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A13290 Virginia. A sermon preached at White-Chappel, in the presence of many, honourable and worshipfull, the aduenturers and planters for Virginia. 25. April. 1609 Published for the benefit and vse of the colony, planted, and to bee planted there, and for the aduancement of their Christian purpose. By William Symonds, preahcer at Saint Sauiors in Southwarke.. Symonds, William, 1556-1616? 1609 (1609) STC 23594; ESTC S111329 35,995 64

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Yet still wee must remember that this speciall calling was subiect to the generall law of replenishing the earth For although God called him to one land yet to vpholde the generall rule God often laide a necessitie vpon him to spread further for in this Chapter by reason of a famine hee was constreined to soiourne Gen 12. 10. c in Egipt God did also tell him before hand that his seede should be a stranger in a land that is not Gen. 15. 13. theirs foure hundred yeares It is true that the Iewes did holde themselues so confined to their owne land that they were as loth to forgoe their inheritance as from the Sacrament of their saluation witnes ● King 21. 3. be Naboth that answered the King The Lord keepe me from giuing the inheritance of my fathers vnto thee And yet when God would haue it so as when there was famine Elimelech and his Familie R●th 1. 1. 2. goe to soiourne among the Gentiles In time of warre Dauid tooke his father and mother and carried 1. Sam. 2● 3. them to soiourne with the King of Moab And Act. ● 5. when as we reade that there were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes of euery nation vnder heauen it is plaine that the Iewes did spread abroad not onely to soiourne for a time and then to come againe but to Act. 22. 3. inhabite and replenish the whole earth Paul was also a Iew borne in Cilicia euen in a Romane Colonie The reason why God will haue his to fill the 1. Reason To knowe Gods works earth is because the Lord would haue his workes to be knowne Now in diuers Countries God hath his diuers workes of hearbes and trees and beastes and fishes and fowles and serpents c. which if the people of God come not there cannot praise the Psal 145. 10. ●1 Creator When Dauid saith All thy workes praise thee O God and thy Saints blesse thee they shew the glory of thy kingdome and speake of thy power the implication is manifest that his Saints must be witnesses of all his workes in all Climates for else they cannot II. blesse him in all his workes Another reason is Spreading of knowledge that one that hath the knowledge of the feare of God should communicate it to others Hereupon Psal 67. 1. 2. is it that Dauid doeth teach vs to pray thus Haue mercie on vs Lord and blesse vs and cause thy face to shine among vs Selah Marke this that he biddeth vs pray God be mercifull vnto vs The meanes how is this That they may know thy way vpon earth and thy sauing health among all nations whereby he doth imply that God hath with-held some mercy from vs til all nations haue the meanes of saluation This was Exod 11. 9. a cause why God sent Abrahams posterity into Egipt that by their meanes Pharaoh whose heart was bigge and would not acknowledge God might be constrained to fall down and say I haue sinned against Exod. 10. 16. the Lord. The cause also of the captiuity of the Iewes in Babilon in the secrete prouidence of God was that the Monarkes of the world who thought Dan. 4. 20. 21. 17. 29. there was no God could come neere them in greatnes might be as beastes before God acknowledging that it is God that giueth Kingdomes to whom he will And when the Lord had caused his people to returne and to build their Citie and Temple yet would not God fore-slowe the inforcing of his precept Fill the earth For whereas by reason of his promise he could not send the people abroad till Christ came to make his glory knowne he brought vpon them Gog and Magog with their numbersome Ezek. 38. 16. 23 Armies The reason is that the Heathen may knowe the Lord I wil be magnified and sanctified and knowne in the eyes of many Nations Then here must wee know that what inducement Abraham had to goe VSE I. out of his Countrey by a generall calling the same doth binde all his sonnes according to the faith to goe likewise abroad when God doth not otherwise call them to some speciall affaires How euer still they must haue a longing and a liking to spread the Gospel abroad And that this point may be euidently conuicted vnto vs Christ our Sauiour hath according to his infinite wisedome reuiued the olde law of filling the earth in a most excellent manner Goe teach saith he all nations and baptize them in the Matth. 28. 19. name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Gaue hee this Commaundement to his Apostles onely haue not also the labours of godly Preachers which they haue spread ouer the face of the whole earth beene bestowed by the power of this Commandement And though the words as they lie doe binde the Ministers of the Word to endeuour the propagation of the Gospell with all their power yet not onely them For we reade that poore Tent-makers and others haue done much good in spreading the Acts 18. 