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A04155 The key of knowledge which is, a little booke intended to bee of good use, as for all degrees of Christians, so especially for religious families, and religious schooles. The full use and contents whereof must be enquired in the preface or introduction to the worke, which is (first) deliberately to be read of those who desire to receive profit by the booke. By John Jackson, rector of Marsk neere Richmond in York-shire. Jackson, John, 1600-1648. 1640 (1640) STC 14297A; ESTC S100135 27,046 126

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Paul Which is the grand truth wee are to embrace concerning God Gamal That in regard of nature essence and being there is but one God yet in regard of divine relation and reall respects in that one Godhead there are three persons Paul Describe mee the nature and essence of God so farre as he may as it were through a glasse he seene and comprehended of our weake capacities Gamal God is that most absolute and first being whose proper Attributes are 1 Simplicitie 2 Eternitie 3 Immensitie 4 Perfection 5 Immutability 6 Immortality 7 Goodnesse 8 Justice 9 Truth 10 Holinesse 11 Omnipotency 12 liberty or freedome and lastly glory and majestie Paul What now is that you call a person of the God-head Gamal It is a relation or respect which taketh nothing from nor addeth any thing to the divine essence but onely distinguisheth the Father Son and holy Ghost among themselves and one from another every one of them having both his incommunicable propriety or nature and every one of them having his owne incommunicable worke or Counsell Paul Which is the incommunicable propriety or nature of the Father the first of the three persons Gamal To beget and not be begotten Paul What is the Fathers proper and incommunicable worke or counsell Gamal Creation for by his Almighty power in making heaven and earth hee cast out vacuitie and emptinesse that great enemy of nature and by his providence which is a continued creation hee keepeth it out still Paul Which is the peculiar property of the sonne who is the second person in order and manner of subsistence Gamal His relative propertie is to be begotten Paul Which is his peculiar worke Gamaliel Redemption which is a stisfaction made to the justice of God for the sinne of man in which regard he hath 4. stiles in the Creed 1. Iesus to note his office of mediatorship in generall 2. Christ to denote his three particular offices sacerdotall propheticall and royall 3. Sonne to note his order and manner of subsistence fourthly and lastly Lord to note his purchase Paul How is our Redemption wrought Gamal Partly by the Humiliation and partly by the Exaltation of the sonne of God the severall degrees of which twaine are accurately and punctually folded up in the very body of the said Creed c. Paul Which bee the severall degrees of his Humilation Gamal They bee sixe in number and are thus to bee enumerated in order 1. his Conception hee was conceived by the holy Ghost 2. his nativity borne of the Virgin Mary 3. his passion suffered under Pontius Pilate 4. his crucifixion which was the extremity of his passion was crucified 5. his death dead 6. his buriall and buried through all which severall degrees of sorrow he passed and was pressed with them as a cart with sheaves that he might beare our sinnes and heale our infirmities Paul Which be the severall degrees of his Exaltation Gamal They be five in number and are thus to bee reckoned 1. his triumph over Hell hee descended into hell 2. his Resurrection hee rose againe the third day 3. his Ascention hee ascended into heaven 4. his session at his Fathers right hand there he sits at the right hand of God 5. his office of judicature from thence hee shall come to judge both the quicke and the dead Paul What is the relative property of the Holy Ghost the third person in manner of subsisting Gamal To proceed Paul What is his proper worke Gamal Sanctification or application for Christ having prepared the remedie leaves it to bee applied by the sanctification of his spirit and as hee justifies us by his merit so hee sanctifies us by his Spirit Paul Having seene those fundamentall truths which concerne God and being now come to those which concerne the Church of God tell mee what a Christian is bound to beleeve concerning the Church Gamal That it is a company of beleevers united to Christ by faith here and by vision hereafter and that the said company is invested with a double property to wit first it is holy in regard of the holinesse both of the outward meanes and inward worke of the Spirit and secondly it is Catholique and universall in regard both of time persons and places Paul What are the benefits which arise to us from our being members of this holy Catholike Church Gamal Foure two whereof accrew in this life to wit first Communion of Saints that is that fellowship wee have both with Christ and all his members in grace and glory secondly Remission of sinnes both incovering and curing them and other two in the life to come first Resnrrection of the body when that which is sowne in corruption riseth againe in incorruption secondly Life everlasting when there shall be a necessary absence of all evill and a necessary presence of all good Paul Having learned the TRVTH of Religion I desire now to goe on to the second part the GODLINESSE of it tell mee first therefore I pray you how it may best be divided