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A02442 The spiritual pilgrimage of Hierusalem, contayninge three hundred sixtie fiue dayes iorney wherin the deuoute person may meditate on sondrie pointes of his redemption. With particular declaration of diuers Saints bodies and holy places which are to be seene in the said-voyage: As also sundrie deuout praiers and meditations verie healpful to the pilgrimes: With licence.; Devote manier om geestelijk pelgrimage te trekken tot het Heilige Land. English Paeschen, Jan van.; R. H., fl. 1605. 1605 (1605) STC 12574; ESTC S115004 54,778 182

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may receaue him in to euerlasting Tabernackles The 163. day Meditate how spiritual and deuoute persons may doe their Almes by preachinge teachinge and prayinge for others who are in aduersitie or in Purgatorie The 164 day Meditate how ten lep●rs came vnto our Lord Iesus and liftinge vp their voice said Iesus Master haue mercie on vs Iesus answered them goe shew your selues to the Preistes and how one being a Samaritane and perceauing that in the way he was made whole he retourned and gaue thankes to god Whom Iesus recommended The 165. day Meditate how Iesus said many are called but fewe are chosen Seneca saith no man cometh to death more gladly then he who prepareth him selfe for death The 166. day Meditate how the A●nte of Iesus the mother of the two sonnes of Z●bedee asked of Iesus that one of hir sonnes might sitte on his right hand the other one his left hand when h● came in his kingdome and of the answere our Lord gaue vnto hir At Hebron vvhich standeth in the valley of Mambre there you may see Abrahams house vvhere sittinge vnder the Oake he saw three parsons cominge to warde● him Tres vidit vn●● ad●rauit he savv h●er vvorsh●ped one and h●w he receaued the Angels into his house Iosua first came to Hebron vvhen he vvent to be we the land of promise before that the children of Israel entered kinge Dauid also did reignein Hebron vij yeare and a halfe In Hebron are the sepulchers of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of their vviues Lot also is buried there The 167. day Meditate how Iesus taught his Disciples to flie from al pride sainge the kinges and Princes of the world beare rule ouer them and they are caled Benefici but amonge you it shal be otherwise and he that wil be greatest shal be seruāt to the others like as the sonne of man is not come to be serued but to serue al. You may visite Hiericho vvhich vvas a stronge Citie and vvas miraculously taken by Procession vvhere Rahab and hir family vvas saued The 168. day Meditate of the vocation of good Zacheus of the words which he had with our lorde and our lorde with him That the sonne of man is come to saue that which is loste In Hiericho You may see the house of this Zacheus vvho vvent vp into a vvilde ffiggetree to see ●esus into vvhose house our lorde vvent bere Pilgrimes vvere vvonte to rest The 169. day Meditate how vpon the mountaine by Hiericho Christ healed the blinde man who sate begginge by the way and cried Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercie one me The. 170. day Meditate how God the father declared that in Iesus his Sonne was his delighte and the fulnes of al grace which we ought to aske to remember our promise in Baptisme that Christ baptiseth with the holy ghoste Hic est filius meus dilectus ipsum audite this is my welbeloued Sonne heare yee him You may visite the Riuer of Iordana vvhich deuideth Galilee from Idumea and Basan faleth vnder the grounde and riseth in Eueldame vvhere is the sepulcher of Iob and thence is the end of it into the dead Sea vvhich is the place vvhere the fiue cities Sodome Comorah c stoode vvhich vvere burned vvith fier and brimstone from heauen On the right side of the riuer ●oth vvife vvas turned into a Piller of Salt thereby is th● Ch●rch of Saint Iohn Baptist and there by Iesus vvas baptised in Iordane where the Pilgrimes comonly do vvashe them selues There god vvas heard speake from heauen and the holy Gh●ste vvas seene come downe in the likenes of a Doue and al the holy Trinitie vvas present in that place The children of Israel passed drie foote through the bottome of the vvater Helt also did strike the vvater vvith his Clo●k and rassed thorough the bottome d●footed and Helizeus also Naaman the Sirian vvas he I him seauē times in the riuer and vvas healed of h●s Leprosie The. 171. day Meditate of our Sauiours fastinge prayers teares watching and lyenge on the ground many nightes solitarie without consolation or comfort of any man amonge the wilde beastes