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A50352 The VVhite-Powder Plot discovered, or, A prophetical poeme wherein is most elegantly revealed the secret combination of Hell and Rome, against the interest of true religion, and more particularly against the late King of blessed memory, and kingdom of England. Written before the late unhappy wars broke forth, and too sadly verified in them, which yet the author scarce lived to see. Also a prophetical rapture concerning the future extent of this British Empire into Italy. By George May, gent. May, George, gent. 1662 (1662) Wing M1388A; ESTC R217747 25,879 52

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and sore Simile With travel sits him down upon the shore Neer to the Sea seeking his limbs to ease He takes delight to view the restless Seas Birds sweetly sing the Sun most gently shines The VVinds are calm each thing to rest inclines When all on sudain he is circled round With furious Lions hemming in the ground Each Lion on his curled back doth bear An armed Man or warlike Trumpetter Then Winds they bluster Seas they rage and swell The Trumpets sound the Lions roar and yell The Heavens rend sending huge claps of thunder And all at once ingender cause of wonder So whilst I sat in silence with intent To see what this Assembly Royal meant A sudain voice more fearful than all these The Lions Thunder Trumpets and the Seas Did pour forth words but every word it spake Made all the frame of Heaven to dance and shake Then casting up mine eies a little higher I saw a bleeding Lamb in clouds of fire Which did his speeches down to them direct Whose words were these or unto this effect The Lamb's Speech in Parliament SHall I the uncreated King of Kings Be torn and tortur'd by these Earthly things Shall Justice staid by Mercy make them bold Shall th' Potter by his Vessel be controld Have I not cherish'd nourish'd bent my smiles Upon that Iland above all the Iles Great Britain Of the Terrestrial Orb Have I not given The crums of Manna and the dew of Heaven For meat and drink unto that wretched Land And like a Nurse fed them with breast and hand What do they want that Man can say is good They eat and drink my Body and my blood The more they feed on me I love them more Did Man or God e'r shew such love before And yet this thus blest Nation hath begun To disobey the Father scorn the Son And that their Sins might ripen to the most Spurn at the Comforter the Holy Ghost How dare they each day praying call me Father When they appear to be the Devils rather If I thy Father be and thou my Son Where is the honor thou to me hast done Is it in offering Incense unto B'all Or in thy feasting Locusts in thy hall Am I so black is my surpassing beauty So far decay'd that thou forgetst they duty Oh no 't is sure in me is found no change But thy corruption makes thee prone to range Thou art ingrafted so on things below That Heavenly things thou carest not to know I with the Ocean have hemd them in To keep them to myself from forein sin Yet make they * Ships Wooden Bridges where pass over Romes Babylonians from France to Dover They ' r so besotted with that hellish train As though the Romans were their Lords again And it were just to leave them in their paws To be consumed with their Fagot-Laws And take my Candle-stick from off their boards And giv 't to some that better fruits affords Th' Infernal Fiends for Justice rage and rave Justice they cry for Justice they shall have When th' quintessence of Justice shall be shown The Devil and Hell can have but what 's their own And those are theirs I will no longer cherish Mine shall be safe although the damned perish But you that are my solace and my joy Who suffer'd tribulation and annoy For my names sake whilst you on Earth remain'd And now the Crown of glory have attain'd I make y' Exec'tors of my Testament Perform 't according to my just intent Let it be published abroad for use Not subjected to silence and abuse Nor yet be writ in Babels unknown tone Th' Author of Folly and Confusion But fair engross'd in Text to read and spell That those that run or ride may read it well And see what Hell that Lower-house requires If it be just confirm to their desires But look that Mercy which is my delight Be not encroach'd on by the Prince of Night My Blessing Love and Peace be with you still I leave you now to execute my will The Lamb's Speech ends This said he veil'd himself behind a Cloud As doth the Sun when he his Raies doth shrowd Then did the Saints unto the Lamb sing praise In holy Songs and heavenly Roundelaies Sitting attentive to receive such bills As any offer'd and to right their ills St. Michael My Guide whom now I know to be the same Who striving with the Devil overcame For Morses body which devouring Dis Did claim and falsely challenge to be his Took me by th' hand saying we must to Hell To see their actions that below do dwell But fear thou nothing for even I thy Guide Will thee protect from Hell or ought beside Stra●t