Gama Into three heads first our walking with God in holy obedience according to the ten precepts of the decalogue Secondly our Talking with him in devout prayer according to the seven petitions of the Lords prayer Thirdly our Receiving from him in the two Sacraments of the new Testament Paul How is our walking with God according to the Law distributed Gama Either into Holinesse which is our immediate worship of God required in the first table of the law or into Righteousnesse whereby God is mediately served through the love to our neighbour as is required in the latter table Paul On how many feet stands the first table of the Law which concernes our duty towards God Gamal On foure for it enjoyneth 1. that wee place and bestow divine worship on none but the onely true God choosing him to be our Jehovah and to set our heart upon Precept 1. 2. that we worship him with his owne prescribed worship and not after our owne Imaginations or devices Precept 2. 3. that wee shew him due externall reverence also in transacting his worship and service Precept 3. 4. in regard of the time that wee performe it especially and more solemnely on the Lords day Precept 4. Paul On how many feet doth the second table stand which concernes our duty to man Gamal On sixe for it enjoyneth 1. that wee be diligent in all offices and duties towards our superiours inferiours and equals Precept 5. 2. that wee preserve life and health both of our selves and our neighbour to Gods glory and the good both of Church and Common-weale Precept 6. 3. that wee preserve and keepe both inward chastity of heart and the outward of the body Precept 7. 4. that wee preserve the estate and livelyhood both of our selves and neighbour to our owne
of Religion Systemes of Divinitie Common places Theologicall theses Catechismes both of topicall Churches and particular men famed all over the Christian world and cried up to be Orthodox methodicall and receaved that at least observing the Oeconomie and fabricke of every one and how the same truths did concurre in a diverse method and order of handling there might out of all of them together compared and collated result and arise what the Author heereof doth now in these ensuing Schedules present Fifthly But then considering that there is the same danger in a spirituall flocke as was in Jacobs Gen. 33. 13. the ghostly guide may over-drive the Children that are tender and the heards that are with young whereas to lead on softly is safe and considering againe that there are three sorts or rather degrees in Religion First Beginners or probationers Secondly Proficients or growers and lastly growne and full statured Christians Ephesians 4. 11 who may challenge the brave title and clogy of Mnason Act 21 16 an old disciple yea that the Scripture it selfe alloweth and beareth up this distinction in two severall texts both 1 Ioh. Epist. chap. 2. verse 13. under the titles of 1 Children 2 Young men and 3 Fathers and also Marke 4. 28. under the tearmes of 1 the blade 2 the Eare 3 the ripe corne in the eare Hereupon the Author hath endeavoured to make sacred Divinitie hold proportion with the severall strengths and capabilities of Christians casting it into three severall moulds or formes The first of 12 Queries and Responses according to the number of the howers of the day or moneths of the Yeere intended to bee the Childs Divinitie the second of 31. after the number of daies in the moneth which is the young mans Divinitie The third into 52. as there are weekes in the yeere which you may call the old mans Divinitie as the severall Title-pages preceding each tractate will more fully declare Sixtly and Lastly whereas the worthy addressing of a mans selfe to the Lords table to receive the blessed Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ is and hath ever beene esteemed an high piece of Pietie and one of the most eminent performances which a militant Christian can goe about as being one of the neerest approaches wee can make to God therefore as a Coronis to the rest here is annexed an Alphabet or Abecedary tractate concerning the Lords supper and our profitable comming thereunto as the frontispice-lease thereof doth shew And this is all the Author hath to say anent this little worke and his intent in publishing of it There yet remaines something to be added touching the right use thereof in the behalfe of the usufructuary or whosoever hands these treatises may fall into in which regard the Authour proposeth these Counsels and Advertisements First Hee adviseth that by all meanes the chiefes and superintendents of families and schooles who are both Priests and Princes within their owne sept and verge see that those who are under their goverment bee initiated and instructed in the principles of Religion whilst they are yet of very tender yeares for it is scarce to be credited if experience did not ascertaine the truth thereof either how inept and indisposed unto divine knowledge such are as are stept into yeeres and having first filled their heads and bardened their hearts with worldly-mindednesse have thereby prevented aud praeoccupated the enterance of the things of God or on the other hand how naturally and sweetly Catechisme is sucked in with the Mothers milke rocked in with the Nurse sported in with play-fellowes hired in with nuts and apples awed in with the twig of a rod c. which howsoever at first in them it may be no more oft times than the bare letter or forme