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A07355 The solace of the soule agaynst the bytter stormes of sycknes and deathe greatly encouragynge the faythfull, paciently to suffer the good pleasure of God in all kynd of aduersite, newly set forth in Englysshe by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1548 (1548) STC 1774; ESTC S117217 16,613 58

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as it is thy godly pleasure to call me from thys myserable lyfe and wretched worlde I moost entierly beseche the so to defende me in thys agonye of deathe that Satan nor his ministers preuayle against me but that I contynue faythfull and constante vnto the ende in the confession of thy holy name lokyng for full remyssyon of all my synnes in the precyons bloude of thy welbeloued sonne and my sauyour Iesus Christe and that I departynge in this fayth and perfecte trust may be placed emong thy blessed saintes and heauēly spirites so for euer to remayne wy●h the in glory Graunt this o most mercyfull father for thy son Iesus Christes sake Lorde recyue my spirite Father into thy hādes I commend my spyrit for thou that arte the God of truth haste redemed me To the be all glory and honoure Amen ¶ The articles of the Christen fayth FYRST I beleue in one god Deut. vi And father of oure Lorde Iesu Christe ii Cor. i. The whych is the Lorde of heauen and earth Luke xit And creator of all creatures Hebre. i. Yea he is father of vs all and Epe iiii The which hath elected vs to be his children through Iesu Christ. Ephe. i. And therfore shall we all hym worsh●ppe onely and besyde hym haue none other goddes Deut. vi Also we shal feare hym as one almighty God Psal. xxxiiii And as mercy full father we shall loue hym wyth all oure hartes wyth all our soule and wyth all our power and mynde Math. xxii● And vpon hym muste stāde all our hope Hiere vii For he is the father of lyghte Iacob i. Of the whych all mankynde leueth Aetu xiii And receyueth both bodelye goodes Prouerb x. And enerlastynke saluation Psal. xxxvii Togyther wyth all perfite gyftes whych come and descence from him alone Iacobi .i. Furthermore I beleue in Iesu Christe the sonne of the lyuing God our lord i. Cor. vii The whych is the very bryghtnesse of hys fathers glorye and the very ymage of his substaunce Hebre. i. Yea he is the onely begotten sonne of the father Iohn i. Come forth of the mouthe of the moste hyeghest God Eccles. xxiii Fyrst boren before all creatures Collos. i. Thorow the whych all thynges are created Hebre. i. In whom we haue redemption namely remyssyon of synnes thorow hys bloude Col. i. With the which he hath washed vs Apo. i. And hath also recōciled vs again to his most holy gloriouse father Ephe. ii That were afore enemyes to God Roma viii For after the tyme that God had made man after hys ymage and symilytude he seate hym in Paradise that he shoulde eate of all the fruytes in the gardyn of pleasure exceptynge him the tree of knowledge of good and euyll Gene. ii But man dysobeyed the Lord his God and trāsgressed hys commaundemente Gene. iii. Thorow the whyche disobedyence and transgressyon of the godly commaundement death and curse is come ouer all mankynde Roma .v. And when ther was no helpe nor comforte for man whereby he myghte haue bene redeymed or delyuered oute of Sathans power then hathe God the mercyfull Father pytye vpon mankynde and Promysed them a seade namelye Iesus Chryste hys onelye begotten sonne the whych shoulde treade vpon the heade of the Serpente and ouercome the Dyuyll and restore vs to lyfe agayne Genesis iii. And lykewyse as God is ryghtuouse in all hys wayes and holy in all hys workes Psalmes clv. And true in al hys wordes Psal. li. So hath he kepet all hys promises tre●ly And as the time was fulfilled Gala. iiii God leat hys word descend in to the wombe of the virgyn Mary and by the workyng of the holye ghoste became fleshe As Iohn witnesseth saiyng The word became fleshe and dwelt emong vs and we saw hys