we descended to Infern Abysse Hell described Where black Egyptian Darkness alwaies is Darkness indeed so thick it may be felt Where Hellish stink of Styx we quickly smelt But when my Guide with 's finger toucht my nose All smelt to me as sweet as any Rose And though we were where t' is eternal night Yet had we to our selves a glorious light Thus walking safely in the shades of death Drawing in midst of stink delicious breath By this we came unto the Rivers brink Which was of colour full as black as Ink Here did Night-Ravens and the Scritch-Owls fly Here did the Harpies and Hyennaes cry Here did the Toads and Crocodiles rejoyce Here did the Yelling Dragons make a noise Here sat old Charon in his loathsome Boat Near to the shoar in careless wise on float Here did I such a lovely sight behold Charon described As Paint ne'r drew nor Story ever told This tatter'd Devil his shagged locks were black Which hang benitted dangling on his back In curled rolls as ugly and as big As any Monsieurs pock-hold Periwig His head hung lolling down betwixt his thighs As burnishd sawcers brandished his eyes Well quoth my Guide to make our time seem short With this old Boat-man we will have some sport Charon said he I charge thee forthwith tell What caus'd that uproar was of late in Hell Like to the slow pace of a Thief by night Simile Or like a house remov'd by force and might Or like a Ship that 's turn'd without a Helm Or like one lifting at a mighty Elm As swift at least it seem'd or something more Was Charon's haste to turn him to the shoar Then like the voice of one from under ground Simile Or like the opening of a deep-mouth'd Hound Or like one clos'd within a hollow Oak With belching voice at last these words he spoke Charon's Speech I marvel you that live in blisfull light Should trouble us here in eternal night Our Prince is more abated of his Pride By thee than all the Host of Heaven beside Know that this hurly-burly here of late Was caused by two Potentates of State In Parliament which should the Speaker be And they in words did so far dis-agree That from great words to fearful
much He did betray an Earthly man but I A heavenly wight and King of Majesty Now judge I pray if our deserts be even He betray'd Man But I great God of Heaven Did ever any do the like beside My self and thee great Belzebub in pride I imitate thy self for thine was done Against the Father mine against the Son In one thing we agree all three the most VVe all did sin against the Holy Ghost But as my sin was equal unto thine Ahithophels cannot compare with mine I did deserve not onely to be Pope But with great Belzebub himself to cope Much more to stand at this same time for place VVith such a slave I do my self disgrace And therefore chuse you whom you list for me I scorn the matter should in ballance be Iudas his speech ends And so in fury from the place he flung Having their ears with these his speeches stung And when they saw how fiercely he departed It made Ahithophel to seem faint-hearted But all were mute and dumb till Pluto's self Began to speak said he this peevish elf I mean Iscariot hath but truely said And for his service should be ill apaid If we should not reward him with this place Or any other though of greater grace And as for thee Ahithophel I 'le see By some means else to grace and honour thee This said they all consent and gave their voyces For Judas which they yiel'd with fearfull noyses Crying a Judas Judas all about And so broke up this Court of hellish rout Thus having seen Hells scope and full intent VVe haste to Heaven against the Parliament VVhich we imagin'd would begin with speed And as we thought so did it prove indeed For as we came without the Walls we found Of New-Jerusalem a spacious ground New Ierusalem All full of seats in order finely set Some white as Ivory some black as Jet But none might come thereto by a great space VVithout leave got of them who kept the place VVhich were strong Angels who were set to guard The place from comers so I was debarr'd From entrance in untill my Angel said He must come in who heard was strait obey'd Then sate we down upon a bank of Roses As wearied men are wont to take reposes Untill such time as some few hours were spent Before th' appointed time of Parliament But I being weak of nature could not keep My orewak'd eye-lids ope but fell asleep VVherein such heavenly Visions did bewrap me As I desir'd such sleep might still benap me There did the Lamb and Lion play together The Dove and Falcon Dog and Hare yet neither The Lion Lamb Dove Falcon Dog or Hare Shew'd any enmity or malice there But were as Loving one unto another As any Sister to her dearest Brother VVith many slumbers of such sweet delight I past the quantity of one whole night Yet is no night nor darkness in that place For it was light as Sun-shine all the space But when my Angel saw it time to wake me He took me by the elbow and did shake me Saying 't is time to rouze for now said he The time approaches wherein thou