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A20412 Milke for babes The English catechisme, set downe in the Common-Prayer Booke, breifly explaned for the private vse of the younger and more vnlearned sort of his parishioners of Apleton, in the county of Berks: By W.D. Dickinson, William, b. 1584 or 5. 1628 (1628) STC 6822; ESTC S118600 33,759 48

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doest thou cheifly Learne in these Articles of thy Beliefe A. First I learne to beleeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world As it doth appeare out of the first Article Secondly in God the sonne who hath redeemed mee and all mankind As it doth appeare both by the second third fourth fift sixt seaventh Articles which shew what God did or what meanes he vsed and will vse for the perfect redemption of them that beleeue as much and also by the Ninth Tenth Eleuenth and Twelfth Articles which shew what or wherein our redemption doth consist Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who Sanctifieth mee and all the Elect people of God As wee Learne out of the Eight and Ninth Articles Q. It semes by your answere that there are three gods God the Father God the Sonne God the Holy Ghost A. There is but one god 1. Iohn 5.7 but three Persons as I am taught to beleeue in Athanasius his Creede commonly called by the name of Quicunque vult which is not a Different or seuerall Creed from the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed which is vsually read after the Gospell but a commentary rather or large exposition thereof Q. What doe you meane by a Person A. By this word Person I doe vnderstand a diuerse and Incommunicable manner and order of being and working in God And this is plainely set forth in Athanasius his Creede Touching the diuers manner of being in the Godhead thus it is The Father is made of none neither created nor begottē The Sōne is of the Father alone not made nor created but begotten The Holy Ghost is of the Father of the Sonne neither made nor created nor begotten but proceeding and as it were Breathed from both Ioh Now the diverse order of working in God is thus The creation of all things is the proper immediate worke of the Father the first Person of the three The redemption of mankinde is the proper and immediate worke of the Sonne the second Person of the three Sanctification is the proper and immediate worke of the holy Ghost the third Person of the three And thus God is One in substance Power and Eternitie Three in Number of Persons both according to the diuerse manner of being in respect of one another and also of their Different order of working vpon other things Q. You said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you that you should keepe Gods Commaundements His workes Tell me how many there bee A. Tenne Q. Which be they A. The same which God spake in the Twentieth Chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Q. What doth God command in these words A. God commandeth nothing in these words but rather shewes vs his authority and power in making Lawes and the reasons why we are to obey and doe them First I am the Lord saith he and therfore to him belongs the power of making lawes Secondly I am thy God brought thee out of Egypt saith hee and therefore thou art to obey and suffer thy selfe to be ruled by me Q. Which then is the first commandement A. 1. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me Q. What doth God require of thee in this first commandement A. This is to bee noted and obserued in generall of this of all the Commandements following that in those cōmandements which are negatiue that is forbidding somewhat to be done there also is implyed a Command bidding vs to doe those duti●● which are contrary to them which are expresly forbidde● 〈◊〉 so in those Cōmandements which are Affirmatiue that is bidding somewhat to bee done there is also implyed a comand forbidding vs to do the contrary to them which are expresly enioyned for example in this first commaundement as God forbids vs to be Atheists that is to haue and acknowledge no God at al Psa 13.1 or to be Idolators that is to haue a false god or many gods Exo. 23.24.25 Deut. 32.12 Iosu 24.14 so doeth he requier vs to haue him to our god only him Deut. Ios 23.7.8 Math. 4.10 Q. What is it to Haue God or to haue no other God A. It is as much as if I should say First that I must a Deut. 31.12.13 1. Cron. 29.10 c. Psal 100.3 Ierem. 