glory as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the father full of grace and veritie Iohn i. Also thys onely begotten of God became lyke vnto vs in all thynges excepte syn Hebre. ii He hath suffereth death for oure sake Esay liii And hath taken awaye Sathans power and restored lyfe in againe i. Timothe vi Yea he is made vnto vs wysdō and rightwysnes sātifyeng and redemption i. Cor. i. And lykewyse as he dyed for oure synnes Hebre. ii So is he rysen agayne through the power of hys father Roma vii For our ryghtuousnes Roma iiii And as he oftentymes shewed him selfe after hys resurrection vnto hys dysciples Actu i. So is he ascended vnto heauen in ther presens Luke xxiiii And sytteth at the ryghte hande of the almyghty father Rom viii Aboue all rule and myghte and dominion and aboue all that maye be named not onelye in thys world but also in the world to come Ephe. i And hath subdued al thinges vnder hys fete Hebre. ii To be brefe he is a Lord aboue all lordes and a kynge aboue all kynges Apoc. xix Yea he is an almyghtye God wyth hys father Apoc. xxii Iohn x. And neuerthelesse he is our aduocat mediator i. Iohn ii ●● Timot. ii Our only hye preiste Hebr. v. The saceifice that he hath done for our synnes abydeth for eueermore of valure Hebre. x. Furthermore lykewyse as Christe is ascended vp in to heau●n so shall he come agayne from heanen Actu i Wyth the dominion of hys father and wyth the angels Mach. xxv For to gyue euery man rewarde after his workes yea for to iudge the quycke and dead Act. x. i. Tim. iii. I beleue also in the holy Ghost equall god wyth the father the son which holy ghost is a teacher of all christē Iohn xiiii and he doth cloth thē wyth his gyftes geueth euery one the measure of faythe after hys awne wyl i. Corin. xi● And kepeth thē vnmouable in one fayth for he is a ruler of the christian cōgregation Aet xx He is also the anoinmente .i. Iohn ii Wherewyth all Christen are anoynted and of that behalfe are called the anoynted of the Lord. Psal. c. iiii So is this holy ghost giuen vnto the Christen as an ernest of ther inheritaunce to ther redemption and they agayne be hys awn to the pryse of his glory Ephe. i. To be shor ●it is impossible wythout thys holy ghost to knowe God truely .i. Cor. ii Or wythall the hope of the hart to beleue vpon him .i. Cor. xii Or to call vpon him as a father Romanorum viii And therefore dothe God powr thys hys holye Ghoste vppon hys chyldren wherby they maye treuly know hym and treuly beleue hym and as a trew father call upon him Gala. iiii This is my beleue in the father in the sonne and in the holye ghost which tree I knowlege to be one god Deut. vi whous seate is the heauē and the earth is a benche of his fete Esay xlvi Yea y ● which is an euerlasting .ii. Mach. i. and almyghtye God Psal. c. xlv The whyche alone wyll be worshypped and serued Dent. vi For he can alone helpe vs. Esay xliiii
in bodely prosperite now paraduenture the fleshe as it is alway naturally disposed pro●e and bent vnto y ● deuyl shuld deceyue the and cast the into many and greuous synnes agaynste God wherwyth God beynge dyspleased thou shuldest be in daunger of cursyng and dampnatiō that thy heauenly father preuentyng this incōmodite and perell and prouidynge for the and thy healthe bryngethe vnder and kepethe downe thy fleshe whych wyth all mayne and ferse waxeth woode against the spirit and is euermore contrary to it that it be not waloued forth into y ● most stynkynge and fylthy pudle of synne but be subiecte and obedyent to the spyrite forasmuch than as this is the pleasure of thy mooste louinge Father agayne seynge that all thyngesturne vnto thy cōmodite wealthe take hede dylygenlye O brother that thou doste not stryue agaynst the good wyl of God but suffer pray y ● the wyl of thy father may be done in the that he may hādle the as he thinketh best and that thou mayst not wysshe couet or desyre any thynge but that he shall thynke good that all thynges may turne to the glory