shalt see The houses set and all the Devils at hand To urge their bills against thy Native Land VVhere thou shalt be admitted t' speak thy mind VVhen just occasion thou shalt see or find Alas said I I am but Earthly mould And dare not think much lesse to speak be bold The Devils are fearfull yet for them I care not But before Heaven and glorious wights I dare not Then he rebuk'd me saying Thou canst tell That I preserv'd thee from the powers of Hell And that at my command thou wast let in Into this place where none like thee in Sin Did ever enter therefore never doubt To answer for my self will help thee out VVith that recomforted I promist I VVould by him prompt make answer and reply For my poor Countrey so thou must said he For 't is determin'd that it so shall be I am content said I then did we hear Such Mvsick as might ravish mortal ear Then Thunder Lightning and such streaks of fire VVere hurl'd abroad as made me to admire VVhat was the cause well now the Lamb said he The Lamb takes his place in Parliament Doth take his place and sit unseen yet see All passages what here is said or done More perfectly than e're thou saw'st the Sun Then Thunder ceast and Musick plaid again VVhen I beheld a brave and goodly train Of glorified Saints appear in view I ne'r did see mens faces of such hew VVho filled all the seats of Ivory white In such grave order that bred sweet delight I never saw so brave a sight before Nor mortal eye was e'r delighted more VVe 'l they being set the Musick then did cease And for a space there was a silent peace Until a Trumpets sound was heard from high VVhich done a Royal voyce did by and by Pronounce these words My Faithfull servants here The damned Fiends of Hell will strait appear To cry for Justice ' gainst that sinfull Land England Which I have loved as my own right hand And cannot hate it if they would be driven To leave their vices and look up to Heaven Which is as much offended with their crimes As with Jerusalem in former times For as their Barns and Coffers fill with store So do their sins abound and gather more So that the Dev'ls will find sufficient cause Of punishment for breach of all our Laws You shall their bills and all such answers take As any person to the same shall make Which you in Parliament shall read and see But you the censure shall referr to me So that no Statute shall be made or done Before I grant for it Commission This said we presently did hear a Din The British Island is indited Crying on on apace in in in in Then came grim Pluto rushing in with whom Came hand in hand the powerfull Pope of Rome Accompanied with such a hellish Rable As to account Arithmetick's not able Who being seated Judas up did stand Crying for Justice on the British Land If God be just said he we Justice crave That they with us might equal Justice have I have brought Witnesses to prove their sin Desiring they may be admitted in Some of their Witnesses I here will name Enter the Witnesses Who with their bills they brought to prove the same They brought to prove Pride FAbius who in his life swelled with pride Swallow'd a hair in Milk whereof he di'd Poppeia Neroe's Concubine of old Who shod her Horses feet with burnisht Gold The Emperour Dioclesian likewise came Who brother to the Sun himself did name To prove Covetousnesse THey brought Hermocrates who at his death Did all his goods unto himself bequeath Craesus and eke Caligula were there Whose covetous Actions did surpass compare Demonica who Ephesus for gain Sold and with weight of that same Gold was slain To
blows they fell So that th' Inferiour Subjects of black Hell Some taking this part and some taking that They dealt full roundly many a churlish bat The noise being heard by Pluto who did dine At that same instant with his Proserpine Caus'd him on sudain rise and leive his Wife To know the meaning of such deadly strife When coming many a grisly Devil he found By sturdy stroaks ly tumbling on the ground But by his presence having made them cease And which is seldom known in Hell made peace Inquiring of the cause of this debate Forth steps a Devil with a broken pate And unto Pluto in plain terms did tell How that stern Judas and Achitophel Were cause of all For that they strive said he Which in this Parliament shall Speaker be Then Pluto charg'd them both by Archeron Charon Styx Tartar Po and Phlegeton That they therein hereafter should not strive For he would by his own Prerogative Determine it the next time he had leasure Commanding them on pain of his displeasure Not once to mention it in the mean space Then strait took Boat and landed at this place With whom in company is gone the Pope Who are arriv'd on Earth by this and hope To bring good tidings unto Hell again From all their Factors that on Earth remain For Whom said th' Angel wilt thou give thy voice Or which will Pluto think'st thou make his choice I 'm sure said Charon Judas is the Man Let proud Achitophel do what he can For his true service and great labour spent On