for thy loue and iustruction haue compassion of him therfore ioyne thy harte to his and followe his steppes by austeritie of life In this desart vvhere our lord fasted 40 Dayes and 40. nigh●es caled the mountaine of Quarantine vvhere the Diuel tempted him there vvas an Heremitage and there is the vvater vvhich vvas made sweete by the prayer of Elizeus The 172 day Meditate how the Angel saluted the glorious virgin Mary of hir Conception and how after she nourished our Lord in Narazeth of his humble conuersation with al men how beinge kinge of heauen he vouchsafed to be caled Iesus of Nazareth and beinge the Sonne of god was named the Sonne of a Carpenter At the mountaine vvhere the diuel caried our lord h● winge him al the kingedomes of the vvorld and sainge he vvould giue them al to him if he would fal downe worship him Th●ee thorough the coutries vntil yee come to Silo vvhere god appeared first to Samuel in Heli his dayes and so to Suhar by vvhich is the fountaine of Samaria one of Hieroboams goulden Calues vvere erected thereby at Bethel In this Citie of Suhar Dina the daughter of Iacob vvas rauish●d by occasion where of Iacobs sonnes s●●we al the inhabitants of Sichem The mountaine of Garizen isthereby vvhere the Samaritanes vvere wonte to pray On Garizon Abraham offered his sonne Isaac to god In the plaine is the Cesterne in to which Ioseph vvas th●owen before his bretheren soulde him And thence is the vvay to Samaria vvhich vvas the seate of the kinge of the ten Tribes of Israel and is now caled ●●baste Saint Iohn Baptiste vvas buried ●here but he vvas beheaded at Macherouda Iulian the Apostata caused his body to be burnt and his ashes to be hurled in to the riuer of Iordane but the finger vvher vvith he pointed sainge behould the lambe of god remayneth yet entire Saint ●ecla caried his finger beyonde the Alpes The Emperour caused the head to be taken frō●ebaste vvhere it vvas inclossed in a vval found al bloody vvrapped in a ●●●ete caried to Saint Sil●●sters church in Rome the hinder parte of the head vvith the neather lawe and Chinne and some of his ashes and the dishe in vvhich his head vvas carried Thence by diuers to ●●●es of Galilee vntil you come to Nazareth vvhere the Angel saluted our blessed Lady The 17● day Meditate how our lord Iesus called his Disciples and on the sea of Gallie taught them preached to the people and caused Peter to walke on the water At the montaine of T●abor ther is a place caled the schoole of god where Christe taught his Disciples There Christe vvas transfigured before his Disciples At the foote of Thabor Melchisidec kinge of Salem vvhich is Hierusalem met Abraham vvhen he had ouercome the 5. kinges and
the beginninge of the worlde The 315. day Meditate what prayses and thanksgeueing shal be yealded to god the father eternally by his elect and saued creatures for that by his grace he hath preserued them The 316. day Meditate how the moste excellent praise of Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus is songe in heauen without ceasinge blessed be thou o Christ eter●nally that haste redeemed and saued vs. The 317. day Thinke how the heauenlie spi●ittes and saued sowles do reioyce in behouldinge the face and pleasant visage of our Lord out of which may be drawen alioy and pleasure The 318. day Thinke how al saued creatures doe now reioyce in makinge ioy beinge set at the heauenly table with ful delighte● perpetual rest puisance and riches and doe drinke of the aboundance of gods howse and talkinge of such great ioy as neuer ●ie hath se●ne care hath heard nor ●●uer ●ntre● in to the harte of man The 3●9 Meditate how god hath created the ●urning Seraphins most noble and incomparable faier shaning a houe al Angelical creaturs And how the beutie of the most highe and holie Trinitie shineth infinitlie about the ●outie of the Seraphin● The 320 day meditate how the roble Scraphins burning in the love of God doe ioy without ceasing in the diuine fulnes in behoulding continually the heauenly and most diuine iufluence betwene the father and his welbeloued-Sonne The 321. day Thinke how the noble Cherubins haue there regarde amiablie fixed on god do admire of the excellent sweetenes and influence of his most noble diui●iti● The 322 day Thinke how much wisdome is giuen to the most excellente Cherubins whereby they haue knowledge of theire Creator and doe enioy the illumination of the most high diuinitie The 323. day meditate how the Throanes doe rest the selues quietly in God and doe enioy a maruelous sweetene● in him The 324. day meditate how all the happie spirits of the caelestiall Courr● abounding