3. 26. Gospell according to their vocations they also satisfying II. thus much of Christs precept Neither can there be any doubt but that the Lord that called Abraham into another Countrey doeth also by the same holy hand call you to goe and carry the Gospell to a Nation that neuer heard of Christ The Prophet Zachary speaking of the daies of the Gospell doth shew that it is a good Vocation for men to goe abroad when the number of the children of God doe exceede his wordes are these Thus saith the Lord of hostes my cities shall yet be broken with plenty the Lord shall yet comfort Zion Vnto Zach. 1. 17. whom agreeth the Prophet Isatah The children of Isa 49. 20. thy barrennesse shall say againe in thine eares the place is too strait for me giue me place that I may dwell Wherefore seeing that thankes be to God we are thronged with multitude the Lord of hostes himselfe hath giuen vs the calling of his children to Obiection Not to enter other Princes Territories seeke for roome and place to dwell in And heere might we haue proceeded to the next point were it not for one scruple which some that thinke themselues to be very wise do cast in our way which is this in effect The countrey they say is possessed by owners that rule and gouerne it in their owne right then with what conscience and equitie can we offer to thrust them by violence out of their inheritances 1. Answere Conquest lawfull For answere to this obiection first it is plaine that the obiecter supposeth it not lawfull to inuade the territories of other princes by force of sword This proposition I confesse I neuer was willing to examine considering my vocation is priuate And if Sigismund the Emperour said well CARION that he merueiled euery man auoided all labors and difficulties but onely to rule which is the most difficult of all
millions into the sea must we baite them with dogges that shall eate vp the mothers with their children let such be the practises of the diuell of Abaddon the sonne of perdition of Antichrist and his frie that is of purple Rome As for the professors of the Gospell they know with Gene. 47. ● Only a soiourning ●udg ●5 3. Warres onely defensiue Iacob and his posteritie to say to Pharaoh To soiourne in the land are we come for thy seruants haue no pasture c. They can with Sampson liue peaceably with the Philistims till they bee constrained by iniustice to stand vpon their defence They can instruct Gene. 41. 25. 38 the barbarous princes as Ioseph did Pharaoh and his Senators and as Daniel did Nabuchad-nezer Dan. 4. 16. c. And if these obiecters had any braines in their head but those which are sicke they could easily finde a difference betweene a bloudy inuasion and the planting of a peaceable Colony in a waste Onely the Planting of a Peaceable Colonie country where the people doe liue but like Deere in heards and no not in this stouping age of the gray headed world ful of yeres and experience haue not as yet attained vnto the first modestie that was Gene. 3. 7 in Adam that knew he was naked where they know no God but the diuell nor sacrifice but to offer their men and children vnto Moloch Can it be a sinne in Philip to ioyne himselfe to an Aethiopian charet Acts 8. ●9 Is onely now the ancient planting of Colonies so highly praised among the Romans and all other nations so vile and odious among vs that what is and hath bene a vertue in all others must be sinne in vs And if our obiecter bee descended of the Noble Saxons bloud Let him take heede lest while he cast a stone at vs he wounds his father that first brought him in his loynes from forreigne parts into this happie Isle But assuring my selfe that these obiecters speake that they thinke not because they think that they should not and if the tearmes of the persons were changed would praise other nations for that which they dislike in vs I leaue them to tremble before his glorious eyes that all things are naked and bare vnto and my selfe will passe to enforce the rest of our Text vpon the consciences of such which I hope to bee the sonnes of Abraham according to promise ABram must get him out from his country his kindred ijo. His Countrey Acts 72. his fathers house His Country was called Mesopotamia the sweetest and most fruitful soyle that was in the worlde For it lieth betweene the two great riuers Euphrates and Tygris which serued not Pli● Nat. Hist as other riuers do in other places to bring fatnes into the country but to sweepe away the ranknes and foison of the earth lest with the lustinesse of the ground the fruit of the earth should rot or be choked or run vp to weed His kindred was euery way of the best and noblest His kindred stocke of the sonnes of Noah namely the families of Gene. 9. 