of knowledge yet by the Spirits worke ere long may bee improved unto Saving knowledge This those worthy auncient Christians knew well who taught their infants first to loose their tongues into the articulate and syllabicall pronunciation of the word Hallelujah And surely it 's as easie to teach Children to say Hosanna to Christ as bald-pate to Elisha Aristotle proveth the sweetnesse of knowledge by this that the mouths of Children are so full of questions and there is this reason further in Divinitie that those who are yet innocent as doves shall receive such irradiation of divine light from God as to bee wise as Serpents and those whose wills doe cleave unto good their understanding shall approach unto Truth 2. The second Advertisement is this that the Catechist that is hee or shee who takes upon them the office to instruct and Catechize others stand in some faire and neere relation to the Catechumenoi that is those who are taught and instructed by which meanes it comes to passe that their principles are more authentick authoritative and magisteriall and the doctrine which they instill proves both more strong by reason of the credit of a Superiour and more sweet by reason of the love of a familiar Oh then documents sticke when wee can say I know of whom I have learned them Then rudiments and grounds are indeed Nailes to fasten in the memory and goads to pricke on the Affections Eccles. 12. 11. Thus Samuel was instructed by Eli and young Jehoash by Jehojadah both Priests the great Eunuch by Philip a Deacon Paul by his tutour Gamaliel Timothy by his mother and Grandmother Lois and Eunice Origen by his father Leonides Gorgonia by her brother Nazianzene Saint Basil by his nurse Macrina and Saint Hierom commanded the Lady Paula to set her maids to learne the Scriptures Neither ought any one thinke they lesson themselves unto any low indecencies in playing the duty of a Catechist towards their Novices whilst they see whole Churches Counsels both nationall and oecumenicall particular men of signall note and fame such as Luther and Calvin calling off their pennes from learned Commentaries positive Divinitie polemicall disputes exquisite Sermons and the like even to write Catechismes by way of question and answer Yea how many fathers are there both of the Greeke and Latine Church which have their peculiar forme of doctrine or hypotyposis of wholsome words Clemens of Alexandira his Paedagogue Cyrill of Jerusalem his Catechisme Origen that famous Catechist his bookes of principles Theodoret his Epitome of divine precepts Lactantius his institutions Augustine his encheiridion c. Neither could it bee credited if the voucher were not histories of singular esteeme how eminent persons for learning vertue and honour have descended even unto the practiques herein one I cannot omit Saint Hierom for learning so great a Clerke as S. Augustine seriously wished to equallize him for sanctity so rare as it is farre more easy to counterfeit him then imitate him hee having exhorted Leta to send her daughter to her Grandmother Paula at Bethleem to be educated there addes certaine words wherby hee binds himselfe to become master and Catechist to the child saying hee will carry her upon his armes
comfort and the good of others Precept 8. 5. that wee beare up and maintaine our owne and others fame and credit accompting it as a precious ointment Precept 9. Lastly that we resist and suppresse in the first risings thereof all concupiscence and evill motions though they bee before consent of will Precept 10. Paul Tell me now what prayer or holy talking with God is which was proposed to be the second part of Godlinesse Gamal It is a moving of God the father in the name of his Sonne by the power of his holy Spirit for such things as are agreeable to his will the best president and platforme whereof is the Lords prayer Paul How is this prayer divided Gamal Into 4. parts 1. the preface or preparation to prayer Our Father which art in heauen 2. the petitions or things asked Hallowed be c. 3. the doxologie or thanksgiving for thine is c. 4. the seale or conclusion Amen Paul The petitions being the chiefe part how many are they in number and how are they to be divided Gamal They be six and are usually referred to two heads namely those that concerne God which are the three first and those which concerne our selves which are the three last Paul How doe you subdivide those 3 first which concerne God Gamal They either concerne his glory 1 Petition where we pray that his name which is himselfe may be magnified and hallowed or else they concerne the meanes of his glory Petition 2 and 3 where wee pray for the comming of his Kingdome both of power grace and glory and for the doing of his will both by us in active obedience and upon us in passive Paul How doe you subdivide the three last petitions which concerne our selves Gamal They are either such as concerne this life petit 4. as the asking of daily bread under which is comprehended all thinges necessary for our naturall life or else they concerne the life to come as the asking remission of sinnes in regard of what is past petit 5. and deliverance of temptation and the evill thereof in regard of what is to come petition 6. Paul Wee are now come to the third and last piece of Pietie the receiving the Sacraments tell mee therefore what a Sacrament is and how many there bee Gamal A Sacrament cannot better bee defined then out of Romans 4. and 11. a