with innumerable inestimable delightes without ceasing doe giue continual praise to the most high and holie Trinitie The 325. day meditate how the holie Trinitie is the fountaine and increated nature from whence al things doe descend in forme and Creation The 362. day meditate how the holie Trinitie is the cleare glasse wherein all Saints doe behoulde and contemplate the diuine power wisdome boun●ie them selues also and all thinges The 327. day Meditate howe the father without ceasinge giueth influence ingenderinge his sōne in new delights of ioyes The 328. day Meditate of the person of the Sonne who is the eternall wisedome of the father being eternally engendred and borne of his father as a most shinning beame of the light of the Sonne The 329. day Meditate how the Sōne of god reioyceth al the heauenly citie and geueth recreation to al the blessed spirites who without any means are vnited and conioyned with god The. 330. day Meditate how the Sōne of god loueth the Father the Father the Sonne and what great ioy the Sōne hath in behouldinge his Father and againe the Father in behouldinge his Sonne The. 331. day Thinke of the holie ghost proceeding frō the father the Sonne how continually he filleth all them that are in heauen with the pleasant sappe of ioy and entertayneth them without ceasing with fre she ioy The 3●2 day To S. Georges Churche in Venice vvhere is his arme and his hande Meditate of the greate ioie that the Queene of Paradise and mother of god Marie hath at this present of the honour that shall be shewed to her euermore in heauen of God of al faued creatures The 334 day To S. Barb aras Church vvhere her body is and a great bone of S. Christopher Meditate how the sweete flower of the Virginitie of Marie incessātly marueleth for that the Creator of all creatures was so much humbled as to sucke her pappes The ●3● day Meditate how the mother of God is now an Aduocatrixe a pacifier of al sinns before out heauēly father with her Sonne shewing hir Virginall pappes for the whic● all humane creatures which be saued yeald therefore to her euermore praise honour and thankes-geuing The ●35 day meditate how great the sweetenes is w●ich M●cie tak●th now in the glorie of Paradice for the riches of the nolie G●o●t is opened vnto her The 336. day VVithin Venice vvhere thou art to recken vv●th the Patron of the galley S Peter vvi●h h●s com●anie If thou haste satisfied all thou ●rom●sed him in the ●0 date and giue him thanke● vvith some praier to his honour Meditate vv●at great ●oy the Queene of Paradise hath being sett nexte the most holy and glorious Trinitie The ●37 day To Palia Meditate vvhat greate ioy Macie taketh in that she hath bene the ●nother of the euerla●ting worde The ●38 day meditate how sweetely Marie lowlie gi●eth th●nkes to the holy Trinitie and gi●eth thanks without ceasing and knoweth perfectlie she is beloued The ●●9 day Meditate how our Ladie is sweetely en●●roned with holie Angels the heauenly noste and how her ●rightnes and theirs compared together are like a ●hadow to the bright Sunne The ●40 day Meditate how the Apo●tels reioyse in heauē clothed with ●auce pou●sered wit● starrs of Christian faith ●hining like the sunne The ●4● day A● Tr●nt where is the body of the Infance Simeon vvh●e vvas martyred ●y the Infide●ls meditate how greatly the Apostels reioyced for that they shall be sette of twelue seates iudginge al● nations of the earth The ●41 day Meditate how the holie virgins doe follow the Lambe of God clothed with long white robes ●hinīg with cleannes and Virgintie The ●4● day meditate with what f●veeroues the espouses of the lambe who Virgin̄s doe carrie the singuler garland and Cro●ne of golde which is caled Au●eola ouer the faier Corone of the heauenly glorie The ●44 day Meditate how hartely the spouses of the lambe are beloued of the holie Trinitie because that for the loue of him they cōtinued notanie white soptted or defiled The ●45 day Meditate how the holy Virgings doe receaue of our lorde Iesus the coller of golde with other ornamentes for theire neckes by moste sweete loue The 346. day meditate how the Patriarckes Prophets reioyce without ceasing for that they see in glorie hi. whose death accomplished all which they did Prophesie of him The 347. day Meditate how sweetlie the holie m●rtyres doe reioyse vvith our Lorde for that for the loue of him they haue shedd their precious bloode The 348. day Meditate vvhat companies of holy Martirs with Palmes in their handes in signe of victorie and triumphe proceede in order before the Holie Trinity and receiue aboundant treasures of heauenly ioye and glorie