Hells behalf in former Parliament I charge thee Charon said my powerful Guide Since leasure doth permit thee at this tide Declare what Parliament and for what reason Did Pluto call the same and since that season What acts did Judas which his fame did raise So high that he deserves so much thy praise Like to a fretted Ape that mops and mows Or like a Baboons fond fac'd antique shows Simile Or like a Bull that 's chewing of his cudd So Charon fares Then fast into the mudd He runs his Boat with all the force of Oar And stepping forth sits on the Stygian shoar Then like the grumbling of some angry Cur Simile His slabber'd Chaps at last began to stir Sounding like one within an empty Tub At length these words were bluster'd by this Cub Charon's true tale HE needs must run the Devil drives they say But when the Heavens command the Devils obey And though per force yet list and I will tell The truest tale that e'r was told in Hell When Christ that 's call'd the Son of God was born Our Pluto thinking for to work him scorn To further his determinated ends He summoned the chiefest of his Feinds And though they sat in Council day by day Yet all that ever they could plot or say Could not prevail against that Heavenly Seed Whom Men call Saviour as he is indeed Until full time was come or he the rather Offer'd himself sweet Incense to his Father To satisfie his Justice once for all Who lost his favour by frail Adam's fall But where he gave our Prince one wound before He at his Death gave many Millions more Each Christian now dares challenge him the field And by Faith force inforce him for to yield The cause of Hells former Parliament Our Prince was wounded full upon the face And galled with such eminent disgrace Came down to Hell with Countenance so grim That scarce his Proserpine durst speak to him But not the boldest or most hardy Spright That could be absent would come in his sight His choler something post incontinent He calls his chiefest Lords to Parliament For to devise how to suppress Christ's Word Which had already as a conquering sword So rang'd about the World like a Commander That it was talkt on more than Alexander Some said it must be this way Some be that With eager minds both night and day they sat Quoth Pluto though in Hell be plaguie Wits Yet there 's not one that in this Council sits Hath levelled right or shot just in the white At last stood up an old Gray-headed Spright An antient Dev'l that winks still with one eie By name he 's called Swordly Policy One so well red in Hells prognostick School No mortal man can take him for a Fool He made obeysance stooping so low down Until he made the table kiss his crown Then with a hem or two to clear his throat He sung to Pluto this well-pleasing Note Great Prince said he although my face be old Worldly Policy 's Counsel Yet shall my counsel be more worth than Gold Thou knowst that Christian people make great odds Between us Devils and th' immortal Gods If we intend for to delude their sight We must transform our selves from black to white Seeming as though we came to them from Heaven So by this means they shall be quite bereaven To seek the right way and be led by us The platform of my drift is framed thus Some old fac'd Devil whereof we have good choice Of subtile heart but singular of voice Shall stand for Peter Now this is my plot In Peter's stead to place Iscariot The only Man befitting such a place For he 'l betray even Jesus to his face Thou knowst Religion is as yet but young Suppress it therefore e'r it grow too strong I speak not this thy Tutor for to be For all I have Great Prince proceeds from thee But having shown my duty from my breast My part is plaid do thou direct the rest My Friend said Pluto thou hast pleas'd me well I henceforth make thee Chancellor of Hell And forthwith Judas he did thither call Who being plac'd i' th' middle of the Hall Judas said he because I have thee found Pluto his Commission to ludas Unto my service alwais firm and sound I mean t' imploy thee and I here install Thee upon Earth our Vicar General Great Rome shall be thy Seat as Peter's Heir Thou shalt inherit both his Keyes and Chair But when thou nam'st thy self be sure thou ly'st And write thy self Servant of Jesus Christ So by that means men shall be drawn by thee To prostitute their Souls to Hell and me In Bishops habit shalt thou go each day But in thy Robes shalt be more rich than they Thou Keyes and Crosier-staff in hands shalt bear And Golden Sandals on thy feet shalt wear No common Crown shall serve thou shalt in stead Be triple-crown'd and Myturd on thy head That who so names what on thy head he seeth May have the Devils T betwixt his teeth Thou shalt not marry during all thy life For many Whores are sweeter than one Wife Such Brood as on their wombs thou shalt beget Make thy great Cardinals let them be set In chiefest places next to thy right hand They may be alwaies ready at command Fear nothing never doubt in ought to err For Wordly Policy thy Counseller Shall