seale of the righteousnesse by Faith of which there are onely two properly so called Baptisme and the Lords Supper Paul What is Baptisme Gamal A Sacrament of entring us into Christianitie or of engrafting us into Christ consisting of the outward signe which is dipping in or sprinckling with water and of the inward grace which is washing away of our sinnes by our sanctification in the blood of Christ. Paul What is the Lords Supper Gamal A Sacrament of our continuance and growth in Christianitie consisting also of the outward visible signes of bread and wine proportionate to the inward and invisible Grace of Christs blessed body and blood eaten and digested by faith Paul At the first you compared Catechisme to Sampsons haire which was strong and faire as therfore you have given mee a sufficient tast of the strength of it in being the very pith and marrow of the Oracles of God so now I pray you shew mee the beauty and fairenesse of it in the order and method thereof Gamal First wee did begin with Faith by which wee live secondly we did come to the Law by which wee walke thirdly we proceeded on to Prayer least wee should faint in faith or waxe weary of good works Lastly finding faith but weake obedience imperfect and prayers cold and distracted wee have the obsignation of the Sacraments which are as Gods seales to secure our estate in him which also is observed to bee the very methode and oeconomie of th' authorized Catechisme of the Church of England FINIS A Theologicall Circle OR THE WHOLE BOdy of Divinity cast into the mould of the yeere that is into 52. Questions and Answers according to the number of Lords Daies Whereby the Catechumenoi learning one onely Question and Answer every Sunday shall in the revolution of one yeare be instructed after a manner more then vulgar and come to know all the grand and necessary truths of the Christian Religion The Speakers are 1. Mnason an old disciple Acts 21. 16. 2. Apollos one mighty in the Scriptures 1 Iohn 2. 13. I write unto you Fathers THE THIRD Forme of knowledge or the Fathers Catechisme Winter quarter MNason What is that which is the thirst of every mans soule and the chiefe scope of mans life Apollos That very same thing which in one word or tearme is called Felicitie happinesse or beatitude others call it the chiefe good Mnason Wherein doth mans chiefe good or happinesse consist Apollos Neither in 1 wisdome or knowledg nor in 2 glory and honour nor 3 in pleasure nor 4 in dignitie nor 5 in riches nor 6 in health and strength nor 7 in favour and esteeme nor 8 in morall vertue nor 9 in temporall life nor 10 in immortality it selfe Neither any of these nor all of these together nor any other created thing can quench the thirst of mans soule nor be said to bee the chiefe good of the reasonable creature Mnason Why so I pray you Apollos Because whatsoever may prove mans chiefe good must necessarily be invested with this double propertie 1. that it bee All-sufficient that is simply and absolutely able of it selfe to fill the heart and satisfie the soule 2. That it be indeficient and perpetuall so as the Soule cannot bee made sad either with the sence or feare of loosing it Now the very best of created and sublunary felicities if they incline any thing to sufficiencie or perfection they are commonly very short and momentany if they be more lasting they are usually very dilute and imperfect Mnason What then is if these bee not neither can be Apollos Onely the All-sufficient Lord himselfe who is All in all both in himselfe and unto us and who is onely able and willing to fill every corner of the heart with sátietie and content and to give us full measure pressed downe shaken together and running over Mnason Whereby then may wee be so knit and united unto God as to be partakers of his All-sufficiency and beatitude Apollos Religion is the thing which doth unite and cement man unto his God whence it hath its name from tying and knitting because our soules which by lapse and sinning were dissevered from God by religion and divine worship are conjoyned unto him againe Mnason Can any Religion or kinde of divine worship doe this Apollos Noe onely the true christian religion can doe it To which purpose the words of the 18 Article agreed on by the whole clergy of both
of Christ the sonne when to the greater comfort of the godly their Saviour shall bee their Iudge and to the wickeds greater terrour he whom they have crucified shall sit upon them Mnason How doe you sence the eighth Article I beleeve in the holy Ghost Apollos That there is an holy Spirit which is a distinct person from the father and the sonne and yet equall to cōsubstantiall with and proceeding from both whose offices are 1 Illumination or knowledge 2 Regeneration or sanctification 3 to unite and joyne us to Christ our head 4 to guide and governe us in the right way to eternitie 5 to comfort our hearts in both inward tentations and outward crosses and 6 lastly to seale us unto the day of redemption Mnason How much is contained in the ninth article I beleeve the holy Catholique Church the communion of Saints Apollos Foure particulars 1. that there is a Church to wit a congregation of men and women elected before time and called in time by the word and Spirit out of the whole masse of mankind to bee a chosen generation unto God 2 that this Church is holy both in regard of 1 Persons 2 meanes 3 time and 4 place of Gods worship 3. that it is Catholique that is not