The. 349. day Meditate how the holye Martyrs doe become dronke with the sweete fountaine of heauenly comforts for that they suffered such bitter death for Christes sake The. 350. day Meditate how in the holie Confessors the merites of their holie deuout thoughtes and contemplations is now brightly shininge in them The. 351. day Meditate how all the Saintes in Pardice haue done no one so litle a good deede but hath now his particular recompence and rewarde The 352. day Meditate how al the elect Sanites of god doe now triumphe in Paradise and are highlie rewarded there for al their labours The. 353. day Meditate how al the Saintes are comforted in heauen for al their trauaile they haue so patiently suffered on earth The. 354. day Thinke how al the Saintes in heauen are now crowned with crownes of inestimable ioy for that they haue here on earth behaued them selues so valiantly in fightinge and conqueringe the world the fleash and the Deuil The 355. day Thinke o Pilgrime for what life thou art created and made of thy creator Wherfor behaue thy self valiantly and fight manfully whilst thou art here for the life of man is but a war-fare on earth The. 356 day Thinke o deuout sowle to what holie and happie end thow art elected for the which cause beare thy aduersities with al patience and suffer gladly here for a little time The. 357. day Meditate of the soueraing and cleare brightnes of euerlastinge life and humbly craue that the same blessed brightnes may happpely shinein thy soule The 358. day Thinke of the most pleasant sweetenes of the euerlastinge life and hartely pray that thou maist euen now somwhat feele and taste the same to the end that thy drye hart may be sweetned and comforted ther with The 359 day Meditate of the moste happie felicitie of the eternal life and desier with moste earnest harte that thou ma●●t haue comfort of the same and be filled there with The. 360. day you may visit at Colin the bodies of the. 3 ●inges o● Saint Vrsula and the XI thousand Virgin● Meditate of the life to come which is ●e●er to die being without a● sor●●v●or wante of any thinge and desier of thy lord god that once thou maist behould and enioy the face of ●is di●ine Ma●e●te The 361. day you may visit at Ac●n the Smock of the B. Virgin the Hose of Sainte Ioseph and many other reliques Meditate hovv ioyfully one day God the Fa●h●r vvil giue him selfe to the povver of thy memory The. 362. day At Maistrike is the body of Saint Seruace cosen to our Sauiour in the fourth degree Thinke hovv svvetly they Sonne of God shal be vvholie enclosed in the povver of thy vnderstandinge The. 393. day Meditate hovv comfortably the Holy Ghoste like runing streames of vvater shal be continualy povvringe in the desiers of thy harte vvith great and vnspeakable svveetnes to thy sovvle The. 364. day Meditate hovv the Holy Trinitie shal aboun●antly fille thee vvith al kinde of heauenly delightes in his glorious kingdome of Paradise yea vvith much more then either eie hath seene eate hath heard or the harte of man is able to conceiue The 365. day At thy lodginge in London or from vvhence thou departedst Meditate hovv al faithfull Pilgrimes after this mortal Pilgrimage shal be in greate ease rest and svvetnes for euermore and shal remaine happie vvith out end The vvhich the Holy Trinitie by the intercession of the Blessed mother and of al Saintes graunte vs Amen
fallinge when he was nayled lifted vp and let ral in to the mortice of the Crosse With a moste stronge torture and ruful paine to al his holy members And for that a Pilgrimes repast is often times on greene hearbes thy Meate must be the seauen leaues which came forth of the mouth of our Sauiour when he grewe and was fixed on the holy Tree of the Crosse The 1. leafe o father forgeue them here pray for meekenes be slow to reuenge c. The 2. leafe this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise here pray for the forgeuenes of thy sinnes The 3. leafe behold thy mother here pray for diuine asistance neuer to be seperated from god The 4. leafe my God my God why hast thou forsaken me here pray for helpe and comfort of god in al thy Distresses and that he neuer forsake thee especially in the hower of thy death The 5. leafe I Thirst here pray for an earnest desier thirst of the loue of god With a feruent holy honger worthely to receaue the B. sacrament The 6. leafe It is finished here pray for fortitude to laboure and perseuer faithfully to the end in our Lords holy seruice and in thy true estate and vocation The 7. leafe O father in to thy handes I comend my spirit here pray for the worthy offeringe vp of thy