9.24.7 Zephan 1.5 Ioh. 17 3. Colos 3.10 know and acknowledge him to be the true and only god And b Psa 10.4 Esay 1.3 Ierom. 2. 8. Ioh. 9.3 Rom. 1.21 Ephes 4.17.18 2. Pet. 3.5 not be negligently ignorant contemne or doubt of him or those things which he hath reuealed of himselfe Secondly that I must humble and a Deut. 10.12 2. Sam. 10.12 Psal 39.9 Iob. 1.20 Malac. 1.6 Acts. 4.19 1. Pet. 5.6 Iam. 4.7 submit my selfe in all things vnto him my onely Lord and Master and b Exo. Deut. 9.4 1. Sam. 2. Cron. 32.14 Act. not aduance my selfe against him or obey other men or mine owne will or any way grudge at his doings or sleight his power and goodnes Thirdly that I must put my whole a Deut. Cron. 20.20 Psal 27.1.32 Prou. 3.5 Acts. 11.23 Rom. 8.31.32 1. Cor. 1.31 Phil. 4.4 1. Pet. 57. beleefe trust confidence and delight in him alwayes and stick and cleaue vnto him in all occurrances whatsoeuer and b Leuit. 20.6 Deut. 18.10.11 Psal 62.10 Isay Ierem. 2.5 Math. 6 21.13.10 Luk. 12.19 1. Cor. 10.7 Phil 3.19 1. Thes 4.13 1. Iohn 5.10 not forsake him or Distrust his word and goodnes or delight seeke or put my trust and hope in any thing contrary to his will Fourthly that I must a Deut 6.13 Psal 50.15 Daniel 6.10 Math. Luk. 11.2.18 1. Iam. worshipp him only by prayer and calling vpon his name and not b Iob. 21.15 Psal 14.1.4 Isay 63.16 Zephan 1.5 Acts. 10.26 Rom. 10.14 Reuel 19.10 neglect to doe it or doe it to any other Fiftly that I must giue a Psal 103.17.116 2. Iob. 1.21 Isay 12. Ephes 5.20 Colos 4.2 1. Thes 5.18 thanks vnto him the only author of al good things and the Deliuerer from all evill and not neglect this dutie or yeeld it to any other b Psal 106.13 Isay 5.4 Habuck 1.16 Hosea 2.5.8 Ierem 2.27.16 17. Luk 17.17 Rom. 1. 31. 1. Cor 4.7 1. Tim 2.3 Q. Which is the second Commandement A. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in Heauen aboue or in the Earth beneath or in the water vnder the Earth Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them Q. What art thou taught in this commandement A. I am taught after what manner god is pleased to be worshiped namely That I a Exod Deut 4.15.16 27.15 Psal Isay 40.18 Acts 17.23 1. Ioh 5.21
A That is I doe pray God this day and every day to giue blesse and Sanctifie vnto vs all things needfull convenient and properly belonging to this present life as our Foode Rayment Health Peace Dwelling seasonablenes of weather and such like suitable to our condition calling Gen 3 19 Levit 26 4 5 c. Psal 104 27 c. 127.144 145.16 Prov 30 8.9 Mat. 6.26 c 1 Cor 9 27 2 Cor. 9.10 2. Thes 3 8 12 1 Tim 6 6 8 Isay 3 1 c 58 7 Q Which is the fift Petition A Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs. That is I beseech thee O Father in a Exod. 32.31.32 Deut. 9.18 Ps 51.1 c 32.1 c 79.8 c Isai 64.1 c Hose 14.1 c Acts. 5.31 Rom 8.1 Iam. 1.16 1. Ioh. 1.9 Iesus Christ to remit pardon and forget our sinnes and the manyfolde transgressions of thy holy will and word that wee may not therefore be condemned even as b Mat. 6.14 18.22.35 Mark 11.25.26 Luk 17.3 Acts. 7.60 wee our selues most freely and sincerely from the heart doe remise and forgiue all that revenge and punishment due vnto those men who haue sinned in offending wronging of vs. Q Now you are come to the sixt and last Petition what is it A Leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from evill Q What is the meaning of it A That is a Gen. 3 20.6 2. Sam. 24. 1. Psal 5.8 c. 19.13.119.. c. 51.11 Mat. 4.1 c. 26.41 Iohn 17.15 Acts. 5.3 Rom. 2. Cor. 12.10 Ephes 6.11 c. 2 Thes 2.11 Iam. 1.14 withhold or take not away the assistance and power of thy grace and spirit that so th● wicked inticements and temptations of the divill the world and our flesh may at any time prevaile over vs and drawe or harden vs in sinne but b Mat. Luk. 1.74 Ioh. 8.44 Prov. 16.20 2. Cor. 12.9 Ephe. 6.11 Gal. 5.12 2. Tim. 4.18 Iam. 1.14 1. Pet. 5. 