26. Shem of whom God said Blessed be the God of Shem. So blessed were his tents to wit the houses and families of his posterity that as of the most happie thing it is saide God perswade Iapheth and his posteritie 27. of which we are a parte to dwell in the tents of Shem. It seemeth then a matter of as greate a perill to leaue that kindred as to leaue the church and so saluation it selfe So saith Peter to Christ To whome Iohn 6. 68. shall we goe thou hast the words of eternall life His fathers house was worthy for him to haue His fathers house continued in For though some interpreters think that he was commanded to remoue because his Fathers house was idolatrous it is not so It is true indeed that they were idolaters because Iosuah doth say to the children of Israell your fathers dwelt be yond the floud in olde time Terah the Father Abraham Iosh 24. 2. and the Father of Nachor and serued other Gods But what of this Sure it was more through ignorance of the law then through rebellion and rage For when as Terah perceiued that God was with his sonne he left all without bidding to go with his sonne and had rather put himselfe in the tents of his sonne then want the blessing of God Heereby it appeareth that they were a very louing people one to the other soft harted to obey when the Lord did commaund His father also was very wealthy hauing many possessions much cattell a numbersome and great family of seruants All which is nothing obscurely implied in that which was spoken of Abram Abram was verie rich in cattell in siluer Gene. 13. 2. Gene. 14. 14. in gold and that when Abram heard that his brother was taken he armed of them that were borne brought vp in his howse three hundred and eighteene For it was not likely but that this wealth and multitude came to him from his Father yet all these must he forsake and get him from them vnlesse they would follow him and his fortunes as they say which they might if they wold Othervvise if none vvould goe vvith him but that he must be alone yet must he still follovv the commandement of his God that saith Get thee out from among them The reason is giuen by Christ that also called 1. Reason The commandement is of price and must be obeyed Matth. 10. 37. sonnes from their fathers ovvners from their houses and lands brethren from their brethren fathers from their children husbands from their vviues as he saith He that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me The commandement of God is the kingdome of heauen It is a treasure hid in the field a Matth. 13. 44. Psal 119. 72. 127. pearle of greate price vvhich if hee hath the heart of a man that findeth he vvill s●ll a●l that he hath and buy it Heere then vvee see that vvhere God giueth a VSE Go when God calleth due vocation to spread abroad and inhabit the earth neither the loue of the country be it neuer so fruitefull the loue of kindred bee they neuer so noble and holy the loue of a mans fathers house be the family neuer so kinde so rich so numbersome no nor the largenes of possession ought to be any impediment to keepe vs from obedience Indeede it is true that if any thing could affoord a man a sufficient excuse to deferre obedience vnto Gods commandement of this kinde it may bee easilie found in one of these branches But vvhat Christ saith to his follovvers is to be repeated here Christ saith to one follow mee Luke 9. 5● 60. and the same said Lord suffer me first to goe and burie my father but Christ endureth no delay for hee presently subioineth a second commandement Goe thou
other labours then to giue sentence of that which in ruling is the most waightie namely warres which are done with the greatest counsell must needes bee a labour too heauie for a priuate mans shoulders And because my selfe am but weake eyed in so great a mysterie Come foorth ye great Princes and Monarkes of Assyria Persia Media Greece and Rome with your grauest counsellours and answere for your facts in conquering and subduing nations For your stories that were wont to be read with singular admiration of your fortitude your wisedome your magnificence and your great iustice are now araigned and must bee found guiltie that through your sides an action of truer honour then euer you attempted may bee wounded Your strong title of the sword heeretofore magnified by Historians Polititians and Ciuilians is to our obiecter but a spiders web or the hatching of a Cockatrice his egge But whatsoeuer the rest can say for their owne defence the Lord himselfe doth say thus much for Cyrus Thus saith Isay 45. 1. 2. 3. 