soule at the hower of thy death in to the handes of thy Redeemer For thy Drinke in the Tauernes thou shalt finde in the the Sellers of our Sauiour that wyne maketh glad the hart of man Which be the seauen effusion of the blood of our Lord Iesus The 1. effusion his Circumcision here pray for the circumcision of al superfluitie and to be filled with the sweete dew of a pure and innocent life and perfectly to be cleansed from lust and concupiscence The 2. effusion in sweating water blood here pray to forsake al c●etures and the loue of this wretched world The 3. effusion in his whiping here learne to reioyce in abstinence penance The 4. effusion In his Coronation pray to reioyce in nothing but in the Crosse of Christ The 5. effusion In plucking of his garments pray to pluck away from thee al old infirmities which haue long cleaued fast vnto thee the loue of al transitory thinges that thy soule may be perfectly adorned with the garment of diuine loue The 6 effusion In his nayling here pray to haue a firme constancie in the Catholike faith The 7. effusion In the peircing of his Blessed hart here pray to receaue worthelie before thy departure the holie Eucharist This Pilgrime must haue also a Tent for the night which may be the seauen sorrowes of our Blessed Lady The 1. sorrow to heare old Simeon say that the sword of sorrow should pearce hir hart here pray for the obtayning of trew knowledg and repentance of thy sinnes and compassion for the same The 2. sorow when she fled by night in to the coūtry of Egipt and here pray for patience in al thy tribulations The 3. sorowe when she had lost Iesus and could not til three Dayes find him againe here pray that thou neuer leese his grace but euer find it againe The 4 sorow when Iesus was caryeng his Crosse here pray that thou maiest willingly carry the Crosse of Christ al the dayes of thy life The 5 sorow when she saw hir sōne hanginge on the Crosse and comendinge hir to his disciple here pray so to liue in this world that his holy passion be not voide frustrate in thee The 6. sorow when Christ was let downe in hir lappe from the Crosse being dead here pray to haue grace to receiue with fruite the blessed Sacrament and to haue the benifit of euery Masse The 7. sorow when Iesus was buried and she returned to Hierusalem pray that thou maiest euer haue Iesus abidinge in thy hart and haue compassion of our blessed Lady The lenght of this Iorney This spiritual voyage is deuided in to Three hundred sixtie fiue dayes Iorneyes which is for euery day in the yeare one meditation to the end thou maiest not be silent one hower euer in any day hauinge likewise in minde al the foresaid necessaries to wit thy Aparel Thy Purse thy Staffe thy Diet thy loginge c. From London or the like place For the 1. day Meditate of God that he is incōprehensible the begining and endinge of al the fountaine of al goodnes and abone al to be honored loued and magnified For the 2 day meditate how god hath created the Angells ful of glory to praise him and for the sauegard of his creatures For the 3. day meditate how god made heauen and earth and al that in them is with in the space of seauen dayes For the 4. day Mediate of the ioy of the Angells in the creation of man For the 5. day Meditate of the creation of Adam and Eue and of thei● placinge in Paradise and what Go● commanded them For the 6. day meditate of the Driuing of Adam and Eue out of Paradice and now Adam liued in this world nine hundred thirtie yeares in Penāce labouring for his bread with the sweat of his browes For the 7. day Meditate of the diuine councel in heauen for the Deliueringe of mankind from the captiuitie of the deuil wherinto he fel thorough sinne and of the vnion togeather of Gods Iustice and Peace Mercie and Truth For the 8. day Meditate of the agreement of the holy Trinitie touchinge the saluation of mankinde For the 9 day meditate vpon the amiable leaue that our Sauiour Iesus Christ tooke of his father in heauen and of al the celestial court and of the wordes which his father vsed at his departure 1. Saing Goe my sonne goe bringe man hither to vs that he may be deliuered from damnation euerlasting 2. Goe My sonne in to al miserie Goe out of al glorie with out any maner of consolation 3. Goe that thy pure humanitie be subiect to thy diuinitie 4. Goe like a kinge to whom sodainly shal be done al princely honor 5. Goe my only childe that thy innocencie may satisfie for the faultes and offences of al men 6. Goe and remember al thy paines and torments to come to the end they may be the more greueous vnto thee 7. Goe and I wil breake and cut the course of thy life in thy florishing youth 8. Goe and I wil giue the sworde in to thy enimies handes with ful power to doe to thee whatsoever they wil. 6. Goe and endure the most cruel death and looke for no comfort at al of thy father 10 Goe and accomplish entirely by workes whatsoeuer my holy Prophets haue spoken of thee before in wordes 11. Goe my welbeloued sonne and make partakers both the good the euil of thine ignominius and shamful death that by true repentance they may receiue it 12. Goe and suffer that thy death and passion may be so inestimable for the which no man