8. Psalm 141.4 be pleased to preserue keepe deliuer vs from all manner of evill which the wicked one the divill or his instruments or our owne evill deservings hath or may bring vpon vs. Q You haue truely numbred the Petitions what serve the next wordes for for thine is the Kingdome and the power and the Glory for ever Amen A These are the Conclusion of the prayer wherin by divers arguments and reasons wee are taught to assure our selues that our prayers will as certainly take effect as wee haue prayed for For first whome wee pray all right a 1. Sam. 2.8 1. Cor. 29.11 c. Psal 22.28 c. 24.1 c. Rom. 10.12 1. Thes 2.11.12 1. Tim. 6.15 and autoritie of granting our requests only belongs to him the Lord and King and therefore we may assure our selves that he wil be good and gratious vnto vs his Subiects and Servants in hearing our prayers and granting our requests Then he hath b 2. Chron. 20. 6. c. Iob. 42.2 Psal 18.1 89.8 Isay 40.26 Mat. 29.26 power to giue whatsoeuer he will giue or wee haue neeede of and nothing can hinder his good pleasure and therefore we are not to doubte of his goodnesse And lastly all this we are the rather confident he will doe because the honour c Psal 29.1 c. 95.1 c. 115.1 c. Ierem. 33.8.9 1. Tim. 1.17 2. Tim. 4.18 1. Pet. 4. 11. and glory of all shall returne and redounde vnto himselfe from whom everie good and perfect gift cometh vpon his people Even so O Father be al these petitions requests and prayers certainly accomplished in vs for the honour of thy kingdome and power the manefestation of thy everlasting glory and the good of thy Children Q What desirest thou of God in this prayer A I desire my Lord God c. The signes and seales of his Profession Q How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church A Two a There be divers Sacraments in a large sense so called but generally necessary for all people there be two severall Sacraments appointed by Christ as wee may learne out of Mathew 28 19 Mark 14 22 16 15 16 Luke 22 19 20 1 Cor 11 23 12 13 and only two and noe more only as Generally necessarie to salvation that is to say Baptisme by which every one hath his begining and entrance into the life and being of a beleiuing Spirituall or Christian man and the supper of the Lord which affords spirituall foode and norishment to strengthen and preserue him in the saide life and new-beeing The reason is because to the making and being of a Sacrament of the Gospel or New Testamēt there is necessarily required First the worde and appointment of Christ Secondly the Ceremonie or visible signe with a certaine forme of wordes to be vsed there with all Thirdly the promise of grace annexed to the thing worthyly receiued Now these three thinges are to be founde in the Sacraments of Baptisme and the supper of the Lord and in nothing els that we can reade of in the holy Scriptures Q What meanest thou by this word Sacrament A I meane an outward visible signe of an inwarde sprituall grace giuen vnto vs by the hand of Gods minister so ordained by Christ himselfe and none other as a meanes whereby we receiue the same spirituall grace and a pledge or seale to assure vs thereof that we haue indeed received it and are to shew it forth to the honour of Christ Iesus in our life and conversation Q How many partes be there in a Sacrament A Two the outward visible signe and the inward spirituall grace Q what is the outward visible signe of forme in baptisme A Water vnmingled and cleane the vsuall meanes to doe a way filthines wherin the person Baptised is dipped or sprinkled with it and with this certayne forme of wordes In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Q What is the inwarde and spirituall grace A A death a The outward washing dipping or sprinkling of the body with water whereby the foulnes thereof is vsually clensed a way doth shew and signifie vnto the partie Baptised that the vncleannesse and filthines of his soule that is his sinnes are forgiuen or as it were purged and washed a way in the bloude of Christ Iesus Ezek. 36.25 Acts. 22.16 Ephes 5.26.27 Tit. Reve. 1.5 vnto sinne and a new b The grace of gods holy spirit sanctifiing and renewing the hearts of the Baptised vnto the workes of righteousnes together with their owne promised obedience vnto Gods holy will and Commandements and a purpose of proceeding in all virtue and Godlynes of liveing is the regeneration or New birth vnto rightteousnes heere spoken of which is represented vnto vs by takeing the Baptised out of the Four as it were from the graue of his sinnes washed and purified