and praise of god and that he maye assyste the wyth his grace that thou mayst paciently and thankefully beare the crosse that is layde vpon the for pacience bryngethe experyence experyence bryngeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed Here hast thou an occasyon to exercyse and lerne paciēce in al thi troubles Fyrst thou lernest that God of a fatherly minde punisheth the and thys dost thou learne by experyence for excepte thou dedyst proue in very dede how health full it were to gyue ouer thy selfe wholly to God to obeye hys wyll as Dauid saythe it is hyghly for my profyt that y ● hast punished me thou couldest not cōceiue a certē and sure hope of hym hauyng no experyēce before that a mynde so fatherlye and wōderfully desyrous of the hyghe hydde vnder thys crosse and rodde But seyng thou hast lerned that before by experience and haste now some taste of that thynge thou doste not despayre in any trouble but thy hope encreaseth streyghtewayes seyng thou hast before oftētymes proued ▪ the helpe of God prese●t And althoughe he wynketh at the matter and sometyme suffreth the for a certen space to styke stand faste in the myre yet at the laste he retcheth forthe hys helping hādes delyuereth saueth the he suffreth the to swymme for a certayn space yea to be ouerwhelmed wyth waters but he sufferethe the not to be drowned Hereof mayste thou gather a sure hope that he wyl neuer leaue the socou●les nor cast y ● awai seynge he hath preserued the beyng so ofte in ieoperdye in aflyctyons and trubles therfore dost thou lerne to conceyue and nouryshe a good and vndoubted hope of God that euen in the moost greuous afflyctions of al wher no helpe at all appereth thou mayste truste vnto hym beynge now thorouly taughte hys custome in deliuerynge and sauing hys people thou haste lerned that afflictiōs be sent not of dyspleasure but of a Fatherly loue Whyche thyng thou beleuyng and hauynge experyence therof doste pacyently abyde hys helpe neyther dispayrest thou but trustest stedfastly that he at the laste wyll helpe the although he delayeth it neuer so lōge hydeth and kepethe hym selfe secrete And thus at the last dost thou know and vnderstand that thi disease or trouble is not sēt vnto the for this purpose that y ● shuldest be destroied bu● that the glory of God maye be sette abrode that al thinges may turne vnto thi health saluatiō he y ● can giue him selfe ouer wholly cōmyt him selfe to god on this maner and put al his aff●auns trust in his promises truly that man neuer dyeth whych thyng Christ him selfe euen wyth an ooth because we shuld not doubt affyrminge the same sayeth Uerely verely yf any man kepe my worde he shall neuer se death And in an other place he sayth I am the waye the truth and the lyfe he that beleueth in me shall lyue although he be dead And he that lyueth and beleueth in me shal neuer dye these wordes of christ o brother loke that thou depely repose thē wyth al diligence kepe them in thi minde and whā soeuer y ● perceiuest y●●hi minde wauer or is tr●bled vnderprope lyft it vp wyth this swete and comfortable sayinges he that beleuethe in Chryste shall not taste deathe he that beleueth in me hath euerlastyng lyfe sayth Christ this is euer lastyng lyfe to knowe the euen the true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. Euerlastynge lyfe is begunne in this worlde for he that hath Christe hath the true lyfe for Chryst is y ● lyfe he is also the truth therfore wil not he mocke vs butal the ꝓmises of god ar in hī ye ar in him Imē And that y ● shuldest doubt nothyng but that God wyll abyde by hys promises he hath bonde him selfe vnto the wyth a certen peculiar couenaunte and sygne put vnto thy body For when he being gratly desyrous of thy health sente hys sonne in to the worlde to offer hym selfe vnto the deathe for thy sake he ded make and stryke vp a bargē of grace before y ● christ in whō he hath promysed yf thou wylte beleue and be Baptysed that he wyll gyue the euerlastynge lyfe