our Lord was nailed to the Crosse Meditate how these vile and cruel wretches did leade our Sauiour from the aforesaid stone to the Crosse where they threwe him violētly vpō his back on the hard Crosse that it hurt him very sore and shooke al the veines of his holy harte which he tooke in good parte with patience for the loue which he had of the saluation of mākinde how mercifully he spread his armes a broade of his owne accorde to be nailed with those boisterous nailes of Iron Also how al his body was extreāly stretched with ●o●des that it cracked that the veines sinewes did breake a sōder beinge str●t●hed like a stringe on a Bowe and with what patience he suffered the same and how they troade on him with their feete spurned and thrust his head where they would haue it lye takinge greate pleasure in their cruelty and tormentinge of him Also how they strooke on his head sides with their hammers in somuch that the blood did issue forth of his nose and mouth Remēber also the great sorowe his blessed mother had when she heard the blowes of the hammers and What countenance she had seing the body of hir deere sonne al bloody and in so piteous a plight The Iewes giue him 50. blovves vvith hammers vvhen they fastened him vpon the Crosse The 13. Station O Sweete Iesus by al the paines and anguishes thou sufferedst when thou wast stretched on the Crosse with great courage and patience for me miserable catife beinge moste cruely fastned on the same geue me grace I beseech thee to vse wel al the mēbers of my body in thy holy seruice and that when the bitternes and panges of death shal stretch al my members I may then remember thy greueous paines and dolours and with thee offer my self in Sacrifice and patiently to endure al which thy holy pleasure shal be to send me At an Aultar in the quier is a place vvhere the vvicked played at dice for Christes garments at which place our blessed Lady and Magdalen did greatly sorrow On the left hand it is where the Iewes prepared the vinegar and gaule In a Chappel vnder the ground is the place vvhere sainte Helin was wont to pray and vvhere the died and vvas first buried but after vvas translated to venice Yet deeper is the place vvhere S. Helin found the three Crosses and three nayles and the Crowne of Thornes Ascendinge on another Aultar thou shalt finde vnder the same a shorte Piller vvhere on our Lord d●d sit vvhen the crovvne of Thornes vvas put on his head now you ascende the mounte of Caluarie vvhich is a wh●te Rocke there is afaire Church or Chappell vvhich is all gilded vvith goulde and azur and is paued vvith marble On the one side there is the place vvhere our lord vvas hanged on the crosse into this place fevve people doe enter By the doore there is the hoale of the holie Crosse all open tvvo foote deepe and a space brode into vvhich you may put your arme The 215 day To contemplate howe our Lord Iesus was lifted from the grounde and carried to be set betwene tow theeues to his greater shame and to suffer moste bitter death for the redemption of mankinde Meditate of the excessiue loue which our Sauiour Iesus had of the health and saluation of mankinde which was kindled in his diuine harte like a burning fire which caused him so patiently to be lifted vp shaked and let fale vpon the grounde with vnspeakeable paine to all his holie members which stroke vnto the hatre of his dolorous mother The which fale he susteined that the diuine iustice should not eternally condemne the poore sinner at euerie time hee shoulde fale into deadly sinne And how he was lifted vp se●te betwixt two theues and how he was annoyed with the stincke sauour of the dead bodies which were on mounte Caluarie The 216. day meditate with what greate patience our Lord endured to be crucified stretched nailed blasphemed and dishonored as well in his diuinitie as in his humanitie by the high Preists Scribes Pharises and Elders who contrarie to the lawe followed after for this effecte vvhich was more tormente vnto him then any of his other paines wherevpon with greate humilitie