only excepted like vnto other Children sonnes of men c Isay 9.6 Luk. 2. 11. Heb. 2.14 4. He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was Crucified dead buried That is I do belieue that Iesus Christ to a Is 53.5 Ioh. 3. 14. Rom. 4.25 Gal. 3.13 deliver me body and soule from the curse of the law and euerlasting Damnation and to b Isay 53.5 Rom. 2. Cor. 5.18 Colos 1.20 procure vnto me peace with God and the gift of euerlasting life hath c Math. 2.13.4 1. c. 11.19 Luk. 9.58 Ioh. 22.10.31 11.53 suffered the wrath of God al his life time but especially neer his end not in body only but in d Ps 116.3 Mat. 26. 38.27.46 Luk. Heb. 5.7 Isay 53.6 Gal. 3.13 soule he was humbled and suffered the vttermost extremitie of his Iustice and of those vnvtterable sorrows and torments due to the sinnes of the whole world vnder e Math. 26.27 Mark 14.15 Luk. 22.23 Ioh. 18.19 Pontius Pilate the gouernor of the country being adiudged by him to be nayled and fastened to the accursed Crosse whereon he died and was after taken downe and layed into a graue and buried 5. He descended into Hell the third day he rose againe from the deade That is I doe belieue that Iesus Christ went downe and plainly appeared and presented himselfe in hell a Psa 86.12.13 Ephes 4.9.10 Colos 1.18 and on the b Math. 12.40 Mark 8.31 Ioh. c. Act. 10.40 third day after he had beene deade and buried his soule and body came together againe and he the very same person revived from death by his owne c Ioh. power came forth a conqueour from Hell rose and came out of the Sepulcher or graue wherein he had beene layd Hereby shewing d 1. Cor. Rom. that he had fully satisfied ouercome the Devill Death Hell and the graue and all punishment due vnto my sinnes and hath from henceforth cleared a passage e Hosea 6.2 1. Cor. 15.20 c. Thes 4.14 Rom. 8.11 for me al beleeuers vnto life eternal 6. He ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie That is I doe belieue that the a Ioh. 3.13 same Christ Iesus after he had staied b Act. 11.3 some dayes and conversed with his Disciples on Earth was truly c Luk. 24.51 Act. 1.9 and iustly translated and moued from thence vp into Heaven d Ioh. there to prepare a place for me where he hath all power maiestie and glory all things being made subiect vnto him e Psa 110.1 Colos 3.1 Mark 14.62 Luk. 22.69 Ephes 1.20 c. 2. Pet. 3.22 7. From thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke the dead That is I doe belieue that Christ Iesus wil a Act. 1.11 come againe from Heauen b Math. 24.30 visibly and c Ioh. 5.22 Act. 10.42 2. Tim. 4.1 iudge and giue sentence vpon all men according to their d Math. 2. Cor. 5.10 Reuel 20.12 workes as well those that are then living as those which haue beene dead vnto that day 8. I beleeue in the holy Ghost That is I doe acknowledge the holy Ghost the third person in the Godhead to be a Math. 28.19 Acts. Iob. 33.4 1. Cor. 12.11 God the b Math. 21.19 28.19 Luk. 12.10 Heb. 9.8 1. Ioh. 5.7 same and equall with God the Father and his sonne Iesus Christ in whome also I doe belieue and trust vpon as the especial worker of all grace and holynesse in me by c Mar. 13.11 Ioh. Act. 2.33 Rom. 8.15.16 1. Cor 2.12 teaching d Math 1.20 Rom 1.4 1. Cor 1 Pet 1.2 sanctifying e Ioh 14 16.17 Acts 5 41.7.55 comforting f Ioh 14 23. Rom 8.11 1. Cor 12.13 2. Cor 1.22 Gal 4.6 Ephe 1 13 4. 1. Ioh 3.24 and knitting or vniting me and all belieuers into Christ Iesus 9. The holy Catholique Church the communion of Saintes That is I doe beleeue and acknowledge that God hath and will gather and call forth through his spirite and the preaching of his word a Church Catholique or vniversall that is a a Gen. Mat. 16.18 Acts. 2.41.47 Rom. c. 1. Cor. 10.2 Rev. 2. Company of men of b Esay 49. 