4 the Lord vnto Cyrus his anointed whose right hand I haue holden to subdue nations before him therefore will I weaken the loynes of Kings and open the doores before him and the gates shall not be shut I will goe before thee and make the crooked straight I will breake the brasen doores and burst the yron barres And I will giue thee the treasures of darkenesse and the things hid in secret places that thou maist know that I am the Lord which call thee by thy name euen the God of Israell For Iacob my seruants sake and Iraell mine elect I will euen call thee by thy name and name thee though thou hast not knowen me Then who can blame Cyrus and keepe himselfe from blaspheming the almightie Nay that which is more to be trembled at we must also to summon vp and call to the barre the most holy worthies of the Scripture and see if man or God hath any thing to be said for them why they should not be condemned as iniust cruell and bloudy O Iacob thy blessed bow and sword with the fruit whereof thou blessedst thy sonne Ioseph the staffe of Gene. 48. 22. thy gray head and feeble knees must be broken and burnt and thou must bee condemned for thy vnlawfull conquest Worthy Ioshuah most worthy Dauid with thy cloud of worthies who hanged vp so many shields in the house of God and who sweetly singeth that God was his fortitude and buckler Psal 1● 2. Iosh 10. ●4 must incurre the note of iniustice Ioshuah where is thy vertue to set thy feete vpon the neckes of princes in their owne kingdomes and call of the meanest of the people to be thy partners in that indignitie Dauid how vvilt thou answere for the blood thy sword hath shed which thou vvast vvont to praise There is none to it Nay thou glory of men 1. Sam. ●1 9. and true type of Christ King Salomon whose wisedome vvas like vnto the vvisedome of God teach vs to say somevvhat in thy defence For one graine of thy wisedome is of more worth then a talent of their leaden wits that we are constrained to answere Giue an account of his innocencie that said vnto thee Girde thee vvith thy sworde vpon thy Psal 45. ● 4 5 thigh O thou most mightie Thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things The people shall fall vnder thee Thy father the sonne of Ishai made a sinfull prayer for thee as our obiecters blaspheme vvhen he said thou shouldest so enlarge thy borders that Thy dominion Psal 72. 8 should be from sea to sea and from the riuer to the end of the land He vvould haue thee too rigid when he saith That thine enemies should licke the dust Sure I am persvvaded that at the onely naming of so mightie Monarches and holy conquerors our obiecters out of their modestie vvill vvith some distinction qualifie their proposition and say that it is not lavvfull by force to inuade the Territories of other Princes that are in quiet possession in some sort and in some cases I know that the diuell himselfe vvith all his distinctions that euer he made vvhich are recorded in scripture or vvhich he left in hell in his cabinet of Abstruse Studies locked safe till hee found out the Iesuits his trustie secretaries to keepe them I say none of them all can arme a subiect against his prince vvithout sinne But he that will set open his schoole in the fantasticall shop of his addle imagination for he will be hissed out of the Vniuersities and take vpon him to nurture princes as petties telling them that they must not make offensiue warres if it were to gaine the whole world to Christ shall neuer be bidders of guests to the marriage Matth. 22. ● Luke 14. 23. of the kings sonne who are required to compell them to come in And if I might be so bold I would faine aske one question of these obiecters that come dropping out of some Anabaptists Spicery whether if it be vnlawfull to conquere the crowne sit well on the head of our most sacred soueraigne whose dayes be as the dayes of heauen O Lord For by this obiection they shew that had they power to vntwist that which in so many ages hath beene well spunne they would write him crownelesse as farre as hee hath his title from the conqueror 2. No wrong to bring in the Gospel Matth. 7. 5. O but God forbid saith the obiecter that wee should doe any wrong at all no not to the diuell The rule of Christ is excellent Cast out the beame of thine owne eye so shalt thou see clearely to cast the mote out of thy brothers eye If you will needs bee casting stones Let him beginne first that is without sinne But Iohn 8. 7. to the point our obiecter would not whip a child to teach him learning and vertue for feare of doing wrong What wrong I pray you did the Apostles in going about to alter the lawes of nations euen against the expresse commandement of the princes and to set vp the throne of Christ If your mouth be so foule to charge them with wrong as the Gentiles Tertu Apol. con●ra Gentes did we haue more neede to prouide you a medicine for a cankred mouth and a stincking breath then to make you any answere at all O but in entring of other countries there must 3. No blood ment to bee shed needes be much lamentable effusion of bloud Certainely our obiecter was hatched of some popish egge it may be in a IESVITS vault where they feede themselues fat with tormenting innocents Why is there no remedie but assoone as we come See-white The way to the Church on land like Wolues and Lyons and Tygres long famished we must teare in peeces murther and torment the naturall inhabitants with cruelties neuer read nor heard of before must we needs burne millions of them and cast