he beganne to pray for his enimies the 1. worde My father forgeue them they knovve not vvhat they doe The 217. day meditate in the same place with how greate pacience our Lorde Iesus endured in those intollerable tormēts the space of three hours hanging on the Crosse hauing not the meanes to moue any one of his members where one might easealy number euerie bone and see his ●●ines and sinewes Of the blasphemie of one of the theeues and of the repentance of the good theefe And of the words of Iesus to him the 2. worde Th● day thou ●halt be vvith me in Paradice The ●●8 day meditate this day of the vnspeakeable sorrowe which our lords broken harte did feele vvhen he did behoulde his heuie and discomforted Mother by him to whome hee spake in this manner The 3. vvorde VVoman behoulde thy Sonne And after to S. Iohn Behoulde thy mother Where at they both helde there peace not being able to speake for sorrowe and teares The 219. day meditate in vvhat great distresse the body of our Lord did hang seeking vvith intollerabe paines to turne or vvinde himselfe vpon the Crosse thinking to finde some more ease and so vveeping bloodie teares cried to his father vvith a high voice the 4 worde M● god my god vvhie hast thou forsaken me thy o●ly sonne into the handes of sinners and how darkenes came ouer all the whole earth from the sixt houre to the ninth houre and the sunne also lost his light The 220. day meditate vvhat extreāe pouertie our lorde endured vpon the Crosse vvhen all his naturall humors were spent and run out and in his exceeding drieth cried out the 5 worde I thirste And how he coulde not gette so much as a litle coulde vvater How one of the iniuste vvicked ministers filled a sponge vvith vineger mingled with gale put it to the mouth of Iesus but when he tasted it he would not drinke it To the ende that we shoulde not taste of the cup of death euerlasting The 221. day Meditate how our Lord endured peaceably and patiently al the paines and torments of the Crosse by which meanes he satisfied and paid to god his father the det for our sinnes which Iesus consideringe from pointe to pointe therof and findinge al to be fulfilled which the Scriptures and Prophecies had fore tould of him he cried the 6. word It is finished The 222. day Meditate how our Lord Iesus prepated him self to die and of the great patience he had when death was now come in to his woundes in to his bones and began to assault his sacred hart at the first assault heauen and earth trembled At the second the stones and Rockes did cleaue a
when he did forsee and know that yet so many Christians should goe back and fal from the vnion of holy church and geue them selues to diuers sectes The 147. day Meditate of the sadnes of the sowle of Iesus when he considered how often the sonne of god should be crucified againe by the occasion of sinners and vnbeleuinge people The 248. day Meditate of the soraowe of the sowle of Christ vpon the Crosse when he perceiued so many people should take a iuste cause of a mendment of life in hand but not perseuer in the same The 249 day Approachinge to Cypres vvhich cōtaineth about it seauen Italian myles Meditate of the great sorowe of the sowle of Iesus when he cōsidered the sowle of man created to the similitude of god should be defiled with sinne The 250. day In Cypres vvhere Lazarus lined before he went to Marselles Meditate on the bitter sorow the sowle of Iesus suffered when he considered that the nature of man who was created to no other end but to desier heauēly things would applie it self so much to base and earthly thinges and so defile and spot it selfe The 251. day Vpon the mountaine of the Crosse in Cypres Meditate of the great sorowe the sowle of Iesus had on the Crosse when he did see so fair an ordinance of holy Religion should be ouerthrowen by gluttony dronkennes and fleashly sinnes The 252. day Meditate of the most● bitter sorrowe of Iesus when he consi●●eced t●at charitie the seruice of god and his seruice would decay war colde and be almost abolished in al estates The 253. day Meditate of the sorowe of Iesus when he saw the great confusion that was to come vpon sinners at the hower of their death for their ingratitude The 254. day Meditate of the sorowe of Iesus when he did consider the great sorowe and il wil of sinners when they should be deliuered to perpetual damnation The 255. day Meditate of the great sorowe of Iesus when he considered that the habitation of the holy ghoste which is the soule of man should be in many the habitation of the deuil The 256 day Meditate of the sorowe of Iesus when he did consider that one