5.6 Mar. 16.15 Act. 10.34.35 Ephe. 5.26 Gal. 26. c. Reuel 5.9 all sorts times and places through out the whole world agreeing in the faith of Iesus Christ and through him made c Esay 62.12 Acts. 1. Cor. Ephe 5.27 1. Pet. 2.9 Reuel 19.8 holy sanctified and set a part for his owne service and honour and the attainment of everlasting life And I doe likewise beleeue that these men thus sanctified and made holy are vnited as members of one and the same body into Iesus Christ and are d Isay 65.25 Ioh. 1. Cor 12.13.14 Ro 8.32 Ephe. 2.19 c. 4.5.16 fellowes and partakers or intercommoners in al the promises of his Gospell and in all those guifts and graces which are requisite and needfull either for his owne glory or the common good and saluation of his whole Church 10. The forgiuenesse of sinnes That is I do beleeue that God for that all sufficient satisfaction made vnto his Iustice by Iesus Christ through his blood and death and his fullfilling c Math. 3.15 of all righteousnes will d Psal 32.2 2. Cor. 5.19 Rom. pardon and forgiue all my sinnes accompting of them as if no sinne had bene committed and that he will e Ro. 5.18.19 1 Cor. 1.30 2. Cor. 5.21 impute vnto me his righteousnes that so I may not at any time come into f Rom. condemnation a Exo. 34.7 Mar 2.7 Ioh 20.23 b 1. Ioh 1.7 2.2 Colos Gal 3.13 11. The resurection of the body That is I doe beleeue that the a Ioh. 5.28 1. Cor. 15. Reuel 20.12.13 Iob. 19.26.27 bodies of al men shall be raised to life againe and being vnited to their soules they the same men in substance both b Math. 16.27 2. Cor. 5 10. 2. Thes 1.7 c. Revel 22.12 good and bad shall stand before Gods Iudgment seate and be sentenced according to their works done in there life time 12. And the Life euerlasting That is I doe beleeue that both to a Ioh. Rom. 6.23 1. Cor. 2.9 1. Thes 4.16.17 2. Tim. 4.8 me all the elect Saints of God the guift of euerlasting life that is an euerlasting estate in perfect holines and vnvtterable happines shall be giuen by Christ Iesus my Saviour and together with him I shall liue in his kingdome and enioy the full measure of blessednes for euer and euer Amen That is So verily are these thinges and may they be as I haue confessed and acknowledged them Q. What
purpose of the heart to doe them be forbidden A These texts of holy Scripture do shew as much Gen 3.6 Exod 16.3 Numb 15.39 c Deut 15.9 Psal 139.23 Prov Isai 55.7 Acts 8.22 Rom 7.22.23 Gal 5.16 Coloss 3.5 Tit 2.12 Iam 12.14.15 Q And where doe you finde that the concupiscence and desiring of the particular things of our neighbour which are specified in the commande are forbidden A. These texts of Scripture following speake as much Deut 5.21 Iosh 7.21 1. Sam. 12.3 2. Sam. 12.1 King 21. Isai 5.8 Acts 20.23 Q. You haue tould and proved vnto me what is forbidden in this tenth Commandement tell me now what it is which God doth require of us to be done A. The contrary to that which is forbidden that is That a Luk● 1. 74.75 Ephe. 4.23.24 1. Thes 5.23 1. Tim 1. 5. 1. Pet. 1.15 16. 2 Pet. 3 10.11 all our thoughts desires imaginations motions inclinations or covetings of our hearts should be alltogether pure holy righteous and blamelesse as God in Adam first made them to bee and that wee should labour b Psal 119. 37. Iob 31.1 Prov. 4.23 Mat 6.13 Rom 7.15 16.22 1. Cor 10.24 2. Cor 10.5 Ephes c Philip 4.11 1. Pet 2.2 2. Pet 3.18 and delight to make and keepe them so by all the meanes we may Q What doest thou chiefely learne by these Commaundements A I learne two things My duty towards God set downe in the first Table containing the first foure Commaundements and My duty towards my Neighbour comprised in the second Table which doth containe the six last Commandements Deut 10.1 c Mat 22.36 c Q What is thy duty towards God A My duty towards God is c Q What is thy duty towards thy Neighbour A My duty towards my Neighbour is c Q My good Childe knowe this that thou art not able to do these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the Commandements of God and to serue him Gen 6.5 Isai 6.4.6 Mat 7.18 c 8.3 2. Cor 3.5 Without his speciall grace Psal 119. 33. Ioh. 1. 