circumscribed or limited but universall in regard of 1 doctrine 2 members 3 time and 4 place 4. that in this holy Catholique Church there is a Societie and communion of Saints which have not onely union with Christ but also Communion one 〈◊〉 another Mnason Recite now the tenth article and then explaine it Apollos I beleeve the remission of sinnes that is I beleeve that every transgression of the law whereof I am guiltie since I had a being is not onely pardonable but after faith and repentance pardoned unto mee and further that though none but God can properly and of himselfe forgive my sinnes yet a lawfull minister who hath gifts from God and calling from men may both declare it to the peace of my Conscience and also bee Gods instrument to conveigh the same unto mee Mnason What importeth the eleventh Article wherein wee professe the resurrection of the body Apollos It importeth 3 things 1 that there shall bee the instauration of the same flesh the recollection of the same bones and dust 2 an evocation of the same soule either out of the place of blisse or misery 3 the reuniting of them together so as there shall be the same individuall compound after the resurrection both for kinde and number as was before death Mnason Tell me first the words and then the meaning of the twelfth and last Article and so you shall have satisfied mee in the first head of Catechisme which is touching thinges to bee beleeved Apollos The wordes are these I beleeve life everlasting the sence is this that there is an unconceaveable unutterable estate of perfect blisse and full happinesse where there shall be a necessary absence of all evill and a necessary presence of all good which ere long shall bee the lot and portion of mee in particular and in generall of all those who in this life are justified and sanctified Mnason Why doe wee conclude the Creed with Amen Apollos It makes it of a perfect and circular forme For Amen the last word is neither more nor lesse in value and importance then I beleeve the first including three thinges I knowledge 2 assent and 3 affiance Summer quarter Mnason Proceed now to the second chiefe head of Catechisme the ten Commandements the rule of love or of thinges to be done and first give mee the most auncient and receaved division of them Apollos That is the very same which was given by God the Lawgiver himselfe who divided these ten precepts into two tables placing foure in the former to point us out our duty to God and sixe in the latter to set forth our duty to man Mnason What rule is most necessary to be premised for the better understanding of these ten holy lawes Apollos This that every Commandement hath either expressed or understood both an affirmative part to bar sinns of Omission and a negative part to barre sinnes of Commission Mnason Shew mee both those parts in the first Commandement Apollos The affirmative part is this Thou shalt choose Iehovah to bee thy God and him onely shalt thou know feare love trust in and serve The negative is expressed Thou shalt not have any other Gods by which is prohibited 1. Atheisme or the having of noe God to worship 2. Polytheisme or the having of diverse Gods 3. Idolatrie or the having of a false God Mnason Shew mee the affirmative and negative parts of the second Commandement Apollos This is the affirmative thou shalt worship God by such meanes and after such a manner as is agreeable to his nature and prescribed in his word to wit in spirit and in truth John 4. 24. the negative is this Thou shalt not worship the true God after a false manner Mnason Doe the like in the third commandement I pray you Apollos The affirmative part of it is this in all things give God his due glory or conferre all due honour to God that is both to his divine nature and essence to his word and to his workes The negative is this thou shalt neither with unreverend thoughts or with blasphemous words or with prophane and irreligious actions strike through the glorious and ever blessed name of God or bereave him of the honour due unto him Mnason Proceed on to the fourth commandement the last of the first table Apollos It 's affirmative part is this Remember to keepe holy the Sabboth day whereby we are commanded two things first to keepe an outward rest or cessation from labour Secondly to sanctifie or keepe holy that rest The negative part is this Thou shalt not prophane the Lords Saboth either in the excesse by a Judaicall and superstitious observation of the outward rest or in the defect by neglecting either the publique or private sanctification thereof as namely by taking libertie to doe any manner of worke which falls not under one of these three heads workes of Pietie Charitie or necessitie Mnason What say you to the fifth commandement Honour thy father and mother Apollos It is a commandement of relations prescribing the mutuall offices of all inferiours and superiours The affirmative part enjoyneth all reverence love obedience and gratitude towards our elders betters in gifts of body mind estate patrons and benefactors domesticall parents scholasticall parents ecclesiasticall parents politicall parents and back againe all care governement protection provision and indulgence of them to us downeward The negative part prohibiteth all manner of disrespects and disregards either of superiours towards their inferiours or of inferiours towards their superiours Mnason Unfold now the sixt commandement Thou shalt not kill Apollos The