man would by perswasion and exsam●●e of sinne leade another to damna●●on The 257. day Meditate of the sorowe of Iesus when he did consider how the deuil would hinder so many noble creatures to come againe to their first beginninge The 258 day Meditate of the great sorowe of Iesus when he did consider that so many huminie creatures woulde receiue the Blessed Each trist vow orthely which was one of the greast sorowes his sowle suffered on the Crosse The 259. day Meditate of the great sorowe of Iesus when he did consider that so many creatures should with mouth confesse that they knewe god ●ad in their workes denie him The 260 day Meditate of the sorowe of Iesus when he considered so many humane creatures would cary vnder a Religious habit a sleathly heart The 261 day Meditate on the sorowe of Iesus soule considering how smale regarde should be made of the extremities cruel paines and torments which he suffered for vs. The 262 day At Baffo vvhere the 7. ●●●persdor lie Of the vvorkes paines and pou●rtie of Iesus chaunged in to glorie Meditate how the eternal sonne of god after al his paines and tribulations is receiued of his father very ioyfully vith great gladnes of al the Angelical Spirites The 263. day Meditate with what triūphantioy not only the three kinges but also al the heauenly powers doe make incessant ioyes offeringe in heauen without ceasinge the goulde of loue and charitie the Francumsence of iubilation and thank sgeucinge and the mirthe of honor and reuerence with moste sweete admiration The 264. day Meditate how sweetely the moste noble humanity of Christ is ●●alted and praysed in heauen for his circumcision when his first blood was shed on earth and he was named Iesus The 265 day Meditate of the imperial citie of his father ful of al ioye and sweetnes where our Lord Iesus sitteth in al glorie al sorowe greife beinge far from him The 266 day Thinke how the passion of our Sauiour is like a sweete hearbour or garden to them that are loaden with the Crosse of Pennance temptation and tribulation in the which singular comfort is to be foūde The 267. day Meditate how amiablely the heauenly father embraceth his moste deare sonne who hath alwayes bene so obediente vnto him euen to the death of the crosse The 268 day Meditate how the voice of the Sonne of god is heard so sweetly and produceth incessantly the eternal and diuine sapience the which altho he did here on earth also yet was he not esteemed The 269 day Meditate how sweetly our Sauiour taketh the fruition and sweete influence without any ceasing or intermission The 270 day Meditate how Christ Iesus in heauen doth enioy his kingly dignitie beinge in earth saluted kinge of the Iewes in mockerie The 271. day Meditate how in heauen it is neither paine nor greife to praise and laude god and our Sauiour Iesus to wom it was no greife for the ardent loue he had to mans saluation to be contemned and mocked here on earth The 272. day Meditate with what glorie our Lord in heauen is compassed with Seraphins who here on earth was compassed and inuironed with sinners The 273. day Meditate what ioye of heart Iesus hath now amonge the Cherubins in recompence of the great affliction of heart which he suffered an earth a monge the multitude of the Iewes The 274 day Meditate how Christ is now inuirened with the diuiue brightres and ioy for on the earth he was compassed with sadnes vpon sadnes when he did sweate water and blood The 275. day Meditate how Christ feeleth him self so much at ease and sweetly entreated when he beareth the voice of his frendes sweetly reioycinge in heauen for that on the earth he heard his enimies cryenge we seeke Iesus of Nazareth The 276. day Thinke how incessantly Christ is behoulden of his heauenly father and of al the celestial courte for that vpon earth he had so gently suffered the vnworthie cruel countenance of his enimies who so cruelly had pulled him by the heare of his head and beard The 277. day Thinke how ioyfully Christ is now elleuated and resteth sweetly in the throane of his heauenly father for that here on the earth he lay miserably vnder the feete of sinners and was spurned and troaden of them with great contempt The 278. day Meditate how sweetly Christe reioyceth for that he is the only iudge of mankinde who beinge vpon earth was by them iudged to be whiped crowned with thornes and crucified and yet wil be their mercifully iudge The 279. day Meditate how god the euerlastinge father crowneth our Sauiour with the crowne of euerlastinge glorie who being on earth caried sustained the most in famous Crosse vpon his shoulders for the health of vs al.