17. Ephes 2.1 8.9.10 Which thou must learne at all times to call for by diligent prayer Luk 18.1 11.9 Let me here therefore if thou can'st say the Lords prayer His Prayer A Our Father c Q Why is this prayer called the Lords prayer A Because Christ Iesus our Lord vpon request taught and appointed his Disciples to vse this forme of prayer Mat 6.9 Luk 11.1 Q. What are you taught to pray for in this patterne and plat-forme of prayer A As it is an absolute good and perfect prayer of it selfe So doth it teach vs as it were by a sampler and patterne how I am to frame and fashion my particular and private prayers vnto God for all things that are needfull for my body and soule or which concerne either this life or that which is to come in the next world or as St Peter speaks which pertaine to life and godlinesse As it may more plainely appeare by the severall petitions prayers and requests which are easily to be seene and distinguished in this prayer Q Are there then severall matters to bee noted in this prayer A There be For this Prayer hath first a Preface or Compellation of him to whome it is directed then follow the severall Petitions and lastly the conclusion shuts vp all with Amen Q Which words call you the Preface A These Our Father which art in heauen That is to say O God which dwellest in the a Psal 123.1 Isai 66.1 heauens full of all glory and maiesty who art pleased to be a Father b Isai 63.16 Mat 23.9 Ioh 20.17 Rom 8.15 vnto vs in creating c Gen 1.26 Luk 3.38 and making vs out of the dust the chiefest of thy creatures but more especially by regenerating d Gal 4.6 and calling vs to be thy Children in Iesus Christ Q How many Petitions be there A Six severall Petitions or Prayers whereof the first three teacheth and directeth vs to aske those things which principally respect the honour of God our Father and our duty and thankfulnesse towards him the three last tell vs what we are to pray for touching our present life and wellfare Q Name the first Petition A Hallowed be thy name Q Tell me the meaning of this Petition in more words A That is to say Graunt O Father which art in heaven or I pray thee to giue vs the grace alwayes to acknowledge thee such as thou hast declared thy selfe to be the only Holy one and accordingly to reverence and magnifie thy greatnesse and worthynes and that in all our thoughts words dealings and doings wee may principally seeke desire confesse and declare thy glory and shew forth the honour and reverence wee beare vnto thy holy name by giuing all due observance respect thanksgiving and worship therevnto and that wee may not at any time forget or neglect this our duty or prophane thy most holy name 2. Sam 7.26 1. Chron 16.35 Nehem 9. 4. c Iob 1.21 Psal 18 19 113 3 Isai 29 23 Ierem 10 6 Malac 1 6 11 Mat 11 19 Luk 1 46 Rom 11 36 Ephes 5 20 1. Cor 10 21 1 Tim 1 17 Revel 4 8. Q Proceed and tell me the next Petition A Thy Kingdome come Q Speake this Petition or prayer in more plaine words that I may perceiue you do fully vnderstand it A That is to say I pray thee O Father let no thinge hinder but that thy power a Psal 29 1 c 93 1 94 95 providence and government may continually be exercised and flourish in this world and thy grace b Psal 51 10 119. 5 33 c 143 10 Mat 6 33 Luk 17 21 Rom 5 21 16 24 Ephes 1 17 c 1 Thes 3 12 13 may come vpon vs and by all meanes be increased and improued in vs dayly that being ruled and guided thereby wee may haue thy promised c Psal 24 7 2 Tim 4 8 Revel 22 17 20 glory and salvation hastened and accomplished in vs. Q Which is the third Petition A Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Q What do you pr●y for in this A That is I pray thee O Father not to leaue vs to the lust and errors of our owne or other mens will to follow our owne evill imaginations and desires but to giue vs the grace alwayes to do obserue and keepe thy will Commandements and word here on earth as sincerely constantly and fully even as the holy Angels are said to doe in heauen Psal 27 9.51 10 c 119.11 17.19.33 c Ezek 18.31 Mat 16.24 Luke 22 42. Rom. 12.2 Ephes 4. 6.8 1. Thes 4.3.4 Act. 13 21 1. Pet. 2 15 Psal 103 20 21 Revela 5 11 c. Q The fourth Petition followes repeate it A Giue vs this day our daily breade Q What is your request to God in this Petition