse and glorye before god or by thē to deserue any rightwysenes Think thy self an vnprofitable seruant yea when thou haste done all which is but thy dewtye and no deseruinge And beware lest thou thinkest thy workis to be meritis of right wysenes and helthe before God For this opinion and persuasion is an vngodly blasphemie ageynst Chryste For in the cause of our saluaciō we may not truste in any parte to our owne workis but onely by faithe cleaue to the promises of God in Chryst. The workis merits of Christe onely geue vs frely our saluacion not ours nor yet the workes of any creature els Let vs therfore with faithset fast holde vpon the promyses of god in the gospell nether be we diuelled from them by any engyne of tentacion or persecucion Let vs consyder the verite of God to be inuiolable promisinge and geuinge vnto vs his faithfull in Chryste lyfe eternall for Chrystis sake It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs. It is his onely benefit vnto him onely must we ●●●der the thankis Unto him onely must we cleaue by faith And so shall we with stand all temtacions wrestle out of and ouercome all difficulties If the promyse as concerninge vs shulde not be out of fauour frely made so could it not be ferme and certayn because our workis and obedience to the lawe of god be so vnpure miserable filthei and so imperfit and naught if they shulde be compared layd ageynst the severe iugement and extremite of the lawe of god Thus therfore dothe the holy goste counfort vs vtwardly in the holy scryptures and inwardly with this lyuely testimonye of the spirit as Paul affirmeth sayinge Ye haue not receyued the spirit of bondage ageyne vnto feare But ye haue receyued the spirit of adopcion by whom we crye father father The same spirit witnesseth vnto ours that we be the sonnes of god If we be his sonnes so be we the ayers of god and euen the felowe ayers with Chryste if we suffer with him to be also glorifyed with him Which con firmeth vs also in Cryst for it is god that hath anoynted vs and sealled vs vp geuen vs the pledge of his spirit in ou● hertis Agene saith Paul Aftir ye had beleued the gospell of your saluacion ye were vp sealed with the holy promised spirit which is the pledge of our heretage into the redempcion of our purchased possession into the prayse of his glorye Also the spirit helpeth our weaknesses For trewly the thinge that we shuld prayfore and how to aske it we knowe not But the spi rit him selfe maketh intercession for vs with sythes vnable to be expressed Nether is it any lesse counfort whiche our god and father hath ordined for vs in his great felowship emonge the faithfull congregaciōs of whom mencion is made emonge the articles of our faithe We beleuinge thē to be the holy catholyke chirche Whiche all be our members we all togither beinge one bodye as techeth vs Paul right counfortably i. Cor. xij One mēber to be carefull for a nother of whiche if one of vs suffer all the rest haue compassion and if one of vs be hole and well all the other membres reioyse with the fame So that we beinge thus k●it to gither with the bondis of loue haue all thing is hothe mierth and sorowe heuines and ioye comon And if one of vs suffer for Chrystis sake in Englōd all the trwe brethern and sisters in the same londe in France in Germany orels where suffer the same And where one of vs being p●● sent cannot counfort another yet beinge neuer so farrof we praye incessauntly one for other vnto god our father to be counforted with his holy spirit that it wolde please his goodnes for Chrystes sake to lyft vp to restore and confirme our persecuted brethern and syste●● and to make thē constāt in all Crysten paciēce strongly in faithe to endure in our affliccion to perseuer ●o bere awaye a gloriouse victorye And if the prayer of one faithfull mā may do so miche with god as the scripture teacheth of howe mighty efficacye muste then be the comō prayers of all the hole holy congregacions ioyned togither in faith and loue Uerely we are not a loue in our affliccions we wrestle and fight not aloue in these labours nether suffer we a lone persecucions But euen Chryste suffereth with vs. For who so thus per secuteth and molesteth vs he iniuriethe persecuteth Christ and all the hole chirches of Chryst. For we be al one bodye hauinge one head euen Chryst one holy spirit withe all his spirituall giftis comon to vs all And whiles we thus praye together we doutles be herde of god For we haue the moste grave and plentuouse yea many ād that the moste present promises of god full of all consolacion that he will heare our mutuall prayers ād be present with his helpe in all our distresses nede and trouble If we shuld here a lone wrestle and buckle with Satane we were all to weake and shulde despayer ouercomen in our affliccions whiche is our own pusilla●i●ite and naturall feare But sith we be sewer to haue Chryste with all the hole chirche of Chryst on ower sydes to fyght for vs with their mutuall and continuall prayers yea and all the aungels of heuen defending and fightinge for vs howe can we