frelye and neuer forsake the yea that he wyll be thy father and crowne the wyth grace and mercy thy baptysme is a sygne of thys couenaunte Now is it necessari for the that thou cleuest with tothe and nayle to the promyses whych are added to thys sygne For God hathe gyuen thys sygue that thou shuldest nothyng doubt of the grace or fauoure that he hath promysed nor yet of hys fayth concernynge the faythfull perfyrmans of the same thou arte baptysed to dye wyth Christe as Paule saythe that hys death shulde be thy death and that he shulde puryfye all thynges for thy sake yea thou hast put hym on in babtisme that thou shuldeste be whole in hym and he in the. Baptysme therfore is a couenaūte whych lyfteth vp chereth and maketh quyet thy consciēce before god as Peter testifieth that he wyl neuer dampne the for thy synnes For thou beynge iustified by fayth hast peace wyth God a quyet clere and pacifyed consciēce is the true peace Thou hast perceyued a moost sure sygne as a certen seale of thys iustification and remission of sinnes ●uen Baptysme that thou shouldest beleue for a certente that God for Chrystes sake wyll haue pytye on the preserue and delyuer the. Nowe seynge than that God fauo●eth the and wyll be thy father and neuer forsake the seynge also that thou haste an vndeceauable sygne and wyt●es of this thing loke that thou dost commyt and wholly giue ouer to hym bothe thy selfe and all that euer perteine vnto y ● ▪ thou must also obeye hys wyll and pacientlye suffer hys
thys thynges that are to be hoped that is to saye promysed and a certen●e and euyden knowelege of those thynges tha● doo not appeare wyth that holy 〈◊〉 Patriarche Abraham thou must beleue vnder hope agaynste hope thy faythe and hope muste nedes resyste and set them selfes agaynste all those thynges whych euer blinde reason dothe Imagyne or that mooste sutle and craftye enemye doo brynge to remembauns and worke agaynste the wherfore thou muste thoroulye learne what cu●●tme God dothe kepe in sauynge hys whome he wyll lyfte vp into heauen hym he bryngethe downe fyrste vnto Hell Whome he wyll ●uycken hym dothe he fyrste kyll vpon whome he wyll exercyse hys excedynge Mercye hym wyll he fyrst trye and make asthoughe he woulde dampne hym And thys is that vnfained purgatory and that true purgyng fyre into the which God castethe hys Seruauntes and prouethe them as Golde in the fyre wherefore when thou fealeste none other thynge then moste presente deathe when God ●emeth to be mooste angry wyth the to be gone awaye moost furdeste from the and to haue forsaken the vtterlye yea when he semethe that he hathe cast ● the awaye and wyll condemne the euen then thynke thou mooste certenly that he is mooste nyhhe vnto the that he wyl defende the and delyuer the yea that he then moste entyerly loueth the and carethe moost of all for the for when he doth lay● afflyction and trouble vpō the th● dothe he remember hys mercye as● the Prophete saythe He is not angry for euer as the father hath pytye of hys sonnes so hath the Lord● compassion of them that feare hi● for he knowethe our makynge and remembreth that we are but duste● The mercy of the Lorde endureth euer and euer The Lorde is a tender fauorer and mercyfull he is longe sufferynge and full of compassyon Wherfore spare the eyes of thy senses caste away the iudgemente of reason and submyt yelde gyue ouer and commende thy selfe wholly to Chryste and take it to good worth howe so euer he handleth the esteme not deathe and the dredefnlnes and sorowes therof after the iudgemente of the eyes senles or reason but after the worde of God Dauid say the precyons is the deathe of Sayntes in the syghte of the Lorde Agayne Blessed are the ded whych dye in the LORDE Chryste also saythe he that beleueth in me shall not taste ●eathe Therfore yf any thynges come to remembraunce whyche go aboute to turne the from Chryste and to ●aste the into desperation cast them all out of thy minde cleue to the lyuely worde of God wyth tothe and nayle haue thy medytation in that and euer be whettynge of that in thy mynde For thou shalte neuer by the perspycacyte and quyckenis of thy reason perceyue howe it maye be possyble that by Deathe thou shouldeste goo vnto the true lyfe howe when thou gyueste vp the Ghoste thou shouldest departe vnto a better state howe thy soule shoulde be kepte in the Lorde and reaste vnto the laste daye agayne howe thy body beynge rotten consumed and eaten of wormes maye ryse agayne at the laste Iudgemente and come forthe in a newe godly forme shape or fashon Thys can not reason comprehende Fayth alone is able to do it Therfore call to thy remembraunce contynually the artycles of thy faythe and boulte oute euerye parcell of them dylygently and weyghe them earnestly in thy harte ¶ Howe he is to be spoken vnto whyche is redy to gyue vp the Ghoste O Brother in Chryst now loke that thou fyghteste a good fyghte loke that thou abydeste in the faythe valeauntly and stedfastly Infyxe and depely engraue in thy breste the Promyses of Chryste thy redemer I am the resurrection and lyfe sayth Christ. He that beleuethe in me shall lyue and neuer dye Chryste toke the nature of man vpon hym sufferynge many iniuryes and wronges and when he dyed he offred hym selfe a sacryfyce for our sinnes on y ● altare of the Crosse he wyth hys holye bloudthorowlye and in all poyntes clensed the synnes of al mankynde thys Chryste wyll not forsake the thys Christ wil not leaue y ● socourles this Christ careth for the Christ saueth the defēdeth the so that no yll or misery shall chauns vnto the the foundatiō of God standeth sure hauing this seale THE LORDE KNOVVETH VVHYCHE ARE HYS Christe saythe my shepe heare my voyce I know thē and thei folow me I giue thē euer lastynge lyfe neyther shall they peryshe for euer nor yet shall any man plucke thē out of my hande my father whych gaue thē to me is greater then al noman can plucke thē out of my fathers hande I and my father am one Wherfore o brother in Christ cōmende thy soule to God the father which loueth y ● so derely crye with Christ thy brother when he honge on the crosse o father into thy handes I commende my spirit God the Father of all mercye moughte lede the into euerlastynge lyfe and saue the vnto that most ioyefull resurrection of the last iudgement AMEN Virescit vulnera virtus A prayer to be sayde of the syckman beynge in perell of deathe O Most mercyf●ll God o father of al mercy the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ be mercyful to me a synuer haue pytie on me and quyckely helpe me poore wretche for thy mooste bytter and moost precious passion and deathe of Iesus Chryste thy onely begoten sonne and oure onely redemer and sauyoure Amen Entre not into Iudgemente wyth thy seruaunte o Lorde handle me not accordynge to my deserues and merites neyther rewarde me after myne iniquytie but for thyne infynite and vnmesurable bounte and excedyng great mercy receyue me I miserable and weake creature am in thy hande I am thy bonde seruaunte and thy debter O most gentle God o moste fauorable Father forsake me not cast me not away pore wretche that I am I am thyn wyth al that euer I can make Noman is able to confirme me noman is able to delyuer me nomā is able to helpe me but y ● alone Thou art the true helper in aduersite y●are the moste sure present cōfort iu al necessite y ● alone art our helpe our buluarke our fortresse our most mighty stronly defence fence towre y ● o god art our refuge thou art our strenght thou art our helper in al our tribulatiōs In the o Lord do I trust let me not be cōfoūded let me neuer be put to shame let me not be deceyued of my hope but preserue me for thyn righteousnes Bow down thin eare vnto me make hast to deliuer me Be my defēder o god my strong holde that thou maist saue me for thou art my strength my refuge yea y ● arte my god my destenies ar in thy hādes Lightē thy coūtenaūs vpō thy seruaūt saue me for thy mercyes sake o Lorde And forasmuche o swete Father